The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 24, 1838, Image 2

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PrIIM 4Tte•ltrew . York Alkrfor,
• By; jrrseeppe add deist •
;'•Cfb,thi may :fioweril
.. 1 0finr Ilse% • fi
~ ..•.'"Elkilattot sunny boars,
• ' littlithethe trees arefealhres, • -
- the fields are hary i , ,
illettereopoluid "filieles
,jOrsirsp hertand gyro. r,
itrosr-desP;PlePldb. •;
•^',Y -
Irdiviivi*A t p#olol4l . - -1 '
11 •-
• .111mistirlierees i teeny hub
- loam:tips are bright; ,
ikeaelhers 'lnane the frost: isms •
reaps the - dalsysr hits. ,
- Little hardy flowers, •
- ' Like to ell:Wren poor, ;
34.:Zsying4tritbiir stordy •
By their mother's dein
l eerplo With 'the.eer th •wiDd•
eti:Torte:Rl bold:
aed eying set, j•
Though tbey .be weold. • •
What to them is weestbstli -! - stormy showers i
Butthreepa and daisies—t
Are ttTesa human flowere
Ns who give them hardship,
And 4 life of care,
. Vats them likewise hardy strength
And patient hearts , tolseAr/
Welcome, yellow buttercups;
Welcome, daisies white;
Ye are hi my spirit
Visioned, a Milightl • ;
taming ere the spring-time, ;
Mammy hours to tell—
'Speaking to our hearts of Sins
Who death ail things wit
Nor should %is draw too dark a iiicture. of the
miseries of human life. Human life is • cloud,
with sunshine on its.borders; and ij there is much
to fear, there is something to belie for. There
is nosubject welch the old Greek Writers darken
io muchoyheu in a gloomy mood; as the lire of
. .
0 0.1 ital !Unfriendly still to human 3oy.
How de thine arrows every scenennnoy
In youth my passions were by want re:trail:Mt
And passion died in age,whea wealth vasgain'd
Through joys half finished all our days are run,
. And closed in disappoiotineut as begun."
But the Heathens saw not the tomb gilded by
the rays of the Sun of Righteousness. The epi
gram just cited is one of their most moderate
pictures. • The following comes never Ito the
gospel. It is' remarkable that St. Paul never
*pater Christians as dead;--they have fallen
asleep. So theaght the writer of the followlag
lines in Greek. I @hail give them irk_ English:
"Why o'er the virtuous dead 'Wald shourneis
The virtuous never truly die—they sleep."
Culture of Sho Hind.
You knoir well, that one piece of land, girden
ler instance, yields vastly more than , another
place of ground of equal natural fertility,' And
you know-equally well, that one man kboands
more in knowledge and usefulness than 'another
gu whom nature hasheen alike -bountiful. It is
culture—it is the industry sod penienrerence of
man, exerted in one case,. and not in another,
that predates the marked contrast in both. The
1 cultivetOr is sure to be rewarded, in his harvests,
for the Cu. and labor which he bestows upon
hip soil; and the reward it not lest certain to him
who devotes his leisure hours to the culture of his
-mind. The soil administers to our animal wants.
Knowledge -not only greatly assists in supplying
those wants, bitt-is primary source of intellectual
r wealth, which dollars alone cannot give; and
when consorted wit% good habits, tends to refine,
elevate and distinguish men above their fellows.
Talenris not hereditary. Yoe will seeion
rug- around, thug must of the'distinguished men
of our country have sprung from humtille or ob
i scare parentage: They are indebted for present
distinction to the culture which they have them
' iebres bestowed upon their minds. The road to
I usetuhmes and honprable distinction is equally
open to yon, and the time has arrived when you
must decide, whether you will compete for the
! nails prim.,
If you dish to be prosperous in your business
—to know and profit by the improvements of the
age; cultivate your mind; fnr this 1111 the great la
bor-saving machine.. If you-wmth to tee your
children intelligent, thriving and i respected. teach
' them, by example; to cultivate the mind. If you
; 7would be useful to your friends, and merit the
confidence and esteem of -your neighbors, seek
early to qualify yourselves !for the duties of social
life; by the culture of the Mind. If you aspire
1, to the intellectual enjoyments. Which dew tioni
the study of the material world from order, bar
many and beauty, which meets us in every walk,
1 in the manifold and wondsrtul works of the Cre.-
! ' - ator,—cultivate the 'mind.. --In fine, if you would
prosper in your business, in your family, and in
society—cultivate the mind.
But knowledge is notalwayS .w isdom, and there
•ir - • fore, be as scrupulous in, regard to your studies
/ at you are in regird to the, seed which you de
mrite is the soil. You will reap whatsoever you
. *r; and the mind is as liable to be cumbered
with weeds as . is the soil,. ' Read, therefore, what
' \ ever tends to instruct yosin your business, to o
f- stablieh in you good habiul, and to t a t you for the
*responsible duties of life. habit
with the inventions and improveinents of modern
art. Make yourselves acquainted with the gen
oral facts of science, with the wondrous laws by
which the Almighty govei r os alt around • us; in
the world and its parts. be
facts °fosters! hie
f tory will afford abundant ,matter for agreeabl e
and useful knowledge. The plahts, theanimals,
• the minerals, the moil of your etiuntry
,and oth.
er couotries,—the changers . of- the season—the
make and composition of ill dial surrounds you,
duly observed, and Makethe abject of reading,
orminvereation, of reflect:Mo. will at ogees store
j your pallid, and raise your ideaSi of the wisdom
and goodness of Itim Who formed you*ch as
you are. Temperance, seicgoveinment 2
ationiavoidance of all abiam ot: The are
1 , iiselusalo the very make 4' the b bd y self. Wh o
1 aims excellence will be bore - medically; who
1 aims at mediocrity wall f I 'hal 9f •
,s . Tar Pauremi,d—litaii
i fame and oelehritY , in the
I reet a' 'Printers. Sir W
learned English Comment
I ter by trade, King Geer
I .
'and not nn6inbently w
iiseinded thathromi or En
I, that' Franklin was a pi all who are fa
. Alexander mmpbeil the''
• heated...-A lady dow
•di!iae, jovial, otwooo.
• AM, weiontiAik oinabbe, 41
, .: ..
We -'. dull I tietri4siiiiiblttiikW'
on the . Viiig.keteeaTtidT ini
InMeiP idien's -paper. - 'The wilder Ulf r"";
stands he •trim tat OftisiSctitii- ' -' lllB
'Coal -and iron:, de of Pennaylignia, is
dentin -to bec et the: ;omit- important
-trade •t di Unit State; irk!! free to in. ,
dividedl entetpriseisnd industry, and is - not
'clogged', and iiiippled in its infancy b yl
. at isoft, hkorporitt on, for: the purpose of
advent:a 4E4 rests of afao individuals
-tit, the • nce of dimig. - -.
I-haireveen sevl
rat communications in -
your ripper reap _ ing the !inching of iron
ore with antbraci coal, and the question
bailie irked, hetes, the friends of the
el ,
mead Ought unite •in soliciting
from t . legislature aid for so important'
a.p • ' t I—l hare no I doubt Of its even '
teal- mois; but whether theiron• will be
ill good as that !made' from charcoal,is
yet to be decided; but' my particular ob
ject in writing how is, to remonstrate
most earnestly itiOirst asking : aid from the:
Legisture. -Itl f but agew years since,
On, of anmedusetts,in vetoing
Gov. inc
an ect i r.of private ncorporatioo, said in sub
stance, thatthatate was delivered; bound
hand and foot in the power of such asso
,ciatiotis.; and I t inkOliat so far from re
questing liegisladve aid, from he smeltin •
of iroe ore w ith -anthracite, our 'utmost ex
ertions should-2hp employed in resisting
every effort of the Legislature to incorpor
ate companies ter private purposes. If
they ire to be incorporated for one pur
pose, why not foa all ?—lf it be proper bat
incorporations shuld be made for smelting
iron, why should not millers and farmers
have their mills -add farm incorporated, that
they may try thir favorite experiments,
without danger t their general estate ?
Agriculture is the most interesting and , the
most important illness of the country;
and it is precisely a necessary that cam
parties should be formed for Agriculture,
as fur the smelting of iron ore. Experience
has proved, that 1 individual enterprise and
competition Mode, are necessary to con-
duet - Agriculture:to the highest degree of,
perfection; and Ithis is the resu't of what .
Political cono y has termed " Division ,
of Labor" —an . ngredierit, which she has
deemed essentis y necessary to permanent
prosperity. T . re is certainly something
very plausiblen the projects which we
see daily before he Legislature, and in the
results they pretend to produce ; but a
little examination may convince us, that
these projects cipsult rather individual ag
grandizement, han the public welfare.—
Ar.d that these results may be obtained
equally as welt With far less expense.
Some enterpises there doubtless are, of
such , magnitud as to render combination
neceseiry, butoleos it man be shown that
the erection o an anthracite furnace re
quires means gteater than individual wealth
can afford, no ergument can be drawn in
favor of the incorporations of which, I have
spoken, from the beneficial results of in
corporrions Or rail roads and.canals.-=
I save the doori open for private competi
lion ; let private enterprise be completely
unshackled ; le, so unwise legislation dis
courage individiral exertion, no overgrown
monopoly numb individual energy-;--and in
every branch rif commerce and manufac
tures; sell ii,teilest will speedily point the
way by which the best results may bemost
periectlptaid cheaply obtained.
The iron arid the coal trades, and the
manufactures i which th ese articles are
employed, are apidly increasing in impor-
tance, and adv racing towards perfection.
What has beeu dune, has been done chief-,
ly by indivtduahs, and cart, any one look a
round upon did results of the last few years
—results achieved amid all the difficulties
which beset new undertakings, and amid
the evils t h at a ruinous policy has brought
upon the country, and doubt that private
enterprise will lie sufficient for the future ?
As far as the state of the times will per.
mit, the iron nosiness is prosperous and
improying; all iwe ask of 4116 Legislature,
is that they will let us Slone; we petition
themfor no neiv enactment in our favour,
but our earnest remiest is', that not to tools
fy the cupidity lof speculators ; not to serve
party `purposerd or to gratify party favour
ites*shall the institute new corporations.
aud thus arm a l few indivi4als with virtual:
monopolies, which, while they answer no
good.end, are extensively prejudice!, at.
once, to menu fjcturers and to tho commu
nity., . •
The writeri i f this article, is both an iron
master and th owner of coal lands, and
after several yciar's acquaintance with.the
subject in all its details, he writes from a
firm convictioni, that any Legislative inter
ference by way( of incorporations, can only
embarrass and retard the business, the
prosperity of Inch it attempts to promote.
We - tander4and that the expence of
erecting a Furnace together witb'ttidds
Chinery, suitab e for making iron with An
rthracite coal would not exceed tAerse.
• -
'hi ' . aaqulted great
triirldqbagaretheir ea.
Iltant :.01ackeione.
dorof lima. Wiin a pri
et 111, 4 was i pro ,
;a at the trade at he
land. , ‘,'e Redd say
liter, 0 this l lis well
liar with hicnante.--
heoloOn is tOrinter.
• The followihg extract from * kith itu
been banded ti h r for publication. -The
gentleman to al mit iiiddressed, informs
v f
us that during recent visit to . New. York,
he WAS shown ume specimens of pig iron,
made by the 't er of the letter with An
thracite coal, filch he consideri4pal if
not siffieriorio that made in the ciidn:tary
emit. rverti46 for a
id, m
L _
. 1 1
1 ir
cr '.-~ ... '.
'1 4
IgitPM3lllpliklllllll , lil6looger lie a
4thelw_eteGeidtibtrottnidung iron with
Airline* toil to' _ sdnnteg4 add dunks'
will be opened r inidiw
tions — of our _Cali region.
ict of a letter from-in Irbn Master 1
agendeman in. this chi - dated . ,
0. NSW You. Mai4l&,) 1838.
An article is going thole nds gallop:-
perp speaking - of some o ' ions' in Iron
anotAntliracite at Easton es red iscovery"
—l, prawns the gentletine ' .en gaged in
that enterprise,. whatever y lie the me
rit of their efforts to introd fbe menu
facture-, will hardly seriously up a claim
.to it las inventor* or discov en s. If any
such claim 'could be substa tiated on'this
side the Atlantic, we might ' some pro
priety make it, having, as w suspect, been
thejErst to make .Fig Iron with Anthracite
exclusively. The specimens which you
/law were wide nearly a moil th before they
were successful at •kaston, and Were made
at the 'first trial. In other quarters even
where successful, I believe it has not been
until after many repeated attempts. The
phin is essentially, if not idatittically, that of
Mr. Crane, whose application of the hot
blast already in use with Bituminous Coal
and Charcoal, removed the preexisting
difficulties in the use of Anthracite, in the
Blast Furnace. i ,
The producti'
new proceed, it
ing are dispense
the Marrisburr
, Valuer/tie We were
shown, a day trill beauti
.ful samples of ing, menu.
lectured at NI this State,
from the raw w , ler spinning
or weaving. ' ints° much
intended as a _..4pre , .... AS, .; a good sod
strong material; and, in thia particular, we
unhesitatingly pronounce it superior to any
thing we have ever before seen -r and what
is still a mere important consideration is,
that this cloth, we understand, can be ma
nufactured cheaper by the new process,
than in Europe on the old spinning and
weaving plan. The carpeLis beautifid—
the body appears as tough as so much lea-
Aber, and the figures are very rich; but we
would not like to promise their durability,
as they are merely stamped on.- The
greatest advantage of this carpeting, how
ever, is yet to be - told—it is •this that it
can be manufactured and' sold for about
half the price that forei and domestic
carpets pow rate at—qu lities in all re
agreeing. This n vi mode of ma
nufacturing woolen cloth as near as we'
can understand it, are upo thirsame prin
ciple that bodies of bats are. malie- 7 the'
wool is carded; then -full , and pressed
by machinery. it is ieved that this
plan of manufacturing will enable us to
compete with England id the produce of
woolen goods, and that if will finally su
percede the old spinning and weaving
plan. 1
• _I
The Rides's' Petetoe.—Sevih.aH statements re,
lative to the great productiveness of the Rohan
Potatoe, a'variety cultivated ,in France were
published in the papersdiome years ago. In
1106, John A. Thompson, Esq. of Catskill, who,
it will be seen by an advertisement in this paper,
has a quantity of them for sale, prpeured some
of the seed from France; and f mst lXl experience
in cultivating them the two seasons, he says
he is perfectly satis fi ed for the ir great superiori
ty for the table and their extraordinary prodiact.
tiveness. It is said that in Franco they have
weighed as high as 14 lbs. Judge Bud says he
planted 12 lbs. of these potatoes last spring. Re
divided the tubers into sets uf two eyes, and
planted one set in a - hill four feet apart, in a piece
of ground much shaded, and ip rather low condb.
tion. On the.2Bth of September they were dug,
and - fonnd to weigh 525 lbs. mid measured nine
bushels. "We Mien hardly been able yet to de
cide open the quality of thie potato% having
barely tasted of one;. yeVwe deem it equal to the
English white, orange. or the common peach
blossom variety, which are bids commonly eat=
tinted. Others hpiever, in whose opinion we
place great confieence, do apt hesitate to pro
nounce them superior for they table. They are
undoubtedly the most productive variety of the
potfitoe we have ever • met with."—Geaessee
Feseser. • - •
Pigeons.—The woods are c wded with my.
rtads of wild pigeons—so Jar a number never
having been before seen in h ie section of the
country. We have heard of e flock so large
that when roosting, they cover an area of two
miles in length , one in.breadtlC—Raleigh R.
C. Register.
Bckism.—There has been ai spllt in a religious
sect in the West, on the Oileds:in Whether angels
laugh or nut.
At a late election in Mil ukee,
for town officers, the g ees on was -
whether it certain judge Fr er was 'it::
superannuated, and a disgra to the
It was decided In the affirm* e, by a- kilo` - Ter:
jority. ,
'Will you have mell said a young ma, ts a
modest little girl. `No Jinn, saiot site t ,loof you
may have me if you will.'
The Emperor of Jinni!, bye recent decree,
prohibits his' subjects than in spectacles
before the age of forty. • .
The editor of the Florence la. Gazette non.
.inaton Mr. Speaker Polk forte Vice Presidency,
and adds--1t is pretty we ascertained • that
col. Johnsen will sot be arunhiate for re
election. '
How to spell coffee without aunt a single let
ter io the word—keugepily: - . •
An editor in the South it is said 4schosadassu
that he is compelled to carrf a ease le keep the
ladies from kissing him l What an unlucky
deg be must be I. •
It is stated that the rifle - with which Mr. Cil
ler was shot belonged to Mr. ;threw, one of the
editors of the Globe, and was bestowed for the
- Modest.—. The Toronto. Stria mow
mends that sunmy SI-200,000 men leave Ire.
land in British ships, land New-York and
make congaed eCtbe state., his propipsitton is
P intended es a •orto - the Navy
Island tbi expediion:.
.. 1
1-- h
blies, by a
and wenv.
noticed in
- - - • •*- '=
i rriliV IL/LAW N
ir540011136, V. Zola'
and. gloppy deseriptssa. wady p#lollls
Oise falies"
,Air &oast ask price. t . . _ 4 , •
lairset fain Mi. JeEarson's Medlar addreemd
le lolVeriatehlets under himeelE
- "The 'President or the United Stalest hex seen
th Igisiatisketicii, tears of the i ier
il taking, on varies, oceasioos,
seem parts- the elections 'of pithily' Tone
limp*, whether: of. General or- Stale !Gov:
eminent. **modem of @kedges being essential
to the meted intlependenee of governmeet and
tithe differenttMinclilte albs ROW rIPOTIMOSI,
a vitally thermbed4 whom of war ainatitelions.
,it is deeinatimitoper for °Seentkpet on
the main of the 'Union,: to attempt Awn
-trot oelindosmero the Ave exercise of the 're '
Tight. It ;is expected that no raker willettempt
'to inflame the Wieser other men see 'tike-soy
put in Ste lereidies ofeketitmeering—that toning
'deemed inoonthient with the 'spirit of the tem
stitutlon and his duties." -
Extract from President hoboes Inenprtal Ad.
dr*, March-4th, 1649.
"The recent ,ilerrionittrations of public mph
meat inscribes op the list of Ementise ddties, in
Characters too legible to be ore , rlooked,lthe task
of reform—wh kilt will requiri particelerly the
correction. of those ABUSES THAT! HAVE
ExtracttlromSeneecb delkeredth Ilenkvallf
U. 8. Iryt the Hon. Felix Grandy.
"When .I see an office bolder interfering in eke.'
tions, it occurs tb me that he is thinking of his
iteiary and his bread, AND I 8 THEREFORE
The above extracta j ire will keep stand
ing under our: head so long as we see Post
Masters and Mail Contractors interfering
with the elections of the -people.
We are pl+ased to learn that the Rev.
Mr. Mxtaxit hal sufficiently recovered his
health as to attend to his ministerial du
ties again; and, therefore, divine service
may be expected in the Episcopal church,
to-morrow, at 10# o'clock, A. x. and at 4
o'clock, p. x.l
The Great Either and Anti-sub-treasury
Meeting, held in Philadelphia, on Monday
afternoon last, was-attended-by upwards of
Chun House tivould not hold one fourth of
the immense asseMblage, and they were
compelled to; adjourn to the *State House
Yard. Great enthusiasm prevailed; and,
when the navies of Ritner, Harrison, Clay,
and Websteri were mentioned, the air was
rent with the shouts of freemen; who de
light in honoring honest and kithfel pub
lie servants. .
We want no better evidence of the nn
'popularity of the sub-treasury Kin this
section, than' , the fact, that the Van Hu
replies in electioneering for David R. Por
ter, declire that he is opposed to the Sub
treaistry This won't do gentlemen.
_Potter is not only in favor of the sub
treasury bill,; but he' absolutely voted for
this, detested measure in the Senate o
Art of Writing.—Mr. Dtcssott the
writing master, has finished his first class,
and we learn has given general satisfac
tion to all hid pupils. A second class will
be commended an Monday nett.. All
those who vviiih to acquire a neat hand,
had better "tail themselves of the present
opportunity, ;as Mr. D. is no bungler in
his profession. -
The Miltonian Harrisburg Chreniele,
and Berka and gchuylkill, papers which
supported Gel*. Wolf at the last election,
have all come out in support of the present
enlightened And patriotic 'chief magistrate,
Jost's. mesa. a .
Importardi—W - rn froth a gentleman
that an attempt ill be made in the Legis
lature. to tacit a WI. incomorating a new
Coil Company to be located in thili region,
to the tail of some other bill. It is to tie
done quietly-4 for the purpose apt - eventing
opposition from this quarter. We hope
the friends of this Coal Region; in ,the
Legislature trill be on their guar*
From Harrisburg.—The Internal Dn.
i'illenittrtt Eill passed the House of Rep
ve./entitivei On Tuesday last. - One-of the
items arthe Bill apiiroprjates $50,000 to
the Danville and Pottsville Rail Road.—
$300,000 are appropriad to the Erie ex•
tention ; $3P0,000 to t i e North Branch
extention; and 00 o the Gettysburg
rail road extention. ! .
s r
,The :election in Conn trot, for Gower
nor, membeta of the le trot,
&c. will
take place oh the first inlay in April..
and Cato.
Ella stood alOne in her Outlificatiou more.
maids; and der I!gislatiire is deitined to
staid alone lgain, in her support of the
sub.treasurysystem. `Eilien in Isaac Hill's
state, the legislature can not pass regoln •
tions aPproritig of the *sure.
The Boston Attu, i
result of thneleetion in
pay's:—"Gov. Bill has
reprieve froth the coo -
wilt be eonsig at t.
the people of Ntiw Ham
The'Szpiaring, ,
Wiphingten declares
ogßir, bag login eXC
command of the' Ezpl
.Capt. bee ,
stead. It is also bell
Will the honor. •
!set iupOn - erery; thing
(ration tracheal. •
4 y
, :
"_- .~j~,
, •i
Coinifi*thsl;—H;llion ipc*,ipiterit te
It will henbieriedliy the — following letr.
that tberei iwb and thine dollar coun
terfeit Milli ineircilitien, purporting to be
issuldbi the,Osttawilisatridgetompany . -
We leanctbit imevetal bills o te'f the denote'.
nititionlibore narned;= Were passed in this
borough; no doibt,ly the same *Keehn'.
- TXx.iniin, March 22; 1832.
B. *Motor Sin There was 'ca
ingbitneelf Alexander 'Bair, airestednuil
cenunittel-*lnef.yesiiirday, rot peeing
counterfbit timpe &Martins of the Catta
wimalikidigitompiniy; he had a ninn,ber
df three and two &Hat bine; they ar well
executed; the ground wort:under Paxten's
name .coarse ind crooked, and at the
top, under the figure 8, the engraving is
very -cause; and, the middle plate, where
three dollars is inserted, is thanibei
ponies, • The paper's, &int the ISM #
the genuine. The man carne from Potte,,
and no doubt there are a number of
the ill in circulation. They are =dew
tatted to•diceive almost any . person. •
Youis in haste,
. _
'Sinai The above was in type, we have
seen ouq of the counterfeit bills. They are
well executed. In the genuine bills, in the
tine sivaaborised by a resolution passed,;'
to tbe'word passed, be long i is *tor d:a
short s;as follows:
In the roanterieit billsOhe long • ishetore
the short a, as tollews: -
groAsal •
There are a lerge number to tirealation.
There are also counterfeit twenty-fire
cents bills in circulation on the borough-Of
West Cheerer..
New . Hampshire. —The election in this
State has resulted in the choice of Isaaq
Hill for Governor, by a majotity of about
150 Q over the Whig candidate. Last year
Hill was elected by shout 12,000 majori
ty, and in 1834 when die Whigs contest
ed the
,electiop, the majority against them
was between fl and t',ooo majority. 'Tbe
Whigs i have a majority in . the Howie of
'Representatives, and the Senate stands 7 .
Loco Eoco to 5 Whig. Last year L the'
Whigs had but a few members in the
House, and only one in the Serrate. One
more cpetest, and the Whigs will carry the
in 185 * towns the vote stood for Hill
24,390 Wilson 2.1,281, 30 towns remain
to be heard from.
The Policy of the Vas Bui•en Party,its
Penns?/vanitz' .—The great unpopularity
of ther Presidentin this st4te, and his yet
more unpopuhir measures, have compelled
the party which formerly supported Um
here to overlook Mm altogether in the
Convention, which recently put in -nomi
nation a candidate for the gubernatorial
chair in opposition to ourresent worthy
governor. This unprece jented act was
not an oversight, hut enact of design, and
many the members of the Convention
have since boasted of this az a cunning .
trick. Knowing and believing, as , they
said, that if their caudate was iden
tified with either the President or. his
ineasnres r there was no use in putting a
manic nomination for the office of toyer
nor against Gov. Ritnert and to carry out
yet farther this policy of theirs, an effort
is making by the party from one end of
the state to the other to create the im ,
pression, that Mr. Porter,' their candidate,
is a tortszavanne in principle? Who
desires better testimony than this, that
Martin Van Buren-arid his measures are
obnoxious to tile people, when his own
party afraid to trust either'?
But the question is, are the people of
Pennsylvania to be caught in this , snare of
the-enemy ? Are they to be se duced into
the support of a candidate, because his
friends see fit to throw a,veil over his true
chamcter and principles? Are they to be
demi by the silver,
or other sPernue veil
of the prophet Khormssaitt No: the alko•
ran of teem focoism has not yet made ma.
melukes off' Pennsylvanians. Mr. Potter
is not a 'conservative;' or,,if he is, we do
not know-the sense in which the term is
applied to politics. He is a radical' loco
foco in principle, or else his conduit and
actions differ widely from his theory. Mr,
Porter never professed, So far as we know,
to beta conservative; nor did he desire to
be called one.,,until alter his nomination
fcir Governor, when it was discovered that
by 2mistriams the tomtit!, it miight enhamie
his chance of election.
Is Mr. Porter for or against the sub.
ry:ichemet He is unquestionably
a , doclenialgy flier of this 4 lino 's,
• Th.r We dare a denial of it. If any ' ,
o dire deny it;we prole that David
R Porter is a loco foe* radical--if he is
no one, there irnot one in the country.,
, • Haniaburg Chrogile.
844 / 4 adar ' C041.--iVe have some boouti
fid specimens of coal taken from a vein re.
centlY opened by Messrs. Kniuse and ,
Strong, ontbe tract-known as the 4 4 Panther.
Headr. id Pine Grove-township, Schuylkill
canal*. The coal is of the Peacnik colour,
bur* with a bright yellow blase—ignites
0114 7 -and does mit crumble In the grate.
Penn: Tekgraph.,
1 A Successfist forgery, to the Imionnt_ of
fifteen thousand dollars, was committed in
New York, en F riday.- In a ' few
howe ei;the rogues Waniarlastadi and all
the y nietrierwl. licept - a tewvhiti...•
died donors.' •-•
annoitociog the
New Hampshi -
reteired a year s
, .pt to which he
writ election by
hire. ,
von.— •6e Spy
that Caps; -Gan
from taking the
, - • . ..•
-a m
.that tap • Smith
A etreejentosio
' •
In the
was rejected
li - eata !na, Min t itk
Space, 8 *,
Slip; ‘Vbltel
Nay*- 1 411
flan,_ Culhcitil
Fulton, t:it.o
LuMpkin„ !..yo
Norma, PM
Smith or COM
Wail Williain,
Kam. I
Ise° Tom ant:' .
this electioti .
The last
shedding hSr
time to britig
AJA so
PLaii fin;
do abt-heipal
the 11 -of
even thati w
I entirely o
will p rove, n
mamma for
comes latiy t
into the jahni
The way to
hiw, Is for, t
terms of ,ettl
nation to limb
come a law : , tl
- of -whom
:will htlkt wil
skituents or t
ProVerk 0:
whole State t )
will feel Ishii
conse,if the ,
mired down,'
currency ull
of. ° To , atteni
healthy end ii
Thirst f. ,
rejoice* in I
( 11 '. - Y.) Eeg
deed pines*
him satisfact
Go 7
4 - hea!
(Whig) his.
13ango!, Mel
800--Loco f
The raki, ••
*witness, at
'Bali it Nett.
sable illostrati
Q.:. Apt you
Ai .
and I may be
States BanL
The Hon. N
the American •
the - mat distin
ant age, died a
1 6 1 .5j ed ei a. •
as dor.
and we !regret
traaiktion and
Cek.ste •
smopleted et
have been pilot;
Der for the
fir re4lectios
it ikaid.
a 1 .4 34•1 thei
which thoserw
to Mr :. Wehrte
I.o;us this i» ,
of the United etk
21et hid. Mr.
r. Wrighit's Treleery
the &Rowing rote:
l liata pa rd vi , lN C i ta n y i i
• Nictiolu, Prentice,
,imitkof ind., Bo u i
Tahn.a!lie, Mfgen,
Alien, Benton,
Clay of Ala,. C
y ' Kin(
, 'N A ; Bloom
Roam Robinson,
littrati~ •, Trotter,
wng ,Young—
fo , ,
. „
tog out the
inc '
helia t d ona th ti e , but it is
'n New York spi n ,
r 'Express.
I. in. N
rd of
fight in ,
or oot
mp / Feb.ll, 1888.
I 'our letter of the 14th hot.
n reply to your inquiry, i
A'm *lilies' it as both my
'wish .that it 'wiii. not be
e sub-t ;Mummy 'bill to .pau
'Representatives. I doubt
' ll' get
,thicuith the Senate.
ur •in the ,cipinion ' that it
1 , of the • nuisti unfortunate
1 . e cam vy,lf it should be.
r hes ever toOmillts way
'station of oui goiernmem.
nsvmst -ii frimn becominga
e VIM irt 01%.11 , to speak m
. and determined coodem
represent Yves. If it
Sin of it }rill rest upon tti
,or New:York, a fracti
defeat it ons! the curse i
I be severest upon the ear
edge raientatives. Th
N4w It tit * "(I !speak of the
its ens Os imid'enterplise,
Oa for yTint-rand years to
. , 'aegis of tticitilmns is ear.
the IMMO' limitp of such a
is 'meairuni_will only admit
pt to siecure - or prosecute a
rofitabki business upon a de.
14sis *Ole, and me
t . Abet:will sloop
ion of 'thia mellitus
trisy other descrip
incur the fate Ed
is to sit himself
trod dissimilar stools
IRO political or parts
;atom of personal de
ordl deter me foul
ivied convictions I eis
mre; or frem opposins
'iinsCrablit effort.that i
e- ,
WI, in Unto,
1018 0. SMITH.
iat&—The 96th An•
'pointed to be held in
be 25th of July nev i
fl plan will be ado pt
Nation of the fas
iota on the questio
,bistrict of Coiu inbis
inia, was lately taken
tontijor retrocession
Majority in favor of
iltnotokrige.—A; man who
e . curitFO cognomen - of Stiff
rtioeto !!I,!tho-Oughkeopeis
et,. that he,will ghe. one tour
to goyli - twho convince
thribi . liimilt wife.
-4•1? —'5U Mayor of
wive, 83.
• 120--r*Mer
ntractft*l thy examination of
e hmettgation of. the Phenix
, oak. onNednesday. is in admi•
:11 efocause, and effect:"
l: . er, mon
a merchant?-
fiarti the hod lima- cointaeneed,
gain if they'll gtva us .a United
?lAMZL ikniiinut4 Pre:sident
cademy of Orb aid &laces and
imbed winthenwitinian — , ‘Of the pro.
&moon on kat, at the ego
• Dowdit* known not only
as the
that hi.
of ' , Lim
learn thit hinititit work, the
0 11 . 1114011 0 0 f Jfeelieniger
nofinishitt Wes to hate been
e volumes auto; of which three
1011 . fkmat* left in Nadi.
`0454, } Dudley , diet preach;
ths imageitatinos d hii
, Illur - todolipted to be a candides
Its Cliatiortasamt party will, sot.
100 ally, *whims. Thy
old Mirth as the last 7
• Eitaxtßis sprsca.
exceed the terma of aukOnas,ll
- the pod. fortune w ridir
;!a ir mit..‘ *peck, ntieak of ',it.
id intett npainmenti Wdl7 "
d sad Zf r sporehes and bad;
de. and 1.,* be ha knew whit
tilthe teak; :Clay sad