The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 17, 1838, Image 1

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I FY's
as MID nevi , CriTs per annum,
ally in advance. ir sot paid' with
!! be charged to ail these who re
. of postage. To mail subscribers
nirri, paid within the year, 50 cents
• price of subscriptinn.
payable semi -an_
in the year, $4
eek , e the paperf
$3 per annum.
will be added to t
par annual, payable eenwannually
t Maid within the jear, $2 50 will
in idvartee. If a
be charged
not exceeding twelve lines will be
ee insertions—and 00 cents for one
ones in prorrtion.
nts will be inserted until ordered
e for whi :h they and to be centinned
'll be charged accordingly....
ire will be chargm2.2ll2 per annum;
tion to the paper—with the privilege
•ertiseinent not exceeding 2 squares
year, and the insertion of a small
r for three succeisive times.
sed to the editor Most be post paid,
firm will be paid to them.
Meetings, &c. and other notices
.fore beep inserted gratis, will be
itch. except Marriages and Deaths.
charged $1 for th
insertion. Larp.,
All advertisem
ont, unless the ti
is spectfied .add
Yearly ac wart;
Including subscri•
of keeping one at
utanding during t
er one in each na
A II letters add
otherwise no at t
, All notice+ I
which have here
charged 25 cents
has commenced& Book Bind
.nnection with
t hillook Store
.1 Books will bound at the
low rates.
• cry in
wheie tilt kinds
shortest notice
jan 27 •
and Con*
respectfully info
The sutzeii
large, that, since
end the public
S with a new zea
ring of Elastic M
Europe; he wo
at the militant,
atters himself, w
hat"he is a Baa .
Borough; and
the accusation
bte hereafter to
.tan, with being
be inferior to en
trawses as not I
to their. beauty
•gple will certarni
nd Bovine of tit
kind, in reteren
durability; and
of the comfort
.rliirtpally when
rticleb affhtcL,
body wick in the,
kscriber knows
Besides the F
ive credit to its
•the work meet
pninely invites
he therefore, tie
to get an erne! o f this ciescripttor
examine for the selves, one oPtio
sea, just now fir shed, that They n
ced of the truth. Ibis saying.
Reading, lan,lB, 153 3 .
P.S. Person wishing to buy E
sea, of the des iption aforesaid,
ply to the sub.c Ther, a few doors,
Store, en Readi g, where, a list of
open to the pub 0, as the menu& ,
wants some ll re The Mats .
,May next.
delivered before
ed has. at the '
•xamined hia
lastie Matrass."
• it traly.a luau
sick especially.
The tindenti , '
limey - .Mayas
"double Spring
elasticity rends
use; and tc. th
a horizontal past.
.le. Its pet tnasre
long confined t ,
to prove invaiu
ie nem:salty of re
iis bed," while its
culated •o obviate
, - prevent the sloug
will supersede
tient “to make
appec , ka well-ca ,
greeyor entire.,
occur in caeca
in the opinion a
I fully conc.)
in regard to M
H -examined Mr.
Elastic Matrass,
n, believing it to
d. JOlll
ed• Mr. Henry Mt
'Milli care, and
ya, and espech
great advantage i
tally examired M
.ring Elastic Ma
expressed, ii
Having care
"Double Sptin
the above opini
purposes inten
1 have exami'
Spring Matra. ,
mend it to all
as it would be
Having care
re's 'Double S .
concur in the
certificate. ,
cd with care Mr.
d fully condor in
as to its usefuln
1 have exam
tic ;Nutmeg," a
Score expressed ,
good qualities.
H. H. MUli
request, l exa
d concur in the
.y the hove nam -
At MT,M ey
tic Ntatrass,"
ions expreised
English e
jan 20- 4
1 omestic Medici
ition, just receive
lover See
d and for sale
JUST receiv
20 bushel
prime clpver see
Feb 21
e and Market St
, ibere respectful!
a and the public
the store forme
corner of. Cen
• ey are now pravi
Coiner of Cend
7 HE subs
tbey have tape;
Jacob Bull &
streets, wseret,
&stuntmen% of
Gr .
y Goods,
quors, &c.
determined totell
Inds of Country '
r, et prices.
which theiy sr
est prices.
N. B. All
the highest en
April 1
' • C.'
Key in P:
True Piet
boons ,
Pair Mar.
nd fur sale by
Just received
Dec 23
jan 2,0
nd for sale by
. •
• '
, • .
. mon T v „... ti • i a WILL ?tacit TOO TO itiliaCt TIM IOWIMI 6! TOrICAICTII aka iattre-or ows
. •
_, -.•—• • T. . . -r• ~ I '.40 1,
Brenji l
arroizirE F $T 1.. W
',HAS :mimes& his Blame to Centre Stmt. op.'
posite Os Brick Building of Georg, M. ice -
Mugs, wherii he will attend 'to sU bus imiss en
trusted to him in the line of his profession.
Oct 21 4. •.` 48-tf
ennY_NAgwsine of use
ul Knoll - ledge"
Is decidedly one Of the cheapest and most po.
pular periodicals 'new eztant—there are 200,.
000 copies sold.every month in England, and 63,.
000 in America.'; s' •
The Parts of vol. 6 (for the year 1837) eater
as received, can be had at this office. Pelee 181
per part, or 552.00 per,annum.
• Thia Magazine is publishpd in inenthin parts,
containing 40 large piiires; the present volume is
much enlarged and.iniproved. The illustrations
of wood cum .areciectited iset superior Manner.
There is an advantage iu taking this work over
all others„a person can 'disContinue it whenever
he sees.pmper, for each part is always etimpgie
within itself.
Complete sets of this work from the commence
ment can be procured o! I he subscriber, et $2 per
volume. - . B. HANNAN.
Nod 4 50—
%NUKE BOOKS of ;various kinds for Colliers,
and others, just received and for sale by
Also.- : drafts, notes and checks bound in hooka.
jun 27
N. Nathans llt. o
OFFER for sale a! 'Nair wholesale and Feted Fam
'r ly Grocery Store. Centre. 3'doors below Marke
street, a prime a:mortared tof freak Groceriesicotunst
ag of, '
Java. Rim ',noire,
St. Domingo andbioirnedi Coffee St.
N. Orleans Alt. Gehl*, brown and $
i Suga r.
white Ila vanna, lokrand lump
• New Orleans, West i
Molass es
-India and sugar hianse --;
Imperial. Gun Powder, Young)
Hyaon. Pouchong.Orange 'Pec- Teas
Co. Soucbong anCßohes '
Bakers, Chases,Spantsh. Schmitz t Chocolate
& Linggs, and sweet spiced
Prepare&Cocon. Comet shells
Reading. Carice. Harvey..
• John Buller, Lobster, Anchovy, Sauciii-
Canton shy and Currie - J. '
Gherkin, l'amato.: peppers
AI tied. (Won. Mangoe, Pickles
Union and French
Olives, capres, Anchovies-
Cayenne pepper. allspice and Ginger
Mies, Mace, Nutmegs and cassia
Rice; flour of rice, starch • v
Curi ants. Figs. Raisins. Prunes
Sweet and bider almonds. citron - -
Olive Oil, wine bitters, lemon syrup
Preserved ginger. eheese,..codfish
Herrera. mackerel. salmon
While and colored waz. spenn t Candle
Moulded and dipl tallow
Palm. vinated tirown and yellow sirdp
. Old Madeira, old port. claret ~
Bro - wn and pale skier ry. champaigne Wines
Old hoer. Lisbon. dry milaga in wood
Sweet malign. muscatel -. & bottle
Malmvev, marse! Iles & Sicily•Mades J
Srautch.insh, inonnngahela & corn whiskey
A n nisei te. anniseed & peppermint cordials
Cognac. champagne, Spanish- it coin brandy
Holland & corn. Gin, N. k. Rum
Jamaica spirits - •
• Extra sup.span. inferior,do
Half Spanish-and common cigars
Cut & plain and moulded glass Ware
China and crockery
• nience.
.ms his friends
id return from
and diligence
tresses in this
thout fearing
r and Cherie.
isle such mat
work of this
solidity, and
be convinced
, which 'these
[ here is some-
'he old adage.
maker," and
hose wishing
`to come and
said Aftras.
lay be convin-
4-3 m
antic Matra9-
• ill please up
bove Feather's
• übscr iptioa. in
luring thereof
to will not be
• .ueet of Mr.
wly invented
Its uniform
for common
Such as are
re, it promisee
t smoothness
• oving the pa
- lactic quality
n a great de
ing so apt to
a general assortment of Dry Goods. 6te. &e. all of
which they are disposed to sell on the most reason°.
ble terms. Heads of Families and Tavern Keepers
are particularly invited to call.
ER, M. D
we expressed,
:print Elastic
rER, M. D.
enry Meyre's
I unman in
newer all the
ni ' B. 0770.
ti. re's "Double
II would recom
illy to the sick,
. them.
Wetherill & Brother,
, .
White Lead dry and C.aktinel,,
round in Oil, S Red Precept,
Red Lead, ' White do
Lit image, Vitriol Alb. .
Cronick Yellow, • - gulp: Quinine
do Green Tart. Emetic
do Red Ether Sulph.
Patent Yellow do Nitric -
sugsi r - Lead . do •. Acitie
Coperas - Lunar Caustic
01. Vitriol Corn: do '
A g. Fortis A cit. Morphia
Muriatic Acid SuiPb- do,
Epsom Salta Lac. sulphar •
Tart Actd Opi. de Narcot.
Sup. Garb. Soda X °rites Mineral
Car-ms, Sub. Marc. • - Ethiopia do.
Refiners ofChamptior,Salt Nitre. Brimstone. Boras,
Abe. Offer for sale the above mentioned articles, to
gether with a general assortment - of Paints, Drugs
and Dye Stuff's, and every other article in the Chemi
cal mid Medicinal line.
Being manufacturers of all the articles enumerated
under the above head, they pledge themselves to sup
ply their friends and the public on the most reasona
ble terms.
Window and Picture Glass, from 6 8, to 24 30.
Oct 21 1837 . 48-
. Henry Mei.'
rase," I folly
the , foregoing
eyre's "Elms
the *pianc a
- and general
fined his "Etas
' avertible opt n.
e, from the 22d
and fur sale by
Cheese Cheese !!
20 Casks of prcmitim cheese,
20 Boxes pine apple • do
fo: solo by . N. N4THANS& Co,
' dec 2 , 2
i ent,
ets, poitivbi•
announce to
• nerally, that
Iy occupied by
e and Market
:d witha choice
The Family
ON Conumentary.
, •
FROM the works of Flonvy t and Scott, and
above ono. undyed other writer.,_ published
in London 104 Religious Tract Society; rev's.
ed and abridgkiu ; tsto volumea.`with Maps and
Engravings. Thie valuable work is published in
parts, at 25 cents each. Twelve parts are already
completed, and can.boobteined at the subscribers
Book Store where subscriptions. will also be re.
ceived. , B. BAN:NAN.
june 24 —3l
t the very low
oduce taken e
NeW Book's.
SEROEANT'S od Pannsylvania,
Festivals and Fasts in the Episcopal (Amuck
Eimpson's . Plep jilt. Religion.
Dourly Testanients. . 4 , , •
Together with a Varietyof other tooka l jnat re.
ceived and for sale by B DAM*"
march 7 . , , ..4214,1
Lanibls 1 4 f' arks.
rrHE works of Charles :Limb. just, receista,
JIL and (or sale by BANNAN.
Also, Buck's Theological Dicaioharp, medi.
Lion. •'• ' - ,1",;
feb 17
. •
Prentrce., just
• if et":".."
k 4 :l
Wanted, - • A
0 LlMlT.area and I.l4,anett horse„'-Santo work about Coal Mines.. also. a we
horse wagon foi hauling 04401, &c. &c.
Atiy person hiving the same _to divoc - ortiallP/
will pease apfrl , to WM. F. DESER
' tz
Mabantangoiseit, Pfittaville.
March 7 - L. r/.411111
Coal and Irma. Ore'tande
FOll-BALE: • •-•
sobsegthet istairs for sale .the one twelfth
art of a.traet- of Wanted Coal Land, con.
lain • p, •
.1 7 0 117.710 RED ,F,IFTK ACRES. •
situntdd itl WOst Hanover township, Dauphin
County, adjoining the land of the Susquehanna
Coal Company, the 3d and 4th maim.
Caine.' On this land are Ceti' of valuable iron
ore. The rail road Making by the Suicioehanna
Company. will pas* throat h it. .
For ',further particulars caquire.of the subscri
ber, residing in said township, near Shell's tea.
ern, oti the Junetttow n road.
N. 11.--1 f not previou'ily sold it private sale,
I will 'sell the suave share at public sale at the
public'honse of W. F. Johnstig, in the borough
of Harrisburg, on Saturday 'thb 24th of March
February 21,1838. 13—ts
Zol 1 ikoirerle
Tim; echo ji lenge gesochte Werk von Zollikof
tee's Udiertialming-buch, in stiller
. umgang
in . 4 Gott, waches geignet jet fkomme gesinnun
gen zU wee ken and ze auehren, and gewies den
sinn der Iteligeon Kean. entrpriebi, and bet den
alien Kirchen Potter au ungemein vigil zur vered
lung des herzeris and berutgung des gemuths
hervoegebrncht,lonler alien ametnenden and vor
faellen Hires lebens, and des wegen von alien
chested slier beriennungen so -beguehrig gesucht
werd. isl mon aof eine sehr schoen and vollateen
digs weise, mit Arlen 'darken anheng Coinunions-
Betrachtungen and Andachtswebungen. hereto
gegeben and in dieser droieherry zu
N. 13. So ast such arhia wahres ehreatenthum
and Shark's eandbuch end arqiere guts werke in
Dautah and English zu haben.
kb 17 • 12
Saving Fund Society.
, HE Port Carson Saving . Funo Society, is
1 now open every day front 9 to 3 o'clock at
the Office of Discount and Deposit, for the, pur
pais of receiving deposits to any amount not ex
ceeding 9500, from any one person, upon which
an interest of 9 per cent will be paid on every $3•
and upwards,b4 no interest will be allowed on
ail fractional parts of 3.5. The- wild° or any
part nay ho draws out on givir.g notice, two to
fogr weeks, at the office on Mondays. The bu
sines i,t the Society will be conducted by the
tbllowing officers and managers, t until the farat
Monday in May nrxt.•
Damsel J. gotta
E. S. Warne
Jesse. Turner
Joseph Carroll
Edward Ilughei
J im3b Bull
L. Whitney, Secretary and Treasurer.
Article. 3d of i the Charter. •'No emolument
whatsoever shall be` received by (lie President
or Managers for their services. nor shall any
Manager become a borrower from the tnstitu•
ion." oct 3 46tf
Valuable Coal and Timber Land
FOR SA I.E. Schuylkill county on the head
". 0 waters of the little - Schuylkill river, and in the
first coal region of Beaver Creek, containing 229.
Acres and 14 Perches, strict measurb; this land
covered with Whne and Yellow
paid by Judges to be of the first quality, the little
Schuylkill raiVzoad juna directly through the
above eescribeA tract of Land, and ofers4 iefe
and cenvenient • passage to the Philadelphia mar
ket. For further particulate address-the subscri
ber in Columbia, Lancaster county,Pa
Feb IC • 1-3 mo
Port Clinton Foundry .
WILL be Sold at private sale. the Foundry
pleninintly situated at Port Clinton, Schuy I.
kill county. on verimeasonahle terms. This
Foundry is at the commencement of the Little
Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, now
making, - and will in a short time be one of the
Seat Situations in the country to do a large busi
nem, For Wrens. &e, apply to -
Iron Founder!. Philadelphia.
Port Clinton.
im!Y 29 - : E-631
For Sale;
A volauable Tract of Cal Land,
"LYING and being in the township of Rome
o-a wegian, oil the Neat Branch n e ar the -Veal
Branch RaillV d, about sour miles trom Ezehayl..
ug a
lull Haven—t ,
ere if e or more Coal Veins'
paeathg thro this and. For information ap.
ply to I . JAMB REED,
. at Pottsville,
1 or Mr. HOFFMAN. Heil.
Marchfie 24 . at, Reading.
Dying and "Scouring. -
rGUSTUS EULER had returned from En
ope, andl intends to commence fancy and
plain dying, pi Silks sod Merinos, at Ks oldstsnd
in Centre Strl,Poussple., kilo scouring coats
and pantaloon lie is greatful for past favor.,
and tmpes by attention and'punctoality to merit
a.continuance of his former custom.
Dec 23' I 5-ti
rAckwig_li Papers Complete.
- OICKVVICK PAPERS. complete in 26 Nato-
A. %erg, witk, illustvitiotui, just received and
for gale by ; B. BANNAN.
Jan ; 9
SW . ' i s-1 0 .1.4.1cEei.
oaa .
on DO . Z v Swain's . :Panacea, knit reeeir.
ANIL' ett fresh from the4ropiktok• Upwards a
Settettly-Five ,Thousand • Battles of this valuable.
medicine were soldiast year, and tit - demand' ix
•Inerleising. Fir sale bY the doien. or ainstin.bottle..
Pride $2 per :''''ttle, or threelottles for SS by - •
= • ' ' • S. - HANNAN
'''•,t-•-•:-"_41 •
` -
1_ Ay : -••,,,4,r . 11 , Agent fin Schuylkill County.
eu - Swai 's Vermiflige. • •
riSHE subsnit
1 and &timbre
streets, a Sall ante
coal reition
Ron Iron . anorted aka,
Mandated limp do -do '
Nails sod F Aeltods d do .
Steel, Rounefic Square "dodo
Nails and Spikes. do do
Coal Shovel.' do do
,ak Hardware, apgeneral ansortment,
Camomile and Aperient Antibilious Pills hi al
leviating afilicle w lgian kin 4. . •
To James Die , 36, Cornhill, Boston, Agent
for the stile of D . Win. Evanh's Camomile Pills.
. ,
Lower;,. Nuv. 15, 1836.
Dear Sir—Kn ing by ex i ierience that every
reference that th afflicted receive of the beoefi.
cial resells of unitieities, I cheer/luny offer mine
to the public in ehalf of DR. WM. EVANS'S
CAMOMILE P LL.S. 1 have been afflicted he
the last ten yeat with distress in the head and
chest; lien so bad as to deprive me of sleep for
three or four nights in succession, bat have never
found relief by. ist,iy of my friends' prescriptions,
until my wife ss . the ad vertismenis in the paper,
when she persua ed me to send for some, which
I did, and obtain d two boxes and bottles', which
m i e
resulted to al t completely reloring me to
health, although have not yet entirely finished
them. Should y n consider this any benefit to
youtself, or the ppblic, you have my cheerful per.
'Mission to poblish it. Yours, respectfully,
11104 K. GOODHUE, Centralist.
Erans'e Cornebnile Tonic And Family Aperi
ent Pias —Mr. BENJAMIN BOWN, corner of
Shippen and Georges streets, Philadelphia, effect.
ed for seven yearb with extreme nervousness, by
which he was tiqt able to write h;l3 name—.his
sy triptoms were, OciApption, daily spasmodic pains
in the head, lasi or appetite, palpitation of the
heart, giddiness end dimness of sight, utter ina
bility of engaging in any thing . that demanded
vigor or courage,. sickness mid weakness ex•
teme debility. di4turbed rest, a sense of pressure,
and weight at tlbs stomach after eating, great
mental despondeny, severe flying pains in the
cbeet back andi sine, costivenewl, a dislike for
society and conversation. Mr. B. has made trial
of various mediCioes now before the public, but
to no effect, until, observing in a public paper
me cures performed by Dr. William Evans's
Camomile 'Fontein nd Family Aperient Pills, he
was induced to dive them a trjal, of which be is
at any time happy to state that they effectually
cured him of thwabove distressing disease.
rrPersons who doubt the above cote, are moat
respectfully directed to the above mentioned pet
eon, at the .nortb.west corner. of Shipped sod
Georges streets. 13EN,JAMIN SOWN.
Philadelphia Oc t ober 26,1837.
A perfect cure ofeqed by She treatment of D)
Mr. John Gibson, of N. 4th street, Williams.
burg. afflicted with the above complaint for Three
years and nine Months, during which time he
had to use crutebes. His duet symrdonas were
excruciating paih in all his joints, but especially
in the hips, shoulder. knees and ankles, an Bg.
gravation of the pains towards night; and for the
most part all tunes from external heat, an obvi
ous, thickening of' the fascia and ligaments, with.
a complete losseifmnicular power. Fur the ben
efit of those afflicted in a similar manner, Mr.
Gibson Conceive* it meet to say that the pains
eased, have, entirely and that his joints have
completely recd ered their natural toter,...Auid he
beets able to res me his ordinary business,
INTER ESTII4G CASE of Tirkenlar Con
sumption.--Mr. John Row el applied on the lot
day of September at the office 100 Chatham
street, laboring'Oder the following eympumon—
A slight spitting of blood. distressing cough, at;
tended with an expectoration of .purulent matter,
night sweats, general emaciation, difficulty of
breathing on exertion, with a well marked hectic
flush on the, cheek. On examination, the cheat
woe found to sOond well every where except on.
der the fell clavicle, and' in fte arm pit of the
same side.
Treaintert —birected to hike the restorative
Catirinmile Pill, with the expectorating com
pound. at the same time an injunction, to dell in
four days; whed the night sweats had ceased ! the
expectoration alghtly 4)minished, tIP light fit of
coughing still remainiog In the morning. Or
dered as usual to continue the 'medicine. and. to
call lathe courkc of a week---when his health
continued rapidly increasing, without the least
cough. Called 't the office on the
.4th of this
month.quite co valeseent returning his sincere,
thanks for the neat ,he had obtained.
t ii
The above patient chiefly used milk regiren, i
darkg his treatment.
I s
Mr. Robert tinroe, Schuylkill, afflicted With i
the above dist ing malad i y. Symptoms — great;,
languor, &tole cy, disturbed rest. versions head-1,
ache, difficulty of breathing; tightness-and stile;
tore across thel p treast, dininess, nervous irvita.
bility and resit ' *mess, could not lie in a' hori-i
ranted position, without the sensation of impend4l'
log suffocatio n palpitation of the heart , distrea-k
ing cough. cost veness, pain of the stomach, drow.S
sine's, great d bility and deficiency of the nerv-'
ens energy. . ¢4f r. R. Monroe gave titv every.
thought of re ry add dire despair sat on the;
countenance o every , intim. interested in his]
existence or •ha pineal', till by accident tit notice 4
in a public pa r anmacures effected WDr. Wm.,
Evans's" Medicine, in his complaint, which indo.t
cad him to porbhase a, package of the Pills, which
I resulted in coni pletely removinglevery symptom)
et big disease.He wishes to sir his, motive for
this declaratio is, that those afflicted With Usti
same or arty' symptoms sreitilai to thciirfroin
wbichliels ha mily restored,May likewise receive.
the same ionit.iinable benefit. ; ,; 1 • q ,
• ' Mr; Ch a rles Rob:tit, No. IV. Orange street, If
Y. afflicted foi fire yearn , hinnoral habito q
tAstilinir;appliiid - at the offi ' 'AI Chatham sinter
on the 4th of Oen*. to ag tinder Rtmfollow4
ing.ayrors A sense a tightness across 7
chest,wi , greatost,.di . catty,. of bresthin'
t il.h
1 diiiresiiiag gh; Onii ylinillmi With copion
Lifsmitiettiiiii of viscid phbrnr: t drinnithed
the face barb and of a .livid hoe—weld not fit;
has now on band at, hie Store
on Centre and Rai; Road
talent of Skied', stdtabletor the
William Brans
tn i allosison ,
t il utediate.s;'
• neva in
in this city.,
is trisnds
r. Willis
position without -the sensation of
an, lauguori drosrainese. and
e heed, and loss qtappetite.
led rothe tniarerninent physicians
!wisp need several other remedies
nine any permaOeut benefit, until
remitted hUnto p ace hi.neelf under
Evans' treatnien". He is now re.
complaint', ind li.eileclat the office
owing [bat he
,had not wards toes
itudelor "the benefit be bad receiv.
21:1831: .
sesterday, a
likes' hh g
ah Browne. Wife ..of Joseph Browne,
near Seco nd, W ilßarnebucg,
't ten years with the Liver complaint,
toned to health through the treat
tvm. grans., Symptom—Habitual
of the.bowels, total moss of appetite,
Hrs. flan
I.d 6th atter:.
for theta
t migetely
U pa
nt a
i of
laciusciatin pain of the cpigastft is region, great
epr erasion spirits, languor anti other et mptoms
ilfestreme , ebility, disturbed ;Sleep, inordinate
flow of the • tenses, pain in the right aide, could
dot lie ct•h • r left *Me without an aggravation
cif the pain, rine highisaloreci,twith other symp
Ifuns indica rig great , derangement in the funo.
itms of the I ver. •
i Mrs. Bro tie was attended by three of the first
tit received but little relief from their
inedicme r ti Mr. Browne procured some of Dr.
Mini. Evan:, a invaludble preparation., which ef
flwtnally re ieved her of the above distressing
Onptoma, ith others, which it is nrt essential
dl annotate. JOsEBH• BROWNE.
City and Co4ntv ofNew York , is.
.! Joseph Bilowne, of W illiamatiurg. Long IsLand,
being dsly .i t worn, did deprive and say that the
fscts as set rth in 'he within stittetnent, to which
be has subsoribed his name. atejust and true.
fluibar.d of the s aid . H annah Browne.
worn beforo me' this , tih day or Januniy, 1837.
BIETER MEN Ei 4 , Com. of Deeds.
R 3. S A RAH BRENIfISPR, wife of Mr
.`-`• Aims; renhiser, corner of Second street and
ermantow, Road, Philadelphia- affected for the
last six yeas with the Liver! Complaint, was
drimplately stored to health by ' Dr. W M. E
AVANS'SCa omile Tonic and ; Family-Aperient
l'ills. Her yni plums were hal:lanai costiveness,
dzeiticiatini l pain in the stomach, depression of
dpirits, tang or, estreme dehility, disturbed sleep,
wreat pain in her side, could not lie on her lett
ide wit houti an aggrava,tioO of 'pan; dizziness in
Are head, dimness of sight, with other symptoms'
indicating great derangement in the functions of
lihe Liver. Mrs. Bre:rinser has made trial of re
tious medicines now betbre the public, but re
&feed no relief until-she was'advised to make
trial of Dr iEvans's Pills, of which she is happy
.r state that they effectually relieved her of the
bow distressing symptoms, with others, which
are not essential to intimate. '
1 _ Mr. Breohiseri (husband of the .above Mrs;
13renhiser,, had been two years aided with a
; distressed state piles and Costiveness, of which
wee effectually cured.
We do hereby subscribe oursignalurea to the
truth of the above cures, that the statement ie in
every re spect
• l . JOHN STEIF, Baker,
No. 17 north Eighth Amt. Philada. •
' ) O ct. 2,lst, 1837.
i' Dr. WM. EVANS'S .MediCal„ Office, for the
tale of his excellent Medicine, Is at No. 19, north
;Eighth street, Philadelphia.
;i Sold by l J. T. WERNER.
Sole Agent for Sc • nylkill County.
at , Private Sale.
A good two stury house and lot of ground,
situate on Centre street. The lot is 20 feet front
in Centre street, and 230 feet deep. extending to
be Mount Carbon Rail Roadtbe House is pub'
stantially built, and well situated for any kind of
publio busitiess.
Two good two story fratn' a houses and lots or
kround,. situate in Reatty'i Row,
Street. Each house soil lot Is 20 feet front; the
homes are well finished with kitchens attached
. to each house, and are situated in the Oast bpsi.,
nese part ortown. Alrof the above property
;will be sold very cheap—rfor terms and particu
lars apply to ANDREW RUSSEL",
'Jan 6 7 Ma)iantango Street.
Valuable Real Property in Pottsville,
FOR gAIL f E..
THE undersigned offers for sale all that 'well
known three story ;BRIGS STORE AND
~DWELLINO MOUSE and the appurtenances,'
{situate in Centre street Pottsville, the property
Hof the undersigned, together with nine other
;tenements-in the rear Of said building, and the
lint of around whereon' the whole stands. The
;brick building aforesaid, contains thirty fekt
Ifront—finished from the basement; story to the
;garret in the best style of workmanehippand both
as business stand and a residence , is moat fa.
) as
situated. The foregoing property will
be sold on low and accommodatingrenns. Part
of the purchase money may remain'croltie prop.
ierty for a 'few years. it desired. Title indispdta.
)ble, and possession can be given immediately—
, apply to a. M. JENNINGS.
April 22 32-4 f Pottsville.
general' assortment flesh and aeawitable
Goode, just re e ei z e i =Wwistittg in part of
Dry 11,
Groceries ' , •
Nackerel f i
. salt, leLaafer, &c. ike t s
which will be sold low, for, F ish. The hi g heatt
pike Paid in cash for alf lt e ndsile g atntry p*lncitt
• Monnt;Cartatn ; Dee 2 •
, Lumber, Lurnber. : ',.
rilltlEaubsC . l4ber ii a - Ftp hand and offen fo r t
-k silo On reasons ki tenni,
'20,000 feet i and inch Poplar boards,
, c 4O-010 joint and shiniks, - '
1 50:000 plastering !h.. i: -
lAbo, inch and inch pons boards and pipe •.
axoUin~. di eelliCl `. ' .
- ! 'MUM% HAITI. "
Feb, 21
1, - "t
• •"
.• A HOUSE & LOT -Norwegian
+ R I Street, nearty oppriiite the-
of B. F. Pontroy, now-oietViii. by
•MU Willism'D. ,- --tetb. The benstPlit 16
feet front by 30 feet in depth, with I.kiteheit and •
oellacin the basement. story, two .yomits astlthe
Srst, second 'and third flcors eachttlut ,whcdti of
said Rouse well plastered and mantel: . Als o-en
'esiellent well of water at the doqitherlizifiivilflei
feet Boat. by 170 feet to depth, with* 91bat
ley on the west end 'afraid house: 1 sa at
For further particulars inquire of
' Tllo's. SHARP.
Mount Corbett. Nov. 3, 1837.
Clotits! Cloths!! Cloths!!! .
..NATHAN &Co. have now -on• hind a
4 -'• • splendid assortment of
Blue, Meek: olive, green and claret OA,.
- do do- and fancy eassimereari; , r, -
Plain and figured sattinetis,
Mohair pilot cloths and other coating,.
Goats hair ca millets, vest inge„.dr.; &c :•
all of which being pprcluiset: at auction in
delphiand New Arm+, we gUarantee tonal! iO
per eent, cheaper than can be purehatiedelsewhins
in.this borough. dev.524"-,\,
Gaidener. •
WANTED,'a good Gardener—apply it thia
march 10
AAi GIRL who understands cooking, to do
. tt
hone -work or a • family. Also, a Child's
Nitrse, who can come dell recommended, Ap
ply at this Office,
march 7
good r new Se:mylklill Boats, bont'orpttunit
growth timber. Apply to
VIRESIJ Timothy Seed just, received and fot
'L . sato by • J. CLAYTON.
Feb 14
Rodgers' Razors.
A FRESH supply of Rodgers" celebrated Ra.•
zors in cases and eyrie, just • received and
for ea)e try 't . • B. BA.NNAN.
Cobb's North American' Reader . and
• Speaker.
100dOPIES of the above work Jost reeeiv.
. ed and winch° furnished wholesale to
the different School districts, at less-than .
delphia prices, togethei with the whllle.soes of
Cohh's School' Books. " B. BANATAN.
Dee-23 - •
...IRE subscriber reepectrullv announces to the.
public that he has commenced theatanufac.
tore of Confectionary in all its-various firanches.
at his Store in Centre Street, nearly opticeith the
Pottsville House, where.C6nfixtioners and' uth.
ers can always be supplied wholessle=endretsily.
at.the lowest Philadelphia , ash
Country -Merchants ore respectfully solicited
to call and examine his stock before puichasing
- I' -
^ 4.
"*" ' 44 -
„ =l,"
Wanted Immediatelir,
Feb 21
Encourage Home Afantfactures.
nov 4
. .
. •
50 000 John Shingles,
25.000 lAP do
20.000 Lathes, suitable for paluir,,,or *lib*.
.gling.for sale by A. A, GILE.
Cheap Raisins. and Prunes.
fi UST received by tbe subicriber,
lir 1000 lbs. R
, 2 cues Prunes—whichlie will sell at 61 cent*
per lb. • JOHN $. C. MARTIN.
tbeet • ; '2
100 REAMS Wripping Piper"! for ea
wholastile atid t cheifp, '‘ n
fib HOMO.
100 ch lbs. Be;d-reathere,piskseceived and'
%. offered fer sale by
gAZZ it EV& soilancarsi ,
• wHoLEgia AND Rriwt: •I •
Dry-Goods , trocew
Corner of .Centre and Markel Strent4AWinalln.
April. 8
16,000 VERY'sopetiot liavaniat %em s - I"
the Principecr and Rasitnego branditlii see-
celled and '
fin sale by B.' HAMM.
jna 27 - - "•• ••••,(1 0 - • :
Religious WO
BANNAN tula z iwiA twee'
Da religious- workr t ion4iiil l tsiit,...iltaiiiin
bons. wiiieb 6111 1 11 Brr
! Original 5401e ,-,
Leland's view of Deistic* liflllere.
flumes:ma's. Preadber.'s aninel, 2 Inle•
Drew on the Reseffeetiori.
Drew on Vie Soot, • t • •
Bridge's on, the Psalm WI. . •
• rabdr on Infidelitl, • .
defiles' Chr,istian
'Prize rawly/ oulteligioni DtssensilliseFf
CkristiairOither•at Home,
A•Motber'sitequor,dm ite
deo 23„
11tiglioli andireldellineks. -
tiE Subsriber will iinpo:
liih end Welsh Booki,
lions will '
,Please leronklifitzlskAittptnflOis
'Miners' Journal. ;: , „ At.,BVPIAL-,
gbiimui4 A t reiv
kbik iisterfaßlP"!**
ropr4pebtlieilee!' • '4l-4 14; : / .3
-- •• , --] If i AßUTtrglelrrit
jan 20 • - •
•• • •-',;
, t 4 k,