O"' IN parse a.of North sale, at the bury, la the day the 2d TAPER halms , Court &de. , jte of an order of the Habana' Court mberland County, will• be exposed Jo 'art House in the borough of Stul 1, .unty of Northumberland, on Mon tj of April next. that valuable STAND 4. TRACT OP LAND, ituated on' the Centre turnpike road, Shamokin township, Northumber nd County, in the Shamokin Coal ' egion, now, and for several years by Felix arch—the estate of the (Bradford, deceased, containing 200 1.!: bouts, part of which is cleared and : olcultivation. The improvenients tavern house, stables, sheds, &c. supply Of good spring water can of the year-be obtained. y is well worth the attention of any !o become the owner of a' valuable and tract of coal laud., The .terms S. ii 111 put, °couple, Hon. E. G. urea or they in a goo* sta are a good 1 An atundart at all seam The tore one wishing tavern stand of sale will it is believe, . - made known on day of sale the title is indisputable. JOHN EVANS, MARV- BRADFORD, Adulinistrators of said deceased. of the Court. By ord • JAWB BRIGHT, Clerk O. C I PliotiCe . van to the wholesale and retail deal. • tgrt'' Merchandise in. the county of at The Associate 3adges and Coun . • ere of said County, will meet at the ' Office in Orwigsburg, on Thar& day of March, 1838, for the pur g said Merchants in that class which ight and just. ! tfif s of the different Boroughs and' eihd county, are required to make affirmation, a list of all the whole dealers in their respective districts; I. e same to the Clerk of the Court of .ns of said County, on or before the rch session, 1838. IS hereby •,! -Kera or io Schuylkill, t ty Cominissi ‘ Commission: day the 29th , pose of piaci shall appear The Cons Township; i' under oath sale and reta, and, deliver t Quarter Seen tst day of M G. RAUSH, / Associate DANIEL YOST, Judges. ILIP OSMAN,/ Commissioners NJ: POTT; • strators' - sold on Thursday, the 22d , and the 23d of March, at 10 o'cicick ate residence 'of John Bowen, de : diem township, Schuylkill coon personal estate of mitt decedent, ' orses„ Cows, Shriep, Plows, Har- Harness, Hey, Straw, Wheat, Rye, otatoes, grain in pui ,ground, and rtment of farming utensils. A rr WILL , Frida A. M. it-the ceased, th.M' ty, the eatir coasistiv o rows, Wag ,, Buck wheat, a general it • • bold and Kitchen fdrniture, cop eck, Beds, Bedding, Stove, Chairs. pboard, and all the rehataites of Also, Hou sistieg of 1 and Tables, house !aeepin Terms e• known at the time of Sale Feb 24 4 • ch-Making. Roe? respectfully innounces that he n commenced the Coach Making .rwegian street,.3 doors below the e borough of Pottsville, and res- T HE subs .f has age Business in / Arcade, in pectfully soli.. ts a portion of the - public patron age. He is ell stocked with timber, sad mate rials of a au. nor quality, and hay odlond, rea• Ay-made, a n. usher of vehicles of various kinds, 'wade in the ery best manner, which he will sell cheap. PHILIP HOFFA. N.B. A journeyman Wood-worker, and . - Painter, is wanted itnrnediatety, to ages and constant employment will ajourneyma whom good • be given. march 7 For Sak, stable and lot, on;the. west aide of et, Mount Carbdrt; the house is and well finished. containing a liar in the basement story, and two rat, second and third floors each. likewise built o: - Stone, and large ommudate four horses. The lot of 40 feet, and id. depth 252 feet; the lot is a fide spring of water.— ' is very pleasant, and from it 9 prow. !.al landings, is admirably well cal l. .tmlin or boat builder. .A long iven for one half of the purchase AHOUS Maine • :I built of doe:{ kitchen and c room's on the The stable is enddgh to a contains in f at the head The situa irnity to the culated for a credit will be money. For terms march 1.0. pply to GEO. C:.WYNKOQP 18-U • the Coal illeglOn. ERSE section of the, Sallylk Map' co, A TRAN Coal Re the Broad M tweed each a each,. put .up. just received No. 62, Walls march 14 ,• - - 1 i n, from the Sharp Mountain to t, ntain, showing the distance be in,, ,the dip and the thickness of n Pocket Book Birth, price $3 50, nd for sale at this office—end at t street, Philadelphia. enters Wanted. Journeyipen Carpenters dy. to whom good wages ient will be given. Apply JACOB KLINE. 19-3 C in Sawyer'?Wantea. •mer who urideratenda farm. a person capable of'tending tges will be given to sober ans who ca n come well Fac et this office. Tavern Lnienees. just pub ic by b. BANNAN. 20 = GitE Valuable T 11.1ROdUIMI: sal Property in Pottsville, OR sALip. igneff offers for sale all that well ee Wry ,BRICKOORE AND 110 USE and thezappurtenances, re street; Pottsville, the property ,gned, together vtith nine other the rear of said building, and the whereon the whole stands. The r aforesaid, contaies thirty • feet in d from the basement story to the est style ot worknianship, and both stand and a residence, is .most fa. RW. The foregoing property will •V and accommodating terms. Part Ilmoney may rectum on the prop. i e years, tt desired. I Title indisputa. lion can be given immediately— G. IC JENNINGS. Pottsville. THE under I known' th DWELLIN situate in te of the under tenements in tot of ground brick buddin front—fibi • garret irt,the as a basin ••• vouribly sft be sail un 'lO of the purcb. • erty rqr a fe ble, %Ril l tel., April 22 03 1 20 Castr o i 20 Boxes pi e. for sale r . ' dei - I eoe, Cheeise 'premium cheese, le apple do • - N. NA' 'VANS & - ` 2 ~ THE subscriber has j ust received and in now opening d very chorea selection of Garden ,Seeds; warranted to be flash. Mad or....exilen°nt milky, all of Which harp been ticketed with care. Early Turnip Beet .Lonigreen do i Long Blood Beet Tomatoes -I Early York Cabbage i)Viiidsor beans Large York ,do Butter beans (pole) Drumhead 'do . ••Extrcearly beans Green Curled Savory do Early Valentine bans Red_ pickling , do Extra earlypeas • Wellington do Coates's early - 10', inch Flat Dutch do «dwarf peas Boger loaf do Green bunch do : Bullock head do Dwarf marrowfat do Curled Cress Large marrowfat a. Orange carrot Asparagus 4 Early., frame cucumber Red solid celery Long pickling do White solid do F.arly'ctirled lettuce Citron melon ' . India Head do Nutmeg melon Early-cabbage do , Early cauliflower • Yellow winter bead do Egg plant Mustard seed Nasturtium., $, Curled parsley Bull nose pepper . Sugar parsnip • S a ge .. Pumpkin seed Sweet marjoram : . White union Summer savory - Yellow do " . Sweet hash , Red annual do Rhubarb Early salinon radish Thyme . • +. Early long white 'do Lavender • , .White turnip do Mignonette Red turnip do Hemp seed Yellow summer do Canary seed spinnage Corn . Flat bush squash Plower seeds, 4c. &c. All of which will be sold cheap by B. BANNAN. march_ 7 17 UM • 11ARTRAM'S BOTANIC GARDEN, I NEAR . PIIILA DELPHI& %IRE. subscriber has for sale at his Garden and .1 Nursery, Ringsessing. near Philadelphia, a , large assortment of Fruit Trees of suitable sizes for trans planting, embracing Uyery variety of Apples. femme, Cherries, Plums, Apricots; Peaches, Nectarine*, Al moods, Quinces. Mulberries, Grapes, Raspberries. Gooseberries and Currants. together with a tas sortment of Green House Plants. Ornamental 'frees, Flowering shrubs, Evergieeus, Vines and Creepers, Honeysuckles, Roses, Carnations and Pinky, Herba ceous Perennial Flower' .Plants, and a large assort, mental Esculent Vegetable Seeds, which comprises as great an assortMent as any other Garden to the United States. /Cr B. BANN AN, who has been appointed Agent for the Proprietor. will receive and execute orders for MI kinds of Fruit Trees. Shrubbery, dtc. at the Short- eat notice. Igr Catalogues can be examined at this office. March 14 19 SAMUEL BOW EN. JOHN BOW EN. Adusistratore. • 413 PROCLAM ANION. Whereas the Honorable Ceimpt flt.rrite,,,fr:sonire, President of the 'lever et Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of Dan. phin, Lebanon, and Sehuyikitl, in Pennsylvania, and justice of the several Courts,. of Oyer and Tertniner and 43 eneral hit Deltiery. in the said counties, and George Raush and Dbt.iel tort, quires, judges of the court of Oyer and Terminer and Genet-ailed De livery, for the trial °fall capital and other offenders, in the said county ofSehuylkill—by theirprecepts by . me directed. tested at OrwigaWirg, the 30th day of Dec, Isr, have ordered Ote Court of Oyer and T'ermi -uer and General Jail livery, to be holden at O•wigs bung, on the last Moilday of March neat, (being the Nth of said month,) to continue pne week. Notice is therefore hereby given,lo the coroner, the justices of the peace, and constables of the said county of Schuylkill, that they are by the said precepts com manded to be then and.there at ten o'clock:olTh the fore. noon of said day, with their rolls, records,inquisitions, examinations, and all other remenbrances, to dothossi things, which to their offices appertain to be done, and all those that are bound by recognivatces, to pros ecute against the pristiners that are, or then shall be in the jail of said courtly of Sdbuylkill, are to be then soil there to prpsecute them as shall be just.. PETER F. LCDWIGi Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Orwiga. burg, Mar. 9, 1838. 