The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, February 21, 1838, Image 3

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    March Tenn, 1838 1
Amos Tinton
os. - Sci Fel
The Corporation of the fit Lit
roihof Pottville.
eh Term, 1838
-chnylkill Comity,
THE Commonweal
vania, to the Sheri'
County, Greeting:
Turton, of the bornul
bath filed a claim
.ntmon Pleas, for the County of
' . inst the Corporation of the bor
ille, fOrthe sum of Four Hood
Dollars twenty.nine cents, lawful
pork and labor as a Mason and
Werfbrined and bestowed; and al
bond, furnished, delivered and p
lx months last past; in and atm.
Ad construction of a certain ,813
nt, situate in Centre street, in
aforesaid, commonly cal
or Jail, belonging, or said t
igh of Pottsville aforesaid, a
ing or Tenement, and al
I oo"ered by the said bu:
other ground immediately a
inging to the said Corisn
wiry for the ordinary and
Ad building hang part o
, whereas it is alleged that t
ms due and unpaid to thesai ,
we command you that you
raid Corporation of the borou
to all such persons as may
rid. building, that they be an
udges of our said Court, at a
Pleas to be held at Orwigsbn
. nressid. the Monday pr
'ay in March next, to show I
to say why the said sum o
'lrty Dollars Twenty-nine
d on the said building to th
:orlon, according to the
Act of Assembly, in such
ided, if tothemjt shall seem
you then and there this wri
ess the Honorable Calvin B
Jur said Court at Drwigsbu
January, A. Moue thousand
i thirty-eight.
Court of Common Plea
ity, in the matter o
tool Bretzious, a luna
.?.REAS, John Buecble
Michael Bo etzious. did, on
tber, A. D. 1837, file in
snotary of the Court of
Coanty, a statement co
ittee of said estate.
tice is hereby given to nil
estate, that the lionorsbl
tug of Common Pleas, a!o
Monday the 19th day of
Acta, in the forenoonjor tl
and for showing cause
ought not to be allowed
f, the same will be confirm
mesa the honorable Caiiiin -
said Court at Orwigabur
try, A. D. 1838.
10 4w
fl E subscriber herby gives
persons who remain ind
Awl and Rbad Tax, in Nor
the' year 1837, that he is
be tooled any longer, by pro
at all taxes not paid by the firs
;pier notice has been given,
ivied on for the same. R
sced jury
. and , Ti
e Schuvlk
Braver C
to and Yel
of the fi
' rune di
or Lan
sage to the
ocaster e
O LET—A commodion
river Schuylkill, at Sou
• 00 feet front, and about
rouble dock of sufficient lcng
oad at one and the same timl
be enlarged if required. Pos.'
ou.the Ist of March nest. Al
Vogel's Hotel, north . 1
Feb 10
Office of the Schuylkill
• -Philadelphia
THE Board of Managers
ed rE dividend of I2ly pe
on the capital stock of the •
six months, which will be ..
or their legal representative
inst. . CLAUD
Feblo 1-3 , Tr
. Wifil . i BE SOLD p t .
• . at rrivat . Sale.
A good two sfory house and lot of ground,
situate on Centre street he lot is 20 feet frent
On Centre street,. and 230 - t deep. eztehding to
the Mount Carbon Rail R. . —the House is elub
stantially buift,.and well si noted for any kinill of
public business. . !
- ALSO • 1
' 1 .
Two good two story fra .. e houses and lot of
ground, situate in Beau 's Rom, Nurwe fan
Street. Each house and 1 Is 20 feet front; the
It lot o f
are well fi nished ith kitchens rata ed
to each house, and are sit ated in the most blunt
ness part oftown. All ~ the above property
will be sold very cheap—f.r terms and particu
lars apply to AN MEW RUSSEL.,;
Jan 6 7 : Mahantengo Street.
- .
IS hereby given, that 1:.;
have been granted to t
gilder of Schuylkill Coon
Wilde, deceased, late of
All persons indebbid to as
requested to make paste ; 1
such who. may have
sent them dulyjautheitt
Jan 27 6-6
Sur Mecluin
for $440 29
• II
Read 'the Follow" ---
.Intertsting and AstaniskiV-4. : ts.
lit ORE conclusive penile of the exit inary
•ix-K efficacy of - DR. WM. EVAN'S! . bra ted
Camomile and Aperient Autibilious Pills in al
leviating afflicted mankind.
TO James Dickson, 36, Corntill, Bustatni Agent
fer the sale of Dr. Win. Evana's Camomile Pills.
,; ' LOWNLL, Rtii. 3 3, 4836.
"Dear Sir—Knowing by experience that every
rtiference that the afflicted receive of thelbenefi.
Mal results of. medicines, I cheerfully offer mine
blithe public in beh a lf of-DR. WM. :P.WAI.I.S•f3
CAMOMILE' PILLS. I have been afflicted fur
th4e last ten years with distress in the head and'
chest: often so bad as to deprive me of sleep for
three or four nights in succession, but have never
found relief by any of my friends' preseripttons,
niy wife saw the advertiaments in the paper,
when she persuaded me to Bend for some. ; which
I did, and obtained two boxes and . bottles,i which
resulted in almost completely tutoring line to
health, although I have not yet entirely finished
them. should you consider this any, benefit to
yOuivelf, or the public, you have my cheerful per
mission to publish it. Young, VespeotfullY.
THOS. K. GOODHUE,'Centzelist..
of Penosyl
of Schuylkill
'hems Amos
of Pottsville,'
our Court of
we) of Potts
ed nod Forty
'alloy, e. for
!seem; done,
for msterials
Ovided, within
the erection
'ding or Tene
he borough of
cd the Lockup
belong to the
: inst the paid
against the
j-ding, and so
[jacent thenet3,
dun, as may
I. sual purposes
i a Lot No, —.
1 . said snm still
Amos Turton;
, ake known to
, I . of Pottsville,
old or occupy
'appear before
Civil of Corn
g ethe coon
.ing the. last
I•any thing they
j. our Handset!
:- nts should not
1,- cureAt the'said
orm and effect
'... se made and
xpedient, and
Zvans's Caminni/e Tank. and Pavailsil dperi
silt Pills —Mr. BENJAMIN SOWN, corner pf
Shippen and Georges streets, Philadelphia, effect
ed for seven years with extreme nervousness, by
Which he was not able to write his name—his
si mptonib were, ertiscation, daily spasmbdtpains
ii the bead, loss of appetite, •palpitztion: of the
la rt, giddiness and dimness of sight, otter We
b li ly of engaging in any thing that demanded
v gor or coinage, sickness and weakness ex.
tome debility, disturbed rest, a sense of pressure
,and weight at the stomach after eating, great
IT ental despondency, severe flying pains in the
chest back and side, costiveness; a dishilid for
society and conversation. MN B. has made trial
of various medicines now before the public, bat
te no effect, until, observing in a publiC paper.
some cores performed by Dr. William Evans's
Camomile Tunic and Family Aperient Pills, he,
Was induced to give theme trial, of which he is.
at any time happy to state that they.effectually
1 Oared Om of the above, distressing disease. 1
;4 the, Preaident
j• , the 25th day
ieight hundred
e pe Persone who doubt the atxrre col e, are most
r citully directod to the abo4e mentioned per ,
eon, at the north'west corner of Shippen and .
Oeorgegetrerts. - BENJAMIN BONN.
Philadelphia October 26,1837.
of Schuylkil
the e,tate o
paled cure effected by the treatment of Dt
committee of
the 23d day of
e office of the
mon Pleas of
f his account as
Mr. John Gibson, of N. 4th street, Wi lhaata
Burg, afflicted with the above complaint for thrt,
steara and nine months, during which lime he(
iiad to use crutches. Ilia duet symptotes were
excruciating pain in•all ht. joints, but especiwllyt
en the hips, shoulder. knees and ankles, an ag.l i
gravation of the pains towards night; anti for the
most part all times from cite: nal heat, en obvi4
ells thickening of the faieia and ligaments, with
• complete loss ofmusculat power. For the bens
eft of those afflicted in • similar mini*. Mrt
pitown conceives it- meet to say that the
' have entirely ceased, and 'that his joints have
Completely recovered their natural wee,' and he
feels able to resume his ordinary business,
sons interested
the Judges of
esaid, hnve
March, 1838, at
hearing of the
,hv the said ac
and in default
ythe, President
the 7th day of
INTERESTING CASE of Terbacutur Cons
sumption.—Mr. John Row el applied on the
iiay of September, at the office 100 Chathaal
Street; laboring under the following symptomst4.
A slight spitting of blood, distressing cough, 'at.
tended with an expectoration of 'purulent mattei,
Slight *sweats, general ernsciatiOn, diftleulty . 01
breathing on exertion, with a well marked hectic
!flush on the cheek. On examination, the chest
Was found to sound well every where except uti.'
ider,the left clavicle, and in the arm pit of thin
jsame side.
otice wall those
ttecl for County,
egian township
determined not
hies' to pay—end
• of March, where
property will be
rieeived and for
, er Land
:any on the heed
,Lrivet, and in the
.k, containing 229
erieure ; this land
quality, the little
ally throughLthel
and offers a safid
Philadelphia mar
dress the subscri ,
uty, Pa. ,
A. THOMAS. : 1
1-3 mo '
Wh rl:
'h or Cedrr street,,
rlO feet long, with
for ti boats to utt;-
. The Wharf wlll
:sion will be giveb
d, near Atch sL
avigat ion C
pang .
ebruary 5, 1898. '
ave this day decl r
dent. or $6,1 a aba e
.inpany, tor the I
d to the stockhold re
on and after the i th
.urer & Secretaryl.
LIVER comeLurrr,lo YEAB.BBT
Mrs. Hannah Browne, with of Joseph Elliman',
N. 6th street, near Second, Williamsburg,
ed for the teatime years with the Liver complain f,
completely restored to health thrvitigh the trait
ment of Dr. Wyk. Evans. Sympttims—llitbitnal
constipation of the bowels, total kiss of apatite,
excruciating pain of the epigasuidi region, great
depression of spirits, languor and oper symptoms
of extreme debility, disturbed Am, inordinate
flow of the menses, pain in ,the 44, could
not.lie on her left silk without Our aggirstiop
term of administration
e subscriber by ths Re
, , of the estate of ismer
orthampton county.—
d estate '
are the for
lo the a übscribe ar
In imaid estate, pi
• Tor settlement
' el. RP WILDE
, i Administra
P .1R ALt TIC it 11 EUM
William Evans
.. . .
Treatment —Directed to take the rostorativi,
Camomile Pills. with the expectorating cowl.
pound, at the same time an injunction, lb call qi
four days; when the night carats had ceased, !lie
expeetoraiion slightly ciminished, air light fit of
coughing still remaining in the morning. Oi
dered as usual -to
continue the medicimi , , and to
call in the course of a weekwhen his heal&
continued rapidly increasing, without the leakt
cough. Ceibed at the office on the 4th of tl4iii
month,qmte cionvalescent returning his ainceta
thanks for the benefit he had obtained.
The aborts patient chiefly used mirk regimeil,
dunt.g his treatment. ' ' 1
. .
Mr. Robert Munroe, Schuylkill, afflicted with
the shove disecasing malady. Sytriptottisgreat
languor, flatulency, disturbed rest, nervous held.
ache, difficulty of breathing, tiginnesd end atrle.
tore across the breast, dizziness, nervous
bulity and restlessness, could not lie 3n a hoii
zuntal position, without' the sensation 'Of impezid
ing suffocation, palpitation of Vie - beim distres
ing cough, costiveness, pain of the ituniken, drew
smear, great debility and deficiendy of the nerv
ous energy. Mr. R. A filonroe gave up every
thought of recovery and dire despair :sat on ( 1 1 , e
countenance of every person interested an his
existence Of happiness, till by accident he notified
in a public paper some cures effected by - Dr. Win.
Evans's medicine, in his complaint., Which imfu
end him to purchase a package of the pills. which
revolted in completely removing every symptom
of his disease. He wallies 'to say his motive:for
this declaration is, that those afflicted , with the
same or any symptoms similar to those ftom
winch be is happily restored, may likewise receive
le same inestimable benefit.
Mr. Charles Uobart, No. 122 Orange street, N.
Y. afflicted for five years. with humeral habitual
Asthma, applied at'the office 100 Chatham street
on the VI of October, laboring,under the foljow
ing symptoms. A tens; of tightness across the
chest, with the greatest difficulty of breathing.
distressing cough, generally ending with &Owls
expectoration of viscid • phlegm, ditturbed ` rest,
the face turbid and of a livid hue—Could not he
in &horizontal position 3 without . the sensatitin of
immediate suffocation, languor, drowsinesei and
dizziness in the head, and loss of appetite.
Mr. 11. applied to the most eminent physitians
in this city, likewise used several other remedies
without obtaining any permanent benefit,
his friends persuaded him to place himself Olivier
.Dr. Willis% Evans' treatment.. US is ncOr re
lieved of his complaint, and called at theloffice
yesterday, avowing that he had not words „to im
press his gratitude for the henefit ate bad receiv
ed. October 21, 1837.
of theirs oristillgix.oilewitti.-witl/othoesyssis:.
toms hitheafing great :dieEgetimal. to the Brow
tiorts of the liver.
Mrs.Nrowtto wax attended.bgtbreetif the Snit
!physiers — ns, kilt Vie/kid biti lit% relief Irpooleir
i niedieinsi till Mr. Browne . : proclu a
ed tom -of&
IWm. Evans'. loyalty/hie itreparstions, which - et
'feetnally relieved her ofs the above distressing
ipnrsterns, with others, winch• it is nt t esstrtitird
tto intimate. JOSEPH BROWNE.
{City andronnty of New York, ss. •
Joseph Browne, of W ilfiemsbOrg. Long Island,
riming duly sworn, did depose and ass .that the
Ifsgtv as set forth in the wall in statement, to k'hicii
the has subscribed his name, are; just and true.
Dosbat.ti of the said Hainnah Browne.
!Sworn before me this 4th day January. 1837.
PETER ?INKNEYi Com. of Deeds
Amos Brenhtaer, corner of Se'cond street and
Germantown Hoed, Philadelphia, affectoti fur the'
lash six years with the Liver' Complaint. was
cornpletely restored to health by Dr. W.M. E
VANS'S Camomile Tome and Family Aperient
Pills. Hbr symptoms were habitual costiveness,
excruciating pain in the stomach, depression of
spirits, languor, extreme debility, disturbed sleep,
great pain in her side, weld not lie on her left
side without an aggravation of pain. dizziness
the bead, dimness of sight; with other symptoms
indicating great derangement in the functions of
the Liver. Mrs. Brenhiser haWinade trial of va
riots, medicines now before the public, but rs.
ceived no relief until she was advised to make
trial of Dr Evans's Pills, of which she is happy
to state that they effectually relieved her of the
above distressing symptoms, with others, which
are' not essential to intimate.
Mr. Brenhiser, (husband of the above Mrs.
Brenhiser, had been tiro years affrcted with a
distressed state piles and •Costiaencits, of which
he was effectual)ji cured..
We du hereby subscribe onisignaturea to the
troth of the above cures, that the statement is in
every respect Li ac. SA BAIII BREN HISER
JOHN girEIF, Baker,
No. 17 north Eighth street, Philada.
Philadlphia, Oct. 21st. 1837.
Dr. WM. EVANS'S Medical Office, .for the
sale of his excellent Medicine, la at Nu. 19, north
Eighth street, Philadelphia.
gold by 1 J. T. WF.RNER.
Sole Agent. foi Schuylkill County.
pI.IRSUAN T to an order! of the Orphans'
Court of Selfuylk ill Cbentt, on Saturday the
24th day of February ne4, at l o'clock in the af.
ternoon, Daniel Feger and Adam Weidner, ad
ministrators of the estate of notrad Feger, late of
Berke County; deceased, Will expose to sale by
Public Vended. in Pinegrove on the premises, a
certain rnessuage and lot of - g round, situate in
the town of Pinegrove; Piriegrove township,
Schuylkill County, being the Southern part of kit
marked No. 8, in the general 'plan of said town,
—late the estate of the saill deceased.
By order of the Court.
Jan 20 • 5-4
For the instantaneous cure of -
Discovered, and brought to its greatest perfection
This is to certify that I have tried your Tspuy
as Elixir in several cases of Tooth Ache, in whicb
I haiecortaiply found it of very great service.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons.
London, Sept. 10, 1830: :
A friend stepped in to say that he had visite°
the Fire King this morning, and witnessed his
marvellous cure of the Tooth Ache. One little
hoy in particular, who toOke'crosa enough to bite
a ten penny nail clear o, in,ten minutes smiled
at the decayed tooth sod dared its pain.—U. S.
A fresh supply of the above Elixir just reedy.
ed and fur sale by B. BANNAN,
Sole Agent for Schuylkill county
The Penny Magazine of use
ful Knowledge,
IS decidedly one of the cheapest and most po.
polar periodicals now extant—these are 200,-
000 copies sold every month in England, and 63,-
000 in America.
The Parts of vol. 6 , (for the year 1837) as far
as received, can be had at this office. Price 181
per part, or $2 00 per Anion.
This Magazine is published in monthly parts,
containing 40 large pages; the present volume is
' much enlarged and improved. The illustrations
of wood cuts are executed in a superior manuer.
There is an advantage in taking this work over
all others, a person can discontinue it whenever
he sees proper, for each part is always complete
within itself.
Complete sets of this work from the commence
ment can be procured ui : he subscriber, at $2 per
velar-no. B. BANNAN.
Nov 4 50-
Saving Fund Society.
THE Port Carbon . ' Saving Fund - Society, is
now open every day from 9 to 3 o'clock .et
the Office of Discount and Deposit, for the par.
pose of receiving depcisits to any amount not ex.
seeding $5OO, from any one person, upon which
an interest of 4 per cent will be paid on every 45
apd upwards, but no interest will be allowed on
any fractional parts of 35, The whole or any
part may be drawn gut on giving notice, two to
flint weeks, at the office on Mondays. The bu.
ones of the Society will be conducted by the
following officers and managers, until the first
Monday in May next.
President—AQUlLA HOLTON.
Jcare - ph Carroll Samuel J. Potts
Edward Hughes . tB. Warne
Jacob Bull Jesse Turner
L. Whitney, Secretary and Treasurer.
Article 3d of the Charter. “No 'emolument
whatsoever shall be received by the President
or Managers for their Services, oor shall any,
Manager become it borrower from the mails,
ion." oct 3 46tf
1 4 401111AWAL..Aii
• -644.;
TIVE ji‘
Public ft e
Clerk 0. C
Private Sale.
TH subscriber will all at private sale, a
E HOUSE AND LOT pleasantly situated in
the most central and frailness part of the borough
of Tamaqua. Said pripetty is well wtottby tbs
attention of men of business. A particular de
scription is considered unnecessary, as peraont
1 / 4,
wishing to purchase wi I, first. view for themselves.
It said property is not Id before theist of April
neat, it will then be re nted for one or more years.
For further pariiculars, apply to the subscriber,
living at Tamaqua, ot 4oDr. H Unter on tho pre
I mimes. ' JOHN DENNIi3TON.
dec 16 '• •
Alleiusr: l 4-Eal.Eßfiakke front - Eis4
'foie, Ind Jisteridi to cern Army and
plain dying, in Silks and Bletinesi, op shred
in Ceotra Street s %amine. Aso ring swam
andliantakorna Re is grestral nor st ravers,
sad hopes by alb:alien -andmanctua *ty to, merit
a continuance of his Gamer enamel. s , *
Dec 23 • . 1 s—tt
For Sale,
A valattable Trfra of CoaliLmtd, - -
T _YING and being in the townshi of Notire •
isegian, on the_West Branch &Om the Weil
Branch Rail Road, about kW, miles Krim Schuyl..
kill Raven—there k me or snore 4.30al Vein
pa/Wing through this nod. For information ap.
ply to JACOB REED.
at Pottsville,
eti Reading.-
March 2: 24-
6.I.IIEJTIt Gal . ilft!!
Valuable Real Property in Pott*ille,
THE undersigned oilers for sale all that well
known three story ,RRIGIC STORE AND
DWELLING ME NO and the appurtenances,
situate ip Centre street, Pottsville, the property
of the undersigned, together with 1 nine other
tenements in the rear of said boilai , - sod the
lot of ground whereon the whole s audit. The
brick building aforesaid, collision t it rty feet in
front—finished from the basement tory to the
garret in the beat style of workmaustiip,and both
as a business stand and a residences, bs most fa
vourably situated. The foregoing perty will
be sold on low and acceanniodating t rms. Part
of the purchase money ma, remain n the prop.
erty for a few years, it desired. Tit indisputa
ble, and possession can be given im eitiatuly—
apply to G. M. IN NINGS.
April 29 .. 32—tf . Pottsville.
stem s riaaacisa
Swaim's Panacea,' 'opt receiv .
Leo DOZE N 3 •
ed fresh from the p ropriet o r . Upwards of
Seventy-Five Thousand Bottles of this voidable
medicine were sold last year, mid the demand is
increasing. For sale by the dozen, or migrate bottle.
Price $2 per bottle, or three bottles fig $5 by
Sole Agent for Schuylkill County.
Also Swaim's Vermifuge.
- New EstAblishment,
COT ner 'of Ceat re and. Market &reds. Pottsville
THE subscribers respectfully snbounce
their friends and the public generally, that
they have taken the store formerly occupied by
Jacob Bull & Co., corner of Centre and Market
streets. where they are now provided with achoice
wisortment of
Dry Goods,
Liquors, disc.
which they •re determined t. sell at theiery low
est prices. H AZZARD & STRAVCH.
N. B. All kinds of Country Produce taken at
the highest market pricey.
April I 2-6
Catholic Book
'pious GUIDE.
Key to Paradise,
True Piety, -
Catholic Piety,
Booty Bible.
Poor Mange Catechism and
Small Catechism,
rust received and for sale by B. BANNAN.
Dec 23 5
LIFE OF HENRY CLAY, by Preptice, jug
received and for sale by
imin 20 R. : ANNAN.
Comfort and Convenience.
The subscriber respectfully informs his friends
and the public at large, that, since his return from
Europe, he works with a new zeal end diligence
at the ntanufaeturing ef Elastic Mistresses in this
Borough, and flatters himself, without fearing
the accusation that he is a Rosso* and Cherie
ten, with being able hereafter to nnikcsnch mat
tresses as not to be inferior to any, work of this
kind', in reterenes to their beauty, r solidity, and
durability, and people will certainly, be convinced
of the comfort and saving of time, which these
articles afford, principally when there is 'some
body sick in the family.
Deludes the subscriber knows the old adage,
"the work most give credit to its maker," and
he therefore, very politely invites those wishing
to get an article of this description, to come' and
examine fOr themselves, one of the said Metres
see, just now Stashed, that they may be convin
ced of the truth of his saying. -
• Reading,lan. 18, 1838.4-3 m
P. S. Persona wishing to buy Elastic Metres
see, of the description aforesaid, will please ap
ply to the subscriber, a few doors above Feather's
Store, in Reading, where a list of subscription is
open to the public, as the manufacturing , thereof
wants some time. The MilittS.Cll will not- be
delivered before May next.
The undersigned has, at the request of Mr.
Huse Mayas examined his newly invented
"double Spring Elastic Matra's." Its uniform
elasticity renders it truly a luxury for common
use; and to the sick especially, Such as are
long confined to a hot izontal posture, it promises
to prove invaluable. Its permanent smoothness
will supersede the necessity of removing the pa
tient "to make his bed," while its elastic quality
appear, well calculated to obviate in a great de
gree or entirely prevent the sloughing so apt to
occur in uses of lung confinement.
I fully conenr in the opinionboVe expressed,
in regard to Mr. Meyre's " Doub le Spring Elastic i t
Having carefully examined Mr. Henry Meyre'sl
"Double Spring Elastic Matraes,": I concur is I
the above opinion, believing it to answer all the
purposes intended. - JOHN B. OT7O.
I beets examined Mr. Henry Meyre's "Double I I
,Spring Mideast" with care, and I would MOM
mend it to all persons, and especially to the sick,
as it would be a great advantage to them.
Having carefully examieed, Mr. Henry Mey.l
re's "Double Spring Elastic. Matra's," • I fulljl
concur in the Opinion expressed, in the foregaingli i
certificate. A. in. WYMAN. 1 1
I have examined with are . Meyre's
tic Estrus," and fully 'impel tri the opinow.
hove expressed, .0 to its useif ens and general
niod qualities.
M r : Itteitela request. 1 e aimed his "Elupl
Matiass," and concur in favorable opin
ions apramped by the above n pntlemao.
SOLOM N G.' 111R4711,'
H = du' infanta..the La r
J:‘ •.1 of Nttartiter wad isityilbir-Thei
hove j Areogapd ,direct -- froda the•Miikurs'etii t yr
so assOrtmeta Of
Plaided Wiltatts, •
Getilthak . red cabbage. mixed pickles.
• Maaipaes, ouitmsi Mater. Staz .
E4s and Wed ladle pia:waves.
Strawberry. raspberry and gooseberry June.
• Corrant-jelly. French mustard, •
Adebovy, lobster, John Bull, Reading ilk: Ca.
wee maces.
Nuabroom and walnut ketchup.
Alto—l'typ‘ ragb i ti , clamps. alpuoudo. currants
lc mons, 4c.
O Rent.
rimnic• Furnace, 'gnat troll, 'saw Mill, several
dviaing htlasOli foul rerin of 125 acres of
bertB.4ltuated at Xernavilio, a hOtrt Steen miles
from Reading. The Cams! iind
. turnpike road
from Reading to Pol 401, 1 14 e - immediately
in frortt c of the hnildinva.
The witoation is en excellent one for hutinese.
Possession can bh had on t lie first day of April
nest—kr further particulars iitquire at The office
of the .chitylkill NavigatiO Company, south
seventh street, Ptulaaelphis, ior of
Superintendent, Reading.
Reading, Jan. 27. 1838. • 6—line
Confectionc.ry Manufactory.
THE aubscriber respecting , / announces to the
public that he has commenced tibe 'blanche.
tura Of Confectionary in all it* various branches,
at his Stote in Centre Street, nearly opposite the
Pottsville House, where Confectioners and oth
ers can always be supplied wholesale and retail,
at the lowest Philadelphia calih•pric..
Country Merchants are respectfully solicited
to call and examine his stock bolure purchasing
elven here.
nov 4
' BOO ' KintiNDERY• •
iAklNANthais-Oommeheed a Book Bind
"o.ery in unineetion wiih his Book Store,
where 'al kind, of Books will be bound et the
sborteg notice at low rates.
'an 27 • " 6
T. Elk.
HAVE just received per Canal Float Adventure,
Capt. John 'M. Crosliuid, direct from New
rpII3LE eatiserther has been appointed Agent for
•A- the sale of these Books in Schuylkill County.
Directors of the Public Schaal', Districts, and
others supplied by the quantity at the publishers
pikes. •
Emerson's Stries of School Books are consid."
ered to be the best in use, and as cheap as any
Mao, Cobb's Series of Schclol Books, wholesale
and retail at Philadelphia prices, for sale by
Dec 23 S • B. BANNAN.
0 • i
Benjamin W. Cumming,
aTTORAT r WIT .1."1W;
In AS removed bis Office to Centre Street, op.
1 1..positethe trick Building of George M. Jew
[lilti n g*, where be will attend to all business en.
trashed to him in the line of his profession.
Oct 21 48—tf
WILL be sold at private sale, the Foundry
. pleasantly situated at Port Chilton, Seltnyl.
kill county, on very reasonable terms. This
Eundry is at the commencement of the Little
'Shuylkill: and Susquehanna Rail now
making, and will in a abort time be one of the
best situations in the country to do a large busi
pees. For terms,&c. apply to
Iron Founders, Philadelphia.
Port Clinton.
Encourage Home Montfucturea.
- 50-if
35 cubs dairy cheese,.
20 boxes pine apple, do
000 lbs. superior smooked beef,
000 lbs. do Lard,
600 lbs. codfish,
5 bbla. superior shad,
'ao bbls. 114,1 Mack rel.
WI half, do do
3 bbis: starch, •
25 boxes superior green and black teas.
not 25 1-
EinersoWs School Books.
T. S. ittocrwAT,
' anArTszvuutir,
Office next door, to the Primayloania Hall.
Nov 18 .52-11
Port Clinton Foundry
my 29 <
'New Goods. .
g eneral ttssortment of fresh and seasonable
ra. Goods, just received—consisting in part of
Dry Goods, •.
- ""r c ardware.,
gait, 'Plaster", &c. &c.
which will be sbld low fir cash. The highest
price paid in ;cash fin all kind WH ITE country produce
Mount Carlton, Dee 2 2
Champagne Winew.
TEIE subScribers have jest received mod offer
for sale, a large lot of choice Champagne
Wines; arimpg which will be found the 'Pa'Mello'
brand. which is said to be superior to any yet
Imported—also, superior old modeira, pale !berry
and port wines in boithui.
ChilanPagii• :
Nlll A'~`sANS & Co. have on hand and offer
J-‘ • for isle, 50 baskets Champagne Wines of
tho most celebrated brands, among • which may
be found the Woodcock &mid; it wino far: superior
to any ever offered for sale in this place.
Also. the genuine Anchor Brands,
• Jan 31 7-
I iiickwick Pipers Complete.
'DICK WICK PAPERS, complete to 26 Nana-
X boa, with, illoarrations, jus ß. t t i k ti eived and
for , wale by , e. AN.
, d2 441103-FOLMS.-.-A fresh aupply of thisTal
1 13, nab* work. jest received and Sin , We by
janl7-; 6,, B. BANN-AN.
THE 31785 c .i BR OFFERS AT .
"A a lc *fun is tiorwerieh '
t_lige Street. rly opposite the residuum'
li - ft of D. .P. - IPont. yri /MR occophat by -
' tiVilltain D. Lerb: The boom 10-111
'fimaltoat • 10 tent in depkwith'ilkitaien and •
.', - 1 rin the here' storsown mins lifthe
firstesniond and thl d 11.1*...e a ah ; th e s4 .f•
_said Rouse . well .. ey ed , and pitsii‘C' Alissite
excellent well - of f • it the "tio'i
Teet font , bf 170 in depth, with* 0 kitili.,",
ley OD the west aid laseid hone: . '" .: --.-.
For further partioulars iro ot . - "",-- -.=.
.. nt Carbon. Idmr. 3;1837: ' _ -
Dry-Goods, Grocery mot*
quor More l
Corner of &nevi 'end Minket Sired",,„
AP* B 8 280.
10 000 VERY superior .havanua _seats „
he Priheipee aria Dosimego broods. tos ode by .
feb 3 • MILLER ,ts,BAGGERTY.
. ,
ALT, Viab a riuto9 for sale !).3'
Sept 23 • 44 • • • 41.4* GIL}
AICH AN'S Domestic hiedicioe f fteini *Ot
.Eriglipb cdittoe. jest received murk,. stdelkt
km 20 4 •B. BANNAN.
. .
Cheese! Cheese':
20 Casks of premium cheese, -• _ . .
Boxes plop apple do • ,
to: sale 113/ .. N. NATIIANSei COI
- deo R §
TRE_Now England 'Farrier, or Farmare
ceint Boos. 22d Edition. inetleceivadittid
for sale by . - B. SAI4NAN. ,
Jan 13 • 2
'S. el/ILTlS‘Celebrated Blue Black Ink,
• Powder, just'received and for nle by
Jao 6 7 -B. BANNAN.-,.
Medal Cheese, Soap &C.,
40 casks superior Medal cheese.
50 boxes Philadelphia soap,'
I.hbd. Inslroai meal, far sale by
Nov 18
RowLETT's interest Tubb... just received
and for sale- by B. BANNAN:
jun 24 5
rill ME BOOKS . of varioua Innis 'tor colliers.
ilk end others, jut received and for sale by
Alao--drafts, nOteitand r bents bound in boob,
jan 27 6
Cheap Raisins . and Psvxes
CST receivel by the sebscribet,
" 1000 lbs. Raisins,
2 cases Pronea.—which bp will sell mill cents
per lb. JOHN S. C. MARTIN.
Dec 2 9.
100 Rk"B Wrapp ing Pip" , for iii
wholesale and retail, cheap,
feb 3 B. 'BANNAN..
Dr3SERTATI • RSon Go meta; theidikt6t
of the Bank and Paper Money, hydra author
o f , •Common Same," priee 61 cents, uat'reeeked
and for Bale by • B
URN ER'S COE M iSTRY, price Al. just re.
ceived and fOr sale by 8. BANN'AN,,.
jan 27 6.
000 lbe.j, lied Feathers. just received ape
off'ered for sale by ,
Npv 11
holesaile and Retail Dry
Good Store.
POLLOCR 34 WEAVER have just received
in addition to their extensive assortment Zit'
DRY 'GOODS, Super Superior Bine and Black
Cloth, superior fancy coloured do. new style cas
simeres, sattirietis and Beverteene, miners' the
Liens, . Feb 18 14—
I ! Lumber. •
50.000 Joint Shingles,
25.000 I.ap do .
20.000 Lathes. mailable for paling nr shut•
gling.for sale by A. A. GILE.
Rcpt 23 . 44 -
for 3838, ca.- DAILY REGISTER.
ihr the nee of Private Families and persona
of Imisiness, containing a blank ter every . day in
the year, for the record of_ettuite that may be in.
terestinl.either past or future.
Li' price $3 50 r justleceived and for alidebi
Jan 10 , B. BANNAN.
Annuals for 1826. _
AFEW Animals for 1638, at wholesale widen . ,
. For sale hi B. BANNAN:
Jan 6 7
and - for s ae a few boxes of very superior old'.:
Pine Appld C eeme.
j9O 20
VP '
N o e AN i t i n l a i d a o e s i j t a y st . rece W ived or" the follaWl . ogl l-
R- 00 religion, works, London mid American S •
ditions, which he offers for sale cheap.. .. t i •
Original Taniily Sermons, 5 vols. , I
Maiselllune Sermons. . c ~."
Leland's' view of Deistical Writers, ,ik•
Sturievines Pivicher s e Manual , 2 vs* I
Drew oktbeitesurrettion,
Drew on the Soul, v.
' Bridge'ii i •oti the Psalm CXIII - . i
James' hristian Professor, • .
Prize P •on Religious Dissensions. • i
Chrisiisin Father at Home,
A Mottoes Request, &c. tr. -/ "' .
dec 23 '! '. . 3• i,,
Engldida and \Nelsh ilegibror :- '
rwHE soineribrisan Wiped all lands of
Booketit - the stitoiteti bedew=
Thi leg .ttrolitaht fratignimbike- •
- r list at the officte of time,.
lotto t t Cloths i ! it:- _"
iv .„. ~. &Ca have. now on'•hanir'k
•AA' • splendid wormiest, of ' •.• ..,-,
Blue; black. °litre, green and claret . 1 1 „.._
d* I .-do • indlancy caseimres, . . • .-.. i.
PlaiMunifigniiel sattinetts.
- ' Mobley pilot cloths arid-etbeicoatide, l
-Genii hair amble.. Mourtgeolluiduk , -
all of whieh being purchased-at mmtimr*
delphia, and 'New York. we Osvaldo, to IL
per cent. cheaper than can be p ar sknwhees - 1
irk thisborouglb.
leavis a
T,.. 2
;~ .a
. -x
~A~ :
. ~.
` - ti_