II II U II A l TRIMS. BA RTNAO4'd HOTA.NIC GIA UDEN, ruzahl iber has for lain at his Garden and angsessiug. near Philadelphia, a large /nut Trees or suitable sizes for trans racing every variety - of Apples. Pears, uns, Apricots, P r eaches, Nectarines, Al ums, Mulberrieer, Grapes, Raripbemies. and Curraats, tngethm with a larg e *: been House Mania. flamental the, Event Vines and Creepers. Roses, area us .and Pinks, Herbs- Flowering ants. and a large assort ..ent Vegetable Seeds, which comprises assortment ea any other Garden in the ROBERT CARR, Proprietor. NNAN, who has been appointed Agent "LOT, will receive and execute ortiera for lit Trees, Shrubbery, dc. at the abort- es can be congaed at this office• 19 ram= DEN SEEDS. ,scriber has just received and is now ig a very choice selection of Garden tented to be freslh, and of an excellent of which have been selected with care. tip Beet Long green du Beet Tomatoes Cabbage Windsor beans .. do Butter beans (pole) do Extra early beans led Savory do Early Valentine beans ing do Extra early peas !n do Colitees early 10 inch II .do dwarf peas if do Green bunch do lead do, Dwarf marrowlat do real Large maitowfat do arrot. • Asparagus ame cucumber Red solie celery - Ililing do White solid it. ;rled lettuce Citron melon . . mil do Nutmeg melon ~. binge do E • arly cauliflower linter head do Egg plant seed -Nasturtium Fla Du Su ar I Yel Bul ock Cu ed Orange 'Eary f Loig a Pi Ea y c lad fi Early Idattard Curled Sugar' rowipki *White u Red en i „ . „ l ey . Bull nose . epper / snip . Saga seed , Sweet marjoram ion ' : Summer savory 0 0 Sweet basil pddo "Rhubarb ilmon radish Thyme k white do Lavender frnip . do Mignonette - P do Hemp seed . umnier do Canary seed -Early ■ '~ •Early lo SVhlte t IRed tin .Yellow Solon*. bto; II o 'quash Flower seedev4s. &c which will be *old cheep by 1 ' • B. BANNAN • • - "For Sle, 'SE, stable and IA on the west side of e 'treat, Moont Carbon; the house is ri Mia . 1 %oil( of kitchen rooms Tha ate 'enuoo l -tootling; et the h lrhe i sit ; imirF call ared t •roonhy. •For Le march ~ and well finished.• containing a d cellar in the imminent story, and two :the , firit, second and third floors each. 'els likewise built of atone, and hugs accommodate four horns. The lot n froqt 40 feet, and in depth 252 feet; d of the lot is a fine- spring of water.—. lion is very pleasant, and from its prox: e coal landings, is admirably well cal• r a boatman or boat builder. A long ' be giyen for one half of the purchase nts apply to GEO. C:WYNKOOP. 40 _rtra tau 2 ritsawr Lama FOR SALE. ttIitITTJATED in Schuylkill county on the had .". 7 Waters of little Schuylkill river, and in the ?first Icoat region of Beaver Creek, containing 229 .Acrini e L.ll4 Perches, strict measure ; this land. ccir with White and Yellow • PINE TIMBER ledges to be of the first quality, the little rail road rune directly through the. icribed tract of Land, and offers a safe :Meat passage to the Philadelphia mar turther particulars address the subscri. ilumbia, , Lancaster county, Pa, F. A. THOMAS. 1-9 mo saisitby 'Serieylk' above d i:ad con Fo 'ber Fob 10 of the Coal Belch's.. NSVERSE section of the Schuylkill Region, from the Sharp Mountain to Mountain, showing the distance ha ch vein, the dip and the thickness of up in Pocket Book form, price $3 50, ed and fovie at this office—and at alnut 'tree Philadelphia. 'l4 19 A 'at ithe Itweed • each] po : not gecet. No. 61, n4rch i lesale and Retail Dry Good Store. 'I lli & WEAVER have just received dition to their exteniiive assortment of 1r • !S, Super Superior Blue and Black .. • , fimererdotrred do. new style cos . litmus and Severteens, miners' fus . ii•- Feb 18' 14-' e , , , ~,,, I ,i DRY odd, sinie)ren,. anti, • lio gPuizi7 bgooni, ilia r. Joseph Weaver's NATIONAL HOTEL.. I‘l ER LIANTI,.. , Clerks, Book-keepers, and of rs, rho 'Wish to acquire a band suitable forte unting,Pouse, or the common purposes 'of lip, bining great rapidity with ease, bold. lima,l an beauty, are invited to call at the rooms, slid judg a his . merits and capabilities, as a leacher, - personal observation, the only sure and e e n teat. Hlurs (tuition; from 9A.M.t08 P. M. daily- N B. rewintation titles for Albums, Visiting Card!, to ether with all kinds of ornamental wri ting, eii dit the shortest notice. Ladi who may wish to acquire a neat beau. i cs tiful ' ty l of writing, will be taught at their mi lt. S. DICKSON. m iii 14 19 umber ) Lumber. Joseriber ham on hand and offers for 1 . .. reasonable torte, 'feet} and I inch poplar boards, dint and lap shingles, • .lastering lath, h and half inch ping boards and pins all seasoned. QM BE beetle,. SOIRP ks superioi medal Cheese, • , :es Philadelphia soap, - . Irtsh oat useal,forattle - by MILLER & HA . t ERT.Y 52-3ns Clotitte Cloths!! Cloths!!! NN4TMAIVEI &Co. have now so hand it • splendiLissortuient of Blue, hi' . olive, creak:and claret cloths. do do and Riney cassinienw. Plain apd figured saninetts. Mohair pilot chief lid other coatings. Goats hdir canibicts, vesting,. &a &c" all of which being purchased at auction in Phila.l deiphia. and Wiiieur "York. we guarantee tome!' l per cent-cheaper than-can be purchased elsewhere in this borough. , deo 22 Escosirage Hone Manufactures. ConfeeitionaryManniketiryi yr IlEiubs i criber respectfully announces to * 21 - pti c'tbiat he has commenced the Menufao tare of afer t ionery in ill its 'various branches, at his, Store i Centre Street, nearly opposite the Pottsville House, where Confectioners and telt.; ere can libretti be supplied wholesale and retail; at the loirestiPhtladelphia 'cash prices. Country liefellibtS are 'respectfully solisideit to call msd eviewilne his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Arligious Works. BANNAN has just received the following •-•'"' religious works, London and America ed. Mons. Whielrehe offers for sale cheap. Originaltamily Sermons, 5 vols. Masaillo s' Sermons. Leland's . kiew of Deistical Writers. Sturtevaars Preacher's Manual, 2 rola, Drew on •,lhe Resurrection, Drew on Abe Soul. Bridge's on the Psalm MX, Faber onpfidelitv, James'Ctristian Professor, • Prize Fe s Von Religious Dimensions, Christian Father at flame, A Mother!' Request, Sze. 4c. der. 23 . , 5 -- TheAnsi'ly ON Cesonateistary. TIME HOLY BIBLE FROM the , works of Henry and Scott, and above one hundred other writers, publisned in London by the Religious Tract Society, revis ed .a abridged is two volumes with Map and Engravings. This valuable work is published in parts, *1 25 cads each.. Twelve parts are already completed, and: canbe obtained at the subscribers Book Store where subscriptions will also be re. coved. - B. HANNAN. June 24 , , -31 rVIIE tarbscriber his nog', on 'hind at tin Store sad Starghinne on Centre and 'Rill Road streets, a fall assortrnefiraf - Goods, saftaile for the coal region 'AM: Barr Iron of •tastrtleil sites. . Rand and: 'Hoop do do Nails and Rodei do do • Steel. Round 3r. Square do do NM& and •Spikes do do Coal Shorels do do • Hardware a general asosortment. All of which; he is soiling at reduced prices. . Jan 13 a 2 7 CLAYTON. CM SA3I'L !TARIM 13 IoHN:R. , C. MARTIN. 50-tt nov 4 Sirs Oar S PAN WIC E.I. otk DOZEN Swaim '. Panacea; just reeeiv aw‘oed fresh fmm the proprietor. Upwind§ of Seventy-Five Thousand. fiettke of this rideable medicine werd'sold laid 'Year, and the demand is increasing. For sale by the dozen, or ANN 'bottle. Price 1151 per ben* firth/tie odes dir $5 by NA Stile 'Agent An Schuylkill Coun S ty. Also Vermifuge. TAPVYAS For the instantaneous cure of THE TOOTH A(HE; Discovered ant birought to its greatest perfection BY MONSIEUR CHABERT. This is to certify that I have tried your Tapuy as Elixir in several cases of Tooth Ache, in which I have certainly found it of very great service. J. B. HARVEY, Member or the Royal Cone:goof Surgeons. London, Septi 10,11830. . A friend stepped in Ito wry Atetibt Ikea VlllllOO the Fire King•this morning, ai3 Witnessed his marvellous mini of the Tooth Ache. • One little boy in partiedllr. Whohooked cross enough to bite a ten penny pad clear of; in ten minutes smiled in the devilled tooth and defied its pain.—U. S. 47teette. , • A fresh supply of the above Elixir just receiv. ed and for sale by B. .BANNATI, Sole Agent for county July 13 I—ly Orphans' Court Sale. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland County, will be, exposed to sale, at the Coukt House in the borough of Sun bury, in the Co4nty of Northdrnberland,on Mom day the 2d day bf April next, that valuable TAVERN STAND df TRACTOF LAND, situited on the Centre turnpike road, iii ass in Shamokin township, Northumber d County, in the Shamokin Owl , mew, sled for 'several years past, occupied :y Fete Lareh--tbe estate' of the Hon. E. A. ilkidford, deceased, containing 200 acres or thereir6ats, part of_which is cleared and in a good statetcultivation. The improvements are a good log tern house, stables, sheds, /be. An abundant supply of good spring 'water can id all seasons Of the year be obtained. The properttis well worth the attention of any one wishing to; betiome the owner of a valuable tavern stand, and tract of coal land, The terms of sale will be Made known on the day of sale. It is believed the title ii indisputable. JOHN EVANS, MARY BRADFORD, Administraton► of said deceased. i By order Of the Court 3MXIIII BRIGHT, Clerk O.C. Feb. 28, 1838. 13-4 English Sind WO& Books. ruHE Subscriber, will import aU kinds Of Eng al• fish and *ash Books, at the shortest notice Those persons *jibing to obtain foreign publica tions will plesie leave tt &eat theLeffiee atlas Miners' imams!. B. HANNAN. E r he , e, 23 10.000 VERY superior havanna mars of the Priacipee atod Danteege brands. fer sale by feb 3 e MILLER & HAGGERTY. TIME 13001kg\of various kinds Arr , colliers. and oiltersiltua twined and for sale by B. BANNAN. Allio—dralls;Tnetes and checks bound in books. SC : OOL BOOKS. EATorrea,wrapby.of Peeneyhrenia, Frost's Amerman Speaker, and Frost's History of the United States. Together with k variety of other twokeonat re ceived and for sale by 11 riiL ii Ilemdaftiet W.maamdliagi' ./Tl l ollllViiir Air Latin NAB removed ilia Moe to iCeetre &mt. op Amposite the 'Brit* 'lluildsrolliourge Jew Dings. where be will atteed twat . bardoses as. trusted to him **WM*, tif 'his profession. Oet 21 =" 48-4 se petals Iniaileiseemiftse. fal,Kaewiedge, 18 decidedly one of the cheapest and most pa pilaf periodic:oh now 'extantz—litire are 200,. 000 copies sold evdtembittls Veatikted, stadia ? 000 in America.. • - The Parts of vol. 61'fbrlhe year 1107) oil Car as located, can be, had et this ogles. Pelee 181 per pert; or W'oo per annum. This hlaguine is pubniltek invionthir puts. containing 40 large pager; the peesenvetdutne is much enlarged and improved. Tbie illostritiess of wood cots are executed in a superior mew- There is an advantage in taking•thislreekover de others, a person can discontinue 'iruthenever he ees proper, for each part ie ' alwapreturphite within itself. Complete sets ofthiliOeork from the coollnedbe• limit can be procured of thesubseriber, ail per rdleme. RANNAIti: Nov 4 SO- PORT CARBON Saving rand Softiety. Firm Port Carbon Saving Fund Society, is 21 - now open every day from 9 So 3 &clock at the Office e*Discount and Deposit, for the pur- pose of receiving deposits to any 'moat not es. ceeding $5OO, from any one person, upon which an interest of 4 per cent will be paid on every $5 and upwards,but no interest will be allowed on any fractional parts of $5. The whole or any part may be drawn out on givitg notice, two to faiur weeks, at the office on Mondays. The W arne' •of the Satiety will be oondocted by the fbllowhig officers and managers, until the first Monday in May nevi. f rederit- - 4--AQVILA BOLTON: Ala era. I Joseph Carrell SawSientePrieb Edward Hughes S.J3. W. Jacob Bull •desiie Tumor ' L. Whitne y, Somdtary and Tres:toner. Article 3d the 'Ctserter. 0 11feenitihinseat whatsoever be received by the President or Managers for their services, nor shall any Manager become a borrower firma the :petit°. ir." oet 3 46tr Port Clinton Foundry FOR SALE WILL be sold at private sale. the Foundry pleasantly situated at Part Clinton, Soh ay!. kill .ennoty, m very vessamable terms. This Foundry is it 'lite 'commencement eftitsCites. Schuylkill and liastinelionitt Mill 164 ow making, and Will in a short "tiroele one of the Sect situations in the country to do a large bail. ness For terusa,ic. appli to PARKE& TIERS. Iron Foanders:Pinlarielpbia. or ISAAC MYERS, Port Clinton. E-63t july 29 Cheese I Cheese IS 20Ceske of premium me. , Boxes pine apple do for sale by , • N. NATHAN/M.Co. den 2 -ICittbiotic Books • PlrillCiUS GUIDE. Key to Paradise, True Piety, 'Catholic ?idly, 'Donn Poor Catechism and Small Catechism, Just received and For sale by R. BANNAN. Dee 23 5 • Clover seed. ir UST received aad for Me J le bushels rime clover see& SAMUEL HARTZ: Feb Z Lumber. 50.000 Joint Mingles. 26.000 LoP 'do 20.000 volloble for poling or shift gling.for nabs b A. A.GILE. *opt 23 4 44 £LD PINE APPLE CHEESE—Jost received 1 7 and for sale • sw boxes of very soperiereld Pisa Apple Cheese. HAP:LARD* OTRADCH. jan 20 4 Cheap Raisins and Prunes. JUST received by ihe subscribe*, 1000 lbs. Raisins. • • be will rell at Si cents JOHN S. C. MARTIN. 2cases per Ilk. Dec 2 Ike. Dad Feather/Quit received and 1.000 elrered for sale by - HAZZARD ofj , /11111AUCII. Nov .11 51— Gardener. WANTED, a good Gardener—apply at Ibis office, march 10 NEW .[,FOODS. JOSEPH V. KERN KpEroPBCTFCLLY infiesna the citifies ,f Pcrtswilledt vicinity, that he constantly keeps on hand, at the corner of Centre and liewhill streets, nest doer above ills National' Hotel, large sod elegant assortmea‘ ofB4omnd Fancy Dry Goods. with a choke selection of Winee„ gums and Crockery ware, all of width have been purchand at the very lowest cash prima in the Philadelphia market, and will be soli! at 124 per cent advance. All kind or country produce taken in exibange for Pm& nag 19 -3941 Days of Appeal for 18118. MIRE Conisuirsiossers of Schuylkill County meet at the full:swing &pees aid days at 19 Wthrels; A. M. to bear 'all those who thirs t thew seliss by the Jut ad:counts. On Monday the 16th of April. ;1838, at the Cesornissioners• Office m Orwigsborg .the borough orOs eigsbutg. East and, Wait Brame. wick, West Penn. Rush. Bolos, BehltYlkill and Illanbehn town hips, and Taasansia ugh, On Widoesday the 18th day of April,rtiEt, at the !some of Hem Stager, innkeeper,. PoltwriUe, for the borough of Pottrrille, Norwepan. Barry and Upper Mahantango toiraships., On Friday tie 110th of April, 1838, at the hewn of Pay Filbert, inakeepwegrwre, far Wayne, Pineearo. sad Lower.Mahantangolow . nsbips.. Thal n e inbabitanh: of Prefeng to at tend the appeal at Pottsiille, are at liberty to dim "By order of the Corandasieneta JAC: 'RAMMER, aerk. 90 much 17 ,t_JO ANAL. the Follinwitat.,' dad .ate Fitts. eoneleinve woofs of the extroerirmary , mei of DR. WM. EVAN'S celebrated Mid ,AticriMit Ambitions Maio al leviating atitstod inankir.d. To Janie. Dicksoa,ll6„ Cerwhili. Batas, Agent . for the sidimifilDr.Wm. Evans Camisiniki Pills. ,1 • Boma, Nov. 15,106. Dearlr—ltidarieg by cambium thatevery referenes that the aMiet receive ofllle loaned cid rasa! of medieinee.4 ebeerfidly eller mine to-the pa • in behalf ofttß. WM. EVANS'S CAMO 40 PILL& 4 1 hove been Alicia d fig the last Iniesp, with IffittesOta the head-and chest: no bar] as to deprive •Piewitaleep for three or r miens in suceessina i lkit t leewe never found ref fby tiny of my Diode prescriptions. ie until my strife mitt the advertismeeitein Die/taper, when she pounded pie to send for sortie; 'Which 1 aid. spdobtoped tiro-bozo' and battles; 4111 ch i resulted n gibbon nompletely retoring nie ttr• health, **ugh 1 have Dot yet entirely finished I them. Should you consider this any benefit to i yourself, dr the public, yon have my cheerful per. , mission to; publish it. Yours, respectfully. 1 Taos. K. GOODHUE, euntrebst. Iwo . lv-a 45 IL7rNG CASE Cared 4 Dr.. Wm. e ri onesseile Ilinie and Family Aperi est Pilo. ? -Mr. BENJAMIN SOWN. earner of l Shippen Mid. Georges streets, Philader i plim, affect- 1 ed,for amen years with extrame nervousness, by whigh he Was nokiable to write ti,a name—his *yardmen were,eruscation, dallj apasmodie pales in; the bed, kiwi of appetite, 'palpitation of the heart,giddinesa and dimness of:sight, utter ina bility of **gaging in say thing that detnanded vigor orlcourae, Meknes, and wadding ex tents debility, d isturbed rest, a sense of premium and weight at the stomach after eating, great mental despondency, severe flying pains in the chest back and side, costiveness, a dislike Air society and ionversation. Mr. B. has made trial of widow I medicines now before the public, but to no Ow* until. observing in a . public paper seasevereafperfermed by Dr. William .Evems's Ounmisileltinic aid %nifty Apteicat• Pills, he • was' to give them a trial, of which be is at an yidliced tie* happy to state that , they effectually . e t • red him of the above distressing disease. LT? who doubt the above cute, are most respectful, directed to the abcryamentionwEper son, at north•weed corner of„Shippen and Georges streets. BENJAMIN DOWN. Philadelphia October 26,1837. CDMPLA INT,IO TEARS STAND. Mrs. Hannah Browne, wife of Joseph Distrait. N. llth street, near Second. Williamsburg, afflict. al for the but ten year with the Liver complaint, eompletely restored to health thrower the treat. matt et et. Win. Eivass. Symprome—Mabitaid wenitlpitieti 'of the %trails. tail %me , tir lippedte. , exerweiiting pain of the *gastric region. great &premien of languor and other symptoms de:trams &Why., disturbed sleep, Mort:Mims Now albs menser.4lsin its the right 'ids, mold Not Ne on her left wdt an aggravation of the pain, urine hig h. with other trap. toms indicating great derangement in the time. Lionsof the liver. Mrs. likOwne was attended by three or the first ithys hand a erred ieia ' but received but little relief trout their Initaider, .11 Mr. Browne premed weed br. Was. E is invaluable preparation. Which ef -4,1* •otthe Amite distressing aroplowN Isitirethers,'which it besot ruswitlad, to Atli Mite. . JOSEPH IROWNE. Cat slats of New York; U. ._ . • , ..-, rawest, of Williatmiborg, Long Island, being sworn. did deputes did sky - that the facts asset fbrth in the Within inittettieutte Id • • he hasiitaliterdied hbriiiittie.lrejnit anti JOSEPH BROWNE. Hnsband of the said Hannah Browne. Sworn Wire me this 4th day of January,. 1837. 'E'TER PIN KNtlf, Cont. of Deeds. NTEROTTING CASE of re/bender Cm. smieptisit.—Mr. John Rowel applied en the Ist day o fink f bet at the ethos 100 Chatham street, la ing under the following symptonuc— A slight tting of blood. distressing cough. at tended w' an expectoration of purulent matter, night sw general emaciation, dieleufty et' breathing exertion, with a well merited beetle thi t e flash on cheek. On mainination, dee idlest was farad sand INill every where except on. der th e le ft clavicle, and in, the arm pit of the, same side. Thetmest.—Directed to take the restorative Camomile rills, with the expectorating Men mound, at the same time an injunction, to call. in Aar day% when the night sweats had ceased. the expectoratiaa slightly remaining in the morning. Or. tiered as canal to cantinuethe medicine, sad to call in the •ipsurse of a week—when his health -continnedripidly increasing, without the least _ . _ tour on the 4th or this rIMI removiat away symptom ahem Wine his iostive Roc at these alieeed with the symptom* ouoihik to time flies pily restored. may hkewisoreeeive imable beaelt. same or a which he is the IRMO • COdiLAIIIT SEC TEAM STANDING. RAH Bali:NHlSElkwafe of Mr trenhiwr, owner allowed "beet 'and - a Philadelphia, afeetod * the , Liver Co at, was health by Dr: WM,' E. -.. and Family Aperient e habitual erothrersow, stomach, deprominn of debilityothdorbed deep, lid not lie on her ' left ' or Pam, rfintinees in with other.sy,kww lls=wi o 'gement in thi ' of Meer has mule la. borate the .pirlik;liS - wee trftkW tle: , of *llia she lir IWO ..ty relierveebik:„Pf ;t . he tow, with others, qiiikieh, MitS. S Awes g ING ,I, . returning his sincere. 4 obtained, used mil regimen, EARS STANDING,. 'maylkill, directed with dr. layeninenes—great ;bed teat. servos, bead. eightsome mud atria mesa, nervous irrha-1 dd not lie in a bori meneation of impend of the heart. dishes of the stomach, drew deficiency of the nerv- Untoa gave up every dire despair eat on tl•e person interested in his ill by accident be noticed was affected by Dr. Wen. eoniphont.'whichjiilu. 'are of the Pills, which liteit4ar, r'ila4aaka 44. /0 104 1. 40 . 1 Oretihimike 111111111kii.bta - Yeattainata a dietnemodetatip uila Od Ceolneeeee, lit 4eh be eru effiaany ?nod. • PARAZIrIiC RHEUNATItiaI. A paled cane "forted by the tswatosest of Ds. Mains Mk*. " Mr...loLn Gibsen,Cof N.4tb areet:= druldh* hors. of with the above complaint for three yea_ra and Sine; months. dor*, which time he bad tore crutches. His ett•Jd symptoms ware -excruciating pain in all Ifisietnts. but especially to the bips. shoulder. knees tad ankle., an ag. gram*: of the pains towaika 'night. and for the most part all tunes from eittaiille:t. an obvi mew thickening of the fitartia iedligarbents, with • completes loss ,ofmnscular power. 'Fur 'Wit ben efit ordure afilimed in • similar inamtor. Mr. Gitlin!' conceives it meet to say thit tbe have entirely ceased. and that his 4ohita have. I completely recovered their detoreil tore, lad he leek able to resume his ordinary businem. V!ffThRA, S YEARS STASIDJUIG. *r. Charles Hole" NO. 122 Orange street. N. `Y. sfilicted fa five years with humors! habitual . Asthma. "plied at-the office 100 Chatham drat on the lath orAtteber, laboring ender the follow ing symptoms. A sense of tightness across the cheat, with. the greatest difficulty of breathing. distressing cough, :gceerally_ ending with tinplate expectoration orviscid,phlegm. dasturhed rest, the face turbid aide a livid hue—could not he in a horizontal iposition without the sensation of immediate sufnicatlon, languor, drowsiest's, Intl dizziness in the heed, and loss of appetite- Mr. H. applied to the most eminent physicians in this city, likewise used &overall other remedies without obtaining any permaneut benefit, entil his triends'persinded bun to place hi uself under Dr. William False treatment. He is now re lieved of hie complaint, and called at the office yesterday, avowing that he bad not words to ex , is gratitude fur the benefit be hut receiv ed. `October 21, 1837. 7 Wivdolreruby subscribe our signatures to the truth' air the abese'Oures,*thet the statement is in every respect trim. t AAA iffitENHHIER JOHN STEtF, No. T 7 north Eighth street. Philada. Oct. list, 1837. Dr. WM. EVANS'S Medical Office, for the sale of his excellent Medicine, is at No. 19, north- Eighth street, Philadelphia. . Sold by J. T. WERNER. Sole Agent for Schnilkill County. 111TEREST11Vig CASE: DY SPEPSI A ar, HY podium§ DIU A CISM: Mrs. Mine G. Kenny, No. 115 Louie suede between Stanton and Houston streets, afflicted for ten years with the following distressing:syrup. tome: Acid eructation. daily spa nisodie pain. in the bead,qossef appetite,ipaipitntion'of the heart, gid diness Sal iiiintiess of sight, could not lie on her right side, disturbed rest, otter inability of en gaging in any thing that demanded vigor or courage, sometimee a visionary idea of an sera. Talon of her disease, a whimsical aversion to particular persons and places, groundless mire fleions of personal danger end poverty. an UV saneness and weariness of lite, discontented, di* • quietude on every alight occasion, she conceived she could neither'die nor live. she wept. lamented desponded, andThouglit she led ii:Mint miserable lite, laver mu tine so bad, with' fraying. mental hallatinatims. Mrs. Haug had Hieridfice of several eminent phyiichins. and haericburie numerous igFdttanes, but could not in iivera'si temp:way alleviation of her distressing 'ante, till, her husbeind , persuaded ben to Make trial of my mode of tteatapent., She is, qua qtlim rdlierdd and'findelidrajrakap4tile ofitlauding . to her domestie effaira, but avows that she enjoys am good health at present as she didqit any period of her existence. . J. KENN Y. Husband of the afiwesaid Anne Kenny. Sworn before me this lith.day of Dec. 1836. Peter Pinckney, Corn. of Deeds 6 ' E'.lT 114116.11.11 4 8: t Valtiable Red! Property in Pottsville, FOR SALE THE undersigned offers for sale all that well.' knqiwn three Glory .IVRICIE STORE'IINtr DWOILVING HOUSE and the appiiiienanieie, sitime in Centre.letreei, Pottsville, the property of the .andersigned„ingdther with nine other, tenement? in the rear of .said bedding, and the kit of ground whereon the whole stands. The brick building aforesiaid,containsthirty feet in front—finished from the basement atoll', the garret in the best style of workmanship, and both as a business stand and a residence, is moat fa. mutably situated. The foregoing p rop erty will be add on low arid acconsmodaunF tedns. Part of the puribase money may remain on the prop. arty for a few yeers, it delired. Title indispota. Me, and poiwession can be given immediately-- apply to iG. H.. 4 IENNINGS. April 22 32-tf • Pottsville. WOLFF'S' Miraionary Journal. • Wood Leighton. . Fellow Commoner, • Ethel) Churchill, The Elivoratil, Manufacture of Iron In Ws ea, Together with a variety of tither works.just re: cawed and for sale by 2. BAN K AN., march 17 20 • Dying 'and Scouring * . ACIaISTUS F,HLER bas returned from Em rope, and intends tecamoienee fancy and plain tlying. in Silks and Alerinos, at bisole stand in Centre Street: Pottsville. Also scouring coats and, pantaloons. He is greatful For,past favors, and hopes by Ttention and punctuality to merit a.cootinuatice slids former custom. Dec 23 541 • BOOK-BINDERY . BHABNAN'has - coinmenced a Book Thu * cry in connection with his Book there where an kindsof Books will ba bOanaat the shortest notice at low rates. 6 New Geedit. • . I t =ral eseerterent , of fresh and aeanneelde juin received—consiating in petted Dim Groceriea,Goats Hardware, ,Quiparisam - - 'Mackerel, Sal:r 2 &c. atc, ebieb !win be low eash, Tbe highest price paid in mai ati li • ofeenenry Products. WRITE 4 SON. Mout f Swim. Dee 2 . . S 11AZZARD - 4z4 STRA.IICIPS . . 4. 9 sir Trig! . 'API' , 1 4 4vP #M TM., ,' • I # l P7:-._ ' Or 0 0 0 : 141 1:*' fr; ... .1 - . - ill -. Stalri'. - • .' i Corner of Ceilre ad illorket Streets, Pottsville. April 8 4. .4 THE SUBSpRIB I ER OFFERS A, 4 irarrtift;HardB A HOME &WV ,4. .. --...1. Ili " ' k . 7. kjill !, tine, needy oilfgamiti ~ c, ..., -I -1 or s. F. iroenroVnost, 7 Wilhite D. Lob. Ifili. _is 6 feet front by *a feet in depth, Illki lIF 'pallor is tlan'bsoenaent storv.;tlis v *lli int, okodd Oda tbiratlitoto elaWaOs ut wsk A said flababs 'IWO *Awed ind all.l. ow:4ot w4lforirater latAtt 8 4 1 1 1 , —.,.4 6 . : lot ri fed front, by 170 feet an dep4.l4, tit,, ~ la. fey on ths i erest end of said 150 n". . ,•, •-•:' 1 For further particulate - unaninanif .4: i T 11 0 111: 811 A P., Mount Carbon, Nor. 3. • 1837. ''' I "; ;2 7 _ • • Comfort and • Can 411 rF i . ' • 1 P• TO "AWE IllgAtiTHY 'Art6 Hi . The eisboegbertespectibily infix* Ms and thendtilic at tale, that. sines West Etirope,te 'workii wittin new $llllllllll4l at the roann&cturintof ElastinMitinsini th a ildrongh, and niters himself,: Witkontrlbjer the accusation that he is aßerates and *lll - tan, withlieng ale bereaftur Wanks. k% - Utilises as not to be inferior to any! staik::. lb 4 kin intittencri to their beauty,itiolidilry doratillityonid *op% will liertaitilf be noli • aec in4 of the confine end saving of tinp4,..iithkli - ' articles &fed; pair:gaily when ttrOtia ..,ii. body sick blithe tinnily. ' , •,_ _. i ds , Banchis the Stibeeriber knows the old gn. • she work mu* eve &edit to itif ; i t Liter, , and he therefore , very politely invites " wiehing to get a'n article of thleteleriptioni,to,;conie and I examine tbr themselves,nne of 60a - id Mirtrois. see, jolt now th.ished, that tltety neliiiiii , • . s ced of the truth or his saying, • , t --!•-"- - _ la/901 *i f i a ; Reading, Jan. 18,1838. - P. S. Persons vitiating to tiny Mode .114 ns, of the description ,aforesaid„ win`' - - - a ply to the subscriber. it few doorsatinivilca t •r • Store, in Reading, whire a list ofatiti r s7 t open to the public, as the Manufactermg_ • . wants some time. .T,be Mat:am* Illiiir . . delivered before Hoy nail.., ~,,,,,.- ~,.,, 1 The unlersignerfiliaa...itib . i Aiiest - et M . - If mom Mono examined •tiii:nrnirlY., in ' "double Spring Elastic Matriia."?'lti nit elasticity render), it, truly a juinglx,,.: inv . I 4 2 Viand la the sick 410 r-tally. 7Auten : long contiwed-trviliterilecintal postern :Of % . • i . I to prove invaluable. Its peimanetiit •t t • ' will inip,i.niede tlier — neeneity of boil mini' , ' • liedt Ittrintake his bed," while - its eliottO : q iirpears well calculated to obviate in a • f gree or entirely prevent the sloughing-no:a ..,' - .. occur incases of lung confinement. , ~ i ISAAC MESTER. ALI D. I fully concur in the - opinion Amin exPirmehl: in regard to Mr. Haynes "Double EiirliitElistle Matra's." JOHN P. HHISTER, re Nlies Having carefully examinedllfr. Hinkt if , "Doable Spring Elastic Moines," I eon • the above opinion, believing it to anireini'Al tok purposes intended. , - JOHNH: 0710. 1 - - 1 have examined Mr. Henry M*B% oDipubla Spring Matrats" with care. and l'alOuld recom mend it to all persona. and especial), tolhealeki as it would be a great advantage tothein: JACOB MARSHAiLI Haiing carefully exantir , ed Mr. Henry. Mot. re's Double Spring Elastic Matrian.', ' ,Ai 'NO iitincii in the viola: expressed; hi air; 'n g certificate. , di - 0 P r r • lintee matineiliihiErciitill W. 16Vt i de ,tic lestrase," 'arid** 'dintditr'ht kilti•ellife Save expressed, as to its noetnlnesi L on good qualities. g. H. at umilla At Mr. Meyre's request. 1 exantipeti him tic Mums," and comeur in )tbe_ fsicirable WIN expressed by the sbovenamed feet SOLOMON. el .111 ~. N. Nathan* lc Co.l . 1 OFFER for sale m their wholesale and re • Fail ly Grocery &ore. Centre. adoors pelost: aka skeet. a prime alignment offresb.Groceqes. • . ,-• :stiiN serf Mrsa. l lllo,4lJordett. ' ? Colke I St. Domfngo rod browned $ N. Odessa. St. Croix, brows sad 43. 10 4 white Hannan. loaf sod lamp- ' - NeseOrkans, Welt 4 1 , 1 _ 1 _ 1 .. 1 i -Win Nodengsr boatel '"'" ... . -- .7 Imperial. Onn Powder, Youngi_ -I : Hymn. Pouchnag.Orange Pec- Teas , I co. Soucbong mid Bohea •). Bakers, Chascs.SPanish , Mama I Cirocelate & Linggs, and sweet spiced Prepared Cocoa. Cocoa shells I I Reading. Carice,Marvey, ' .3- I Ii 7 1 • John Bulls. Lobster. AnchOiry. Canton so_ and• Currie J r. 71-1 Gherkin. Tommie. pepper. . , ... 4 % 1 Mized.Onicin. Manger,. Ilea" '' • 1 Lemon and French . . ~. Mmes. capreaAnchoties .k. 1" 1. ~ _ ' -I- :..•., Cayenne pepper, allopide and Gligirr '• I ^ Cloves, Mace. Nutmegs andeftill: * 1 7 Rice, floor of-rice, march • - -4 . , 1 Canaan. Fir. Raisins. Pronee‘-h. , • ~ I _ Sweet sad better ,alatends, carol r Olive Oil, wpm bittersJemon syrup • .-„ I Preserved ginger . theesecodfislr -., „ Herring. mackesel.-aelinen, i . ~.,•r, Ar . White and colored waz,lptienal : - Moulded and di rations . ...,.: . nom - 4- Palm, browlo6BJ I nap Old siadeita.oldirelt;ciaretL ~ - Brown and pile_ f/Wq• - el • J o tli T t Old bock. Listimh-dry gulag*, `.._-1 he. , Sweet malaga. insacatel ~,, . ~? At e Malmsey. =mines &Shied, Blaideij n n Scotch.lrish, mononzaheli&cOMßh ey Annisette. anniaced ii t tpir - iikitiordil " Cognac. champagne, tsblEiNfri Holland & cont. Gin, .I E. Rum.- -;', I Jamaica spirits • ' - 1.% 4 :: i ::, : littra sop : spani inferior 4 • . ' Ifalf Spllllllll and commas Iciiiii.- .^"..; • ") Cut & plain and monkled g1adet1......i China and crockery i ..f1"7,. ALSO • I ,. i' a . general assortment of DryGeibdr; c...Jett. all 'which tbny are dispomed tit' sell Mille' "*.Ctisou ble germs. Heads ofFruniliei apileirivireip are particularly Wailed to a& •- I - .4 1 - rex. A voiauabk itYING-and being in the Wl:nisi* ifiNnrwir wvian, on the ilfeet Branch !aided* Vei Breech Rail Reed. about inetverillesiriei P S T kill fiaten—there Se nie-01- piteenig thcoogli-this.anii:' - For is tip pi, to JAIMB -- • • it • "•13e , 36:10. 11 0 1 r " *Larch 2 24- , •-• PP' 'E • I 150, 0 0 10 -11,,weuk F. 6 4,1t0 , mirth . 1 .. - ? 01 ,0rat2. - A FitESlllrsippli oi`,l64 l *' f--- ' 4. "' " Apia& by ''' "1-,‘,44-:1 . .ioire