km lite Mane tinning only found. tre•thetVettref this Mere nolynnabled in in-with the 1210.6%d -I , since 1 firm-yew , 1 hdivusliscissered ih:tif+--118.004.1 nowmisbanlctifis 1 watt mot. By the ' '.;frotethedejocted se man orbustneast t have renettred , my /1443111rAl in my own emie-- - stitizens -Pines The :ABLE pIiKMED . mtan, Alai on till inthida &lamas. NM itirems of this my sa -testintunr.orthh sir - MEDICLN.E. • ai rtte - 'ttinfit;;;;; - monstitutinne have been ready rn it Afibuliditet - Oil I inifillibie", mineral preperationa of, ...,,,intirtla3..writi Wilt me. witness. that the • -Lite Medi `' ...; - 00M-anit ' 'oats. Aretbe trust cause to permanent .../foll4llll' JOHN moFFAT. ..____ ' . - Thteitem. .-'-. velited:Toeth • - of z ... • ' fri. , tt bilis. e, . ' In many undreds of certificated' Instances, they ,linita,tise 'T wind auffiereM from the veiy verge of an Ifitiniilli. re, after all the deceptive nostnone of therday; ... • . &tarty failed; end to many thousands they. ..".Ll...Atn . . . "tly secured thaiumforin etjoyment of ....' ' .111 .It ;wit '.. which lira iteelfis but a partial blest. in -- .- itifs/ B° Lf li dyfittiletl e , that, '- li" a ttle has ir effime appeteed i in sca var t•Ce 6 l ) ; . -i . than myracadons to those who were uta.leyaincer , '-iiitt - tflii • •.bftii , tiro! phildwiphiral principle. .3;4171, c - - Which they hoe .compounduiti, and upon which that ~ colisequend act. ft was to their manifest and setts, . ' tile • acuou tla ottri6i ng the springs and -channels of • tlfiaoma44l3. Wag them with renewed tone and vigor ; . . , that they w e indebted fur their name, which was f • licatowed n u them at the spontaneous request of sevenal-inda idtials whose lirt.a they had trintoittly .'attired. . 1- The,pm newts rejoice, in the opportunity afforded .• by the anis teat diffusion of the itailypress. tbr phie - ing 'his •Ir :GETABLE LIFE P11.4.,S within the knowledge nJ reach of every itarlividtpl in the;cnini • uttuuty. If 'tie the host of pernicious qnselterte.. - which of vegetable ingrtsiietits. the Life Pins -are Purdy rid IFOLZIAr V fiGt rABLE. andsontain !lei' their Met . •Amirtiony. Arsenic, nor any other ' any 'form whatever. They are entirely ' .compose d extracts' from rare and powerful plants. • the dittoes . which: though long known to several ..Indoto tr and recently to some- eminent phone*. -- - , Cietitical ch mites, are altoge th er unknowu to the ICI,O. ' ' , rant preen e ra to medleal-a_tence; and were Le , er • before' 'Distend in so happily efficacious a coin ad 3 w y . ...tination. ' • s • Their 'operation is to loosen from the comsat i -ritheatimm ti-d bowels , the various impupieir and. itruditres' steady sitting krennit- .ern; and to re licrie the Jetted Ewes which toll in the con. , wok:diens f the small intestines' Other :. edicinea -only p ' yak:atm these. and leave such co' ~.. ed masses md, as to produce habitual costiven :.. . "maven i train of evils, or sudden diarrhoea. With tie . ' rimialnefli ' agent. This firm 'is sell known to all ' Em Who suottnine the human '-frowels - s' • and hone the "Prejudice of these well in. ; "„ etn against themtack medicines of the age. lTliti aeo effect of the VbXIETABLE WE "PILLS it climbs the kidneys and the bladder, and inethis the liver stet the lungs, the healthful igefien of. • entirely 'depends. upon the regularity the ' omens. The Wood. which tithe, ite . . , ... color the agency of tbe liver and the limp : 'biffitit, it into 'the heart, being thus purified by I.=elnotithine 'by' food amnia frome 'elope 11, MIMEO freely 'through the' veins, renews -Weary of the system and triumphantly moontsther its. health in the blooming check. • bwon Tlea. 4 ll) . lovri ee, ng t ar o e w am h rig h th th e e d v i egeta stressi b al u vari fe et t r iti e g f ' are well to be in allibie-- ~ ' . •DVSP PSIA. by th , hly -cleansing the first and i a i b e ifor zid .. . . opa o c f hs ,h , e a s n u d i elea e 1 a lm a % a rid ao k w ind of ;_ pu ni re ba tipa gn434 ltby , • of the Recut} Loss of hp - etym. ffeart- horn ache. &Ma' Stiegt,llUeMpM. Anrisio. Lan. im, loar.suaiAlekoicholy w where thesenehal symptoins .of Dyspepsia:will vanti4, ass natural consequence of fee MM. -COgitICAARI, cleansing the wholq length •01 - the immune' with a polecat process, and without • viola:me, all violent ringer leave the bowels costive - within two days. Drarrhora and Moilera. by remove 'lag the scarp acrid fluids bl• which these -ceraptaints „ ire u sed, and by promotin g . _ the lubricative '-witirebo ofthe mucus membrane FcbasofaUkindig. bylesto ing the blood id a regular circuht ion, through m l nn the of perspiration in some cases, and the .thrtr4h Ad rian of all intestinal o'istructioos in others. . The IJ . 1: 'PILLS brae been - known to cure Rhos imam aneititrin three weeks , and Gout in half that • .by removing local inflammation from the minscles b iand ligaments-at theoints. Dropsies of aU %kinds;rstrengtheningfreeing and the Meiners and •tiladde they operate most delightfully on these or gans,a _hence have ever bee. found a certain rime ' dy.for worst, cases of (.ravel. Also Worms, by thidoiltri "fronetheenunings of the bows the slimy matter . which these creatures adhere; Asthma and • c by relieving the air vessels of the lungs, how' mucus. Which even slight-colds ifnot manor. ' q d urea hardened. and produces those - dreadful i Scurvy. Ulcers and latesersae Sorer. by the ' • perfect rity which these Life Pills give to the blood and humans Scorbutic Er.rptions, and Bad Oita. by their alterative effect upon the ihrdsithain - ...:- . • Itiorffid state of which occasions ail Eruptive can , plead& hattoto. Ckwi....s, And other disugreedhie Cow , The use of these Pills fora very shorttime. ..will. en entire curs of Salt rheum, Erysipetae pfira on • end a. ' ri g improvement. in dis Cif:o , l7oS 1 the ai l yt ' - Colds. and Influenza. w.ll always be . . prellihyone dose, or by two even in the worst cases. ' • irdett.-t as a remedy-for this most distressing and ob • • Wane' titalady. -the Vegetable Life Pill, deserve.a . distinct and amphatitiremtnmeridation. f vell Imo to hundreds li..his city, that the Proprietor • of ,i nvaluable Pills, was himself afflicted with z th. this plaint for.upwards of thirtyfloeyears, and that ..„ be tri to vain every remedy prescribed within the " WWI! amass of the Mittens edicts He hdwever, 'at tried the mediine which he now offers to the bil e , and he was cured in a very short time, -after. ' . recovery had been • pronounced not only . =tame. hut abiolately impoilible, by any htiman I* ONS FOR UM-The proprietors °filth ' - Vie *Mit LW; Plicuttloini not follow the isule and ry practice of thtv quacks of the day, in advt.,. ing .. na to takehis PLR* in large quantities. 'No . p.m tine can peakibly be so required. These' Pills - 'to be taken at bed time every night.. for a week fortnight, according to the obstinacy of the . The usual dotal, fmm "i to S. according to the notion of the person. Very delicate persons _ . shoo begin with but two, and increase's the ostnrel 1 . af cuemay requiem those more robust. or of very Costive habit, may bnin with 3, and increase to 4,..0r even Pills, and they will effect a sufficlently 'happy ' . chan to guide the patient iii their further use. ° i Pills sometimes occasion Meknes! Sad wintry • wg • gb very seldom, unless the stomach is vele . - find; ~' however, may be considered a favorabe: . 0 1tt. as the patient will .find.hanself at once fit • ' ,road by pereeverance itrill ikon tacos eP Thof . . - ~. , , :perate within 10 or 12 hours, and never give In. the bowels are very much encumbered. , 'y be taken by the most delicate females uts der's , yearcamalsoces.-It la however, recommend. ' ad. -' . those li later - periods of pregnancy should take bat at a time, sal thus contains to keep the bowels . . ' epen. end men twomay be taken where the Patient . C 011111146 ,One: pilben a solution of two table a - tlardrlntelr, ale) be givento in jean.' in the t . roller "egdoses-a tea spiton full every two hours till . . 4 it,* !ow for a child from One th 'hue yenta of ago. _.... from five to ten, one Oa ' ef '-',., - .. 1 .94. 1 7.•Nrt SITTER& are so caffed.becanse '' Ileiltelese the power of restoring the expiring eta hem 1 'health. to a glowing vigor throughout the erestjhbfimi; as the Phonics eaid to boj, motored to . i ;g.. IREMARKS RELATIVE TO MOF "*- PILLS'Atrp IIitENIX BITTERS, ieinea nave-long been know', 'and apple ieeitranrdinary and immediate powers -'feet to per w on=fferingunner , 'o f Duncan the ffe [ma the a . -- ofitsoirlidisrb4ll# on Aitrria! '- ''br. Bl 7-'i1f040 4 4 = t L 6 0 4 4 10tir fotibil'obfy iii" '-; . tpifits - Of the ' lonLetryi -vibiehmtillSitillitit cure' FEVERS 11,mr-Aqua nfalikiiidaPOWnewarfail to , eradiestedsabraly Al -- ,fhosilfeets isflisni:ottry.infiniuilysoonertbsitAttir mit ,powerfoi promotoicise.ofSsmapartlls. Anil tr,Atu_st!o_• I diutOy cunis4tit4eusrminatiou of iii:f i : lrK difs . itil.Dr, oev ftuiltt Om, do ittFur userufd (miles; and y ill be guild 1 VIM ) p -1. 1 ' cssen tif *Mafia? '-wasitoffiteo thbistiapsti paired constititionikitirmaleiltediFor-Cilicand , 1/014Mmfal -iptinitditii*fffia-ellose, tif Pb_is Borers . will ire detwoastrilred •br tfas , anittm i fs 'ISM ; buule. Tbi *Oil *ma finis:se bitters w lulf a ittne Alios-IblUitiwater,or wine, and this quantity mai n ? 'Wino* iwii-Mi tlifee*teutkibty. about ball an t r lbefints mealstitea ltant•qua*,lolpf all be pilfoif dines. 10 tVnm - -Who, are afflicted sikhluffiketititin r after meals, flume Sitters will. prove:inialuablO. - • as-' they very gray_ inerease thfriCtiOD iirthe jiiiniiipil ristiena, belp , .triVitaiiirof thitir funamalt•aad ea. a lsil abb. therlooniachintotheiniaritla isbat aerie offeiisive-- Thai Indigo-OMo is 'y 1 and simeilly .removeil, appetite rimmed, , e toes of the aisortient vessels benig Messfifillf„„ . WI • nis facilitated, dllateligtit'OrWy anittiOrgitif Wind ant the hail), mantis: For fithlissis 'of 1150FFAT'St. I re MKS. mitiPPINEINIMI TERff.mpitli at Mr. Molfat'aiiiiicsAtivs46-10fbduto , I New Yorkovrhere the P il ls can be obtalaWd fur cents. 50 teats. or 111 r boat *addle il • lii ffit' SI es or 1 1 2 per bottle. Ulle Numerate cert4a ' f the wonderful-44*y off:Mt/ons; be *males • ' - tirsomeOWiftite snitcompikatad Atiatmfid e - ' Irv' _ ors. - Pllimichals ' . istib I Cl• ' ' • , 1 rirrlE' riginal tifygetan • ,-Ilkirviersal . Vegetable a Meiliiine,. prepared by W. MISKIN: '-pwq., 'Member of, the Royal College of SurgennailLicen. Hate et - *theatres Cos party. Felt* pf Bob. Court'So*ty, Surgeon- to the Royal Union Pen' siori Assficiation. Lancaster place.'' Virretloo Bridge; at • Perpetua I , Pupil of Gully's nil Bt. Thomas' hospitals, London. These Oills haring gained 'acelebriir4panil. W Wed in ottiry aectiorrof the Union, are w con sidered ht all those whorvalue good health, kirks. , pensable Ova family , medietne—patrenieed by a , nomerookbody of the most eatinent r Physidianit both in thrtie country. aid in Europeis sufficient, it is presitincd. to' /damp their charaCtet-in then . atinrr Of every thinking mien,. ariiPitil hoped, a far :;'' 'recommendation -ttran-the conrstrre: stifled to ,i i_ ignorant andistiprindipledpoistenders, who" to min - d and deceivethe public. Publish what that : cell p - ctical proofs ancresirtificatewtif Cures;:thut exceed bounds of ritioho alcaibil ity, and most of Which, '. .ot all, are ',either-gross fabricatiins, or procuntil b • • aril an'Oodhivance. Thceditor of the Long - Isla Pithier !says ,-- ' "This • akidicint hatrobtitineit an 4 preiedented• degree4weli preserved popularity. : ing tali. en theseifills ourselves to advantage en ~ ' • ease 1 ed. their lieneficiaVelfeete on others, hie 'ha . , . . 1 -hesitat4 in recommending tbeertolhetille gt ri a math. salutary - and usefed family th-a is t e." o„liNdne are genuine *alma the iii tore 'of the-Genitial Agent on Ihe label, by vehoni the -a bove medicine is imported into this dountrw. ANO. HOLBEIN. 149 Waverly place, • . - Gen 9 Atant for A suip ill ly of the above editine just received and for tale by B. BA r ft N AN, - Sole Agent for Schuylkill nbunty. 1 QT-, . di FLICKER .Ik, CO. i MERCERS 4- tAlLoill, Purnierly Parker & AiManes H . An rein:loved on the opposite *We f Ceram. 0 -a-Strivt, a few doors aboveNtitw i egi n Street, where they offer for tale a 'Aileen' 't 'of BapeefiAo Broad Clothe and 'Camila& a Orthe sec i men most fiihionable **Annoyed) an elngant relsort• instil otatimmer Olotha,Vestinge,tapeol i eLOO , Cet. .6._ , -,n___. a ~.._ r ., ton Shtyw.... aim Domorne,..teett.i .rivelOwl penderrei. linen and cotton Rose, and all kind. of ; Gentletben's wearing, apperrel, vorkneh, will be nalidettioder irilhe Moat approvilitylelaa 'to the workinghship, and warranted to'hi' equal to any . in the city or else Where. . P. SeP, 'dc Co. keep on hand ari e: Merit a wzirtatetit of ready.itiaile'Clothing :Lot all knit** erbieh *ill be sold at very low rates; i . • . • juile 17 , , 44, i so Groceries he Store of the subtler iber,ln tire* ad dton to Pottsville, where mayflies d whole. a sale a retail, on the most modem tei terms-- brownlump and loaf sugars, blacik, tree'. young Plyson teas, molasses. fuih, 4 cheese. soap,. ricc u pefftc, chocolate, spirits, brandy, Igin. Port, Lisbotil Tenerife and other wines Om* whiskey and coidials,' halt Spanish and culhinqn aegars. p e pper; alepice, ginger,,salerati3a, cloves; nutmegs. starchy mustard, pilot bread, crackers, sugar bit cults, &c. &c. for cash, or,excliangt fur coon. try priduce. jape§ 10 29—tf II July 'i6 HENRY !BOYD-. - ZWILLIAM NEAL •• ( . - MANUFACTURERS OF . : Looking•Glasties,' Xr(4 .27 North Fifth street, Philadelphia, back ill or the Merchants' Hotel-devoted emclusively to dui haziness. . -/ I Cotintry Merchants lire supplied t manufac to • ~ prices, and their Gh aeai inflated from break. elo any part of the Union; without extra dung*. :. .• These .vi • may have orders lop Is* Glasses, wouidldo well itifMl9 us by letter. *violin to their Ilturitmg on, o the size of 91,4 plate, and the kind, ii(frame they .• ay want, that V i e betkl e may „manufactured e • - ly fkte th*oeea.i wo . Melfehante should gave i ir iirdeni for Lurk, ingghanses the first thing on • eir arrival, to in. sure cm well put up. 1 ' i r Oc 21 t , Vi-tiniti ~ • Family The - VOuttpt*/ __• , . f THE HOLY ' VI ROM the winks of Henry iind. i [Seott, At ...- ibove hundred , other writers!, published in 11 . ..djidon by the Religious Triter. Susie". IVVI6. ed acid 'abridged irr Iwo voluanes.Nith i Maps arid EngOiviogs. This valuable work is ppblished in peril: at cent* each. Twelve arts ire Already nom ' elect, end eau be, obtained at the i Vniliseribera Rook - lore whore subscriptions wheal, be re. etitr . ne 24 i i . qc - 13. It NNAN. - ''. 31— . • . MIMI , 1 1 E MEI ' - Veireaae - N1111 4 r 14 ;,,, ~.•; ..., -.4 .116 W1 IaIIVAIADI4-015x. 'ustilEA e. ikiiii tbtiti iiiiii— . ./1 aa ildfitlAtt744l" bl"dt!hich. by *Weft the i 'Cirdnittiosi,brintson paiki or derangetbeitrittbe orz , in . or part whoteadch ildpotitforthOloini 'al ills tino.:a *into. v or ditiiihnibiay totisOStot' :slate of tbeiiblitedithirit4tofentAtorpiik ' . ' *IV reetvilds*na4ala l lo* he44 ll 4oali- , ' ilthottlib it inag+said that thins limeys's, have not theitoriginin ' • ityoftbe l bloo i.yet dile *greet is ,thil .raineitheril end id libikl:mint Or tad N on a ,anikourionly - tiliset . to. pretest-the =Wise habi l . -,i, Otbir,ivirdithe atifibiAtididira. ...60Kia wittilitoyittirt the body. airbags as any ' tokilenunt, tiy_ims reel with !Dr. Brandrettt's .11M - _. ABLE UNIVES3 - L ElLLSorhia,Oper. seieved with ilbolficieit titles tivtittitfoibilloid rookeiraeretionit. Wilt aidise;iiiitbre to fettoft every %inn to a sf.ttolif bell* ; Mild is 01010 1 principl ofdraining: we drain a inatrabit *bile had. and front a-staie'oritbrility viiittleproduce*mits't fabun dent fertility:Hod do .it is: 'he bionan,lxidyrer .. 'Ant th'iniria the Mattis w. ... luive r titil wAratt it-by plutatiott iter. ten 0' stay" li i t diode iilitilave adopted I rositosablt4 , cause clussistentividr our ' te4hkrthia d ri l act - 'rittlitly; theriberlievitig Wen sound tli. - It' - not more thni-113-toonthe same these Pali *ere in. troduced into the• N otted &Stem, but their silo tin - beenaltogiitheritiprewdented , thdribiiingbeen *oh, • ofthein in' NeveYdrkin that time, fully one siti ftiekundreti4iossitad?Baltts-i'AnchiboveleA lo 4 road can bet referretitoin-Nittr York city t iatialt the same inPlißadalphia.Vrlictititie bleep,•aed- w i ;every otherineads'had become allosinthertdiavailid Of ammo," drhieh Opieared 'Of tlke nuisfiipptialiec , 1 •seter,*nd in it raj cases Viikiiiit the' idtetilfittrava +of tilciontitin. bed labiltisber figatheitewitifikaav whbreko all appearatiee noi binned WO/wild tai • bye. have patients, by the Use althea Mt. bion stored to:good brulth.tlie ilevciatiss .thseltait -ha " :loci crinsply eradicated. • • ~• . was IR ropy crinvince fr of oath ofilleVitifeilitililit Iliketi,, that -fio,tirictit 4 yeabrin'experillinnrand label**, rbsearili,lt.ko _ . 1 tnigicit 'OO linetibeorthe itimertion-phibil .iitim lug che Vegetableilliintikoinibla object belittle; " ± pose a nedibinewhich would at once pe-tlkoand - .duos by spoeifte, action,* teitiovarofall by ham° • ' 40to thittilatod by theditottiscir end bowels, lir* eatitii v gums ottlie use of limb a dictlicinezli 1n . 4„ Mitts 4risitit'dio - betianibetifrand die "' 4 some a ritl 4- #. l :t.wr P!, 4 1 .."Tibil l i'• • : a nd . ,gt be that : • lfullpttained his ' - of ::Itbroateitn !shadow 'nod= &et: t t evesyAistorhsater it be in the beinforleet. in 1 IstalitZeitiert. knetobenwhelhbril.hdin : butwaid.l elev.-or-en traid Omen. are ail.:ll4l , Fpriaiali ,from _many bailie.. redlicitde• to 'this tamely. impurity of blood. • ViOTICa—A. Dreg and.eberniesiStekiitare fit ' anY goaded" witlf:toiuttef fait Brandretlfierns; it i eumosthose who want the pitsiderarfieleib , oily killtiordittid agent, s :ler those tihoitoinei 'a to bto#ci thdlitiOtteit iienctices. 4 Mr. $. minion if Co - Pottsville *bathe only a rut gt\tbrbsentlbrgebuilliiilletiolit•-• ' • Dr. Bnikeilretbanffleeifoithiraaltiblthenblitre la [ wbokisale ind retail** at IllgitabelitteWilil - 4 r -above fit& bk.borthilide, philadeWa.. ~1 1 ' , Amy, re lief tilannill nese" W e. e " genuine: t andrekti 'Pali for Nile. therebittivil . chases of ea uestueto be counterfeit. .... Dec 3 : - \ , _ ._ , _.. ,: %WI 40511i11111 . altititem • 8 the intemperance lunar oldie sge A . re haatesing rata acorbthe censpl is end rendering the blend-tIIOTO 31F1pUre; itilltralle sandi hate 4estroyed their . tatathlatiOnsbr • - to APPIlft *Of itz="' ' 10 b le• acen Inuit ;snails , 'mons • .414Aily, - Me tea curtain and atetinathediti langOng to thrfeekikiniblier v iiiiir. • fan' .• !Cathie ol ftectie scortinrc nireketinaN • - wares %attn. u eruptions. nice • W. ar or • • and dejection.' -Attalla 'ha • re' blood, not properly attended . he , gtenteatinc e ryto tbri comaitutotion. • Ana ,be :pang it attiring. "Swaits'e Pinnate': . mended at thil loathe of the year, &I a ail et - ratite of tb e rsystem. thine* invigthathigt • • tine. add enabling itttibear the debilitating ern?? of the rounisiir mama. 4to .conveyed by the la. dis - ideb originate in vitiated red, appente.vor _ • ot the .% : z z . a r ' eons. o'er. *dvutyd t itsa 'it with* *virilrmtki. thetiole. tea oftlietr4ilf bai. `is here ted. 'Phis It •. • need en of thew'ld. nod Is . 4 1.. t gatelltidtitiOal ull land. A fresitsupply of the N - • • just-Seethed fa t mete* , BADMAN. . `Sole dint for vSc 1k coon , Wbocen rapplythetabose medicine. lonic - to them who wish to sell again, inthilatieWi hfey For Sale______,_- -- 1 ' l4l AjPRELITCHDPR/CES, Al' THIS wiripE . "IR. JOI3.I,WPIEFIREI3 Ikftritaid aft` fil die - 0 -i• safest, apeedleat, and perlict eitfrila. etir kind or Wounits..itileerit, cancer sod alretain a, I ilnietatia, arising from euttiog,ageeeilit i hi' I Inc. boilhig'or theitoparity`ofThe blixia; a too' 1 for caring byupepaia, heart 'herd, eaddliii, ver 1 eitaiiiiiiincecativenteas,ltracksOftlynaileinCel ri• .1 ham liod'rhearnatiek- plea, tooth atlii4ind - ' 1 eyes. The genlirel Afoot, PriirG.lXiv, ' .1 Reidlogi 'Berke comity, Pa. offeragroilis to ri) , petacia littlest& ' , with , either of the We dine.....i a cortemvitirtsitity'orthefiyirrhatlOo -*v i be ierit ariiiiiiigirrielated'befor‘ertildek ditreterire• ovi. in ever, the application eat•be4laife fin e - ' .., -t 4 ;Sy - N. k Vida •irttele 4fannotite %ailtAtt: lie ib.. airy •Eirtifr 'attire orAttiltotheady'malkiV Tf - riot eettesaltey to talk *web '16654 U:.Willis ' idyl Will 'reerloitridad it se lf to'iut enlightenelf pat4iekl ling 19" --1 ' •••• ' -39-4 f ' • ' NH: " IR i IC.' - it 'ffairilware Moire: ~....... ~,L,, •, lIE sub•eribers would reepeottet:einnnunte to the public, that be hiui added . to. his formed ..., &tett mistily,* , stook. Iron and Haidtatre, consistin4tn : Pit tiloi „LAU o_,.f iirt ate affair r th!' American end English Bar 1,6311. Haupt and, iid la -taf ' Iron. Round -Irun, atisoried . edam' CtsWcpa lir . • - " I i . killer ar ,. [ltag;_l i tY , Shear. German and Englisli - Blister and 144 i i or,i gr)ri„ Buret Vlcei, Mouse hole itivilii,Sitiitli'a Be *al; -. WHOLESALE I.A Cast Bteerlittid. ehoping and 13inad a yp". 14 M Goodi,Grotcry Witte 4. Liquor' Stift and sphiet, 'together frith • /liberal " '-'t _ . . . . itleSt door to ortimet's Hotel.) of iron l ' i°l4 " Y" all of which will laC : ' a f a r (THEIR connexion ad a honsein Philadelphia duced prices , by AMIN Cf.A ., . 1 ~, ~ a snables . them to k *.h an d. a ; ae'r A . aslan t April 22 ' . . • - - • • 1, -- -, N.... 7 -,..ti *se sasortinceit of good !which: 4beY wl ~aell a! .h , Idliuieliihia'Plioei. -. re and Taaat.n heepelre 4 . nil ; private finning'. aa 'id do. well to cell an 4 ~ ilkdgeior themselves. •,, , i ,sprit ID ' ;. t ... . ; 31 i l i.. 6 7 -. • 1 R 6 ,••, le • 1 'lr ' LW Ail 11 0 # . 7' WI) 1 .1 #l,llO COA4. i . - • AV A'A'Ngl, , • ~ - Eby • 5-$ inches Bailinisx Flat , It i r ), ,4 1 6 7 ii .:. . b id ST I do Suit la for Screening Coal. I ' 7 ° .' " ' kllnlaa. id li • I-- AO the Iron hie coo tenon _a ,isc t ri# e lipingissit,4s deg „at theiends...loplieing ?lees and Spiliesito_, I thla*Kom At i ~,t i ...,.., . A. ar; ...IALIStON Li Co. 7 T ',' No. of 40idhl Streel;fhiladalphit. .. --Philaatilphaa. Mao *I - 54W. „ , 8), 4 1 . . - A g t Norric&--- THE patina, that he ivrli ittientlio file' • of aectionti in thitibnrongh aint very - teininnable rates. • Anentnita to nonce in this' ne.ntltborhiaittVailll iffe'ori attendcd to, and aaliafitetory refireWeeieEilt required. ' wage. CONRAD., April 5 ' 27- ' ' . New and Eltgajatigiotodi • OM'IIANS &CaWig - iiiivrriirried. • , i , l l - 11 ' oat. ibe "oak, 64 - Eorrirtt-EverMOW hom 50 , 0 Soper Frobotr . till 50 . -Peexhird, 7 : -, ; •Tariantinerioe,vonoed.ailk .iot tailor* • w tee}, ehtte, trietraind'aeittlert " -81eielastand , onbkaehed 3 Cirlitiot • IQ te 25 et, opryd:' WII • d.heas, eornfinia, ; '• Wine 'ook; glairesi e &c&e "• ° Cation ba trd• wadding at SI per Omer, deo 3 • - AM IN 4 7 21 - tor lit 1 . 0 4 1 r 114 . Imiivpith 'Ong 111, jan 20 - -101414sr:A NELS.—lasiLnlcer ' 11 . i I!iilkitleret 10 *CIO Md! -•-• '7l- arli: terik 1 ~...., . i 11111 NA I F ,Y=~: -- r"" r° er Irtretrat7o l t at 4iL l"l 4 . 11- truithit.,iocac. REFFVTORM; 42°. • PeanP-441". ' • Au but t Oast rer Wra • :.1.11 ...stir 1 _ hrr;:•7e ,, . , - -- ; - -.7 ,- I. It:table' itsilablistnife inqauleirtlititis link. 0 2 es ' mtben oftsti.raprits biSsiniiitlif if • inne4 tiblibttasintlo. issdc-1 tto l'efilles 4 Id in‘ilit a 03 101 1 44,t0A1g.'1 , 0 1 0 war pitipoto..o,l i;..„,......,.7., Fsmiliestiflieroding to 1 n•Veihtsyjva it A Rerottory, shillnayp oys tAI iiiiipesi ~khali.... 104rmedinpriti4hkAest st lei, and pre o ltlife, &linen! it:island Pottsville InarlynAguy. ~ Ist ffia• s f uL 4 .•• - •:•••'• i. :,i BILL OF FARE, • ~. •t • -- ROW met , Oinrutd:dovder , l - I • Fried Ham _and Eggs ; . Sutton Chops, reunion, Steaks Pork Chops Pigs Feet • Mock Tuttle ,Solip (il ito eni s tr:Z . • Do Scoilopod .Do ItOastoci I ' • lIJ :AND is Otd.'llsdeda lithe Old id ' oktLiobagki . mg AK & body Baked sq_d perpetual Insandoes. , ILL. rot Briek.tSton orW Boikliolio. &ores. Hotels. Mills , Ilune. "& ibies, M rebandide, Fano tsie sod Properly ef every id osiof • .low. Se dirteade by FIRE.. , . i MARINE A&D INLAND UR . . CE. .4 The Debra/. County. Osmium esiehsprirerdl Aso insure agatostless °slid' kinds of Onnesiiks lud spiestt a damage orilt i &s d oe the 4aesporis, fun orgeodCwares. sad se by Miter, or bi rsiiriry;ttponfessissirfs isbkras - my; other id.: l od , ols. ' • 1 r say ;briber informitifidn'od the SOlitect olio soptee.'erther spinet Firb, endows or IsW Asks. A ,to HENRY-G. ROMNSONt 41toof-, •• , ! - 1,5 • At-tt t ; r i ki lg;2.2l* . eo. . .1 I --- 1 ---• i'l l • 4 1 1 1-1- .• AiCkep(sbiol. Vrinice itpttitim , • , . 1 i ires.. 4 e ry. 1 • AKE both pitied '; r• 4:1 In . Om on Iltick.'Stailii or FA ' '; 'nit& Haelii • Mil *ins; 'SWANN Al ' ha ; ; ise; Fe ' , litmus!. Pi. ka•.‘torbeliiri descriptilio.ailuatlosiior diim ; • • i t "' . :T. • • •• 4 es, i . Tbestibsc . riber bas• ii . ittoted Acs . T Or ihe above miffolsoirill_ losti tigl!i if now . tevlr to nsolleciolaittio apon erildy d Pon ' rpippiity lit Wiest rites. 8Ett.114441 8 DIN. P . twilit% Feb:V.lB36. ; I _ - ' 15 .. 4 The Irbiladelphaa .7 . N. 1411101) *AIfiGA aly irw. I ; AIME • t •) - coi ii.,NT.. t'AlArrA ,ii= By 'LAW, $560000. I .4 , 0 A , RP OtruAL, AtAg bak wilicaka . r na°6ell in r t EL"' Br" ' ne 7 'Tim Z . Fil t rut. Li a d , Fr zrztdize,, ~ -, lasi orqblage by e - . :. • sabeeribthobtebeo iptstnief3l Aaurr forthe ...4. ; W WP ~ 00D. - , - si4 ~ iA. LARGEtand • . iiivie.assortated4. t It h' ;SA- and reaellitAte. ... it.instreeet -by • .' anbacriben'amitding 4 .1: :, • . i 1, . .' , Dry. Goods. i I • - Gtoeeries,l 1 ' , I. , ' 1 .. ' Qyeilsivar ' ; 4c. •'if ' : 1 i- WA hi. °Wig" - G.;`r ia 4 aiTedtiirAtr!‘.,. isinadia4defaid fm.4 kind of ;mi ry. . ' r id' ji l ' I 1 ..-• 4.1- 4. -: z l.. . ".• i#P.,. 2 3 -.. ~,I4 ~ ~ : ' ..t. , i-- 4 : 1 i .i' h` ` T ~ i . , L , -.". -.- --• , . - .-1 - : ; - 1 „..- 1 4 f -- -limpertiluit itkeil 1 -, ----- L. , -,--- '.- • ' 1; -;,.' [ ~ .. EvAlisitp . i • _I '.._ . • - Tritris ...1 A- I m be opgsrm - ,7,Wheet iesiond el 1 4 ::-., ou ' idspeitolrditiceiviliwiloaiLbettitia ektlF' idiot bit po te; bellowing knoinagaliK -'i Ongliniiist;it Isticitieely ntherarelefeceptrllinittl' doebtitiii*uni4r ?Terry to dial theta. ' ' c a:,,_L 6whieritlatitchitired: an sitindiut eireertfueer. Taidesirrlikiebldiiikataii :the eith&etitien •'..iw mete, heidlid. pretelineerktdbaestiired;kteiteptiodO, 12 4041•4 11 11 1 1iTetifdLOT. bY',:blitiemitt worth - 410e:: te•PrePriewr te!ki. Pc'ini.frno•lne l l l , ll o lll9fil et i eg ei *' drity,, Without inverting th e itispLeion.4iii&fadie :esii,in'inittitetingifieceitharlion. - •'''' ' - -1 .r , 'The.:;CAMONILIVand•-fAMILif-APERIENT Ell.lB.mannfeetuned Ili Pri-Willirettiatts, itt7loo lithethletteel , tan 4tirtire hil - muilanation of, I.l44g..iirk,"l9o&,erviCatir4or. the moat enineet groom- Aprighouth , uot.suike....*.tritely, &Lipton& to; elate theltsio.orwlik.h.liive inthictd Omit* iindmllie-W dices Icitlthiutlielj'aidivrawnly ls'illeT en.. , - , And tholietheititil are" thit ilitsejudo clone medicineeliefittiajdre rise& the mciat•delitater cowitkitii,...eird Are, m -aletest.ewirriddivill" Ind . elm rer.14444. 11 .te.Weg.0 1 1 4, Cmarktitkon.e* - inet,,ii trelitieppy;and perm:Tree. .effitacy., pixii.- ~60- i i,thifsetiver,see that they ar4iiiit .offered to the pialifintipoitnif quirk theerfollitirlfYing' the MOO, to the utter. destruction, of the 'about& and bowels. PuttlYdnbnisdfrontill duntied•hitenreibey,tilide`- 'madly der; bat' pot•-by. •delruoyug :those viscera - by' . Whichk alone the . Mead twe,beitswinited.,,i are T, elruttoe4l.llPqn**l9=rnitoromli math he u verlirleeen l lerafibetl# ' 1 vit4 . well Witold& to be &Weil, ir . . Willesh•add ' . ,—• They do not purify ' thintiti irp:' ,4 o . l' , loth "theta' nekl like' beinvi toe, itillited - •• ie,nitig - Ali • itild; butthelmake th orn tar ' Min' is Voieuble,and Cti o eurp :ofri ii T i r t!i blenary To i tille ethy priailo ilislis il, iir fe, tiode :' hi . 4 l 47 o l 7d t o o fidni n g l ae lake the Za .rut,t v ha t ert • nod, muscles; demo, corgimp t iangdory se. We& bitkiiiiiis ipd teghmentertlkeln en. is ry... 1 '"i bit ithittictr Hppl and fedr ridt.: o4nac tlO .6f ris t r aii tneri bo t tniiiiill ikon weu - are ali bitil hes i 1 :Itlifi&a oal : d 4 0 : . losirdatt be medalled 'kept iiiimi tijnit. as eves other snrt'Ofthe mum. will hebf. - . , .. . ... • 1.1) - N 4:.,;.. , • . ~;-, . li t " 4 AM bo u ttit'expee te&thitOtey - Will i ' health 'Willem* ' h andliAliehit , ee l Innis so ditto' . 4tit.the ottaitio:thtrty Orly hi lea • Mini the' twoitmle iletrakted,latlidth - ealiiiii w the lo w f biki.swi theArithuaioni oftlie 15 .. -,.. •-• and asobthicli,• Andthey nis PF 0 111 , r - ' reels trK &Wien° inthemoid,sue lit' "7 ' 'e• Tb!&PMENT.rAMILY ELL , the: iron sto .; i• be affected "with w ind, bile: or coated antio . clear it out. by a Meurer butte.triest&- ' 1. . -•.• . Mien, aneeniathe'illeivtioleali... rya . 1 . , withoit• griping.Vidleirtnkitlas free ;without . • ,as settee ever- designed it tab be.— They do . . • the skin.offthe sumach end towels, and lease - . like a piece ofted.vehretastll 04. sicians lin • ' thet_strong draiiie pills, do, Int they take nature . .y by the haedinithoetttrueli o rg hire a wn , . - eleateelvery d &Ili without 1. wring or laitint t 'thing. • .•• ,' W nonfat-Did, as it ulftEy is by ibe c hifs few.of the AkelLY APERI PILLS, th _. me the ifelehnited CAMOMILE or TONIC PILLS. to et gentile/4 suitesch,trod • els.which before. per ham weak and foal beuw ,they. - were and clidoins them With itreorkt perform' their bier bin' teat &helms, withootthe k trrkilfe- Tte'l A- MOMILE - FLOWER.: ilitkits. wthitible AI awns - Itie theadelallYmistractid. %totally/Ink-at , ' phy sicians, inierresy egeoto - be theta& - vitgetatdertheic 'know in the 'ciente oftnedicnii44lherelitothing Lewin inthe vegetable kingdoimof natant to equal it; =Otis at tine so hermitage and so vignette& , and hi proof of this, the *gam.; or thl rekowntil gin that ate made fromlts Rarest pinw. cies, es lit .a* "lend inennerablit indbors,both Modest • '.. .. .. -- .„ trbartirinlintat.enlidibit pro v ed it ta tens of . . •.. a. I f ifrbeefFeCta(or thole pillitia4tidt liiiiy•iiellY4tiili is WO McAdam of appetite arid' general strength, but in train& *Ohs badyte that ' unheard irgor. in all :1 Amato which indiatteethe return to *featly &leek vo 4- in,thei efa i ce fa'sr i r ,and ge r rai thiruirxr ° ,Of fe-. n.' 'melee can . 13`bew knelt tifyline'tialtiiholid to ttheir• on, their comiiliakin;luirdleligth,• c , iethene other remedy bad . lirciribrirtries Then use-, i nto Li diseeetiettell:kaida. they ate flew ii mei 10c 10 10 1 " to be oneemisent.; gradually . cseterieg attunes" . body and alga, without,shout annoyeece awl change! whicliothet Aeneas remedies decision. Illippy *bold it have bee& for pains persons of both seam who are now &the trilentgno.ifthey had leemildto 'check the` morbid leadenciet of their atomachmid bowels 'by thesepore totticesed 100 7 , ewe withbut,tonitin legate!' riniediriethenuotts of whicpAtia.'o . add ntathich 'theyzkitni othinik, Thai , dreadful seems' CONLEL:IIIfTIO.N. . .iglikhsvvi been chinked An' I .te commitment. and t =printed ontsotoy..roer the land, if ilie'fini yottoms lot' net'ioni llebilitylid bnea 'ciiiiiilerscted - -by CAldpautE lhettiiiallfy 031111R1t; 4 1* those bowel cdnitilainnwhich lesd lolt'Wm 'off**mals diesomigle Alive:been obviatiCby 'that fine elcaliiie extract test riebaric which-is a_.bieding.iegrediedifil the A PERIENT - FAMlLY,llWl •o llefortibuterif• tbeie inedichute.. width utt.idiPOlM;te'ra temOritY el' the Perime• fer,vrhich Ilititallediliketo sidanneere- • Wirilineed,felitinOgiiielt*lliimrdtab, headaches, %We lebEity, man 'decline. hilliest:ion. ,thd liver, eotoplaint. would'latie entirely:disappeared, whLre many of theteharc proved:fluak ._ ' . .. , Intl° ittlialivetlyunderinotithat these medicines' aro Cr alined instead of these, summit organ, of' the body w,hich other otedicinee dispense With. pea very. iiimunoy ;manner. ; They . ate founded eine,medical hadwledL.. and itiarquackery. old deitotialte all the red pirti l ee obi of the htlawalitioetitid_Otthet, pre- I lericeofpurifying it. Irr linftlf‘ilificleit'',of 'atm. th e fines mid-fortis °rimiest& bear testi= ,mosy. :±. i constitute a sadfuVelfeictsal. aid-gime rally applie s eche& of mediciess. for. fwer". stly,.. upd itH4,4l Itns oth tonic &Oa Aperient.mid. t he amt. prepaiatio knoWn, no iieriamor-fainity. should be withodt them, They 'can'bedbtliised iihoniale and l! WM. EvigNSiPlitiv rerk. and °rids 'agents hi loans bid Canary; with -diree -1 lionsforitee.-..They•are rapidly sepemedhig ill tither remedies advertised in the public Tints, biatitise they are then to baking . to a vereseaormeinod o g n ep u l ar pedicinti.A singlettial wank plac*tbegi WI in re-- , vote caimans, Is th&l . anl ; lonise lobe in , public ',preterit**, and in &enplane Of plijsidiane 'Dr. WM. 'EVATIS° MICE. No: I 9 ',NORTH IFIGHTIqr. PHILADELIVIA; where biomedicine maybe. lsi l.. , Drl•Wai• E,tail 41116tteel00" Chatham street, YtoirmberetheDictorizaty be etnisidted as usual.' .. z• 1 , , • - ~. _._ , I ,• - MB ,•la, 'Ol 4 t 81 21 81 azen .0 10 I peribota r e .1 SO 1 - 50 50 t 1! 00 Mil acconiiikodat4 *bill • )4 ; jrIII3PEPI4LS' and M iePCICIOiIiRIAP . IIAM:-- &Prop; Case:.; - - me itliim SiOitoiimnicii it. , abover . ' , lt..%:Phibidelo ' '.-affliettidttrirlaintal years w h the following di 'ngloiptniuillilfdli sea at . . -,atotnach, ' ettlitudeala.-Pilpititdous "f./ I . l ei : . l'• "M#ol4.aPPOlactrometimeir acid told. inking - 41 n . er)rmttotta ooMma tind.w . ~. nth - eitrito - ' echichitirer acid eraltlebdity 4istutheit resets e ::: :Of:l44l'4re weight ' at th stomach after '_ to nighfinitre. ' rest mental d r , pideniy. , 1 sante, • , "ng pans in tlie c t, back and tidal. costive- ' ziesdp, al , doelbrarciii7. or converaitiOn,livolonduy siginal .... *ovum" "langior addiashodet opon the. In • ticin. l .,, t 5 1 _, 4 1 t , Mr.: .. On Atid'Oplied tothe "moat eminent phyla chair: NO &fond the Power of medi ciao to ':. , ;`ret' hia*liiitt' h.; however. as his afilli-. bons" :." , mimic Mut to i'very deplorablecondition. and ha high reconnnended by a relative °fhb' to Asks ~, . °LEW' Wald EVANS' .Medicine, be with &Scut ~ repaired to the office and procuredapackage. law , ' . Iteaaps.iwrls:indiebted-fr#r Ms relitoration to Mi.: . - th - aidTilenda . , ti9v He ii ettloili!gall the Wrist. a of perfeitlrLllL Peflamir dPilfeva. of (hinter ilforinatitut.willbesatiailedwiiri eve r y parii-:. ' . Color Wins' aatonlshingettlaat tir. Wm. Event' Medi.' tad OM cen.loerCbathero et:.l l, larw-1 ork ;.itorlita_Plty iidelPhOrfNol'l9 NORMEIGNPIrEt . •-• ;', 4 1 Pcihr by "'' '' ClViti n'tWilatigt, '- litoTeA ' tforxBc.hoylkili ' ty. '= h :Prittaville.Nov. 2 6 .' '. ' • I • "A--11 -3 4' ~~~ ~ ~ t Senelly l Thisile 1,11 • ipp BM-NEDwhale for . 1 44 P , 41,111AGGERTY.1 1 !Wavle • ' ' • • .561,4 in t, • ~',„;•/ 'r• • • , AtTXT. Tom. • • .rikattiise9;4l, whiel • LLA ado betpiiiid4 43l6 o l l 14174 d it0 wooTeisol *optotios. , Ti s k , after • re ocilttof P o rtometoko Atop sobe aut#o • - Fftract ' tna iuk4. 4 griNe w .1* isfety to 'eltildtftilindlittooocieotioioli to the fol io eelorthelplotid.:oillicbitt 01' will t. toPte_Toitil 'en 'Ail follows' itiotet Pititioni;oetio Atinp• Pimple. or "SAO orhiphimperrOfrlopftit jtaltir of bodi„ I - 8 42 egetmnii Chronic rheum:die' Teller. - - ' ' ;... ... Scrofola„.tirrEliiinyu..'`.. l 6 - 4 WhiteSnelthign , q ...,, ~.. , —1 I FcyphiliticZtterifiai , ',-"' - a 0 4 a u d* t wa„Ariain' gfro an ;Impure state of illebrood,hither, f_alitoxreati , nein ibotand wa lk he'akbyclimate.or the bodkin. trial of mercury. - 'thiare thoughtatt Int* a few cedill este, aim. benelleialereetsaio 'Winos well known in the coatety.osi, nietteretna..' l . ••• 'l• j; )- , r • - ......r„ -.• ,'. Jilsallieg,p;htly 13, 18V• -We the undiiiaiblid,i , hitritai - :44 , Chm_pound Floid%Extract 'of BanatporiUa..l( 4/ 0 useurgif W.,. Oakelep 'noir AUDlling . al t chilled 'meow.: osendit to:the., public.Atok e r.,steula Oracle:li modiciatt,. itidirsitses.ansipir -fro Insporidar,of the blood. , ' * .11 1 11 1 011 t. • I M.' AricErAtuis. - - Av , 11/30A Titals to. 4"rrifillifit I - Irritf' - tatuirlr' itinkted with as °badness ' ect 'lnlinfr . ofmy legs, which Woke into ouretwohe ulceri; Tor-Nandi 1 triodes:icon rtnedhssorbacki but- lamented the dul restlf.'WhenlwatrWiiiraisided'ton'y -lalti. Wale?* preparstiotailltissOrillaitinnireci alter using sevend bottles:l am bippyi Us &alba Olean are eutindy rengrata. - Anc thileAr ihvgna .-Witness ciy sand this 1&b clay Otatimuwa4 B 37. l • ' ' 2 JOHIVIL C r qtakt Reading. - 'lll, eendinrilast otxlitde soli: abotuAryeats old, hed sabred fureiridg orDle.r-garoui'relutirur on We right lturr..routrigaltnaprfired,tolltave been yrbits yweihusawkelar , rurtiPireglige 4 0 - bia II ma thea ofthohisit ii tame sillic' dr, until I will ieCommeiniatio itielafi"."2 i3We - W. oMteley's i C l o t d on ls n h * d etidpthellntpablt,nighl Tithebeage oi amidOrhiclibadsehireitostila' ninteence o this affection.- eXIIIARItIEIRNIIIIIMAN, , ~, 7:14 at 7.1 1, Pra;444.elaffing• Theabosentastorusii -to an.bothbefots and atm the oullftST. oraklireltigrrusi if .Is l ,Prurlia-, tills, and thave . , ok.fentlatitiltUbekain ,tiutt it *as ihis'agent dill *Widen - . , , • '• srip. IVHIESTEN,III6 D. Might, SeittitriB3l 1 f .' ' '''' • _ _ wit°1400 11 410,18 77 .• Mr. Oakeley. 1 , , filic--4 consider it illy datftpleiAtikriaw t i the use ofthe half dozen bottimoleyourftskams *A m . 'tale tnaticet Orel in June last.thiyritatliel healed trylegatheDionor toldjietitutrarulutrur '' ' eil•u• acuar, and theniesof yourl=witaiste4,, , _probably benefit it. Theft.* beta& iieiti lite . , : before it was headed. but I took itttl tit' :41 the nuns certain:it is now WWl** Ofaiiiii .. , bet wed any. sod there is no answerer - of a. -•' t, • y physi• ciao think* the cute'purism J • , 1. 41 . , i,. ,_. - I INN, 14rrhe itc_me, &nit& :. - 'j - ' lolled it , - sobeefibeie 'who** lied' ' 0 .•., , lam North FiftNeuieußeedult and et ,'" , she prin. cilia drug store!. -"rusk DoP , t , , es, at thelowertcent vices. air AVE_ & sale 4 ;,, the nib. Oc nisdr,. ..4 .• , 'saw. Y. MI tb aeliiOat ibii.itledat'er43 . 4 *. , .• . & Kam ; nitt i On ;WI: biratierled T. - td, reel toil:ll:Peter irtiebb,,Oteykluillit the ate 'efftantard & &roach, Pournlle. - •it r.! ,' .at . • , Jan 1.8 •.* . • i l l e I It. N. B. - Ti• 'iciest a iisitioit..iviy '- auxemitnithe !del../ hisietiao- _ ~ , ~ti: ..7 , .mil, - __ • , _.' . .'.1..-t5.: , .. - .i• .14 , i.. • /14 ° 11 . 141 *- - FerY4 l-- , ve sorski, airowkelkkru. .., WV thivaeibir ; ge tacked. „., ,, 4 1 , •-• ;...: it i.i linnuilgmo lett. irid -liii.ileihr4lntliit ii ir 4.1r0 le.ialteep;Nri ' plates , ,,. 1 ClarkiNiConnwerstary, iliac ab4p. Wesley', weike.4o4 : coinple* , - .13fiekieVlieoltiiieereharlli'.6-vola.tibe t q n Scutt's , *Wet - and'. ' userinny..-43 , , sheep; ; ,t , ..• -.41 ..rt ~.r, - - Cr ',.{.!!.. BYrin's Workll64Wr . flaklrEditiwail ,RfAlin's Analog' . rp, 1 - Ne0....41a - ! -INWitiane's 'Ed' _lditik.Blipe • idatar..l - • .I-.';- , .•.- L I.• ..,..:. Jorephus larol.withip . am i, .'. , • ilitapiratt.'s-siorka a4lene.' 1 :vol. -- - ~ Illoare'e worlfa,Lib Edith:el:l . • ; Burin worksi...— ' -4. , , I - , :'-'I Cowper and Thompwin'siiverksi-, ,!... . •Paley'amorkw,...4,_ ~ . 1..; r „ . -7--, Borden'. 'villagre.Serreona.; ~. .! -.., DoddrtireaTazilly-.:Expositdri 1. tftnedia oreatepattiryif3".*' Ott Mar Ira,lw /X, - ___lanyt . q . . _ r ...._ _. __ rpecificir, pointing ont,in a—' • tducitis manner, OF the anal:llama intim: ' , tlitageo of these distres. 'sing fiiiii.ofatiii7pftt "r !directions Aspect itordiqtjkid,‘tieltdeln!' , .62*, patieata' - ave to Awl:o4 thko,itfti - itre. • stage Ontitkieal• in rat i , ,'` Air' rani' and 41 kaa:rmild .be e pre. '4 oni'dftha IWO , Plyadczans; iaccoopani e d Witht 'a Moat bowerini ' . d tiatal Oediatnak, if iiiis di ' trona arc ,not t .11111.fiaiii0k, The ppplip, ire info / ed.hatheliiirefon' out 287 pctkitca'haie 'bet!to pair i . 4firammpe r 0 r tavide thoritici in trie,ni4 of nelin)q4ll, "ly cured in the inolit'd - - lite:ellie!'kf' . OP: k tiov, icaci'otailifat'are 41.,iiitiltid ito4lil e :, ac I colniminiribtOiali b.c • --- 1 1 , „ 1- - - '-,, _ t-r;:i : me A ntiplity Othi, 11iy.e.416 - lel64kilw bead reOcked and iair4,l4l, atltiliStilgi.:ii..„ .. ,'. Mairch 1 . 2 ; ''./._. 0:: „',' s ~...{ 7 ;41 . Passage from= ›, " .' .. 84 4 kt -e P land an ,- ir e.s. i pERSONS:, • „,,,,,,: sr . * gage passage ror tbair,trirtri. rUr' - !Wilda , Polk** 1. SIM itieeiiilrVitiliorr, , acili4 t rp_ . paita r q:' , .: l-711” " 4 , 'lt v ERTL I . 7' -I, 4"frvr , ' l '" "' ' ':•—• ItKiatieet. 'FatialAiciiorairmiii i t 1 irill '-."' 'yersoas PP* i 43 Ilk t **JO ftiftl!!iii' arr, ~iitay iiiab 'to [ liearritiera tociiitiy. td talk he *valid° for I the tram " raf b'e V - ~?1, illtg ail T in g tr l ab - Agin r yiv ' le '. ./1.: W. Bracy, No. g. Vi ltoa ; di Liver- PrirkPrallaVviiktto4 .A ar IL"' rifilirilliiii - n 1 lit y;, Quay, DaUti." ' i aye, 96 •.., 0 r. betore F ,•. d • die oi ttel us • Y Pip t ar. *had • sto Wet:. itie poi d • • es. die it Y, ..• . • • • 11-6 mo ire will With/ring Oriel at $lOOO 12 00 11 00 eg 400 • ••6 00 eep, 4 .20 .... '4 25 25 :3 25 i 2 23 •• 100 .425 00 • • 2 00 350 10 50 1 37 at very t: IFIC 4cure Adonis, Ic.pre• AS 0 N City d Scot