jJ • OrEn AND P BENJAMINI i 11131p101:441,11 I .y.sits AND FLT id ad be cba petfree of peatag , If not paid wi to the price ofa TEI pay* , in eh -1 eeive i. ~. • in nit be ch WEEKL LAM per annum, it noiliaid with. elite not . excee.d i 1 or three insertion 1 liar One* in pr. L s . eels will be Ad cha inner oat, u is lip Ye he time for whi 11 t ad will be charg. .eXtisers will be e liscripticuxto.the pal tie advertisemrw , int the year. ifid t 1. .chipars , r for three I I addressed to the o• attention will be! es . or meetings, lit+etefore been i eats each. except mein. of ke • stand Cr en All' other All whits , cha lIIT T „ . BA RTR A 'S BOTANIC G UDEN, !VICAR aILADY, PULA.. 'traCriber has for s le at his G4ilen and ,•Eingiesaing.nea Philadelphia, a large • f 'rust Trees of it-ible 4 . size for trans , braeinu every var iy of 'Apples. Pears, loins, Apricots, P cues, Nectarines. Al nee', Mulberries, Grapes. Raspberriea. s and Currants, to ; ether with a large as- Greep House Pla Ornamental Trees, .hrubs, Evergreens Vines and Creepers, les, Roses i Carnats •as and Pinks, llerba : nisi Fla Bring PI • is. and a large assort- Want Vegetable . • •s, which col:riptides asiionment as any other Garden in the :tee. TitiErse assolmen. plan e Charities, ' moods. Q Gonektberr sortent Flaring liontyfrac cent* Per men of E ee a UOll . S ROBERT I ANNAN. who hull ,rietor, will receiv Fruit Trees, Shill I& B. fur the Pr. all kinds . eat nptice. 04,7 Ca _ • 1 telt SIM rim ARDENT i bscriber has just g, a very choice ranted to be fres of which have be I nip Beet Lo Beet To k Cabbage Wi k • do But do Ec led biavory do Ea int do Ext do do do Gr do Dw Lail Aspi, rilE. pen] 1 Seed , wa qual ty, a 'Earl Tu Lon BI Earl Yo tar Y Diu hea Greeln Cu - Red I pick Welling Flat Out Sul Loa Ball ck h Carl d Cr 'Ora ge_ e cucumber R • • ling do W h od lettuce Cit d do Nu • Early fra Lon i pic I :Early c. Tad' .1 g ar ca.l; Yell w w 1 rd 'Cursd ' tagir ?al 4 p o, i 01 et wnnl, a • Edit/ as Earl. lon' Whi•tu Red • urn' Yell.w Fein age'' Flat . ugh AF of ge do Ear' rater_ bead do Eg ley Elul nip Sag seed on. Sur Sral Rim on radish ' Th; white do La •erider ip do Mitlooette do He p seed molar do Ca ry seed *quash Flo luch will be sold - At For S ISE, stable and lo e.street, Mount C! .no, and well fir' id cellar in the ;be the first, second a' ,• is likewise b?il accommodate f.: front 40 feet, an d of the lot is It fi 'oh itl very please e tine' landings, i built of kite. it a too o . ' The tab ) enorth con Me at th h Theta' imiti to etdat l bd f' credit w money. For to m rch &boatman or be:given for one apply to G E le , . ble Coal and FOR S • ED in Schtrylk of the little Scho egton of Beaver 14 i Perches, stri.; with White and PINE TI • ges to be of the - rill road runs ribed tract of • I moot passage to tartlet particular lumbia, Lancaster S i t e rat oal Acres as to; en t er -• ch lki tnd Bona ' kat. t Fo ber !ct of the NSVERSE sec ' Ref *n. from th. Ilidatain, ahoy h vein, the dip up in Pocket and forre l 'altiut street, Phil 14 the twee each nit No. lealle and] S &WE VE dition to their est I OW, Super Su riot fancy ail netts and t • 1. I DR Clot, rime Ilan . . , . i• ~. N. s; .. .. . , , . I WILL TICA CH YOV TO MIMI, Tmc lOW= Of TON DANTE( AND BUNG °Err FROM THE CAVICILNDAM , THE IWNNIVAINLNINTALMI Wa/Cil livlLLaivr. BMX/MTH TO 0111 LtAllDo AND AIIILTECT ALL NATI= TO , OOl GIN LAD PLZADVIIII.--DR.JOINNIANN. •I • i . . . ~ . . . . , . . RUSHED. • • ISA.NNAN. =1 v Ceitrim' ii 'per annum, I ce. If not paid with , to ail thoire who re- ITo mail eubacribera in the year, 50 cen becnption. MERCHANTK Clerks, Book4cepers, and Ir others. srhaq wish to acquire a 'hand suitable for the counting,Poase. or the common purposes of life, combining great rapidity with ease, bold. ness ; and bee oty;iare invited to call at ill^ rooms, and •Indge of hitt merits and ,capabilities„ as a teacher, toy persdnal observation, the only sure and certain test. Hours attrition, from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. daily. N. B. Presentation titles for Albums, Visiting Cards, together with all kinds, of ornamental wri :ing, penned at t e shortest notice. Ladies who may wish to acquire it neat beau tiful style of writing, will be taught at their rest. deuce. R. 8. DICKSON. march 14 t • 19 Ipayable sem•apnnally i • the year. $2 50 will .g twelve Urine will be and 50 cents for one rtion., naerted until ordered I , ey are to be continued accordingly., arged $l2 per annum; r —wit tbe privilege i nt exceeding 2 squares e insertion of n small uecessive times. Clotho! Clotho!! Clotho!!! • N- NATFIASS & Co. have now on hand a • splendtii asiortmetit of Blue, black, alive, green and claret cloths, do do r4id fancy caisimeres, Plain and fiihred sattinetts, Mohair piloticlottis and other coatings, Goats hair, camblets, scallop, Etc &c all of which being purchased at audition in Phila delphia, and Nes) York, we guarantee to sell 10 per cent cheaper ihan can be purchased elsewhere in this borough. 1 dec N itor moat he post paid I paid to there• c. and other notices rted" gratin, will be airiagea and Deaths. Ea Confectionary 'Manufactory. • P. subscriber iespecitullr enewinces t. it,. ■ pub 4c that fiii:has commenced the Nlanutac tore of COnfCCOCltidr V to e•I its various hrencries, at his Store in dentre Street. firmly npposite Ott Pottsville Ileusei where Confectioners and nth ers can alicaTs I* supplied idholesale and retail, at the lowest Philadelphia cash prices. • Country Alerchants are respectfully solicited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. CA RR. Proprietor. been appointed Agent and execute 'orders for ry, ate. at the short- • Religious Woirks. BBANNAB has just received the following e religious works, London and America ed. Worts, which he offers for sale cheap. Original FaMily Sermons, 5 vols. Massillonsi permons, Leland's •itiw of Deistical Writers, Sturtevant's, Preacher's Manual, 2 vuls. Drew on the Resurrection, • Drew on the Snot. Bridge's onAtie Psalm CM, Faber on Infidelstv. James' Christian Professor, Prize Essay on Religious Diasensions, - Christian Fro her at Home, • A Mother's Request, &c. 4m. dec 23 • 5 ned at this office. • 19 received skid,* now laelection of /Garden and of an excellent n, selected. with care. • t. green do , • uitoes Ldsiir beans Ler beans (pole) ra early beans ly Valentine beans ra early peas tea's early 10 inch dwarf peas en hunch do tr f marrowfat do ge marrowfat do The Family Commentary. ON THE, HOOK BIBLE. FROM the work. of Henry and Scott, and i s above one hundred other writer•, putiliehed in ,London by. the Rcligimm Tract Society, recta• ed and abridged in two volumes, with Maps and Engravings. 'nit valuable work is publifhed in parts, at2s cents each. • Twelve parts are already completed, and can be obtained at the subscriber. - Book Store where subscriptions will also be re. .ceived. R. ktAti-NAN. june 24 —3l Tagus I Belie celery teeoltd do 1 .0 melon eg melon cauliflower plant urtium I DOSS pepper !ME rietHE subacriber has now on hand at hie Store a - and Storehouse on Centre and Rail Road streets; a full assortment of Goods, suitable for the coal region. viz : Barr Iron of assorted sizes • Band and Hoop do do Nitilitinde'pike Rods do do Steel, Round & Square do do' Nails and Spikes do do , Coat Shovels do do Hardware, a general assortment. . All of which he is selling at reduced prices. Jan 13 2 J CLA YTON. user savory t basil barb • er. weed!, &c heap by B. BANNAN 111,11:111" 10.1.71a cE.1. 20 DOZEN Swaim's Panacea, just recoil , . y.d fresh from the proprietor. Upwards of Seventy .Five Thousand Bottles of this valuable medicine were sold last year, and the lerkand is increasing. For sale by the dozen. or single bottle. Price $2 per bottle, or three honks for $ by S. BANYAN. Sole Agent. fat SchOylkill County.. Also Swaim's Vermifuge. Ellll 9 on the weal side or •• thou;' the house is ished. •containing a •tnent story, and two d third 9•Nora each. ! ot stone, and large r horses! The lot in depth 4.5`2 feet; v eprio of . witer.— D . t, and from it, pro:- admirrbly well cal at builder. A long half of the ponThase . C. WYNKO6P.. 18—tf Timber Land MI X ll county cto the head !kill iriwar, and in the reek; Cintain4q; 229 measure; this land ellow BER rat quality, the Me Weedy thiough the nd, and otters a safe e Philadelphia mar -1 address the aubsori. comity, Pa. F. A. THOMAS. 