The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 17, 1838, Image 3

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    would without th order, no
1 ffering and diet a, but the
' • Ould not hive n Compel].
'e payinenta.
ulation between the United
ritain 'vas the ne t ...topic dia
.'. ter. The diffe nee between
;and the causes oft this differ
:length, and wl h great abil
proved that we ad' been two
d : severe in ourdealings with
institutions. and had suffered
doing.. In out. intercourse
e.interart of the Writers is as
he interest oft people in the
. 1000. The II ks benefited
,eh as the coo ry benefited
eon the People' ' d theltanks,
o the People was to that to one
be Banks was a apsody, on
.neMis—arid but r effect.
en came to the 0 I before the
e should consider it, first, as to
i g or guarding the Public Me
in reference to it.S. effects upon
Mr. Webster asked if the bill
; , ed by other meisures7 Was
•o do away with a I paper cit.
t intended to baie.a gold and
exClusively? Mr. Webster
et that was the out of--door cla:
the Banks—dowti with these
.rti was the cry dull of.doors, and
while, however, it wiad general
here that there m ost be some
ntry. .
.-- Webster, is tothe come
, Suppose we antic' to the pas.
-Sr. which allow e payment of
he public dues in paper. Sop
. w code, and an eiclusive specie
ptliaect: I will vlnture the pre.
Webstkr, let suchra measure be
executed. The
doubt have been )1
Banks he thought
ed to suspend
The. paler ci
States and real
cussedlys. W
the two counkri
time, were stated
ity. Mr. Webatel
fold more fielded
Banks and monie
two fold evil for id
with OA Banks
100 tp a 1000.
Flanks is as 5000
the country as In
the Banks. Bet.
the favor shown
The cry against
meaning and err
Mr. Webster ti
Senate, and said)
its mode of keel
ney; and aecondl
the community.
',was to be succee
the bill intended
culislion7 Was
silver circulatiO
thought not, and
mor. Down wit
700 little mallet)
sometimes here;
ly acknowledged
, banking in the /
• What, said M
quence of this?
sage. of the six 3i
some portion of
pose thiarion n/
--. payment to be I
diction, said Me
authorised row morning, and your bill to
go into operatio to-morrow evening there will
be 300 private . nks in the community. Ever
broker will be .me a banker—ev*y body wilt
bank, and peopl• will do among themselves what,
the Government' will not allow to be done.
In four and t • enty hours, saidrMr. Webster,
we should go ..; k three hundredlyears to the
old Bank Hatnb. g—making of this retrdgressive
motion in 'the b' ref space of one day.
Speaking tur er._( , if the irnprocticibility of
this bill, and th'. payment of specie, Mr. Web.'
star said that t. drily payments made in the
City of New Yo' k fruit) Bank to Bank, and from
the People to th Banks and the ;Banks to the
People, was not .ss than $80,000,000, and that
ofthe whole . .nntry not less than $2.50,000-
90.9 and this to b . carristurrtuipecie ,': How could
it be done and can it be done? Impossible. .
The effects o'• his Bill formed snother , prom-
inent part of , e. Webster's speech.* The tax
payer was nt out his speciel to the receiv
er—the receive to the disburser—the disburseis
to depositors—. , ..d depositors to disbursers—and
the $30,000,000 received for the revenue must be
counted :five ti. i es, or to the amount of $150,000, •
000—and thus • e wore to . becomle a tinkling,
jingling genera 'ion of inert. L.-a nation ofbell.ring.
ora--symbol-tin, ers—a hard 'honey government.
Its. effect on e business andtcam : meree of
the country wi be that V 1,000.900 will always
on an average, • oder the operation., of this Bill,
be boarded and ii apt for public ulie. You can.
nut resume ie pay ments—iiever —never.—
lam willing risk my reputation upon this
assertion. Yci can never regorge specie pay
ments and7ton nue the resumplibn,. unless you
contract ahims all the issues necessary fur the
business of Lb - community. .truilhess could nor
go on, and the ginning would end in another
suspension. e effect w,,aa inevitable and Unde
niable. Contr.' , Lions must be tnatle l to a riiinotui
extent under ~s Bill, and the country distressed
and destroyed.
The constit.
subject of Mr.
followed by an
answer to Mr.
:with the beginl
where Mr. Cie
Mr. Webatei
. speeches, prov
on conatitutioe
now what he fy
by. 'Thepowi,
Mr. Webster'ei
too, Mr. W. pi
simony that he
denied, and de
(I most cla
you the close
ing of your
Close where I
tional question formed the next
ebster's speech, And this was
eloquent and poirerful reply in
Calbciun. Mr. Webster began
'g, and took AfT. Calhoun up
16. on Saturday had !left him.
read extractafroir Mr. Calhoun's
that he had changed his policy
questions. and jeirectly denied
[l , as directly asserted years gone
a 'of Congress wad another part of
!answer to Mr. Calhoun. Here,
'• ved from written: end printed tea
l' asserted (lOW what he had before
ied now what he had before as-
nay rePort here, without giving
Mr. Webster's speech. The leas
-cial Messinger Compels ma to
Oz The
days, the a
rized by Co
000 1 ) will • .
idisociah says, that, in sixty
.unt of treasury notes autho
gtess to be issued, (e10,000,-,
entirely exhausted, and the
- Government brought to an
unless some new and sudden
overed to repleilish the Tree
-1 a ditinnal debt rhust be incur
,re irredeemable paper, that
? 3,
, currency can saline, is to
r o the Market . et
that down
1 redtt of the ' experiments"
•nhi" of the Gmiernmetit.
i - 4_
wbeelt+ of th
, abselute
means be di:
sury. An •
worst form
be poured in;
too, to the
- and "expedi
-ad with much lnterest, in the
tution of the 27 1 th of January,
a friend, an f+count of thel
steamer Killarney, in Ireland
•entynine perirs lost their
We have •
ci f
lent to s b
wreck the
by will h
There w . :
650 hogs, a.
violence, it •
theie sniffs:
`re on the det of the vessel
d when the at om I raged with
as thought necessary to throw
s into the set, but it was
ible to get them overboard. ,
ever; subsequehtly swept the
off several of the crew, and
he hogs, ta kingl with them the
found impo
- \ Wave; Po
deck, earfie,
very one or
A part of
he boat w:
hence sev
tves, or
• Ind and w:
One poor
side in v
:cape to a
ized a wo.
a, and sli
' 'in the wr.
'nself and
Mr. and
he crew and passengers, afte l r
nt to pieces, get on a rock,
al.of them were swept by the
II after being dhilled., by the
ellow, Michael!Sbeenan, lost
.i viug up his right or an early
dy. One sailor, an Irishman
I . an who was entirely insensi-
Ted along a rive stretched
.k to the rock, /tad thus saved
0. Lawe were lines:l6g upon
„ bracing each ter in fervent
l i, they were s
,ept away.—
t bave l heen feltrfully appal-
deck, e
aver, whi,
e scene la
From the Christian Register
sv *u. stdotriuerr. - '
TUZY say I was - but font
_yetis old„
When Father went.awoy.
Yet I have never seer! his face.
Since that .ad, 'pat day.
lie went, where brig ter flowreeetiaw,
Dear Teacher, show rniPon.your map,
Where that far countey lies.
I hegged him, 'Father 16 not go!
, For' since my motber.elied
I love no one so well aoyou'--
And clinging to his side, ,
The tears came gushing down my cheeks
Until my eyes were dial;
Some were in sorrow for the dead,
And some in love for him.
He kn'elt, and prayed o' God
'My little 'daughter spare,
And . till we both shall meet agaib,
Oh keep her in thy ciere.'-o ,
He does mat come Watch for him,
At evening's twilight grey:
Till ever") , shadow wears his shape,
Along the grassy wai.
I muse, and listen all alone,
When stormy winds ire high.,
And think I hear his tender tone,
And call, butnn• reply.. . . •
And so I've done these four long years,
Within a lonely borne, •
Yet every dream of'hope is vain—
Why don't my father comae?—
Father, dear father, are you sick
Upon a stranger shoret— r
Grandmother say. it most be so,— "
0 write toes once more,.
And let your little daughter come,"
To smooth your restless hed,
And hold the cordial to your lips,
And press your aching head.
Alas!l fear (hat in is
WhO will my trouble *hare?
0, tell me where-his :form is lard.
And let me travel there! -
By mother's tomb.l love to sit,
Where the green branches wave,
Good peoplel—help arturphan child
To, find her faihei's grave.
74, TER WNW' loualuz.
A mothei's appeabl--- , " Heedless, ram
bling impulse" itself, mast have paused,
and must have "thought" too, while read
ing the mothers appeal, published irithe
Journal of the 10th,
I wish it could be said that similar cases
were not -frequent in and around our bo
rough: at-least one Such has been heard of
within a short month, wherein the wife
has been as unsuccessful with dealers, as
the MOTHER was in the other case.
Now I intend to write no homily on the
subject, but merely quot e
‘ a postscript to
a..communication published some time ago
over a well known signature, in the hope
it may be profitable. "Since writing the
above, I have learned that a poor woman
went to a neighboring grog-shop', and re
quested the dealer not to sell any more
rum to her hustiand,!asit sometimes Tim
-dereilliidi a madman. A Am,ckys a:Per
wardi, in a rim excited trenzy, lie plunged
the kitifelptb her tint:oat. She stayed, the
blood with her hand , and ran to the shop,
and there poured out her life-stream at the
feet of the wretch whin bad just pocketed
the price of her blood. With 'this blood,
I seal this communikation; . more
blood flows before another week, I:will
use it in sealing anotter communication—
and then pnpthert-4 4 I) • sigoTina —A N D
ANOTHER, till de a th stills my pen.!'
Flour is selling in Pittsburg at 44 - 75
per barrel—and pork at 51 cents perlb.
The Conadima Prissier..—A , writer in the
Toronto Pal!admin. a government Papqr. speak
ing of the condition of the prisoners confined on
political charges to the jail of
,Toronto says—
" Many of them are literally beingixonsumedwith
vermin, and .11 are .finst ierging, towards the ex
tremity of filth!" Tie, . writer reccomnienes
"a penny's worth of auger lead" for "every twen
ty" as a relief for theft aiiseriea. Wo are et
opinion that emptying the ...dongerins would be
found much .triore.kenefirdal.. ,
"A sleigh lila& prisoners " was brought,into
Kingston on the 03 ,nit. from , some of the town
ships in the'rear of that City.
In all the efforts of the Van Boren men to give
a political colouring to the late duel at Washing.
ton, and to express a holy horror at duelling, they
forget the number in whiCh their dear friend,
the General-mut engaged, Ind how they deAmd.
et! them. This it The age of hypociiir.-1 0 /. Y.
Mr Ca lee's District:—lt is said that GOVO/DO7
Kent has ordered a new &cation fora mein* Of ,
Congress, from the tiocolniliatriet, to sepPly the
place of Mr. Cilley, on 'the first Mondaj of April
next. •
./letottpepera illKettruekt..-The Lei:divine Payette
states that there are in Kentriek7 thirty-one news.
papers. Sixteen are, Whig am Van Buren; six
neutral; one Airicalteral., and two Religious.
About one fourth of this number are poSlisbed in
Louisville. . •
The Albany evening Journal of Saturday
last, is almost wholly occupied with de
tails of the, victories achieved by the
Whigs throughout that Elate, at the recent
Town elections. These details are far
more gratifying than our most sanguine
friends could have anticipated: Adverting
to them, the Jotirrial says:
' "Truth is thightY and WILL prevail. , ---
The result Or the Mareh Elections gives
abundant -and grateful -Assurance that; the
power of truth is ;prevailing over falsehood,
profligacy, oppression and misrule. On
no former occasion hive we had such tre
mendous and oerwlieltilng demonstrations
of popular indignitioh n against the Admin
istration. The Peoplet have determined
no ionger to end re 01l tfiiisioo—no !ang
er to tolerate their to
,prelpori: 41 sIier
since the disastrous reig ofhickson cam-
-;5, "
menced,titre i - pioplirshown such eye
solved determination to assert their rights.
Towns and counties heretofore deanttlto
the. Regency, hale now indignantly spurn , :
ed Lam Focoism. The voice-cif thunder
in..wlfich the free Men of Schhharin, Otsego !
Chenango, OswOr‘ - and Illatersiiit halm
spoken„ must appal holders! : P)
each of these co ties and for the first time, ,
there; w_aJVh oard of Supervispe!"!.
Pula Lodge
-4 '`,."6, A :m r rirl bereti'l'iatgthoefuP uluki Lodge,
sualp on klt
day evening next. !Mardi 19th, at half past 6
o'clock, P. M. „
Puactual attendattce is requested.
Poise,Tle. March i 7, 11338.
WHEAT FLOUR by the load was worth ein
day $750• . •
4..1 • .
WHEAT 1 50 pusbeloo, demand.
ItYS. FLOUR st t rr cwt. in demand.
BUCKWHEAT F UR 250 pm demand.
RYE, by the load ;90 cents by the bushel—ready
sale • . •
RYE CHOP 90 dents - per bushalin demand.
OATS 40 cents—Fdy sale.
POTATOES 45 c taper bushel indemand.
CORN-70 cents er bushel in demand.
- CLOVER SEED-45 50 per bushel.
TIMOTHY SEED-412 40 per bush 1.
FLAXSEED—SI 42 per bushel in demand.
WHISK F.Y.412 cents per gallon.
cents per pound—in Kegs 12 cents
EGGS .12. cents per doten.
LARD-10 cents per pound.
TALLOW-9. cents per pound.
HAMS 12 cents per pound.
CORN CHOP 80 pent* per bushel in demand.
BACON-02 cent" per pound.
BEESWAX-18 cents per pound.
FEATHERS-62 cents per pound.
COMMON WOOL-40 cents per pound.
MACKEREL, by the bid. No 1, $l2 oo N , 2. $ll
SALT-2 621 bbl.; 87 per bushel.
PIASTER, is worth 17 00 per ton.
HAY $lB per too
, •
'fifty 'DOliars Deward.
ESCAPED from the custody of tbe subscriber
this day, afteribeing taken on a State's war
rant, WWI. C. Irege. Had on when ho went a-,
way, é beaverteen frock coat, a fur cap, is about
pie feet high, bas last a tooth in the forepart of
his upper jaw, is about twenty-three yeas of age.
The above reward will be paid to any person who,
will apprehend said Trego and deliver him to.
, the subscriber, or twenty-five dollar" will be paid
if apprehended and lodged in any jail, within the
State of Penrsylvar.ia, so that J can get_him. •
of Roan Creek township.
Roaring Creek tpwn►hip, March 17, 1838.
The above reward is offered by the Constable
of Roaring Creek township, for the apprehension
of William TregiN in addition to which I will
pay to any person iwho may apprehend him, the
tardier slam of twenty.tlve dollars.
march f 7
Notlee io contractors.
James Ritter and Kanawha haprovement..l
PROPOSALS Will be received at the office of
the Company, in the City of Richmond, un
til the 9th day of April ,next, for the construction
of silthe farm bridges between Richmond and
Maiden's Adventure, and the dams across James
River., situated respectively pt tip mouth of Tye
River, Joshua's Fills, and Seven Islandt.
The two first of the above named . dams will be
about . .600 feet long, and about f 4 feet high. 'The
foundations are orroch. ,
!.rlie depth of wSpir in the summer season is •
generally rim one to four feet deep.
The contractors swill be required, by the terms
of (heir agreement*, to complete the dams in the
course of the next summer and fall, and with a
view to this object, proposals are only invited
from .men who haVe the necessary skill and abil.
ity to accomplish the labor.
The wooden guird locks at the sites orals Tye
River and Joshua'S Falls dams, will be offered for
contract at the same time.
The plans and specifications may be seen at
the office of the subscriber in this city.
, Chief Engineer .1:m40,10orr Ssnatoka Comp.
Richmond, Hatih ID, 1838. 20-6
Days of Appeal for 1838.
TCummissiOners cif Schay!kill-County will
meet at the following places and day. at 10
o'clock, A. M. to hear all those who think them.
!elves aggrieved by the last accounts..,
On Monday the! 16th of April, 1838, ill the
Commissioners' Office rp . Orwigabtrig, for the
borMigb of Ch wigaburg, East and West Bruns
wick,, West Penn, Allah, Union, Schuylk il l and
Manheim townships, and Tamaqua borough.
On Wednesday Ike 18th day of April, 1838, at
the house of HenrOtager, innkeeper, Pottsville,
for the borough of Pottsville, Norwegian, Barry
and Upper Mabantango townships.
On Friday the 20th of April, 1838, at the house
of Peter Filbert, innkeepar,Pinigrove, for Wayne,
Pinegrove, and Lower Mahantango townships. -
" Those in,babitiois of Blenheim prefering to at
tend itsaappeal at Pottsville, are at liberty to demo.
• By v arder of the Commissioner , -
march 17 . 29
TOE partnership heretofore existing, between
Trego, Thomas & Co. Iron-masters, was
dissolved by mutual consent on the sth of March
inst. . ELI TREGO,
LP01 7 ,1) THOMAS.
N. B. The works will be continued by Lloyd
Thomas, as heretofore. .
march 17 ~; 20-3*
The. Beeki an d Schuylkill Journal will insert
the .boos 3 times, end charge this office.
Q YV L" ecid . Ler illil ittoo. a" 3"mal.
Fellow Cominower, ..
Ethel% Churchill,
The Divorced.
Manufacture pf iron in Wales, .
Togother with a sakiCty of other works,just re.
(mit* and for saki ;
smirch 17 2041,
I • -.13.0i0-•
THE sebsotlbeis
. have applied to Judges oftheiCoortofDpmmow
rtes.? ofSauylkill f or the benefit of the seve
ral Aeta ofAssembly . for the relieforlasolvent
Debtors, At &tube /Wipe hareappoisted Mow
day the 26th day ,of arch 10 0 . e. 1 04 in the
foreneen. at the C Hourawllgliwitabeg, for the
Marina-us awl ou creditirtAwkertaed *here Om
mays .tend ifper i t k plipe emi r k "'ci-
_ I T.. IfOIICASID,• •
N4t• ••,,. JACOB MOYER.* .
, .
a , ,aF
Fanner-oat a Sailer Wan .
Nvdorrp. Faiiiettlebo ongentands
as int; and alpo. a pow tape* el tending
wur null. Goodiwases.wlll be gieen,to weber
end indourions who can come`lpill roe.
ommended. Appl "It.tbie office. *."' •
march 14' .1%:3
Etl 1,9118. 'r. Tarero4iceaces.Aat o pub-
Mid fir; sale IL BA AN.
march 17
O r es Waved; giletii", .97.6anz,
at Mr. Joseph Weaver's
rtERCKANTS, 'Clerk'. Book-keepers, and
othirs, who Wish to algptire a hand suitable 1
or he counting•limme, or Ow Commuo purpose('
of life, combining real rapidity with ease.. bold
and,beanty, re invited to call at the rooms,
iqpil jiidgit of his , merits and capabilities, as a ,
teacher, $y personal observation, the . only sure
and certain test; , ,
Routs 'oftuition. from 9 A.M. toB P. M. daily.
N. B. Presentation titles for Albums, Visiting
Cards, together with-ill kinds of ornamental wri
dug, penned at the shortest notice.
Ladiewwho may wish to acquire a neat beau
tiful styli of writing, will be taught at their resi
dence. IL 8. DICKSON.
march 14 ' 19
. . ,
St. Patriek'Thay Dinner at O'Connor's
SUBSCRIBERS, and all who wish to celebrate
the anniversary of att Patrick, the patron
saint of Ireland, are requested to apply at the bar
for tickets.
N. B. Dinner on the table at 4 o'clock pre
march 14
Procession on St. Patrick's Day.
AT a meeting of the St. PatriCk's Society, held
at O'Connor's Hotel, Monday, March 5,
1838—on mason
Resolved, That JAIIILS ct.r.sair. be President,
and James Dfinnflllf, Vice President. and Mich
net Langton, Secretary. The meeting being or
ganised, it was then
Resolved, That Same, Cleary be Chief Mar
shall of the day, assisted by Patrick Quinn.
was *further
Resolved, That the procession form at 8 o'clock
a. M. at lames Flurry's, preparatory to taking
up the line of march.
march 14 • 19
Rap. of he Coil Region. -
ATRANSVERSE section of the Schuylkill
Coal itegioni, from,the Sharp Mountain. to
the Brod, Mountain, sowing the distance be
tween each veio, the dip and the thickness of
each, put ttp ip Pocket Book form, price 63 50,
just received and for sale at this oltice--and at
No. 62, Walnut treet, Philadelphia.
march 14 19
Carpenters Wanted.
SIX or eight jgood Journeymen Carpenters
wanted immtdiately; to whom good wages
and constant employment will be given. Apply
march 14
41 . 1 1 mum
THe subscriber has for sale at his Garden and
Nursery. IC ru Tessieg. near Philadelphia, a large
assortment of F t Trees of suitable Aiwa fortrans
planting, embrac . e every variety of Apples, Pears.
•Cherriesi Plums, plricots, Peaches, Nectarines. Al
monds. Quinces, Mulberries, Grapes, Raspberries,
Gooseberries wad arrant', together with a laraz
sortmentefGreen Hoese Planta. Ornamental )
Flowering 'limbs{ Evergreens, Vines and Creepers,
Honeysuekles, Resin, Ciliation. sad Pinks, Herba
ceous Pertmnialowering Plants,. and • large ease
meat of Esculen t egetaMe Seeds, which comp
ea vest in luso ent as any other Garden in the
Vetted States.
; ROBERT CARR, Propyletor.
137 B BA NNAN, who has been: appointed Agent
for the Proprietori
_will receive and execute *dery for
all kinds of Fruit Trees; Shrubbery, &c. at the short
est noticrok,
iKr Citaleviess= be examined at this office.
March 14 IS°
.1 •
Mrs. Anne G., Kenny, No. 115 Louis street,'
between Stanton and , Houston streets, afflicted
for ten years with therfollowing distressing symp
toms:l ,
Acid eructation, daily spasmodic pains in the
head, loss of appetite, palpitation of the heart, gld•
diness.and dimnais of aight,could not lie on her
right side, distu; l b l ed rest, utter inability of en.'
gaging in, any ,. Nig that demanded vigor or
courage, semetupes a . visionary idea of an aggra.
tendon of her disease, a whimsical aversion to
p ar ti cu l a r persons and.4laceni, groundless appre
bambini of personal danger and poverty, an irk•
sameness abd wearinees of lite, discontented, die.
t i 3
quietude on eve y ; slight occasion, she conceived
shettiould neithe die nor live, she wept, lamented.
desponded, and ought she led a most miserable
life, never was one -so bad, with frequent mental ,
'hallueinetions,, ' Mrs. Kenny had the advice of
several eminentbysicians, 'kW had -recourse to
numerous rnedi Ines, but could not obtain even a
temporary alleviation of her distressing state, WI
her husband petsuaded her to make trial of my
, mode ot treatment. She .is now quite relieved,
and finds herself nut only capable of attending to
her demonic sflairs, but avows that she enjoys as
good heelth at present as she did at any period
other feeistenc4 J. KENN y.
Husband of the aforesaid Anne Kenny.
Sworn before Ime this 14th day of Dec. 1836.
Peter. Pinckney, Corn, of Deeds
IS hereby given to the wholesale and retail deal
ers or r om ki l mcrch s ndiv, in the County of
Schuylkill, that j the Associate Jldges and Coun.
ty Commilsaionert of said.Coanty, will medal the
Commisiioners'loffiesiis Orwipburg, on Thum
day the 29th day of March, 1838 for the pur
pdse of placing said Merchants in t hat clam which
shall appear, rib% and juit:i
flit Go eatables of the different boroughs and
Townstips in said county, are required to_usake
uqderraskil or • rmstion, a list of all thelihole.
inattit retail intheir respective districts,
and' deliver tbie Int to the Clerk of the Court of
gi a si e f . pa a of said CountY,, on alarms the
tat day of Much cession.
- ' IG. ; BAUM 7 # Asu l ari s sa
PH IP 'OSMAN, # , ,
B J. TOW, `"P•unkm"s"""
IN " REP "ILANNELL— bust received end
i ralebt the subscribers, 10 pions
he rishirtin Una&
a.nlent a
' ..-. .I ' 11/6 IF* VIII El& • i
iip • nilifiwiers *writaxt. initlilfreni Ex-
AUPpoimur' ' ' at/dx : Lfee r i;F '' not of • the
Opord of Caimon legis of 'hl yikill- County. i
and ti me direciaordlle ' to• pub li c sale
fSn .illandaylkilOth of March
next,ial the house of Daniefiloyer, innkeeper in
thn borough of Orwigsburg, at 1 O'clock, PAC' -
All that certain titter, otory frame
a_ dwelling house, with Chaumont eta
le ' ry of stone, a fable and lot of ground,
Items in Lawton,' additioh to Pprt
Carbon, bouruledby Secorid street, Tbird strt
1 end Morris streetrind by tat No. 91, containing
in wiilth 50 firet,and in depth or 'length 150 feet, 1
sod being the lot which is marked In Lawton,'
ddition to Port Carbon, with. tide No. 90. Also,
II that certain two story frame dwelling house
rid part of a lot of ground, situate in Lawton,"
l'illidi rd n at t° . Carbon, a P :r i l l bytbe r lx:ldunede(clif by
eMsam alke e lo tst i,
conti6oing in width 25 feet, and in length or
dcp. It 2 same feet.. and being a part of the lot
whic is marked in the general plan of Lawton's
eddi on to Port Carbon, with The number 33
late kille ciliate of --- --.
- At the same time and place, all
thong two certain lots of ground or landings, sit.
Mite ion the river Schuylkill, marked in Games',
tiddlional plan to Port Carbon, with No. 16 and
17, rope of them No. 16 containing in front on
said river 70 feet, and in depth to the rail road,
and - °.17, containing in front on the "aid rail
road 10 feet, and in depth to theoaid road, with
(he Pluirstlnces, late the estate of
...—f..._ • i
Sized, taken in execution and to be sold by
She Afro utFica Orwigs.
turg, Feb 24, Itin c 14—
1 .
• Orphans' Court Sale.
iNi pursuance of an order of the' Orphans' Court
. 111. 011 Northumberland County, will be exposed to
gale, at the Court House in the borough of Sun
bury, in the County , of Northumberland, on Mon
day the 2d diti of April next, that valuable
• situated on the Centre turnpike road,
.11 in Shamokin. towasbip, Northumber.
land Counthln the Shamokin Coal
Region. ooer.rtiod- for several years :
pass occupied by Felix Larch-,the estate of the
Hod. E, G. Bradford, deceased, containing 200
acres or thereabouts, part of which is cleared and
in algood state of cultivation. The improvements
pre good log tavern house, gables, sheds, .6tai
An latunclant supply Of good spring eater can
at all seasons of the year be obtained.
The property is we B worth the attention of any
one4wishing to becode the owder of a valuable
tavern stand, and trait of coal land. The terms
of vale will be made known on the day of sale.
It ii believed the title is indisputable.
Adminivtratorb of said deceased.
IBy order of the Court. '
• . -JACOB BRIGHT, Clerk O. C.
Bch. 28, 1838. 15-4
FiROCLAMATItiNk Whereas the Honorable
Cat vtx St.rrus, gs quirt, Prnaident Pf the sever
e Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of Dau
phin, Lebanon, and Schuylkill, in \Pennsylvania, and
mance of the several Courts of Oyer and Terniiner
aadi;ederal Jail Deli '
very, in the said counties, and
Geroge Ratak and Daniel Yost, k:Nuirea, judges 'of
the court of Oyer and Terminer and nere Jail De
livery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders,
in the said county of Bchuylkill—bY their polcepts by
me directed. tested at Orwtgsburg. the 30t1t day of lber-,
184. have ordered the Court of Oyer and 'Fermi
aer itn4 General Jail Delivery, to be holden at Orwigs
burg, on the last Monday of March neat, (being the
.16tfief said month,) to continue one week.
Piinice is therefore hereby given, to the coroner, the
justibee of the peice, and coratablesofthe said county
of SOnylkill, that they ardloy the said precepts corn
mantled to be then and there at ted o'clock in the fore
noon of said day, with their rolls, records, inquilitions,
,examinations,a.nd all other remenbrances. to do thou
things, which to their offices appertain to be done,
:and all those that are bound by recogniunces, to pros.
•'nn the prisoners that ate, or then shall be
of said county of Sc Vial, are to be then
and there to prosecute them as 11 be just,
PETER F. L OHIO, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Office, Orw4s
birg. Mar. 9. 1838. . • 2-3
God save Me C wealth.
DtfL The witnesses and jurors ho a resummonid
to attend said Coon., are request to serve punctaili
ti. 'ln case of non-attendance, law in such cases
• made and provided : will be enfii , this notice is
pubOshed by particular order of Court. those con
corded will therefore govern the Ives accordingly,.
hereby given, that the following named Ex
ecutors, Administrators and Guardians, have :
settled their accounts in the office of the Register
of Settuylkill County, and thatithe same will be
pretiented to thu Orphans' ,Cottrt, to be held at
Orwigiburg, in acd for said County, on Monday
the 190 day of March, 1838, fen. confirmation.
1.1 The account of Third ratteison, executor of
the last will and testament of ;William A. Pat
iersOn, late of the borough ofTintsville, deceased.
2.:. The account of Jacob Zimmerman, admin.
istratur of the estate ofJohn Everitt, late of Union
tbsviiship, deceased.
3.; The account of Michael Heischwender. ad-.
eninistrator of the estate of Peter Yoder, late of.
Upper Mahintango township, deceased.
41 The account or Peter Fisher, executor of the last ;will and tettarnent of Catherine Riegel, late
of fiVest. Brpnawiek' township, deceased. :-. ..
• 5: The account of Frederick Chaska VCroll
and John. Charles Conrad. aditiniatrators of the,
estate of John Hattie/ Ocrend, ate of Norwegian
township, deceaqd.
6 ! 'v e l'he account a Henry liinoir, guardien of!
ti ri
the son : and estate of Ca ne Petheroll, H
minor of tipper Mabantango wnship. ,
71 The *mount of John , lest and Sainted
Welat, exeeutors bf the last w and testament of
Gidion Williesuum. ' Mahantango
township, debeased.
at The anc,' ount of
and IPettef R. Klocko.
testament of Benin*
Mallantango townsr
91, Th e 'recount m
I ministrator df the estats
Pinegrerre township. e‘l
'. PI The account .
tbr eifthe estate of JI
[ township, deceased.
- it., Tbevtecond at
minbitrator of the eel
Wane township, dr
14. The second
ministrator of the est
the borough of Ouri
t ...lA.:.
I -1 • • . I ,
Register!" Mier. Orwl
him Feb. 19,1838.
alio( Bilarak2
Hai* 1) UMIII
• 14
41:r*•.`! , w' -
ipitocLetrCßttmoa Pleas,, o i L =pr it s
taints atzianas, is and for the county afFeltaiLtili.
*Alba held at Orwig re, in Attestant, aferiletti. QR
Monday the Mb day of March ma% at Ilisfehre - :
Thotelorii all warm having snits 'rna all
pedistaiitioin duty it shall be to appear idthidC*4
willtake notice and_governves a
ti': MITA F;
Sheriffs 0111.4X1V
mletrg, March 3:1 $
Pimetnalattoiedanee &demanded of ashram"
and Witnesses stutuntesed to attend.this Cwt..
YINHE subscriber bas just received and lit cow
opening 'a very choice selectitto of Garden
Seeds, warranted to be fresh, and of an extellint
quality;lall of which have been seleeted,witheare..-
Early Turnip Beet Long green do • •
Long Blood Beet Tomatoes
Early York Cabbage Windsor bestir'. : ..„
Large York do Butter beano (Ode) '
Drumhead do Extra early beans".
Green Curled Savory do Early Valentineliture• '-
Red pickling do Extra early peas i• '..
Wellington do Coates'. early (0 inch
Flat Dutch do dwarf peas ' '
Sugar loaf &Green bunch ilo
Bullock bead do Dwarf miwrowfat do i
Curled Cress Liirge marrowfat_dcv
Orange carrot Asparagus •
Early hameliteumber Red solid celery
Long pickling'... do White solid do.:
Early curled lettuce Citron meker="
India Head do Nutmeg melon
Early cabhage do Early cauliflower
Yellow winter head do Egg plant .
Mustard seed Nasturtium
Curled' parsleg 801 l nose pepper
Sugar parsnip • Sage
Pumpkin seed Sweet marjoram
White union Sommer savory '
Yellow do' Sweet hull
Red annual do Rhubarb
Early salmon radish Thyme •
Early long white do Lavender ' '4
White turnip - do Mignonette
Red turnip do Hemp seed
Yellow summer do Canary seed .
Spinnage Corn
Flat bush Wash Flower seeds, 4c. i.e.
All of which will be sold cheitt by
march 7
Coach_ Making. • ,
THE subscriber reepectfally announce , that ha
has again commenced the Coach Making
Business in Norwegian street, 3 doors below the
Arcade, in the borough of Pottsville, and res
pectfully solicits • portion of the public .patron r
age. Be is well stookekwith timber, and ital..
Hale at a superior quality, and has on hand,rea
dy-made, a number of vehicles of various kinds.
made 6 the very twat manner, which be' will - sell
chesp 4 PHILIP BOW(.
N.B. good journeyman Wood-worher, and
a journeyman Painter, isminted immediately. to
whom good wages, and constant Mriployment will
be given /
march 7
For Sale,. •
A HOUSE; stableand lot, on the weal side of '
4111 - Mame street, Mount:Carbon; the home._ iv
601101 r-stone, and well , finished; contaiiihog v.
ilictiecrand cellar in the basement atom and two
roots our the finit, second.and third floors_ snob.
The aside is likewise built of stone, atul.large
enough to accommodate four hones: ;..The lot
contains in front 40 feet, and in depth/ 45.2 feel;
et the head of the lot is a fine, spring of Islam—.
The situation Is very pleasant, and from-its
lenity to the coal landings, is admirably well cal
culated for • Nratman or boat builder. A long
credit will br given for one half of Um purchase
inone r y .i
Fo erme apply to GEO. C. W .i fNICOOP.
march 10 .18—U
Dissolution• ' •
THE partnership heretofore existing between
Gibbon & George. Carpenters, was diseolved
on the lit of March, 1838.
march 7
PIN. subscribers hereby give notice, that they
did, on the 20th of February last, withdraw
-from the co-partnership of William' Beasley,
Benjamin Hack worth, John Brady,. John Tate
and William Tate, toed Miners, doing business
under the firm of William Reavley & Co, in the
Shamokin-Coal Region,JNorthamberland etsuntyt
and are nut responsible:. fin' any debts contracted
by said firm. •
17-3 10 -
march 7
DissOltition of Partnership. 1
rilHE' partnership heretofbre e:sisting between
W. C. ,Leavenworth. Jobe • O.; Lassig anti
Andrew S.-Dearinood, *ging business under the '
firm of Leavenworth, LevaiF & CO. in Columbia
county, Oren masters) is this day dissolied. Ths
business of said firm will be continued by Joholt
C. Lessig & Co.
march 1 .. 174' .
The Berks and &Mulkill Journal. Radio&
mill,please insert the above thus lima, and
charts this office.
To LET,.
TAT very desirable stand pn Centse Street;
opposite the-Post Office, whlehliaahsen suo..
cessfully car Tied on for wreseßseani
ical line. There is a tuta stall stable ail coach
image attached. The home his ripten . tly teen
repaired and neatly fitted. up, zepletaissffi every
necessary moronism:es for laminar aria respect*
able business. Peasession given os the first of
April.—Apply to • WM. F.. DEMO,
, Mahantsago Street s Pottsville.
march 7 174 a
- Administratore Sale. -
WILL be editor) Thursday, Ms .22d_ • mut
Friday the 23d of March, at 10 cr'elecii
A.A. at the late residence of John Bowen, .de.
mimed, in Maxibenst.toornship, Sobeyikk,essan N
ty, tbe entirecaste of saishiiiemlent
cessistin of h orse, ' Groat *MINN mar
lowa. Ways, Hanle" ilaitSualiti. - 71 1 atritt
Becksiheat, Potatoes, grain in the_ ground,-
a general assortment-of fanning
- Also, Householdruid Kitchen OrinitiOiat i t4
silting of 1 Clock. 1131141,4 Bedding, 'Ktrien4lMi
a nd rake, Cupboard, And
loose !Itespini.
Terms made known at the dine ofetie.
.110-. .
, Feb 2i
• 174