The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 28, 1838, Image 4

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.17461`AL .MTTBORISED BY LAW, 4030,00.
• •
ir. MAHE both limited ind perpetual laspiances.
4.7.1!.. on Brick, Stone or Frame Buildings. lona.
b. 4)/ .9teltaidilln, Barns, Stehle*, Merchandise, ant
i intre*td,Prg3perty of every description, akaindl loss
. q 111; itunike by'FIRE. s
. , • .
The. Delaware County Insurance company will •
also insure against loss on all kids . of thariim risks
sikagainst the &Imago or load upon the trunnporta
s dot Of rude. wares, and mercandise by *aim . by
• rainy. upon terms as favourable as tuty or. er iii
For any further information tit on e ituld se oi . in
- surallee. either against Fire, marine or inlan ' risks.
: Apply to HENRY H. ROBINSON , J A .
July 13 . ,34-tf %t Schuylkill
. - .
AtOr = - rg.
' .
Arilre Insurance CAnOMMV
MAKE both limited and perpetual Iniomces on
Brick, Stone or Frame Buildings, Se,i',4lcitels
Mille. Bairns, Stables, Merchandise. Fututrure,and.
Property of every descrim ion. against luster damage
hpf FfitE. •
The subscriber bas beep appointed AomeSTeir the
',above mentioned Institution and is'now pretiared to
-stabs lIMILANOSS aeon every description of property
at the lowest flues. RKOIJASII,I MOHAN.
Pottsville. Feb. 27,1830. , 15
The Philadelphia Firie
Ic. l, bolth oo limited
o mi rra ted viu
Mills, Barns, Stables, Merchandise, Furniture, and
PriMer: t_ every description, against loss ordamage
by FM. -
The sulnieriber has - been appoinied. AGENT . for the
-above mentioned Institution and sa now prepared to
Make INOUILANCF*9 upon ever) description oroperty
it the lowest rums.' BENJAMIN BAN ' 'A A.
Pottsville, Feb 25 1837 15-
A ...
LARGE and complete assortment of fresh
• u and seasonable Gnons,pon reccuredl,by in,
subscriber, consisting of
Dry Goo d s,
Grcweries, •
. Queenaware, kr. I.
.whichhe offers for sale at redaceel - ptir4. T?i.
highest price paid for all kind of country ;produce
~ 44
wept 23
Wholesale and Retail Hard
ware store.
& WEAVER base just received in ad.
&tie* to their former stock of Hardware
• -Mousehole anvils, spring key'd vices, patent polisted
*acme, plates, warranted cast steel area, brad axes,
hand do. hatchets, hammers, Beaitys & Mullins adzes.
socket and tirtner chisels. 'drawing knives.ltilacksmith
bellows. cat & wto't nails. 4 . 44.5 & 6 in. °dirt spikes,
single, cut andrfouble plane irons and planest assorted
locks, latches, hinges a- I screws, round and square
_bolts, steel, plated and it •n squares,
All of which are offered on the momt nectinmodat
.... ing terms ' Feb 18 • 6 14
2i by 5-8 inches Railway Flat Bar hob.
2 by do do do dv do!
1 ST , do - Suitable for Sitreenina Coal.
Allthe Iron has countersunk hale., Old is cut
at an angle of 4.5 degrees at the eutla.
Plates and Spikes to suit the above. -
No. 4 South Front Street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Mauch 15,1836. '
John Silver
rrtAK E SAKE pleaswe in infuiming the public
JR. -and his friends.-- and also his patrols in
- par
ticular, that, he conticues his R EFECTO RY , un.
der the Pennsylvania Halt, in Pottsville. lie
hopes that *his past reputation fur iircping a
respectable establishment, acquired during flee
experience of five years in the same line of busi
ness, and by desire to please and applidation to
baldness, to merit a continuance .of your favor
and patronage.
Families by sending to the Pennsylvania flail
Refimbary.shall have oysters of a superior quali
ty eenrealLup io this best style, "and every othre
delicacy the i the can afford in
Rout Eleef. cold
Corned do do
Fried' Ham and Eggs
Fen' Steaks
Pork Chops
Block Turtle . Soup
Olsten Fried
Da Steered
, 4
: Resisted
ChaSag Dish
. ,
itfr battle
- - OS Maderia•-Wine • 1 11 LO
"0/tPpakt Sherry -, . II 50
• NDId Brown r im
Ohl Lieber! •;14 - 00
Cid Port " i l 1 50 - '
• Chamtmgue f 1 .50 •
NrstithsNisitd•PeUpers Ale alwaysoo draught
"vionentir to teadiuitisi foi supper parties. iSte.
~,, Det,7 - , • , : 46-6 mo
'''''''', 'lYrivAnd, Eietilmit GoOs• ,
...,..,_ , , . . ~,,,, lord and
4 ' .'"ill . ItATIFIAIig &CO li : just foci'
-.s WaiO 4-604 " 11 Ci.n. - tkr - .• ,---. • i •
''' • tititaigliiii - snetinonaipp .tift;l4' cinii.ei yitid
atomik, remelt - . do t&O IL 50 - per yard) .. .
Valicor.4. worwriaAsillil and crittnii she 104
li 4....liktiite, yellow, green aro. searj4(Arineld, ,
'IS*, lied:and unbleached caimotrOjiiilai,. thin
ick_ppi .. 3rd. ~ .N7l Ir., i
ridt. n r it.A.uu.' . comforts. capSt ltdMo!iii, m l e, , -
, itiiiiirVqs,- gloves, &c & . . '!' V
• ltiiilmitiand wadding at r i per sife4 . -
diaii 9
is _V.;
6 1
ttate of Apothecaries—Company, Fellow. of 801.
Court Society, Surgeon .to the Royal Union - Pen
....i o n Association, .I.laneester place, Waterloo
Bridge; and- Perpetuil Pupil of Gutsy's. and St.
Thomas' Hospitals, gondon. --
These pillehavingigained. aeclebrity bimetal
leled in every section of the Union. are now con
sidered by all those who value good health, indis
pensable as a fatnilvi medicine—paunnued by .a
numerous, body of the must eminent Physicians
both in this country eld in,blurope,—it sufficient,
it is presumed , to stamp their character in gm es
dim:lion of every thinking men, and it is :gaped,
a fur better recommendation than 'the course/as
sorted-to by ignoraniand unprincipled pretenders,
who to Mislead and de eive the, public. pirmlitwn
what they call practical prociA and certificat* of
Cared, That exceed all bounds - of rational croliktl,
f e
ity, and most of whi if nyeall. are eitherrtisjs
fabrications, or proc ' d
bytwit4 and eddltfivinnie.
Thy editor of the ng I ailiffaphiitraliV
'This medicine has obtabjed an tinprocetde
- -- • - :‘,.1,7,--
degree of well prrsertred poptilarityeit&E
en these pills ourt.ellies to adstintagti akik:Nit' Aden
ed their beneficial °Own ou•Siltets, initit-Itli, ye . an
hesitation ir. recomr(tendmg them to tba.pUblic as
a safe, salutary and- iseful family tredicine."
* * *None are genuine without , the signaturis or
the General Age t utim the label, by...wAtoin the a
bove medicine is-amported into thiateuntrv.
JNO. IJOLIF.J X, 1,29 rentlyylace,
- 1 en'l Agett filly bi.
A supply of tho. • ti received
4, i
and tor sale by : B. Bt AN,
Sole geWfor Schiiilkill county,
tr.— .2.
Ter plate
1 'lBl
181 ,
• 181
lier dozen,
. e 11:
. t
, .
, . .
1,,‘ .. 1 _ _.z....,,,....-,, . -..i . .z...,..i....;,..,........,, ~,:i.4-7, . ..f., il , ...
July 16
(iiiirifeietil - . '
AT the More dltbdApilier ilcein Morris' ad
claim) to Pntkiyiltiqtfiere„,e ay he had whole.
sale and retail; oh . the; *lst*arm .
. !lerate lei mg—
brown, lump and Ickl-reggars,Vkiik, greei. and
young hvwm teas4runraeses, (iliir. cheese, -soap,
rice, enff c. charm!te, spirits, dandy, gin, Port,
1 ,
Lisbon, Teneriffe a d other winital rum. whiskey
'and cordials, halt panish and 'nummon aegars,
miner, alspice, gin er,saleratua, cloves, nutmegs,
starch, mustard. pi or bread, crackers, sugar bis.
chits, &c,"&c. &c.or cash, or exchange few coun
try produce.
kme 10 29—tf . f HENRY BOYD.
Hine & Haggerty,
Dry Goods,,Grorery, Wine 4. Liquor Store
(Next don to Mortimer's Rotel)
T HEIR connexii.n with a house in Philadelphia
enables them th keep on hand a very extort
at.sortment of 61101.16, which they will sell at
Yltil,d'•lplria prat,* Store ana Tavern keepers
and private famili R. would do well - tcr call and
jut' e f thcursel s.
ril 19 31
PAI i IKER 41c. CO.
(Formerly Parker & 114
ci-AVE remover) on the opposite side of Centro.
A--I.Street, a fewfdoors above Norwegian Street
where they offer {for sale a select assertment n,
Superfine Broad 'Cloths and 9ursimeres of the
most fashionable colors; with an elegant assort_
ment of Kammer paths, Vestrngs, Linen and Cot
ton Shirts, Collart, Bosoms, Stocks, Gloves,. Sue
panders, linen and cotton Hose, and all kinds of
1 .
Gentlemen's Wfta ing a pparrei, which will be
made to order in be most approved style as to the
workmanship, •an warranted to fit equal to any
in the Crty or elsewhere.
P. a P & Cot keep on hand an exe.ettent as
sortrnent of ready-made Clothing of all kinds,
which will he sold at very low rates. •
jone 17 30
ife Pills and Phe
CO' A CONTRA! I'.— All nations. frcm theremo
testages, have had ships. but Columbus only f I
nut the way To ..tineraca • finfore the mite of the
great S•mnish navigator, people were only tanal.lcd to
paddle about the shores. Just so with the Life ;Wed ;
icsano It is but tiro abort years. s•nce Ltirst yen.
turc• A upon an nnktiown roxan.lnd I have thscovered
the nrec...ta object I was in search of—HEALTH.
Vegetable medicincis were indeed known when I cum:
menced my search), but their use was not. By the
use of them, I have not only passed from the dejected
invalid,te the hale hearty an.. a,:tive min of business.
but. comparatively apeakini. I have renewed my 1
youth. l can thusowith confidence in my own expe
rience. advise witmy ieltow citizens Does the
reader want pro.ift int theV E -4 -_ , ETAIKLE LIFE MED-
ICI NES are suitab eto his own case? I have on file
at my office.s46 IPpadway, hundreds of letteAfrom
some of the Most limo. table citizens of this mY ra
ttle land. voluntarilf, offered in tertimony ofthe vir
Persons whose ronstitutions have been nearly ru
ined by the '-all iifallible" mineral preparations of
the day. will ) bear inn witness. that the Life Medi
nines. unit such miltr, a re the true cause to permanent
good health /OLIN, MOFFAT.
These mediciaelZave long been know,. and apple
ciated. for their px ordinary and immediate powers
of restoring-Meer) health, to persona suffering under
nearlY every kind fol nutcase, to,which the human
frame tellable
. lii inany•hundr a of certificated instances, they
have 'et° rescued offerers from the very verger)! an
unit tn* grave, ant all the deceptive 'nostrums of
the day bad utterly failodtand to many thousands they
have)nsmionently t t ecureffthat uniform enjayment of
health, without which life itself is but a partial bless
ing. ISo great. loped, has their efficacy invariably
and afallibly proved. that it has appeared scarcely
leers an miractdois to those who were unacquainted
with beantifil philtirophi,al principles upon
whit an
they are cumpoiinded.and upon which they
consturigtly act. L lt was In their manifest And sensi
ble don in puri fying the *IVO and channels of
late, lava enduing them with renewed tone and vigor. ,
that they were iaebtexl for their name, which was
bestowed upon th m at the spontaneous request of
several individcals whose lives they hail' °balmily
• . P
saved. • " '
.I'h6 orocirihroil rejoice in the oppo rtunity afforded
by the universal &Taejon of the datly Press, foridoe....
,ing his VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS pithier 'the
know)euge•aqic reazh of every individual in the cimr
r triunity. bake t 43,..heist of pemMione 9isifeheripa.
which boast - tif ve .Me ingredients , the - LiTirl'ille
1 are Om* and .It
VEGETA ELK, and be . ". ft net
, titer j'alenaury,. .
_any, Arsenic, nor °by .
mina 1. Jo' oar__ ' whatever. They' a$ RrelF
comphiv.W of to from rare aini:phittiturphiats,
the 'Dine° tireirrh h,,t lougb 4kagtetr.trstrrerig
'lndian trihei. iod . ' ..eottY to loin ' . . S i h'*'
it t liaot
centicel,eheeriet?, ettegetherpnin , tie Opp,.
lent oreteidere to 'Adel aelettee.,:_ih4 'irerelie.rtif
befoitzleenier , 'i n' so haptiity efflw;' *i ll i cam=
'll(iW,flrifppera icreit re late litim*rhiMitje Of ;
"the e*miklirie , 'd weds,-thelf,irhilettfliotO k thee and
enefiticureonstaoil fe . ttipt.e:ir4nd .theng.:ind .'the re.
sieve the bard& fie*: wluhh collect in the 1con:
volute:ins of the emiall intostelea. . Other meth - tines
- wrtallyeletineetheA'.iitanaii Socheollecter
_,... behind,' balustrades* babi , eirejaveness:
With all its trainef ev or saddest, • - hasereith ill
iMminetat danger'.
..; e thei.47. r . knrivirn to all
- r-ler fulatomiste.who exanrine .[- humeri [bowels
after death: and hence. the prtiudi of tbriarhrell idl
fotmed men against the quack In -. l ...nes,.efHteliga ,
The I seeolad-ifffect of the , VEG : ABLE LIFE
PILLS - nate cleanse - this kldneysan . the bladder, and
hy this means the liver and the lu gs, the healthful
action of which eutirely depend" u it the regularity
of thii urinary organs. The blood, 'which tikes its
red Mier from the agency of the li r and the lungs
- before itwmf into the heart. ' i irffl
hneipeed by
this'll and' nourished by food co • from a clean
stomach, menses frm.b• through the veins; renews
every in - art of the ainnem and triam tly theents the
banner ofhealth in the blooming. . , • ,
The following are among thedie ing variety of
human diseases, to which the Vegetable Life Pills
are well known tome' infallible— ' • ! •• 1
DYSPEPSIA,-by through}, di ng the first and
second stomachs, anderetuing ii A w of pure healthy
bile, instead of the stale and acrid ind ;—. Plidebency
Pal - 1 the Eleart Loss of Heartburn
and ilead-ache, Restleenteis, Ilk . Anxiety. Lan
,gual:.and,Alelancholy which are th general symptoms
of Dyspepsia, will vanish. as ana I consequence of',
its cure Costiveness , by denten the whole leng th
if the intestines with - a solvent p es, end without
violence; all violent purges leave , e bowels costive
within two days- /hare/sae and Cholera, by remove.
ing the shirp acrid fluids by whil these complaints
are occasioned, and by promoti g the lubricative
secretion of the =cue membrane- Feoeisof all kinds
restoring the blood to a regular irculation. through 1
• e process of perspiration in e cams, and .the '
: . rough solution of all intestinal 0 ructions in others.
'Ph° LIFE PILLS have been kn wn to cure Men
inatieneeermanently in three wee s. and Gout in half
that time, by removing local inflammation from th e
muscles and figments of thejoithe Dropsies of all
kande, by,freeing and strengthen the kidneys and
bladder; they operate molt deli dully on. these or.
gansood hence have ever been f Da a ;wain reme
dy for the Worst cases of Also Worms, by'
dislodging from the turnings of t e bowels the slimy
matter to which these creatures ere . Asthma 'and
Crissumption. by relieving the air vessels of the lungs
from the mucus, which even aligtd colds If not remov
beeemeg hardened, and :prod those dreadful
diseases. Scurvy. Veers andirrateSores, by the
peifeet purity which these Life Its give to the blood
and, all hurnom Scorbutic Eruptions, and Rod Com.
prences,by their alterative effectlupon the fluids that
morbid state of which Occasion* all Eruptive com
plaints, hallow. Cloudy, and oth .1- disagreeable Com
;Amiens The use of these Pills 'or a very short time.
will effect an entire cure of Sea. rheum, Erysipelas
and a striking improvement - in the Clearness of the
skin Cmunilm Cobis,atul Influiumm will always be
cured by one dose, or by two even in the worst cases.
Pam—as a remedy for this most distressing and ob
stinate malady, the Vegetable life Pills deserves • .
distinct and' emphatic recommepdation. It is well
known to hundreds in this eity.Lthat the Proprietor
ofthese invaluable Pine; was himself afflicted with
this complaint for upwards of thirty five years. and that
be tried-in vain every remedy thescribed within the
whole compass of the Materna Pi ca. He however.-
a t length, tried the meditne .whiPh bee now offers to
the public, and he was cored i 6 a very short thin,
after his recovery had been ;enounced not only
improbable, bet absolutely impthsible, by any human
means. • 1
DIRECTIONS FOR USE.—The proprietors of the
Vitorrsatatlarx Pu.te does not fellow the base and
mercenary practice °film qukcke ofthe day, in advi•- •
ing persons to take his Pills es large quantities. No
good medibine can passably an required. These
Pills are to be taken, at bed Woe every night. for a
week or fortnight. according tat the obstinacy of the
disease. The usual'dose is from 2 to 5. according to
thee:institution of the person. IVerydelicate persons
should begin with but two; and increase .as the nature
of the case may require those more odium or of very
costive habit, may begin with 34 and increase to 4. or
even 6 Nip, and they will effept a sufficiently happy
change to guide the patient in their further use.
These Pills sometimes ocdasioe sickness and vomry
, ng. though very seldom, unless the stomach is vele
foul; this, however. may be considered a favorabe
symptom, as the patient will Eid himself at ode% in
' loved, and by perseverance wil soon recover. They
' usually operate within I 0 or 12 hours, and never give
pain, unless the bowels are very much encumbered.
. They mat be taken by the mo s t delicate females an.
der any arcumstances.—lt is, however, recommend
[ ed, that-those in later periods of . pregnancy should take
but one et a time, and thus eOnteniVo keep the bowels
, open: and even two may be takeri where the riatient
is very costive. One pill in a solution of two table
spoons full of water, may be given to an infant in the
followingduees—a tea spoon full every two hours till
11 operateiq for a child from one to five years of age.
half a pill—and from five to ten, one pill.
THE PIICENIX BITTERS; are so ealled.because
they possess the power of festering the expiring em
bers of health, to a glowing vigor: throughout the
-constitution. as the Phrefitx is'..siaid to he restored to
life from the ashes ofits ewodissolution. The Plus
nix Bitters are entirely vegetable, composed of root
found only in Certain parts °tithe western country
i which will infallibly cdre FiWERS AND AGUES
of all kinds; will never fail tri eradicate entirely all
the effects of Mercury. infinitely sooner than the most,
powerful preparations of Sarsaparilla. and will imme
diately cure the determination 5• of BLOOD TO THE
LIMED; never fail in the sienneu incident to yig
females; ads will bet found a icertain , remedy in all
cases of nervous debility and Weakness of the most im
paired constitutions. As is a remedy for 'Chronic and
Eli=RkeumutisM, the efficacy .of the Ineenix
be demonstrated by the use of a single .
bottle. The usual dose °illicie buyers is half s wine
glass full: in water or wine, arid this quantity may be
taken two or three times a diy, about half an hour
before meals, or a less quantity may be taken at all
times. To- those whn are afflicted with indigestion
after meals, these Bitters will prove invaluable, as
they very greatly increase the action of the principal
viscera, help them to perform their functions,and en
able the stniesel to discharge : Unto the bowels what
ever is olferitthrb. Thus indigestion, is easily and
ap e ethy l ,,...W; - -appetite Tenoned, and the mouths
of the at sorbent vesselsi bein cleansed. nutrition is
facilitated: and strength or and energy of mind
are the hooey results: Forfarther . particulars of
TERS. apply at Mr. Moffin's office. No. H 6 Brodway,
New York. where the Pills can be obtained for 25
cents, 50 cents. or.sl_per box; and the Bitters for $1
or $2 per bottle. - ie NumerOm certificates of the
wonderful efficacy of both, mat be there inspected:
In some obstinate and complicated canes of chronic
and inflammatory Rheuanatiiro. Liver Complaints.
Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia. Paley. Pries. injury/ions
the use of mermery,ysimuse, and o th er diseases of long
standing it may be necessaryl to take both the Life
Pills and the Phienix Bitters, lin the dose before re
commended. I
N. Et —These Pills and thh Bitte4, will get the
mercuryout Ofthe system infinitely faster than the best
preparations ofSarsaparilla. arid a certain remedy for
the rushing of the blood to the head, or all trident heed.
aches,lic doukerms. &c.—Alt.iersenewho are media.
posed toopop/my.palsy.&e, should never be without
the Life. me or the Biome, .fdr one dose in time will
save life. They
equalize thee malatien of.the blood,
l ead
Bravaall pressure from the , plespiration,end
throw off everYimparity by th pores of the skin.
For sale by, ' _ MILLER & HAGGEft'FY,
Agerits for the Preprieuir.
Pottsville. 26 . 1 • 40-17.
• Looking ' lasses )
Ivo. 27 lierthrEillb stow Ptiladelphta, back
-N of the Merchants' Hate
....devoted exclusively
to this bossinesit; - '
.1 I. •
Country . Merchants are' upplieal at ritatinfac.,
torero' . prices, and their Gfass.ex rtiffierni, ili
breakage tii-iny , part of the Ifni - wit Iritlift4ezfrx
1 "W•lr'• • i . ,' -4,-;. ,
,• Tinft—vvho - ntay hays Ordiirs for ;arjte — G lasses, ,
wfluhitiolvelltnbtforia :is TT let b#,- Piribus to
theiitxtrithigßit.firviiiii.e cot plit; atirthe
kind of frame , they may . iiifi; that 'Qin JUtlele.
mai,beentanc.fileturctl esp . ;
,y, kokheroccilioii.
"'-Merchants shoiittl" Ova., etriminni.for Look.
, jaj. gliieVert 'thifitAitipit„ 11 m14 4 : 14 . 4 4 4 ) 11-
Sere them 'len put tiP: . " . _
Oct 21 • 411-6nto
~, ; ...:
4 . #`
4 - o.
• :.• 4... vi - -i--• ..i - -
j,d ' ist ., 4,fir W d Jtftti, Slit
:, Auld 41nA Iles i i - - 1
DEMONS wishid3g It p gage passake for 4
= theit Wends, inifirsti ra ships, from thei a
bote platica- may now dam b apPlying-to i
-7. WM. qaquERTY.
1., _ .
Fin the ceommixiatieir °fib ' oste.perso Street;
ging ge_for their Manche. who may s- wish to
send them money, le enable Omi° provide for .
the soya drafts will be gniko on the following
named me chants, i ,
V. W. pines, N a.d. 3, Waterloo Road, Li4er
pool; Datil I Wright, 4. Co. Nt.3,Robinson sweet
Glasgow; -Whim Miley, N . 26, Eden Qday.
Dablih. ,
,i May 6 36
For Sa e , '', • • .
A.T R.F f DCED PkiCR.S. 4T tnrs ornvE
DR.d 8. LAPI ER R.E'Spy rimathick for 'the
i '
safes f speediest, and pir&O cure of ecery
kind of wOunds, ulcers, 'cantles and all ; cutaneous
diseases, arising from euttitig, ii,queeiing, barn
ing, boil* g•orthe impurity th e blood, audits°
for curia Dyspepsia , - heart !barn, astiit, liver
complain dostivenece, colickili, conrdsmna, distr.'
bona and rberunatiek pains, kootb ache, and Sore
eyes. .Tbe general agent, Piot G. Xatbilir.iigner,
Reading,' Berke county .? Pal offers gratis to any.
person affected ;with mtherkif the said diseises,
a certain iquintity of the Syopathick to be tried
and apprecitted.before Makt4g any expense; how
ever, the hiFl lingual must be made IVO of post
age. • i •
N. B. This artiele eann be had genuine in'
any drug store or appoth ry . shop. It is not
necesserto talk much abbddot ft, as it certainly
-Will rec d mend itself to Malenlightencd publick.
I n
aug 1- ' 1 . • i 38-itf
. •
N 1411 l lr -1.1110141 i '
4 Itardwaire-,Stoie. '
rTHE•st l aciibers would r t ;spectfully announce
to the public, that he h added to his fot moo
stock, hoe and I-Ander:re nsistingi in part or
American and English Ba ron, Hoops and Band
Iron, Rounklron, assort! c; sizes; Cast, Crawly,
Shear, German and Engluti Blistersand A. Pd.
Steel Vices, Mouse - hole an *ils. Smith's Bellows,
Cast Steel hand, choping tind 'Broad axes, nails
and spikes, together with iii general assortment
of Iron Mongery, all of which *ill be sold at re
duced prices, by JOHN CLAYTON.
April • 22
rvHEleui3seriber respect ally announces tti the
'A public, that he will mend, to the collecting
of accounts in this borougly and neighihorhocid, at
very reasonable rates. A counts' from abroad,
to colledt in.tiila neighbo rh ood will be pro'eptly
attended tb k and satiafact y references given if
required. ' J Oil NC. CONR AD,
Aprill'.s' 27 Cousta 61e.
... .. F t
Siva isn's tanacea.
AS the intemperance a '' luxury or the ogle are
hatitening the ravages of scorbutic complaints ,
and rendering the blood m e impure; and - as thou-'
sands have destroyed their nstitutionwhy neglecri .
. 1
to apply' the proper remetbei—to such, Swairtes Pan- 1
scat must:be, and has been4more than doubly'valna- 1
ble as a certain and effectualmeanis of restoreg them
to perfecchealth and vigor. = Few families are whoh
ly exempt from scorbuttc:a lions, whnch exial
rn tit va
rloyerynotas, as erupti a, ulceration's. debility,
loss'iof appetite and dejecu ,All arising from impure
Wood, and if not properly ttended toii ,
~ produce the
greatescinjury to the consti mution, and may be im
parted to their offspring. S tam's Pan)mea is recom
mended at this season o f th year , as a valuable resto
rative of the system, thcreb invigorating the tenstitu
tion, and enabling it to the debilitating effects of
the summer mason. k is l tgnveyed hy the Omuta
ng fluids , and corrects i l 't• tendency to all' those
' diseasies which originate in vitiated... Wood, diseased
i r l
1 liver, depraved appetite , or redispossten to af6etions
,of the lungs, dm. No (me,' owever, intadvited . to se
it without convincing them elves of thOtruth of w at
is here stilted. them }
'Phis medicine is now until with success in ail pa s
of the world, and is gaining great reputation in k: g
A of the Medicine just received and
for sale by , 3 B. BANNAN.
Sole Alt for Schnilkill county.
Whocan aupplY the o lio e medicine, wholeMle to
them who wish to sell ag9n, at Philadelphia pa ces.
1 - .
, - attAstoftEnrs •
Vegetable IFlveirsal Pills.
iNVALIDI—ONE D S EA YE hait thou %ply—
Ran imlin
pry of thy blo c which , by impeding the
ciulation, brings on pain r derangement in dm Or
gan or part where such an ray of thf blood settles.
It i s true; a vAtutery of minims may bang abOut the
skate of the blood—sucha a violent ibruisellr- fall,
damp ft ee indigestion . pa' in the head, de. &motto'
tiialtboughtt may be said t these lisebses have not
their origin in impurity ofe blot* I,yrit Om effect is
the same s they all end in e - unpunts of the blood:
and our only object top event the ifmating intir
ences be kept up, in other, ordsthe acrimonilonsi-o
moum,is continually to judge the bodyl as long as any
unplermant•symptinne rempin. with I. Brattdretlei
Ve.GETABLE., UNIVERSAL PILL% which. if per
severed with in sufficient it:maks totwoduce copi
ous evacuations, will assi nature to ::,restorO ever),
organ to it state of health. Thia is od the principle
of dramtng: we drain u marsh, piece of land, and
from a suite of sterility sofa produce la most abun
dant fertility; and so it to dith the human body l / 4 w nen
any thing is the matter with it, we hovel only oicasion
to dra ft it by purgation.-.-aPd expenenee has taught
those who have adopted i reasonablb practice. be
causer:Nisi/lent with our atom that they have acted
rightly, the result has been soundhealtl4 his
not mare than 18 month since theism Pills were in
trimuciptinto the United tares , but, their sale hail
been altogether . en precede ted, there Imving been sokl
ofthenim New Xork ill 1 at 'time. fully one nation
Fee hundred thousand ' And abone 10.0 0 0 per
sons can be refen#ed tom ew York city, and nearly
the !radicle Pluladelphinotho have gi ll caned when
elvery otfier meant had bedome alto er unavailing,
ofdiseitses which epees of the moist ppositechar
acter,mid in many *s re the
I TN] ravages
of tilt ration, * laid lba ligament d bone, and
whereto all appearanett n human scodid save
fife, have patients, to), the re oftbm i 4Plilitaieen re.
stored to good health. the deroturftig
,fisease: having
i been Munpletely tradimit .'
Dr. Win. Brandreth wa so fully colivineCti of the'
truth of the above , simple henry, that- he spent po
years is expeqmeht and I borious research tato the
medical mummies of the anemia .- alits,epinpoa:
ing the Vegetable( Kir c r ; his object , fog te core.
pose a ti i , xtedieine ithi w das , once -tfl ; aid pro
-1 ' duce b specific action; a moral o 1, humors
1 from e blood bithe Mothach and ho els, ail' by the
'condor At e useofissoh a med . Me, such hal
tfiars _dire t 14 red. off. , the hint:4 Am
ami) state of parity; nitwhodwer . 'es th e Pitlii,
a al tr vere " 4l k fi r win'be •a . 4ad I, Dr.
il ia
- WO Briadfair y a ttained - la philin "tropic
object., It isnoyseWabaoltite -and k , . tin - 1 - t. that,
every Iselin, whe,tber lithe in the h or feet.iiii the
brain r trimmest *Mbar; whethir ft . • air Outward
ulcer, ron inward abseess , al p all," hough arising
/nun mix causes, reducible ' grandi effect,
na ~impurityntbkied.r... .•.' , ~ ,
DJ JCE,—AirDnowind Ch icid . iataajitliter z
m i lt
any iiittr - ccaut(eilkit ti iidret a 1 2 4.1 Wit b",e
comes One whimant thegenui e . lempurchasi
only o the ag ed agents or . - Imateltndwn'
t in, be ,A • e sbonein mammas. '- 1.... i
-,'. 1 ttt4.B.Thn4 - Co:Fddirrille
t ra preseirt far °T.
Dr, dream far the e ifl
bad - muffin 169 ce, st
ibaire(illthAtAti •Ph ' bil,,il
A.h - kor Theibert DiikiresJ
val c iliNtidieth Pil for sal, tin
clisieir thint are to bete ter
• .Istiportitniktti the , Siek. ..] ,' .z ;
. ~,, , ~ ,,r......,- i :ri, • ! 7
.131 t, rii-EVANW
a/A/Mk:Wittig FIZZ. 1 -.
Atts' CAI4,D - 410.0L—Wiiezi a Sound iMill sci
entiftcyemedipf ditteaaMtiMalong-heen in gene ,
'ranee tiytheinblicibermetng blessings and teem- •
ing praise, It is seakeiliirthe power of scepticism to.
'doubt its virtnefint ofenvyto deny them.-
When it Chenan incentiant career °Luse.
fulness- whit b distances the competition - of ere,
bealtfill, Piletiffillieni- Fat has secured a. consmatous
station- in- Emile* MVor,,,by intrinsic worth aone,
its proprietor may point Out the e:,auses efilit peri
ority. - while* incurring . the inspipion of invlloos-.
i' nese, in inatitotin_gthe Comparison. 1
{PILLS. manufkctured by Di. Williein Evans, UtIOU
''Chatham street, do not_ require his explanation of
their acknowledged effietcy--fOrthe most eminent
physicians throughout the sited ISMebs will fteely,
if appeale9 to...tate - the reason,' ishiphha ve iodated
them torncornmend them :so extensively and warmly
as they eq. And those reasons are..l that these judi-
Monis medicines never injure even the Most delicate
cm:insurances, and have, in almost Overt'. indiVidual
case for vihich, they are prescribed, a marked, ap evi
dent. a hely happy and pelmament efficacy. Physi
cians, moreover, seeithst they ar:ltiot offered to the
public uptin any quack theory of purifying the blood,
to the utter.destruction•of the stomach and bowels.
Purify the blood from all diseased huinors,theyiende- :
ratably do;; but not by destroying those viiceta by
which alone the blood can be susmined. They are
compounded upon a 'theory-I/thick supposes a suimach
to be g very essential agent to health;-and food, well
ffigesffid, to be 0 vatuabld friend to Hpidt and bleort—'
They do pot purify men to ghosts, Ind make them
look like beings too -refined to remain long in this
world; but they make them as human as possible,-and
fit to enctinnter the hardship's, and fulfil the•oecupa
none of Esublunary fife. They do not make a vio
lent pprglitory of this life, -to prepare men the faster
for soother. They proceed uron the suppositicin that
-the blood, muscles, nerves, organs. 'excretory and se
cretory gland, mucuous and tegumentary membranes,
bones and brains, of every human being require to'
-be supplied with nourishment from as healthfrdil stoc
mach as can be made arid kept ; and uponthc doctrine
that unless the stomach and bowels are in good order.
the blood and every other part ofthe system will be in
dison'er. .
And how is it expected that they will secure ~health
to the stomach and bowels? Why by enabling the one
to digest food, and the other to carry off what is left
after the nutriment is extracted,'in connection with
the-surplus of bile, and the foul humors ofthe -blood,
mucous, and stomach. And they ticcom
plish these great feats ormedicine in the most simple'
way iinagintibte. The APERIENT F A MILY'PILLS.
if the stomach be affected with wind, bile, or coated
collectioneklear. ifent, by a nature I but it most in
sensible solvent acs, im and cleanse, the whole ali
mentary canal. without griping, and leaving it as free
without debility. as nature ever dhaigned it to be.—
They do not take the skin tj .. ff the stomach and bowels,
.and leave them like a piece of red velvet, as all phy
siciani know the strong drastic pills do, but they
take nature kindly by the hand without - crushing her
fingers. They eicanse,every thing, without imparing
or injuring any thing. • ,
When this is effected, a s it usually is by the use era
few of the FAMILY APERIENT PI LES, t hen come
the celebrated OA MOM! LE or TONIC
strengthen a stomhch and bowels which before, per
j haps, weak and foul because they were weak, and
endows them with strength to perform their impor-
. tant functions., without the aid of phyttic. The :A- '
fuIOMILE FLOWER, when its valuable principles
are chemically extracted, is acknowledged by all pity : .
sicians, , in every age, to be the best vegetable tunic
i known in the science of medicine —There is notlfmg
known in the vegetable kingdom of nature to equal it;
nothing that is at once so hanulesi and so vigori nsh.
healthful, and in proof of this the proprietor of thy -
rer.owntalpills that are made from its purest particles;
might qtiote almost innumerable authoni, both;ancient
and modern. if 41_, owplitactice had not proved it to
tens of thousands.
The effectsoGthese pills ;meet only perceived in
an increase .of appetite and general strength, but in
a restoration of the body to that universal vigor initil
its ftinctiois whtch indicates the return to perfectly
sound ,health.—The face, and general complexion,
speak volumes in their favor, and thousand* of fe
males ctin testify how much they have contributed to.
their comfort, their complexion, 'and their strength,
'when every other remedy had proved worse than use
less. In nervous diseases, of all kinds, they are n.'w
acknowledged to be preeminent ; gradually restoring
firmness of body and mind. without these annoyance
and changes which other nervous remedies occasion.
Ilappy Would it have been for many young persona
of both' exes who. are now in the silentgrare.if they
had learned to check the morbid . tendencies of their:
stomach and bowels by these pure tonics and ap4i-
mug, sailboat resbning to quack remedies, the names ,
of which are concealed, and of which they know
nothing,. That dreadful scourge. CONSUbIPTION.:
might have been checked in , ts conimenceinent-and
ritsappointed of its prey. all over .the land, if the first:
sytatoms of Refuting debility had been counteracted'
.by CAMOMILE chemically prepared; and those:
bowel complaints which lead to a host °Chard mala
dies ,might have been obviated by that fine &Jeanne"
extract 'of thubartg which is a leading ingredient inj
_the APERIENT FAMILY PILLS. Before both of:
these medicines, which are adapted to a majority o
the purposes Aar which a hundredothers are unneces-;
sarily used, fevers, agues, bilious disorders, headaches,'
female debility, male decline, indigestion, and liver.
compinint, would have entirely disappeared, whtre
many of them have preyed fatal- Y. • t ,
But be it disdiectly naderstood that These medicines
are notloffered Minced of these natural organs of the;
body which other medicinea dispense with, inn veryi
' summary manner.. They are founded upon' medical
knowledge. and not miackery, and do not takelill the
red partici& out of-the human blood under the pre
tence of purifying it. In proofof which difference of
effect.let the, faces and forms of patients bear tesd-i
moot'. They , constitute a useful, effectual, and gene-;
rally applicable class of medicines for every family.'
`andn being both tonic atio aperient. and of the beset
preparations known, no person or family should he:
without themt They can be obtained wholesale and(
retail of theproprimor, - Dr. WM. EVANS, - New York,
and of) his agents in town and Country, with direc-j
lions forest:—They are rapidly all other'
remedies advertised in the public print*, becatise they
are fomid to belong to a very superior etas& of popular'
medleate: A singletrial usually places them high in pri.
vate estimation, as they" are known to be in public;
preference, and in the opinion of Physicians. I
EIGHT ST. PHILADELPHIA, where his mein:Wel
may be'had. Dr. Wm Evans! Office, 100 Chia:ham"
street. New York e where the Doctor maybe consultpr
as usual: I
Cota—Mr .
Sainson.9reen at.)
above Third Philadelphia. afflicted for 'several
yearswith thefollowing distressing; ay - leptons :*Sick-
Alan at the stomach. headache, dimness,.. palpitations ,
of, the heart,,impairod appetite„-scitnetirnes acid and'
putreuriteructatio*coldnessand Weakness of
extrern4les.. emaciation and aeneril debility. disturbed
rest, a
e fesse eiftireMire and weight it - the stomach
after itn l g. - 4htniater. Mitt metal despadency.
severe ingpaum Mtrienhest.hace and sides(coptive- 1
sighingfand weeping languor and lasitudc upon thel
_least mire*.
Mr. Salmonhsii applied to the most eminent phyai-'
Cialld: litho considered ltlkeyond .ihe.power ofsnedi- ,
eine tOrmitomtim to health; his
iier*Aetilinableeondition y
and hatingitinunonded-by.a relative antis to(
maktmialittlr!iMM. VANS' Medicine, he, 'Mehl
di lscritriamtdriediotheitifiaited--Proc — itiedispackar N
towhictt.lena3l.lokittindebted. for hionstmationtol
lifikAeoWandSnynds: isliow:eilicipngia) the;
of erect; health. ,~,Person drnouit 'f.og
flinforinefinputtign.willbeicaileaawith eveFrpakti--,
ci•• chid 01:1F:
l ad ,100 Chathairrit., New York ; etidihzPJti2
;Algol'. N0.:19 NOWIrEIGIMI:SW`: t
_ 1 la 4OHNlWiViattri'Li.
v'lkilt*VOZ#4ll2l/,killOktili- 11
ret6epul7 e'
6i ' oo +e 10i
6 14 Cir
eintr the
ere 411 par-.
1 11 41 411 04.1111_, _ L
lop Etilatl - iviiiiiir:oil;"in,liesceraind /kb* itori
.; 1 111 mile lig .‘ :1111LIAM 41E. HAG,GERTY,
Novi - • - • 52-38 to
offers fbr
lot ~stand
Westey's - IFor
eb 6 c ANC' Pi
Byiou7s work.
110.1 fies „Apt-
ks it theses)! low 0 1
? !
4d Mere ..tigland
,;',44th plates
I! tally, 4 vols. sheep,
let 10 star. complete,
1 .
Ical works, 6 Viols. sheep
I • iii. commentary; 3 vols
I:tearbornienEditicin„ah :
t flietory, 1 voi.• shee .
1 .1. , Edition with Maps an
liritkl plates_
Is complete, I kol.
' I,llnrar). Editioh
piatjes j -
lktodre . 'irwilik
liorsw w,,orke,
Cowpgr end:
I'~aley'a Work
Borden's nil,
, 1 12110 co'
.rox's Book o
ileKeinies '1
Together :•
low rates, to
..P ll 3 I
ge Emmons. •
rib; Expositor,
Gftraphy, vols. Wt
and 100 Maps,
later:tyre, with plates,
110 Receipts
di a Variety ofpther: BoS
it the dines. '
tho prevent!
tampions, '
al, Disease
eeastand Lvn
vedlq br.CL
:.E4VMAN, o
Lan railer.
bottle . of the
nuetnr nintpr ,
:tthir 'dir ti-
id bra , tia
gaga iintil'
less wont
ad amoral in
ithflilly adb
Ni that the de
taken : hernia ,
Include-I.; all
Ito. closes o
letailOil in t
salei~ for at 'Weil office.
received arid
ant BilicoiVt
idiscovei4d M meth:
luable root: . I
be =Wes o
, . ,
.. ..
May beer •.t . withobi losiug any of is medicinal
properties. .hi medicine im pre.:... after . a re
ceipt of the .4 . ical College, s receipt re i rmmended
by the Fatal .: The best,farmults for e pripare.
Alen of the 'rid extract -of Simpaiina. 'f -
I 'This Es t.t. may be given 4 witli Oa' sa ty eo
childreis, an list conscientious.; o ffered the übhc
as kpuriffer . fain blood.'whie Medics will reat-
Ilikilevia fa ,d in many en ti i cure ti follwisi
t •t
I disetiles; - '- • - . I .
Ohistinate 4tiestur of th e , ' 1 ,
Pimplei . aostuleson 'the face, 1 • I
."-Bileuwhi , Striae from an I mptire habit of body,
i. Scaly -Full Was, ' ' 1 I
Pains l et 7 , . boater. ", ' 1
'I I
' il i
IN:ChTaille , 'e,umatism,
Titter, . • .
. Scrofula.. •• 'a evil, ' ! ~4
WhiperS . 4
Sytthiliti • itupt ' - I
• Aerd all • i orders .a using &lam an im are sin s of
thirldciod.etther by a- long residence in hot a Ai . tin•
healthy climate. or the injudinious use o inercary.
1.. have tb lit at necetunary to attach few elenifi
eatett of its eticial abets, from paws well knotty
in the cou p ,tts references: ',
, ,
elf /40 1
It ing J 13, 1 .
We. the deisigned, bating used th Coniboand
Fluid Est t! or &reaping* ( preps by Omits
.im our families . cad epee folly &Tom •
mend it to il 1 public, air a o eat.. =fiend efficient 1
medicine, 6144088 es witting
p rom impitrines bf the '
blood. :, , - .. ~ ,
•! , , • . - Vitt IL LLEA.
mr&i. RH DS. 1 .
. , • : 1
This is to t ertify that I watt tor two ears feted ,
with an obt, nate snipe:it oraoma Weal° 'in on MO
less, which' broke into nuttiercins Ulcers for ich I
1 triesivarimnsi remedies, which; but inc . ased e t i le do
ease; when limas recommend? to try r. eleY'l
preps/ono ofSarsaparilla. .-did so, a d aftet using
several be lem.l a* - .ltappjtb Stour that e ulcers are
entirely •re Vectand my ki, healed. Witniss my
nand this a day of Atiguar,i 1837. • - 0
I I JOHN L COLLE ilea/44 1 g.
r 1 '
Tbis_ce se that my little . on, abet' 8 yeas old.
1161 Mitre
~ fdr a long ume NOM est ise goes to
the right k and leg, onippeseti "
to ha e beef white
livelling.)- h igh 1. fount , ' —-" P .
the nisi oft 0 moat reaps
I' was recommended - to tt
Compoumd . °ratite)
not only h the..w ,
child% hen th+rldch'
of this tdr tlO7. - ‘
The'abct e i ttsei wi
and tillers er se df I
ride: and I re rib bah
the agent Chia resto•
Retrain ffeipt.l3.
.. . 1
Mr.Wieliti# !
1*:-, 1 •4 cotisideilt
=toe oldie 141tdozCn
ei 7 lo
rilklitarl Aof :you
myleg, lb r to/
`actor: and' sh use of
benegt it. Ilin five : ' t.
. 3 ,roa li t il
~ faot I toot . kto
certain;is now tenor than ' owninii,
any. and t ere is no appea
F itt it ter
cian rtinito this cure perfag. .' :'V
i , Cait-t"
,;iabiablei, 4
1, yitioleole,'
I Oreg.! rteeb
• .ptieeih'also k
1 Mr• The la
the suboc.
North Fift
cipal drug , a
bad:at ;be
Also i io
Katz If k utzio
'tiowilkit •
& Straucb '
iiivE • ;
low I!
4.,:idir..1.;-10,eai •
it received per Cilia'
Oho "M. troolirid; dire
ifFs dairy cheese *
dso - F i rri e e i r i a PP in e wled beef ,
odperior 140 -, 'vs ,' ~
t . N.1:1 fl*Ck . 41:6'" , - - ;...
....!,do, • do-t. 7 :1 - -,t
iii.. sterch, . !.--;: an . -.,
'Or superior gree, axon
' giJ ,
nov 25
Ices 4
no go
12 oo
11 do
4 Op
6 di
.4 Ot
• 1
3. 25
2 40
• 2OD
3 00
~ .I
2 V. 5
8 at V4y
1,71 if cgre
I Astholio,
:tin; g of
of i!he
thi City
-peel eti
,r, all le
e dis
ores et
'. to At* to
I r Int iA re.
• the
icmo, if
itiops of
ropet au
COl9 m
'e bill ac.
1 17.
by which
1(1° 1 Used
i/YinfrPhin .
-V I A"
itiag irtiettold4 l
Dri3l store.
id ef`fotd' - -aro Kin
& iuur tdicthee, at
t tofu e by the cub.
4 w - .• AKEIT &
0$ Loden 'eh
ion& Dr Ford Potts
fit .I/1 . 0.6 re oftizard
1 ' '
sek is.
1 7_l