The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, April 04, 1838, Image 1
I I P IVY NTED AND PUBLISHED, 'ENJAMIN BANICAN. rersmrsziner. • LLMIS inn FIFTY CENTS per minim i-annually in advance. If not paid with s 4 willto ail those who re perfree o age,. To mail subscriber' If not 'paid within the year, 50 cents to the price of subscription.- WEEKLY, • Tutu. payabiel • • In the Fr ceive t n will be add Two bo an per annum, payable semi-annually It c paid within the year, $2 in advance.] be cbaled .Ave la:, insertion. .; All adv out. unless isapeciffed Yearl; s inelndint of keeping standing.du er one in ea .• en ts not exceeding twelve lines will be or three insertio4--sind 50 cents for one . rger ones in proportion. • ' , isements will be inserted until ordered • o titneforwht ib tbeiyare to be continued nd will be charged accordingly. ertisers will be charged $I per annum; iption to thh paper—with the privilege ,: no advertisement not exceeding 2 squares ng the year, and the insertion tarsal:nail. h paper for three successive times. ' • addressed to the editor most be post paid. • attention will be paid to them. ■ formeetings.•&c. and other notices heretofore been inserted gratis. will be • ants ench;ercept Marriages and Deaths. All letter otherwise h All nom Which hire' clamed 23 • A COUNTRY LIFE. • • . -as of 'The VillergeCoguelie,' by Bos s (Chas. Dickens, Bag.) nine' a charm to spring when ey'ry i• thing rstingfroin the ground— 4 , . - en lessen showers bring forth the £low'rs, nd ll is life around. . er day the fragrant hay sweetly scents the breeze. is still. save murm'ring rill nind of humming bees. -. • ,ran come, with rusty gun eat of birds we roam; ig aim, we mark the game. proudly bear it borne. tr's night has its delight. arm'd to bed we go; ~.. :tea day we're hlythe and gay. t.shootiug in the snow. try life, without the strife noise and din of town. geed;,) take no heed lendoror renown. ten I clie. 0. let me lie e trees above me wave; - ' 1 plants bloom around my tomb. • ' tier country grave. 'From ,~ ,A : - 1 ad ' A a' al' A , tp A 0 , And Is ill I Of a And w • Wh Let as My POET.—What is in the Let the Globe look narrowly s Biddle. There is mischief on • United States Bank is in the . . The 'Monster' has an origi. n - the last linickeibocker, ith permission' and a piece-, of to his little daughter Meta— e!) to the memory of BooLE, Not he whose shadow fries angtued Scotchatea's eyes:* eased public } waiter at wed. ' I les, funerals, da.. long known to elphians. The! whole is full_ef I • matte points, 4nd the verse is . flowing. We give a passage A 'NI wind cio to Nteho Toot! "Ir field agai , nal poem Cheated mint-a4ic • sweet na ,but to a diaga,l;pa the Nita fine epig , moot : or two: -Siare Unless ieenss the blushipgimaiden wed, y care the suppertread; toned only were t tbo eathen squalls our ears an 3 r finished, cakes and wine ren' by any . hand. thme; Maims Maud e'en were meant, Su aid the Bogle grant 'r mpe' the dead might rise. it upon himself his eyes. :4antlalling the black array. Vitt the sadness of the day; how grief should he genteel. tees alsodkl seem tolfeet eneschall 'tic dune to trace his proper look and place. sailsookLareepashiare,tuscies stand, remains; haW hi hand • Half elk Wdeee lC . Wipe g Ch U Lo r p Arid- feai When Thou, Teich Fee ear HON , a Jess glows, sod fitly shape. of face the length of crape. erect. with lofty tread. scarf streaming Creak his head. o h his groups in order m set, _ e them, grief-wise. . iitthe street; o'er the solemn aw, Chesterfield of wo.,' Giee By ;env! See him Andt darn Le d fo)r m Preindim The - social, when we dee ry talk and watery tea. by inches in that strait sideboard and a grate, uplift: and blower eight. - at font fire-fiend, anthracite. ile o'er the weary . hattm mf sweet* incessant ithowers, relief from noise mid foam. rea l pound-cake warns no home." le o • • !. • ocial4 - . 'bine since' day pi l e line was sired by w delay. has-found the ha chance. . 'waiting to advarm - al into. cocluettes so rude t hope to be pnra md. nature waits on 114 ftlitialW on thee the'call, /A 0 ocean the wale. F . rbillbeehers push. to wan." iciadea as ird a: riper years may, . w is world's (Rota show; ,- • .- as in mine- dud) nound•eake.loeaultand tea; be.bocand 'hies slold. both, as'twas of Id: „, And mint-stick. the made. i:„. ,a. ito beaght, wane - wei*tark 4 ..'. 4 heans, the forms ' • . 4 ' '..,- joy and grace be re. , 1 , bright, as soft the . -mocha . S 4. mill Fro pa wi Toiane Be ixt Wi re Vases Then r 7 Adrrld blest Th fa rtj 41"ItuRi Igooe oh By rawn, lAti,tinte Pa" on. Thy gent When ye) Who See Coatml. The 'Ode' Myra! thj "foie of In thq t Bernd, .Rocons si Aodi Birol Love. too,l • ffenoleviesd As tine thi And?aa The ile Bat ever, iclphia Pubficl4ger, which ii' k lotta-fifineildis in **article re- j fforta !slaking by New York "kw 'ennsYlrania.say • "Who that hilis 'laic/ rot New Yo k for some year t that .is dl the hind shouted: in I echoed in W ingtosi, a ga i ns t Lie , * :Bank as a Stnte mediation. 01 le Cop_hlity of the toolitieians sad Few t York, *tiro lof paving the ial bank =ow tbeinselvea.— obt that while or citizens and Absorber! ap thil,,, joins, able game lidgetti:lfiey fare . 'danger of be= f y their shrewder. re active and I OZPR I l a il 1 . iiie alum Amigo* eiiiitiViillian 7 figia yeari,—a ion:ate:it by, tbe, wit ,goverg• cd in New Yo rk, shag .1, more of this op Woo to U. & politicians. o leafers.7-4a -1 The iPhib quite anti-bat venting ; the compete! w ith thnentetl the past, tan do New Yoik al the United Si tiginated in t merchants Of way tO Anct legnslatute ri of mali t t y lg Pt mg am tted more Thri of tfaill national 16., meat, ono! lo that btu Banks, Om it negrajsk. •Sr r , . ..,.., . . .. "-• I . . . . . t OILL - T ICA Cfl YOU TO PITA clt Tax lip Rtzt,B orTEIT.2III2/1/ ANT 0 OUT/MOW THTC:1071.1011;OT Telt 07111TAL*116 PIT:Tila IitanawiTILLGITZSTIUKTOTiI TiO Mai mina' *Jarman it.l. ROMIG TO Cp1441111Z • ....T" Ti24111M11,-11A40111430111, • , , •IF ,Vi • i 1 - '. -.- .. ._ _... i . Exchange at New York, on London, 5i a 6 per . cent. premium. 4 Young Motiter.l—The Leeds Timei says, that a girl of that town, aged oUlyistirteen years and two months, was lately delivered of a fine child. : Married—`At Newark, Mr. W: Wright, to Miss Hannah W411o*:-4 For her, "w hatever ii; is Wright;' And so, content. she seeks her pillow "Content!" Now—thinking with delight, • Tbitt4i' he no more shall "wear the IViarn." In the small lawn of Abitort.74loor resides a surgeon who in the space of t hirty-five years' practice, has - brought 6,000 -children into the world, without loosing one patientw—Cusettertand P aquel. • On Tueadtiv, at Preston, a good-loo&inS9onng woman, named Ann Huntingdon, wag charged by a reverend gentleman, with following bill] a- Aloe; and otherwise annoying him. It came out in evidence that the defendant bad got jinto her head that she was love" with the reverend gentlemen, and war constantly endesiouring to impress that fact upon him. She. also 'said, in the hearing of one witnesa. that if the complain ant would not "love her" she would have his life. The defendant, .in her defence, .said she had formed an attachment to Mr. Harrriron end could not avoid doing as she had done. Married.—At St. George's Hanover-samare; sir W alter Roc k cliff ,Fakilier„ Bart.. of Si...fames' street, to the Right li-lonorable - the Lady Mary Octavo Somerset, daughteiof the late sister to tha present Duke of Beaufort:- 01 all the sceneilat famed St. George's alter The one that's here leaves all the rest ja lurch: For here, unhesitiitingly, does Walter, With Mary, tarno Somerset in Church. Elopement.--Sunday a young lady, daughter of a Government Officer, in a town ~ n ot many miles east of Exeter, eloped from her father's house, in the evening, about 7, with J. a druggist in a neighbouring town, As seam as I , their flight became known, the father of the 'air one proceeded after themoind succeeded in find • Ing them, at an inn in Exeter, just as their sup , per was finished, and they were prepating for ! bed. The parent took his daughter with him. after a little resistance on the part of her lover; and the young lady rsotlleing of age, is closely confined, but is Setermined, it is - said, as soon as she can get free, to have him dead or alive.— Ptymosta Joisrmif. • The Countess' of Essext-depat fel this life on Tuesday eventigr„ ~a 4 her house in Mill sheet, Berkeley squat The poor have loat a great friend. A vestimmber of labourers are stated *Ow ing out of employ' in Sussex, while the Weds throe boat the greaterpigt of the stme comity are in such a wretched site as to be io many places hop:risible. The consumption of geld for gilding at the ra tions potteries is said to amount to Oftwarde of X6OO a week. and the constimptionW.-eoais:tn the same period is abont.Boo tons.--Hampskire Chroa. On Friday, the Rev. Joseph Mainvvaring of Brombrow,"held reni audit, and returned the tenants ten per cent on their respective amounts. —Liverpool Afbisitur It is rather singular thap Moore, in his Alma 'nac for last year, sags—`L do not like the heav y-, scowling aspect Of some of the plan4s t owards Canada; we shad, for some time, have idifleult games play in that climate of fogs,-Ind cabala, and intrignes"—Derkent Chronicle. ' • A Venerable Coeple.—There are new living 1 at North Brierlv, Jonas sad Efiiibelli Booth.— The age of the former is 90. and thatbf his wife They - havelicett - indiried 'is totally .blind. and his 'wife is totally deaf.— Leeds Mercury. Adatteiwon 'of Flour and Tea.—Mr. i Clarke. the operator atApritheear;eie Hall, has been en gaged by the direction of tha;,Lords .ee the Ad miralty in analysing 1467 sacks of flout which were lately lying in warehouses 'at Hull,— tie took 'samples from each sack, Indio wane he found that upwards of a third was plaster apex. is and ground bones, two of the most abomina ble ingredients, andwhich the stomach efneither man nor beast is carrshle of digesting. Ho sent specimens of this stuff baked, in many of its pro cessea, to the Lords of the Admiralty. The per- Wins who owned it. and who were about to send it to Spain Of Portugal. were fined to the penal. ty of .£lO,OOO. Mr. Clarke has also analysed some Souchong tea, and found there was 25 per cent of lead ore in it.--Ideds Inielligenter. Curious . Staffing of a Geose.—A laughable Mr. , suniatanee occurred at Barnsley. at the cottage of a laboring man called Gibbing. The - story runs thus—A relation of Gibbing, who lives in Man ichester, sent him a goose; disappearance led Gi b to believe that goosey was ready theippit. After it had hung before the fire - about twenty mioatee. a neighbdur of Giblains popped in to hage a peep at his present, who anon discovered by.theappearaticeof the glary'-thataß Will'il° l/ right. Gibbipr. syll - bactirt,praviubsly observed it, was struelewith ihe' same 'lmpression, and had it irnapdiately.takere Bids. thertre and o- pened, when the following articles were fo rp aide of the goose, which biii been itut_theWuo doubt, with a view to save expenser.7lPe Vat *Bele Met with was aletter direetatfetglikikos tile for his sister,. and 1 third fora 'Bon, thirty shillings for hale yearlfhisA a iet *knitting needles, a print hr bee Mary going biluneession to Guildhall, two God rey .bottles. iderain hanks,uf thread.' a receipt I #w, i-set of Christmas h " tome confeetliansury Neal Mae of defrauding the Resernss.—A; i laffy Sal. Inne ire on a visit to twerWieriiiii, made the' foutiwing simple wrrenginkfunt `with berasstotbeimode ctdoiia ti uicatiag'euelhigewee without , %earring , *date all nastil„ be Wes toiiiend her a tiewepapwr whitessodf" risabiedonier4 s- and irotherwiee, "MIILIMwde inirlueir bitterness shwa= to ranarwithoutarmemebtardelaf.--glatissarfl#: Great Dinner -in -11ablift.,A, - orblk dinner *ail given; ori" dig 'I Weed' 46iiatt toMepst).„o l Co, nnell; fintton;ard"tvans, Etna Illrehazon, the members ktbe cily and county . of Dublin, at the Theatre EEO Emim in D. - I —. 'v - '7'c7 . . , . . . . ----- . ' od. '' --.- 4, t_ :11......t.... 41,f ,-. 4 4/ ,-. 4 4 - .. A,- - . ; .•- z , . • .2. • .- - .... • ,I , . .., .. • ~. ... ..-.; ' ~- „ ~ ... . . - . - .v....• - ~...- • • r. * ll . . 7f . • ... :- , ~ ,c.„," --'. - ..,..2.1_e.,--4 -- -1- .- .- :4 77. • ... 1 .- Q.-12L1. . 1- . ii , ,..- •cs , - --. :1) T.: - ~ --.,• ..- ...- :. , • .1,1- , .., - i.' ~.., D - ItOrI I SILIE 'GENERA ADVERTI S ER. .. ••.,.., - • • . -''''-i t o. • ti ; t . • .5- • _..,._ .....„.....z.........— , _.: . . _ . • .• • -1: POTTSV I LLB, P 4 WEWIESDAYMORNING,' A PRtiri I. 183 S. Royal. 'Lind Choilemont, presided. The price of the tickets: iris £2. resiperemee Aloiree..--Thefaurth smut. al soiree of the Hirkinriohi Temperance Society, was heldin Citriatj's Mime) heuse near Ballymena, on the lkth of January ! Appropriate addresses were delivered by the Rev'. Messrs. C. Houston, H. Hared ! Mt and Mr. Samuel - IEI4 ,rue! twenty - Nur persona desired - their names to be entered on the iittolfthe Temperance So ciaty,_-,Lootkookery Journal. Dr. O'Callaghan, one of the leaders of the Canadian rebels,• is from,: Mallow, in the county of Cork, whero-bitifether car ried on the banking business. He was `bred an apothecary, and his only brother was a priest of the Roman Catholic church.—Lisse,rieit paper. . Aoergeant of t Enniskillen Dragoons at Truro is reduced to the ranks for in toxication on duty. . • During the month of November, there were a hundretpersons committed to the Nenagh Bridewell for appearing in the streets in a state of intoxicath eimmi .The Rev. Mr.,reeny, .pt Kiltolla, received' no leapAV** vests from the Protestant ' to n Catholic church, within the last - t lve oontha.—Ga/amy Patriot. No cren have. been killed an Limerick this mama by mutilate. for export; a eir carnstance unknown in Limerick for the lilt century. A public meeting of the to nbitarits of Drogheda took plaai in the Linen ' nn Sunday, at which a series of retiolutions ' and a petition deprecating a war with the Canadians, as both unjust and impolitic, were moved, seconded, and carried with ont a dissenting voice. . , ,The Mining Company of Ireland has netted 9,140/, profit in the lag; six months. Belfaitt,4Vitos Letter. Confliction of a Workinsii.--On Mon- day, Thdllhas M'WilliantS„ forwarding book-binder, appeared before the beiich ofd magistrates, police-office, to-meaner the complaint of Mr. Marcus. Wardi stitioner and book-hinder, for baying suitlitif his employment, contrary to his written agree ment, ant having-engaged himself with a person earned M'Onsgor, - in the same line oft business. He was convicted of the °Sim* chargeik. and sentenced to - one month's imprisontlient intim bouie iircor reetion; where he r ,now remains. ( Surprising Leep.—A, foal,*(Niairod,) eight months old, the property of William Atkinson, Esq. of Kilmore;tn the county of! Armagh, bred from a half-bred mare and thorough-bred horse, made a most ex treordinaly a few days ago, surpass ing anythin g the kind which- ever oc curred. even in that sporting . asentry. This noble and spirited animal sprang over a will eight and a half feet in height; the distaaCe between the spot where he arose and that en which lit r alighted (a hard - frozen stone road) exceeded thirty feet. After performing this feat, which was done done in the presence of several respectable geritlemen, Nimrod trotted off as lift y as whelilet came 'to dot leap. Belfast paper. SCOTLAND. iitertainment to Workssee.—On Fri - da :, the liberal proprietor of the Holyrood "lilt Glais-works gave an entertainment to ihe workmen in hie employ, when up wo-ds of. one hundred and thirty were reialed. On the proprietor's health being -It ri d 1 k by them, be expressed himself in re : handsome terms, commending the uniform and Mideriaring propriety which bad marked their coeduct on all Gm:miaow and, throughout thuevening,. which was displayed;belress Maler afd men. On Saturday, the large room in the Aseembly Rooms, Georg Street, Edin . berth, was wooded-to ekeese t ta witness thetplesentation of the eilver ireee'to John WOO 4, Req. advocate, subscribed . 11 the tried of education theoegbouttbe coon try,l io testimony of , his - nnwieriedOaer- Oat and. groat soocemr in the troporteit •i • ':, i The 410101 beet the birches i rate, Shigased•Steekisti.—lt was dated that some of our Soya' itountruieis hattAnt ' smiled so London tiveileipiiiiffnigiencl, khowie ry , ofs very Beh4lorool)tivitiitfor Pre oentetiort to her Majesty :iirifitiOnocheit s r l of :Kent- We hare now rbei , tikitinie to lan mice, that not oily belie theyMagni oft menages alkided - toiwieti PloaSictriO - . ivis;ln - the mOsi giecituriiatiner; this. monrof the loyeltY and offeetietife respeet orbor colittirioviette,•lait tier 'ea:. isine ss jest ' bee actnitllreeiAtittitter terielf the pet th of eifewiele: fitiltaiiiy . OfOiet-, • Amod bootrrdettedi !doilies paint: of the Aeoeriptior 4 ofiitoleithge to* iiiide 40f er'aitiVoei.i AretkieettiblittEtoiti4 , andleibiektee)db . Atir'inise. - 'l . Oiit . rtibitb* ;MO her snejeitro'grit!ii# pattilateur ' likatteloodniteetaitet4 to t e tothistry of the &make pc Matron of . , oar islands. Shetland hosiery, especially of the gilitdescriptinn, is likely to become very fiiihrtieiltle in londoil• aed• we, are assured that, besides the Queen's order, some ether . , hgye already arrived, and nits jn pititicubtr from a lady of high quality, Jor a considejabli!gumbet of pairs. Oirney aSa 'Shetland Journal. tl Peas net Genlwallg _the bare idea of drowning a fish may ap. pear to the mat an utter absurdity, the thing is not only possible but easy. It is true fishes are perfectly helpless when out of their proper element, and will not'drown wen afloat if left to the 'gradate:tutor their own instinc t ; .bnt if a grilso,• salmon, or trout, or in!short any other species of fish. whet newly taken from the net, is held with ita.tail-up:, and imsnout down -to the streptil drowns, we ounderstaod, almost el': Thittaturiment has been often tried,: and, but that a thump`On the head is 'easier, wall& be resorted tit by Piscators for the purpose of putting funny captives to Aeath.--(Dumfries Cour. Mil Swansea: Market, during the late sipiere weathev was abundantly supplied with wild fowl and game. Wild geese sold for half.a.crowr ; wild ducks, two shilliegs a couple ; tfiidegeon, one shilling and ilree pence a couple ; teals for-one shilling a couple ; sod . wciixlcotks at half- a ctown a couple. 'A flock of upwards of twenty wild geese! passed over Swansea to the. westward ip the beginning of the week.— Several wild swans have been shot in the neiehbourh!ziod of Cowbridge. —Cuntliristri Feb. • On the Sl.sth,. Mnr. Cutter of the Crown inn, Hereford, was safely aelivered of a fine boy, who , entered the world with two tedk in his Imoutb..—Cambrian. Temperance in ia.,-Aard Frost.--The advantages t to a working man's family of renouncing the ale-bench, and saving a portico) of every week's wag% has been' reem*lilliasttated in theism* of a pow numemployed at tfie Manpuisi of Bute's new dna', Cardiff; whilst large numbers of the workmen, who have been throyen out-ofemploy by the Iste hard frost. have . been without a penny - to buy breed foie their, Aunty facnitimt, though previously earninifrom 24a. to 255.. weekly. Thet workmin alluded to, basing some, menthe ago Ml:tilted the wise resolution of having no dealings;at the aleboden, bad saved up' a 'sufficient store to supply his family with comfortable food throughout the fiost. and ~.ort only ite,.but he would not base exhaust his "reserved fund" bad the icy usurper kept possession of the soil for weeks lon ger. Who can help contrasting this bon est manta Wrings, in looking ar his faniily, sliariortheir bumble but sufficient daily meals, the fruit of his industry -and pru dence, ;ritlt the self of the drunkard and spendthrift, gazing on a ram ishieg wife and children, andremembering! the past weekly waste. which would mow I more than meet their Vecessitim. - Cambrian. , Died.- 4)n the 18th of ttollywell, Stan advanced age, and after a lingering illness, which . shellfire with Christian fortitude and resignation to the divine will, Mrs. Annal.Willlams, 'widow, mother of the Welsh bird; Jones, (Gwenffrwd; who died at Mobile, Alabama, United States. The ernvernment contract for the sup-; ply of her Majesty's navy with 100,000 gallons: of rani this year was taken on .Thuraday, much higher than bas been imam for many years, owing to the anti. sold scarcity of ram in the kingdom.— The accepted tenders were at from 2s, 10 I'ld 'to 2a t 1 1-2 d per proof gallon; to be deliiered at the Victualling yard, Dept. ford.---tristol Journal. Tuesdr 11,' respectable farmer in 'linty betrotbed l to e k )11 ? orhood of Teaby; mewing about three treat, a, - .befo ' , appointed for , the marriage;asaio turned on biases:tom& itumedimedy opMeiloanntiitisiiitei,isho iii ; w SiSty4.4 Wa ,ut besitatinn,lxt th e ground .o'4 Aiiiing toogreat . a sacrifice ,to lose Mich. amine- young Man out wf the it*ty;' . and, on she( day named' far the marriage, ,th, lettg:4) o : 4 o l Ke 6 . _ 7 -' On iVedn ay Wetting; nine men and rfl A r v.lie ,- - „,,I. l _#o . 11 0.0triiithe S es -i.r.k.titi", . : •PpwirTetiteek teettnel of j ,4 014 , itip Awl: sec ede d from Abeam i siutp* etFrie ' t , - arm nt ttriadio. 61 4 ,4 k illilieriV . 4441111a* congrep - Thii - *44 , "wai'Clitiided with spectators.—Brista Arwrori. ;t- - WILES. incident - happened on 'Janelly irailway in licit- David inane aurir liver. In cut. 'Wm-coal district, the lvemasy, burying Ail were rea m above :nailed. wets found totally UM . ft • • ..teq.:cWe an pleaied fo Alabers - 41 - • • indietrioue gatemen .; He item •e a long and 4 very abbe [Ol ihe.,eapili ti oir 4 aod warpseta of 5e,1 . 42 4 is tile coma:wealth, vhicit We Eppreci ew% Comm is said tol iiii . warthy of hii head see—beast. The system 14 seperinteeds is one of the highest coesideratiOn. and deserves the attention the thug gitteratioa.—Jsuriato ReialtL • 4 7 ' ip Job. —Mi. Adams has "pretty con sidere'rl i! alarmed the U. S. House of Represen• i wives. a motion to have Printed all the. pc titions atailltiim ari&Texas. which bwm teen preae during the last and 'present otteedotr , end,liid n the table ettufer.theo.inhinons, vetoer. Palen." ..Thamorrespoodent of the Ni. York' A- merican ye, touching this spatter, or rather mess of kitter: "I have just been iloltinrct the 4 ~..., w ich is the 'depository. end for no other purpose.' of thisti'petitipna. Its dimensions _ are !boot !boot feet by .10, end high in. propdrtioni . . . .. . ey are, closely paeliti, and reaching to g,. The poorclerk was nearly- fright. 'of his wits. He said It would take e, el kiwi *year, to comply with the 1, should it pass. Such • document e,•.b4ck of Hercules, and Tire There . the cell' riled on him. resolutt • would b iber `to trunk one to his eonstitailots. astir General would base to hire four each me the Poe for their conveyas?ce." —Boston ~~ De r. th rut .oceilindrei.Bfe Andeitst' aie4 a little girl. n Bayard street wu yesterday cradled or emoth red to death by her drunken father who had thro • m himself upon hei on the bed, and thou ondonsciously committed murder opod his owe . chili from the state of insensibility to which be wa. r duced by his beastly panned for, liquor. N. Y. par. G F.ORO E • WILSOIs4 .. TII E FEMALE 1 HORSE THIEF:' ' The jernble in men's clothing who was taken ui for Horse stealing a few weeks ago, wail sentenced to two years imprison; ment iniour Penitentiary, where she is now enduring the ' penalty of the crime. The only naMe that she will give is George Wilson.l. Thisfemile is ,certainly a very extraor dinary iiidividual,land• her' personal adven tures, if she could be induced to relete them viould doubtless form a volume of uncomiron interest . But she is silent on i almost very particular in relation to her- 1 self . few things mentioned to her fet , lon , p tiers have been repeated , and they only c r y ate a desire to know Note of her charge r and luatory. , At a very , early, age, ea r t thirteen or foUrteen, she *ruined male aire,,yrbieli ,she has worn with but one or wo brief ihtermilisinne for nine ior -ten yea, undiscoiered. She entered very young air a sitilot ‘ frefore the mast, and hair crospeitile deeari', in that capacity eight or nine tidm--. For4stealing, she was some time since confined in the,New York state prison tor two years fifteen months of which tame was pissed in solitary confine ment. !While there, she steadily. refused to wOr4, and every effort of punishment or persuesion fmileil to have the least effect upon' Mir. The solitary confinement was resort 'to for,thdipbreinse of breaking her determided spirit, ut, it was vain. Lash ings on be bare ck, a regimen of - bread and coat r 'for w at a time., and various t other p nisbmentS were resorted to, but she rempined untnove,able in her determi, nation nice to work, and was Only rdievedi, at time, from thia. severe treatment by direetiofi -of.--the physician, who frequently' found miters yielding to severity, until the term °flier imprisonment expired. - ~- - Instate, she is equallyjncorr%ible. No pun hment which has yet been inflict ed, or k l id persuasion that has been offer ed can "aye her from her fixed resolution not to Wink while imprisoned. Under the severesti . pnbilhmen . t, she shows net the, slightes sign of anger or emotion ; and will ctrl t o receive the lash with as, much apparentunconcern' as though she,were! going t bed-nor dims she cringe tinder the stro e. Her determined,penreverauce ? , is a son _ of tnirch pain to thrs.keeper, Who ciot allow Irani* insubordination. and has therefore Ito inflict snub punish ments ; the regnliitioril of the institution -, demand in cases where prisoners refined' to work 1 In eta ure she is! somewhere about five feet eig t inches, 'nod as 'witanctiler, as a' .pugilist, Her fapellookolikedtbie facisof a I man. does show any thin, !ilie a 1 wicker) irit;, hu * nettled , str.en, and . tut thought h-never hitiegitito n . swan, - She of ' Itsibes tintbifirof vibnitilis, 'Work: his , can binitlle' a needle' with iio ' further- :levity tifiati` trill enable her •to . 'saw a , ton' tin liner nintaßion4 IShe openly true-her Ideterminititm tcilitind srhene, shireann t 'find Suitable entian y - . ie. ment in e tch to ' ill jellying: A' fear wc i ti *twit ' ' jibe in tilltimbre,litid be-, ing closely pets !lir the minions or die la w , c ged hes I' thing' f'4, friziafdpil; 111 lir ' , -,•: • ~. ; • .. Y , 4:,:-.) tit 'and tenisinid , ge* - 60' of 44. Point, itshe cold - rely Wintilin of t:- again. , Take - a li in• I .tsbe is 4 .l ingglarned l lii .. cr ea tur e , .. qiltsettingat Oencitt! niene 11 iiii' itat#lo. l l l o. 3 l-.**candsran*lne the ben [berme/pa ifTpeirition t eegard-! Jew of - easthi-er'. ' -- Of thollitioje ' world. beim lin', 7 w oos! by, bit*, t ow fi and h as " '- , Winn - artist-J .. l' g heriih rittitiftutd libel *ben she re= nue to native try..—Batt. Gas. ME Bag NEW MAIL ARRANGEM •i I Mail CM, CallitniCted order : trop or the Post Office I now nutmeg on the -rail toads Washington and Philadelphia. T tain twc apartments, one ap - propria theeac modatipo oI the great 1 c rrit Ma : the nth r to the way mails, and a P ficoA ni. The latter apartment is up wad boxes, labelled with the nil all the 5 II offices on or near the nti tines... It bus alao a letter, box into. illicit - letters- maths put up_ I moment of diming the cam, and int on the road: ThrAgent of the P. p at Otte* ' 7,_: • mencattends the mail from.* P r : !Of fices at the ends drill* route; and - - it safely deposited in his car. As' ~ : , 'se the cars start, he opens the letter be i .d takes out all the letters, meriting tbeni,so as to` designate the place W i Pertt,hg;... ' pielh. He then opens, th e e ; r and distribbtes its contents into-thet ' I boxes. As the cars approach i • P f fie*, the Agent takes out the. elate of the proper box end puts them into a. i The etigipeer elliekeer the *Peed' ° be traits, and the Agent handailherpo . to the post master, or carrier,. who side the track to take it, --receding':, ' him, at the same time, another pouch, kb the matter to be sent from that Jae Thii..The.. Agent immediately opens, id distributes its contents into the Kelm' es.. Having aupplied dins all.the,,wxy . fires, the 'Agent. when ' a rrived glib ' of the route, sees the ' mail safely de ' into the Post Office. „ The mail leaves Washington. at q - clock, A. M. All letter Writers eboul jf possible, put their letters inta . the Peet Of fice the preceding' evening« The I 4,1 t box at the cars will not be open Until 5 o'clock in the morning. Itts not a office; and letters will not be received it it while the post office is open. . Itiyobjobt is to allow allpersons, until dia l lastmonmiti,. t before departure, to send letterithflittil, .even though the mail haat:leen , ele.rid If the post office; sod even piscO. ,in, Abe_ r. Thiletter box will bagmen a ft er the 1 closes in the post office at Baltimore, all the intermediate points. i Made! cannot it present enjoy advantagas4 y, because the cars dci not tun hit° theca* ~ In this arrangement, the Poet Offien pertinent has sought to give;the.. security tor the mails, and te *ford community , the best possible accom a don. frlWell executed, the plan mnet most the perfection of mail arrant:lmm , It is intended, when it can be onivenien ly done, to atend a similar iirrauivimiti t 1 through to New York.—qipbe. 3.... : 1 II ...,~ I , ' lEEE 'Mani • • •fi-•;:' Wetheriltt & Thietiter, ' AT THE OLD STA*D' No. 65 NORTH FRONT STHEIT, ;.„ EAST SLOE,' Tama Dooattj mom rats Commit or AWI PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS 'OO White Lead dry aedt Calomel.- • ground in Oil, S Red Precept. Red Lead, mite dia:P Litleario Vitriol Ala.. Crosiek Tell( & Q M • ' , Acrw, do Green 'Van. —_, do Red Ether p l a r g'.4. 'Patent Yellow ' &gar Lead . do Mille - Copera . n . -. 01. Vitnol Co Aq. Fo rt is • Acit. Morpbta 211atialic Acid Solph. Ale ,- •- tr.... Epson" Sohn Lac Tint. Acid til t pi. de Sop -Cask Soda 1 Canoe, Sub. Mere. • Etbiops da. Refiners ofebampnor, Salt Nitre.. ilic.- Or for - eale the above inentoonad vibe, widi a maid anionnient or radii, and DyeStaffa. and army other Aid" in the carand Medicinal line., Siang uoranfattarcre earl*" stib l :lit - under tha above bead, dig pledge th i ginelotatio II Flii their Picoda and the potalicon nioa ble. tesmart. A nal R tic tilft Window , Milne Glass m 0 Oct St 1113•1 6 , WILL BE SOL.BI • - , , . ... At Priirsiteellaki:: -,, A gaol two soutirslhaose and --Ittof '.", 1, 4 Shoat" on Matra street. The 101,, Xi flok On Centre street, and 230 feetifesi, • 0 a .the 'Mona Carbon Rail. Road---114,Hoaierni 1 anootiolly built, and-well eitnated fnratiAll ' public tnistness. t . • 1 ~..,:.' ?.,'-• Tyro iiiod two story fnuao. lower all kip f r o atw, sftuate in Bsalty's iiiiii,-Y . Streit. ' Each house unitlot Is 20 '_l2l* ± , booms are well finished 'Wilk to eta bowie. wig grin nitanted_44 rision- Dem otri of teat. t'Allet thn , , irUrtisikdd 44iry irsap-Air term ; sank -isni 11)01fto • . - I. r AlifDitt‘ir VMS A ... -Jaa 6- , 1 -.- '- • ^ mihimtaii* z , - .04W AT •THE Toorsen their &lead - they lon taken 'Aisoti Nall hs, -- ettitetiOrNeii Os" 4rtionagest Of • ,: f44 ' 1 ' . 1 :0 : 1 '! 4htai they"iiiY - . jelPtimm N•B+ All tins b ibs kicheit mak Aril 1 ME 1 • :; ~-~i `~,~ 11-,C H ~,~ i