The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, February 17, 1838, Image 3

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111_01uleil Thud
WILL be sold at Pub
26th.instmtt, at th •
Hail Mortimer, in this bo •
M. two houses end two. i.
-situated on Market store
Street Hotel.' en one o
two story Well finiatied
store house, 24 feet fron
back. The lot is 190
part of It there is also er
story frame dwelling ho
Also, a2B feet -vacant 1
property. This propert y
teution of those who W
cheap. Conditions on d 1
feb 17
• Eigetfiraul
D AB eehon lei ge gee
fees Unterhalciing- •
mit GaU,.welehos geign
gen zu weeken end zo- .;
sinn der Religeon Emu
niter! Kitchen- Voeter go
lung 'am herzens and
herimegebraeht, enter a
faellen litres u •
chesten alter benennung - A
werd.. let man auf ein'e - .;
dige wean, mit einen Stir
Betraebtungen and. And
gegeben undo in nieser d
N. B. So ist each a
and Stark'a gandbuch e
Elautsh and English zu
, feb 17 •
• Mr. Charles Hobart,
'Y. afflicted for five y -
Asthma, applied at the o
on the 4th of October; la
ing symptoms. A sets:
cheat, with the greatest'
distressing cough, gene
expectoration of viscid
the face turbid and of a
in & horizontal position
immediate suffocation,
dizziness in the head, an
Mr. H. applied to the
in this city, likewise a. ,
without obtaining any,
his triendv perawided hi
'Dr. William Evans' t.F ,
lieved of his coroplaint„
yesterday, avowing that..
press his grstitade for t
ed. October .21, Ifs 37.
39. March Term,,lB
Amos Turton
The Corporation of
Borough of Pottville.
38. March Term, 183
ch u y k ICo
li .vania, to
- County,
' Turton, of
• bath filed
Common Pleas, for the
talnat the Corporation
vine, for the sum of F
Dollais twenty-nine ce
work and labor as a 51
performed an bestows
found, furnished, deliv
six months last past; iv
and construction of a
.rent, situate in Centre
Pottsville aforesaid, con
House or Jail, belongin
Borough of Pottsville ri
Building or Tenemer
Ground covered by tit
much other grcinnd imn
and belonging to the s
be necessary for the tn.(
of the said building bey
' 1 ty, BS. I
1 , ,, monwealth of Pstrinsyl
-6 e Sheriff of Sch ylkill
% • :ling: Whereas .stissos
a borough of Pottsville,
claim in our COurt of
fmnty of Behuylloll, a
if the borough of IPotts
'ur Hundred - and !Forty
, lawful money, rye„..for
l a- and Plastererl done,
. • and also form aterials
bd and provided, Within
_, ,
And whereas it As all.
remains due and impel.
now we comMand you
thmpaid Corporation o
•antrto .ill such person.
the said building, that
the Judges of our said
mon Pleas to be held a
_tv aforesaid, the Mo
Monday in March mut
have to say why the !
and Forty Dollars Fw
be levied on th a said bu
Amos Turton, accord
of the Act of Assembl
provided, if to them it
have you then and the,
Witness the flonorabl.'
of our said Court at
of January, A. D.on,
and thirty-eight.
Feb 14 1-4
National L
ary, 1838, at the
14. By command.
Feb 14 1-3
`4ll the Court of Co
County, in the
Michael Bretzio
Michael Thetzi
November, A. D. 1:
Prothonotary of the
Schuylkill (bounty, a
committee of said --
Notice is hereby id
in said estate, that tit.
the Court of Comm ,
collated Monday the I
o'clock in the feire
same, and for showin
count ought 'Tacit to ,
thereof the same will
Witness the honora
•?' our said Court 'at
Pi:thrum:l.. A. D. 1
Feb 10 4w
• ,
THE anbicriher
persona who '
&hoot and Road 7'
for the • year 1837,
to be fooled any ton •
that all taxes not paid
regulak notice haa •
levied on for the ttun
Feb 14 1-3!'
Ipll.OlH Timothy
- 0 -* Rile by
Feb 14
, .
) ;.. ~,-, •RA REIPORT-T-1 1 010 .3
- • - ( T2 l l l -. ,
viluoDlook, : Ailip,,x,..,
bti. s he WM if {the pIA co be,
made by a'obmpatii simirat tope in*•ha.
sin at Altitny;N4 Y. to tie calietkiithiliirmandi
-on the western shore of tiMAlchnilia, Ty dlll
uffic i
lifer, which VD ' =MOM wakerAP44 ll .. thy
Lo every owner propertyfreeabeeneto land
raga, which cow ined. wrirte,len, thowand font
in lengtig a ttoweettunncidite 900nnimat
tide same dine, addesissed by Fitmeastac Owe,.
Engtneeri Philadelphia. ' 4 : — 1
. _
talbr sale
`c Sale on Movida ,
:public. house of '
•ongti, at 2 o'clocl
adjoining eaohs
adjoining the M
. a lots are erec
ck dwelling Boas
with a stone kit
iii 4 e.
I deeii, 4nd on the back
ed a. one and a half
and kitchen a hid:
. , adjoining the bore
is well worthy e at
to buy. It will sold
~. of sale:
. P.
• 111
The Joie Special Committee apPatinted b r y Coon
. silo, 25th Polymer, last. wttfai instrotitiorui to
confer with the Watering Cominittee. tit whom
was referred a plan of a proponedCannloi Be.
sin us the west side of the tiver.
after having several meetingiN•and eliekting all
. the information within their pack, and dulyl
considering theaubject offer the following;
•By the completion ofour Canals a new source
of- tride has within a fetv years 1 velopdd itself;
which promises - to be of great -- penances not
only to the .Eity : of Pluladelphi but to thettatit
of Pennsylvania.
i • •
Anthracite Coal, the production of Pei nsylvii- -
nia exclusively, is fast taking the -Wood
as the- common fuel of the country—its-Ii creased
consumption and importance it shown 'by the
quantity brought down litChuidia- Canal
since its completion: , -
In 1825, the quantity received was 6,500 tons;
in 1835 it had increased to 339,50Ettoniciind the
demand rapidly increasing; about 250,000 tons
were exported in 1635, generallrib 'easels of 100
to 150 tons, and requiring two thee - sand I,vetssels
to carry it OM' : r
ruin, the abole data an idea efthe importance
'of the trade-may be formed. In ?fact, atilkracite
coal will become One of the greatotaple articles
of Pennsylvanm, and to Roster and protect would
seem to require particular attention. 3 • '
One of the-greatest difficulties' imperil:a c e by
the traders is the, want of convenient lags.
sufficiently capacious, upon which:to deposit the
coal on arrival at our city from the mines.: Lining
- bulky, a very large extent of wharf is required,
not only for the convenience of the numerous
boats bringing it down to lay at in safely. and
discharge;• but also ample apaen ito depoint it.—
Also, wharves for the sea vessels - to lie 4t in re
ceiving their cargoes. _
The present improvements onrthe rivet are en
tinily inadequate to the object; great innieni
owe is experienced from the crowded.r4oner in
which the sea weasels and coal boats at
together, loading,and discharging. ! •
The location of the proposed plan is on the west
side of the river Schuylkill, on The low kniunds
extending from the Upper Bridge to the lower
end of the Alms House property, a distance of
' more than two miles, embracing the _whole city
front, as follows:
hte Work von Zol 'kor
a, in gaper' u g
ist fronune gee' nun.
• bren, und
tspricht, und
ngeroein viel sue
airing dee ge
umeteenden an .1
dee wegen von
so beguebrig g
I. uths
admen and voll
en anhang Ccimu
chtewebungen, h
cherry an haben
te - wahres ebr
' thorn
1 ke in
d ander° gate wei
0..122 Orange 0 - -t, N.
with humeral ha . haat
ce 100 Chatham treet
ring under the I , How
of tightness acrd the
11. ifficulty of brea Wag,
h t g e m disturbed nai ,
n dfwu l rbed r
th Piuns est,
ivid hue—could of he
ithout the pensa nof
guor, drowsiness'!, aid
• loss of appetite.
! 4, ost eminent physicians
several other remedies
• .rmanent benefit, until
1 . to place hi.nself under
.eit. lie is low re
and called at - th office
I.e had not words to ox
e benefit be had i,eceiv-
Soi Fac Suribiechan
ies Lien for 4440 29
tad abinit the erection
pain Building or} Tene
r,eet. in the borgh of
manly called the lockup
or said to belongto the
oresaid, against e said
I •
and also agai et the
said . building, qnd so
ediately adjacent theret3,
• id Corporation, as may
inary and usual purposes
g part of a Lot o. —.
ged that the said s m still
to the said Ames urton;
,at you make krqyam to
he borough of Pottsville,
as may hold or eccupr
ey be and appear before
• art, at a Court df Com
-1 rwigaburg for tie coun
,day preceding the last
'to show if any thibg they
d sum of Four Hundred
my-nine cents anduld not
ding to the-use.ot pie!said
gto the form a effect
in such case m da and
hall seem expedi nt, and
e this writ.
Calvin Blythe, P esident
rwigsburg. the th day
thousand eight ondred
I Prothon4ary.
ht Infan
,day the 22d day o
rmory, at 10• o'.
;ock, A
Fast Se
tnonPleas of Sc
atter of the e•
4, a lunatic.
,tale o
'nobler, com
ne, did, on the 2
, file in the WI •P
art of Common
• tement of his ac
igce of
day of
• of the
'Pleas of
r .at as
en to all perions i
Honorable, the
Pleas afOresaid,
dr day of Ma •
••• , for the h •
cause why the
• allowed, midi
• • confirmed.
gee .of
;aye ap.
1838, at
of the
said ao.
• le Calvin Blythe,
rwigaborg. the 7
day of
all those
fined not
• P—and
Diu be
ain indebted fo
' in Norwegian
that be is deter
11 by promises to
i.y the &go/Mar
a ettren,4propert
• - • just, receiv
' J. CLA
god for
To be formed into at Itiast two or more long ha
sins 150 feat wide, to be wharfed in a cobtinuous
line on the river side, also on the basin Or inner
aide, leaving a space between the twoclittes of
wharves, of about 150 feet wide, as a latiding for
coal, 4c. The space:to be filled up bait proper
height, by the 'earth and mud eseavatethin form-
lug the basin—to have at-each end a tide lock,
also one in the middle, and if necessary apt lock,
through which boats can pass at all timU of tide,
both in and out of the basin. The tidetlocas to'
to be thrown open as soon as the flood tide in the
river rises sufficiently to open the gatei freely,
end admit a free pessage of the water,and the
coal boats in and out oftbe basin. The i gates to
remain open until the tide recedelir, when the flatee
are to be shut, to maintain a proper lieight of
water in the basin, so as to keep the boar" alviays
afloat, never suffering 'it to fall
_more th:ou a foot
below high wider , mark. This uniformity in the
water level removes one of the great objections
experienced in discharging coal at the present
landings, where it moat be thrown eft feet in
height at low water, which, In addition* the ex
tra labour, has a tendency to teeitk ill op, and
tender it less valuable.i
The plan also affords a coritintinus toting path,
an ample extent of wharf, where the goal boats
may lie at all times in 'Earfect saty, net incom
moded by the sea vesseltioshich a re to beitrranged
on the river side of the basin, entirely Veparated
from each other, the coal, &e.. 1 betwean them,
handy to both, and affbrding to the trade a apace
for its accommodation double that which can be
obtained without a basin tha t
The plan of tide-lucks and decks, Or basins,
has been long in use in Londogil and Liverpool.
All the shipping there enter the to discharge
and load their cargoes, and are nsid+ed, after
long exiericnce. as affording th best-acommods
tion for convenience and sa ty of fiude.
The ground upon which the ' lan is i proposed
f 0
to be located is Ist present all marsh, mural
hundred feet in width, nearly the 'dude distance,
and* mostly covered with wa whie in t r at high tide,
and le ft bare when the tide r des, eaposed to
er e
the action of the sun,. lic4 weather
has more or less -tendency to , nodal* .an un
healthy effect upon the surrounifing colintry and'
the city. This incoovenience t .pr it may be said
nuisance; it is believed, will be4ntirely removed
if the ran is carried"into effect. I r s.
All the owners of property eking twee will
be equally benefited. . P .
It has no connection with airmini t Dam,
and as far as the information 1 eceived y the
IM ,\
Committee goes, they have at r.,. reason
to believe that it will have any ndeney •to i 4 7. '
,lure the Water Works. ". b • -
Readied, that the plan of biome and; tide-locks
be constructed on the west Iti ide of the river
Scbuylkill, immediately oppositelhe city of Phil
adelphia,for the accommodationj f theca"! Trade
as described in the foregeing g port it approved
provided they are so constroct as to conform to
such regulations as Councils m ' recommend to
the Legislature of the State, for r unction.
Resolvedohat the .Commit be dis Charged
from further consideration of e subject submit
ted to them.
All of which is respectfully'' bmittdd.
Josue Si arnmorr, •
bouti P... l Wrrnintuz,
Joe a, 4.4.4
Lawimaicr. Urn,
Bata. BEL linvilnas, '
MM.: 11.ALILiri
bons aatip,
Dux ' 'Clistbv,
Twos.: titre;;
W into 411 kaitiy-si .
. . Commis S. Siam
--- . • ` d .
'astir. Lippincott is the President orlli . e Schuy
kill Navigation Company, t
Feb LO
• NOTIPiI c .
Is hereby given, that Islam f idntistration
-above tMen granted to the Sub ribeet y the Re
gister of SchuylkillCounty‘ofthe estate of James
Wilde, deceased,' late of Itorthitutptot4Connty.—
MI persons indebted to said est4c, tyre 'therefore
requested to Mike payment to ibis so fiber, and
such who may have claims CM Odd #4.0 pre
sent them duly anthenticgted foir Ir/silicate's:M.
Jan 27 6-6 Adminlitrator.
TA TEN ll'': - Vie . Common Schee; : pll4'l l lWi l lti .1!:* ' l ' .
. . . . i.. the State .
g 1
1 3141
- 4 --Alpffest Destri* , •, -4. t-qv,_. k i , —, . ._,
_ - 1-40.- -
,-. I '4,1 , 4. 0.,'...: P' . n '', .' -- '€:" . ....1 A•'fl V ' l'
DISTRI9III, 1 1835:I' ' 'lB34:'' - ` 4. j821 '- ' 'AM '"' -'" 18311." •'-:TO IL
Bgrryi - ki..: l -! - , }Forfeited:; ,1 , 15.95. V ... :',..,6irtile:k. -. 212-55- 4- , it _ - asq,, -16 0
kireibittig,lEL) - ' ' do.' ' ' • ',35 76 ~;,.. 1371/5 ~ ..' . 4liii:bo.„ - - it': ' - ::t. '4Ba 60'
Banat • swig . ~... t . . , -, • ,
o (r - ' de." I s 46 67.'" . 178 iO4 - 622 A 2 ' '7l3i• •''' 4 1024" 87
:Bietilwitn e i , 1 Rtkid . ' l l -:: '_Rid`: : , 7: , lqiir''' -- rjaktL., -,-‘-. tlik'',-7.144110
Illaheatotage, (U.) I Forfeited: •. 41 -56,- ,,,- 158 St , 554-.25 •••• ,- 01, , ; , - , 91310 g,
Mahontenge, (f..) 'I 'doe --'
•• .- 41 53 '1 . 57;112 449 irf.,, - ., 57 ffir '‘., ~.,f!„1 , ''1k0;
Norwegian, '. 1.. Paid . "I . Paid : :-.• Paid •. ~• Aid , . )43 = €l3. .. '0641 . ii3
Orwigesburg, ; • de. '' - ikt., * " dr i i. ' - dr.r.., ''l6 13 - 116 53
Pinegrove, i i Forfeited : .. 53 45' ° 1115, 62 -- ' '.6 , "..:. , .95 52. ' .1121 . 1.4
Pottsville, 1 I Paid Paid Paid ~ ai -- ...,z 75 26 - ••• . 475 .28 -
... .
Rush, Forfeited 14 24 . 54 :38' - - 196'0 ''s4 32 : 3j - 2 -52?
Schuylkill, , Paid 2t 86. 113 94 - 398,16 \ ...-• 1344 • .655 90
Tamaqua, Paid ;;- . Paid Paid - "MAW -
.` 00 35 • 400 35
Union, ' Forfeited 20- 71 72 51 ':..117/r59 ' 72, 41 1: -40 .72:
Wayne, - ' do. - 48 36 -164 44 -. 574 61• • • *44 • - .951 85
. .
West Penn, • do., ; 48 53
~ 1185 1.6.,,, . 647-: (- 85 16 ' 1064 64-
\ _
•, , -- 3018 P 3
I • • . ..,
~.. . . .
. . s •t
1 6 ..x i i , 1 -
. - .
dating law nonoccepting districie eiwionly adopt
The foregoing statinnent exhibits not only the ,
dividends of State approprea - tien - for the „fifth the system by the vote of the mliiene assembled
,Common School year (1839,) payeblets or a ft er to elect Directors.' which in 'Mat ' takes.
the Bret Monday of June, 1838 , when that year place on the third,Priday 4 in 1 / a rch. nee it
Commences, to all therdisfilete in the county, 'follow' thil though the comphstion of Arr.
but also those for the Ist, 2d, 311, Ovid 4th school teiture does not take place till Nerember, • ' thin
-years (viz:1825.106 107 and ttos,) low doe to the act el:acceptance width can alone ,prei tit
such districts is hanzeither not accepted or not from attaching, Intuit be.parfortlied fin-towns Ps'
Tel applied in the peeper manner fur their money. , in March,' end 7 tor wards, and boroughs, at t e
the whole amount of State appropriation yet due lime next "prim; abet:elle eledt their proper of;
each district, din& the first year of UM systemOs fivers. Noy iii theca - per. kin Of this forfeiture'
exhibited in the lain coltunn. _..-
. confined to the; approprta on of the current year.
The State appropriation for 1835 or the first but embraces those of cep the J,aea sencethe corn
school year, was $75,090; for 1896, or the second mencement of the sys 'the Ist and 13th
f7s,oft ea 107, or the third:s2oo,ooo; for 1838 sections.
or the fourth and Present school year; $700,000, This- being the awnnnee al:doffed of the for.
(including the !Wilding Fund of 11500;000;) and feiture caused by continued rejection. it becomes
for 1839, ootheyfflit year, it will be 000,000 if proper to state the bonseq ences".cif present adop
the law remains unaltered, but if the Legiala. Lion. i ~
tore add $lOO,OOO it will be 2300 , 000; making an Acceptance of the System next Spring will
iggregete given by theiStatesiace the co once. not fasten it on the Distrilt forever, but only till
mentor the system of 31,250,000 wi th er*. or 111, the Spring of 1840 , or foe bee years at the wid
swooo.wilb t h e i cz o o t e d -- t oe t oose .- . . of winch time it may be discontinued by the lose
: Midtown dividends [of the tun` first years' ors 'majority of all the qualified *taw of the
iiiii - pinprn_tion apsito be receiteet*Likilis county:, Destriet.iflhe expeeiiitee( should not prove eat-
Treasette.% I, f ' - 4 wel , ?-, ~-.5,-•.„, isficilr' y;:••See - Seel - 13. ,
ThS.4' - '• biased. of . boequent - xiniti are pay- Prinientacceptamie willipreeent the. fierfaiture
able by,* Sta*i. , rer. MO,,::epplication _to not views, hut Winn grieve years' State appro.
the .1 12 P,F9,Yrsiteet ' • - 0 Aiihrete3 is the loan priation. including that Of next school year. a
'of tliff- , y tulip* which ' should be mounting in the aggregator teratiout IN to • etch
fier7 ... .. :SA . ; tbet„! S p rintendeitOnevery case, taxable inhabitant, or to 0,000 *a District COO.'
es saam..yeslitiv-facto 1,91 Ittsuitt;,; taming 500 taxatilei, inthieut counting any thing
"C 'T IffstrictiTax,r 153 - (Date) on a probable bee:ref:se of ) apprimnation by the
"41iffieHerperietindoist r of - Cemiliet Schools. present Legislature., i
"Sin-1 do ieireby certify that ''a school tax Acceptance next Serin. andl the consequent
amounting to , ,dollars cents. has receipt of. the above accumulated dividend., will
been regularly 'ivied 'and assessed, for the only hurthen each Distriet, next year, inth a
school year 183, , upon . district school tax equal to 641 cents on each taxable.—
county; that swarrant for-the collection thereof This tax. however. is not to be paid in that pro.
has been delivered to the District -Collector ac. portion by esch,t a s s r4l lip the manner of a poll
cording to law; and that the aformid sum is at tax, but
-will be on the property. profro
least equal to this_ district's annual share of the sions.and persons that pay County ratan, and on
State appropriation- • - suchproperty asipaid State tax. The.
01 do further certify that _. ' ' of schoe= l a township having 640 taxable., end
Post Office, ' county. is the receiving s2,oooofEltate approjWiation. would be
lawfully appointed Treasurer of this District, something less thails32s. . ,
"Attest, Signed,.
But In reality, acceptance will not add much
President. Keay thing, to the
beirtben of taxation in the
" Post Office, county. utose_teopulains counties. 5 - 1 is *sewn *llia ma-
Secretary.. , in Districts the lit collected by the Coniniiision 1
Pest Office,— county." ea for the education ermine children, is equal tot
By the next•mciel Mier the receipt ofthe fore, the sum which would be neceeniry to entitle those
going certificate et this department, a lamed on Districts to 'the receipt Of the; Common School
State Treasurer for the appropriation Of the cur-•. 'Funds, if. they dweld adopt the system. Nor,
rent year, will be sent to the District Treasurer, .would it be necessiry in Most eases, to levy a tax,
together with similar warrants for all uedrawo .beyond the lowest Amount necessity to secure the
dividends of former years,. ientaueini in the State aid, because their ajecumalated State appro.
State Treasury. To obtain the latter no addl. priation of four or five years, will be sufficient to.
*mai tax is necessary, ono that one for the build or otherwise provide odd school hawse. ,
current year, equal to the District*. s of the thus leaving the current year's tax and appropri
ordinary annual State appropriation AN) stion who ll y - applicable tis instruction, for which,
will be su ffi cient to enable it to all dry- purpose it would be nearly iMfficient. •
idends of former, 'indiums apprcrpna • ' If the system be 'adopted next Spring, only
As soon as a District. previously -accept- one other tax, a ft er that of next year , mint nee
ing, accepts the system and receives money essarily be paid by the' Districts, ntake they
from the State Treasdry, it is thereby ' entitled will have an opportunity of discontinuing' the
to all money remainitig fur its use in he County , System at the tri-ennial eleelion on the first
Treasury, prcivided itiaccepts before the Ist rif' Tnesday ofMay, 1840. The payment of this
November.lB3ll. In that case it es the duty of tax, equal to 641 cents far e ach taxable, will
.the County Tooter, to pay over such money probably entitle them, betides relieving them
forthwith to the Istria Treasurer, of the order from the poor echo& tax, to a State appropriation
uf the Board of Directors. The be 4 proof of equal tolt for each taxable toe the second year.
such aceeptancef r od l elf the receipt or4he money So that the payment of $1 30 for each taxable, in
from the State career. is the cir r which two year., will enable those Districts to receive
accompanies the, warrant of the 81 . 3 tendent, $ 5 for each taxable, from the State, in tin same
on the productio n of I which the C' ' Treasw time. • E -
rer will be pirfeetly safe in paying. , 46divi. Hence itonems ,to be for the interest of the
deeds in his bands. ' , . nonoccepting,Dikricts, to take the , matter sert.
Acceptance of the Common &hoot ern, an. ously into deliberation, independent of all could
der the present laws. can only tilt by the &woos arising from the merits or demerits of
vote of a mayerily of Ouch citizens each non. the Common School System. ,
accepting Distriet, as -assemble on th e day of Tirighibe System is yet le its inisoey, it
l electing . - Directoss, being hi most easeithe third has produced 90020 1 4ecided andealutary chance
Friday in March. The citizens theniessembled an the Districts which hive adoptexi it.
have two acts to ;per `form. Ist, to etheitkffirectors. TheScheal Relies are gebeindly much impel.
which ,must be done, whether the system id to be veil t being either neei.or well repaired. and more
put in operatimi or not; and lii. , to &code the equally and convenientlg located than formerly. I
question. whether the system hall be tempted or The cesipertearinsof Wacker e is increased fully
not. This last question is only, to,be inbinitted one third, and the picefesaion ie rapidly arid pro
in such Districts ss p • y *ejected *system, portionihely, rising in usefulness, and independ.
I but not in accepting dist ricts . and may *decided enc..
in the af fi rmative; by mere majority orohe votes The number of Children taught in the Coen
polled—See the 13th Section of the Common mon Schools, is at least doublet that of the school.
School Law of HOC t which prepinied them hi' the
t me districts.
' Having thus 'explained the conditioii of the TiwAsirstien. of, tarchiegyii oach year is about
State appropristionit, the manner of &mining the rime. . : ' -
them. and the triode of accepting the sy , the Thwithed of Zastructien is in all cases as good,
Superintendent i would respectfully ad • a and in most bette; than in the old schools.
word of information end advice to the ci we of The east of teaching. notwithstanding the in.
of such townships, Wards and • boroughs have creased' compenianion -of the teacher—the on.
not yetreceived it. In doingiliis he has too wish proved condition of the noose. and the better or-
eineialtto become • the advocate of thebysteen, 'der mad kind of *unbelief', his only ,ono, half of
but solely prominithe interests of those Districts, what it, was before the 'Eldest:l -rent iota opera.
by explaining.their present situation in . elation tied. Formerly it:log*2 2510 n an average over
. •,,
to it. , ~ , • , t he State, DOW it is $1 121 tor - each pupil per
By th first Commonon School Law (dud o f Ist counter. t
April, 1834,) if any number of Districts in a ,In the old schools some haiell'or their own
county—even eie--adesepted the system, they be- education, and some were educated attbe expense
came entitled to the tempt of the rails site ap. of the county.. liiis- I nnpleiewit diartinction is
propnation' intended for all the .'widen : in the ; cwt found in the Como:ion &Wel' i. All receive
-counts , for that, year. Thnharsh provision was the same kind of instruction. Ipaid fur out lef the
repealed by the supplement at April 15, 1535, 'same commonhock.The:Wig no rain, diem
which enacted that non-acceptingpistriathould tote, lot partialitil on the part of the teacher to-
have two years % (which of eouracconliffif from wards particular pupil!, or ot distinctions among
the date of the .upplement,) within hi time ,
.the scholars. • ,
they might sea and save the fo re of But it is not on Account of dime . , its undeniable
the undrawn dividends . , Before the ,ge of fruit", that the nos:Accepting districts are nor.
the suppleinent, !winner, the fierfeiturii move ) . addressed. These facts are alluded to merely to
plated by the gaol 'of 1834, had taken Iduze\* abort Abet there le ottilarttrar. in the experiment.,
several counties, sti far as related lathe hp. . The object of,"Phei Supenntdent . is today the
priation of the first School year (1835.) whole matter before theses Desired", thiit - timy
Thee the hi* remained till the passage' of the. - ace anderstiodingle Fs the subject,
Common Schad bew of June 13, ' 1836,, sod the the . mils . their fi lial demon* rewesprib ir . .
declaratory; resolution of 27th:Moreh,1837, se,re.... , . - friend..hp would. advise ail to accept the
halve to undsaw hal snces in, the School Feu d :",, sy . si t m, of the.
the ~,,m yMrs, becesuosAkthi
By the joint emendate of *tee acts the periodee enduriit . ,e 'limb' cesi be' timeeliineed•it
forfeiture lias further postmen , till ibe_ Li of losaffietent.\ In w laan time the accumuh
A ..-
November, 184 (next November,) with - this dif- fiendaot-five in -- bc *eared , an- eau
ferenco, that the forfeited dividends are not to be 'plied to thee ern eat *movement:of the
distributed timoeg thewceeptiorDistricto of the achoolloustm of district, arid. to o ha t t r i a l o f
same county, but are to be added -to the - prim:sips} -the Common Schoo ode• of teaching. -t; At the .
ofthe general Common School Fond in the State end of that tiiite,lf tit spate* 'bp discontitnied,
Treasury e in terest of Which onl y es annually each District Will be Irl , inn otipinifechciot
distributab i '• • • • bowses; - and of in ' it mice on !tile sub.
But thou a the lacer read thus , She legal act of ject of instruction, W ich (( w l,t be amply worth
acceptance moat be performed a considerable time' the small taxlialti for ' bni.
befine the lit of Noyember,.lB3B. tinder the ex- If the eyetet lat ptcd by ney of the Der 11
a 44i
~. ~~
app ~r en d 4
mi.m i tal to elected Directon.j
it is- power to:keep. dowl
taxitiiattiand •ttf pet-the Opel
toituner i>< in prevent toy 1144
fgetiAsiatem: Eiadi meiVialpti
teenage 0 the alleirft9=
PoVick‘ol. lol o 0 10 g 10 1 4: -
*beam Sor as agiklow..
!iliory. to lbw District.
1111e1 ":0 1 . 1 ,127 1 c 14
• . ,
iiliitittrrk •
• • • A HOUSE dc'L
of E._ E. Pommy,
'WWliapt•D. Leth.
feetlionkby 30 feetio depth,
oenat is the basement story, t ;
first. second-end third fkonp e
said House wan phsteted and
eleellelat wen olf water„st
feet Enl, by 1 - 10 Stet in depth!,
ley o, the west ertd of said
For further particulars' Mute
Most Carbod, Nov. 3,1837.
Ong: Fluid t
Fir HB•Port Cluilion
\ flow open - every day (rein !
the Office of Discount
poim'citterieiving deposit/Ito an •
needing 41590. from $0.9 one Irt'
an interest of 4 per cent will di
- and upWards,but no interest
any fraMional parts of $5,
part may be drawn out on giv
Irmricaekkat, the.oftlee oq
nObi - 14oilitity wlil ;be
*arming and - m*ra
bra M- A
. 1111.141QL
• " lta
Joseph Carroll j emu
Edwarit i ilughea
Jacob, Bull imme
L. Whitncyi e ßecretitry a
Article 3d of e mr.
whatsoever shall , . received
or Managers for their eervi
Manager. becom4 a bortotik
ion "
English and We
Subscriber will limper Iri
JR. Bah and Welsh. Books, al.gth aho
Thaw persons wishing titvibtifirr
lions; wilt pleaselleave ain't Ott
Miners' JournaL I
Dec 23
Bead ,` I eFo ..
litterestin,g it Altoi
11)0PRE concl s re prcfs
4 LT ,I e ffi cacy of ft. W . V
Cscra'Faile and Aperies!, ;Anti .-
n i
levia g afflicted mankued:
To rimer Di o, 36,, po 11l
for the sale of D. WrEkEva s' I
Dear Sir—Knewing by
reference that the affitctlia
dal resent of medicitiesil
to the public in hehalf of If
the slut ten yetis with 'dimi t y..
a td
chest: often so -as teldePrim
three or four si gh ts in sneeennot
Rated relief by yof my friew, d
until my wife ea the milvertlem
whep elm persua ed me to send
I did, and obtain d two boxes a;
resulted in aim t conapktely 1
have health , although have not jai
them.' :Should y o co n, der , thi
yampelf, or the blie, live
mission to publ' it. Ton ;II
' - TIIK. GOO El
IWIT ASE KESTING C , u d by Dr. Wm.
Evan's Cominnite Zbia' a Family Aperi
eat pilis--Mr. BENJASI* WN, corner of
l ad
Shippey and gem stAistme kdelphia, affect
ed for seven yea with: m nervousness, by
WhiCh he Was able • to ti him, name—ha
. ympMmetreria, ruscatinn, ail spasmodic pains
in the . head , of *poen eighth= of the
heart, giddiness dint o sight, utter hia
bins, of eng age gin any . int thit • demanded
tiger or comae, sickness aad weakness 'ex-
tsty i
tome debility, disturbed rem . a sense of pressure
and 'weight at the ston' after eating, great
Mental, despondency, siivti ing pains in the
;belt back and side, a dislike for
Sudety and,coniersaticiii, r. ft has made trial'.
of various modi' roes now f the'publie. but
to ob effect, un, obsifrvi ' a Oldie' paper
some cures performed 'liy r. William Evans 's
Camomile Toniand am perient PRI., be
Wag induced to ire th in tr I; of which he is
at aby time hap to tato th t they e ff ectually
need him of above di tog Moak
ILlTTersons who don , a ve cure, are most
respectfully - directed the a mentioned'per
son. at the north-iv • of Shippers an d
Oedrgias streets.' . t lIIFINJ MIN BOWN".
t. !,Philadelplik October 26 I 7.
A perfect cure ,effecte t
Fn . = 4
Mr. John Giimon, o N.
pc burg, afflicted With -lb a i
'curs and Moil moot*, 1
had-to use erntshes. !ilia I
excruciating pain 4n ail.h .
ritthe bips, shoulder. kri
nitration of the painsitew i
most part all nines (ram '
Otos thickening of the fasoi 1
*complete lass *firm' Pc
ot .. tbeee afflicted • si
ilmonconceivm it- Mem t o
aie cmtirirly ceased in ti
pletely reaivered Omit a
able to relnme his *di
, irtreptiaa.--Mr. John r
9. o lPl l l l !Fivikcvaii,
eig ,natiorrok.undes the
slight spitting of
'lletidelfwith an'e9et. •
alibi awaits, -gen I' I
breathing oh exertio v
ash on-the cheek. O
'Mr found to sound i
et the left elaVicie, s
itieridde.- ' "
' mile Fills, , w
mi. at the same
Mirdsys; within the
xpectoration alightb
• id
• TO
MoiioCOE .
in Oactii
l er4 a , - 1 0 4 "OPithitlisAble - 411, “
;Akciiirse4, l (l** - - _
media "0 tiplint
t the — OJOS the lb o lid.
month '''' lib**
thaitki:fti4the beiseliC bs hadebtalosti:
'lttoveylatient , east Oislit - elletrii - ;
doxitginm treatment: : ' A.;
the alanre
languioNiaatihmey, disturbed reat, - oeyea, hied:
ditTimilty of breigting. tie* mait sod Mine !
lure artrs: the -breast. dizzinemotersoMSl-
Witt. rie restleomela, could rinti'
ink slift' o 4o l . Odpi4tiel ot the heantilic
Jag 0 4 1 6.. oostivenesa, pain orthitiioniseb,dieprf.
sinessorreitt4ehilityamd,ticfmletteji ittf the . nOrtt
tun atergji - — llte. 4, Moonlit - ;avi; Opvevery
thought Of recovery and dire `deSpahr:sit CM ;t1":
countenance' of every larrsortinterindireal Ail
existence Oe hapiinesd, till by atilitiloo!saieett
in a
.pubile paper some cures cffeeted w.tiyin.
Evantea - riiedicine.,in his complaint; which - Wu,'
tad h.#t) 11 111 1Sieti
Ott Is ,cfstsiatbt gelEsvult FiliPloar'
ell his. erhilies
this dickaratiOri Ja;thet theist ithar ,
same :,er any symptoms so
,t4.11m.,10 1 -1 thst,',: .
which;he is happily rettoredanayliinteiesesesivir
the. same inestimable berieot. ';'
Abe r
Will any
the result
r ES,
ivied by
• e is 16
when and
s on the
whole of.
•Jot is 204
9 feet al
, .
LIVEIk . CONIP; ! LIINT,IOIrEpr I,vpulahi 1::::.4,
. • . -; ' f i l ii*G•i ~. i '...,..--,,-,,': ~....:;- 1 ,- '-,--T:; .-
Mrs. ilannak / Broore,• wire of lusephßtowtw '. --4" - :. ;
N. 6th street . near Second,•WilltanfiT f ifiliet t ••:.'l':'
ed for the litaften ye" with theldinWoomjilithit, "'
completely restpred'to health • threat li.: - the wet- ..:.-;.:
ment-Ot Br. Wm. Ernes- Symphons4llatiltual 7 . 4-.,
constipation, the howelliOntellowa ofirisktite" .
excruciating pain of the epigastyhrraiiiiwy. great -.'- ..
depreihion of spirits, languor and other.iymptomit .. '...'
of extreme debility. 'tiisterbed sleekinOrdinater. • :.
flow of the menses, pain in the right iddis could••
not lie ou her left side without an `iiggravatioa.
of the in, Mille high colored, with elloirlsythip..- "
tomsi dicating great derangement in =tie (one
time' e the liver. ; i . t
Mr Browne was attended bythreirof the ;Bret.
phyai ' 11/11 , but received but little 'rehearses iheir- •,.
medic e, till Mr . Browne prooCred untie oft Dr.
Wm. '• irans'ainvaltilible preparehions,lwhich ef. ~ •
recta relieved her f the abed distimising
sYraP 0, with *thesis, high it is not. teseistial
to in ' Ile. ; ' OSEP4 BROWNE: ..
City a d•tourity ofNew•York, es. -!" tt • ,
Jose b Brewneof Williarnab.ucLongrOasti..
being' my sworn, II:: depowin'il,sat m tkif4l: •
facts as set forth - in t within statement, to ' 1
ha has subscribed his name, arejest and hie: — :2
..., • ', , JOSEPH BROWfNE:
• friisbaed ef the said Heinali Were&
Sworn before me th 4 4th day ofrJan" naryillie - ' "
PETER PLlKNEY,Vornanlei4: . 7,
Ltirra coism.urrr sit tau - - ... l .
•• • • sTANDING. 1 ': ' ' -
11111ta SARAN* BRENHISER, wife Of :Mr.. L.
A.T- 11 Ariios Brenhiser, corner efSetamir*Atlisdi
terninnteOn•Road...PhiladelPhia,sifflomoi ia i. roe thr,
last Inn yetra with; the Liver Compint, was . t (
completely‘restored to health by Dr. WNL: E
VANS'S Camomile Tonic' Ba
and lmy Aperient. '
Pill's. Bertymptoms warelabitual costiveness. 1
excruciating pain in the stomakb..44.lmaii. ol if-.
spirit languor, extreme debility. disturbed sleep.
great in her. side. Could not lie. on. her ; left '.. •
side without an aggravation. of pain. dimesear la: • , '
the headolimness of sight, 'with other 'symptom.-
indicating ederangeMent in the functions or
the Liver. Mrs. Brenhiser has 'made trisl-af va- '
noon piedielnee noir before the . ,,pitilie: hat re- •
ceived ti q relief un til she was itahised to make
trial df Dy. Evanes Pills, of which ibis is burin ,
to slate, that they effectually relieved her of the
at ova distressing symptom". with ethers, which
are not essential to intimate.
• Mr. Brenhiser, (husband of the above Mrs.
Brenhiser; bad been twp_ year ' s Aimed with a
distreitsed state pap! and Costiveness. of 'which
he was'Afrectually cured.
We do hertiby subscribe -der signaler's* to the
truth of the above cures, that the statemant is in.
every respect true. SARAFI \BRENItUiEIt, •
- , JOHN S •P, Baker, .'.
No. it north Eighth . Philada.'
Philadelphia. Oct. Slat. 1e37 , -' ' --,-.
Dr. VIAI. EVANS'S Medical Ofli fiii this •
sale of his excellent Medicine, is at If IS, north.
Eighth street, Philadelphia.
._,. 1 • - -
Sold by J..T.WF • .
-• Bole. Agent for 'Schuylkill ty.. • .
nd '
• iety, is
I. 'clock at
k the pur
rnt no; ex.
I. • • which
~• every $5
" 'lowed on
le or any
co, two to
The bu.
,' , i . - • by the
' i 1 the first
shall any
e tnstitu.
i ikg.
di of Eng
taat notice.
es of the
ling Farts:
estrikordinary '
Beatn, Agent
iMn - Camomile Pills.
rt. 15, te36.
• is, that every
we of the benefi
y offer mine
afflicted for
in the head and
I me of Sleep for.
;but hate never
• is in the paper,
or some, which
d bottles, which
retoring me to
entirely finished
any benefit to
my cheerful per.
E, Centrahet,
1 ,,
treatment of pr
rt street, Williams
.. mplaint for three
. g which time he
.1 syeriptotits were
~. eta, itat especially
;,. d ankles, an ap.
night; andforffie
: nal beat, an dist
il.. d ligaments, with
wer. For the ben-
F ~ liar manner, l}it,
ley that the paini
~ t his joints have
:.• teral tone, and he
, ary business.
f Terbacietar Can t
el,applied on the lit
; •,100, chatbaun
mizi.g cough. &t
-or p4uleet matter,
litieu, • difficulty- of -
Weil decked hectic
inatkin, thif cheat
ry where except en.
the arm pit of the
take the restorative
expeetorating . cow
injunction, to call in
• had ceased, the
lobed, ata light fit of
The enny Magazine Oriole--
461 Knowledge, . :.\
"3 decidedly one of the cheapest and. most
pot \
11 pular, periodicals now extant—!there are2oo„.
000 copies sold every month in England t anilliV
000 in America.
The Parts of vol. 6 (for the year 1137)4.5&r
as received, can be had at ilia 'otEite._ , Poisi 18L_
per part, or la 00 per annum. •
This Magazine is published in monthly
containing 40 larva
. pages the present volinne is
muck enlarged and improved. The illmitratiole
of wood cuts ate executed in a atiperliattd_tmeer•
There is an advantage in taking this workman«.
all othore, a person can discontinue 11 whitlow'
be sees primer, for eat part is always completw
wiin itself.
Complete sets of this Work from tbeeinn
ment can be iirocured of the subieriber. per
volume. _ 4
NATHAN'S & CO. wotild the .1.4-
I•dma orToitsville• and Ilicinitr„ . that' they.
have just received direct front the manuracterx
an issortmentrof
Pickled Walnuts, cauliflotier,piekolily„ , ;-
Serkins,red cabbageornizettpicklary
Mangoes, oniozhlobl*i&c,t =
East and Wee 'edit I:lnnsri- =
Strawberry, raspberry to isposaberry jams.
Currant jelly, French - nanatard, j-
Anchovy, Mader, John Bell, Reading & Ca. . ;
cep ettneelit .
I hieshissen and arsine!. ketchgp.
Abte.=,-Figs, raisins, citramt. Ainond; Cermet..
lemons, . • . • -1
WILL Parade on gebtraday .
of February 183E404 Marmot's
va Oat
A;1B' cdmmaod .
- •
eb Id.'
I 'Dying end illeouriliiei - . • '
4 tietTripS• ELMER bastrtlurned*lmEn.,
- t' Map!. and intends to V*Oniice - fluinj*..ank,
idying` In-
ilki int
lt*a,itbia ite.ns.i4aa t.
in inn St*aoiii3o:o463"ovan pOtalciU • .lia gieist rexO *
and, .CPel"fatten titr*all tr iio44o4
a MO of form nom.
3 r v,n