POVIINVILLE. ONESDAT AtoastspM*lteti 14. 1838 tr PgattplAto. Caticks, - Canis'. Bills of Lactrgks. stew; deseriperes. saintly prisied thilicjOhl ost.'that lowest oak prwes. °Aria* Miainglitill,"-We have pro-' eureka :copy of this bill, and;-on perusal finifthitits , priovisions, in** tendency, are even mote dangerous sack destructive, ef•tndisidual Jightsohite any, person not acdtiiiieftid .with the --artist add designing etiaracter of its framers, could have. juts gine& We extract the secoixl and third sectaoatstorillustrate this position: ` 1 431:c0v.0„ The usid company chair have the fight to hold two Alionsanti acres of land at any cum time in not more than ten trent,, and their +land shall lay in Norwegian lad -Barry townships tour the "great falli of the west branch of Schuyl *ill and in 'the county of Schuylkill, and from rtes to eleven miles from i4sodinewhich is call ad Schuylkill Itinren.in the saiitrivintref Sch tiy kill. in the comnionwealtir of .Pendsyhrunia, and is .soother county or township, and the same or Yny part,shereol to soil or otherw4e dispose of as the intereet . of the•company may regime, Pro aided, however, That the company may bold as above such lot or lonsoflund net eitceeding three saves, in any one place, is may be found 'contie-: silent as places of deposit in the transportation and sale of the products of their mines. And provided further, That the said:.eompany shall nut prevent any person or personit, company or coropaeies hereafter incorporated. being the own er cifewsers of land borCering eft idle sold rail. road or adjacent thereto, from Making lateral rail roads, and to connect I.lrtin With said rail road trout their-said lands, as the Slade:son or persons, company or companies 'nay conceive necessary do' die. purpose of tratimpurting coal or produce upon said rail road, subject to the pay menitafOlie same iatesoft o ll now wooled by the Mine MI and Schuylkill Haven rail ro.id. ky virtue ottbe Sixth section of the supplement to their act of incorporation, passed on the 13d day of March, A. D..183a. Saar. 3, Thu capital stock of said company shall consist of three hundred and filly thousand dollars, and shall he divided into seven thous.oid abates of fitly dollars each, wnich..eapital shalt wily be employee in making a rail road and in the puichaiing and holding the hinny aforesaid, with the improvements if any thereon, and eon strutting such other irnisnwemainis; buitdii.g cars, boats, engines end machinery as may •`se necessary or u-ehtl for the iiiiiiing,'tran.p arta; ion and sale of coal, and in the payment of ouch sal aries, wages • and other expenditures as shall be requisite fur the aforesaid purpo-es of the r-aitt pany; and said stock shall be ato-ignehle and transferable according to both rules as the tumid of directors shall establish. It will be recollected that Our recreant , Senator, is his asserts that his principal ground of opposition to forme ( bills of this description, was their want oil a fixed location for mu.isgi emerations.l Now, we. put it to any man, acquainted with the topography of this reg . to say,l whether the location above described would not authorise she esta h lishinent of at least twenty collieries thhout the largest and best portion of (t e en tracts, of Nand may be held in Norwegian and Barry townships, within eleven miles of Schuylkill Raven. Pottsville, it will he recollected, is only four and a half miles distant from Schuylkill 'Havel(; !Seri-foie. their establishments may eXtend south, east, and west of Pottsville, just where they please to locate them. The phrase "near" the great falls.of the west branch of the Schuylkill is vdgue and in definite. "Near," may meanione mile hr ten miles, a shorter or longer distance, l just as they please to construe it. The third section authorises the Company to engage in the business of manufacturing generally. They may ciinetruct 'such buildings, cars, boats, engines, and ma chinery, " as may be necessary, or useful i for the mining, transpartation; t and saki of, coal." ,The only prohibitory clause is in relation to banking privileges. There no provision in the law in re lation-tri_ damages that individuals May, sustain bV -reason of their rail road or rail roads. A rail road or rail roads they are authorised to make; but not hit* is" said as to the courses or distances — the beginning ' or the end 'thereof—hence; they may hi-, cate their tail roads along sid4t4of almost any in the region, the M t Carbon, the Mill Creek, the Schuylkill Valley, or the Schuylkill Havoc. for any thing, that op-' pears in their intended cliarte4 We vet. tainly have never before read any thing src and, ~as it seems, idesignedlY loose and indefinite. According to the construction of many, there islinothing the bill to prevent farming, rllilliny , en gine -making, boat-Making, dic. arc.; short, all the various pursuili of indivi duals in the region may be followed bv the company. Our limits will not permit us' to lay the bill before our reaiiers in Our present number. Sub-Treasury Bill.-,—W e ... ' regret In learn that there is a strong prObability of the passage of this bill by Co ,tree=. It is understood that the "Goverhment" has succeuderin secur4 a certitin number of. the members of se House to instill its passage - through t at body; and in. the poi ng lilestate, it is sup , that its vends and opponents will be equally di vid _ , and that it will be carried by the cashog vote of the Vice President. ..We ought not to be surprised at this probable result, when we consider that the measure in question pr o , poses to distribute millions .o f dollars among the office-holders andi,friends and pulls:tins of the present administration. Money as power at Wasbingtin. Many members in diet House who:. my vote .0 for thehill can hardly expect In be retur. nod toCongress; and 1111 to maity receivers of prattle moneys and ealariettagenta are to'be appointed under thenew , &stemore suppose , they will betiolaced to ttleiti l 4- fireman by appointments. 'ie- Urfa/ I be cearanientesolagh, and ~bubtkw der, ibcifyrisitiafactory. • MT:ve e rs s section ifflliet anlirerillltil. Th i br a •map of great practical bunt Was at -present a view of.all the diffe nt veins df cool in rsurragiea Which have been discovered, with ti,ir distances apart,t their thickness, inclinations to dip, Ato . de. lying between . the Sharp and Broad mountains. it It intended es a geide' for r. dillient; and we have no doubt that it will prove it.'Naltiable one. It is.. very neatly executed, al e put tip ilia por table form,. We have t more pleasure in recomnibnding ibis in4p . to the inhabit. ants of our region, because It has . been executed by a young"andl enterprising en gineer among us, TliotnanS. Ridgway, jr. whose pleasing deportment and promising talents have secured thefavorable opinion of our community gener#lly. Penmanship. Mr. R. S. Dwasori, Professor of Pennienship, is at prepaid engaged in giving lewititts in this branch, 'at the Nelli/al Hotel. ' 1 Ile brings with hint the higheit evidences of good rowel oherecler, ainl - capacity in his lice Of busi ness. The Rerks and *huylkill Journal . says: if Mr. Dickson, the professcirof pen manship, to whom a number of his friends and pupils have-presented a gold pen, ale iestimrinial of their regard, has been long enimgh in 'Reading to belie secured to him. self the wood opinion of many of our most respectable citizens. His skill in his-pro fession is not sisi - passed 4 we suppose, by thin of any other individual in the coun try.lle -has execoted• many exquisite specimens of pen - mut:thy here, which will he preserved by the pritiessers as some thing welly of exhibition and edmire. lion." Professional skill and moral worth are entitled to patronage. We have many amon g us who would gnri.ltly profit by the instructions of Mr. Dickiiiin. SPRING.—We have; bad for several days past mild weather the first breath : togs of spring. Our nights have been frosty, but oar slays ratite:it with sunshine and warmth. The trosti however, is still in Ilse gr d, though coming nit rapidly, a rid our „roads are deed and muddy—a great annoyance to trarrllens. Prepara tions arc iseginning to he made kw gar dening. Otsr gardens should receive our early care and atientioniif we expect to enjoy the s.'first fruits.": A good sayden is a peat desideratum. What 4uxerisse, in the.wegetahliet line, may not be derived froititir! What nn - amount of health and enji Iv 'pent , comfort and ttrivensience, may be drew!' from a' good ; garden! Every season bath its charms bat Sp:iag abounds in sources ofplerotere and happiness. We have nothing of importance from Harrisburg, exrel►l the ptissage or a Rem,. lution, in the Semite; n4rtilist the admis sion intn the Union, by S vote of 72 t 0.6. And Hie pls.--age of a BiH in the H.u► e, providing fir the eszablishrrient of a Sch oo l „f A rue:. A Re2istry.ll,ll, for the city i C Belli tlihre, has pared the Menlatid .[ Rise . of Delegates. The conservatives of New York have nOininnierfihe Hon. RICKARD RILEM, as heir candadate of that city. The rumor of the.death of Geit. Sccrrr proles to be unfiwoded. The Philadelphia National - Gtiattle in areakinf or the unanimous ro.nominatiim of Juazts Rte net for Gesernor.sayr; ••Wa min only In add The lassorance to our friends,thronsgliour the Union, that on Atilt ifisue the whir pally of Pentirrtvania line* not held tate4iii'd that oleo; rook we have ten sass.— With pert; at non niniity, and sl ith a cjrdtality to vrhieli the miattifFirtiv no parallel, jho Whig. wtlt tmppprat Mr. Rams. • They will suptynt him becartaa they know him to be a Pennvylv•- nian In hesiii amf amil--trine to the tritere,ta and hi the dissever .r Petinoylvano—true to the Con4rvative principles of oqr popular intents tions—and admitted otiptinent of that Admin. inn „film National Government don, *WI► ping into power on the neck I:rostralc Per.soyt ssuis:has lased its powers - axe siniy lur her In. jury Cttr . lVe learn from sottei Coorroormnoh-nt, •• The. Spy in Washinghin. — that thetiti Keine Coutt of the Unittid States, i n th e vow or tho Post Ma.:er Gtteral vs. Stock ton 4-. Stokes. wail decitle•noninst the l'oh.t hlaoiter General, notwitkoilituliteit the very affect' ~,, ate support giveti, to that (1414 ed public luto , tootary. by Attorney Ge n er.st. The opinion of thelCourt hill prtr bably be given on Thursday or'Friday. IM Government Losses. —The Secretary of the Treitvury has reported to Congress that the United States funds dePosited in banks. that will prolbably be lost, amounts to about one million of andithat ete ansistmt of loss to Government on depreciated bank notes will he about five and a half millions more. ' The amount of lanced against all collecting officers, wit has not been secure and which will prtibably be lost, is from nine to twelve millionsoof dollars. lhetruit the people. -- , The Baltimorsi American, a liberal, ralua Ile and 'talented paper says, "the only adequate enantei. pulse against the evil etTeets of suddenly acqireil wealth in our ecnintry, is to be found in the education °lithe mass of the comin y. - Enterprise dill amass riches, and wealth brings Kith it si desire fur pow er,to attain which the poissessor will pur sue-lite shortest poisilde iway, to wit, by addressing himself le tbe I cupidity of the pule. If thee the peopl e be left in igno , ~ • - -,,-,„ wd4 .. i,,,,, thatiine r tatm e „....... 4uence,„ el. ikiiiibei?iiiericiois lit Jasities ' liir et the nuatery,lhere 'being Orr .proper _ n " tercheck, in ille . alivebto of knowledge. By cultivating kaowledget,Mrepktee.inpus session of the poor minxfeguard, which y.crestiriea claint,to ire' 1 and consul. eratinn,diffrrentTrikaihrit , f gain, deprives the latter of. greirpot&i of its seductive ness. to Ibis 'cituntri •eepecially, where the'" ; le are thasoorce of power, .ought know -to be itnpartert to The poor, u iI L without: it their passions I will constantly mislead Them. If we d im to see our coutitry. great, we 'must :rilt see that the proput is so instructed' s to understand their righosi and .unterstending them, to know - how to protect then t." The follvwinriesolutiOns relative to the Presidency were adtipted id the btb of March Whig Crinventitin. i • Retoked, That we ha* increased con-' fidenc.e in the patriutistio stern integrity, and devotion 10 the bei4 intern:4s of* cotintry. which rhea alwey4 been trianitiA ed by Lien. William M. Hari ison, ni Ohio. in the discharge of the Vatiou.s civil and 'litany races with hiCh he has heels honored limn time to time. Rewired, That we*ognite in I • a soldier whose acts hays :vdl tended, an,l whose aim has always been to advance the hunur and. glury of the; =intry, whenever in its service, and a hrd ritplungsr•requised iii the field to , v.enge .14s r.buntry's wrongs and dcfeml its 'liberties, he retired to the sieacefill walks of private• life, With a full deiernvination that, .should his services a gain be required, he wuuld again - obey the call. Resolved, That it is the 6rm opinion of this tionventitst, that she select' WILLIAM HENRY IiAItRISON as the candidate for the PreioidencY in 18 4 0 . will secure the triuniphant success ufsound correct prtnc►pieit, and the sure- mare of the law.: that, With I for nrrr can(hdate, we ahuuld not fear all the effurts of the slestructrri S. UNITED STATES 'SENATE The SUB TREAtiti 10 BILL came up at une o'oluck, Mr. BAYAKD upon the dour in culioluatiuti our hid )rbicrtia)'i perch. MT. MORRIS of OhiOtatok thatfloor ni give what h•• called *is opinion upon the .question before the Seams. Mr. Morris s•tul Ins Legisl dere had iiirttrilly instruct edhitu, vnte against t6tio 1.1.1 before the Setate. My views oftosttuettoos are, paid Mr. Morris that the Scinitor, if he could obey conrilAcuity, shuoitl4they it he was in thitilit upon any gnisstisin he should Obey; and if he disagreed with his cousti in ett ia I se should hot trinity; but resign.— "Ishis. mint, Mr. Alorris.is 'buy doctrine. Mr. •Mt )11 RIS is now -;-11411 past Gior no the• condemns' of his remarks, stating his übjectioo4 to the fill as it is, but Int ping it may be re amended as to tie made acceptable to the people 'Soul to Mr. Mur He hopes this but deuhis and at any rate he will nit vole 'for that part of tin t Rill oh di 1 uts the public ' , money under bolts and bars, Tutu safes Sod bows. How Mr. Morris will vide ta a matte, of doubt. „7 71 P. S. Mt. Morris 1 as concluded, Mr. Calhoun has the t Aof'sr for _to mor w. Prom Mr. Way's Speech is the Beanie as tke Sub Treasui, Bill. . • "All convulsion in it lii circulation and commerce of every couna7 mast originate in the operations of the *foreman:M. or in the mistaken views and etonetrus measures of thn,e possessing the plower of iiifftienc ii.g credit and cireitlati4n; for they are not otherwise saticetit &le iif et 'mth'', on soil if tell to themselves they Will find their own level and flow neatly :: in one million' A ream.” We place at the head of our columns the preeeeding extract Ikons The late mas terly efl'rt of a masterly !inind. Embody ing as it duos own thin convictions un the same subject. verified as thaUs' have been by all experience, we shall beep this extract there, as a minding reproach to theme who hare advocated. maintained and carried out a policy, thO very reverse of that which it iuctdcate.4, > policy which has laid low the fortunes of o 0 common collo try. and which apart from its destructive bearing on private interCsts„ is politically 60 fraught with danger,:, that if it be nut stayed, we shall have nothing left but to be ". wail in sorrow the vanished ,•hopes of Mb . tional greatness.—N. _ 1211E221 PARTY AND PATRIOTISM, The vest question is, erbsdher this country is to be divided, like Gaul, into ilinse parts, to esti. ate the ainbition of Party leaders. ors whether it is ever more to prosper in anion and hammy be the exertions of disinterested petnistiina. What is the specteekt i ptesonted by this nation to the civdited meld? A country of boundless *Minty? . and if:gaud. nom resonmes, of 13 millions ' inhabitants. an? a Republican Government. ith s revenue bet recently overflowing. with commerce but re. namkestended to the seaports of the earthk with arts.seint ices. an' trades, and every apnoea of activity ,and profi ble indestry but re reedy pervading and imimulining every portion' of the wide sponosiling land 4.11. alt. Metalled. mapped. paralysed and bound dome.. with scam. ly strength enonfktnra6e4 al.. or hp. Dough' to stiangare our f be exertion. The ships efeanniierce are tied ii thitishatves: trade Is discontheitd, Money islocked imp every ape cies of imiestur 6 rnaraine4 and men -step forth like the tra m isig demises eft the List Days. of spa: Shaft wi th Agar the inipandsng . -t • 1- •irV . \ THE priNEns - JOU ' ,NAL. ' •-• _ • • 4 I r f W ASIMIGTOPI, filarth 0, 1838 From the illadidoonise: : • .: -.,;- ' : Slottiltlf..:_. ill . ritenbegloonst •- - ' ...; • In thecti - , this Octets, iiinly MA ortf ia tleaWil. Whatli 7)f b Wend - •1 ;',, 4 Minnes any IMp. having the temporary mum:c of the destitimifisf l his nation. attempt to raise the almostmow energies of the body liSlitir. 'or even to silthiper to the blokett'ipliit babitoril of conficknes br .encourarenent 1 ,Do .we see any of the Ittailers of theparty an power, here or climber°. eat ding any :prospect (or relief. or exhibiting ale y dieptitithia to offer any remedy kr the exhibit, evils, or even 14 pramininy degree. the great interline teriheLmiinerit T • No. el 41 Itovernin4or*haa no sympathy for coon. —"the ntry looks t the 1 government for 'too enneh l -t- ' ;,in ternment hits nothing to do •botto'bike itself:%BAVE T I PARTY: 1 Thai is the, gi ' - object from Maine to tcsoisi gnat the co is nothing, wit rite Warr ! - /wok 'into thetlast . Rtehnionif Ebenreer-.observe the km seterld'resolutiona in the Virgin% Leg isktum-rwie how perfectly ridieeloes men are making- thatnisehes in the eyes of The Whole Heivilised work I. They priests to oppose the 1 likb-Treaeuriechesies, and yet falter in ales& mph sense. sot daring to say,aseglit against the 1 measures Mei pretend to resist-c-preeenting ini ,ptecticable schemes and useless re/pollutions. and marking ell waits of sounds signierint nothing.— , Tho they ay ot• dn aught 'FOR TI I ECOUNTR YT, Nothing.=-Mtbe 'the 'pasty! 'Every thing for the Canse—!hat cause T TheisaTel ' 1 4 14thice for the country. What can be nate melaneho ly at such a crisis' as this, thlin Ibis ltumili tine and debased subjection to the Immtnels of t Ale all the moist Cherished interests of the y eosin try to he crushed under this JultOtenonT of Psi TT? !love imen 10.1 their • reusing, ilietr freedom, their intseraablrana? Else whence this inversion. of all more? and pii:itical propriety? is not the country snffeling and mastratif Yet "'every thing"is tube saerifir4d "fur the cause:" i Art -not The-poor absolutely threatened with star-ration? Yet "sere tiudipttly." Are mit the -Mershon's. broken, the twines shut up. the factories st3ppmi, business tilighled, and still darker clouds hripen stint over vb. And yet the party mutt be, tared What: are all the greet interests of the coun try to he weiih r ed in the same balance With the political pretelence of a faction of men, and the whole to be civerwhehned and crushed in• the voieral scramble for the Presidency : To sear tkr petty—ts Olathe business of our live.? To mike a Preaident—ti that'oor 'cause-7" No. "Tio Roue demands our help!" Would that Cato's words might resound in the valuer every Man holdii.g a seat in the Halls 01 Legislation, until be should er,ts Ade front Ini! slum . be.rp, and 'lathe to a [linnet 'sense of him duly, and a just oppitreiation of the relation of pals lab. issue to party. W herr; is !rim puhli ue. but recently oveillowing? Gone! W re is your *torrent"? Absolutely anntlidated! e millions ot! hoods avail, railing, due, will too, and cannot be paid evi nin **rag?' your customs will &menet to nothing—your land wales will be but as a drop in • bucket-4he reitonices of your remote are all dried up, and, a • bankruptcy of the National Trassery gnarl follow as • 'consequence. And yet, an view ofaMsiettrible catastrophe, men, in steed el condnying thernertres in the dim con enbaration or patriotic and practical no, Are deliberating only how they shall keep The office holders in nosier. and tare th. it silents! onto gold! The ail • st ration has in its power, by mie-brealli, - hi one single. ; lawful. constitutional. patriotic piep,!tro aarrroaceennomme.. and rite animation. to, The homes, and activity to the enierpeise•of the country. But it noires not-s-its sympathies stem as•di-tarit and cold as the bird Boren iceberg; of the Arctic ace. Alpo WWII'. an its spokeleati in &lute of the States, wands forth in the lace of popular eon demmition. and hay the harthhand to iwri.ent a schema far 'the 'HO . 1 aroppraasiaa of traiir,and Vie shearer ..f !he Getterkuntaff)fram the R'i'o can tell gentlemen % that since these ,thong.. have Came Its Mill% the par/ for which they arc truing such• an indecent clamor atilt he but as a rotten leaf before the lightning of popular in. digestion. Representatives marintbmit with an outward show Ofreaowi, but the small:voice" will teach then , ' the prelude of their awful reckon ing with the penile and their God. If PARTY SPIRIT shall dare to trample upon the great in. tutees of the tionntry, and mock the calamities of the people, ttistrill raise its bead brit to perish before the meritl judgement of offended tit:riser. It BRAILLEL. AND OAZ WTI!, -EXTRA. CLEVELAND, Miinday, 10 eckick, A. tt. March 6, 1839. Impoelant from the West. • A BATTLE' AT LAST!!! The wnv•hll from the West this morn• ing cninsinsttre foltnwing endorsement, made at Nor : win. Mr. Jenny. who %It ches fn. the t t correctneis of Mr. Tibleit's leper', is a very respectable citizen of that ewe, "March 4, 1888. "The Patnots were di even from M'Cor mick's rslam with a loss orforty killed on the part o( thejatriots. Rumor says one hundred tit,* Royalists were killed in the affiirl doubt very nearly correct ? "The nbovt statement is made,by Mr. R. Tilden, w ho came from Sandusky this morning. i• 0. J." MORE PARTICTLA RS. The following comes from a highly re spectable source. Extroet :of a letter to a gentleman of this city. dated Saadttsky Merck 3, . 1838. This morning the Patriots on Point an Petite were aitarked by the British regu lar* and 700 of militia. Some ofottr cit,. seas were on the Island at the time the British forced first made their appearanct• They eicape4 but were pursued by diet goons. , 'The Patriots numbered Only one hun. died and &V i m() yesterday, exclusive of sick, and lonfurt the fun 111 , 815 up, they were well nigh stiproundetk, However, They marched seven miles across the Wand, then found bill* hundred and filly regular soldiers direcily to their front. They then fainted a line: l and kept their position good until they exdhanged five shots, and then the Patriot*, Pursued in the rear, brake up and ran like iheep. Most of them have arrived herel Low estimated to; be 25 Patrkue and ,43(1 British: It is noW Mite o'clock,ind t hey are milt arriainir.Majcir Bradley and tape. Van Ressealeeelkineil4 .1 I We jeibliaktleifiinowing at;thorequest of Mi. Tel* Editoti of the Peamiy/mtnia Tele. * grailk, at Harrisburg. Eltittektumice to Myself; and with a siew. to etti3Oet what *appears to me, tole a gross misrepresentation, or an entire misconstruction of my letter .to Chariest Frailer, Esq. as. reported in your paper of the 19th min, 1 request the flavor of you to - publisli the foltowingt 'Believing as 1 do, that 'no personal in vective or debunciatiens can or ought at any-time or for any purpose promote oh object that msy be desired 4 1 therefore did consider the hoofing resolution, tcs-pass ed by The meeting at Port Carbon,• at which 1 had the hillier of presiding, too personal in their charaCter, hod not eaten- , 'lilted to :prOnicite the objects for which that meeting Oomrened, viz : the iisappro- Lotion of any course of legiehition that ertiald tend Ito 'ilia increase of chartered monopnliee, al their blasting and wither ing influences' were so sorely felt through out this county as well as. the state at large. ; This opinion I expressed at the meeting,. and. this opinion and no more than this it:spiv/wed in my letter to Mr. Frailey, or intended so In do. The other resolutions I "%fly Coincided in with the meeting. And as to the apt' ilogv, none was Over made, neither Air myself or the meeting over which I presided. M, BOSBVSHELL. Port Carbon, .Feb. 28, 1888. rite London packet 'hip Pam Dir.;VT, Capt. CUADWICK; the Liverpool packet 414) !mit raxliesca„ Capt. Nye: and Ox man, Capt. RATIEIIIOII%, arrived on Fri day. We have received by these vessels nt (ruin Om- c ' respondents, and through Th e i'tittiteriess , their commanders . London papers to tl Slat hnuary and Liverpool to the IA February. Although these accounts are 6turteett .days later than those we had befoi*.receiv ed they contain lathe or nothing of interest Item, except theiproceedings of the British Government its relation 1.) the state ist affairs in Canatia. 7 4)at limning re assess,- tiled mi the 16 It January, and this . sub ject eras itimiediately brought belOrethat body by Illeitairts. Lord Dueuslt ha• been appointed Gni verroir General of Ilrirtish America, Sir Joni Cist.nommt exercising the deifies of the office until his arrival, and he then re ionising the military e. ((((( i ( land. We are pteaseri in add Oral throughout he dehateti . in Parliament, as arenas in the ~b3errati.!ns- r narie by the public Press. jut" rice is dune In the anxious desireevitteed 1 ' our Gnirerriment to preserve its neutral relations invinlate. • There is trutl►ing Pram the Continent worth partirn'irr tioiiee. Affairs on the Pet►insula retniiin unchanged. • The f4lowitig Itesolutions were passed at a meeting or witriting men, held in the city of New York las: week Resolved : That in this steamboat and railroad age we have no confidence in locomotive Sob Treasurers with legs Intuit away with the treas ure; and that we du not bate* a safe deposit° of the peopkis money a to he Gonad in the breeches pockets at the offiec holders. „ . - Revoked, Tlhit it to a prior -trey re biing about a "hard ownneir"' 'constitutional currency" by Potting Into the Market ten million* ofTreasory Notes, which eel! In Walletreet.nnder the par of tbe••battk rags." , Rewired, 'flat we cement in the ',Minn that the contest row not Bank or ne, Batik. Lot bread or rin.breadi—work or no work—prwperitir by honest labor , aF pauperism tinder axperimentot and expethaita. t • - . 'Oe the 11th in•t. by the Rev. Joseph Mr. Joinow CRAWSIJAW, to MISS %Wm Ami WELD, both of Pottsville. 41%, AASTATED 11 1 4eiing of Piro 'Engine Company, will be held nt thx, bent : of Wm. antinnet:nn Wedneulat eveniet next, the Ilbh test.* Oclock, ELiAS DERR, march 10 104 Seeneleryi. • . Moak 14, IBM ViTIF.AT FLOUR, by the load was worth on Fri ,: day 14 M. WHEAT 1 50 pet pus/rel. is demand. - RVK M0112'240 pa gin. in demand. BUCKWHEAT *LOUR 2 60 per cwt. in demand. RYK, by the losdi 90 cents ny the busnel-ready sale RFC CHOP 90; cents per bushel in demand. OATS 40 tents-i•ready mate. POTATOES 45 eava pier boatel in demand.' CORN-70 etas:pa bushel in demand. CILLIVF:R SKKO-$5 per bushel. TIMOTHY SKKI.)-152:00 per bushel. • FLA•VSKINI-Ill i ' II per bushel id demand. 121-114 K KY-42 Cents per gallon. BUTTERY .14 cents per courd-in Kegs is cents EGGS-42 ,Rots per damn • RD..10 anus per wand. 7`ALlolV+9ce r. per pound. • HAMM It centster pourd. CORN' CHOP cents per bushel in demand. BACON-I 2 ten pir wend. • BKIMWAX-18 is per pound. Fi:ATItt;RB--6teeds per pound. • - • COMMON IVOO,le-40 calls per Mind- MACKRREL.-bOlabbl..l2b Lilt CO N r 2. ill. SALT..-2 614 ;sir bbl.; 87 per bombe'. . P 1 ASTER. is worth $7 00 Or ion. lIAV $lB per tort. rargmeil'' 12,Sennyer.Wanted, WANTED. a armee who aotlerittunlo (him. w in ind alto, a person eopable of tending a - saw mill; Good wage+ *ill be giten in 'ober and ioduottloos'persons who can come well ret. outmoded: Apply at thii office .starch 14 - l9-3 pIRST TROOP SCHUYLKILL COUNTY CAVALRY...riII wade on Monday the nob d a y of March, xi 9 o'clnek, P.M. at -Mortimer 's Hotel BY Cedienaod. JAB. P. WOLLASTON, P. S. . *raid' " 19-9 MN MI LATE Vtoll ENGLAND. IkiAKRIED REVIEW OF THE 21.11RIalr. . . ~.• • Pi . . &St' : 0 " , ' 4O Visitekeili Raft, . .. at ri.. . Weavers 1 • , 111 lONAL HOT L. ` WC ' ' . Clerks. Nook-keeper s , . ,'„ 4 , attle . ;Ito wish to acquire a hand soitaw, for the c:Ou 11 g- awe. Or the commuo puq u i t , of 'Molests .'nl Treat rapidity With ease, ul t, newkWitB' . I/ y,, are invited to cell at - the T u ft ,. E l and judge 'Rf is • merit, 'and 'Capabilities, u,. it teacher. by •pe obsetvatiorti the only . and ceriatettirst. ; Tilts of Mit' . from 9A.N.t08 P. N. d a ily t N. B. Prevent tioo aims for Album., V . isii in t Cards. tugeiher ith all kinds of 'ornamental ae. ring. penned st d t e s hortest noticb., Ladies Who Imay wish to ecquire • nea t be,. t de if n ul ee. style . r wtitlng, will ,be taught at their !ea. R. S. DICKSON. march 14 , : 19 61. ?atria's Day Dinner at O'Connor ' s . M 44. • aIIBSCRIrEi.ERS I and 111 who wish to cylVbrati the anniversary of ISt. Patrick, the patro l saint of Ireland. are req9ested to'spidy atthi bn for tickets.' ,j 1 • - , H. It. Nona on the table at 4 o'clock pre eisely. march 14 i 19 ProccniOn on'St. Patrick's Day. AT a meeting ofthe Sr. Ptvsick'n Society, held at &Connor's Motel. Monday, Alargi 5, 4838—rmi motinn., , , ' Revel:444 That. JAIII6 Ctsai7 be Prerident„. and AMU/ Ithisaclty, Vice President. and Mich.' anal Larigion.Secretiry. • The miming being or. OMANI, it ivitilthett . . Reasitrei. T at , Slimes Cleary be Chief Mar: stroll of the:dn . enlisted by Patrick ;Aaiun. It eras .farther' , • , • ItssutS*l l , at•fhe procession Sint at. &o'clock I { A: M. at .11n Chary% 'prepatatory to taking up the line of, march. - , • 1117.(149,XL LANGTON:Secretary. march 14____, 1 - 1 19 • • - t Itta —r— p o the ll' Region. A Tk4l4S ERSE ;too of the .Kchorlki ott r Coil . from e Shot" lloontein i the Braid 111 UK wing ! Warms be lwren each vin..itag d p cud. ... Ickners cil 'rich. Pot op totaled k ..'Aria $l5O ju.t received V d fur so it thi ;14111oe=and a No. 6:4 Wain t street. P airier 4.: march 14 ' I - ' 19 • CaripenteWanted. t R JR or eight good Oornernen Carpeinen wanted inieleaintely to whom good waget, 'and constant omploynst , will to given. Apply to .. I , .). .. MOB KLINE. march 14 .. 19-3 . - ,--- • toIIT4T , JES. ..,---- ..J_ , ~ -f , . .• •...:•,,..).- liA IITR VW'S 1 ./4t .e '.., !\ IC 'ARD ' EN, • 4 tlat It R i n Z iau k l ir 'LP 11114. ,id i mom herr sale at his Carden and A Ntairp. • .. '- r Philadelphia. s lane assonn.eMof rtu Treei Suitable Niles for tram. plantinibem en 34 every variety of Apples. Pear.. Cherries.Plu ' A r . Peaches, Aectannes. A:. moods. Quin ... ul es. Gorges, Ras; heroes i r Comelier'. d urraot together with s lane as. nonevent of a louse ' nts. Ornamental TUTS nOWerilig ihnlihli. • verge g. Viiiisfind Cree'rn lloneysucleles ear , Steam. ate. Pinks. {feria ceravirprenni Who min . Plentsi end a large amor. went Of Elm, in Vi Beta Feeds. which «mongol as great an a runem as y ask Garden in Ile United Stet ° . 1108 ellT CIRR. Priltprietor. 11:7 8.4101 AN. whol has been a ppaipted Ages for the Prup hew?. will ree;.ive..ial Execute olden. fir Il tif till kinds of tut Trees, $ rubbery, &c. at theshon• est notice. , 1 L . I» eatalOgWe con be olensined at this office. March. 1311 ; , 19 ilir'rE a t i EST NG IF.ASE. I , DYSPETISIfiI - HY OCHONUR IA CIS3II. , 11tH. Arne G. . enny N LaoisLaois O. 'its if st r eet, betWeen-Sranton.Und Ilium* Lfireets., afflicted for ten yeariSwitkthe hollwriinSdiutresving symp• o _1 • Acid enic4i!" . 1 d aily apearnmelet pains in tI head. hoe of aglow e. pa Ipitatk* °film heart. gid , *rifts and tin of fish!. could in* die on her risk aide. t o reds utter inability of en- Satin toora : p in at I ; i :l: m in a s v l s irt di r rznitk or d a wi n g: g r ea t)! `ratiou_of'' r i -diseafe* whi ' I avcroon tot particular if and places, •gr ridings opine. i mari ll limudnin of al dangerand Overly, an irk.l woneneirs an Ureuiiners of lite; ilisenntented. di e . ipilmode on fry slishroccasinn. t i the ameeived «he could ' herl ie nor; lice. iho 'rcpt. lamented desponded.* I ' en alut led a Meat miserable lite, never ii so bad.. with frequent mental hallueinat . u. vs Kenny hall the advice of itereritieliff t , paitint • ni4, find had Stettin* to ,Waitrestim ke loirretnthirsetubtaiweven a iitiriPantryl. i s on edifier ifilitressitis Mate. till r hiss* ,persrded ~,ser tornalte trial of my vitrifirde iirt - titian . SIW is . noW uite relieved, !end findilliier '' I' only capable . attending to her domestic - Irai but Iniwit the she enjoys as good healtb a p t ria itherlid any period iiii of hcretSsentee- I .sts% Y. linsidnind f liss--.,:itosons..---AA— iiirket Kenny. • Sworn be6o*. a this I 411f•fhaf rDee. 1836. clef Pincknuy. COED; of Deeds, - - . Pi --'--- 1W GOODs. ' 111*. KERN • JOS IR ESP Poltava e Or. e on hand, It ! 4 ~' streets. • d uo large and- nt Dry.Goodo. th quern anti , , ke pureftaseel se Ole, Philadelphia intar .cent "avant*. ' I LY informi the citizens of ' init3l that he constantly keeps er o r Centre and Calkwhill above the National lintel, a psoronent of Staple and Fancy choice selection of Wines. hi. I• 'y ware, all of which hies been ry kismet email prices in the et.. aid will be 'sold at 124 per I I ' All kinder for goods. 'try!) tog I , F afiAll(thill Dr'', I . EA*ER itarelest reeek;ed 4 ;the o lztenaise assortment of = , per tired& Blue and Black Cy 'tared do. new style eta. and Beverteens, micers' Ns. I ', ' Feb 18 14- VI hol D01•LOC : & in addi I DRY GOO V. • Citaltb . fa Ammo. sa Wet tians• 4*— 0 b 4 1 : 1 1'4" ..i sr QM MI medal cheebe, .hia fOllll. • I, fur sale by. & HAGGERTY. 52-31 no Arno iladel ~hnat ILL 61~' Novli I • .NN .e so ) 1 ,ne na A reeeited and • ribers t 10 pieces' neut. IN nen' 17 IYA Ihr • . Jan lei nee taken in ezehangs Soap &c. D k &TRAM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers