VI *skates lats feu that-kali and the power" Mr. Legal* marked that b atoms e ' • -, - Mkt Pornatr. te ' tiiibrelle eimosit ! r the-land.: • ' - Tilesgentleman 'tat as, re ' had listened to Wm great -or. ! now living. an • Poi had aim ior t bathe .had ter witnessed MUm great and • !fly ;amen ' - Mr. Preston, s'of Mr. L * of Mt . -. Ai d it was '• Charles the prat--fit WU iv rayed 1 d first arrayedpersonage in . d .plated the ' a upon Ms_ him forth to fatal block. t; t i s, Magton, .. p .... .. distindion of ig I. is speech as greeted that', a within the w erCongress, aid anew le. One gee ,Mgof it said, at luring the ' ' ebtser seemed to take a position vidneneetofthe lobe, and like log, to look down upon the im. ai spread his feet. His Potvision toole f fn and clearly ' iilitof governmenc.—the Cogitate'. ' f and every thing leant to our , hiehltemade as to Others w it.."k Was i possible." Mid l' la'Areat one's If of the idea being* er more than eiti, ping 10 a . ; . Superior to any human being rni known or conceived of." The - i beard Mr. Can -any thing sq • • it Kr: We • - Webeter's • the execothst • 'execution; be 'hsa royal robes 'bead, and then All men at W 'party, speak of Us ewer been tleman iu.s tint day, Mr. Von the bight 1 `some collated :manse country `sztendesfetfil 'nw the whole lion--currenc system; all of is he himself our informa nt, 'that he was ' 'human, or mu le had ever be remark of the York, in ref and Webster, `Speaking of th far above ever feel as it he to was nobody. a l Mr. Webster pinnacle afar!" . 'fled. with mar 'country, and page. Thtfy i vaults to be po tongue that. $f 'out the wide 'other hemilps men and dis . deep and cum knowledge. s: ' , military het adorned with aril nothingiu dialed by the 'eons of any ( land "or Fut those stations `eminently - and among and elevate them to a disc claim of super , te g rity—seer' ed equal rig! distrust; are most- booted to play the do the people, I —choosing , than by thei lions think . • —men whose whose abihtie Inericeo l—Con loqueng Peti. 1.1 ce tonic speech s some:vied, ling he said these heap else that been squeeited iA and Mr. aay wit Herald. , Winchester , irg''nii., V. fore a frienda nd zealous e bill of abomi ations coin. the Sub-Treas ry bil l, has ti i remarks, on e gut:4Elot of last number. Wben the .andid of the administration 1 to discodnie in ad ministration Wise, it cst day". with tile locofocos : rite measure.e Virgini. r, e Sub•Tressur ' Bill, "We th I. decide how : l , r the argu- ppOrt have bee conclusive, I . ns of it fully m We are I vet; that under existing cir- I . dte oppositi to the bill, 1 va rious sourcep, it cannot y friends, or sdirctioited by. i . i Signs.—T 8., and here supporter of t tnonly called I - the following that bill, in •i honest and presses begin must be "aim and their faro an mays, of t pretend not Ments in its s or the objecti satisfied, how unsstances, indicated fro •be sustained 'the people•" the Medisonie UN'S "CROW”-NOLOUrY. t, and Wheel ebere, 4c." an amended the resolution intrii r. Webster, soea to receive the • • paying banklizi payment of MR. CALI', "Mrs d. 'lBl6. Mr. Calh. duced by notes of public d 'lB3B. Mr. n declares it to be ancoostitn• ire bank Edges Sa•payment of tionai to r Bank Bill introd aced. o extend the charter 12 years. National Bank bank, dangerous titutiona I. , public d 1816. A nation 1834. Pro 1837. Believes end sow 1816. Vsoient • ; and ldterna Improvement ion. constiirdkmal—relorte to oullifr man. IPAES. In opposi 1832. Tariff u, cation: 1828. Strong fr 1834. Violent e nd of. General Ja boon. emy of bun' and artin Van Ito . cta with the in opposition. position to bold u "allies ih d "cover his enem !" ! ing vote as Vi resident for It as Fourth A itor." 1 , all sorts of bar names. marches." ging vote as Vice tresident to re. Van Buren from ngland.. by hie election to the Presidency.' oy an idea," ands ears allegiance 4i Boren. r Ist started for ashington an. •eawary, and op to a repeal stributiod Act. r. In Washing new light, a in favor of the Bub-Treasury repeal the Distrt ,tiod Act. mined by.the " as a con- taint the lib.) • of hie Conn eigriatedo"Crra L " pronounced by e:eamenrgan ran, and 1837. Takes a check" 1829. "Given• Mr. Ke 1829. Called h . 1838. “Cotutte 1831.2 Gay - call Mr. 1837. Horrifi -838: "Struck . to Mr. ' 1837. Septeto ti-Sub- of the D 1837. Septets. DOW ma -==voted 1832 to 37. De spirator try, and d' 1838. "Official & Mzas an , sad Suicide.— incident coo i y onmin,ol qa a romantic Mel bear atro resemblance • tic suicides so eminent in th e A young man named iougneYenti . ronamith in the , Eva% , Water . became •to a young lady . ding in Coin , , id", • the s a c • . was return mother rclimea ,er consent to she acquiesced, • her mother's , isr, finding his "to co loner b 1 the exists= *Mu mistress, • r. -he the . . , •_ th . put bar and Valle • • • Mulbthult to cuffed, yoga character, and to the rnelo-dra French cap' Charles nipbry of AV . gly a street near ed, but the girt their union, an ifecision. The *necßlT "ged. 63 ' and driven to kietoo the 7 1 ° endthis exists° eestraction of With this in lady, and;ai a breast pin, the now rendered. this holm of Lion the pater of alictiao quid it, and the 2113 lweiset ft& of eloquence =SI . The Collet letting - operation' riesetlf broke - Dug at . Itionii.ol4o,. niaithave been on an cite , e seat.. i t The' Airco_ a'. 3 4 1 " 'aim ssys th t tlio depeti United:Star Marshal at t villige„ *assisted, since the 29th of ; to laet,,ioeteeting six Alni /ft/4 and ' Ar Aiv Lts . 4iitima -4141iire- in counterfeit easy whieli.lwea : in re:dipole, ;but bad nev been hat ikeireulation—hee made _twent siv,eriette, and eapturild three preesei together selththe plates, dies; and other pparaths ,tiir inanufeeturing counterfeit only. , ~= . ; ' Kr, Dedk. -- Tagiettal!.—Wct loon flora a slip from the arkmal ,Conrier. that Mr. Iheith came near kill ag Mr irlynta in that ay. soma 'days ago, wb 'abeam& slider a khan of toy[. n ay. Mr. IP. severely hut mit dinproody wousdad, and ld have *ea UAW . but br timely issistaalui. • 1 ' '4 - - • , St. ' trields . Day. The litmi -4 • ry of St: Pitrick was celebrated in Our borough by the sons ti? Erin and the Mends *of Trelana, by sumptuotislintertainzeitt at the Pottrrille H. kept - by 10. O'Connoi. Intho antis of the • tde was. splendid tatanuticsii.ohai. lobed during s winner, by . Mrs. gall, of POrt Carbon. Capt. T. J. ; was tilled to the chair. dated by 111- re. W. B. Hull. L. Lamm, A.St.l Clair Nichols, Walnut 01 T. Pay. as Vahe Presidents. The cloth being tetnorea; i the following tew l eW Were drunk; With approgiate abode. 1. The day we wilebrate.‘ ;pear to thirst:ol4o don of every one whose he*i't throbs with a drisp 'if Irish blood. _ St. Patrick's_ Day.i min of New of Mr. Clay ter•e:eitiog.-- en towered so ey, made hue o nothing end 'e readied die idehti of their historis ins h.avc tOovery hrough tea and states. whose varied :es, the Id keis sificance en appre thei chi of Eng sd to fill aides so tepublic, regard, entitle lged no slid 'in id boast. in with and al 'descend wheedle A friends their etas 9. Ireland, May vt4, hirifitOnaP;O;;; Careares worthy of the enowa Of het warriors, patriots, statesmen and poetex - -4 rid MO we hail the •day that she willl r ks her plane , ' tattoos the Ike, at. lions of the ea tit. , I' , • - , he dear Vide isle in the *elm 3. The United litatei. • The asylum of the per mit:Wed and the oppresited ofellthe earth-letitot ter confidence be abased. i„ Hail Colombia. 4. The memory of ' i i Robert - Bandit. When shall the plain cold matib ertiblason forth thy hat words ? " when my wapiti, takes her place a mong the nations of the earth. let my _epitaph be written." , Ob braithe obi Ids =the. 5. Tbe Hibernian Himesiiierit Society of Potts. ville, and atl amane benevolent Soeietiaslin this region- ilnecwuretiend such laudable hi. siltation.. Banter. '6.' Erin.. Thy - name esti ;brings a thrill to the hearts of thy r. bildre Whemsoever' dispersed.— "Erin ma vourneen, bragh." 1 • Erin go Bregh. 7. Daniel O'Connell, thenhanlpima of 'relied- Let kim be firm in defehce ads land of our birth —moderate in his renr4rks,; upon the country of our adoption. A Sprig of Shillela. 8. The Emerald LK A green !peck upon the blue waters. they De feat men on—and an A- "Breathes there i snen erltli"eoul io dead, Who never to himself hat4l said— 'This le my own—ntr itetive land." - , &me, sweet boom 9. The memory of St Patiick. At thy hallow ed name, serpents . cense tg hiss; thy cone are prone le strike, but Tenant they have none. Rodin CsMle. . 10. The memory of the itartyr• of '9B, com monly called rebels. pros; there a true -Irish man who does not gluri in the name? .. portuguese Hymn. The shamrock. 1: Emblem of persecution ! mach trodden on, but little cherished—still thrif ty under the benign influence of the devout ham • 'the dep. Ruh, shamrick. 12. The eaterinienti emigrants of all nations, who enrich this country with their talents and industry; the drones we donut want here. , • Yankee Doodle. '1.,. Woman— " The world wire sad, c reation was a . wild, And man the hermit tithed—till woman saill'd." Believe me if all thoseiendearint young 'charms. {The following lett4 was received horn the Rev. R. M'Cartee, and *rad 'from the chair] Peer etasori, March 17,1838. Geirrunrect— . L - I deeply regret my Inability, (in eansettence of an accident to one o , my llmbs,) tb avail my self of your very kind :Mid 011ie invitation to u. nite with you in your oniversary festivities. Bit assured that I duly appreciate the compli. meal, and that it would afford me high (retiBe:l - mingle an yom ' I celebration. so dear to Erin's warm and roue Nailed 1101:116 Although not in th land, of your father., yet b iota in the land of your ers;lit is your privilege. onawed by p inane. tintro.vand ontramelied toy_ unequal and oPplleek laweAehnly, *lively and vd the thankfully to reimeein, full possession (Wynn? birth-right—the birth-r gist df right to be fres. Indolge Me teatietr in the ekpretalen of the sincere and ardent d re, that very soon .rdii, dear Erin, the gem of , e see," with every shac kle broken, and het hatp new strung, may take her place among the .rte nations of the earth, and in the language of her-own peimortal Carrie, be o re d eeme i, regmurratelf and disentbralled by the irresistible genius of • lYMviotiaL Ewinarrairtort." • I have the honor ti be4entlemen, your obedient servant,; t R. M'CARTEP.. To Win. It Hull, Tarene4Duffy, Jame" Clea ry, E. O'Connor and rtfui. lagtorty, Eighires. The following toll** tornats Wire then drink: lly the President. dim Hull. of Port Parton. the tooter-mother of tiiikaiijitthi emblem that graces our table.; freed'iM Om as though it had sipped the dew fromE i ee idies. Vicelet President: ?'P its Borough of Pottsville and its liberal. miters rig hchabitinits ' pleat the wod. , I . i . Sid Vies Poole. May die;triehnoth and their descendants ill this County. never haul their aid to measures which will injure the prosperity of Cur commerce, manufactures,..the Coal Trade. 3d Vieefroet. "The l andof the free, and the borne of the brave." May per alwaYs remember with (retell' feelings, the assistants she re ceived an her stiuggle for Independence, kne - the brave eons mrt.itei44l. And may tlo, hde of die 'kir*, arit , whine dpy WV celebrate, neon be asp*, teamed aniddins. thorned as the land whiol ,re a welcome. mid an asylum to the oppressed Of all mains. 4th Tice Ptak TO ProSident of the Mated States. . ' Irs l ini • Greened-Of sth . Nice Preet. . ,f • gem the ocean—may. her - harp be Mee •niore Atha with tbe *nan d , fre edom, and . lMT . hale and velleyeealte the ' : te due : Dam 6. miticipated Into *Si' • •I•s_ wqrsE n Rev. A. WablwriitaLlithciPatrick's l Way. A day that ea bititrittes • allitotpie. , -•we will 011ak veer bail its return In - ;mirth swil Maly thanksgiving .* :, ..'. • ,', ii , eZ e...." Patrick Curry.- The 7 its maim" be amphibian of ha: • li-hn• rang of bet. M John m'. : h al Roberttsmoi, the eloquent end matiaalantadvanttetaltsse4 ity, Oaks, and pelithiqnietiont: . i. . losable by the me ted y 1 visited' the 11 offend hey a I ratahed mug, lb - 44'4E441 ft - ,p 5 .7=3 . ".• ; -- ';: fIWRB'JO!JR liKii Era --*. -.-- - o . ;&*= ildiiiilkiltfiW lei.• - - eiry,lonsinnd• Wrenn's:WWl Mk akar.' inter bad.-fts ids lifit.- ....; -- --..- -:. AM :I *Until , . 'lrishiren adebrati4 daythe . . . 'bent the Union, enjoying: nail end , libeity to overfiociring=4et es tit . fin-, get that we Mgt all to the cesetryof ere ddoe , itneplilieireir, -. Gens.iseiMir laclitsit.T4 Sprig fraietlisiZeierald Isla—bis deeds give A- Alencliiks. came In be proud of Irlehans; eel:lsis., awn(num lo biproud of the Airier** anni. Jaejtes Daniel tresemp,' thew ,- tinguaihed patriot of Irish liberty-,,may his. iun• litimd; career end in the liberation °this country. Mau Hogan. The sons if et. PatriCk— men Who never turned their-becks epee a friend or anierseury el. ..