The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 24, 1838, Image 4

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    ,a.E11.0MLA. , .. . , i . t
•'` . Ingtweisce onspan*. t
r ;11.17'A1., AUTHORISED BY LAW, 15250..CN0•
WAKE both limited and perpetuallonnannes ,
-:- . 64 Brick, Stuns or Frame Buildings, &atlas,
onida,Alßlngaras, Stables, hlrchandize, Furni
sreind Prtipetq:of army' dos - Option, against loss
damage bY - Mgt - - ' • ..
ThorDellarase-bounty Insurance company 4111
iaujissuce against loss on all kinds .of marine dike
id "!'hint the damage or loss upon the triinspolta-
RA Ofgoodsevares, and mercandise by water, o :by
ail way , upon terms is favourable as any othe Ast
iltation. h '
ffror Anylarther information on the subject otln-
Strome. eitherainst Fire, marina or inlandinland - risks.
kph's* " H E NRY G . . ROBINSON , Agent. it
, oily 15 34-i At Schuylkill Hnvo
• .
? _ __• A t Orwigsbui.
arc bil" surance Company.
1 AKE bath Waited and perpeguat Insurances' r i.a
ck, Stone or granite 13uildings.f3tores.ilsiteta
WI, Barn. Stables, Merchandise, Furnmire4ind.
rop_e_rty of every description, against I or dai#lige
The subscriber bas been appointed Aaarer fr.frhe
• ; ve;mentioncri lasantiotrand is now prepared to
Inatinannire apon every description of property
t the lowest rates. BllbiJAhliN BONNATi.
'Pottsville, Feb. 27.1836. ' 0
The Philadelphia Eire '
• - •
ALL boil limited and perpetual Insuranees un
Srich.Sioneer Frame Roildings.Stores.llels,
! Barns. Stables. Merchandise. FurnitureitAnd
• roperty . of ever description; against loss or damage
by Filzt
The subabriber has been appoinied AGENT rot: the
booze meattoned Institution and is now liteparvid to
eraaksbatnaarscre upon every degenption of property
'swan lowest
,rates. SENJ A MIA BA NN
Pottsville, Veto '25 1837 154;'
, A LARGE and complete assmrtment of 1 11,:sli
and 'seasonable Goods, just, received be UK.
.subscriber. consisting of
Dry Goods, • • ri
' Groceries,
which he offers for sale at reduced prices. it lie
isigheat price paid for all kind of country
,pr duce
A. A. oitig.
- apt 91 -44'
• •
Wit°llesal, 'R
and etail Ila
_witre Store.
OLLOCKakr. WEAVER hive jusf riceifedltn ad •
ditift to their former stock of Hardware
Monsehole anvils, spring key'd vices, patent 1,611811'd
screw plants. warranted cast steel axes, brimOixes,
band do. hatchets, hammers, Beattys & Mullins iqdzes.
socket aluttirmer chisels. drawing knives,blackamith
beliows. tut& wro't nails. 4, 4i. 5 & 6 in. cast spikes,
atingle, cut and double plane irons and planes. assorted
lacks, latches, hinges w 1 screws, round and ictuare
bolts, heel, plated and it -n squares. •
All of which are offered on the most accotruandat
log terms - Febll3 414
21 by 5-8 bullies Railway Flapßar Iron. .!
2 . by do do do do do
15y I do Suitable for Screening MIL
All the Iron has countersunk holes, and:is cot
at an angle of 45 degrees at the ends. Splicing
Plates and Spikes to suit the above.
• No. 4 South Front Street, PhtladelOia:
Philadelphia, Mai eb 15,1536. • 2)...if •
! - John Silver ~ -
TTUFA great pleasure in informing the public
ad Ms friends, alid.also his patruas i par•
Lieu ar, that he continues his REFECTORY. un.
der the Pennsylvania Hall, in Pottevillef He
hopes that his past reputation ' for keePing a
respectable establishment, acquired duriihi4 the
experience of five years in the same lisle nr,' husi.
Pees, Mid by desire to- please and application to
basinees, to merit a continuance of your Aavor
and . patronage. I:,
Families by sending to the Pennsylveniii Hall
Refectory, shall have oysters et a superioriluali.
Ay served up in dm. best style, and tyi.ryl,',iothre
delicacy that The Pottsville market can afford in
Roast Beef. cold •
I:* do
Fried Hain and Eggs
Mottod Chops
Venison Steaks
Pork Chops
Pigs Feet
Mock Fettle - Soup
6 38,
Dialers Fried ' , ,50
Do ' Stewed egs
Do Scollopedl • ' •
. ••• 1; 1 7i
Do Roasted ' 4 ' 1'4„ . _11 •
'Do C h afing Dish" •- . . :1,.1* 11%1,
V e rraPits.
- 1 p.r.ibettis
Old . Maderia Wins e1',, t 50
' ' old pale Sherry' . 1 51) _
' Old Brown , .' I .",,50
Old Lisbon -11/0
Old - Poi . , ' 1:':,0
ChartlcagPo - 1;150
Sroilbsilklutd Pe - ppera'Ala alwayson dietntht
Apartmentslu roadiness An- supper
Oab 7i I • :,f—Srno
.. ,
_.Naiiiitild Elegant!Giamli
Ilieril ANS./kCo, havgjoit receiVid and
1 .1 1
offer for safe, . - - ' ot,
ff-4 Voglish. merinos; from 56 to 75 ore pe'y yard
'SOW, Breath d 0 •Si $l . 59 Ter y ard:. it .
, Terthn,liierinci;weraCed:eilk and' Ton tnivlP,
• ''''' Awe, green itrid neaps 0,11140, ,
ItnbreithPd Canton . ff nrelr, trent ate rer yd. ••. . - )
Margined Seei;eoinfoite,earks.-ehildrelei t; " t 5.,,,
-*liner print% gitieeioke Ste - 1
Cotton bete ind widding et 64 pr./sheet
4., . . I:
, • t;
' E•
tiatl'Ut Apota.... , , .
Oobit SocietY.Sn*on. itti - the Riill Clnioii.ten
*i4 . j o , Aaseiitttett.• k X , `“° 4 t Places Went*.
,Bridgeand.Ter.petual .11"npil- of Unay's and Bi-
Thomas' flospitale, &waon. -
-. These pills having g ai ned aceletrrity mineral
-Wed in everir section of the Union, are miw-con
eidored by all thole %eh value good hcaltl4 India' -
pensable as it family medicine-=patronized by a
00 Te . follll bilidy of the most eminent Physicians
both in this. country aid in Enrope.,- : -is 'entficient.,
It is presumed, tnutaitbeir characte# in theta
tintation °revery thin kin g- man, and kis hoped.
a fax better reco don than the course re
-1 earted-to by ignorant an unriiiiiciplettpretenders,
who to mislead and , d ive the public, pubiisili
what } hey call piactica 'iroofil and certificates of
eves, that exceed all ands of rational credibil--
it,, and most of which, fnot all, are either gross
' fabrications, or procure by fraud and connivance.
The editor of the Isodg Island Farmer, says
"This medicine has Obtained an unprecedented
'degree of well prceervic popularity. Havingtak
en these pills ourselves lo advantage and witness
ed their beneficial effec a on others, we have no,
hesitation is recommending them to the publican
a sail,. salutary and liPdful family medicine.'.'
- eellone ore genuints e rithont the signature sif.
the General Agent on t -label, hy whom the a
hove mettirtne is impnled-into this country.
3N0 . . HQLBEIN, 129 Waverly Place,
Gklel Agent for U.S.
A anflitily of the abole Medicine pat received
and kir rale by B. BANNAN,
Sole A geiil for Schuylkill county.
July 16
• . Gr 1 cries ..
i T the sto r e nt the subset ibex, in Mnr rin' ad
1- .. ditilan to Pnttsvill€ , where may be had whole;
.ate and retail., nn the most 4rinderate term.:—
i n.
brown, Now and loaf 1111PERTO, black, green and
young nyson teas, m ;sea, fish, cheese, soap„
rice, corn e, clmsolate. sphits. brandy, gin, Pott,
Lisbon. 'rener Ws and then wines; rum, whiskey
and cordials,' halt Sp ish and eommtin angina,
pepper. Ogrife, ginger saleratint.eloves, nutmegs,
starch, mustaird, pilot bread, crackersoingar bus
cuiti,, &c. &c. &c. for ash, or exchange for coun
try produce. .
inns In, 29—tf • IfENRY -BOY©.
inilier • Ilaggerty,
Dry Gootiz;Groc , Wine 4. Liquor store
(Next door in Mortimet's Hotel')
; r im It connexion ith a house ill Philadelphia
Enables them to k ep on hand a very'exten
',lye assort mem of g rig. which they will sell et
Philadelphia prices, Store and Tovcro keepers
n rid private families, ould do well to call and
j•idge'lnv themsclves.i
f .
}Writ l 9 31
,1 ) ItitkEß it 'CO.
(Formerly Flirter & 14 ittieratia,)
II AVE removed on the opposite side of Centre
• 01 Street, a few doors above Norwegian Street
where they offer for sale a .select assortment n,
Suptsfine Broad Cloths ' and Cinwintetes of thw
most fashionable colors, with an elegant assort.
merit of Summer ...::loths, Vestings, !Amen and Ccit..
ton Shirts, Collars, Sosome, Stocks, Gloves, Sow
pendwl,Jinen an tton Hose, and all kinds of
Geolleine weari napparrel, which will be
made to order in the oat approved style as to the
workmanship, and lammed to fit equal to any
in the City or elsewb re.
P. S. I".*. Co. k ep on hand an excellent ite
~ortinentinf ready. de Clothing 01 all kind ,
which wi)l he sold at .
, rery Ickw rates.
junn 17 1 20
Yer,etable Life Fills and Ph
. • nix T_lliners. -
43:r A CONTRAS P. All nations; Ban the remo
test ages, have had shay's, but Columbus only found'
out the *ay to America. Before the time of the
great Sttantsh navtgato • peop.le were cuff enabled' o
paddle abOut the shoe . Just,sr, with' the Life MO.
i i
min. a It is hut two short years woes 1 first van'
roved upon an unknowp ocean, and I have dis co vered.
the ' ,rec.'s'', object I {vas in seereltOf—HEALTH.
Vegetable inediciiies wire indeed known wb, a I com
menced my their use was not. By the
use of them. I have no only passed from The dejected
invalid,ts the hale hea ty, an., attire man of thiamin,'
but. comparatively up taking, I have renewed my
youth. I can thus, wit i confidence in' mj own es e;
nonce. advise withly wallow citizens Does , he,
reader want ptoofthst 11.44:GETABLE LIPEMLD-1
ICINES-are imitable to his own civeti I have on Ms ,
at my otfire.sl6 Broadway. hundreds "'flatters. from I
ge, fu e.of the most reso emblecitizefis or thi . un its.
rive land:voluntarily ered in , estaniony of the vir
Fergana whot.'eeonsiitutiona have been rearly ra
ined by the"•all mineraA preparauona of
the day. will twar melatitneva, that the 'Life Medi
eines, and such holy. Ake the true canoe to pemtanent
good health JOHN MOFFAT.
These medicines ha e long been knows. andeppre
Mated. for their mon Mary and immediate powers
of restoring perfect h persona suffering under
nearly every kind. of mem, to which the human
frame ialiable. ld
• In many hundred.° f certificated instances, theY
have eve rescued su erers from thevery vergers' au
untimely grave, after 1 the deceptive nostrum* or
the day had utterly fai ed; and to many thousands they
have pMmenently a red therunifirirra eijoyment 04
health. without which - e itselfiebut a partial bins*
ec3 f.
Mg. So great. inn has their efficacy
and infallibly proved. et it has appeared scarcely
.lengthen miraculous t those who were'benequainted
with the beautiful lostiphirsl princhileg aped
wfi ( ch they are com oniided.end upon which they
consequently act. .It as to their manifest and sengi.l
We action in purl f • g the springs end channel of
life, anti enduing the with renewed tote, and rigor.
that they Were incleh for their nano!. W lath wan
[ bestowed 'Mon them t the spontaneous request of
several indiridught, w age lives they had ohniiiiinsly
need. • .1 - • •
The. orpprietorn rej " In the oponity alronled
,try the unirercti ditlb on otthe dai gen, for plec.
fag his. VEGEPAB LIFE PI . ,L11 Withip_the
IntoWlafge anilreach Terery individual in the pcimi
ritual* . btilike'lhe lost of perniciona quekerien
which brini tOf *ego bte ingredient*. the = Life)
- are purely.ond corm. ttrx
vearea. , intreilirildrtlOV
liter Mercuryo Anti nay, 'Arsenic: nor tiny Other
, reineral tin , eV far witateven• Iliiitylieltatiriel
,_. y
4 .
~,._ ON:tract* tom ire ant i liowerFul plaiiti.
rherirtneelof which. hough king known to several'
'lndian mike. and ntly to kone etninent phannai
oentictil chewier*, are itogetherankenwri to the:won+,
rent pretenderitp reel tocienene r if pile nevi
before tidinittletereki so -happily ....ati:' oes a com
lination. i . -- ....: - • • , 4 r .. . , .., ,:,
„...Their,first Operetio . Is Io)oosew ,i!teie ih eett a t ib
th 4 stouncikawl.ho " the Irbil-- 'N I . ;
pr# Otte
s 4
, P3i
ciudjuesejini iiity i
mice hardened'
volition& ofttle Owl
, •
. .
14PiTtia 11 0 1010111 theeniNtilitflifthe 410 oblleit' tad
rell a Valilnd'all4rt!"..^ l 4 6llll - Tial a t
e l
ith - blip of ear ondffint ,illitir ' ' witfit
lemuttent dattgare. This faille well *tin" to sit
iemilar ininismista;itlio the X ' tilbotiel
eg l
after dank and hetes the prejudiceof teeritirellW,
formedvaeit-againerthearnack ritedicifithe
The second effect of the VEG Lld. LIFE
PILLS is to eleanne the kidneystalid the: ereend
by this menna.the him and the langs. 4610111 MA
amion ; ofwinelitenttreh &kW! upon 'the meelaritY
of theortimry,oignne, The blood.' which ter Ifs
!red eater born der agerfty of the liver and. thilengt
before itmcs into the heart, being *is pnithed by
them' aidoiik Iky'' road coming Herne clean (
ettittach, , cwarseszfreely Alitongli the-v4is4renews
array-part oftbe systenehodtrimphaodi Oasts the
banner of health in the blooming cheek. 1 1
- Thu following antintiongthe Annaba vatieg
humanaiesses.To which the % r esemble/ We
arewellitnort to ,be infallible.— • ~ , •
° •
,IrISPWSIA, by thytrughly clearisingoo li nt and,
second spatichs, mid cresting illow of re healthy
bile, instead or the stale and acrid kind;o-Plattelenty,
Pai.rufflred-are Blast, L°lo7lPreto4: thirt•tiarn
Reeleanticut lR temper, Anxiety, Lan
gnorantstAfelanchely .which are the general wimp/omit
-or Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural cobsequenee of
its cure. cleansing the ishola length
of the intestines with's edema grooms,' andwithout
violence; alt violent panel leave the bqwels costive
within tiro days: Diorama and aw/Md, by remove
ing the shirp acrid fluids - by Mitch theali cediptaints I
are occasioned, and by promoting the Jabncative
secretion ofthe naming membrane. Femme/a hinds.
by restoring the blood to a regular citenbition.throngh
the pretests of perspiration in some cases, and the
through solution ()fall intestinal Obstruons in others.
The LIFE PILLS have been known t 4 cure Hhers
matins permanently in three weeks, and-Gaut in half_
that time, by removing local iufiammalion from the
muscles and -ligaments of the joints. Devsew of all
kinds, by freeing and strengthening dui kidneys and
bladder; they operate most delightfully on these or.
gans,and hence haveever been found n eertlin ram_ e.
dy for the worst cases of Gravel. Alsq Worms, by
dislodging from the turnings of the heeds the ilium
matter.tli which these creatures ndhero Altoona -ad
Consunetairtn, by relieving the sir "Maw* of the lungs
from the mucus, which even slight coifnot remov
ed becomes hardened and produces t ore dreadful
eldiseases. Satiny. Meru and ßaer Sores, to , the
perfOt parity which three Life Pillagive to the blood
and ifittuanonts Scor.indieZrepticare tHeral Cost.
tome* by the - Walters-titre effete: upon diffhdds that I
morbid state or which occasions all ono
' plaints, 1 1 / 4 mllow.L2amla. and, other d' Coat-
The The nre of aurae Pills for a etv short time.
will effect an entire cure of Salt et, Erysipila*
d a 'striking improvement in the C 'lima cf the
skin Common Colds. and Influenza. ill always be
cured by one dose, or by two even in t e worst cases.
Pi/cp—as a remedy for - this most•&stressing and ob•
senate malady, the Vegetable Life deserves a
' distinct and emphatic recommended' n. It is well'
known to hundreds in this city, that e Proprietor
of these invaluable Pills, was himse afflicted with
this complaint for upwards ofdarty- years, and that
he tried in vain every remedy p within the
whole compare of the Materia Medica l He however,
at length, tried the mediine which fen now offers to I
the public, and he was cured in a v ry .hen time
' after, , his recoyery had been• prpnou ced not only
mtprobable.but absolutely layout!) ,*eityliaman
DIftECTIONS FOR VSE.—T'he p prietors °fife
Viedlertistz lave Prue doesnot foil w the base and
mercenary practice oldie quacks of e day. in advis
ing persons to takelus Pills in large hetet/ties. No
gaud medicine can possibly be so r' • These
Pills are to be taken at bed time is ery night. for a
i week or fortnight, according to the O bstinacy of the
disease- The lanai dose is from 2 t 5.
theconatitution of the person. Very elicatepersons
should begin with but two. and itemise as the nature
of the case may requirm those more bust, Of of' very
cower habit , may begin with 3, and ncrease to 4, or
even 5 Pills, and they will effect a efficiently happy
change to rade the patient in their further use.
These Pills spmetimes occasion sickness and votary
rig, though very seldom, unless the sumach is vete
foal; this, however. may be considered a favorahe
symptom. as the patient will find himself et once sit
keyed. and by perseyerance will soon recover. They
P usually operate within 10 or 13 hoe,r!. and never give
. pain, unless the bowels are very mach encumbered.
Theymay be taken by the most delicate females um
der any circunustances.—lt is, howeier, reaommeed.
r ed, that those in later periods of pregipuicy should take
. but one eta time, and thus continue td keep the bowels
open: and even two may be taken there the patient
is very costive. One pill in a solion oftwo table
spoons full elevate r. may be given t an infant in the
followingdoses—a tea spoon full ev ry two hours till
Ili operates; for., child from one to ve years of age.
'balls pill—and from five to ten. one ill.
THE FOICENIX BITTERS, are o called .because
they. possess the power of restoring the expiring ere
hers of health. to a glowing veri throughout the
contutution.Posnii is said to be to
as the restored
life from the ashes of its owndissol tine. The floe
nix Bitters are eutirely vegetable, omposed of root
found only in certain parts of the extern counny
which will infallibly cure FEVER AND AGUES
of all kinds ; will never - fail to em tcate 'entirely all
the effects of Mercury. infinitely sooner than themost
powerful preparations of Sarsapard, and will name
dUately cure the determination of II DTO THE
HARD; never fail in the sickness tncnient to
cart ping',
females; and will be found a ca in remedy in all 1
cases of nervous debility and weakness ofthe,most im
paire' d constitations. As is a remedy for Chronicand
14aneatory Rkemeatista. the effica of the Phienix
i f a
Bitters will be demonstrated by t e use of a single
bottle. The usual dose ofthese bit is half a wane 1
glass full, in water or wine, and thi quantity may be
taken two or three times a day, a ut half an hour
before meals. or a less quantity m y Jae. taken at all
times. To those who are afflicted fah indigestion
after meals, these Bitters will prove invaluable. as
they very greatly increase the action of the principal
viscera, help them to
_gerftu4e their (libations, and en.
able the stomach to discharge, into the bowels what
ever is offensive. Thus indigesti n is easily and
r 4
speedly removed, lippetite resin , and the mouths,
of the abarbent trawls being cl std. nutrition is
facilitated, and strengthef body an energy of mind
are the happy reset% For farther particulars of
TERS. apply at Mr. Moffat'i office, No. 546 Brodway,
New York. where the Pills can til obtained for 25 1
cents, 50 cents, or $1 per box ; aid he Bitters for gt' ,
or 's2 per bottle. 1U - Numerous erdficates of the
wonderful efficacyofboth:may be ere inspected.
In some obatinate and complicit eased of chronic
and' inflammatory Rheumatism. fiver Complaints,
Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia. Palsy. des. injurefrosa
the Use of mman-y, quinine, and oth diatoms of Lang
standing. it may be nett ry - toke both the Life
PlllO and the Vicente Bitten, in t dose befeye re.
comeended. -
N. s.—These .Pills and the Bit ers, will get , the
maeury eta ofthe system infinitely I 'tertian the best
preparations offlartaparilla. and a ectain remedy for
the earaintir of the Reed to-the head. all trident head ;
1 cie&pi,ticiadenatet, die. _All persons who are, predie
Poled toapaplezy.peley. die., rho neiretbeiwithout
the Life Pills or the Bitters, for on &mein time will
save life. They equalize the circul ion of the blood,
draw all restrore : from the head, preephationtend
dotter off every imParity by the' po s cit the skin.
For' sale sale by - MILLER & GGERTY.
' <I gents ro the Proprietor.
'Pottsville, 26- -1-.. -+ ' l - , v ; 40-1 y
fling around them; red tti re
eels whinkr.opeq in the gall',
intestines Mbdr AftWkiile,
X A 1.4 IVOATtritArgt
' Looking-4k
NO. 27 North OEM strike; Phi
of the IVlerobidev
to this Lima- -
'nlo 7
•"---t 1 I favitif e rCzt.W •,:rk-A •tslZ - Pi e r"i2l:- - t"-..
ril l ailoiliv , ujiiii‘ll*6 l i ma f ... , ,z 4 . 4. rissitolloAli AliCki,3 i
~.1 ' •- : v + - . . I t -, . IIIit i I',WM.:,EVANS I V '
INERf3ONS wi_shinlrte: l l4llgt‘liulP4 ll : Icm: t" F . : Liar di miliairir t s - illilli
4 .. m - 7; th eirtin s tadiati &pi. rate attiNt, thiM *lt V hu ,, i% 7.m. ~, 2 ,_____ _ .., •
b d v er b i edivaiit h k et ,..,,, 0 ,,,,, , ,e, 4, . ~,.„4„,,.w . „.. hTFECT..,.--Wilea‘ ;a eonnd-andsei ,
•' *- " 4,- I . l t nit:Eltra - i ' ll l C l o' re.t u lt. allioeurlhu z2r lls..i. ge!!e"
~ • - : , .t , t .•4• :- ve - lra% r ib the te, bestowing DI And recem
' • o • tiO . O . Mto
Forthe accommixhiticof or those persons entre- Cialr Pr 2llll9 ' t :r eaa kr Jo,- r e , . " e l )
Alostot its virtues. or stem to en 3 ,, em. -;
:stag pisitge fol l ths — a„triends:iitho, inky "'Wm Whin it ties achieved_en ascendant career cruse
lend tbeirmone jr - Itilei Mein t 6 ptride'yof ~ mi .. : , wri a r ;than. the compel :w et , -a-a t e- 4 1
abet Soopagekilinftel yriLliteitvetton'thwfollbwing 644 0 1, pretonOonotadiaa stoma welt?otts
aimed moirebante;olm% ' ' - . I '' • ' station. in universal favor, by intrinsic worth, alone;.
P. W. Byrnee. -No. $. Waterider Tio#, :Liver, its preptietoeinitY Fotortut the eattnelibnl 2 isePen'
-pool; Daniel Writ; *Co. No.S,RobilisM4 st:est OlitOWitholik blaming the #iiipiecott efinvidioas--
Glasgow; William 'Riley. ;No. 25. Ito
4 9nai. net s in =l l 7 lc itx Lo griN m T i m iti t : . 4 - ..6 -' 7l Egra ' - gi c ' T
Diblin. ' . 1911 " 9 'l v,— PILLS., mithltured bY - I:ii. Williim Drills, at 100'
Chatham street, do not requite-his explanation of
their acknonnedged damn*, —for,the most eminent
pkiiiiianir thioughout'doillnited States Will freely, .
if appealed to, sintelftioilvblchlatts induced
'them terecobnttasod Ad* siiitstinaively ind Witiffily
as they to. And thoierreasoncans, that thesejudi
_citansimedicifies never initow evetrthe Meat delimiter
constitudainsouid have. in almost evetyludividual
case for whieti they ate prescribed, sinarkel4 west.
dent, a truly happy andpernmna ent efficacy. Pbyii-
Mins. marealeKeeellMt.thef:initial . Ofered to the
Public alletrany.quack theory of purifying the,tdood.
to the utter destruction, of the stomael and,howebs. •
Nifty the blood frogiall'iliseased buttnsithea unde
niably dti; bin tot by - destroying those fifteen. by
which stone's the blooni be stratained; They ate
compounded stpons theory which sit ppiesiw a Staudt
, to be a very essentialagent kit
to bea;.and timid. well
digested, to be a valurible friend to fie& anitiloed.—
They do nottpurify mem to glicpas.; and'stiake them ,
look like beings too rtfm c d to reantdo-long tn this
world; tautly
fi make them salturnen as possible , and
6t te-eneoun er the tiniships, and fidfifthe occupa-,
'tons of a unary life. Tberdo not make a vie=
lent purgatory of th us life. to preethe men the (Uteri
for another. They proceed upon thesupposition that
the blood, mnacles,nerves, organs. excretory -and se
cretory gland. mucuous and tclumentaiy. membrane% ,
bones and *WI. - of every him= being require lei
be supplied with nourishment' from as healthful a sto.
mail at can be made and, kept; aid upon the doctrine
that unless the stomach and bowels are in good order,
the blood and every other part ofthe system will be in
dutoreer. , -
And bow is it expected that they will seem lealtit
to the stomach and bowels? Why by enabling the one
to digest food and die Other to carry off whit is left
after the nulriment is extracted: in comipction with
the surphis Of bile, and the foul humoreofthe blood,
mumps membraces.end stomach. And tbey accom
plish these great feats of medicine in the most rim&
way imaginable. The APERIENT FAMILY PILLS
if the stomach be affected with wind, bile, or coated
collection...clear it. out. by a natural but a most in-
Rensible-soleent action, mei cleanse, tile whole ali
mentary eanel, without viping. and leaving it as free
without debility, as nature ever designed it to be.—
They do npftalte the skin off the stomacb,and bowels,
and leave them like a pieceof red velvet, as all phy-
sicians knew the strong drastic pillsdo. but they'
take nature kindly by the baud without gushing her
fingers. They cleanse every thing, without impaling
or iipuring
e anything. .
NN ben this "is effected, as it usually la by the use ()fa
fewef the FAMILY APERIENT PILLS. then come
~the celebrated CAMOMILE or TONIC PILLS. to
strengthen ts stomach and bowels which before, per
hap% weak', and foul because they were weak, and
endows them with strength to perform their impor-
I mot functions, without the aid of physic. The,. A- -
MONIILE FLOWER, when its valuable principles
are chernioldly extracted. is acknowledged by all phy
-1 miens, in every age , to be the best vegetable tondo ' known in the science of medicine —There is nothing
known in the vegetable kingdom of nature to equal it;
nothing that's at Cnce so harmless and so vigorousli
healthful' , aid in proof of this the proprietor of thy 1
recownedpillethat are made from its lamest pennies,
might quote almoit intiumerabloandeora, both ancient
and moderd, if his own practice bad not proved it to
tens of thousands. .
The effects of these pills a-c Hot only perceived. in I
an increase of appetite and general strength: but in
a restoration of the body to that universal rigOr in all
"ice functions, which indicates the return to perfectly
sound health.—The face, and general complexion'
speak volumes in their favor, and thousands of fe
males.can testify how much they have contributed to
their comfint, their complexion, and their strength,
when every otherremetly had proved worse than use
less. In nervous disease:9,ot id) kinds, they ate new
' - aeknowledged to be preeminent ; gradually restoring
firmness of body and mind , without those annoyance
and changes which other nervous remedies occasion.
Happy would it have been for many young persons
of both sexes who are now in the silent grave, Willey
bad learned to check the morbid tendencies of their
stomach and bowels by these pure tonics and apitriu
eats, withoin resorting to quack remedies. the names
of which are conceals,` and of which thet , know
nothing, That dreadful scourge' CCiNSUMPTION."
might have, been cheeked •in nu commencement and
disappointed, of its prey, all over the /and, if the firm
:patterns of nervous debility bad been counteracted
by CAMOMILE chemically - prepared; and those
bowel complatnts which lead to a boat ,of fatal dude- '
dies, might have been obviated by that fine alcaline
extract of rhubarb; which ii a leading ingredient in
the APERIENT FAMILY-PILLS. Before both of
these medieines, which are adapted to it majority of
the purpose?, forWhichs hundred o th era tare unnecea-.,
sarilyoseil,feveri. agues, bilious disorders. headaches, i
female debility, male decline. indigestion. and liver
template% would have entirely disappeared. where
many of therll have proved fatal- 1
rßabe itilisdisetly understood that these mediOinee
are not offered instead-of thiessrestural organs of the
body which other medicines dispense with, in a very
summary *inner. They are founded upon medical
knowledge, and not quackery, and do not take all the
red particles out of the human blood ceder the ere
tent* of purifying it. Inproof of which difference Of
effect, let the facee'sid , fonin of patients bear testi
tramp. They constitute a useful, effectual, and gene
rally appliimble class of medicines for every family,
and being both tenth ash aperient, and of the best
preparations known. no person or family 1 should be
without them. .They can be obtained wholesale and
retail ofthq en:unit:to% Dr. WPC EVAN'S. New Viva*
and of bismgents in town and country. With .diree
dons forum—They are rapidly supercedlng all other
remedies advertis ed birdie public prints, bemuse they ,
are fond to belong ' to a very superior class of papular 1
medicine:2i single trial usually'plaees them high in pri.
vale estimation, ,aa,they,:sret known to be-in public
„preference, and, Miles opmiou of physicians
Dr-WM,,, :EVAN S' OFFICE. . No: 19 Nonni
EIGHT WV PUILADELPHIA, where - his medicine
'maybe hid ' 2 Th*. Was Eying! Otilie,loo Chatham
groet,Pielo Ydirkmberethe Doctor may be consulted
- Weir sale
DR. JOS:latitlEltß*S Symtikthick fbr the
eldest; eikediest, end perfect .Mire of eveily
Vaal of wounds, ulcers, 'cancer and all inhumane
disease...arising nVill caning, eqtreezing, Urn:
lag, boiling of the impinity of the Mood. and also
r coring pysperMia,Thrtirt Innii, c asthma, liver
complaint, costiveness.C6licks, coney:lianas, diarr
laza and rbeurnatick pains, tooth ache, and,wire
eyca. Tim general itgent.'Priit:GAlM-Wagner,
Reading, Birks ciounly,-Pa. offer* 011ie to any
person affected !with' either of the , eitichlinewsee,
a certain quantity' Drilla g 7 tdpatiock "to be tried
and appreciated before making anymxpense; how
ever, the upplicattim =AU made flea, of post
N. B. This article cannot be hid genuine in
any drug store or appothecary shop, It is not
necessary to tallr moth about 'it, an it certainly
will recommend itseltto an enlightened - pnblick.
Bug 19 39—tf
NfilVir IRON
& Illapdsvare• Store. •
THE subscribers would tespectfulfy announce
to the public, that,he has added to his famine
mock, /rim and Haidreare, consisting in part or
American and English Bar Iron, Hoops and Sand
Iron, Round Iron, assorted Rises; Cast, Crawly,
Shear. German alnd English Blister •and A. Pd.
Steel Viges, Pdoinie.hole anvils, Smith's Bellows,
Cast Steel band. chopirrg and Broad axes, nails
and spikes, together ,with a general' assortMent
of Iron Illongery ) all of which will be sold at re.
duced prices, by 301114 GLAYTQN.
April 22 32
rimm subscriber respect-fully announces to the
At- public, that he will attend to the collecting
of acuounta in this boimugh and nriighbo . rhood, al
very ressonsble ,rates. Accounts -from abroad,
to collect in this neighborhood will be PrentlidY
attadtd to, and satisfactory references given it
required. .10111 4 : C . CONRA
April .5 27 ' Constable.
SwajUl* - ean*cea.
AS the intein.ranCe and luxury of the age are
hastening th'e ravage* of scorbutic complaints
and rendering the, blood more itemnrei and arthou-
sandi have destroyed their constitutions by neglecting
to apply. the proper remedies—to such, Pan
aces must be, and has been, more than doubly Value
ble as a certain imd effectual means of restor.tig them
to perfect health and. vigor. Few families are whet.
ly exempt from scorbutic affections, which exhibit va
rious symptoms, is eruptlomi, ulcerations,
logs of appetite and dejection, all arising from impure
blood, and if not properly *needed to %produce- the
greatest injury to the coastitutution, and may be im
parted to their offspring. Swaim's Panacea is recom
mended at this season of the year, as a valuable zesta
retire of the systeln, thereby mvigomting the constitu
tion. and enabling it to beat the debilitating effects of
the summer Season. It is conveyed by the circula
ting fluids, and corrects their tendency to all those
diseases whiCh originate in vitiated blood, diseased
liver, depraved appetite, or predispointon to affections
of the hings.dtc. No one, however. isiadvised to use
it without convincing themselves of the truth of whet
is here stated. •
'Phis medicine is now used is ith success la all mina
of the world, and is gaining great veputatidri isFag.
A fresh supply of the.Aledicirie just r ived and
for sale by 8. SAN AN.
Sole Agent for Schuylkill ty.
. .
Whit eau 'supply the above' medicine whOleside to
them who wish MI sell again, at Philadelphia prices
May 14'
Vegetable ITHiversal Pills.
INVALID* '-' 4 ONY. DISEASE but thou only—
ad impurity ofthy blood, which; by impeding the•
circulation, brings on pain or derangement in the or
gan or part Where such impurity of the Mood settles.
It is true, a seems' bf canna may bring about the
mate of the blood—lnch as a violent bruise or fall,
damp feet. indigesuon.pain in the head, dy..AEce. and
although it may I be said that these diseases have not
their origin to unpurity of the bloc ;.yet the effect ta .
the same, they all end in tilt impurity of the blood:
and Mr only object to preient the irritatidit inti /-
once* be kept op. in other words the acrimonions ha.
toners, he continually to prop the body, as lunges any
unpleasant symptoms, remain, with Dr. Brandreth's
severed with in suit idietit quantified' to produce copi
ous evacuations.W ill assist nature to restore every
organ to a auto ofteadth. This is on the principle
of draining: we drain a marshy piece of land, and
Von a state of sterility good prodnee a meat abun
dant fertilityland so ft is with the human body; when
any t ni all fa the *atter with it, we have onlyoccasion
to draft it by pcuguticin—and experience has taught
those Who have adopted this reasonable practice, be
cause eminent with lour nature, that they hate acted
rightly, the-result loving been sound health. It is
not more than 18 months since these Piths were in-.
traduced into the United States, but their sale has
been altogether unprecedented, therehasingbeenaold
of them in New York in that time, fully one million
Age kindredthwdeneiboxes. And above
. 104000 per
sons pan berefeired to in New York city-and net
the same in rbilidelphia, who have been cured when
every othermeans hail become altogether !unveiling:
Of diseases Which appeared of the most oppadtechir
-*etc:, and inn anit r : T ai i ses wherethe drudfnlravages_
of ulceration, h . _ PO bare ligament and bOne. and
whereto all app ce no human meant/ could toe
-Mb. have .patients, by theme of theu-Pfds. been re
stored to gond health. the devouring disease-hiving
been cnmplateiy eradicated
,' lYr. 'Wee. Efratildiellkihtokei •l aurae
, truth oftheabovb-siiiiple lbecny. - that he spent 30
"ewe% experiment - and labonous rematch, tisto.the
medical'properties ot the ettmero l pplants cinopos;.
lug the Vegetable Kingdomxhisob beinipte. cam- .
pose a nedicine which would m o cepartry; aid pro
duce by speelfieactien, avemoval 61'01 bpinimorx
from the blood . t he stomach hod bowel,. as hy-the ,
continuation' o Ilea Sikh a Wiedicibei 'sea 114
loon - are sate he earyied 0/E , and thabldod as-,
I ,me a mite Of pinkie and whoeier takuthese MIL
asdpersuereas eiritlx,thetni wit/ be latialhallhat Dr.
William Brandreth fifilyntsincd-i his philanthropic
object. - Itiertioek ansabsolute 'and known fact, that
1 every disenittovliether it be in the head 'or feet,liethe.
1 I
brain or ineanest
_memberiss , -huheitit -beitiCoutward
ulcer,or oniuw*t . ibselesi; ifs - 10 , Aleph arising
from surtereanikte;--tedecible teltidie':gratill 4:l3"cti
[ namelyamsontyrofhleiod4 , - . - 1 ' --' , • ... ,'.3 ,
crNorrieg , 4-A*DO r tg and ChemikelStemilifeliter
anyikajny with aninterfelt Eiraddretb's Pillei•ithe
comes those whe_WasithegennineettickftoPurelia
amity ofthe neer:Obeid agents or theasewboareldie li
[ tre be abovesneh dishonest •.: :•-, . , • - _,
I. Mrt 13;Theneguat'stre‘l • %Aire the Oily
moat presentilw&lntylkilltedinv; —.. ~ ' ..--,:i7.X.1
tmarandrethatke tw t than "'tiro* sheen%
er...,leaile and is an - —— ' lons/ ,
*hove Shit "XV h side:Pleleribi" lei.. g,i.::311:,:. .1
" yolirSi ii
1 ' tAar. bertha nowt ifinieeii*A. e
fe nc ing fhistiewth Pigillotkllley tWireiprWillkon ,
cheies of these IreehrliiitiVitebeetetfelt::"?l , `. , - . - 4
Sec; ' cd- -....,,, :',.,.5.. 42:4,y
biclosi ba vel e y i "
ust n eninutim.
red from
!ny e Gls49o4 :
1 erZ.. - iioni!.a.
pi' te, - iniiihe
.hitlile article
1 , , '• etiii for" "IL
iiriggit; . in.
I'tf - A -1
1 . ke-tOkie'
. .
!" ' , 1""' • .--
r • - • V' V'
Juir rmiCiiiiic—Mi. William Sitlinen,Green stt '
above Third at.. Phiiadelphia, afflicted for several
years with; the folloviinedistiessing-tyliptons t Sick
nesses thejtomach;lreadaclie,-dietherwe.' ValPitthiasi
-A impaited:Appetite. eantetimel acid and
patreatentleructatirms74oldromaind. weakness of the
*smi t hies, emaciatio n and generardelthity. disturbed
test, -a sense orp►'Ttsititir. lid weight At the stomach'
lifer' eagg; tughintirif4reat mental `dettrudvoVy.
' sertheriPeine le the ches t , biol. apdaides. costive-
Aeon. a tote far nocietpdrtoriTernatioo. in volontity
mgitutg and- weeping ;lawny aid- lsatuade upon the
. Mr, Stamen Mid.appliid to - the moareniinent phial - -
theirkiAti conaidero it beyond dirt power saf meth
eineto stollens liitit'in - health i. tiOwever, as his 'Mir
tiara bail rththeed,;:hlin toe 'Very deplorable condition.
and . haltsfeifivecoirimended by a- elative of his to ,
make trial f'Di s Wm., EVANS' Medicine, he with
,pairedto - the race and'proatred a - package.,
to which. heftily.. he is - indebted for his restoration to;
life. .healtk end friend*. Heis wow enjoying allthis;
tiMptic A si 'sir pirfeetr: health. Persona deturoimMif
l'aftlier I elimination. win be.enlieSetisthlii averT-Iterlr
polar ofhiti astonishing'care at Dr. Wet. Evans Medi-'
tal Melloo - Chatiann Bt.. - NewNork iand in - phil...,-
idelpiria.; 0r , 19 NORTE- EIGHTII , St: .----- ~-- ' t ' •
:Illiold by - ;--. = ' -----.IOIIN-ITONERNER,---I,''
Sole Ageotfor SchnytkillcoOnlY.
- 4mornille.. l sQtr-ekt - - :: :1:. -•:.:- ';- , :.?.,,,.... ',.:: } 4 441"
Atil-11011 -
Nov W. itagenli
Fez° k. of XL
Mac - - sipr6oo9:;
.. T og tker wit
_ .,
rat , 'in errii
10 50
tyrie,'vrab plates,. 2 2(
;eceipts 1 37
I variety of eitber Zook* at very
She times, ~
. CtiltED.
• the prevention 4 cure
:ougloriCeids, Asthma*,
isuruptions, Spitting of
)d, pismires of tie
tastand Luor,
ed but Dr.CLARESON
4RElO.lif, of - lho City
LaneaSter. • ' •
bottle f the Specifick,
thulium- *limner, all the
g i n.
at's ' °Obese dishes.
to particut i. ' etions respect.
'men, and • o. . patients are to
COW? at titiVtrealtbsis re.
d use/en mould lierthe pre.
blest pity* qiaiut o agetniapanied
1 crful and seihiftnedictnes, if
i s
not faithfeill.# !adhered to.
been taken. before - proper au
-4 of Lancaster, ail completely
t riesPerett - orieett of contain!).
ch are detaiiiert in the-bill. tic.
bottle. .0 - f 1
f the SPas—Jfir's lute been
fr sale at titheirfethe. '
! i"
sing diseases-41
ting diet and
onduct - thioug
seriptions - of the
with the mint ple
the tirectiohsar
The patina .
287 Iversen. v
thlaities lfi the
cured in; the
don, same-of w
einnpanying cite
X i * A supply
received •and
March 12 ;
[ant liitith i Ve - ry.
tairdiscover 4; idethotiby elect
valuable roe . te -'
_RSA ' AliqL.L.ll.,
' ittibin lon" . .1; grkv!tifite. medicinal
; medicine ;Mitred alter a re.
College. meet* teeemmeeded
• beat for .••• oz the prepare.
. trim of ; nip. •
y tie green *i • pit.rfeet eatery to
: teseientiouid 4,4, 0 .. to the public
l i:
til m . b ou l ei : i n m y :.i i: lr thethen hi i ' h i kinpol ' et4 t. - N.4!1-4,,:.4,-.b.7it of body,
!lemmas - of that
May iCe:Xtiicted,
propenies: Tfda
ceipt of the Medic
by the:Faculty ea.
tion - orthe Enid e'
This Extract to
chddris. and is C 4
a a pirider pith(
liadeviate and in
OWtinYte er4i
Bilea,exidch an
e lirce)
Paitreint ' lib
Cfordc r
"'. Tatter;
• Selefak . or Et
•rs arbring Hint& ?impure suns of
y e tong resideaioeiin a hot and an.
.r the anytidiUioutt use, of mercury.
t neceintstry l to attinh a few tertifi;
iadeffects:fkomfpeisons well known
referent:on , •
. 4 4Kdditig, July 13,1831 •
'geed. , hate gnsn&the Compound
•&rsaparill , (prepared . 14 George
r fatnities, oaf cpserfolly teem
`brit, as a enin safe and efiteient
see arising (torn ii:npurities of the
that I . wan foi tiro years afflicted
tiMet*M°4l.B /Keeton in one dm) ,
• into :inglorious Wee's. for whichl
edits, *hied but 'creased the die'
remoMmendntl . b try Mr. Oakelefe
did land :after' using
am happy t the ulciis are
and my , leg • Witness my
—mks. JB3l .
Syphilitic ay
And all auo
the brood. eithet
healthy - climate.
Lhaire thought
eater etita bettek
in the ceentyiat
Wra4he wide
W. Ottkeley) la
mendit to the - PI
tedicine.- in cr
Tb i iato ettt
with sh.obstinan
legs, whieh Wide
tried 'cerium; rew
ease, when lisse
preposition eiVi
several bottles - .
entirety remosi
This certifi4
had auffered fe
the tiihrlinie
the aid of the
Compound Syn
not eptilj-heale
f this tiffeitio)
and atter that
AU; midi bar
tlagant rtrbi
Reading, Sep
tr it hiy dmy to Int you butt .:Jdiat the
, zetrbottles - frtur ,iiiimihlto flinisapr•
6 you in !and taste haiidtiridy healed
''. mold me
it was Ortnithroftdooichar
of your medicine Yrtoidttiirobublj
ve bottles "llveo l ?lii 4iill, before it
I taunt ; the 'midi .to.-mOre:..thet care
L s
, better thirdly/xi tintkinihisin I use d
r no uppnaramtc o a tuit at rirphy s i.
I .Ti 3 perfect: -
: ell ' lIIStO*N.
i s l • valuable Med 1 • 'tit ituOiti had at
*Ulm% ' • I Mitidt*Drag MOM
i i; Retain . .ind iniiitiir!ho pen%
- Fres*. ;inn' tlfelsothes, it
[rice*, aiwkept 'fifirtuile,l ,the rub+
, ' . 'qEormr..o Y.
at 'll / 6 ilic"l4:iilraiiedeoteich &
i t
WM. 14_ lathe Or; -. 1rour, Ponsi
Ix —Maxi' intr . file aitiin offlauard
I ' n e , ;,•_,..,....., , ,,i.., 1.4....
tlifintimp'hiide ilrhy siOaturn wit
. 1 ,,b4 1 °1: - 'e l i t th .. . 14' .
rills *Sari
kt.tbe "
icter. ; the ti
bet' iefitit. The
wait healed; bit
eigisintit ie s
thi*;'lntr theft'
thus thinlii the
. .
Tiot a
the enbee.t .
North Fltth '
ripal dreg ate' •
.thelOweneasb .
Alick - te'be b
Katz Ktortown
town ;Peter K.
& Stivieb,l
- -• •
. .
'ACH.GIr;:' " ay
el:tired pit' us arliliat Adventori
is tr.- 11:3*141' ilireet fivin No
, defiy ch . - p i r ,
Pite'N'Plel d .!" , i
i ' Peirb,r 101 Poole beet!,
l e
-• do - i
.1 ! 1 .
i n iekidr sti A, t I'
16..011:i ref
:tar* ---.1- "
•!tipetio-r n
rt i l
._ - 'z rii rl:ti - _: ,
„.„ .
__. YerVIX . ,
- X
:elk: * '-'''''' • 1
'' . l 5,3 1 11 2 edi1,f
Y- %s -
4, 40IXf Itis:
, 41000
2 L 1 1606 16 ' . •
', e` - =:45 lAA -
Ifj ' ;alibi . :
~..7 „ .j. -- ,42 o, h iii
•:',4 7- -, ' .1. - 4. - ta'ad -
i i,*
.25 tiii
-f-ylitiv - Q5 ••••
ic t ud iv i i 4
Tim Priets tt
$ lO OO
- 12 00
te, • 00
- oheeP, 00.
3 , Ivals. •
. 600
tor‘abeeP, 4 .25
sheep. • -
[spa and
IL with