5 Gad save the Commonwealth. ". N. B. The witnessetan4,jurors who areMtmmoned io attend said Court, are requested to serve punctuali ty. In case of non-attendance, the law in such cases made and provided 1 wil,l be 'enforced, this notice Is published byparticular order of the Cann, those con cerned will therefore govern themselves accordingly. ME 19-3 traVspli , GARDEN SEEDS. v liioi gni lb 2) A SPBER,T CARL -Proprietor PROCI.A.IIIATION.--N9tice is 'hereby gives that a Court of Commob Pleas, for the trial- of causes at issue. in anti for the coun*y of Schuylkill, will be held at Orwigsburg. in' he county aforesaid. on Monday the 19t1fday of March next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Therefore all persons having snits peiditig.and all persons whose duty it shall be to appear multi Qourt, willtake notice and govern ilaMnselves accordingly. PETER F, LUDWIG. Shetilt Sherilis Office, Orwigs- A • burg, March 3.1838. , 16- tt4r Punctual attendance is demanded of the Jurors and Witnesses summoned to attend this Coon. INSOLVENT DEHTOES.—THE subscriber, hare applied to the J udgea 'oft he Court ofCommon Pleas or Schuylk ill dountf.faithe benefit of theseve nil Acts of A nimbly pawned the relief of Insolvent Debtors, & that-the said iud bs have appointed Mon day the 26th day of March next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Court House, in Orwigsburg, for the hearing opus and our crecßtors,when and where they may& ttend if they think prover. THOMAS BOONE, - GEORGE PFAFF. ABRAHAI Linz. JACOB M • JOHN • F. HOSEA RD,* JACOB it•IIVER.* ma - Ma 3 WILL BE SOLD • at Private Sale. . A 'good two awry house and lot of ground, situate on Centre street. The lot is 20 feet front on Centre street, and 230 fcet deep. extending to the Mount Carbon Rail !Raid—the How is.itub. stantially built, and well situated fin any kind of public business., .• • ALSO; • Two good two story &atria houses aid Jots of ground, situate inßexttre Row, Norwegian Street. Each house an lot is 20 feet front; the houses are well. finished vrtih kitchens attached, to each house ; and are situated in the most busi ness part of town. All cif the above property will besold'yery cherm-rfor, tends and particu lars apply to ANDREW RUSSEL., • Jan 6 7 ' Malantan o Street Nevi- Goode. A general assortment of fresh- and seasonable Goods, justteceived—Consisting in pirt Of Dry. Gapds, -GrOterit* DriardsOirr, Qugeniiir Mackerel, Salt li /PlNOter i ;ke. Ate. which will be molt kiwi fig Me The highest price paid in, cash for alt kinds's(' try produce. Mount Cirbon, JOSEPEI: !WHIT & SON: Pec ' - Ir .: 111K ...q r siZoot'd leigariy at Blr. 'Jose Wearer NATIONAL HOTEL. flitatHANTB.• Clarke; Book-keepers. and 4 1••■• others, wbo wish to acquire a hand suitable foi. the counting.kinae, or the ooroumn purposes °AIM, combining great rapidity with *sae, bold. miss, and beauty, are invited local at tae roma, and judge of his merits and capabilities, as a tekcher, by personal observation, the only sure and certain test. gouts - &tuition, from 9 A. M. lo 8 P. M. daily. • B. fresenuttion titles for Albums, Visiting Ciudartugethet with all kinds of ornamental wri d4o, permed s t the shortest notice. taut who may Wash 10 acquire a nest beau. tyle of writing, will be, taught at their resi ded-v. • R. B. DICKSON. march 14 19 Vahiabie Crial and nob& Land FOR SALE►. SITUATED in Schuylkill count] oe tbe•bead waters of the little Sebuylkill river, and in the firat coal region of Beaver Creek, containing V 9 Arr w a and 14 Perches, strict measure ,; this lent is ered with White and Yellow j PINE TIMBER fatal by Judges to be of the firat quality, the little Schuylkill rail road runs directly through the abnve described tract of. Land, and offers a safe an convenient passage:to:the Philadelphia mar ket. For battier particulars whiten the eubecri. lani in Columbia, Lancaster .county.P.a. F. A. THOMAS. ' F l ab 10 . 1-3 mo [ FORT CARBON i Saving Fund Society. 'pi:lE Port Carbon Savidg Fund Society, is -mi . now open every day.from 9 to 3 o'clock at thit Office of Discount and Deposit, for the pur. pose of receiving deports to any amount not ex. ceding $5OO, from any one person, 'upon which an interest of 4 per cent will be paid on every $5 an upwarile,but no interest will be allowed on an fractional parts of $5. The w,hnle or any pert may be drawn out on giving notice, two to fcsar weeks, at the office on Monday*. The bu. aid k% of the Society will be condu&ted by the following officers and managers, until the first Mdnday in May next. President—AQUll4A- BOLTON. . Managers. Joseph Carroll Samuel J. Potts Edrard Hughes E. S. Warne Jalob Bull . Jesuit Turner , 1.. Whitney, Seerctlary and Treasurer. Article - 3d of the Charter. "No emolument wh iisciever shall be received by the President or , Managers* their servicei,, nor shall any Malager become a borrower from the indite. ions oct 3 461/ 'Zollikonkes NErctitranclialtall. DAs schon lange gesuchte Werk von &Riker ter's Unterhaltung- both, in miner omgang mit l Gott, welches geignet ist frommo gesinnan gen zu wecken end zo mehren, end -gewisz den sine der Religeon Ease entvpricht, and bei den altei Kitchen- Veeter su ungemein viel zur vered. lung tea herzens end bereigeng des geolutha berVoegebracht, enter alien urnstsenden and vor fsellen ihres lebens, end des wegen von alien cbeiteneller benennungen so beguebrig gesucle weed. Ist m u n atif eine sehr echoen und volistaeir-• dig!q wetse, mit einen stsrken anhang Comunions. ‘ Betrachtungen und .Andschtswehunken. bemas g4Cbe.n und in dieser drucherry zu,baben. .11. B. So Ist such stets wahtes ebrestenthum end Stark's gsedbuch end enders guts werke in Daptsh and English zu haben. Rb 17 19 , Coal and Iron Ore Lands FOR SALE. • T'HE subscriber offers for sale the pie twelfth part of a tract of patentettGoal Land, con. raining FOUR HUNDRED 4. FIFTY ACRES, situated in Weal Hanover township, Dauphin county, adjoining the land of the Susquehanna Coal Company, taking in the 3d and 4th moon. taint. On this land are beds of valuable iron ore.: The rail road making by the Susquehanna Conripany, will pass through it. For further particulars enquire of the subscri ber, residing in said township, near Shell's lay. ern, bin thejoneatown road. IV, B.—lf not previously sold at private sale, I will sell the above share at public saliva the pubPc house of W. P. Johnson, in the borough of Harrisburg, on Saturday the 24th of March ne WILLIAM CASSEL. r 4bruary 21. 1838. 13-ts Benjamin W. Cumming, afTTORXE .14.11111 JS removed his Office to Centre Street, op. polite the Prick Building of George M. Jen nings, where he will attend to all business en trusted to him in the line of his profession. Oft 21 48-tf The Penny Magazine of use -1 ful Knowledge, , Is decidedly one of the- cheapest and most po pdlar periodicals no* extant_—thete are,200,. 000 Copies sold every month in Eigiand, arid 63,. fillkin America. • The Parts of vol. 6 (for the yeat 1837) as far as received, can be had at this office. Price 183 per part, or 51 00 per annum. This Magazine is published in monthly parts, containing 40 large pages; the present voldme is .nnch enlarged and improved. The illustrations of wood cuts are executed in asuperfor manner. Tere is en advantage in tnking.thip work over all others, a person can disamtinue it whenever be sees proper, for each part is always complete within itself. • • C4mptete setkottkis work from the commence ment can bit pnictirW of t be subscriber, at $2 per volutne. • BANNAN. Nov 4 - 50— Port Clinton. Foundry • FOR SALE. STILL; be sold at private iile,,,the Foundry 7 7 pleasantly sitaktedo Port Clielo7.Beheil kill [county, on very reasonable terms. -This Foury is at the commencement of the Little Sch ylkill and sosquebanna Rail Road, now mak ng , and will in a short time be one of the best situations, in the Jmlntry to do a large buiti. news. For terms;&e. applylo : • _nr41344 Siw TIERS. Iron ,Fogurips/IR.biledelPhie. or ISAAC r9IYERS, Fort Clinton. linty 29 - &Mt LalllllPS.Vierkii• MIRE, works' of Charles Lamb,jug' received land,Rxr sale by . B. BANNA* • A 4 7. Rick's Theological Dietionary.nrw Lion. - _ _ 4 17 12 ' I 1 I I IiIIERY, • . i t B k e 4 BAN. N hi' ad d • Booh .. Cry l i zleonnestion with his Book. EkorO i .wbere akkiu le of, . 1 Boolt• •will be -booed et the shortest notice* be rats& Jan _ I 6 Comf , mut Convenience. TO Tit ", =ALTAI(' ,AND MOIL The subscriber respectfully informs his friends mud the publiclat large, that, since his return from. Ehrilie, be smirks with a new ev-al;and diligence at the manu&situring of Elastie Matrassee in this; Borough. and )flatters himself, without fpaltig the accusation that. he is a Boaster and Charla liotan, with beie ableleseafter to mike such mat• peo i tresses as not beOnferior to any w rk, of'this , kind, in reference o their.lieenty, tidily,. and durability, and' le will certainly convinced.' of th e comfort ) an saving of rime, iirhich these, articles atTord,l principally when thcie is soma ; ' body sick in this family. - .... . &Indio the subscriber knows the old - adage., %be work most give , credit to its maker," and t i heclierefore, v ry politely invites those wishing to get an title alibis description, to come and examine for naselves, one of the said Metres. , sex, just now. isbed, that they may be convin ced of the tru . of his sayArur.., k . . 