! • . es, and the htsitref lot us hill takiri - the' minis virthe tttts*J, , I. t4t tieraillintro- I et* We especial a frie:nill to strike no bjeet. Nossl4art re• rthe stair ma . .than pa again that the last, turea of our salaries tp nnw affix. 1 t . W. J9NEI. ' Y A. WIOE. magnanimeturit humanity'. l Neither least eiceptiiin to t and we sincerely versy whatever may • hy 'desire our respect publication on the gret the termination , ourselves, and: we of it will be the sign this paper, which w GE'. • HE , etoTaing laet, i a new ' Wow,' W. seated by Fite gethee . s, and a quaniity of the building at )the ism. Fire—On • Thar frame building, not fin . Haupt, carpenter. wan - with' number of Ilia lumber which were in. time. a, bribery case n band a thee, at II 'abort. s Westin land , ar its atteagging bribe k.CouatA -who • a con the Instruction mobs. Lim a 51000. • e ease The LocoFoco's ha in, the Rouse of Repr It appears that Mr. R loco foco, a charged r. Thomposoo, of Y native. to rote *gain one, by offering tirloa ' under meetly -on. two Conventions io mm sneer will meet in Mr will undoub ly be ; "but whoa g the will receive the 'na y at present diffmn • to(de• les and Corms tarns, - most prominentl candi I n Monday nett.th to candidates for burg. Joseph Ri , urinated for reelect ' J 1 y loco fotto candidat on of "the Party", it DAVID R. Po owevor, appalr to be ate& ten.--We learri from rsur4 of the &Mite, on a !resolution directing An ExicUent Res rriabtire that Mr. P edn'esday hit ore • Judiciary Commit diency of requiringal, 'Bing cornpanies'whic 'I roads, to (impish cb worki, together .to =quire intolthe ex• ineciporatecUrait iroad or have power to =instruct 'State with profiles of tfi the,reports of the En. = ings of numerous rent parts of Schuy l in the Miners' Jour. . of that county pro.. terms against the coal company.' to all - corporati.ms ndency to that and terprise, and the nu. acts and argiOnents ed individuals jio the us.,:sufficientlto put , cations for inMirpit -erk It appears from p eetings held in d'; . II county, publish • :1, that the citsze; st in the stronge corporation of an • es decidedly op.. . hat have the least estrey individual e merous irrefutable advanced by experie coal trade, appear t' down all future app rated coal compani. ding Dent. Press. Immo. - Februar BILL. BAN oh the_consideraiion of e mooning businssa not adjournment. lth section. of t he sto resume • te pay ' y nest, was adopied t It upon its merits, he op. but little part. Mr. t ,he for °news:Mid be ape to hale a I they inch square wb has the The Heuse did not the flank bill to day, being finished before t Ou Saturday the which requires the ban melds by the 16th of , f elicited but !Min debit poneots of the bill taki Stevens remarked,' disposed to altar the ask for through thek charge of this bill. This polihi has ,-. the ,Lecos have it all th have finished, they ea -wank and say "this is have an opportunity the provisiciiis their their benefit.—Pea* generally adapted, ■nd it own'wap. W en they can Innk Orin ih it nwn mine." The will NM their benefit ra, and adorn has dem ed for egrepi. I m the Froliktier. e . following, that the been diabanded—that •en considers y aug •hey have new Ily io following Intel igenee Important( It appears by Pat t iota have not their numbers have mentod—and that vaded Canada, if th can be relied on. INIPOR+ANT N SFROM CAN DA. i l s ' of this evening. we have highly interesti g news in Upper Coned* which • our readers. he letter respondent, and state. By the Northern m received the followin . from the 'seat of war, we hasten to lay be from our Frontier • !manta may be relied WA.= own, February, 5 o'clock. P. M. NI there last eivening and on the state of Can. ot forces were cencentra , on the. St. Lawrence, .20 ce. To dry it is said. they lickory island, in tire Can t. Lawrence. TI eir num. ted—from five - hundred to Dear Elira,-1 airri found a high mate of oda iifkirs. ' The pair tag at , French Greek ewiloa ninthSf this p 1 &MVOCleeped over to sda chinned of the bar is variously intim two thqueand 4WD. Their intended bo oms ---• i; s stand o deuce to and when standard, such plat,. The peopl eICiLEIZIEW attack, a ice breami sr—keep they cat bension task mi Patna, back. ' militia. Aimee ' A ral has been gives ser sacked rather.l the deft P. B. seen 11111 °sweat the arri brought had left L eeksa•isai Urge MP some . •iles above lnet pri- =1 ~. . . laftwiluantityWl'llinienrier , '';'-.- ''.-. •` 7 ' 14 ' . anti that ._jt !ran litintirukiW. 'ittie - S. : Ottilito i t tentardertingase4 - : . tii ' - *Wahl 1 , 41 rnrotkandlrMailne Onthek: ' . noir* -II The Chiatiland;Ohin; Adi • ' ~,_' .titthellat instant, has i kites - dated. tid i i'lrith..:lfilt. In the greet that - Vaa:Rernnulaeril . liana: U$ Freeland wire then in Denbit, . he Ake: :Jewri i nod that buneowb was , alsi or iero.laiat . AO ! winds *Mind out by Gm; ' . . had beesibii:7 chino, for thole suOcisittipia ' ' tfilite with this Patriots—that the only fare tlieli - embidied :-, for the pnwerntion et neutrality..ill ii ettinilAPl U. EL troopirsistionitii at -Gilwatii , .. that the Pri;.• trait ineeiti- scattered along. Mai, *antler - fro th 1 IWO .to 2000 shots =cane.' that . 11!. eineld 'be madit• by thews. ; we Irlutada' r *WV - 104 the: Sunday or Monday Millowint. in Ithe:Oeightiogii, hood of Fart. Malden. -The A 44 extra hisijohlk the Following in a postitiziptl- r 7 F - ---< : , . - rattk i l i - "Intelligence reaeliSd here thistWAiratos, the patriots ctaisedwrer tithe Oiinida shore, la di evening, with a wrong force. ThoSy entered . 1 thi province below Malden. ueitording to pitmans arrangements." - r A Correspondent or the Nei, York Gesetter • • . says: A Southern gralwt qa ; ofhigh time, technical acquainted with duelling. 'ad appring . told me just now that he did not blame Webb challenging Cilley. nor did ho bhuneGranw4 said he, in sack a quarrel, the , isionstis who lowed a Ostend are ought to ;•iii iunalta 'lron; reanint. I think so tea Mr. , • Cilley flee lett 111 tunable .wife and three alma .esiliitc l4 - Na wale about thirty one. lb de Editor-et' (is Afinae Am al In. looking over your paper of the 2416 inst. I observed an Editorial hrtkle head' with my oame,.accompanied with quo: tations, remarks, in,krences arid conclin sions, calculated to deceive the.public, and therefore feel called upon 161r:cirri:et any, false impressions that the article in quest: Lion may have made upon the minds of the . people. It is per&ctly manifest, that, thef motives which drew forth your marks were not so much for the per of: attaining and promoting the intents of the coal region, as they were in to create collision and division- among the party to which I belong. This appeant self-evident, from the Course Fairstied you in connexion with,the Whigi and Anti.mssorie of Pottsvile, Orwigiburg, and Port Carbon, in endeavoring to get up a meeting of the Democracy of our plefe with a view to denounce me for hay. ing expressed my opinion relative to a matter of expediency in regard to two re. solutions, passed at a 'meeting, =held et Port Carbon, over which I bad the hone] to preside. • The means thus resorted to, I am happy to say, have not had -their desired etfe,ci, as is evinced by the fact that the Demoemcy of Port Carbon, ever watchful to their interests, had no. diffi. culty in discerning the plot, and frowned upon it indignantly. Should you and your party be desirous of creating a collision or division in the ranks uf the Democracy of Port Carbon, against the coming election, •I would advise you to call to your assist. ance a new more of the Whig and anti. Masonic fraternity, of Harrisburg, .04 , wigsburg, Pottsville, and Port Caithon E tO assist you in devising some othet plan for . .the accomplishment of your object. Novi sir, in justice to - myself. I have only tii say, that my letter to C. Franey, Esq. contained no apology; nor did I intent it as such, either ,for myself, or the meeting over Which I presided. As to the reso lutions, save my opinion expressed of the two first, I fully coincided with the meet ing, and believe-I that they were cilculated to cause every democratic member of the legislature, who is desirous to uphold and sustain those trite prindipals of the party for which our forefiehers so ardently la bored to hand down to ixisterity, viz. the protection of individual enterprise and in dustry. ' WM. ROSSYSIIELL. Port Carbon. Merck I. 1838. • Washington's Birth Day. The anniversary Of Washington's Birth, Day I was celebrated on Thursdaythe WA by the Mete lir berm or Penn Lodge No . 1. orthe Grand llni Order of Odd Fellows. They ma ontirciai r. O'Connor'. Pottsville Hour 4 about 1 o'clock A. M. preceded by the Pottsville Sind of Music. to 1 Mineravitra, where they ••vera welcomely received by Mercy Lodge, No. 5, and partook- of a wild Collation. They thee proCeeded in regular pr. cesaion to the place whew; the member, of Mel y Lodge are about.to build a Hall, and the comet atone was :aid with the usual eeremosiy.' 77.010 el oquent dim . ..mores was primouncetoti the oftwaieti by. Mr. William& The procermion then proceeded to Pottsville. end at half PIO: 3 Vektek a large company,igt down to a aumptuotiy esiteitaliimmit provided by Mr. O'Connor.,_. Tbrisdimrier was served up in firstaate style. The materials wife abundant, and embraced every *11444 our mar ket could ,supply. After the 'cloth was mimed, the following toads were drinkt Mrt.Stsrion. late of ,Hamburg. prsai.dedt.altd Robert roues and miry .P.wr as itko• .Prinik denti, and Thongs T. AnkinsSeeretary, on.* joyous occasion. 1 .1 . • l'.. The day wir celebrate—dicey we enjoy- . alinky , happy returns Oita tputiveriary.— • , • - • Am WitaWndlies'aldireht ' Ily the ?resident of tke daj. Ilie inessiei. Ur George Washington, the entaident albs Uni ted Stated.-may he live ale i Wolaingtort. - Frani* Spencer.. The -Gioia Lady of. Grand. United Order orOdd: Fellows-.esay . she emintinister • impartial pal", lo . belt nireserone and incriweitigfarriity or children. - 17 1. • ' ,l o l aPhiCaatame t k .. .' . . • .. )int t i Lattack bengston is to make giee con& nwolo ion. sod ,•• - the bra, d adopt ism ugh state of to • raised tower; .tbe-riv. - • film lat apprm\' ' 'menthe a, and ' drivels. issmnie ng oot II dims, Wool Aar Which' ire h vs been ca led in to tber of 2 or • , While iselt lopl Ik°ll",rt stilttmem{,eubother.-4' i h.drisk, sins 4mstaThenke tillme all of as are beam hmwerard dsmn. , 9 hlOttiali MOO beam Joy asd healthlistbe loroteselcUtiited Odd refloW. Georg* Eaton. -"ei the Haited'Ordsa et Odd Fellow,lol Ski the tree that ; liebitebudeesiat held In his drMort--tel, :ips• *oda; 64100 email from awo :iiiMiffolPlAMtgliff 0 101 htliql, til million of mentbdelba Misled itontolise. Martin Williams. Te. the absent mersibers of the order—mai they Mill ei.tai is the Asada of F.LandT. s Joreph Speessix &Her etitnertdMlertd ,Ihe Hall oftbs Uniliorttfd!rd'Od, `tea wait. ' t 1 ' Andrew wait.. 'l4 l l dig Welh o f tie LAP Awed,' we hare gentle:men - from morning alter ni : which 1 ' Patriot, rite.) end •,. rettle-wa er r op. eq.'. 12 the Fe., taking* i 11 1:: i- - r , EN .yrkr- 4001 : 741•1; 1 4! istoommarite.liwt iit lows-aid dis :eff. - 10,0.11. tit laiwthe apitel/e6so _Ode Pa* 1e..;1•14` liv.*ltiiiiiritiegepd fellows; , • --.Edward Abair,: .06eirs lbar eltreyyt6restorkei itsfarglisaWinjeleS. Thalia* -Iktfolk MPY .ertaeVarAmik* gAPri! - orwit leagues to: mrogmd tbi &stints iirit Robert. Patton: • May Avery- isasehitseollia Wended en , benevolent eltinestilloriiiirrob;- . Mr. Simpson. '1 The Odd Falkntsler•PattoSil and vietnity.;desefie tossupialos *their minty condisfs.. • By - the Cominittee. Chu , irtorthy hod awl bort•' ear Mr. and Mrs. O'cowtoi—oiey. -PO happiness attend them The Baud played. Aeld Law Eli* and Ibis. • eontisany gheyened at 6 n i ckel P. M. with very gig!, kelings of jratifcatioo On at Plitt a el'er intliyidod • j fbi the slab of February. liy WU, 311". ("Arley. of Port flirbon.e/dr.• Jorufl. Qom" of Pottsville, to Kiss Farzaarni PiaTurstio of Pot Cattail. - . • DIED I • Oa Friday aparaing March Si. in iLs sent fearer hat age. Aolaras•aaly dtalikOar afNa W.4lladlierab B•Sewkaan. • - The. Rey. Vl 7 4u.srac Horowiri, iii • _reach tokmorrow morning in ihe Elise* pal Church. Service io commence al half Art 10 o'clock. IheUsk' Lodge, . . ASTATED meeting of Pulaski Lodge. NO. 216, will be hele at the usual place, on 114an r day evening neat, March 6th, at _half past 6 o'clock, P. M. Punctual attendance is requested. Notice IRISHMEN and their deseendetde. Who Itre favorable to celebrating the, anottenegy Of the patron. *eta 0f .Itetant. by pairtakinil -at public dialer, ant hoqu,tiett to mad et Pcoineett Hotel. Ito Monday evening the 14dilikati' Ai 7 o'clock. . . • . 70$01$10 : 474401416.._ 9 ~. AMEETiNG,Of. the citinntie:g Lverw,eloo townatip,Jailleld. ihnipintais ofJohn Weller, in' New Ca on filatarday - the 3d , ei March. at See k the puiliese4letaitinif to consideiation- ; the propriety- fnriuldttia 11* township election at auuttiv! lame. ili/th Y. Feb. 9$ ' • t • List . of 'Letters. 111EMAINING in the Peet °thee et Pottsville alls' Attach 1, DM& ` Miner• Ira 311.111 f John ' AI moms Jiiemb Mobile ' John Msland Jacob Meyer John' Miners James Meyer Mows 'Miller Peggy Mayisor Won Meyers War McGregor Aleitatidet McMarmilsonet MeAlaroey Joke MiDonnell Patrick McAllister Samos! ~ leigh &An Allen Charles Allen George Anem•n Joseph Aiesender James Adis if Mary . Britton Daniel Backnicen David Dilettante Daniel Beekman Frederick Barret Morello • Barger Beery • Ravi Joseph , Broccoli James Heisted John Bally John it Matthias Bergeit Toter' Burnet Perry - binders Samuel lkdall Thornily Barry Thomas . • C Clark George Carrel Martin Canino Patrick Chadgewick Sayer Popp SannielJ Curry Themes D Dangler Frederic* Dixon John Dial Sarah Oppisheas dada' acwioshicab B • Petrel Aleitannet Plate Daniel Price Hanish Powell John Haro , Powell &mod. • It !tither* Elisabeth Rader Jidle• le Navel James i ' Bennet Jobs Rtes Jesse? Reber John Rawson James • Russel Jobe- _ gum GA:Orin& Reber..Limi ' 's Fraisin II Roberto Leid Less George Robinson Lewis P Frey Martin Biebterienik Nicholas Faintish Mrs Rhlra Petrick 0 i Riley Peter, Gable •Adlin Rim Thom. . • Giddied Callum* IS • Griswold Chester. /Mirada, .Geings , Groves David ' Stourar Hairy, Gordon Newell • lambert Herman Grey Orlando : Sinclair Hannum • H • &mine bass Hilbert Ikninnin ' St 'eliart - Jeenh . - Herb Daniel '- - .I.linith - John ' Howbeit. Freileilek ~ Sheibian John , • Harrielohn • Smash Joseph ! V : Heebner Lydia Smith James - Ilerborer Mr . &bra Martin ' Hirshain J- an Woblfgang - Stroup Peter ' = . - Shot Shelly - • - • , Joinmon Hairitif Staid lifuearina * James Jelin H Sankt: Susamia James Thanks . -'• -Smile Wm ' Jana Wm -• -. II • - .. 5 4 ~ , ' lAD/oho T . Krebe II miiim ... W King John ' ' West Meshes . Dimas M . 'I ' - Weaver-Elisehath ' i Ilteansen - Pa net Weld 'John - ' Kelley Set - I • Walker-Joispb • ' itliiiii Wes' • Wilma froesites • -, . . 4 L ', • ' Wythe,o Seinnel . Leleteaschosider Adam Wearer Ikerued . Lord Cherlee • , Weil Solomon • Lies George Watkins Troidieraw 1 • LyansSissuoic Wateli.War • ,Lane Richard Walib Jobs Lovers % Matta • Willies*Wie • ! tu Plinio Alowidor . ` ' irogr- ha , , Meyer 011 - •;.t. z , ' .. Mos? Diesel - h ' .:, lcaru sorieirimuise t Edwards Philip Edam Wl/1' , Sear. Brailitrilk ark" telitt'lau Nail . Dowlingiohe ' • Kiiii - otwk. . • I:Wilt ;Ai Lo lba Xdgitril Rails Jobq .Robstti 'Dived • • Simons Geo* !Om" cOttli b c Ilifteriiiit * Pstaive list Pill visas. say alai ant adireirkiled,_- _ • ' E. CHICHESTER. P: '\ math 3 '1 2Eist- Pply itod rio t . jta' AIL awls sad nesived sad husk* ' IL UMW. ...- .7 .1101D1EW: A •"".. 64. ASPlisqe '1 " 1 Amit the ' 1117 : - la bs ' m yumy, ' - Asti big 12111)inew-it rotOvA,1!:: -,*•••• - • . y- • • Wilratere lan " "'irkmei v 'Frii ay: ' 10 . 101taillereit.- it_ 10 . oeloilt A. 01. at . the las or. anion Bowers.. I.s. eessOkin Mai*. • Aeon• ty,lbe esaini'oerssital iskito;'Otiaid adoistiit 41,1' Co* Malik 'Plows, Hu' rotri4 tk r _atimi R•rnta, &raw. Whetlijtie, Boatolost. &Shirk glost h 1 the . &aka, - lid a poesionortoient oftifizelessais. - • Also Bousebold Ina itebito futsitdret holt• libelist of 1 Clock - Bois i ;.!hose ; awn sod Tables, Cupboard, soil 'opiates of Wan %peak. • ! Toriseatails kocion al* time of Bats, Feb 24 MiIEnIFI*I4_IIALEIL - By" s " " sue ar "" I 46" of ' i ni di - Am / 4. Pier an d restat e Waded out at the. coed of Coarnion Mat of liehitylkilt Camay. Mid in sae directed; wall 14ienitalqtth ilibkiele On Mondirthi'.l2tig lehittrel . nest, - h at tbeouse of William litata. - hittkeeper,l inibetowi ofrineirove.imintj aforesaid. at 10 o'clock, A. 11.--Tbe 'redivided high of * . certain taste in tbe borough ''Pof rmegrove. s imittr aferissatd. bound [l by Tullman:peke° street on the west . L by a public n lreet Goethe orwth U 1 .by 1 Miry 00 ibe cast, by la of Zhhidge & Co. oft the south, whit the apptenancea. consisting of a two story flame ilwelliig house and kitchen. and flume stable. Also. w a certain . tract of land situate in Pinworm tow ship. wont, aforesaid; bounded by lands of lac e Zer be. Fran. Muth di' i n. other,. containing one ndred acres. mare or lessn with the apporteni aelopfisting Oa two story log dwelling house nd a log bern,-Iska the 'Moe of.hkar Mawr and4ferewe CatijastrA. , On Tuesday-the ilith if 411 arch nest. at the bnose of Joseith Weaver, innkeeper, in the. boroogh of Pritistrilhe, amply • eitirerrid. it 10 o'clock" A. M...-All that.certaitt lnl or piece of ground. aitnate in the irmin of New Castle, attn. ty aforemid, marked an the general plan of slid in*il 610.8., on the wrath Werte rl r side of Centre wrest. tmotaining lit fmni!on raid Centre street, 60 leo. and in derit 1110 6-et. %mited tuutheast erly by kit Nn. HI, southwesterly by Walnut airret. northwesterly by let No. 8, an 4 northeast. eriv by said centre surer teuettier whir the ep. purtenance*-late the estte ofßenutri ragas.. ilt 'the sante li e and . place,' all iii that certain lot or' piectior gruond. initiate in the town of New Castle, coenty aforesaid. marked in , the general plan ofliard town, No. IL on the southwesterly 's ide oft:entre street. and no rthwest. erly side of Alabama rtreit 60 lief. and in depth 180 Avt, iitooded southeasterly by 41i-bacria street. sonthareaterly by Walnut street. northwest erly -by lot - ffi - a. 10. ant northeasterly,* raid Ce n t r e street. together with the a ppottenanomr.- late the estate of labs Sen. - , . , . .fit the same time and place, a ll tbalcertent Int er 'piece ground.asituate In the borough of tcattiville,'Sclutelkill : County. bnurA ed by the rink Schuylkill. In front. by the Centre' turnpike. in the tear by let No. 8.-balawrog new Or lately to Moshe's Prot, notthweete - six . tkv Idt No. 1. belonging to die New York and 909 , 1- kill Coal Cato the INA eorneiniug to a t m o n *liver lieheylkili 619 A. 9 tn. and extending in depth to-said Centre turnpike. roadeit being the aunt pretniewa which the said Jamb W.Befts. lager by deed dated the !Win., une.1837, conveyed utile said Gear IL prior. .-, . 4t the awns t ime and pkiee, a - certain lot of ground end tanks lot in the borough' of Pottsville, • &WIWI , Ift Conaty.eionabered in 'the plan al - he lois. RD: if. -- bolairea by Nabantate. goctraieti by all teat alier and by lot TII., ealk tilting in Gent 60 hetL - aut in depth 1140-63 et to l/Wm. wide the buildier themes snuikial. it lie log dolmas lot of ground which John Ham by his deed- of, consayitoce. bearing data the 11th day of February, A. D.t1824 recorded at Orwiga. burg. in Ike ansanty of Schuylkill, in tiro office for .recordininf deeds. 4c. in deed 'molt No. 6, gaga 343. did great and congress unto the said John C Carman to 4e, with The appurtenances consisting of three Tiro &ors *one dwelfieg bouseit.'with tenement warier. • Also; a certain lot aground and term lot in ' • dm beroogii of Pottsville, in the coon. 4111 ‘' lt 'e ff,. " l.,:rl ' i l l 4 7T. "b h o e n d s i d n e bounded f i t* lija a . hantango Street. by lot Na. 80. by -a 20 feet alley. and by la `No. 70, „containing in front or.bteadib 60 diet. "sad is depth or length . 248 feet.` with the boildings themes fteet4 it beiegthekse me lot of iround No. 78. which Geo. Taylor and Nary:Arra . Me WOO by their Med i bearing date ihnOtii,: t of rabettary; A. D. law ,I recorded et °MOW*, bfibildee fialeeordiag 1 of medic &a. in, and ter the =county • el Schbyt: kilt, in.Dbed Book. No. 6,-page 497. did gaunt and contras unto the raid ~..folso C. Offereasn, to gether with the bereeliir is and appertenanista.. tionelsibur ofthree le e 'Armoury brick dwel, ling Wises with bane men' . stisties.-latit the niar W e of Abe C. Offenmso. , ' pi Wi sf inesi f fay, tha i4th dig fit ,March nest, at the house of:Michael Greet, inn, keeper; in thell of Orwigatiorg,, in ;hi hotel county of tiktbaylkill. t 10 o'clock A. IL . No. 1. /I , l:attain net .of bred atoms is the :borough of Orerigebare. tountybkiresaid..bound. ed by thelleKesailiet4 raid. " Tkaliney• ' , aim* E Washington street, Woe le' ‘ mind Clierrob la inktaretaisitng twe es and a' haN t male or lasi with thei apportenan . • - ' I N 0.9. Alio. a certido DA et - piece °nand: sit. wits iet the boreogh cif Orwignbarg. county aSero. said. Wooded by Intrepoodenee street, ir FMK'. alle3e and lot No. 90, 'harked in the general plan et the town. No.ilol end Ih ll , coataintrig 88 perchibidriet ileum ~ pith this uppurliteances. 4 . • . N0.,4' Atso. a in lot. eau _ pieces Of ground. *mite in tbeloreog of Orwigsbitre, teeisoy Ji,, foreatidi hounded Ity Ilittlin street. Ferry. street; and a polka alley. tend - marked in Jeretnials. iteeffiradditii*al pleb loth* town of Orreigabierg,. Nail& 214. 1116-aail 1116. anttliootaining i acre, strict . Insurer, withlibe aPPurbenancen-' ..... ' - . , Na. 4. Pkbet, a eattaht Piece of land H - 'shale in Waugh of Orwlgaarg, 1 II nonaty a Id; beitrided by the Cm . 'ar's turn' kn. binfteif lobe Iffainnier. 'George. &miry, jr. - mid, Edward IL FlubleY. eta. : betake/4 ititret. , imore.oc'hie, With; therappinte•J amaitenosetaistutg rod :. Wm , allury. Mgr a' OR - Weis saillmink i - '..,:- •'' • • , ... -.:: . I No.iiiiiiilnikw i 79Nirdit Lbii eta eirtaln 7.2r;,f f'e ----'- 1111 i ,:-.. IF ... r .- U *II4:U. P 41=ittaib* dr i sititik6 - rrigiiiii't WI Seolo4llhisaid,Miriliyiisk - A 146-114 1tnildid I* iittill L. , .DiiIIIIii gild lit mahatma faith Jahn 4/bbarti iiiit I meek mow it hen] I with )1001Milialtem t -i. , ;- , , . ]land~ 'Moat the bitilh4 1011 • if a eettpin trail Oflindotitieteli Nebo iltillt toweablyircliew it*essid.hooridelthy la • itlahr Joke Poor ablispat ! : Mehl Nile and lerri;*eentek.ing 9,36 sus{ more. eitlieg,L . witit it NO4 & MOON " till' Midi! ' loaf a t certain. team Celtiod;• epode i t . ylkill •• terenshim comae abriesaiilded*lainior of Julia POW dreiteiod.and othero..esntaiishig-1119 muse: moo at lai r with Ibis appartimiithem 1' - - . • HS 9..A1i0. theonlivideetinte wilt_hpektre a lithilm Witte .Itch eitsetO hi fksheititift.twin; ,iiiip *beaky •ii lit weilikijiii ea :it - winititt. rtilamtid - Zlitilmeih Vat* MA'AM iqi . lands surreyed to fatharthe sagoirillethanweeetain. leg dpli agree moniar keM tit the samititioan. • iici 10.. Al* lintels lot aground ti situate in the b its of Illitiaisulle,- 101 enmity farmer nded by Sunbury eiretA, Lewis - Id lot N 0.9 and 10. ii . marked in the ;id:* toWn No. II With - the appertensimett,. . era two story framedwelling Mop and tie - • 1 NM 111. Men tbll -and' du d /hint part bra . alias' tra ct of lan4 alum in nab Townahipi idtlitt tilbriemdi linniodett i z ei lande of ihteliset lriek , tit Va ll ey Fir , Comfort, and ionic,* rientainlog 400_, scare; molt or Weielate, the create Of Gimp Ilia. GM a ...itionslay si tli9tk of March, lest. st thehonee of Da iel Boyar, littikemorr in the borough .1 Orwr gi at 1 o'clock, P. M. All that certain taro story frame LIM V i nt 'NT:. stable ' red at° o situate in Lawt 'addition to Port . 0 2i. boarded ilt ' aired. Third street and mortis millet. inirtiy„htt No . . 91i containing io width 30=' sod lb theillitirleoltb 159 Set. and Iningibit lot whith,ls Marked - rip Liwtoost addition to Port Ca00n.,144, the No: 90. .Atatt e all that certain two story frame dwelling house and plot of a tot of ground, sitirte in Let/tone addition to Port Clarhise by Market et. Semehe at. and by the reindoe f the same . let , commune, in width itS kid, slid it/ length or depth 112 feet. sod, being • pullet the Came lot which to marked iii the general. of Lamatoo's addition to ,Port Carbon. with number 33 late the mime 0f...- —.......4.. J;SAMUEL BOw EN. OUN liowErt. 4Adatanktorsk 41-3- At the saute time ang place, all thorn two certain byte orround or lending", nate 'on the - nye, fichnelkdl, marina in Ganes, additional plan to Port Carbon. with No. 16 and 17, one pf thew No. 16 txintain'i l in front on said river 70 lest. nod 166ePtik: 6 the rail mad, and No. 17, confab:ill-1g in ,front the said rail road 70 feet, and' in depth to 4 the said road, with the a pportenances. late the tats of ---- • Stine, taken in execution is to, he sold by PETER F. LUDWIG, Fiberfil: Shelt i es office Orwies- / • burg. Feb 24. ( 14— • DISSPLITTIN: • pE parturablp heretofore { =Wrt under of Wilms &Baal, Foal blerehants, was Oiesulsed ty mutual tamise:l on the tat inst. persoosindeittetto add tir aro ressested to .malts payineat as Orly. u poseible—andall those havintelainu are also ream:mei to proud them fat indement. . . • B. •P. PAST- t Lytham/Ma, Feb. 1838. .1 15-3 4, The subscriber , will to Cunha carry on the Coal Business ender the 6im of 8. Beihter Surl 8. (MILNER. 19. , March Tsite; 11138 1, , I 1 ,- Aso Tunas • ~ t sii te. _ , Sci F. Sur Meehan. The Corpectltifthe . law ' fliv MO 29 IlonWerli et Poitsii . ' , . 32. litarelfTerm:lB3B " _ -- ) - ' !, SCltatilkinitallirl - S .. - ' .. ' 'TUE Comummuselth Of Penn. ;li ow**, _to -the , iff 4 Schuylkill (Y 4 .41111 11. _ - Gnletill • W, hoeme Alias, • arsonist m a e' CI Pottsville. .hitik ;filed. i. '' tarter Cotuteuf Common Relit ltg. She.Ciinaty ociSebuylkill. a. eldest the Corpuretion of the °ugh of Potts vine. Car-thti- sunk Of Peter Hundred and • Forty Whirs tiventy.nlne cents. hiwtel titouciyi 4-c. for work and - labor al s Jiation and Plasterer done, perfieined in bestowed; ' and ( rio for matenals [(point, tarnished: delivered in provide?, within ' sis onths List paw, in and s tout the erection ! tad ed ponstruction of a casein ilding or Teke. ment; Wtoate in Centre street, ' the borough of i Poltsvl le afixesald. ponutterilt lied thel.ockup 11811se.or Jail. behtitgineoc is to belong to the Bniough ciffottstrille *Remelt! agaitistirs said Building _yr". Teem:pent. Mid aim- aphis". the Ground . . eo'veredi by thii- said ilding, and no mach other •gronadimMediatelyedjscent therm.% sod belonging to the mid Cotpowition, to may imiliecesaary-kir The urijkiary rid meek ofllie mild building- being•partr-tof a. Lot , o. -'-,.. Aid viliereaa it is allegeditluiltheseid s 'nt still mmainsiloe and Unpaid . 6? the wild Amor- to now we 'summed you tha t pm mike known to the said Corporation cf.thvi borough of .PciUrrille, midis ,i 2 sock persons MI ,may - hold or - occupy this eald'huildlotAhat they be,and_appear before the ledges ,ot otir said Court; it a . Courtlif Com mem Pleiw to bit held at OrwigiburgAt OW coon. 1 tv aforesaid. 48 -Monday preceding the last kluaday is March nee i lw 'bete. if any,thing they liva to saykrhyribi eta limn, of tune Hundred iid Party WWI Tamil:wise tents ihimilkl, - pat, be levied is thiltela Whiter 01 Pei el-ei the :Aid Mims Torten. aceording lo ai re lords` itud effect of the Act of Aileatidy,' hi Irtaie *add aid provided. if MAW* it, shall item #isediimt,lo4 kite yea ther . ieltitheftibile Slit. - r . ' - I.' yiiiness the llowerabla Calvin Illytbe.Presidect of nor Mkt Ciiiit it Orivigtibarg l ihiStlf day of - January; 4:0.0ne thoolluid Ajlit‘hitaliad -- - LEWIS *CIDEINRII" • - - .41r 1',1 . . PFetheleters., . : . tt" :- . 4 ,7t'' • • r ;•• ' - Fs' 14 . - 13110CLAIATIO Plii-Pletkltis Zoo that it of Ctessent reamifirr - tnal of - camas at ism. la sad for tbe ;entity° skill. ninefold at Ortripbutrtif # l, eeeell ebriljetaL ea Wade., AO 2. l ot 4 sSof 1meea. 11 4. 4 0 0 1/ 40 -elui tie foram*. -...... rr ' !Therefor* all perms . as bawl* Guile p•ailbripaag all *nem whose duty Alkali be toil 'at and Cwt. trilltake minimise! aerani • : , .. ~- 1. PICTXR° F, DW IN IM I =. , ' Shah Olbee,Orwitaq .: 4 ~1 ...., _ • -, ,;. ~ ; . :- .- , ",. , oa f burg. March a, WS& $ !•• !-- -- .1 1.; , , I V' eiblelta! inflaalld Ili 4011‘40di . /0 dili.lol - 4 4 I Y I .4841*$#11111Patilt I M O: dil l cairid '.ri , ' ' I - - - y -4.,C4TrOtili • 14. ifilaysit• • 7.14' viSj" ~r~`~;;"` I'-: , ' ~`.' w_ , it refirsTa purr, - - ABRAHAM LUTZ, JACOS:MENNII3i. lOttiN 11011,EARIV id.C9II'.I4OYEV ,- . ..Of/ 4 ,6640 0141011 1 ,11_014 - tt'erff, - .::; g okh nkialici: o o - 11 4 ertlii4o4 . of wobeiland (*taw will be etifitiosido-;,'''-' , 41 oitie s at the Court . 111ottoo in , tha 44oweglii eittrii4"gf : ii! borjaitfiellOunty, Of tiotthitai hthoVel do r the 2d day of April Willi•thitt rdili,ltli:z —TAIT/LI" ST4ND #.'7ll4Gar'LANDr.. e t sitnatia • • in Sal' riOti — to blitiii.; l •" . t was p,lCortb i i land"Csiinty.- - iw Region. now. end - for rut. tiailitalia bj Ireha lAtch ,;4 . 4 40 : 4 0rsit "tioef`Aii? ; -' diehased:toothitahlii4oo - :; : : serer or thereabtints. pert-of which ins good •stiteofealtiratioir'. ThhtiofirWietelitif•;;F: , are good lee:tavern house, stahleriehed4:4lth.l . !..';:: - .. Au atondant supply*, good eprsn, water at all‘sessoni -Of the year be obtained.; '.: , The projoertj is well worth the ittentioWorniii;:: .one wishing to becomethe owner 'ad riiilOtrk/P: - . tavern stand,,and•trapt of coal land:, Ther:erti-ow or sale. will ktfOwn otiThi It hribeforied the agile . JOHN. EVAN& , atARV. AtholtiWitotw tinphid siehslaasill:. , '.t • 4 , By order of the Court. ' • • _ .11 , 40)8 Frto. 213.-18313. „ , en the upurtof Common-Pleas o f . Sehol,_ County, itt the matter or the . Michael Brektious.i ' • VWHEREAS. 'John Buechler.' votninitteiNC,. T. v Michael theisioos, did. an the 33dilifint;- Navetnher t A.D.. 1837, 6le in. the office-, oftlwo:.t._ Prothonotary of the Conauf CoolltB/.'Plai' 341;4.'4 SchoyAill-County, a statenintofhis'aetiollikinf ; ', committee ofsaid Mats. - • • Notice 3slereby given to sit petsiessinteresest,:i, in said estate, that the flonorattlei-the the Coort.of Coeninon Pleat - aforesaid.-hiiii-ale;;;;;- • painted Monday the 19th day of,filareh. 1838,at , 10- Velma in the forenoon, for the 'hisaririg.nflOil *lair, and for showing moan 'obi the count ought not- to be. allowed.- Ind thereof. the same will be toitifuned; Witness , the honorable Calvin IllythePraiddea*V l 7i.l of, our said Court pi Orwigeburg,ihe li February. A. D 48.18. • • ;LEWIS p.taftry:- " Feb 10 4w IS hereby given. thatiettere ottadniladsiiiitiaiVj r . , have been granted to the sdbacriber by thiritin:, ,- = gister of Schuylkill Gatos. Oftbnestatittif - : Wilde. deceased, bate of Northampton iptialev;-4%J-2 - - All persona indebted to said entate..are therafeirC requested to make payment tothestibee t rikerour4 such who may have claim. owsaidiatity a llo sent them duly authenticated - Far /awn 6-4 • Public Sale. nplIE subscriber will sell it Public *Osie' : Wedneasc the 14th der of Much o n - bi ome el „thii hatittgli:hr Pottsville% tiattein, kor. of ginned i tt in the &malt or Pet sant% nestadsksll:: l loC;., eatimestaly sida .l BclauyikiLiksates*WWlSOL; 2.7* southwesterly No. 28 and -W,20 tett , Oily: being .ptt - ef lot marked. tte•AIiSPOI which is mimed. a two story dwelliii~ - hiiNe- s:,. Late the taste delete F.M.U.. 17`:. The sale will atmanoiat s t, O'clock what the tams will be made knarn JACOB D. BARNETT Assignee of LF : IbII:Y Feb.2l NOTICE ' 111 hereby given • that thi 4 4esters..Admmietratoia.ind. : tattled aeeninili in the OM= Of the Resiiiet; - •i'. d- • of Seheylkip-Cepnty. and that the' presented tillheOrphans• Con" to be heldlne" . _('• ` • OrwigibOti. to tied Ssr said Candy; on llifondak!tE:, the 19th day of. March. 1838. for- ednerronlint*':; l 7l7 ' • I. The account of Nord Pat'orm. binenier the labt will and testament of Witliesd. 4,i et - it: term. late of the. home' of Pottsville; deeeitinCi.:...: Tho account of 3aenh 'Emu:german, idortin,;l:l2.. hare*" of tits estate °fhb* Everitt, late of township, deemed. 3. The acestuit of'ldiehael Neiselisiendsiado atinistratar of the waste of Peter Yoder. late - Upper Illahantangelownship,detiased.- 4. The account: of Peter tiiher.eseentor:ofilts - -.-; last will and testament of Catherine Riegel; lets or west Brunswick fownship. deceased. • - S. The aceouli. of Ficderick Charles Welt and John Charles Conrad.. administratorawCilit ..estate of .ohsDeltic/ Gerund, late at Notwegiaar' • I township, deceased. t , "„ 4. The account of envy Kook;iroMdiais "1 the pipes and estate of Catherine -- 17ftkiweg2W,.(!- -- moot of UpPtirt Mahantanew tewnship„, ; t The 'amount of John , . Wiest and.'fieMwef I -titrolst,executom of the last will and testameiktif:} : Gideon, Williamson. late of Upper, . Miltaitittivier • township; deceased. ' 8.- The account of Ljdta.,ifertiegifiammaisr,,,;.., and/stet Kloelt;'iMeimloi• lb* last:inn ast,:;c".: bfeetvav4:4 .B eniakuin Bening: 1 4 4 Of - -Ygo,"L4.':=4 MatiantaisiwleirtshiPi.. B..Thitecoolint - .4 initilstfifoe'if did *ate of Jacob Bpohn, 10 . 1 ; 47.: tiosimmOimashiii•dimessed. • t , JO. : Thum:Count of John.i3nydek tidcltiskileiwcs tor tabi eltate.'ofinceli .6,fne`rict le t tifer township, daees.ed . '1 t; :Tit ap4esotor Jacob` aro** - woo toirisiliiir dCeessea The second weenout ,- We'al;AMlkeed:44;.t.„;, - , - ritiMitrator ottitoestato r io(Danie . L•Datiuktif;;;,,, the.bensegli Geed srit, deiteasaL .l4lo;lll--HAIOIIIIO4 burg. Feb: iS;stIER. • timMtieithi:l4ll4ll Aipiy 14". stowth'obik -Fait • • : • . ~-..... . *fit Ilitritilll' . ".llo le - elje A ° *ol .: l,l ' g m . •-• g ..,. -.- ..- s -•;:, :,. • . k i .. , ....,.,-..---.',-;;;•:- ,7,--?•,.. - inn COPIED iiihsialsiosiworkliii.., ~,, .1 1 ..‘J'. 7- ed mid wilt beibri*Wyritiiiiiik iiimidiffigOi grOmalliOietil:# lON *iiilPlool dilpfil&Prices. • *in* fiegi*ONll4 ' -.- ViiibliV ll 4o 4 .l,k - k_' - `- s, f4-11..: Ir . ~ .t Dien, ,-.,.... ~....: 4, 1 . ~-;,...,::,...!.,, I. ....':. , tl - 704 .1 k ••••-• -, , ~. •—r..... ::. . ~.' . •-- ... r - • .-:, .t. ;.. -- 4. ::, • ~ s -•••• • '4.--.... '...t.,:, , ..,... '"lf''a •".' -`,ElFe' EMI ~9 ~! ME • '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers