The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, February 21, 1838, Image 4

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Vegaablelvire—Pillosland Piac
i nix Bitters.
to- A IXONTRAST,— , A II nations, frtm the
ttriptit.- • .Joire *ad ships.-but Cann:Moe '
mu Met my to America. Before
groat tipimidei aampator, peel •
waddle about the 11,0 21.
' tis
he '1
re di eb.
only, enabled to
so with the Life bled
iri" years since I first rear
own ocean„and have discovered
Object I was in search tif—DEALTll—
___orligraetheineswereindMl frown when I crim
nutaced my smirch, bui their ale was nor. By the
awl of them„l have not only passed from thadejected
juralidAsi theltalibearty and active mazior business.
bat; coatpa dimity speaking, I have .renewed my
midi. I car_thus, with confidence in my ovmezpe
rupee. advise with my iellow citizens Does 'lie
seadli:proof that theV EGETABLE LIVE klED
acoir are suitable to hbrown case? have on fib
at my 546 Broadway, hundreds oflettera, from
sumsrof the most respectable citizens of this ntv na.
"titre land.vidnatarily offered in testimony of the 'Ar
feragne whomteonetittutions hare been nearly re
bel ther*.all infallible" cameral preparatioug .nf
the day,, will bear me waiters, that the Ltie Medi
'eines. and each ciab...a re the inse , eanneio permanent
golg*illth• • JOHN MOFF?T.
Theseinedicines have long been known and appre
Mated, for their exuaorittnary and immediate newels
of restoring perfect health, to persona suffering under
nearly every kind of disease, to which the human
'Dame is dab e.•
In many hundreds of certificated instances, they
have eve rescued sufferers from life very verge nt an
untimely graVei alter all the deceptive n /strums of
the day had utt rly fatted; and in many thousands they
have permanen lysecured that untfOrtil enjoyment of
'beatth..wtthout hich tire teselrts but a partial Ideas
ing. Ifio great inded, has their efficacy Inver atilt'
and infailtblyn ved,- thst it has appeared scarcely
less than mink lout to those who were unucciutunted
with the be iful philusophseal principles upon
which:they a comp-rinridcd. and upon which they
voluestittently t it was to their m 'rifest end sensi
ble action to urifyiii.g the springs sud channels of,
life, and endui them with renewed tone and vigor,
that they we Indebted for their name. which Watt
bestowed upo (bent at the sporituneous request of
seiremlindivi tale whose lives they had obviously
The propri ors rejoice in the nppnrtunity afTnrded
by theltnivere I diffusion of the daily press, for plac
ing his Vl.: LIU b; I.L.S within the
knowledge an. reach of every individual iii the coin
mutiny. Unlike .the host of pernionins quarkeries,
which bosh of legeta nig mgredtenta. the tire Ville
am purely and .131.S.Lif V FOE rmt mid contain net
*her Mercury, And ;Kitty, Arsenic, nor any other
nsinetal. in any farm whatever. ltht.v are entirely
composed of esiracis limn rare and powerful - plants.
the virtues 01 wti.t.h. [bough long kiiown to several
Indian, tribes cud ty to some eminent pilarion
centical ehetnisin..are altogether its known to the iglu , .
rant pretender,. to inediem a. 'mice; and were never
before mimtutettmil .0 so happily Lan:al:ions a com
Their first ereirltion in in loosen from the platted
the stomach a if ..0.. els. the various impurities and
crudities conetaiitt) .i. thing around them; and to re
moire the hardened fwees a hich minuet in the con.
volutious of the small intestines Other medicines
only partially cleanse these, and leave cacti collected
masses behind, as,io produce habitual costiveness.
with Arne train of evila.oneurlden diarrhoea, w i th its
imminent dangers. This fact in cell known to all
regular anatomists. who examine the human bowels
,after death: and hence the prejudice of these well in :
'formed met against the quack, medicines of the age.
The Illeeond 'effect of the VEUETABLE• LII.T.
PIM S is to cleanse the kidneys and the bladder, and
by Ilia Intrana, the ltyyr and the lungs, the healthful
gado lof which entirely depends upon the regularity
• of the litrinary organs. The blood, which takes Ms.
red color from the agency of the liver and the lungs
'beeves it pease. into the heart, being thus purified by
them end nourished by food coining from a clean
stomach,' courses fr ee ly through the veins, renews
every part of the system end triumphantly mounts the
bannetof health in the blooming cheek.
The fano wing are among the distressing variety , of
hasten diseases,to which the Vegetable Life Pills
are well known to be infalhble—
DYff•PEPSIA. by throughly cleansing the first and
'second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure healthy
bile, instead of the stale and acrid k.iiil;—Fletritenee.
PalpirOdon of the Heart. Loss if Appetite, lieurt.burn
and liittufache. Restlessness, IthiiMper. Anx•ety, Lan
guor.asut r tlelantholy which are the general itymptoma
of,Dyspepsia. will vanish. as a natural consequence of
its cat* Costiveness. by cleansing the whole length
of the intestines with , I solvent process, and without
violence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive
within r.wri days. D4,errhaie and Gicelera, by remove
ingthel sharp acrid fluids by which these comp.aints
are mammon ,
i c e
, and- by promoting, the lubricative
iiecreln oft mucus membrane. revers of all k in d s ,
by rest ring t e blood to a regular cumulation , th roug h
the process perspiration in some einem. and the
- throng li soluti floral! intestinal obstructions in others.
The idrE PI LLS have been known to cure Wire
,mists perm s ntly in three weeks, and Grnd in half
that Mlle, by oving local inflammation from the
mus cl e , and gaments al the mints. //...pates tjall
lands, by fre ing and strengthening the kidneys end
bladde'l th op erate most delightfully on these or.
.gans.a d h ce have ever been found a cerain rem,,
• :dy fur k . ' orst eases of Ci-resel. Also Wie;nts , by
dud . ' rote the turnings of the bowels the slimy
matterlto which these creatures adhere; Asthma and
Censumption. by relieving the air vessel, /Jr 1 1.... ;. vg ,
from the mucus, t...::.44, .Ten :LOA COral if nutremov-
ed tr- et hardened, and produces those dreadrel
r f . Neervit. Veers and Inveterate Sores, by OP
perfec parity which these Ltre Pills give to the blood
..- and al humonc Scorburie Eimprions, grid B a d C am .
pirsmis, by their alterative effect upon the flu-de that
inorbidl state of which occasions all Erttptire cam
piait. Same Mud,. and raker dinag reeedie Com
ic/m.1°,1,-. The use of thrive Pills for a v e ry short time.
will ,Beet an entire cure of halt rheum. F.rysipelas
and A i ibilo ilgirnprovement in the Gina-nee el the
suit,Colds. and ,figfetentra. will always be
=kid .13 , 1;n07C1 - ose, or by two even 111 the worst casks.
PileS„. 7 latt a remedy for this mast dlitressing and ob
ininatie i:nitledy. the ?Vegetable Life Pills deserves a
distinct and emphatic recommendation. it is well
known Ito hundreds in this city, that the, Propnefor
of thegS invaluable Pills. was himself afflicted with
thiscatenplaint for upwards of thirty five years, and that
he triediut vain every remedy precieribed with i n t h e
whole ...mamma of the Almeria Medics. Be however,
at length, tried the mediiise which he now offets to
the putihc, and TM, was cured in a very short lime,
after hit recovery'-hed beeff pronounced not only
. *improbable, hat absolutely impossible, by any human
means. I
....... .
DIRECTIONS FOR USE.—The proprietors of t he
VEGETA/3LS LIFT PiLte dims not tallow the base end
leery practice of the quacks of the day, in advis
ing pe us to take his Paula large quantities. No
gmid Mine can possibly be so required. There
to be taken at bed time every night. for a
week or ortitight , according in theobstinacy of the
disease. , The usual diesels from 2 to 5, according to
the constitution of the perion. Very delicate persons
nttoulti begin with but two. apd increase as the nature
of the Mae may require: those more robust, or of very
costive habit, may begin with 3, mid increase to 4. of
even 4 Es. and they will effect a sufficientiv`happy
change guide the patient in their further use.
Tbette.Pi Is some t imes occasion sickness aid ropily
ng, tbo h very *Worn. 'unless the stottiach is side
Foul; thin' howevi r. may be cemaidered a ['vend* ,
spitpto es the patient will End himself at mice At, 1
Leved: brpernevcrance will soon recover. They
usuallivt orate within 16 nr 12 hours, and never give
pain, 0111 the bowels are very much encumbered:
Theyma ,be :taken by the most delicate females un,
der any ci distiu)cte—it is, -however, recommend.
ed, that th in later periods at pregnancy should take
but one are time, and thus continne to keep the,bowels
epent,an Fevers two may be taken where the patient
ii very c live. One pill in a solution nf two table
spoon. fie I of weer, may be glionlo an infan: in the
fallowing uses--a tea spoon full •evert two hours till
tt operat , fur.a child from one to five years of age.
Irlf a pill and from fia•c to ten, one pill.
THE CENIX HITTEIrId, are so called, ketonic
they lathe power Of restoring the expiring eel
blm, e r lib, to a RIO - Coins( signs throughout die
C Matte . . as the Phoinii is said iii he - restored to
' corn oCznots.
r ifts of the country
-Is • will newer Gad to eradicqte Otitely ail'
. effects of Memory. infinitely soctiet tho the moll
f warerft;,f . preparatioes ofSersapartila, end . Will immer•
"lately Inure the determination 0r111,,,Q0D !TO TILE
A KB; sever fail In the . Ineknals'ul You*ll
remake,- and will be foetid a certain -"oy In all
Items ofmermars debility instlissealmess Of thimost im
paired *minimums. As isa ferocity ikorllkrtrair arid'
thijkimralory likeiorkdiarn, the efficacy kof theflicenis
!bitters will be demon s trated by the Pee of a stogie
ibuttle. The usual dose oftliese bitten! is half a wine
tloss full, in water or wine, and this qearitity may be
)taken two or three times a day, AGM half an hour
Ittefore ,meala.. or a lees quantity may be Mien at all
Mmes. • To those who are afflicted with indigestion
lacier Meals, thele-Batters will prove, in viduable. as
/they •trelry. greatly Increase the acuon‘ the principal
lriticerai help them to perform their fit clions,amlvre
hltle the stomach to-discharge into t bowels what
lever its offensive. Thus, indigestion! is easily mid
tapeedlii removed, appetite restored, and the mouths
ref the absorbent vessels being clean/rd. eatntion is
!facilitated, and strength of 'aody and energy of mind •
are the happy results. For farther ! particulars of
TERS; apply at Mr. Molfat's o ffi ce, N ¢.516 Brodway,
New York, where the Pills can be ebtaised for V. 5
cents: 50 cents, or 111 per box ; and the Bitters for
or $2 per bottle. Kr Numerous ceitificittes Clf the
wonderful efficacy of both, may be thdre inspected.
In some obstinate and complicated egad of chronic
and mdammatory Rheumatism. bider Vomplaints,
Fever and Ague, Uyspepaia. Palsy. Pass, irduryfrons
the use s of mercury, ratans, and other diseases of to
standing. it may be necessary to take both the Life
Pills* and the Phmutx Bitters, in the ,dose before re
N. B.—These Pills and davit's/14s, will. get the
mercury out of the system infinitely lather than the best.
preparations efSarsaparilla. and a certain: remedy for
the nohow of the Mood to the head. or•all violent hml.
-aaes.ticstooleareos, /11e.—All persons who are predia.
posed to altoplexy.palsg. dm, should dever be withionk
the Life Pills or the Bitters, for one dube in ume wall
i i i save life. They equal's: theeireulataisu of the blood,
'raw all preseuie from the head, preapirahou, sod
throw oil' every oninutly by the ourel of the akin.
Fnr by MILLER A Frnicf;PirrY,
Agents for the Proprietor. •
40 -I),
F o rt}s , Fe eatlr o /
dolt' mow."'
itIFIP Ong Univehas I Vegetable
6 - %teat I f•rl: part d by W. 31L4K IN, Esq.,
Ikemhcr of Mi. Royal College of Surgeout a Licen
tiate of - Apothecaries Co.npany, -Fellow of 801.
Court Society. Surgeon to the Rtiyal Union Pen
,ion Associat 1011, Lancast,.r piece, Waterloo
Bridge; and Perpetual Pupil of Gual's and St.
Thomas' flospitals. London.
These pills having gained acelebrity unparal.
leled in-every section of the Vida+ are now con.
sidered by all dame who value good health, india.
pensable as a family medienie--4atritiszed by a
numerous body of the most eminent rhysicians
both in this country a•xl in Earupd,—M sufficient,
it is presumed, to stamp their chaise& in the es
timation of every Alain k ing man, end lit is hoped,
a far better recommendation than the course re
sorted to by ignorant and unprincipled pretenders,
who to tnielead and. deceive the public, publish
what they. call practical proof. and certificates of
Cures, that exceed all bounds of redone! credibil
ity, and most of which, if not all, tire either gross
. fabrications, or procured by fraud and Connivance.
The editor of the Long Island Partner, says
"This medicine has -obtained an unprecedented
degree of well preserved popularity. flaring tak
en these pills ourselves to advantage at' ik witness
ed their beneficial effects on other., vie have no
hesitation ir. recommending Mean.° the public..
a safe, salutary and useful family Medicine."
•,,"Nonc are genuine withouctlie a gnature of
the General Agent On the label, by whim the a
bove medicine is iimported into tin. country.
3NO. HOLBEI N, 129 Wavirly Place,
Gen'l Agent for U.S.
A enpply of the above medicine plait received
and fiar vale by B.BA-1..1NA N,
Sole Agent for Schu ylkill AT,
FT AVE removed on the oppwitti.sidit of Center.
&AS!reet, a few doors above Norwegian Street,
whdre, they offer for sale a . aelect assortment of
Suprrfioe Broad Cloths and Casminteres of the
most Fashionable white, with an tlegtint aps.ort.
meat cif Summer Cloths, Vestingt:Linen and Cot
ton Shirts, Collars. Bosoms. flaticils. Gloves, SUP.
panders, and cotton Hose, and all kinds of
Gentlemen's wearing apparrel,„ which will be
made to order ia the most approved stylk as to the
worktrianship, and warranted to fit equal to any
in the City or elsewhere.
P. & Co. keep on band all excellent as•
sortment of ready.mide Clothing of 01l hinds
wheel will be sold at,very low rates.
. , •
Groceries •
AT the store of the subscriber, in 'Morris! ad
dition to Pottsville, where niav^ be had whole
sale and retail, on the most moderate terms—
brow n; lump and loaf sugars, black, greet. and
young hyrun tens, Molasses, fish,, cheMre, soap,
rice, cell; e, chocolate, spirits, braddy, Kin, Prtrt
Lisboril Teneriffe , and other wines ;!runi. whiskey
and cotdials, hall Spanish and cuinyrn sugars,
pcpperi alsidee, ginger,saleratus, chifri nutmegs,
starch, mustard, pilot bread, cracker arta Ms
tuns, &c. &c. &c. for cash, or excheogeg fur coun
try produce.
june 110 29 . -4.1 HENRY 'BOYD.
` ;
N O. R 7 North Fifth street, Philadelphia, bash
the Merchants' lintel—desotid exclusively
to this nosiness. -
40ountry Merchants are supplied at rnanufac.,
hirers' prices, and their Glasses insutied from
breakage to any part df the Uniotr, withaut extra
Those who may. have orders for large,Glassm
would do well to inform us by letter!, previous to
their coming on. of the size of the plate.. and the
kind of t frame they may want, that the article
may be,ntanufacittred expressly forthe Occasion
MerchaUts should givelheir ordbrs fitr took.
ing glasies the first thing on their arrisisl., to in.
sure thein`well put up. • i -
Oct 21 48-6 mo
•VROIIO rhe , works of Henry and &Ott. and
abcsio one iirtir , lred other ler/leis, pfiblished
in Londrin - hy the,ftrkg ion* Tract Sdnintf. rem
..d and ahridged twci\golurnes. with Maps and'
Engravings. This value* work is Published in
parts, at 25 cents each. Twelve parte are blready
Completed, and can be obtained at theisutakribers
Book Stoic where subscriptions wilt alio be rt.
waived. I- B . BANNAN.
jutiti!24 Bl
Patisiv die. 26
7111.41:in1s Pi
litly 16
(Formerly Parker & Ilithavee,)
June 17
The: .Family
o ! s iomminsary.
11 E lI(iLY SIBICEt.
7 1 1111NE#
• 4 --'
weicetadOle • trnivmmil
- 1011fALIDT 2 -011E DISEASE hasethou
Ron lwrptirityof thy blood; Which,
'cireulation,briogaon pitin or derangei4enrio , . 1
-poor part where each ituperity of the blood
iS4IIIO, airustsrc of cation may bring about'
state of the blood—arch as a violent braise or
damp feet. indigestion. pith in the head, rte.
although it may be said that these diseases have!
their origin in imputity t ofthe Moo a, yet the eff
the seine they all mid in the impurity of the bli
and our only object to prevent the irritating "
cocas be kept up, in other words the acrimont•
mourn, is continually to pure the body, as long
unpleasant symptoms - remain, with Dr. Brand
severed with in sufkient quantities to produce
°us etacuatiotts.•witl easing nature to restore.
ma n. to a sure of bath. This is / on the pri
of draining: we drain a marsh, piece of land,
from a state of sterility soon produce • most -
dant fertility; and so ittswith the human body;
any thing's the matter with it, we have only o ,
allellrall it by pargation---rand experience has ta
rul e
those who hare aeloptdribier reasonable p • , be
cause c - maistent with -our natere. that they have cted
rightly, the result having been sound health. It is
not more than 18 months' since these Pills we in.
troduced into the United States, but their sa ha s
beep altogether , unprecedented, there ha v ing bee sold
ofthem in New York in that time, fully one m "
five hundred thousand beam. And above 10, per
sons can be referred to in New York city, and dearly
the same in Philadelphist.who have been cured when
every other means had become altogether unavailing.
of diseases which appeared of the most oppositeChal..
acter,.and in many cases where the dreadful ra rage,'
of ulceration, had laid bare ligament and bonoi, and
where to all-appearance no human means coulol save
life, have patients, by the use tf these Pills. helm re
stored to good health. the devouring disease having
been completely eradicated. 1 i
Dr. Win. Brandreth was so fully convinced of the
truth of the abOve simple theory, that he spept 30
years in experiment and laborious research ime the
medical properties of the numerous plants conapos-.
ing the Vegetable Kingdom; his object being to I mop- '
pear a neoSetne which would at once pu-ify, mill pro—
duce by specific action. a removal of all by homer , '
from the blood by the stomach and bowels, as by the
condonation of the use of such a mediciner sadh ha;
mars are sure to be carried old and the bloCad aa
.sume a state of puriti: and whoever takes Om' MI,
and perseveres with them, will be satisfied dint Dr..
William Br a ndreth fully attained his philant Topic"
object. It isnow an absolute and known f , that'
every disease, whether it be in the }traitor feet. n the
bratsor meatiest member; whether it be an wand
ulcer.or on inward •hscess , are all, though risiug
from mahy causes. reducible to this grand Elect,
namely. impurity of mood.
NO V1C1... A a Drug and Chemical Stores ar Mer
sey !waled with counterfeit Brandreth's Pills, it be
comes those who want the genuine art tele to ptdchase
only of the accredited agents or those who are 11110W11
to be 'Move such dishonest practices.
Mr. S. Thompson 4 , Co. 'Vow:lone are the dilly a
grata at preset' , for Bchny null county-
Dr. Brandeeths OM ee for the sale of the abeiv i t. Pills
wholesale and dilis at 169 Race street; firs door
above filth at. north side. Philadelphia.
Always remember that Drug Stores never hate the
genuine Brandreth Pills for sale , thereforeaipur
chases of them are sure to be counterfeit '
Dec 3
swaisn's Panacea.
AS the intemperance and luxury of the age are
hastening the- ravages of scorbutic comitlatnta
and rendering the blood more impure; and asthou
sands have destroyed their natitutionehy nee Sag
co ict
to apply the proper remedies — to such, Swaim'Pan
acea meat -be, and hen been, more than doubly ' Am
ble as a certain and effectual means of testorin them
to perfect health and vigor. Few families are hol
ly exempt from scorbutic. affectious, which exhi it va
rious symptoms. as ,eruptiomi, ulcerations. d lay.
loss of appetite and dejectiori , all arising from i pure
blood, and if not properly attended to, prod tha
greatest iny to the constitutution. and may im
parted to their offspring. Swami's Panacea is ecom
mended at this eesson 011ie year , as a valuable
retire of the system. thereby invigorating the constitte
bon, and enabling it to bear the debilitating effects of
the summer season. • It is conveyed by the circula
ting fluids, and corrects their tendency to all ,those
diseases which originate in vitiated blond, diSeased
liver. depraved appetite, or predispositon toaffe_lions
of the lungs. &c. No one, however, isiadvised to use
it without convincing themselves °tithe truth of what
is here stated
This medicine is now used with succest in al, parts
of the world, and is gaining great reputation m Eeg.
land 't
A Inset, supply of the Medicine pie reeeivrid and
for sale by El. BANNAN.
Sole Agent for Schuydrall county.
Who can supply the above medicine wholesale 0
them who wish to sell again, at Philadelphia priceit
May 111 2,r-.
For Sale i
Ilk R. JOS. LA Pi ER RE'S Synmathitk fitir the
ALF .at.e.l., speediest, and perfect cure of very
kind of wounds, ulcers, cancer and all cutaneous
diseases, arising friim cutting, squeezing, burn
log, boiling DI the impurity of tite blood, mill also
i for curing Dyspepsia, heart burn, asthma) liver
commis int,cost ire ness, colicks, convulsions, thorn.
hma and rheumatic!' pins, tooth ache, and sere
eyes. The general agent, Prof. G. Nev. Wagner,
,heading, ti3orks county, Pa. offers gratis t any
person aii6eted with either of the said die' see,
a certain quantity of the Sympathick to be tried
audappre!Ciated before making any expense; how.
'ever, the application must be made free of
N. B. This article cannot be hati.gentii in
any drug? store or appothecary shop, it a not
necessary to talk much about it, as it eert inly
will recall/tend itself to an eolightened pci lick.
aug 19 1 394 f
Tti F. subscribers woold respectfully ann • unce
to the public, that he has added to his 1. men
y a
stock, iron and ifai thaire, consisting in pa or
Americanand English Bar Iron, Hoops andla nd
Iron, Round Iron, assorted sizes; Coat. C wiy,
Shear. Getltnan and Eogliah Blister and A. M.
Steel Dices, Mouse. hole anvils. Smith's Bel owe,
Cast Steel 'hand, choping and Broad axes, nails
and spikes, together with a general assortment
of Iron Mongery, WI of which will besold re.
duced prices,. by , JOHN CLAYT ON.
April .4 I
srlf7E entncriber rearectfully announces l the
public, that he all( attend to the colle ting
of accounts in this borough and neighborhood, at
very .rcastinable rates. Accounts from abioad,
to collect in this neighborhood will be pro4ptly
attended to, and satisfahtury references Orin if
required. JOHN C. CONRAOO
April 5 27 Constable.
New and Elegant Good&
N• IV ATH.ANS & CO. have just receivedl
• offer for sale, • 1
6-4 English merinos, from 50 to 75 eta Yard
Super .French do at $1 50 per yard,
I Tartan. merino,.worsted,silk a nd cotton a twill,
Red, white , yellow, green and scarlet fianoe a,
Bleached and unbleached Canton flannels, Ircuri
I 0 to 25 till rer yd.
[ Worsted hoes, comfOrts. taps, children's hose,
Winter prints, gloves. &o &c -
Cotton hate and wadding at 61 per sheet,
dee - 3 2 1
. ,
MaMa INERS' FLANNELS.— Jo*. received iand
for tale By , the subscribers, It)
,pieces l
eers' 'beavy - shirting flannels. , 1
' - :trAuenup sic STRAVINII..
jan 10 1
&c Hardware Store.
- - ,30131t At.
' -
r 4 f "Wet
TAKES great pleastue in informing the public
and his glriends..an4 oho his patrons in par
ticular, that lie ,eontieuer his REFECTORY . , un
dei the Penn4lvania Ilan, in Pottsville. He
hopes that : bia past reputation Cori ,kacping i
Tespectable ustablishmeat, acquired during the
experience ofifilie years In the same line of busi
ness, and by desire to please and application to
business, to merit a - continuance of your favor
and patronage.
• Families by sending tit the Penneylvaniallall
Refectory. shall have oysters of a superior quali.
ty served up in'tln. best style, and every othre
delicacy that the Pottsville market can afford in
1 i
- - - • , .perplete
Roast Beef, cad : lb!
Corned do do Is}
Friel Hum and E gg s In
Muttbn Chops • 31
Venison Steak* • , 37y
Pork Chops ISt
Pigs 'Feet • 112.1
Moak Turtle Simp ~ 181
Per dozen.
Oysters Pried • $0
Do Stewed 25
Do Scolloped 3 7 / 1
Do Roasted 3l l
Do Chafing High
Terrapins en
per bottle
Old Slaieria Win* $1 50
Old pale Sherry 1 50
Old Brckent - 1 50
Old Lisbon 00
Old Port , 1 50
Champagne 1 50
Smiths X X end Peppers Alenlwayaof draught
Apartment. sn readiness for supper parties, &c.
Oct. '46-6mo
Insurance Company.
"WAKE both lituitesl . and perpetual Ilosanmcen.
/IR on Brick, Stone or Frame Buildin . p.Storen,
Hotels, Mill*, Barns, Stables, Herehan
andd4ze, Furni
ture Property of eveip description, ainst loss
or damage by FIRE.
The Delaware Courtly Insurance coipany will
also insure against loss on all kinds of rine risks
and against the damage for loss upon the ranaporta
lion of goods. wares. and mereandase by *liter. or by
rail way , upon terms as favourable se any other in
stitution. •
For any Ihrther toßmnationan the subject of in
surance. either against Fire, marine to/and risks.
A eply to HENRY G. ROBINSON,. Rent.
July 15 Schnyikil Haven.
A teirotigabarg,
Fire Insturance Company.
MARE both limited and perpetual Insurances oh
Brick, Bioue or Frame Buildings,Storea.tiotels
Mills. Rams, Stables, Merchandise, Furnituresud,
Property of every desoription,against loss er damage
by FIRE.
The subscriber bas been appointed Aoterr for the
above me:moon:I Institaticm and is now prepared to
make lasua.macas apon every descnption of property
as the lowest rates. BENJAMIN BANNAN.
Pottsville; Feb. 27. 1836. 15
The Philadelphia Fire
Jul - AKE biptli limited and perpetual lam:Maces ott
Iva Brick, Stone or Frame Buildings. Stores, Hotels.
Milts, earns: . Stables, Merchant:llre, Ptriniture, and
Property E
Greyer) description, against laser/larnage
by FIR
The suliseriber has been appoinied Aarvr for the
above mentioned Institution and is now prepared to
make INSURANCES upon gvery descriptit i n ofproperty
at the lowest rates. BENJAMIN ANNAN.
Pottsville, Feb 25 1837, 15-
_•— . _ .
Wholesalle Retail Hard-
ware Store.
POLLOCR & WEAVER have just received in Id.
dition to their former stock of Hardware
Mousehnhs anella,spring key'd vices, patent polish'd
screw plates. warvanterkeast steel axes, ad axe,.
hand do. hatchets, hammers, Beatty & Mullins adzes,
socket and firmer chisels, drawing knives,tilaekarnith
bellows, cut & wro't naili,4. 44. 5 & 6 in. cast spikes.
single, cut and double plane irons and planes, assorted
locks, latches, hMges :1 screws , round and square
bolts, steel, tatted and it 4 - nitqunres.
' A 11 of which are offered on tbeanost actemmodat
log terms. Feb HI 14
& Haggerty;
Dry Goode,Grocery,Wine Liquor Store
(Next door to Mortimer's Hulett
THEIR connexion with 4, house in I'4l delphia
enables them to keep On hand a veis exten •
sive assortment of goods, which they ,
will sell at
Phdadelphitt prier's. Store and Tama :keepers
and privile families, would do well fo Call and
judge for themselves.. ,
april 1 J 31
21' by 5-8 inches Railimy Flat Bar iro .
2by 'do do do do db.
j. Sy I • .do Suitable for ScreeningiCoal.
All the Iron has countersunk holed, arid Is cot
'Van angle of 45 degrees at the endi plicuig,
Plates and Bpikerto suit the above. '
' A. &G. RALSTON .& Po.
No. 4 South Frent.StreelvEldiadelphill.
Philadelphia Match 15.1r8g6; 11 4-tt •
. . NEW GOOD,. .
A, 14ABG!.E and complete asicortmont o f trash
and seasonable Goods. juitt receilred! by the
sribicriber, consisting of i .• !
Dry Goods, . I
Gioceries, )'
I, 1
Queensware, ete.
reduced i
%% hid' he. offers for sale, ikt redu Opel,. Th e
bight pt ice; pad:ror al kind aces:miry larodaKe.
' : ses 23 , . i 44 '.:
. 1.• •P: • / • '
~.. .t
Importantl e
eAli-8106 '
DR: W - 's EITV(S -• ,, ittS.
et AUSE. &ND EFF ;,- Wheitaimuid and sei
Ile.esitifie remedy or d . Itairltstiebeen intorno , ,
tx., li
vat use try the public, big Missings - adrecen ,
ing prime; it nitrated, in power oleacepticiam to
donbtita virtues : or of enST to deny them.
When it U. achieved ocetalatiLcaveer of nee
fulness which distances 4 competition of mere
boastful, preteasion. and , secured a conspicuous
station in universal favon htip intrinsic worth alone,
its proprietor may poitit otp Ae mimeo( its superi
ority, without incurring . the suspicion of invidious
ness, in instituting the tout
PlLLS„mminfactured by . Willirm Evans. at IGO
Chatham street. do not ' e his explanation of
their seknovrtedged r:fficley—for the most etiiinent
plipticianalltronghout the 'United States will freely.
if appealed ma'am the Mittens whieh have induced
them toter-Mt:send dicta leoeXtensively and waind7
as they do, Aid those reasons are, that these
medicines never ill even daimon delicavi
coastituticns, and have, -alm ost . every individual.
cafe fat which they are p TheL.a. marked , an evi
dent,,a truly happy Ind pe eat efficacy. Physi
cians, moreover, seethatey at: not offered to the
publicopon'any quad' th ry of ;notifying the.bleod.
to the utter -destraction ti the stomach and bowels.
hairy the blood fromall d 'eased Immon.theyMide-
niably du • by d' tmying those viscera "by
which alone the blood cor .he sustained. They are
.compounded upon II dip) which:appaloosa stomach
to bee ' very essential ag to. health Viand food, well
digested. to tea valuable lend to Such andrblood.—
i r
They do not purify men to ghosts, and make them
look like beings too refilied• to remain long in this
world; but they make thane ai humus as possible, and
f fit 'to encounter the hardship:. and fulfil th e mama
thins of a sablunary life. , They do not make a vie.
' lent imrgatory of this life. to prepare men tbe faster
for scattier. They proceed upon the supposition that
the blood: muscles, nerVeli, organs, excretory and se
cretory gland, inactions arid tegumentary memblanes,
bcktea and brains, of every human beingrequire to
be supphed with nourishment from et healthful sista.
mach as can be made and ke pt ; andopop the doctrine
that unless the stomach and bowels ate in good order,
the blood ithdevery other pan chfrthesysiem will be in
_ . ,
And bow is It expeetea that th ey will secure health
to the stomach and bowel if Why by enabling the one '
to digest food, and the other to carry off what is left
alter the nutriment 'hi exWacted:in connection with
the famine of bile,and the foul humors orate blood,
mucous membrates, and Stomach. And they accom
plish these great feats of medicine in the most simple
way imaginable.. The APERIENT FAMILY PILLS.
N the stomach be affecii4 vi ith wind. bile.. or coated
collections, clear it out, by a natural but a moat in
sensible solvent action, and cleanse, the whole ali
mentary canal, without griping. and leaving it as free
without debility, as nature easy designed it to be.—
They do not take the skin off the stomach and bowels,
and leave them like a piece of red velvet, as all phi.
siciane know the strong,kirasiic pills do. but they
take nature kindly by the, hand without crushing her
fingers. They cleanse every thing, without impairing
or injuring any thing.
When this is effected, as it usually /shy the use - oft
few of the FAMILY APERIENT PILLS, then come
the celebrated CAMOMILE or TONIC PILLS, to
strengthen • stomach and bowels which before, per
haps, weak and foul bee:ause they were weak, and
endows them with strength lo perform their impor
tant functions, without tl‘ aid of physic. The CA
MOMILE FLOWER, wlben its valuable principles
are chernicallyextraeted, is acikncrwledged by all phy
sicians. in every age, to be the best vegetabl e tonic
known in the science of Medicine—There is nothing
known in the vegetablekl gdom of nature to equal it;
nothing that is at trice so armless and so vigorous!.
proof healthful , and in o Atbis the proprietor of thy
renowned pills that ace made from its, purest particles,
might ' , quote almost innumerable authors, both ancient
and modern. if his own practice had not proved it to
tens of thousands.
The effects of these Ala ve-riot only perceived in
an increase of appetite and general strength, but in
a restoration of the body to that universal vigor in all
its functions, which indicatesthe return to perfectly
sound beakb.—The face:. and general complexion,
speak volumes in their favor, and thousands of fe
males can testify how much they have contributed to
their comfort, their complexion, and their strength.
when every other remedy had proved worse than use
less. In nervous diseaser,of all kinds, they are maw
acknowledged to be preeminent; gradually restoring
firmness of body and mind, without those annoyance
and changes which other tenons remedies occasion.
Happy would it have been ; for many young persona
of both sexes who are nor in the s il ent g rave . ip t h ey
had learned to check the morbid tendencies of their
stomach and bowels by these pure tonics and aperi
ents,-eritlxrat resorting to hoick remedies, the names
of which are concealed, and of which they know
nothing. That dreadful scourge CONSUMPTION,
might have been checked :in •tirecrennieticesnent and
disappointed of its prey:all - aver the laud. if the first
symtoms of nervous debility had been counteracted
by CAMOMILE chemically prepated; . and those
bowel complaints which lead to a host offatal mala
dies. might have been obviated by. that fine alcaline
enact of rhubarb; which is a leading ingrtxlient in
the ABERIENT FAMILY PILLS. Before both of
these medicines, which are adapted to a inajority.of
the purposes for which a bundredotheraare unneces
sarily need; fevers, agues; bit taus disorders, headaches,
feinale debility, male decline. indigestion, and liver
complaint. would have entirely disappeared, win re
many of them have proved fatal.
But be it dindiactly understood that these medicines
see not offered instead oftbcse natural organs of the
body Which other medicines dispense with, in a very
summary manner. They are founded upon medical
knowledge, and not quackery, and do not take all the
red Particles out °firm Inman blood under the pre
tence of purifying it. In proof of which e of
effect. let the faces and form of patients bear testi
mony. They constitute a 'useful, effectual. and gene
rally applicable class of medicines for every family,
and being both tonic and aperient. and of the best
preiamtions known. no person or family .bock; be
without them. They can be obtained wholesale and
retail of the proprietor, Dr. WM. EVA NS,,New York. I
and of ;gents '!n town and country, with direc
tions foruse.—They are rap4illy sapereeding all other
remedies advertised in the Oldie prints, because they
are found to belong to a very superrorclais of popular
Medicine. A single trial usually places them high in
estimation, as they are known to be in public
preference, and in the opinion of tilaysic bans.
EIGHT ST. FIIII.,ADELFHIA. Where hie medicine
may be bad. lb.. Wm Evans ' kbifice,ioo Chatham
street, New York,where the Doctor may be consulted
as usual.
frderesting,Coac—Mc William Salmob,Green at.
above ;Thini at.. Philadelphia. 'Minted for several
years with the folliwing distresainkaytoptonel Sick
ness at the stomach. headache, &anew palpitations
of the bean. impaired ap"te,.sotnetimes acid and
putietsect quotations. co eOll loft weakness-of rho extremities, emaciation aid . nerfil ibibilti.disturkied
S .
rest, a rime of - pressure a weight' iii - the stomach
after eating. nightmare, •iiiitt.inental Wipiidency.
.sevele dying pains in the cheat. bac:kind iidisr, costive
nom a dialdre for society, orcon venau ion, involuntary
sighing and weeping languor and, hinted° upon the
Mr. Salmon had applied ti the - 1494 eminent physi
chide, who considered it he and the power of medi
cine xi restCre hint to heat ; hoirever, as his afflic
tions hid reduced hint to a very deplorable condition,
and baying been recommended‘by a krialivo of his to
make trial of Dr. Wra. EVANS' Medicine, be with
difficulty repaired to the olh and procured a package,
to.whicit, bossays.he is - indebted for hisseatoration to
life:health and friends. HO is now enjoying all the
blessings of perfect health. Persons desirous of
lintliet Intaimadola.siill be satisfied with ever parti
cular iifhia astonishing cure lit Dr. Win, Evans Medi
indOfficca, 100 Cluitham se., New York ; and in PhB;-
0 0 1Phot.i8ki.18 NORTH EIGHTH St.
Sold to JOHN T.. WERNER.
1 • Sole Ageutrot SchttylkiliCounty.,
Phitiville, Nov. 25 1.,t1 ,
1 -77 1 - efined Whale Oil. .'
. .
ID EFINEDIrliale Oil. l i p -tierces .aii,d bbbs. A..
rl' oda by - MILLER & ILOGERTV,
Nov 18 ' -42-3nito
The entiminisei, haittleoyerett
the ,hued of chit valuable froot,
May be sattraggd without inslag
propertiel. - 'Thif ineareiiitt or
veiptoft*Sedicallitolleige, a I
by the f*- dtria the best Tom,
don of:the fluidenryet otOarauFai
' This,EStract 'Maybe Oen tri
chadren. nrid inconscientiOusly ,
as a purifier oftbehlobtl. Which i
I aileriitn end intionry 'entire;
Obstinate eruptions, of the akin,
Piinplai or postale, on the faCe.
Biles. wbich Arlie from au imp,
Sca ly.!imprionit. ' •
Paine wt the biretta,
Chrome' rheumatism '
Tetter.l . ' 4
symptoms. Syphilitic
ecei i
And all: disorders, arisi fiat
the blood,Cither,by it lent esidt
healthy clitnate,sor'the in icioi
I have thborihin n ' ry to
eaten of it* benefeciateflec lior
in the county, es. referenoerc
July 13, wri.
We thel undersigned: 14t lag
Fluid Estlact of Susapaidlls. (pre . 1:7 o W. Oakelep iv Our fironlies,most c any loos
mend it u the public; as a cheapontre and straw 4 1
teedicine,iin disease; atisi4g fiom impunities of
. • 1 W '
- • •M. M.
This hito certify Gal was for two years 'gad
with an obstinate wtigisiti,gitaliertuerition Itr one offs
legs. whitib broke into mementos tileeta,lbr Wiwi
tried varietal remediesorlfich bat increased the
ease, when I was reconotiended to try Mr. Oitlelefi
pre poetical-of Sarsaparilla. I did so. and alter ary l
seseralbuttlea,l amittippy tostate that the ulcers e,
entirely removed and myljag healed; WitMaa er
mod thin lfith 'day of August lest •
JOlll9 . R.„IXILLER, Reading. ,
Thisetifl* es, that my Nile eon, about 8 years
had auffeeed ford lons time from ektensive sores n t ,,
the r ight knee and (stl i tposed to have ben win
swelling4whicb I-found i possiblif to* hind_ cis J
the aid. of the most respectable maic4 'advice ) mot
was reccrmincatied - to.usti Mr. George W. °deity'
CompoundSyrepefSansapsrills, eight bottles of who
not only healed the sores but perfectly restored d
chiidshealthwhichtbad anifereduierchurconsequenc
of this strecten. CATIIA RINE' SINGEMAN,
• Ith above Peen st. Reading,'
The abovd Case was preiented to tie. both befor
and atter the use of Mr.eley's 'nip of Scrap s
rata. suic4 haie no htvita on an behaving that it in
crthe agent of his restoraii .
1140. P. WESTER. M. D.
' Reading, Pept.:l2, 18374 . ,
. . Maim-Am Nov: 20,4837.
Mr. °eke-ley. .
Sirr-1 consider ikmy duty to let you know th im at i
use of the half dozerebottles ofyoer valuable Sara
rilla mat I got of you in Jatrie last , has entirely
my leg, the Doctor toldine lit was of a selofoloua dtn
acter. and the use of your 'medicine 'Would prole*
benefitit; TheTive bottlei were'not taken before it
ivas - healed, but I took the *outlay," make the can
certain; itas now better then twbmontbs since I Doi
any, and there us no apystatatoec bf a return. my plir„
man thinks the cure perfect.
Dl•The above valhable medicine May be had
the subscriber's wholesale and retail .Drug etoit
North Fifth street, Reading. antlat most of the par
cipal drug store& 'Freak Dnigs and Medicines.
theloweetcash tirices,•alssi,kumforliale, by the
yoriber, OAXELEY.
Also, to be bad at the Stores of Heiedeatetch
Katz Kutztown; Wm. Mintzer and Dr. - Ford, Po
town ; Peter Kitabb,Oley ;land at the store WE .-
dk &trench, rottsville. I
9an 13 ' - • M-6mo
N. B. To prevent itaposition, - my sign entre ar
accompany the label of tench bottle.
Hooks very, low.
lop BANNAN offers for sale the fotlowini
1 - 1 • standard works at the very low prices at
.. •
inched. • • .
Hume,`Stimileti and Miller're Errghind ,
. 4 vole. sheep, With plates. ' . 310 Or
Clarke's•Commentaty; 4 vols. ihtep, 112 a
Wesley's' works, 1111' vcda complete, I 101
Buek'n Theological works, 6.veln. sheep, 4OO
Scett's Bit& and Caninentaryi 3 vols.
sheep, .- ' •I'
Byron's works, Deirixtree'a•Edition, sheep,
Rollin's Ancient History, 1 vol.. sheep, t
Dearborne'ttEditioil with Maps and
plates, • ' \ '
Josephon 1 ygl..with platen . '
Mairyin'a works eontpkite, 1 vol.
Moore's worles,Lihrary Edit*
Burns works, i
Cowper and Thompamei works,
Pa ley 's work. ' ,1 - ''
Burden's village Sciinonn,
. 4 %0 8
Doddridg::'s Family Ex ' llor,.
Encyclopedia ef,ceogsa y, 3 soli: with •
• , 1.200. cuts sin" 14.10 rips, -
.•- 10 50
Fox's Book of-Martyrs. *ilk pinks, .. 1 225
Mckenzie:a .5000 Reteipta
Together with t varklyt of taker Books at very
low rates„ to snit the-jitries.
July I
clIllB l / 3 1IPTION CIIIMA.
OiDrA t N fit.PE;clM
-the preen:fine tyre
vhs,Caida,As as,
traarriona,4pittint of
Disteities of the
~and Lungs, ,
:#P.lttellY, of at City
le of the Speeach,
leo Leanne:, all the
Ag S.
toms il
the diffr
amp (ohm* stages of these dietree-
Ping diseaseek—also . partinlar direetionatesismt
thig diet and regimen, and how patients ire in
conduct thront . rh.everY staselOitil health is re
stored—for wail and useless woyad ibet the pre.
scriptions orthieiblest e i reliTte. aPec=ed
with the most *meal]. d u#eful
the direetionosto (ot fai uns adlieod i•
The public are informeld thet the • of
287 persorks have been tilterl. beforilicth" '
thorities in the city of LOimaster,"all'eio
cored in the most despe.rgte eased` utici -mp
thm, some of which arc clitailed in , the • bills ae
companying each bottle. 'f t
* l s A supply &the their* AsecitaX ties !been
recessed and is for sale at!this (pee% '
March 12 • ••••
Passage r a .Bli• Old g , . 1441144 , cot.
' i / 1 4.
hinif an" ii' irValiti. • 1
uERSOS,. ,wkito_t 0 engage passage for
•m- their frienda r infir vete shim from the a-
bove placatii may tiOedci " by Applying to
.." - t-• .- W .- LIAGGMTY 1 1
. 1 , >,' • . .1 CentreStreet.
..Foe the accommodation Af these persons tinge.
111 paeoggeolor.theit:ftl dn e sho may wieib to
ten them money, prena them to-provide for
the voyageoirsits. will Aitti gttewon thelo ll ovring
named mernhanta,...vis , ..‘ . • , I
-e• W. Byrnevv_ira, . i Atterloa , *odd, Liver.
pool; Mini!! Wright., . No. 3.Robinson 'Lem
GlonewlWilliaolAili ey, O,No. 25. Eden Gen,Y,
Dublin. ' - may 6 36,
2 25
2 25
2 00
2 25
2 00
2 00
3 50