The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 14, 1838, Image 1
IMESI I VOL' D PUBLi IN U ~ PRINT BY,BE Azt . ti FIFTY ii 11,7= 4, of postage. Toi.t of pwid within thi prize ,orntdindiriPit of annam, paystili paid' within On! Taxies Potaa payable semi-ann. in the year, $4 . • alive the paperT lia_per annum. I / will be aildwltb th Two DOLLABIR in advance.. If no be charged • of eiceedinetwel insertions—Rod ones in propertion, l a will be awe ' for whi 7.h they are I be charged accq will be charged on to the paper —w rtisenient not exile year. and the itur g for three !ieces ed ro the editor to ion will tie paid to meetings. &c. and ore beep inserted ch. exceipt Marri • Advertiaeinents charged In forth insertion. Large All stlvertisena - out. unless the tim 'lespecified .tuid wi "twirls aivert . including subscri. Of keeping coke a. v standing during di er one in each pa All letters ad. otherwise no sue All notices for which have heret. chawsl 25 cents • i V ERTISING —z• The auttiPi: reat Metropob o ball paid the phy of newi Its Benefits entitled the l! "every, one w tion to the phi have remark tim jest thi ate the la b s a stronger ' — of advgtising for a sign ov read by Anim a more, desc shape of an hd into many hu and country a by thousands iu truth, are the eye ,of , situations; and is deterred b.l, charge of the self of the , ad cannot bait ness or *re causes and eff that as advert to come An a I eave it. Tho , m 1 proof of th IfliOradel his' door; rnly who pass , pitive sign be it. rtisement, w' tM reds of fam d read, bey &people? AdV' Obeable signs, Homers in alt ,Ithat man of lit t the comparati printer, form a tntitges adverti ery largely of •-ith '.which he ordinary: gentleman ofl t Flushing, LI fable wife and meted by the ce officers, at he Was found I adopted son t pelipcians, The Mehl _ Elopement evening last, tune, residing. band of an children, was one of our po Hotel, where the wife of, • most pron4e dent - of abe• 1, a few days lady from the and from he to Newaik, • and pursued he became a treated to th:, his compact► reviously had allegiance to h honae, and elo J. whither h' y the outraged it t i t i sband; but ised of the po it, and re city; and took I gins with at the Atlanti where the ght. The • -Itleman was where we node =tend he still pair were lodged in jail remains. T mother, who at Flushing. e 184 was sen - esi4es on her N. Y. Sun. yo narnett ts is in IT d who is p day brou.i barged b OH! the land o' tihoie where' the Bth avers ea. abo e, a eat; weaver, was - Justice Pali ,`young lady, lore." The . she was p dant met he withk"an a lad edi end fid ing "SA stated th g to cbur• fixed - his se of a her She drop. ItOw days a her, told to. accompa led, and d speak to .. denied the Writing, and the foliowi met her Til, end reques her home, • : ~. ;the yam : r 110 . more. • rijil tg e of tag aninined to ih' ' effusion : rettle do,ye ken 'es I feel, I think upon the Your Ititeo to my lo or!, my son hie better n 70W.Pmcid Yew , Ye 01 T0 11,4 ' • Oh had rdigi For ain • Thee, empires et• than s' totheo • OR bonnie iry, list to me! itcomaktkiit taw w . .Ain Or 1 . . kmat It , H , ..1 . . t. .Y.4_ 7 ... 4. ...' • lo g.l e i n TA 1 dy ,dittuot -tt , - a 'thought ithal til:yetterday; ~ her. 'Ha • 100 ase, and fin ' oarnY.4litni . ores, , riat e . love"and :.. ;k4 ' 1 0 61 E 64 I, a promise 4h To . cruel youor send," aid his love," th encuuntered . , ran, he gat* of her" hi' went on hiS controlably .ctiuld.cure - mou'.'-' should be; anted "anotit.; No Jebocker, over departed,! e Poke; ind en info cult erne, upon be vent, hti wa ' the unhappy hastened to! morato to be . Matthew t OEMS • • i• ira••• er : wzii ?su ds irim Pretdr. Tat taw 'ALAI /Ai r oTruAai.9g l FrVigi mir ,, • • - 111 for his defitice Aid not deny -rHlis /tort iiii: PplehtueStt,r but exicutteilt himself oh ics• count.„pf bist"uocnattllable love." -I. • The klagistnttieintormedliin that?ti: k i , sing ygung ladies will contrary to eillotat i fi. law," and held Matthew to bail to keep B peace--. Pa. . • , The next Prisi . dint—A rieio.Pr 1. —A writer, in the National ItitelliOnc r, remarking on the subject rilie neittPr. ; iden4,and the giie'inion of who shill • 4 Oil the candidate of the opposition,prO to settle 'all conflieti!ig claims b etween tWein he three most prominent - individuals, by be following novel' arrangement. Eiob of the distinguished individuals,V conlen 9, is competent and sound in bii view!, a d wholly opposed tolhe ,pritsitirit order ,of it things. Each has Bitten! adinirensi uto dive their favorite thß preference; and . 11, he adds, may h eitratified by adoptingt e following order of natural sticcmicin :: Williaimil, Harrison was bort' in 'l7 3 Henry (lay was born in , . -i 7 7* * Haniel We-bstc.r Ara • born in 'l7 -2 ED, NAN. . per Annum. not paid-with thosei who re sit siibieriters i year, .50 cents semi-annutilly : ar. $2 60 will e lines will be a cents for one until ordered o be continued 12 per annum; th the privilege ng.2 equenie ion °remelt-, • re times. other notices gratis. will be agrl Deaths. 14 the wprk " says, that least mien , i apers, must Ismants are Lr,iso - they ' e. canam be ! advantages n pays 820 1 ich can .. be , whit must 4 orth; in the h is carried es in town f= all doubt, • rtisements, • hich meet places and .sine&q, who ely, , trifling ailing him zing affords, he minute has traced . The tradeousple of Brighton estimate that ''bji thelath of the Duchess of St..Alhanst that mien :tat: the less of an annual expeudttore. • of tiriir twelve thousand pounds; and it 1 4 111 larger . deficit, if the neighbourhood and piper ito f o' Brighton be included,'lly the demise of the ex cellent Earl of Egret. , I 1„ 'L'nited by Act of Parturntetit--On Tuesday. at the Independent chapel, St. Ives, John iPiggot of ihritplace to Ann Markham, dress-maker, of Westwick, in this county. Upwards of-300 per sons ,assembled to witness the-ceremony. it being the first under the new Act.—Csatbridge Cl 7. 1,000 fatboms'of wood are annually cut p for matches in London; three.truta of brimstone are consumed in dipping them. 1 Two young leach trees, planted in Sail . oli at the same time, in the same' mil, at a small ts. tance (rem each other, and equally health}', were pitched inns as the subject of the following ex periment—They were accurately measured, and. as_soein as the buds begari to swell in the! spring, the whole trunk of one of them was cleansed? of its Antes and dirt by 'means of a brush and Witt water. Afterwards it ' was wished with, a wet flannel twice or thrice every week till about the, middle of summer. s In autumn, when the an."l nual growth was supposed to be eoinPletwd. ;the beeches were again Measured, and the increase of the tree which bad heed Washed was found to' exceed that of the other neatly in the prOporhon of taro to one.. .' On Wednesday evening, a parcel wad teeeilred by the sexton of St. Lawrence's pariah in flea ng containing a female chil#, which appeared of l i - to have sorvived its birth many hems: the - cel was brought from London by the Te b p ier c he coach, and no trace has yet been obtained', of authonscpf so revolting c an act. There Were Ino marks of violence on the- body.—Readiq- Ter, ctn. On Friday eputed for !, tple hus• ther of Eve sheriff and the Atlantic grog with one of our , d the presi gentleman. [seduced the :r liege lord, with her was traced home to her wn property MCI ;ng man thew Byrne. ; I! strem,-near t before , Mr. a handsome drolabiy in t one day* h, the defen es upon her miration."— on. A :in, nenniied fed ee• ia L L hSe he rein. man not to yrne, being ing, took to s ladye-love,' it and p eyes reseal iffll ME ' ib " ll !^z. le ot, ii bar, bn he i ed . i siff . ..4 1 ,6 0 1L, - -411:14" be‘ . ias ' - -oto 1' her boi t . this time, , waver, than the used her F ag called 11111 n,~~ -,fi,• li_,; ,~. i~. ENG LAND. Exchange at New York, on Lonthin, a. 74 per cent. premnim The first'atone of City_or London Lite!iti rry and Scienti4e Institution was laid tabu. wet+. The new building wilrcost about 'X'4.OOO: Ihe metrihem comprise between eight and nine hued red persons. : . . , A gardener who attends . Stoutbridge !maifket states that he had this year an acre oft and planted that will average upon every squire yard 36 potatoes, weighing 12 ounces each, in ad ent of the small urea. The whole crop ,at is rate would produce 726 bags, which at 28 6il per bag, would amount or £127. As -the of reward +tweet-ens labor, surely instffis portic lar instance it has apt, &Red.- , Tel! Towws Ilfessea ger. . . d . Colfferg-Explosiera.—Treentif acres Lf pea —A mg-Jewels:4g catastrophe front an espied of foal rut at Springwell Colliery, war Wreck g ton, fofir nines front Newcastle. the -hropert of the Right Hoe. Lord Ramenone and, !par occurred between nine and ! ten , o'docitl .on the morning "Of Wedogiday,' when or twenty nine men and boys at that 'part of the. Rotten ! seats! of coal where , the blast took place, twenty-10e°' on fortunately perished, iris, fifteen men and murky -buys.'-iltany orthe - xnen - linstrielt - mltiai and, large &Milieu. - -; • , - Beak Nate Notaberst : —A man' named Robert; Gilbert is in custody m Landon, on a charge of dealing : a - ft:Pet bag; codtainiog bank florae to' the amount of .£ll,oop which had . lren Olen TIP' from Leeds in the mire Of lElairrtern, gua ' of the Expresit coach. The prisoner his Wien t examined. and stands: remanded till imbrue ' to prosecute are remised from the bankets this town.Leedi Macau*. I Coaster-feu Severeiges.--Tradesmen cesnat be too much"on their guard in respect to nhanq sovereigns, as a great! slumber - of"Tictorra tcl E ale," haring every enticements ire ' .. offered in town and chant 64 : N!. • According to 'an tafrac:6l ' noti.i, ! air !rs ~ will be permitted to isms free hi therk Twopenny Post, except in Morn ammo where they 'shall be posted and delivered wither Vie! limits.. far the time Ming. orthe Gentahl flotai 'Dave: _, • TY- The ' • otjiteil - - 1 girt ~ • 40 ! MEI • t'..l'l gifill • 4 7 11 ,irpTTEWILLEt-PA.:WEDNESD: MIME . , lido feelers. who' an mod, 081 for-. 'eleePieeitte )4 line *bulk arid- • • A -Dais.' 2IAe aiggati** t raphoga.- , -Tbs, many recent Power HOS and Gitei order render, it tO z pollitlut the prompt' and prepariemedies toadopted.* the ease of 'Oldie' from a Mild anion& The ob vious_plim is to prevent the abspridion °Me vitae, fbt; which no time should !onkel, and every person lain par; =Seen of the mcdos,, not only for: aiding him -544 but. peradventure etsaying the life ofe fek Mindere- ought to lageeerelle ‘ t iteilieth thatifte most isifectod . preventive in case. of poi emiedwounds is, to guilt the: part thoroughly with the mouth. Them YAWL :no. In be ePPre ; !tended. au einem= or sere., Thb the same pr inciple as ... the- cupping-glue s set 'gbitest by the late Bit David Barry. who wads several experiment' on pigeons by,a bite of a t vi• per. In one case, death. took place to five min utes wtere the glsm. bad, not beep applied. but where they had b•• used no'. symptoms had en• e lied, It IS, hoikver, preferable not to ,rely alone upon this precaimuni,•but to have the part ileitis.. diately excised or minimised, by the aid of the nearest surgeon; before which torpor= the part. Sy applying a tight bandage. above the wound; so as to Itssen the circulation.--Limeliek Chien. Some Irish Lords are likely to be made British Peers. Londe Liamore, Ressinore,iind others are spoken ot. , The Earl of Arran is soon to lied to the By , mensal altar the beautiful Miss Napier. daughter et the celebrated Historian of the Peninsular War —Donegal Oper A late Parts of police and Military attended at Fieldstmen, euunt, of Dublin, io protect the Sheriff, in levying a diatlea4 for tithes. The peo ple aaaembled in great numbers, and with,some excitement. Trumpets - were sounded, ad all h. characteristic symbols of tithe war agitated ute country. But there "was 13 ,d is tri.s— the property could not lxiadenttfiedr, so that the po- lice and military ' - witched op the hill, and then marched down again." 'The Marquis Londooderry aod Lord Castle reagh • have beet:sine members of the Temperance Society. =I Debut.--The Res. Mr. 31'Gaelee, of Marlbo rough street, has completed a series of expert merits upon a aubject which fur some time has occupied his attention---the application of steam to canal boats. lie has idopted a paddle on a new pr inciple : one of great *implicit", and of finch a nature that the injury to the banksahall not be greater than what is produced by .the ordinary boat. He gets rid entirely of back-water; his paddles work without arise. and require for their application a steam engine of the simplest con struction. Are and •Dreadlii/ Lass sf'Life.—A fire oe , cured on Thursday in a lane at the bees of Moore street, Dublin, in whicbthree unfortunate young girls lost their lives. TO houis' in which the fire occured seemed to have been formerly a stable, bat latterly has been used for the .manu facture of some combuitible article*, the nature of which is not yet ascertained. The girls, ac. cording to the testimony •of the mother of one of , them, were employed in making such boxes issa are used for holdielies. It is supposed that they were e ngagedat their work it the time the firklibroke out, but from some came, not yet known, they were unable to escape. One of the officers firporMenry street office heard them screanOsig for help at a small window with iron bars bean it he immediately fastened a rope to the bank slid attempted to TA them down.— While fastening it, one of the wretched sufferers attempted to grasp his band, and tore it in trying to do so. The *tee held their bands through the t ben imploring relief, when a sodden burst of noxious vapour rushing out of the window suf. fiscated them. All - efforts to save thsursrere in effectuab they bad perished bane they meld be rescued. The names of the two girls were Eliza Mack ind Eliza Welder. The name of tbe third is not yet known. • Murder and Sunk...Wt.—The neighbor hood of Peznicuirik, was, en Tuesday and Wednesday, the scene of as awful a domes. tic tragedy as,cop be well conceiYed. It appears that a person of the name of Miter, bad been paying his addresses to the eldest daugher of Mr. Andrew ,Laing, 'joiner, Silverburri, and hawing been,rejec. ted. determined to murder the girl. Ac, 'COrdingly, on Tuostley . evening,,.dbout ten eidlock,ibe 'Preceedeiftnihe 'house, armed with a l oaded grin;ind having Amu, gh the, kitchen winticisf r obairdil itar sitting at the tit 'knitting' 1 jirtikieg, he 'deliberate. ty took elm and' fired 'ati her., The ball: shattered one of her inns, and, 'aising ' through hershingi,' lodged 'in 'bee body.. She' ingired in great agony till Welnes. day Forenoon, when shlexpiied. - Su4i, arKaly, who had; previoriply take the gut's, fife if she rigused to marry,liin,parties were despatched in all directions in search of tihri; 'tint nothing . liriii liqiirtpf him, `until riestidtly - ',wied his %Mese - body 'wan round at the Sir GnorgWebok s itimiden wrallorbere lie , lad blaitarnitt We brain s with the eatbe igact . iwittOsigels-be had but a firiv houta batbia Mardetedb* worm Itatwvietinm,"L4tiateirliaper:- ".- , ..... .died; - a shg•trtigi artiii,llear'inriii, Etantrshire, Jsbnf Goniety , havrikiiiiiped citai'leiitli - whlit“,..9llii: orfair ) , eiirs,', All i lbe - tiaeltiiii V% EtanW ieiniti'lit the:: 11404iiti# '!iile"tie ViiiilC4ei l e Qui forniy: air bi4:44 i; - m n• Walliteertoblthyerirtiii'.itsrt; 'rlietetheYlriiit 'iea'Attlietsy)likraieititiatil Naaet l Vilw in.. Ithifeiwatu I , A — tiketitiii Mtday, aketUe ctOlia tt'btiMil'*l4i9ing„; ' 'EiteOylieTtiiiihitffi'thit Aonr, brilatlettitdirll4l4itdpli-11,, i titilf a)44lolll V -1 . 1-e4l4,,ith ;1 ' .lb ' ri t i!Z t :Ca - , 140" t 4mt at '"inailiftitha • - toe:god 1; . 't*,11.400A: ,. ituicultir , ii at : eta:WPM De'll's I' t man, it wall be atx-gmad- 1 r" • 1 t ~ , ~y . .> `,~ ~;~ .. • : .• === SCOTLAND. Li ;Ti . ';, 4 t: It . . . I t 3 liOnt ••I• DitAlterri44,l , fatheitNe're 4tieking—llteelit I liel'en i i three—yell Std- tim 'rotind4et center :. the house: 0n tutding ronti&the tonsil. I the stranger . ...:ntitesvill solebilitated 441 1 etaltitwhose:liteued-locka bote testiest* lohis'havint onepitissed theltberidien . _ I life, and 'w the `strangereeonce coil eludeditr - be-Ossbn Gordon himself. 'ft I 'accosted bitn *kb '" You seem wonderfu , -fiesta, :my gold *, for so old amen; -I doubt not but You bave;experienced many", vicissitudes in the:.catuveof your very. long life." " What!, your ertill,'Sirr 4 1 1' quired the person addressed, whose seno. of bearin g was somewhat impaired. The: observation was 'repeated. "0; yell be wanting my Oitheri I reckon, he's i! the: l yard there." I The. streaker now Ster.i, ed the gall:kin where- he at last fouls* 1 i rs the venerable old man busily employed id i i I digging potat , and humming the ballati F of the-battle 'dr Barlal. ," I have had', some difficulty in finding you, friend, ant, successively encountered your grandson Isl. son; both of rwhom I mistook , for you -4 indeed, they ;seem as - old as yourself', -Your labor is rather bard for one aryouri: advanced age." ' " It is, (replied John,). but I am tbankfu' that I am able for% aq! the teddies, pitir thugs , are no verra sto ut now." The *kited ages of iheworthy trio, amounted to upwarcls of 300 years. 1, ThairkilitiogDay.—Yesterdaj , being 'let apart 1 by! the Synod; of Glasgow and Ayr as ti day -of solemn \ thanksgiving for the late ebirirdant harvest, the shop*, throtighout 'the city were very generally ghat, and Many of the dissenters, to t; the best feeling, also took the opportui nity, seeing it was a holiday at any rate to have public worship in their owni churches, the most of which, as well al; those of the establishment, were pretty' well attended. As the day was tolerabl y f fair, there ,was likewise a good deal o t jaunting with steam-boat; coaches, an • otherwise. . ', ' . Snow Thet,—There is now in the posi` . , session-of Jamey . Leiteb, Esq. Greenock * ' a beautiful live specimen'of the Snow OwL4 'This interesting animal catne,on boarrt the Romulus,t Capt. Callender, of that port; while on her passage home from Nord America, on the outside of the Great Bank of Newfoundland, and was so much fa. tigued, that the instant it alighted it fell' asleep, and was easily caught. The Slloii Owl is described with great accuracy b't Wilson, the celebrated American Orni.; thologist. ft inhabits the coldest and mast' diriv regions of the northern hemisphere . . The &darn Mountains of Greenland fur.- nish food and shelter to this hardy advent turer,which is also to be found inLaptand, Norway, Siberia, and liamtschatka, top. ther with Canada and the northern parts of the ,Onited States. ,WALES. 'TEIVILAIDAU CYFYING. I'r view !men, melys yw. . Coal-prerr yr kepi fwym . AAlyfiriiir m peroriaetb "Alt , wywgri al swy Ond, ah 1 amid !iliac rut Rhpw Mgykydd draw, ~yo Lle weir gan flyarbeptkedd lkwa. Gyrigolhooky bobilaw. A Pi , t ml *Eitel lam* tent. ' Dderehhhiiii dyner(wwi, Besormetli fwyn yr ymorlh•wyfr. Gmhlirpiawl.fywyawLloW 7ra'r aria riff agidastiaa arch. act:dam:hwy.!. A plirodd•der yo dystryotiO'in merch, Tr bywrawl don yo Ilwrr!) . . Ad pirriat dybiair weir rhaeri, • -I not; unig gag Lle'r cider:rebel elfin few's. Lle 'egoba'r thin re , 0 fydawl dwrf neilldnaw- woe!, • Af t Mewo tsay6terfaryeeeir,fi t , ' • Vile. trery i fy enas•lmagnef yrr. • • Iteidditerl -, • A' sibriod sebeitni l our pen _ elyw.liee bed& a eigginelgv,r! • PLAN ALL. 'The •Rerl Joshua' ffsigheton quitting his charge .f St. David's • Church, Car marthen, for iat of the Vicarage df Aberi irr~lT, to 041- b he haslatel3i beepl'Oppoint brthe hope of the Diocese, has been pleritedis anise °This congregation with Bilk goivb, 'ari testimonial of their esteem' and eferciloh: - • , • :---, —An °petition 'eta. • p*l 7 , 9ada NAtt .tbeETtedegar Int. ,Aließiklackl o o,V4iiis awl. ; !, bade*: -gtoper;-uoi a young,' t •'. ••"1/24',0.11rt extract ' 2. ) - r,iiik0.44744•4.*k totll . ' L..4•4 1 .1R4.0 2 -..,..... ,i,_ Po= ' 1 *tice.. p, We ' ....- happy •,.Pre 1 * 'tirdioi .• ' cill ! ..”,' •-•t 73••'• • ---...- ~..:,,,,, ••,,,,:. '1 - 6. . P‘....5.1 era,Ofli , , . , e . ..j..H ! at a:aiatigaltul,= t: . utthie COW,: . i. T ; - ' 1 ittalitriB3ll49t , t , - - M. ; .' t,'-i 4 ::' , L I 1-, , tssai>4.4,-,..,: - t.:* ;.4 i:. ht..loogriti•*allit, • ' : , 4:••.. boginakeT,l4t - i•Otiiiy‘;', s l y ...L•e,,,lwitvit:_t _•., LI lir • to — *Uiti - — ii • ."' ~ L --, ~.,,,,,,,... Pu . 0, - ;• Piller f l e L ck-,ir.91616-d -,. •;_, • ketc's, IRO* _ -'Geigia:i r• -• '.. I t " t r1 1 0 4 hlllitail ...... -. ;.!t' I Aiti' , •Aidtilitjilnact'ia. ,:.;''• 1 • 11 .! a time aka - iFitatiai .eitlio . 4 , . .:, • ! . • m 1 , ' • -i' i .., Vadoss. re/MOl Oll WOOS, 4. 1 tante hin t , ( lad; the 4ft * ol 4 ll ilol l o in pritate bear , thaithi -Pitn W, - • w ' bei4lraite: rs 1836 43r PAS betiiiiearA ".• Men. lien dia. , I F!' l effiNth inakei. =1 Ill' -1 ME 41 , Z. 3 km • N ;41.1 - ns -:-.2z•vi • • • _. • • MI I • , .`r".`7'.. • •• • ... • - 1,.... - ''' 4 , ' . ' -4, , , -,;,,E1:,'" . ...,,....+.,".'' , , •Z-: ^ ' - ,,,7. -:•'..,,'":i,,....,•::.,ti.....,,E,,_, ''. ';.,,,. , 7. ~ • ..".: ~,,,,...,....i,,,..,-,_ L, ,„ . - -:-.-. -7•••• - • , .1.-` ,, I , ;_, , 15i.. - ti v t : fi•-' 1 . ' --••' - 4 ',l : .. 1....-,7',`l.*N'',A.A.V"„ .',''',..?- 1 ..;,,,,,... —,,,,":.,—(vOikett.a."'•' - . 4 ..... f - - 4 fl ,lo;.;' • • • v'''' ' ''' • .'t .. . . . 4 '..jr, . ."•. •P• .t•.l e“.t e r ? C !',1 3 :;" '' '‘' '' • '''''•i.. at; - .". 1 , ...:, :•., vi o , * A19P!,544 MORN 414; 4 / 114 ri , NO: m - EN EOM bd in her a., ..• ?Genie e sh y :m* - pf-. i ' ', ,- .- - , .-4, 7 , cieti ii i '..l. .... - , , • e c,N.IM. h l? " e . 0 fiek; - Mk - ,• . 3, Ael, down '4)i 4.. tnmsp-rosid,-ltelijeg the *LP to 'it# ;1 .4 knew well 'wheelie tea . about.,. 4 Urfdytunitely; thempuum n Int - leave hi Od en t hid I i Shindy, slier the ruin In :the Public house over.. _ olt him, and i I hOut (Other provoCithin, eat t leM mina • ifully..l He 4 was heard 'to ry ' out "Ave mercy on ing l ," Arrive er cm me i" btthe sa - brutes -brutes g.,bad, -one, for they tb w trim into the canal con tiguous theretp,. nd stoned him-to death. 'be body weir °mid next morning. A raoroner'a,.,incipeit bas been held on the only. but we Luria notibeen able to Racer-. ain the verdict:4Mereasordkairire &neon. i - .Z&e Fafsifir TEIE IHOL I X BIBLE. i i i, . . :-0 , 4•,i f IRO Ili i the 'mam of enry ,and Scott, and , above one hinidred of other writers, published kri Lendon by thp - Beligiona Tract Society, rem. *if intd alwidgedanitwo volumes, with Maps and pi: w axing'. 'aist Irikkalklet work is published .in arts. at 25 centeaSilwelve parts ere already . Ompleted, and Conl -- ined at the subscribers Book Store where subscriptions will also be re. ceived, - , :5, IJANNAN. ; june 24 —ll ..i is . BOOKAINDERY• - s . . BANNAN.Sas commenced a Book Bind ; . • cry' in connection with his Book Store where all kinds of gooks will be bound at the Shortest notice ai, low rates. ij ail F l . , 6 ' t' . Wetkeriu, & 1 •• i , ! __,.. AT ?AU OLD STEND 1 . No. '65 NORTH 'FRONT STREET.... i - i EAST SIDE. _ Fin= Moos now Tux Comma or Aaca ST - PHI LAO IMPALA , 1 MANUFACTURERS OF Mite Lead dry and./ Calomel, fround in Oil, f . Red Precept; ' e Red .4Laa• Wbite do Lithiage, • . irttricil - Alb. , . o , mck Yellow, ,• Snip. Quinine do . Green ~ ffart. Einetic do Red • 'rEther Sulph. • 1 Patent Yellow do Nitrac • .1 - , r lead. I do Acitie .j • Pc= ' , Lamar Caustiqn, _ • ' Vitriol ' Crm, . do OW • IM: Fortis • i .. *. Acit. Morphtn.,• • - o , ltitiatic Acid : `. •Sulph. do pie, - 'Spawn Salts.. k .., Lam.Sulphtt • , 'Part. Atid ,- 'l' IMAM Illii . Wit. Sap . Carti. Soda , , • Kermes 6:Snivel Cerro', Sub.,Mern. Etbiops i do s • Refiners ofehainphot,Salt Nitre, Brimstone, Boras. *c. Offer for sale the shove mentioned articles, to ether with a geeeral assortment of •Paints.. Drolls Dye Stuffs. sad ereryMther article in the Chemi ;cal and Medicinal line. Reing manufactnrers of all the articles enametated wader the above bead. they pledge themselves- to sup i:Ply their friends and the public on the Most masons hie terms. l Window and Flaunt %ma, from 68.t0 24 38. Oct 21 1837 : • *4,‘ - - 48- i Cheese! Cheese!! 20 Casba orpteminto times's; ;gr. Boxes pine apple do - f far sale by N. NATHANS &Co - dee 2 2 Piarivie rapers Complete. PICIEWICKI PAPERS, complete m 26 Nom berk with illustrations, joist received and &iv sale by 1 B. BANNAN. Jan 67 . , . itirdil:4l , B PoisieffeKelL . ' 2ga DOZEN fi - esim's Panacea, just receiv gio ed fresh Dom the proprietor. lqpwerds ofi Sevest.lNFisp Tho - osand flottlerof this Ira/liable medicine were ; sold last year sod the deasied is ioureasing. Forsaleby the dozen, or,_siagle bottle,. Price $2. per bolt or three bottles ffir_4ls • -• • R. BANNII4I. S4O Agra! - AbSewaini'S Veraufulm, ' -27 Oly n Kt,ff "a i t 11141r tre. 44111 3tz ' .. - &zia r z target, a prime asiortmentaffresh -- ag of • 'U T !' Ri°43an,' fdt.lorio - - and browned , - . ~. ~. NAlrita .Bt.pont. brown and skirts white IlsOutedrisariald lump 1 .... New Orleitu4 West 1 , L , cdasses , • India and Omar house '" Imperial. ORR Powder. Young Rpm. POuciri a = PeciTcas . . ..• seas Bakers. .Stiashibaktbintti - 1 arsilatnkT , ' & Lieggi: sweetspieett Prepared . r.. Cocoa ala . Reading .C.iLr...BarseY...} , A iloke Ball}, LobsterAnebory. • nces Canon sari and Currie IGimittirt.TOmts. pepper.. . - •... . .' hEsed.Chaion,klangoe, Plaice -s'. •i. , I Adelnoo6l4 Flei/Ch , , , • ~. tr Ancitovies ''. Ceram _ . allspice and Ginger • • , - Cloves.. ' icadinegs sna cassia ._ ' 1 ' " Rice: iiirso. - of riCksiarett p ; .o.... - - .‘-"*- .. ...Sweet ioad hate abounds. citrfs . - ~ , .. . IlltsittE Wine bittirsjesioi iinnis.: i ..,•$.ll 6.1 14 Brestriedersiver. - cheastr . osedreb r ll i , ~4 i , . %%ilea ' .. 10 104 1 wf*09 1 1 1 ,947. a0 11 e . 1 ` .4: ' P•. ,• .. "-' 1.. - • ••$ .:,1' ~ ; ..,ii 1... n illi4 : -, ' •:• 4 . ' . andysikowesep -i„ ~.„., C. ~...' • .4 44 P l 9/4. : : :c.. • _ :shero inek 1 - . , 1-. , - , 41 4:dinits*. • .. . ' ii4 . 4takiiii* "- -. -7 in ' - 1 _roi c , „,ia et. , -"• , 41 -4 i .( "ILL . :iiostinigabeli& - rnitt'li - Ari Arosissotc74infiseedid - pCsilieruiEat_cenftaii , ;v.' .il h.rt ceoecielsetitipettistuitt f ciiiibt , sisii.-.. , ...46, 1 iisigno i / ii . !1...a1um-41,i,, •,11 ,, • .,_. •,,, lailkit* ' , . ~. .. , t ... • :-.,5),..$ ' l ' 4 "r:' '" . - `Eitiii i*. - 4 - isteiitiigio' - ''':! . - - $ • • 1 . ~.-.. i•zie,vl:llalf, ' . and sminuiimareigate;* , , i,4 - .1 0- t -,.,- --C44, . "-lun a &lid. 1 c.rca!".l, r.. ;.• 1. - -.... 4$ - .. ~.0.4.:',1*. ..1 if• - • - } :!ktati '"':;_..1 4 .- - ? , 4!- - 41....4 ' ~.! 'amenik . A ll ""Olistirplitoddieote:‘ , .**.a. • Mg 4 i., • r t. 1 0" 1 04 0 . 014 10 1 . 1 k 1 . 01 1,: '''''' 7: 'll . l e 4 ie illii ' -: 14-T ilia W:*- 11 4 4 14 T f".. , g ,f4flff# - : 1 4 0.4*. , 7., k r . . -_ ` - 77:. - ! — ..."... , -.._ - -:,.!....,; ,ottairo kitAco., o . vielo k fiecla7l,44 o ,lo4., .1.16,011106 STSACICIIL , EM 111 ~.~~ ` :;; lEfi =lll ...,o***olo.o4. ~'i),Eadrili 42.*riniolied , hiii.0111os WandeettiSteniti ' ll-I losite an Brick Ruildspg l ols9KM• I : nine, where' lie will; /attend i4i ic b, :leo* #.. . !!•~&ef: Irdsted tit him f!ccsiniiiiatt4.l:ll,!o. -11.. —bet M I - : 1- , -`-` . "-' ' -'1- -----';',.:,,,t-zAs.-#. ~. . , The Pallor- illipliklie.lif - -- - Ali -- , . - - ara ir d i; ..... 5 .,,;„ , . 1 -le decidedly Soo dike elieaPest:and toast (trrirrlorriodOlo now extenttherWitni ~. copiessoldismtry month iii Priglendiaud .00in kinetics.. , - ',, .. , ... 4 wNzziA - frne..Parts.ritvol. 6 (kir the year , ll33Thas ai,vecebnidi can be had at this et6csii...f.files 1 Per Ott% ot 06'00 per. annum: , i -v,,A. - 3 ....* - ...v.r.. - r IThis-Magizine is pubrished , itssionlidt • containing 40 large per the Presentmedeanir pi , mUck enlarged and improved. VhosilkutuntieSsi Owned cuts are executed in a inpiwieritiainsiki fTheraistin advantage iretaking Waver* noir > , all other** Often can diicentiniw • it Vehtile•ilif' hit sees pioper,l6re each pert is ' aleaiseemplensi within huff. D. 1. Complete sets adds work tient thezoinmence went cau be procured of i he ell per volume. • ' • 11...BANNAN.! 'Nev 4 .. . . -n t z lq- CU - -4: cm; =I Milli 7:1.1 •A; • • .0%. : 4 , 2 - g Ala,.‘"F+T"'"-a r li M7r.r ‘- ;.% WIMP BOOKkOf:Sesious_kindeliCindtiese. •r• hud other., juseseentved andfoendob 114,:,01114N.: • Alon—drafts, notes and ehecluiten4 n — 4 . , 60014e. I.IU -CALL AT nig • New Estalblimlusiem4_ ,4 Corner of Centre-Ead Marta Streeteur BE snbseribers, respectfally 'their friends and the public rerai, tiley hive taken the store- for' beetipied Ty Jacob Ball & Co., corner of Centre and Market. streets, where they are now providellalthathaips wwiwitnent of • Dry Goods, • Groceries, • - Liquors, which they are determined Wieni.44, low est prices. HAZZARD* STRAEKNII. - N. B All kinds of Country Krodoea taken st ibehitbest market prides. 1. , • I April 3 • Catholic Books ',IOUS GUIDE, a fey to Paradise, , • - Trise•Pte 4 W Catimik Mgt ble, Po*. .Catechism and LlitiirCatectosni, • - .Itatiinairod and for sate! by' IIdiTIFAN. Di.4l`-'2V ILIFFE OF HENRY AY,' by menace, jot received and for sale by •• jaa 20 .ilt; HANNAN.; IComfbrt and veidence. 1 •To THE atm. • Atrili SIC ir: 1• , 1 i The subscriber res idly 'ammo V Meade and the public at large, 4 sineeliii re nip fiten Europe, he works with new teal =ifdiligence it this manufacturing of /panic Malressei in 'Es ihund-isitsnr h' se l f,. _. l & m llll 9 l ' 4 ' Bearing t IT= that hel ia a ° master, alit Pieria. ign,irithlehig able h' r to Mali - inch mat. ipssiee.agnot torliehif - to ani"groik''ef thin .. kiiiitri reference Id iity. solidity, and 1 durability.and peoplu . , • .catainly be consigned of the comfort and i s • — of timeinbal*thes4 articles afford. principally when: . .:ttifinis Aimair 1 body nth in the fluidly. ' ' ' " . 1 1 ; Besides - the subscriber the cili',l e„ i' - \ 41,1 ?the work mast give .'t to its 411111ker,r Wherefore: OW 1460 invite. O° ll Pl -t - t ra ge? an article of ItilliWeriptien, tikiiiie mine for th emselves. one , Of the iiiiWips, tine, ins, just now fu.isbed. - that `,IW - iiiaftic. , ,ein Oen of the truth of hiaaitYitsg.34• N't.i::, - - - -- ~.. ' . t'il HENRY , • - lhadinilian. 1/?..1838i '' . ; :k?, ~ i , .^ • mitufl -1-,lirt IL Pernietr*.ithhigtol boy Elastic , r of Abe rbeseription efpresaid. win Ake 1).; yto the , subscriber , *fine doors aboTst : ' o ' . In fliiiiiiiiv o wherd a list Ofirei!*l is teirroolkke,pithWei the issainifseten4 eof Mi r katikpiane- time. ;The Man * not not be 'daistkid before May nest. - A , M;', ~, , i , ~.:,.. I . 44 itwondersiiiii4 fins; -at . the: iii4olt!olt Ik . 41asay, 4 ' examined his nefelr- tad des Mathes." ID, .iii' illinici*,renderiit ' Italy a ltTiry - rai 'ail - sod.sie4clbe gli** v espeesoy - . ' Sieh -is . iflii"?‘44o,. , A .t# 4111 00 31 0 4- 0 0 ettrei'it - - . i , 10.4._.....11,,pet.....,...t 440 inciesity of samivAir. - t*iinUlliii bed," while hi thlllPC,stia ty A nkuireiMreginilated to obviate in 4 . • ignit eel Allfkloliiligek ;- P r e vent , the elet!Shinr,'"e • , 1 point Wo= rifling einanctnent." .*-:...-:,4:- i .l . •4 4 0 , ISAAC #g4"404. 4 R., ' 1 1 i ~ iiai gN p= in the - .•_,..._ a,t!eletr: rl t t s t i l.thMillirire i e aleg'l'Fier,Eleidle '''.- 4., JOHN tkliiiitirrifiCit, 4. i Huller carefully examinelldr:ldenrylltoyaVet tlhonblailvieg Eleatic Matius i vkl)-:e o ntii l l: h i tha above ovation, believing it- is toomuli,ll, the OrPeeee, , ~ *oo'4- -, 4 0 - 1/X,. 4 1i, P 77 . 4. , -* ljiain eaartliOed lir: Henry ilare*,« rrit, m i t rajm.i n with ewe, 44i-wadi! SIB Orgies: otha,'_. l4 4l!' _lgyroold ton gteet - ed= i r a i l l* . „ • .- ' : . I '-j4 .. -. ,re's r. 'tele "-AM* 1 Neriairl*etiOtetheekr% 7 Fcleitti RAO* elliastaidiwili.ill Ow c Y . . ',J hatteemumseitintlii Ili Iditritir and fully c 6Onanspodeaa to4ite, ..! tla r e•—:iii.vii leatt , 1 ,4 r - .sr ~ a r voeeti r. im la a p= , ;' , lik tbi , ii ~ , • r •AltSlkimitaw ;4:5- Z; Wgrms.&"*VO-lbt'lk bomb& _ e wy9«© . i , CI . I= ME