• _ -, . , MOis Mullen. Ireland.....anny, the . lime speedily arrive when she arillthroirei the Ytkitit of tyrnals, and put en iheinsuitle of liberty. Patrick Daly. Meters stimulate each other Man ' ulation of Bt. Patrick ' s SWIM.- Tit em k Vorilty. Matthew Cares thiacholir, the patriot and philanthropist ; who" s esteemed by Odd, bred by the ror.iSrOpielitoi by , 'the • . ' - MI . thSwAL The Eadii that nohle bird, 111 04 des ' bl ew - of oar 10101ited Mondry& should any , &reign- seamy invade it, Inlshetise Would 'resist ' ft,an not allow a kotheito bejihteitief 'Biota its wi. _ . • eel Daly. ifiitue,Blerty end indeiiind 4l en ' et the spirit of th at lento be air auto gubth g eharacterisda. • - - 3. II: Downing. Ireland. 'Flee land leftism% heart! and home laeses"—.lser sons ever tree to the minis offreadoas. will always lied a bolos Ind i 'Acadia Aniensa. .. j .. ~1 Strata. The eons of the Ertairldd tale/ ever t rue to the dale of Matt James Downey. „The mier* issatnien and colliers of Schuylkill Cdantyz.-tney they ever re member that their interests are the bane. Paxnek Quin.. The day, we selebrde-:-may we lobg continue to honour and celebrate it. Thema Quin. Saint Patrick's! Day, the day we celebrate—dear. to the heart of every true born trishinen. . P. army. The stamen that took us under its p teetioo and treated is With'hosphality. By a Guest. The United Bates of Atherico, the antra of our •ideptlors, the 'Wino of the opp -4' mg they her sun* and Ali* wave L overt is happy laid. • Julies Cleary'. Never may the maidens of A merica close their hearts, or thi eagle close his wing; against the exiles ef-Brin. . Th` as Lynch. Civil and religion-liberty all over e world. • - D 'N. Palmer . The memory Of'Robert f t!, Porn —uauld %Wei wittiness hardii." The enth untie and eloiluent advocate of heinsoney. justice .and pantie'sl freedom: whose towering ge nius .tdded localisms to virtue, and whose faint. Inks nt to religion amore celestial aspect. eßeai high thy bleak miratio. luiTs, - TitY dielter'd 'alkyl ;Mildly epreast . And awl* poirrthy thousand rills, ' Add wave thy heather with Memo= Md. "Sot XII ! What poet now shall tread ' Thy airy heights, thy - woodland'reige, - Elmal .hat, the swectrest bard is dead, nit ever breathed the soothing stnun 7" P,airick Langton. Ireland.the of berms, statesmen, and poits—she has done more for the world than fee herself-.6may the bread whishe has cast upon the Waters. 'be returned -to* in the speedy restitution - of her lost rights. c4 n W . H. Mann. Irish might, end Irish right, l meet on fair Columbia'. height. • _ Plea Mullooley. Go . ark where kriti's heroes felh T • genies frost the foram shines Inv l irnons zeal eadletriot ;lire. •And warms the stags-with burning lines, Or glows along the setinding lyre; And Irish tongues can never fly Thie just retort and q, oick reply; rinses louts from strife should never Amp, i Erin vent as *ell as free. ' 'll the Company .. der worthy bait and host ess, r. and MIL Connor. with thethanks of the puny for their superior entertainimmt. and maythey long lice in health and happiness to contrOsite to the enjoyment of their friends. Thitabening poised off with the ohnoet hilarity and (mod feeling. 't be company did mit serrate until }tier 10 o'clock=nothingiwthe elighteside. glee Mailing to mar t lte fehtisitler. " . . 1 MARRIED Ori the 22nd inst. by the lies. Thema. Soveteign, Mr. Ctr.smits BUlllik* to Miss FrNeLza, all of Pottsville. DIED At i Mount Carbon, on the 17th instant, Mr. ;Axes, late of the Parish of Eille is ney, in the county ef Wexford, Ire. land, " n the 85th year or his age.' • M M. 'Linsley was the Captain of a com pany in the Rebellion of 1798, and took an a ive part in behalf of his oppressed coun man. Ile was wounded in the bat. tle of oscommon, in whicli engagement he bray y fought for helve successive hours with et moving from his position_. _ In 1819 be left 'his country fol. the United States 3 wherehe has ever since been known as an excellent cititen, end an honest man. His remains were a&ompenied to the tomb on Monday last, by the St. Patrick's Society, in full regalia, numbering nearly two . tusked, and' an immense concourse of ~., kr. . --' 4, _, : . &VIEW Ori'lie NARIEW. t Para*, WIE T FLOUR, by the load was 50. da riVll T 1 50 t riivesbel. is ileinesii: , RY FLOUR n o ... _, BU WHEAT F Rll4O per cwt. le aimed. • R by ih load . *eau by the heeleili-miely sale. R CODP 10 ants per baidielie deemed. OA M. seate-rledy de. , PoTATORB 0 miaow besbelladessuid. ON4-11 .1 per bushel is deems& LER SEED-48 NI per brelheL .. Ti REETii44,, 00 per bead. - Ma- I 12 perbuidieliarlyeSuid. gli-iN reeds per gallon. BUTTER-14 ceeriper poesd-lsi Rai Mows :WigN•i-INees Mew LARD-10 coats ei p per er posed- VAELOW-9 Geste per mind. , . HAMS II morpirpossiL. _ CORN CMPIO Mate per Nobel 'Lipman.. - BAININ-IS cools per pees" ,- BERNINAN4IB slate per souk FICATHERE-44 mow posse. , COMMON WOOL-. 4. ants per mod KA aßLfAida bbL144.1411,41111,1, a S.sll -II 6S i perbbl4lNffierbeeliii. -,, P ( t a b word, WI OD per tsar 11A 1111 - per tee. • . . i ~..„,1 . , , =MEI tiitti•lii iT ' , 4 1 4 11 .* '1 4 11 rNiar04. And .. Pyruhed 114 &el whi t i tigii. 01. , . . 1 i ) 1 ' ---- i st , *l t y swim health tbeeempinp- yea Ithr es} - , Woe itgetn. .c . .••...,... . I. And the Beg ler thikle, it's zwetament. vim • • a Nis =niter*, Ste Nut Stratems kcii. - „ , They urn the pt. wo - yery men Wow— i Hereon teiehh to Um Company. welt Arista illinaill* _ • i - 4 . -1. Mid tbeliest It um la. Wllitllhon Tar. ' The- Min imams and Amok% very aeon; We Win erub Um spin with a bottle of obaso4 pa . The two jelly in that bartbdad_the " 1 /0 1 Tom and , Sint. • .. - - “/ We irdl take Mond int waehjaint again; Weriie Cheattlt • thit Company. welt-ohneteni hith again. • And ittmeinstO Ttail:mrs, Ma in:re4.24 I FIAV . *- this da engaged ilk a!gtit mY mkt Glut, , act fin' ms..ond in am nano. JOHN C. CIRSOVIZa, _ St2:4 Middrti M commonly' present **sole' this enenk JOHN C. CIRSOVIUS.. 3fiddleport, M , 24, HO& 22-3 Boa ibr Sale. • • F 0 UR gamine Scbakylkill Bouts. built-ui nab oral growth tubers, and term* reasonable. Apply to HARTZ. tti et+ 24 • 22 Piny Dollars Iteivaird. . 1. ipIOPAPED fro th i custody of the 'ankscriber " Ode day. a being taken on a &del, 'War ms* Me a 7 - Had on when he Wont a way, a beaverteisa rock coat, i for cap, is about six let high. Ws t irmuth •is the fore , part of Iris uppecjaw, is II outwlstyliaree years orate. Theaboaereward will be paid lb any person who will apprehend sa Trego and deliver hint to the subscriber, or wenty-five dollars will be paid if apprehended and kolgotlin any jail within the State of fairvivActs, io tliit I Ilan get him. :WAR NOCE, Constable ofßatiritiiCreirk township. oirhihip, Mardi 17, 1838.1 , ird is offered by the Coostkble towisahip.tor the apprehension i, in addition tit which I will who may apprehend him, the linty-five dollars. ' JACOB BOHRBECR. 2frp-3 Roari Tiea lLe e reek I I PC of Ravi it creek of Tre • pay to soy porous further am of tw match VI Iliptice 1 . Ciintistolig. ' Jame River avd Kanawha improvement. POPOSALS Will be . recelred at the office of . the Company. in *City of Richmond, on. til the gth day ofd.pril nut, for the construction of all tite•Airm briar* between Richavoit4 and Maiden's Advent ■artd ate dams itenitie,Tames River, shelled ••tively at the mouth of Tye I, * itsverattilmaie F sod Seven 'islands. The twit Ant o the above named dams will be about SOO feet lon,eed about #4 feet high. The 4 foundations : ire rock. ' . The depth of 'ter is the summer moon is generally i e td_ Antr feetifebri. ' - • The wortrif- . imlt-be required. toy the tallith of elgreentetas, fo complete the dams In die course of-the nes bummer and fall. and with a view to this :ob . ' proposals are *only invited from men who the hecterwarY skill ainl abil ity to tee . olllprial Milk. i s Thewootten guprd Wettest the sites etthe l'Ye Riser and dish Ps Falls dams. watts ollarea for contract at the is e dine. , The plans an d penificationb dsity lie inn at the office of the it bicriber in'•this ray'. Pill ARLES ELLET, sit. • dire./ Engintitr 1 silßiver 4. keintiehe Mop. e Richmond. Sat 111, 1838. -WS Days of : pritail for 1838. THE Coattails - . " sjt officlinylkillCturnty will meet tithe fu lo W ritg. places and days at 10 o'clock, A: liL to -, sll 'hoes who think 'them selves orrice . edl btho last ikitcountr. Ois Monday th • Ilitt ot April.. 1838, at the Conimissioners' II thus in Orurigibarg, • for the t i, a Wreath of Orwiv rug, Er and . Wail Bruns wick, West Penn. Rush , Union, Schuylkill and lidanbeint townstd and Tanetticn-toroulit: On Wednesday be 18th day of Anill, 1838, at the how Of Rend , Eitager,liigterslosr, Pot bine,,i i t z for the 'borough of rittavilhi, Nor*eghtn. Barry and Upper Mahan ngo townships. - Qn Friday the of April, 1838, at the booms after Filbert, in keePer.Piorgrore* for Warier Pinegroes. and Lo Mahantango townships., noels ittbabitan • orManbeim prefering to M ONA theappeal at twills...are at liberty to de op. By (wrier the Commissioners. JAC: 'IIAIR3dER,CIerk. , \ BO march 17 D THE partnerahi Tbomi Bgl I . 1.--(":117(Y:A ME - -*I , Antis, it's Strotbent'avvia. ' JANES PALM*. . 246. 11114. M • WraPPkg Paper fire We end mail. Wasp, by B. DANNAN: he have; et tsitittea lb _Ur; me For etorktioas Os iiteirity. Stabi t ere requested to intikierior imitate tb.3lit of olution. . herstodwo ea:jilting kwreen CO. li aster% was of Man* IMIs. rILIZO 20-3• ill Word mimosa* "arid: &V. 4lkc. The highs* produce. SON.! =Ell liAltiMr t Y J WM -,: ~:1.,1..i... ' - ''' -=. ' ' ' '...ll.l"iiiii r ---- '-',•------(:„ t soix um' ' : , ' _ 4_ 4 111 = I ' :.• 11 - L intim i ; ','?'r.R ., -lt '''' ''' ' '. t ILI ri , m g tartc nlllll"!kireattVitt6Occii,..hal . 1 1.M6ComiLiliceisiiit. • I :•fialt: — =' , ' crOin TresellEnti o 1 , _.=::, „itt i tt l r=. - , gactarinec,74i awed,. Wane.: aisaprimoVP,Pot. &Work, s i. Gowebenisa ais4 Ciniaa. WOW - with *'' lostribaat•alViamp Horii illhaalticusia M Fkrcenz a daigos E riawa and ercepers.... i „ s „„„„, „ s „ nw",=aa VIM f r iaks.-“wk , "•• slaw -- ft/imolai amming Plods. slid id! "#ri.j. t4 O r Ya i l l ikitt r eletabkt , " id! otmr. as usolciaat sassy rum Packs ~ ,, Br, 1 ' '•1 - , MOERT Walk ?twit , —ii: .- • ?"," 10 ' - 1 0Poittcli A - ' far tha . ' ' • wilt $-A , • : 4 1** * A6 , ~. "ra t all Mafia wil t ' ', . ",, lb ! -TN pat carellicoi - • , e , , ..,, , ~.... , ~, iotatti i • ler ClitalaretA fil ' ' VA& March 1 ' It•. - ~ 4„Lt. IN ~, • .41-rikiturNl ,- 1- - " v i ;7: '' ... ''''' ' * : 1 1r2 1 1 1 -004W . ..:17 , ,• ':4T - Pir.. L'OF:I, 1 411 E eu . i. 1 0 1 :0 1 1, - recte4, fit i 4OPF waking - tart , thoutafiligektwa4, elk SCA, *bugs to be'fiesliAltdrof,A• eilleet quality, all of - hith hairellatiito‘Ktod Witll4' ,Farrty,Torpip et , Lartgirottl( . Len Blood ~ Tomatoec ~.'• ~... , ! EarlyYaek CsOsege ' Windsor Imsib , • i tergerYork tdo . Butter-hens 'bed !C, Dr: F i lmed t do - Extra wetly , ~.• . 'Gr doled ketary * ' dolterliyelentieelsiOs !. Red pickling g I llotlktne eirlyi MC: j Wellitegten 1 `doCestee's earlYitl- *rich FletiDotela do dwarf pose , . ' . Snits' lost . - ; 'di, Green bunt* do , , , Bullock haul ' 'do Etiverf.marrow.fardb— sit Curled Crew Large martowfit de Oraegacarret A4 g PanigUS _ . . Baryfrknie- cumber Red solid °sift Lon Pickiiii' 1110 . White solid' de Eii ,y celled face matron melon tale. Reid do Notereg Yeekki Early cabin do Belly cantillowir Yellow winter cad do Eggplant' • . : Moderd seed -Nasturtium • ' ;Curled o rtry,Vi %ill nowt pepper - ' Seger. 'lle — rion Plulpkto ace d Sweet Bills Sweet wafjoram White puke Soraidei- iioory Yolk* do , 4 1 r. Sweet basil Red; animal , ' Rhubarb Early . nalmoniradish Thyme Early long w tut do Lavender ' • . Whiter turnip do Mignonette Red rturnip do Hemp seed - '\, Yellow summer do Canary seed larding. - Corn - Flat:bosh 'g e l's& . Flower seeds, 4.C. die. All of wht will he gold cheep by ' , B. BANNAN. 17 much 7 at ill Wesee:f .vml Joseph Weaver's! ATIONAE HOTEL. - fkirEß , pier*, &oh:keepers, and others, bo wishlo acquire,* bend etatahle for the nounting4ouse, or the common puritan of lite, comhi itqureattimidity with sale, bold nese, and bemity. are inyttecl i to at the and t i odvs of his mcritat and capabilities, is teat er,-by al ob+ratioh, the only !sum and 4.virtaia I • It ours tau doh, from gi A. M. to 8 P. M. daily. N. EL motion title* for Albums, Visiting Calls, torah with all kinds oftornamenterwri tingi penned s i the `shortest notice. Ladies w may Wish 'Fo acquire a neat beau.' Itifoll style o ffdeer, .w "bet`tauf ht at - their test. deuce. , R. it. meow, march I 4 . _ 10„ . , PIIOCLA , MN. - - Whereas the I ffononsble C umin : vulg. Escpire.Vresident olthe sever ;al COurta of C. amen Pleas of the counties of Thist.. 1 and Schuillillls in Penney vanlie4 Pll l ' pstiee of the .semi Canna of Oyer . And. Tertruner • and V. eland 'I Delivep.ifn the aavt.. Lades; and -Demo Ratak ancbDwaskkott, Esquires,ladew df the getter 8 and Taiwiner aodGetittalJatt 1:1110 'livery. for the ' of all capital and other offenders, thit int is the add con ;is ofSchuyl 11—bi thehrprecepts by gyeAractoid.t - - . atOrwi .the 30th defer Pew.. JW7o. hive 6 red the' art of (liar and Tormi• period Gette 'Jail Deli ,to be balks:at Oarics- Uproar .4 1o to nday , u March enest. ( being the Notice is t rehire berehi li gition. to the COTIMICI:; the patiottoof ce. and g o o r f y stablesoftliesard gent/ °archival% that they are the said precepts dog pansies to be then and th at ten o'clock in the Atte. boost; of sad*, whhtbeir rolls, reconia.inguisitiona. pinta: summand all oth o er4gphlaneel. to do thaw chirp wille.h ro - their - appertain to be deg. arid thine th at are boo by pros torso aphist the prisoners hat are. or then shall be to thiejail of said coanty of huilkill. atts to be than and *fie to woggle t as shall be join, , L • PETE F. LUDWIG. Sher i:. sh.ailriartee. orwi ' ag; Mai-A ISIS. $ . - R 43 1, , _. orq sista tke . -- KM. Thb witnesses and urors who areautunOned *attend said Court. are ed to serve pnactiodi q. 'Jn ease of nonwttenda , thelaw in such goes wade and ' provided : will Worm!, this ugh* is published by particular onl r ofthe Court, those ga gged will therefore go themselves accordieglf INBOEVENT DEBT s = w a il", blivitappliedlottie3olioftheCourtoiromaoon Floss ofeeknylkilictunty,' or the beeelit of the sere- I ral Acta ofAesembly pa - for the ndiefoilbeol teat %We* & thattho said J • • ex haveappoloted Bon.' day ilia 96th day Oblate next. at 10 &clock ikthe formica, at the Court la • -. in Orwideberg. for the her* otos and oererodi • re, whale ead•where they ouryatteed if Minh p • • r. TOMAS a NE. t • GEORGE PIrAFT.. ABRAHAMLUTE ' JACOB M EiNIG. JOId, BEARD:h JACO k B BOIT*, RE F ••• • - A lic t opsE. auk& or 1100 he-wool of Moe t Catbo; the hole!, is ler Kole. aid end ihdibed. iseetaioirig hitehast and WW I io istory. and pro rookii es the first. ' and third doors eieh. The itabitris -likewise ' .ICW Stone, and .fitige Ocetkik frt at modal' tour borne.: 473 1 41111o fi Nett e 6:: i s h pr l"43 loN oire4" .4 l'hb Otimitkin • is iisty,Ofsirt, and **" ifititY.W . therlaillibdlir itiliratikr ea PI:- agatea for4liiatmeo lordliollder. • A liedn tila of Ole pram, tete ;re' u al)* to ilEa G.VINICOO - - .I,usarch -18-0 I" t t7 ; l e r t aC , 1.:.11",101 I. I, Mil ~~ r ,~F ~: - CM M „,,,,. .41,434 . • •-.. -----t."7 ~.c . -.:' -- ZJ04141401,5.;:' •, 90 . 14:0:k r - 77 A1;11,;1-1,.,;„ int S.... ~,- -4 -„,r-:,,, 'viiirit 4 ;l l _fi z iTatiLiii,*-_,!,:, :,.PH I.. trs'o,of r:a,,,,, ,: ,, , , v0,...'. - 4- : 1: -, .:!' : *,,t,, 01- -.:: ‘ , , ..,-.--y- ~.-..-ii**., ...!.-"1..,..',;',11- 10.. -,-: ,r : , .. ', II/P ;If .-i04146016°7,:'1' ,- -** ik -1111 . ~ swirkwo,A'',A • ..--, ,-..:: ..-, - - 7,11,._„_,_'• ~taihis ilikilL,i_-•:141!1-- ,ktlpgi#vAfv;.....!!!n r. -11.: 7*The fOtioad=o- ‘:, : :•,:i i.-1',,, 3:g . , : • -::.1 ~... pi..,!,...iji rm. -,1"--7,. . tofr,ths, -( 0 .-;- T .111:04.F.P1 • - pallki,EJ--F-. 1 , - 7 I 4l,'„ FN.:. jaiii ~ie Said . e - '.-- '-- -4t,Nliiiir i': berO'ebtheicneihialA -14014-iiii it.iiMME-44.11::_,' 711 i17110"if 9° PteTstilit*lMl4l4, 6t tof 4)iiilltAe744l7v, :30$ibuor4lii. 74pr itiia4:44 p•blia hoits-,..4...;- soinki,ibpater42. ~r-7. irliairi+t. ti's— '"Wi..--rs', 1,104-,-fi 7.,-,...,„ -1881k. , .-- ,- ... 4 .., • :,ker ',),, t_',lr,P.• WifOta7 .: C ate :-,-, c,: - i , -..- „,,,_-•=f,, oat (04-- . --- v-r7Flog SALL; ~i.;,4-1 awl''.6%* Alia ciiiiliii4..,ths iet L •, • • '. AZ.rk...--fitWeamil yikill:ttli:tairktiek, 114tir”. tWl64Oa-tP"l4l7*;;thikill* litit#l.4:llQpetteli icktn*O! .:.:.,::;,:e.,-. anti 4 ire 4Y.1151,* ' 1.- ''.=-4. ~44:011:erowi.tti'Wh ...r mBER • V,likiiiiiiil • 7- ~:, 0 ' P/NE ef l i e trot gualky*---- :114,1 siihdatty tillia,lieull,b44.ot4,4,iria-.o...dge.itiei,iriidaj il a Y i c ear tlirs2)t. o44 .„ :l4a* " . * cli c t irceon777 - 74.., the" :„ --- ,0,-iiiii, r tt:ii ,, ,m.,l , ____,,,.. ket...roi T - • a Btu ePqn.YrHOlitAlL'' her 1046 • .1" '''• 4'. F* - 1 . ,*: ,::: 1 , 3 MO ' - ..• i :' ' • • ,--;y: • . #l ,- 1 ; ...„ . ' , Feb Ir.' . ! ' ,e- "' - 4 , 0 , 13 ,L. p.ef the 'leaders, Of IbekaiitipiPitill A?!! Otkl from tho Bkaip ItiakotaW:ki nta •• • •'d illoom, ihowing 41to; dialammloo rices tack isio,,the dir,intelha 'Of tad), pot.OpOrickid Book forkii,.pii4 - 13 50. recited Mil' fir saki - 41114 ollicol,at 49, Waltioeitriet, Philadelpkia - march 14 • Farmer and 64atriyai Wai!terk • WANTED.A.Fariner who cinderstividiAtz rt . • vin and also. a person taiablit;ioeis4ile .1 my Mill. 6044 wages - giniereACiphor and perion. -who can cogOirieltill; ommexided., I Apply at this olice. 'march 14 PETITIONS rot Tavern lishlfand for site by . BANNAX,,. mach iT ' j • filiasll l / 1 00. COirri , pursuance of an order ofthe • tHorthuroberland County, willbe"*.ipoimHto sale, af k the Court House WAN" beroiigh ot Siii 'bury, in the tonnty of Northumberialuf,aiillen;i • day the 2d diy of; April next.fthat valtrable4'.. TAVERN STAND 4. TRI4 - 070e100... situated on the Centre tunijoikiti•oadi - . .i4 . l3lvoisnokin townshiwKorternibe ai . land Ciitaity, in the ShaeookiniCoel Region. nor, "rd 'TorAeleetil ' year* past, Occupied:ly F4is Urelke _ ,Hon. B. O.' Bradford, deceased. lioo,o ar 1 .111 00 , acres or thereabout'', part of which ti - eabetusek in a Rood state oftultivatlon.";Thaiiiiiiripiekueohil • ire aliiiod` log tavern house stables'. ehilda;:&,e; An abundant supply of . good spr,tug-.sittiiair st alt seasons of the year be obtained— . The property I. well worth the etteeUreeoeuZ, tom - wishing to become the owner ot - a - .Valuablg, tavern stand, and tract of coal land: - !Iliii.terut of sale will be made known on the : dat 01014 , It I. believed the- title is indiematable:::-' •; EVAN.g... I k- -; ki::... •.- 44 'HART,BRADI I O `Administrators - oireaid'llecuselk t --, By order of the. Cock. lIAL9B - BRIGHt, Clirkl3: 2f;1838. • 154- CALL AT THE -- New Establishmem),4)6: . . -- , Corner of Centre and Market' StgeAthi- Peg subscribers respectfully ;iris . , their friends. and. be pohlip genCrii they have taken the store formerly ociittl334 Jacob 801 l corner of . Centro:tar:a' like% .strests.' where they are now providlifiith*.Uholie alsertmerit of ' • •;. 'Dry 0 00 1 1 1 :4 G_ 11.440401m_ lize. which they are ilaterinined Lomeli at tie verihrii.f esttnicel. HAZZARD dL STIWiCI3I, AU - kinds of Country ProauctiOktnyjd the highest market prices. April - • Imimber; LtilabOr, ; Hg sobperiber ha. esi haniiit*Stai rr sari ins reasonable term; 20.000 kes-kand inch Pi•Or 40,000. joint. andlap nhinglei, - • • •-•• 10,000 Outcry?* lath,.' • lilto,lach and; half inch pinii bonfiXE4l-Pk!!.4k scantling; all aeascimni: • ' ' titattl. HAR , • Notice • •-•• IS hereby given to tile whole Cali and.tufail. deg!. .aere of Poreign Merclum"dise'iritheiiori4• 7 "! Schuylkill; that the ApsociaUs ty__Commissioners of said Courity.millitieet *fib. -Commissioners' Office in Orwigstuirggi r:11041. day the 29th day,of March; for tbS • pose ofPlaeingeaid Merebards hi - that clam viiiSt 'shalkappear right and just. • Irk* Constables of the di ff erent.likaoghatiad, Townships In said county. - Mae oath or affirmation.* list of all and reWl dealer* in their respeetire &trio* and: dcliverelbe same to - the Clerk OCOil tart- et quartet Sessions amid Costoti. - asi tat day ofillakch *Nib* • G. ItAirSH. Astart k , DANIEL:AV/4T; c•-: lidgai*„ ti OSittAN, %muslin, Fai, Parr - rism• El 1 if- .. raL-BE soLffs at Irrivatt -i,rod.two, 494 hoin, / 1 4"4 4 . 1 4 ; *sate ssis Osetns stile.., 'he 141420•680014 I ein Cootie street, and 23 T lid dael4:4landingtir anOtaaitit Carbosi Risad—the ataatially and well situatid fostissypido' - P**lnnumilm* - . ._ '1•• • t. 2. ALSO. .- : --;\ -Two Igo dory frame, lsOtioiiiii. r licot rrototd. await:in &WY's liow,:=. .Xforfohjait et . E ac h house sod lot lasiglie*Atotwilo hciro well fisiohed , ittth ‘llll ' • taviekhowle,asa !ma Austadlik-' the ash. it , ;_, tobook . al., part: dims.. : 'ffli outhiii.::alioii; 401 ho naval- ll ekle, A l'Ac ' l lMils '-sl o b tiCn biro ipply.tot- . -,' ltititlqr -* , r ' l4 O 1 ~ '-' illthrit# l *-L l 6#r= ' '- - ' - - ' '-., .V •': ..".. -- • ,--t ..- .r OE ''. 1 '-`,---"1"---.1t.' , V;r::' ' ". 41 Y 4' -'l. -`,. , ;in; - ; 1 ' '', 4 - l '.'-''' :„:',4 r' ' •.; --, -",.. ,;: ®" :-''' ,A - " ",. j ] . INSI Feb:2l sza SUM 0 E LS 0 lEi 1! 5 II II _4 UM IMMiI ma] 11161 NM