The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 14, 1838, Image 4

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AK-E both limited and perpetwel loserances.
op Brick. Stone or Frame BuildingstStores.
'Hotels, Mills. Burhs, Stables, Merchandise, Farm
ture end l'ropery °revery. description, against loss
or damage by FIRE.
- .Vim Delaware County invermnce company - will
also insure against loss on all kinds of Marine risks
and against the damage or loss upon the trim-aorta
lion of goods. wares, and mereindise by wider. or by
rail way, upon termer as favourable as any Other in
Forany further infortnatien on the sobjett -ofin
- mance, either against Fire;marine or intend rigs.
'Apply to - HENRY G. ROBINSON. Allem. 34—tf it Schuylkill ladvem
or WI4LJAM - 13. PO R'S.
A t Orwtgaburg.
NI Wiritt-Y:1 :4 OHO
Fire Insurance Company.
AKE both limited and perpetual lnatriimeel on
Brick. Stone or Frame Buildings, Sto&p.llotels
Mills, Barns, Stables, Mercbandize. Faritrure.and,
Property of every deseripticin,agaivist-loss. r damage
by FIRE.
The subscriber has been appointed' Ancii'T for the
above mentioned Instiratiot, and is po w prepared to
make INSURANCIPS apon every desen tient 4f property
at the lowest rates. -BEDIJAM
Pothrville:Feb.V.lEr36. ' 15
The Philadelphia
lIMAKE both hunted and perpetual Instimnees on
/../JI. Brick. Stone or Frame Buildlnge. Stores. Hotel.,
Mills, Barns. Stables, Merchandlze. Furniture, and
Property of every deseription,against lostror damage
by Fl RE.
The suliscriber hat been appointed AGENT for the
above mentioned Institution and is now itrepared to
make Irsortarcrs' upon every description of pioperty
at the lowest rates. BENJAMIN BA NNA N.
Prineville. Feb 25 1837 15- )
ALARGE and complete assortment of fresh
and seasonable Goods,aust roceived by the
subscriber, consisting of
Dry Goods,
• Queensware,
whichhe offers for sale at reduced. prices. The
itighes6 pries paid for all kind of country predate
Sept 23 44 •
Wholesale'and Retail Hard-
ware store.
, •
MoOLI,PCK. & WEAVER have just received in ad.
ditilib to their former stock of Hardware',
Mousehole snvils,springkey'd vices, patent poliai'd
screw platis. tralrasted cast steel axes, broad axes,
Minn do:batchets.lamnSers, Beattys & Mullins adzes,
socket and firmer chisels. drawing knives. blatkinnith
bellows. cut & wrol nails, 4,41 j, 5 & 6 in. cast spikes.
single, cut and double plans irons and :planes, assorted
locks; latches, hinges a• I screws, round and square
bolts, steel. plated and is n squares,
All of whtehAre offered on the most accommodat
ing terms - Feb 18 ' 14
21 by 543 inches Railway Flat Bar Iron.
2by • do do do du do '
ISy 'do Suitable for Screening Coal. •
All the Iron has countersunk holes, and is cut ,
at an angle of 45 degrees at the ends. Splicing
Plates and Spikes to scut the above. A,
A. & G. RALSTON & Co.
N 0.4 South 'Front Street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia. Match 15,1896. 2 ti—tf
John Silver
WAKES gratai pleasure tu informing the public
and bre friends, and, alscrhis patron.; in par
ticular, that he congt.iieshie R EFOCTOR Y. un
der the ,Pennirylvania Half, in Pottsville. He
hopes that his past reputation fur keeping a
respectable establishment. acquire — during the
experience of five years in the same linekof busi
ness, and by desire to plinuie and applicktion to
business, to merit t -continuance of your' laver
and patronage.
Families by sending to the Pennsylvania Hell
Refettoiy. shall have oysters 'ot a superior rjuali
4, served upiii tht. best style, and every othre
delicacy that the Pottsville market can afford in
Roast Beef: cold
Corned do do
Fried Ham and Egga
Mutton Chops
'Venison Steak.
.PorkChopo -
'Pike - Peet •
kook Turtle Soup
per dozen.
Oysters Fried' ' 50
Do .; Stewed . 25
Do Scolloped I 37}
Do • Soaked 31i
Do •• Chifing Dish 31}
"%temples - ' et}
• • • . fibs battle
Old Maderia Wine . • •SISO l
' Old pale Shetty . - '''T 30 ‘ '
Old Brniati • '-'••••••• ' - - • I 50 -
•,- 0151,Liabon - ' - ;ye ti . .
, .
Old Port •• 1 50 • •
'---.' Champagne •••01 50 "•
-----11n_iith,.& - tattltepretVellarnfso - 4nittglit•
A irtifilealWW*Mem WedOpeetertieftri4e.
iLT NATUANS & Co. have kilt reOnved
47 • oter for sale; , •
----410rp.W., -- fkOntAT - Trtre Tr.fryarir
Super F Str i peryarn, •
Imarrartan..uteriao, Worsted:billeted tett, +nevi
Red ) arena, yellow, green Ind icarlet flannels,.
iteradied and inbleactied Canton itnnneie,tiern
10 t 0,25 eta per yd.
MTD 0.114, gloves. Szti Ara"'
iltditsie and. wadding at 6} peiratobeh 7
'dec 3 • ' 4
. ,
These iiills . haying gained acelebrity onparal
leled in every section-or the Union; are now con
sidered -Wall thosewbo value good health, India
petoufble lan family Medicineatronsaed by a
nutnertinsi.body of thd most eminent Physicians
both in this country aid in Bumpe,..t—is sufficient,
it is presitmed, to Ina* their character in the es.
timid* of every thinking man, sod it is hoped,
a far better recomdMitdation than the course re.
sorted to by ignorant Mid unprincipled pretenders,
who to mislead and i tceive the ptibhc. publish
what they call practi proofs and certificates. of
Cures, that exceed allibounds of 'rational credibil.
ity, and Most of which, ifnot all, are either gross
fabricithins, or prottil dby fraud and connivance.
The editor of the ' Island Farmer ' says
"This medicine' has ' ined an unpre cedented
degree of well presery d popularityi Having tak
en these pills ourselvto advantage and witness
ed Their beneficial Millets on others, we have no
hesitation ir. recommtrding them to the public as
a sate , salutary and ti eful family medicine."
".*None are genuipe without the signature of
the General Agent onll, the lithel, by, whom the a,
'hove medicine is im ried into thib country. .
/NO. HOLB _ N. 129 Waverly Place,
~ .
.i'l Agent fin. U. S.
A supply of the a re Medicine, just received
and for sale by I B. BAN NAN,
Sole Agent for Schuylkill county.
silly 16
AT Ole store of the subscriber; in Mt:Whit' ad
dition to Pottsville, where may ba had *hole_
wale an retail, on the must moderate terms—
brown, ump and loaf sugars, black, green and
young !wenn teas, Molasses, fish, cheese, snap,
rice, aciffi e, chrionlate, spirits, brandy, gin, Port *
Lisbon;rfeneriffe and other wines ; rum. whiskey!
and cordials, halt Sisanish and Common sewn*,
pry oer, mls Mee, ginger,salent t us, cloves, nutmegs,
starch, Miran/rd, pibil bread, croakers, sugkr brit.
duits. dtio. &c. &c. for cash, or exchange for coun
try produce. -
june 10 29-4 f HE:kRY BpYD.
Miller ifc. Haggerty,
Dry qoodi,Grocery, Trine 4. Liquor Store
1 Iliext door io Mortimees Hotel.)
T HEIR tonnexiori with a house in Philadelphia'
entibles them to;keep on hand a very eaten.
rtment of goods. which they will Beg at
Phil , Iphia prioes,! Store and Tavern keepers
and p ate families; would do well to call and
judge lor themselves.
evil 19 31
'(Formerly rarker &Hamm)
DAVE removed 'on the opposite aide of Centre
Street, a kw doors above Norwegian Street
where they Oiler 6;',17 sales select assortment n,
Superfine Broad Cloths and Cassitrieres of the
most fashionable colors, with an elegant assort.
merit of Summer 41oths. Vestinge, Linen and Cot.
'ton Shirts, Collars,i Bosoms, Stocks. Gloves, SUN
pendors,linen andreotton Hose, and all kinds of
Gentlemen's wearing apparrel, which will be
mede!to order in the most approved style as to the
workmanship, and warranted to fit equal to any
in thd City or elsewhere.
P.. S. P. & Co. ,kebp on hand an excellent es
sortment ready l made Clothing of all kinds,
*MO wi4l be sold et very tow rates.
jinn 17
Vegetable Life Pills and Ph
. n 4 Bitters.
CONITAST.—AII nations, from the remee•
test ages. hays bad shim but Columbus only found
out the *ay to Anyenca• Before the time of the
great Spanish navigator, people were only enabled to
paddle about the shores. Jest in with the Life bled
icinit.- It is bat Oro short yeare since I first ven•
turedlirpon an unknown ocean. and I have discovered
the ptecious object I was in search of—HEALTH.
Vegetable medicine" were indeed known when I com
mended my sorra; but their use was not. By the
use of them, I brie not only passed from the dejected
invalid, te the hale hearty and aetßie m .n of business,
but, comparatively speaking, i have renewed my
youth. I can t Cis, with confidence in tny'erern eine
nence. advise 'with my iellow 'citizens Does rite
reader want proof that tit. V Li; KTABLE LIFE hi ED
ICINES are suitable to hie own case? I have on file
at tnj office. 546 Breadwsy, hundreds of letters, fro th
some of the most respectable citizens of this my na
tive land, voluntarily offered in testimony of the vir
tues 'et A GOOD V I G ETA BLE MEDICIN E. • •
Persons whoSecenstitutions have been ready-ru
ined by the -all infallible" mineral preparations of
the day, will bear tile witness. that the Life Medi
einesi, and such only. are the true cause to permanent
good health JOHN MOFFAT. ~
per plate
These medicines have long been known and appre
Mated, for their eatraordinary and immediate powers
of restoring, to persons suffering and er
nearly every kind of merest, to which the human
frame is liable.
In many hundreds of certificated instances, they
have eve rescued sufferers from therm verge of an
untimely grave, after all the deceptive nostrums of
the day had utterly:failed; and to Many thousand, they '
have permanently !wined that uniform enjoymeht of
health, without which life itselfin but a partudigisa,
ing- So great. -inked, has their ellicayintrarialdv
and infallibly moved. thaf it ha, appeared scar oli
hisithan nairactdoes to those who were nimcquainted
with . -the heietirpl phliotophlidal 'pin* . Vie, upon
which they are compounded, and open Which they
conaequendyaict. ill was to their manifest and neon ,
hie action in purifying the springs and Channels of
life„,and etiouoiFtltenamith renewed tone and vigor.
ar i
thakthey were. in , elk for thclr name,
,yrti* was
'bestOwed. opt:kith tn at the spintaneout request of
emend ihdividu ' . Whose lives ; they had
- eared: ' - . 1 1; '' "''
• ' l '
The proprieteriMiejoiee lithe OPportieity Weeded
.hy the-univemaLditfukion ofthetttadypemmfor plac
' nigt. his,YI , 4IETAKE .L.IFL'i PILLS. ltrithin the
"knowle.tge and reach ofeattry,Mdivi4.ll ba t Coto
moony. Unlike the host of ernicious - quack -
I "hit 4 immq, 4 II , sFaqi. inart#r_NA=Pi
arttifuretr tad Iwi
_...t.elq ytotraors, and nei
thei Mercury :a rtily, Amnic , opr any other
micamiLii, soy f
.. rm 'whateerf. The, are ' entirely
ibmarsail. of trlfroisfreresendlooretifid plea
,thevirotea of which ; *hough 104 Atitrwn t e m. mineral
Indian wittoa. tad *entry to seiUmeoutisien; Ovule-.
ceotical etc-mime,
e re aftopthermaknoornsAhe igno
rant pretender. to inedica,l science; and x wer,eeit
„nev .
beforeadninietered in so - bapppj, airicacititietiral
Their Best operitiotriii to Too l
fiord' theitiiits of
the stomactond , baroolt;the .vario• kui humid/41KM
uniditice copita4;tiograroisti thamf:and to ire •
unlocks hatd . _ +lacer whit* oalltot4O:thaktPr•
1 voliitiiina of the e intestines. Other modicincs
oulj.l4= l44ol4l .e.lakev enekt-eolleeted
teasaes . . 'llliettprodninfri. itmitiftionte!
l it
witgAillits nibs of evor golden eery Oa.
immisink. &Ogee, Thu fruit l a .., 'w - -knovist
eiteler'sidsitoinisite.'etho examin e ithe hernias:lo*a
lifter "deattexad)ii the yindutlke 'Ph* w sit :
TeniedithinE seater theiquadtiineilirieWthe -
The 'ireei'and efrece4f Abe VEG - ABLE ..LI
PILLS is - to cleanse theleidneys and blieddik and
by this mean, the liver Gad the. lc*. thehnilllifig
_ ..; .d,orialeic - I,i mint* depends open the regularity
of the inkier, organ Tire d. bloo hith takes its
red color . ; the -
agency, of the liv erand. the lungs
tete it ' into the heart, being heipuri fi ed by
theti ninwishect.l4 filed homing 'from a clean
' s tenyiel t , '- - fredy through the veins, renews
every part retire - system and triumphandy mounts the
banner of health in the blooming cheek. .
The followingareamong thodistressing variety of
hnmen dismaektinvelecklbe Vegetable Life Pills
are well known to be-infallifiltr— i
- ' 'DYSPEPSIA. by ths4itighly cleaning the first and
second stomachs, and creating a flee of pure healthy
bile, hetes& of the stale affidecrid kind ;—Ffatuharey,
Pimh= rfthe Heart, Loss4l Appetite, Heart-barn
and Heirdaffie. Renksimess, 1W.,. , FM., Anxiety, Lan
gwar.andAtelanekiele which are the general symptoms
of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as-a natural consequence of
its 'cure. Coshreness, by cleansing the whole length
of the intestines witha solvent process. and without
violence; all vitileut purges leave the bowels costive
within twerdays. 'Dtarrlimu and Cholera,--by remove
ing the sharp acrid fluids by which these committee
are occasioned, and by promotinthe lubricative
secretion oft he mucus membrane. seers Van kinds.
by restoring the blood to elegsdar ci elation:through
eleeeprocess of perspiration in some cases, and the
thibugb solution of all intestinal obsteuctione in others.
The LIFE PILLS have.,lseen known to cure Men
marina permanently in three 'weeks, and Gaut in half
that time, h 2 removing local inflammation from the
Muscles andligaments of therlibits. Dropsies of all
, kinds, by freeing and strengthening the kidneys and
bladder; they operate most delightfully on these or
gans.and hencetrave ever twee foetid a cerain reme.
dylbr the worst cases of Grate/. Also Worms, by
dislodging from the turnings of the bowel. the slimy
matter to which these creatures adhere; Asthma and
Consumptiim „ by relieving the air vessels of the lungs
from the mucus, which even alight cekbi dent remov
ed bebames hardened, and produces those dreadful
diseases. Scurvy, Oilers and Inveterate Sores, by the
perfect purity which these Life Pine give to the blood
and all humors; Scorbutic Eruptions, and Bad Com
plerlOnli, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that
morbid stop :of which .occasions all Eruptive cow
plaints. bake. Cloudy, and otleridisagreeable Com
pletions. ' Thanes of these Pills fo avert , short time.
will effect an entire cure of Salt heunt, Erysipelas
and a striking improvemem in t Clan-mess of the
;km Common Colds.and' hyl wII always be
cured by one dose, or by two even in theiVerateaters
effea—as a remedy for this Viotti distressing and ob
innate malady. the Vegetable Life Pills deserves a
distinct and emphatic recommendation. It is well
known to hundreds in this cily,...thai the Proprietor
of these invaluable Pifte l ,was hkOself afflicted with
this complawn for upwatalloftkirty. ce years, and that
be tried m vain every remedy p ribed within the
whole compass of the Mateno He however.
at length. toed the mediine whichhe now o ff ers lo
the public, and he was cured in very short time.
after his recovery had been . pro ounced not only
imprebable. but absolatelOnposeible, by any human
means. , r
DIRECTIONS FOR USE.—'29th proprietors ofthe
. Vrortsithe Lira Pitle does not tallow the base end
mercenary practicenfthe quacks Mtheilay, in Wye
ing persons to take his Pilli in large quantities. No
good medicine can possibly be se required. Thera
Pills are to be liken at bed time every night, for a
week or fortnight, according to the obstinacy of the
disease. The usual donors from 9to 5. according to
the constitution of the person. Very delicate persons
should begin with but tito. and increase as the nature
• of the case may require: those more robust, or of very
costive babit,may begin with 9, a , c 1 increase to A t er
even 5 Phis, and they will effect a sufficiently blew
change to guide the patient In their further use.
These Pills sometimes OCCaS1011: ckness and votary
rig. though very seldom, unless he stomach is vrle
foul; this, however, mayti Le con idered a fayorabe •
atsymptom, as the patient will. fi n imself it once nt.
heves!. and by perseverance - will sdon recover. 'They
usually operate within 10 or 12 beers, and never gtm,
pain, unless the bowels are verymuch encumbered:
They may be taken by the most delicate females en.
der any circumstances.—lt is, however, recommend
ed. that those in later periods of pregnancy should take
but one ate time, and thus continuo keep the bowels
open: and even two may be tak enwhere the patient
is very costive. One pill in a ablation of two' table
spoons tall of water, may be give)ri to an iffilim: in the
feHowingdoses—area spoon flail every two hours till
it operator, for a-child from one to fiveyears of age,
half a pill—and` frost five to ten, dueMll.
THE PIItENIX BITTERS. ate so called,because
they possess the power of restonng the expiring em
ber of health. to a glowing vigor throughout the
constitution. as the Merril is said to be restored to
life from the ashes °fits owed ileolution. The Phce
' nix Bitters ire entirely vetatable, compcised of root
foffilonly ie =Min parts' of the - western country
whim will infallibly cure FEVERS AND AGUES
of alikinde ; will never fail to Medicate ffittifely all
the effects of Mercury. infinitelyneer than the most
powerful preparations of &maps Ila. and wit! iffitne.
diately cure the determination ii BLOOD TO THE
HAED; never fail in the.sickness incident to rising
females; and ,will. be found a certain remedy in all,
cases . of nertous debility and weakness of the most im
paired constitetions As ilia reffledy for Chronic and
Inflamutory Rheumatism, the efficacy of the Memo
Breen will be demonstrated by: the use of a single
bottler The Weal dose ofthese hatters is halca wine
glass full, in water or wine, and this qoantity may be
taken two or three times a tl.i),i about half an hour
'before meals. or a less quantity may be taken at all
times. To those who ere afflicted with indigestion
after meals, there Bitters will prove invaluable, as
they very greatly increase the action of the principal
vietels, help them to perfetts their fiffictions, and en
able the stomach to discharge into the bowels what
ever is °Onside: Thus indigestion is easily and
speed!) , removed, appetite restored, and the mouths
of the ittsbrlient mammas being cleansed, nbtntion is
facilitated, and strength of 'Jody ;and enm g of mind ,
are the happy results, For farther
_particulars of I
TERS apply at Mr. Moffat's office, No. 546 1 Brodway;
New Vette, where the Pills eau be obtained the 25
cents. 50 cents, or $1 ner box ; end the Bitters for $1
or $2 per bottle j` Numerous .certlficates of the
wonderful efficacy of both. may tie there inspected.
In some obstinate and complichited caeca of chronic'
and in fl ammatory Rheumatis m Liver Complaints.
Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia. Pal' y. Pules , injury frods
the use of mercury, quinine. andiodux diseases of keg
standing. it may be necessary 4ki take both the Life"
Pills and the Pimento Bitten, i the dose before ire
commended. ' '
N. B.—These Pills and th 'tiers. will get the
I motet:tryout ofthe system infinit ly faster than the best
, preparations ofSamaparilla, an a certfda ratuady for
the rushee. eilie blood to the ,or all eiofeni l'-
athes.tic dmilewets, &c.--All ' name Who arePredis.
posed to afielielq.p2lll3f. die-, . Aererha without
i ouid
the Life riu. or theßitters t fo one deem in time will
save life. They equalise the circulation of the blood,
drair all pressure from the had, prespiration, and
throw off rerequemtrite t by th i e i st wires of. the skin. •
, mile by ' ' MILLER: HAGGERTY,
Age ' forthe Proprietor.
Pdttiville. IA • ,I a 40-11
1011 . 11PACTrat OF •
No. 2'l North Mit *rem i t Philadelphia, back
egthaolklerchanta'Alotel44evoted ,exelasideb
to dm business. •
t Cotiattryl-Marehanta . aie aupptied at manollio r
Were prices, and their Onetime inured from
• - • • p-part,or-tbe-liiiioe,--saitheilt-satrir
aoA7Jaz t.zi
grflerl• far
- arpaid,dcapit yijatprip„Aps 10 , fetter, wafts bc
their. 4113 P Ala, a jilf the, plate l and the
/Old fiLilliliii4maity..,wait, that . j arkiele
Arla,,,,4llP3M4alurplpfpiliatigt 40.41000.
mer-ebailoktin... Fir OrdeTP:ihr Loolv
1 40 04 4 : -fitS4O I .ITALIk'
axe then ce op. e s ,
ct 21 4W-Usle
li l T
• . •
X*stite froli ß E4Ould, fritiod
gala - Wets: r •
• , ,
:4CO %lc etre pisingeibr
411-- theiririen44ll twat rate ships,.froartlii4;
phuwa, may nnW do so by applying to:
! - j WM. HAG E GERTY;
For' m lbw atteunc4tion . didar e . z persons
ging-passage for their, frientllOsho may wish to
send them money, tivsatible them to provide for
the vbysge, amts will be given on the following
- rtannid.mereltants4o
A10! ..- W. Byrnes, No 3. Waterloo Road.' Livdr.
fool; Daniel Wrigle Co. 3. Robinson at. net
Glasgow; No. 26. Eden Quay.
Dublin. r-**„."-• may 6 36
Far gale
DR. JOS. LAPIERRE'S Sympathick for the
safest, speedies', and perfect cure of every
kind of wounds, ulcers, cancer and all cutaneous
diseases, arising froth cutting, wyeesing, burn.
frig, boiling or the iniipority of the blood, and also
for curing Drtheiraiii, heart 'burn, asthma:liver
complaint,costiyerress,colicks, convurviorts. diarr.
1484'1 and rhesimaticlt pains, tooth ache, and scire
eyes. The general 'agent. Prof. G. Xav- Wagner,
Reading, Barks codnty, Pa. offers gratis to shy
,person affectwr,with either of the said diseases,
a certain qtiantity of the Sympathick to be tried
and appreciated befhre making any expense; ho*.
ever, the application must be made free of post.
age. . .
N. B. This •artinle cannot be had genui ne in
any drug store or eppothecary !hop. It. is not
neeesesry to talk Ouch about i:, as it eeriainiy
will recommend itself to en
,enlightened publidk.
aug 19 39—tf
& Hardware Store. •
THE subscribers:would respectfully announce
to the public. that be has added to his forniee
stock, iron and Hardware, consisting in part lor
Americasand Eneish Bar 'lron. Hoops and Band
Roond Iron, , assorted sizes; Cast, Crawly,
.Shear. German and English Blister and A. M.
Steel Vices, Motisa.hole : anvils. Smith's Bellows,
Cast Steel hand, dhoping and Broad axes, nails
and spikes..togittlir with a gel eral assortment
of Iran Itlongery, 01 of which will he sold at re.
duced prices, by , JOHN CLAYTON.
April 22 32
, *NOTICE. * .
rglif E subseribei respectfully announces to the
publip, that he will attend to the collecting
of accounts in thislmrougb and neighborhood, at
very reairable rates. Accounts from s abrotid,
to collect in this neighborhood will be pr raptly
attended to, and satisfactory references tisen if
required. JOHN C. CONRAD,
April 5 27 Conataiil4
S the intemperance and luxury of the age are
hastening the; ravages of scorbutic complaints
and rendering tie blood more impure; and as thou-
sands have destimitd their constitutions by neglecting
to apply the proper;remedies—to such, Swaim's Pan
acea must be, and has been, more than doubly valua
ble as a certain 'and effectual means 'of restoring them
to perfect health and vigor. Few families are whol
ly exempt fronysecatiuuc affections, which exhibit va
rious symptoms, al eruptions, ulcerations, debility.
lout of appetite and dejection. all arising from impure
blood. and if sot properly attended to. produce the
greatest injury to the censtitutution, and may be im
parted to their offspring. Swaim's Panacea is recom
mended at this season of the year. as a valuable rest&
'rative of the system, thereby Invigorating the constitu
tion, and enabling it to bear the debilitating effects of
the summer season. It is conveyed by the circula
ting fluids. and ctikrects their tendency to all those
diseases which originate in vitiated blood, diseased
liver, depraved appetite. or predispositon to affections
of the langs. Ste- No one, howeter, isuulvised to use
it without convincing themselveffof the truth of what
is here stated.
• This medicine ii now use with sticeegsin
Of the world. and is gaining great repubuon
A fresh supply 1 1of the Medicine Instjeceived and
for sale by B. BANNAN.
Sole Agent for Schuylkill county.
Who can supply the abovesiedicine wholesale to
them who wish te sell agaid,tt Philadelphia prices
May 14 26-
Swai*n's Panacea.
Vegetable Vuiversal rabic
.NYALID:- . -ONE DISEASE halt thou only—
.' an impurity,of thy Wed, Winch, by impeding the
circulation, bringlion pain or derangement in the on
or part whereitich impurity of the bloOd set ea.
It is true, a vale:nits of causes may bring- about the
state of the blood—such as a violent bruise of all,
damp feet. indigestion. pain in the head, 4-c. &e...,!init'
although it may be said that these diseases have( not
their origin is imdurity of the bloc- i, yet the effeet in
the same. they all end in the impurity of the bled:
and oor only object to prevent the irritating ioni
c-nee" be kept upon other-words the acrimonious la.
moors, is eontinu i Fy to pairg'e the body, as long any
unpleasant cayilip ins remain.. with Dr. Brand 's
severed with in Ohcient quintities to produce pi
ous evacuations, will assist nature to restore every
organ to a state of health. This is on the priniiple
of draining: we drain a marshy piece of land,. and
from a htate of sterility soon produce a most abun
dant fertility; andiso it is with the human body; When
any thing is theinlayer with it, we ire on! occiOton
to draft '
it by pargation—and expe ri ence has taught
those Who haveade thicreasonable practice, be
cause cftosistent
rightly, the rewalt rig been sound health; dt is
not more than IS months since these Pills were in-
trontieed into the United Stites, but their sale has
been altogether unprecedented, there ha wing beed dolt
of them in New York in that time, fully one stißion
five hundred th ins bares.: And above 10.0 XI pa
-1 sons can be refitmed to in New York city, and nearly
the same in Philadelphia, who have been cured ithen
every other means bad beccdue altogether unavaßing„
Of diseawwwilich appeared 16 f the most opposite char
acter, and in than; cases where the'dreadtel. ravage
. of ulceration, bud laid bare ligamest.and bone and
whereto allapptianince no lumum muenstou save
life, have patients, by the use of these Pails. been re
stored to good health, the devouring disease having
been completelyieradieined !
Dr. Win. Brandreth was so fully convinced Of the
truth of the above simple theety„tbav im • went 30 ' '
. years in ex • t and laborMus..research ink *the ,
pent" .
medical propert of,the numerous plants., . pos
ing the Vegetabl Kingdotn t his object being to In
-pose a mdicine*hiedwould at onceptetfy„ tire.
d6ce by specific action. a removal *featly li mars
from the blood-by the stSb and bowelsAis yMe
.een ti ee arien aftbe use of a medicine., ha s
. mars ate Aare- to .be car/ eff.nad the bl ' as
sume it Mete bfporitp and boever takes theseiPills,•
and persevere,' *ith t6eca. ill be emisbed that Dr.
',William Brandreth full, a ised hia philandireme
, *Neer: Ins no`er an abedd e. and known- ram, the
every &nue. whether it bk in the bead of feet , n the
-brain or ineseestinemberl4ether it-bean. on ward
gicAr. meatus ~. PI .14.04 1 0. eau
..fiom ntri . tenuolinie ~W,thut, grand
:namely. iiiimtri4 of blend. i . . ~. , .• i ..
~NOTACE..--,, , , , A6Drug:itiultotetiiicidStplrego ar4 lila ,
. ihyloqdeek:viitti Amin te.rfelt. Briatsiii4.6. .'ll - 2,114, it b e:
wipes ittiss'iwlttomigit Abe twvinfk Feick tck , p iie
unly,ef the **SOX allinctog.o4.9 4 elritdaPi , &
t rw
, 41 - I)Caliolie 4F.44 plum ifir4cuces. . _ ,
M. S. Thoai
~;t. , _Co 'pousTillo aie,tike,it i y O .
gems at Present
. i„,_ , y tcosetv.
D r . B nj ed* , 1 far ;be lea the above Pills
Wholesale and • . .ii Ili I •"'.. '...„.•• street, final door
above fi filtit.n *le t . 1 " -, " 1 7 , ia. , „ 1 I i. •
Always rata* j . lltot:,;_. '- never 114000 e.
gem i ne B ea rga t e i tl" 7 Iraq; -therefore all mu
ses of them lure inie to eoutibtrfeit.k. .- t
' I, ; I / ' 1 -" 151-Iyi
. ,
ro>r ai t 0 •
R114 7 W-Itir-jaV •
Ceitailltfoll7.l.Es;e a
AUSI4IAftIAIFFIA"A•4WhimiI &nand and act .
°odic remedy of diseasechaitiong.beeuin gene
ral use by the public:, heitoiring 'bliseatecit and receiv
ing piraise, it isactircely in the power of - scepticism to
doubt its virtues: or nfenvy to deny them. '
When it has achieved an ascendant' areer of use
fulness whit b distances; the competition of mere
beastful pretension, andlhasiestutled a conspeuoes
station in universal favor, by intrinsic worth alone,
its proptietor may point out the causes of its superi
ority, without incurring the' suspicion of invidious
ness, in instituting the comparisoo. .
PILLS, manufactured by. Dr. Willirm Evans, at lOU
Chatham street. do pot require his ,explanation of
their acknowledged efficacy,-for the moat eminent
Opticians throughout the United States will freely.
if appealed to, state the reasons which have induced
them to recominead them so extensively and warmly
as they do. And these reason, are, that these judi
' chaos medicines never injure gen the most delicate
constitetitns, and luniVin almost every individual
case for which they areittacribed, a mar an evi
dent, • truly happy and permament efficanyv Physi
cians, moreover, see that they are not offer e d to the
public ntion any quack theory of purifying_ the blood.
to the. inter destruction of the stomach and bowels.
Purify the blood from all diseased hurriore.they unde
niably du , ; but not by destroying those *deceit' by
which aloneohe blood can he sustained: 'They are
compourdellmon a theory which supposes a stomach
to be a very essential agent to health ; and food, well
digested, to be a valuable friend to flesh and blood,—
They de not purify men to ghosts, and make them
look like beings too %fined to remain long in this
world; but they make them as human as possible, and
fit to encounter the hardships, and fulfil the occupa
uons of a sublunary life. They do not make a vio
lent purgatory of this life , to prepare loon the faster
for another. Therproceed up on the aupposition that
the blood, muscles. nerres. organs,. easFretory and se
cretory gland. mucuous and tegnmentary membranes.
bones and brains. of every - human being require to
be supplied with nourishment from as healthful a-ato
mach as can be made and kept ; and upon the's:loco - 4e
thatenleas the stomach and bowels are in goed order,.
the blood and every other part of the system will bete
And how is it expected that ttey will secure health
to the stomach and bowels? Why by enabling the one
to digest food, and the. other to carry ,off what is left
alter the nutriment is extracted.'in COnneeo ol3. With
the surplus of bile, and the foul humors -ofthe blood,
mucclui membranes, and stomach. And they accom4
Obeli these great feats of medicine in she most simple
way imaginable. The APERIEN T FAMILY PILLS.
if the stomach be affected with `;rind, bile, or coated
collections, clear it out, by a natural but a moat in
sensible soPrent action, and cleanse, the whole ali
mentary canal, without griping, and leaving it as free
without debility, as nature ever designedit to be,— 1
They do not take the akin off the stomach and bowels.;
and leave them like apiece of red velvet, as all phy
sicians know the strong drastic pills do, but they
take nature kindly by the baud without crushing her
fingers. They cleanse every thing, without impanng
or injuring any thing.
When this is effected, as it usually is by the use of a
few of the FAMILY APERIENT PILLS. then com e
the celebrated, CAMOMILE or TONIC PILLS. to
strengthen a stomach and bowels whichbefore, per
baps. weak and foul because 'they yrere weak, and
endows them with strength taiperform their impor
tant functions: withoitt the aid of physic. The CA
MOMILE FLOWER, when its valuable principles
are chemically extracted. is acknowledged by all phr
amens. in every age, to- be theibest vegetable tonic
known in the science of medicine -,There is nothing
known in the vegetable kingdom of nature to equal it;
nothing that is at Lece so harmless litulso Vigorous! ,
healthful, and in proof of this the priapirtor of thy i
iler.owned pills that;are made from its puresttarticie.s,
Slight quote almost innninerable authors, bOth ancient
arid modern: if his own practice had not moved it to
tens of thousands.
The effects orthese pill. are not only, perceived in 1
an increase of appetite and general strength, but in
a restdratiOn of the body to that universal vigor in all 1
its functions, which indicates the return to perfectly
sound health.—The face, and general complexion,
speak volumes in their favor.- and thousands of fe7
males can testify how much they have contributed to
their comfort, their complexion, and their strength,
when every otherremedy hadproved worse than use
less. lii nervous diseases, of all kinds, they are new
acknowledged to be preeminent ; gradually restoring
firmness of body and mind. without those annoyance
and changes which other nervous remedies occasion.
kinky would it have been for many youpg persons
of both Beier] who are now in the silent grave, ifthey
had learned to check the morbid - tendencies of their
stomach and bowels by these , pure tonics and aperi
ents, without resorting to quack remedies..the names
of which are•concealed, and of which they know.
nothing. That dreadful scourge CONSUMPTION.-
might have teed checked in iti commencement and
;reappointed arts prey,nll over the land, if the first
symtoms of net debility had been' counteracted
by CAMOMILE chemically prepared; 'and• those
beweltemplaints which lead to t i host °rival mala
dies,inight bairn b een obviated by that fine alcaline
.extract of rhubarb" which 'is a leading in'' lent in
the APERIENT FAMILY PILLS. pre both of
these medicines, which are adapted to a majority of
the purposes for ; which s lundred_others are unneces
sarily used,feverp,agues,bilious.disoniera.headaches,
female debility, male decline, indigestion, and liver
complaint, would have entirely, disappeared, where
many of them have proved rata
But be it disdir-ctly understo9•3 that these medicines
ire not offered instead of these natural organs of tier,
body which other medicine. dispense with, in a Tam
summary, manner. They are ed
founded upon mRFW
knowledge. and not quackery, And denottake all the
red particles out of the human blood under the pre
tence of purifying it. In proofof which difference of
effect. let - the fares mad forma of patienti bear testi
mony. They constitute a useful..e, ff ectual, and gene
rally dale Of medicines' for every family,
and being 'both tonic and aperient, and of the bead
preparations known, no person or family ahouldeffe,
without them. They can be obtained wholesale and
retail ofthe proptieter,Dr. Wb EVANS I *New York.
and 'of his agent. in town indl country, with direc
tions fer use.—Theylare rapidly supekeding all other
remedies advertisedtin the public printaibeause they
are found to belong to a very superior clasp of popular
medicine. A single trial usually Places theni high in pri
vate estimation, as ,!they are kinwn to he in public
preference; and 'in the opiniod of physicians.
Dr. WM. EVANS' . - OFFICE. No. 19 - NORTH
EIGHT ST. PHILADELPHIA. where his medicine
may be had. Dr, Wm. Eyeno! cffice,loo Chatham
street. New Yorkodliere the Meter may he consulted
as usool. ,
interistitig Caak..—lldrAVilliam Salmon,Greenat.
above Third at.. lihiiadelphio; afflicted for several
yearn with thefollaiving disavowing symhtona: Sickr;-
ness at the ititnachi headacimi &engem- palpitations
. ofthe.beart, impaired appotitiksometinlea acid and
• pmrecaentainctatioii, coldness and 'Weakness of the
witremities, emaciation andgdteraldebffityolisnirbed
rest, a sense of prwisare en . Weight - at the stomach
after eitmgoktighlinagrei. great Mental despndrney.
Mime Pltilleilt Oweimet. back and 'lidos. costive
v'E!Clisot istutefgr_. ectngersatioti.involuhtary .
ingling - antr Weepingpnguor Wad lasitude upon the
lean. ~.,
excipse - 4,,
Illt.lialMcyd hid 'ii 14444 au t eminent phyill
.cians. who, conside it betriiis4:paaver of me4i-
tine toasters , * him to - Mail * his afilip
ti°°o44o4.64.o4r iiittitWlettraltdorablestoadition; 1
and halm .a weeoded tiy a relative of his to
ma . ,,,,,, .Ifiehial• 1 inaltill'Fikl 4 dacine, he with.
AmPall- tyrapairacktaghttfifficeand procntiedapackage,
I tilthiiklieltrys, he is indebted, for hkagrstorotion to
lo f t
lifit.lteilth aid) .- ends. He I. now.,ing all tile
bleratate atyierf . health. Peritott - of:
&tither. infbimar . will be satisfied ' Iparti , L
pular alas 'ltalia ing cure atiDi.Vm. Evans Medi
as' Office". 100Chatham at.. New Nark .4 - and% Phil . .. ,
AtlitlPhoa. N0.•19.1k1 a RTII EIGHTH Sty- ... ..t‘
.Salley ~ . !OLIN T. WatNER,, ,
. ' r.,. *:... • Agehtfor SclanYlkitlCoantY.
'Ar t i - mrQTe.l.rot- - • - . 1 l-ti
_ . .
-',;- Re' • •-, 'Wlhale fit.
. . : MINE Dm ale °M AI tierces and bbl.. • for
afty ' ' ','. jui.r44 katAGGERTYJ
gill i
Nor 18 • . ' ' ' S24mo
I ,
a. 7 1 t: - . - .
31 . 7., yen le, w
tiii isle! the fanny'
owork4 et the verb
- low ;trice' at
, 1
I -
Hume, Elmolletic !and Miller's- England
&vols. abileg, with'Phitell •-•` $lO 041
a v(ke'p Carnmetintry, 4 val. await, 12 12 oo
Wesley's,worlt.,lo vols. comiaetti, , L a oo
B uc k' s Theol4oeal works, i 6, vols. sheep, '4 .00
SeuiPs.:Bible ,and Commentary , vole. ,
gilleePit. 1 . 600
.Bytlitt's . yrorks, pe.rborne's EditiOn, sheep; 425
RolliresAzieienti History, i . v ol., sheep, i
tteith or" ne'. Edition with Maps to o l
tastes , 4is
1 ! "
Josephus ivol, itk plates " ' 2.25.
Marryalt's wor complete, 1 vol.: 325
Moore'. Works, 'brary E4ition i
, 225
Burns works, , , I . • 200
Cowper and T tription'a works, 1 225
Paley's work!, ' , ' ; 200
Burden's vills o Sermons,. i - 2 00
I t
Doddridgu's F ily Expositor, ' 350
Encyclopedia -Geogzaphy, 3 vole. with
1200 cuts :id 100 Maps,'- i - 10 se
Fox's Book .cal, rtyrs, with platds, 22 5
McKenzie. 50 Receipts ,- i •
_,.... 137
Together wi a variety of othir Booas at very
War, rates, to su t, the times. _ 1
July 1 , , i , • 32-,
the prirvention 4cv,, •
oughs.eoltizt, Asthma',
tsumpti)otra, Spitting of
Hi, Diseases of the
tat of Lu sga, tle. pre. '
ed buTkr.C.LAR.SBO.Ii
ZEEMAN, of the City
ig each bottle of the Specifitk,
r. 6-consprettocis manner, all the
litie different stages!of these digtree.
]so particular 'dijections respect
gimen, and how !patients are to
b every stare mita health is re..
I and . useless would be.the pre. ir
p ablest pftypicia*t, acpcimpanied
,rerfnl and useful mittlicntes; if f
e not;faithfully at i lhirdettii.l -
infirfmed that t erleaPpititinneef
ire ,been ta ten bpromproper an.
city of Lancastec, all cornidctely
lost desperate .eases of corump.
which are detailed In the bills ac.
Och bottle:
17 r
Accompany !1
pointing out IC
Symptoms in
sing diseasea--
ting diet and r
conduct thick! 1 1
stored—for vat'
seriptions of t
with the most 4,
the directions
The public
287 persons' h
dimities in the
cured in the ni
tion, some of vol
company ing eai
*** A supply
received and is,
March 12
of tile aboi
for ea
• .: . -
rtairt 1 seovery.
r bu disco • ed a ; method by w bid
t valuable rfiot,•
, ,
. without •leising shy °fits mecitctnal
t e medieiaela,prepared a ft er a re
t Collett receipt teeommended
jthe best rendaifor th e prepart-
L ektract of riumartilla.. ,
may be gia with perfect safety to
onecientio sky offered to the public
rktodow lull in till cases will grew
it", y mire the followial
. • - ' i
istons of th e skin.
tuition thefaen.4
se from an rapursl habit of body,
. •
es, •
The subscri
the virtues of th
May be extract !
properties.' Th ,
ceipt of the 111
by the.F'aculty
lion of the fluid
This Extract
children. and ja,
as a purifier \ of
ly alleviate arid
Obstinate e
Pimples or
Biles which
Scaly ernprh
Pains in the I
Chronic rlbi
Scrofula, or I
;ilea evil, '
oga, •
dem arising from it impure Etats d
rby a lout iden4e in a hot and try
or the mi iciotti Use of mercury.
ttt necesea to attach a few tend,
eff_cial tom persona well ham
a refereric •
Syphilitic .!
• And all
tlie blood, eith -
healthy climat
',have thoug !
. cotes Of its bsh
in the county, .!
. /leading, July 13, 1837.
reigned, baking used the Compose(
of Sarsaparilla, (prepared by Georp
par families, most cheerfully recon
ablic, as a reheap. safe and effmieu
. L sea arisin g flout' impurities of do
We the •ond I
Fluid Extract
W. Oakeley) i
mend it to the
medicine, in di
• , J0H.14. MILLER. I A
W1%4.-13. MILLER,
„ . - i• 191 0 .1
i ,
... . •
..111. •1111, ,
', fy that I Wag for two years afflict ,
i tr . npetigonions affection in one ofm. i
Ae. into nuttittrons Wears, for which
; diedies,,whiC.h butrincreased the do
; l ea recotitmendtd to try Mr. Oatetey' 1
rsapariila.:' t did! 60, and after' using',
I am happy to tante that the ulcers are,
ed ansl my leg treated- Witaest nr'
*ay of Angola. 1837. t
I .1011 N ,11. COLLER, Reading••
- ....`i ,41
Thiljeto,ce l
With atiotiatltO
legs;whipli . b
tried various,'
ease, whrii I 1
preparatioron ••
several bottUs
entirely. remo
'nand Chia 161.1
t .
that my little son r about 8 years old.
r along time, from ostensive sores or
land leg, (supposed to. have been whit
ha found impossible to heal, by eve
ost reap= ble medical advice, nee
nded to use Mr. George W r Oakeley'
per rills, eight bottles , ofwhicl
Lille shies but 4ieltfectly restored tk.
, hich had su red Much in consequent ,
above Penn it. Reading
tett' to me, hot tt befon
eke. syrup of SarsaP
on an believing that it srs
This ce "
had suffered. f ,
.she right. knee
'waning.) w
theaid of the
rWIIII reCgrn • I
Ilkihtnlii heal
of this affectro:
The abet*
and after the
rilla. and I ha
the agent of.
se watrii
• or Mr. 4
e. no hesita
i regional°
pt 12. 1837.
'Or it
3 , r
ilozer IL- ,
pryo in i. imat
.: -‘ , l' . to d me
j Otietoryour,
i efite - bottll
.at I took t
I , l oiv bcuer th ,
ril,,e4clitiLaPPperfe: i
Mr. Oakeley
tyte let you know that the
J of your valuable Sarsapa- 1
ne last. has entirely beak
it was of a scrofulous char
medicine would probably
• were not taken before it
e snub to make the cure
. twomentbs -since I used
• ; cc of a return: my phyn
t. , Yours. &c.
medicine may be bad c
e and, retail ~Ditg atom
g•,, and at most of the .nnr-
Dnigs, and 'Medicines, a ,
• liEg• for bale by .the see.
• iii*-fecreeiedenretch ti
wirer and Dr.' Ford. Potts
aid attbematore-ofliazzard
iii trigs I , 2
—§mo .
12Bitiegir4ny signitare w 1 i
4 boittitN • .
Sir.-1 con
on oldie hal
ink mat 1 o
inSi NI, thie
alder, atid - t '
beilent it. '
was heated;
ceoloht; it it
a ~and the
c: thinks ti
he a ve vainabii
the subscri, 'a who/esa
North Fifth treet, Readi •
cilia!' drug at res.,. Fresh
the.lowest Ili prices, als
Bother , - , -
bad at • th e
h;Wm. M
ita7ith't ?,
• • •ci ~•
menet ito •
Katz Kutitot ,
Jan Stfi l l4
35 111
1... AL . :
• T Okrecenedq
#h CI,
ks dairy
• ,• , 20. ca pine. ap
1.000 1. [ superior s'
;; .10001.., do
1600 1. codfish-,
• 5.1 i superior
, j 1 . 4 , mi. 1 lir
3.6 starch,
25 ...:ea soperio
? oov 25
q - CU ' ED.
e Specificit has bees
this office."
;O. P. )11ESTER; D
gam, Nov. 20, 1831
tGahal Boat Adventure,
butd, 'direct 'from Aj•
.10i dot
do I
gfeei l and ¢htek teas