The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 21, 1838, Image 4

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--Jrnituranct /pang. 1,
MAKE both limited and perpetual Insumndes.
..1-v-1/.' on Brick, Stone or Frame Buildings, Stohes,
• s
Hotels, Mills, Barns. Stables,. Merchandise, `Fuhnt..
tare and Property of every descripti ainst loss•
• or damage by FIRE.
• t
The Delaware County. LtIFUII3IICe company WI
1 . also insure against loss en all kinds of marine risks
and against th e damage or loss upon the tranvpdta
• •tion of goods, wares, and merc.indise by water, rq by
rail way, upon terms as favourable as any othei? in
.( atitution.
I For any further information on the subject of in
aurancer either against Fire, marine or inland Oaks.
t -Apply to HENRY G.OROBINSON. Amant,.
,july 15 34-tf kt Schuylkill Haven.
At Orwsgsburg.
Fire Insuranee''..VonwaßtY.
MAKE both limited and perpetual Insurances on
Brick, Stone or Frame Buildings,Storpu,Butels
Mills, Barn. Stables, Merchandize, Furniture v and,
Property of every descriplacia,agatnst toss or drediage
! by FIRE.
The subscriber has been apiniinted AGEST tOr the
t above mentioned Institution and is now prepaeed to
make iNSURANCEB upon every description of property
' at the lowest .mtes. BENJA NUN BAN V
t N.N. -Potlsville, Feb. 27, 1836. r'-15
The Philadelphia Fire
MAKE both limited and peirpetual Insurances on
Brick, Stonepr Frame BuilBings.:Sio reg. lintels.
Millseearna, Stables, Merchandize..Furniture. and
Property of every deacription3agametAosa or dittnage
by FIRE.
The subscriber hat been appoinied AGENT for the
above mentioned Institution inidtit now prepaied to
make INSURANCES upon every d&c.raption of property
.at the lowest rates. BENJAMIN BA NNA N.
Pottsville, Feb 25 1837 . 15-
LARGE and completd assortment of fresh
A and seasonable Guilds, just received by the
- 2 1mbscrilx3r, consisting of
Dry Goods,
-Groceries, el
t...Queensmare; 4 r.•
-whielthe offers for sale at reduced, prices, Thr
highest price paid fur all kind o f country produce
A. A. C I.E.
Sept 23
- Wholesale and Retail Hard
ware Store. •
...:130OLLOCK & WEAVER have just received in ad
ditioe to their former stock of hardware
Mousehole anvils, spring kcy'd vicea, patentnlish'd
screw plates. warranted cast steel axes, bro ad axes.
hatchets, hammers, Beattys & Mullina adzes.
socket and firmer chisels, drawing knives.l.4anksmnb
bellows, cat & wro't nails, 4, 41. 5 & ti in. cat spikes.
single, cut and double plane irons and planes, assorted
locks; latches, hinges a., I screws, round and square
' bolts, steel, plated and ii n squares,
All of which are offered on the most arcommndar
nig terms Feb 18 I
- 2; by 5-8 inches Railway Flat par lrein, ;
2by •I' do du do do do
15y do Suitable foi Screening Coal.
All the iron has countersunk holes, will is cot
at an angle of 45 degrees at the ends. Splicing
• Plates and Spikes to suit the a hove.
A. & G. RALSTON & Co.
• No. 4 South Front Street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Mach 15,1836. 2l -if
'John Silver
"'MURES grest pleasure in informing the public
and his friends, and also his patrons';in par
' ticular, that he continues his REfFAITORY, un,
der the Pennsylvania Hall, in • Pottsvilit.
hopes that his past reputation fair ki*ping a
• respectable establishment, acquired during the
-experience of five years in the same line hi busi
ness, and by desire to please and applimition to
business, to merit a continuance of yotir favor
- and patronage.
Families by sending to the Pennsylvania Hall
Refectory, shall have oysters of a supe'riur quali
ty served up in the- held style, and every office
'delicacy that the Pottsville marhet can afford in
Roast 'Beef, cold
'Corned do do
'Fried Ham and Eggs
Motto!' Chops
'Venison Steak.
° Pork Chops
,-Pit. Feet
Mock Turtle Soup
Oysters Fried
Do Stewed
Do Scolloped
Do Roasted
Do Chafing Dish
. . pok battle
. .
Old Maderia Wine ' $1 50
Old pale Sherry • S5O
Old Brown- - 1 50
Old Lisbon
,; 00
Oki .Port . tso
. Champagne . • 5O
Siniflut-X X and Peppers Ale al %replan' i a u2ht
A partmenle in -readiness for supper pa rkeg, &c.
Oct .7 , 1 1 46-6 mo
• N ew and Elegant GOBOS•
WRATR&NS & Co. - haveijustzreeelved and
isofter for sale,
6-4 English merinos, from 50 to 75 erts-Or yard
Soper - ftench do at 61 60 poryard.
Tartan, merino, worsted,nilk and caton!ralla wla k
Red, white, yellow, green 'and scarlet flannels,
Bleached and unbleached Canton flannels, front
10 to 25 eta per yd: •
Worsted bows comforts, cops, children's hose, .
Winter prints, eaves,
Cotton bats and wadding at 6} tier sheet;
dee 3
..oicine,:prepa ,, , ~, ..sq.,'
Member of the 'loyal liege of Surgeons, Licen-
Cil o
hate of Apitithecaries .npany, Fellow of 801.
Court Society, Surgeon' to the Royal Pen
sion Agsomatton, La caster place, Waterloo
Bridge; mink Perpetual , Pupil of Guay'a and St.
Thomas' Hospitals, Lo don.
These pills having gained °celebrity unparal.
leled in every section MI the Uoion, are now con.
sidered by all those who value good health, indis•
pensable as a family Medicine—patronized by a
numerous body of the' eminent Physicians
both in this country a-ii in Europe,Hs sufficient,
it ' ' + their clip- ' .heliti.
bovc medicine is impoyted into Oils country.
JNO. 110L841N,1•29 Waverly Place,
.41leri9 Arent for IL S.
A sitiii:dy oftha abilve Medicine jitet received
and forsalehy . B. BANN AN,
Sole Kg flt for Schuylkillcounty.
July 16
A .
T the store of th subscriber, in Morris' ad
dawn to Pottsydt
e, whit re may be ItacriYhole.
sale and retail, on tl e most moderate t erjn .;__
brown, lump and loaf) sugars, Meek, green, and
young fitstin teas, uttdasses, fish, cheese, soap,
rice, era c, chocultini, spirits, brandy, gin, Port,
Lisbon, Tenor iffe and other wines; rum. whiskey
enxii cordial., halt . .Stianitilt and common segars,
pepper, alspice, ginzi4 ,salerat US, cloves, nutmegs,
starch, mustard; pdot head, crackers, sugar bis
cuits, it-c. &c. Suc. foi-cash,or exchange for coun-
try produce. , !
june 19 29—tf ; • HENRY BOYD.
Miller 4liaggerty;
wrioi.EsAbE ANA" - RETA IL
Dry Goods,Groedry,lVine 4. Liquor Store
(Next door tb Mortimer's Hotel.)
R connexioni w ith a house in Philadelphia
enables them to keep on hand •a very eaten.
sive assortment of goods, which they will seal at
Plnladr Iphia prices.i Store ana Tavern. keepers
and private families 4 would do well to call and
judge fnr theeiselve4.
april 19 31
PARKE: it & CO.
(Formerly Parker & iliilams,) .
it' AVE rcmom-d 1 ,313 the'llopposite aide of Centre.
"'Street, a few dlxtrs above Norwegian Street
where they offer for sale a .elect assortment n,
Superfine Broad goalie and Cassimere.a of the
most fashions ble Mors, u tai an elegtint assort
ment of Summer CI
ths, Vesting., Linen and Coi
ton Shirts, Collars, ! Bosoms, Stocks, Gloves, Sus.
penders, linen and Cotton Hose. and•all kinds of
Gentlemen's wearing apparrel, which will lie
made to order in the mee't approved style as to the
'Am k tritilishyp, and !warranted to fit equal to any
in the City or i lot 'Allier°.
P. S. P l ro. teen nn hand an einellent nn
sortn.ent or r.•ady. nada Clothing of all kinds,
%hien will he sold a t vary lute rates.
Jane 17
Vegetable i ife rills and File-
nix 'Bitters.
• irr it co:s . rit.,ts r.—. All nations. Run die remo
test ages, have had 'ihips. Imi t 7 t il embus only found
out the way to A m -rea Before the time of the
grew Spanish iiJv.g.i or. people were ~t ily enabled to
paddle about the Mutes. Just so with the Life Mini:
slice icia, 5 It is hut tw short years I first ven.
limed upon an unkn r ii ocean, and I hive discovered
the ercmous object was in search of—IIh:ALTII.
i f
Vegetable med cities' vere indeed known wh; a ! COT
mi”tr,d my search.tut their use was not. By the
use of-them, I have of only passed from the dejected
invalidoe the hale hearty anti wove min of Mistimes,
hut, Cumparatively Speaking, I have renewed my
youth. I can thus, vaitli confidence in my own estop..
rience.:advise wah my tellow citizens Does the
reader want proef tie t ilia V.GETA ISLE LIVE MED
ICINES are suitable to his own cane? I have on file
at my office. 516 B-o yd way. hu , d red sof letters, from
some of the most relyeetal,te citizens of this nn na
tive laud. voluntarily offered in testimony oldie vir
tuesi, of A CA.K.II/ V } GET A BLE MI: I dr:INF:.
Persons whose en Fut-immix have Imes yearly to.
toed hy the 'lilt inf Bible" mineral pre, , aration• of
the day, will bear me witness, that the Life Medi
nines, and such oily' are the true cause to i ermanent
good health. JUIIN MOFFAT
-- ,
F VP'S LI FE PI 1..1...S AN D 1'1107.N1 X sirrErts.
These medicines ave long been knew. and appre
Mated, for thelSextrimrdinar) and imihediate powers
of restoring perfect health. to •, - ietsons suffering under
nearly every kind Of • IIISCUSe, to which the human
frame Is liable. V
In mazy hundre of certificated instances, they
have eve rescued fferers - froin the very verge 01 an
untimely grave, all 2 all the deceptive nastrums of
the darhad utterly lied; and to many thousands they
have permanently s curedlhat uniform e' jnyment of
.bealth, without 14- hi h life itself is but a partial bless
ing. So. great. hided, bas their efficacy invariable
and infallibly proveti, that it has appeared scarcely
less than miraculcium to those who were unacquainted
with the beautiful, philosophical principles u p on
which they are 'c peurided.and upon win: b they
consequently act. t was to their Manifest and senst •
ble action in trurif 'rig the spring and channels of
life, and enduing t m with renewed tine 'and vigor,
that they were an dted for their name, which - was
be-stowed upon th at the spontaneous request of
per. plate
' 31
. 1 37
per dozen
1 50
it 31
several individuals
The proprietors
by the universal' di
ing his VKGETA
knnwle 'go and rea .
inunitY. Unlike di
which hoist of vrg
are purely and got.
11 1 0 4 Mercury, An any far
composed of extra
the virtues of whrc
miian tithes. tend re
eemical chemists. a
rant ririmenders to
before adminhger
biz pion.
Their fiiit topirat
croMi*c — omit - Mfg'
misiethiiiiiiyiened I
wee live. they had
'oleo in the opportunity afforded.
sion ertlie daily preiu, for pine.
:LE LIFE PILLS within the
; of every individual in the elm.
' host of pernicious quackeries,
'Wire ingredients, the' Life Pills
Lt' V EGE CA BLA, and contain net
many, Arsenic, nor any other
whatever. They are entirely
from rare and powerful plants,
though tong known so several
ently to some eminent pharma
altogether unknoWn to the igno
edical scienc e .and *were never
in so happily efficacious
op I°l9 loosen from aof
124:the vayttot unpn. 4°f9Pa te
s i
tirig aroma! itie,ll3 . ;koa :fal*
Fact 4 ifilLiteatiltectletfl,:con•
I ietqatftieiniefieitics
AnBITER NitrierkA)L.
• • , .
ord o p t e r Sitdlyclelualle_thclte.liveti h Ciallected
ma Aatthatd,rasitb Prcs - 11401 costiveness.
with, . bill& of &Ili, egad ilia with its
immheat‘dangerdi 'fihili fed is well'newt' to all
regular knatentists; who etude° the b man! bowels
.after death: anti-hence -the prejudiceof eserwell in
formed men against the quack medicines of the age.
The second effect of the - VEGETABLS -pal:
PILLS is to cleanse the kidneyaandtaelblidßerrand
by this meanit.Melivetand the Amp, ,kbg l esiglful
action - Of Which eritireffdePesids elm Ile regularity
of the urinary orgies. 'Theblood, wit ch takes Its
red color-limn the agency of the liver d the lungs
before it passa into the heart, being co purified try
them and nourished by food comin g mu a clean
stomach, courses freely through the eine. renews
every Part of the systemand trinmphan y mounts the
bannernf health in the blooming cheek
The following are among the distress ng variety of
human, diseases. to which the Vegetable Life Pius
arewell known to be infallible— 1
DYSPCPSIA, by throughly cleansin o the - fi rst and
second stomachs, and creating a flow pure healthy
bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind,—Flatalency.
Palpitation of the Heart, Loss pf rippet4e, goad-burn,
and Read-ache. ReSrk'SlineSS, f&tanper.,4nsiety, Lan
gitor,andAteltuicholy which are the gen eral symptoms
of Dyspepsia. will vanish. awe natural consequence of
its cute. Costiveness, by cleansing the whole length
of the intestines with a'solveut procea and without
violence; all violent purges leave the wels costive
within two days. Diarrh. , m and a, by remove.
ing the starpccrid fluids by which th e comp,aints
are occasioned, and by promoting e lubricative
secretion of the mucus membrane. F ofall kinds,
' by restoring they doed to a regular circulation, through
the process of perspiration in some based, and the
through solution °fall intestinal obstructions in others.
The Lark:. PILLS have been known o core Rheu
matisin permanently in three weeks, a d Gout in half
• that time, by removing local inflam non from the '
Muscles and ligaments of the joints. Psies of all
, kinds, by freeing ,and strengthening t e kidneys and I
bladdet; they operate most delightfu ly on these or. I
. ans,and hence have ever been found certain reme
; • for the worst cases of Grove/. Also Worms, by
e i
dis - . ging from the turnings of the ' wart the slimy
matte' which these creatures adhe e; Asthma and
Consume '' by relieving the air y Is of the lungs
from the mu .v, which even slight colds if not temps- :
ed becomes ha • ed. and produces those dreadful
diseases. Scurvy, Ulcers and Inveterate Sores, by the
' perfect purity which these Life Pills give to the blood
and till humors; Scorbutic Eruptions.' and Bad o=-
70am:tits, by theirtalterative effect en° the fluids that
morbid state of which occasions al r.ruptire com
plaints. hallow. L2mide, and other. C nos.
plezions The 4of these Pills for • very shortbme.
will effect-an entire cure of Sail r, Erysipelas
and a striking improvement in the learness of the
skin - Common Colds. and Influen will always be
1 ,.
cured by one dose, or by two even in e worst cases.
Piles.—as a remedy for this most d' sing and ots '
senate malady,•the Vegetable Life fills deserves a
distinct and emphatic recommendation. It is well
known to hundreds in this city, that the Proprietor
of these invaluable - Pills, was him4ll afflicted with'
this 6,triplaint for upwards of thirty fip. yaws, and that
he recd in vain every remedy prescribed within the
whole compass of the Materia Medici.. He however,
at length, tged the mediine which ha now offers to
the public, and he was cured in a Eery short time,
after his recovery had been pronctunred not only' .
improbable, but absolutely impossible, by any human
DIRECTION'S FOR PSE.—The ropnetors of the
Vetoers But Liss PILLS does not fo ow the base and
mercenary practice of the quacks of e day. in ad vis
iug persons to take his Pills in large, quantibee N No
good medicine can possibly be solequtred. These
Pills are to be taken at bed time very.night, for a
week or fortnight, according to •th obstinacy of the
disease. The usual dose is from 2to 5. according to
the constitution of the person.. Very delicate persons
should begin with but two, amd increase as the nature
of the casemay require: those piOre bust, or of very
costive habit, may begin with 3, a increase to 4, or
even 5 Pills, and they will effect a i ffi cientls : happy
f i
change to guide the patient in eir further rise.
These Pills sometimes occasion si knees sted - vomry
, - ng. though very seldom, unless the stomach is vele
foul; this. however, may be considered a favorabe.
symptom. as the patient will find'hmself at once pit.
liered. and by perseverance will soot' recover. 'rhey
' usually operate within 10 or 12 hotirs, and never give
pain, unless the bowels are very Much encumbered-
They may be taken by the most de icate females on.
der any circumstances—lt is. how fiver, recommend
ed, that those in later periods of pregnancy should take
but one at a time, and thus continue to keep the bowels
open: and elm' two mny be taken;where the patient
is 'very costive. One pill in a so' ution of two table
.PS a rjr ' fiwate r. may be give loan infant in the
fe110`46 4 . 14 des—a tea spoon full ev ery two hours ell
i „,
it opera • ..r a child from one t five years of age.
half a pill—and from five to ten, o e pall.
T(IF PIKE \IX BITTERS, aril so called.hecause
they possess the power of restoring the expiring em.
bers of health, to a glowing vig it. throughout the
consetution. as the Menet. is sal In he restored to
I111•Irum the ashes of its own dissdlutien The Mice
rex Bitters are entirely vegetable, : composed of root
found null in certain rills of to western
which will-intallffily core FE% EIS AM) AGUES
, aid! kinds; will never fail to e dicate entirely all
the ethers ofMercery. infinitely s oner than the most
powerful preparations ofSarsapar Ila. and will imme
diately ewe the determination o BLOOD TO THE
II A ED; never fail in the sicknep incident to young
I females; and will he found a eeitain remedy in all
cases of nervous debility and toroidgeras of t he mostim
I paired conertitetions As is a rrtnrdy for Chronic end
I lnfionsatory Rheumatism. the ef fi cacy of the Phoenix
1 Bitters will be dcmonstrnted by the use of a single
1 brittle. The usual dose cif these letters is half a wine
glass full, in water or wine,' and this quantity may be
i taken two or three times a day, labour half an hour
before meals, or a less quantity May be taken at all
I times. To those who are afflicted with indigestion
I alley mesh's', these Bitters will pore invaluable, as
Iwhey very greatly increase the action of the pnncipal
I viscera, help them to perform theirfunctions, and en
ilale the stomach to dtseharge intblthe bowels what
I ever is offensive- Thus indigesition is easily and
t speettly removet appetite restot4d, and the mouths
1-ofthe atsorbent vessels being eficansed. nutrition is' '
Cacihtated. and strength of 'lndy' end view of mind
are the happy results. For farther particulars of i
eTERS. apply'at Mr. Moffat's office, N 0.546 Brodway,
New York. where the Pills canlbe obnoned for 25
cents. 50-rents. or $1 per box; add the Bitters- for r sl
or 1 ; 2 per bottle. ID"'Numerous certificates of the
wonderful efficacy of - both. may be there inspected.
, In some obstinate and complicaled cases of chronic
•and itillamniatury 11.heumatism.I Liver Complaints,
Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia. Palsy. Piles, infirm/row
the use of mercury, quinine. arid other diseases of long
standing. irroasta bo necessity toll take both the Life
Pills and the Thcenis Bitters, sin:the dose before to.
commended.• I
•N. B--'These Pills and the itters, will get the
mercury out oftbe syStem infinite faster t hart the best ,
preparations OfSarstiparilla. and certnip remedy fog
in g
the rushetliii blood to the/tee , or all violent kind
aches,ticdoukurerte,Bre.—Allp ns Who are predis
posed to apapies,y,,patsy, &c., shopld never be without
the Life Pills or the Bitten% for'onedese in time will
save life. They equalize the circulatton of the blood.
draw all pressure from the head, prespiraiion, and
throw off every impurity by the pores of the akin- -
For sale by MILLER i&IJAGGERTY, '
.1 gouts forthe Proprietor.
' 40-ly
Pottsville, 26
rdAS-I*AcTußsi4s oe .
Looking-Glasses ,
27•Tiorth Fifth street, Fhiladelplna; back
of the Merchants' Hdtel-devoted excluaively
•to this business.
. Country -Merchants are supplied at mandiac
turera'' prices, and their Glasses insured fruit;
' breakage to any part of the INtion, without extra
Those who may have orderri for large'Olasses,
would - do well to inform us by letter, previous to
Oh, of the size or i the plate, and the_
'kind - ermine they may wept, that the article
^Part be I°49l9ActAed eXpressf l y,for the otietteion
-61. merchants "'hoop give their orders dar-Loofe
iheit- in
sell pater. • • ' '
.0P). - • Aft-Vrito
Pa gage PM. Witglaad, Ireland, Scot
afid•-,-Wigpt.... • •
i 6 / 4 g tr , eigagei a mmo fb
their irk:ids:4i' first rate ahips,.from the a
tfrre places,-may tow do so by appirits to
For the srecornimodetion of those persons enga
ging passage fortOeirlfriends, who may wish to
send them money{ to enable them to provide for
the. voyage, drops' arigkbet given on the following
named merchants,. viz:
'P. W. Byrnes, No. 9, Waterloo Road, Liver.
pool; Daniel Wright, 4. Co. No. 3,Robinson at. eet
Glasgow; William Miley, No. 25, Eden Quay,
Dublin. may 6 36
For Sale
DR. JOS. LA PIER R E'S Bympatltick for the
safest ? speadNst,:and perfect cure of every
kind of wounds, tilderii, cancer and all cutaneous
.diseases, arising , frotiiietittfog, squeezing, burn
ing, boiling or the impurity elthe blood, and also
for curing Dyspepsia,. heart burn,'asihiria, liver
complaint,costiveness,eolicks, convillakos, diary.
hcea and rheumatick pains, tooth ache, and sore
eyes. The general agent, Prof. G. Xay. Wagner,
Reading, Becks pounty, Pa. offers gratis to any
person affected ;with either of the said diseases,
a certain quantity' of the Sympathick to be tried
and appreciated before making any expense; how.
ever, the application Must be Made free of post.
N. B. This article cannot be had genuine in
any drug store or' appothetary shop. It is not
necessary to talk much about It, as it certainly
will reconimend itself to an enlightened publick.
aug 19 39—tf
N 14; W IRON
aic Hardware Store.
THE subscribers would respectfully announce
to the public, that he has added to his formes
stock, Iran and !Ardmore, consisting in part or
American and English Bar Iron. Hoops and Band
Iron, Round Iron, assorted sizAs; Cast, Crawly,
Shear, German . and 'English niter and A. M.
Steel Vices, Mouselolc anvils. Smith's Bellows,
Cast Steel hand., chi:ping and Broad axes, nails
and spikes, together with a general assortment
of Iron Mongery, all - of which will be sold at re.
duced prices; :by JOHN CLAYTON.
April 22 • 32.
THE subscriber respectfully announces to the
AL public, that. he will attend to the collecting
of accounts ii his borough and neighborhood, at
very reasonable rates. Accounts from abroad,
to collect in thit neighborhood will be promptly
attended to, and sailisfactgajeferences given if
required. • JOW C. CONIR AD,
April 5" .27 Constable.
Swailuirs Panacea.
A S the internpera ce and luxury of the age are
tn. hastening the ravages of scorbutic complaints
and rendering the blood more impure; and as thou
muds have destroy, their constitutionshy neglecting
to apply the proper Semedics—to such. Swarm's Pan
acea must be, and ha* been, more than doubly valua
ble as a certain and effectual means of them
to perfect health andlvigor. Few families are whol
ly exempt from scorllutic affections, which exhibit va
rious symptoms; as 'eruptions, ulcerations; debility,
loss of appetite ind dCjection, all arising from impure
blood. and if not properly attended to, produce the.
greatest injury tothe;mensetutution. and may .
parted to their offspring. Swaim's Panacea is recom
mended at this seised' of the year, as a valuable resto
rative of the system, thereby Itlvigoratingthe comfits
, tine, and enabling it to bear the debilitating effects of
the summer season. It is conveyed by the circula
ting fluids, and corrects their tendency to all those
diseases which originate in vitiated blood, diseased
liver, depraved appetite. or pred4spositori to affections
of the lungs,&c. No one, however, isiadvised to use
u without convincing themselves of the truth of what
is here 'stated.
This coptheine is now used with success in all parts
or the world, andis gaining great reputation in - Eng.
A fresh supply of the Medicine just received and
for sale by B. BANNAN.
.* Bole Agent for Schuylkill county.
Who can supply the above mcthcine wholesale to
them who with to sell again, at Philadelphia prices.
May 14 26-
Vegetablei• Universal Pills.
TsvA LI 1) !—ON k... DISEASE haat thou only—
.lCan impurity of thy blood, which. by impeding the
circulation, brings on pain or derangement in the or
gan or part where each impurity of the blood settles.
It Is true, a v ',meal of CAUSES may bring about the
slate of the blood-such as a violent bruise or fall,
damp feet. indigt suer'. pain in .he head,'itc.&c..gerl.
although it may he said that these Aiseasei have not
their origin in impurity of the blot i.yet the, effect is
the same, they all rind in the snipe the block);'
and our only object to prevent the wr itting ink,.
ones be kept up, in other words the acrim 0 jell* l' U .
mon rs, is continual ly. to purge the body, as to ris any
unpleasant symptoms remain, with Dr. Brandreth's
eevered with', insufficient quantitiei to produce copi.
OUS evacuations, wil l assist nature to restore eVery
organ to a state of health. This is pn the 'Principle
of draieing: we dritin a marshy piece of land, •and
from a sti)e of sterility soon produce a most abun
dant fertility and to it is with the human body; when
any thing is the platter with ii. we have onlyticcation
to draft it by purgation—and experience has taught
those whojigye adopted this reasonable practilte, be.
cause e-nststent with our nature, that they hive acted
! rightly, the result ~haling` been Bound health. It is
i not more than IS months mace these Pills were in
' troducedinto the Dotted. States, but 'their sale has
beenaltogether unprecedented, there having been sold
of them in New York in that time, fully one sallion
fire hundred thousand bores. And above 10,000 per
sons can be referred to in "NeW York'city, and dearly
the 'amen' Philadelphia . who have been cured when
1 every other means bad become altogether unavailing.
of disekses which appeared of the most opposite char.
acter, and in many cases where the dreadful ravages
of ulceration, had laid bare ligament and brae, and
where to all appearance no human means could save"
life, have patients,!-by the tine of thete Piihg been re.
'stored to gond health, the devouring disestee having
been completely eradicated.
Dr. Wm. Brandreati was so folly -convinetd or the
trutb-of the above eimple theory, that he I spent 30
years in elperimei and laborious research taco- the
medical ru prope of the numerous, plants compos
ing the Vegetable ingdom; his object being to com
. poise a nedieine which would at once punfy, and pro"-
doce by specific action, a removal of all by homers
froth the blood by the stomach andhowels, dishy the'
citithitiatkinioftheibseofatich 1 matelot% such hot
more are sun to Om carried oft and the blood se
some a state rifputitv: and whoever-takes these s /71s t
and perseveres with• them, wilrbe satisfied-that Dr.
Wilbert Bmodretti fully attained hie philanthropic
itibiect. Dienes , an absolute and known facti that
awarY disease. *helium it be in the bead or feet.iii the
brain or meanest ember; whether it be an outward
talcer,or on inwar abscess, are all, though arising
front many cans reducible to this grand effect.
namely. Impurity flood. .
NOTIC h..— As Drug and Chem i cal Stores are liter
ail Podeil with Counterfeit Brandreth's Pills, lt be-
- i e. err those who rant the genuine article to purchase
only' of the aCcredited agents or those who are known
to be above- puch dishonest practices.
Mr...13„,-Thempsiin 4. Co. Pottsville are the only a
winiavittiment for Schnilkillcounty l , ,
Dr. - Bmndtteam (Wee for. the sae o 4 the above Pills
wholesalelaidi 'Shills if 189 Rare treat, Ow 'door,
above filth stakortri side: Philidelphha.:- : :Ir --,, !--
.. rkt!treykrctupmber that Drag Storesireteuthaire the
genuine BraPdt°4 l Nit o an , r. 4 der' i ) lerefore all' pu
c iasei of them are sure be counterfeit.
Dec 3 4d-71y
.1991i4ant 19 .the Sick.
410110.11114411 1 ,ilPitAri.. •
CeeSEAND EFF'ECT. 7 When a sound saidsci
ntifte ihhiedyprdiseases his long I:ieeningene •
mansely tholpuldie, bestowing blessings and receiv-,
jog praisecitih scarcely in the , power Of scepticism to
doubt its viruiespor oral's, to den/ them.
' When it has,suchieved en ascendant career of use
fulness which distances the cotopetiticA-of •,mere
beastful pretension, and has secured • conspinbons.
station in universal Thant, by intrinsic worth alone,
Its proprietormay paint oat the causes of its auperi:
ority. without incurring the suspicion of invidious
ness, in instituningtheircnspirisob. •
PILLS, manufactured by .Dr. William Evans, at ltni
Chathatn , sucet, do not require his explanation of
their aokooiyledied efficaerz.for the, most eminent
physicians - throughout the United States will freely,
if appealed (o, state the reasons which have'induced
them to-recommend them so extensively And warmly .
as they do. And those - reasons are, that these judi
cious medicines neverinjure even thy:lmA delicate
constitutkns, and have„„in almost every. individual
case for which they are prescribed, ti markettzadevi
.ent, a truly happy and permament
an*, moreover, see that they are pot offered to Ale
publio upon any quack•theory of purifying the blood,
to the atter destruction of the stomach and.bowels..
Centre Street.
Purify the blood frotil all diseased_humore, they unde
niably du; hut .not- by destroying those viscera by
which aloft" the blood can be sustained. They are
compounded; upon a:theory which supposes a stomach
to be a very essential agent to health; and food, well
digested. to be a valuable friend to flesh anahlood.—
They do not purify men to ghosts, and. make them
look hke =beings too refined to remain long in this
world; but they make them as human as possible, and
fit to encounter the hardships, and fulfil the occupa
tions of a sublunary iife. They do not make a vio
lent purgatory of this life, to prepare menthe faster
for another... They proceed in on the su position that
the blood, muscles, nerves, organs, c tory and se
cretory gland. mucuous and tegument ry membranes,
bones and brains. of every human b ing require to
be supplied with nourishment from as 1 ealthful.a sto-
mach as a/tribe made and kept; and upo c doctrine
that unless the stomactLand bowelsare in g order,
Ole blood and every other part of the system ill be in
And how is it expected that they will secure health
to the stomach and bowels? Why by enabling the one
to digest food, and the other to carry off what is left
elm the ndtriment is extracted.le connection with
the surplus of bile, and the foul humors ofthe blood,
mucous membranes, and stomach. And they accom
plish these great feats of medicine in-the most simple
way imaginable. The APERIENT FAMILY PILLS
if the stomach be affected with wind, bile, or coated,
collections,elear it out, by a natural but a most in
sensible solvent action, and cleanse, the whole ali
"watery canal, without griping, and leaving it as free
sifithont debility, as nature ever designed it to be.—
They do net take the skin offthe stomach and bowels,
and leave them like a piece of red velvet, as all phy
sicians know 'die strong drastic pills do. but they
take nature kindly by the hand without crushing her
fingers. They cleanse every thing, without imparing
of suturing any thing..
When this is effected as it usually is ty the use of a
few of the FAMILY APERIENT PILLS, then come
the celebrated CAMOMILE or TONIC PILLS. to
strength ea i s stomach and bowels which before, per 1
haps, we 4 and foul because they were weak, and
endows them with strength to perform their impor-
tent functiiins, without the aid of physic. The CA- ,
MOMILE FLOWER, when its valuable principles
are chemically extracted, is acknowledged by all phy
sicians, in every, age, to be the best vegetable tonic
known in the science of medicine —There is nothing
known in the vegetable kingdom of nature to equal it;
nothing thit is at none so harmless anti so -vigorousli
healthful: and in proof of this the proprietor of thy
renowned pills that are made from its purest particles,
might quote almost innumerable authors, both ancient
and modern, if his own practice had not proved it te
tens V thousands. , .
The effects of these pills are not only perceived in
no increase of appetite and general strength, but in
a restoration of the body to that universal vigor in all
its functions Vihich indicates the return to perfectly
sound health.—The face, and general complexion,
speak volumes in their favor, and thousands of fe 7
miles can testify bow much - they have contributed to
their comfort, their complexion, and their strength.
whet ravery otherreuxedy had proved worse than use
less. In nervous diseases, of all kinds, they' are new
acknowledged to be- preeminent; gradually restoring,
firmness of body and mind. without those annoyance
'and dbanges which other nervous remedies occasion.
Happy would it have been for many young persons
of both sexes who are now inthe silent grave. althey
had learned to check the morbid tendencies of their.
stomach gild bowels by these pure tonicsand aperi
ents, without resorting to quick remedies, the names
of which, are concealed, and of which they know
• -nothing. , That dreadful scourge CONSUMPTION;
might have been clug ked in its commencement and
disappointed of its'illlty, all over the land, if the first
tyrntoms ef nervous debility had been counteracted.
by CAMOMILE chemically prepared; and those
bowel complaints which lead to a host errata' mala4.:
dies, rid hi - hate been obiiated by that fine alcaline
extiact f rhubarb; which is a .leading ingredient in
- the AP RIENT FAMILY: PILLS. Wore both of
1 .
these medicinee, which are adapted to a majority of
- theperpoilibrfor which Chundred others are unneces,
eerily used,feveri,agues.bilioua disorders, headaches,'
female .debility, male decline, indigestion, and liver
complaint. would have entirely disappeared, where
many dr them 'have proved fatal: .
Bat be it disdirefly understood that these medicines
are not offered instead of theseinatural organs of the
, body wbibh other medicines dispense with, in a very
;summary manner. They are founded upon medical'!
knowledge, and not quackery, and do not take all the
red pat-tidies old' tif the human blood under the,pre
' 'tepee of purifying it. In l etter of which difference of
:effect. let the faces and forms inpatients bear testi
mony. They coiiiiitute's useful, effectual, and gene
rally applicable class of "medicines for every family,
and, tieing-both tunic and aperient. and of the beat
preparations known, no person or family should be
without them. They can'be obtained who! le and
retail ofthe proprietor, Dr. WM. EV ANS, N ew York,
and of"h agents In town and' country, with three--
tions forme.—They are -rapidly superceding all ether,
remedies advertised in the-public prints, because the y .
are found to belong toe very ornerier class of popular
medicine:A single trial usually places them high in pri
vate estimatioir, •aithey are known to be in public
prefdlente, and in the opinionerphysicians.
EIGHT ST. PHILADELPHIA. where his medicine
maybe had. Dr. Win Evans! Office, 100 Chatham
street. New York, where the Doctor may be consulted,
as usual.! , • ' . - . •
.11L1Luteresting case--Mr. William Silmon,Green et.
above Third st,,, Phiiadelphia. afflicted for several'
years with 'the following distressing symptons : Sick-.
netts at the stomach , headache, dizziness , palpitatio n s of the heart, impaired app'eutti, sometimes acid and
putrecsent eructations, 't oldness and 'weakness , of the
extremities, emaciation arid geneialdebility, disturbed
rest, a sense of prelate° and weight at the stomail
idler 7ig, nightmare. great =ulna l despnderiby.
oreveret P a i n e the chest, back-and sides, coni ve
fleas, a lahlteforsociety, or conversation, involuntary
sighing drid 'weeping languor and lasitude upon the
least cambia.
klr..Silmon had a ppliedto the moat eininent
claim wkio cotudder it-beyond the powermedi
clue to res.
_tore, him -Jo health his afflic
tions-hell MeiKeel'hiut to a very deplorable condition,
edd haviugheen recommended by a triative Of his to
mike trial of Di.
_Wm.' EVANS' Medicine, be-with; tbeofficstand procured a package„;
to which, he says be its indebted for -his restoration to..
lifo. health andinends. Bois now enjWj'lotall then
" ploosiowf •or perfect health... Vermont of
Other informationovilMnpaith every parti-,
cular offfitastonbilibigcurdat Di:Win. Evans' bledi.,..;
cal Offices, 109 CbatluitilialiWterk ; and in WlL
adelphia, No. 19 NOETIfftIGWITI St. • ' sa
Sold by
PonsvOle, Nov. k.s', s t
.? 1-ti.
WO* r tfa.GGERTX:r:
'NovlB : &V amp
1 f.i. ife.i'2 l OW.
~ „
,7 . . for sale the .followist
!..*: k At Ott very low prices at
illerlw England
'3ciVatlTsheep,' $lO
t&ry v o l .12 00
110 vfle. co * piety,: -11 Do
I d lir rks, vols.- sheep, 4 o f j
C' inmen , 3 vols.
s tiorne'?ditiop,shcep(4 25 0 D
History; vol. sheep, ...
Edi t ion with Mips and
tad*.: 1 , I
HameogM9 ll9ll, -
Scutt'. lliblei, ah
Ibeepj . "
Byrettee Works,
Rollirite.Anctent 1
ith plates
complete.ll rot
I ibtary Edition
Marryattes work
Aloore'a works,
Burne — Workei - •
Cowper aid Th
- Akre
Borden's villa
Doddridgee Fa
Encyclopedia .° I
1200 cots
Fox's Book of
McKenzies 500
Together wi
low rates, to suit
ily 1
Barinoaa, I GO
2 00
i :,_ D, .
Imy -r.,apata l tor, r ' ,3 50
Idatiliaaphyi 3 vole. with
, d'loo Mails, 10. 50
,arty,ta;wlth plates,
_2 z
-Receipts ; 1 31
1•- • di -
•a variety , o th er B oo k s at very
1 thettimew. , ' ,
i l
g each bo tie orcthe SWlfick,
a conmcnotui manner , all the
i llifferent atom Of these distres.
eo particular 'directions respect.
iman i and how patients are try
pointing out in
symptoms in th
sing disease.
ling diet and
conduct thro
stored—for vm
'ticriptions of th,
with .moqtf
the direetfons
every stage until health is re.
and useless would be the ore
', ablest ph3isicitins;accompani c i
and usetiarnedicinee, 11
enra.!fitithfhl*illihered to.
e informed that the depositions 0.1
ye been taken before proper au
city of Lancaster, all completeli
at desperate cases of . eonsiir
ickare detailed in the bills a
h bottle.
The public
287 persons • .1
thoritiei in t
cared in the m,
tion, some of •
* e ll A sopp •
received and is
hfardh 12"
of the aboves. Specified has be,
for lite at this office.
The subacri
he virtues r
rtant DiifccOvert.
haadiacovered a method
t valuable root.
gay be extrli without losing any of its mcd
properties. • h s medicine is prepared after
ceipt of thell ical College, a-receipt reeontir
by the Faculty, a the best formula •fmr the r
uon of the fluallextract of Sarsaparilla.
• This Extract .ay beXivenilyithiperfect Si
children:rind iii nseientiotisiy 91Yeret4 to the
as a purifier oft e biciod , which in encases will
iyaileviate. sad 'n twiny entirely *re the foil
diseases: . ' 1 . . . ,
Obstinate e ptions of the shin, - •
nropies or p illezOn the face. .. 1
Bffes Tail, rise from an impurs habit te
Scaly ernp i no.
: 1
. • Plias MTh ' nee,
Chrtinic rh matism, •
: Screfele, or , •
White Swell'
Syphilitic syt
And.all dieol
the blood; eithel
healthy ciimit,
,iing's evil,
tgla, .
dery arising front an impure
- by a long residence in 4 hot:
:. or the injudicious use of meet
flit necessary to attach a few
p.ficial effects, from persons well
s refkrepeesit 1 •
- '
- heading, July 13,
reigned, having used the Cot
of Sarsaphrilla, (prepared by
our families.znost cheerfully
public, as a, Clietfti t safe and t
teases arising - from impurities
M. 5.., RICHARD:
This is to Certify that 1 was Mr two years i
with an obstinate impefijoritous affection in 01
legs, which •hroke into numerous. ulcers, for wt....
tried various remedies; which but increased the di
ease, when I seas recommended to try Mr. &holey'
preparation o niaparilia. I did so,and after UM
6 e 4 e- „nil bat ll4 3a lam happy to state that the ulcers u ;entir ely ,Mma,Pl 4 42 nzyleg healed.. Wit at
:Mid this . 16t 'day 'of A ugffat, 1 tP7.
. , 401:1144 R. COLLER, Rektor
.._ , ,
Tbileertie that my little eon:about 8 years old
had`suffered f a long tim el from extensive sores o
the right knee and leg.' (garb to have been who
swellrng.).whi h 1 fotindim sible -to heal, byes
theaid uf.the• st respect* 1 medical advice:loot
1 I wasrecomm ded Aquae .. George' W. Oakeley
Compound Sir of Sarsaparilla, eight , bottles of whit
not o the sores but.perfectly restored d
chi}die l,ll fOch bid toff
,fiteslitueb 'aeon sequels ,
Cif deli -fib ''' ' ' '' CAT HASI HINGEMAN.
1 , cer X Itlrigbos resin at. Reading
The above se e `
art &It A One, both hero
1. ..,
and atter the se 0 ' Mei Vikkagi's vrop of sarsaf' "
rilia'anOitha no 'hesitatio n
T in believing th at it wr
the agent o it restoration.• ;I I 1
- .TNO.-11 0 .-01ESTER, M I D
ReadingiS,C.l% 18374 ':i. - ...1 1-- .
. 1 , ifirilmington, Noe. 20,4837
Mr. faitikeley, I - d 4 ,
Sin—l con 'der it my duty to let you know that the
use of the .fial dozen bottles ofyoar valuable Sarsart
rills mail go of ybu in June last. has entirely healed
myleg,the D f or told me it was Of a scrofulous chili
"der. and th use of your medicine would si t o t balit
benefitit. five bottles / were not balm . , fo r e it
was healed , I took the faith" to Make. 4 cure
_ceitito; it ,is w better than two strouthirsinee r oat
any, and • the is no appearance of a Zeturanzmy phr
clan thinks the cure perfect. i Yours.&c.
' - : • :. C4,4441R0WN.
~ . ,
erThe 'I. .ye valuable motlinuOinay,b e h a d II
'the . mac -ea *bole:sale 'ittititra. ill Dru
g s tole ,
N o rth Fifth reet,,Readinrat most of the pan-'
opal drug at -res. "Frea
_gar mat Medoeines. n
loudest . , prices, ergo 'l4tiale 'bttpe sub.-
scriber. •. .. '. ,' - -, GED , no Ey
Also, to.tye . d at 11Hritiiiii if iffiiedeoreich &
„irritz Ramo .;M tit. Mintweroted-Dr.t.Ford. Vous
"'wn i ' iel et • 04 . 01( 14 4,111 -
Irri.?' Satettore offhand
Stratic,; 'n , nlre... • - 11 . -t, *
.fin-1r1i,,, '. '
ad 7:: , 1r
c,irit-,c.0 l i ny signature w
accom i °llk.
1 t
" 7 7
%i. f
• I have thong
notes of its ben
in the county. ,
We the mid i
Fluid Extract.
W. Oakele3ti •
mend it to the
medicine, in d'
.•-' `..-4,,,.i.m.q , t..-ar„, ii.;ilin.
~ t o
liAirif fi:m,'l4l,ll r 'dsgpl,Roat Aiiventuref oi
. -626'... l itt: .1!P. , rßOttai44l.Tect- from Ne
'Yorie ll -,'' ; 2 ~ . , •- •
i i
ri , u gpiga l ii ii'' dai 3. eimase.l
7 . ! l ''''_2(l , ' spa opple,,fiO i -• 4
.:. 'C 1.130 . 01§4. aupeti r smuaedi,beef,
' 100 Itie. -•do ~ LaT4i.
_ 16001bs. cod fi sh.
' •
30 ;ftIr .11 1
,9.rt i V2ltifel r ,
. 4,"54.,, , 9.P.,,. 'Phi .
20 half dilk h d„co
~ r , , .- ,
. A btds, "filch, ! -', A ,,„
' ' --: 25 bo'fta soperiorgreen siad black teas. ,
nor, 25 I
171 4 curt
?fitting nj
Of At
t,o4e.pre. 1
Ik/I%W r• '-.
the Citg
• - •