The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 21, 1838, Image 1

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-•-- •
CANADA FFAIRB.—From the re Co
mencement f the session, Jan. 16, Par•
liameut had e•en exclusively occupied with]
Crinadian Lord John Russell, in
introducing t e subject, proposed for the
future that t • present constitution be en,
tirely suspe 'ed. A Governor General
and a Couric,l selected froth ;the two Pro
vinces, to th: duties of the defunct assem
bly. The sad new governmient to organ•
ize a constit subject, to the appoval
Mr. Warb rtori in the Commons, urged
the policy of iving up the Canadas, and de
their Independence. Lord Boug
in the rds made a slashing speech,
full of withe ng' sarcasm against the whig
measures in lie government of Canada.—
The counciF•for , Canada is now to be de
finite in er, and five is to-be a quorum:
and they ar:. empowered to4iss laws, if
,ring the suspenlion of the as
sernbly. Si John Colborne meanwhile
to use extra.l denary powers if required..—
At present t e council to be made up of
three select=d from each of the present
legislative c 'Linen. of the A.Vro Provinces,
and ten to r present each. Province, ma
king twenty n the whole., which twenty
• are to form consulting bbd' to deliberate
with the Go ,:rnor on the questions affect
ing the vb.' interests of the Province,
and which caused so much disturban
ces. With espect to the ,persons who
are conside -0 to have a-representative
character, t ose persons may be chosen
• from the Leislative Assembly ; and as in
the case of L Wer Canada, it. is eh - nest on
possible that he Legislative Assembly can
in any way - brought to act beneficially
in.pursuance of this plan, it will he in the
power of tle• Governor 'General to have
elections ho A with respect to the Lower
Province, an: if necessary will] respect to
. the Upper P.•.vince, to have the election
of persons — a. ounting to ten in the whole
for each Pro ace. The object of this ar
rangement is to conciliate, ifpossible, the
interests .hot of government and people.—
Lord Russel , said his desire was lasting
peace and, co cord. His plan was carried
109 to 7. .rd Russell staled that Sir
John Colbot e. has 'been informed of the
opinion of t .• British I Qoverintient, as to
the expediene, of capital punishments.
On Jan. 2 . d, the bill for Canada having
been read tw ce, Mr. J. A. Roebuck was
admitted at t :e : bar of the House of Com
mons, in beh. If of the Assembly of Lower
Canada, as t teir agent.: His speech fills
more than a . ge, close print, of the Times!
[We have ha a fortaste of it in the CroWn
and Anchor ei ting —Star.]; Sit .Robert
Peel male s=ome amendments, giving
greater pow r of course td the queen,
which were tarred. Oue of them struck
out the ettili: . •• empowering the Queer. and
provincial co nctl [above] from repealing
the.bill. s bill passed Jan. 29th, with
, out a division A deputation of the Canada
Association e : pressed dieir satisfaction to
the- • cretary . at the appointment
of lord-Durha , regretted the interests
of edueatiol d worksof internal improv. ,
-meets hatinit been provided for in the
Double E yement.— On Tuesday, the
family of Mr. N---, resident..not far horn
Royal Hotel, Mile Town, were thrown
into a state o great consternation, in con •
sequence of :lie daughter, Miss
and the dau •4iter-inelaw, Miss D--•
• having elope , . :it appears that after the
ladies had lu•ched they went for a walk'
and not .appe, ing at seven at night, the..
family began obe alarmed. At nine o'-
clock they r:,gived information that the
).idles were'offin a hired chaise to bell,
married. 'l' parents inunedi rely coin
menced puss it ;. but whether hey were•
-uccesaful or of we have not ye, learned.
One of the y rik ladies - • is only fourteen.
)eats old. T•e two gallants arelstatO to
be Lieut. S. film last regiment, that._wasL
stationed here and the other Engign G. do
the regiment. now :on duty.—Maidstone
Gazette. I • '
. .
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I WTLL TEACH E UTO FIERCE THE sow no or iimickant AND'BRlrtiliourrzole THE CAVERNS ' Or THE IHOUNTAiskiIfriALI vinicsiW/ZLOIVE MAMMTIFI TO 011111ERANDE1 APILIIIINECE4I4ItIITUIitaI OLA Ern AND turAirpas.—liii:iiimail
. • 4 6.-IP'
• •
One of the greatee eqestrian performan
ces un record took place on Friday, on
Sun bury,Common - . Tlie" undertakings was
to perfdrm in saddle 20 'friiles in one hour.
Mr. Savage, who was to ride the match,
weighed 12 atone, Ibut had-by training re
duced himself to 10 stone ill lb. The
mare, a•beautiful bay, the prOtiorty of Mr.
Whitefield, 15 bands high, started a little
before one; the first five miles were done
in 14m. 30s; the second in 13m. b9ts.—
The stirrup leather broke, arid the are
was checked fur about a minute, and anoth
er stirrup put on, and she again went off
at full speed. She did the last five miles
iu about 13m: and wowby 2m. 20s. hair:
tug performed the distance, exclusive of the
delay, in 56 mm: 40x. .
A Moveable Methodist Chapel—A new
Wesleyan chapel has been at Stratton on•
the• Foss, near shepton, Mallet. It has
been built on .wheels, in order that it may
be removed, if the lease of the ground
should not be renewed.
Mr Robert Wilson, of the Compass
• Inn, Spaldwick, has in ..his possession a
cow, whose milk, or rather cream, has
during the summer months producod'good
butter without any churning, or going
through any other process than simple
putting the cream together.
The largest steamer in her Majesty's
navy is the Gorvon, recently, built, being.
1,450 tons builders' measurement. She
will carry 20 days' coals, 1,000 troops, 156
crew, with stores and provisions for six
months. 'he .engines are of 320 horse
power, iirt4:the vessel is so constructed
that the steam-machiliery can scarcely be
reached by shot.
During the last three months; several
hundred navigators have been working on
the Manchester and Leeds railway be
tween Manchester and Rochdale. About
100 are working at Mtlls Hill, about one
mile from Middleton, and two miles from
Oldham. During, the last few weeks a
great many of the men have left their em
ploy and lorgot, to .pay their -ale shots at
various public• houQes and beer-shops in the
neighborhood. A cunning crafty old land
lord laughed hard at his 'neighbours being
cheated by the navies,_ saying,, he had
never been done by them, nor never would
be. This got to the ears of the men of the
spade, who put their heads together, and
agreed that one of the party should take a
two gallon stone bottle half full of water,
and tell the cunning landlord he had been
to purchase two gallons of theest gin
I from a neighbouring public-house, but that
the landlord could only spare one gallon,
and he wished to know it his neighbour
landlord could sell him another, for ready
money. The bargain was made in an in
stant, and the landlord put him a gallon of
the best gin into his stripe bottle, the navi
gator then said it would \be Saturday night
before he should pay, and was walking off'
with the gin. But the . landlord said he
was,not to be done this time, and a long
conversation took place. At last he a
greed to measure his gin beak, which was
done. Thus the'navigatois gel two quarts
of gin and two quarts of water, in the place
of four quarts of water. The same week,
one_ of the same. party •ordered a pair of
water tight boots at,a shoemaker's shop in
Middleton, to be ready on at ertain even
ing; he also ordered , a 'pair of the same
sort at another shop to be ready at the
*sine time; when t he, time twaved, the
navigator sent his wife for one boot from
each shop, saying her husband was tired,
and he wanted to try one ofthem, promis
ing to return in a few minutes with the
money if it fitted: The fact is, she has
not returned, and the navy and his wife
are not to be found. He thus got one
from each shop, making a pair of boots
worth sixteen shillings.
, Even in parts of Ireland, where little
agricultural competition has hitherto been
found to exist, improvements are now ra
pidly%dvancing. At a late show in Ban.
don, there were not leek than ten'candi
dates for the mangel wurzel
• prize, which
was awarded to lord Carbery; and there
were numerebs .competitors-amongst the
working farmers for that as well as the
other prizes, amounting to twenty-five.
At the late Lismore cattle show, the duke
of Devonshire carried away the prize for
the best bull and 'etle'N; and a tenant of his
Grace, a widow named Beeff; obtained
premiums for the best potatoes in drill, for
clover with ryegrass, for vetches, and a
prize . of £5 for the best, cultivated farm
generally. Of the prizes lately given on
Lord Stanly'sestate, four"or five were also
obtained by . widotis.
On Monday, evening week, a social tea
party was held in the new Methodist ch.
pel,. Killoegh, when oue hundred and ten
persons of the methodist' persuasion par
toos of the exhilarating beverage- After
tea, divine services were conducted by the
, Rev.•rf. Ogden, Re
bisJearers to lead ' tore exemplary lives
jet% plietient year than the past.
Manchester Times
. ~.
POTTSVILLE, A . WEDNESDAY MO • ''' ' lNG, MA - : - 21. - C
, ______
Married, minim 30th ult. ' in the catfr
dralichturCh otelOgher, by the Rev. VIOn.
Sto, Mr. James Patterson, aged 8 . 4 f to
Miss Ellen Smith, of Skelga, aged j.
The above was Ate fourth wife of "the
lent !gay Lothario," who was supported4o
the ihurch on crutches, while the bluUh..
ing pride . was carried to the altar. The
crold. that thronged to the body of the
church to witness the ceremony was Ili
men'aous. .„
The Countess of . Mulgnive, with her
usual kind consideration to encourage Irish.
induXtry, and promote' our -Manufactures,
has Ordered d splendid' dress of ponceau
brocaded in gold and silver, for the
appreaching drawing room on the 18th.
The design is quite• original, sketched by
her Excellency in London. Boquets of
towers worked in gold. and silver, inter
mixed with green foliage, has a very beau
tiful effect; and, combined with the rich
texture, and exquisite workmanship,
not be excelled by any article of foreign'
mamifacture.—Belfast News Letter.
Cionmel Farr.—The monthly fair of
this town took place on Wednesday. There
was Only a limited show of stock, but it
proved equal to the demand, as very little
busitiess was done. Prices were as follow:
fat caws, 81. to 91.; milch cows, 81. to 101.;
heife'rs, 41. 108. to 51.; in calf ditto, 71. to
St.; earlings, 2/. ss. to 21.10 x. per head.
There were a few fat sheep and some
wedders disposed of, the former at 30s. tg
408.,,and the latter 30s. to 38s. per head.
In the horse Market, nothing worth notice.
& humbor of Presbyterians have been
dispossessed of their inter Ats on lord Tem
plemore's land in Derry, and Roman Ca
thOlies put igetr place. There was only
one of the lamer persuasion on the' Burt
estate some few years ago.
Marriage in High Life.—Viscount
Earlsford, eldest son of the Earl of Clon
mel, will shortly be united to the Hon.
Annette Burgh, daughter of lord Downs.
Tho young Viscount attained his majority
towards the end of last month. The bride
is in her 18th year.—Clonmel paper.
Afray at the College.—We had on
,a considerable fall of snow,
which afforded an opportunity for the an
nuat snow-ball - skirmish between the stu
dents attending our University lind the
peaceable by-passers of that seat of learn
ing. . As usual, some panes of glass were
broken in the affray, which rendered it
necessary for the police to interfere; who,
in their turn, came in for a share of the
pelting, when a
,stronger body u-lhered
out, and about a dozen of, the offenders
were - taken into custody. 'This occurred
between two and three o'clock, and about
two hours afterwards the students assem
bled at the college, to the number of four
or five hundred,:and -after. parading to the
new town, and making a harmless demon
stration through some of the principal
streets, again returned to Alma Mater,
and dispersed.—Edinburg 'Advertiser.
A splendid vase, containing two thou
sand guineas, raised by public subscription,
has been presented to Mr. - John Wood,
sheriff of Peebleshire, as a tribute of re
spect for his character, and of gratitude
for his long continued, meritorious, and
successful efforts, gratuitously bestowed,
in promoting the education of the children
of the humbler classes of Edinburg.
Aberystwyth Gas Works.—The Dom.
missioners have finally concluded the con
tract for the erection of gas works in this
town; which are intended to be commenced
forthwith, and Pryse Pyse, Esq. M. P.,
has provided the contractor with a very
eligible plot of land for the purpose, on
most liberal terms. The works nre to be
constmeted on an improved plan, So as to
produce a much more brilliant and pure
gas than is generally obtained in Wales.
The corporation are determined to light
the town brilliantly, they having agreed
with the contractor for eighty public lamps
to commence with.
The Gwladgarwr.—This highly inter
esting and useful miscellany, written in
the Welsh tongue, has now completed its
fifth volume, and considerable improve.
meats have taken place with respect to
the present number, such as a larger in
crease of letter-press, a better quality of
paper, and the introduction of copper-plate
engraVings. The form also is changed to
royal !Bvo. a size which is a desideratum
to the purchaser of this kind of periodical.
The plan of the work as far as we
judge - from the past numbers is such
bids fair to diffuse a. taste for literature
among the Welsh peasantry, and we are
'happy to find from its fast increasing cir
culation that old Cambria duly appreciates
the "atieinpt.,:—lcarriarvon Herald !
Aberystwyth.--Capt. Gwynn shot not,
long since with his rifle, a gull of the cob
kind, 4t -a distancirof 300 yards and up
the presence of several people,
The tide coming in at the time, it was
1... . ~
shore and Carr " to
rats, where it was' examin.
rf,ner.—The farmers, whose
oithunted over this season by
ounds, were invited by capt:
a:take-ale dinner and &bee
i Castle lately. Upwards
i farmers sat down to an ex
!of roast beef and plum pad
ty °iv:ono-du. The worthy
led, and after the cloth was
the usual loyal toasts drunk,
Capt. and Mrs. Wheatley,
I. P., 114. Vivian, M. 0 1.,
.4lewelyn, Mr. Penrice, dm
la of the chase, were given
S loud applause. The party
themselves to their hearts '
rood 'cheer, retired to the
picked up o
ed by several
Huta Di
lands had be(
the Swansea
Wheatley to
at Woodland;
cellent repast;
!ding, and ple
captain presi
removed, and
the heaLths o
Mr. Talbot,
Mr. Dillwyn
&c. the patror
and drunk wit
after regaling
content with,
ball-room and
a late hour,
pleased with t
kept up the merry dance to
nd then departed highly
hospitality of captain and
Mrs. W eatly
Stained, a. Gwinfe Chapel of Ease,
Carmarthensh re, by the Rev. T. Davies,
vicar, Thoma Davies, of Gellybevan, to
Nargaret Ree. ,of Baileygwinte. As this
was the first marriage celebrated in the
above chapel, since the lord bishop of BC
David's was pleased to license the same
for the solemnization of .. marriages,
the novelty attracted a large concourse of
people to witnlss its celebration, and mach
satisfaction is us given to the inhabitants
of the hamlets f Givinfe and Quarterbaa,
the limits of t e said chapelry, who were
hitherto subjected to the great inconve
nience of trav !ling to the remote end: of,
the parish to a lemnize their marriages.
Thomas Ma thews, of Bedwellty, victu-
taller, convicte in the penalty of £5 15s.
expenses, for eeping his house open and
suffering drinkig therein during the hours
of divine service on Sunday. ii ,
We now give ace with pleasure, to the origi
nal Welsh song, unavoidably omitted in our
account of the pr eedings of the "Festival of
St. David," last eek in New York, It is from
the plastic pen oil Mr. W. J. Williams, and was
sung in an admit ble style, by Mr. David Davis.
It should have fo owed the second regular toast,
which, for a pro r understanding of the subject,
we re-publish.— Id Countryman.
2. Wales—Demi to the patriot and the sage in
thine ancient,cliiiiic ground. The Roman and
the Saxon alike e deavoured to subdue thy noble
spirit, but don e.t not yet conquered. invinci
ble in writ and Ye. rible as a foe, in peace thou art
all that can exal • add adorn our nature. Arts,
arms and scien.- , . flourished ander the glorious
reign of thine Ar or, and were nourished by
thine other king:, and cven the earliest ages
found thee amon the most enlightened of the na
tions. We strike the harp once more to thy
praises, and glor in thee, dear Cymru, as our
Ata—"The it4rch of the Men of Harlech."
Wele'r adegj Gwyl anrhydedd.
Myn hil Devli mewn heel duedd,
Er gofalon, aptt gorfoledd
Mewn g ledd yll mhell o'u gwled.
Gwladgar yr Data ffyddlondeb.
Di wendid ewn da undeb,
Dyrfit bardd ' h arfer hen,
~,,;,, , Par wen a bob rhyw wyneb.
LA,:it, Yfwreiechyd pelf gyfeillion,
t" Cofiwn feirw co fu'n fawrioN
' A rhown bareh I toir enwogion,
0 Frython nrwynitm, mad.
I r paru, (co rat cywrain,l
Hem* broil yn `-nhir Dryden)
Gwnant- dda
Llawer gwle d mown mawredd mirain,
Lu coin. newt' le'n eu co'.
Pa ryfyg fvddai profs
Grime, ddiod ddydd Gwyl Ddetoi!
' Dyma'r pryd daw CYmry 'nghyd,
Drwy'r byd mown Ilonfryd Ilawnfri;
Pawb a ireledm o hil Madog
Cadwant toy/ mewm hwyl ddi halog,.
Yn - swo tans au i'n Sant eowog, '
- 7 Mewn cnediog, fryniog fro.
Dyehwel bent. Miff berattnen •
Idd ein col, a phell wrthcidryebau,
Gwel dychyrnyg hen amseran
With gl4wed Retsina lion
Y portudd ffraeth gantorion,
A'u put gy relg benil li on,
Y'n dylyn in y diayn gydd,
liefelyd i Nefolion.
Yma mae britwdgarwch cywir,
Pletdiau a ph .b enwau unir,
I golf angof :is gollyngir
To by .. o'r-Gylehwyl hon.
A newspaper taken in a family seems
to shed a gleamy of intelligence around. It
gives the child ran a taste for reeding—it
communicates ell the important events
which are passi g in the busy world: it is
a never tailing ource of amusement; dud
furnishes a fun of instruction which Will
never be exhau ted. Every family, how
ever poor, if th y wish to hold a place in
the rank of irate ligent beings, should take
at least one n wspaper. And the man
who, possessed of property su ffi cient to :
mei; himself easy for life, and surrounded
by children eager for knowledge, is insti •
gated by the vile spirit of cupidity, and
neglects to s r
ibe to a newspaper, is'
deficient in the tieaof aparant or a. good
citioen, and is d serving of censure of his
intelligent neigh 0.- -- • ,
POgi ~ It
le whore chuntry waving out
reduction ;of the rate of post
effected at once. The De
and can ..melLafford A; the
it.. t.lreindat, has now a:
, 'under his eiisidng tegole-'
e thane, of the' :comm
• inconvenience of •
oilers of coin—often
in his vaults and safes is al
of that amount on the public.
AGE.— •
or should be, for a
age. It ought to ts
partment is willing ,
people bitterly need
large entplus. whiel
tiousoiblorfas the et
nity, I the• grevic
body. • # millioq
coin—Mowed away
most aitannual tax
. -
i • Is4noriat be borne. 11 aiireeljiatif the Sob'
nursery plan is to be e . grafted iipori our' Ka-
ional voter's of Finance ( as it now partial ly '
t feast in theTost Office Department of,tkpitti:
le service) tblloinust be, the least ,poisible /. altr-
Was ofßevenutforrhind. ! A surplus to one fourth
the amonnttnfllB36, wtmlii absorb the currency
tod bankrupt the People.'
Congress must not adiqurn until a law ielin.''
ing and equalizing the lintel; of Postage shall
have passed. The existing rates are not only to o .
gh, but are at oncatiwcPtifenient and arbitra
ry. it is absurd That , alfetter rtravelling one or -
(wo hundred Miles is char Fed a sum which no
American coin or coins will : exactly pay. The
effect of this is to keep foreign coin in circulation,
often at a rate far above its real worth. Trouble
In making change and in other- ways is often
experienced from these preposterous exactions
Of 12 1-2 and 18 3 4 cents;
We propose a reductioni and establishment of
ille rates as follows; Under 50 miles 5 penis; na
er 200 miles 10 cents; under SOO miles 15 cents
ieoder 1,000 miles 20 cent, over 1,000 miles 25
nt B . (The present rate it is well known, are
p to 30 mitcs 6 cents; under 80, 10 cents; under
150 12 I.2stents; under 400, lb 3-4 cents; over
400,2.5 cents. , . '
j By these rates, a letter sent from New York
to . Bangor, Maine, is chat ged just as much as if
*lent to Nachitochos, Jefferson Barracks, or Prarie
du Chien in the Far Weal And so it is even. if
bent to Chautauqua. County, in the same State
Where mailed! There is, no reason in thls.--
Nor is - there in charging---4.letter suspected of
ddptaining three Bank NtOs with four postsges.
I re
And yet the law says it ust be so. 410 letter
Weighing less than an oun ought to be charged
more than 9ro postagee ; a er that. two posteges
per ounce is sufficient. oderation and e.
lostice should-characterize the exactions • gov
driiments not less than inchviduals: t
' It has been proposed that news... - . should
be allowed to ctreulate t iritfHin the counties where
printed free of Kislev.. l lf this can be done
vivithrint sobstracting too much from the revenues
or the Department, we beastly , recommend it.—
County lines; however, are, very ' arbitrary; some
Counties containing two thousand square miles;
dthers barely onc. Besidd, Lotiistuna has no
Counties. The exemptionohnuld be within 'bk.':
Oy or t fli:iniles of the place of issue. If AM's'
dun be borne—add Mr: Kerid..ll's judgment Swill
doubtless determine that of Conkress—we hope
it may be speedily effected.—jJeffersonianj
The following excellent ,bggestigps, addressed
tp the People of the U, States, we copy from the
National Intelligencer of Tuesday:
Much has been said by all classes cXxpliti-
Mans concerning the wisAespf the People irs re—
gard to a National Sank.. ' is not my prefeht
Purpose to enter upon an examination of this
question; but merely to offer in the spirit- of
peace; a suggestion, by the erdoption of which; a
nearer sprit oximation-may 'he made to it knowl
edge of their will in respect to We all important
Subject. It is this; Let th question be submit
ted directly to the People, unconnected with all
tither subjects, and at the :next general election
in each State respectively! i Let the tickets be
Prepared Wulf:
1 .
For a National Bank..
. .
t Against a /Veiny:al Bank. -
' No local or personal conii‘derations would, by
the adoption of this proposition, operate upon the
ininds of individual voters: Thus presented,
it would be an unmixed question, haying no 'ref.
erence to local interests, S:ite %attics. or to pol,
itical candidates. if an i depeirdent vote can be
had upon any question, it appears pro a ble that
it would be given upon thie, thus prOentEki to
the patriotic of all par-ilea. Pactvtcoa
Phtladelpbut Co...(Penn.) Feb. 1836.
ttESPECTFULLY infeirrns the citizens of
Pottsville & vicinity, that he constantly keeps
do hand, at the corner of Centre and Callowbill
streets, next door above the National
large and elegant assortment of Staple and Fancy
Dry Goods, with a choice selection is Wines, D
iners and Crockery ware, ell of which have been
purchased at the very lowest cash prices-in the
Philadelphia market, alai will - be sold at 12i per
Cent advance. •
All kind of country prodit'ce taken in exchange
for goods. nag 19 . 39—tf
NS' holesale and Retail Dry
Good Stour
POLLOCK & WEAVER have just received
in addition to their extensive assortment of .
DRY GOODS, Super Surerier Blue and Black
tloth,superior fancy coloured do. new stile ins.
Simeres, sattinetts and Betierteens, miners Bur
dans, 4c: Feb 18 14-
• ' Medal Cheese l Agap &c. :
• 40 casks Superior me al - Ore, ,
50 boxes Philadelphi soap, .
: . 1-;hhd. Inal l iftit mea , for sale by .
NovlB. ; . „ 52-3 me
i For the instaiffennous cure of •
Discovered and bronght•to 4a greatest perfection
This is to certify that I hum tried your Tapuy-
Eliiir in several cases of Tooth Ache, in viihicb
I have certainly found it of +iiry great service. •
~ • ; J. B. HARVEY, '
Manhurof the Royal college of Surgeons.
Lendon,Scpt. 10, 1830.
. •
A friend stepped In to ae..) that he had iiisitea
the Fire King this morning * and witnessed :his
inarvelleui cure of the .Tooth - Ache. One .little
hay in particular, wholookedi cross enough to ?its
a mu penny nail clan off, in ten minutes smiled,'
at the decayed tooth and doted its plum—ET;
1 A fresh supply of the above Elixir just rec'eie.
ked and for sale by ,8., HANNAN,
Sole Agent for Schullitd:lhonnty
• I—ly
July 13
HE subscriber bae*e, °Oland at his Store
and Storehouse on:get*re and -Rail Read
• streets., a full areuntinent of Guisig, suitable fbir ilia t
coal region vi:: , i , I
‘ Bart Iron of *totted him*, ~ • , " :
Baud and; Hoop do,
Naili and Spike Rods dO .. .
• 50.,,„..d&-..„.,,,,,,, ,--,. _ •--
`Nail td Spiliejt do '+' do' • . . - 4
..diefeSboVels 'do •., . 4 ila :•! . 'a, :4 -
i - Ihrdrire.a JEllaioldintiort aiell: L:4,,
' Allof which be iS selliogit-Wweetkrict -
Jan 13 • 2 ItIAI CLAY TON,
1 'e , .4
... ..
4 .o.gordirie. . JAR
. . • ~ AJIOUSEI4.OT-ht ,tioympirien
„„„ -Street,jiately. oppositigAte Ymidewell
el : - off F. Pootroy, nriteuettaiiiid hy
__ -- - William D. Leib. - TIM,` -- is 1,4
hos bar
feet front by 30 feet in depth, with aki a end
'cellar in the basement story, two. mien on the
first, second acid third Score each; the w "o
said House well plastered mid painteiL v . l 4bleo Mtl
excellent well of water at the door—thelotle 204
feet `front, by 170 feet ® depth s with a. 9 f ist al
ley on the west end of said house. ' ''_'`''' ,
For further particulars inquire of `-y.:
Mount Carbon. Nov. 3, 1837.
' lona! Cloths Clothel
NATHANSIr.Co. have now on' bind ie
4 . 11 • splendid asscuisakill of
Blue, blank, alis*peen and claret clighs,
do do and &nay cassimeres,
Plain and figured sattinetts,
!goblin, pilot cloths and otheriagir,
Goals hair Cambial!, vestaigeatiNke -
all of which being purchased at atiCtion in Phil"-
delphiatand New York, we guarintee 'tonal 10
per cent eheaper than can berirchasedejseiribsre
in this borough. - • 'tltio22
VU - ANTED, a good Gardeuar—apply alibis
v office, • •,,a.
march. 10 '
Wanted Immediately,
AGIRL who understands cooking, to do the ,
house-work of a tinnily, Abo, a Child'.
Nurse, who can come well recommended. AP
. • at this Office.
march 7
4 gi - Ll —\ trew Se.huy Etotts, bruit or ryttuna
growth writer. Apply to -
Feb 21
4RESFI, Tin:lull . , Seed. jai., rece!ved wafer
sale, by J.,.CLAYTON.
• Rodgers' Razors. , • •
A FRESH supply o6Rodgers' celebrated Rs
zorp in cane and single, jpst received avi
for sale . - B. B4NNAN.
Cobb's Nora - Aipserican Reacket atui
,illeaker• e
COrl of tjae above work-J . 4M reedy
•ed and wilt be %minima whole/tale-10
the different School distriCts, — at
-4161phia prices, forChor With the wholikteries of
Cobb's School Bodki. B. B .
Dee .23 .
. Encourage Home Mantff,actetreg.
Canftetionary Mane Orr.
fiMILE subscriber xespectfully quinaosopikir lb.
A. - 110611c that 'be has commencsid.l4/111spufte
tore of Confectionary in all its 4aric' iOrbiitochee,
at his store in Centre'Street,rlearly ' ol Oslte the
Pottsville House, where • Confectioners l esd utb
ens can *Far) be supplied wholesale and zeta,
at the lowest Philadelphia -cash prices:
Count Merchants are respectfully...solicited
to 411 and examine his stock before purchasing
3011 N S. C. MARTIN.
' 504 f
nov 4
)d e no u g ita lea bie . for Pa 111 4 . 1°L ihill "
2 0 2 5 0 5
: 4 ).
0 0 4 1
0 0 0 0 0 Lap j i i i n h t e S :
ng, or sale by 1 A. 4. GILE.
.. fert. 23 ' 44 ' '
• heap Raisins and Prtnies..
USZireceived by the subscriber.
HiCiir . .
- 2 cases truces—which he 1011 sell at Ot t icisits
pet JOHN S. C. PiLtaTIN -
Dec 2 • , 2 • i•
100 R A3le , Wrapping rapers 4.4 F. 1.
wholesale and retail,cheap,
feb 3 ' B. BAWNAN.''
100drt !be. Bed Feathere.juit [teemed assd
`ur affered• for sale by , ~.„
Nov a
Dry-Goods, Grocery and
.quOr Store, *;
Corner of Centre and Market Streeliti .
April 8 - • 260
10.000 VERY superior havannt Wilts of
the POncipee and Rosin ing° brands, finnan by
rffitIRNER'SitEMISTRY, price $l. just le
caked and for sale by 8. liA t tiliAN.
jarf27 -
- Religious Works: •
'BkNNAN.Tiasiost 'received the iiikiwing
•JiPo re hgklos works, London: and America 44-
Won*, which he offers for aide cheap.
Original gamily §crfirM, 5 a,,44
Sermosit; - •°•:'" s,:
• Sturtevantlt Preaebirwiltaneelilleolei
Mew on the Resurrentiod • •
Dreg on.the Sonl. . . .
Bridges on the Nairn CXIX,;
Fabiren Inlideli:V. • •
Jamer Christian Profeesor, • ••
Prize Rimy pm Religions Dtasensionsi
Christian rather et-flome. • • •
*ltt.•Motberlit Reqoast,&c.4w. •
• .dect 2S .
i',Englilifrand Welsh
/HE Subscriber Wilt hoped
AL, lair and Welsh Books. ittibititho*eiliot"ice,
, thdee pereeniewieldeg etolditaltei&lalca
.liens;wilUplease leave it li sttat_the, • falba
gilieera'finurnal? Jat,
Deei 23 • " V— 15
ghta) PINE serLECHPESF , 74 II ,4)
pine Apple ApSe siitirtt*.=4.-
• Ar-,
jaa 20
• Cv