EN SEED'S. hai just reaived and is now ' choice selection of Garden ,tie fresh. and Of in excellent have been selected with care. B. BOMAN. GAR frIVIE Wise Jii• opening a ver warranted lily, all of whi. marcb 7 otice the wholesale and retail deal. erehandize in the. county of Associate Judgei and Coon. f said County , wil - meet at the ea in Orwigaburgjn Thum 1 March. 1838, tbr the par. orchards in thatelass which. .d just. the different Bol'ougha and county, ate required toanake: aim:l,a list of all the whale rs in their respecti4e districts. e to the Clerk of the Court of etiid Coate, on ar before the ion, 1838. ! itAUSH,Associate / LEL YOST, Judie& OSMAN, } . • • OTT, Commissioners. • m bergisy giveM .•1 ad Of Foreign Schuylkill. that ty Cominissioneris ComMiisioners' 4!) day the 29th day .1 pose of plating said shill appear right The Constaties Townships in aid / under oath or liffir sale and retail deal and deliver the -14 Quarter Sessions no lit day of:4liiVirt • PEilLi BEN 4 all and 1 draught horse, pars ,tit Coal Mines. Also, a one Wing lumber, prMis, &c. ace. the lame to dispose of cheap, WM. F. OEBERG. , antanEo street, I Pottsville. 17-36 if DRIFT hoe - Ag&c.. to work bona. wagon for . ti Any person havin will please apply Mar* 7 h-Alaking.! . pectic* annonOces that he menced the Coaeh Irl#ing °ugh, of Pottsville, andres .. ilion of the public patron ked with timber,i and mate. malty, and has . hand, rea of vehicles of va isms kinds, t manner, which he will nu PHILIP roe ma . Wood- orker, and THE subscribe: has again co., Business in the bo peetfully solicits a -sp. He is wells . 0 vials of a superior I dy-made. a numbed made in the very cheap. , N.B. A good j., a journeyman Pain! whom good wages be given. ' march 7 r, is wanted im ediately, to d constant empi y meat will • 17-3 DICAL OR OT O LET, TO THE M able stand on C.' t Office, which h for several years a two stall stabl e house has r fitted up, replete ce for carrying ion . gives on WM. F. DE, tango Street, very ()es AL opposite the P. ceasfully carried o ical line: There house attached. repaired and neat) neceasarp•conveni *eta business. P, -march 7 ' YIIOC CO wHEREAS, Pennaylvan hob a General Sys schools," paused Tided that the cit and every othet shpt each form a ery township, war sual School Divis District: Provid .inay be connects meat and milked( shall with the sali so connected, fin districts shall cot Common Schools within the limits in person or by bi next friend, for further, that the Sze by proclamai School District be townships, ward, where they hold Town Council's, citizens of each I Directors for salt NOTICE is tko citizens of each f Schuylkill, meet ing borough and Friday in Mara and then and tho School District I said districts rein shall be conduct as electiuns for al law held and au Given under day of March, in sand eight-hundrl 4/1.114T101 ION SCHOOLS. y an act of the a, entitled "An A em of Education pril Ist A. D. I and county of linty this Co I School Division, %and borough, wi ins, shun each fo that any borough rith.a township i t of•conMy rat ;township, so long t is district, and an a competent' the education oj iereof, who shall or her parents, .mission and in s iheriff of each co si ion, that thel ld 'elections in the sild boroughs a eir elections for t Constablei, hoof District, to g 4 School Districts. trefore hereby gi lhool District in . their respectire electione AWhieh witi r be re lehoove two ci serve as School fictively, which " ' and held in the porviaors and canal itieted. r hand at Orwigst lhn year ofoni pod thirty-eithi 'ER F. LUDWII commoNwr.pi =6 march 7 - 8001061 Land law of Penn 1 Pants in the EV lee for Religion, 1 arnenta. 1 aERGEANT'i Festivals tali Simpson's Doimy Tel ..Tugether nth calved and for march 7 A Okay of other 09 B. 4 Book L 4 disco 'since, a ;al number of pal 114 owner. An, 1 • reasonably at . Frank & I Poc WAS lost a containi* of any person . tog the mine s wll leavtog the ear Pottsville. Feb 24 WILL be Friday A. M. etthe L mailed, in Mani ty, theentire pe consisting of rows, Wagon, Buckwheat, Poi • general assort Houadi Meting of 1 Co : end. Tables, Cal house !keeping. Terms made :raters? old [On Thursday, 1..23d of March, i residence of Join enn township, Sch maid estate of 404 Cows, Sheep, trawl, Hay, Stra def., grain in the neat of fanning oi dd egad Kitchen . Bedding; Id, chid all the' Own at the time I SAIHUE JOHN 13; EMI se ' vrATON' S Ala Frost's Ao' Frost's !biters Torther *hi awed soul for 0011, 800 vaphy of Penn. f n ' can Speaker, an f a United Sta ty of other le bf B; . . . • . . . - • 11 1 ' , JS hereby given, giattb ~ witig ruined Ex ' 4 Mks itec t s ecutors. Admtnistiatorl;abd_Gliardia* `"" "laded their-act:mute in ' tiffiCe of the of Schuylkill County an d „atthe sane !RAU presented to tho Orphan s': ism. t o be held . t ii rf. Orwigsburg. ittacd forsai • Oorinty,on MOTI the 196 day.of - Mmo. 1 -for confirmation. 1. The account ofillorti atterson,ermeator , the last will and testam ent, Wi ll ie's A. I Pet, tenon, late of the twirinigh 0 , Yotteville: 'keened. 2. The account tit t lacoh mhtennan, ediniti. istrator of the estate of.lohe mitt, late of Union i r tawnship,arceased. • ; ' t•• B. The account orMieha I Neiichwender, 4. ministrator of the estate of Oar Yoder, late bf t it Upper Mahantangn tpwnehi . deceased. 4. The account bfl'eteri ither, executor of* last will and testament p( atharine. Blatt/01de of West Broaawick townsiti ', deceased. 1 5. The account of Fr • Prick 'Charles 'llrPll . and Johd Charles Conrad..Aliministrators of the estate of John Daniel Geratilklate of Norwegian township, deceased. • • l% '-' . i, H. The account of Henri, Knoir, guerdian f 1 r , the person and estate of rine Fethendf.la mica-of UppeE Mahentan 'township. 1 7. The , account of John ; Wiest' and Samuel Weist, executors of the last Wilt and testament Of Gideon Williamson, late'oftUpper 6111thanuol0 township, deceased. ' ii ' • g & The account of:Lydia fPerrinfti azealtrii , and Peter R. Klock, anent of th e hpt will add testament of Benjamin E ring, late of Upptis Mahantango township, d '' sed,, '._ .. 1 9. The, account of Abralubn For*. Eall• .4- i n ministrator of the estate of icob Spdhn, late of Pinegrove township, decea . - 10. The account of John yder, administrp-' tor ofthe estate of Jacob 14 rick, late of Wayne township, deceased. , 11. The second account of, Jacob Mennig, ad ministrator- ot the estate of fokit Morgan, late 4f Wayne township, deceased. i i . P 12. Thesecond account lif. George Reed, 'ad ministrator de estate of Daniel "nein, late of , the borough of Orwigsburg,ideceased. - JACOB HAMMER, • : .. .' _ Register. , Register's Office, Ontigs.. / • burg, Ych119;1838. ' i ~. SIKERIFI"O, SALES. 1 BY rrtue of several wills of Veiditioni pones and Leveri Plqists, issued out of tlie court or Common Pleas utlSclinylkill Countit, and to age directed, will be pooled to public sals ERB. On/ Monday.thi, 12th of Mara nest, at the house of William Lutz; innkeepet, if/ the town of Pinegrove, chutitY 4 . aforesaid, M. 15) .'clocki A. 'll.—The undivided half of a certain • • • iot of ground, situate in the borough of Pinegrore, county aforesaid, bound ass a' •ed by Tuipehochen street on the wild., II t by q public street on the north, by Os alley im the cast, by land of Eldridge & Co. nil the south, with the appetimiances, consisting Of a two story frame dwelling boosts and kitchet, and frame stable. Also, I Certain tractor land !Hire Street,' been sue- In the med ; Mid coach t:ntly been with every a respect. the first of ERG, . . ottsville. 174* _ .:uato in Pinegrove townehip, county aforesaid. bounded by lands of.lacobZirbe, Fredlt. Muth .e.. inherit, containing one hOndred acres, more or less, With the appurtenances, consisting of • tit) story tog dwelling heiuse and a log barn—late the estate ittfJohnHuber and ilifereus Gloffetan. ! . h i 9n Tuesday the 13th of Mute, nes at the house-of Joseph Weaver, innkeepitr, inis borough-of Pottsville,,county aforesaid, et 10 o clock A. M.—All that certain lot or piece tit t,l gro od, situate in the tows of New Castle, coun ty oresaid, marked in the general plan of said tow - itio.-9, on the southOesterly side of Centte strcontaining in , fron t on mud Centre street, 60 pet, ankin depth 180 feet, bounded southealt .t. erly by lot No. 10, southwesterly by. Walnht street, northwesterly by lit No. 8; and northeast erly by said Centre street; together with the lap pnifentmces—late the estsiteof Bernard Taylor t _ at' the same alike and place, dg that certain lot or piece of ground; situate to the login. of New Castle, county aforesaid, markLA in the_general plan of sat: town, No. it, onthe moth westerlysiae oftentre Street, aryl northwest erly vide of Alabama. street 60 feet, and in depth 180 feet, bounded southeasterly by Alabama street, southwesterly by Walnut street, northweSt- . erly by lot No. 10, and northeasterly by said Centre street, together with the appurtenancea!--' late the mete of John Spam . . . At the same three and place,. all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate in the borough of Pottsville, Schhyllrill County, bourid edlby the river Schuylkill, in front by the centre tuynpike, in the rear by lot No. 8, twinning Ow or I lately to Abraham Pott, northwesterly )1 lot' No. 1. belonging to the New York and &lurid k ill Coal Cm. to the asst,' containing in front stn the river Sebnylkili.6lB ft. 9 in. and estendingflo dijoh to said testy° tornYike road; it being the SITIO premises which the said 'Jacob W. Seitz inger-by deed dated the 4th June, 11337, conveY•d to the said George N. Orval. ' t gislature of t to estab .y Common , it is pro. iladelphia, monww.li h, d that ev. inn the sew m a School Which ts - or the Assess. and levies, it remains ch of acid ntmtber child every pply either guardian, or ruction; and ty give no. a of each it respective the places Supervisors, • choose two ve as School en, bat the tie county of laces of hold en the third' e 15th met.) seas of each ►irectore for id elections ante manner • bles, are by. urg, th 6„ 7th rd one thou G, Sheriff. • At the same time and place, ; ;a • certain lot . ofground and town login - iss the borough ef Pottsville, Schuylkill Ii • ' a , County, numbered in 'the plan of the _ --:. town, No. 76Munded by ftfahantins. go street, by a 20 fuel alley, and by- int 75. eon-• raining in front 60 fect s .and in-dipth 240 fee4o. gether with the buildings thereon erected, it be ing the same lot of ground which John llaiin,,by his deed of coaveyance,' hearing dlite the ”th day of February, A. D. IffA recorded at °twig& burg, in rho county of flieboylklll, in" the ofOoe for recording , q. deeds, Allem in'deed took Noi 6. Mtge 343, did grant and ermarrn unto the skid 1 John C. Offeiman iO feeiwith the apportenanem consisting of three :two Story Stone dwelling houses, with basement stories. Also, a certain (ot aground and town lot in • • the borough cifrottawille, in the coma .. ty of Schuylkill, marked imam plan i l": .. of the-town flo; 70. bimodal.. by Ma. hantango steed, by lot No. 80, bif, a 20 feet alley. and by lot No. 70, osotamingi its front or breadth 60 feet, ;and in depth or length 240 feet, with the buildings. thereon erected - it eing the same lot of ground No. 79. which fho. 39 '''a ylor and Mary Ann his wife .by their d, bearing Bete the With of February , A.1).1 , recorded at Oryigsburg, in'the office for reeord ng Of Deede tic. in, and rot tWeininty of Selmyl bill. in lied' Book.• No.i6, page 497. did grant *and confirm unto the,miil John C. Offerrnrai,•lto ethei with the hereditedients and appurtnnanies. aneliting oT thier target three story brick drivel • ing houses with bPsemlinfat e riiii-4iite the l'es. fate of John afeermait T . . , • On Wednoisdnif th e dag'Of March nest. at thn)muao ,o lif Michael, Grimly,. Ebi. '11;r, in the baro n et - = Oridpborg, in Th e t ri ty of BehuylkiikatiOn'elock A. M. • No. 1. A -Mirtaip trait Of landsituate. in the borough 'ofOririgsharg.lionnty aforesaid, botthii, , r a ed by the McKeansburg. d,' Tammany street,. Washington street , W I no , street. - and Chareb land. .containing two se/ and n..luilf. more or lees : ith ~ . 4 , . rtitiencet.i . . .. •. . ", - ( No. c 1 .e pernrriHiet In pietittnt,bz4 , ale in) 'SOT. — pet ofOrtrigibutg, minty it , 4 4 ylvania. pal Churc h kg. just re- BANN AN. 17-3 Pocket Book. -rs.of no ose person Sod rewarded by hers Stare AMU L STEIN. 14-3 t. =EI Itbs 22d sod ; t 10 o'clock Buweo. uylkill coup. 'd decedent, Plows, Hu , Wheat, Rye, ground, and imitate, con. tove, Chairs requisites of ler Bale. BOW EN. is WEN. mistrators. 41-3 O R jast- fp. INNS ea . bounded by Ind4endinci street, a = al - and kil , Nis. 98,' ind-iniikeil in the • • pia of the towel, No.. 101 and 102. contaisitig striiit memoro, with the apportanineas. o. 3. Also. *certain lot or piritm of Ozmd sit. to in tbii borough of OrWigiblirm OonalY 1 L! to . id, Ixiiinded by Mifflin street,.Porti,litreee• an. a public alley. and marked In , JerOarilat Rerid's additional plan to the town ofOrwigaburg N4%1213.214, 215 and 216, and emitaisuati ac .1 stria measure,. with the, appurtenance'. t ' . No. 4.-Also. a certain piece Mimi • militate in the borough of Orwigsburg ilit county aforesaid. bounded by th# Con • ere turnpike, land of. John .ffammer -.'. rge Godly, jr. and Edward ErsiltatlikA two tai ing 6 acres, more or less, with the appo minces consisting of a two story log lamina how and barn. No. 5. Also, the undivided ballot a °Mai tract of land, situate in Norwegian township i the' ounty aforesaid, bounded by lands.of John White, William Wagner,-land of Seim & milted, the Oak Bill tract, and others. containing 66 titres, mom or leas, with the appurtanances. No. 6. Also, the undivided half of a carta trait of land, situate in Norwegian towashi toiMty aforesaid, surveyed on a wan ant gran - • ames L. Dunn. and held in. common wit ioto Bannan, - containing 100 acres; more or - withe appurtenances. i 0.7 . Also, the undivided ball of a Certain traof bend, situate in Schuylkill township, coon. ty 4oresaid. bounded by lauds of late John • Putt deceased, David Nice and others, containing 23 acres. more or less, with the appiutenstieei. No. 8. Also, the undivided half of a certain tract of land, situate in Schuylkill township, counts aforesaid; bounded by lands of John Pott, drceutsed, and others,-containing 128 acres more or*as, with the appurtenances. o. 9. Also, the undivided one ninth part of a ce in tract 01 land situate in Schuylkill town s • b i t county. aforesaid, surveyed on a warrant grahted to Elizabeth Davis, bounded by land surieyed to Catharine Berger and others, contain. ingllloo acres more or less, with the appurtznan. COL • No. 10. Alan, e certain lot of ground sin:mein the borough of Minenrrille. county aforesaid, bounded by Sunbury street, Lewis weft ind be No:9 and 10, and marled in the plan of the town NO. 11 with the appurtenances, consisting ofa two story frame dwelling house and kitchen. No. 11. Also, the imikvided third _part of a certain tract of.land, situate-in Rub Township, county aforesaid, bounded by !audit or Beetled Dickerson, the Valley Furnace Company and °than:, containing 400 acres more or • the, state of Geotga Ron. • " On Mon - day the 19th of March, next, at the house of Daniel Boyer, innkeeper in /he , borough sit Orwigaburg, at 1 o'clock, P. M. ' 411 that certain two story frame s dwelling house, with a basement sta. 11 ; r 7 of stone, a stable and lot of ground, situate in Lawton.' addition to Port Caiibon, bounded by Second street, Third street and Morris street, and by lot No. 91, containing th 50 feet, and in depth or' length 150 feet, ending the lot which is marked in Lawton.' adn to Port Carbon, with the No. 90. Also, alt that certain two story frame dwelling bones and pot of a lot of ground, situate in Lawton,' addition to Port Carbon, bounded by Market et. &nand st. and by the residue of the made lot, containing in width 25 feet, and in length or depth 112 feet, and being a pert olthe•same lot which b marked' in the general plan of Lairton's addition to Port Carbon,. with the number. 33 late the estate of 14- i isit the same time and place, all tliche two certain lots of ground or Undings, (mie on the river Schuylkill. marked in Garnet's additional plan to Port Carbon, with No. IS and 17,i one of them No. 16 containing ;in ikon! on said river 70 feet, and in depth to the rail road, and No. 17, containing In front on thi said rail road 70 feet, and in depth to the said road, with the appartenanies, late the estate of Saud. taken in execution and to be mid by - PETER n LUDWIG, Sheriff. Sliriff's alike Oririge: • burg, Feb 24, 1837. . 14— 394 March Term, 1838 i Amos , Tortola ~ es. t3ci Fee Surgifechen. The. Corporation of the' ics Lien for $4413 29 Boirough of Pineville. 38, March Term, 1838 ' • . SiebuYlkill County, es. ~. THE Commonwealth of Penrisyl (t[S(,. amnia. to the Sheriff of Schuylkill 4- ~ County, Greeting: Whereas Amos 4 , - 1,. ..... -) Tudor,. of the borough of Pottsville, , , - bath fi led a elliim'in our quirt of Cchntrion Plea*, far the-Cooney of Schuylkill, a. reAg. net the Corporation of the borough of Potts. e, Gsr the earn of Four Madre& and' Forty !ars tionty.eine cents, lawful money, 4.e. for work and labor as 'a Mason and Plasterer done, perfbruied and bestowed; And also for materials found, furnished, delivered and pnrride4 'within -es month. last past; in and about the erection and construction of a certain Building or Tene mnt, situate--in Centre street, in the borough of P &urine akiresaid, commonly called the LoCkop H use or JO. belonging, or said to belong- to the rough of Pottevilki aforesaid, against Ilia said ' R liding or Tenement, and also against the G nd cowered by the said buildings, arid so ro ch othe r . ground immediately adjacent Evora), is i ou and 'belonging to the said Corporatioo. as may . 54 necessary for thee/divvy and usual pl, , , at the Said building being part of a Lot No. , I 'And whereas ills alleged eget the said sum still ni:sins due and unpaid to the said Antos Totten; we command you that you make knewn to the said Corporation of the borough of Pottaville, and to Al such persons as may hold or isccopy. said IniiWing, that they be.and appear - before tcgiJudges of our said Court,* a Court of Com- Lieu to be held at, Orwigiburg for the coon. t aforesaid, the Monday preceding the last onday in March nest„tnahow if any thing they here to say why the said sum of Four Hundred itd Forty Hollers Tarenty- tune eents.sluiuld not leviedon the said building tq the use.of theNaid ' Turtcin, according to th e form and e ff ect the Act of Assembly, Jo such ease made and °Tided. ittirthem, it shall seem expedient, and re you then and there this writ itnees the Honorable Calvin Blythe, President f Our said Court at Grwigeborg, the 115th day of January, A. D.onertionrind eight hundred and thirty-eight. . • LEWIS ABIDER ' Fell 14 . 1-4 • 8 hereby, given, that littera of adadniatratten aye been gousted - M - the subscriber V I the Re. g rof Stbuylkill County. oftbeeetate °fames ' ride, deceased, late of Northampton aunty.... . I prime Indebted to said "date, are therefore triquented to make paymenkto the sobeeriber t and st, eh/who may hate claim, °amid eatati l , to pr. dent them duly iothentleated"for aettlemeitL • EDWARD WILDE, he In ' Admistbinper• -- ~...:--,:-...,-;;---.%,„!:-!,-1, ,,z -,., . : .Tifit4oll4 ---,..-..----m, NfITICE - : -.r " i - 4111111rViiik., TN e risiiiet'ist ''rrithe OfildiaStPyl 4of" ottlinaterfa CaniftY,will be exposed ik to sale. at tbo Court ~, in aeoet 4 rotfisi...- WY. inlbitoooty4flicirthotaberirwd;o6 Moe- Arty . thii Rd day of April anti that valuable • T42VRRN ard . 4. Tit. 4cr:lF LAND;- situated situated the 993tre WroPike nxia, .... in flhe kiwtowaship, Northumber ii ; land Con q. is ;the Shamokin Cod - Region. jr.,and for several yeas past, occupied biro t .Latcb--the estate of the MIL E., G. &Rif - . deceised;renteining 200 , scree or thereabout*. et of which to cleared and I in a good state ores m ien.: The tinpreVelnente 1 area good iog toy° of stables, sheds. &e . An standard supply of good spring water , can at all seasons o f tbs. ear be obtained. ' The peperty is ' I worth the attention of any one wishing to tlie owner of arvaloatde taterwateridoind I of coal-laud. The twins of '- will be wade known on the day ot sale.. _Ay is indisputable. TOBN EVANS. MARY BRADFORD. tore of said Alocusased. Court. ale m. is believed tlie.dt Adm By order of the JAS' B BRIGHT,CIerk.O.C. - ' ' 15-4 Feb. 28.1838 . InibeCourt of Co ~ i ron Pleas of Schuyikil County, in the .. atter of the estate of Michael Bretzi , ~ a lunatic. litntrilEfttaS, to Buechler , corsinftuts of v n Michael Be otts. did. oo the 23d . day of November, A. A 1 7, file in the oaks of the Prothonotary of the C ourt of . Common Pleas of Schuylkill County , a tatementof his account as committee of said te. Notice is hereby t yen to all Persons interested in said estate, that t e Honorable, the lodge of'. the Court of Comm Pleas aforesaid, have ap pointed- Monday the 9th day of March. 1838, at 10 o'clock in the forehoon, for the hearing of the same, and for Alt cause why the said ac count ought not to allokred. sod in default thereof, the same wilt be confirmed. Witness the honorable Galvin Bly,the,Preaident of our said Cook it thrwigaborg, the 9th day of February, A. D. 183 f LI Feb 10 4w 5P113 AtIDENIETED. Prothonotary. .11.00L/kMATI I N.—Notice is hereby given P that a Conn.:if Qommon Pless, for the teal. of canes at issue, in and for the county of Schuylkill. will be held at Oiwi ig, in the county *format& on Mimday the 19th day f March next. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Therefoie all shaving snits pending.and all persona whose duty it hall be to appear. :mad Court willtake notice and_ge themselves two= PETER F. LUDWIG, Sheriffs Office,Orwige. t. burg. March 3. Ma 11Cr Punctual attends -- and 'Witnesses mammal 'nee is dimanded or d» Jurors -4u) .head this Court. II2I4OLifENT Sr. , t I It&—THE subscriber@ have applied to the ridges oftbe Court pfCoiticoon Pleas ofSchuylkill - , ty. for Babette& bf the Sere. tel Acta ofAmenstdy • seed (of the reliefirflesolvent Debtors. It thatthe se. Jodie. haveappeistevi Moo r day the 26th day of out. at 10 the fonmoonsM the Con House,in ' . for the haring of us Sur reditors, when and IW they mayauend if t t • proper. 2L413 800 NE, GEORGE PFAFF. ABRA • Alt LUTZ. -' ' - JACOB !HERM, JOHN HOWARD! JACOB *GYRE* lurch 3 IS- • LUTION. DIS :1 1 npar. partnershi JIL the firm of 11 .* , was dissolved by m' All persons inde betelerure ezisting wider net & limit, Coal Merano. coal coolant on the let inst. to said Attu are requested to ly as possiblerrand all those requested to present them make payment m hating claims Me for settlement 11.1838. 15- twill in future ear en the the firm of S. Benner & S. HEILNER. Minersvills. Feb The sabseiiber Coal Business on: Pu , lie Sale. will aril "at Public Sale on 14th day of March nest. at y Stager. in the borough of lot of ground situate in Pottrrilles. bounded on the .7 Schuylkill Avenue, on the No. 28 and a 20 feet wide .f lot marked upoo two story dwelling Ileum— • a F. Mall. mence at 1 o'clock P. 11. oe made known be . ACOS BARIitTT, Minima of J. F. Moll. • - 13-t. fliklE subscribe . 0 - Wednesday the house of Hen Pottsville. a WO' . inthe Borough noiihwesterly 'side santhweeterly by alley, being part which is- erected Late the estate of These!e will co when the terms wi Feb.2l N• FOR SAL& bunt of natural Apply lo lIARTZ. • 13 BOA A_ good new tick getowth tun • Feb 21 . IBER OFFERS AT [41710 THE SUBSC P' Ago 1 :Ede LOT ln Norwegian ' • - t Street. • early opposite thereside , - ; ; .fB. - . oPemrpy, now oechpicer by Withal D. Led). The ho is 16 feet front by 30 fee itrdepth, with a kit . en and cellar hi. the base sot story; two room on the put l first,second , and rd &ors each; the le of said Boom well pl stered tuid painted. A an excellent well of w rat the doorthe lot is -*et eves. by 110 in tinPitio with 1 9 feet al• ley on theAreit en of said house. For further okra inquire of - races. ffIATIF. Mount CarlsVl, - os. 3;183T. , • ,/ and. Ilinber Land R SALE. • SaFFIIATEDin ilchuyikill county en the h ea d waters of the Ogle &ISOM min; and hi the I first coal region of leaver Creek, containing BM i . Acres and 14 r ittlet litelliinnif; th is Iltud is swelled with W its and Yellow 1 1. . ' Fl E TIMBER i saithy judges to' of tht? first gut the rows Sisliailkill - Inn d -rows directly rough this . . described et otland, and offers a safe and convenient paisage to ; the linialielphia sitar. bet. For rather *Mentos add's', tlis "Ascii. bow in Coltunida,Puunots* county,Ps. 1 -F. A. THOISAIk, • 1-.5 Imo Valuable C Feb le rec., , 1 - -. TAM 1 /Allinaer, • I , frillE . subseei ~ bp 11, Mad, 'nit effersfor 1 - 11 . Lek on • gerotit . -, _'••••• - ' . . so.oca het i iiii - 1.1454.01 41 0-,ltlits . . 40,000 joint ansikp. strossies, , : r. . ..: 4 50,000 pisatetsn' )144... . ; ;-- ~ , Also;inettiild, . riDek , Pi! , - thlit glitilaer -.l!ktd'OiAlfilLi: .1 . !win ; ~ - ,i i . 1.. , ;..... ; , . ,: ~,. it r • . ~, r, .yttkt tt t . i• 1 ; is . ' • s *Or 1 1 - r ;A • Allea pale*. Abimitis Imp Atezaitder Ja 14 !A . MO/ •11 *ilk,' Davie dkiaan Dad Slizieilna Dan Beeknian F - Ilirretqlora - ner Hwy, Sari j' Weenten ea9k 1 - - Nista! ;John BOP 3 0 4 04ttabis Malik *mart Petit %ibis; Perry Bidders Ektnits Beads!! Barry 1 I I C Clark George Carrel Martin Cirreran Pattie Cluidgewiek Si Capp Santulli Ctirry:Thinnul D Dangler Freda Dixon /oho I Dial rah IS Eldiva s Phil Eaton - in • FM'S . 0 Fes. p -. Frey Martin Filnangh Mrs Gable Adam Gebhatt Catha Griswistd-Ch- a t Stichter Geniis Gums David • Stouffer Henry Gordon lq - Shubert Herniae Grey Orlando Sinclair Harmon" . il &marina baste Itibertaenye , - Stewart Jacob Herb Diiniel Smith John Humbert F d rick Sheridan. John Barrie John_ - Switch Joseph / Heebner Lydi ' Smith Jamul. Herborer Mr • Scbrot - Martin Hinsinunati ' .. lfgang Stroup Peter .1 • i Shot Shelly, - Simon Harriet, Stuut Susanna James John H &Ember Susanne James Thomas Hews Win Jens Wm • • -U Krebs • tkilJUn T enry . W King John West Abraham Krausu Michael Weaver Elizabeth ' Keeman Patrick Weld John . Kelley Soak Welker Joseph Kline Wm . • Wilson Rosanna , - L W y they Samuel Leitteusehoeider Adana Wver Samuel Lord Charles , - -. W ail Solve Lute George Watkins Trlerue LyanSusansa , • Walsh Wm Lam Richard Walsh Job* LovenuA itkhard Wplhuns Wm Memo Arazender Yoder Denial Meyer C H Mon. Dansel Bradley Charles *Man Nail Dowling John Kir John Davie TohnLbw,ther Edward Reda John R=ll David Symons Persona calling for hsttemin the above tint wi pleaso my they are advertiser , . E. CHICHESTER, P. M. - 16-3 S. REILNER, G. BAST. march 1 Coal and Iron-'Ore Landi . FOR RAM, ' • er HE subscriber offers for -vale the one twelfth put of a tract of patented Coal Land, con taining FOUR HUNDRED- ISr FIFTY ACRIM. attested in West Newsier township, Dauphin County, adjoining the land of theSuisquehanna boat Company, taking in the 3d and 4th moun tains. On this land' are beds, of valuable iron ore. Therm road making by the Susquehanna Company, will pass through it. For further particulars enquire of the subscri, betvesiding in fait) towtiship„ near. Shell's tar. ern, on the Joneitown road. N. EL—lf not pieviotutly sold at private sale, _ will fell the above share at public sale at the priblie house of W. F. ll:thug's*, in the borough of Harrisburg, on Saturday the 24th of March next. WILLIAM CASSEL. Februa r y 21, IS* • A good two sturY bogie Rod lot of ground ; situate on . Centrwatieet_. j The lot is 2O feet front UM Centre streets; and 230 feet deep, extending to • Mount Carbon Road.-the House is sub stantially built,. and wegaituated for any kind of ouhlje business. Two good two story Slime houses and lots of ground, situate in Beatty's Row, Nurwegian Street. Each hoose and lot is 20 feet front; the hooves are well finished !with kitchens *Oohed . :to seek buose,,andiri situated in. the tiost bow. !den part atoms. Ait of the. above property Tag u obtatip.4for,:tetrutii.. R .d pardon. - to ARDREirUSSRN 7 • liehliAtinte - Street: lire app Jan'S . • ... , . . . N•fiCe 4 .7 • . RE subeetiheni, - the Auditors appOinted - by ; , the. Orphans' Coal at ' 1 Yehoy111111.Coolity; to , *edit and settle the aticeent of George Martel. ' bee otthe axeeetois; dat. otJ'alts-Shestle. deeeae. ed. hereby gilt' e sibti b tliat they will , new - for -that:porpose at the of John: Shone; 1r: i nn k espr, t o the ' gh of OrwiEsborg.. en Toeeday the 13th day of bilarekeezt, at Ill'olock icrthe alletneoe, when eel! :where all "nib iii are , 'ilk propel , . .RN;, Gin the PONVOlientaiteentill4 8111: . - " " Miler Mow Aim Miming Jacob Mul'aewe John Idsitand Jacob Wier John Nines Jams Moyer Mows Ma r row Nfil!e jor Mey r ers Win lito94egor Alexander Madan Bennet McAlanie7 Jahn Makonnelitatrick . MOlJlbner.flaiTiel ?kith John OpOidione Gaeta* Milne Jacob 9 Thoinab pi • Petrel Alewida , Placa pude Prier Hannah Pole Slobs Ram Powell Samuel ae • R Richards Elisabeth Resler Julia F Russel Jamul Bennet John Rice Jersey Reber John Ropson James Russel Jobo Rice George S.: Reber Levi Roberts Laid Robinson Lewis P Etechtensralt Nicholas Rbysn Po rick - Rilep Peter Roe Thou:out Zimmerman James LEIIM2B. ' WILL BE SOLD at' private bale. Al4O. MEE .1, --; " — rikii - n*filliisi'Arfroftalite*'. „ • . 11",t_tig . public dilute heir commenced -theilistothri:: lure oftoioreirtiosart fit 11l its various , - braid.; - - sat hik Storif.lontriliknott; oirPoiribr the PousvilkAlOcee. where C4).16%4101101; are cei'elOyi, baihipiified wholoraleisid:,retakk';f:t • Whir lowest, Philadelphia priees.”. Country 414 chants sr* respectfully to =Brod essinine his stock WOW . wchitsisiw elsewhere. • - ISM =NE plaill'e4lPreiersresi&Sauftii;g: 1%7 Iriktif & Co. weild 4 ! dies of Pottsville ' ",• buil:just received direct 6 - 010, 4 11 0 . 111 0 1 !(4 .7 au assortment of • • • Pickled 'lll.altints, cauliflower;' • Garkiriairedeabba Mauves. maims. East and Vest India n = • Strawberry, raspberry ud gobs* •,,,, 1 1,4 1 !• - ' Currant .. .telly, Frenchmustard. Anthoity,iobster, obn 8011, C. ... rice mimes. - / blusbrootrili walnut ketchup. , `-•• Al o—Figs , ra gi, citrons, alaunids.' - et - lemons, AA—. N NATITANS & Co. bevel on hand aadidire, , ! for sale, 50 baskets Chimpsgne Whiew - Ct he most celebrated brands. 'among which' Ml* be foUnd the Wearer:l Brand; a wine far:ol4ok to any ever offered for sale in this pia*: ;, Also, the genuine Anchor Brim's. Jan 31 ' .• Dying and. Scouring. •- A lIGUSTDS PALER has returned - Ye:int- Ea: xs..rope, - and intends .to commence faint . andl plain dying. in Silks and - liderinos, at hiseKstand . in Centre Street, Pottsville. Also seentring and pantaloons. He is greatful - for past favor*, rnd hopes by 'attention and punctuality to merit * continuance of his former custom. Dec 23 5-U Wholesale and-Alletanikk Good Store. - • pOLLOCK& WEAVER hive just reeehrell in addition to their el:itemise assorisnentiit DRY GOODS, Super Sur*rior • Blue arid Mack - Cloth, superior fancy coloitred do. now stos:44*. Amens; sattinetts and Beturteene, twinetV - InsF duns -40. ' Feb la Lumber. 50.000 Joint Shingle", 25.000 Lop do • 20.000 Lathes, suitable for paling, or Shia: gling.for sole by - A. Sept 23 Cloths t Cloths!!. Clothr-"' • NAT/IANS &Co. have now rilow* 4 .‘ 'splendid azaortment of " • ' Mee; bliek olive. green cud elver , e 1 , 4 4; do do arid fancy Plaincaaeintere.wri and figured aauinette, ' • Mohair pilot cloths and other.eartinga., Goats - hair tutmblete,yeaupp. duo drer all uf which being purebasedrat delphia. and New York we guarantee - 41111A 10 per cent cheaper then can be porch ham in this borough. . For , A, aatanabk. tract of Coal :Pm AAw ,YING and being in the township its — s e. *ogler, oq.,the West Branch nearthe-West- Breech Reißoad, about tour miles trout-Bchuyl.. .kill Haven—there is Joe or more Ctiiiiiireitts piteasig through this And. For inforniatio . ply to JACOB litEED.O l ' • at Fottivilli. - .., . . or Vr. HOFFMANOPiii:'" March 2E. 24.4 atiteofi!lik New Goods. 'W• A t mca! aswAtirroit of Hoods. fircslyandipaewsoirild• hist received--consisting Jost at •Drg Goo. h, Groceries, .2 • . MardWa I queeaswar rc, e, •-•-" Mackerel, . • Salt, Plaster, which will fie sold low for cash. Thiehithest price paid in cash for all hinds of conntri produce. IOSEPH. WHITE Monnt.Carbon f Dec 2 - 1111.11 E sUbscriber has now cin brind atlia Shwa. -a. and Storehouse on-Centre and_itaiL,ROQ streets, a full assortment of Goods, sultahliAithil°' coal region viz: - Barr Iron of assorted sive% - Aland and Hoop do " ?de • Nailssod Spike Rods do de • , . Steel, /found A, Square do do ' Nail. and Spikes do do Coal Shovels do do • hardware, a general lassortment: All of which he it selling st raised, prfeeir. 3=13 2 J . CLAYTON. •NEW • - - JOSEPH .C. KERN DESPECTFULLY informs the'-- iitinena.wf mmo rattailße& vicinity, thafhe comitantly heir on band, at the corner of Centre „mid Pallowlulf streets, - Mit= door almve the National Botal, n large And"elegantosioliMisat of Staple and rabe7, :Dry Good,. with , a.choice selection of-Winwn;Zu • ROMs Wid Crockery ware, all of,whiiii:lnnos p .erebased,it the very, lowest cash ,pipteelit'lliC Philadelphia market, sod will be fold DO* cent advance. All;kind*tenantry produce takepAn nieraiike Anima. • Ant' 1 9 - -enecitir imeStiktv, • reuokitearPro i )e - I : FOR . SALEi: !Flit undersigned offers for ,sela all-that Onorn - three irtor y.;IIRIGE STORE :AND DWELLING HOUSE and the apPirtananisen. situate in Centre, street; Pottnilk , the:prornt7- 1 of andersigned, together *Rh' -sl . 1411 . ..'other tenements hi the resew - slid tatting * . anillha lot of ground whereon the whole' standsC •••• building imalajon t hircrlinit - 16 front—tlitished from thet tti ., Orn prisiin.the best ityht at wrekeehiptuei.bedir as i bodies. steed end - a residetass it y'finst'illi voarably - sithaMd: 'The foregoing priParty'sq Wm* on tow nine iegildnnedikti,ol Oftllinnanin 'rnittfraninies,o4:ll* arty far a le* yeirsiA &M ode,. to Thinindkind±l big, ant par a site ein be itteekisignedieteli, ffi apply , Go *...410 1 _ :::)*M • ratherthk. "Aithitits. E E !) a aid 'iiiket isTsAmette jet ir4s arm laticit4 OLD VINE APPLE CRIES&•-• - , if** kM , 'lliZZiXD * l #7of.r. 2 l , „ -t ,,., -or • .Y:c.,,,, -1. rgvNom ,‘4* IS MUM JOHN lIIN R Il
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers