IMMEMEI BZ ' , v01.. 1. D. F INI - PWATEr i , • tBYPt 41.34, , 1 14- 1 01 TNNEN ,tkAiILANN 4N payatAii i In the-year, $4 minim ceive4h9 paper free of .93 peek ahndni:.•lfaot willase adBp#ll, ttie.pti • iliS7 TwaDonk.r.sia per in advance. iCncit Pal' be Charged ~, needing •• in pron.. bel inset tlb they I be nthr: ; the paper. atantOot+ and the . three sutii the saw • Ibe p - ings, &c. been inset ceps Ma Advertisements not e changed:4ll43r tbree ins' insertion.. Aiarger All idiertisernents • .; nnt.llllllilig the timefor .• is specrified.nad will be Yearly ai 'pertinent inclarling subseriii . .tiont of keeping o'nendvertis , stauding.dniiing the yea er one in each pap, - efol AU - letters addressed otherwise no attention ; MI notices for iit whic6 have heretofore ,charged 25 peotikericA. Astonishing Read th , interesting a 111110R13 coneltnnv efficacy- of DR. Carnouttle and Aper leviating afflicted m To James. - Dickson, for the wale of Dr. proofs of the eV W hi. EVANI3 eat Aptibilio tu kind. 6, Cornhill, Bo m. Evans's Ca .•• • LoVraist, Nev. 1 Q esperienite. ieted receive of es, I cheerfully Dear Sir4-11.nowi reference that the. • cial results pf inedi to the public in be. CAMOMILE PIS, the tart ten -years cheat. often so bad three or. lour nights. Trind.reliefby any until my crife'saw t. when-she persuaded I did. mb obtained resulted in almost health, .though I h -Them. Should you yourselfl or the pub misab3a to publish i THOS. ' .1f of DR. WM: I have been a ith . distress in lb: to deprive. me. n succession. but .f my friends' , .'p • advertiementt I me to seed for o boxes and bolt which. .completely retori g me to ye not yet entire y finished eider this any benefit to c, you have my e earful per. 'Yours, respect ally, • GOODHUE, Centralist. I CA;E Cured by Dr. Wm.. ~ e ' cage and Fe ily, Aperi 0 .1 . JAMMi • BOWN ' - ithrnet of :' womb, Philad. . hos, effect. '-it.h extreme. perv.asnesa. by„ •Me to !write his , ame—his catidn;dailyapas odic Pains' appetite, "palpit. on of the' dittinewtof sigh utter. ina*; a 4110 .thing that „demanded ii ,iiiicia and w• lines' ei- . .• . I rest, a sense f pressure hitornach allei 'ea 'lig.' great e a •,, sa'Vere 'lying wins is tihi .l', .6N. aostiveaesa, a ilialike for . ''• tio .. Mr. B. h A zade trial 1 1 '• .ii w before th blic, but - lobsei virile in a p lie . piper 1 r '. ed y• Dr. William Evans's I. d Flunily Aperlaut fills, he .i• them a trial, of hich he is, Ito. state that the effectually , use 4istressing ch ase. ' double the above c i eiare most • to the above m ntioned- pa l. west, • corner of hippen and • . tENJAMIL .OWN. tobei .., 6,1837. . , • . to., mardirwrism. - eeted bp the treatinest of Di. 1 Athrs Beans. ' . . • ',60) N.4tb 'str t, Williams -1 lb 'above carnp int 'for three il a brittle', 'Wring ' w ich time he 1: • His chiet, sy ptotna were; 1 1. in all , his joints, t especially I, ries,;is apd a Mea t an ag. _ sins towaidii big t; and for the froni • eater nal .1 ' t, an otivi; the fascia and lig meats, with 1 musculaitower. For the ben ., ted in a similar manner. Mr. it Meet to say t at the pains Paned, and that hi, joints have kited their natural! tine, and he me his ordinary itusinesa. I. G cAsr: of Terbanda! CCon ; ;John Rowel applied im the Ist I:2 r 46 the office 00 Chatham r ~ ..derahe. full:Iwo• symptoms:— of blood, diatress ng caugh t . at. 11 i xpeetoration of p relent matter, !. • nevi% emaciation, - difficulty of I non, with a Well marked hrctie '•k. ,On examination, the clot Fund well ever.. .4!4 r h isfere except on., F 'cle, and in -h e arm pit of the' i 1 .i . , : • iiretted - 1.6 Pike he restorative ' • .witli.. th e ,expecto r ating corm!- ;i l ,,titrks:AßlE4poriou s . to ca11,,0, ' ,• . 'lght 'weak jad ceased, the 9 I+l l ' , liiticatihallexusitght fit of elt'''oe'V ztbiii iiiorning. Or: e ~..„. ~. 1.. - ..iiethp•madicine. and 10 . :•,.; . - ;4lffeeltarWiton . kis • hriltil FY ). 7 '!' - • .impimi _stgibe<lejiAtr, 1 it • • ~.1, ;, : • on' • - tth of this 1 va l.. '.: ' 4 iiefiiris 't Itii sitititr :•. • fi t he tiatkob oed.h - - :•-•, • • tietit chiefly Is •:aullt-inglinii‘i !'s. ent. ' iIkIZERESI 4 IIO3I - . A: Monet beitnimi"; ent )1 shipp e p .and..Geotti ed. for seven years • Which he was hot sitnptonn. were, 011 , i n the head; logs heap. giddiness an bility of engaging vigor or courage,. 'eme debility, . . and 'Weight at . mental tlestiOnden , . j back and sedist7 and conver of. Vassal:le mcdici i toil.) effect, until, • some cares parfor Camomile Tonic a' wan induced to s gi . at any time happ , cured him of the lllXPersons arh., respectfully dire' Imo,* the nor Gorges streets.. • Ph : P'AIt . A.X 4 I! A, perfect, biro • • M. kale GI • bdrii, afflicted • .ars and nide ,ad Indite crat e . euraciating pai. In the bips, show: gravation -- of the most partdll ttm dolt thickentng or EtoEPPletts bkls.o cfit of those, affi Gibsonconceiye have' entirely e cstasplelely reco feils able- to, res INtEI6STI atemption.-1% I dig . of Septum street.laboring:' A slight !pain : tended with an night sweats, breathing on dx flushinta the, ch was found to ,` der die left 'ilia /Wain Cainornib) pound. at . four dayis.* eipectoridi s coughing still' -- dered is usual., call in the %anklet, rapi .cough. Called ,month, quite thanks for the The allover. daring his tret 1 ' ItlgkelKEilltllSTAllDlr l ip. t umcw,Sehuylkill..ailligted With, leg malady., Spopleigritat ncy, diSturbedsrest, nervous head. ~ of" , .hmthing,ligfitness :nil ;tire: breast, dizzineu,lneTVGllll , irrita. twenen, .could no t, lie in , a hurl-. , without the sensation of impend-, ~ palpitation of the heart, distills., ; ',tme's:pain of the stomach, drew bility and deficiency of the min. I Mr: ILlBldnroe gave ' up every ~ry. and ,dire tiejspair sat on ilms e k 1r every Pemm. oternited in his ppliteinr;fill by idea( he noticed -r ennin nivel by , Dr. Wm. i tir , i n 14 twirl '1; which. hide. P '-base_s rdickio o ' Pills. which t' p_c ptely removin f l r ev#l44mptoon go wishes,iet 'I lead 'to w ;km moltot.roi . ' le,linietbnreitlrthe ASTIIIILI I k 4: 664 Alia , Alit • .11titul . . a incalt . I.dre'acrow th bility,mmt,ree zontal paeitio , ing intfocati , ing _cough, '...- .. tuna, great , oat energy. thought of r countenance .... existence or h; iti a public Oa Evanes meth red him to p restated in of hit diicam. th Is dealiri ~; , -,1 --c, TIM= • SV v.:14 - ,Ly°3 it4i444 - 4" 4.4 t~t,ttch ofiritt *irk* Okla - I NEE Alline'4-ii" ? rrg, IMPPRIPP c . f* 4 . . , 1E . 2 - ~Whicb, Is iTpAlyseinofk ont,inpr,.. lhe sitrorNtestunalilirbi: AL ' ,c . p.! , , :4- ....... -',;...,...':4",,i •,.',t7:Poor - v-f.... '4:5 V • ..4.811111L1L1 5 ISAMU"' , Mr. Cbarles.thatieriello Ontrigz -19 , affi.kled i ffs-itat . /.W4 3 FittaUal 4 r4 ,1 ,01420, , Asthinkripplie,kep,be nilice494 Oftathinl i tm;. lin the'4ol - of &to*, Illiorideadiethe' le+. ingiyiniitCaris.:- Aiiiniii ill'DO*l4 Sit 'Zil e 1 eheati.with- the gresteir dlfilenityrof, .bree4iing. disikessini.R9 l 2itip ~generailyien4.4%, will enpipivi 1 ezpectratiork.n.. viscid .phlegin j , ilniVirilelii.,,ryt The flee turbid rind Of a livid; l-hue--Conid pot ..e . in n'horizotrial4anlitinii.itillibi& the iiiiiitinii; • , ininiediate nuffocatioe, langitori dtinerdriellif 4 • ' ' dizziness in Die, head, sed.h4 4l -d 4 PPetiteql,44- Mr. H. applied toil thfurnrstt,nelierrit...Kalr" 11, A , g r in this city, liheivinie used sOkral'Cith,, - etyg 0 vi ithotlf obtkining any l'perizianetif 'h-ftenl,„ . lin„ -hisririends' pereirided-hira-qpiabediszisert ' 4 Dr. William Evans'..3.zeaturszLi. 41,44.... , 14.. etc tiered. of his complaint, . and. !milled at ,th jpsterdayl'aivaelli(tharhi s inidvqt Avoids ' - presrass.gretitude 14 .theienefit , he bid ecte*; ed., Xrctober -21, .1)337. . t !,. ,". . 't. I^ ..) , 1 . : 4...* =, • . MEM I. Ma' T• bey Pkribi nLLP LrrEn - comPLLirrasiotttligirrAsto , ~ mt.. Hannah BthifireTwifli'cif iiiirePh Bthrwlth, N. 6th street:hear - Second, Wilifiamebnreaffilet. - ed for the latit tea years with thiLiver 0.0141a1#4. completely restored to . health, -.through. tthst, ment offir.Wm ‘ . Evans, SyMptome ; „ 7 abithal canstipation'Of the boa, iiii total losii 'or a — the; excruciating pain of gastric region,- gieit • depression of spirits, la or and other Itymptsime of extreme - debility, tithed siscrostial?rdliAte flow of the menses, pop* the right sidc,,,ctillid not lie on her left aldistithoiti. an iigrgraviifido• of the pain, urine high cdTbreci, with otheriryinp; toma indicating great der gement me the fitno --tiona.of the liver.. , 0 , • • , - 4.: ,„ iie, f:. A • .:-,.--- Mn.r Browne. Was attewitit NlARelvor ilt physicians, receivedhittlittle reliitf from their medicine, till Mr!' Brinithis , produred loineof/Dr.' Wm. Evans% invaltiatiteisrepuratiodire icket. — fectually.- relieved- her,,cif,thesaboire , -disi tor symptoms, with otheralrick it iir ties, ' to intimate. QSEPRr CI , City and Comity of New l'orit as.„ (, Joseph Browne, of William sb urg ; Long ist,int being duly sworn, did - deilese and nay that the factaarraet forth in the widisin statement, to-which he bag aubaeribed.hieusAihatekulliAnd : P l l WS*PLI. BROWN . fludhaod of tke fALlClAlitlalkh RIICIVIO. . . Sworn before me tbia46i ohtsr,pfAsunarirlip). ~ PETEF. fl t ; l lsl 4r fe.Couu. o ,ITtlds 6 .• _. • ' • EM! ordinary ebrated . ills in al- n, Agent ilo Pills. 1836. hat-every e bene6- ; r.mitie VANS'S ieted for head and f sleep for . ONO never , I cripnons, 'the paper, e, which IEI r . , r..... :: . , t- - 1,44 . 1,.,1 id ' ' .i... - , a ,' • ..:' L..........V t • ',' •• A ,.. .' . -.. IrTMlinliginirld f" 4r ' i , ' I 'TA . ' 1 . 5 4. t;, ':' - 3 4 4 ii 1% . 4 :,,,,V . e:i' !:i-r-IFPOTTSVUALEsvirtaeaSIikiA, ' '.. . '-'" 4"''''' • "'"""'"'-','"' 9 it .-;.., -,i .. f, it, ,v , F 1 - 4.- .... ,i-A, ‘ .07,-,u. , ,.., 1 30,ri. „.i..._mli.,:m 4• , _ • , • - 1111311E1 uv.;- 11, cdilli', l 4 l o# SI X 1. 4 1 0 ' ' er*lvnsd., '" ' ' ,"` --'-' MRS.. SARA tIitENIIIBER, ea.' o 1 'ate , " 11 .-• Antos Bietilneedehriaer erSinxiiid dtr Q " d el Germantown‘Roluti.Phibidelphis; sire " lad Ile-ecere virith:thej Liter Co • ;wee. cataill%ply, te . ldercd 10 _ 1) , (4 4 1 - ;k, E rry , ti)wiritiviov VANS.Mcprrioitilfe trinic 'rim" , A• rye Pins. tier syriiiitonis re hibitibre t oisti ' esi; a:eructating - perk - the. ntantratiltt kliPtcOrielor spirits, huagnori - exttentordebility4distetheitpkiipe great pain in her 4 4 , Feeklioßt ket.-9 131 ...Wp AA. side with Out an•aggraya,p kr pigidki eff 1 ~./ the lies • d, dimness of idifit c , ilk6tittialb• a tom indicating peat iletengeiniheinThir fa ' , ,or the Liver, :MrsAlrenliiimillasaidar ltrieflaf ea rioun metliaiae4 waft before the MOAN 1 40 1 ,rei ceived no relief pipit stie ; ', liras advisei 4,1 1M4 1 1 1 ., trial oftii guinea Pillii of which ishikliihippy to state that they effectitillY - -telleired `Het (of Ihel aboc.e dlitr wising' symptomit,terithi oil**, ;terliich are not essential, to intirnatet,..4o4l -1• • 0 r.l • Air. Breathier, (busiNp4 of the siva, litre,. Brenhiser, ha d been; two . years itiiiisd•fiiiiii a aistresied state piles ind doititilenisafl: ,1617.1ithiel he was effectoady Teiiiii+ 4ll4 .'•- ,l' =c l k. ').'''`' • --" We debtdeity . ikobsoettie otu eignaltiree to the: truth or pie ,alipvtiltures„ t thoittatnanint is -in every respeckttne. SA in BR:ENIFI . SER. , ... ilta ' 'lO N STEW, - Ilittier.' ' N 0.117 north:Right% greet,' Pkillada. . Philadelphid.-Oevi2tst. Mac i !'P • ' - Dr. WAWBVANWS Idedical, ; Ofßce. t for the sale of hip ezellent liedipine, is it NI. t9;porth Eighth" stree . t,l'ittla6lPlaa. , • I Sold by • . , ." ''' " 1./. T. WERNP" • Sole . Agent for Sehrtylkilbe yo- "rATITNASAIAX*ISt. , ~ 1 ' For the instantaneous cure t . THE 'TOOT,..# , A ACE! . . , Discovered and brought in its greates perfection, "*. • 'BY MONSIEUR CHAS t hie is to: cest:l4 , therl. have tried v rTepuri is Elixir in several casesnf Tooth AelleAn whicl.• I have eirtalittylOuttd.ft or Veit greif 4Hice. • , - . , ' 4 *" ' ' i i i t,I. B. HARY*Y. n . Ildellibeilof :the Royiki Ucillegtl6l - of .. London, SOO. 1 40g 1 ....- 1" . r ,; ~ -: , et, -. ! ie--, A friend i steppeki t ato saitfint Ire . id. visktea. th e Fire *ing Chia m rains, IA or) r u,„..",:tr .i. ocatAtchi.-,. 'ii little both' ri4vbildoliiVelkitibt4 . 11tobiBil jr meant asil alear;:aff,-isiiien2mWtis smiled % at tbiiliesalYed uNitimoi daft!' its .0 1 4 1 e - 4 7 .-. 4 % . Q,azeite• .-, o ft - ;.,. ,;_•' / 4 41 4 u..kl X.freiti . atippli he above "Eltstr 1 cep. ed and'firide by ' 4 ' 8:111 AN",'"' l ' • , '..- • .:Side 'Agent forSehnylkill'ia:dlay • 1 .._ iMy il3 T •• -/,' :,' • - A,. .. T 1 il-lyr -r.ti " lif • roupp 4 , t sir amblejj teirsiTed and 4 -fp 641 • jars 27'S ' • * • .. Pilitii ' iiAii!ti*to*lfTP,.Y-. "'ll'- i Sahegii ! i . - I ;7. • flruF P;rt erbetgvni:ina iti, 1 Ay °mimicrylrftWflo s Pelock it the'ol6ce cir Mamma - andlieldeit,lf i er s tbk*T2 porentreixdring deperita toinyLaMonni:netwv riefira4s9o l frete id! One, alalt, which I an Mtn* 14114*-r: . . will be-pa Menverfls, i T 4,,sid and **Wia.fkl9tii ter* Will - Mowed' en aifY '' "OAR rll5. 'Arlie liea* part may berdraWri,retow-e*itt - Otee r timon fenr *Yreka:at that/Mar OaXM4 441ii. z tiL l. one, , wt.the:,-EnCieti,,atill, t he. Aped Ity,,.#, leilli)iviek,oAo-01 2 , 1 1, re"* . qr: .i f n ,- 41) - •7 1 r 'Pilo Or May icii . , - , _ _ _,. • . - Pinrdent4;4lll3lbir BOLTONL' --- •- . , '-'•-f ' -- : - - 1 :444 11 / 4 C 0 • LI ' t' , .. I 'i . • ? iiseph,..Csrtolt-z) ,-;14 ifig.44411.. ..a Edward illghair 4 .! ,i,,E,A.M.1041. _ . ~.,,, Jadob Bell'. ' • ~ , t s ; 1` , _ttra 4 me .j_ . ' - E t tOitneriarkekrao nentrang .L. Annan. 3d3efliterpierram ." wfktioirir.rdraiLbe - oteeeiraff by f*Pieibkok "-. ls tecit OclPTK•M ti orit °444. ..t a i on M ry ~; ' gr 'berme a tontYkokii F r the Alibi% e 0 • : • t; I . zil••• , o'.,'M - ' rvit.. • 9- • . ~,' -•',, '..., : - 1 .. 1 - .', i, ' ; , , - ' • ' • , '. ! „., ,---- „ ;. - ,-,.,..,,,,. 7 ....-.4....„-,,-,,„ , ,,,-,, T -,.... : ,„..,.,. 1 .,-_- ; ,:•:., - ..,-,-.„ : 4- ,- i. -....;..--:,-,...- .....:;:-..4 ; ,,-:.- ,, , , ,-;;:.-- j,:;*.,.. - . 4 ....,; ,,, -0. _,-1 , ... , i 4. --:i,2'A: •'.- • - ' , - -- ..-....-.,......'w":..- "i' ' .. •., . . '. -; :,..;- ..,,,....,-.1.: , -.1,.. . i .....,- -,...;. '....... ~ ..:,•....i.- , ~.- ......__. : ~ ...„.4=-;...,..._ ..,,,:.• ---, •,, , ...,_.........,- -, ~., er-..,... - ... ,, .1t..-- ~ ...... ,,, c , %.-.4:....,,;,,.......1-,_ ..,.-..-IF6.- _ -1.. .....,,, ,e 1 ,,, ,,, -,• -Te-t:•:`,,, , '•••4-k-A -- - •••,• , ,,.-. 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Si t a - •'‘. - , 't• , , - -'i;';=••••• , •,•'•e•it- :-f, ~• • • 0i.. i1 .. ..., , , -....-„ ---, - - ...- -..- :;:----••• -!--,- 7 ~"4 1 -# V 4' . : 1'..- 1": 1 14"4 7 i 4 ".: 1 "...r.ti ' - ' ll.- . 1 r- ,..... . , 7 * lN" * ',. ~,?. ti1t414 ,,- . 4 ';•1 1 -Ir./.... `..,....t:-76...., - ,4, 4 1, ..:' ...4.1..... •1, ~, ~ ; .- 4 , .,,..., 4 .c....1 . ..5.,_,.. ....,. ., . , . - :::. e” , ',' ''..-- . ''''''' ' i •V •-. ' -.% '•- • •• 4 ' '.... ti %•.. -' - :CM ,- •.,,...,17;...1 - =I.- A.A....U , I, . vt. + ...,...... - . ~ n ~.. ~.4.6,..-1 . ,vi0r.4, . ~..,....."‘', -4. X. 2.,, ..,' - ..Ari. r. '3 - 4 ''' •,- , . . . ',! • ..... - % . „ ..... . - V^7. , .....i,.....0....,i4 . - ~. ~.., . .,44..We#1,4'.:,, 4 .4 ,r ,', . ,1, ~", e' ' : ' ' ' 7,,,lL i kt r i ... 41.".. a' .. ' - 144 - 1?" -- __ •61W' -- • - - :.'''.F. - -' ')-•• '' ' l ' -'•:: '''''-'.•:-'• -6 -'- - : - i7 . 7, . ''''' '''' •-• -' ', -•- •',, `t4.17 , zi ~'3:1: g• : •,..,,* 5.,::...;...--7 • T'....: , 7.. / • 7 ••• 7 -• s , -1. , :•••••• - ••.: 71.. • - , :1-• , 17 , . - 4 • 7!.1,1 4 : ,r: - 7 - ' - ‘ , "tei:*; -.7 ''" - - ~. .v... , : f . 7 , - ',., •' - • ••••• '-,-• - • 4 -,. t3'...=., ' tit ' l \i ' '• ' ,ac ." t ' ' ' N • ,'' '''f -• t-' , ' '£4 ' '-" '''' , r; l ' k • '' , 1 4 '.4ei. , ":.:2_ e , 1 - -•••• ' iri , ;••••••gbetwZb.-1 , 4 , ".4:4,••% - .,#-•00: .•1 ,1-•:-.4 — 7,7" ....•. ,b••••-b-- •b. --e , ,,,- ••••,•-••,4 .. - • ,••• -,_-: t.:::::. web n'y ~ , JempitDa.4ollll,6lll4±.4•&,/,' , -- 1 •144-k.• '•?-1-- .1-•''''.. ••• 4 -,, , t r ," =_!: ,. v .,1 ,.. .fteFingTo einimmturiAmilmallur;'.A l 4 l F.A* l -**: , -7,•ft. •-• •- I. '7 7 : a- , -"Zr• - . 7 .• '`'--3' '" sr:•. , -.-- r ,----- ....' -, .- - '1.. ,, , -1 - -, f .. " ''-) Faso!' '''' "-* - - ''''',-' ..,- .- • 1 . -- 4, "M'W-sr . i5:'.gnt.!14.'4 . ..:.•,tiV7-44,NE, -... ....:....-:7;:: ~.I ' .. ,e ,- ;.., ~ , ,, . .4-,.."00,1r- N, !:,..,.... .., . ... i . ~, .., . , ~..., ~,,. ~.., ..., . , , . "'t ',IT • • - - -IWIMItOII4SMtVrgm.-sktf4t*" "=*"-s etheriiilii - PrO --":"''''' :'' , '' l , i•: - liik,otest.ii4itAT ••%loriiil63 1 4 JORTRAFRONT . t-FritERT.- H .. -- ...-.• .114 E: .-:.t.-r i z `1 , ..)-. .:••=7•4' . ..?: tiukzAnui ,MtTHAlcaullit- DK 4Wwlifq• . -•- DELPIILIi, • lit A " PHILA ajou tIVIIPIttIITIC I ERSI3F '-' t rig - 11,5E1W thy in& r. ; ' '"iioittet,' 4 * . tt' , .: t-t a : , . 1 ..i . mtnnundlti Olt $.,....::„Rect feet/DAV t-rcie .:-:; . 1 Redjanid,. , .. ~, ~. pite do .. „ , 1 i ,,,, i .....e . ,- •:., • 7.. a„ ~ a .._•,••._,,, i.Croniel YEVOirr!;- . ' .. -44 dnlik 10 ..-,'-' ""? -' .du ito -y•._ • ,f t tr y,: !. . 1, , ATart..le cdpk ftti.9 , iii./ .-.....•; ' ..17 eflo* . ,!r;=:< , i:. ihiPl - N hofev 1 46. 1,4 : - .4. ,I - Sag* Ludt '': • •• ••••.P.Nti )I*.a?..araan 'r'- ill ....I • :Co . 3. .... i ., • . , , iuntt„ . .. • rltis i , , ? ,t 01. Vittlair ' • 'Cow `do • ' .'- ."• A q taigitti.rm; • *: ... 7. - • ---Aeitladorphheil , .•;.; ft,f- r. IttetinticAcid, - . Sulph.. do .. i , 4 ~, , 3 _ ~,Epatim Sabi ' " . Lac. - Parptilii , '!",:' .-, VaitrAeltr`r 1 ' - Opi. dei itiiient' - n t '4 , -.•i t. , Itnp.,4ibrt3ode , .., ...,....-• ...Keenteeddiditeid,.:l ~v . t..,.... games. Sub. Mete r Miens dq.. • ' „ itedultiant:Chaatihoi:Stilt Niue ilkostoUlliithr, dte.l.offerdbratt7eetualbeeek6mitkeihetVettekts*K gethecl wit!! egUland AirrtmeaCtAk 4 . andlyi Sin& antivery otWe'litie e In theebe7t endand Medicinal line. • •-tN. -41 . t•-.."0'-..- 0 • Setniinatinfasudetworallebetanictee eatuniereted index the ap.slet,btad. the/ Diode 11 ?PmF,0 19 ` 0 44:: My their *tub And 'the public bathe tim e 2 bid 16Tiner.r. - - -::...•- -••- `..- ' 4- - '. •At . 1:i: t Window And Ptnt.*•GllW. froze f , .A*ltak 1.0 oci gr 18rt . IR . . _ . Fr HB subscriber_ hu i now-Ant - hand atbiskftre and -*prawns" on Centre attd= Rail Roa4, stayeys,t !fflrortnient ofSbods, sAttple for pe canriek!oti - viz : - 'Bari ;Traci of aaeorted '. sizes; - Ikrt4 and stoop tlo •_ - •do 'Pike Rods do —414 . Sujel,illpund4.9o4ure , . - Nailsigin'a Spike* do • a‘cc . " Coat Shovels , do do - 2 Hardirarc. 11- - zeneral worsortyn . eat -- All-ufAbich.he iar4tofflOmptt4irdiecisil:Priodiki JiL9 1 3 :k.. e. - "2-41, L NEW t eweenga i " • . JOBIEII , II MEM' uPottrdliedcticitittl;thathitionstintirlieSpoi oulandiit theilairtter of Vetdre‘anek,Calkmbi !Vesta. pezt.,docke. absvolAr-iisi*toltl l . o st iargefand elegant . alionaml ofStaplea , flack Dry Goode, with a choice selictiOlf o hies, Li gobitiand *lie; ill of ,tch tire been purchased actin very 'price** ths , Phitadelphisomarkat, Übe so) dot 12}; --pep; ccovidvanoe„,, , , , , 1 XIC kind or .. #044'41 paint ;?iit t ngS itlitat' for' • ' . ' tug 19 1 '' f . t.-: Private. Salo. . ar...,pubsgribecissilt akik at; rate:ski% at •4 119 1 1 tig•API LD WrlVlMatirlitnajed in. I . tniiitßetklial 41y - borough Vitfpeityli iiiti:wortli3i' the' .atteittiottof lase oriniiiiiesi: o 4 Oren:alias. eib N scfipticst is leonsitlerittualleenimarittnur "Broom 0 1 . 1 4 4 40 0 1 P_Keha.l4 firs, fp,r , *Wie** said property js not sold Debts tne'lst AKA tinit:itisift then 'baietitiltd f ot farther4iirtiefilatii- , ii0 . 17 to lissitiott Tamsqus,t;os:toPr.<:iiaistertm <pre: • • • - - ‘'t - -1 IC Nftthettig Ak.: . •10). I '= 4 gol i FFtß4or Wet( their Whileediti'll Intel - Nil LlOnkeri illoreoCentrea deore^bele.;Nr street, a prime nsiorrisel . ,,togreskOrocesie : „ 4 rig or ' --, " " ' , • , Jawaritio.o..egurrw-17- ri..1..i ~ .. . -.., ..,A to° ale , *Dp11111141) and , brOrivi. • , .4. at tr:,:: ,3: 7 , . Orkin, St. - Croix4rtown 1 ' VritlegfaillinellireraedlinW 7 l Bl 4" -k fr , . • New Orleans. Waits -, 1 4„4,1.:, .. , ff ', r --. 444 1 . 'ladle and- iinsaehoisie '"''''"'"l' ~, : . 1 ' ' t linperikl,•Gag koirde A'crtitrg '' '' '' ' • r ' - ilysott;Pouctiong,Oninge Pe6.:. Telt 4 - ; itSpechenitand,ll4en- 4 f . • 4 I 4 ' .. • 4 Ni • fin Chases,Sons*ScAinicri ' 41k. iloggi,and-eirciet -.41 date 4 . -erepased.Coepa t Cocoa she& : . • a'. • 3 - S 1 eadini, ."A Caries'. tlarTe3 , 4, . • ' . , .. John Belts, LXibsiernchoVy. Singes ' . Canton eel and Coyne' ' '! • , ' 1 • Ghettio. TeinaW.PePlocr• t ' c i - -., i • Illized.Onien. Stingoe, Pickles Lewin' and French . 4 4 I Oliva. cdpresi Ancholtiee . '4-: , -4' 't 'it' • r , . cayenne_up,per. allnpre rinikG4ek , ~... _,. CloviAta. mice, firt=ep and canine • ' I Sloe: flear-oi tiewistarethf .:-.:, .44- ' ;1 : . , CurtnetsrFiss. l 4ildnartliu lean , 1 ' • • Sweet and biter aininide, citnin ~ - 4 — ollie Oil: 'Wine Whits:lemon eftlP ~ Preserved ginger, cheese; alai* 1 ,Y'•:. • • : f • , • - Ile mpg tnackereli ialmo.n, - ~, i , r . t f ' ' Whitiiiiiitiolenla wii; ;Tone f ,......,*; ' -• '' Sletdded ain44 tailor* :4 l ' , T!! • 1 , r d ;Di vial brolvil iln4Yo WiligP • : -:I - ' Maditni, o &Veil, Claim ': ' • • niwitiitidilaliiiherry,cbehlAde'': Wilier • .: iditoek. leelionilb* millsOlik't•r" , l` -in wed '" r ti eFt ' ull ,ii=ll7. s ‘ l 4ll 2 klVidliheilf a :, b " .:- ' v • ificoiau •Anowangibels*-zoie:ielikkey - i'- ,'4:4 1 e 0 10:94,4 1 Tiiir7 4,94 PP Pl 4 Pliblig - ' Y • c,cinimpagne, 4 Bpantah Et 9440590 '• ' lio littlinMp;lit•r f liniii - .„ • :-:•4..larneicaipirile, ;• ..-{ .. , ,f . 'I CI 1' 1; b• i, :Jr.t....t • Etrik #IIpAPPIp iegigt 4%.0 . „ , ~ 1 i nn slf Sktiliiik erid`conimin ciatii' ! ' • '''' ) ' 4 / ••4., ....IC** wa inid'aidaldettilanat 4 A4 . -A: AN.," ...a . fixpooq -,1•1, 4 * A ,)4,1 • ti , «` ;'+ 441 I - anrenttAbootla.,&c.,ADC. all eiWthlhey ere ijuipoie die WI Oirthe l onlei trinlenfi'es We leOzw- , ,lissil„ g Of-Ranidjog vidNikTetitAttepeii are particular& Invited to calL ; ', i i 4' 44 1 • • • .44 The reintripkgaidne - iftur 4443 , 04:Wk r liggakaPsie Pam *PAW& 000 toping onlikwity Month England i ondlp temarim , T r =or „Tim rittn,Rewtt VforiAbalels4 3 o nalocniiiii t ,nanive this ce.4 Price 104 Om vitt; nellt 00 •pieilitiltin: A • ji" • • "Thin Mattaiginii(ptibliihedqn moy paid; cfootainiag;o hr row; theresentalkil m uch eplawdeati Tim tillintraiiima ' ofl 4 ,ctltc are egkecnt4"*"R.eNfirrmlu'M • Thee takintuninforlymte n'Onnan 'cad docontition4 s Wheamai haissimmoperast onehAwriin alwaprisenpletii within itself. • • ' Complain set of thin vorkfroin-thanomnimce. Te4iganfiC Prligirrg#9llollloolmaigrat pm. volume,: ifiIi4NNALY FritMElllooKßACniious.kialb - fqs colliery • ,pitiOdwit. 170, ju 47. • ~.i~. .t ~7~ 74. -, 's G , • .t.,„11. • ' r a l a •-rkdrilallffiPikeitib. toy VOillOrtlak• ,-4 TO-TUE:HE& il Tbe subscriber reap 'an6l 3 /tPuP lii4 ."-, 4 t UM° Zoom' heirrotti it 1 atiheldifilisikeikAig illiiidui# : , S)W - flatlet .thi iiccatatitlitothile. talkiiiitti tie"le_r'ib!ti - CtkghPiiiitjrolCe i# iiiti;Vitt rtio#l:•gt• tiiiiittinky t . laiti stbitle iticAg tfcajatit,Af ' Idr .bid s:Val iitthirf '', :41kAferttiii . ' tinge - . 4 .'tliitiforlfiiiiitiglh tie therefore; "pry, po J Is to get . sifirtifflis ti r . 1 examineforithiiibier r„ ~ (1 iris, just now 0,145 b ......,, ced of the Iznik othi -,. ', , it. : ' ' Y 11ifilYRE. . . \4441 Reading4el Ii ; _ .. ,, -\ 4.3 m P. EC Pillow. wis • :tc;buit D t sea, of the desnr ' aforesaid,. ' ply to theuntwin t' tilk,W &Coil U . '.l Store, in Reading, eri,s" list of , i open'to the prat; 14114 atanufsot i wants some , time. he Mstrusses . J eiiiraletoiii Ma "belt.. 1 The undetaigned, •r-' • ' - o r. * lir * ens Bestir Mans esi ' ed. Ars• • y hi/rented 'A•double Spring-.E I - ct -hi '". Is unifojm :nlasticity.sonderipit.. truly ' : .seey ~ * am e n fuser and: le::thw, - k • . peeially. Such as sre-.1 - .lqog4iiiittnedloa ,:. 'contd.:posture, it promisesl to prove level , • e.• 11 -Its-permanent .smoothness - . 1 ;incillifo per* , thewectUsity"Orrernosiing the pa., tiewtto •,. he hisbedi,".whileitselastic quality prei tted a.. , • welkcaksu -to &whits-in s great .de: i - os•entwely. nt..the sloughing so apt-tol l vocurin cases ofil g confine.ment: - t • - ,- . . . - :•- SAACRIESTkR, M. D. • I •••Ifully'connir In thenpirsion shove eipiesscd; 6 iartekiiid•tollitt le's••lloubbilipririg Eleatic' i '-''.- 1 Is' r ,- r• ''' . -1 . EIN`P.IIIESTER,4II: D. - • ; =H a ; 8 11•Dotiblifilipirhigr -re lillstists,"l ritinbue in' , fhtmibYnrdtaiiintilii ' - *irk Inarisirrir .it Mei 111uptweatUteaded: • - L. I , - .JOHN:ft: OT7O.- '- rilia•elitilialiie hirtilefitY ftl4rec'''Doutl4 Siiiiiilltiiiitsen` liti'' i, sin %null! rico:4l l ptendAto_all ga,,,, a. ,and especially to the sick, i Ili !till : fie:l. ' fidialitice (4 tfieirk: _., '' ' ' ' -''• JAPOti-4141904/:."! it 5 e ....vp , ..., rt- ~..1 ,t, ... ,:. h ,_ , ._ • • . i .41.111.!196 atreiglA i - xaaarlc-nr-.PentY lgey hl' li f fla.°47,34:rge. --V4ditt,l 4 litteay.? I foil, ~ „ ViAlAst.. Voi , 412 1 1 f,i'mPtx 1 A_In 1 6 - Or ' going ripitificate.. - .. • - 4 ii..0104.42V . :...4 . ltrve snow witiresis bizi=kteyris'emElaw ticklistrams,i? • the MI holPtiplpralledo 4-, , .. -,,::,' , N , .--4 . . :L-11.. - 11. MUHLEENB'ERO. , • ' , --Atiolliere Otrxit; I esainined hit ••101s • lielltitirs' lir," and Iciosenr htthe 'fairoluble 'ipiiii: ithisexpresaid b theribnvertaitedgeritleinanj • '''' , . o vrt" , i - 'id-. '' SOLOMON`D. lIIRGIe - 111 Eli New _VlA„Autticri -'O4 • * it iriends 4 0/ .11aVe 4 aken Ilicott Boa& ' 1 40 - #APhero l : aggsalbnen-W 7 •-• _ lota tht ire - eV, prices. litislaktreseinati itOrtrt OM Ifoolpt tous-.Guiim:- 1,- -,• - , t- +- .J. • - 1 Pitekta:):.,diliel- ' ' ''' '; , ' , 40V-,, TiaelPistr '-',‘,"; "--- --.. -- - - .'- " -:.4. -40 ;mCithatia' .• th 4 - - :- '.. 41 flithiniatlii e-; • ' •., - -**';'-','" ` 4 '''. 4 P;air Mania Cattalitifaad -I * l Satatl'i Ca • Itiviii , ,-• - 'V'.':- I. -- - .... ilivat-iiiiatied- Snifile try "IL - BANNAIf. n.,o ed -Q3 i : i. .. ....•t,- . .1..; ,; • Q. ~ 1 ` , g._.,......!.. '. , :. - ~• . - - 7 , il - fAIFFAPEE -received an jam 20 - .1 - 5 . A111^,77 11..4.1 A . THE undersi kisown thr'- '.o.lfEartiO' SitwitainAltik.4 ; Agleple*,‘ kt ot gEcm!. l 44. twit in:that st..*lb44l.9lM fitillold on .14 thefinieb Ibt 44011.11441106 -.Part W. 14 tat Toliffdry73. Bebiyikin4e, alOggi-20' of.rsi-5.7%"-Ei 4%,-.4lo.brAgi . • . Jew - - • ,311.A5C111*10061,i,14-1, 8 411 WAY •• U" •: 1 : PeliasyhossisßaiL• ECM Enßia keenvenienceb/ , 1 11W Wllit7C% \ ' ' lyinfitnne hirrrienda . . ' 44 s'cetkur.eiPrnrittgit, I. IL niiirtnal aid ;litigant° • Elazdalkildilitleato,this. itittnielc,,withotit rearing. iv irAtoatitst.ind Marla.' • Ili!' ttt littilta'ittielf - rgiti. iiribt la iii . f . , stork 'Wilda': Cir tii:retY adday i :mit t VI de:rigAnty,:be'tiotetimied i rig pf, Hine, ittlielt.;4hi - I) . i i• 11,71arhiti" Aare is aim*: a lie_ . ek i n,,,o' l: „tr ot t ia - 4,lli iii i ' ati old i 'id .... t i tely in ile a theiiiwiaittni a t ideie idol t.ti-e'find " JAW_ , (ilia ran Maras. guit ~ . 62 4 Y 6 6 AtaAin a aayine. 4 . ''. HEI : ...; artic,Matear vint please ar l 'w`e Psalter[ hseription is ing.Okreo' 9411-noj, aMSEM and ..announce tn. and the :Inktdin genera y stpro,.rormerlytaigiii#4ol` , coracr pttautto and. Idtriret asaamtirovidediritha Mil • Voodsi • "A..., PE B ,- , • • Or Ake', irtitiititti ; Nefl Attie Ali fir*. MAZZARD 14,19TRAWIJ, dbf Cotintri Prodaiktlyeli pricqs: El - .r.: e tr ' -, kiRtY.ICLAY. by ,Rreauce.ijixiti • GO , e r •••• .411 •-• - BANNAIC Titer /7' 1 ' • • .• 4/ •••• gßitirfklili AntemitiAge. .offerkfor sale all that teal};' syq . l7Bitic . 4 -; 4 TORE asitiNeityp' diteitancesS sire4toWirdliellhe prOlititq Walther PiiithmtinvOthatr i i IS a r 'or 0,4 1 -401t1P1 ,hexetAi thee.rimle &ads. Trait tile 'bilainAt style prworkmaashiNamthatli. And.ileivolidesiMis; Inct,t . 0 • VA° fornTiog Pr9Perlf d iceommoditing terasa.' . a* wily ierrianlaatthepiiiif! #1104401: 10w,0040 - WWI , lrbinicdiattilfr-i -f G. jll-4.ENNINpliii -3ie " Ibitenelrouiadwlo , ' e EIpsALE,;,4: __..") 1 'ld#Ptiva4S1 11 d 5 .1 1 4 1 . tßl i g li i i " k it .ap e Al i Ng 1 the eornatiOminiiiiit: of AtierTataii i 7111,Nidebitkoikz Rid Acad.-Am* 2 ill f *4.001; : 14, 4111 PONI# g.*- 11b P• et r! l i:M " 1 151`.., , , i , titiM49-- r‘l'ill4ttiPr : 4* /ea' - - _geriio/" . 11414111641lia 1---e,sut AC 1041,AVAInt= it 1 sdiso oregt re `,PP.../% 6* . 1 , i' • " . I. tine-~~; j''=a''.'Ya' e+,-;£ ~„ . 11 , 41mittikw- ~ 6 tfii,i4,64, i iiiiiik. mi,d,i NHOlitiMig i fri -twitichis Bookraciiik )iirktre illAinds:!of kw will -be bawd. at VW 'ilretiltuo*.q° raPtss.•r4 . .. . .. ! 10617, kx. I , i • - . , • i r 'r: ,,, t--, T: *I, -Illeatty ~•, • , - ~,,. 1141Mulgracei PO PeS aa . l4lloo.Asiventuie t _•r-apt...Joho. ' lli Crol#aol. ~direct ,from Now' York, "• ' - ~ 35 eiaki di it'O'boos' i' ' ' ''' - , - 1.-20 boxes Ottikapt4o. d • , ' ~- OWA& sopor:onnookod beet, , . . ~IGUCI ib. col i m t. ;`"i 5 Iblg:itu ' ior'eliarl, ' ' ' 1 ' s' , - I , 3ettils. be. Mkekrelj " , • '" '• ..1 211 - ,tutlf —4o .rlo , , ' '• , 3. o bbli.,,stach, . o ; . ,j 1 25 boxes osOorlor,orcorl onii klicli . lollll. 1 nev 25 rt Pit bthei itite ill "AC 4ITTO/Z1NE.10,01T14911111 MIAS remised -h is OMNI tp - Centrir Street, op. ..40Caitit,tha Ettick Building of George M. Jen. ~tyg where . he wilt _ attei,f, to all business. an trdded to s hAr 40:,11, 1 0 0, his Profession. . - 484 f a --11.1.711.14 1 E41. DOZEN Siivaim - 'a . 41muoieit, - Just !may.' 400‘ 7 ,,, crl fresli,lrocti the pipttrigior.., U,pirsrds or • &Alai of this iriDna * O tilcirte - lrere last year ; Incrthe demand' ii in:creasing. For Sac by_the dozen * or singlet binds. Silos $2 per,bosttlb, or *rattles Th,rlls by • •, • ).. , . ; B. BANN . • :• ' So d e? ikgcot fo 'Schuylkill County. l'4osisSitaitn'srfetitiifugC. ' • - por)liale,- ~.., A vaiatiabie Tractof Coal Land, L,Y LNG odi •gt httbe township of Norwe: aii;l jin qt - ...,., mire. ow e Weft ;Branch near , the-West E!rench I. eheul.licur. miles yom Bchayl karitave:o— eeej-ir .is ; or more Coal Witte poiseinettilairgh this Jitia. . For infortnatioO lip- Ply to ' H i . '' ' 1 .1- ACCk a a i ßE Poli E tiv i tle, , - , 4-. ' -.1 : of.Mr.iIIiOFFMAN. Eq. March 25 24- I - -‘• .at. Reading:- rothil Z _ 'IC tia : a rulidini 1 ofrip,slytuid seasoaaille -' Viaired*iiiansistiagia part of ,r , . ' I I- . ' ill 4 '' • I tit*il ki rel . - . nsWe re ) • r - elieret, - ---: . , .. ;::: • lti. - Plitsteri.dicc. 41t ;which will bel wild &wife*, claim.' The high t 4 price p aid 19,91 4.._ . Alt rirl i Vi . tr i z p .... r0ti .: -Mafa 64 :1 ,Dee.2l: : 4 1.. ,, I.:- i - .. • ,a n.:,~ ~ .. '. ~ 1 El I :nit Velar of Fog titlinfiluirtee" t obelee - ? :teriehirig to:obtain 'foreign politica :eei,titave *Jilt at the office of the si f!" - • B,....pArrNAii. I -• lishito4 • , - . c.LlEM.l4tßY,yricas sl,jusi .rc. 4A-gfa4 1 4. BA4NAN. •t• PURSER •jmor cnts . • ?Tar& Fur kee e ristt.,,lfonor ieterall " : hoses ailtd•fatnaNig X 45 acres of! ,?.t Honey)Pei , sixteeq IRAN. from' Reddin F . llis.Canal and turelpike roiid fro'rix - Ri4n frimireth btffidipts. ' zaTi.jseelllsit.onb 4britiusiariis. intbrf-b044 theAtit,dayArAprill r pis3,l93liiro jrapiike, at ttict. dfFipe 11011`• tisicigatigif poviki t rinh Philactehalia. or • ..fgi'perinictedeliteireaditfir.e 27x.188. ,• 64610, . .41:16 tittle' Poyeuio ,*-I.ol4.9Fie~pntirt 'etr§ CIE Reidtog. kr' 04 - "" r affe-_prte: • t ollatlrkinanuractory:, ilwitispostfallf *Arnow- tdihet, o.froffiascPPigre_edltbe )44niafae.! r i erNike it!" :11" Oran i btigyOu higeoboin d7retuili. • --kw-, • wife, Wire iris/le:4u ItokevViltin .P6ttivitle fl'•.piettzfr.,- '....... -l i , • r •': -. Y:: - ` 2' - _,••_,:,- IL:• , ,-„ „,:,:, , - i'4'‘ ' , .••:-. A.• - : .- -,-,.',;,..tir ..V.*,. - -z-iiliiii l et '.*ltt-Z.: Ilft'' ,A , : - .v..41 0 •1*'::::•.„'•- • L-4,4•421.5,-.....,....,-, ..p:•,44k1.,, , - - ; ix : -...:: •i-.;: f•••;3...9N4,-..., ....- - ..,- -,-,...,,.. g.,,!-,... -- ..,:r.. ..- • • ' • ...; -, z,-1-•:1• , -1- ' ,, P . mitsiliofr-r - r -- .)-%:.• , :;- ••., --- •A '-q ~, 4 g -,. k 'vv. n',..t. , , ,, ,- 4.%. , 2 44 , 14 4 4..t-v% ..i: ~ -..., /' . - ~---,- —4 - •,- ..-. ~.:, c „, HE suhictiii6is iiiiiiijiistrebeo4 7 l:: ---' I'Vh!TlAratin.9 4 4: i nvi a rl i i, , I.- 7- IN L • ... -E. V ‘ .-- ME 12 r*Odiviiick , Ia!PWASAaI"*.I 3 I 4 O"-iillA l N*.iiY•i9C - 7 - 4 , Ind 1 1 6ri actidil; HA ? _ STRAUCII. , • "pier' 1:4" - ' EIIN I drtisiis;Sitaitti-herolreiii for altirabeils' '4 .4 1 SerOXHOI - I pUlli.; &Meted 'Wriliiii,tr,ffrt Ptiacikr'iiiitimit,"2.***** - - : : , 1 Die* . on . tlie Iteiratleetitiet: DreTion Soid. f . " Fiber. Ai ' *„.. James' Christiars.Profses4., Prise Wi1i110 , 421 2 /11ftieteilialMMIOnl: ChristimsFatimt Homai ft A Mother's -likaisiestAts..loo.zi, dee 28 • for sty. awl INV raid. any = ' it ke4° " &MP ttet. atAiter atikstry, -114kleiti• s a 4 4 1' .1 'l4.6iihimotioisagethattit iirii,hati . 14p' ' - 4***').a.' 4 Tre,,e ,, i ~,;.1 -, ... -, li ‘.. .101 40 4 113 , 1 ,,17 , V- ,:-A - 4=1 , ..„-,,, •-4 , ',..,51i 44 4 4 j IIt ' ATIIK4 all". g r e en* #, ltllll ,4 I PW, It 2 ,, a -4 . . .. .4 t. do- tdo tad 6 A 4 Wi - - : bli4loo/0:60000/1110%; 14 • I ne lel 44: # 7...4 41 f4., bil" r 12 . 44 : 14 , j4!Ml‘'' , - if ' 4. , 41166 . 1 1 kalif Wl = are, •iiiiiviiillit - verlioasti*Oall 7--' - bill& babies:l' Dying Saiiiirtairg..; , : - !( , , lIGUSTUS rope. and intends; to coluntaWfilittstttiid Plain drug; in Bilks and itleoht*tilbitifKli*t' in Comm Street, and pantaloons.' ..11545.- . lreagial iron.'" god hopes by attentiott„aila:ptincti a continuance of bluAnuer , Den 23 - • :4t, Dry Tiholeiiidre.4ll d'' etall D ' Po: •Elt:_haTeig, iwaddition'jcolletiezteriiire DRY GOQDA BO IferSu. Fief*. - ClotheiluPPrior fIPoY coicluied•c!c 4 o4% l o 4 t":;‘""!_, Ilig!tetenetli# 1 04 BeIVUE II IO " 1111 ! 2 :er 1 1. biotic.. • - "Liainimera - - •-,:• , --:,-, -- fo , tv;- - - . 50.0001antehsilee...' • • \ - -, , : e -. 3 - 74-Y4?4•!• • •• 2ertooo 4 Aß , * • do ' 20,000jaithes,:ialisinalot palimilaw,sl4% glipg.for sale ¢j• - Sept 23 , - D • 1,85 R, or ifitiiika` limit - A-. for the ase Or roTiltil ofhtudness. cootaitiing ebhitik liiiilvert,:day 'li the year. forthe record of ereidelhifidi itr-:- tereating,etther ;atilt or ruiskii:' A FEW,.:Anooata for 1130);,'4,ii,tol;:asiorleori ziL for aila by 7.-..40.44:NNAP1. • Jan - (ID APPLE CHEEEertirt noel • ‘ ,O and for 'sale a few boxes oFaer aoplibr.old Pine AMID Cheese. , " t „.- .11AOARD4-0114611. 'lan Of) .S.ZURTWVAtaibratidelßlool6Astgk 3:aePowder, justrnice — iveditat "Jaws. 7 11 'At , ": 4.10:434,49k .. ..44.41j1S • . "." -- 41C&''" 4 - Media. f :somilv: -,..-„, .:.7.4o,caske setiolo moiatisfiesseitr.i +43: SO-boxes: Philadelphiaimaiiii,..! 4 . .*, x . , 4 - : :- ,4 • ,-- , •, l'httd. litskiettnerat- for 4. 5. .. • • , I• •. - MILLER &RAGE >W4Wih' , .. , , • : NovIS , - ~ :,. , . ~, -..-: , ',E* ~,N . ... , , .-, • , IrliCffterrliz,lnuneat ,Tables w rWL KW' andlog !Bali - bY • . : 4 1 ;"14.VA. .31,iJ I Jan - 24 t 4. , Chafiti _TUSTieetiveid I tP 1000 lbs. ,caissami- . *Mob per lb., \1311:411. - - 9 , 41L9tTIN) • . D e.° ,• - 1 - ' . IP Aili tad ra te P tit g aiml 111:irer t!7:t fee a , 111S$MTATIONSomGolritioiiiinCtlie.:41: Piper MODefifii:thq.gothilt end ., f°! 1 1 • 101:)ri 16, Bed Tesibend ciikeregOor Bala • .‘:!,- . BAZZARDA N9t.11. r- -4, „ 5144 . - .. ~,- - . , ~., ' If( A Z P ZAtit ID 4r.. -ST R AWL'S 1 , . .1_ 2 1WHOOSALIPANDlISTAIE-7: 7 4 . ' it DirtAtikitli4 til _an -. .. m „- 401 6 11 , 7 45t0itt0. , _,;,,t . ,, ..-. , 17iiierif 'COOP* id 4 1alaikiegi filitiieifipiiiii' - %ied: - ::- - --- • clover . mv.,_.L At... - -.:, , ... ,- l iviii e ... _ .., . w-tral , iiiiilidla:d i r Y.14,4 20/116 11/allOrt", raMirlial:OinZ' ;3 1, 4 P;I-1-14-1 -.."- ;,", , ~ 6 ',•:kr•....: ‘;s-, .-4,14T.,:4',431t .t. F i g; so ..,41. iew, I. .. . t , ~ ..:, ~, ~...„4,..„ :iiiAnovspoiiestic;nriiitei**gathiloWl 17 • ' k fy,6,oo. iditioihjuitiodimdiosiiiiii: - ... 1 % - .' 7. 4:::YCjiiiitSfittilitli ll o 2 l ''' 20,Ciakii - ofirOada eltiodiii,l34.- •i -20114izetpimilmlel , .i 5i0 ,, f•,4 7, .;›,:# 4, 0‘ 4 A,::,; ,:,:tiiiiiitit,by:f.. -, -,--, ,- ,ILNATILOIIOiCo., --1 ~,,9,..): • . 7 . 4 , .-.3:l; , ,szitz-41§ , :sil : •,: -Entioitt-laihers -224,-Saiti • z'jkIIAPPULiN CkPOINOCCINOP , ..!..Y110)(01040 4 ;. - 140;*' 11_ -fiiiivi., - :; 7oo...Atigtvoiabwiliwilecilvall I ;•;7 EM LI , In lEEE F }:'a w l+._ :~. etzn - z ,:
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