The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 14, 1838, Image 3

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    . lIDEN S EDS%
- her has just --lead and.iirnow
a very choice 1 - firm 'Of Garden
nted to be freak. olf an excellent
f Which
have been reieeted witiveare.
p Beet. Lott i do
Bt . Tama .
ahbage Wi r beans
do Butte beans (pole)
do Extra early bean.
• very do Early 'Untie. beans
1 , do Extra rly peat -
elo Coat 'a early 10 inch
do d ail*.
. - do Green bunch do
' t do Dwar Inarrowlat do
Large martowfat do
Asps gas
oentriber Red id.eelery
do White solid do
!runes Citron melon
do Ntitm melon
st do Early aulifiower
r head do Egg p ant ,
I Not ium
y Bull n pepper
P Sage
d " Sireet innrjoram
Suakin r savory
• Sweet asil
Irthaba `` b
radish Thy mid
hits do I.avende
do Migno4etto
do I lemp seed
, or do Canary, seed
Corn ,
ash - Flower )
will be sold chef
45 '
Seeds, wan
quality, all
Early Tor ,
Long Blood
Early York
Large York
Green Curl
Red picklitil
Flat Dutch
Sugar loaf
Bullock bean
Curled Crain!
Orange care
Early fraint
Long pickfii
Early curler
India Head
Early cab's;
Yellow *int
Mustard a
Curled pars!
Sugar par ed
White onion
Yellow 'do.
Rea a I; nital
Early saline
Early long s White turnp
Red - turnip •
Yellow tuna
Flat bush cqr
AU of white
march 7
For Sale4 l.
stable and lot, on the west aide, of.
-.• t, Mount Car ; the house is
and well finish . containing a
lar in the boson tatory, and tails
nt, t ynt
second and t ird floors each.
likewise built ut , and large
misdate four erne. The lot
40 few. ands d epth 259 feat
the lot% a tine b ring of water.—
a eery ',tenant, • d from its prox.
• il . landings, is adirably well cal.
1 unman or boat bi ilder. A tong
f iven for ups half the purchase
A lious
Mame '
built of stosi-1
kitchen ant , -
rooms on th
The stable i
enough to a
contains in
at the hail ti
The situation
lenity to the, •-•
sedated for a
credit wall be
For term, a
march 10
plv to GEO. C. t,vys KOO P.
ship heretofore eXisting between
George. Csrpente 8. was dissolved
arch, 1838.
rl.rrE partn
Git ? hon .
on the 1 & of
march 7
• Notice. I
litters bet Ow give;rl ice, that they
20th of Februar lasi, withdraw
rtnership of William Beasley,
worth, John Brady, John Tale
re, leohl Mibers, t doing business
of William Beasley & Co. in the
Region. Northumberland county.
ponsible for any debts contracted
i 17-3*
THE subse
11 did, on•
from the res.,
Benjamin (la
and '
under the Arm
end are not re
by said firm.
march 7
/11HE pawn]
W. C.
Andrew S. •
firm of ',coven,:
county. ;iron
business of ss
C. Leswg L
on of liar
,r.iiip hereturnru e
venworth. John '
mood, doing tin
1 1 omit. Levsig &
! 1 ,lterr.) is hiss day
firm still be cot
d Schnilkill Jo
• rt . the 'etbeve t
march 1
The Berke i
will pleas in
charge this of
i CIA Al'
Penney . 1 7,
'fish a General I r'
!hails," past ~1
vided .that the
and every oth
ahall each for
ery too naliip;
oral School D
District: Paul
may be conned
ment and . colt'
shall with the .!
0 connected,
districts shalt[ . •
Common Sch. , '
within the lini)
in person or h.
next friend, fo
further, that th .
lice by pencil"
School District 1'
townships, we
where they hill'
Town Council]
citizens*, eachi
Di rectors for
citizen. of etre
Schuylkill. In
in borough a
Friday in Bit
and then and
School District
said d irtnela
shall be condo.
as elections', for
law held atd .
Given tinder
day of filaric,h,
sand eight Rti,
by an ant of th
anit,entilled "A!
:yalem of •Edneati
April Ist A. D..
city and county
comity in this
a School Dnlrl
fird and buroogh.i
[igichia. shall each]
, ed, the any bola!
• with a townshi
lion of noway r
id township, so to
nrm a district, a
• mania a eonipet
a for the educalio
'hereof, who alt
hia or her parent
admission and i
1 Sheriff of caeh
, shoo, that the c
[ rild elections . in
ds, and boriniehe
I , their elections ti
and Constables.
..- hoot District, to
. d School District
I herefore hereby
: School District i
tit their re t ire, ii v
, township electi
I , h, (which wilt be
ere choose two
serve a Sch
pectively, whic
and held in th'
tnicraisora and
. yi hand at Orwi
the year of on,
red and thirty-eie
rac comae •
-march 1
LL be
Friday t
A. M. at the le i
ceased.. iii Mar
ty, the entire p
canals:illy of
rows, Wagon
Buckwheat, Po
e general asso
Also, House(
listing of 1 Cl
and Tables, Ca
Terms made
•Id on Thursday.
23d of March,
e residence of Joh
township. S
rsonalesude of
Cows, Sheep,
latneva, Hry, Steal
'atom vain in the
tient ot farming n
Id and Kitchen
• k, Bede, Bedding;
rd, and all the
Down it the time
a"Y virtue ores 1 writs of reelitiaai Er;
pais and Lenart Fiscietr. Weed out of tea
court of Common Picas ar Schuylkill Counts
and to me directed, sitllllo4ooled to public a4e:
On Wednety the 14th day if
March nest, at the ' el Miami! Graaf:: inn.
keeper, in the berotigh of Orialetbalati in tin '
county of Schuylkill at 10 O'cksek A. 51.
No. 1. A eertainl ct of land situate in 'fiur
borough of Ortrigsb ' g, county eforesaid:boond
ed by the ,MeKeana yg read. Twisinsaity greet.
Washington street. Vayne street..andShotch
land, containing two 4cres and a half, more or lams
with the appurtenances.
No. 2. Also a certnin lot of piece of iand, sit
uate in the &Irene) OfOrwigsburg, county afore
said. bounded by initepentleiree street, a public
alley arid lot Nu. 98,ilied marked in the general
plan of the town, Nn. 11:11 and 102, containing 88
percheii strict measure, With the, appurtenances.
No. 3. Also. a certain lot or piece of gmund,
sittotte in the billiugli of Orarigsburg, amity a.
foresaid, bounded hy4plalin sheet, Perry street.
"4 0 , 1 public alley:llnd Muted in Jeremiah
Reid's additional plan to the town of Orwigsburg,
No. 213:214, 215 and 216, and cementing i acre
strict measure. with the appurtenances. '
No. 4. Also. a certain piece of land
.. s sit nate in the boronell 0 1 Orwrigehurg,
se 2 •
le . conntj?ftireya id, howitled by IhrCeti.
ire limit., land dielm Hetotuer,
George Ittidry , jr. an Edward (1.11.i1i ey, erno•
ittining 6 acres, morejor leer, with the appurte
nances consisting off two stork log dwelling
house and barn.
No. S. Also. the undivided lialfof a (vermin
tract of teed, aftifite iil Noi wegiab township in
the county aforesaid, hounded by lands of Julio
White, -- Willisui Wagner, land of Reim & Co.
called the Oak Dill Diet, and others, euntaiuing
66 acres. more or leas,lwith the appurtenances.
No. 6. Also, the undivided half cola certain
tract of land, situate! in Norwegian township.
county aforesaid, surveyed on a warrant granted
to James L. Dunn, and held in common with
John Hannan, containing 100 acres more or less,
with the appiircinandes. 1 - • '
No. 7. Also, the yndivided hall of a certain
tract of land„ situate in Schuylkill spermatic), moil
ty aforesaid: bounded by lands of late John Putt,
deceased., David Nice and others; 236
acres, mere or less, With the attputteitances.
Na. S. Also, the undivided nor of a "certain
tract of land, situate; inrstaTntylkill .toirnship,
county efinefliid; bounacd by lands of Juhn Oott,
droca;led, and others,. containing 128 acres mote
of tnar: %jib the appurtenances.
'Wei: 9. Also, the undivided nne- ain't pat of a
certain tract 01 land situate in Schuy I ill town
ship bounty afriresatid, surve'yed on a 'garroter
granted to Elizabeth Davis:, bounded by lands
surveyed to Cat hal sate Burger and Ushers, mintain
ing 40U acres more or Item, with the apportenan
Peed', 4c. &c
1 I, by
Na 10. Also f a certain lnt °remind
is " situate in tlit borough of Mineraville,
g et - manly a 'ore aid, bounded by Sun' bury
Aretr, Len , * street and bit No. 111 and
10, mud marked in the titan of tte 'town No. 11
with the apourtenaricemgeonsieting oft two. story
frame dwelling house and kitchen.
No 11. Aka, The undivided third part: of a
certain tract of hind, p.iiiiinte in Rush Towembip,
county afor!esaid3 bounded hy lands of Racliael
Dickerson, Ithe Valley iFtirnace Company and
other*, containing 400 acres more or beer-late
the estate of Ororre Haan.
• 0,1 Monday 14 ik 19th of March.
next, at the house of bailie! Hover, innkeeper in
the borough nt Orwigabprz, at I o'clock, P. M.
nersh ip.
i.ting between
Leasiir and
Incas under the
/ . in Columbia
diiitzolved. The
lulled by Julits
All that tettain two story frame
sass dwelling lioupc, with a basement sto.
1 1 a ; ry of stone. al stable and lot of g mend:
situate in Litiviuns' addition to Puri
Cal him, hOonded -by Second street. Third street
and Morris street, and by lot No. 91, containing
in width .50 feet, and in depth or length 150 feet,
and being the lot whidi is marked in Lawton.'
addition in Port Carbon. ?with the No. 911. Alan.
II that certain two story frame dwelling house
.nd pail of a lot of grinind, situate in Lawinns'
Ado ((((( to Portllartion,lhouseded by Market st.
4crind sr. and by the rlisidtie of the Male 1.11,
comet ng in width 25 ice,' and in length or
de,4h 112 feet. and beini a Part of the PiIME kw
which is marked in the general plan of Lawton's
Rddii iun to Port Carbomoirith the number 33
late the estate of ----
mil. Reeding,
ice times, and
At the same time aid plact, all
theme two tertair lots ofground hr landingsi sit.
nate en the Hier Schnvikiil, marked in Gurney'.
additional plan to Port CaThmt. with No. 16, and
17. one of theft No. 16 containing in front on
said river 70 feet, and in depth to the rail Mao,
and No. 17, containing in front on the Said rail
hod TO fort, and in depth to the said ru d. w ith
the rippertenances s Late, the estate of -
• Leeslntim, of tb eatab
on by Common
&U, it is pro-
Philadelphia, It,
, and that eir.
~within the eel%
hum a Schad I
nth whiCh a or
In the Agee*,
tea and tevreiß ''
g Boit remains'
d each of said
nt number of
of every child
ill applyeither
ti , , guardian, or
Wed Met inn; iatt
aunty give no
tisane of each
heir rcopective
at the places
lir Supervienrs,
to choose two
•rve as School
Seized, taken in executibn end . to be Fuld by
Sherqra Orivige.
burg, Feb 24, 1837. • 14—,
Orphans' Court Sale.
IN pursuance of an order' of the Orphans' Court
of Northumberland Comity, vial be ewe* to
ask, nt the Conti Muse in die borouch of Sun
fairy, in the county of Northumberlan.d, nn _Mon
day the 2d day of April next, that valuable .
situated sin the Centre turnpike tkliitt,
•• • • in Shamokin towssahip, Nortlittnibvr••
le a land County, in the Snatitokin irnal
Region., now. and 'fur several yrar.
'Past. oecnpied by Felix Larch—the estate or the
lion. E. 0. aredfood, deceased, containing 200
■ores or thereabouts . , part of which is cleared land
in ' a
grad state of cultivation. The Improvements
are a good log tavern kenos.. stables, shedN Acc.
An akundant supply of good spring water can
at all seasons of the year Itti obtained:
The property is well Worth the attention of Any
one wishing to become the owner 'of ■ Valuable
tavern stand, and tract of and land. The farms
ante will be trade known no the day of Sala
It is behaved the title is iluilaph!ahha
iven, that the
the tamely or
plecen of hold
. r, on the third
the 16th roil.)
'them of evict.
Directors for
said eteetions
same manner
Wee, are by
burg.the 7th
. one thou
Adrainiotratorb aroma! deemed:
By order of the Court:
Feb. 28. 183_8., ; , ' 15-4
!G. Merit
the 22d and
t 10 o'clock
Bowen, eat
uylkill IXIIIII.
d' decedent;
Moira, Bar
, Wheat, Rye.
ground, And
PRitraTE .w
A NOOSE & LOT in Noisrtiliian
t _
Street, nearly opposite the residence
11 of N. F. POmroy, now occupied by
William D. Leib. The bourn la 16
feet trona by 301eet in depth, with a kitchen and
cellar in the basement story, two rooms on the
first, mound and third tors each; the -whole of
mid Fiona well plastered .and painted. Also an
excellent well bf Water at the tiont—the lot is 201
feet front, by 00 feet in dipth, With a 9 &et at.
ley on the west and afraid boom.
For further pirticialati inanity of ,
1 1 0013.141Aii
Meant Carbon, Nor. 201937!
orniture i eon.
Stove, Chairs
i requisites of
of Safi).
.. . ..,..,,.....
,a. y: I NClTlft — ' :- .. ~.
. , . .. . . .
/8 hereby diattbe Adloteint named Sr.
•Illeentots. Ad taittnitere.And etardiawa, have
'4IIOW - their a is WWI 'of Mb Itegislsr
gi in
42 t 8 ch°Yi k i ll at. ultithat the Nene will la
presented to Orphan,' •Court. to bel-htld at
orwiiraborg.o lied for acid County, on Monday
the 19tb day' March. 1838. for confirmation.
I. Tint accoget of Hord Pattemomitzerwier Of
the last will iiill mamma of William A. Pat
tern.. late of tbe borough of Pottsville, deceaeed.
2. The alumni eflaeoh Menmerrnam *Mom
latrawer of thy ee ttate critheis Everitt. MIR of Union
tcanship, de aleal, -
3. The account of blielatel Neisr.hwender, a&
Inininttator of the tiefilligrier Yoder, late of
Upper Matientengo mail p. deceased.
4. The account of 'Prim Fisher. executor id' the
lest will and tewanient of Cathalise Riegel, late
'of West EltonsWiek townwhip;deemised.
'5. The atmnt of Firderick Charles Kroll
i s
and John ,Char Conrad. adniinistralota of the
estate ofloha wiel Gemini. late of Norwegian
township, deceived.
t. The aepient. of Henry Knob, guardian or
the person smile:tam of Catherine Fethendf, a
minor of Upper ifilahaotango township. -
7. The aeemint ur Johti Wiest and Samuel
Weiss, careen: l / 2 V th e last will and testament of
Gideon IVitlie n, late of Upper Itlahantango
township. decesa, d.
M. The accrotio of Lydia Herring. executrix.
and rettr R Klirk, extensor of the last.reill and
testament of njamin Herring, lute of Upper
Malentango to nrhip. dowered.
9. The BONDI] t . of Abraham. Pertig. Erg. ad.
il/ .
nonistrator of il estate of Jacob Spohm late of
Pinegrove iiIWIIM ip, deceased.
ID. The ament of John Snyder. adminiatre
tor of he estate 4f Jacob Emerick, late of Wayne
township. dewsd.. a.
i I. The seamaceirremt of Jaeoh Menmg. &d
-minirtrator of illcxtrtele of Aka Morgan, late of
Mayne lownshili. deceased. .
It The second account of Crentre Reed, ad
ministrator of tha estito of Denial T.eia, late of
the borungh of grwigsburir, deceased.
JACOB 1101 M
burg. Feb. 19.11e38. ( 14—
Coach -Making.
TIIE anbsers respectfully announces that he
* has again.6mmenced the Coach Melting
Rosiness on Norsiegtan street. 3 doors below-the
Arcade, an the thorough of Pottsville, arid ref,-
ptcttidly solicits ' a porautt of the public patron
age.i Ue is wel l locked with timber, and mate.
rials of a supers" quality, and has on hen I, rea
dy-ade; a number of vehiales of various kihds,
mild in the very licit manner, which he will sell
rhea .
tri ,
N. 11. A roil journeyman %Vaud-worker. and
* journeyman Painter, is wanted immediately. to
whoa a good wage* and constant employment will
be given. . t
march. 1 I .
Fr AT very de i tiraVe Stand on Centro Street,
Al• ppeaite the t o.t °lnce. which IMe been suc
cess Ily carried on for several rears in the med
ical 'rte. There a a two stall stable and coach
him attached. The house has recently been
frpal cd and nesfitted up, replete with everk
n .nry convenience far eat tying un a respect
able emcee. Possession Hive lon the fir.t el
Apra —Apply to
l ir
. . Mahantango Street, ruit-tville.
ma ch 7 17-3*
S rebv given tO the wholesal: and retail deal.
era of Foreign Iderchandrze in the county of
Seim (kill. Wait tli Associate I udgev and Coun
ty U inninstoners r paid I•uunty, will meet at the
Conn eiitsioners ce in Orwir.tiurg. on Tisane
day the29th day df March. 'IB3S. for the pun.
pow f plating said; 31erchants in that class which
shall ppcar right and just.
'Ph Constables Of the different Boroughs and
Tow" ship,. in said ', county. are required to make
node oath or alffririation, a list of all the whole.
wale a d retail dealers in their - espeedveldiatriets,
and •liver the aide to the Ctetk of the Couit et
Qua er Semitone of paid County, on ot before. the
let of March sieredon. 1839.
0., ft At7SII. Asantiate
BENJ. Port.
PI2I3CLA NI ATIOTI. Whereas the lionorable
(..*uvis !km's. F.:squire, President oftbeebirtip
al C.onruicit Common Pteas of the counties of Date
rhin.Ltibanon. and Scileylkilt, in PennsitranN. and
Justice of the sereratrouns of Oyer and Terminer
and Grateful Jail Delivery. in the said counties. and
Uairgi! Ranh and Mond Yost. Requires. judges of
the en rt of Oyerand Terminer and General Jail De-
Jivers., ter the trial of all capital and other o ff enders.
in the' id enmity orSchnylkill—tiy their precepts by
tee directed. tested atOrwanihurg dit.3ntl. day of Dec..
Mare ordered the Court of Oyer and Termi
ner a nti General Jail Delivery. in be linkt..ti at 0-wits
burg.n the last Monday of March neat. (being the
*id of said month.; to continue one week.
Notice istherefore hweby given, to the coroner, t
jortnrisanftiorceace. and constables ofthe said afoot
ofSchWkill. that they are by the eaid preempts com
mat deo to be then and theipa.a3 ten o'clock in the for
noon of s4u.l day. h t traiyAlLlta. nacerdi. inquisitions!
examinations:find oil othetrreinealtrances. to do Stow.'
thing.. which to their offices appertain to be done.
'sad all those that are bound by reeognizances, fel pros y
mute aeatnid the prisoner* that ate. Of then shall Ifs
in 'betel of said c&t lay or Scheylkill. are tt L be then
and there to prosecute them as shall be just,
I'F.TER F. A,UDWIG, Sheriff.
Sheriff, Office. Orwits.
buil. Mar. 9. 1838. 5
Gee sire the Commonwealth,
The Wit ne,SINI and jurors who aresummnoed
.said - Court. are requested to serve panctuali
ease of non-attendance. the law in such cases
omitted will be ruffle:ed, this notice Is
by. particular eider of the Coon. those cow
ill therefore govern themselves accordingly.
ML I IIIIATIOIC—Pietice N hereby pen
t a Coen of Common Pleas, fer the teal of
t Nese, fa sad for the county ofttehitzli t ll.
at Onriesbum in the ;treaty dim:mud. on
the 19thdsiof March best, at leifelockie
will be
the lb
. an persists having suits peadinc.and all
*boas duty it shall be to appear gaud COO7l.
notice-tad soverstbempebres adrool
Pdareb 3.16311 s" t 16-
. amid attettdaneeistleteasded of ilia .lanirs
an W,
Neenstaoned in mead this Coast.
a hat - applied to theJetiges on heCourt orConinsoe
Pleas . • Schuylkill county. fortliebenekt °Maestro ofAssentbly passed, for the telieforlhaelvest
Debto & that the saki Alike* haseappointed bins.
day the day df klatch next. at 16 ()Weft id the
famine) s. at the C,ooh Orerigshaty.fot the
bearing of no and otitereditpri.when and where they
maystuttid if t think proper.` •
T 1 11A8 west •
- - JACX , III,. Wag*
. 3 43-
11- 1 ATE a 9 JOURNAL' '
_. ...
.rublic Bale.
Ir. 012 .
.ber will sell at Public Me ils -
AK Wed ' y the 14th day of Harsh nest. at
Ills home j , h enry Stsivr. bt th e borough of
Puttrwille, OmStssin hat 14 , 11tonnd situate in
in. the llori4igh at Pattn4s. bounded a* the
nerthweeteelg elikly Schuylkill Arenas. as the
11 , 11 6 thirerlarli by bills. 2111 and a 20 bet *ide
*Dry. being i .P.pui kit marked No. 50. spa
wwhichis tweeted a
a two weer dwelling honse.—
Late the estate of Ada P. thil.,7<"
The sale will enensweisce at Irth'kelnelt P. IL
when teraiss will ise inside knows bi-
..144C011 D. BARNRTT. , '
1 Assignee of J. F. Mall.
Feb. 24 .: l3-ts .
IMINT horses and L'Aratight home. gears
Aiw.h.e. to wok about Coat Miliet. Also. 41- one
110/16 wagon or hauling kiuslial', coy.. dm- &c•-•
Any person having the fame to diepiew breheap,
will pleaseoptily to WM. F. DEgettG..
Mahantango street, Pinwale.
19-3 s
March 7
Coal and Iron 'Ore Lunde
yr HE subsciVier offers for sale the nne twelith
. 21 part of a tract of patented Coal Land, con
•ttuatcd in %%cat, Hanoter towurhin, eauphin
rowdy, adjnintng the land of the Elesquebanna
Coal Comp:mei taking in the 3d and 4th moun
tains. On thiLland are beds of valuable iron
ore. The raifTuad making by the Susquehanna
Company, will pass through it.
Fur further particulars enquire of the substri
ber, residing in said township, near Shell's lay.
ern, on the Jonestown Vend.
N. 13.—1 f not previously sold at private sale,
I will sell the above share at public sale at, the
public house of, W. F. inhume. in the tinrorigh
of Harrisburg. on Setorday the 24th of March
February 21; 1838. 13-au
rm; schen fence gestichte Work von Zollikof
ter's Untetheltarre-butb, in stilt& umgang
mit Gott, w'elelies gergebt ill fermate gatinnon
gen to weckeniond to mehren, nod gtswiss ien
*inn der 'Refirlen Easel entsprieht, unit bei den
often Kirehen Voeter en ongetnein viol our rercd
lung ties hersees and beruigong des gemuthe
her vorgebracht; enter ellen utnioner.den and
faction - ihits teibens, and des wegen von ellen
rhesten alter betiennungen PO beguehrig gesucht
werd. ist mein etif eine sehr reheen rind rolhosen
thee wrtsc, mit einen reerken twining Comanione.
Itetrechtunern pod Andechtswebungcn. herons
gefreben land in. dieser drucherry on haben.
N. D. So rat such tiros wahres chrestenthum
itnd Stark's gentllnich and endure cute Werke in
Deutsh and English to batten.
feb 17
• Saving Fund Society. •
THE Port (Urban Saving FUltli Society, is
how open every day from 9 Gil o'clock at
(ho (*ice of DiScount and Deposit, fgt. the per
pose Of reccirl deposits to any amount not ex
ceeding 9500, m any one person, upon wbith
an interest of 4 lier cent will tic paid on every $5
and upwards, hut no interest will be allowed on
any fractional parts of $5. The whole or any
part may be drew!) Mit on &Ong notice, two to
font weeks, 4 tie office on Almidays. The ho.
mines of the Society will be conducted by the
fellowing officess and managers, until the first
Monday in :Dal next.
Pre-sident—AQUl .A DOLTON.
Joseph Carroll ; Samuel J. Potts
Edward limilreii P. S. Warne
Jacob Pull . Jesse Turner
L. Whitecv, Secretary and Treasurer.
Article 3d oil the Charter. emoluirent
whatsoever shah be received by the President
nr Managers lbw their services. nor shall any
Manager become a borrower from the unditu.
bin." Cott 3 481 f
Valuable Popi and tenth& Land •
SITVATEtI to SChorlkill &Moly en the ewe
waters of thel little Schayllitll riirer„ end in the
rim coal region: f ad Basso Creek, containing 239
Acres and 14 Perches, strict measure% this land
is covered with White and Yellow -'"
raid by Judges to be of the first qualft.iltla liUle
Sehoylklll rad road nuts directly through the
above tieserihed tract of Land, and tigers a rate
and convenient !mintage to the Philadelphia mar
ket. For further partieulair address the cubacri.
her in Columbia% Lanceitcr i-onnty.Pa.
Fah 10
1-3 inn
Port qtititen Foundry '
WILL beaid at private sale. the" Foundry
pleasant' situated et Port Clinton,Schuyl.
kill 4ritisity. on' l very reasonable terms. This
Foundry at ti e commencement or the Little
Schuylkill and :Susquehanna Rail' Road, now
.nekina, and will in Ikelturt time be one of the
Best sitsiation• lo the country to do a large boil
ness. For term", &c. apply to
Iron Founiters. Phtladelphis.
' or ISAAC Al YF:RS,
Port Clinton.
" jut) , 29 1 • e-63t
For Sale,
A oalonable Tract of Cool Land,
DING and keine in the township of Nome.
wegian. on the bleat Branch near the Wert
Branch Rail Road. about astir miles from Sehoyl.
kill flaven—there is me or more Coal Veins
passing through this .and. For infiamoliou ap•
ply to JACOB REED.
at Pottsville. ,
at Reading.
March 2: 24
link -tt Lumber.
Prinz imbseAlier h.. on hand and can brii
wk an mapiimbla tame. •
26.0211 feet abd I inch poplar bowie, -
40,000 joint and lap Aline*
. 50,000 ptastertnt lath.
Ala% inch abd hiking:lV pins hoard* add pir
scantling, all acaanoad.
tots. 21
D$ sad
ATIGUSTUS EULER BM teittraed Ansa So.
lupe. and Wends ; to comas ea Gamy and
pbila dying. in Silks and IllesitnAtt Wok' stand
to Contra Street. raussilitt. AI meowing costa
and yatitaissas. tia is greatibt Ste pistaibitors.
and hopes by anti:doss and patalgaguirgo misfit
aoatitumustwarbis knasr avitosi
, Doe SI h
ioii- Wing'
. titiVVag — iftß!ili - '''4aclAiag. Ate&
' ' Ofiterstly,r'ilClloo.elitxacrdisiary
. Make oftllt;.-WIC WAX'S. celebrated
nvilmhilind . *perfect' ' AstibilkiCePilla in el
iding afflicted mankind.
jams Diekson. 36, Crinxhifi. test* Allot
the the de of Dr. Wrn. Evan.'. Casnoftiki fflila.
) Lawitx, Nos. 15,1476.
I Dear Sir—Knowing by experience that every
to mente that thestelteted receive of the bench
dial re molts if cleilitines4 cheerfully) offer mine
Ili/ the Oolitic fn behalf or DR. WM. EVANS'S
CAMOHILE.PILLS. I have been afflicted fur
Ole hat ten yeaie with distress in the head and
&cid: oficn so bad as 10 deprive me of sleep for
litllev or four nights in anceessum, but have never
and relief by any of my friends prescriptions,
until my wife saw the adverlisments in the paper,
When she persuaded me to send For some, which
[did, and obtained two boxes and bottles,.whieh
riesulicd in •Imosv completely retorigur me ,Ito
Wraith, although I have not yet entirely) finished
'them. Should you consider this any benefit to
if:myself, or the public, you have my cheerful per,
mission to publish it. Yours. respectfully,
1 TIIOB. K. GOODHUE, Centralist.
Evenet Carnomite and Family Aperi
oil Pills—dtr. BENI AB IN SOWN, earner of
Shipper; and Georges streets; Philadelphia, affect-
ed for seven years with extreme nervousness, by
which he was not able to write hO name—his
sij in womb were, eruscation, daily spasmodic pains
*the head, loss of appetite, palpitation of the
heart, giddiness and dismienn of sight, utter ; ina
bility of engaging in any thing Out demanded
vigor or courage, sickness and weakness cx
tome "debility, disturbed rest, • sense of pressure
add-weight at tinsVeit efirt eating, great
mental despondency t , vete flying pains in the
ellen back and sine, costiveness. a dislike for
nuriety and conversation. Mr. B. has made trial
ollvarions medicines now before the public, but
torn effect, until, "otueerving in a public paper
'mine cores performed by lie. William Evans
Cimomile Tonic and Family Aperient Pills, he
wife induced to give them a trial, of which he is
atom, time happy to state that thev-tffeetually
.cuired him of the above distressing disease.
LJ'l'crsons who doubt the above cute, are most
reipectfidly direct'tsi to the above Mentioned per
mit, at the north west corper of Shipoen toed
George* streets. BENI rails adwri.
Philadelphia October 2s, 1837.
.lerfeet care effected by the mammal .f Di
IrtUienh Etwits
Mr. John qtbonni, - or N.ith street, Williams.
bnrg, afflicted with the above - complaint for three
years and nine "months. airing which time he
had Muse crutches. Ilia ethici symptoms wcm
ex i m ei u ti ng p ain in all hi...joints. but especially
in the hi ps . 'shoulder. knees and ankles, an ag
graVation of the pains towards night; and for the
molt kart .11 tunes from calcine( heat, an obvi
othrthickening of the fascia and ligaments, with
■ cOmplete lossnfmnseulat power. For the ben
efit, 01 those afflicted in . a'similar Manner, Mr.
Gibson conceives it meet to say that the pains' )
have entirely ceased. and that his joints have
completely recovered their, natural Kew, and he
tech able to teatime his ordinary briskness.
II4TERESTMG CASK of Teritacutor Com
swept' a--Mr. John !Were' applied on the Ist
day , ot ptember at the nice IA Chatham
la ring under the follow - mg aymptomte—
A d.light pitting of blood. dinaretwing cough, at
tended ith an expectoration of purulent matter,
night sweats, general enisciativn, difficulty ot
breathing on exertion, with a will mat ked hectic
Heigh no the cheek. On exam; itu I ion, the chest
wad, found to sound witit every where except un
der the left clavicle, And in the arm pit of the
aarriC aide.
T - Directed isected to lake the eititkirative
Catmint'le Pills, with thd expectorating cam•
ponied. alt the same time an injuneti.m. to call in
foun days; when the tight meats had ceasedahe
expectoration slightly uimiwished, al* light fit 61
coughing still remaining in the morning. Or
den:if as initial to continue-the medicine, and, to
call is the course of a wee —.whenhealth
-continued rapidly increasing,. [without the "kis!
cough. Called at llnt office Wt. the 4th of this
month, quire Coierateecent returning his sincere
111114...fi1e the benefit' he had 'obtained.
'Poe above patient Chiefly need, milli regimen,
dorti.g his trettnient.
yr. Robert Munroe. Schuylkill. afilicted with
the above distsesaing Symptiiiyisorgreat '
langiOnv, firtokency, disturbed rest. nee* * Hrishead-,
Ache, difficulty of breathing; „tightness and stele:
tore gears the breast, (tininess , nervous irrita
bility and restleseneett, Mu dd not lie in a hark
soma! Position. wethrt the leen - Within of impend
ing suffication, palpitation of the heart. desires.
ing cough. costiveness. pain of the stomach, drew
sinews. great debility and deficiency of the netr
tus energy. Mr. R., Monroe, gave up every
thMight of recovery .and dire despair sat on the
countenance of every person ink rested in his
existence or happiness, till by accident lie noticed
in a public paper some cures effected by Dr. Wm.
Evans's medicine, in his corimlsent. which indu
ced him to purchase a package of the Pilb, which
resulted in completely removing every symph u r
ot,his 'disease. He w.shes to say his motive for
this declaration is, that those afflicted with the
same nr any symptoms similar to those from
which he is happily restored, may likewise receive
the same inestimable benefit.
Mr. Charles Nobart, No. 1,23 Orange street, N.
Y. afflicted Ihr five.yeara with humors! habitual
Asthma. applied it the office. 100 Chatham street
on the C.% of October, laboring under the follow
ing symptoms. A sense of tightness across the
eftesti, with the greatest difficulty Of breathing,'
distressing cough, generally ceding with Copious
expectoration of viscid phlegm. disturbed rest.
the bee turbid and of a* livid.hoe-•-iteuld not he
in • horizontal position *Meet the sensitlen of
immediate sufibeationi lamer, dwellings, and
dizziness in the beedoand loan of ippdite.
Mr. IL applied to the meat 'eminent .pbysicians
in this city, likewise used *Oust other remedies
Wilthnot obtaining any permanent benefit. until
la, friends persuaded bite lo Oleos inaself ender
Dr. William grans' tteenneet. He is low re.
timid of his aimpleint, sad leaflet etthe ram
yestendey. evoirlor that be bad nee wordi to ex,
press hr. gratitude Mr UM benefit be had resole..
ed. October St, 113 M.
LIVER Inuits.
. lfreetarmab Brooms, wipe of Joseph Br
R. etb !tram. near imood. Williamsburg, allott.
mi fooltalast ten pun with the Limn , aomOatee,
tompr e te y restored to heath ihrattgb the treat.
meet pt Dr. Wm. Emu. Symptoms—Habitual
mmatipatioo of the bowelt. total 6. ..-or appetite.
ezettelatiog pain Vibe eplgiettie- Milan. great
daprmakm orspiritniangoor ' deal* symptoms
of tomes :debility.' • deep, inginliam•
, lIDIF al 6010/10 1 / 1 04 pit le ibio tight Mak maw 1
ant him hour-Wilde iritbmilMl aggravation
~~ ~ _sa.....i.vra~i=i'
V . eikweti r lift - Pa'
of t h e pi t ., tilt , . _vr st t
buns iniUselktini s 'crtt ihtliiigenwit asi the _
'lane of liver: - - - ,,,.;,5,,' .,,...,, 'T,
iirs.. Browne was attendidlthree won '
ph aiciana, tint received h0t.11,. - . ..*Mcljout 4
'xisedietne. till Mr. Browne • ittect. :_crettenttill 4
... ,
__Wks. Evans', invaluable preparntlisbittb J 4
Tectraily felieind her of
- tbe,:taljegltlieltreas4
ilibitoll44 .. wit/44am w luelt:litli set ,etean '
to bitatiiii. '.':. JOSE'S - BROWNE.;
City ellittonpti, ofNew Ypek.*„
Joeeph - Eitiane:of Williswahatiitosar Isla
e t*
bei ' 'Soli iworn. did deptwi'4Utatzony J.
fa sea net rikth intbeNntliinutideilent. to' wbi
be as subeciibed hie name, aritiust and true.
usba.of the said Haitnahilliiiiine.'
Swiwn before rile this 4th day ofJanelai7.ll3ll7.
PETE* PINKNEY, Copt; of Dieda.
Amos Brenhiser, corner - of Second street an 4
Germantown Road, Philadelphia. affected fier the
last six years with the Liver Complaint: was
conipt.nils restored to health by Dr. WM. E.
VANS'S Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient
Pith,. Her symptoms were habitual cestivenese
excruciating pain in the 'stomach, depression of
spirits, languor, extreme debility.distorbed
great pain in her Ade, could not lie on. her !elk
sida without en aggravation of , pain, ilixr:ness sal
the head t dimness of sight, with other seympttentei
indiiniting great derangement in the functions of
the Liver. Mrs. nrChiliSer has made trial of TS.
+Mu" medicines now before the public, bot re
ceived no relief until she was advised to make
trial of Dr Evans 's Pills, of which abet is NIPPY
to state that they.sffeettially relieved het of thW
'been distressing symptoms,. with others, which;
arepot essential tottitimstie.
Brenhiser. (husband of the above-Mrs.;
Brenhlser, had been two yeari 'flitted- with al
distiosscd state piles and Costiveness, of which
he ins effeetnally cured. • • • I
- W,e Bo'berety subscribe oor signatures to the
troth or the above cures, that the statement is in
every respect true. SARAH BR EN fl HIER
No. 17 north Eight% street. ?halide. •
Philadelphia. Oct. 21st. 1837.
D. WM. EVANS'S Medical Offiee. for th.
sale Of his excellent Medicine, le at N 0.19, north
Eighth street, Philadelphia.
Said by .1. T. WERNER.
Sole Agent for Schuylkill County.
at , Private Sale.
A 'good two stury house and lot of ground;
situate-on Centre strew. The lot is 20 feet front
on Centre street, and 230 feet deep. extending 10
the Mount Carbon Rail Road—the House is sub-
stantially built. and well situated for any kind of
public business. '
A (.SO,
Two good two story frame knaves sed lots of
ground, situate 'in • Besity's - Row, 'Norwegian
Street. Each house and lot is 20 fret front; the'
houses are well ilnished with kitchens attached
to each house. and are situated in the most bust.
nes* part of town. All of the shove property
will be sold very cheap—for terms and particti•
tarsiippiy to , ANDREW R USSEL, •
'Jen tr - 7 Malsantanct Stria.
Valuable Real Property in Pottmille,
THE under signed off rr for sake all that well
'known three Amy BRICK STORK AMY
DWRLLINU 1101.10 and the appurtenance*.
situate in Centre street, Pottstille, the- property :
of the undersigned, together with nine other
tenements in the rear of paid hulloing. •aird the
lot 'of ground %%hereon the whole viands. The
b r ick budding afitresnid, enntains thirty feet in
front—finished from the basement story to the
garret in the best rot le at workmanship, arid both
as a business stand and a rosidence, is most fa
vourably situated: The foregoing properly will
be sold on low and accommodating knits. Part
of the nerdy:we money may remanOrn the prop.
erty for a few year!, it desired. Tide mdispota
bk. and possession can be given immediately—
apply to
April 22
New Goods. . .
AA general assortment of fresh witaintsonabli 1
Goods, just received—cousistint Istpart 61
Dry Goads, • . '
.- -. Queensware,
- .. Mackerel, ~• 1
Salt Piaster, dc. dc:
Which will be sold low for ea.h. Tho highest
pricer.piM in cash for all bustle of country ereduce.
' Mount Carbon, Dec-2' • . R
vlE' pribsfriher has now on hand at his Store.
sad Storehouses on Centre, and AO Road
streets, a rull assortment of Goode, suitable for the
'coo: region viz
Barr Iron of assorted sizes * 4
Band and Hoop do do
Nails and •••• pike Rods do do
Steel, Round h Square do do • •
• Nails and Spikes do do •'•
Coal Shovels. do do
Hardarare, a general asssortment, .r
All of which he is selling . at reduced prices;
Jan 13 2 J CLAY-TON.
Cloths: Cloths: Clothe . :
NATHAN'S &Co. have now ow band t•
- 4 • 15 • splendid atmoriment of
bitse, blank, olive, green and cliweLabolbei
do do and fancy careimenw s
Plain and figured tattinette. • '
Mohair pilot clothe and 'other costing.,
Gala hair imimbline, vesting% Awls •
IN of which being norchaiedat
delphiti and New Yorit A .Wwswerkiffise Wi r t 10
per cent cheeps? than can ire - porehiied e)11,1024
in this barotigh. " ded22 : _
6111114e111t e r.
wl4ll=l, a rami Gardeasr.-apply at. this
Alas. - •
mare) ID. • 18,1 '
Wastal lauisediately, . •
• A ,GTRIL who cadent/oda cooking. to do A*
4.21 boase;work of. fitfully. Mao. s. - Ckilire
Ni mmonhe ban aeon wall itaaosinantlaik
ply at.tbia..oBlco.
wianOto7. •
--.: ;mils MR./
4 ii;o4-imm Ilesbetylklill post. b e g;
grobth umber. Applj to -
~.48A31170 !WM,.
rain .
iLEBII Tbmalby.iielittV
-IV Ws by .
Irsb It ' •.:
.. _
J y