r. • ,-- 740. VOL. AND P..i181,113 GIZ i how i,4lil,*.ii.A. 'ffirA.w. • . --l ilist 3ll. ' ' . pot UMW% y 114 advance. If sin paid with ,he tthargtel to' who re. .of. Eupstsge: To dill subscribers t OM *within thi! r year, SO cans "rice otialiecripti?n. • WEMILLY, i . BY RAN 1111 k Tam taii.l.lt paribleveam-ame in .thecitear• anye, e f - 111! pe annum If will be addeckurth r annum, payable' senit-annually paid within the year, 0250 will of exceeding twelie lines 141 be insertions—and 50 cents for one 1 • des in proportion{ to Will be inserted until ordered •or whi,? { b.tbey are becontinatd be c hargs s d acco ingly. be chakod 12 per annum; onto the piper, ihtbeprivilege • { • .naent not exc. g aqeares year and the inse once small. r fbr i lthree lace 'ye times.- •ed t the editor at be post paid, t e ll: paid to em. I meet lags, &c. 'Other notices . ore inserted _gratis. will be ch.exceptMer • and Deaths.' - 7 - th Two Datums advinee. If do be eleirgod Advertisemen charged el farthr, .inskirtrono La rge • AM adverdnedt - oat, unless the dm • isepecified.and • Yearly advertia - mcboting anbaceip of Weeping ooe ad atandthg during th er mein each . s All letters otherwif no nue All ices for whin!: ire heret charged2s cents _, FoDossing. • • Astonishillig Fads. .we roofs of ti s traordinary 111. M. EV AN'S celebrated per' nt Antib" • Pills in al ipv tolir.d. n, 3 , CornhiHrn, Agent r. W . Evans's: ... otitih3 Pills. • Eniiiii., It ' IS, 1836. wing by exyer' be that every e afflicted receiv of the bens& kteretting WALE eonel 4-Li efficacy of i Cernocalle and leviating afffiete • To James Die for the sale of Dear Sir— 'reference that Mal results of m to the public in :CAMOMILE ' the last ten ye cheat: often 90 three or font• ni fiend relief by until my wife sa .when she pen • did, and ob resulted in al health, although them. Should :yourseLf, or the mission to pub!' TM• it ~._ :dic' u ts, I cheertli l • offer mine bets f. of DE. W . EVANS'S IL ,• 1 have n afflicted for 'is with distress i the head and ad ins to deprive eof sleep for hte enecessson, u i o in t have never ny of my fliends' prescriptions, Y_theadvertiamen in the paper, dad me to send fo some, which sdlwo boxes and Wes, which net completely ring me to ,have noeset e timely finished tr considet this kny benefit to üblicaon have MI cheerful per it it.l Yours, respectfully, K.;GOODHUE, Centralist -I.`" la CABE Cured by Di. WIN. ' ejlionie and. essay Aperi ENJAMR4 BO ,N,, corner of i • ee streets, Ph ila elidstsi, iffect: with extrema a rvoneness..by , able' to write is name—his ruscsifipn,,daily s • modie pains of appinte, pal itation of the !sod dimness of si ht, after ins. , gis any thing at demanded is, sickness and weakness ex-1 turbedyest, ase of pressure e stomach after eating, great ncy, severe flyin pains in the side, costiven a dislike for . Mr. B. 9t de trial inei now before e public, but observiig in public, paper limed by Dr. W . Dam Evans's rand Family A tient Pills, be live them a trial, f w hich' he is , sy to state tha t •t t ey effectually latiove distressus • disease. to doubt the abo . cute, are meet 'to the above • • aliened per feet corner o Shippen and BENJAM; N GOWN. it 26,1837. 'i t RIIIEUM TIME. td by the t tweet sf Di. flaw Evans. of N.4th • .t, Williams the above inn taint for three he.. during hick timp he Bin ehiet s mptoms were all hierionsts, funtt especially kneeis:and nklea, an ag- A towards ni 64 and fbi the from external heat, an obvi -1 fiesta and li entente, with' menial poWer. For the ben \in a admii manner, Mr. fleet to sey at the pains and thit • joints have ,tteir mat i tone. and he tin ordinary ,oiliness. :17): -a Eamas'a C ° ent Pills —Mr. ..Bbippen and G , . ed for seven yea whichhc was symptoms were, in the head, In heart, giddiness bility of engagi vigor or co tame debility, d and weight at mental despond chest back society and 994 of - Vat UM( to no effect, u some cures per camomile Torii. was induced to at any time ha cared him of th 2:Tremont( • respectfully eon, at the Georges Arm Plnladelphi PAR. A perfect eat Mr. John burg, ailliotei years and al had to nee c ozerneiatini td the hips, gravation of most part sus thick a complete . eft et those Gibson cone item eintv completely , toeleletble to CABE ef John Rowel am at the office ler the followin ' blood, di - toration of p .i ii entaciatio , 1, with a well 1 On examine i well every w • el and in the to latt • 41 x - ° all . • • 13 1 Pro' • in Est t the. • tiiho rieitirli a. h mint, wi lee on .1 0 1 t - rota hid oil ".• ed. ly died •• • YEARS • woe, Bcboylki 1, of Untlidy. S •pl listurbed rest, • tigh • c dizziness, • et ileould not t the sense or' Won of the: pale of' the • 1 4 deficien • lowan dire des • persen in • I ttll byline!. •st Inks!. • I 5 . conspinn, ackap of , _removing .• 1 lees to sap • thele ' • • day of streeti labor „A slight spit tended with ,night. sweat :breathing at flub on the was Shand der the left same si( pound, at four dam : oxpoctoration coughing still derod u usual call in the t ,:continued rap. tough. Cillud ,month, quit. thanks for The aterro 'daring hi.' Mr. Rt the above knew, fla ache, difleui tore UMW bility ‘ and rental itemilion, tug iraiTeeatir tag cough, ea mem, great one energy. thought of I amend* existents of in-a Willi Evan's mt ecd him tot, remitted in co nt his di..,. deeittrikkei EIBSI -,' ' ' , r,„;',..: - .Y,;i4. 4 ,m-v.-t r I'"'''' - ' ''" 4:s'' ' '' ''' -*4-1- ' 11? " --, * 1- • 4 ' 4--, + ------.. . , ' -- ,: --, '147 .7 .•T''17......--,.....„:_ . . t .,_. r .....___,...,--,.. t ...., -_,..._.__..„ 7 ...,, ,. ., . , . . . ~ , : • :,...- X i .L 1 - 111C4 7:: 1 ` ', r '' ''' ' '' ', 1 .. ' - - --sr , , . Vi-••-• .•.-- • • ' 4 ~ A. Di: P ..1.-Dc'Sri“. OTTSVl iljl L li Lri -: ... . ang t.'lgi r -- 'LB)Ur * . . IWILLSt&CaIOII OlitlOt uiowl4'fir+o ja' ow 1111 00 9V.FnOlliaZ CAVIAR or, vas iIaUXTALIXS• /HMV. Mrpol! VILL 1,1,11:1101310111TO okikaluniixD skipnizva 0 irtnig - Aluy ' • mete er any. aruptetum entailer .14 thaujk Sem ilititich be is happdyiestersd.miylikewlas *Mae same 'ineatimable benefit. AtiMatllik4*ll,7uTs numinrf. ' 4 Mr. Charles. D0bart44.122 oxiige sin*, , Y. afilicted.for, five year. with humeral bbbitoil AstheM, applimd &title Office 100 Chatlemiestreet, on the 4th of October, tethering ender the ;Mow log symptoms. A sense. of tightness• =ems the chest. with the greatest difficulty of breathing, distresalmg cough, generally ending with dopious . . expectoration of,viacid pbbmgra•; disturbs t rut , . the faceitcubil and of livid hue—could • et lie ill a hurt {al position without , the meniiiiiiMe of immediate mfibcation,laegnor, tirowaineim„ dietitiass *the head, and loss qf appetite 4. WM. applied to the moat attlinent i phylsteiium in this city,,, ikewim nand aavanlpt t eta without obtaining_ any y perstanamt benefit,-until his friends, persuaded humi plamihisisrif under Dr. Wittier grans' tro; attnetti, flu is now re fiend onus complaint, and called at the office yesterday, avowing that lie had not would - to =- premium gratitude for the henefil helitCreceiv. et October 21,183 T. • trout -COMPtal4ll`4l), IF.11.31181 4 ,1211)• - ; ING" Mrs. Hamill Browne, wife of Joseph Browne. N. 6th street, near Second, Williamsburgiafflict. ea for the last ten yeari with the Liver conplahli, completely restored to health through .the treat. meat of Qr. Wm. Evans. Symptoms--Babitual constipation of the bowels, total loss of appetite, excruciating pain of the epigastric region, great depression of spirits, lapguor and other sytotdoma of extreme :debility, disturbed sleep, lotted, mate flow of the : menses: pain in the right shie, could. not lie on her left ttdg o pithout, an eintreVativa of the psio, urine high:oolmA, with.ethet toms Indicating great der 5 ginnent Ln ihe Arne, Lions of the liver. Mrs. Browne was attendee bY three of tie first physicians. but received but little relief irnin their madicine„till Mr. Browne procured sounitof Dr. Wm. Evass's invaluable preparations.. which ef. factually relieved her of - the above disOessing symptoms, with otbereovhich it is not Agenda to intimate. : JOSEPH BROWNE. City and County of New York, es. • Joseph Browne, of Williamsburg, LongllsLrod, being duly .mymp, did'. depose and say Unit the facts as set forth in the within statement, #s which he has subscribed his name, tre just and true. JOBEFJI IJBOWNIL Husband °CVO, said Hannah &Arne, Sworn before me this 4th &Lief Janaary,lB37. PETER. PIXHNET., Com. of Peed,. LIVEit . ccom,kuirr SIX YEARS . IirANDING. - MM. SARAH BRENHISER, wife of Mr. Amos Breuhiser, career efSecond attest and Germantown Road, Philadelphia, 'affected; for the last siz years with the Liver Complaint, was completely restored to; health by Dr. WM. H VAHS'S,Caniemile. Tante and „family Aperient Pills. Her symptoms-Wen habit - nal costiveness, emaciating pain in the stomach, depreision of efitrits,lanipar, extreme debility, disturbed Bleep, great pain in her iidei.could not lie on het left side without an aggravation of Pain, die:o l min the head, diainess of sight, with other etraptome indicating great derangement in the functions of the Liver. Mrs. fireithiser has made bill of va. rhino medicines now before the public, ! bnt re ceived no relief antiNhe Was advised in make ttuil of Dr Fames Pills. of which she is happy to skate that they effectually /chased be l t of the above distressing dr di uptoa. whit other which are not espeatial to intimate. ' Mr. Breithiser. .(Itiisbluid of the ihcfre Mrs Brenhiser. had been: two years affictedi with a &stressed state piles and .Costiveness, 4 which he was effectually cured. i f We do hereby subscriblfontalguat u uti m b the truth of the above mires, that th e Ina t ill in every respect bib. SARAH BEEN !SEE 'JOHN STEIF. Baker, . No. It north plea street. *lade. Philadelphia, O. Oak 1831. Dr. WM.414813 Medical OMee.r. fort the mile of his e et, Mud tine , b at N 0.19, north Eighth street, kuladtdplua. Sold by ' J. T. WERNER. Soles G for Schuylkill qti; upty. TAPtITAS ELlXlllitv For the iriatintaneetui cure of THE T bTH AMM, Diseovered and tro to freewill MONSlEUR perfection .BY CLIABERT4 This is to certify that I have tried yo Tapny is Elixir in several cisme Tooth Ache ln whicb have certainly found it of very - great service. • J. B. MilfElf. Member of the Royal Collegeofilnigeons. London, Sept. IS, IWO. A friend stepPed itttosay that he_hlil visited the Fire lanz this .nterning, I'OlP - wh o ops:led hie marvellous cure of' the Tooth - Acher.- One little - boy io,particulai; Ohalooked Dross enough to bits ten penny nail cleat oit is ten niinufefi `smilefi Alie, decayed teeth end-defied its pata r -U. B. : • A fresh enpply,of the above ElutirAttseeeiv. ad and for sale by • • •B. BA - " Sole Ageotler Schnilkill*4 • __July 13 1 w - „ ;:A i t-IY • baqt/er Ceit. lied en the la 00 Chatham eymptotec— ing cough, at indent nutter, I, difficulty et reracked hectic ion, the chest' e except Ul m pit of ther is rsstorative letallag COM. ton. to call in lid ceased. the; airtight fit of owning. Qr. lain% sad to in, his MM. ETZt FOR i -Ailesb sipplj o Wunl utblio wink, just Veceive4 and Snit* py_ jag, 97 Q B. lOWAN. .a the 106 t lib of this -- PORT',' CARBON r 1 i i 0 Millig I Fund fillide* t RE fort carbon; 'Saving _Fund ;idaiiitsty, is . now open airy day - from '9 to 3 01114 at •INfieeor Discionnt , T and Deposit, for • e fft:42 , ,:_rizilr'depaita loony amount not telt. • - jut SSU 1, frail) Ilk nwilkforeont , apon which . interest of .per oentWt9 bepazd on fiver, $5 • d'upwards,but iniii,tirePt w ill be allowed on , ' . y fiactionar , pirte ' . 4 . T . E.' Zs who'd or any ; . may be drawn out on "iv_ A t notiitd, two to ditr Weeks.4l,the ofsi';-frni Mondeyit..yThe be. Amei. of, the &Oily/ 11 bo,opodnewd by the tallowing - Amu and:nranlderF,, ,110/ 4he first b tigianwe Monday in Maur tea '1 '' • - _, . J . ' i freildent,--AQIJI - sorfros. j i! - . , , , t ,.1.:114 ero,7, -',.<,- 4 i Joseph .CarrolL . -I 1- X ioAifti . . Edward. Hughes. '%, -1, E. ii : Nunil grnsee ilip .j ” I)b gun : ';.,,„: - i i e fiT t ie l ari TY" 2.1 L. Whitney, 006 ' , . *and * rpr. • 1 Article at of the , r,*•Nkriti . * Mkt whisperer .abalLbv rivelLibr.tiin .01Iddent .or *Weil ;f") their .a. r . l ; / P , h * O O l , ll al ly *ant OrOiiik f 1 * igir#,Wer th!:o B 64+. itowil.-- ~- -• . ' . ~ ' • k e ..., oct , 3' - .1 OH *cites. ,ANDING. rieted with ptome—great ervona head. eel and atria. mous Wits be a Isog on otimpend 4earttdiatrea. of the nerv e up every vat on the Ited to hie the notices by Dr. Wm. whithisida P IRIA *eh ry Omptorn moth* fior wiW tlie IE Itial3 MEE I.: pOTIWILLE, 1 1 4. WAP.NPArk Ili El MOE -7 -',J 4.`- ..-i,:;:, v.,,F= Mee ' ENG. i. Exchange - at Nip , Yo&-on London, 7 a 71 per cent. premium.' THE CAUSE OF POLAND. nseetidg took . place ; on „Wednesday at the Crown and Anchor Tirscrp, Strand ? for the par. pose dr celebrating the Ltutiirerkary the l Polish Retrolution of 1630. Mr.. Daniel O'Connell having be caned to the chair. addnisf.ed thl Pstitioll Rio a. ritfif* o 9uent. speech. Bebeg= by x saging 7 — ~ • , ii, Indeed, no small - honour and "gratifica tion to meta be pertained to peak* upon such =occasion as the presenthe anniversary. of the glorious struggle of the gallant Poles tortbeir native *wetly and for Ebony: (Cheers.) I feel a deep sympathy in their sufferings—in their ho ly cause. 1 feel regret for the events that have clouded . their prospectkplaced their country en der theArcm.heo4i, offoreiva despotism. and seem to obscure - any vie* of the, restoration of that country. But I have never despaired ofiliberty, 'and t will never despair of liberty so long as there are honest and brave men in the world— [cheersj—eo long as we recognize the providence, 'of the God of Justice we shall never dare to des pair of the progress of right. and the &menial' of oppression and injustice. [Loud ebeersi' Subsequently he exclaimed= ,-,r9h: I delight to behold this assembly so crowded is ao noble a cause. It will be heard in Warsaw, it wiU resound through Ib greets of Petersburg, the miscreant autocrat will -*at the about—timid cheers]—arid wren. on hie blood stained throne hi will tremble at it." [Continued cheering.] • - Mr, O'C'or.nell then went /Min a strain ofmuch cloy/emu:lo expatiate upon the wrongs of Pi/- hind—the banishment of her bravest sons—the expatriation of young children, that they might forget the language of their fathers—and the re cent conscription of Polish females. In 4plation to the latter, he said—, "Let um look to the Lambert Gazette of the 10th September last. What do we find there? Why, that a conscription is ordered of 600 young women for the use of the army! [A burst of in dignation from all parts of the.ruernd—the young women fled to the mountains=-their fathers, hus bands and brothers attempted to defend 0111112. they armed thearsehreamith scythes and forks to rescue their wives and daughter' and brides bora • i the wildiera of the Emperor, but it was in vain. Six hundred young worn, were torn from their children, their parents and their husbands, and were exposed to the soldiers for selectioci. [Tie. mender's cheers.] Ohl if the young blood'flowed • in my veins, or if I were not bound l ties at home I would feel myself degraded if I did not raise pay arm to prevent inch outrage on bantam. ity. 'Bea am here in my elder day". brit I am not shrinking from that duty. lem here to say to the, world -for what I say will be carried , to the world on the wings of the press—Arise 1 and blot oat this vile stain from the face of the crea tion Arise you are created in the iniage of Gad, and let not such an atrocious blot disfigure hie work'. [Cheers.] Arise, and let the tyrant of the earth know that there is s limit beyond which human forbearance cannot go, and that there are crimes too atrocious for human pardon. [Cheered -Let every one odic' hears me spread -this freling of indignation around him, and icing raise such a cry of horror from all parts of the earth as will blast the tyrant on his , throne." • The hon. and learned gentleman sat down a midst thci moat enthusiastic and long.eontinued cheering, and was followed by 401:130 distinguish ed Poles, whia-e speeches we regret we cannot make yoom for; .nor for those of Lord Dudley Stewart, Mr. Boller; Mr. Auwood, Mr.-Schefield, Col. Peyronct Thompson, and die other gentlemen and members friendly id the cause who addressed the metitig. The Council of the Political Union in Birming ham have published an address "to the Reform, era of Great Britain and Ireland," in which their declare that "agreeable to the strictest principles of justice, we demand Umvereal Suffrage as a rightful inheritance, which.,,the owners may con sent, from motives of expediency sind for a tun" to waive, but ifhtph po one else has the arnalleß titlq to middy or restrict... With „less - to deny,— We demand an absolute protection for the - voter in the conscientious discharge of his duty; and we confidently believe that the Ball& alone offers such a protection. We demand a recurrence to the old end wise rule by which the duration e Parliament was limited to three yea& Vellow Reformerk will you assist -us 'in making good these demands? Without your general and hear. ty cokoperation per.utimat teal will avail but lit tle; with it the victory is ‘I7CIII. 'even before the battle is joined. Are there any who Will dare to stand against our united voices?" Cliesba" m, says the Northampton Courier, Its' been it a perfect fever of excitement (or the last fortnight, polling for.and !garnet *aria rates.— Rath party claims the majority; smiths) question astu,thelseittof "tithe votes" is to be submit. ted to Dr. ishington foe decision: The buipse.tionoftbs yeomanry Sties threih. out England Wiring prpect, highl satisfactory, e it is, we understapel, miteW on t h e . meeting -of ! - Parhament, to disband (with a view tO economy) , the Whale ofthe miltha staffs. - • , • I i n th e am m o Courtio Saturday. Sir Herbert banner gave judgment in. the.-thee, the "Bishop of Winchester.. ! Otelle:r who Lad been charged wtth _ adultery : his counsel did not plead anegative with to -the. artiolei exhibited, but urged palliative circumplancee: atelier. - pi t . Semen bad showlsigns of:psalm:Gee by abstain. ing km the pertormanceotawie, elertlfte• -The Court' suspended him fitr_t 'year!, and debar— red him from receiving their*Ocirds dike lining during that period. , - 1 - • iTteaday lthe .slit inst. *a ire") kantested. match took plaint 'between 23ploughmen, vervains of the tenants of Sir Hyde Parker. , Bart., of Mel. ford Helk for nine prizes„ given by the worthy Baronet. The ploughmen'haling taken home their itherighs ' returned in - ths evening to the Bandon Hall Flom, whom the match I was con tested, cant down toe hot supper ptbvided for them by order of the worthy Baronet. The .jud. ges-aleti,wod theme who arranged the phoebe for starting, were piovided the in %separate apart. meet,, end titbit • sapper they: , adjourned to the. pkuighnien's rusts, and the priztwhaying been -Aunitnuteed, Sod Is. &V paid to each man from: the:murk liberal hand. the whole joined in dunk. lug his heal th , and the remaiedetof the evening - mu epailt,th the mostjetrial manner. seary iseara• laming Iw i giow, with grittipidii fill.l s ts'elpek, witentletglasiertsdina Issr* muses. - CMS 11227:21 • -- f ; • • " Y MOlt ' NI.C;MARCII7; • EIL ~ . . ~ .. niiievelipirek ' Wurs-in' the Cann* Dersigel.;-4 . 1.ri ventorcoPper ore- her been recently our Lacs BrWge,Dos Cu. Ti t arc ip-the estate 'f-Capt. Hart,by en officio , of eclit.letireSall In th at - Put, of she donut; Denegal,.seme o Whnin.imut,were ' sent to,: in spect the !merlin o f it, assisted . by, the Ctunty. Surveyor.' h thifkindriess of Tal. - Ken= edy. Esq, Mayoriof Londonderry, we have ob. tamed a very fi,nit specimen of the ore, and we Doe i understand that " any still , fi ner are in the pos session .of or Morton, of' this city. The ore.is by far ri et than any which hap ever . met our inipecti , and promises to be much` more valuiblith n any now working in Ireland. It ii of geld golour, is very resplendent and fres from e least mixture of earthy or stony substan The mineral riches of the, great mounta in reel of the County of Donegal, running due * fr oni Lough Salt to Barns. mbnt ars' well - 7 the notice Of both capital ists and geelegists.. In thistract. besides mines and Grower very, valpable metal;-,are to be found strata of finegrl end white marble,. suited to every purpose Me etituary and the archi tect.- --- . . The potato c p has not been ibundant, 4 perhaps, will b ely reach an average one, per acre, but there far more than an average quantity of glad under that crop, which will fully, if not m orb, than counterbalance thd de ficiency; end it' their general characteristic this season, they are well.fladroured' and they areAttaina le at a very low price, via; la per cwt.-the highest retail price in Antrigh le 1 2d. per stones . I d although labor is very scarce tor the working class, the i can live at a very moderate rata , Oatmeal, Os. 3d.; oats, ss. to 6d. wheat, i1b 61 9 / -'&l4 barley, 6a. 3d. to 7s per cwt. of 1121 b.; utton, 3d-to:, 6d4 beef, 3 l-2d. to 6d. pyr lb. Pi still continue high, rating from 375. to 4 65. per wt.—Belfast New Letter. A Pkenesien —A person passing along the road between Belfast and Enif wood. observed in the-vicinityof Strandstown, near Mr. Harlin's cottage, a thrum sitting upon bet nest, which contained four gs. 'A circumstance so coil. ous at this Of the. year attraoted his atten. Lion, and no wa citing thernovements of the bird he found. the 'le regularly supplied the place of the female hile the latter was in quest of food. This is oe.curence which deserves the notice of ornith logien, as it is perhaps without a parallel in t mutual history of this country , f Belfast New . Rejoicings I Stranseeffs.—On Thursday the village of &nu iirk was, brilliantly illuminated on account of J es Hutchison, Esq, the heir to. the Stranocum estatEi, attaining his majority . ---, The inhabitan seemed to vie with each scithei in the taste die idled in lighting their boas* some of which; Weed, had a fine appeanince.. Sages in ed.—The make which wad taken to the wood of Guiles', near this towai ilome.time ago, escaped Own its keeper a few; c'sys since, and every attempt to disixerer iti. retreat Lathe thicket hai proved fruitlesa—lt increased consMerablyirksixe during its con fi ne , most in the teepee houde, and, though frequentt ly irritated, never exhibited, the least veneinolui dispositions , =-Tlyperary Paper. Oa' Monday tipwards of three hundred Raman Catholics, inle absence of their ,esteemed rem:4 , tor, the Rev. uhn Conan, assembled and dug five acres of his potatoes,lnd safely pitted than for him. Such a circumstance reflects greet et edit on thVienevolent rector and his parisbion, ers.—DerrY Jo grouiL The ; Ulster Dana!, which' ultimately will cone neat the two great waters of Lough Neagh -and Lough Eras. has been completed from Chula, moat to Monaghan--a distance of twenty-six milev—:and was on Tuesday opened foi, the purposes of trade. • _ One hondrul female 'convicts ( were put en board the rDiiintood" isonviet ship, lying in Kingston has . One hundred additional will be embarked. . • . The 'Fart of rran intends placing at the died peen of the Il • ticultural Sae*, of belied, ten' guineas ulnas jr, ibr Dahlias, to be open for 1 competitions f m all Ireland.—Doblis Reg. Zhs Irish 84iiety.—A grand dinner was givl4l on Wednesday' by the Irish Society to the Earl of fillulgrave and f ord Morpeth, to congratulate them upon their te.appointotent by her MO* ty to the important offices of Lord 'Lieutenant.; and Chief Secretary of treland.—Belfest Paor. . The Limer4 Star announces a 'discovery to bull been m in that city, by which glass, vesicle may be:rendered tattier than leather.—' The discovery 4 thus sonoonced:-4f a glass rummer be boiled in new milk it becomes so strong and thick as to render it impossible to be. broken utiles" by the greatest injustice." SVOThAND. he late Hr. P. Dow, of Balmy's, 'tuis neighed fi:ve hundred, pounds to be dia. t • . , tedetionsong the public chorine, Of erth, eicepi the. infirmary, at the dire° • tionof his trnstees; two hundred, poundikto the Gentital Assembly's Highland schools, and two litiddiod -pounds to the poor. of Kirkmichael iiarisb, not receiving reviler parbchial relief. i In the 'garden of Alex. Ram, weal*, lAberfeldy4 there is an apple tree -which has blossonteothrentimes since May last. About - the nuddle of September, the fist crop of fruittaken eirgentlY with hind; Witheue being shaken, as a wiceiiiiiiii of; lossoma had cons , . .., . to !nimbi their 'a ranee. A nimble . 0 i i ; ta qtantity of th pecond /myth thus fbr .; '-. was; sheften.Off by the boisterous w ,- . which occurred cm -the 28th and 29th - 4. but several apples Ml re on the' , ' each about she dititeominis of , a p . ' egg. It bleaboined for the:.thiatim "tot wards the hillaning of Novi_ibir k , notwithatencl4,lhe intensity of the I ' and general ticleitoncy of the What ', til 44i, number of the blosantne,Arel etillittOm, oeost-I,ttis flipe,ls of skitiiiAltWed thit,tllairtbormien'... -'` f i rt ' - , ~ --., •lb 1 ( , ', Aii iiis;44lblrAtarnith of Juin qu0.,1 dishy. loaroioniioo; that 0,1160 p.r9pl ,I - air A ....1,,..,...:.,:„......,,..„..... .., 4 .;', .7 , , ;,-, - . - i Ell =II • 4 T-• - Of MI grown spples. ippk istfOn a Mona Of tusKOnnibart: of , l3ir ;wee Cniquli crop: off in Not long since, gentleman in this tOtvn. Wing:Shout to t an:egret supper, toned a email creatu of the: reptile tribe,. hetweeit.thesolk , , the red.part, about a, quarter of an inch i ' length , with fins on its back; and a kind , f creepers below. ', • P. Wire Advertiser. Lest .week, a lark-'closely pursued by* hawk, too'. refligt,in the shop of ) .the , Messrs. Y re, fies rs, Methven,- -- The `bird all pit th . ler of,hti. Young, Isenioroo' bisb, itic ung f and allowed-t -its:4f to betaken; th ,:*efiirring to trust [itself to thelleeeroii of the man of steel, rather that, the talon of its feathered kin. deed. The birtl, , w taken, was caged, sod seems quite hap y in its place of cot& &lenient and secant.—/bid& Funeral &terra; ~, ,- The *un 3irenta mites of the Abed ence Society, have unanimously agreed t petition the Provost; Magistrates, and Gawked. of Paisley, on the subject of gild* .entertainments at ,futieralst - al deputati a has likewise been appointed to wait on he Council at its first 14, meeting, with the tition, as it is consi dered that the practice of serving funeral companies with into mating Amore, is a 'useless service, and not only useless but very.exoensive to r families, and at.a time too when peopl generally can least afford it. Three funerals took place last Week in one day, in different parts of the town, where no entertainments were .offer od, the parties connected having afteed to abolish the custo 0, above - referred to. Neath. —A series of lectures are in ; course of delivery Aeath, under the pat ronage of the Philoso p hical Society of that town. -tFhe course was opened . by the Rev. Mr. Ogled, o the .17th ult. by au ~able hist"rir.tal sketc of the use and pro ' greet ik,f,„ science, Friday, the 24ilt, Mr. Gutai 3 Of Syr a kindly 'coedit* LE). course was invitation, read • paper .ori lie silk woria4 which includ , tg,lth a full descrip-, lion of that valuablelnsect, a sketch of the history of the silk tra4, gad some remark. able and curious observations on the mul berry tree. This evening (Fliday,) Dr. Traill w' commence- a series of lectures, in aI) far form, on the animal frame, and ale ately with Mr. Gutph on Fridays; o f , I ' • • Cambrian.. A few days ago; a sparrow, closely, pur- I sued by a hawk, took refuge in the china shop of Mr. lienji . Avans, of this town. The terrified little flutterer, in his 'Carus to escape, got behili some of the brittle ware, among which is foe, in attempting to disiedge ham, made sad havoc with wings and beet . patolongtb, however, the i r sparrow it out of .tbe door, closely fol lowed by th 'hk, and both were instant • ly lost sig cif.. , ?.-Methyr Chronicle. Pilchard PSeiteri e +On Thuriday eve ning, about nine hundred hogsheads. of very fine plipbardsi .were taken in two I Beans, the Mine, mid the Unity, off New. , 1 quay. SeveMl shoals have passed through ti i St. Ives ba ' during_the week - , but have sot been en , by the mans. On Tuesday 1 some fine ft h were inclosed at Covemck, but the roughness of the, weather ,preient , ed a part of them from being secured. 1 Tribute of ititipict.—lt is truly grati. fying to the friends,and lovers of our ve nerable chtirch, to Witness the. many evi dences that we have of the attachment of her people'to those who are worthy minis. tern at her afters. .lire are informed that the inhabitants . of thingelaweo, with its chapeiry .of Lleagriffe, have recently fire seated tothe Rev. Edward Barter!, curate of the parish for a period of six years, and now carate,of,Pandyfivicig, a handsome s i lver, as a ',token of their esteem eau affection for Min acid approbation' of his ministerial rectitude. -30a*ri. p o o p Euidc44:i.—A'siriell illiopkeeP.t. er, residing in ,this,; couity,WhO ties been owAw the " look e ! for. a. wife; - for.the last, six years, decided latity in brier ,of a country lairs from thosame neighborhood. After "wooing" her for a-short time, she, consented to becoutchis wife;htkparents were asked, and, every thing rut - thing on prosperously-the ; bsos were published, the, 'cad iag itlethes.,-Or‘ered, &c._in:.fact; every : thing aelated 4Q. smile : 9 ll .44, l lE4*Y peirf, hut,,alesit this ,weir, butfoi.,,e, short. time. .One morning, when er the shoPiteep ,vainconPlTlAgifig 9A- 1 10.400:tort96.0fie, ,received, a letter) .and—uptiooiiting it. open herealt lut rOknis77.- ~ . , , 1 - - . :t• "ell m!rm - 7,-.,---...- - 1 . -i 4 , 1,! ~ . - qv; ;.- i ; coat you with. my ~one eye' ast fate, &raw lho . 7/49„100g,Pe r gy ti ti l l*iyin, 1 itfiI t YPILIK . Acil,,linteptisk.Proe ii "rpilor, your,-!fgelliin •• 41 T e jaY" th°, l*. gl i -j 4 2 : 111 P 4r RPtl e lY ,r 1.1440,,,,g,di' 1 04irm and: i M yorktiutw' Opt I ,heyo..:'ooish 'finish; you . I -Alw,t klß:*l l ;!oe9,irt - - - Y* 0 (10(1. gieJz iwe SPY.fr; - (,- , . ---, ...,_'.' 794.14 . eu1,Waa ;tllll+ist :It Avictornidsoithisifider but - ' iiir . ' - ' ''' : - 4t- ,•-• -.. : .i. ! 1 .. , - ~,,,,,::-. -.1,A, ..-.- - 4 . I l - _ - 0.1 , ;4...;- -I1 - • ' ■ =IL= - • rJ • - -r* - - " )MAN'T:4IO6 t~~.~a~a.; ~w,sal4~t~: IMEI . . bur , . ~.h a resabred- neverlaimbar ,_'•• iecoudi,alfer,, *B4in-order to taartitzao,s' i t 4 kti that-44"ra Ftr tired a certilkati.44, wilt e:, r. taiatao Wik-legl' tlikr:r day,- ,waa-, ,bare ; been mare - attar. Ctualart4Vdnultal. , , - A nieliutbaly ail fatal red' a( ethe _ Eagle 1— bered frPoti* ,eOS glid4Pt:Patil .te,kowtheiprOpsrtyi rikAtaits., TO first, the,month of July. Ptrthskire Cotii. • • • .-- Deighborhoc4l or poor 'lodl= _' yeti's Of cost - • - 1114 ""; f '''" :!: - " A% .• • •. --41. 4 : 4 j., • I '17.4'...7,L ..4eath, , on - *Fsida*":4l.t. A l - John Thitiesabont , ls - 4., . . .. f , was bung lowered Auto the l anai . basket, and when itheit;aitl-: . _ ..t, it- is supposed that thole** MOP* , cog came inlconfact with,that inishichlark was descending--the shock - ,prodocetk* the collision jerking the-poor-lA*4 tuner' his basket, when he wew'PrwAritAktihts4 the bottom of the pitiandliterillt ' to pieeee. , ` 7 1- +' ' j '' • Prolific Patato.—Morris " , Th oni14.014:" , buntethan,. residing et Betheinhiihsa+ tamed the astonishing produee of iintrhini. dyed and three • potatoes front 4iteitOp, stalkol-Noki Wales Ohm. r -1L; ,1 '..'-'l' iivin the New 'Twit Tniiiiiiiiio , It. R - ' Les . - Most' itaxiill iit Wr O Ci f /If .--,, A 1, f - our readers, l must have heard ri_ort.tifromett tic episode in' the loves and lives if the parenti - of, dm celebrated - TliPjaii - l* : Beickt Arebbishr of jeanteibiitYy .. bemg no lees a chomps Rocs than that the - falba"- of the'. Archbiahhp' went to figlktlie!'ilifialltl SitraCirs in the Holy Hand t i iiirr . whilli there ,WlB wounded; taken prupotier : 4l• was nursed by a , beautiful yo . nrrf _ '' • , pagan, who; like me* youegWarrici - o*. 'sirs fell despenitely in love - with 014 of he attontir and solicitude: 4 ' Afte r tie older Becket sailed from tbwit - j '" - ' ' 'tor England, she 'Laic' ame 01 ' %V t ola his departure,:and a .1 1 bort.** • * .,1,.,, • e secretly en her father's teitura . little money and a few' jell? assani g/ t dill4r i p p. way to Acre, conk, her p ~, z .., i. bound to England, landed in Le t , f'. _` ' 4 : • although sh e . could nor . spinik :',, , d 4 intrit ', f . the la ;nage, except the name of she loved, and only keel .'"iii:pnit - '_ j ar ' reiz: that his cbriitiari tiamOwas#hoinali, as s 4 went crying that wOrd:tbro n gbVje. streeM of he great city, PittiV j ibe round him-4mm alter. which theyinaiii`ed: -- ij . ' Singular p thetiie above 14itirliii fie have to - recoA,.one to-dtiy almost singular and ;romantic. "'Bone 144 ST - ,, • tom" of thelimtlear, a s , on sailing . vessels wal dronpirijrdiiiiii , the Mersey, with fiii 'wind - andlidit'lor' , . York, thejninds on boanintipiekedK ill j boat p ' a the river, ifci asterfffin l ,iihiP, l *-1 mining a party or ileasoril 7ioll - iiiMeti by a squall. The ship yards weitahitxd round, her topsails bicked, ~,end'X' * t - lowered, which made for the` fraliY:)e. - he nt watet. They' were. rescned J,: - eicititl r a. YoueitadYr who hecemtel4 ll 14, teiV., 1 the rest, was carried doriwiti the. ' y of the tad and ninit - ineviniblibiii - • '- igoli t lost, had not been for the watniOdn anilltiatoptdit7 of the 'mite .. .a 110'4 1 4 1 ,, waiiiiiisTantlY jumped kW the fore 161111 droptmd int(' the 'wall!, ..!i#ll, to '4 ll l drowning girl, ,end being' ititinti _ , g Man, supported het till' the boill'Xrini, , and took them both , np. - ' ll3 l l ii'iriiii: ea on beard, the fhip*whictr ail! :Wit''' . , 1 I until she 'rec itered, *lee j :,, ,1 1 •V:s* e , party were ult mutely lalled.-4 , to say, the -Patties all seParatokiooitt" mime of the 'nisei or '"any cifbill iwini In • being made known tenthe rescued • end the ship was soon iadeilraykiitl: York. '' ••••••• i- ----.- .;• - - " --- 1 On her return" to Livriwilit.,ti•lptte who; was 'a fine ; handsome ,":leilifiv,: ~ , who;had not failed to obis - tie; during t it short that the -107* -- _ i , d rescue was a very %sautifid . ynutiesiri 'in woman i —thought it might not be to alie.)(4ol' ljto eedeasiour!to finti.hersout, and iiiitrlielif. ter her healthy-0116,U object ittviifir,, j hurriiiittivertnile °fold Liverpool-110 n% and iii . jaeov,er4thation such ii:daY t ;lB34, apa -.- ofpi - in ins- RailbentViecluding )4ary.;_. _--rT-;;Ilad b0 6 ,0* - 04:40.° 1 1 4iy e - i , 00: grave , by , th e PreTA:oktts', lol ,baufid,.eut;. but as :some -PO; 'Ol l,- ay . ~(which bad, been ; , wind bottnillti4t. lintel:day, the, name of the:Tee 9 4.l* . knoWn. t On Making, furthet inclutip&M found that the young ledeilwothorcf,., :Ft o geo n, was. one , of ttoktosolieit St 6 iiiii ,!I!O that ley, had :_ le ft-LiarL„iipooj 4 -end vilelto residflosiheemintry, -Hil,nbtiiiiertimpyie of Atwo4e_ (rem ike skiP t and: without 1 10. .;hArii , or, cofillpal l 9 ateee_bi - itistetto-te4 t ,f -1 1. kene:...4nd lode. cut:ori town' tOW,w Warrington„ ; lin bed ao 0'9444 1 : 1 , eilren milekbeibni hii Jtoree leek 4 rsn - r and : , -threw, 4440.4 1 .r*-1 1 ,ie ,head 4, .11e,wiktakin, up, sense 1 swtr* liiitie nearest. hietwirvititOtketot.i , -lili•ter .happened ' ` ~to b,- , eWWPWANE. 3. 4I* , liyermdayain a critical J . fits,. a*, 4 the :j firstoifa 111 4,Wwot hi o 7 4 4 ::"Fil,g t, ;#* .415 wros,_ivis ,thil:fklilkAttiV" ` 1 0 ) °,.. alluded tot.Welttie')llA, - ' 4 1111 ,!*hlw . c4niP*.---itwd 491, 1 4t840 1 tt ...ntiree:.,•:§tielkatkeixkie Ply* - . 4 ,,,,, ,1 , that i i - j r n eeogniaerf he - Kt - led II - r -,---'" , iheA! _,,, 41,M r ) f ir 1,. N., ~' ,-., P4 4, -t - N r 4M )1 0, 6•1 4-4-4 1 i*ki ,i Zilli Sill ' 414)7, 14: . :1=0PPKV 1 ".. • - - **:4 l 9!irrii,tlfttifA ' -.'' ..,.. - -„:,. t , ') :.- as Q II II ii 1 rE9 in .thO