• • • . • • . • MO= {. +. ...."1" , -• • c , -•• - -,,,,' - l ' s "' - '"”` 7 :1 4 • 1 ' ,.. 4- , - _ : ,...... i .,„....-,--C.', , --.- 7 -... , • ' ''' I - - • •' `,ray ;], 4 .7' •'-'2 ? -kits.- - .111,40-441fil*iii.qte'ini* '' toe'llft**-bitaii*.but ,o oo. 2 mbal - outi;A, .; )sot way to Ainte4csr , ;, ,Befons*rdinie Of t snuitSpaineh utignomAtoPielversoliff c p' ibled 14 i. 1 paddle about the shines.- 'Jun immith too Life hied;.. ,Wides It Is bet 'two 'short yeanceince 1 brat veal ridged upon an ttimeirtord-eat ,aml,lltave discovered aim precioulLottsiht tWitiald searelter-' HEA LTIII Vegetablettiedicines ware iudigia known when/ utter menea Iny ,search.=bat,theje, itse. moil ,5 31 4 '.. 10 1 • did 1, nielidthemadtaTepottudiyaleiedjiMit.lbedtheo t tl ~I inialid,tatttkbalebeittyink anitienflit of Wan r'll,Polotokill'Mpitiking, I have retileW.ed 4 1 - iiiiitla,4•=mikettotritit ”confidence t tr,itay qv= nilti 'l,74o6lfilAdViMPith -my tallow citizesti'. -Does ihte 1 - I',Atlonnterooftliat theVEGTABLIrLIFEM% 1 ritriMQ •iite ilitntle to - Malmo case 1, 1: 11 4" " m pg sevoildheal.s46 Etteidivey, hifiiirrediataerit:f ' ..- -'' ameamftloriiiiikereipectatibitiltizeriti entire hit mik tifeland k volutarilyWereitin,testimony ad= sin %g - .- 4 4`9 11 x1P )(gen..% ffivet.4 o .o l C-PIC-- ... .'%-i . ' •,, i , lioriecainitaiiiini litivie been 'lSityly na * - " 4 tiritdiVe""loilitnil PriteMl4cost of 1 " - Affer_ . lienrineVltneek; qiitethe' hiritlifidi eilfeaskikeiblinidy.ate the rands clivisito rieretantarl 0 0 alat I.: "''' ' =' JOHN' MOFFAT. l'' - GeNgRALF-iitiMltßla • RBIATIVE. TO. WWI , , , Ftr,SLIEFe,PILLS AND PNCENiX arrrEßs., , Theauntalicines haireloritheemlumwin and appre • I elated, for theirettoterdioarY.Ood immediate powers i , "Wfyetteldnemetfect healtlo 4 pertions aufferine under lIVE4.l. 4 Whiod of ,d' -to which the Wiria t i I `-lrapikill '' ' l iitlitfiii - Ullfitedit of certificates, itistAces. they _ hivinre t reeerred suffeensTroin'the very verge ofau =minthttely grave,ellif sit the deceptive-msdnithe of 'the day had utterly failed; and to many thousands they "Mereperiedimetitly securidahm iiiiifunn e. ryment of bealthoetthontsealch life iteelfie beta partial bless ing. 'tilo - -great. weed: Ime,their efficicy inviolable and Infallibly proved, that, If hairspeared scarcely low tbananiratmlous to those who wertimaicquainted WO *l' beautiful phalosophical_ principles.apon] wpich they -are compounded, and upon which the consequently act. - It waste their'manifesi mut *mom I ble, action in purifying- the spring* and cluinneb of life, mid enauingthem with renewed tone and my:, . that they were indebted for theirnaine, which' was bestowed upon them at the spontaneous request 'Of - seireralindtviduals whose Lees thee had obvtoirsil avid, , Mei .-TheeropeietoriVejoice in the oPPortuglb airra a • bilhis tutiveriaf difftuurre of the daily press. for plac- - wig hip VIM:TABLE LIFE PI LLS within the knowle to r e and reach of every individual in the cons catnity- . Unlike the host of pernicious quackeries: . ...whielrboast of .veioltable ingredients. the Life Mal are purely and aoyeyr v toe • sews, and contain net dear ,Alittnri k Antimony, Arsenic, nor any other mineraLikomy !drib whatever. They are entirely cdmpolled efithirards frost rata and powerful plants. theiriecies of which, though long known to several Ina= iribes.'and reeehtly to some eminent, pkniMe• cenucal ehemisis.arealtlegetherntiknown to tit. Igno , rant presenders totnedicataizience: and were never before admmisterechn so happily, efficacious a cook, l' Miatimi. _ . Tnekfarst operailen is to loosen from the coatsvil , the stun:inch a•d leiwels, the various impurities and 'crudities chnsisntly setting around them; and to re , Ittive volutr i ns orth e e ne n d mid nec l l is t G ik-e the t r ib ui t ed he ic c ut mulattoes co only-partially cleanse these : and leave such collec* I snit= behind. as to produce habitual costiveness. with all its train sten* or sudden diarrhoea. withms bifinneitet dangers. This fact is well known to lilt regular anitorelsts. who examine the human bowels_ ar - deatle and hence the prejudice of thole welt in armed men against the quack medicines oftlie ate. The- seeped 'effect of the VEGETABLE l i near. PlLlA•taimeleantre the kidneys and the bladder, and by this Meatte,the liver and the lungs, the healthful scams oftwifteh entirely depends upon the regularity of theitOrgoolt. The blue d, which takes its Ted ceder nom,the agency of the liver and the hugs Were &wanes into theleart, being.thus punfied by thus and nourished by food',..coming from a clean tumefy*, courses 8.. y through the veins. renews every put of thesymern and triumphantly mounts the buster of health i n the, bloOming Cheek. , .'. „ 6 1Verfollowitig are amengthe distressing - eerie - If - or btaitur diseases, Id which - the Vegetable lafe Pills ainnedtknowato be infalliblec-r- • . I.WBPEPBlA,hythrouglaiy- Clearwing thefirst and w eit iadd attitnachs, and_creating *BOW of marehealthy bite. instead of the stale and acrid kind;-.„ "Losier akefiertle, ;burn arseial. the - II e r a eilks i ii' snua,etavver. Aliit u t 1 tad I - 1 - N ' ' ' „ouriXelaneholy Which ate the genera syinplonis of pespepsiaiwill vanish, as a natural eoritiequence of its eunit Cesdisauti. by cleansing-the whole length of theatitmaneir with solvent process, and without sioleamatall violent purges leave the bowehr costive within two days. Mani= and. Cholera. by remove , ; ing the sharp acrid fluids. by which these compannut are eccisioned. and be,,promotine_ the lubricative , sebstiontftheutucus membrane. ;ffirowsolaffkinds, ; :' byrestoring the blood to a regularjurculs don, tbroniv• the proem-of perspiration in home cues. and this throotheolotionoftill intestinal obstructions= others The LII.); PILLS have been knottiktottire Rhos maim pesanently in three weeks, and Chat in . baje ' that time, removing lotfal inflammation from the muck, a ligaments ofthetoinm Ilropsies all kands i ,be ftifeing 'add strengthening thelledneye and bladder; theroperale 'Mott 'delightfully on these or gant,andhenechave ever been found alters= ream ,dy for die worst ca s es of Drawl. Aide, Worms. by • dislodging from the thrnings of the bowel' the slims , matter to which these creatures adhe.e; of and , .". '. • ytien. by relieving the air vessels. of the tulip Nl:tithe MUCUS, which even slight colds ifnot relies. -elftecrittnt hardened, and proditeam thrtael dreadful daveasea. Beam. Carus and kiteurreer Sores. the ct' perfe pante which these Life Pffisgivetothe W oad •end all hunters; Scortititic Ellio4ox apd,liad.Conte. rums by their alterative effect upon the duds that morbid state of which occasions all Eilligne CORI- And' t. SCAR& Cloudy, and other rtisagreedoi e COnll- . 1 r...puitriMis- 'The ere of these Pills for ii very short time. willadthetui entire cure of s,Stdr Acura. Erysipeta• I and a striking im,..trovement in the Ctect=was qj the skin . Common olds. and influenra , frill alwayi be eared hy one dote. or by two even in ihniroyat,cases. Paill,-:-tut a remedy for this most distreung and Ob mina= malady, the Vegetable - Life hilt deserves a. distinct and emir/ hide recommendation. It Is well krienen to hundreds in this city, that the • Proprietor of these invakiable Pills, was himself afflicted with this complaint for upwards of thirry•fivityivers,and that be thee to vale every remedy prescribed, w i t hi n t h e whole Compass of the Shama whole He faiweviir. ' at lesigth. tided the medium which be: now deers to the public, and he, Was cured in a vety,ihon time„, after his, eecoveirbad been pnationft Dot Only I 14 re a,...-_ iollsniblialk hot absolutely ildPClSsiblo, *laity homin -4 kit WIII . ttaeans.• • i. '-••••• ' •••• 4, _ DIREPTIONS FOR D14E. , /-11;e.pr . 4*lnrsofihe • essietiasew-latz-Pium demonist foUow ebus and . ategoemy pramiceofehofthe def. in kilns= ing persons to take hiss ti in large quietities.= Ar k , gletl ***lido• c an Pf 04.47 b9. 6 9e 4 1 1 *( 1 . Jl,Jrhof• - kidliLiani to bctaken, at twil Atme !vett hytaLfor ii i , - , Wick di kir - Welt, imionlisolti dierdlotirdicy of the disease. Thevazual duels - Minn to kliheardingie thelioadtutirrirtiftlie person. Verydellestepersoli should tieglirliitti-but two. and increUicarke Manua of the case may ni c these weerecrohnenot oftvery. i ir ei n hes tAtet ti- with 3, and Martens to 4, or eoehiltle,,a they will effect a sufficiently happy change tai; the patient ht,tbetr-"Carther use. Thesefills sometimes catiethioneithuitis tied "' Tee m egi thqugh very seldom; nolo. inewtoainchfricera - 1410 0 rthils.loof be otiondiwol-a fliverille # - times the-petsent. will Ihidititneetlf it once rit- itpdliy.l l eT.e‘Fanal.wataVall D-,'_,,r, ...they ~..1, ope tatoiifitlnir io or 1246tireaddii . . a • , I,..~Wiless, the boWels are verynnrcli - -,. . . . ,--' TheyEtiletairikitorthe most delicate females en. _.... - }•derlinteirentruttances.—lt is, however, Onciinikrajil. •,' -ildakallhOiMikiliger-poniodsof . fireipaaacysiseuki • - --A 161- - - --.---.., ~ 11A* 4 4 6 igAl*Perd# o ,!***Virettriteepithe bowid e p,ki:tb...,...iik..4 iffen — ry end, &nett Auld oi t r , ullind 'UM( o mat tie Won Where - the outlet- .*Werie iiiithiiiiiceel. olhiltkVii"bahed hers, pp t , it very costive. One pill de iftrolotion cif two table ii Lo ' xi b th Rer • 1' l * Igloos Marcia:4y; title: speomfidleifweaerentay litsgitemleitte - oi all abridi.o in, wrothlizendirliiihilitipeThied 14 ksoicooe. - -0u.5r0w..ye1,066.. - *14%, Si yr Nil Ifiji 1" .. l' elf toponivais,for a etilliti iiiinots4 to_gmeji!ao ora ge „ L_ , , cis t - .3 ~. ' l .'. ..P! . I. i f -P9 1 .? 1.'..4 1 bad- -44rmanototwoneoin. . - .. .-7 t` ce,nt o2 ** l /- .. . ...- RelfwPittit; ' y ; r prinNyrgiTtpEitg.-- er e . ii, 1 4 . 41, • pmp oepo...Mwt:bo4wsewwtwratktwatiWorillMzi rw E d An. power emote/4e tog l e took*titelewhettle ipiticripturni will alio Jo; l egg b i d e % health, to a glowing vi or dna flnTrifil e ivedi' IL BA N eeentitetion. eit the Petis ts said to ate restored to -.kit= 24 -ft i ... ~ , 1 MM2 MMMII a 5t:441411614ifi 4 144114 * 11a It: . , f ' ' tawteliViNikabolf-edgotibloP , *NMI ' i 1 fitooloolFoatits*iiorectiCiblirt, - , I. ietaokt*A • Islbbly4torslZMlStiA/ViWili °NI Penn Werzfail,m.fraol"”r us ie sst 4 ih, - o, o l4lllll N r lA tibil k it a t i r --'' = moot pert:. ....a impurity ob —,...0z 01 0r " 1 rti o Lco l M i r t hrc ) TO It " 1 2 1 3==r, Zg a b t rig. . 3. A , ° toml at. ~,-* never" rang 15E' solffedo — ig:jor% :ate nue ..A t estion in _ thtchesdot r ict.4o rokieb.fr *Filial -10 rbia""Wie r4 ll : 4 'in " si al a4ye L tri w c . : biiiirtt:rthozeillieueo bowie,- ca r s - 4ftsrixna da l airt e l t a V i t st Or a ' ad their orig44titifitkeikrt4M t ai Vl l 4 ,,ect i' l eamedlomoutodosto- tiL,,eal..- 1:i. the r henis. t h e , m io os e7 , u‘ s tke uupori q o tho . F .,....:,/ sg a raga n n ... .., 44141 " 14.4 i ) .. a K r /iM Tii,taiipe id: Fipois andi out' V Otioct 'lb -Rrefe r sq thilttafilboyasl —77 '- . - --4 41 - ai;-Ofr -- **brioilta,w'' Peeeeb. o irels!) .111:0therwafftlbe-aeneeeeem" liable The atitatildoli.ofthesehniettillt ..._ ....a,Wasti ibiai dill; iii!iiaittedr w i ne .'; ttaiktnahatimay"bei Taken_ "door Mired ;tiMell'itlaivaltitiatthill an %al , ; lii bellite eels: J OYOen quantity, may be' &keit well MOW: To - thoite who' Ire affit* : wittritid ' atter' ' ii. these Sitters will - pro* is ,u - Oey rit• gOtt lopebseilleoqicto.of the, fontcipel, ;mon: help thetal.o_o*fortatheitipaPbOtte t anilAsk; able Ihkandnatit, statscgarge inteithe boitelaNaiiit 'tier is Ofreinaiite. _VgitaltabgestiOn le amity end speed!; zikOttediappetito voltOredi allthlto:tooatbs, albeit Mena vemele -being Aeanied.tantriliottl facdiuited. and etrentlyorMidy eniteaererotAlta are thet,halp .4141n . 011e..,5f0r, tkrthituctders„ of hlOrgkrs, PILLS. sod FMXN/64: 21 7: - ' Teßs.ii4l) at - i Ttforarieffice.,N6. 546 *ay: 'Sew 'Verb, where the Ms can 'be obtained 'for 15 cent** coital); gi4o.hott end Llie__ BitieerfgrAJ e Lor,s2 per bottle. .111V,Ilumeroue ceruticateOr Artintietrulefficacystfboth n otay be ihertii 111;11001eObiltinf p 4 ;14176.4VIOgrfed add Intliminatory itheitiniftwi: Vive.i i . _ , Feieettitd Ague. 11%ei_erAiit.' MiY?Filis. o oo l Fa Me via ti - renter,. q.t tft ettowev - time 'gaud,— it ntay brosecestar \Chad) the 12111" IL ii it Mai ....._ -ay h lik6. Pitts end the'ilhmuthilaters, t V e dbie befOrtrie eommestitlett- -.., s, 4 4 - #•4: - .PLbi ' llit i . titlktittmy...erill 4ot - the ; mei_coriplet Oftho exelpth torto - piell fi'stertheitY pflthazir'ptlareepttritht. and mrath the ► 'of Warta the hea.te'attittotent head-. adies:ti - c ; itreux, &e.-4.thierithautWhetifelstedW igv ..01t9ig - 3f4nitYato-Othttelltoe . t ylithcrat the ,Lite. Ptli or the Bitteri.Toetthe attitethutiitill save life.* 'Tile' , ecinahro theeiteulattowilthit'lloW dravertall presettrir from ..therbeed.- - preepiretioneetad dtroryofr ewer; tatieuityAy the pored of the mkt a= F0t.e31401 01:Its rot , 1 1:T: • 17 11 • . c 0 inns, g r oo Original Hygeian Universal. Vegetable - . 1 " Medicine, prepared'l'y biII3KLN,""Esq, Member. of the Itoyet•College of elorgeons„ bicen.- tiatebtrApotheadries Company, Fellow ' of Dol. Court•Society,f3urgeon to the ttoyallinion ran abio Xssociation, Lancaster place, 'Waterloo firldirco end'. Yerpetual Popil of t uay • and St. Thoinati' tlonfo:ta hi, don. pdla.paving gat ed tmelebrity .unparel lelee.iimevery section.of c Moo, are bow con. sidertallby al) tbusc - whu va u " d pun.seiti as 41 -L . - Medicine pitrontaedbyli: numerous b,udY—tif. the most ;eminent Plxisiciains, outlt„tnpthia country ind :in Europe,—is sittficiejbt, •tt is presumed, tamp their character in the en. timstiotr of every than ing--inan.,_and it ie"fio~ed, a far better recommendation than the -course re. sorted to by ignortmt and unprincipled pretenders, who/ td mislead and deceive the public. pablialt what they call practical proofs-and certificates of cerls,thsleseeed all boubda Of nitiolial Credit:di. sty.; and mo st - cif - Which, titbit : ill, Ore eitbirgiOsa , fabrications, or proCuredliyfrinad aridchotlyance. The editor of the Long 'ulna fainter, says *This 'Medicine baChbtaided air ttnrirciedittitgi degrim la prelervedpdpelality. en diesi r pills ourselves to advantage and- witttethr . ed their beneficial-040s on others, wit have no hesitation ir.-reeimittiendiegthem to the ptiblic as a safe o itabitery end useful family tnedieine." , • ' * * *Nixie are genuine without the eiguature of the 9eiterel Agent-km the label, by *limn thy ,a. bovemidicibils imported into-this country:" e ~6 . 140. OL E ;129 Wetre:Hl - Gent,l Agent•for 1:4460, 14- 4 f;"- Alaim* .oftheabove Medicine juet received and for sale - • •"SAMNA & , • Sole Agent. fot 1H ER etlisW . T A 140,0., fi (Forraz z ly talfrfis, ail renitsit.d'• Joll4 Olhowitkidire • Or . Pilttk - N = 44lreet, , it 44ear4iiotartabiita Nasiegi_ 7, they:offer-4pr Atilt a -weL4n a ' • a and ipaaeltnir44 44 :ma/4f ;ritahinna tiler -onkel!, With an* - " imeni tif So maerOnttiii..tingukiiatitoinittoi: ton Quirts. Collis. -Bosoms. &oaks. Glares. Ong pendet . linen and cation time, ant) all lads pr ,Genticitnen'a wearibir apparrel. • winch- will be mitd4 &o order-in the approved-stele as to link wor 0 . 0 nship, and "Farewell to fit. equal tp any is tha.Prty or eivewhere.- P. beep nithand an nicallenLaa ef reedy. male Clot,,ng tglitnda.- . which be sold at very IPw - fates. 17 . . . , . .roceries.„l 770, 0 sinter : at itiac t in Star rip' ed A dliion to, Pant . in ilia, when:Lamy lx. had ,whole.- ante 'sod rretaiVdes• the- /haat moderate /chow. brunni- lump and,inif ingartar Winkelman And run* hyairmqrsaikminlnar •firli chave. Oaf'. lice,idotrierctiocolate.-apiritsebrandyi, in,-Piort Lisbon Tomtits and otber,atinpa.; tilsni.mtialky arid im.diala, -fialt-Spanish t*thf common - . invite. pappe4 alspien4ingerjaideratna, cluven i -nunn elan* inparatiL pilot- bread. erackeni.ortfrat Ina enitatica;'&e. dec. foetantr, or exchanite faccounv try pelirdwita. ; •a r , jnai. ,-29-4 • • LlENittloya Ve . ILLI.A.AVNEAL, iiiiwvw.tervitzus- ow iv got- 27 .-g«iti ilia -4.1)401964,944,0u1m5ive1". W . la f i t • , '1 Is .11.261: Eater4,4o tl 7. M0.C 144 44,. e IC 1 ; 1 14. 14. :1 1 . 1 0 141 10..1 Pr!Fettus-- Um*: (Attic!. 41,0704 w% broltitaga to an put of.tbatiltnon,,wstheiMitia. charo .` 't • • • 141.41501110 diayAti!j 3 7.,otle:ra Aof, i g ia l r irOlot ° their lomini o n. of the taw oi .ptalattt kialfs,altiol7oo l l Mils; atat thc art a „in . fpipiketured expreUly dpit the iipui on Maw:haus "amid gtte_ their 'orders Soz7Loult. • • • Ott*P"' 111111 E Padrs4sftilimidffli*Plalfitheil*iiirrioillasd 4 l' anOwiontisiesptows:reastin. wag. Sinodietiurl VEGEMASIALLTNIY-MkLki • • whiehiiffair-. seined widkin indfickstfilaantitl, in i liniidoespnit. alidevaeuationa Wilkiiiist Alone -Ito seitora n ereri ergisi'th I same of beg& - Thii is iii dieliwtociple ,ordriidlingi - we disin'n • inarihi, plate' brlindi s anal [ Not it nate arstablity wain *odude a nriostrehlin. -- datit• fisitilitiondkoliskrwith the now kaidnorhan (say ail* issisefoidids*iiiiit. wo eatdroolk i pe t uno to,daiattbs:Pdflation-10:" cnalirlintit those who hive opied this rissiin le,icsetkiii, mum cr-gliim!‘t with auF.nalorckthlL tho ll avit sae rith4, the 4esidt.:Antitit bean sotind health:lt As not tad? Iff'uotidts ounce die Pills were In. tioducediniditiiikUtifted States, t , theii sale has beensdicigetharisplarecedented,th havinibeensold of Wuhan New York in ibst:tilne.ify aorietradrarn eke tkainiaoi b - oites. And se ICIXPActer. .... r ..fe zi y nt o.ocp .....4,. ,ben eilitill whoihlitic Aii alired eerier' i ever} kaherineitilited,beeentwah 'ier4ainvellingi oidisgaleywhlch.loPearedter the/ dPkoV,.. 4 lchur iStRyika4.4.PPTI castombe!" ' I St!' r_,‘p' 1,. 3 tC4. i ( J 01 ....apiL% -Aay C 41..--. .....re the Mu, 41ages ondpnratioi;liaAtalil bare Jigs fifid;b9ste,sird 'wheretti.iltan`Seatike.MO'hittnim Mein* eofildhitil liii,-*mpqrfemis t ' i tiy,the-nsie,o( 'IWO ti gooiltisalth. the dero &ea !antis . ,-- -4monelt4elinitiliiiidef- _ `-' •-- -' _• , • -.- , ""- i inokr - .Dr:T•W 11. Aindietti *silo - Tani , crantinetil of rittlfiSfibe fisklinidlelditeryi. W 411841,1441 XI leargin es wind latroddilli ildttlle. meditialiptrmimir -0141-4uttnero plants , - 1 4rV ikikt,d fnga.tid Vegetable Kin ilds-plEt, . • _- Id , ponesimedicinedis . iy„ Id tt Oti ;peei lir* . dice liii,ieecific action :; ii ill, all frdin the bhmil,byllisi sumach a 4stiwels,as *a cootimiatilin mitt* use otenelta line. eschinia madam: annr t0..-ba,Oarried-- 01 ; st il the 1 4D9d la'' aninejvitate.af etiriM.--mil whoese is. esthilan AWN and plasensreitwith *them, w,ar iiktiieudlb4 Pr-1 lirilliatiiVerainith dilly aiiiiiiieelltrii — ehflaiithropm , obleit.; lt ii riglenit itiordistri -ind ( knoiri Vet; , that eterfdisilaseTW•beitner*lt bti lathe lined or feet. Oiler brain or meatiest memberrwheth -it bean oats and iikasior'on-inward abscess. are though-arising 1 from, mangiminses. reducible to ; grand effect, , namely, 4mpurtty pl'hloiA. :Nan .o..4,li4Drireandthemf I Stirissnreliter - illYliried:frith , eimaterfeit Br)ind,reth.'s Pills. it be.. cometithory_rhowant therein= Oak to purchise only ofibe ac credits agintts or thrlse Whiern known, tribe*berdstich distil/nest priiets- . ' t • file 11. Thouimon 0- -Co. PottardWare the only a Outset preseetfor iSchnytkill comity. , - . . _Dritliandretits 'Mice for thearalWaif the Oliva Pills , wholemlis and,remilis at 169 Itacd o street,, firm door above . fitth at. north side,. Pluladele a. Always remember that Drug Stores never Anse the genuine • Baridreth ?ids for sale; 'therefore all pun chas Deeessif diem are sure to be conlerfeit. • 3 ‘ , . WiTra,km roatCea.. ; 11 'S the intampekance and Int of ihir QM ire , hastmaing the- savages of Vico tic complaints and eenderinmthe blood more imMire; and Int thud- Ind. have:di •red,thr . ' 'cdttelir flaw itod't hetanatick pat roc 'tool speed' Thet *tenant aeatit4 , Prof itaad.fitzlffetke - tounty; Pa. of peradn affected witty Other oft a writs) w qua dlit# ictrAtte ; F t y mpg attd,s(pptriaitifl before tptkiliq eaciNthelPPPG% 4l 4t o P: nu' l 4 , * P' l l 1 ,10 4 . 4 ' • • • -lll'Vet,-'aFttcle csupot any Arne Mots "CPl.4 B. ij°7- 1 41 1 N, IPPO./ b 49,4 iris! tS~~f3tfptell~7l{eeif q ~o~~ll ; feel, Nift .„....rr. ....,....„, „,, ._..„.7„,...,.. ct .. :•:itaiic.:.:„..... T L,......c.....wenid.a iii. Ailusouncii. ictedhe,:putHit, *MAIO hie ad iceliicitirmiie stock,,,hreceod Hilzdihata c conmipting in quirt xis ; Asootiestrund.Eughalt:Esraters4Hoopesod Band IroiSiznosini. Itter; aissiSted•rduit4,Cad t 4'.raw*, i n gistiaieGertnessouul•tughsh . slur and. Ai M. &sellout', Mouse-hole anvil& iltesAltellipli Coss Steel !wad chqping_end roed,ases„riall &lid iiiiiiiet,ldteilie`i l 'isidfriltil ' 'V iiisoFtistent of , froolMciiiii ryfilfoferhiefr H be'sold etTio . liseed"Pricreebt. '''-* -1- JOHN ' LAYTON:- i • April 9ii A - , •••sr , '••"-'l ':,..- 2 ~••': -, 42 ,, • - . ~......r . , . . _ _ . . .. 0 64, f - 4,?-u-HNOILA t fiEIa -, .. t . :.: , - J ., , ~, IF sabserilitii ittapee_uLly_ . ~ , irea&l;) , the ' r.. iabli44ltatiest.w tllisttand, • , Aims .ettjleetiat tit atteanithriur;this iskorrikitati . littiiroihsed.Nitt sery ' reasonable rates ... Attootta - trim .. ithiroscli to AsoVietirrtiAtitoserighborbix4 .41,11.Jitiprcgr44.1 . 1 atteaded_tooradi i astir ifaetissirriefttimesaltisen,ir erfittigif, ..,, ..,..., • - , ...".4011N,C4C0NRAD4 , ~ ,..,i' ' 4 / 1 44.11-5 ,, 117 , : 1e..: ..., ...-.., it- ' I ~IConsPOge...s., , .- A - -- - - 3.:s • if is t. .:13: .• . ii. r. : : ~,'.< ', c•:- CW- all i . .egaa. , . .., , t- --.,.t *, i-#114711411184/Xia-tog jest tattei*edilid .tk... . ,r,tetiProaltW- - cf-c 4, 4 Ps 1 -- 0 ,n 0 - .1. '-- 7 .41 ti rgrOblitertnaIr. rtiaitiso4o7ll.etsfeelardi li3rl . irfeiels trkhral 1140 :Pslrtriii- - , . , Tartikairpriabi woratirtkvilk. a • . reatitilwriharbs) Rekiebria4ellost,irreeititifili#liitlliarfek.... , °lea -. C* .,4o l .V ilaknirelidi *Fald. '''°ll, ° aaisB**ftwv ' Vsiii , jiiii, epi l ig i vl6 l " 4 '4 . i g e Pr., ..,i•_ . ' --, i-..< , .fib ' 4 - 4,, ' e. 4.. , -,...n. - ..; coo, 1 .1 V. ,. t . r 4 . 4l4lt ,__4oo4 tor ,Aop i l ai tt i s. ,.. ,a 4l : iir. g., f.rf (..,:ir., -I'. 74 4u p akitii lbeksubstribets .qep ICJ Juitirline Sannuls. is, OA 11140MSAMIA4 jun or = ~., b Aseh's,tied wee G.:lse:Waittleri ~ trireetie to City •• ;said dieeteeei • thick. totbe tried !' • ,y ex . p,nie.• ,••• Q tr :,.. , e Ile find z etop. — ‘Ol4 41 1 4r4i1 • bte iribli4 •• .fseei* - Mtritad: /0 IiiNwIFM/. ' EC ) 1111 , _ ..0410 - pailime-itillar. , _. ibit,pie*tietiiiih4 RIEWNIMILIkair i deriii'PasiPsprififi "ilifP-14 -PotatilkoAii, hisiiiiiiliat t idarliaW44llllt*F•toe.iiiputra tes*Pili!ac . ifiNabliihalt*.ttraluireCilariao6ll experienceMariftiiirs'ia thesaima lima balat: - - tiask;•iiiidt'birdieliittto • please iiad-arOoffiatioi , iii : 1 r fiamiaiisii:rbYeiliVi'itgittriliaace - of Your dir er an llirea u ," Lie...,....7,...,.$ ~‘.g_t ,c - e- ..,..„.,:,,,,, 4 . L I 'III tallies fiS:Cdadingtairtalleististlfraitiall *Refectilrbahall have . ysters of a sapeilar qaali:2 'ty: iithCilio th elaist-141f;fAittoPwr-itititii delicisejv'thartsiittelbetlieilira4frordlir ieajain. - :. ..-- , -. 41 'J -14:1. • L.:ail:, ' ` ' '. - i#libr tA RE.' , 1 '- ,.. -- 1 1 ,0 ... - .•? f.,•• , l ', , ~ jl, ,ii eta L , l' Rasisitepe - osa ,- - ,---,-, 7 1 • ,- -r-i , i— , .; r ftil IP . _ I=3ZIZI Mutton Ckopeel 4 A 64. - 31 . • Violleu?Steeksi'l , PI, . Pork 0164 , Lt, , •4 - • • • Mock Turtle SOUP • Oysterit Fried . Do_ 13towpd,:: •. . • • .25 - . - - • 37k . ix; i 31 I,l i .. • • - .1 -62 - • AN0t14130118% • w unte, • Old. Nlideria s Wine-b: SLAV }ll Old pale Sherry 50% -- Old-Br/ma •_,. Old Liebrui,„l 00 Old 1 .. 50 • `Ch pirte - t „0. iii Xire int!' Peoierio ihraysbei drape& ettiiitileiliteuetealiteesiTaviuriperr psrues' co Oct 7 , 464 in& iossapasky. CAPITAL Airrtt 1 4VV.1 250 000- itAIVINER,P4RPETIbt4! N I ARE both limited and perpetual Tomlin on Bilek.,Ston . e,orirame Buildings v ,Stbrea,) Hotels, Bdriia, Stahlea, NerrhattdizeV.Furei•i lure and r ropetly bfevery description - . egiinst, - loof or damage AfARDT . AND INLAND INSURANCE. ' The Delawltre:.p . onnty ! lasurmice'coinpanj hill also insure ngainarlosi on all kinds ottbayhietinki and against thedzimige or loss-opon tion of goods' and iitereandine by witen;ot• by: rail waY , uixaa-leatgas fivourable mr say other: itnr. nutrition. • tt For any father inAnnation omtbet.= to 4 i i 11,1.1 4egb .ektbergllififirkire. marine or. zurk! i , Aepiy to, : ULNA ROI:1114SM : A n e n t.. 15 " ' ,_" - At &hit lkilllfaieb . ; 'my WILLIAM ft ,Triat A- • "- ' • . sipm4epitialmt , - . 1 , - - : Fire inlsiiiikee Company. _ IagAKE botVlimitedatid perpetual Instuunces o Briek,Stona orreame EtuildingsAturaii Mille. Banta, Stables. MeehandizeiEntnaNeartt4 PirtiftrefillefFipoon•aglinuP/r0n4. , ,g, by R I • • •, • The aubseeihel , ip feet' appointed Amt . silorthe above menOttedlidatithlitim and iamiaiopmattel to make lalift/CiliteitenOli'aiii7dimenption•of property at the loaretieratme , 41E,TLIAIVIlW8ANNAN. Podirille.oo4l.lB36. • • , , • ir• - INLAND NAVIGAT RAN ION INSURANGD. , • '"WARIt". PATZTAL AUTHORISED , BY - LA W;IIKKI,00. -CH AlttEß - PgRPET Li‘ MA KE perpetuate' inranceiO'rii Brick,stftereiv rßuildingr. Siores,efete; IN Hills, Kama, abies'Aileirchoodiz . e. , Porniture. and Property of tivityleseription, against loss Or di • . by FIR& +—i • Tbeilobso6bOr:basbeekappoinied. Ac übteF for e above mentissmil litatitutiop and is no"...prepitt to make Insaaanqaitjtpciti eite_ ,ry description' OfproPii* at the lowest,:ratitiq-' , BA VfArl. Pottsville 1V?3ti 445 1 -1 • toll ' stet Rethill-11; o.avaredStote. ISOLLOGINd.WEAVERbare just.tneelved this& dition tolibtird'otmetutirk of Hardwara i. Mouseholemsitas..-saringkey'd victihritenvite4_ Screw plates:At_ ,innvtgiCejsst steel itte A s it ly *aim bane do. hartn . l99Bent ( p d t . socket and 6" .nyAttneit, ja wing Enßia,lll4.loWitir bellows-cut Po') 41.5 St 6 lo....bisfablk single, cut anadditble'planikinnns and Atttnetolinotted locks, Intcheoiatidia 4-. 1 Patients, rounditindicrip# bolts: steel, pitted and iro-nswzyt,,:lc., Allot whieli nreAdteredlon' themosraccomknodat- Neb./.11-s. ith telr 'AClliaggekti; i WDOI r ESALR AIVD EXTAirit 1,-, I Dry Goods,Gtyet* Wine , 4. Li v i s ny 4 l A _ (Nflas4 4 s4.o o .lliertimer's Hotel ~•.... •11E R_ albeaselair*a . o, enebleelflegklP.4roMfee hee4IIADIZP. Ore assort atilakelf geosleowhich they_opimck Phil. di Iphja.tartro," Store" and revel nir.& , end privirtelaralltrakweald do well . to ~. I an. 1 judge fort e.**4.• P . I:fr . :Li ;,,:) , tfi....ho.i*ol. I , spril 19 . 4 , 1 i..1. , .' ~,,v ,„4,1 3 . I RA/Ard in HURArr-..gt 7 D iRO/VriA - cf:/ , t ~;444. 0 ENS 4- , a , - 1 -, ;1-:- 1 . e .. 1 2i by .5-84Thgn 9 1 , , IYAWAY f latl i Thu ailll E C - or •vr.„. 2by i ao -. 1 co do zo-- d o 4t - 1. h. i .-siciAINMA• I I°I, B -wee„tsiss__,,,lol2,4o. All the Iron lan! countersuit& ore l / 4 Zostiln t et'lto .stAll./Ps s ll4 4 erimi a l l the en SrAi lc alt Plates and p fiettinAiiTt . *Wm'. ! , 1: ' No. iSetifhTiali Street, PE . rf. l4 ' .. .t'r . Z.. At Philattelptit,.l l 4l4ll' ;1,836. : 'Ok ' :14it Illtitl9lo tpt. I A....3a.w.outemp.R..culiso te iAtmor;h end smart!. alsoodk, as n i k a .• anbf ill ir , i ,P4titht4ii%!, 1 - , . ' • 1 • ' - . . , ,.,„ r I vir,p 't t hafre ," lll k 9 * • I P.f 1 4 1 . 4010 1704 A O / 144 ) - . 1 b 4 41 0 11 4. -. 4 titflPtelt VSfiX. .. .. A. • -pt ' 1 ; ) , g!iis.i 14 , !.z -v.. Il e . _.... —iirutUSEtANDameac. , 7.esstitiaciantitrof. Ato l l t utA°os , *Jr - il-ray i xoli do varibes.pr keit Ici I':< W egi iailiiiilifirpttai iii . Whims titbit liFilistittei 'the 4 . beimulid?rpreieuiceraid bur , 1 suaiiitnir aniversat Orta4. 4- ~~ fervo-tes i i ____*Er o Frii 3o,lo . ll Y PiriMStit Pt. PFRY=o3Lithe44#so r mutheilngri-- v.- , -.7; et pitrytdUtitlegAherer CAM - MU* nart•/At T•- tAKii EltT ALLSZniiiiTaitllf-Pf:l Illein•Ernnit at IW, ChatkiiitittieW ricr‘.kiot , '-iiimire lei explitiatitin 'OF their 'acknowledged effictier-forlhouttost eminent phrfelinihrongbutiktharj,tst States. will freely, irspeals4 td;aptetili:Fe*PllPotigh•M -111-IYII4 them rtereisiniaideliumm* Pit.o o l o l*,s!° .Int f , is: Ihej. ed. - - Avid'llnirreittoilit'asefillii..kheil+) *Ceti iliilicilleilletier igii•tisinVie_trits(dithealee: beitistlttekas l f aiAttlaivaNn jilttiOtrietreryillidiflittral case for whichthey are - prescribed, a marlo*:„wastsb.• dent, a truly haPpOurd-permametwelfteacY. Physi -410004W0.9*811,0104:1401,cdar0.1kt4141704 Rot° publiiumtanyquack theory of PuriTytng the blood, ; teihe.utter destptptlon i og lbepttattosiiir pthriltfitibloollMottiill diseiibilltunidri :etude:- iiiibly':'46 liall+il 'II - 4'060'1'4 aid* ' fly *hied tilonetWilciod can lminsiali74 Shiraii: ivimPitroded , upcomiiheolewhklistiptipsets sloniach: tctlia..veryeawattialag -mturhialth t•inotlediU well: digtatteiLlehe tsvaluableisiend to.desh sidlklooderr• ThCrii O POI.IIOSS'. rPila to.ithefts.. , antit l l oll .blhePlt look, it t l' e rr ii iti-e a riErAill 3 ..tr4 0 I ,t,h lo ircia tit 3 , elleillerti aft bump alt possible. and . & to encounter the hatdahr 3Arl filial thiScbutitt= lions of a itibliiniiry UK: hey "Slit_elbriul4 a vio lent purgsterj a-thhllelt. One - pare ibilllitb hater foP /Either:: 'Wh o j4tEliceoAVNVabeAFßOlilicin di" OMPOCKI i nu selV i ll)intlio ° M 3 414 e 16 1 ;149 1 Z aid . se" eretiitidand: itemuortiatirrtegtraientary nibuibnulia• honevuillwaltiiiesofiaiery• huntart n to berattliesi w,illt simiushrumt,frout aa,liadshful ti,sto : , mach!. ctut be made led kept; siidupeji* doctrine. tharinkwithektoMacli atillSowilitareintkod ortlel.'• thehlriattd•Preritogteilart,oftliesysniniurillbein - 14 Q:ho e % fiii'''' ' ' ''' tittitrth4lerill'inienna E ' health totheittuneelsVoNity byensblingthe one to. digestfoed, amktiulptheito cans off *lief 'alai:t aller'. LW at'dreteat is astricied.litonieetion with: UM itutplitsof bileiincrilin Trail ImMtWriftlie'bliaehl. in° ol *"i'meig!t*E o l44o.d . atontach. rAndthey ac t eck ,. pl l sh noese'great feats pf medicine in the mein simple wayeimaginalemf TW A PERO: A TV AMI IX PILLS. , . ifllraturstuachlwaffecnill with , wine. bilet ur mated' collections, clear ...itsunt...,by a riatural.but a mount-, seniifile tolienOrtion, Cud eloanse; the 'whole alir, tueutary.minal:webetArelping: end leirillig was free withoet 4444. a• *engin. ever r •designed.ittu tit.-..... They do nottake the skinsef diesel:mac:lt and bowels, andleavii`tliefif like V piti'eof Yid iteliiii, is all pity, stejouts 'lmps the stroag •drasitc pills - de.. but they. takst 0011°* 0 44.0 1 1„bzAk - halo .vottmi,Srinbillg W ringers. ' They cleansepvertguag, without to:Tiring. or uts , rittg anything, ' 2 ~- N. /,::-' ' •- '. IV n thicitelfecutdom it usnaPtis by the nebula few o theIRMILY APERIENT PlLLS..thea come .the irik4rated 'CAMOMILE iii`TONICIILLS.ti strengthen imcianach and Ibitwidst whittrbethie. per itsps. weak 04 ett,re? o ,o they ere weak; and undoes tneerwt grew!' tojiertorm drir import? hmiAtactiniet, wldroutothe -ale of Physin: - Thtl tl'A 11191VIILK .11300IXER. when, its .rilitablei principles ire cbemicalblestracted.uracknowledgediby all pie lumina, iti'eferftige:tri be the heir vegetable - tonic, known initheaceinceofmedicinia— There ls nothing: kurnyo in dm, segekablekingdrunef nature Imerina,ktll ncthtn thatishta.nee so harritless and so arignroten , , hoiltWid; end fit preolt bf ibis she *victor of tilt reFoirsodiillrigit ve,ma4fromitappreit partieles„ might quote a most anuMperableauthory, beith tumble warned/Ohl ilf his iniii precede had net fliev,ed Me teas ceihoramods. .., z ,,.-2-it - ,•••• i i o_,•--. i - ,:4 wt, .I . ' T II M r K tB I . 9 I -4 TWPO I R P i t Rot. 0 * PftmeirigtOri. a in crease .. appetite andgeneral strength.ibto in ateintrillon Afilltabirdy Sri thaOiniveriil iigor in'ill iktai t ictioa ls A iwnl i c h 'jnclicatenthe, rettirl , . • sound •Ik 7:-Thaisce ,and generil ~,,mple. *inn. spetdtuvo - - ,j ;; E ateiliatiorritud Ainslie!! urIk •• •• mobil can unify , intiO they , havistrintrkteditri their 00mfeckliel*Ev404.-01011wIftmie When'grill ° iirenWai ilia proved woraelVtan use r lois In ierlioilitteediset+F allreidaillitri - - ire reive"•• 11,,F1TA011:104,44-10,h0trOaliirq=41P0,1004=resiurigl uninnesitu Eqpt:nod, Wiouit e re aretermse„ WI Changes% ith Omen 'buff affiloccaairei, HMI* wawa ittlitribeea fof Nnankyourigit -- 0 0 4 .0foxs• rhsl 4 . , s-it !JO. i4canitlah. i fob:, had mated to cheek the mind . tendeneres of their steasachattidlichielt 44 Aire liiiiiiinir iltelit. - "IL ' lll °° . . , rl o l o 4l lo ..tittac,kaoraidiekltil or which are eonces lel,. ; anti.% v ite c h i r ey , ' wow. ift/ifitg!"reit driiillitriellitiiii 'CONE SMOIV: mightimuheaekasillutiaticammetiimintmt lid disappointed fikikgrey.tdl us tkeilant‘irtijetnic iinuotad oF nelious eletertyliatl. been enanteraired by CAMOMILEaIiein" LftVi.lirepirellititiiittittetai 6 ,4 ;. 1 .4 23 41°0 1 # whiPhir,d 4o a boirs?o.Wigaiudit.4. diesoyilit Au% Ipten ctlmat.illekllit flat . ali* elite set ier4itlatetrrifklehifi `M•&ntingtediertifiri., the A SEIIiRIC T : VAMILIPMCX,'"IseforeIthih br OW" li°4o. 33o F.'Whigh o ilt 01 4PIlri to II imailitref• tkelowfiesed foi ivireyik oa f i n ot dOtheis are on veer? sartly babILISIW, dileiders,:heidsciiiti; ielink ,l 4 . ..eligt. 4 ntkiiddigestion. smillyer eerderilat; would hajcpeatirels...4Fppiguet4 "cf.' many tif them .havezt fatal _..,..... ...be ge& _ erstood that the o stitedkinet are net trielitilril gni Wile befinvitich.otker,. i tned . • Aspens* wit .;ia amtry 11 " 1 17.0.9 11 q.r.- 11 0 , frlrfrodelipponmedival Itierel g .iko4fotAtiac tyviinil dit pitt,tijritd,l die widliatfcleir fat oft 'ttloiNTlmder the'' ienesoffafifiing it. 4 l/4 , oorioamcdorAaf. 9 l, t i ark:filet-1M" Irteeiktill ' ilaNatients lilistitesul MonyilTylloohstititii Ilidloti. .'ahatedigateit r_4l.l,kaPPhcaliti .oaw,ofattedichieatllif.elellrfiri*L In PA e lPlli e l4ol o o.4 o F,VerieikatuCoutbtikeip *lry ti1m1°•.,, 0038 7,00/ , t' : ; A 95 F i gl i t a a " l 4:t! , Ave lOW ''' . 'ltn. Cab ,: c . . iv* :iv iiiiii ink raiiirtifthillifiWitoit4 ' . WVAPilivr It erit' enrol'. hif nienti Milt itidlcatif:4ltlriliW ildrodilitrt.=krti t l , itirrigttr otheii realedielihe ' inikepo icTrintraieesuse ther iirefounr t ro the h i n gi rr iArlAtuPer3 o, o l WoP/Illiarae illeriirrint"Atiollhl 0 1 ,40 I P lo oe o Vl o o l o.*Prlin nck e ! tl lN l llai l int.-thE/4 V ool lztilairmirkpublm.„ pterikir'e, 44ta t tligotit env • tipirciiis: -L ' v- Cr. - : Whl.'*kritAzar '0 10(o 19 - iff ied ontif t ip , 'nob a .bl•r*HifiAtigar .tt e fri: his `lariti" inaytelbstperArAtltEtnemi!: - t lOO - •elnitrilitiil • isueetaimeatorkiitlaireito %Ili* biaybe aiiondtbi is usual. • 4,-. 4 :rii, pir;,...ir- tisse,.,t 7,r•-.:;•.`'' = =1 itt*-liej! - filliclWaite-t , vaJe- , &kr' litfttigatiureeffie ,libliettaThitiP,OfAltikett • :hie. laMtittfarlietead ' years with the following ti sing aftiiptemetSide' lloolikkfliftitopittbAseds*,'•ditomew pulpifatkifit r e eeiii • im Peit i dlrAgalltilatfiksuittarit outcast ? ,rpooos,w.,, attend weakliest of the W eet l •-fepeilam an *nind4bUit s diiie f gh.a A. .„...,,...„...„,-,,,,,,ittieiroinifeh afterli : . larghlifte..s 'mat *mink! - dettnditite f eeet rirriei 6 alki - liaekniklaidot.cos emir.: id Sr Offief .co ititisetattionAirrolnntaty •1 1 11 n • alaAllieahiel . t.t,altilllititiinde upon , tha ti t ,t , :,• - ~..,.., gik . ,. . l iVr. *minim wapplipthothfkruiltemitmliklkett, *atm rho co ttaidgieditAgindAepOwer cli WA' niitoriiitore hint to *kb; however. its hla lei& • • ' a-haditailiteeirlikei tt€o4 17 deplorable condition. " . Navinglein iimmthetittlred by ll relative Of his to itillatitig tit Dilitithr..r.VAN B'. Metheine. :lie with- Offtcoltsrmaititd i*Jiii(oWe•anc,lProcured a package. to which; h; :fala t .heijoiriltebted 131. hiel T is F att°ll t° , life...heath' AN ,liteideAlf i it nave'4vl,7tr% allt , hk; 1 h*Orlif,4l4i4fectziflealth.i , itrepiotr.i*Koge...3?f 2. 3 .3...t.4. 1 W 1111 he1eZirtt ng °int ag - PF-An. l -,..,_ eakt, artwiTartjorMhati stM.e-ork kltiktltt rik f ll 46hittiii,alittOßYlTElGHTll.ltX. v SildifY I .' "t V ' ' - '44:UMW WEEk- , C..ti t, 0 ..... ' .. .- - Soffidreetttfor. Schaytkiti l* etiitP - , 'Vottnaillts, N0ir.251; :7 r - r 1 1 ‘ , - i i = --. s'ss - -1141 •••f• 101:11, I'. - 'lilt; . -.',.. ;--,.- R.EFINE,, D.'w,e,,a tuff 11itfiti,'ti: Ar,y . k...7wm . POI' . 11 14 k, ..%Mr.,.,,.'", T 0 Ell -.% kiiiiplaii.iF i timtee on tToi,*Wi,,_, l ir lE4lOlv/o'4 tee D•hiiiiii ka' Wit erhody, ',••• :865. e i vb -7,1. - Reim . isi4ettmeel... -4 -C'4-4.4- ~, i' „. -e ....- ,‘ -4 scrorithrosAingegevil.--r.,#:.* - [ ~ .ee, itti u e-,,,,P , . eel•. . :. ~ 1 ~c too ts. 4 t l AodollAso esiarialagrrom'aniopor . e stile .of Ithublood,Oaei Wit loot reddenee,itra th ot and un tAblejileltmaluthonjudicioutr twoottwerceoy. 4 .X4 4 lOthilifht*Aecffeg, o licke , fix certie °lasi eh lion - c6eitereittti: fioattenVinown In ihe7edinati.-tei*Ottess , vr ~....141%.7.7-3 E ., : , ,, ,,, ,, i,'.'!.,,-- ..::, .... ~Aft.`"a• 2837.- . .. We..illoontierni 'ode ,in . IogIo*I",4O.POMPOWId 'Acluid Eat:et:CLAW ' ' a,,(pre•._oe.me4.l4 George W:`Oilleter inl'oul ill •-` , Chose,OhiebeTi cdtrVecom. `mendirtoehe.heltilit, eta W ebeeteetlaredend efficient 'medicine, iredilietwee aright frigpti " ittuntrithita of th e ~..t , ,,_,,. . t ~„. f, * . ~;`.- jt, . ..;:: : •1011KNIZIAL 1 . "WM:11 - 11/11.1:0R. 1 ..eAti .. f-.; . •• - e• - - e- 'MrsllAnift_AßDS, . .If,-AR . DS, ': ,ttli'kixt!titl l l4,l ..o1 for 'ii'oro year lifairted I t . vim, ~t. ',fib .an obettnatetarpeteg „. effeetionlo one ormy _ in-a umai itifolentsieidder uttiere, Tor Which I • ineOrariol3o*n4stlewlitch bottioetetteed , the die- j eaaeol;beo le , trc.zatth,,lowded,tolrl .10r. Oakeleys istillarethln o f - *flitigni4 • 1 '4114,50, au& Mew: using areeraltioitleir ti.:eit, to itstekthetthet.okere are A sitirely, remo, -. and .my lee; healed Witness my • ~i 1 sand this 16t . clay' of An at, M 347 ..._ _, • "Va , tr-od 0.-;.:-N , , ' 1 0 10 ..-..A4 1 4 14 4:kg; ~...-i'l i..... ' r.tofireertift 4M-with spo4bout.l34iitili old, ri batkeutferedfu along-,ti !rein katease - is r e s en 1 1 Die right keei? nd'fig: (u ' ' "to tuiiebfiii - iihite sevelhog) wilt • , I ,, footid - Nom& hatel;thbyeten the:o,s4'oi. . . °at . e medical Adyiee. until .. 1 I was remains ~- - to `u - Mr: Georlfirik:Oakeley'a • Catipilentl-'"• aflianil Tina/ -4U.buttketof which not Got,: " •• . - 1 1 / 2 .,.ert0 • btiftiettyfer.tor,ed th e c h i le s health, . 'eh had its rid mach In consequence otlideitfßitieli.lz - A.7.A AItINE - 412146EMAN, 1 ; 7 aboviPeanot. Reading. ~. •,. Theo a , -- • - Wes tedVtiratae; ' both before -- cie n i tis s 'diet * : Ofiblit, tertipmf.4lamapti- .. * l l l . B i,* l ol 4W. ; 4 l :'. ola tß 9 l,ooel -1 11 emit was -' • the agent. :6 h % mama° . - - ; ...KRA 4 ..k. ,, -,, •, • J wp.-attaryjouw: D. ,''''-: -Rooldilnfl go 't• 12 . 18 n , --I, i. . , , - ..,:' . . Iti, ,A •'' lie ,1 0 - •f-. 1 . - A 7m• 20. lar• ri flael ' •, , 1 :•.. : • '' 1411 C-1 coic . - `ititiy - tiir " y4tir know' that d a l 'ffe itee.ofxbet . • - , - etyper -voidable &nem. e rilla.ptext •'. of, you inj iVos9o.loutirely be.k.,„ 4 ., ,44, t hi • .-: , riokrna irwacelfsi sclefuldue char i. - actemondi t , . oserier • .. ',medial's! isauldeprobehly beaefitit.,.- , • Doe,, , • ' •,. ?rare kt.ot...vilusp it berme waietia .... b' t r talk a.e atxth. to Rieke th e -sof etWiiitlerti• rii Miter tit' ii i iiviifitoiltloOkiite I need anrond-..ther ortotappow . oc . ttitni* &e phye i. ciao think ,the aneW..eE &IROWN.•?'•I , .. 04 ,r!The ,aberre Talnabl - iiiedgtiilPrtiay- tee had it ill*, robatoSeee aer , .•- .. , -...aiiP - feud' Thug now '. Moth Fifth iliteid* _.antpitmost.of the Kis. cipaiang ". ',3?F. - , 1 , . and Medicines, et ibelow*, , prictik. kgpti.#lr sale bt he sub. exii pmt scriberj . r. . .*pEa.,VV, OA KF t LE Y. lithkiii , -* ' lluldle '•• " , tir'lretedear'etch d raiteat. ilDiti ' t Wait , ~ ~ aitd , Di Forth - Potts town; stud. Ole eadahpeetonekfilayazi "44, VIR WC IR., i . 1 ,;: , - ; 4.T; ,:. , -.,,,.,_r • .. IK II- ..,.;;.,-,...‘--.t-a v., 4,.: ' , 1.1.11,-'t .v- .. • 4 1- 9 no 4 1 - X-tizrfs>rovnt iimPOZILP idinoture,ini ~.10 '4 g- .11"Iiip.-[...'"- li,..r t iii : re-W'',, ,9 i, a6.. .., •4- , • L.Lsi , ii,v,_ _ __. __...."Fritet ' :4 ARMY _•..' , • IE/4 -44•114. J&L`4.-... . Ar le •ihe..gbllowing 1 , i'.. 11 00140 1404#. 4iie etyilowilideas at What. ' . • :009e,j3 . 3444 toil! . 'fie:cgland..- • ~. ' -0€4410. ilspoii.4, . t es CV = • ,-, , . 410 00 ".0444.#4:01 _ Oitor, 1 0 0 , 4 v i.=,- . 3 Y540 0 341i , fltc ' sr Fr/ 0 10 TS° 1 0 0 11 00 • . 2 15, 1 49443 A 0, 0 01 0 4: U. A•V i beep, - -4- 00 ~t0t14i..,. a11.4r , , •ra .illb. ~ . 8 eeP, :"....:( -....r t ~- • . 600 Or -13yron'cwor ...tle.:Oprs 'ium.abeep, 425 `. R4lll,Pbaili • • 140 . to ..A.4441., Alma.. r..ailDreiffl* fel *mifitincionifelt -'' . 4 - i s t io w 1 „ t ~., ~ . '4 q . ;O. Z . r..vsmti . 425 li?4,ofruufii * with *le* 'i '..- 225 1 ' 32,5 i „:2 25 :- I - le 2 - 00 1- ' 225 ~:-. ...2 Il2t' 200 s 3 50,1 it: tiononime*twit, iverived and is ClW4tichlir ch ire lett: ftbe r•rale Irassal :- . 64.:1 7 ,71 r1., , ....v - itf,. - 441 - 1 1 0. 1 ' • , t ic • a ,... 11 ,.. t IP tp,T.l 4 • , 1----,41 n . .. v . , ;,, , ti., , ,,g,,1, tt. I isßoheAppo ~ _Meta - 0 kr 1 - P-00,0, .( 1 12p404 1 / 4 . ~... ~-..., 'ma. .1 on 54.1 1. 11 4w1 I • • •I Locos., I wilibe jr kp i • 10 SO 2 qs , 1 # it very, • , tail Istimasi Itibg of of itte Ifeiyre. 1860# rkilN4 spa:Met, iW k itreo. Arteipeo: Atinieir 401111* - b= - tiAeoldipanio , *themes if of ~rta~ibr ia- • "I' f 7PlAte,. " R tt l f 45 00 ramp 41111611**114011fae :.htrt 111 04leekilavis.bees• 141galiOaktrk tfreliind i 6Scii. 4:131114041•30, f;:4 l 4simw e ntL • ytorAwinv.h ir•.tkakii. .-PPW irwpßimote • ars is,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers