The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, February 28, 1838, Image 2
r II 4106—What good bad *wee 'et; the broker.of Well Si mit t Street.'reply. Treasum..itertea A intettlisnit*ulitdiscou'nettrt. 14-htbattrtbilteeit. - adis — -this . . mint Tort To accustom the .'`lCisit*tter hagoternment issues rif.papei.. .. 46 .1.wi11 - t ~ ye:tog:tees one, .(said M. l a CloyAfe! 'arm of those notes, a moment. '• Hite ' - 't: - ",iinel' I wilt r•return ill" ;111.160.41 , likinsegeiltlemsn having band: mi; ig •.:. -od mo t ' he held it up;--" looks' nor'. ; -.:-.host4d •"' rthis : herd money govern.: i' egetititermuhterfeitial bank notes. The' .'focopy*i Users highly colored s more erne ` ~ --:....ciented,an-the-original-4nore fin remor -•',datteti,terth-what beltartothegovernarent . le&-dt lin Signed by two of f icers, --:*like :ndteti--and -ts• for $5O —payable '"' . .sits i • - ', All this was only -to accustom " . '' . 4111'4e:.. 4 iiite.gottirnment iota% arid -tech= •• • irre libel see -gOrge tarty ornamented i ibilli - . o Amery 'denotnirtatioa, small land • . 1 . ..,_ '.hug e; i ' 'rig 'from fits Treasury." lin. ....Artesia a thiscouree, Mrs { Clay was. of :opi- , • .c,,i'on ..i. lt t tOry Inking proper measoree--„ oito Ladiditi 'totes of autvent arid sound • hinits. ''-tree 11 l einwayment erpublic does-khe - ....ftestimption - of specie payments might bare .: - Amin- trasileti- tented. The government. • . staiildastitheaheinthe market for specie 41 ''. atettbe Wks wottld -grave had _fair play.; ' ,'.:lik,thentietureed theTreasery note-tethw .• •-igentlenstut Who bad loaned it, thariked in m . . • *aping that he -should be' charged Ito ins" toilet lopon -. ,it, as nme was . payable ;epo.i: the fenecf the note.') f into next proof in the chain of 'test is • ' : ffprinii tdlito the general intention of the 4Rdiniiiiittration,ascribeitibit, M r. Clajecorri aide o ti the 4reoeut reported law, in re. - ilati iii 'the seven millions of mites - 0011 ifi . ' finites O der the old charter of the United stoloirt o oahl . . t . u o t of 'my venerable friend, the chair. mitt °Tithe committee on the judiciary, estpOrtifd, that lbill, I sbould be tempted. to. • leayetliat torreport smelt a measure was word. deserting cif being a .penitentiary. affentrit,thauthat which the 'bill ()Imposer -to,prehibit. What was now wanted, was 4 ,. ) lagond eirculatiou. Those notes circulated ifteelY,and the -people of the comitry con fided-in them. They )were worth more dhibra.iiiii Woodbury & Co., aided by tire talenteofthe chancellor of the exchequer, 4(1 milk pardon, the ea.chancellor 1, shotild • ihretiriaid—for he broke the other day,; in a -edified with the -new premier,) mere . than - they all could make their TreasOry ,notes swarth.. Mr. - Clay would asit the ,chairman of • itheCommittee en tire judiciary himself; if,. when he leaves Nashville to ,come 'here,. ;he &sea not put some, et least, of these netniteuttary mites' into his pocked ... HS. CStaindy replied, playfully, that. la ig y travelled on specie, of course! - 7. 11.111 C1ay. I 'know my venerable friend • &Pair/aye very opeiious. Sul lie need not Steel win. /Omen himself is said to have foaled Willie green silk purse isomer& these Avery .netes, by some singular occident. HS meaty find out the fact; bu t t sod! was. - - sk Illis. 'Clay found -in the daily (hutment - tidos df the press, and of -the party ,- from litirriegidene derralte the ineentlat ; imp; pertarof the adninietration, in the . one need heat every where raised bixhat ' against the banks of the country, a 'l that all this war bin a part of, the • alight& grand systemouelear away' the 1 ' rubbish, and to prepare for the great glee.. the Government Bank: Anin her ..,. reef yet, was, the high erica mffered by tillieeprrernmentfor specie. And Mr.iclay ' thismasneed this cempetitinn as purposely with the eudeav ere Of the purposely , ,- .. , j a arieviegspetie payments., He theecon 1, li , _ that he had sustained , his --ibutth , i llittimitoiz. 1. • * I li L . ca m e . ~ . 1 .- . 3 taxi- to the considerattno of 010 bill under consideration, and staid, as - ilfikaad last proposition, thirt'thi l s . , trali , a•part-Of the lame, grendsehel.' He rnt. . , fallyintothe examinationj more fully `,- to welarre room to fellow ;him {it this ~, ma: Atie showed the boundless Meese ,'esiry power it gives the Executive—he : -vitihnisad !taw tithe power omit ineiiitably • . artiiiir -a il that it goes to tliii - ver . e. point be edstolishing. a Hovernmetit Bak—a r teasu zscati ry ve. but Th k e , p under wer thea trap do control ferr 0 -1:, Pidifitt-Itatel, at pleasure , When b ind. thegfih in e ;;, :srliatleantitsis he may deem exriedient, ...!11.11411 it rests in the secretary of the tree . saryihy Iliteicitth section,waS particular - ly-drett upon. He showe hojir thi,siould ! operate to place all the money oft ' fir- i a , istranemt at. he will of the Executk , and . !that it was a system which einuld4render .1 tha t government itottraly intiepe ent of .. ,thrt-peeplai.; ' = . 4 . i - lil - '.•By patties' eases, he d monstra ed the f pertain tendency to, this Po.nlur oft . 'ea . I , ..marer,iii thecons . equines - of' ts a Upticm. 1 itbrabotired ' heir icevitairly -der' " lions it Inas. .C'ensue. when it sh d' he - - o il by '..1'1 144 , 04 !tef.' for. *Aimee- ' Pre 'York, .1-,y/haret Moat the. moiety ' ' ' luridly ! :teencimteate. that having •41, ' , ' ' two t o 10af..60P°069 out, ha .about .` tvor Ilartilt , Isom than is treaded Tto Meet 1 t h iedragiithiefi will come in.! , The result 1 wouldhtt itcf. length a purepapir basis, 1, without gni . ..thief .tohase it n. }i ' , .' B'4 ; lit . iitstlibridge our; del' to he .. • soobsol . mk .. M. i ,.., fai , , A • .gook . .- ' r. 4 y c tended ~ ` l:atittriaanitly - to be found i idirisitin .141 ,' .:,power. That 7 wait, - -the sY tons of this 1,, ir.toiner ..., 14 • The Connexion of t ll y States i p...t .1110.4istinet capacitiesi wit thgilgeneral . , ate finjtl4 --:.litom ill . 1 5 041 Chien • i A eg. ~: ~ ~~~ ; =H~. •1 . • , t, ,,,,,,,c- „,- ' ; '--.•••.-4-•,- - ',..„,.;$ 4.a. tri -,.. „ _ ..,' ',,,,,,, ." - t1 ''':::, .-..; " 1 - 4 . '''' .4.' ,,,. , :,_-_,&•- • ;"• -4 .:F ''44 - *" .. z 11 . .." , i- s•'- : - ... , 1 .. . - —l-4-- ' __A‘' ,4. ' P ?At, elliiii'AiStilatilie: i •- • , ' sa- - V- - ''. , " ,- - - 1 ',WP!.._ _ Wr:!:fff .-ti 'enters tithe 0 n , 1.. - r - will, ' gotiemiietit, "wati-lt duced - andfdomment-,.,... . ..___,___,_ _,_. , . ed 'on - , in proo 1;1 The: ii Stites flattlre: . inel it , 0 171 ;; :77.47-z n p v 7i n , iut „ . 1 , 4 -anitheState iflliinka Were sitnnied'il"he i l i f e .. n - ,pattl i -iseAneatinettr•tbe cet ei safite-Telative !manner: They -Winked' the \ . t snarls ep-the high spartieaTenderniati, wiiii , togethdr; ihtd woOld:allnin' - . 13 4 14111- tlfilfr . Clay then come . to the ciinsid •ri vi hit -consolidated power in the hatids of . , y iiiiit of . itt. - Clihoun i e'llitesiwseChin'f o the' .governinnn,t, ' Mud i tievitablY d°Tr°- ay of, the. SuhrTreaspms•Billr—andcm : - • the local , banks, and bring the w, the feet of the general government lei p ' i'l ' e r to ' tliciiiingli Weil - airil y e _mike of it.' .f 4; some pertkin-olthiboardedcointorthe tiathantnoht:3(waollosw" . untr-3. i ‘. *' • !'‘ I; r t r in ee r t i ly 'rthe snea — esti ;E r vintig ul in li do . , O Mr. Davis •• •her proposed ' to ,adjourn, but ishinuthe p o sitions assumed by the 9to Mr. Clay said he would'go threugh r : • tor from South testi-aline, •ohe afie th h ever other iiittliejr•regulaiorder. • This w ti -- most argumentative, part•orthe speech at et a omethi like it had existed in the lteha4 ol e t n bi ideas b l i ag ll i' h t° ad idl o u r iff ig w ina e te_d n _ . nc was devoted to en exposition ofthe s. hi Sng :• 'Fa under Nat:Olean, and now existed unde e r . 'tries and false conclusions comprised . 11 he presents Government of that-nation.—. - effort of Mc. Calhoun.] . It. was founded on the polierofe Mr. Clay was extremely weak th •ug l ing t h e trengthen- Government by increasing the Dorn-. out she delivery of this speech; but nit lber of its official •Representatives- ,-vetri'. l e ec o t s u e a wi l •vigor combatted suecessfully 'tl th physical dtbility, and -reit ler Frenahman loves, in hr 'own person, dna. I this one of his most splendid perforia act represeht coitus portion of `ale gran The hall was crowded , the wholi H. se two," but this did. not seem to be the origin Representatives were in attendanc , a history of the scheme. He had lookedinto th Nel e Re although the elocpient Senator was .0 ' lig -or the-old Knickerbockers of York, end thought he had discoveredsthev frequently to support htmself again -t t model upon 'which the bill was framed. railing of the bar of the Senate, fr • m t . [llerehe read seine battalion and ,fatigue, yet did he' c. ' tin extradts 'f_rom a his-. throughoutto enchain the dense m titu tory of the etirly days of New York, and,' , , s hocied, that Gov. 'Fleicher, ' a general in breathless attention for four ho rs Jackson sort of a fellow," by a similar an uninterrupted flow of eloquence. course of policy, in which he *neuter ' successful! however, . had made himself completely }indepen dent of the people and the Legislature, whom he had-brought to beg him itu.the money to pay their owri... clerks. '''Oia is all worthy ore more fun` account, hut we must renew our apology.l , And where did this bill come from f—.l What is its source? The fdratber cif the hill residas 'in a curtain White Houser not far hencepand who •is the•enderstr , The' distinguished Seuitterfrom • SonttiCaroliria.. What the . ititternow :iiiirika of the drawer, him cautions reserve on that point forbids its to knutv. But whatoVere his opinions of his scarce two short years ago; rings still in ,he -ears . of many a Senator on this door. He•descriged him ag being -nut one of the lordly beast of the forest,• net •-fhe noble, generous and brave lion, hut one of the rascali of the !lower herd. Mr. President, I never entertained such an opinion as that of the Drawer. Him I have ever consid med, a gentleman : bland, courteous, and dispensing the hospitalities of his noble• mansion with great hourieq, and extreme attentiveness to his guestis. But, sir, while I I say this—while I aver that I hold •the man as entitled to respect and considera non, the Imagistrate 1 cannot look upon i bin with detestation. • His public charac- tar descries condemnation, and it iS of that i am not, speaking- Mr. Clay alluded to Mr. Calboun'abav-'i lug said in a recently 'published letter that (e boort/dee our ally. So, Sir, he )was.- 1 We were working toge th er in a common l and glbrious cause. We all recollect bow,. day_ atter day, With a doleful countenance, 1 we weirelokl by that distinguished Senator, about the depravity of the times—the Ire. me tug and growing extent.of Executive i mil - ,of the necessity of arresting the downward progress of things. In those l'urtiliOdings, Mr. Cloy said he shared to some•estent —l.lo, lieenst..iiimi to 1o.)14 on. the - bright side of thine rather than the dark,' he had thought 'the 'Senator had J. sometimes drawn somewhat upon his im aginOtion, in coloring the picture. , 'But the gentleman says he has now quit I us, qnd chides us I'4 net renewing him; and, es' he tele us, in the document al'uded to, because the victory that he foresaw Wel inight_Win was not to enure to him and his I party.", I thought, sir. that in fighting the' ltreat b'atile of 1 13:14. we were struggling for 1 the rights and interests of the country— and nOt for these of a party. We weire! labciring, I thmight, to expel the Goths from Rome, and 16 •hanisb the Vandals ' froin the footing. they had obtained in the, Corril4l. Sir! I RID ren.inted by this al, lusicri; to rare, who, though neither a (s'oth nor Vandal, was expelled from Rome; . upon a nremorahle occasion. I mean Brennus, the Gaul, who, when the Romans were weighing out to him' he gold which wail the price of their freedom, threw:into the scale'his swordl—and he, sir, was ex pulled from Rome! The Senator quit us, sir, because the! victory was to enure, not to his party, but An ours, if fie remained. . And under what formidable circumstances did he leave us ? Ile•went - over to the enminy's camp with alf.his party here,—horse, font and dra-, !pions! And his horse, foot and dragouns were: all—his own single 4.011 He took up his musket andrshot ptiuch, and marched corer, sir, -like one of, hs new- round allies ie another case , "pont ry and alone !" [A prodigious iiensatim I- 1 - • - lc 3,4 t, . 4 1 The- earliest instance within (iv recoiled. turn; said Mi. • Clay, of l bis withdrawal of air ally from an army, Was at the meow• ableseige of 'froy.--Achilles withdrew his ,assess and forces, and r'mined aloof from 1 . the scene .of strife, in su len inactivity.— , Until, provoked by the -nth, of his friend befu're the siege, he led h v avenging ariniii against the city, drove lus Troioiii back' Within the wails, and illthe-heat - and noblest of the sons of Pria , 'Bid Achil les did not enter the canip 'fthe TiVaiist *nil 1, he had been wronge too. But sir, We did not wrong- thi•lgn noble Senator. Welrespected him fur his' 'Hitler:, his ac knowledged geitioryhts - sit rised patriot. tam,' and, what we thou • he then juts -stmerld in an eminent deg' bis stern end iefleiblefsdefity. I' II t he left u..; —he his' ne;—lie has rr ~-- WEDNESDAY MORNING •F' Paarphlets„Cheeks, Cards, Bit Randbills of every destriptaon,rutitly, thelowestecuilipmes. 4,13.41.. 1 701PA.N11 It is w ih surprise that 1 'bast Amoral of your last papers, oppcad incorporation of coal companies.• mato,be rather ont of;place for tl paper establiahett- Arse, .to oppose' bills which may be conaidered t acter, and to be operattve in film us. —I also think that oppose corporation of Cod Companies • lion, is contrary 'to the public . not aware thatrinetirportted companies ean• and transport-coat, at a -cheaper rate. than vidttals. ' -Experience has nut shown this t. the case. How then can the incorporatio companies interfeie With,rir predjadlea Jodi oil enterprise 9 That 'they have not yst don in the Schuylkill-region. is expressly adm in the Miner's Journal. The same thing i doubt true with respect to the rest o 7 the Districts. - • 1 The foregoing is the cowm en nu. an ertirle, 4n favor . of Coal Cern tiniest the last - Harrisburg intellige nt r. ' writer is unfortunate thiougho boti his reasoning's and.anOrerities. With gard to its "biting. out of pia for Editor's of the paper - above me tient oppose. the incorporation of lcm Hies, we remark, that in our op ni•con,' opposition is on indispensable a of di, en the part of the conductors o t he pews papetpress, thronghont the State;els , ery Independent and- Faithful serititiel of the people, within the limits of Peansylvaithia, shOuld openly proclaim opposi 'on to all, 'coal monopolies! - The Old IL ystotie is now in imminent peril not oni of being c i overrun, but 'overwhelmed irit l corpora tions,. far 'stock - jobbing purpo es, under the flimsy pretext thut they d net inter fere with individual enterprise; and we re gret)ir to per c eive that they ha e already acquired such an ascendent over the press generally, as to impose' on it the charin e silence! We say that the ~ press generally, appears to be muzzled ii• Icor. poratiems. .. Their agents are! numerous, their influence extensive, and their capital consideruble enough to effect 'evil and to accomplish their sinister de jgns. The Harrisburg Intifllliericet, is e'en a thou sand! It deierveS no rebuk ; but praise for it* patriotism and in pent With regard to the ethnical° a the nets' Jour*, we remark, 1 I no) has no mill admiasion'been ade, la very reverse ofsuehan admix 'on eici ly declared' in the last numbs of th ners' Journal. We there eta s that i porated coal coMpanies hav done positive harm 'in this regi n ; at statakkil'eady to adduce the pr f whe requited. tWe havii no 'oil don 1 of ineOrporation for making il.roat this is a mete.pratext in 'm st ins where mining privileges a ago ct. few miles of rail road Ina be tat_ every coal company bill; anct then, accor ding to the writer's agreeine it,hebold the " true principle 0 . dish clime. But " the true principle,' after al4 is to leave the'bosiness of mining wall hi indiVidual p / 3 enterprise. , The hinuired cif' , Miles . or rail roads; seentin this regi n , haver been constructed by individual o tortrin rail road 'companies- Coal iximphnies have yet done little in this way, exclerVt for their own exclusive use, and nev6r itch. The Lehigh and. 'Lackawanna and! other company= regions permit In incli competition therein. Thislls , whit sired here,. but we level 4i legit will defeat. the designs 4'oo nor --- 4/11;:. Perm:Ws Beak vans and-o hers have date mithistg_to do with it being of a destrtictive hay, resulted to leave_ the thei in the hands of its eri der,that they may alone aid glory of-raising the st pass-it inits.riresent form. . Ofteri4-;..Ty Ify, dim the latelligtricer. aq Po tkNOP, l 4iolo . ltkikrocee' tatelyi. carbon? Areihey.afraid . - WINCI NEM MU Or - .7C;,, - t I !ilk:- - V IF,: ; "--,•:. g",, .....4 ... •-• V. a ,f. 1 '•-,,. ,-.4.trn.. c 4;, , ' 4t . '::F - ``. - 4 'l ',4 ''''.',,,l,- - "' ';' 4,1 1 " . 'it;-..1.J . -'..11,-.' ..... :4 „,..,„, - ~ .- , -- , -.3-_ ~... t-.1.z.,,._ ~ 7 _,-4 :.. ' 41,..1 It TU.. . ,....thatAntsw_ateflowfik : . Stonhton, 'tbeAlltutMth, bkeyrialersektno• ' p liopgy i aiCtitielitiieteitied incitie - atNinniS l i ii Web* Co y. - ;We wonder if -these , .: gientlecnen ex t teplay the - same game t. .or nionopnly 'be eas in New 'Jereeit They' 1r - seem • to have Sp the legislature-of i t New 'Jersey completely, on the subject o . 'e rail realist Thy litive'theremotiopoliaeit„ it is understood, the 'whole state.-right, ,I. -title, and'ilrivilege,lof -making rail roads! sod here, perhaps, they expect 'to mono. -olise . the whOle baiinesa of mining , coal. e Weather.•+. During the whole 'of le d week we had a contimuince Of clear blu sky in the day time and piercing , col • e -star-light nights, -the snow afronling sleighing, diid the merry sleigh•ells jin• h 'gling almost: incessantly. Our Mai b n stre iti exhibited Mimberless sleds and wagons edladen with. produce which we hope w 11. continue to visit us, as the market is ll of 0 3 . brisk. :The sleighing is not so good • nd 'low as above -us. ' The turnpike below; tir . ed in many places worn bare. The west 1 • - . still continues -cold. The Reformonvention adjourned .n He Thursday last. 'The amendments in de de to the Constitution will shortly be laid - by, Tore 'the ,people. In the Houset at Harrisburg, on •he 20th inst. Mr. Laverty offered a .jointf re solution to instruet our,Sentitors, dr.!. to procure the passage' of Ca law, to gra it a bounty to Messrs. , Loi and Rrrwg Clearfield count*, for their success in ma nufacturing iron with bituminous • r I. Laid on the table,. Washington's BiOth'Diity, at a a- bu4.--Washingten's Farewell Ad. ress. was read before; the Governor, He. • s of Departments,and - Members, &c.r rthe Hall of the ioute, and 8,000 copies -order-I ep to be printed for circulation. ' The Tide Lock Canal Bill naa pissed through committee of the whole, ip . tke inc i iiottse. di- ' Accident.—We. learn that 'a woman, h i d _ residing in a shinty., on the Norwegian e so , rail road, was burned to death, on Idon itted 'last, by her clothes \taking fire. - We •no have not learned the name of-the woman, nor any of the ptirticulars attending-this, of dreadful 'accident. ni a, in Political Signs.—Nine persona, who, The voted for George Wolf at the last election, ) 1 in accidentally met in a store in this borough, re- one evening •laiit week; the subject ofcon-• The versation turned upon politics; and every , ad to one of the nine declared their determine- tion to vote for Joseph Ritner, et the en-1 this going election., It is believed that nearly: •v, two thirds of those who supported George' • Wolf, at the list election an this county, will vote for Joseph Ritner in October neat. Fanny Wrightis lectiring to the loco ,foces ' More locl Feeohnii.u--The eimstitution nfNkw fistimshire fbrbids any peraOn from bolding an office in that State and from I.lm General,Goseen-- Mani' at, the same tinie. Notwithgtancting this. provision, it appeals by the following arida That Gov. Hill has been violating the Constitution. of his State by aarsay holding Cm (Ate et Pension Aient at the same time, , - 33 The New Hampshire Courier stye, "'We • have at last vitistdute evidence that Isaac Hill, now acting Governor of this State, iwactoallyC an officer under the Government of the United States, (Pension Agent} whereby 'bps office as Governor is ACTUALLY VACANT 1" 1 Marder.- , -Wdle!trn that • pedlar, by the name high of Meow% war murdered and robbed near liaenspcnt, Pa: just week bpi man named Wier, who has been 'Arreafed, and has eonfintsetl hav ing committed the deed. Mi. not t the The citizeni bfTioga county have held a Meet. Pew- ing, and approved of the Morse and sate of t Mr. te Mi- • Johnston on'theSub-Treasury Resolutions in our tutor- Legislature. The following is. one of • she reap. lotions passed at the meeting. nd we Resolved. That wer by whose votes Wm. P. =never Johnston occupies his seat in the oLegislature of o ails this State, most cordially approve &the preamble s r but , and resolution loffered by him in the Mouse of Representatives on the 3d inst. and °lbis course *ince° in reference to the unwarrantable attack Made • d for.. upon him by the Pennsylvania Reporter, lolsfrive him from the position which:as the ittdependent representative of freemen. he chose. to.take, by appealing. &twee fo those to whoin he owes alle. glance, and by whom he will be sustained. • SOIL tar arenas' Jottcria. JACRSON—VAN BOMP A NISM. I do not doubt but the Miners' Joentel will contain the resolutions of the Rouse t.iflie*-nen wives knd the Senate °lcor Stati,logetliterith the admirable. "jecauses n . of this law.: as (Wed by Mr. Penrose, and carried on the lltirkfie vote of IS to 121 Those glorious fifteen his' thereby deserved inks - ions' honour.. It is" delightful to every honest men. and all who are not the in sane slaves of party, or the dupes of designing knaveroo see the Egyptian Night of Jackson Van Sarenisni passing away, and the light of reason and honesty dispelling the gloom which lies for nine years enveloped this spell boandWa don. The Wife "successor's hes indeed followed in the footsteps of pledeeesaor. Me was no doubt the wire miller from thei.begin -I.ning, and the4ifeat partner of the niflinions firm I of Kendall, plair, Whitney find compitnij.and so completely cdernsitted to his partners in ituarery, that be was obliged, when he came irdis the "suc cession," fp . retain the meridackew-Globe as "the official's bur glorious Staley thruilt i heaven, is old of the fog, Ind We see her nobh prpperti ons; and . we may hope, in a very Wife tintesmore her light will spread thronghout.thewhole Quinn, t u id consign the heartless demigoguers. and ,gang of 'deceivers and primates to disgrace end_ m&my; .and that Jackson Van Burenism will only b e „ re , mernberedout a bacon for posterity.. tp . gong a. pima the infatuation of glaring rtietan,, those usual destiwYer• Whitman liberty sad _derninat inn of natthps, called . • MILITARY CIMEFPAINS. CIM ideal de. = BEll mined to hove t#of this bill, . Ste. tdeney, but jeet almoge . tors, in or. the honor should they itors of the -done _des .g or the De. held, at 'Port do sot PRE wma IE, a... 1 1,0— .•fi'e ‘:11.4;',. - I•iVt'''..•'•Vr-o: ` , .t. t'" ' • I '- , 1 4 2 '• ' 44 10101 , 1 , 11 4 11"li t l : 47' - •Mrp gintlii:-/USMI4AOn hating 'been re. • 'red from Harrisburg. that John Schell aid; during his stay them that he would tr y .. .minds me ferinis4stateseentsiii:ing eirettlar.r4 the-19th, Wil,'ln reference to'him. 'This isloinflirm the said Jahn litilliall. thit-I hehrintailf responsible for all ccmfilned in that statement; and especial. ly that pail alluding to Mao; If he Intends to commence a snit. I would recommend invoice 'Mc bar; as all the facticould then be mere read ily illicittd: l l# it,1f, 1 04 gi.!,ol.'im, an °POrtu°4l - before temeintipmatilarrhiburg the re. suit of the in kitiim. Inif:pitlaqis confirm the 4 general opia' theirelienew.littevens and Stock. inch. (thegreat Sew 4execy monuixdistsOfsel a deep is:terrain the result of theacrinsn Mining Company Bin, Our Pbnsitor is reqiiested to di rect ibelittention oral' 'members. whole be as kindly informed thdt lilr. Schell would com mence a. prosecution against me. to this commu nication. 'WM. 11. MANN. Petteville. tab. 22, lea ' - sou.Tus afficau' THOU CANST NOT FORGET ME. I By CaTxARSNIU. WILTIORMitIyz Tbetilcanst not forget me-4-wherever then art The spell of oldleelinp mdl twine round thy heart Like a star, through the &flutes* of time. Mall arise Past vision" of pleasure on irtemerrealthtef . , 'Thoneasst not forget aie=ap flower that eprings. But some fond recolleMion of happiness bangs: .E 0 bird ever carols his sweet native lays. But. oaks to thy' bosom of either days. Thou tenet not fbrget me—m•moredb the bills: If thou see'm the young Sun. kiss the bright deafen& rills, Whose eye with.thine 'own, Ire its beatirrincreruid. atttark'd the day gild 6f glory arise in the east. Thou canst not forget me When moonlight looks dam* And glad evening smiles 'neath its bright jewell'd • crown. Whose rapt heart with thine. to the land of the blest. Roved billy, while watobing the star of die west. Thou coast riot forget me when music is near. Some long buried echo will wake in thy ear, • Whose. tones may bring beck that fond mount 'd Wt. . Which, save in our memories, we , ne'er may hear mote• Oh!• can't thou forget toe. whits wild flower and rill Arefraughtwith Love's soft. anent eloquence still? Is the water more faithful, the wild flower more true Then the heart. where affection's young blossoms once grew • WASHINGTON, Feb:Oth Mr, CLAY closed his speech between four and five &clock list evening, having,made, all in all, one of the most eloquent speeehes ever listcn. t_eined. to, as I sincerely believe, by Iti o ttal Mr. Clay's_ 11:1111112af, voice, tact, promptness, rind temper and good taste are peculiarly his own, and althoogh he bits hdt the intillett of Daniel Webster, he has ittl - tlikandeiter in modo which makes a man per&ct arid overpowering.— As an orator, men purely-intellectual would pre fer Mr. Wettest, white those who are content with an uncommon degree oruitellect, added:to a voice and manneethit open* every avenue to the hearc - would rather bear Mr. Clay. two I men, Verily believe; 'have more mind and more eloquence than any tiro men who ever rived in one country at one time.—Bali American. P.ATAL DUAL -Wetopy the following account of a duel be tween Mr. (Wiley, of Maine, nod Mr. Graves, o entocly, Nilo the letter of the 'correspondent o the T.ithange in this'citk. Wunort-rox, Jan. 24,18`!8. Dees Sna:,4 have only time to say that great excitement prevails here thii evening. in conse quence ef• I &tat renrontre between Messrs. Graves of Kentucky end 'edlicy of Maine. They fought with 'rides, - commencing at one hundred paces and closing ten:After eta fire. They fired three times within:it effect. The Wirth shot, at seventy paces, proved fatal to Mr. Cille7 —the ball paising through his body and earnt_ a ing almost %Krim 'death., The parties with the collies were town iitpoift five o'clock. this evening. - The challenge greet . nut of i Aarge made by MT. Cillery against James W. Webb. .111 r. Graves war AttenOd by Messrs. Wise and Menifee, as seconds. and Dr. 13. as surgeon. Mr; Messrs. Bynum of North Carolina: and Jones of Wisconsin, as seconds; and Dr. Duncan ofehio. as enigeon. Yours. Prom the Washington Globe OfSaturday.' FATAL DI:IEt. `This evoning•Mr. Calmat' Maine. fell irt•"a duel with Mr. GitAymr, of Kentocky•rb. oth mein. hers of the House of Representatisesi -. l They foci& with 'Meth and, Mr.• Ciitatr was shot theough 114 body nt,tlMthi,rd fire, and died in a• few minuies— • • Mr. drvea had been the bearer or a letter &on lames Watson Webb.. to Mr.Cn.urr. which the latter refused to receive. Mr. Graves demanded the reason. which Mr.Cilley declined giving,— Mr. Graves thew challenged Mr. Cilley, 'Which produced the melancholy result we announce **versant sliNs brills./ 1 1"rovs.—"The New 'TO& Express pais, in speaking of the defence. statewfonicoorttry,"By Pd ay or /one. file .some purpo s e .isr_otheir, there will be, it is probs. 15,000 Bripsb troops on our borders, among the best in the,wprld. It can eerie* do no hart to put ourseat lw -the seem to look after them.'.' • ' Counterfeit.—We were handed a counterfeit fifty cent note on the.Mechar.ic's Loan Company, but, just Out in chttilatiort. The paper is of greasy appearance, much the semi as those the spurious Certificates on the MOltiimensi. issue, and is about t quarter oleo shutter than the notes ft ht Intended to imitate. The shaded part ofthe'mgnette appears as though seritched with a pen'. The 'figures ethe denbm. ination are smalLand thieve at the left hand margin is turned from the perpendicular. The signature of P: Wager is welt done, burial:hik er trt- than the gettaufe. Thai medal 'peat. anemia closely . FROM TIIF. FRONTIER Correspondence okk* - 1, Anne. • 4 66 0.!**411 3 b. 19.18 38 . The stale 'nisi - Mir '*itiattopin was broken npenlast evening,ind some SOO muskets taken out. .Fairbanksimbo is • the keeper, tuts offered a reward ofs26o4pethemectiery nfthenr. There tieginstit besontopteitement here upon tne sabjeapf Canidaik—Many loads of men and pioMrionshave beett.and.are nor passing- here for the north... • , • • Some.of.therit have called at the ,differpiratorea r for powder. nn. &have bought all that4eme for sale by, the keg. liVhether it will amount tp any .thing or:not. !ra cannot determine. IThe remot a is that there is tt considerable :fpree myth. frantsm., In Jefferson eouniy,,and that el _dement opon Canada, at some ; ii`Op& template& We , dpuht it, hosnrer.)„ It la balicyal3 ita,,ltastom that .die. pop* i principally implicatO in:the . etriedlnir t!atiaan• time if tha Fraeklii Pa Biel': brkilahoOrnAl - c4, to. avoid the praltlea 4 of the htw..... .. _ . . MaiM St.~~D~' pin Welah-.Society l.l bniteS• payi47' 11338. iii the pectfoily invite • - titsoiefebeation - 4 - the I it 9 o • -elook.,A41: *Mt Willbn,deliveted t which they peitike at the above mentioned 0'; of the day Will,bedevOtedl Iteircal'orir-Pirll3e,l4l! y_ r orthe -Feb°l , A p IdEETES6'of th toentit*Nrilfbe Weller. in Neer : Vantle.l Mara, to conaltteAtlon the. totenehip an Feb. •t..% • '1 ~-.~" ~ ._ WHERY,lO4lffit, - by 4aY MOO. VirligAT l: Vin, RYA ; 'SR RUC F eadAtiiii • sale, . RYE CM? 130',e_•,.. OATS 40 etip—read POTATOES 45 cigar CORN—W. cents per b CLOVER, SEEIW t TIMOTHY S - FLASSEED-,4., I' 12 WHISKEYL.42pmntiA EGOS-42'.4.6Wperd LAHD-f--10 TA LLOW-4 eeip HAMS 32 eons per i$ CORN. CHOP 80 cent BACON—I 2 cents pfu BEESWAX—IB eeno FEATHERW- 1 62 cads COMMON -1 MACKEREL:by the; I SALT-2 621 per.l* PIASTER. ii wOrthil HAY .818ATTAmt. frii*td. lora; .. er Per bushel in dei .411 ,1 l kiii . m ,' nd. ..,-.41? mid Vir 16dnd. ... . ' 0 C.nqta.per pound. by Ihni bi- O , VO 1.41000 D '. . 4'B7.iles : buthe : hi 00. per-ton. • . (1 d . i to b 1 /7 l l i l i i . i Orphans%,Cottert Sal IN pursuance of au'. traofthe (IrphaS of Northumberland . duty, will 'he c sale, at the'Court .Ho+ e lathe borough bory,lo the County o Northumberbin ' + day the 2d day ot Ap it next, that vial borough' TAVERN STel P 4 TRACTOF situated o the Centre ti rni 2 ;se in Shamo in township, Nor ;; ; land ICon it, tri the Phibi Bello '''',"b and GM. Save past, occupied by. .'" iateltilic Hon. N. G. :grad or ; deceased, can acres or therealmirita,. rt ofwhich le in a' good state efcti Ob. The ttn are a good log tale ',fiottse, 'tables, • An atundant supply, of _goad spring at all seasons 'of the 'eav hei'lititained. Thepropetty is worth the atter'&Weir shy vine Wishirtg to hello ' The vender of Valuable tavern stand, andtra - ' of coal •land terms of sale will be made known on the dity-4rf sale. It is believed the titlikis indispuLtible.4 . • 7 , ~... MAIIY B oroRD. Admi►istrators‘o dectutied. by order. oithi l artitt,.-- - __ . :4 4A a .BRIGH7 I ; r ...... . • , i Feb. 28.1838 DISS t LVTION. m uttilrenlii.l here t ofore ado AL therm or vet& Bait, Coal was diMulyrothyz i litoardmeneition 1 AU Perwasirells althl **IRV make lOay'rment , eAtTly afteolooltsr&—l having claims are nharrequesteotto far lodgement. I • .1 IS. 'TIM • I' l G:BAS' a r yry retu. 9,1838: 1 15-345 The iailiserTher, rill he ftgorre on 'Om Coal Busimmi under 41Ie Srm *l'24 neither & Son. 143LNEV, SCHOOL BOOK ;: : TONIII Geography of Fein* Mt, A Frost's Aroorflien Spefker, and Frost's Unitorrortbe 'United 'Suit* •", TootijOitb a isriety of-other books, just re. :volved tailor sale by B. BARMAN. *ler NI:MBE - WANTED; to whom hb. oral wages ll be given. A litte adcireised to A. B. through ie fort Oirtee, will mask with attobtim feb Zit i 1 I •. 1 • . t 1 :ffS hereby give • that the folkiwing nateed•Pa- , ' itecutors„. Admi ',Avatars and Guardians. , have ' settled their spew is in the ofEee-of the Register of Sehoylkfil Co ty, and that the isame-will be presented to the 6 rphans' CoMrt, to be held at . Orwigibucti irtviCd for safd,COuntitou hiohday . 'the 19tb day of Match., 1838, far IrMs4follutifyi• 1. The,aeciaint of Fiord •Pattenickhoseentor the last trill ond [testament of ~Widliesi :A. 1 Pet (erten. late of they borough of PatorMlle, deco ind 2. The ocean t ofiscob ti v i rig merman. admi n ' _ istrator of the est • f4ohn - • t; late'of Cahoot Womb' • tlece ' .., ' zto • • • • - I 3. T - ocean . & Midas ' Nidithieadar, mil ~ , , stat. ministr m aft eomf. etev. KOders late of „Upper Mitanta• go townshi .. d e , - i . k k 4. The been • t-of Peter Fishe r, motor Of thif % NI will and tee meat. of /rim ' s Riege!, led T e d of WestAtriusw ck ovionstri ,Icleme sed. ' •• 6. The( aced ' l . : Vir . ,PredColiFir . phial's ;Kroll and John Churl . ' Ootitad, admituatrittO? - if thc• estat e of dale. ) ~. - 1 &mod, late of 1 4 1m-wpgiag towiship,.d . . ' . 1 - .'.)' i 1 6. Thu ileum •t of Henry irrkoi , goiltd cif the•ciersitWand state of COMM '-relkerff, g minor of Upper atotitingostinv . Ip, - 3. , 1. The a - of or .Iphte Vlft * 'llk gpim 1 We ist, *execute' of the4ast Wilt I'd:teatimes f Gideon William on. lige I r t uoi . 7 , -- ) ta ha l f = .. township, de •• • .•.' •-, , ,_-'1•- • .. ; • • A. The scum tof .14dtat-lie nig.-egegutr • and Peter R, irl k.extotittgr of • hot.),)11 acid testament of , jamin Herring . latelinfTpor Mabantango to, tishifi..dcMenied ; ••4 7•-•' , 'l4: II 9.• The te rn ; i crAbralii - , Aiet, 4d. min'hstrOtot-„Uf„ e plate oflicob :Arigii, sate Of : Pinegreve to ick,deceapek•- : ••• . 0 . t., '' ' I 10; The ; ut of 401 m: t fr .NtiaMinis - tor-Oftbe estate ofJocek .Rmiiick3,:lit•sigf We e Itiwil nii l :l l l4 ... ll T .Th :li g b - e :oe7 c4: o ll4 . :k itaii :t. ie ' tob - c0 , 41 - u irt i: ;:b o f j -4 : 1 oh - ca Giorn - tict - : Ar h oree ' hi gan ' efilLi l g e. , l oil ! Ws to iPv!ieeased• ' •- - i at ministrator of he estate of Davie/ Ikcin;ilo of the borough o Orwigsbirg,:doicteescd: . • •- ,r HAMMER, on HAMMER, Registe . 10, Orwits• / . 12. 1838. ( • 14- i • ►seer'•. 016} *burg,. Felb, "itod Plaster, for 44 WIT; Fish "• - -13e151.23 - II EMil ,AldriV• it inetsaille, will tele. the first of Mardi n Prevost, and djrre ,' men to.partictpate iU meet at Mr. Pro- I nd ‘4ll o'clock IC Per rlbtbtial, Church, kfter 1 a a 'dinner at 1 o'clock, I '4% l ;n:id thWrctnainder beeoining 1 , it,: • iplettliolvas t , citizens efili ; e g i an I' ..: it the Wise oJohn Sauk 't t , he ad4of iirlintpose ftakibg in nety of ding -the house : MANY. 15k-1. , ... . . . _ .:,;'ice Feorvit4 47. #838. load Was Icarth pi Fri ,ipdentao4l.:. 2;51) - per-cit tintend. tit try-the *whet ady , mod o.obet in de el in demand. I . Nobel. per bushel bushel in.demin - Toad -Lin :Rey Y cent' „ e r 2, en Crin Voied .or gnu ,ob Mon ‘ble. I ANA ; :ke rout lumber- Caul al years e of the r and ementi tar can 11,1).0 115-4 nig under archon* Ist lush • united to all those ~t-tharn MEI to by A. k OIL