The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 31, 1838, Image 4

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    ,etr)‘-'—' - "
, .
% , MAL Airrik, . ,
~ _ r
.'4l.lißTil {
__llll4laitE both limited ens" perpemir In
-LTA- on Brick, Stone or Frame Builings, Stores,
Hotels, ANIL Barris, - Stables; fvforcha dize,' Fitisti
- atm! stridyroperry of every deacriptip ,agailt loss
et dasgeilly FIRE. • !
ii ,
The Delaware County insiirancel;npaey will
- alsiiinsure against lons on all kinds if marine risks
~ .and Irina:the damage or loss upon 41esranimorta
tion goods. wares. and merc.inditse; ' watori or by,
rail May , upon terms as favourable swain other in
, i „., ,
Fortin) , further information on the iI s leek Olin
. suraitee,seither against - Fire, marine or inland risks.
'rilktply to l 'MEN RY G. ROBINSON, Aitobt. .
)4;4 , 15 . .34-tf • it Schuylkill Harem
,• - or WILLIAM fli..Pol
Atprwigs r burg. -
, ... .goi'lltlNG GA.11.11.16111.'. 1
Vire Insurance Coinpany.
Air AlC.rboth limited and nerpettial )nsuraices on
ITIII.Brick, Stone or Frame' Buildings,Storesplotels
-Mills, /Ural. Stables, Merchandise, #l.'innititre,and.
Property of every description:against loss or Oa wag e
by FIRE.
'Fbeiruhieriber has been. appointed IA 0 Es* for the
abotermentionrd Imitation and is new prepared to
make Insoniseim'apou every description of p'ropet; j
at the lowest rates. BEN.JASII. BANNAN.
Poilsville,Feb. ; 27, 1836. , 15
' • :
- The Philadelphia Fire
MAKE both limited and perpetual' insurances on
Brick, Stone or Frame Buildinge:Storeelliotels,
Willa, Barns. Stables, Merchandise, Turititgre, and
Property of every description, against loss o(tlamage
bit FIRE.
The irahsetiber has been appoiniedi A GEN for the
above mentioned Institution and is now pre hod to
nuke lasettsavcEs upon every descni. ion of roperty
at the lowest ewes. BENJ.-111111Y 8.%N AN.
._Pottaville,Feb 25 1837: •
NEW G6O D. 4.
A LARGE and complete assortilnent rf fresh
h and seasonable Goods, just retteived'l by the
subscriber, Lronsisting of lf '
Dry Goods, • 9 ! -
. Groceries,3- •
, 1
qteen.sware, 4c. 2
whichbe offers for sale at reduces pricCß. The
Jrigheast price paid for all kind of corantry 4 product- I
Ei. A. ILE.
slept 93
Wholesale and !Metall
ware Store.
'fIiOLLOCK &WEAVER have jusgreceived ad.
ditiel to their former stock orrilitrlwaro
Mousehole anvils, spring key'd vices patent poltah'd
armor Plates. warranted cast steel naes, broad uses,
Matilda. hatcheter,, hammera Beatty!' di &Tulin' adzes,
meolter and firmer chisels, drawing knives, blacksmith
.bellows. cut & wro'r nails,4, 4i, 5 dr, q n. coit:t flukes,
angle. gut and double plane irons and 'plane , escort ed
locks, latches, hinge, a 1 screwe .lojand a' d sqdare
bolts. eitc4l, plated and it •nsquarea,
All of winch are otfered•on the mo imminmoadt
ing mime F' 18.1 l 4
21 by 5-8 inches Railway Flat Or frOn.
2by do do do r do
do Suitable for fAiienitig
All the Iron has countersunk and. is cot
at an angle of 45 degrees at the Inds. it Splicing
Plates - and Spikes to suit the a boO, `
A. & G. RALSTON & Co.
No. 4 South Front Street, thilaileiphia.
Philadelphia. Mai c h 15,1836. !! —tf
{ .John Silver
1/I.IIAKES great pleasure in tuba ing'ile public
1 7
-la and his friends, and also his(' atrims in par
ticrilar,Ahat he countries his It P. FA7CHTY, un.
idleethe Pennsylvania Hall, in "Potti l v.iffe. fie
otriis that his past reputation' for 'b eeping •
respectable establishment, acquired during the
experience of five years in the same lipe of busi.
• Aka, and by desire to please and &prank to
' business'. to Merit a continuany; of uor favor
and • patronage. . o.
'.. Families by seoding to the Pennsylvania Hall
'Reßictory..ihall have oysters of a sukyior quali
ty served op in the best style; and eirery oihre
delicac)kthat theTonsoillemarket can afford in
• N
season. ca n
x •-„, BILL OF FARE. * 4 •• 't . -.,
, F per plate
Roast Beef; dot • , i 181
Corusd do do , 1 11
• - rrled,lllans,ankErg -• • , 181 .
.. -'" Mallow Chops . •
,: 3 1 :
• •••f Visiiiii - oci . ,titeaks. r ... z, ' 3 4 1 ,
*"' ,- " , fidlt - .Clidps
''' . -4 1pilkii Test ~ : ' P . 1 1 84
Mock Turtle Soup' ' • f 181
...'' ~rr• x tvrit,
• =
Oysters Fried „:.-. - -7 5
Do Stewed ' .-7; iir , 25
F . : ' -Db "-Scolloped s-' l 371
Do Roasted . . ' t aii
. - . - Do Chafing Ditch " 1:.. all
~:- Ter:spice - •••- - • • k i" . 611
...e. •i! -i - • t - 1 Frr bottle
". ' Id lkia4eria Wine' . 1.,161 80
• . "Old liale„,B'hiscrl ~ 1 ." 150 ..P
' 014.-.2c0W0 • -
"'•is 1 ClidAjlt666l• . 1 'OO
Or PO4 1 50
• --,,% #
1 Itri . -1 . 1 8 0 i 0, , , 40 - ' • ' • so
• illetiliti4s iind - re . Ala rilwai . drioghf '
w 14 1 01e0 11-4 N0 1 ...0 . ' . .C°l supper dilei,&e.
"i•I .)T i I• X4 'ee - eH t
- G
' 44 7-s liA re: 6'‘l4TBl4t:
° A , 4m:—-_, *±h4l4m.-frloo**l s
' i4tmP-CfPP.IN. isR, ,Vl.-peryi
~,,_titßi.,iicePtiootpr•!. ,oi fn.o4
-- CAW* litgart, -. . Stee!xan.d irpr,.;,_
.pi t ahrldirod Ark i .
_shed Ointoit 0
glk ea
A pTrielfoits r yd.
. Mistedlwats, comforts.C.ape,childr'•
'iiiiriceit prints.gloves,&c St.or . • . • -
- 'Coiroti lola rtudirryldingailklol
E Original I*,
11 - Mtldicine,pceps
Member of thally,a
irate pt ,Apotitcriarip
Coure+dief.Vt ,Sdro
pridgq,and r:eypet
Thomas Hospitals,
These pills hivin
!clad in every seetio
sidereal by all those a famil
nomercius body of
both in,thir, country
l is presumed, to at
timatiott of every th e
a far better retoutrof
sorted to by ignorant
who to ilitsilead an
what thee call pract
Cores, that e.aceed a t i
tty, and most of
fabrications; or pros
The editor of the
"This •ntir.dieine ha.
degree of well prep •
en these pi .
ee •
"7 - asitation ir. recom
a ! , ;afb, wn lnta y and
the General Ageat
bovc medicine is lin!
IV. not.
A snooty of the
and ibr sale by
»,1 16
. . G oceries
AT the *tore of the subscriber, in .Morris' ad
dition to Pottsvi Re, slibirre may be had whole
sale and retail, on the most moderate ter Ins—
brown, Mini) and loaf frgers, Week, green, and
young r ie ., ou reas, 'I7IOIB.I 4 PCS. fish, cheese, Roark,
rice, eon', e, ehoroliite, spirits, brandy, gin, Port,
Lisbon, Tencriffe wind other wines ; rum. whiskey
and cordialeo. halt "punish and common Begets,
pepper, alepice, gin er,saleratus, cloves, nutmegs,
starch, mustard. pillio bread, crackers, sugar Ms.
cults, &c. &c. &c. for cash, or exchange for coun
try produce. 1
june 10
. 29—if ;
& Haggerty,
Dry Goods,Grorery,TV ine 4. Liquor Store
(VPirt to Mortimer's Hotel.)
'I I IIEIR connexion with a housein Philadelphia
enables them tk keep on hand a very eaten
assortment of 'Foods, nhieli they will Pell at
Philadelphia prices. Clore 'trod Tavern keepers
and private familiits, would do well to call and
judt e-f r themsetales.
ui ril 19 311.
_ i • .
PAlltltiCliar. CO.
• - (Former-It , Parker & B. iitionrs,) '
ir i
ff V E removed on the `opprisife‘side of Centre)
a's-Street, a fe doors above Norwegian Street)
whdre they offer Ifor sale a select assortment n,
Sutarfine Broad ',Cloths and Cassimeres of the
ininit fashionable) colors, with an elegant assort
moot of Summer loths, Vesting., Linen and Cot
ton 'Shirts, Collar , Bosoms, Stobks, Gloves, Sus.
ponders, linen anti cotton tiose,,and all kinds of
Gentlemen's wearing a pparrel, which will be
made to order in the most approved style mega the
*workmanship, arkd warranted to fit equal to any , '
in 'the City or elkovliere.
S. P & keep on hand an eTeellent aN
Qnrtment fir ready-tnado Clothing of all kinds,
which will he Suld at very low rates.
june 17 1 . an t
-- ----1--- -- ,
11l li/Fl+' A T 9 S . -
Vegetable Lire Pills and Phe
n i Hitters. ,
,f4l" A 1'.—.111 nations, frcni the renter
test ages. have h d ships, but Columbus only found
out the way to America R. fore the time of the
great Spanish nevlgator. people were only enabled tb
paddle noout the /thorns. JUJU In with the Life Med
icines In is butlwo short years since I first yen
tared upon an unknown ocean, and I have duicovered
the pi-enrolls ohjeet I was in search of—l MA LTII.
Vegenitle weZcii es were indeed known when I con.
ifienced my. sear . but their use was no II
r- , the
use of them, Iha not only passed from the dejected
invalid,te the hal hearty ani, arrive m. 41 of buemeas, I
but. compar a tive v speaking, I have renewed MY
youth. l can tint wit h o con fi dence in my ownexiie- .1
inenee. advise w ith my iellow- citizens Does ihe
reader want prookbat th. VEGETABLE LIVEMEIT
ICINES are arena le to hos own case? I have on tt
at my tititi n.. 546 roadway. lividreds of letters. fro
some of the most retneetable citizens of this my ode
tiveland, volume ily offered in testimony , of the vir
posoils who, eonstitutions have been tearly t!it
ihedthy the " all nfellible" mineral preparations of
the ay. will me witness, that the Life Medi
-run ' .and up o ly, are the true ease frt permanent
goo heattE
These medici have-long been know. and *re
dated, for their strarirdinary and immed4te powers '
of restoring per ct health, to persons cawing under
'nearly esely the of eisease, to which the human
ratite islialdie. .
In ninny hun eof certificated instances, they
bale en's •
.reseued sufferers from the sery..erge olmt
annul* grave, hiker ail the deceptive dostrems of
the day 'hall utte ly fail ed ; and to many thousands they
have permanent y secured, that uniform orijilment tit
ealtln without Inehlife &twirls but a partial bl 'Ow
i So great, inced , bas their etrtuacy y. lusanshbr
and ' t a il thlitp 4 - that •it has appenred scares ,
less th , mina ous to those who woutunatninifid
with' the . Tut philosophical principles, u n
-which they compounded. end upon *ma' .
consequently ac It was to their manifest and le ..
ble action in purl tug the sptingudind channels of
life, and enduing th . with renewed tone and vie If.
that they were ndebt , . rlheir mune. winch.
bendwed open - 4m. eta . 'pontaneous lof
sevetariiidiv T doals tame lit , . they had obirlimply
saved.' TV, . :r • i - - , r , i - .
The eropri rejoice hi the or , • nudity afforded
by the eniveissi &Cation of.thw • : . ,•- for plam
ing his VEG ABLE. LIFE PI = Rhin • the
innwledgeand. ch °revery initivOmEjn . . coi n .
enmity. tail Mi.:lost of pat . :Omani, Tian' - es.
which bosh or egetablt ingni4te. the Life '
are purely and Ot.ELY norraistx tua c'efititiq eni
thee, bletcorl.' Atiiinfohy: A - rein:le' . for any l name ;
voineraLin any ,form - arbetiever.- o Theylerioebtry
compurett-of Teets ftom rain kowerful pi ts.
thexistues of lilt h. • thoteth_lonyvkitownztri teeyitial
Iddinn tribee.'a recnatiptoesoe.emieentiremet
oenqyalithAso l ITPArlit49. 3 vTiA. fl OP - .
tryt teteticferi 9,,...... eiienit . kandoirertHißyile
. di* adid - nen hitifity`nricitellin I a .
bination. • ";"', ",,- Ft , ' l'i' • , ~41!. .r i h
nftelifirat Intfili : loldninierfrcellios et
the sto u tish a 'brisvedi,thet r eeriebeilkepli
gclid,iji lintdie amend that; and to
.orveolts. fietStsteeNta 4 /0/14 1 1141,h, ed 5*
21 1 ‘Cains orthei ittlgh ebnookirtPit 1 7#114 , •' es
_ _
, I I
r • •
1 i:
II 1;$
I ;cet4iwi qui .
4. Fe riftid.
Janne 4
Ix ....;,3
, 4 1
re holm !:,
lei 4,! , •3: 1
4 _•%•%;....t.
'l '.:te ; •: '
,geiau:. Universal,, Vegetable
ed %V. MISKIN..
Pcjlege Surke'imsaaleett—
cumpany, 'Fellow of 80. I
to the Royal Pen.
'kneader place, - Waterlog,
Mal Pupil of Guti.i 4 B . and St.
• ,• •
gained exlebrity unparal., ;
of the Union, are now con- h
lo value good hrealth,indis
cnedieine—patronszedby 'a
mostentincrit Physicians i t
-id in eurnpe,—is stifficient,
mp their character in Ike ca. ,
king Inan . .;fand ills hatted, g
:odation than the course re. ! ci
and itriprnicipled pretendari, it
deceive the public, publish r
cal proofs and certificates of
I bounds of rational credibil
.ll if not ail, are either ;-
red by fin ad and
A r......... 5.0mt i11 _ mance.
r rmer, ways
~r * an unprecedented •
popularity. Having tak:
i , eli to advantage and witness
rects on others, we have nt,
ending thorn tothe public as
useful family medicine."
inerithout the signature of
'the label, by whom the .a
-t rted ibto this country.
EIN, 129 Waverly Place,
Gen') Agent for U. b.
:love Medicine just received
gent fur §clutylkill eo2ntl•
..occasioned. endl.4 MI , lebneative
secretion of the mucus membmni ....sof alias,
by restoring the blood to a reguli dation, through
the process of perspiration in a cases, and the
through solution of all intestinal 0b..... idioms in others.
The LIFE PILLS lave been kdown to cure Rho&
madam permanently to three wks. and Gout in half
that time, 6,y removibg local i =motion from th e '
muscles and Ggamerds of thejo - ts. ._DropraTts of oft
kends, by-freeing find. strmrgtherdng .the kidneys and
bladder; they operate most delightfully oo these or . ,
-gans.mul hence havgiever beet) (eland a pertain rem& 1
dylbr the worst cases ofAlso Worms, by
dislodging from the
st creatures ere; Asthma turnings Of bowels the slimy
Gisnit a
matter to which the i an d
Cossumpsiss. by relieving the ai vessels of the lungs
front-the mucus, whieh even slip colds ifnot reniov
ecfbecomes hardentd and p cell those dreadful
diseases. Baum. Ulners and erste the
perfect panty wined these Life' ills give to the Mood
and all humors; Bottrbatic s, and Bad Coen
pee:rums, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that
morbid state of which occasio all Eruptive one.
plaints. Saline& acrody, arid disagrees* Cam.
i r
plosions -The use of these Pills or a very short time.
will effect an entire cure of rheum-, Erytekrselas
and a striking imprprement in be doarniss of the
then Common Colds. and /Ouse= will always be
cured by one dose. pr by twoe in the worst cases.
Piks,--ss a remedti for this mo distressing and ob •
st i ea re malady, thtt Vegetable - fe Pills deservea a
distinct and emphatic recd dation. It is well
known to hundredi in this city the Proprietor
of these invaluable PM, wasintself afflicted with
this complaint for upwards oftki fins years, and that
he :rued in vain entry remedy scribed within the
i t
whole.compass of the Materia Mica. Be however.
at length. tried the tuediine wht he now offers to
the pablic, mid be was cured ie a very short time,
after his recovery ; bad been plronounced not only
zmprobable, but abiolutely impossible, by any human
Mean& i
- -
DIRECTIONS FOR USE.— is-proprietors of the
VVIETA RLE Live PILLS does n t tallow the base and
mercenary mance ofthe quac of the day. in advs.
beg persons to take his Pills in rite quantities . ..- No
gend medicine can possibly e ns required. These
Pills are to be taken at bed ti e, every night. for a
week or fortnight , accorang t the obstinacy of the
disease. The usual dose is fro 2to 5. according to
the con s oil of the petspo od ,ery delicate persons
should i -k - witli bat two.
n increase as the nature
' of the casemay require:lh 'ore robust,or of very
costive habit, may begin with 4 and increment° 4, or
even 5 Pills, and they will effera 'efficiently happy
change to guide the patient in their further use.
These Pills sometimes occasion sickness and votary
ng, though very seldom, unless the stomach is vele
foul; this, however; may be insidered a favorabe.
symptom . as the patient will
,d himself at once rit
lieved, and live:severance wi soon recover. They
usually operate within 10 or 12 hours, and never give
pain. unless the bowels are very much encumbered. -
They may I% taken by the most delicate females tun.
der any -circumstances—lt is, tow ever, reeommend
ed, that those in laierperiods of pregnancy should take
but one et a time, and thus contfone to keepthe bowels
open: and even two may be tsken where the patient
is very costive. One pill in solution of two table
spoons full atwitter, may begi ven to an infant in the
foltowingdosee—stea spoo n If every two heenitill
it opermesifer a cielt.4reei ti,te r hve years of age.
halt a pill--‘-and from &veto t i one pill.
TIIF. PHOENIX -BITTE are called.becanse'
they possess the power of resting'tbe expiring em
bers or health, to a glowing vigor throughout the
constitution. as the Phtenis i said-to be restored to
life from theeshes of its owadissoletion. The Plice
nix Eaters are 'entirely vegetable, composed of root.
'found only in certain parts o the; western count
which will infallibly cure FIIVRES-AND AGUES
of all kinds ; will never fad t eradicate entirely all
-tie! effects of Mercury : infiuit y soonertban the most
powerful preparations of Saredpardla. and will imme.
diately cure the determination of BLOOD TO THE
FIAED; never fail in the res redden, fo young
sz ays.
females; and will he found c ertain remedy in all
cases of nervous debility and of t hemost im
paired constitittions As is a temedyfor Chunk rind
Inftwrwtotj Rherinatlism, the efficac7 of the Phmnix
Bitters Will be demonstrated by the use of t single
bottle. The usual doseofthese bitters is half a wine
glass Water of Wine, and this:quantity may be
'aken two or three times a day. abbot half En our
before moats, ore less gian t
,a f f y m4y be taken at all.
times. 'To . thaw Who are toted 'with indigestion
lifter meals, theie Bittqo ll' prove invidtiable. air
i t
they very greatly in - Meese t action of the principal
viscera, help thernio'perfo theitiimatione.and en
able the atomieh to dieche intotlielowele what ,
'ever "it eiffiiiinie.' ' Thus i igestion -bi on* luta
apeedly renewed. appetite ithnoredi. and the monad
of the alsorbent vessels hei4 cleansed..pritionie
facilitated. and stretigth of 'aWy lead pert( a mhat
are the haopy restate; Fo urtbor parpeularit of
TEES, apply at hlr:bleffat's foe, nts 546 Brodway,
New York. where 'the Pint .obtain* foie 25
cents, 50 Cente r ' err all "pay ; and the for $1
or $2 Per' beittletrum ' de coniso - ouis of the
'veohdeifil efficacy °Moth. ybe thereinspectedi -
In vornii obstinate Wilde= limited eases orchnmic
and inflarmaatbri 'Rheum sm. Liver Com Plaints
.- Fever and Ague, Dyspeps ia. lay, Page, bejskryfrom,
tke use rf ?samy.trebrule, ether sriseases WI
stoodiog,itztay ejlecegara to take both the Li
, PilWabd the Phinnix BR In the dose before re
commended.':i z
N: IV-M*o Pia and ccie Bitters, will get the
mercury out itrffereystem infinitely limier dian the hest
-- eff
. iatille.lnd a certain remedy for
. .- . .. .
Vegetable Universal. Pi 11,..
an impurity of thy blood, which, by impeding the
cirenlation.lmngs on pain or derangement in the or
gan or partwhere such impurity of the blood settles,„
41, is.true. ayaairrir of 'census may bring abopt die
state of the blood-such awn violent • bruise or fait,
damp feet. indigestion, pun in the, bead, ttc. &c.; an d I
although it may be said that I
thenerliseaVe not
their origin In impurity oftheblor , 10.0 - ffeet iti
the. stale. thhy all end in.the • impurity oft Mom*.
and oar only object to present the - irritating inha.
emelt Ile -kept up. jl3 other words the acrimonious t a. •
MOUTl3,llpcontinogili to purge the body, as hinges any
anpleiniant . symptoms remora. with Dr..BrandletWe
Vb.GETABLE I,IN IV USA L PILLS. which, jfper.
silvered with insufficient quantities tb produce copi
ois "evacuations, will aloha nature to restore every
organ - to a state of health. This -is on the ptigeiple
of. raining we drain a marshy pieenwfbuid, and
`Dahl a state of eternity. satin produce - i‘ ituisFalmti
•dant ihrtility;andne it 'amid! the:bunion ,body; whoa
,any dingle the matter .witlitt. we base only maiden
tia draft it by potsation.--and expe rie n ce bus tangbt - whd.have opted this iiisebtratile pratiee, be,
cuese consistent without nature.ltbat thertiaseacted
wightlVthearosult-,having been souhd health : .4 /t ig,
'riot mere than 18 Months innolethese 'fills Wereiel;. -
troducodinto the, Milted Statewaut, their sale. has
' beenaltogettvernopreetidenteit.thereheyiregbeensold
lef thim' M New . ltoile-va ;pat time . rally one mg/ion
: fiee kneetriel thelevenid bores. And above 10,000 pit:
Lone ran htiielVtedte in fiew.iterkeity, and nearly
the somejn Philadelphia' tio have been cored when
every mbWreneriehoi„beetome altogether onetallhvg,
oteineemor whilb • slalelßeOttligmostfippmetechiy.:
atterAmtin many cases where the . droadfkilrna:ageo
0. *widen, 15 t I n aid. bate ligament and „Ivo ", and
where to rill op nee no h''n mita. itio 4 wive
*Ar e , hasilittite tit; by • the use efilieim Pine. - - , 4..
:noted to gond health, the devaluing aiteiiits , 'g
beemcompletely. eradicited. .. i -. :. .4- 4 . ..; „,..4 t
....11r,I..11nonlrethwaa do -WAY tteervitecd:et ili
mike* !axle .simple thenTy.,l* , :ba,epeo t ISP
,Year4in efPeriVi i tt And 1111 r4°Ils ,res 6 altluilk OP
medial 'properties Orthei ntiinerons 'pliite CoMphiP,
Sag the Vioget,Ode Kingdom; his object beinkm melt
pose's viefficitte,whietrivoild'atbneepuhrvehd.po:
diee *Axed& 'action, IL removal or-Idt , by- Ittnimvit
from thehlobd by the stomach novibOwela, - aerhy the
,ctottinalttiblr otthetintofitteb ftlabikicinei,n43lnt
• noon *II • ill"t WOW
__ 3 ‘ IA ,_.. • ......
14 i ittiiiikt if AL 4- CO. some o state 01 putty =ter Attie, '
and pereeveren whit 6=4.5*W-be _Ortisfietrthit Dr.
. otAwnPACT • ERIS Of ~ 3. - , . , Wilatin BEIIOOO offitp . 1410p!ttl,t4i • phgenhthriliti
• - • ---
„ u l - ot i r - -- • - 8 - •- • - ' -object. ' kis now ad lunotqe ana 'known ihm, ma
, • 2 tiverribieMe,Whetherithe lathe head' caltheCht , thel
-1V 0 - VI itortil tiiih • ' ' litlitdelPma,! be a k 1 ltreinAt lillnitllitilbetilbinl!llethw It by 4n llntltevil
OribilleMuilito , * ' 1.4 h voto, . Mar„or On miPard mare,:iill, thOugh ariahvg
"tektliti'boilham. b r ' s • '' • '- : :tiii . : :. ; , .41tinoInetty - cieser.e to thin grOneliWeFi,
a'''.Voirtitil Illeirlalini * • elipplieOp iele'.' 0,- • .1 , Pcfblocidy: - ,.. i..,.. „: :I ! . ,„, ~
• I'. . --prrceii, - Miethitir ass ion .ro .-41 riligi*ll,dßiltni.e4StOtill l r,
...„;.• - • ~- -6- I, a t by wv tremtertett.wnnsamth e ime4i kw
lite .. ' A f t n.9 Pail or * "'"•-•*- -1 c m • ii(ineektbeeM ', - mutt thelgeauinetirticletStidveleao
•chorige. '..,- '' . . ' MO o .jr,bo tmeredlltltl elielltkpktiteK9AtarehiwiWii
. , those w.• ma have o re foriaritglamea ..:* - I, e ' a v e B p - 0 . 4 1 0 0 mm itrat— ~. • '"-- . i ..,b
won . . . lie 11.
~..,.. , •,._ •, - - 6 - Politte - i, preirotia - lilr.:S„ . repMnif Cii:Poteliettle l litithe o il+ „ a s
their conga . . .."." '71 7 i 'of the plate. aodi ' gestiorpoeleittler4Mftlkilla. , -Jll-:4 . ,.1 i
,144,4441hicogAbfl . ir Arm*: that Av‘ti - eht, .--„Zei.arimbrAltaClffem.foi,the eteleAr t l / 4
,•:' or ektlttlelealtfagure;de year! fiiiittepiiica. ~4 12.0121i 1 . 6 4r #01 4 ;1ie10R1Mk Myst r
~ • , Itinvi fifthit.Orteible: Philied*.l - ' '0 .f.:* /V. i t
.r , attais t igi itT91444 . N -- , AlweyereitWodilitbal • ': • - A ;
intenattell t thithllkAki 4.oVbfk:. ' . • .''
• - altilltilliethillk f killt e .8 2 1 !=,4 1 1 41 •
tare diem well put up: , - ....m.e.° R.i.n l ea rthtied'ldtlWreWbe c ' --',' ' t -
_ 5.131 ct 21i - Avnifti tlillaki.
. - . * • ',,... . .
4 it.
lid. ly ft,.
ProPoTati".' a.
head.wr all eitiest-,W=
the regkeng. l'atelio 0 4 to •
acia.pimmatta , , sogoura;44 .,.,g re ..
. 7619 _ A .ta pe
ha nto um e n e o w v b e T be are pitho predt
dine it upie will,
thoari Were Ini rgittell. t?•= 3 :ifigkbrltillt 111,60.3.
saytiTtre: :They kclda,iiii! . met . pmp i ro k. an 44
- drew 'Mr PiesE°T. ll " l - • of the ikin.
threw nir.4s"lln r itil l, REAGGERTY:
-. , 1411. ,
For axle
u . 4 00
_ 2i A . ntstirfor. toe P:te o p f det 4y eri "
io .:.
Staitd,i S_
• • 4
aPPaiinitk. '' •
wee: eirrinTlCOlts•
ginfpassaielfor 1/Ago-tiny ariely toy
.end them money, -to amiable thud tO prwidei,f¢f,
the voyigti, dreitimrill toe von cip - the- Olioring.
nejned tneK,c, - '
P..W.'l3:yriie4,:;ici. 3, •Wittetio 9 ROO, "' Liver.'
pool Depict W,ifeit, Co.-No,3;Robiliz 84 eat
Glastroty; *lieu No. 25, E de * Quay,
.Deldio. • • ' . •
..q.4 , 4 way 6 36
For Sple
DDR:JOS. I 4APTEROX'S Sympathick fi?r 'tbe
safest, speediest, and perfect, care ofieftry
ktkd of wounds, nicera,i cancer and all toes
dimases,,axiinqg from cattle& eg wimp l e% „hero •
ing, al tkeinapVity :of the blimd, andatio
oaring D y spepsia, kart burn, asthma, liver
laint;costivenesi,tiolicks. convoislOrta. &arr.+
4 rbeitmatiek piing, tooth *the, aid lore
.* general agent, Prof..G. lasqtragner,
-Its county, Pa. offers :radii toany
citber of tho said diseases.
lt the Sympatinek to be tried
I miting any expense; 'Me
l! be made free of post.
CO • al•
hi= ,
eyes: .
Reading, ,
person attic
a certain quantit .1
and appreciated befbr ~ •
ever, the application m t
N. B. Tbil article eann.
any. 'drug store or apporheea
necessary to talk ,muc ahout it,. 1,
will recommend itself to an entighte
aug 19 .
& hardware Store. .
THE subscribers would respectfully announce
tothe s ciatiolic, that be has added to bia forrnee
stock, hot and Hardvare, consisting in part or
American` imil.English' Bar Iron, Hoops enitßand
Iron, Routuf Iron, assorted 'sizes; Celli, Crawly,
Sbeak,;German ,and English Blister and A. M.
Steel Vices, Mouselshok anvils. Smith's Bellows,
Cast Steel litad, l choping and Broad axes, nails
and spiked, with.a gelferal assortment
of Iron Mongery, all of which will be sold at re
duced priers. by JOHN CLAYTON.
April 22 4 . 32
• . NOTICE. •
THE Aubscriber respeetftilly announces to the
pablic,.that he will' attend to the collecting
of accounts in this borough and neighborhood, at
very reasonable rates. Accounts from abroad,
to collect in this-neighborhood will be promptly
attended to, ind satisfactory references - given if
required. JOHN U. CONRAD,.
Aprils 47 Constable.
Swaim's Panacea.
AS the intemperance -and - Insury of the age are
hastening-the ravages of ace/bide complaints
and rendering the blood more impure; and &althea
sands have destroyed their constitntiousby neglecting ,
to apply the proper remedies—to such. Pan
acea must be t and has been, 'more than doubly valua
ble as a certain and effectual means -of. restoring them
to perfect health and vigor. Few families are wbol•
ly exempt-frOm scorbutic affectioui, which exhibit va
noes symptoms, as eruptions. ulcerations, debility,
lose ofspperite and dejection. all arising from impure
blood, and if ;not properly auended to, produce the
greatestinjury to-the constituunion, and may be im
parted to their offspring, Swaim's Panacea is recom
mended it this season of the year, as a valuable mots
retire of,the system. thereby tnvigoratingtherconstith•
tion. and enabling it to bear the debilusting effecte of
the summer Season. It is conveyed by the circula
ting fluids: and corrects their tendency to. all those
diseases which originate in vitiated blood, diseased
liver, depravied appetite. or predispositon to affeisioni
of the lungs, Az. No one, bowerer,,isiadvised to use
it without convincing themselves of the trut,b ,of what
is here Awed. I , . • '
• 'This tiedicine is now used with seeress le airport.
of the worltkand is gaining great reputation in.}.lng.
A frhoh au . pply of theltedieinejoit received and
for sale by B. BA NNAN. •
• Sole Agent for Schuylkill county.
Who mai supply the above medieinewholvonle td
them whu to sell again, at. Ph iladelphia pricey.
May 14
11npOrtapkt40.-the•Akilkip - !
A If) el otl . j „
110 1 442 1 16?
, • AZ -
, --;..-stiliklirearlZin irila h . : - • •
rtAlisz:SlMEOEctm,lantinkasootiitaltd set ,
entifti renedyOf dinemenhaelfing been Mow
rid tine - bythoindsMiiestOWing Winans and recent
in" mien , powerlaf scepticism io
doubt it' virtuee,,nr Omni to deny. .
When it ha ' l ' e achieved an ascendant parser of use
; abbess' which - WhittinePthe cinitpetftion of mere
tful: pretensiettoend hasaecuted a , censpicuoun
station in univeleal raver,,hy intrinsic worth alone,
its . proprietor map puha' , otit the *causes of its nueeri
onty, Ivithont• incoViit* the' aiMplcion ofinvishottel.
ness,in instil this comparison.. -'
PILLS, irienelkentriMbiAlr: E:Sahe, at lOU
Chatham 'inreeti,- , do net :require his explanation. of
their acknowledged_.ellicacyfor the . most eminent
phyeicians thMughont the United States Will freely.
ifappealed to:suite thereasoris which ha ve Induced
them torecombiend them soexteniively and Warmly ,
they do. And those i reasone are, that these-jack
s Medichils. neveiriejuie even themett delicate.
constitutions, and 'have; in almost every indivAutil
_confer whichtbey,aretprescribed, a marked an evi
dent, a truly happy end - permit: dent effitney. Phyla-
Mans, moreover:Smellier . they
.arenot offered' to the
public-utionany quack theory of purifying theblood,
to the otter destruction of the etomacttand,bowels.
Purify the blood froin all diseased humors:they unde
niably' do'; 'beit,-,nbbay destroying those viscera by
which alone.tbe blood can_ besustained. ;They are
compounded'upon a theory which supposes a stomach
to - be a very essential agent to'health ; and food, well
digested, tobe.a zaluable friend to flesh and bided.—
They do tint purtfy men to ghosts, and Make them
look like beings too refined to remain long in this
world; but they make them as -human as possible, slid
fit to encounter the.hardships, and fulfil the ocruna
lions of a sublunary life. They do not make a vio
lent purgatory of this life, to prepare men the faster
for another. .T hey proceed anon the suppoisition that
the blood, =metes, nerves, organs, excretory and `se
cretory gland. ninety:sus and tegumentary membranes.
bones and brains, of every human being require to
supplied witheourishment from as healthfid a sto:
as canbe toadeand kept; and upon the doctrine
that lees the stomach and bowels are in good order.
the hl and every other partofthe system will be in.
And how 2 1 expected that they will secure health
to the stomach . liosels? Whyby eabliiig the one .
to digest food, and thetittier to carry iff what is left
after the nutriment is extratted.'in connection with •
the surplus of bile, and the foul humors ofthe blood,
=lcons membranes, anestomach. And they accom
plish these great feats of medicine in the most simple
way ittingine ble. "e A PERIEPiT FAMILY PILLS.
if the stomach be bffected wig!, wind, bile, or coated
collections,qletr it out, by Ciatural but a most in.
sensible solfent action, and cleanse, the whole ali
mentary canal, without griping. and leableg It as free
, without debility, at nature ever designed it to be.—
They do nottake the skin off the stomach and bowels,
and leave them like a piece of red velvewall phy-
Alicia= Eno*. the strong drastic pills do, baa they
takenature kindly by the hand without crushing her
fi or g m e Jo rs t . g yel th ea. M im i. every thing . „without imparing
qny .When this is effected, as it titulary is by the use ofa '
few of the FAMILY APERIENT PI LLB. hen come
the celebrated CA MOIVIILE 'or TONIC PILLS. to
strengthen a stomach and hoWels which before, per
hips, weak and foulAbeemse they were weak, and
endows them with strength to perform their mince,
tent functions, without the aid of physic. The i'A
.I4O.MILE FLOWER, whentits valuable principles
are chemically extracted, is acknowledged. by all Idly-,
widens, in every age, to be the best vegetable tonic
known in the science of medicine —There); nothing
, known in the vegetable kingdoidef nature-To equal it;
nothingthat is at Luce so harmless and so vigoroush
healthful, and in proof of this the proprietor of thy'
recowned pillstharare made fromite 'twist particles,
might quote alomakinzinmerabld authors, both ancient,
andinodern, if his %practice had not proved it to:
tens of thousands. . •
The effects of these - pas . are not, only perceived in'
an increase .of appetite 'and general strength, but int
a restoration of the body to. t hat universal vigor in alit
its fianatioa s ehich indicates the return to perfectly)
sound heal! The face, and general complexion 4
speak vo -in 'their favor, and thousands of fe-I
malesean testify how much they have contributed tot
their _comfort, their complexion, and their strength,!
when every other remedy had proved worse than use
less. Di person - It diseases. of all kindle, they are nnW,
ackulovriedged to he, , preeminent ;gradually restoring!
firmness of body and trued, without y these annoyance
and 'changes Which othhr nervous remedies oticaslonl
Happy wank:lit have - been for manj-young persona.
of both sexes who are now in the.silentgrave. if they,
hacileimed tp Check the morbid tendencies of their'
stomach and bowels. by these pure tonics and aperi-i
ems, Without resorting to. qdack remedies:the names
of which are concealed,
.and of which they !Wool
nothing. That dreadful Scourge aIiNSUMPTIONi
might have Real:checked in iteeomrnencement and
disappeintapPlaprey, over the-land,. if the first
venoms of'nervous debility had been counteracted'
by csmomthe chemically prepared; and those
boweltomplaints which lead to *host . °trate' mala
dies, might have been obviated by that fine alcaline
extract. of rhubarb; which is a leading ingredient in
the APERIENT - FAMILYPILLS.' , Before, both of
.these-Medicines, which ate adapted to ernajority,of
the purposes for which a hundred others ate unneVeli-?
eerily osed.fevers;agues,bilious disorders„ headaches,
female debility, male decline, indigestion, and liver
complaint, would 'hare entirely disappeared, wlit re
Many 'of theta hive'proved fatal,
Set be It diadinctlyunderstoodthai these medicineS
are not offereitinstead of-these natural organs of
body whicliptber r, 'medicines - e tense with, in a eery,
summery Manner, - They are founded upon Medical
knevirMdge.andmot - quackery, and do not take till the
Jed midden one Of t he.human blood underihe Pier
tense ofpurifling it. ' In, proof cif "kelt 410:envied*,
effect.letz the fae4atia orme cif patientirbeaifestyi
mnitY,Tlzeinittittite &Amend. enmesh, and - gene.",
rally apph le Ones , efoxiedicines ,for every fluidly,
mid being tbnid'aiiii aperient. and' of the best
;preparations kaolin, no -Orion or Tamil Shoilld' be
withoatthern. .They-can be obtained w olesale and.
retail d iethe preprietor,,Dr. Wht EV A NS„New rod,
'and bislitgenteltr town and. henntry.'With_ diree-
Aloes or now-4,4 nrerapidly,mitieraedleg all 'other
. pplellifilt Oven* in the pubiliemaim, because they
*remind tisbeldtig td a Very superior class of popular
medicine:A rilac'es thembigNittpiV
n ate ~uipst~ygn us Gmy are known to _ be in public.
preference,and mtheopinionpf physician&
Dr, s WM: EVANW - OFFICE - , N0.'19 -. NORTH
EIGHT HT;IfiILADELPHIA i where hie marreine ,
_they be,,had.Dr„Wist Evans ! ettice , ilKt.,Chathini.;
'Street, Neat Yetkodhere the Doctor mail:me:4l4o
asastiaL,' • '`.l. • • • •
,be had genuine in
whop. It is not
it certainly
. ,
'1 4 612i i
"nYSP'M'Olfettia` A 1
mg - Cciiii.:lfrllilllliiii Sailmon,Giemi il.:
'abovO TliltiVtit,'. Phiitukilthia; afflicted fie - several ,
yearawithi Mil fiiHoiMpirtliatinea' Mg **Monti: Vial-.
.neasatthmatot milbilieadaohs4iminelat, palpitations
OOP Lbomti, ' Ink*red 4Pl 3 Ptopfametimes acid and.
illePrElil4riCtau9nfli: _wbsit.Ptioliweaknees of the
i.e.n . e#ttipa...Anaciation4o geneMidehaity. disturbed
Teint F i' WO.f. 11 4,10:1400, and IkeiiihiAr th e 'insane!?
althr..rentple pughtuntie; 'OW mental deepndency.
1 'ijegei l bersrOtteo fii.l44eid;bactaridalilea..coative7,
rums; autilize fiimoodietyiiketinirersatiori, ievOluntaty
atighimpiiad weeping langeoiiiitt , thalratle open the ,
ilPillittWilligAi %CP a.....k,.•,..r. : '.... • .t! .- -- ... --••-• ; '
I isi fiFt.T•14430.,,,.,.., E ste to the umateminet!tpbyar7 .
calmib:urno, can ..peyond the,ptivrer of meth. ,
cilicoxeltore hini,ti . it h.; . however. as hiii. afflin-.
itliliWbitil %diked - him M . a icly depliiiabieeetiditiOui.
kiitl' , "!illlgheekt*Eiaitiiiiidia by a relative hflitti to twl • _of trii. Wiii.lElTANS'llfedleinm . he iiitk
iditifilioltyalipidtmitOThi office and procured itpackati,
itstWhiulf,:hutiaia.-hhia indebted for hiarestorationitp
1 If b °43l,l* : kod fritodse: Bell* now. eolOyti!tall itie - i
Wangs P&ier-re4l heahluiT,Polo.l3kd9lol"9.l.ll:;: of
~ li r* L i l ltO nwi t i ONl,o/ I . ll . l l.ailaYfi ' - everl. l4:
cubit oThkitaiftitiishint chto at ui Wrin.yans.: Pdi 7 ;:
'fildOwos. - toofithaaiattaiN-6tli 4 .atiirikil )414' .
. adeleitiMci. -- 19SORTIUZIGHTII:St '.'-- 5i: . .... ti'
• I.' Sold- b7l - -- , v4v : 3- 4 0 11NOPPWERriPri •_,'
~4 , -;; . .a , • hi_•••-i;,.;: '7 B OldiAgtat,lbi4clHay — lklll Mill.
i.:1Palk 1 00a1P7:11$ :F , F.W , i'sifie - ',TV:r , `..nit /14/. 4
~ ..;...........-m :- ----- -
21telin -el • ,
o r
it 3 411.i.EW4k1itiGGERVY.I., p
Not 48,thotlivtif 161 t1.5*4
AN tare
• t
.../.4eit , .
a ....".13A
t . 4 ' slit
ti !
,z. a
- 1"-A:1/AGA
Clirke'ska' ri
isle)ote '
Scott's Bi bs
1 - ~.
, tt' tilid , lfli
ii*lrto r i k ..1
and? Cam
1 .6, Deiflm
. c° :6 llll f f,l.' ll :lP s ' he .
entarT, 3 vo‘
fgollitile An
h•rw 'pat!
Igo untiL
la Ivould 1
poN JI. Id it' fcil t
aretnot faithful! _adhe t
are Loki ed th t t.he d
have -ii laken befor
he city o anc ter, al
cnostileaperaterem 4i
f which arc detail d in t
iply of tho,above pecio
II isTor sale at thi office
The Auto
QB7 person;
eared in
* it * AI !in!
recemed an
rtant Di : COT
ber haadiscovered armlet
/that valuable root. . - -
ted withoed 1091 any o
1. , 7. 'inediine. 1 ! prepare
Ba i l
edits! Colleoe, , rfteipt
..: as the beat to lei for
id extract of axial.-
t may be glven_ov th : per
is conscientiously . bflhred
et the blood.which Mall ca .1
ad in many t atireli cure 1
• The initw
be vular
May 4. es :,
Proltht l l 2 :
ceipt oFt e
by the„Faco t
Lion of the
This E
children, a
as a puviiie
Iyallev,_iate a
disease's:: I, ,
Obstinat i
Bites wh
Tajas,in 1
_Chkanic: 1
- 'Sdrotiitai
' White S
the blodd, t :
healthy !•cli
I have
antes of iss
in Me colt'
nptions °tthe Akin,
po!tules on ith! ray*.
. ti af ai r from . it ! ai !Impure hail
r 'minimum, i - -_,
ct Iliag's evil, .
ceilings, ; ,
; simptoms. ; . .„.
iisoratera arisMg from an toa
ter bya lon
l a
, tt. a vroidence in
te. or the . .edieious use o
4ht It nece ry. to attach
• • iterMial effe i s, from perso
,as refere e os:
. ,
Reading, Ju
hwrind used t
smith, (pro'
jes.iinost. the
, a cheap : ear
ittg: Nem imp
ind it fb
arj l
• 101 IN
'N.: S. P'
was, for
Di/It - kr/1M
merottO nlct
, hich tow tot
to try
certify ttittt
. ineteltrupeer. , ,
Thiq is
viith an et
North F
cipal &Id
seriber• I ;
ibove vein
'bees ',hob
storeS. Fi
ki prices,
1 a
• 1 ' fOr
1 ,-- 4 - IIG IW
e e ti o' _ief .itui J
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. ritotrtie
~... 1 '-
dipiosi A
-town ;P
la Sua
aa , : ,
7 , ..tbely . bd . tf)
icarco tj.
„Pal l'
I Olin
eiuika- dui
1 lbs. soon:,
11b8-; ..40
bble: 1 •
,b4 , 15.ti50
I , Or
f ir iCansl
? roslitod, 4i
1 ap; i e.
le l do
r it Iked
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41 i
I , l reen iii
, ,
I ow
11 .1 the
' l , ry low
follow R
prices a
12 00
4 00
6 ft
(TN 4 2i
101 In ,1 •
,8 cAoltion,
', 1
3 tole. w
s o
2 25
1 37
Ifothsr Books at 'cry
dt: - Vtroetz
Id,' :Discos
°tie* 'ter.
TO/ft EC
dlln of tt;
ton loan
;tit oft
ion 4. cure
Vpitting of
18 .A 8 k h 4 .o f
M fe P
her, all. the
ese distres.
na respect
ntrir are to
ealth is re.
e the pre.
edictnes, if
ed te.
positions of
i propier au-
I completely
i COlistinip•
e bills Sc.
It has been which
Ito mtdiciaal
I. after a re-
the prepan.
tl safely to
o the pebbc
es will great
' e following
t of body
are date of
hot and no
. I merchry
few cernfi
; e well known
:y 13,1837
d by Georee
!itally recto
: and .efficni
Mies of the
ire afflict d
cne amp,
%inch I
1 the (ha
-oa6eley 3
, after m mg
te ulcers are
'Witness my
I Re3ding
nt old
geB on
, u white
by even
Ice, olio]
°Adel I
, quence
As before
A A was
Afore a
.the con
le I nod
)1 OP'
be had at
)rng coif.
the prlo
- rI
ale brthe
Ford. Pouf.
ore offlazood
2-6 mo
signature ssi
al Advatur 1 ,
gt. from No
I.'blach tras.