4ptiY merea Reading, lap. 18, 1838. P. S. Perstais wishing to buy 'Elastic Metres sex, of the desicription aforesaid, will please eri. ply to the auriber, a few doors above Featber'l Store, in Reading. where a list ofsubscription is open to the public, as the manufacturing thereof' wants some tiMe. The Matraues will not be delivered before Mey pekt. The undersigned has, at the reqoeSt of idr., HENRY Menus examined his newly invented "double Spring Elastic Matrass." Its uniform elasticity renders it truly a luxury for common , rise; and to the sick especially. Sach as are , long confined to a Hot izontal posture, it promises to prove invalufable. Its permanent smoothness will supersede ibe necessity of removing the pa tient "to make his bed," while its elastic quality appears well calculated to obviate in a great de. ergo or entirely prevent the sloughing so apt to occur incksea of long confinement. ISAAC WESTER, M. D. I fully concur in the opinion above expressed, in regard to Mr. Meyre's "Double Spring Elastic Animas:: • • JOHN P. MESTER, it Having catelully examined Mr. Henry Meyre's "Double Spring Elastic Manses," I concur in the above. opinion, believing it to answer all the purposes intended. JOHN B. OTTO. ~ I have examined Mr. Henry Meyre's "Double Spring Mittman" with care, and I would recom mend it to all persons, sad especially to the sick; as it would be m giest advantage to them. JACOB MARSHALL. Having easefully exatntred Mr. Henri Mey. .re's MDouble Spring Elastic Matrons," I fully concur in the npinion expressed, in the foregoing certificate. A. Jtl. WITHAM. 1-have examined with care Mr. Meyre's "Elan. tic Manias," and fully conctir iu the opintoc a bove expressedt as to its usefulness and general good quaiities. IL H. MU,FILAWBERG. At Mr. Meyre'vrequest, I. enmined his "Etas is Matron," dd concur io the favorable °pio ns expressed O dd the above foamed gentleman. SOLOMON G. BIRCH. . N. Nathans lc Co WE. I . . ... , . . R for eat their wholesale:ask retail rain Oly Grocery tare, Centre:3 doors beloW Marke • street, a prime a sonment of fresh Groceries,conaiat rag of • Java. Rico', Laguira, Coffee St. Domingo and browned' N. Orleans, St. Croix, brown and 2 Sugars, "white Haranna. loaf and lump New Orldatta, West / M o la ss es 'lndia and! intar house i ' Imperial. iGun Powder. Young - --, Hyson„Peuchonggirange Pee. Teas co, Sourngand Bohea Bakers, ses.Spanish. Schantz i ebe e nlate, 1. 1 , & Linggs and sweet spiced - Prepared ocoa, Cocoa shells . Reading. 'arice. Harvey. John Bull . Lobster. Anchovy. }Sauces Canton sciy and Currie Gherkin, Tomato. Pepper. Mixed, Onion, Afangoe, }Pickles Lemon and French ' Olives, caprea Anchovies • Cayennepepper. allspice and Ginger • Cloves. Mace, Nutmegs and cassia Rice, Hon'al rice. starch Currants, ice, Raisins. Prunes • Sweet an t bitter almonds, citron Olive Oil. ine bitters,lemon syrup Preserved ginger, cheese, codfish Herring. mackerel, salmon White and colored wax, sperm i Candle Moulded and diet tallow Palm. var egated brown and yellow soap ' Old Madelra, old port, claret , Brown and pale sherry, champaigne Wines , Old bock.lLisbon.dry tartar& . in wood Sweet inalaga, muscatel & bottle MalmseY,anarseillea & Sicily Main.) Scotch.lrlsb, monongabela & corn whiskey, • Annisetteianniseed & peppermint cxudiala Cognac. champagne. Spanish 4. corn brandy Holland 4 corn. Gin, N. E. Rum Jamaica irits . • , Katra sup t span: inferior do ' . Idalf Spaarti. and common cigars Cat&plaiP and moulded i las. Ware China an 4 crockery l • ALSO • , • , a gaieral asso ' tof Dry Goods, &c. &e. ail of which they are posed to sell on the most reasona ble terms. H aof Families and Tavern Keepers are particularly vited to call. . • Wetk rill &Brother ) • • All p 7HE OLD STAND No. 65 N . RTH FRONT STREET, . EAST SIDE, Tones Domes non THZ C011011:1 01 Aeon Sr. P ELPHIA, MANU AC'rIIRERS OP White Lead dry / Calomel. rowel in I. $ Red Precept, • jud Loaf. , White do Lithrage, I Vitriol Alb. Cronich Yellow 4 ' Salp. quinine do Green 1 Tart..i.metic do Red I Ether Ralph. " Patent Yellow I do Nitric Rapr Lead t do Acids i Comas • 1 Lunar Caustic 01. Vitriol I , Com. do • Aq. Fortis 1 Acit. Morphia Meiotic Acid • I Ralph. do Epsom Salts i Lac. „ Tart. Acid I Opi. =ot. . • I Sap. Carb. Soda i Rome* Mineral' ,parros, Sub. Mere. Ethiepa do. , R e fi ners oramunphor,Fah Nitte,Brimsunte.Bonlh. &c. Offer for ii4e the above auctioned articled, to. tether withia lifters! assortment of Puna. Drag' every and Dye Stuffs. every other article in the Chemi cal and Medici Br ie. .. . Being mann& of alWartwe;, e sn u n era t e d nude? the abets .601 - 1 1 1efte themselycs ut o p. 2 their friends . Om public on the most nestank I Wittov i tand i Fritts Glass, am li 11 to 14 Iti. . 46- RY CLAlrili Prentice. for by TritANNA* L IFE OT :wved a jaa'2o MINE Reid tiiie-i4E I lowing. • . im/Ssieso' . - 41 — g and .itacndsking .4fects: • ORE coacloaree ji ; ratife i l ifthe extraordinary elnect". or Ilk EVAN'S celebratetl Camomile a nd Aperierit Antibilions Pills in al leviating afflicted manlticd. , • 'to James Dickson, 36, Coichill, Boston, Agent .for the sale of Dr. Wm. Evanes Camomile Pills. LArxr.., Nov. 15,1e36. Dear Sir—Knowing by experience that ever reference that the afflicted receive of the bane `al result" of medicines, I cheerfully offer mine to the public in behalf of DR. WM. EVANS% CAMOMILE PILLS. 1 have been afflicted fur die last 1.413 yews with .distress in the heed and chest: often so bad as to deprive me of sleep for three or four nights in succession, but have never found relief by any of my tripods' prescriptions, until my wife saw the advertisments in the paper, when she persuaded me to send for some, which I; did, and obtained two boxes and bottles, which resulted in almost completely tutoring me to health, although' hive not yet entirely finished them. Should you lA:Udder this any benefit to joined& or the public, you have my cheerful per mission to . publish It. Yours. respectfully, THOS. K. GOODHUE, Centralist. INTERESTING CASE , Cured by Dr. Wet. 1 Evas'e Camomile Tonk and Family Aperi ' eat Pills —Mr. BENJAMIN BOWN, corner of 1 Shippen and Georges streets, Philadelphia, affect editmfor seven years with cure nervousness, by Which he was not able to w ite bls name—his , . . sy mptoins were, eruacation , d 'ly spasmodic pains in the head, Ins, of appetite palpitation of the heart, giddiness and dimness , f sight, utter ina bility of engaging'in any 01144 that demanded vigor' or courage, sickness end weakness ex. titmerdebility, disturbed rest, a sense , of pressure sod weight at the stomach after - eating, great Mental despondency, severe flying pains in - the chest back and aide, costiveness, a dislike for I society and conversation. Mr. B. has made trial of various medicines now before the public, but to no effect, until, observing in a public paper 'grime cures perfot med. by Dr. William Evans's Camomile. Tonic and Fatuity. Aperisait Pills, he Was induced to give them a trial, of which ltd is at any time happy to state that' they effectually Mired him of the ..brave distressing disease. t LI - Persons who doubt the above cure; are most respectfully directed to the above mentioned per ono; at the north-west corner of Shippen and Georges streets. BENJAMIN BOWN. ' Philadelphia October .26, 1837. '''''. . 4-3 m ' Ait A.LYTIC RHEUMATISM. A pe ect Fors ejected by the treatment 'of Do. '4 William Evans. M . John Gibson, of N. 4th street,, Williams lti bu g, afflicted with the above oomplaint for three ye a and-dine months, during which time he had o use crutches. His chief symptoms were excruciating pain in all his joints, but especially in the hips, shoulder, knees and ankles, an ag gravation of the pains towards night; and for the most part all times from external heat, an obVi pea thickening of the fascia and ligaments, with a complete loss ofmoscular power. Fur the ben efit of those afflicted in a timelier manner, Mr. Gibson. conceives it meet to'oy that the :pains hive entirely ceased, and at his joints have completely recovered their natural tone, and he feels able to resume his ordinary businem,4 INTERESTING CASE of Tel boonlor Con . samption.—Mr. John Row el applied en the Ist day of Septeniger at the office 100 Chatham street, laboring under the following symptoms:— A slight spitting of blood, distressing cough, at tended with an expectoration of purulent matter, night sweats, general emaciation, difficulty of breathing on exertion, with a well masked hectic flush on the cheek. On examination, the cheat was found to sound well every where except un der the left clavicle, and iu the arm pit of tho seine aide. Treotmeot —Directed to take the restorative Camomile Pills, with the expectorating coin. pound, at the same time an injunction, to call in four days; when the high*: sweats had ceased, the expectoration slightly Diminished, ais light fit of coughtng'atill remaining in the moping. Or dered as usual iu continue the medicine, and to °all in the . course of • week—when his health continued rapidly increasing, without the least cough. Called at the office on the 4th of this month, quite convalescent returning his sincere thanks for the benefit he had obtained. The above patient chiefly used milk regimen, doricg hia treatment. ASTHMA ' THREE YEARS STANDING. Mr. Robert Munroe. Schuylkill, afflicted with the above distressing malady. SyMptoms—great languor. flatulency, disturbed rest, nervous head ache, difficulty of breathing, tightness and Stric tote across the breast, dinkiest', nervous irrita. bility and restlessness, could not a hori zontal position, without the sensation of impend ing suffocation, palpitation Of the heart, diktres. ing cough,,eostiveness, pain of the stomach, drow sines*, great debility and deficiency (*The reit , cue energy. Mr. R. t Monroe gave up every thought of recovery and dire despair sat on the countenance of every person interested in his a:haws or happiness, till by accident be noticed In ja politic paper some cures effected by Dr. Wm. Floss's medicine, in his complaint, which indu ced him to purchase a package of the Pills, which rerinfted in completely removing every 'lymph= of his disease. Be wisher to say his motive for this. declaration is„ that those afflicted with the same or any symptoms Similar to those from w:iich he is happily restored. may likewise receive the same .inestimable beitedLi ASTHMA, 5 YEARS STANDING. - Mt. Charles Hobart, No. 122 Orange street, N. Y.iaffiicted for five years with humors! habitual Asthma, applied at the office 100 Chatham street on the 41 1 2 of October, laboring under the follow ing symptoms. A sense of tightness across the, chest, with the greatest difficulty of breathing, distressing cough, generally ending with copious expectoration of viscid phlegm, disturbed , rest, the face turbid and of a livid hue. 'c ould not be in t horixontai Oth ration without sensation of immediate Suffocation, languor, dro slimes, and dizziness in, the head, and loss of appetite. • Mr, H. applied tothe most-eminent physicians i,i ih in hi city, likewise used several other remedies wi boutobtaining is 'permanent bene fi t , until b friends perenadiW- him to place himself under He. William Hyena+ treatment. He is noir re: Itiits,l.of his. complaint, and. celled at the office yesterday. averring that be had not wends to ex : . presebui gratitude for the benefit. he had roceiv -1 ed.i October:2l, 1837. • * LITER CORPLihncr,to TEARS STAVID.. ,f • ECG. Idniellannah lkswoe, wifit, of Joseph"-lbewne, Walt street. twarße•med. *Pat. 47,110 r the last ten years with the Liver complaint, plately Motored to health throcils the treat. mint Dr. Wm. Erni. Syeeptoms—lfehitcal constipation of the howelv.-telall.ww, apOitite, es Mdating loqnPribe•Pillailde 000 4 : r est elpive!iiiilooB./04 00 rindetiorAmstleg mamate vf: &Wit, dietnibed !MVPof tbs useatiew4 pain inAbi'/liltt WV . mould. nd Heron low Mt vide witheit Itlyaggratithm of the pain, urine high colored, with other syteip.. kueshitheating vest derangement ut_thc fur f liver. • .. - Browne was attended.bitlinM, of the Yitiehans, but received bat Watt Mligirenn their medicine, 119 Mr. Browne preemie**, of • • Wm. Evanes-invalusble pretietitiOne; whiohlt feetnelly relieved her of ibe , atioeili distressitt symptoms,' with OthersothiCh-CCie' own to intimate, ! • JOSEPH, BROWNS. City and County of New York. Joeeph t ilrowne, of Willianiskurgi t lanny Isla being dilly sworn, did -depose wittsay that facts as set forth in the within stitiiripoit, to whi • be bias subscribed his noble; are just and true. JOSEP LI - BROWNE.; . , Husband of the-said Sworn before'lne this 4th - day of Jams ,1837. PETER PINKNEY, C.toni. of Deeds. ,•-. . , _ LIV EA COMPLAINT EILI; 3 YEARS.: - , STANDING. • MRS. SARAH BRENHlSERviniltteir bt' 1 Amos Brenhiser, corner of Second street an Germantown 'Road, Philadelphia, **tett fur t last six years with the Liver Compilit . „_,_nl.ll% completely restored to health by Dr. Wic. - t VANS'S Camomile Tonic and' Fanol?Aperieki Pills. . Her symptoms were habitual - cciativertelle excruciating pain in the stomach, demos:ion spirits, languor, extreme debility,distnrliedateep ~ great pain in tier side, could not lie on ter - le ' side without an aggravation of pun, diazlness 1 .- the bead, dimness of sight, wip other symptom indicating great derangement in the functions o the Liver. Mrs. Brenhiser lies made trial of.* rious medicines now before the public, bat vs . ceived na relief until she was advised to mak trial of fir Evans's Pills, of which she is happ to etanr that they effectually relieved her of die • above distressing ay niptoms, with °theta, - whiclll are not essential to intimate. - - • Mn•!! Brenhiser, (husband of the above Mrs Brenliser, had been two years aflie.ted with distre sed state piles and Costiveness; of :witiCh . he was effectually cured. 1 W 1 ndo hereby subscribe our signatures-to the truth ef the above cures, that the statement is in every respect true. .. SARA H BR ENIIISER ! JOHN STEIF, Baker,. No. 17 north Eighth street, hilada. Philadelphia, Oct. 9184-1837..) , Dr. - WM.' EV ANS'S Mcdica , for the sale of his excellent Medicine, is at No. 19, north], Eighth street, Philadelphia. Sold by J. T. WF:RNER. •1 L Sole 'Agent for Schuylkill County. 1 110' ERESTING CASE% ' 1 DYSPEPSIA & IIYPOCIIONDRAACEMIL Mrs. Anne G. Kenny, No. 115 Louis streeli betvicen Stanton and Houston streets. affiiete for ten years with the following distressing symp toms: .„ . , Acid eructation, daily spasmodic pains in-the( head; loss of appetite, palpitation of the heart, gin dingle and dimness of sight, could not lie on her right side, disturbed rest...litter inability, of en. gaging in any thing that demanded star or , courage.'sometimes a visionary idea of an agint.: vation of her disease, a whimsical aversion to particular persons and places, groundless appre liensions of personal dagger and poverty, an irk. someness and weariness of lite, discontented. dia. quietude on every slight occasionoihe conceiviii she could neither die nor live. she wept, lamented desponded, and thought she led a most - Miserable lite, never' was one so bad, with frequent mental;. hallucinations. Mrs. Kermy had the !Ovid) oil several eminent physicians, and had recourse .to, numerous medicines, but could not obtain even -al temporary alleviation of her distressing state, tig her husband persuaded her to make (tilted my mode of treatment. She is now quite relieved.' and finds herself not only capable of attending to herdoinestic strain., but avows that she enjoys as i good health at present as she did at any period' of her existence. .1. RTNNY. Husband of the aforesaid Anne Kenny. Sworn before me this 14th day of Dec. 1836. i Peter Pinckney, corn. of Deeds For Sale, ' _ , A valanable Tract of Coal Land, L YING and being in the township onforwe- township wegian, on the West Branch near the Westi Branch Rail Road, about lour miles from Salmi.; kill Haven—therl is Joe of. more Coal Wiwi passing through this .aud. }or information ap-' ply to JACOB REED, .5 at. Pottsville, • • 37 Mr. HOFFMAN, Esq, March 2: 24- - _ at Reading. Dying and Scouring. • AUGUSTUS EHLER has returned front Eu rope, and intends to commence fancy and plain dying, in Silks and-Merivos, at his old stan in Centro Street, Pottsville. Also scouring coats and pantaloons. lie is greatful for past favors, and hopes by attention and punctuality, to merit a continuance of his former CUMOD3, Dec 23 WOLFF'S Missionary - Wood Leighton. Fellow Commoner, Ethel Churchill, . . The Divorced, Manufacture of Iron, in Wale,. • Together with a-variety of other works, jaiit rah ceivcd and for sale by - 11. DANNAN. march IV 20 CA LL AT THE -- A New Eitablishment, Owner of Centre and lifer4ef 4 7 .onsii/le 1111 HE subscribers respeetfull. announce to •a- their friends and the public generally, that they have taken the store formerly occupied by. Jacob Bull & Co., corner of Centre and - Market strata, where they are now provided witba choimi assortment of I Dry Goods, Groceries, —.,- Liquors, *c. - 'E Y . ; which they are determined to selleitheeery— est prices. HAZZARD kSTRAILICII. ~ N. B. All kinds of Country Produce taken at the highest market prices. April 1 Lumber, Lumber, THE subscriber has on hand ind offers for gale ton iCatiOnable terms, • 20,000 teet .1i and j inch poplar boards. ' 40,000 jonseind lap shingles. 50,000 plastering' lath, r .• • , Mao; inch and halfinc scantling, all Seasoned. skits-340z Feb. 21 Catholic _IDIOM GUIDE. • • Key to Parodies, • - True Plety. . • Catholic Piety. •-• .; Douai_ tibia.- ' • lv. -1 4-4A • - Toot Man's CatechicuigitP ,rfkyr-. •• F 4 - Small Caticlueni, Just receirei and for sale by 11.444(tFA . 12. - ; 'Dee 23 • 11 MI =MI