The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 31, 1838, Image 3

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    ese means destroy all confidence In the
hunitutions of the country. &
lesad reason is a mere tricki,unalorthy
'legislation. The olject is, At, give an
.r nominal value m'the market. to those
notes now m circulation, on the. sup.
at no others will be, issued. receivable
vernment in payment' of dues. Led. it
• .red, however, thit Mr. Cambreleng's
cry note bill has not yet pasted.
another feature in this bill., not on.
tire. By the Sd section. the Secretary
asnry, without limitation or reshictioo
.d, with the consent of the President.
of these notes in such manner and on
. as he may deem expedient. Can
ne it mum convenient means of reward.
ideas rush upon my mind, in relation
position, that i know not to which 1
ive utterance. A third reason, howev
.rting this bill, must not nasal mined •
Treasury is exhausted. The millions
ons have vanished. Ignorance, extra
d perhaps what is worse. have squan.
people's money. In time of • profound
.out a national &Mt, the whole revert.
untry is found insufficient for contm
ses, and to pay the office holders their
Was there ever such a state of things,
entry, under the: canopy of Reeser'?
ever. Why should Congress consent
is rag money, white the Government
of receive it in ;payment? Why do
y to the people, Manfully—the whole
-the nation is inSufficient to pay our
make these payatems we must borrow
nd why not crehte a stow' for the
d thus openly do whatihey are clan-_
; oing, lay the foundation for a National
he sole purpose of 'paying tbe bangers
dministration? I; would pursue this
t my feelings might hurry me into
language that would illy comport with
nse of propriety.
. authorize the Mime of Treasury notes.
he President is authorized to cause
d, such sum as the exigencies of the
• t•may ?quire, not exceeding 'Wu nut
liars. ' '
he treasury notes authorized to be is
be redeemable, tine third in twelve
ne third in eighteen months, and one
o years from theill dates; to bear inter
eding six per cent. payable at the tree.
e holders on presentation. For the
of these notes, the amount due on
e United States Dank of Pennaylvnia,.
be deposite banks, and the faith of the
es, are solemnly pledged.
hese notes are to be paid to the pub.
's. or diiposed of rin such manner as
ry of the Treasury, with the approba
president, may prescribe. The Sec
.port to Congressimext session, the a
. sed of, Ice- &c.
rescribee the manner in which they
pared, by whom signed, how the
o be kept, authorems the employment
of th. :
le la
neverl no :
to isle v i
itself ill ,
they riot ,
revenne o ,
debt, for
on of the
the utie o
my oprn
See:. 1.
to be ;sun.
lions of
Sec} 2.
sned, she
third in t •
, est not e:.
miry, to t
"-bond, by t
end fr om
United S ;
,uthorizes the payirnent of these notes
ome due, &c. . 1
,pproprtates five tbousand dollars, in
any unexpended balance, for defray
riescribaae t
is t s h u e es t:n!ribrnent for minter-,
!tering said nntesi_
rescribes the punishment for malting
graving plates, &e. to print saidnotes.
'recta the Secretary to publish month
nt issued and redeemed, and prohibits
i no after the . 31st iof December, 1839.
o se have been again engaged in the
n bill. In Committee of the Whole
7, he appropriationsifor the Post Office
n was so emendetf as to specify the
hich the appropriation was made
is nsatistactory to ; Mr. Kendall. He
t tit should begenleral, (that is to say,
,) and in the language of Mr—Adams,
re ." In perforinano of this "order,"
alb leng moved to stiike out the aregnd•
h was debated untlil near five o'doe: k,
le °don was rejected, and the House
ed in the amendment of the committee;
n djourned.
to 8 o'cloce. The Senate have been all
tm 'ring at the Sub-Treasury bill. They
en aged on it, and deem determined to
rial question to-nigt i t i .
and .
day A
are y
take t
I, HINGTON, March 24 1838.
• :nate- coati ' ued in session until a
u ; last evenin for the puiPase of
i,. WALL a opportunity to con
ie ong speech.
" RIGHT announced at the close
i : ussion, that helshould expect. to
h-: vote taken upon the bill before
ae to-day. i
Si VIVA RD reiquested permis
. Ake some reply o Mr. Wall,' and
hE. floor •this motninefor that pur
• mixing business was Unimportant.
' 0 UTHARD made a Spirited reply
all. His colleague, he said, had
an . ttack upon hire and given a bi
y 'of hirnself.. Of the biography,
r. cz. I have nothing to say, more
mark that abed it shalt be pub
an spread before constituents of
.11. gue, they will be as much tor-
at tz . me of the omissions of my col
's .iograplitimthey will be at some
st .1 eniepts in that biography.
5... tbard spoke more than an been
M r - WALL rejoined ,in another
iri :nsiver. Mr. 'Wall was unwil
a.; nowledge himself the assailant,
h ,-114, Southard, in the original
, .•• d made no reference to Mr.
Mn. : HITE folloWed Mr. Wall, in
some (re . rks made at length in opposition
to t e ;üb-Treasury . Bill. Mr. W. en
tered ull . into the merits ,olthe . question,
and e a , ined in detail its relations and
provisio 1:. The speech of Mr. White
embr: cell :.ome new objections to the Sub
Tress ry : ill, but your readers must be
f the name and subject as I am
r• what has been said or done
as we
of reel
TURDA! NIGHT, 10 o'clock,
;ate continued iweession several
I closed the above letter—the
; ;7 Bill being still under discus
i . WHITE filnished his speech,
hours . f
Sub•T e
went, h
of Ala. moved as amend
nett of which wee to put of
for a year,
.e untiluguat 1859; Mr. Cal
; •
houn s hardimoney i lsection of the • Billy—
The amendMent eitiitiedi 43 - til 9. _ 1
sureth taken an
The votes Mr. Cuth
bert's amendment strike out Mr. Cal
hardl i t money section, ,which ,was
can ied by yeas 31,Iin,sys, 214 , - i •
Te questimi then came by on Mr.
Tiptoe's a 'pnciraeot, which provided that
the public r ienuesp i may be paid "in the
legal currency of ;;the "'United States, in
Treasury Notes, Or in Notes : of Banks
which are payable 4 specie on demand."
This amendment was lost, 2'2 to 30.
Mr. W E ESTER 'then offeied an amend
ment, the effect of Which was to'do away
with the stlecie circular by making no
distinction between Abe kinds offends to be
received for ; public Lands and thoseofor
Custom Heise due*. • • . •
To this Mr. BENTON brought forward
another amendment, having for its object
an increase of the i Tariff, and the adop
tion of the Odd system of Laod Credit.—
Mr B's.ametidment was lost,-44 to 8.
Mr. Webgter's ailnenatrient dvau then a
dopted, 37 tp 14.
Now eerie
warm terms, and CALHOUN'S turn,
and in warerms,land tinder feelings of
excitement, he said he should oppose the
%Alfas amended. Ittwas now as objection
able to him es the Pet Bank System.
The yeas and nays were then called up-*
on the third 'reading of the Bill 118 amend
ed, and the vote stOod as folloWs:
Yeas, Messrs. Allen, Benton, Brown,
Clay, of Alas Cuth4ert, Fulton, Hubbard,
King, Linn, Lumpkin, Lyon, Morris, Mou
ton, Niles, Norvel, Pierce, Roane, Rob
binson, Sm !th, of Conn., Strange,
Trotter, Walker, ail, . Williams, Wright,
Nays, Metisrs. B ard, Buchanan, Cal
houn, Clay, Of Ky 4 Clayton, Crittenden,
Davis, Grundy, Knight, McKean, Mar
rick, Nichol* Prentiss, Preston, Rives,
Robbins, Ruggles. Smith, of Ind. ' South
ard,' Spence, Swift, Tallmadge, Tipton,
Webster, White---15.
Ai soon as the Vice President declared
the vote,Alia Senate adjourned.
The House adjourned about five o'clock
without taking any } vote upon the Appro
priation Bill.
Mr. Webster liable to be Impeached /
Ater listening* to the splendid forensic
display made in the Senate on Thursday.
by Messrs. Webster and Calhoun, what,
was our surprise on coining pit of the
Capitol, to hear a inenaber of the House •
.remark that be co templated moving an
impeachment ;of the distinguished Senator
from Massacbusetti *
"For what '?" we exclaimed with invol
untary avid painful s rprise. s
"For a vioiation of the. Constitution of
the United S4ites t'l was tlapitucking re
"In what particular ?"
"In respectilto thelBth article, which pro
vides that "corel and unusual punishment
shall not be inflicted." Mr. Webster has
committed a palpable infringement of that
article, in his' replyl, to-day, to Mr. Cal
Noun " * ' 1
We wouid hot giiiinsay the truth of the
charge against the distinguished Senator. 1
The reception wh4h this 'Hannibal gave
the invader orAfirreti, the Scipio Africanus
—South Cartilinamisis, as he called Mr.
Calhoun, was certainly "cruelly and un
usually" warm.
Mr. Webster, in conclusion, commend
ed to Mr. Calhoun the spirit plan old A.
merican law, which we cannot refrain
from mentioning, I -
The ancient, statestf Franklin, now East
Tennessee, fidding itself in a situation not
unlike that of the goVernment ht the present
moment, and hot bing able to redeem its
obligations either in'lspecie or good notes,
and the people being much embarrassed
by the reverse 4 of tIM times, pissed a law
very unlike that one Which is now proposed
to give the oftice-haldeni gold and silver,
and the peopleiraga.l The economy they'
recommended - )vas exactly .the reverse of
that now in voo.m. ' ' They left the '
gold and
silver to continue in circulation amongst,
the peopleosanil voted that the Governor
should be paidlin der skins.—the heads
of Department lin otter and bearer—the
constables in mink --land the Senators and
Representatives in e i Skins /
Ought not dor C r Mb:toners, who vote
the supplies, to!proA by the example in
1 these hard fima, 7—ifadisonian.
. ,
. .
Some years ag4, a rtimor loving got abroad
that. the bank of Glasgorf teas in danger of break
ing, an old shopkeeper who had a small sum on
deposits, hasteneOto the bank to draw his money
oat. The Teller Onnter out, the amount in the
notes of the bankitwhici the old fellow 'carelully
deposited i,n hts biiechei pocket, and butteries, Pp
—then, slapping lira hadd un , if, said, "Noookun
ye! brek as soon is ye please." '
Ertrule the BE4.7're:thou bill, (with its iron
sates for locking 4p the otes of the banks which.
Uncle Sam dare nitt for apeimy)' for a sim
ilar instance ot!whie ion.
The above is frau), th National listeSigencor
of yesterday. It appea to um that our respect
ed cotemporaries dp nittlytew the coigne in all
its bearings. When tbe sub treantrers get a
goodly quantity ofd not ' , o f a Loco. /hes hark
they will protiabl 'Jock ;them op. in , their iron
chests, and tell thebsolt to "brak as :scion u it
pleases:" But the* will! the mites of the
Democratic hanits4 such, that of "tie} United
States and rainy 'pate % in. - Philadelphia, and
Pounce down u the : whenever .tbey thin k.
that there is &cha post
rds* .ing
. them any bum.
All them things are; of rue. In , the sMipoiition
that the bill should $, Gessits.;
Ohassi4--1101 4 erne Unioti;.o,ll.,)
confirms the report' that Mr. • Gbohioti
running McCown", in . areiseippi. - 1
. ,
The Sub. riessum: Hoiue.
. .
We have interesting intelligence - from
Waihington. After some 'unimportant
business in the House of Representatives,
FnTuesday lest; s motion was made to re
er the Sub-Treasury bill, ss it had passed
the Senate, to the, committee of - Ways and
Means. Mr. Pickenti asked whiCh Bill it
wits intended to bring up for discussion—
'the Senate Bill, or the Bill,rwhich origina
-1 ked in the House! Mr. Cambrelang said
1 the latter.
Mr. Sergeant; another member. of the
i dommittee of Ways -and Means, begged
Mr. Camhteleng to speak for 'himself. He
'thought the two bills infinitely objections
able—which bill was the most objectiona
ble be did not keoW He thought each as
bad se bad could „Well tie, and. ha . could
ihardly air what were his preferences.
Great excitement Pow prevailed, but
Illir..Patton finally obtained the floor, and
?Moved to lay the Senate Bill on the table.
IA call of the House was made—when it
kppeared that 120 members were present.
motiprito,auspenil the rules ofthe House
was made and carried; when-the vote
4pima taken on the proposition to lay the hill
hn the table, and decided in the affirmative
1 ---yeas 106; nays 98. It is said that Ibis
is net a teat vote, a great number of mem-
era being absent, and several voting a
gainst the moron to lay upon the table al
tiougli opposed to the BM.
The vote being declared by the Speaker,
Grab of New 'York, said 'he soled ,in
the affirmative for the- purposeef moving a
re-consideration. He gave-tbe notice now,
and wool(' move for the reconsideration on
,the following morning. = Penn. hop
An Honest Man.—A Jackson man re
,tl'ntly called at a Bank to solicit a favor.
hen ber, had finished his business, he
remarked=" We Jackson folks want as
many favors as others; but as soon as we
F et out of sight of the banking house, we
off hat, and hurrah, 'down with the banks!'
Yarmouth Register.
1 The National Intelligence?, after noticing that
the Sub-Treasury Bill had been laid on the table
in the House-at Representptives, adds :
"This iv an indication of strong dislike to the
01l on the part of the Muse, tnitis not a conch'
live vote, as the hill may at any time hereafter be
Taken up and acted upon.
Having proctited a 'copy of the bill, in the form
in which if has passed the Senate, we shall take
•ccasion •our next, to speak more directly of
to actual .provisioott and bearing than we have
eretofore been able to do."
The Globe is evidently alarmed at the result,
though it declares that had all the member. been
loprevent, the . ignominious fate would not have
befallen the bill.
A Pla s tering Prospett.—ln the course of a short
and desultory converli: i on, in the House of Rep.
yepentatives, on edn ay,.duritrg the progress
of the general appropriation bill, Mr. Cambrel
eng gave this agreeable picture of , the Govern
insnt's fir.ancial condition.
They were then in the fourth month of the
i.eeteen, and there wits not one :Ingle department:
Uf the Government that, for %cleat two or three
oaths, had not been absolutely at the mercy of
very broker, bank and shaver in the country.
the indulgence of the Speaker shine had the
members of Congress been saved; but Mr. C.
iouid•telftgentlemea that even indulgence was
•boot to filth and they would soon be in the sit
uation of the Government officer' throughout the
thilon. Mr. C. hoped this bill would be brought
eat of the committee to-night, especially as there
Were so many important bills behind: dpou which
Stey could debate these questions, for upward of
half a million of protested drafts upon the Gov
erument were already lying over.
; An Official Law-Breaker.”—The cor
respondent of the Commerce states that in
the seof Stockton ik. Stokes, notwith
qtatitling the decision of the Supreme
Court, Mr. Kendall still refuses; in deft
ance of the laws, to pay the money until
the President shall direct him to do it..—
kinos will bow humbly before the will of
a man, upon whose "bri3m4," he is.depen
iient, bat for the mandate of the supreme.
quthonzed tribunal of :the land he ,has a
qovereign contempt. Our government
showed itself prompt in punishing the
m ) Branders on Abe frontier, the momer. t the
Eiharices of their success were gone, but
this high official functionary is suffered
to insult the constitution and -violate the.
I ws of the country with perfcct impunity.
' Plate sin with gold—and the-strong lence
(justice hurtlesstrealcs."—Boston Atlas.
In reference to the Sub Treasury Bill as it now
stands, the National Intelltgencer of ve l lum! '
if*. bill pommel° its .present "shape re.
Ault, as we' modersiand it, will, bitpthat.the mein.
tuin of 1816 will be,in force as to the receipt of
nk notes, with a prohibition on the Secretary
o the Treasury :waled making any discriinina
r , ri ar.partial orders, affecting receipts at one
p ace or in one branch afthe revenue, and not In
In the present state of the bill therefore, it re
las its vaults and cells, itil iron chests , its R.
ivers General, &c. and disallows deposits!, in
. nks; but authorizes, nevertheless; the' - reeeipt.of
. k notes in peyipeet ,of Awl to the Govern
On Contentment with.Litt/ii.—l• refer. to happiness, a ma n only has'imbat he
" e n utitli us w . hi l e r h
I he e : c P aru7O ss t " use, ll .); 4 ",, he n:4 an re d
o n t t , he as e t o o rth th . e h: h e:t ., : is e-tl w e:i o ve t : a f r ro g; nt oo - ' p i ,
w ether it be in .. his *..4.441 bowels
pi , all that' retnahuriebbronlyi• keep,
• to g'in away; bit, t 54623 edei,.'• - What
is ore thinner/iambi" iseirperfluotaiand
lees; ;Old -the l jaithiCee l :7- - fett ie *eel.
N lure is s4tiifietilivitli.litile; kill, innity,
it afarie.e, it biltury, is radeiendence;
it the God e awitora, ,thitrifiAlo
de and more —Jig's Auras to -rata.
:rein iheHigaielerbasiter.• , ' ' ' - •
I,' - . . rid i tlIW 4 ,-- AT :FLAT' ~- ' ; ''''''
aI U P la the ne.:4leition Mibe kik."
Laurin the rtnic; when falletb theelark. , •
Come the meetTeite of children to' me. •
tali' an old inert, and my hair is grey: '
Bet lilt in offline to watch yen at pia .
Arid a kindlier current dikt run *hieing!"
vea, i
And I bless yin, bright creatural*: igain 'au e.
• is.
I rejoice inYour - sperts, in thin warm scalier
weathe4 1
While. bouitilbicked is hail), VI 1: 1 ! itrivin gr''
notl9aeri I .
ge see what yet wee not—tbe aorrow anti sties
Of the y:einsititst Will come in the contest of e.
For I im an , oblacan, and age loOketb on
1 Tothe time that will be, from. the time that is
I gone;_
But you bisiced creatures.: pin think not of .
row,, • - t'
Your joy il to day, and ye byre no to.moriow!
Ay. sport y 4 arecE wrestle—be glad tut (be sully ,
And lie •dowb to rest when your pastime is dins.
For yciur dr4ams ergo( sunshine, of bbissom rid
And the "G4d of the blessed" doth watch aver
. • you, 1,
While the aegehrof heaven areloisstimed in ileP
tftibrokencalm of your innocent sleep; I
And an old BO blessing 'doth der you diva.
1 ,
The whole d y long; so fare ye well !. . i '
04r Thai following extract from the'
Waskingtoti correspondent of the Boson
Alias, is singularly just in sentiment, od
l ii
will be endprsed by all who ar,e cruisers nt
with the tiblic. life of Gott. Hither.. 'he
two years past of his administration have
been distinguished eminently by an inde
perulent and manliness of conduct, vvch
has provoked the envy of his bitteres't ene
mies, and in nut a.few instances won tit ir
ardent commendations, and arrayed them
in the ranks of his warmest supporters:—
The preseqt high state of prosperity/which—
marks the{ career of Pennsylvania, and
whicn pro Mises, at no remote day; to place
her first in the Co n federacy, are the legiti
mate finite of the wise policy and manly
firmness or hei present Executive., He
has administered the government ' with'.an
eye single to the prosperity and happiness
of the WHOLE PEOPLE and his reward la
the ardent! and enthusiastic devotion of
those whitise best interests he has so kaki-,
lantly guaitled. The liberality, the fiiim-
ness, and the almost intuitive power of cis .
crimination, exhibited in his line of polio,
pre-eminently entitle him to the proud dis
tinction o a tiagactous Statesman and a
great public benefactor. 1
Har. relegraph4
"Rtrice has cenducted himself as GO
ernor of Pennsylvania in such a way as to
. win the respect even of his athersaries.---
liis courage and spirit hive enabled
to defeat *great many schemes that haie
teen got Op to entangle him; and 'every
month that he has held office, be has gro n
more popu l iar.--There• cannot be a do'
or his re.el ction. He possesses the pat
rif moral c o urage one of the rarest attribu
.in.a ver' high degree. Mere physi
courage i 1 extremely uncordroon. Fe
itateaman ii as well as for a general, iti
„i ridispensi ie. It is the 'only quality,
almost the l only quality, which confers 1
influence or control over the minds of met
Id Lod.
D meeting of Pulaski lodge s ,
be tick at the usual place, on Mo
next, April 2nd, at halfkast ;
day amain
clock, P. 111
march 31
tte4dance u requeirtsd
Pottsville, March 31,1838.
I @UR. by .the load wee worth on F,
50 per puahel. in demand.
R 2 '5O per cwt. in demand.
AT FLOUR 2.50 per cwt in damn.
load Olt can't, .o,y the bushel—react
dey 17 50. I
' RYE, by tb
RYE CHO 90, cents peel:umbel in demand:
WS 40 nts-ready sale.
POTATO 45 cubes, per basher in denied ' '
II'ADRN-10 cents per bushel in demand.
CLOVES EED-15 50 per tuber. • . •
Tim SEED-412 00 per bushel- .
PLAXSEE 1 12 per bushel in.demano.
WHISK cents Per gape. '
E ts
BUTTER 14 cuts per pound- 7 4n Rep 12 7
' EGGS-12 ts Iper damn.
' LARD-10
Leda Per
TALLOW 9 ts per pound,
HAMS 12, tii puma.
' CORN .CH P 80i cent, per bushel in demand.
BACON-4 cents per pound.
BEESWAX-48 cents per pound. ..
i.FEATHEM-62 L eents per pound.
WOO L-40 cents per pound -
A MCKERPL. by the bbl. No I. 812 00 i a 2,1
SALT-2 r; i per la; 87 per bushel.
,PLASTER is worth $7 00 per top.
' HAY $lB . r tom.
For Freight to
IrHE abo Boat was built oftbe best materi
als at Be uylkill Haven, expressly for the
riper belawa e, with nght fitting batches.' - foor
and Ottawa nd Sail—commanded by an expts.
dittoed Cana aid Delawire Bostanan—(having
Zr!ctred beeter.)—xbe will be at the . Cu.,
ha l f. 2ad, o Market street, on Wednesday
the Ilth of A il, and proceed op the tend On or
after. the date hole mentioned.
Idoly to MtIffsVEINE & CARTER.
City Wharf', •
Or DAVID 'ftoorps,
Want Pbilid phis
24, k
Imareis 31
0 RE Pt r i t •
LOGE_ and con*dinas. Bring
elfin Hauge and Storer oilman nd
•on Eiliool , tholorough of, ;Rottill
• and pannOcui jinn itaraidiate%
OPP* to - ' Y.
Mita IrrN. .l,i
17.1 Ira
.. • . . . -
t .Steitylkose flopeiwin,.*l
t part'cit - alltihaifianto atreek
1 1 '0 : iguNdiallP 4MS
ages. 't 1. 111
' St , •
SrDER 2O N (I S 4 t
s .. •
1016)4/LETIPS loins !rabies. isle 4,04ye0
Inl'anstioi sale by - 13 : 1 ‘4 1 1NA-V*
pin 24
ma Hops f Q. Leeds. nOwerdir of 60,000 wes.
WILL be espeacd at' oi& Sale, on Thurs
. r_ day the 26th of At i 1,"711319,,at 71 eakick
tiroevening, io evening, at the Ph' A phis Auction Mart
io Carpenter's Court, Cbeetioxf !treat, (with side)
between Third and Fourth street..
These valuable limds,•iituate in theconnties of
biclime. pike Wayne , kterrne and. Schuylkill;
will beiogerei as they lie connected bodies of
frosp aboittillo to 10010''
For particulars sea I ndbilli at the Auction
Mere. • . .
TERMS—One Third sh, One Third in one
year, and One Third In three' years, secured by
Bond and llortgage. For the owners
c 309 Arch street.
. .1. WOLBRRT., ,
search 28 23-te ' Auctioneer.
Harrison, Messer * , Democracy, and no
Sub-Treasury Sysiein. • -
• County Meeting.
TIDE Democratic RepublicanS e of Schuylkill
.1 County:friendly to the re-election of ..rosePh
Riliter to the Governor's' ehoir of Pennsylvania,
and the elevation of Gen. Wm V. Harrison to th
next Presidency, and oppos.ed to that odious, fa
vorlte plan of the Nationali.„ Adnlinistratianihe
Sub Treasury Systefin as welt as to all their de
strtictive measures to the best interests of lee
country, are respectfully. requested to attend a
County Meeting, to beheld on Friday the 6th
day of April neat, at 1 o'clock P. M. at the house
of Henry Stager, in the borough of Pottsville, fay
the purpose of appointing delegates to attend the
State Convention of young men, which is to take
place on the sth of June next, in the borough of
Reading. and to adopijyach measures as will tend
to promote the election or. the present Fsecutive,
as well as the cautigpf liberty, against Van Buret/.
Loco tocoisna. figeneral attendance on the oc
casion is sincerely solicited•by
'Vetch 28 ‘.21-3
Rail . Road Iron
N OW in store and for Wile, English Rail Road
iron.,lll by li, and 1 by I—also, 2) &pond
cable iron, suitable for car sales; with a,general
assortment of Juniata slit rods, American bar,
and English iron.
North east corner of Market & 12th streets
Philadelphia, March 28,1888. 123-3 w
To.the Stockholders of the Company for
erecting a Bridge over the North East
branch of the river Strequehann ' 1
tween the town of Cattawissa and Ike
mouth of Asking Creek,
TS hereby given, that a meeting of said Stock.
holders-will be held at the house of B. P. Fort.
ner, in the town of Cattawissa, on Monday the
lth day of May next, between the hours of 1 and
6 o'clock, P. M. for the purpose of electing one
„President, al: Managers, one treasurer and one
Secretary for the ensuing year. • • -
mead, 28 , 23-4 w
titrothees Vein.
Lbok, louk !. Tuscarora again, a new operation is
r geicg to begin—
And we washed his black floe with a bottle of,
gin. - ,
Here's a- health to the company, we'll christen
him again,
And the bests's& the fon is, it's Styr:there's vein.
hls Alter & Stevenson. and Struthers & Co.,
They own the property we very Well know—
Here's a health to the Company.. ;we'll christen
him again, •• • .
And the best of the fun is, it's Sirothers's vein.
Tbe,rein proves good and from slate very clean,
We will wash him again with a bottle-et cham
pagne. -
The two jolly miners that have leased the vein, is,
Tom and poor Jim, . • .
We will take another round and, wash him again;
Here's a health to the Company, we'll .christen
him again,
And the beat of the, it's-Strothere'e vein.
Tuscarora, March 24th, upp. 2213
jr RATE this day engaged Mr. John Cole as
Jam)! sole agent, to - set for me and in my name.
Midd!apart, March 17th,1238. • 22-3 •
I. a• 4
ALL persona who have, or pretend to have
sill claims against ma for work dune on illy farm,
commonly called Adam Stahl. are reqiiested to
,present the same to me.ovor bsfore the 31st of
this month.
Middleport, March '24,1838. : 22-3
Boats Roe. Safe.
ilral growth timbers, and terms reason:Mei;.,
Appky , to SAld'rp. HARTZ.
march 24 22
Notice to Contractors..
Jaws River and gantramia improvement.
pROPOSAI.B will be received at the office- o!
the Company, in the City of Richmond, o'l.-
111 the 9th day of April next, for the construction
(dell the term bridges . bet n Richmond ant
•iktilderi's Adveriti#e„and e dams across James
River, situated 'respective! at the mouth . of Tye
River, Jaahna'aralls. and Ten Islands.
• , The tro.firstof ihn 'be named dams will
aboot,6oo feet long, end a gt 14 feet high: The n
foandattens are of rock.
t' The, depth of water in t a summer Mimi h . ::
ceiterally freest one. to Ourfeet deep. • I'. ' ,
The contractors will lbe ti red, : tfig jeim s !
b€ their agreements , to F our - th e 4 0 0^ th e
not of the next summ er and fall;.antl- with. si .
view to-this object. pro is :- are enly 'iMrited
limn Men who hive the ' rtatill anotilf
i!itw'ieeed!Piiifi*liillior. .—.—, . 1, . r :
' -- -cijoliki,lite. oftir , ,,Tyi
114 #t*s$4,bit . etrefrlka.
t i i; us . ', t- c
1 may..ha sass nt
siheiArethie at ;
i ~'.;
CliAll i LES ~ I,m
I-RMIM+' kafralett fjniqx
generel _
Gracerleik4:,l*" 2,,-
'Salt; Plaster,
which Will be void low , lipsegoo . 4i.:Tko. - ki hi
price paili *AI kinds 44:1001 114
Mount Carbon.
_ S6ROO - 1.4 BOtPAS.
ATCOS Geography of Reipsittii:l4;
E Froet'e American Speither t ,Ood - ,1 :".1;
Erodes Iltetory of the United
Together with a nriety of :otitifililOttlif
served and for vale ' 8.-B4N
at IPtivate: .,
A good two stay house and-lottorArtios
situate on Centre street- Thar 2.01e#
on Centre streeti and 230 Pealie-Illat
the Mount Carbon-Rail Boad-vebelifnntielsl,
stantiallyboilt, and well 'gloated -foist', kliik
Two good two story fame
ground, situate' in Beatty's ,. RIM.
Street. Each house and lot is-Rft feet: 4 . 910
houses are well finished with kitchens iit
o each house, and are -situated in the m ost
~ess part of town. All of the'i*Jiliosti-pro
w be sold very cheap—for terms ind=.7rii c .
.lateW - A.ll
Jan 6 7. MaliasPingo
` GALL AT Tom " -ter
• 1 .
New restablisbnitilt ; .
Corner of Centre and Market Strefisi Pot ••
THE subscribers respectfulli, .
their friends and the pubilh giher4l4, I
they have taken the store fortnerlTOCOnpt
Jacob Bull & Co, corner of Centre and if
streets, le here they are now provided Witha ,• '
mortment of
Pry Goodg ;
- Groceries,
which they are determined tepee at.thevery I.
est prices. ' H AZZARD & STRADC '
N• B. All kinds of Country Producetil
the highest market prices.
April 1, -
..0;e0Codo Vietketp
at Mr. Josephlil7 l eattils
MEACHANTS, Clerks, Book - keeper; !an '
ot4rs,, who wish to acquire whand ireicahl
for the cWnting Image, or the comnitininirptise
of life, combining great rapidity with ease, boll ,
nest, and beauty, ore invited to tall pt. the'run' ,, ' .
and judge of his merits and MiPatiilities'; is
teacher, by personal observation. the only or
and certain test.
Hours of tuition , from 9 A. MAO BP. litcd 11 .
N. B. Presentation titles for Albums , vim tin
Cards, together with all kinds of orniiitiszttejwr
:Mg; penned a t the shortest notice. •.7..,„ . .
,Ladics who may wish to ecqtiiiii i nest .
tiful style of writing, will be,taieght at their en
. dente.. ,R• S. 0,1.C.n 0 •
march 14.. • :: ::19..
rwit ME BOOKS of various kinds or-monism'
-a- and others, juskreeeived and fo misty
• ANk.
Also--dtaits. notes and rhea and_ht....ksi
Lumber, Lumber:
HE eubscriber has on hand - mtdr,tdrars
T' sale on reasonable terms, •
20,000 teet and 1 inch poplar bolardo•-!-
40,000 joint and lap shingleil,'
50,000 plastering latb,, ,• • • •
• Also, inch and half inch pine boar d. and:
- • •••• .
scattling,.i,lpmasoned. • . • ,
Feb. 21
Rodgers' Razors.
A FRESH supply oftadgers'. celebrated
A<IIL sons in COINS and single. just reitedted
• by B. !Am
Wetherill & Iltiother,
EAST &DE,' •
Tanis Doong mos Tais Contrin. orAlicit
White Lead dry and r Calomel,. •
ground in Oil, 5 Red Prone*. .
Red Lead, j Whitirdo , • .
Lithrage. VIVO ' ".
Crorrick,Yellow. Scdp. Quinine -
do Green - Tart Rnietio
do Red Ether ROA.
Patent Yellow do Niirie _ . ,
- •
Sager Lead • - do.s.Aeltie .. „, :... 1 ... i
Copan,' I LUDO 01111111tikr t . •,`•,:-.
01. Vittipi • Com. 'de': :. ..
Aq. Fez* " i Acit. !deigns' . ' •
Miriade. Acid • ; Sulph, ski
,Epsom Salta Lae.Salp,hor, . '
Tart Acid 1141.7de Name - - 1
Sup Carb. Soda ,
u ,__Kermes ilifinerik,..;
Carron. Sub. Mere. - Ethlopa, iliiii" ,, t ' --
..ItiOnersofejnimptiprigiliNitre. ;
&c. Cane for sale. the aboin nientiteka iitlel -
gather withlt general anortment• otEOttitl
.. . ..I
and I:se Stuffs. and every other arrileq*7l.;
eat and Medicinal' One. 4 ;-
Poing manufacturer of alhhe articles en • ~
ender-thiabove head] they, pledge thinnsailirei' ; •
ply thrililpfends and the,puttlic on *Aleut ..
ble 'fermi. - • , • t; .. .13 -, . .
. • Windowend Picture Ghia, fr om u;, ,
Oct 21 }B37' -... `.,l,' ' al'• - •
Days of App i ealgor4l.l3 ,
T cemjeiisioneis
meet at timfollowipg, game an dip, at 111
o'clock, A. 'Pd. to hear'illibosa who Alen
itdven aggrieved by the list, imitott - Oto f
on Monday the 16tit of A:RipZ4wy,
.115 W REA MS Wismant' Ag:
mirth ehtiii;fre
W. ii.
Ali •