The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, March 10, 1838, Image 3

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    Alb with . hi
failing. the ALA
vote 'oily the
amendments en
lion, sod an.
tablik, Twill
ren ,perty
*ng reports 'c
mop. drily
uncei the alai
by the hired
says- that it '
eee gentlemen I ,
CoOgreas; a
was furnished
,eariy a ball sO'
1 &e. ike - .WII i
We copy
how Air Mr.
I mire to take '
The Van B
dustrious in, ra ;
throw odiuni - o
dur pe rat. '
the bank, t tit
'conceive h
their heads
that Mr. Cille
That would onV
tout being ripen
party pulp'. ..
however to eh.
t iktuated by a
of his adverse
as/tus‘viiis. Mar
- .
On the first - • tugs of allots,
between the sr, de "pod' and "t
- Graves betweei the words 4two"l
or just after this ord two was proe
On the second exchange season
Mr. Graves Was ; ischarged when '
rai s ing it to his , adder. sad 4.0.'4
"fire" and "ma ', . -'' • • - tatty Mill
drolly amain:,- y. flare then. I
an opportunity at osiers bringing
a close by refuel g to fires,"or by fig
Did he a ,Pa frees' it. • Knowln
that his own life as lin no danger,
deliberately took his aim at Mr.
stood erect and . ~ rnoverl i —end au
'ley)was upper . y. certain °fills N
'the word "three" bad been proWoar,
)us trigger, and to the astonishme
ties. Mr. Graves escaped unhurt !
masons present -marked to die. C
- ; between the vitt , off of Mr. Grans
the firing by Mr Cillei, appeared, i
, --he considered , e steeds of Mr. cr
'ble; and consider n g . the expertness
.with the rifle, ~ ~ sag bat the int
Providence could sons him. ,
I repeat these ro fads well lin wil bars, for
the truth of whit 1 appeal to ell ho were on
the ground; and -. oetaarsaredly, no man or co*.
. ..,
nary tntesagen.-, andof Cammon inness, can.
'ender these citc metances. give c ence to the
idea that Mr. C'. - sought not t f ire of Mt.
ii ;
'Graves, or deal , I to terminate the Wititbisot
bloodshed. ICI , et-Committee of the Rouse should
proceed in their' - vestigistronth.eth foots will
be abundantly P. bstanlisited. Yu , &c. 1. .
the conserve ,
y, declares, th
d a surplus in
oliars. when
ted President,
ount ofjfve or
`the Msdisunia . ):
Washington c
sury; which h.]
Millions of '
Buren was el:
rept to the_a
'of dollars, an .
'fur the current;
which will hay
Treasury Ara
Which is the s,
'concludes as
that the teed;
• 11 7 short of the
ear from Fit
• to be raised b
: •
issued for t
me as a loan.
to*. : •
rtle, and atteriipt
will oft change
true. It is tim
anted with th
war of eitermin
II the airtilies
e risernment w
. 60
rninent, or to w
wont* is, its awe
I it and at the sa
n credit, for the
sell of tiondactin
: picture which
and the world.
'gb lime that 'co
banda the mane
't take their' ma
the prevent ineu
ent, ivhosei . ail
Many may it
'exposition. Th
It will prove uot
should be made
its Snsicor.i. A
wigged agaiiist i
'upon credit, and.
Rue? Tfteidi
sawed by the
sort to supply i
ring agaihil c
`ding entirely
fraying the ex
ment. This is
sent to the nati.
.‘l. think it is
take into ifs Mr
public fioirices,
of the hands • of,
Treasury Depar
its affairs, has •
lastbya sue.. •
in their effects,
interest'. than
and famine.
o charactented
,son of bluuderio
upon the «unary
-uidfiAlow oven,
enducted by
per annum.
The Alba
price b 0 con
The Belli
'a weekly publ
Roberts, pric.
ure Farmer an'
cation. conduct;
$2 60 per ann
un~ to Vrocttei
publications !
ted lo leave
Persons vi
- above excellen 1
Ibis office. , I
A Farmer i
stated to - us;
information b
enabled him!
'drnd dollars ! ,
alone, and it .
when limed i•
this neighbor
o the above
short time "ro
deriied froei
'BBye upwaris
n one year in
'yielded better
the old fashion
. .
.: Arian. Es4. l
io of -the P
,Vebbylal •
pointed a lint
beech townBhi
' . Porter.,, t
Governor, is
u• of the ,
p*. David
'eavaidlite for
arch ath, M
wive to the
In /Innate,
liorted a Bill
.in Pottaifille.
The Banks i
to resume
day I
some ofithek
Feu," for th
.give them a ,
the Van Sure
"If in the - .1
nation, there i a
that js the ne r
Talissadge •
servative Sett tte
lja Now Yuri
if May nest.
the 10th day
ally serve '
beauties 01.1
it edification;
littlest of "
as of deep
a depth Still mo
plies to whioh
tht to be e
ige alluded to
or from WS
Ihimpeptani , ; =
Tbe. Senate Ler _tlat try
Veiled Stake
on Wediterl, t ,vote oft Ito
23, net icriteriplipetb Sall
The queatiobis r.ltives"Si&
'is!iiery in
'ind Wise.
as a mut
ruffians or
difficult to
n buld up
ird leport
ith a Rifle
. entities ' fur
Cilley iiras
ay die lire
"The Difereace. ieeelpt7;;;i
on the New - YoriC!cs. ' 'since the yterl
1837, fell abort o f the* lits in thwiro
- year, - 1836 $3 VV 6, while - the
ceipts oftoll on tfur
the year 1831, erieeedeti theleeeipts ofiire
rai"a Yesri;l,-6, i 137.844. 'f+4w
rk has a tune-riervik -4arly 'mitt or
Governor, -who has legiSlaled fur the piny
While hiis in indepin.
dent Chief Magi/trail:ha has 60114
'fur the *heirs state, wit Ot reiritrdlo Early.
lit, 'Vie.
dip Haltpsr.-, The eleCiihnfor Go
vernor 111. e. will lake place in New , Flainp
shier an Ttiesday ne*, the 13th
Judging flout the 'p pen , it, will he the
most spirited efeetionilicld in'that state' or
seVail'yngis pat. lit the city of POOs.
mouth. the. Mica have &terminal to
close their places of titifiiness .on that dpy,
and devote Oar Whole lute, to the. serv i ce
of thecOuntry. Should this state go against
Mt. Van Buren. we *levet, that in
monibs`heriCe i4ll not he foUnd
single - stpte'in'thn supporting this
wicked and duos iiiii4anistratiiin.
r. !ley fired
0," and Mr.
`and "three,"
the rifle of
lin the act of
the words
I shot was Lit
t. Cillaz had
`the contest to
ng in this hit.
as he Al 4.
I he 4011.0 ind
I raves e —sho
r-b* , (lllr. Cit.
ietim, of
rim& be drew
t of all par.
Miller, the murderer of Huffman,
pedlar, who is pow confined in the Lyco
ming jail, has confessed his cold-blooded
murder. Although. Ad attempted to im
plicate young Fulkerso as an accomplice,
y o
he afterwards acknow gad that no one the act t himself. The
body of the Unfoxibli, e man has tieen
found, and , has been decently interred by
the 'citiaeha of WillitOnsport. Miller's
trial (if a trial be. rieetwary) 4111 take
place in May next.-r-Illyteditse. ,
One of the
at. the time
'a rifle and
him en age
raves inevita.
of Mr. Cilley
rporition of
Wrathingion City 11 arch t5th,1838.
In the Senate, Mr, MHerriok of Maryland
has had the 'fluor all oi'y, is opiposing the
Sub treashry
Mr. Norval! of Michigan, is entitled 10
the floor for to-morrow.
IA Writer in
, ive piper at
t the Trea
t of $ Forty
lartin Van
now bank
pts into ISe
pendit tires
a loan, Or
to amount,•
I The wetter
In the House of Representatives, the daY
was devoted to residua and petitions.
Nothing of interest transpired.
Mr. John Quincr Adams presented a
petition from sundry
,eifixeni of Rocky
MOirm, Firiying
Congress to expel him, Mr. Adams. for the
part lie 'his tsliehio
.sidSocrifing 'the right
of petition. The petitioners claimed that
they were also adioditia of that right, 144
for that reason they asked hiin to iiresont
their memorial.
Mr. Renaller saiij that he would raise
the qUestion of reeeiniint on the limper; hut.
is Mr. Admits insisted that it was Couched
the facia.—
true state of
Lion, a now
wealth, and
tb a @ANIL.
in respectful language, and ought to bele
calved, Mr Rancher withdrew his Motivin,
and the petition was receiietJ. , •
it(h .
Mr. Majla 41' lie y moved thatoon. e
table, which motion was citrried. •
The paper a as but s bad imitation ofihe
slave petition Mr. Adams seceived the tut
year, and was as flat as stupid.
Mr. Davis, of Pennsylvania, presented a
11l .
l I $
•• eirtS pos
st .it an se
• time depen
earns of de
the govern
we, how pie-
]flint resoldtlon. deignaitin the 14thlof
May, fi,r i ;lay 41 aclournmeni. It was hiid
on 'the 'the tabl, .
I do not knoW who Mr. Davis is, no f iin
arena Amin
ement of the
agement out
bent of the
inistration of
tiein 'first to
more fa t al
' ind its greet
r. eestileace
• Pus us.
I know what may be his political predilec.;
lions, but as one of the American people,
I thank him Forbes design. Unless Can
gress can go ahead faster than it does nnw
—mikescid ye Did
° personal 'o.:4,trait.
the sooner it adjourns, the bettr Will it
For the people. As yet but two public bills
only have been passed-and we are rapidly
approaching the month of April. ;
Her Britannic,,Majesty's frigate •,'
arrived in Hampton "Roads, yester4l4.,
initiging.Lord Pagey.; - beaVer ordespitebes
kti Mt. Fox, Her 'Prlalesty's Miaowf riiiiar
the Court of Washington.
It is rumored or guessed, that these de
spiti.hes ire important, and may lead Ito
the recall of M r.• Fox, 'I rather dada env
issue. bOwever; latish
canire of coriP . lnint. • !
It is not tialibely ',hal.* may Whitt
message From the President, in relatioatio
the raiskton of the Frigate.
PROM . THE i !F . RONTIF.It t '
a Monthly
eon Sue,
by E. P
fib& of the
:-ir names at
ood, who is
• üblications,
e, 'tight the
hese works,
of die kum
. ing his farm
crops then
0111Oa of t,be St. AU so'{ (Votinois),Masmois — t.
Tharadarriego..g. Marsh 1. .1
as been ap
tor Man
The patriots have bilin collecting flit sec I
days past on a entsll Woe, east orAlborgh, od
other places near the lines.. yesipday the" ft
their encsatintentamed over to Alba' i ,
croiserthe Ines at Celdiers Minor, op
, a
ionniatal tits. fielsokondCiati, and ettaa:. P
od,* the ought _ i(iiiktareAttiesfrotti the li : ,
• This -Meriting apoll iwgeniiing their Aim%
they lieltiane iontincled thottheyOold sot stand
Wait the Royal i : fortes -that Were. utarchleg
igsinst.thent. - ?pi flirting. pelmet - 0e 10)W
-hitirdint."they ifiaired intelligence of Ojo dike
of, Melillo:is tad Iran kesseeteef.
4 ;
They. !timbre same to the eeet4i 'tithte. ,
.'",thee' ration ens the better. 'Per. ekeitt4 l 7.-„end
limed op theirs argils ut Gen. Wee 'who.
*carat the lines ant recihrea Ned, inclat 'g
firelisit pints. 'The 'llitalair 'illmi laW do n
their .apne 'wig shoat Aare hotWed r and 5 t
The 'ialiole.intoiraief the ir 14* was 'pr I
4litat loArjiaisof red. . 4 ; ~ .
or. Adooteeld Cele him isle, *rind heih Le
the eillady litnee4.l l / 4 ,1. ', ..ii.; -., v
Van Buren
apan and
Fiailey re
•e resolved
or bffive
- den with
Van Burosa
e Will sowor
ming, 'of
Aie. - 0,46 ot itoe-iiippersien4fthe .
ir.' L
&Main Lowe Ciiiiad‘ ad Oltelt-.0: 'lv
failure. A ka rqut4 inA-Vl l o#41 0 1104 l'ld
iced*/ lefiden. Ortbet#eiitilage i
NrY,Walit,t4o 'p i lot ykk liiiipt
Tftelimodon prasi Ily wog A
itieal dam•
tbe Con
ti New
; , i
if 1 NTOfq.
i 1
-. •
3 , 10,11t t
• s• •••••••• s •
1.1 lr4lbe• fed;
e I government., ; A !westing of this vie
I. t held of the ,Crowit and
ne*.itaiefo.beaded by Numb e nd RZse
b tk,'Whenrcaotutions were paiwed faros:
a le`to thipretentiont of the insurgents.—
s e eridently bowe . ier bo repOese
i mind or in the ebinie of tile
: ferninent, whose military preparations
s one scale of great magnitude.
Parliament were to mumble On the
• th of January, but it Sraiiimdersteod that
n `important basiheas lroited. lie hriiitglit,
'f.rwirdbefore the Bth of February.
sFromi Lesion ruis . sa,
Lennox, January 11.
An Brent which met be regarded almost as
o Sonic adarnity 'oecured last nrgiiklAhe Oval
14 changer is a heap of Feline, a dee : fillies fire
h hid waste this extensive eamineimal building,
eiif the most ritegnilicsat to Europe. --Soon
tfe o'crotklast night, the fire tirplie out in
Lgin; coffee remit. at the npr_ Smut corner of the,
• fice, apposite the hank. It 'aslant discover
by onirrif the Sink watchmen. who gave the
al no at the gates, and the Bank engines were
i. mediate)." bronght. , A 8044 party of the
ci y police and night watEhmeii, and the soldiers
• duty in the Bank, imMediately repaired to the
•• and expresses were sent to the fire engine
st glove, at which period no signs attire could be
nin the street. Considerable difficulty was
`riericed in obtaining entrance to the Wilding;
,b:t when this was accomplished the flames tintin
ugh the windows with great fury, and drove
ISOpeople hick. An extraordinary scene ensued:
the whole neighborhood was alarined, and the
t r desmen who'bolg the *Mall shop* around the
e rior of the building instantly commenced
th removal of their good. It was et once pre.
di ted that the whole building would be destroyed,
a d this foreboding was realized too correctly.--
T Jefferies square, Whitecross street. ffarrtnr
d.n 'beet, Schoolhouse lane, and Wackier
Z. 'I ''' • 1 those WI. •gt•t• • W • •
1' England. the country o ffi ce, • were all on .
*prof, with eizty-three of tbe fire brigade men,
thin an boor Our the fire broke out. Before
y water could be throw ontliebtailding it was
. • - ary to thaw the boas and works of the
.glues by pouring hot water into diein g and
• caused some delay.. For some time alter
rds, owing to the intense frost, there was great
,• colty in working the engines. end the first
,1.1, tinged extending in a southwest direction,
-7„, • umiog the whole of the long range of offices
ZiOogirrg to 'the Royal Exchange Assurance
v. ' Piny. •
At twelve o'clonk tin* atil-floydikestablish
.• nt, the coffee room, the captain's room, end the of the underwriera. presented one body of
i• me, which shot up to a great height, illumine
. g the Sank, St. Bartholomew's, St. Michael's,
Mary's churches. Every object was as visit.
• . as at noonday, and the people had assembled
• such large numbers, that the military and
•.: ice were folly oecupied in keeping them be
. • d the each of d'abger. Which was very great,
• ing to the large quantities of burning timber
a ling every minute into the street. At this time
't was foetid necessary to elesr the interior ofthe
of the Exchange of the people collected there.
' • log to the demur Of the smoke and the rapid
• • ress.arthe fire, but rainy could not be in,
• Bed to 'cilia the covered walks until they were
If suffocated, and not a law were expelled by
ce for their own safety. —The gates had been
red open at the commencement cethe fire.
Atone o'clock, the north sod west slides of the
change was consumed, and the fire was rapid
approaching the new tower, which was erected
•• ut 20 lyesrs iago. The efforts of, the firemen
red not to hive the Icast effect"; the tames
tended rapidly over the building. although not
than twenty engines were at work; indeed.
what good'they seemed to do, they might as
11 have.been unemployed.
At two o'clock the flames reached the tower,
d the terror and excitement of the 'assembled
It ii udes in Cornhill, filename. house street, and
• , ultryotrereeitreinc A thnusand.volies mul
led .1t has reached the tower, it's all over."
a e appearance of the frightful conllaglition go
t s period was awful in the extreme; the whole
ot;the Exchange 'was completely enveloped in
mes, and the heat was go great that the fug
• and auxiliaries could scarcely pursue their
is rs near the burning mark
% The splendid Lowe!. nearly 130 feet in height,
w reduced to *thee, the musical peat of eight
Its whit a tenor atria IS cwt. tell ins alter the
er carrying away every thing in their pro.
g towards the payement. including the roof
a d stone work, and the arch over the centre-en
t nee. The clock bad a very singular effect
w Rothe tower was burning. which we* no doubt '
pl Ile at • considerable' distance-. The plates I
i,he dials became red hot. and the . har.da , pn , int.
.• • to lhe tramp ilia niilliten
t e one.
w the wilike link Are, melting chune
rrida and the machinery in a ler Minute,.
The Royal Exchange is stated to be insured
f. £13.000 in one emahlishmerif. Tt is add the
ilding cannot be replaced for less than X150,-
+I One . Recount .aye -IfiThe eafety.viiilte no
d .r the e x change, which are
,now covered with
i• menge heap, Of ruing. and which contain the
.M.booke and dther galiable property be.
log to the London .hankere. it wee hoped
b d escaped dafrr. but, nekton:lately, we learn
t Itere was dot leas than roar feet of water in
Which wiJa being pumped out is fist es
c" , enmatance• ireedd permit."
In_ thgt 'borough on Weiineadt4 night
t at, militlr .tie, daughter or George and
aria Patterson, in the 7th year of her age.
The friends and aquatntances of the
are requested to attend the funeral,
i •
at day . , it 2 ceettick, P. M., without furth
' notice.
On Saturday, the 25th of January Last,
t noon , at Rose Hill, the residence of
s father ,near . Rockville, Maryland, the
I-v. T. J. -ADDISON MINES, alter a
'ln. the deatkof this
;,itlenisc the Presktirien Church has
One of ministers the Irailhjilid,
:teitited by his brethiei and. those who
:w bias as possmatng
esisiscially for -Ste Oysii, whin be
I .
to exercise in the iemcestf •td
'Muter. to the iliueiii iYhsch = lured-
I l iad:his earthly Ciitieri'llt.eihibited the
W rit and temper of-the Christian in his
dries ant. haply thihiningOn4 o thll3N
-1, .
Mr; pdsiimindif:cbecrfid;*-
nite; confiding henr 4 4:lind nn•tAiin k llnn
iiiipoiitionvb, has left a laYge circle
iikintOcii: in AlmildnisitY.,lo4ll,l.
`virtues,. and to- I hOwhiir
Pc' red l6l4 bl:,
Wets tita:ll4 asieri.l4le.
to the Preabyterian Chure.h ur Rockville;
siheiii straoti;wet pre i cMd from Jar:
wai t 10 . 1 14 Weep ye wit for An
kitWiteitiosils Ow." i Aftkt i vtlith, 14e -
Corpes consejedlo.thOfam4 . ,,
ground. where Wives deposited Talonpide
the bodies lufhis ire encl - ero infant sous.
.Thes r . Jesus," he trump
obr the archangel shall irakeritbe . pale pia
goes, - Olen they in one uolsolien circle,
live nd reign milk, their Sa
hour, S. •
elites ,
4E41 indp their t1e5em44111...00, ara
-A favorable to-celebrating tbkoamivere,ary of
the patron mint off Ireland. by Oilskin' of a
mimic dinner, are memo:s:4lo meet at O'Connor`,
Hotel. on Moeday peening' the 15th inst. at 1,
. , _ ,eitlisii,. ,ki Lodge.,
A STATED tkvting
,orpulaaki Lodge. Na
A 416, will be be i at the axial Oat*. on Vey
day eveninf nisi, March nth, at halt peat II
o'clock; P. M. . . •
Punctual raid ce fa re quested. •
ASTATED M- ling of the ; Pettawille Fite.
Eugioe Com . y. will
1 ,
be hld at the house
°Men. Mortimer. n• Wednesday ;evening next,
the 14th feat. a: 70 lock. ELIAS DERR, -
march 10 1 ,2 • Secretary.
AliEwnsgr. ot tlfe First Troop of Sehuyl
kilft.',o' ant . y Catitth:t will by held at the hoarse
of WM. lbfOrtimor, On . Mindaj evenitit The 12th
Mai. at -4 (ea.*. i Punctual attendance of the
members is request 4,as business or importance
will be beforebefore the tin,.
GEOi e
C. WYNK.OOP, Captain. '
march 10
frtHE subscriber
Ji• opening a ver
Seed?, warranted to
'guilty, in of wbi
Eirly Teraii l leet
Loog tloixl t
Early York Cabba •
Large York do
Diu:ahead do
Green Curled Savor
Red pickling do Extra early peas .
Wellington - do Coates's early HI inch
Flat Dutch f . do .,
‘ dwarf peas
Sugar loaf ao Greet? bunch do
Blalock bead 'do.Darerf marrOeifat do.
Curled Crest Large toarioatfiit to
Orange carrot 1 Aimstagne
Early fraMe tacit. . ber Red solid tale 4
Long pickling . d .. White solid i tto
Early curled lettuce citron melon*
India Head Alit Nutmeg melon ,
Early uitiiiate. do FAtlv cau li flowel.
Yellow winter hea d do Ark plant
Mustard seedl Nastiirtium ,
Curled parsley , Bull nose pepper
Sugar 'Paf"_ iq i Sall* i
.Puippilin sm.o i Sweet. marjoram
White unionminer savory
Yellow do i I. 4 :vest beta
Rea atonal do ! Rhgbark
Early salmon radisk Thyme
EMI? bog white do Lavender
White turnip 9 Mignonette -
Red turnip 9 Hemp seed
Yellow summer 9 Canary seed
Stoinnage 1 Corn
1 Flat bush stiutah 1 Flower midi, etc. &c.
All of which willibe sold cheap by
march 7
fp ROCLA MATI • . Whereas the Hon o rable
Comm /Urn/ Eiohly.. Pres_ hien; of the sever
al Courts of Compto nNeuf Of thlocousties of Dau
phin, Lebanon, and Schuyllkil,l, in Penatilvanit; and
Justice of the several Courts of Oyer ind Tetminer
and G engird Jail De4ery, in ihe said. counties, and
-Charge guns/ and el toil, Fe4uires, judges of
the court of Oyer and I ertainer and tleneraljail De
' livery, for the trial oral) capital and other offenders.
in the amid county of buylkill
E., 11,
—by their . precepts by
ine directed. tested** tgaburg. the 30th day of Dec..
,1837. have ordered be Court of Oyer and Termi
ner and General Jail livery. to be holden at 0-Ivigs
bueg. , op , the, last Into ! of March nett. (being the
tfik of saia *month.) tontine one wee I
Notice is therefore ereby given, to - the cenroner, the i
justicesofthe peace, and constables ofthe taut minty
ofSebuylkltl. that they are by the said precepts coin
mandedto be then and there at ten o'clock in the fore.
noon of ictid day. with their rolls, retords.inonisitions
examinattnns.stid all other reasenbranees, to dokhowl
things,. which to theit otrxtes appertain to be done.
and all Orel thatare bound by recogaixerices,to prow
mute against the prisbnera that are, or then aballta
in tbeyail of aid •Ity ollikhoylldkate to be then
andthere to plOsecut than as shall be just,
R. ' P. LUDWIG , Sheriff.
*office dr:
Shen . i I
burg. Mar. 9.;.1 1
God sate e
qms B4 "3 . •
N. B. The witnessing! aqd tutors w sresammened
to &tend iptill Cpprt, • 'wrested to eerie poncho&
ty. ,In Nese o ~ . . "aliens.. thelaw lassich eases
made and pie .ed i will be 'eofbreSsigghts notice is
published by portico order ofthe COw' r . those pop.
crinedibill therefore .'tern tbernielveur accordingly.
• ' or Sale,
AROLM& sub , '• and lot. oat the treat aide of
Maine street. - oont Carbon; the bow is
built of Woe. and well , finished . containing a
kitchen and cellar i the beetenent story, and tiro
soaks on this Out. drand third Iloorre 'each.
Thu eteble is jibe ire built y; ow*. and' him*
enougli:bt seem ate gnir Mrs*. The, lot
contains in (root feetand. in depth .1152 feet;
at head of the is i fine spring of water-
Thevaituation is sr .phses; sant; and front its twee.'
-billy to , tbi-coal la infra. is admiretd, well card
edited for a 164010.6 r
_boat builder. A • kin g
etedil...Tiill Et eyes fir cite haft of ple parchase
, ,
For terntp apply iglEo. b. vilvxdo P.:
_march 10 - , • • 184
v v ado's.
Mare* 10
Wan • anneditty,
• Maids 000ki to d c , th e
hoosowork or family. Alao. — i
Nlltliej who can wall moo nisoothiL
s pit sr this Moe. • •
A Wzr-inias
Ail woo* .
he. just received and is now
choice selection or Garden
be flvsh. and of IA excellent
hive been selected with care.
LOt 'green do
Windsor beans
Butter beans (pole)
. Extra early beans
do Early Valentine beans
• .Girdanst-40dy at thii
1.! 18-8 •
111114 t* relCorlid — most lir:
tbailtlelt. •
14,1 i,:e_: '."-s'.:*'
: •-4*:::: . : . : y .:.:' '.
' - 1 - ' , -.t .
• -
z.-E-Ite 4kl s:eik-i•:. 1 1;f4 '
- ;6-eiiiiNiiitei4i
644,1tf -
it:', " ro-•ll: 'At . i , lli o ii , iiiiii '
.. , .
' -'
• -r • . rAlotiCti"'': I, '
1_ •
HE inhociihafeheivbityre noth*llmt t y
141 i d? an the 20th at February last, withdraw
tkona the irovartnerabip of Wiltiate Reavley,
illinjamin 14ielriaorth; John Brady, John - Tate
Ind Williini Tat a, •Cdal fitiners.'doing business
nadir the firm of William Reaaley - lc Co'. in the
fihantokMeml Region. Northpmberland county%
and me tint tamale/AU fiwttny debts contracted
by Mid firm. L 1 . ..
march 7 , • • . 174*
, , hition . or Pairtn2rshil.
4. • •• • v •
OW t lavrtivership'hanitgore ending katween
". ' . tr. Leavenworth. John C. Lew* and
Andrew S. Deareeend, doing business under the
4rrn orLeavenerarth, r.evaig & Co. In Columbia
ebunty, (iron waiters) is this . day dissolved. The
business of said Srin will be continued by John
C. Leong & Co. .
- - A." 3. VEARISiortb. . •
mirth 717-3*
• 41
~The [larks and..Schnytkill .lournel. Readhrir.
will fphrese loser; the above three times, aad
charge tiiis office,
PIIOCLOLIIIVTIONke—Nntic hereby peen'
that* Conner Common Pless,for she trfal of
causes at issue, itirvind for the county ofpchnllkili,
will be hold at the cmintyriforessud, on
Monday the 19thdayof March neitt,-it 1043'dt:wit in
the forenoon:
.Therefore all persons harlot/1M its pending and all
persons whose dolt it shallhe to appear strand Court.
willtake notice and govern themselves accord
Sheriffs Office. Qrtirias-
burg. BitatTl2,lB3B. 5 . • 16-
frr rtmetual attendance is demanded of the Juane
Ind fiKetnessufta summoned to attend this Conn.
have applied to the Judges ofthe Court ofCommon
Pleas of Schuylhiconnty. for ibe benefgof the dive
ral-Acts of Assam y passed for .the relieof Insolvent
OebtOra. & thatthdddddd said Judges have appointed Mon.
day she Nth 'day of March nest. at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon. at'llie Court House. in Onrigabarg. for the
hearing of us and onrcreditors. whermad where they
daayattend if they think proper.
• march 3 16-
cpy virtue of Several writs of Venditioni Es.
Ancw . pona • and Lenin Facia{, issued out of the
Court of Cominon Pleas of Schuylk3P County,
andtome directed, will be exposed to public sale
On Akindity the /2th a tirottrifcl
oezt, at the house of WilliirA" - Luts, innkeeper,
hi t$ town of Piriegreve, county aforesaid, at 10
ii`clUck, A. s.—T he Undivided half of a certain
. • . lot of ground; situate i the borough,
of-Pinegrove, county a ra sh), bis;ind.
OS e ed by :Pulpehocken tog the went, j
AI • 1 by a public otreeten t north, by ee l
alley on on thp east,kby land of Elth:i ge 4r. Co. 011
. LNIIP9 III . with the epoei tenances, consisting of
a two story frame dwelling house and kitchen,
,and frame stable. Also, a certain tract of laid -
situate in Pinegrove township, cooiy aforesaid, 1
bougged by lands of j&cob lei be, F ern,. Mpib A.
i l
Lothere, containing one hundred a les, more a.
lessovith the appurtenances. consisting of. two
story lug dwelling house and a log barn—late the
estate of John fluter and Marcus Cadman.
On Tuesday the lath of 'March
next, at the hoinie of Jost ph Weaver, innkeeper,
in the boroogfi of Pottsville, mainly aforesaid, at .
10 oiclock A. M.—All that certain lot or piece sit
ground ( sitoste,in the town of New Castle. coon.
ty aforesaid, marked in the general plan of said
town No. 9, on the southwesterly aide of Centre
*pee, containing, in frentonmad Centre street,
60 feet. and ig depth 180 Set. bpunded southeast
eily by lot No. RI, sonthwederly by Walnut
street, northiresterly by lot N0..8. end northeast
led), by said Centre street; together - with the ep.
L purtenamms—late the estate of Bernard Tager.
at the acting time and place, all
that certain lot or piece of ground, situate In the •
town of * New t Castle. county siformiatd, marked
in the general; plin of said togs. No. 11.. on the
`southwesterly side ofeeiktreeireet. and northwest.
arty Ode-of-Alabama, street 60 feecand In depth
180 • feet, bounded southeasterly by Alabama
street,sontliwesterly by Welnut street.notthirest
gay ,hy lot No. • 10, and northeasterly . , by- said
Centre street, together with the appurtenjoess. r .
late the estate of./eke Spain. . ~...,, , ,.. •.
.tlt the came time and plitie, all
that lid or piece or gropaplog!uoto hi the
borough of Pottsville, Schuylkill County, bound
id by the river Schuylkill. in wont by the Centre
turnpike, in theoear by lot No . 8, belonging now
or lately to Abraham Pott, northwesterly,hy
lot No. 1. beaming to the New York aniSelstigl
kill Coal Co. talkie east, containing in frontain,
thetivey Schttylkili 618 fl. 9 tn. and extending in
depth to rid :et ilre turnpike road; it Minty the
al* Rimini which the said Jacob W. fields
;liter by demildatedthe 4th June, 1837, eartisysil
•to the the said Merge N. Gregor.
ett the One time and pliiiii i ft
' ce min lot of ground antler let in
ligrough of Pottsville, .13ehifylkill
' a c
' n ly. numbered in, the pliMefthe
to 'n,!No: il l imended lit/Kahan*. „
so street, by f eet 'alley, and 4. kit t.I , a*.
twining in NO' feet;itud ip depth44o ratio.
other with- the build:gigs therm -.emitted; it be.
ing tbesime kot' fground whichlehh Hann, by.
his died of doh co, himiligtdahr the tlth
t ut
day of Febrit , y:, /LOAM reeordedatOnvige.
hart, ,in-.tho con y' of Scl uylkill. iii)ke. office
for- di tk
eede.e. in deed 'rook N0..6.•
pg 34 -Verdant coning unto : the mid,
I C. Off it in fee,' with the appurtenances,
ere Jag of. three Two &mg . Slope dwelling im
with " tant Stake. '
4 4 / I °. a -ea - /et emend and.lown .10 in
. 'it pf Pottinille; in the-SOM.
i lin I. ,of ficheylkilki marked in the 41.0
itild a, thgtnein Flo. 70, bounded: by Ma. -
herds ger itreet; by lot No.
30 feet alley. lea lir lot: No. Coettioiiioi 'JO
tor breadth 'fitet,,ktid in dePtle-,* f knek
140 root. 11 1 . building. Omit*: evil:tad:it
tug ea the let ofgrogitir -No. 'IS-,makitiveo:
s r
1 Tkr and iy. Ann hie wife by their Deed.
I ‘ll °O ri ll - daltiall' , .ar Falielea l 7.-As 11:481111,
cesseded st Wet rie, in the ofielikr recordiag
st Dimaoi, 464 Uri tact* the iminttp.'et. flithiijl
la,. 1n,'0,4 , • • ' - NO.' ik,fige.OTir - did: grant
4 1 4' ,•P° i ll; -fibt•lkeaC' C' 41141 1 u4 11); .•
1 .0 4 411 1 1#t - 1/ 0 4 4 1 0 1 °001:541
wainwupcot hugs aro dorrelot Itit4 .
*Smi .il 'I II M IO- Arikii .
lifift,ol - Aiiiiii . ..4 l'''' '''. 'j . ' A ';,.,,,
• -A414
i - '!frxr: 3 •l
..,.. _ k ...
~, ...
'Oil ikeignisdartheA4 - .'dat:lf
IliatCh wittl:itigni' Aiciosent !Bichsel't' - ; ISSN'
k e i. 9 o l - I ,l ll ' t ' or. Qnriiiiliti "the
' '"E*I . -45 ' W1,P 1 4 0 4 It Ithleekseriti»; `, ,'
.`•; 1 7,- - _::
r 4 0, 1:,, ',..A.' ter um% : 1,44...:;0f landed .it'lTDiwi
-bOroligh eirOrwmsbarl. eounttak '' Whihrid..'
ed by.thelltelLainebilig, rued. Zainfiettatjtrial4
Wasiiiiiginti**l. :}iirepas, stniii; - iiiaiiCChiiinii!
tuat unitalaitittwo hares and ia hitlOntio or kw:
with the"likiraTattees. ".' ri• ' - !_o'-'l , -: 'i37-it .:- .*--:,L
I Nm2. : Alio 'ls eiriaiiilot`..Or piyierot, , h4tillo.
1 nate hillieliorepogb ofOriiigibiargriiiithitt ifiwo.-
paid.-licunideid; by Independenchretreell, - wpoldth
alley and, la Kw Mic'end marited.l* h Rene*
plan et the ant llo £ l ;Militailinliair
flambee striet.incisure„ with,thc.amitterMints*
...Rin..3. Alio,. o etrtiiiklet or Pieco'nfitfaintn4
shoals In ihi biirelaighWtrivigiburg; 00t . iuty,: . ,t,., -
fiweiaid,,hoOnded by 16112 - uhl l eet. ' 3' '4lll . ati
and - a Oldie alley,..anehiarked.-itt dermal!
Reed's additional plan loth/town ofiDewigshorgi
Np,215, 214.235 and 216. and cantaiinngliteht
strict measure,} with-theappurtenaneee, '>'.-1
*/' tie. 4. Alan. a certain pieCti, orhohl
alti . aiPitate in the borough of.oostgolitirii
county aforesaid, boundetiby,the*Ona;
tre turnpike, land of4ohtit ifatimen
George Bodeydr..iind Zdwoildil.` filible*,..canki..;
taining.6 +keret , . mg; ar. / 1 , ;Pak illea2Porlak'.
nonce* aninsisting of ;''two storykig lwillnii
house and barn, „ / - - '''''.." l '
No. S. Alsoohe undivided half or &Aortal*
tract of liar mate in Norwegian Idimehik lit
the county's4iresiid, hounded by lan6e of John
WhiterWillian Wagner. land orgetiii & Co
ed the Oak Hili tract, end others. containing
acrgh more octets. with the Oppurtenances.
o. B. Also, Pie undivided halretii , eermia
tract of land, situate in * Norwegian pkwaskiMi
county aftwesaid, - surVeyed on a 'mutant ;risked
to James L. Minn, and held in commou r iVith,
John - Hannan, containing 100 acre*, snoniewirA
with the apourltnance* , " '- -I'
)to. 7. Aled,'the undivided hell of a - Certain'
tract of lurid, situate in Schuylkill towt.ship,couii.
ty aforesaid. hounded by landrof lute Joha(Petri
deceased, David Nice end others, containing ZIG
acrev more or leas, witkihe appurtenances:::
No. 8. Also, the undivided half' of a 'certain
tract of hand, ~sitelate in Schuylkill. tdarnehili l ,
county aforesa id; bounded by lands of =John Patt i ,
drceascd, and otheri, containing 128 acres- mote
of leis:, ahhlhe appurtenances,
No. 9. Alen, the undivided ono ninth parker : 4i
certain ;Mei ot land situate inl Schuylkill 'town
ship county, aforesaid, surveyed on a warm:4
granted to ,Elizabeth .DaviS, bounded , by latida,'
surveyed to Catharine Berger and.others, °pieta
ing 400-sere's more or leas, with the appurtena nt'
..... .- .
No.lo. Also, it certain:lld of,jiri,metp
.. situate in the tton3ogh o: Mincion*
. si 1 • county lareamd. boundedbySonbury
street, Leath; street and lut.Nl9 a 0
10, and marked in the plan °rite to.On,
~9.'- ` II!
with the appurtenances, comitstintafe two story
frame dwelling house arid `kitchen.. ' -
No. U. Also, the undivided third
_part of- it,
certain tract of had, situate in Rush_ Townvhip.,
county arnicio)d, bounded by Janie iirßialmel
Dickerson,. the: Valley, "mimes Company ati4
otheri, containing 400 acres more of less—Later
the r eat& of Weero Rahn.
On WO day' the I 9th oPfarehi l
next, at the house,k Maid Boyer, innkeeper in
the borough iit Oiwigehorg. at 1 o'clock, P.. ill. ,
. -
. • All that certain two story firaniti,
Rill s &KAM, holm. with it begoniaCat - o. r
714f.atttne. a Kahl* ana lot of ground.
satiate in Lesions' addition to Port.
Cation, bounded-by *wad street. third .ittitek
and Morrie street. and by lot No. 91. containing
in width 50 feet.and in depth or length 150 . feeti.
and hcing I .qP; tot which is, marketrin tewtona!
addition to rod Carbon. with the No. 91). Altai.'
All Dtat,iertaill•lwo story frame dwelling *Mimi
-iiild poet tor;alat of ground, situate ip Lawton+
addition,te-Pert Carbon, bounded by Market - di
Second - et. and by the •restdos.of the iitistatA.
containing 1n width 25 feet . ; end in lingtit 'or
depth 112 fclet. and being a part of theitame kat
which is marked in the general plan ottiWton's
addition to Port'bon. with • the number' 33.
late the estate of --. • •
At ?he ea e time and place l .alt
thole two certain iota ofground oriandings, alb
thicken the river Schuylkill, marked in Garneeli
additional plan to Port Carbon. with Nc4.l6'and
17. one of them No. 16 containing id front on
mud-river 70 , lest, and in depth to the ,rail road;
and No- 17 1 containing rn s front °nth* aaidtrakl
road 71) feet, and in depth to the said road, wi
the apportenances i _late, :the estate of i
Seized, taken in execution and to be atddlki' -
-• •
PETER F. LUDWlGaileriit..
Sheriff's oft e Orwier.
beige; Feb 24, 1837.
coilumwf SCHOOLS.
TUEREAS, by an act Of the Legislature of
Piontinia, entitled • tAn -Act- to estab.
lie a.:Gene Sysivim of Edurn4ion by Common
Ficiriolit:i pa April lot A. D. 11134; it
ided- that the city and county of Philadelphia,
and gimpy other county in this Commimiitrabbi
dad each lbrm a School Division, and that ;trirli
lei towbahip,'Ward and borough. - withinthi'livii
elitlifebool. Division,. %hall each 'Sum a School "
District: PrOvided. that any borough which M or
par be connected with a towlishipliotheAsimi t
meat and collo - elicit of comity rates iiit. iesims
shill with the said township. jotiforiiiirit remains
so ebrineeted, them a district, and , eadr - olfjaid,
disfricui shall contain a competent number- rdi
CoMmon Schools for the education of iiiieri:chl t
within' the limits thereof, oho 'shall liiii!f-e!
hi-person or by his or her paienls, - 4pardian, _
'nazt friend. for admission and instrtictionr,Wa
further. that' the Sheriff of each county itiya s :
ate, t
by forodlaination, that the ;aliens of -
I School District hold elections in ifieltri4eitb
townphips, wards. and borool th ii*- ihil4ll:.
whirs they ,bold their election Aiii
- ,158'
%Wen CoirnOili, arid ,Constablm.4oshillinditw
citizens of rilikiSchtiol District, to teivirruifik * '
Director" fin said School Districts. m : L. ': .
' NOTICE is therefore- birebygivemi:ihat th
citizens Aif esich•School District i
, n this MiontY or
I Schuylkill:Meet at their reepectivOdainsht
fojr,bmointh had (township - electionn,.* *bath) '
Friday - in •Marchi . lwhich Irjil Ire. th o1,150110i:
and then and th eui chomit trio ` ettl of Mt
School District to4ttryar as SificrOl i_ ~ ‹,
said districts tamittayaly. artdckiiidikii,c l.- , .
AVE be conducted - arid held hrtba *ma
ailialactioaa for.Ouiporfruiculi 3 Oudimaga ,. .biikiiiii
fait-1W 110 citilduatia.% ,- tf —_-, , 'il , - - - 5 - 6-,
..,. Given mat my, hand at til'o4reoiit:i'iki:ltit
day of March. in too l'eal 'Pfleif /4 1 .4' 1 .0* , iiillik:'
4adred and thirty ht,, , ,, , ..--,, , ,.&,.,,r..
1111" ,1 1 - 1111 , t - .I4 .IIJATESi f., Rt t'N,=4lbiiij• z` SODU 17i', •
, - march '7' • , ; • • '
MEW F,LANNELBO.- Xilitra.fritA4
GetTA , the 'aslbilivibusi:
aye 1441. 1 r, •!SAI,
• T,-.P
- • . 4
, ~... ... i•,-; . , A;:, e.
~i, . • r , i. - -:. , :;: , ,:ii.:,,,,;.:7;‘ ir i .
',..,#,,•-•:_„;..,, ;I: ::-..." ' : I' -,
X l 4'