VOL. 1 PRINTED BY BELT ND KIWIS. • MU *AN 2 1 F CcR in advance. 11' a charged to all postage. To RI • paid within the ce ofsubseriptio EPELY. Tanta :Doeu t as payable semi-ennu o,e the year, 10 wi ll eitive the pagerfree $3 per anneal. If po Will be added to the Twp,Domina pe in adralice. If not be charged Advertisements charged ill for three laaertioa. Luger annum. payable s within the y exceeding twalre; rlertionr—atid 50 .1 in proportion. will be inserted t whi th they are to • charged ill b.- to All advertisemeo ont. unless the timer r specified And will Yearly ad sellouts mcludlig enbseriptio of keeping one adve standing during the y et one in each paps r All letters address otherwise no attend. All notices for rn which have heretofo charged 25 cenui ea The lea THE •' 1 FROM. the wor •m above one hurl in London by the e 4 and abridged iit Engravings. Thiel parts, at 25 cents e completed, and can Book Store where caved. june 24 ~~ i BOOK Bm-Ar• ery in non where all kinds of shortest notice at to jan 27 1 & Brot er,, OLD STAND • H FRONT ST EET, ST SIDE, THE CORNEIt 0 Ascii 'Sv.. ADELPHLA, CTIJR ERS Calomel, Red Precept, White do ' Vitriol Alb, Sulp. Quinine Tart Emetic Ether Sulph. do Nitric I do Acitie Lunar Cluatid Com. do Acit. Morphiti • Sulpb. do • Lae.Sulphor • t Opi. tle Narcot. Eormes Mineral Etbiopa do. or,Salt Nnre,Brini one, Bons, e above mentioned articles. to. '1 assortment or Nina'. Drugs - 'other article in the Chem e. Nether AT 7 No. 65 NOR Tipuss DOORS PHI MANUF White Lead dry and ground in Oil. • Red Lead, Lithratte, Cromdk Yellow, do f Green do Red Patent Yellow Sugar Lead Coperat 04 Vitriol • Aq. Fortis . Module. Acid Epsom Salm Tart Acid Sup Carb. Soda Carron, Sub Merc. Refiners ofChamp &c. Offer for sale t getber with a gee. and DyerStuffit, and . cal and Medicinal Being meant • • ander the above h ••• • ply their friends • ble, terms. Ando* and Pi Oct 21 183'7 of all the articles enumerated .they pledge themselves to sup the public on the most reasona- e Glass, from 6 8J to 24 30. ! Cheese i! mum cheese, le • do Clime 20 Casks of pre 20 Boxes pine a for sale by dee S - apers Co $ 1 PEktS, complete astrations, just a s! Pickwick -113ICKWICK P hers. with • for sale to r y . Jan 6 • S •aim's Panacea, just receiv. the prqprietor. .Upwards of nd Bottles of this valuable list year, and tht demand is by the dozen, or single bottle. or three bottles ftir $5 by B. BAIIINAN, .nt for Schuylkill County. rmifuge. 20 DOZEN ed fresh fro Sr-vent:v.-Five'Tho medicine were sol increasing. For sal Price $2 per bottle Sole Also Swaim's V . aits dC. CO. • their wholesale and retail rats' . . Ceitre. 3 doors lielow Marke ent9f fresh Groceries,consist N.N OFFER for sale ty Grocery Sto • street. a prime asso at of Java, Rio, StDomingo - N. Orleans. white:llmo New OA •. • i • pita. . 1 C od • ad browned . c iv i l , brown and sugars arlaafand lamp , W e " , 1 Molaasea } it , c ,. Tana i ",1 - i Chocolate ; .• bib turns, are per* II ' •• • • :•• • -.• • . . I wilt.A. mica Imo Tonnes, Tax or ypis X 411141191 maim On nom Tun Cayman 01 mg movirmis, MIZTAtiI WINIOU WILLOI 115111311911iT0 001117 D , itimnue TO - 0111 CU AND P1X.,1111111.—DC.10111111021. . . . . Benjainha WITTORXEr„.I2I HAS removedhis Oaks to Centre Btreecint - Avii-posite the Brick Building of George M. ;Jen flute, where he will streiid to all business ten. United uphill in the 10e of his prolkasion, Oa. 81 - • 051 per anatne, paid with . who re ,aisbeeribent Menai • The. Polity, illigazime erase , • ful Knowkledge, . Idecidedly ape of the Sheapeatand moat ;po. A puler periodicals now extant—there are 200.- 000 copies sold every month in England . , and 63,. 000 in America. The Parts of vol. 6 (for the year 1837) as far as received, can be had atithis office. Price 185 per plict. or $.2 00 pier Tina Magazine is pub?l , :ed in monthly parts. containing 40 large pag Abe present volume is much enlarged and,imp d. The illostrations of wood cuts are caseated in a superior manlier. There is au advantage in' taking thie work over all others, a person can di;Continue it whenever be sees proper, for each part is always complete within itself. Complete sets of this work from the commence. meet can be procured of .he subscriber. at per volume. ' i B. BANNAN. Nov 4 an-anima* $t 50 will Ines will be llforone til ordered - continued am; ilege 'imam BOOKS of various kinds for colliers, II- and others, just repisiied and fpr sale by , B. BANNAN. Also—drafts, notes andtbecks bound in books. Jan 27 : , - 6 CALL AT THE New Establisluasenty Corner of Centre and Merkel . / Streets, Potiebills THE subscribers respectfully announce to their friends and the public generally, that they have taken the tor formerly occupied by Jacob Bull & Co., cornericif Centre and Mirket streets, where they are Doti providedwitba choice assortment of . Dry Goods, Groceries ) . Liquors, disc. which they are determined at the Very low. est prices. HAZZ.ABD A. STILAUCII. N. B. All kinds of CoMitry Produce taken at the highest market priceit. April 1 2-6 Catholic :Books • pious GUIDE. Key to Paradise, True Piety, Catholic Piety, Douay Bible P.,ior Man's Bible, and 5 - mall Catechism, • Just received and for sale by B. BANNAN. Dec 23 5 LIFE OF HENRY CLAY, by Prentice, kid received and (or sale by jan 20 B. BANNAN. Comfort and Convenience. To THE HEALTHY AND SICK. The subscriber respectrhily informs his, friends and the public at tarp, that, since his return from Europe, be works with a new zeal and diligence at the manufacturing of Elastic Matrasses in this Borough, and flatters himself, without fearing the accusation that he i 0 a Boaster and Charla tan, with being able herea(ter to make such mat tresses as not to be inferior to any work of this kind, in reference to their beauty, solidity, and durability, and people will certainly be convinced. of the .comfort and saving of time, which the" articles afford, principally when there is some body sick in the family. Besides the subscriber knows the old adage. **the work must give credit to its maker," and he therefore, very politely invites thole wishing to get an article of this description, to come and examine for themselves,tnie of the said Metres- D es, just now fikiehed, that they may be convin ced of the truth of his saying. N. NATHANS & Co. plete. %I 26 Nom . wed Ind NAN, bells 'ivy. }Sees Ili ea .T er a lee -luau J4 l l ash p 4 I g P ens Oa ' sago yalloar soap unpaiOne Wines :pi In wood & bottle ilk Made.) a & Co* weinkey perminitcondlala uth nom brandy RAID' *my iVars 40.'4110. &c. ell of the Soot seemoes ' Teem Iteepers 11lila - . i. : .-.6 - 0, ~, I. A . n , . Reading, Jan. 18, 1838 P. S. Peraoni wishing to buy Elastic Mitres; sea, of the : description aforesaid, will please sp• ply to the sub.crtber, a few doors above Featlier'i Store, in Reading, where a list of subscription is open to the public, as toe manufacturing thereof wants some time. The Matrasses will not be delivered before May next; • The undersigned has; at the request of Mr. Bavar Mavis examivecf his newly invented "double Spring Elastic ',Meanies." Its uniform elasticity renders it truly. luxury for common use; and tc the sick especially. Such as are long confined to a hot ivintal posture, it promises to prove invaluable. Ili permanent smoothness will supersede the necessity of removing the pa. tient oto•mate his bed," while its elastic quality appears well calculated lo obviate in a great de. gree or entirely prevent the sloughing so apt to occur in eases of long cdnifinement. ISAAC HIESTER, MD. 1 fully concur in the ppinion above expressed, in regard to Mr. Meyre'e "Double Spring Elastic Matrass" JOHN i j ' P. MASTER. M. D. Havinrcarefully examined Mr. Henry AlLeyre's "Double Spring Elastic( 'Morass," I concur- in the above opinion, beliriving it to answer all the purposes intended. , JOHNS. 0770. 1 have examined Mr. eery Meyrs's • "Double Spring Matra's" with ).e, and 1 would recom mend it to all pylons, d especially to dab sick, , i[ as i t would be avast advantage to them. .I,ACOB iIARSHILL. Having carefolly swarmed Mr. Henrys Hey- We "Double Sprit!, Mastic Marries," irony coneor.in the opinion eXpreseed. in the foregoing certificate. A. IL .WITA VAN. I hive examined witliFse tie Metrass " and fully . •, cur in the !clam. ia, hove expres;ed,ss-to itii.neefulness and general good qualities. 1 , #. MUHLENBEItO. At Mr. Meyre'e requell. I examined his 4Elar tic Matron. " and conch in the favcirablel s opin ions espresleA by the a . namcdlentleMan. I • NON 0. BIROIL ECHAN'S.Doniesi Medicine, from the 22d B English ediliciaAti4sytegivedand for ii,als by jigs 20 4 - IL, RANN4N, Clove seed.: .` J received-sad f ' Palo , • lig 20 timbal* prime efrot sod. !, a f rtmun 1141=p Feb 2[ • , .... I I . . .. . I ' 1 . • I • . . . - . , . . • . , . . 7 - • . - ' 4 . - ;....* ...s: -- ' .r *cit.i. VS . ' y ' - law. - 1 . - : . !C roirTinm - ""' 6 iLitGrant - iiiira ~,,,-'' :7 • - , air . - : its, _ • _ . . -, • ,t• al ' ;' - .. I . jam ' IMSEne - ' , , I• - . C4cap Raisins and Nunes. J' if received by tbeeubecriireri LP ' WO -lbs. Raisin; can Prune—which beirill saliva 6 1 1 code per b. J0 . 1 . 1V S.C.. MARTEN. Dye 2" 2 100 REAMS Wrapping Paper. -fix sal wholesale sad cheap, &h ; 3 00/103. - lian Ibe• Boa Featbare.justraceividaed liana offered &made by HAZZARD - 4 , MAUCH. Nov 11 ' • • " '5l- IFAZtARD STRAIICIEVS W LiLS:ALE ANO - RA7,44,L 1004;111X411 2 ,.groicry . quer Store, Geraer. ofeenue gad Market areal. Pottieille. April & 28- ' BR'S CHEMISTRY, price 61. just T(3. 21 - calved and for sale by B. BANNAN. 27 6 • Religious Works. BANNAN has just received th e following works, London and America ed does, which he offers for sale cheap. Original Family Sermons, 5 vols. Mauillons' Sermons. • Leland's view of Detstical Writers , Sturtevant's Preacher's Manugl, 2 vols, Drew on the Resurrection, I Drew on the Soul. Bridge's on the Psalm CXIX, Faber on laiidelitv, James' Christian Professor, Pried Essay On Religloine Dissensions, Cbrieriatr Father at Borne, i A Mother's Request, &c. 4c. r• • dec•22 5 English and Welsh Books. /ORR Subscriber will import all kinds of Eng: -m; Ush and Welsh Books, at the shortest notice These persons wishing to obtain foreign publics. tions'ivill please leave a list at the office of the Miners' Journal. B. BANNAN. _Rec 23 - 5 NEW GOODS. JOSEPH C. KERN • D ESPF:CTFULLY informs the citizens of Pottaxille & vicinity, that he constantly keeps ob band, at the corner of Centre and Callowhill strums, neit door above the Nitional Hotel, a, large and elegant assortmerit of Staple and Fancy Dr Goods, with a choice selection of Wines, Li. quors and Crockery ware, all of which have been parbhased at the very lowest cash prices in the Philadelphia market, nod will be sold at 121 per cent advance. 411 kind of country produce taken in a:Change for • oods. aug 19 39—tf FOR SALE. 'VIM undersigned offers for sale all that well .!known three story ,BRICK STORE AND DIFELLEVO HOUSE and the appurtenances, sitiiate in Centre street, Pottsville, the property of the underaigned t together with nine other tenements in the rear of said building, and the lot lof ground whereon the whole stands. The bridk building aforesaid, contain . . thirty feet in ImM—finished from the basement story to the geiret in the best style of workmanship, and both asp business stand and a residence, is most fa vourably situated. The foregoing property will be Sold on low and accommodating terms. Part of the purchase money may remain on the prop. ertr for a few years, it desired. Title indisputs. ble and possession can be Oen immediately-- apply to G. M. JENNINGS: • April 22 32—tf • Pottsville. • New Goods. A general assortment of fresh and seasonable Goods just received—consisting in put of • Dry Goods, • - Groceries,. Hardware, •Queentrwskre ) Mackerel, Salt, Plaster, -- ecc.. ace. wli s ieh will be sold low for cash. The highest price paid in cash for all kinds of emboli" puxies. JOSEPH WHITE & SON. fount Carbon, Dec 2 2 HENRY 111 EYRE. ' 4-3 m rfl subscriber has now on hand at his St o r e Et and Storehouse on Centre and Rail . Jzoae streets, a full assortment of Goode, suitable for the coill region viz : i Barr Iron of assorted sizes, Band and Eidop do . do Nails and pike Rods do do Steel, Round & Square do do i Nails and Spikes do do Cull Shovels ' do .do Hardware, a general assaortment i . All of which be is selling at reduced nice,. Jan 13 2 J CLAYTON. TAPUYAS ELIXIR, For the instantaneous come THE TOOTH ACHE; Dllseerrareal and brought to its gritatest perfection BY MONSIEUR CHABERT. - i This is to certify that t bays tried f your Tapuy l it Elixir in several cuss of Tooth Ache. in. yibieb va certainly found of very great perdu. : J. R.- HARVEY, ' Member Of the Royal Collegeof Sugeona. 1 Landon, Sept. 10; 1880: " . • A friend stepped in tosay that be bad visitor • Firs King this morning. and witnessed his mellows cure of the Tooth Acbk. One little y in particular. who looked Cross enough to bite a ten - penny nail clear Of, ii ten Minute's smiled a the • decayed Moth and'defted'its painr—U. 8. VILLE, P. 4►: SATURPAY-MOUNINGIOIIAItoII to. i 6 RIJT BaRG-.IIMS: t. flaluable Real Property in Pottsville, Medal Cheese, Soap &c. 40 casks superior medal cheese, 50 boxes Philadelphia soap. 18 1 hhd. Irish oat meal, for sale by MILLER, & HAGGERTY. NovlB - . 52-Smo A fresh @apply of tbeabovejuiet And torah by B:BANNAN, Bobaylkillei6ist,j" /44i. July 13 Rtrit /0 FoRAIS.-44214 jibast inOujast fezhi liwaii brads 2 114.11. - - - - - - - ta , nale4,l bid tdsi gka ' • - 211).000 Lethse.4 *likable far raker •or obi* 4lifitte - 4) . A.A. GLLE. 431011nd Clot it! Cloths! fl .lams :.NALTHANS Eke& bare - Doer on Astrid .Lmsepleddidwelortmeut of Blue, blank, olilre,greew and claret cloths, do do and fancy cesohneres, Phiin and egured - eattinetta, Mohair pilottleitlis and . othertnatinga, • Gentili& caniblets, wattage, &c &c all of whickbeing prcliaved at auction in Phila- delphia, fuwA,Naw York, we guarantee to 'ell, AO per cent etieapbr than can be purchased ebiewhere in till's borough. f.t deC22 . Far Sale, - . A eakniabk Tract-of'roal Land, L YING and ian, on th West Branch near the We WOE la the township of Norws. i t wegst Branch Rail Road, bout tour miles from Schn7l , kill Haven --ther it .me or more Coal Pena passing through this and. For irifigmation ap. ply to - 4 'JACOB REED. • at Pottsville,' pr Mr. HOFFMAN, Esq. March 25 24- 1 • at Reding., Dying and Scouring. A UGUSTUS EHLER bits returned from Fla rope. and intends to commence fancy and plain dying, in Silks and Merin" at his ole stand in Centre Street, Pottsville. Also scouring coats and pantaloon.. He la restful for past favors, •nd Elopes by attention and punctuality to merit a continuance of bile former custom. Deo 23 3-ti holesale and Retail Dry Good Store. POLLOCK & *SAVER have just received "in addition to their extensive assortment of DRY GOODS, Super SuFerior Blue and Blatt Cloth, superior fancy coloured do. new style ea:. simeres, satinet's ind Beverteens, miners' fus fiane, kC. Feb 18 14— Encourage Home Manifactures. Conftctionary Manufactory. 'RE subscriber respectfully announces to the m• public that he - has commenced the Manuiac. ttire of Confectionary in ell its .various branches, at his Store in Centre Street, nearly opposite the PottiYille Rouse, lirbere Confectioners' and .utti ers can always be, supplied wholesale and retail, at the lowest Philadelphia • mill prices. • Country Merchants are respectfully solicited to call and examirie his stock before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN S. C. MARTIN 50-1 I' nov 4 Pickles, Pieserves, & Sauces. NNATHAN§ &tri. would infiorm ' the La. • dies of Pctisville and vidinity, that they hove just received direct from the manufactory an assortment of i . . 'Pickled Waldats, cauliflower, pickolily, iGerlqns, red cabbage, mixed pickles, • Mangoes, onions, lobster, &c. East and. Went India preserves, Strawberry, rpspberry and gooseberry jams. Currant jelly' French mustard, Anchovy, loblter, John Bull, Reading & ra nee sauces, Mushroom and walnut ketchup. Also—Figs, raisins, citrons, almonds, eaurrants lemons, &c. pitYrICIE i fr i 18 hereby given . that letters of administration Ja• have been gran to the subscriber by the Re gister of Schoyik' County, of the estate ofJatess Wilds, deceased , ate of Northampton oounty.- - -- All persons indebted to said estate. are therefore requested to make payment to the sithecriber, and such who may hese claims en said estate, to pre. vest them duly atithenticated horsettkment. EDWARD WILDE. • Jan 27 4-11 Administrator. SCHOO BOOKS. • EATON'IllGeph, of Pennsylvania, ' Frost's American :pecker, and Frost's History of the lofted States, Together with a .variety of other books, lust' re ceived and for safe by B. BANMAN. WILL BE SOLD 4at Private Sale. A good two sins bouse and lot of ground, situate on Centreistreet. The lot hi 20 feet front on Centre street. and 230 feet deep, extending to the Mount Carboy Rail Road—the House is sub stantially built, and well situated foshany kina of public busibeius. , ALSO. Two good two story frame houses and., lot 4 of grotind, 'situate 'in Beatty's Row, Norwegian Strert. Each house and lot to 20 feet front; the houses are well finished with lichens attached to each house, an .are are situated n the most bust. neva part . of tow . All of th above property will be sold very iheap—lbr to a and particu lars apply to ANDRE RUSSEL, , ' Jan 6 7 " Ma antango Street. Admiliatrato saie. ICU ILL be Id op Thu ay, ttus 22t1 a n d 5 .. Friday th SSd of Mar , at 'lO o'clock Al M. at the late residence of John Bowen, •de al:o9E4.lo Manheun townshiSchuylkill coun ty. the entire perimal estate of said decedent, 12 7 bee 'consisting . of Horses, Cows. p, Plows, Har rows, Wagon, Hiram. Hay, Straw, Wheat. Rye, B uc k w heat, potatoes, vain n the ground, and a general assortineut of farm ng . utetwils. _Alio. BousehMd and Mt-. en furniture... Con. misting of 1 Clock; Beds.: • • • lag, Stove, Chairs a nd rabies, Coolloard, and the requisites of hotiselteeping- 1 , Tains made known at tb it ine of Bala. , r. • B IefUEL,BOWER. - $ 0 .: BOWEN. 1 -, o Athantatore. . Feb 44 • 0 t,D Fix ititei2E c • gild for saw, ~rw., b og *PT. Ace a „ . jurle I a IIOWL jetsfoPt l ai -VC: gate, bpi tat, of Letters. 131811lAnklaiGiin Um Poet Office et Pottsville "VA arch I, DWI, Alken t Obarlss Allan, Gaols Anodes Joseph Aissandar Jamas • ActuBtlllary ' 8 Britton Daniel Backiiian David Blinegine Daniel Backman Frederick BartV Horatio Barger Henry Ravi Joseph Brenta James Beistal John- Badly John 11.3 tile Matthias Bergen Peter • Brasil. Perry binders Samuel Beddall Thomas Barry Thomas C Clark Getirge Carrel Madill • • Coveran Patrick Chadgewick Sayer Cupp Samuel Corey Thomas Dangler Frederick Dixon John Diet Sarah Edwards Philip Eaton Win Fragain Fees . George Frey Martin Ftlnau¢h Mrs Gable Aran Gebhart Catharine Griswold Chests: Groves David Gordon Newell Grey Orlando 11 Sorer ins Isaac Hilbert Benjamin Stewart Jacob Herb Daniel Smith John Humbert Frederick Sheridan John Harris John Stouch Joseph Heebner Lydia Fimith Seines Herborer ltlr . ' Schrot Martin, Hirshamari Woblfgang Stroup Peter J - Slim Shelly Jdbnson Ilirrict Stout Susanna James J6,hn H ' ' Slanker Susanna Janteti . Thornes Sclera 'Wm JanslYmU . . , • 1 K till! John To Krebs Henry • • W King John West Abraham Krems' Michael Weaver Eheabetti KeeMan Patrick Weist John Kelley Sarah, Walker Joseph Kline WM s • Wilson Rosanna L. Wythey Samuel iistenschneider Adam Weaver Samuel Lord Charles Weil Solomon Lots George • Watkins Treaherne Llano Susanna - Walsh Wm Lane Richard Walsh John Lovering Richard . Williams Win Momo Atersnder Yoder Daniel Meyer C H Morr Daniel Zimmerman. James qtlP LETTERS. Bradley Charles Kemdan Nail Dowling John Ker John ' pavis John Lowther Edward Keefle John Roberts David Symone Gerge Persons ealling` for letters in the above list pill please aay they are advertised. K cuicuoirrEß, P. M. 163 march 1 Talinibie Coat and timber 'Land FOR SA LE:. SITUATED in Schuylkill comity en the head waters of the little Schuylkill river. and in the first coal region of Beaver Creek, containing 229 Acres sod 14 Perches, strict measure ; this laud is covered with White and Yellow ' PINE TIMBER said by. Judges to be of the first quality, the little Schuylkill rail road runs directly through the above described tract of Land, and offers a safe and convenient passage to the Philadelphia mar ket. For further particulars address the subsea. ber in Colombia, Lancaster county, Pa. F. A. THOMAS. Feb 10 1-3 mo THE wane of Charles Lamb, just received and for sale by • B. BANNAN. Also, Bock's Theological Dictionary, new edi lion. • feb 17 12 Zo'like is teirctitraucliattat). Dadieu lenge mashie Werk von &Hiker fees Unterbaltunrbitek, in stiller, amgang mit Gott, welch°, geignet lit from= gelinnan gen an week= und so mebren. end gewiirs den men der Religeon Eesn entspriebt, unt,bei.tim alten 'Umbels. !Neter. so migetnein vial sus sere& lung ass bersens Sind bereigung des gemutha hervoegebracht, cutter alien nmstsenden und tor- Mellen dims lebene, iind des wegen von alien Christen slier benennungen to beguabrig gesuebt Ward. lit faun auf eine uebr admen und Toilets& digimuse, mit einen Marken =bang Constutions. Betraelitungen and -Andachtewskungan, Wren.. gegeben Und in dieser drueberry re baben. • N. 8.. So Ist such arum 'three ehrainenthnm' and Stirk's gandbooh and endue sato wake in thuatth angfEngiistin kb 17 19 ~r 10,000 VERY suptiloe 6a cni negiti e Piineyne and Doshnego bielde. for Initeliy, teb 3" • ' MILLER* HAGGERTY. ThLLRY--kor 1838. or GAMY REGISTER. 417. got the age of Prints Families mad perroor, Ofbusiaeosi containing alliinkior,evei7 dafm the sear, for the.rocordorevontothatruky torestiomenher past or futorti ado Yak erdirare sale by . Sin 6 7 M .•fflE E..rr,Sastreceirca of w e* PaPirk,Pla D k STRAWS: . • • t Tab'Mtg ah- i,.. f .. .t~ . ~ Miner. Irs - Moor John Minang Jacob • hfulSeron John klithind Jacob Meyer John • Miners Joules Meyer Mimes Miller Peggy Mayjcir Meyers Wm McGregorAlexander McMann Bennet McAlarney John Metkinnell Patrick McAllister Samuel i ` • N - Neigh John 0 Oppeliesiersostan Olewins Jacob B Petrel. Alexander Place Daniel Price Hannah Powell John Hare Powell Samuel Richards Elizabeth . Ryder Julia F Russel James Bennet John Bice Jeasey Reber John Ropson James 'Russel John Rice George S. Reber Levi Roberts Laid Robinson Lewis P Bechtenwalt Nicholas Rhyan Patrick Riley Peter Ros Thomas Stichier George . Stouffer Henry • Shubert Herman Sinclatr Hartman Lamb's Works. Cold -end frost 'Ore' , Zas" . iira- ,- :- .....4 • -- FOR- SAILIIL,-4, -.-- _ part °fernier sale theMie r*eBl A part of alinct of patented Carilleinknii taming , •.. - ' , -1 - J: ;:•.: ''' FOUR RUNDRED.4 PIFTr4ORP4 1 situated West HanlibiJaillsbliqpitipl4l . I I county - . adjoining the lied of the: *lnns; Coal Company, taking in the 3d and 4 Mona: lain. Oa this land are beds of val ble: iron' ore. The rail road making . . by u ehaona Company. pill pass through it. - 1 ';•• ! For further particulars enquire of ',els sirbeeP: bet, residing in said reirriship.O4frqedri'llry-1 ern,on the Jonestown road. k, . 1. ' •1 N. B.—lf not preyiouslY, sold et,prl e sate site. ' I will sell the above Aare at public aide' ii(rhl public bourse of W. F. Johnson. in tirti•borougli t of Harrisburg. on Saturday the •24iliof Mirth, next. , • wipAAßt-Ic4wEr. February 21, 1838. ~ -• i 33-te THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS AT AturATE WILE • A HOUSE & LOT .iirNarweglan • e • • Street, nearly opposite the 'residence S see of B. F. Pomroy, now occupied by William D. Lath. The licittiells feet front by 30 feet in depth, with a kitchiliind cellar in the basement story, twn dell* first, second and third &ors each; thisi whole Of said Howie well plastered and painted Also an eicellent well of water at the door—the ki1:14.04 feet front, by 170 feet an depth, with a 9' rectal. ley on the west end of said hpuse. For further particulars inipiire of THO'S. SHARP. Mount Carbon, Nov. 3, 1837. • • OrphaHs' Court Stgle: _ lOrphan' N pursuance of an order of the Orph' Celtlit of Northumberland County, will be exposed to. sale, at the Court House in the borough of Sun. bury. in the County of Northmaberlan ;oialon. day the 2d day of April next, thatwil - able, .. TAVERN ST4ND 4 TRACTO_ , LAND; 1, i iiiail! . y . situated on the Cedtre turnp ike . sus.in Shamokin towochip , Northutnber* ir; : land County, in the Shadlokin Coal . - Region, -now; and for 874 o yeare pail, occupied by Felix Larch-athe . ' '. ( the Hon. E. G. Bradford, deceased, containing 200 acres or thereabouts. part of which is .cleared and in a good state of cultivation. The unproveraenut are a good log tavern house, stables, iiheds;' &ei. An abundint supply of good spring Iwater can .at all seasons of the - year be.obtained., - • The property is well worth the allenikutpcsny one wibhing to become the owner of i valuable tavern stand, and tract ot 'coal land. The terms of sale will .be made known on the day of sale. It is believed the title is i HN E ndisputabe. JO VANSiI MARY BRAD?ORD. Administratorb of selddectiased. By order of the Court. JACOB BRIGHT, Clerk O.C; Feb. 28, 1838. -" DISSOLUTION. THEpatitr.enship heretofore cal ag undoi the firm of Heilner & Bast, Coel erehante, was dissolved by mutual consent on the - Ist inst. All persons indebted to said firm are requested to make payinent as early as possibuttall those having claims are also requested to ,present these , for settlement. S. ILEILNER, G. BAST. Feb. 1, 1838. 15-3* The subseriblir will in future carry far ; the Coal Business under the lrm of-8. Heilner lir. Son. • S. HEILNER. Public sale. ry HE subscriber . ' will sell at Public Sale VA -IL Wednesday the 14th day of March next, at the hoope of Henry Stager, in the 'borough of Pottsville, - a certain lot of ground situate in in the Borough of Pottsville, bounded on.• this northwesterly. side by Schuylkill Avenue, oil the southwesterly by lot No. 28 and a 20 feet wide alley, being part of lot marked No. 50, upon kicks is erected ~two story dwelling house.— Late the estate of.Joiut F. Mon. •The sale will commence at I o'ClOek P. AL when the , terms will be made knows:l . l w JACOB D. BARN . t Assignee of,J. F. Moll. 13.-te Feb, 2l BOATS FOR SALK , i„ 4total new SeMiyllClill Boats, bail 1 of natural - growth timber. Apply to RARTZ. Feb 21 PORT CARBON Saving Fund Socity., THE Port Carbon Saving Fund Alicia - 4, ii AL now open every day from 9 to 31 o'clock at " I the Office of Discount and Deposit,:or the 'pqrl• pose of receiving deposits to any am'onet h otexi ; ceeding $5OO, from any one person, . Upon Wbith an interest of 4 per cent will he ,paid On every 35 and upwards,bpt no interest will haliillewed any fractional ,of $5. The whole - orinjf part may be drawn out on givicg nOtiee, two tq &or weeks, at the office on Mondays.- z-Thsithti. sines, of the Society trill be conclitetedAt the following officers and managers, titil-lhis:A* Monday in May next. Piiiindent-AQUILA.BOLTOX.i - • - Joseph Carson Bamuet Edward Hughes • HAS:Name - Jacob Bull . , • Jesse Timer - I...:Whitoey, Secretary and Vailintay. "Miters Isi, of the Charbst. - . whetsoeser shi ll be. received brillsa, Wait or Managers for their services,. bor• shaltanjr Manage because a-burrower froess4he'rnaidta. aim" , ' set ' *ort.Clintou:Folua FOR SA G• I -'-• WITILLIVIOtd it titivate aale. t u ba_ op •,pleouuktly situated at Port kill county. on very reasonahle,. f is , Pounderii4 at the comtnekeausent : ,ar s!te,thitj. teltu . yltilll and - Sus . quebititpitf: , aakend will in ICA' -fittit,tc ,best Otaationo s4tooon !MO? eta. . }. (*teringi ' Iron Foonokiro . ' " orIeAAC, • 1 • MEM :~~i ;:~;=1 i ,-~ - =~'~- /11111 d ME NO.~~~: ,~; ~,~..,~„ - =a