1-S mo I Region. !. fi of the Schuylkill Sharp Mountain •to l og the distance be ad the thickness of Ck form prteeita 50, this office—and at I delphia. Retail Dry ,re. have jail received naive, asaortinent of lot Blue and Black • doa new atyle rtte n,tilinere •fua Feb.lB .114- 14 EN „Gia402::? . .402e4 . 219 - eqo6'” at Mr. Aoseph Wearer's NATIONAL HOTEL-. Encourage Home Manufactures JOHN S. C. MARTIN 50-tc nov 4 TAPVYAS ELIXIR, For the instantaneous cure of THE TOOTH ACHE; Discovered and brought to its greatest perfection BY MONSIEUR CHA BERT. This is to certify that I have tried Tour Tapuy as Elixir in several cases of Tooth Ache, in which I have certainly found it of very great service. J. B. HARVEY. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons.' London, Sept. 10, 1830. A friend stepped in to say that he bed visitea the Fire Ring this morning, and 'witnessed his marvellous curt of the Tooth Ache. One little boy inliarticulitr, vholooked cruse enough 'to bite a ten penny nail clear off, in ten minutes smiled at the decayed tooth and defied its pain.—lf..S. Gazette. A fresh supply of the above Elixir just receiv. ed and for sale by B. BANNAN; Sole Agent for'Schuylkillcounty July 13 1-1 v Illedal•Cheesel Soap &c. ,- 40 Casks superior medal cheese, 50 boxes Philadelphia math .. 1 bhd. Inch oat meal. fig sate by • :,' • MILLER. & HAGGERTY Nusl.B 52-3 me English !Lunt - - Weigh Books. rip HE Subscriber will import all kinds of Eng fish and, Welsh Bonk,, at the shortist. notice Thaws persons wishing to obtain foreign publiCa tions will please leave diet at this arse of the Miners' Journal. B. BANINA.N. Dec 23 10.000 VERY superior bOsbus agars u 1 the Principec and Dosimeiro brit*, for.sale by febt , • ' MILLER & 419GE&TY. .:,.A:., . ‘i, •- :. ,i r,, ' ~.... ~).-A'..t. \ , 4 ~ . r __ . _ _ - _: ~...,..,..,....,...,. . ..... -•- , : t.1t,,-;.,.', „'_:-, b - - 4 ,:'-' . k A 7. t .,.1%.•..•2 .4...)-- . •;.-..., .' ~,-,., _.-,,,-. -- -,-it ' --. -_,l : . 4.4 ..- c,— z ...... .*.= .. ;.F ?9 : : 03 , Q.0e 0 k .- 9 10: _ , c - AND POTTSWILLE POTTSVILLE, PA. SATURDAY MORNING. APRIL:7**S. Benjamin W. Cumming, .ITTORXE r IT LJW, giAS removed his Moo to Centre Street, op 'posite the Brick Building of George M. Jen riings. where he will attind to all business en trusted to him in the line of hie profession. Oct /l 1113—tr he -renni,illngonlneottne fall knowledge; Is decidedly one °Oho chigger,' and most po otallr per incistaliclupw extant—there are 200 $O copies sold ever, month in England, and b{ 000'its• America. The Parte of vol. 6 ([or the year 1837) se Tar as received, can he had at thin office. Puce Ir, per part, or $2 00 per annum. - Thi. Magazine is published in monthly part. containing 40 large pages; the preterit volume e. atuch enlarged imd improved. The illdstration or wood cuts are exectitial in a superior manner There is ari advairiake in taking this work ore • all others, a person can discontinue it whenever lie sees proper, for each part is always complete within itself. Complete sets of this work from the commence ment can be procured,of he sub•eriher, at $2 per volume Nov 4 PORT CARBON Saving Fund Society. rrE Port Carbon Saving Fund S...)eiety, is ow open every day from 9 to 3 o'clock at the t)triee nt Disenunl and Deposit., for the pur poee of, receiving ilepoe'te loony amount not ex ceeding s.ll4l„troni any rine person, upon whir h ,in interest ni • l per reoi will he paid on ever) te. 4 1 11 d upw....istin te, mien:et will he allowed no any frociiiiii., , parts. of $3. The white or ant part may he drawn nut on givire notice, tau in Aetr weeks, .4 the cofiee on AI ~,,, furs. The ha sines of the iSoetetr will he conducted by ill, iollowing offierrs and isianagere, until the first Iliiriday in Nitie rival, • . . Pre4ident—lAQUlLA BOLTON. i Jle, nag r I s. Joseph Carroll Samuel J. Potts I.:flu a rri I I iig ties E. S. Warne J scroll Bull ) J esse Turner 1.. Whillacy, Secretary and Treasurer. Article 3d the Charter. "No emolument whatsoever till be received by the President or Manager : for their services, nor shall any Manager ti4oute a borrower from the institu• um." oct S 46tf Port Clinton Foundry FOR SALE W ILL be sold at private sale, the Foundry pleasantly situated at Pori Clinton,Sch uyl kill courity,..:on very reasonable terms. This Foundry is at the commencement of the Little Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, now making, and will in a short time be one of the best eitualionn in the country io do a large busi nese Fur tcrins,&c. amity to PARKE& TIERS. Iron Foun4..rv, PholodelOin. or ISAAC AIYF.RS, Port Clinton. S-63t july `29 • Cheese! Cheese!! 20 C. ks ori.rcniluen cheese, 20 Bole. pine apple do 111)7 sale tiy N. NATIIA NS 3: Co dec 2 2 Catholic Books PIOUS GUIDE, Key to 'Paradise, True Piety, Catholic Piety, Douay Bible, • 'Pont Man's Catechism and Small Catechism Just received and for sale by B. BANtikliN. Dec 23 • 5 Clover Seed. JUST received end for Cale 1 20 bushel's prime clover •veed. SAMUEL HARTZ • . MU Lumber. 50.000 'Joint Stints! le*, 25.000 Lap do • 20„000 Lollies, addable for paling or shin g Ime.for tale by A. A. (FILE. wept 23 44 OLD PI NMAPP LE CHEESE —Just received and fur.mole few buzea of very superior old Pine Apple Cheese. -HAZZARD & STRAUCH. jan 26 4 Cheap Raisins and Prunes. JUST received by the aubsaiber, 1000 lbs. Raisins, • 2 cases Prunes—which be ?tinsel] at 64 cent per lb. .JOHN S. C. MARTIN. Dec 2 2 1000 lbs. Bed Featbers.just received and offered for vele by '4` Nov 11, FF RESH Timothy Seed jail, received and for sale by i y. CLAYTON; Feb 14 1— Days of Appeal for 1838. THE ( oiii.moseioners of Schuylkill County will meet at the following places and days at 10 o'clock, A. M. to hear all those who think them• selves aggrieved by the last accounts. On Monday the 16th of April, 1838, at the Commissimiere -Offrte on Olwigaburg, for the borough of Otwigsburg, East and West Mons. wick, West PR Rush, Unien, Schuylkill and Manheiin toidna ips, en4Tamaqua On Wednesday the 18th daftf April, 1838 at the house of henry Steger; innkeeper, Pennine, for the boning!, of Pottsville, Norwegian. &try and Vetoer Mehantango townahina. On Friday the 20th nc a tpril, WS, at the house of Peter Filbert, inakseper,Pmegrove, for Wayne, Pinegrove. dud Lower Msaintango tollaships. Those inhabitants ofhlatiheimprefering to at tend tbe appeal at Pottsville, are-ritlibertY to do so. By cddei of the Commissioners. JAC: HAMMER,CIerk. much I 7 20 'CAM - Wrapping Paper ,for !la! 15 0 ix4"ikeh rfalNAN., (Aga 24 B. BANYAN HAZZARD 4- STRAIJCII. 51-, ADVERTIS. Bad the Following. Intereitting and Astonishing Facts , IifORE conclusive proofs of the extraordinary 'l's' efficacy of DR. WM. EVAN'S celebrated Camomile. and Aperient Arditillious Pills in al leviating afflicted mankind. To .lammii Dickson,36, Cornhill, Boston, Agent for the 641 e of Dr. Wm. Evans', CamomilniPiils i LOWELL Nov. 15, ISM. • Derr Sir—Knowing by experience that every reference that the afflacted receive of the bench. dial results of medicines, I cheerfully offer mine to the pub ic in behalf of DR. Whf. EVANS'S CAMOMILE PILLS. 1 have been afflicted for the last -ten years with distress in the head and elreati , °flan so bad as to deprive me of rileep for i r three or f u r nights in succisston, but have never found reli fby any of my friends' prescriptions, until my ife saw the advertiaments in the paper, when she persuaded .me to send fur some, which. I did, andjohtained two boxes and bottles, which r. .uliedin almost cumplttely tutoring me to health, although I have not yet 'entirely-finished them. Slould you consider i this any, benefit to yourself,' r the public, you have my -cheerful per mission tai publish it. Yours, respectfully. !THOS. K. GOODHUE, Centralist. NNTERESTING CASE Cured. by Dr. Wm. k Evaffe, Canning/ Thrift and Family Aperi eel Pitta.—Mr. BENJAMIN DOWN, corner of Shippen and Georges streets, Philadelphia, affect ed for seven years with extreme nervousness, by which he !was not able to write Ins inpionni were. eruscatio&daily nikilstetedie - liains in the heiid, loss of*Ppriiii s tpalpitaiion of the heart, gidflineh k amtdirritiesirof sight, utter • ina bility of eingaglng 18' any thing that deniabded vigor or moorage., sickness end weakness ex teni dirty, disturbed rest,' sense of pressure and. weig t at the idol:inch after eating,. great mental iondeney, 'severe flying pains in the chest b alk and side. criativenesa. a dislike for ani:l conversation. Mr. B. has made trial of ',anemic medieities now before the public. but in no effeci„ until. observing in a public paper some mitt* performed by Dr. William F,vana's (:ainornilerronic and Family Aperient Pills, he was indtl6ett to give them a trial, of which he is _at any tinle happy to state that they effectually cured birrt of the above distressing disease. ETPersims who doubt the above cure, are most respectful y directed to the above 'mentioned per son, at e nouli west corner of Shippen and Georgesatteets. BENJAMIN SOWN. Philadelphia October 26,1837. LIVER COMPLA I NT, Y EARS STAND 11W. Mrs. Hannah Browne, wife of Joseph Browne, N. 6th strget, near Second, Williamsburg, of ed for the fast ten years with the Liver complaint, completely - restorcd to health through the treat ment of Di'. Wm. Evans. Symptoms Habitual constipatidn of the bowels, total loss of appetite, excruciating pain of the epigastiie‘egion. great depressiontot spirits, languor and'o r symptoms of extreme debility, disturbed sleep, inordinate flow of the( menses, pain in the right side, could not lie on her left side without an aggravation of the peon, urine high colored,yith other syrup ionw indicating great derangement to the func tion• of thF liver. Mrs Browne was attended bplhree of the first physittians, but received but little relief from their tin (boom, fill Mr. Browne procured some of ffr invaluable preparations. which if lectuallv relieved her of the above distressing s)itploent4 with others, which it is not essential fo inti omit. JOSEPH BROW HS. fi v and don nt v of New York, as. Joseph Browne, of W illianisburg. Long 701. ind, being duls‘ en tiro, did depose and say that the -facts as all forth in the within statement, to which he has subscribed his name, are just and true. JOSEPH BROWNE. itnshar.d of the said Hannah Browne. Sworn beftire me this 4th day of January, 1837. I'ETER PINK HEY, Com. of Deeds. INTEOSTING CASE of Ter/wets/sr Coil tampliora.—Mr. John Ruin elapplied on the let day of September at the _office lOU Chatham street, laboring under the following vymptorkst--.. A. slight spitting of blood, distressing cough, at tended with an expectoration of purulent matter, night salvias, general emaciation, diffieulty . of breathing i fin'exertion, with a weft mai ked hectic flush on OW cheek. On examination, the cheat was found to wound well every where except un. der the let clavicle, and in the arm pit of the same ride.; Treatmint —Directed to take the restoratjve Camomile ; Pills, with the expectorating cam. pound, at the same time an injunction. to call in four days; lichen the night sweats had ceased, the expectoret on slightly c:iminished, ais light St of coughing till remaining in the morning. Or dered as u nal to-continue the medicine, a'ad to call in the i course of a week—when his health continued rapidly increasing, without the least cough. Called at the office on the 4th of this mouth, quiie convakscent returning his sincere thanks for the benefit he had obtained. The above patient chie fl y used milk regimen, d u rieg his treatment. .. .-- AllillfM 4., THREE YEARS krAiaLll24G4 Mr. Robert MUM*, Schuylkill, afflictealWith the above distressing malady. Synktoingreat languor, flatulency, disturbed rest notions bead. ache, difficrulty of breathing, tightness itatiltrie tufa aerate the breast. dizziness, nervous irrite.' bility and . lrestlessness, ;could not lie in a hori zontal,posttion, Without the sensation of impend ing sad/location. palpitation of the heart, diatrris ing cough, ihwitivetiess, pain of tbestomieh. Oven. sinus, greatoiebility and deficiency ofihe Derv. , i mr.enorgy. Mr. -11. • Monroe gave up, every thought ofirecovery and dire- despair sat oh the coutitenanra of every - , person interested in his existence or happiness,Aill by accident be noticed in a pule: paper some curbs effected'hy fir. Wm: Evans's medicine, in his complaint, which ixida. cad him to purchase a package of the Pills, which repotted tee completely removing every ay I Nl tom of his disease. He washes to ear his motive for ibis declaration is, thlit.thaee ellliethd with the same of Ony eyMpiOilki similar to those from which he • happ il y ssetored.may likewise receive the. same neetiniable benefit. S N T P AR LA .-- p I;NT G, ' • favr co GE( YEARS wits.- Mull: agtitlllskAorifi3 or Mr gr i s 4 .T. 11- it‘ Orenbiler,Mitner , of Second street and Germinto n Road. Ph il adelphia, 'aid e d fitr the l as t au y with the 'Liver Cordplaint,i 'was complete! :restored la ihesith by. DiviV* 8- , • l j r .hlifi l ,fi motnibi Timm ant..:Fidolli ).perient , 'Mi.. II syniptdme werihnhithal coatirenem, eaeraiathig pain .in the itomaekdeproahm or,, ~. • , • spirits, langor, extreme debility, disturbed sleep, great pate in her aide , could sot lie onvbeir left side withoue en agravition of,pain, dizziness ht the head, dimness ofiiiiht, with other evniptorns• indicating great derangement in the functions of the Liver. iMra. Brenhiser has made trial of va rious medicines now before the publie, bit re. ceived no relief until she waif - advised to: unlike trialof Dr Evans!. Pills, of which she is happy to aisle that they-effectuelly-relieved her of the above distressing symptom*. with others, which are not essential* to intimate. . • Mr. Brenhiser, (bumbler' d of the above Mrs Brenbiaer, :had been two years aided with a distressed state piles and Costiveness," of which be was effectually cured. PARALYTIC A perfect core effected, by tie tresiameal if Di Wil/igns Roan, M. John Gavial, of N.dtb street, Williams burg, afflicted witlithe above complaint foi three, year. and niownoriths, during which time be had to use erdFehes. His eitiet , ,iymplognis were excruciating pain in an hisiiiinhs,l* especially in the hips, shoulder, kneds and' leak% an -ag. gravatioo of the pains tower& ntgliti antler the most part all times from external beat, an obvi ous thickening of the faaria and ligaments, icomplete loss ofinuiculai power. Fur the ben efit et those afflicted in * similar manner, Mr.- Gibugn conceives it meet to that that the pains have entirely ceased, and diet bis joints have completely recovered their natural tone, and he stets able to resume his ordinary business. ASTHMA. t!. TEARS STANDING. Mr. Cherles Hobart, No. 122 Orange street, N. Y..siflicted kw five years with humeral habitual Mama, applied at the office 100 Chatham street on the VI of October, laboring under the follow ing symptom.. A sense of tightness acmes the chest, with the greatest difficulty of breathing, distressing cough, 'generally ending withetopious expectoration of viscid phlegm, disturbed rest, the face turbid and of • livid hue—could not he in a horizontal position without the semeation of immediate suffocation, languor, dEtivisiinewo, and dizzitiess in the head, and Ins, of appetite. Mr. D. applied to the Most eminent physicians in this city, likevyiee used several otheir remedies without obtaining any permanent benefit, %nut his friend• persuaded him to place himself under Dr. William Evens' treatment. He is pow re lieved of his complaint, and called at the office yesterday. avowing that be bad not words to ex press hi gratitude for thii benefit he had receiv ed. October 21, 1E37. We do hereby subscribe bar signatures-to the truth of the above cures, that the statement is in every respect true. SARAH BRENHISER _ - - "'JOHN STRIP, Baker.. No. 17 north Eighth street. Philade. Philadelphia, Oct. 41st, 1837. • . , Dr. WM. EVANB'S Medical OS" Eci! the ■ale Of his excellent bleAlicine.l2 at No.l9inerth Eighth street, Philadelphia: Soh, by . 3. T. WERNER. Sole Agent for &boy&ill County. 111TERESTING CASE. DYSPEPSIAA liYPUCUOIILRIACISM. Mrs. Anne G. Kenay, 1i0.1115 Louis, street. bet wren Stantoristod lkibitston.• @treats. afflicted Air ten years with the 'Wowing distressing symp. Aced eructation, daily easmodie pains in the head, loss of appetite, palpitation of the heart; 041- (1111,4 e and dimness of sight, could not lie on bor, right side, disturbed rest, sitter inability of mif; gaging in any thing that demanded vigou.or courage, sometimes a visionary idea ofain aggro ration of her disease, a whimsical aversion to particular persons and places, groundless appre hensions of personal danger and plArty 401ft somenete end weariness of lite, dive n I- llis qiiietude on eveiy slight occasion, she conceived she could neither Zeller live., ehe wept, lamented desponded, and thought she led a most miserable, life, never was one ao bed, with frequent mental hallucinations. Mrs. Remy had the advice of several eminent physicians, and had rimouree to numerous medicine", but could not °W ilk alien temporary allevratioli of her diatresairir state, tilt, her husband persuaded her to make trial-of my mode of treatment. She a now quite relieved, and finds herself nut'only capable. of attending to her domestic sffairs, but avows that she enjoys as good health at present as abs did at any period of her ezietentw. t .I..KENNY. Husbitid of theaiforesiud Along lilting. Sworn before me this 14th day of Dec. 1836. Peter Pinckney, etiM. of Deeds GRIF:4IIT RJR '.AIMS!! Valuable Real Property in Pdusoilk, FO,lit. SAL*. t; THE trodersigneit '.,0 i ts for sahrakthat well known three story RR ICIIII AND DWELLING NO US and the appurtenances, situate in Centre street, Pottsville,. the. piopi•rty of the undersigned, together, with nine other tenements in the rear of said , building, and,the lot of ground whereon the *hole 'fella:, . The brick budding aforesaid, =Ogles thirty ,feet in front—finished from tbe'tosiement story to k Abe garret in the best style `cot workmanshipouidlolh as a business stand and a residence. is moil ilk numbly situated. Tbe fore g oing property will be sold On los} and accommodating WM*. Part of the minima money may remain on the prop. erty for a. few , yearik.it desired. T,itle indisputs. ble, and prasession 3 ris be gran humedisdely— apply to,,_ . ' G. M. italrrn & m April :a _ —tf ' Pottsville. Dying and Scouring. -A EGI:I4TER ERLER has retufned from En rope. land , Weida to commence fancy and plain dying, in Silks and 'Merinos. at his ok'etand in Centre Street, Pottsville.* Also mooring costs And pantaionna. Re mgiestflal for past Awls. .add homie r by ;attention and punctuality to merit ■ continuance of bia feeler ciihwin• Deo 23! ' • - • S-It • . .. . , . -• ROOIi..,.BINDERY- K. ...,.. -, ~, K . no MNNAN tiap-cominesetitilliook 7 Mind' A- 1111 eii in connection withliteliOoli ationk Awel kind. of Stoke will bileeilitai tint shorted cnico Idiom ram :4 , "". "s' HA *Acct & 5ira.....401 4 1" 4sm trzALE AND REWL ikry i, ' 4— s er - Austore, ca'..4.4Hemibi - .4ti:kwoostme;, AioNak. IM 4 • - ' 'le . '- ;0 THE-SUBSCRIBE 1 : •111R ,J!da_ , PR/PAINr r A - Aitli f ., il •i HOtisr.i'.ifiliV f -limits , A - StMet; - nearlf,oketi*Aui F. of & Portwo,yilio*: ad, by - William D Leib: ' Thitimm;u k t 11 feet Itent.by 30 het 'in deptbgasillf iAi sod cellar-its the basement sitlStil*ligerisii., dm lestoseaind and third Ikon ItecitlilM, 7t of said • House well, plastered ankPaintell , ; ' lit y! excellent welled" water at thedoot.li it fi;11 ' Rut feet Net, by 170 feet et 'deptif,-wilit I•• ley on the, west end afield beide& ';') 1 For further particulars inuiriy tHiat . ' , V ' 'BEM 0 P. • Meant Carbon, , Ecnr. 3,41337.. , .....!,-..'. .. • -* . _ ttivillbri and Commit*" , , TO THE HEALTHY:AniI-SW Thasubstriber resume* informs his and the public at large, that. since'-bia veto floss Europe, he works with a new: zeal as& • at the niaqufactnring of Elastic iblatrassee the. Itorough t and flatters himself. witiumt, .mg the aconsation that be is a 'BearibMloll la. tau. with being able hereafter tri-tntite e mat. tresses as not to be ulterior to-aoy •yroilu:' this) t un kind, in reference to their beauty , whitey sod durability,and people will certainly be am Mead of the comfort and saving of ; time, 1410 those articles a ff ord, principally when thiniie 6. . body sick in the family. L Besides the subscriber know! the old adage. ••the work must give credit to its ;biker," and be therefore, very politely invites t/Misr wiihing. to get an article of this deacirptioNtocome and examine for themselves:one Of thec#ll4illatrao. see, just now &lobed, that they matioi .aihrria; ced of the trutlkof his laying 4 it . -.• . RENE:rims. Reading. Jan. 18, 1838.• ! l • ...::F., 140 pi i iiit P. S. Pemba wishing to biry'Elaitio M tzar keg, of 1110 description aforesaid. will' a . • ply to the-subscriber , • feir doors above rasa -Store, in Reading, where a hit °foul:oat la ogee to the public, asek Ineriarmatiirial=l4 wants some time. The Mayeases w allah att delivered before May next. , :-. - The undersigned has, at the 'requeit, al N. Hume Mersa examined his newty, , loveable "double Spring Elastic Mums." Its "unilistas elasticity renders it truly a IMuty i for comm.l Ansel and tc- the sick especiilly. Hub miii iir• I long confined to a hot imontal Posturer l i n t I m : o rtnialle Ito prove invaluable. its permanent! husio will supersede the necessity of i•ensiiingilis• pis tient "to make his bed," while its elastic quality appears well calculated to obviate* a gent *t ree or, entirely prevent the elbagbing so apt to occur in cues of - tOng confirmxnent. • • ISAAC HIIISTZA - M. A • , I fully eoncur.in the °pinkie oboe., Mimiamit o in regard - to Mr. Meyres "DoublitEyelAigligadio Matrus." ! ''• - I . JOllA' F. HIRST 11. "44.11 E Having carefully eximined Mr.Hiet4Msyre'it "Double Spring Elastic Ittatress i nfl teatime is the above opinion, believing it to *Misr all this purpdses intended. J9H/V,X . MO. I 11111FOOMMli1lid Mr. BenryAreime. "Doable, Spring Matrins" with care r and wOOM memo mend it to all persons. and esPetsialbi to OM Add . as it would bwa great advantage to them. JACOB motasfitAix. Hoeing camfpli `exud Mr- libmtri re's oDotobla gri n Eleatic IMattisee-4 &Ur concur in the opinion expressed, - in tbet: g certificate. 1 bingsampted witheaie Mr.MeftstiiilAww .. tic Metrifile^' and fully concur inlbwepill se Uwe expreiled, as to its usefititteel asepos st. ial good qualities. A. H. MUHLINEZIO. , At Mr. Meyre's request, I examined his WElsa tic Memos^ and coneth , in i t ho • emirate !ollia. ions expresied by thcabove named gently/Om SOLOMON 0.481R0M ____Nilila awl - co. OFFER for sale at their win! lend ramillram ts ty Grocery Store. Centre.- co be lo w , street. a prime asserunentof fresh Grocerimmtastia , - ng.ef . • Jan. Rio. Lagnini. t ~..4 1, _, St. Domingo and browned ; ''''''"`" - ; • N. Orleans. St. Croii. bream and 't /1 .. white Havanna, loaf and lamp - 1 '•'''7 New OrleancliVart t igL i ........ 1 . - India and 'sugar boatel i '7""7"' • . Imperial, Gun Powder. Tiel_ Hyson,Pouchong.Orange,rimi. Tealt co. Soucbong and Rohn -I ~ :i..., Bakers, Chans,Spanish,Satiagi t c he ' es b ui ; 4 Limp. and sweet spiced S • Prepared Cocoa,Cocoeshells .. • Reading, Caries, Harvey. • John Bella. 10 heter , AsehMlaoSieei . Canton soy and Currie : Gherkin, Tomato. pepper: 1 blised.Oaion. bingos. • fielthie Lemon and Fraoch : ; - . Olives. eaprenAchovhme:-- •-.. • . Callanne t SePPer. m . alisPicainitCt4er - Cloves, ace, omunepaina n•a•" Rice, Sour ettice. starch+ •-I • ••'4 Canastn,Firi Raisin*: bales , ' Sweet andlateralmondi. Mina Olive Oil, wine bittera.leitateyrdp Preserved &ger, cbeescOodlialt Alerting. niackerel..olloson . ' INhite end colored wax, span" l oon . Nodded and dipt tallow - Mai vartiepted brown. - eadys4sar limp L i Old Maddiite.oki post. cilia., ~ -•-.. i .; - - _ Brown and pale it- ry.ettampagas. Wane - Old hodwiasbon. dry mgaipt. t ,-.. ,-; , ha woad . ',Sweet taalap. muscatel, i- „-- - . tis bottle •;1‘ , Malvosey t marseilinli Steililitilti 1 ''''rectitc4CiriiiOnonopiallth ititellii ' Annj: r " ~„ ~., .„. - , ~ , mimed & peproadaittatialn ••EVan c ir liPal Are . ebiff — hnu* jiiaticanpirita •.: 7 '.', . . „ Extra nap.. inferior do-,:;, • - liar Bma and comma 411gaio Cat diplaiii and =IWO 7 raw t vi ,..,, Ma' a and czoikozy • _ ',.... 5V•r • - • ALSO a metal asaolormeat of Dip Gitedr:lia:- , .., alll - 4 Ikp us arbittb4eysridiapond to sell ail dievieit-. lale Oman ~'• Ileads , of FassiliOciadTavarni. eammi* *011111651444 . %Vita to call. I , • . :Y': " 44jA 148 41 11 : 101i 4- 1:4 &,.. I k '.*ING: I : 4 4 ..*Oitiev; on the WMP Baia lNat Wile DAN* it Re d; tour pa.: ye, kilt ji..as—diersis-'%04,1111.11110i11 1 . Paoli throvertidiftene*Tee " ep. rays. - 4 , arf . 1 AIWA aS - s El El II . ~!. I ! .- ~.'.ad~iee.r.~.d.~✓.xs W ~ I I , I • r'Te: • I. 110 k. ffl MI i•' I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers