El 1 • L4111 ".. ' sincei— I 1 ii.met t. ~. Boob. nibeir,Vrn el :ot no 11 . 03 irnar.4 iminn find , reaming y: .trews by Frank & trbthirs Start . • - Pocket "(VAS lost e few " containing a i n of any person but the ing the same. will be leaving the same at • Pottsville. Feb 24 tars' Sate. , i Thiirgday, the 2d and of March, at 'lO .o'clock r. ,ce of John Beu, de- • wnship, Schuyl kil l tenn iestate of said ecedent, ,toe, Sheep, Plthisr, Flar . , Hry, Rita*, Wheat, Rye, i • in in the gro nd, and --- k arming utensil _ ; . Kitchen futni ' con :a, Bedding, SW Chaim l' and all the reqjisites of 'WlLL Adlnini be sold Friday the 0. l A. M. at the late rad ceased, in M.anhetm ty, the entire persona consisting of Horses, rows, Wagon ; am- Buckwheat, Po a general assortm7 P , Also, HoCsehold slating of I Clock, z nod . Tables, Cupboard "house !keeping. at' the time . brtea , ..1..,5, e. 'SAMUEL BO,v EN. JOfiN BOWE N. a Admix ton. .1 A.- 1.41-3 Teri= mtde km 1 writs of Velidi rticiat, joined o SHERI BT virtue of wee pons and Levee court of Common P .and to me directed, wi , - of Schuylkill; County, 'be exposed to public sale he 12th,of March illiarn Luta, inoldeeper, •e, county aforesaid, at 10 divided luilf Of a certain a, situate in the borough e, county aforesaid, bound . bocken streeton :the west, street on the north, by an On Atonday next, it the house of in the tdwa of Pinegr o'clock, A. q.—The - -lot of gro of rinegr ed by TM' by a pebl alley on the east, by the south, w i th the a a two story nie d and frame mible. A situate in rinegroae bounded by lands ofJ • otbere, containing o. less, With the nourte story log dwelling ho estate of John Haber I, .d of Eldridge 64. Co. on ;pettenances, consisting of !ling house and ;kitchen, a certain tract of land , wnship, county- ri foresaid, ' cob' erbe, Fred'lc .! Muth & ; • hundred acres, l.rnore or ~. aces, consisting! of a twtl se and a log barn--.late the nd Marcus Cauffman. the ilith af. l arch. ' oseph Weaver, innkeeper, irvipe, county aforesaid, at that certain lot oi piece of (own of New Castle, cotto n the general plan of said On Tuesda next, 'at the house of in the borough of Po 10 o'clock A. M.--Al ground, situate In th ty aforesaid, marked town No.'9, on the street, containing in . 60 fetal, and in depth 6 erly by lot No. 10, street, northwesterly erly by said Centre purtenances—: late th • the. same . that certain lot or pia town of New Caste in the general plan o soot hwesterly side o erly side , of Alabama 180 feet,`-tiinded street, south atiterly erly by lot O. 10, Centre street, togethe 'late the estate`of Joh thwesterly side erCentre oft on said Centie street i:0 feet, bounded southeast . outbwestcrly byl Walnut • lot '-%t ;B, and northeast •• get, together with the ap , estate of Bernard !Toy tor. ime an place ) all e of grotoid, thug& 'in the tothrity% aforesaid; molted stud Loin, No. 1';, on the ntre Fared, and northwest- treat 60 feet, and in depth •atheaeterlp by :Alabalna Walnut strait, oUrthweat ad northeasterly. by said with the appurtenances— Spohn. time and place, all of ground, meet* in the hnylltill County, bound: • .At . the sa me' that certarn . lot or pi., borough of Pottsville, ed by the river Seiko turnpike, in *the rear 'Or lately to Abrah dot No. 1, belonging kill Coal Co. to the the river Salty 'depth to 511111 Cer.tre same premises whi inger by deed dated to the said George 8 it 9 in. and extending in ornpike road; it being the the said Jacob W. Seitz- • time, anti pWe, u t of ground and town lot in `gh of Pottsville, Schuylkill timbered in the plan of the 76, boonded by l!dahantan• t alley, and by lot 71 cone -t, and in depth 240 feet to. logs thereon erecitid, it be , turd which Johnfklanio, br ce, bearing date V i e 1I th 1828; recorded at Orwiga of Schuylkill, in the office &c. in defied `nook No. 6, At the gam: • cerpii nI. the !ago Liss CoUnty, town, N go street, by a2O f. taming in, front 60 gather with the bu' ing the same lot of his deed of convey day of February, A burg, in tke sonny for recording of dei page 343, did Brat John C. °Sermon ii consisting of three houses, with bases Also, a certain I ' the bora ifft]ty of Bc of the t. hantan 20 feet alley, and 'front or breadth 60 240 feet, with the being the same lot Teylor and Mary bearing date the 2 recorded at Orwigs of Deeds, &c. in, fall, in Deed Book and con6rmtuno goiter with the her consisting of three ling houses with tate or Joka C. 0 On Weill March nest, atiii keeper, in the bor county of Schnyl No. 1. A carte borough of Orwigs ed by the Melt Washington att land, containing ttv with the appurtenti No. 2. Also, uate in the boroug said, bounded by alley and lot Nu. plan of the town, riches strict m No. 3. Also, a situate in the hero foresaidilounded and alle Reed's additional No. 213;214, 215 i strict measure, w No. s aline 11 1 I I count tre to George Nodry, jr. hieing 6 acres, nances consisting house and barn. No. S. Mao, th tract of land, tit RIM • the •• • °Ay:Arm - ••iel l botinded;hyjandd . jcl ,q.l While; Wdlia ~ litigniei l lind - iplitilikir' 1 Gip. m um the pahtlfillim-cl,nlo otheMrP t : 1511 1 66 amen; dime lin;witii'llts etti utte* 1 No. -6. -Altoilklie noliAded4lloo4.l44:ll) tract of land, vitiate • tri. Nortegir , ...r, f t county . aforemild, surveyed on Overleaf . fed: to James L. Diann. and held lji comm . qb John Samoan, containing :10D acres, more ler. with the appurtenances. • I . SAMUEL STEIN. - Toni Ex the kill, in front by the Centre y lot No. 8, belonging now Po% nortbweeterly by the New York and &boy! et, containing in front on e 4th June, 1837,. conveyed "Gregor. and confirm unto the said fee, with the appprtenances Two Story Stone dwelliqg .t stories. , t of ground and Sown lot in gh of Pottsville, in the coon. nylkro, marked in the plan wn No. 70, bounded by Ala . :street. by lot No. 80, by a a lot No. 70, containing in eet, and in depth or length 'lading thertnui erected, it ir i ground No. 4, bleb Geo. of hie wife by etr teeth th of tcbruary, .D. 1829, urg . , in the o ffi ce Mr recording d for thasuounty of &hey!- , N0..14.p1iv . a 497, did grant , e said",,iohn C. Offilainan, to '• itamenta and appurtenances. larie three story brisk dwel.. ment stories—late the -eel, TIMM 'ably thi , ,i4th day of 'house of Michael Oraeff, inn. ~ . ! h Pf Orwigshurg, in the 11, at 19 o'clock A. M. n tpte.t of lanOintliale in the c , tylioirrity aro id, bound , bnY ' : bad,' l'em . any street, tuna - street, rid Church . amilittind a half, more or less ce*. %.'n Ml of piece l of land, siv. ofetwigsburg, °panty afore. I/dependence street, a public• l 1 ,1,t and marked in the general' 101 and 102, containing 88 , I • e, with the appurtenances:, Ortain lot or piece of ground!' 'I ~gh of Orwigsburg. county a. ~i Muffin street, Perry street, I 1, , and marked in Jeremiah ~ an to the town of Qrwigsburg,,, Ind 216, and containing ,i acre tb the appurtenances. . Also, a certain piece Of land g irl the borough of rwigsbuig i :.,afo k reiraid, bounded by the Cen. i• pike, land of John Hammer, ' i... 1. Edward 8. Oubley, con. I , or less, with the appurte l'of a two story 14 dwelling ! undivided half irf a certain ein Norwegian ownehip in No, 7. "Aso, the undivided ball of k I sect land, sitantein So!nrylkill towashipj cook. ty aforesaid. bounded by binds orb,iteinta I 'fit, deceased, David Nice and °there, coritaVe. abrea, more or less, with ihe ePPeffel4., No. 9. Also, the `undivided half pffir iisrlalo tract of land, situate in Schitylkill county aforesaid; bobnded by lands of Johii Net, drceaied, arid others. cotitainiiig 128 acres Mole or less, with the appurtenitrietta. I • No. 9. i4lso, the undivided 'hne .nlittlipit,oft a certain traetril land Situate in I toyed ship 'coltnty aforesaid, surveyed on a virisirarit granted to Elisabeth Deihl, bounded by hilids surveyed to Catharine Berger and others, contain. ing 400 acree'ttiore or less, Witli:the appueten#. COL • _ - No. 10. Also, n certain lot of groiiifd -4f situate in the borough of Mineraviarr county 'aforesaid, borinded by &tuba / 0 ". street, Lewis street and lot N 0.19 and 10, and marked in the plan of the town No. 11 .with the appurtenances, cuinvisting of a twe etoj frame -dwelling- hopse and kitchen. f -f No. 11. Also, the undivided third part of % certain tract of land, situate in RaithircilltingliF county aforesaid, bounded by la-riels o f Racharl Dickerson; the Valley rerun. Cumpanfr and others, containing 400 acres more or leasHinis the estate of George Rahn. Seized, take" in execution and to be Wild by -PETER F. LUDWIG, Sheriff. i Sheriff's Orwigs _ burg, Feb 84,.1837.i Notice. THE subscribers, the Auditors appointed 1y the Orphans' Court at Schuylkill Comity, lo audit and settle the account of George Sbartel, one of the executors, &c. ofjoart Sher:tie, 04=4- ed. hereby give notice, that they WIN meet ftir that purpose at the home of John 'Showier; jr. innkeeper, in the borough of Orwigsburg. tyn Tuesday the 13th day of March next, at i tkeloOk to the afternoon, when and where all sueb as are Interested &c. may attend if they think prbpei. CHARLES WITMAN'h JACOB HAMMER, I JOHN P: HOBART, ' L Apdheirs.o 134 Feb 21 Coal and Iron Ore liands i , • FOR SALE. • i • ~ THE subticri`ier "Offers for sale the One twelfth part of a tract of patented Coal Land, CCP. taining FOUR : HUNDRED is. FIFTY ACRES,' stunted in Wait Hanover tconship, •DatiPh b county, adjoining the land.of Th e Su m ach', _ Coal Company, taking in the 3d and 4th mai tains. On this rand are beds or vskuable I in* ore. The rail road midget by The Suatinehincea Company, will pass through it. - 1 For further pa - nictitate enquire of the subscri ber, residing in said township, Deli" Shel3'it4. ern, qn the Jonestown road. 1, N. B.—lf not preyiously sold at. private ; sale, I will sell the above share at public ode. sit 'the public bowie of W. P. Johnson, in -the .borOugh of Harrisburg, on Satutday the 24th Of Wilt nett. WILLIAM CASSEL.' February 23, 1838. , 13—is BOATS I'M ' SALE i • 4good new Schuylkill! Boats, built : of natura growth timer. Apply to' BAWL. HART'; Feb 21 Clover Seed. - 7 JUST received and for . vale_ 20 bushels prime Clever deed. • ' SAMUEL- HARM 18 , Feb 21 39. March-Terrn, 1838 Amos Turton Sci Fac Snr lOchnn- The Corporation of the ice Lien for 440 Boropgh of Pottville. N. March Term, 1838 Schuylkill County, a. THE Commonwealth :if Pennityt .. 0 - vania, to the Sheriff of tebaill County, Greeting: Whereas A trio Turton, of the baroolh cif ri4tOnite, I , Bath filed a claim in otir goad of Common Pleas, for the County of Schuylkill; a. gainst the Corporation of the borono or, Potts ville, for the sum of Four Hundred , sind Fatty dollars twenty-Wino cents, !slain' motley, ilft.ifor work and labor u a Mason and Pkiterei thine, performed and bestowed; and also l Materials found. furnished. delivered and provided, within six months last past; in and about the areetlon and construction of ,k j eartain Boililik tit Tene ment, situate in Centre streel, in theOxitought of Pottsville aforesaid. commonly ealtedillielLocktip, House or Jail, belonging, or said to hiilosig Witte Borough of Pottsvi ll e aforesaid, ageifist the laid Building os Tenement, and also litgairuethe Ground covered by thagitaid buildiog, ;end", so much other ground iinmediately adjacent thereta, and belonging to the said Corporatiiini l as may I be necessary for the ordinary and Us4al purpii ~sof the said libilding being part of a Lot , No. , —. ' Andiffirifeis it it alleged tbbt the sl id aturAdill 1 remainoi s due and unpaid to the said AMcnt Tuiton; now we command you that you make know to the said COrporaticm of the - borough if Po t Mel and to all such persona as may hold or! py the said building, that they be and spear before, the Judges of our said Court, at a Citill or corn- 1 mon Pleas tbe held at Orwigabarg theAsoun-1 tv aforesai . the Monday - preceding t he g l ut i t i Monday in arch nest.le show if any DI they have to say why the said Sum of nor limbed and Forty Dollars Tweaty.otne cents. should not be levied on the said *Wing to the iiie.olthe#aai d Athos Tartan,- accoidtng to the for in Mid effect of the Act of Assembly, in such cam madelood provided, if to them it shall seem eerie:dim:lto, and have you then and there this writ. : ' , , Witness the Honorable Calvin Blythe, president of Onr-said Court at Orwigaborg, tho !Jut day of January, A. D.one thousand eightjhundred and thirty-eight. LEWIS AUDE#IEDI, Vet) IA 1-4 .„ . Prothopotars. . Al Wharf. • ISO LtT—A notrunodionio WHoF cab the Al• river Sohdylkill. it Smith or Ce d rr street, 100 feet front, and about feet lOngi twitb double doe of aidoietit length for H boots to on ad at one and the same tin* The Wharf w il l be enlarged if required. Peneention will be given on the Idol Maret. taut. •.atroolotsjO. la .10BN WftgriClE. 4titikpuith 24,1 neat 4Telo Feb 10 . ~I Piing _sabred . . 41rill len it • Publin Sale so •IL Wedowsdaf . .14th dar alVaittii!Onst, itt ni r. op * boos of H . r . 4y - Fsager, ii.thi a O O l OlO O Pisltnr - 111e; **if . lot .ofiroiiind' situate it in the honnagik l'ataiiille, lonnalisiVon be niitkiniteily sidiltk Sebaylkiil,4l:itthieont tbi, southirosterly by,lot.No; . 28and_ a 20 - feet 'nil* of ilkg. - Woe pi ot lot Minted 'lgo. SO ; open fihicls la lodated Iwo stokjiafelling koala= e Late the estate 4r ohs 4 , 7. /1,31‘. The sate win i 'mince at 'I eolipok P. M. when the terms lir II 'be made - km:hob b F . JACOB I). BARN . Aisignis'or.l : Fdot. • 13-is Feb..2l VIM worts prat...ries Lmh, just rieeired sod for pale by , B. BANNAN. Also, tuck's Theological Dieticrnaryi nett edi tion. feb 17 • • Zoilikotibes Eilhiriraucitodiatl: DAS sehon binge gesuehte Werk von &Hiker- Mee Unterhiiitoog.bnal t in stiller *umgang mit Gott,Welehes ;geignet Ist fromme gesinnun gen zu wecken und i<o mehren, bud gewia, den wino der Religeon Eesu entotpricht..und lei den alter Kirehen Vocler so ungemein eieliur 'rered• lung des heriens und handgun; des gemuths henroegebracht, (inter alien umstaenden und von- Sell= 'bra! lebens, und *des lwfgep von alien eheaten alter benenningen 110 beguebrig gesucht iverd. Ist . mun sof eitte sehr schoen upd vollstaen digei winger, mit dinen'etaiken anbang Comunions; Betreebtaneen and AndaehtsWebunen.lusrans. gegeben und iniheser drueherry en haben. N. B. So ist such arms wahrewehreatentham und Stark's gandbuch gad ander.e guts werite'in bautsh and Nigirii.o an bab'. feb 17' 1 4t -' THE subscriber has On hand and offers fur -al isle on ran:lineable terries, 20,000 feet 4 and inch poplar boards, ' 40,060 joint and hip 'shingles, • 50,000 plastering pith. , • Also, inch and half inch pine boar& pine acantlinc alteenonitd. SAKI. Warf2. 21 . 13 - MIRESA Tinscabi l amid Pd. 'received end for mile by 1. CLAYTON. Febl4' I I katuabie Coai and TV Land FOR SALE. QtrtlATtO iu Schuylkill county On &Sad walersOf the! little Schtylkfil "ViVer, add in the brat Coal regfonsof BeWrev'Creelr,'containlfigS29 Acres and 14 Pirates, atria Inewinre; this iaod is covered with White and PINI3 .11111 BER . .tilid . byluelgele" to be bf the first tililify.ihefitilif Schoylkin 'rail road runs directly through die above eescrilia via of Land , and offers i life arid convenient ,passage to The Philadelphia 'mar ket. For farther particulars addresathe mitoscrl ber in Columbi4, Lancaster county, Pa. I F. A. THOMAS. 14 mo Fab WO IS hereby Oen; that titters Or odminterition -wharp been grOnted tit The inito'criber bj the Re. RWterbf Schuyikill County, erne estateMleners Wilde, deeeliee* late of Northinipton conbly.— All pewee indebted YA aaia edge. Ire %cottore requested to make watch% to the sobscriber, arid such who may have claims on said @Mats, io pre. sent them duty aufhenticatal for oettleinent. EDW AR D 'W ILEIE. Administrator. Jan 27 6-6 Pickwic Paper's Complete. PICRWICR PAPERS, complete m 26 None bent, with illustrations, put received and for 'kale by a BANNAN. lan . 7 Cloths t Clotho! Cloths . NATHAtiS & Co. have wow on hand a neplenditeortheast Bloc, hla olive. green and Aiwa clothe, do ido end fenny easeimerer. Plain and forded eattinetta • Wham pilotn)othe anti other Coatings. Goats hair, tlealtacktrevesUnlrse &c ko all of which being porchived at auction in Phila. Ind New York, we guarintee to aell 10 per cent c.heipiir than can be purchased etiwerhere in this boitingh. dee 20 EMIMI A good two Wary house and lot of_ ground, sheath on Centre strew. The lot is 20 fuel front on Centre street, and 230 feet deep. extending to the Moobt-Cislion Rail Stood—the Howe is sub. atantially limit, and well Oltenia for shy kind of public busineWL. ' Two geed Wed story frame houses and 101 l br ground, simile 10 Ikatty`a. Row, Norwegian Street. Each ;hoods and lot is 20 feet front; the hews are weV finished with kltebehe attached _to eacb.house c and are situated in the moat bow. seas part of town. All of the above property will be sold very cheap..—fer terms and portico:. lan apply to ANDREW RUSSEL, Jan 6 76shanteitire Street. The Peejuiay flilitipisineifiguNea rai Enowkitse, lEaecuted!yLone of the cheapest and tacit, po. polar penoffilials now eitabtl—therb 200,. 000 copies aid every month in England, and 63,. 000 in Amer*. The Parts Ova 6 {for the year 1837) as far as revolved. can be had at this office. Price 181 per parkor 03:00 par annum, This Mariam, is published is monthly parts, con t a ining 4l large pages; the present blu mb is mudh enigma! aid improved. The illostrationa of wood tuts ire strewed in a superior manner. There is an adVantagie in taking this **km*, all others, a pereon can disiontinup ihrhenever he stew primer; thr each part is always complete within . Complete sets of this work from the cOmmenee. ment can be procured the subscriber. et pa per volume. t B. BANNAN. Nov 4 !SO— - 'Private Sales TviE inbictiber will cell at private sale, a HOUSE; AND LOT pleasuotly situated in the most central and business tart ortbe baronet Tanragoni Said property worthy: the ateurtibn of ism of busthana. A particular do. wittier' is considered anweeewatr, aitpannen within( tot purchue wIN Ina rriaw kretbetnaelves 11 skid property it not fold before *lst of April next, it will-then be rented for one or ismireynar. For further partied's* app l y to t h e - subscriber living at Ts - dragon, auto WAluitir Nsltha raises. ! 30111CDENNISTO. • 40616 . -- • 77-4. V.,,:rti,41;... • • -- 4 0- - • • , " TIFEE , •• _ st Ak, • - 1, , Lairdlb% Weilas: Lumber, Lumber. NOTICE WILL BE SOLD at Private' tiale:o lil , iiii aninfrof -' :, ,s .‘ ' aii a SOW . .. .: " :• 10 01 - ni7l In theif' s itt 7 : b( the feSilltiii* *—Michael Breit' er' ,a • , atie. illje'llEgrAP., ,76/1 lilnieh T. - moraines at 311, iehael Dieti*s. did. ; the 43d ley of NaSeinbar. Al. D. .I,y, Ille in Wow at the Prothonotary at the t . et tir •:'''. . roes _bf Schuylkill Omni,. a tsaiiitt Gelds —:-• .'t ho Aurnothtes of said ems a. ' . Notice la heteby iii h liiilill Peaces . *imam' in said estate. that • th ' flonocifdw. th e 3 le 'of 1 the - Co - art Of Ccint . . Pleas abruwid.' ba hp oitite‘Pionday the 'II ilay of March. 1 at 10 0 o'clock in the r ', . . , for the iliwfiall 0r..- 1 , same, end few growl , assist why the A id tusk count enrght rtht to . allowed. Ind 'in default theribt the seine will mifiritol. _. Witnesetise bemire .leCidetti Dlythr. President lirbor sahreoert et 1 igsbott, the lilt 'day of Februiry, A. 'D. IBA. • B '' Is AUbElVenelso , tit, iti 4. • - Prothonotary. Utes North A Redder tuld 'eats " • 00 &RIES of ed atd will the different School d Selphia prices, to Cobb'. 'Sabot Donk& Dec 23 above work just mealy. be forntabed wholesale to rieta, lees theia r with the. whole aerW4 of BANSIAN. 5 Pickles, P &Names. would infitrm the La. and vieinityi that they I Nom `the manurial* NATH ANS dt. 111 i dies of Pottavill hove just received dir an assortmeot of Pickled Walnuts,l -13erkina, Madgoes,l East and Weal 1 Strawberry, M.: • Currant jelly, Fre Anchovy, lobster. rice ea um., wallflower. piekelily. d ' , cabbage, mixed pickle", onions, lobster. &e. dia preserves, iry and gonsalerry jams. eh mustard, olln Run Reading & Ca. ' I nut ketchup. • rano. altnonda, 'curra'nfs Moshtnom and w Alto—Fags, raisins, e lemons, &c. • - Rent. mill, saw mill, several d Arta of 125 acres of ibetit dixteen *lice anal arid litimpilie 'rind rite, Bbth pawl irotoediately To art tilE Furnace, grts' J it dwelling hiswes %ad. situated at Kern Winn, Reading. Tile from Reading' to It .°lt'v in froth of the buddin The situitiou Poisesaion can be hi next—toy further peril 'or the 'Schuylkill Na •eeeenth stieet; ?Wade Raiding. Jan. 27.) Encourage Ho Cotifectiokui subsailier •• • public 'dint lie has ••• hire or Confectionary kg atlisigtore in Centze. Pawling Boone„ 11111,40 A bp soppl lowan PhAlWph nary Mernbintb SJ I and examine bl MC ~~ BOOK-B 111 C fiIANNAN -• ery in connettib • 101 ere elf kiride of Book sborteit at 16w, n . *an 47 T. & J. HAVE just rcceived Capt. John K. C YorlF% 3.Veas6 dairy c 20 boxes pine *pp 1000 lbs. snout& sin 1000 Ibis do 1600 lb.. codfish. 3 bap. superior $1:1 bbh. Zso.l Mae 20 bait do 3 bbls. suirch. 25 beim moped& nos 25 . thickset'. 'BMX sot th'e at itireetore of Othea sena priees. Emery& ered to be ' °Wet. Alio. I an retail "Dee 2$ .111 1 ( HAS Est Foglia Mugs. *bete trusted trkb' Oct 21 Oißei Nov 18 Port Wit, . Foundry ph. toct,Schuyßl kill chanty. 4 I t __ Ams. Thie Fdundry ih at the coma enceinent of }he Little Fithdylkill and Sueritiehanna Rail load. now onaltiht, - and will in silkier, time be one °inn, best situatinhs in the nalirtitry to do a large busi ness. Fat tehheolha Or IMI jbly 'A New A greiletat assortmen w h t r), reeei . Croce Illardw, li s ven • eke ' S tj P iraidi *ill be sold knit pride paid hi ciiik for.li JOB Maki Carinie, Dee ' . -4 ...0 .'? ' "v,' , - '..., ..:-.1, ,,, J- , - -1 ,-- —,r .. .c". - •-7: 417'1t , : ' ,, - V ' . - . 1 111 ", 'llTlM"'l•''' - ' OrOr AMeribint: liree relined alit offer lair it hi* lot , ' ehiaieo - ChOitipogoa Rfitiets. 'twig with% 1,10•• found thoiliolotetto' bion4 *Kat to sod to be lopplirtor to any, yet„ iimpOrted—ciao. superior ciltflotyleiro, . pile Aim Od.port wines ID bottles. ' ' . , . , .... - . HAZZARD, & ifiArcn. ,jab 24 • ,' - ' .S- I aIgaIINPAPIIe N ATLI A NS 0c re. have On hand mod idrer • foi iole. SO baskets Chanoporgne Winer of vitioiCeelehrantd brands. among' • which may the foood3be.l3horhisAaronii; amino Go supanor to soy ever offered for side in this lilacs. 'Also. the genuine Amain. Brands. Jui 31 7- -,-- ,„ T RVIUBSCRIDER OFFERS AT iraTE &swag • • ~..„ A HOUSE & LOT is Norwegian R I treet. nearly opposite the residetice skit. F. ¶otnroy, now-occupied by William 'D. Leib. The house is 16 feet frLint by 3eet bedevil, with a kitchen and cellar in the ba 'ent story, tWo ruonis "on the S second and I. tird 'Story ea'eb;'the whole of It sn said Horton well pLa ere,d ind panted . Alio an eye:client well.of wide at the door—the lot is 201 feel front, by 110 feet L depth, with a 9 feet al. it\ ley on , the west end of ti i nuse. 'Forforther particulars nice of Mount carbon. Nor. 3, 183 NO'S. SHARP. i h‘ ItAZZAME. & STELAE:ICW • WHOLE,ALE AND RETAIL ' ... • \ DirymGtxmbs f •Grocery and L diner Store, . \ .. i , Ctirdei'af Centre. arid Market Streets, Pattrillt.• April 8 '2B-N 1 10.000 VER T i; superior . havannsAegere \cf he Principen end Doeimego brands. fivi safe. t• - j. sfeb 3 MD.,I.Eft & rADGEATY.I IDDD4WS Domestic Medicine, aunt the ' Wish editloO.jitat received and forint; jan 20 • 4 ' *. R. BA.Nig& _ -"it the I I b] - •.• • Chesee!! ' 20 Casks of premitun c h eese, 20 i t a io espi b n y e apple de N. NAI' & T ANS r 'dee . 2 2 --►lent one for business. cm the first day of April hire inquire et the office tion Company, south his, or of .6lelBllJoll, rrillE New Ent/laud Ferrier, or Fa.rmets e eeipt Boos. 2241 Edition.jjest reeeived and for ea% by BANNAN. San 13 . 2-- iiiaES S. CllRTlS'telebreted Mile Black Ink b Powd(r. OA received ■nd for sale by. Jari.6 7 "• B. BANKAN. Manufactjires. hanufa - cto - ryb" duns announces to The amerced the Mono:fee. an It! `various b'rinches, reit, nserly optierrihr the Confectioners and tith , wholesale and retail, le cash prices. e rerpectfully solicited r trick before purchasing EIN S. C. MARTiN 56-tf ERY. merited a Seek Simi• with his Book Staer, will be bound at the Beatty' r Canal Boat Adventure. land, direct from New sae, ,do .►ed beet !!!:! 10 Beaks. tgent for C 04214.. ice, Wod 10bfil*ero coned, p as any sa_4( by ANTI AN. mina, • t. 0 P- Ts M. Jen tines, en. lon. 48—tf DA 52-tf ply io PARER& TIERS. rwhiny Philadelphia. ISAAC MYERS. Port Clinton. IV 3tdfits • _. - 100d111. of - fresh and seaßmiable —amiallug fie part of ea tit Ikauptl6 4l°. WfigiltZ 11 CIIC Soap Ike. casts 'aperitif 1 cheese, boxes Philadelphia soap, 1 hhd. Irish oat meat for sale by MILLER & HAGGERTY. .51-3 mo NovIP 00WLETTS Interest Tables, just Derived all' and for sale by Et BANN N. 'jab :24 $ /MBE BOOKS of various kinds for colliers. JIL and other., just received apdtor pale by BANNAN. Almo—drafts, notes and checks bound in books. jaw '27 Is 6 Cheap RaisM* and Prunes. .IDST received by the enbscriber h 1000 lbs. Raisins* • 2 cases Prunes—which be sell at iii:cents per lb. JOHN B.;C. MARTIN. Dee 9 . '2 100 REAMS Wrappl ". ; taPeT , wholcside at ;1 cueap. feb 3 18. BANNAN. D ISSPITATIONSonGoveinment, the *Emirs of theAtalt_aikd Paper Money. by tfre aim hor of"Ceennton Henie," - prkee cienta,juvrxeceived aid Hi ale by ' ;11 HANNAN , 1000 110. Bed Feathertalust /calved and offered for sale 11 HAZZARD lit 3tRAUCIII, Nov 11 i , 51- Wholesale and IfetaiDry„ Good -StOsle: ' fIiCILLOCIE & WEAVER. nave just received 1/ . 1 addition to their atteheive assitoriment or DR GOOD.V.l3upei %Sprier Blue and Black superior hoer:nit:wed do. heir styie eas simeres.-sattitietts and Beverteens, miners' • foe tianet .gra• . • Feb le 14— • umber. 50.000 Joint Shingles, • 25.000 1.9 41.4.. de 20.1000 Lot ror paling or Ain sale by ; . • A. A. GILE. irept 23 44 oVIIARY for 183 9 , or DAILY REGISTER, dOr the use of Private Families and persona tininess. containing a Mink fol. every day in the year, for the' record of events that may be M. tereating,either past or futore. Lanni • icir 18211. A FEW Annual fn 1 8.38, at wholesale prides -for sale by B..BANNAN.I .len 6 OLD PINE APPEECHEESE.--Juat receive and fbr sale a few boxes dyer) , superior 41 Pine Apple Cheese. • - RAZZARTist-STRAUCiIi Jan 20 Religious Works. DANNAN has jest received the following ILPl'rehgion , !works, London and 'American e. ditibps, which he offers (a-We inheip. Original Psmiif Sermon*, 5 tubs. • ' Masailione Sermons,' Leland's vie* or Diestitel Writer., ' starteetet's Preacher's Manual, 2 WA; Drew ontbe itietornittioti: Drew on the Sept. " Bridge's on the; Psalm 171 X. Fiber on infidelity. Janus' Christian. Prufintinr, •`, Prize Esseyott Rdliirioul Dtssensions. Christian Fad* at Hemp. 23 abee* Ilimueintkoci • fien `-s ' imoyhig and SOludieg. AUGUSTUS P.1114:2 ha. returned Awm toe. and , Intends Is treitettlehite &Roy and p iO n dyidg, in Eillitia4lllllbrhipt, at tibiae mind DentrtiStrsat,Nenum Aim scouthurtecate add ttuobn. U. is tor. KA Seem, and WON attsaikme an/ Immtmarts merit a deigiaisaaes of his Strsesternatiel. , bee 13 I u ^ 1:01eMI -,,,,,, I.- .....,-}tec-4,.--4,2-lica...-, , , , ,,,..", re - g1i0., - ;;' - ','` j,- - 1 1 - L'lrilir 14.'1 1. ' 'C'-',:;,,, , ,, ,, , , ' . .g , t.. , . At valirigib.4l. kagt. *Pit .4.0 1 ki; •; 5 1 - if 1 - :Yttitt iniefieiniiikiti:tiii4iie l rs%V.Vi veghla.miltiiiil 4 B!*: I , ' iiii'lie,triWiriit edlishltialtia4,aboim guar ii.iliblapmrfeb4l: 4 tilt' Atioher . p it mitt oi. , ineitigosit,.Vilkuji!.. , ;:r!,..„l innn;Unriti . ISO litid. 'Fixiiktioniiiiit'Aii* -- . .1 ply' ' ,_ ~ , - '3AIX)IIIIEg . :-:„ -. 1 ir . , ~,. ' ~ ~,_. AitTiottiiii:l ,, - - 1 ~.!i . .1 • • • in Mit• tuariMAN'aryr&;:e..o.l , ,. : :, -.:. m rch 2! :24- . ,- ~ • ~..- , iktitsimOjra'i- , ::„- - ,- - . "...=!-,-,;."*7 :Atatimilr Baß4itit"rirf ,. .-- - 7,.. ti fi iiiii6ii Peat • iPr ' . --'...• ''' paiial ., =4: pytt,,so, . ~. FOR SALE, „ ,::_. r.-..ci: ,-, .:-... , - - ~.., ,-- -.4-..r.,,,,,, .•;-y----- . : dr. *Mae/signed .offers ifor;ieleVl,thith , _*ll.. t, , ,',::::: . itiowit three 'story ;RRICK,B7OOO,4_,Avd P`'‘- , f' , ' ri? ..ELLIN9 1100811itid the appta'; - "itiiiiosti'l - Tf;';-' - f•,: it ateliecdtdre itreet. Pettiiille, - * -. . - 5'! ( •;- o the .inidereitied.:Vikether -- with" . . - slitie;Aisel.' to ententeln. the rear of said- hnikilati;o4ote'L' -,••,:-.." 1 • of t _ 'pet whereon th e:whole atseiditillief,4. - 2, h ick bad rig ifo'ressid. containg - thiro ;:fifet,llV- ':, f .nt—fi heti • from the biargietit titortte - illae • Ain t e beat style of siniliadinship;ared.tintli-;:.', , 1'7 • a' business stand and a residerice, 4 . 2,lieilitA - ....”- .nrably situated. The foregolpt pf_mt! , , T,,wal`:':--' ...I . - sold on low and accommodattng . termsl - :Tatt:;:::::.. : of the ourchale money may remain tarthirlieris2 2 ' .' -] erty, for A few yeinti if desired.- Titleirid - '''"? -. -C2'l ble. and poaseesion can be ryes-timber* , - ::,-tiz:v1U Pi , 1t, 111 _,.._. - • G. lifil,ENIXll 4 ( 1,.,);' 7 4',1 1 , April 22 ' 324 f • . -' ' ::,: - - 104004 1 -- .. :44T -.., i 1 STIMILTV INILN - Ift DOZEN Swaim's Peewee, - ustiiesi ft .' „ I ‘-Yed fresh ftom the 4 nty--Vive Thousand Bottles 'of thillialtii44o:;',v ni • "ne here - sold bat year, and gia:dinikil* , l4, increasing: For salekt the dpseti, or Pries $2 per kale, or Wide tiiinlisTnrWit„.,Te:'7:4 : ,.. - B. BANNAN;4I 4 2IfiI , t4::' %ale Agent-for Also Swaim's Vennifuge. - CALL AT Tug iiiew_Establish inte • • ; , E7reeti,l4 illy =noun* k* . •gerricaltrettit, liirtnerlropcupinClay' ,, `gym and'ilted, Ctithotic) Itooke ':, 4 !'..T . .'f.- 4 , EDlot% GUIDE. - - , , , -. , , : ,,,,,.... 1 „,0,,....,, 111 Key 1p Paradise, . ' ....' ...4•fr. .:- ~. True Piety, - • • Uatholicribty, - . . - t-::.44. - - , •: • . Doubt Bible. : - . -,, ..7.:.,.. 0 . . i ;• , Pow ManesUatentilam and • •!,-....... -,.. Small Cateehisni , --:.-''..,.-red•-•" Just riceired and for sale liy _it. 11. % N , ...t . ,- Dec 23 LIFE F TIEN • Y CLAY, by Tresitii received and for sale by - jonioo • • • ,• rt and Coirventeiti*, • • , TO THE HEALTHY AND - SICK, The subscriber restettfally . infarata h '" and the-liublic et large, iliat,mike Ms relitr*Watt • Europe, be works with a new : zeal and - Ailigengir, at the manufacturing et-Elastic hiatrasseeasi.thjsn. Borough, and ileum?, himself, w.itheutjeelfnr, the accusation ' that he ire lioaiteriMa tan, with being able hereafter tornakeatieli;niiit: • (nieces as not to be inferior tii,any work.gf illyr kind, in reference to their beauty. solidi4Veti--- • durability, and people will certainly be coittlfts4 of the - comfort and slaving of time. Silite.4l thesis articles afford, princtioallrarben 'there is lisiik4;, ..,,,s • body sick in the family. • Besides the subscriber knows the eld,;:aikserk„c:,f "the work must give credit to-its helftieffefore, very politely invites . to gel so article of this deseription,VW`iiiiii*Ad examine foil ttieniselies, one • of the waif fMiftraii: Sea, pit new 41.1ibed; that they maih,*-10* l tied Of the truth of hissaying.. , _ Hirkir ' Reading. Jan. 18, 1838. - 1141 4 , 1,• 1 '. - • O. S. Palsies Wishihg to buy. ,Elaitieakile ice, of the description aforesaid; ply to the eubscriber, a few doors above feellenei, Sin* in Reading. where a list ofsubicriptintiii. epee \, to thh public. as Inc manufaeturin went' .some time. The Matratigss 7 llfwatAhlii- - delivered before May text. - '- The- nidersigoid . .has, at the rs,KY4-;•:WO., Haas Maraillismined his "double, Spring Elastie Matrass." . elasticity ren - dersi it 'truly a tuturrfor" , ..iioniiiiim4 - riiiic; mini ft the sick. especially :" Such U to a hotikontal to rude* in altlable. fits perinancot.Mn4iiihnia: di. , supitioede the neecireftyliftemoilettlfigtii tient "Co Mate his bed," while iia await:L.44W . apliesie well calculated td obviate in Itz' great r.' gree or entirely *rent. the eloughintsW tpi t 8 i nCeur in eases of long cimfintreent. , 44.4 AC HICILITeIt,SC-If.:- ji Ifully concur in the opinion above eiPreiiedi t in regard io Mr. Metre's "Double Sprhigf . -ElaMie Mattes.." •„ . . ' - 01 ilf P. ELIESTER.IIIthre - Having earefbili fiallmined Mr:lleiiitlßWlN "Doable filinhig . Vistm the above sopinion.i belierilig.th seffirefrallTAW' , - otrptisei:intencle4 , 1 1 hive emunined Mr. Henry lithyrita", 6l l/Ohlola ,- -; Spring iwith'itire. and woblifieecie: , 100 it teal! -periitiifs, and especially as It trotilillet great • Having: carefully esamieed' Hens y 1174,, - re's "Double Spring Elastic Mairaits,lnitt-ftslii. .concur in the opinion expresMit thkfreeg certificate.ir WITII4 1 huXeiellialleedivithj Minium' and fullphoncirin , tlfeliirinha. hove eipreeeed,sie pod ea qualities:"*--" '= Si s marzirppoirgf, - AtT[e. iiyM's request , i examined his "Elie. tie ?daytime- siid•eolieer hi - 4W 1 :idea eireeeed - hy the 'tame amid ntlemen .: . • fitatiOddON Q. DIRG/V , i . . A aild.Welsh Pl•Miti - Subseribeilikil invert all kitide:ol(4, • - ,.:,:' lis h:attd. at #. Maim *leak *taking obtain Shrugs "' 'thins *taw lei,' ti 'fid,inere. /edema. • , = s lik-BANINfidWf Do k .i/fi - • • NEI PAMPA:I3 jitios.ef i Fr stred and 14 ' T.: 4 " e * UM INII 9 : . _net Prod nos V' 0 HI MB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers