The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, February 28, 1838, Image 1

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• WnintLT,
AND Flynt Ciung - per 'annum.
Ily in advance. it mot paid with
charged to ail those who re
of postage. To mail subscribers
of paid within ther year, 50 cents
pride ofeutweription:
Timer. Dou..s
payable semi-ann
In the yes, $4
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paid within tike year, $2 50 will
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be charged
of exceeding tweli , e lines will be
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ones in proportion,
to will be insert
,ed until ordered
for whi they-ale to be continued
be charged acco w tgly.
. will be-Charged' I 2 per annum;
on to the paper-g- the privilege
;• • - mentnot exceeding 2 squares
Par, and the insertion of a email f
r for three succearlive times.
to the editormdst be post paid,
'op will be paid toi them.
eetings, dtr o . and! other notices
been interted! gratis, will be
ch, except Marriages and Deaths.
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Yearly advertis:,
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Ail letters eddr
otherwise no atte
All notices for
which have beret
charged 25 cents e
rill & Brother,
t HE
I i Calomel,
5 Red Precept,
White do ..
Vitriol Altai
Sulp. Quinihe
Tart. Erne c
Ether Sulp . .
_,do ?inn
do Aciti
Lunar Cau tic '
COM. d . - '
•Acit. Morp 'a
Suiph. do
Lac. Sulphur
Opi. de Naipot.
ft ormes Mineral •
E.thiopa do.
tphor, Salt N lire, Br.matone. Born.
, V
- e mentio ed articles. to.
3qent o. Paints, Drugs
it.' articl in the Chard.
'i No.. 65 N
TPA= Doona
White Lead dry a -.
ground in Cif
Red Lead - ,
Lithrage, •
do Green .1
do Red
Patent Yellow
Sugar Lead
01. Vitriol
Aq. Fortis
Muriatic Acid
Epsom Salts
Tart. Acid
Sup . Carb. Soda
Canes, Sub. Merl
Refiners ofChai
gle ly
cent advdnce.
• All kind of cot
for goods.
, try produce taken in exchange
I. aog 19 39—t1
Notice 1 . 4 '
that letters Testementary
I:tad to the subsCriber, by the
ylkill unty,' orb the estate of
deceased, late of{ Minersville,
All." rsone intflebted to said
e requepted to mike payment
immediately, .nd such who
I ''.n said estate at, likewise re
them 1 e well auth.nticated, for
Is hereby .givl
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Register of St
'.Richard Bruce;
estate dre therefi)
to the subscribe ' ;
may have claims
quested .to prose ,
Jan 10
ly Grocery
'greet, a prime
ng of
Java. Rio,
St Doman)
N. Orlear
white P
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Dyson, P
co. Bonet
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Olive Oil.
Old Math
Brown at
Old hock
Sweet to
c T"
Ho lan
Cut & plat
china and
tenor do 1,
common Ciga •
molded glass are
• Dry Goods, • &c. all of
to sell on the m st reasons.
amilies and Tav ny Keepers
to call.
weral assoi
tbny are dial
rm. Heads
ulicularly in'
-11 . • ••
1 WILL TEACH TOO TO -1 7-77.
maws. Ter *alma 'or so Irra mu) Immo oirr mom THI CATIZNII ci7 THE govirr*Nr, ma wince
Pilchard Fishery, #t. lees.—The fish enclosed
on Friday, the 24th ph; are talimi np, and the
seans lauded. The quantity dcliverOd to the
owners is as kollows::--.1.Tremearne and •C 3. 4,-
400 hogsheads; Weagi at i and Co., 2. 4 .500; .1. Wil
liams, 1,000; T. Tre ne and Co., 1.00; 8011.
tho-and Co., 400. 'Tim thouland hogslids were
sold freih. An old man, named Roach 931eare
of age, was the firstlwhocoirimenced tacking on
the lean tit 3.Tremearne and Co. 1
all the articles enumerated
1 pledge theieselves to sup
eh the most reasons-
lead, from 618, to 24 30.
now on had at his Store
Centre iurd Rail Road
of Goods, suitable for the
ted sizes,
• do
Is do do
mire 4o do ,1
do - 'do ',
io do I
Itl asssortm nt.
ting-at red . ced prices,
• 3 ' (DAYTON.
informs the citizens of
7, that isanonstantly keeps
if Centre apd Callowhill
re the 'N atienal Hotel, a
t merit of Staple and Fancy
lee selection of Wines, Li.
7e, ail of which have beep
lowest cash; prices in the
ttid will be sold at 121} per
aims lir. .
eir wholesale a
:entre. 3 doors
it offresb Grol.
'1 . I
t ' owned 1 Co4ee •
Az, *own afi ga r e
,afand lump .
egi. .1 Molaesee
iwder, Young}l
:A:orange Lec- Teas
i Bohea
;partial'. Solillq• } Chocolate
-, let spiced i
:cm shells
1 ,
\ nchovy. ataces
. .)
c 1 retail ram
.elow Marke ,
'is PPer•
and Gicger
nd caara
ids. citron!
lemon gyre p
se, codfish!
salmon 1
,7; l P erin j c audio
min and ye oni
, soap
n.. claret 4 ,
.lei ry, champaiine Wines ~
t a 7 ni 3 ingl 4 in wood
i tel & bottle
Na/ Sicily el.)
labels &co whiskey
- Pelitsermin cordials
rih it m brandy
N. E . Rum
. . .
• - 4 " '
• • • i - •1
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1111113 M I 1,.
Exchange: at ew York, * on ILondon,
61,a 6 per cent preen.
. . .
The Americas Trade.—We are happir, to bear
fici s
that some of our largest American es have
within the-last few days,giiess out ordars'to the
manufacturers to a nsiderable extent; pte4;l: is
confidently modelle& , that , tho vinting.,.."' trade
t t ed
with the United Sta w il l be a !lAA ontieFtßir
thinghem Advertistrij v '- - - ', •
There are buildinial this time at Sunderland
and upon the bertha of the Wear, oniety.five
ships, some of them are of large tonnage; and eight
have been launched *Rhin a few days .past.—
Runderland Herald j ,
Rioting in the Mainifacturing Diiitrietai—The
operatives ofLeicestirithire, particularly lin the.
neighbourhood of Lohghbrargh and Shedtishead
(districts in which the manufacture of lithe and
, hosiely is carried on' to a considerable potent.)
being plunged into aldeplorable state of distress '
from the depression ,of trade, have been com
pelled to seek relief Nom the guardians of the on
ions formed in that peighbourhooiL The appli
cation for such relief bawled to serious riots In
that place, which together with Loughborough,
has been in a state o great excitement all ttte
week. The riots commenced - on Tuesda, and
it has been found necessary to call in - the mil -
Lary from Nottingham. It appears that the new
poor law bill is heidlri great detestation in Lei
cestershire; and the principle cause of these dia.
turbances, we undet*tand from private letthrs is,
that the operatives hefieve ' that under cinder the
clauses in the Lew pcior lavvbill they will be com
pelled to inhabit the workhouses instead of re
ceiving out door relief in base of a total stoppage
of trade, by bei thrown out of employ ment,--
[ T Imes.) -'" ,
Extraordinary Character.—At Eckiogton, in
Worcestershire, lately died at an advanced age
Mrs. Mary Barnes, whose love of posseming wear
log apparel was neacr equalledk there have, been
disogyered on the .;premitea v ainco heritatimise
542 own pieces.; upwarde of 100 made gowns
and a large assortment of valuable Albers*: ono
shawl, it appears Was a real Cashmere,
worth between £4O ;and £5O. She usually had
fourteen cats in hen house, together with a great
number of rabbits, ,and she has left ten of the
former to deplore her loss. The old lady's hum.
band, who died some ,eight or ten years
left her £lO,OOO, the greeter portion of which
she expended in the above extraordinary man
Tiade with the Unita States.—Trade With A.
merica seems to be reviving. The Quebec,-Lon
don line of. packet ',hip, left the river week,
with the first full cargo for New York that hu
been despatched since the commencement of the
crisis hi the American.. trade in the months of
August and Sept of last 'year. The Wellington
Capt. Chadwick. left the river on the 18th :inst.
also, for New York. With a full cargo, of the es.
Limited value of .00,080 to .00.000. The' val
ue of the cargo sentt• off by the Quebec is : fully
equal in amount. -.
The Marquess ottlinricarde has sullweribed
£5O towards the building of a fever hospital in
the town, of LoughTea.
The Ccinnaught „Journal informs us that the
herring fisheries have been very euccessful an the
Galway coast: The. fish sell at .£1 ls. perlthoo-
Baud, and the demind tr good.
Wiepow.--It is matter of some trierns to
the Riformers of Wicklow that the harrington
estate has fallen into 'the hands of Mr. INtvid
Mabonny, as it cap be, rendered a good deel con
tribotori to the strengthening of the p4olar
constituency in thiit trader. Our Ballihglaes
correspondent infoin in that it exterfdelth le
600 acres, and that,on'. the entire there only
one individual who Votes for the Reform' ;candi
date& :We can never''advert - to the affair, of
Wicklow without noticing the apathy as ,to the
registries. which is exhibited ' dmongiit thtLibir
al proprietary in geberal, but which is most ion.
spicnitus on'the Fitz iltlam imitate. Profesilibis are
heard in 'abundanc e , . and sometimes thfre is a
whew even of bustle, Ink little is done which is
practical or really 'useful. Unless' thet be a
speedy and effectual chine - all accounts Convince
us that another contest'ulay be . expected 'at the
next election, and, What ig worse, Wet the issue
will be very dolibtFOL—Piihlin Register.
The Etallyshannop Herald states that the poor
of the district may hp said to be in a state of
comfort when compared with the privations - they
suffered last winteri It recommends prudence
and forethought, l
owever, and suggests that
means should be taken to raise coaLat H ldone7
Glebe, the prudence, of which has been lo9g used
by the smiths in the vicinity,
On Thursday a Meeting of the inhabitsige of
Drogheda, ordveneil . bY.requiaition, tool place
at the Linen Hall, or the piirpoaeof p.etitioning
parliament for the tdalvibolition of tithes,,rehnrm
of the municipal , Ppo rations , and vote !by bal.
Leith.—Much bustle and animation vlsiss in
the port at the present. time, all the American
and Baltic traders, with' ono exception , }, h aving
arrived within the past ten days, entangling to
forty or filly large vessels. The doaks, harbour
and quays ore ccrnsequently MI of attivityiand of
goods, affording a pleasing prospect to this mer
cantile community is well as to the publie:
Giasgfw Perthshire Oniritage ffecierg.—On
Monday afternoon the second Annivereary Din.
ner of this Society took place in the large hall of
the Slack But( Inn Charles' Stirling, .Eal h _in
the cha i r . an d Baler Campbell, Croupier,. The
public are aware that the objects of this Snood: y
are of the most comineudable Ind praiserthy
description=lamelyi the relief of those who are
natives of the countWlPorth.aad who, reMnving
to the city, may be redticed to indigent Ileum
stances. The cannisnY on this is was
highly respectable, aitd iimounted to upw ids of
• 4
our hindred. i, The chairman, Illigising the
toast - of the evening, mentioned that, although
the Society was only two years old, it could bout
of nearly 200 members. _while already the funds
amounted to frilly .£sof4, and be did not doubt
that. with a little exertion on the part of its mem
bers and office bearers, ft would very soon rarik
second to none 'on the West of Scotland. A greet
many toasts, Well of a national. as a bell ow
tare, were afterwards disposed of; and altogether.
the evening was spent in a very social and satin.
factorrinannei.—The landlort of the Buil did
his duty well, and Cunningham managed, as u
sual, toinfose not a little extra enthusiasm into
the company.
On Chia aide the Moray frith, the total number
of herrings caught, in 1836, was .120,000 cram;
but this .y ear , the return show little more than
710,000.1 t appears then, Dom these statements.,
that this total number caught in 1836, eselaaive
of the Shetland Bribery, was about 234,000 crane.
In 1837, about 270,000; being err increase of
.36,000.• But take in the returns for Shot,
land, which will be considerably less than last
year, the quantity caught will appear. much about
the name as iii,1836. L pop the whdle, the- re
turps .are considerably below an average. fishing.
—Aberdeen ../siireid.
Death Lora Naiii.e.—This nobleman died at
Brussels on thei i 7th insu His Lordship was on.
married, and vials the, only child of Wm. Lord
Nairner in whose person the title, which hackheen
forfeited in 17 . 45, was revived in 1824. The
late Lerd was lady in the 30th year of his age.—
We believe the title is eztinet. •
Lord Kinavird's Marriage...2-We formerly an.
pounced the intended inuring" of this patriotic
and Odblic spirited nobleman "to the Hon. Miss
Poneonby. Tile nuptial ceremony was perform
ed yesterday (Thursday;) and in celebration of
the occurrence, nearly one hundred gentlemen
consisting of hie Lordship's tenantry in the Carse
of Goverie, inelling a number of gentlemen from
Dundee, sat do n to a sumptuous and well.seiv•
ed dinper in the Inchture Inn. Mr. Kinnear of
Lochtem. one df his Lordship'. tenants, acted' as
clialinian. and Dr. Smith, of West Mains oflnc.h
ture, was croupier. •
Canfiff Literary and &ientifie /Affixation.—
T. W.: Booker, Esq. presided at a full meeting
of a 4...ommittee of this Institution, held at the
Cardiff School Committee Ruom, on Wednesday
last, tor the purpose of settling the general rides
and regulations of the Institution, for the consid
eration and adoption of the general body of eub--
scribers. The rules were first read together by
Andrew Miller, Esq. one of the honorary Secre
taries, and afterwards separated by the chairman;
when Each rule, having been fully discussed. by
the members of the committee present, and sever
al alterations and . additions made therein. were
finally approved of and the Secretaries were re
quested to convene a general meeting of the sub.
scribers, to beholden at the Committee Room on
Thursday neat. - A-communication baiting _been
made to the meeting. that the School Committee
could only allow the use of two rooms for the. In
stitution instead of three, as proposed, it was a.
greed that the two rooms should be taken for one
year at thereat of £20.. The Rev. Thomas Sta
cey also informed the committee that be bad re.
ceived a letter from the President, the Marquess
of But t e, stating that his Lordship had ordered a
copy df Griffith's Cuvier's Works, to be forwarded
i zi
ait abort to the Institution . We understand
that t e work ;is in 16 or 17 volumes, and its val
ue fr £6O to £7O. This augurs well as a
commencement, and we earnestly trust it will
be followed op by donations, either to the library
or museum , from every well-wisher to'the sue.
cessOf the !limitation. 'A voice of thanks was
unanimously passed to his Lordship, and Mr.
Stacey, was requested to communicate the same.
Glaosoigaaihire Coal Field.—Within the last
few days,two new veins of coal have been struck
in the hilly district, likely to furnish the market
with 4 very abundant supply of superior coal.--
The one is of a bituminous, and very cheerful
quality, on the Llancaiach estate, the joint prop
erty of Lord Dynevor and J. M. Richards, Esq.
which's worked by the under lessees of Sir Chris
topher Smith, Bart. The other is a coal which
we also predict will be a great favorite, found by
the spirited exertions of the Messrs. Wayne, of
Aberdare, on the property of Mr. William David,
at A bernant-pgroes, in that parish. The extent
of both these veins- is very great, and they are
generally considered to be of as good quality as
any in the Principality. .
Liabilities of those who take New papers.—
The.laws declare that any person to' whom a
periodical is sent is responsible for - payment
if be receives the paper (mention use of it, if he
has never subscribed for it or has ordered it
to be stopped. - His duty in each ■ case is
not to take the paper from ithe office or person
with whom the paper is left, or to notify the pub.
fisher that he does not wish it.
If papers are sent to a post otillee,'store,or tav
ern, or t other place of depesite, and are not taken
by the ;person to whom they are sent, the post
master store or tavern keeper, dro.,, is responsi
ble until he kturns the paper or gives notice - to
the pubbsbeir that they are lying dead in the
post office. •
Post Office Regulation.—Extract from the in.
rtrueticins to postmasters, p. 50, sec. 118. In
every indents, In which . papers that come to
your office are not taken nuf by the person to
whom they are sent, you will give immediate no.
nee to the . pabillsber, adding-the reason, if known
why the papal are not takenout."
The ;Rohr. Dories, _arrived on the 30th ult. at
New Orleans from Matagorda. whence she sailed
on the 23d. She reports that all was:quiet in the
interior of Texas. and that the army of invasion
was only a band of marauders.
The markets, of,that country are still bare. and
the prices -of articles of proviiien enormously
high. The Matagorda Bulletin quotes superfine
flour, at $18; pork, mess $3O a 35. Whiskey,
$1 25 a 150 per gallon.
A anions eXperimental filet ilia just been
proved in Belgium. A bar of iron heated at a
white heat, and exposed rapidly to she action of
a street/ forge bellows, becomes immediately so
hot that it melte, and the liquid matter is diaper;
sec' in the air; where it sparkles like a wire burnt
in oxygen. manner, upwards ofa pound
of metalls dispersed. The same effect will also
be prodired• tbe bar when heated tb a white
heat, be attached to a cord, end turned in water.
The iron melts in the same manner, and escapes
in luminons tankents. •
ar►e eiuxarg ro al akwils alp tousc i r ALL
Gt, F*IIII,ITARY 28.1838.
BaWoo* Chronicle.] •
'ASURY BILL. • . •
W AsamoTos, Feb. 19.
" TR
_all listened to Clay'a
tb-day, which, if truth .ade
, A erow4ed
brilliant effort
relied tub'as settling the
ly, would be•decisive of tht&
these are the days of par.
tic action, on' the part of
question; eati
humbug. Bu
tizan, pot patr
our legialato
I hasten to
a report, as th
is% you as full and accurate
hour and your apace will'
Mr. Clay, i
upon this Bill,
time in public
meet many e
whole of that 1
be was now t
rising to address the Senatd
•• id that he had been a long
life, and had been calldd to
igeneies, but never,. in the
fe, such a one as that which
; mec i t. He alluded to the
n ender which any member
must come opposed to rl
administration of this im+
acknowledged that he felt
very sensibly.
en, alluded to the course he
n replying to the argument!'
i• measure,- the propositiona
vor- to establish, and the
great depressi
of the oppositi
measure of th ,
portant*, and.
that - depressio
Mr. Clay, t
should pursue
in favor of tit
he should en.
should Orals. I must omit
and come at once to those
s, that it was the deliberate
ed design . of the ad:Ai/4i/-
. 1 Jackson to establish a
ank—a Treasury Bank--
conclusion h
the exordium,
several pro::
The first w.'
purpose and ,
&talon of ge
• n the public money, and to
..'ntrol of the administration;
o Mr. -Clay undertook to
i ntim!, and other messages,
to be .based
be, under the
mid this deli
show by the
of the late P
• As early as
States was an
having failed
for the count
829, the bank s of the United
ded to by Gen. Jackson as
o furnish a sound currency
• . This was a slight and
modest attention; but it was the sound 1511
the distant bale, rallying the scattered
forces for the carrying on of the war
asainst the bnk of the United States.
He suggests, pit the same time, whether'
some plan might not be devised by Con
gress to avoid the objections to that insti
tution, etc. and herein his design is dis
tinctly avowed and priclaimed. It is
impossible, after reading this message, to
contest the pciaition that there was, abo
rigine, a deliberate design, on the part
of the administration, to make a Govern.'
meat Bank, fourided upon the credit of the
In the message of 'lB3O, the same idea
*as repeated, And in that of 1831, be be
gins to comp4Tin and to regret that the
suggestion h not made that favorable
impression which her, anticipated : and al
luded to the opinions be entertained of the
United Statesibank,,as at present orria
ised, 4-0. in 32., in the celebrated veto
1 message, be elides Congress for-having
introduced at tall the subject - of the re
: charter of that institution. But this was
not his sole oil main object. He waii,de
termine.d to curry out his settled design of
establishing ad National Bank upon the
credit of the Government. He acknow
ledged that "die bank of the United States
was in many respects useful; but that in
others it was liable to objections," dec. and
that had the President of the United States
been called on, be would have cheerfully
given the details of such an institution as .
was adapted Pi, thi wants of the country.
Here, for thel fourth time, was resumed
this suggestion of a National Bank as be.
ing necessary ;to the fiscal wants of the
government. :Not only the general prin.
opt° was conceded, but the details had
been ready, and would have be* cheer
fully given, had they been desired. De
tails, sir, said !Mr. Clay, of a plan which
he soon ;her 4.orne to think.waa not only
oot practicable, but unconstitutional.
The, highest] proof of which any argu
ment is capable is herein furnished by the
recommendatien of Geo: Jackson, of the
first proposition. And what is the second.
Mr. Clay would consider that and the third'
in connection: that, with the view ascribed
tQthe late ad inistration, it wag the set.
tied policy of en. Jackson to overthrow
the whole 'ius system; beginning with
the bank of th United States, and ending
with State ban -And that spitem wie
o b l nd
then began, a has since been carried on,
and ~is now be consummated. The
proofs that thl was so, were easily found,
in-the egotism vanity of the author of
the scheme. II was even forte - modeling,
re-touching, -organizing every dim.
Nor was this a peculiar trait in that ind-
vidual, to seek o stamp upon every insti
tution of his c ntry his own name and
character. Other men bad possessed it.
Napoleon of F nce, would fain stamp the
unman of his genius, his character and
even his name, pon every monument and'
public place i his " beloved country."'
All those beate r o
' I palaces that adorn her
proud capital, re the imperial "Ni" in
distinct and p annent characters, every
where around. When be, (Mr. Clay,),
was in Franc e' the sculptors, and' other
artisans; were I mployed in chisaing'oid
and defacing t memorials of the egot
ism and ambit' - of Napoleon. When,
Text To ova vas Aso rzmuitne—Di4o*OlOna-
64, 'when ill the memorials left upon the
institutions ;" his country by Gen. Jackson
be effaced ti Ages, I fear, sir, will
away, befoie the people of the land shall
cease to ale and to feel the ravaies of
wffich theits memorials are the records.
The virtu us banished— the
. vicious re
warded— t riotism &sew rageil—partisan
devot e , locofocoism, encouraged and
fostered. . 'his was his aim—to re-touch„
re-model, jevolutionise every thing. He
it was who(( fist introduced the idea of a
unity, in eitecutive power : proscription of
every body'; at home and abroad, whit) did
nbt comet* to the ekilkople set him at the
fountain heladvf these new and disorgan
izing principles:: and so it Went on, until
at length tbe country is now le ft without
a chart in its great voyage ornatioaal ad.-
, vaacemeati,
Ljp was i most extraordinary men. My
own acqu4ntance with him commenced
in this city' (said , Mr. Clay,) in ibe year
1815. That acquaintance was short, but
cordial: or 4 his 'part I, thought, on my own
part lam ?lure, it was sincere: He had
achieved ue of the mdaleat victories re
corded on he pages of histiV; and 1 was
disposed t s pay to his genius the homage
it seemed justly to deserve. He left this
city—the !Seminole '•war ensued—and it
became my duty in the other wing of this
Capitol totclenoencesome of his lawless
and rash measures iwthat celebrated cam
paign. Psis led to a non-intercourse be
tween us for severe) years. But it was
renewed a 'did the year 1824; when he
.again cam to this city. In order to effect
that renewal, I was invited to dine with. 1
h t,
him by t major part of the delegation
from Ten wee, (and my venerable flitted
[White] ill remember the occasion re
ferred to 4 I accepted it. We were placed
near eatth other—weidined and drank cor- '
dially and freely—be (Mr. Clay) retired
early—he was followed to the door by the
late President of the United States, and
the pteben minister et the court of Spain,
who offers to set we down at my lodg
ings. My aithful Charles was waiting for
are at th # door, wi s h my own carriage.
However, I would net resist the:importu
nity so cmuteouslysit:t ac= eeted, and , I ac
cepted the invitatio n !; x
end we met, often
afterwardtit---our intercourse was polite
and friendly, until, it i became my duty to
vote against him in 1825; as candidate*
the Presidency, in the Imusiof repre ss -
tatives. Then, the nn-intercourse was re
sumed—the dogs of war were let loose upon
me. I shall dot give the details of all this
now. They are of ti personal cbtracter :
bat, thank God t I sitand here unbroken
and unhurt, and as ileady bow hen-to
denounce his measuries; and tlit "*-- - 1 ,- Mem
larly—the most pernicious of them all.
a i i
His administration was an astounding
one, and so was his ' ensures. Before one
peal had died away pon the •ear, others
more tremendous enstued., No, sir, I ask
pardon for this compilarisen; ! should have
compared the coutseloftbat administration
to a volcano—from !which eruptions of
burning lava succeed each other, before
the ashes of the first +• are cold, and before
the cities over which the liquid fire had
rolled, were buried bneath it; still spread
ing in a wider and Wider circle of death
and destruction. 'i
I will pass over mole direct proofs spread
throughout the messge and furnished by.
the acts of the late a d ministration. Vari
ous causes were suggsted fur his extraor
dinary course
,on the 'tart of the late Presi
dent.' 1 have bend .bat he once receivy)
some disappointment, or fancied injury:
from a local, bank, aid that he chose-this
mode of revenging •tbmself. Another
signed cause is; that oniumacious and re-.
bellious Nick Biddl would not irrn out
that gawky giant— gi nt, both in mind and
. body, Jeremiah Mason, or Pbrtsmouth,
from the Presidency_tof the Branch Bank
there, at,the suggestidn of Isaac Hill. But
whateverwas the real n, such was the fact,
as to the opinion, an such the course of
the late executive, in isegard to the United
States bank. • •
'As to the State banks, be proceeded
more cautiously witht;gard to them. Gal.;
lent and bold as he w s, be was also ways
andicautious. He n ew that it would be
impossiblito.efreot e destruCtion
local banks at once. He proceeded by
making them interest d partners in this at
tack upon the Unit ' States Bank; and
i n
how? • The proofs ate to be found in hie
message of 1834, - i 35, _ 1836, and his
Farewell Message.' .
[Here Mr. Clay l ed extracts, in sup
port of his. propesitio , from' these.docu
meritsoind traced th alleged purposes of
the late Executive, in his mode of treating
the subject of the cur , ' cy in biameesages,
—in bisallusions to the mode of selling
the public lands„—an i in the adoption OF
the Treasury circular pp to the final leave:
taken, when the late *dent recommend
edl pi continuation of , - conflict promising
the country that the tallest will be liseg
and the conquest no an. easy one; and
telling them th at be ad to congratulate
himself-upon.baring tfy his humble efforts,
contributed to do something- towards the
accomplishment of tbo grind design.]
r - ,
, 4 -44'241 641 - ti
o z
7,7 - 7.7 - •,,, : :. ~..,, , ,,,x,.. --..,-;:-.'... 7 -.:. ,- , - V‘„!,', -. •;:, - ,,,, i .•:=1
!, F • -1.4fAr.,,,i tc , - .* , N - i 1at:1: ., :.:. ,,
.... , ..-1 -41:,,,---,,,,1,-,,,,,,,...*:44:--4',4i.
M. Play then;lade- SW - ''''Vt4l - 0 1.
meakages . . stulttiOnsle tbo.:P4i o osiWoia,
havellaiddownt - Thatit was Ade settled los• -').
hey of Generak JacksoeNt.l,ol. l 46 stml l - lso
to make,vraragaitist.thelocat banks as-well:
seagainst- the 1440111/k Uoe.d.-SuktfiO r .=:
That this attack was tornmence,i*Jiy4iiitatit i -',
aPPwacheai—uwwing beltlegartd- - .-brAder. -- 1 : -:,
as-that' attack - Nail brought .t0:-.the 1- ;
object-alit, Moir in Ike. feat mOinage_4all-
.the precious *tale - and.-hey?;l-aloni i , • .i
were-at tenth. Oaractettietteettlie,Otin-. ...--.
.aututional eurrenCy. Of;lheAonitit,*Mg - . 'it
But be. was nota-ctadlit444.--JaYis -
down these positions., jjhaiicte-. 4 " - . .-'-;
ly .conclusive -of -.his, inteatiomiZ -4.lliWis ';'..
Mr. Clay, alludiiitto.the.ueasnri*ldet g in ; .;:,
detail—revieweid the.circuraikairceeijinder , ~..,.
which it. was wattedits - krepl4l - itrY • ; , ,POS- '
grass, by so byte r a
TotO4iike l eirectfitlhad . :, -,-
upuu the tianks—the factethritit4orhsd ' ~°
in the right way to insurei!the,kintiri f ilaii . •
that been-its intention—ttint.-4e4of s.
ment was ibus. t broaght , tinttlattfittditiss: •‘,
with the banks foripecie,--th 1- thes!Pf-ei • '
*ro t
was carried from where it , wne,tO*ltera it '
was nut useful.= io -aiding thip:l4himatir " :
:operations and, business of the taepantile .
interests tithe country—and - Oa matted,itte • '
dirstroun consequences ,of,tloAkeeriart,
at once upon the banki - and,_npattAlionale
of the public lands. _ Ilaviitir,gone,,over
this ground,—,(and our liteita.,to-damire:
vent our going more fully in defett)i-hegoe.
tended that he had established4omnd
and third fia
on 'the late administration „ l ,*„.find
stated, the neat, proposition _would 9 , S 4 lll tb
be quite easily proved.] . J.,....%,4, 1, 7 11, .
4th. That the present Preiddeitiif the
United States succeeds to the,
tire, bound . and pledged to .c.arkilmfall , ~
the principles laid dowd by,the - dititeir.— r I
And, said Mr.-Clay, if you, bli . Piesideri,_
have not lately looked over -the3priglie 'of 1 1
this tact, y9u will • be as much astonished, 1.
perhaps as 1 myself have been r orion_peiro" . I
sing them. 1 had looked upbtr_this - ii an
historical fact—but' 1 had niwbeen full'?
aware of its character until, -hi - looking I
over . the proofs, 1 have-sem bow full
the pledge,, and how petfectlp-thas far, it
has been redeemed. [Then Mri c ßlayread 1
extractss t froin Mr.lVao Buren`Sreplyitoibls 1
nomination of the Baltimore: convention,
in which-he promised ,"to tread generally, I
in the .footsteps of his illuidrioine.predecet
sor",-in which he called himself" -
ored instrument toCarry outlbe;itork sei
gloriously begun," &c.] The,Vhotiored
inar t winent," Sir ? said Mr.,.GlaVhWhit
is an "instrument" T4e,ftrakiefinition,
.givekof it by our great AmericatiAlciatco- i
grapher is "a too//' and be wairpratid to
be "the honored tool!"—sele&ed - by a gal. ,
lent, and generous nation, to damhat? •To
carry out and subagrve the goo4.loksili We
pOople of that nation? No Sirringtiatthe
honored tool,", he tell' you, ', l l 01,ticied by
the friends of ; GEN: - JACKSoll44l*,*tr'
out the principles of "the- pintyk!kof;ek .
this, too, as well from. indl
Duty? The duty of parriotisraithat no '
blest virtue of a freeman?—Noi - No,—. 1
But his duty to "the friends of.Gir2r4keisp ~
son!" to•carry out the-principles
of his administration, . dr.c. - tAa=.l4Mr '
Clay then went on to cenneeptfiepoli ,
of Mr. Van Buren with that of Tew.:4ljp_k .
son; and argued that- his, aniasuristA(* ~
been in conformity . with the `-,..-
. 1 4ive
to dm Baltimore Cony. ~,.• „, '' - . 1 1 0 _ 1
the principles, .( such , ae lie. , draciattilesc .
i .
bed theni - to-be,) of: his .preilecesitiiiitil
alluded,,for further, protifi totbit ii au ra .
address,.,ul Mr. Van. Buren, itt=wbrA:rtha ,
pledge was repeated. and in whit:lAN el
.luded to his having:Alshared.tbetotounielii'l'
of his predetesson ' Ilence, ,, Mr.'ClSY; ar
gued,forcibly,=lthat the.present!Eiteetnive!
had psrtic.ipatedin.:the origirdiletoncirstioal
of this. grand, measure, andaibitliiander.
stood this settled purpose *scribe& to the l
originator of it. ‘ Be then'adthaiitt:Aor-1
roborating proofs.of.nthist positiiito:Til
first of these was ail fact lhatOinidelarce L
of the common.anticipation.ameOftbotb .
parties, the.. .President !would 4Citititeb.'
mend the Treasury order,it *IS net - A - cne.]
AetrsithY. nett The President the
distretsedsituation of therceuntryi.7 , 4rom
tlie i rennitest west, from , Galenalmdsbe.
yond, to the iiirthest• east, - tia~i tbut.
one sentiment Ogardict that . mtirtifititd
of this the President was wet ;ii i lind
'wherefore was that fader 4,4#Peadii !--
He was, "the keeeismtMtok7,ll . oue,
- and to per&ei- L thiii . ,list : -.4witnin _
stildifl • Pry 1- o,kceP 4.i* 'Amiteuit
keep ip,g4ijogio_ci..* err
Osinissulao. , .fori.,.sp.eciei„ ift-lp.44kat it
Os*. lieu _..
.nektri"Mposiblefoti shillala"
10- de stlateetl*-,).. -'' = ~,., -:.4.5 ,- ;; i. .• t ;
[Mr.', Clay cited thnnitorn Mt**
iiiiid ' '
.a,banirupt law atthe extra: sessuilf*UZ
othoS-cossobora*tryl - Privirifthiiii4slitith,.
-,-amLelthough the simasirtpiati t 'int
1 ell, yet ihenbjeasiseitiparinVl.TheV i n ,
sequence* . of a bankrupt.: aavii: - 7
',the banks-then were, mad&
„. ' ..
.have-destroyed the Uniting, - - -.'i ale
country forever; bY a **Jae grace. Irt
A n d then therw was he T'
.oite . Mfgo :
14y4 which ' rwili , ll4-that •:. •
congratulated himself, 1 that he fel _ 144,
3 Ml.