y` Ll. is:Bilb o;,d?!let turasteadyprat', Address, disc.—We scurrilous pioductiun ins which Shall begiv meantime, we'hand own political friends do -him full justice without any. _who wi ojd,frgi el Krebs, ,Esq. is,-we undefeated; of the Carman Mining company. 5 as ayeason, that none of his party ten over to Harrisburg to oppose i I•l- A queer reason, truly ! But ' r him to the proceedings of the rbon meeting. He w appealed to personalty—besides, he was elec. , n opponent of all monopolies—how new support any monopoly what- He can not now but be aware that ourths of his political friends,are 0 to the (Warman Mining Corn- Where is the Prerat in this County advocates -it; and where are the meetings in its favor 1 Had he 51 himself the friend of Coal dom. or any other species of monopolies, er could have been elected to a seat legislature.. i r in aro] He gill bate b the we ns in l Port .there; ted ea can h ever 1 three op PaglY t which public avowe panel he ne, in thf oriels Relative to the Oferman Mini 2 Company.—We learn from Hut-. risbu g, that the number of signatures at. tich.-. to Memorials in favor of the Offer. man mining company, amount to 304. Oft se,abotat twel vie aro residents or Potts and about fifty of the Coal Region, the residue,. of Orwigsburg and the lower part Of the county. Of the fifty in the Cotil Region, a very large proportion have already retracted and signed counter me tnor als. . JOlus .G. Woolison, chair-maker, of this burongh, and brother-in-law of Charles Frialey, esq. has been, we understand, tra velling through the Mahantangos, for the purpose of procuring signatures in favor of the Offerman Mining Company. As Mr.: Woolison is almost a stranger in this borough; we think he had better stay a 31... c? c. h e and mind his business. The farmers of huylkill county are not prepared to al memorials for the incorporation of C I Companies, for the purpose of driv. one half of the people out of this region ' - - - -ilepopulating our towns, and destroying tae of the beat markets for theirproduce ill t he state. 1 ',learn from the Agierican Sentinel, the Democratic citizens of the city 'county of Philadelphia, opposed to for Wright'. sub-treasury scheme, shortly hold a meeting in Philadel- i P. do- Treasury System.—M r. W right's Treasury •project is still before the ! I, ate. We publish below, some illus ions of the excellence of this system, I • • principal feature of which, it will be embered, is to make office-holders de- tories of the public • moneys. By the I oiling statement, it will be seen to what ;a ount 'the receivers of the public moneys / or sing from the sale of public lands ore • 1 p lic defaulters.. This is only one branch / of the, public revenue l. if a list of dolin g: etas in all the other branches were pub- Ii ed, our columns would.scarcely contains it, and the sums would swell almost beyond; c' loulation; and yet the Van Buren party ' a in favor of the sub-treasury system! 1 tatement of the bal;nces due by IteceiVers of bloc Monies, arising from the isle of politic' who were out ofo6ice on the 12th ofOcto. r,1537: ter Wilmot', Steubenville, , $9,348 87- meet Stokely, do 146 87 moel Finley, Chillicothe, • 24,779 34 f thaniel Ewing, Vincennes, 5,967 32 , C. S. Harrison, . do . 9,253 08 M. Taylor, Jeffsreocville, 1,627 97 do 5,046 72 ra P el . HY. T I . Canby, Crawfordsville, 39,013 31 r McCarty, Indianapolis, 1.538 92' Stephenson, Edwardsville, 6,460 41 D. Lockwood, . do 572 36 F. Edwards, do 7.421 47 .L. 1). Ewing, Vandalic, 161754 29 Hammond. , St ...Louis, 27,051 84 do 2L574 44 onstal'Qoarles, Jackson, 1,066 95 .0 Hays, do ' 1,386 16 in. 1). McKay. Lexington, • _ 9,877 23 illis M. Green, Palm_yra,. • . &Chambers, Little Rock,ilium Garrard, Opelousas, fle 2,312 10. 2,146 27 27,230 57 inks Lecasiier, do • - 6,893 95 k•.& Todd, . do 1,121 98 I. R.Rogcrit. do • 6,624 83 1. Cox. ' NewOriettne, 4,163 56 barks Cannon, do 1,376 24 4 W;McDarnal, - Washington, • 8,12147 Gingen Alsbury, Augusta, 9,488 92 mud Smith, '. St. Stephens. 33,590 92 (7b be Continued.) ll , ' r, We copy the following coniparative atatemiltit S . iinportationi•froin Great Britain into, the 1 rii. :. States, for the months of October 1836 and :4 , which show* a. groat failing off for 1837,, . , 1836.. 1837,, . r iron, tone '. . 1489 181 oop . . , do - B9 •20 t r . do, 768 188 . do , . 457 ' 161 iiiiiiirare and lElollowleare, . X 85.333 11,910 ail &WI iron, tons, 1659 65 inene-rpackage' e, IF ' dii222B 344 tone, 1658 1341 4 67 11 15 fffMl 'The - Pei!per fit** .— . The Culifinbus, iiiii; Register lays that in the Meat, they ise - no such distinctions as Hariisen ,eitloyClay me - ; but they ire all , Oppo, ifriutiwite the battle c_il i nieLon thej I I ill IV an Un ted.Opposigson. IS ,:-. ; •-."-,1 g-4 ' . 4 11:4A:i r*-3.,'".4;ri - • .i ,. ....Pir % • stem, --...rid , ...-4 nwue-- le4ing deigns disclose fact* fanp tr". cedented CharaCter. They concluirtveli Ihemshow;that , h banks . hpri - been in-the c handAof,po iticians piere.engtirsofprivate "plunder so oppression. The MOM of the people muit view with feelifige of talon. ishment and i ndignation 0 act.ef the Directors of the Commonw eelih B ank, in putting their property - out of their "hands for. thelporpteci of screenieg it from the' demands 41. the honest creditors of that institutioru , It' appears th 4 the Banir-in question, by its excessive i4ues, violated -its c'harter, and rendered itelDi;ectora lia ble-to the amount of * 400,000; and that these-Directors, like fmudelgnt bankrupts, are endeavoring to cover their property by secret transfers. rie industrious, tradesman, the- hard.worltmg me - Ottani°, and , the daily labo'urer, together with nu. merous Widows and i orphats, must be tke • sufferers. ,t . : • , \ ING FEB. 17, HO& .!. • 1 - 7 7-.-:---.- ;.. i • t • tRIV- ' err, "Al . '" 4 Coneumwealit Bank- r .Copital $OO,OOO. John .11.18impeon, (Pension *gept„) deceased, President;pharles Hood, (Speettlator,) Cashier. Dnutmest—Adams Bailey, Deputy Co:lector, (salary $l$00,) John Mills, U.'o. District Attor ney, and receivesslo,ooo for refr o " wing merchants bentlig , Ellaha Parks, Hall J. W. M i ctodburY'N Compusal4nent.for building CM4om Haus% F.B. Carrith„ blroright up in Henslihw's Drug Store; Otis Rich;Oliver Fletcher, brother-in-law oaten. Chew: - William Freeinpn. ' The abdve Directorejtre all Van Buren bat one, (whoi has just turned .whig) and have all put their-property out of their bands. Bills north . little or nothing.' Lat . eyeUe lianl—Copol4lso,ooo. - Isaac O. Baines, brother-inilaw of Levi Wood bury, and Naval Officer Preildent; Josiah D ham, .0113x -inspector Cus "ins, Catilrier. Di rector*. Van Burenites. ils worth 30 to 40 cents on dollar. I' • • , It i 6 reported that the CoM4nfttee en . gaged in the investigation of the atfairkof the LafaYette Bank: find it, in; • worse ktata even, than the, ' ,, Franklin, It appears that p*, setta of books were employed in keeping the accouhts of the baok--otie for • use and the other for show—and, from neither cif these Can be ;ascertained'. thi a. mount of circulation. Another brother.intaw of Secreted , Woodbury figural. ;in the Untwist:join of this brink, and a eon of Denham, the President of the. Franklin Bank, who . more he . email net ther read nor write. It m,a matter of; doubt whetherlthe capital of this bank was ever Paid in, or if ani,a small portioc only. The report of the committee wilthe published In a few dam, when we expect to see astounding *ets.—Jour, of Corn. IFrom the Northampton Courier. Important Denelopenestatßsomination of the Boston l'ets.—The Jackson; Van ' Buren party have "served the wind," and ere now "reaping the Whirlwind." The management of the pet banks is in perfect keeping with the political manage meet of the party. Acts of falsehood and per. jury and swindling and robtiety are fast coming to light., The worst enemies have never impu. ted to them motives or coodpct to infassoss and criminal, as is proved by their own confessions before the investigating Bank Committed, now activeliengaged to ferretticg out the *cries of crime perpetrated in these party institutions, which were got up by Gee. Jackson and his adherente to supply the place of the United States Bank. The developement of f.lsbood and perjury in examination of the Franklin Bank now befertithe Legislaturei afford'., a comment Open the honesty and "ptactical christianity" of the party who have dealt so largely in the epithets of,,"bribery," "bank corruption." "rag baron!," "whig lies," and sundry other cant phrases, while loud are their professions of de votion' to the good of the deir people, the "dem. ocracy of numbers." Ala i that troth will not, the humbugs will explode, snd'political jugglery I come to light t And alas, that the people can not be cheated forever—that empty, heartless, sontline proteesions, will nctt forever go down.— Rut se it is. But to return to the Frattklin Bank, (which by the way, is like most or au of the rotten ones), is a Jackson pet substitute. for thnU. B. Bank.-- One of its officers his testified ender oath, before the committee of examination, that FALSE RE TURNS of its affairs have from time to time been made, both to the U. Suites and State gov. em e al t o nts,iind at the same time ;SWORN TO BE RRECT.—aII by the dirdction of the fit-. r e, and for two especiid good reasons, the. one in obtain a part of they spoils, or government depcsites—and the other to prevent our Legisla. ture's putting astir? to iotiproceettings! Tbis is rather a surprising disclosure to those.aho know little about the leaders of ; the party. It is sop posed by those wbo hive the „best means of knowing, that slier swallowing the entire stock hundred thousand dollars of its hills and notes in the hands of the community, a dead loss to the holdee The Lafayette Bank is supposed to be in 'a edition somewhat siwiltir,' but not so deep. Se much for the csperinscat. Franklin Barik-hipital 0150,000. .losiahl Dunham, limos furrOtur Loco Foco, Prilsideat; Edward F. Etunocl, brother-in-law of Levi Woodbury, &o. Depoty Naval Officer, Cash ier. Directors all Vas Bamako:. Bills worth• out) , 24 cents. 11FOR THE 111Klia' .1017;IIAL. Ma. Bi Faun :—.Every one must have marked the laudable. interest you have taken in every thing , that pertains to the improvement, 'moral and physical, of this region and its peoplei There ate some oritirovemerits, how ever, in progress, which in my opinion yoit have not. duly noticed. I shall name bui a few,ofthem. il.'Theft appears; to me an improve. men; in the eilldress with soich many. can now run upsi Baker's; or Butcher's bill, or ,prit on - a fine eat of elotberi at the tailor's ri:iponite; and the sarpe address ehewn i n ercises for uori.papnent-r-living • exam 'Pies will doubtless (recur tO the reader's imagination. • 1 ; ;2. Theft 'appearti to bRI a -visible im comvement in -the .cqmplertion of sundry liege citizeneshoulitthe 'march entire. mrtinue, these' nipitiventetits may yet-be replayed a little. 'lB. Some of our minle youths (I am Much interested in 1.b03910* - folks) _have BIRO) iMproved on the oklfbashiniteltisotione4 •geod ;breeding, andjd,isphly sit' diver* *aye; such as iilleifortir readiness to re= . tern *pert end imleyiendese-soswer to nil civil questionefrum their elders: By show: '~'?,~ . tag what leg - their Olik. eth male or otherwise! qilPPr°l , GeorgeiVolipEst.taiatilnasn'finll a IgentlOTani flii.s.est , GA frnin AV 44 11 # 1 0, 3 1 1 , tnat M** iN 4 P., IMO leligaed his ars e ~. . npder thp,..,priocd!pluis!irpfcci,,, tst, c Dl3- 94iiitict cifAtikif ppopitment ofilliniy,,L, Mublenbiiti,isiiirVAilftria. From the United States Gazette. • MESSRS. WODF,..MUHLENIIERG44 4 IP '—r' " ; tntrix Narziark . , . • • 1 [ ow The slate of -Penneyhrania 4- an infinite debt to ilsOPtiong ciecidive of the. nation, and to his "Bleedings :predecessor." •-, Whether the , low homage and hearty obedience ,whiairit has, made and rendered, without a single regard o ha l own horror and`-interests; tdegerrb to hal taken *toes:count, we pretend not to say, peohably, Isweyer, those acts of homage are tribe regiided 1 as "free-will offerings," for which nothing is to be claimed add'-no aeknoirledgerrient made.— But we desire to call the attention' of Gni _demo ' eratie I ' bretheren to the cause of' viperish which they have to the Great Father at Washing . 1 ton. When the war of General Jackacm u the United States Bank waxed warm, and di poll er ofthe General inereated, and the weeps resiitanee diminished. the Bank Wined! wi nonfidence to the state for prcdectuu '' it appealed' t o ,isialerights and flits .08013.9 rar-Pillpiti It asked of Gsiventhr Wolf a repetition- , kind word .whith h'e had previously uttered 1 its behalf, simply to say what he had said,( opei lYi•PubliolYi officially.-and if kW 'Wand fire', against the assaults of the , admirditmtion, add GeneraPacksee at 2 defiadasel el 111 , ' son emboth i his- Peniltilif CedlY4 Pli Governor ',.,Wolrle hie? behelf--grlivernorl W yielded to the latter, General Jackson was re-elee: ted, and the Bank destroyed. That work, George ,11:4 Wolf, in most things one of the' bekt Goternoll that ever Pennsylvania had—that work e per. formed. Ile saved General Jackson,y the Bank, and thereby Olmsted time Many thousand voters in the snide, w ear fiwHis very little party politics. friend no olcti tilted him for re election—some of e Jackson's friends nommited against si*, as -second candidate of the party, Henry A. ,Mohl berg, who had, never saved - the party.l Th Who were friendly to the Bank, united with oth eitigens to support Joseph Ritner ageingoth. ' They succeeded by a plurality of votes—aide berg, and not Miner, destroying Wolf. Wh' was the reward of Mr. Wolf, whose de t w roused by his faithful adherence to, and is gre t it sacrifice for, General Jackson—what reward? A clerkship at Weakling-ton. Fd M linhlenbarg, who had done nothing for Genera Jackson but give a quietude, which - s i ns den man might have,,given—what has been his fate • Unable, upori'lfia own popularity or m a lly fr i : service to the piny, to obtain* amnia& an al a gubernatorial candidate, he ill taken froth a seat in Congress, and appointed Mk new fore ign mis sion, with an outfit of 19000 and a yearly salary of 0000, at a court where already a compelled, an accomplished Charge, speaking the anguage ,of the people, (German) and the language of all European mute, (French) transectstheYbosiniein of the milieu with fidelity and satisfacficn. The friends of George Wolf will roe in this one sided cit at the loaves of office. a now occa sion ofadherence to the admixdstielkths They will, of course, now that Mr. Middendorf. is thus splendidly disposed of, and Mr. Wolf thrust 1 into his little auditinthip, be ready and willing to unite with the Mohlenberg men in 'froting for any man whom the administration may mini. nate fat their seffrage. Bat what say the people of Pennsylvania to thi. direct, this manifest, open . • interference on the pait of the - national- goterothent kith their municipal affairs, its unitaniable interference ' with their elections? Do they see ital,t correct' Do they *insider such en - act the logitinsate uses of the national Administration?. 4* thi s ap. poiniment or designation of state" grusimment, the appropriate business of the, powers at Wash ington? Are the funds of the national govern ment well disposed• of, when., they are used to entice away an obstinate candidate, °isle whose claims threatened division in the ranks and disaster to their hopes? Is • this confining the general government to its I Is, *ere of action? Is this to be taste by OH; . free, men of Pennsylvania? Will they, by it we" sanction such Executive usurpation? Time will not—we knos theta beast--they nriver will —and the removal of Mr. Muhlen g 01 be' considered, and misted, as an to the state sovereignty. . i . DDTI 7 OV A GOOD GOVERN - ENT. . . . A Government which aims at n. . neh o g .., s , than to sustain itself, as independent . 'even an tagonist power to the ,people whi • crad.o i and which regards tut olbetedew th . to i ke4 itself iick mottok,is.not such a govern . eat as ouit 'fathers-Instituted, and we ought to •jey...l Th great and loading object of good : • eminent the welfare of the people, and the o fathom its machinery ere only impede/it A MO sub. serve those ends.'' The interests of s h agam*. meet and those of tile people -are • • snaring° : arable—one correncj , forthe people .d apoth f for the government and its officers . ould he . • surd as well,,as ruinous._ I regard • t ast , within thumper, as it .is ;clearly . a . ; ty , the general goveromeit, to. take • orals die tional-ettrreocy. ePd to adopt .. '. - 'ert• which itself ape:ally and alltryo - tore o sound and healthy clitolatibn; w • id' . ill ibe `den* welcome and valued from ' .e . - IpifferiffAn we hayennterienecAptcreits.tiestr . on. • Therlitiegederiimistiallita 'brjhe pap t l i gr . 1 creaslipeint to Chu dtity pt oh the • r ha. timid rolericas 'one denial:ding prompt A/0 efficient ention; arid 'werhavit , - is ri . tO expiet t . that those - who PFOR4s. obedience , ,the ttettulae will; as cardinal e if ! l c ipleii-orticition • . .willi'fallaw without hesiation '' the tio4rse' • ethanded y the *lice 011ie people. —Gith".re • Wear% .- Near irompshire.—Tire*Mon editor lti)6 4 ns of information lap:— We andieee tonmeivw dm - nisei amnia fungi the Neirmcsmay-br,. NOW Hampshire. ' The- initoities' dons praeileed Att-iberlend, inti-n :*men in New England, as eiposed -blovr.wp arming- the pev• - tocwilur epow.ottber leouilinal of ' Perfidy and incompetence f 4 ,frogds7widt/Iniaogill, 4 ' 9 o o( :tcti‘ckaitild 40 AtatiOl4-iftlikathi ' tlefin e l . 1 :7 ( M44 4, t 1 . 1 04 1 .*iiii 4.,... . therr,..skio;w4n h • .14 of th laielilliti lii 'apoken o.slis hr .eulogiontivesesl A. Melixesegl4P. national* 71 -4 4 .15-P ule c rtiiir'lkA lhe ' 111. A. Mulilankerg,4 as !soon as I saw lisini;* leg* *role in, my hoses that be Was abourta take Martel' us bein. Lbate known him, 'lnv, eVer lipie 1 have An ip limba permit, say ihei be, ike a man, by his aesisible deporlatept and Many (minty Virtues, was endearedlta Who him personally. As a politick* Ihe was one of the most issithful,ae chair man of the ConMsittee on Revolutionary Claims:fie 'did' his day; and as a Member ,of the committee of, alr.eitigatiOn, of the 'last session, he bore s& .the burdens laid L upon him by his party, with all due pa •tience I regret, air, that be has escaped the operation of the amendment .of the Constitution, which 1; lately had the honor to, report, prohibiting the President from appointing *minters - of pones:ea to office; 130,1 reloien Dint 'Mr. 'pl. has "men rem. ved from lie actmesaf turmoil ania contest hen izidAsi PciasylianisiAo tlik haven 'of rest and rpwardile another country! )- Insurrection at Yrs, - 'ridad.—Extract letter 'dated : Tiinidiiirde',Cubs - Jan. ,received Ay. - 11440•11., Ivo i slijkof the Boston, Exchange &tailing 'Boom, per rig. laide, at the port i "It •is worse days since we Wen* avast crinaternation!iy Or-.re voltinuot.some negroes„ . •whip.;ast tire te. two plantatine, J.-7N. Baker"; —and killed several men. They set fire to all bis'ihouses. which being 'fire proof, were but slightly injured; destroyed his steam mill, carte, and all the utensils.— They areinoW concealed in ihajtigh moun tains, about 100 in number, but are close ly pursued by our troops. -Mr. Baker bad a horse shot from -under him, Mit he suc ceeded in arresting 'several of the rebels. The destruction is now over, and not - likely to occur again." Capt. McLoon states that when be left, all the American merchants iu the place were putting their property on board the shipping. It was reported that Mr. Baker had lost 2000 hhds. ruolases, and bad all his ;mantling cane destroyed, and • that the negroes were heeded by a white Spaniard. ' Take Waraiftg.,7-ln the Sheriff's Court, n Lem . ma, a' verdict with Eel damages, as given against,..a Mr. Villiers, his wife awing mutilate& some volumes of the ncyclopedia' Britannica, which bed been in her by lariend, 'by taking, out several .lates. 0:7 - If "General" Sutherland had _fur, eded in 'his attempt to carry firo and word into the sri tia h• Provinces, and to er the tie which binds them to" the pother country, be would have been pro- Bounced a Reno., • He was unsuccessful, nd is' convicted', by acclamation of the heinous crime of being "a iniserabie , sag ,. bond." SUB.TREASORY RESOLUTION. The sub-treasury rebolutions have just ,;, the House after. a severe struggle '.. the fart pf the loco focoa, in the follow ,ag sape : . ... . Re h Solved by the Senate and House of i' epritsealativei o f the Commonwealth of I. ennsylvenlai in: Genera Assembly met, hat} our lßeprobentatives, in COngikws be Cited; and Car ' Senatora instructed, to to apd pass. their influence for or postpone. ent, Until the nest . session. of.Corigrese, • f the' act introduced by..the Hon; Silas i W right, of Ph* York; commonly called the Wab.treasury Bill, or any other act or acts of a similar Character, and that they vote at this session for no act of a aiinitir nature. . , . . . : 'This resolution was adopted by the &l owing vote:- Teas 01—Nays 49. , • Mr. Gilmore Toted in favor of the re-I solution. • S. ' Mr. GarratiOnamoved to add tfiatollow ing as, tin iMeadMita(til Ole resolatiOnr ;-- I !,Aatii•,that We barn . ..foil confidence in ;Makin Van Buren, and in the wisdom and iliteßigence, oci-cur Hemacmtic Benatore alitt,Relitasititatives ite .CeiiitillP-% ' Mhicli was passed —y ;pas .110,,Ainyi 44. 6 Hopkinit then moiled to add the fol lowing : ' • .- .. k . . . !ii/ind tatr iu rnatkirt(tireleretitfitrther iiistructicl,, Our ReiOretteiitatives : it. quested, to, vole:for suctria mode of fecal ! ! ing, keeping,!'end d ing the publMi InelleY• 'esilvilk 1 11, Pauttec4a far as practt, cable, tbe blinktlfrogi *lGtirtrnment." - : Which passed-by a vote of 51 tap.' ,' -., These all forenoon ralohation.t - . ;11 Resolved, Irhat - ' the - Governor be , r 4 I queste‘ 4..!nifleAttAgi*t.:9ribefiiii . 49lng I .ilioh . iiiik4 to ..eac:li,of",oo .t6atiiril 04 1 Represeatatiiteiriurvess.-. 0-,,, 2 'l n •,.•,,,,, , , THE BUBiTREABURYI3GHEM j 1 ,irub'ffotaintitßqtesimittitti* al antopted a residutioili`instructini iiiii*ifi r , tore andtraquiiviiillt ikteißePreeentntiTco4 ' Mungrausou.e.tos forahipast i tionistaat-q, tall. action ouThe Sub-Triessury; - aehiluiit tif MiS.yritlit.' l : vie 7,o4t!ift!teo,tii#o: O t L i i . , : t o7; 6lll o o oTi -- ,,Zl*lteri AM" meiiitn- . te l tqa,,o4,,in i tg9*4l4t 'consciences, . t, , wiltillhiithejJamcirs , inti4iinifiVekTof party, - lint 'in{th; tialier.etiftfia iiiiiiiile 4 '""W 1 ,,,, - x . 1 1 If this' . Sub-treasury scheme' g s tielil bb lite - revarlible no. ourniteW in and iorri r itiot recent , °Paled in e gaika el* Lem , Gel; ir ME 0 0 1 91., kerne Uni p ia Capin' tr • , ih i t ni Ar i r ._. _ -. ~~~. ~ S lii ne‘ _ ....- %ma we coehlry , 'filVeroftEducation.. 4 ulOietttioibi?seetes to'be arckuse4jPii..P.O : : Oik . te tims-Deqes 'iitY orthe enlightenia Att rising-genera tioci, andidting them o assume - their du ties Ws chinos of wog hty i topublic quali fied to_ act as self id riturs., Shiptild the 1 efforts ilopttnatiejr i e ed with success, the power, ordeamc eimalosookceake. to be Wei *ad our .ips 'ra tions Will : ccquige I the firmness and po' ereiney' tht ibould ;Mend' them. - Ail -' ' pai,lthlrc.4goSeted witli i thelidiancesiten of Ouctitiotmey be regatdett the prciplii • ppreciatieri4 those td whom the manag ent of the young-is =trate& Instea d` IttihrOiteemed, as ftoilii-t n ormly, in the Ugh ef Pedagogues ate er isiiiiii" 'teeth ' s- "Viir eadie looked upett as or `hi Worthy, of being ''eitit 40 ,110141poftrOillt ,to Oloie *lwo tbey ' ct.-'—'l:be pursuit of instruction desery ' not only to be lank-::. 'Ft& imiong the learn .professieriv but to be : placed" et their flea' as vie . of the most 400 . andextendedm its.pdhiences. In structors should be the companions of their pupils/ their intimate friends andadvisers, and not pie from, whom every action is to 'be, ..ridden;, and iL taktde e pitre t whom isH looliedl okin is loritiirEct Weierness.--. 1 Knowledge loses half Of its cbarms;when Imparted in a tone cititernness, get 'twat! the guise of friendliTodmeitition :Wini the learner and allures bin, by its =Obtrusive charms. When it :Isbell be esteemed a discredit lo the littinblesirtnember of the community, not to bp' sego:tainted' grills the rudiments of a' plain ROAM edlicotion, and when men shall Acquire the habit of reading' and _foratift wpinians tar them. 1 selves, they will bwtbeirorthy depositories of their own- polities! destinies, and pre. servers of their own and the liberties or of their offspring.—Blatt.Asterican. Mr. Warns presented a =emeriti from 540 oedema of Hartford, Connectieut t all legal voters two.tee.aid thutl he knew many °MO sign. ' •ef the memorial; and kitrir theme' let They intelligent, am b le me n; in good standint and character, and ite apemen' alma be reef . * Mr. Webster rocked that the meteor' id _ printed and kid ripen the table. Thor meow real was against the subtritamery scheme, and Mr. Webster recommended it to the ansidera teen of the Senator-lbona Connecticut, Mr.' Niles, who was to address the Senate 'upon. the Sub. Treasury Bill. . , The Sob.Treunry Damns up, and Mr: Niles spoke two horn" in eta defi3nee, and gale way to it a motion to into.. t §recetire Businet*,, 110 OF BBFBESENTAT,IrZBEL : • Thellou ' have' tip`tnit'Aeirlicidee day in an, exciting debate upota read' utiew. introduced by gr. Wm; OVA. wheeirpropos' etithe ariPoititment Ora Select Committee to:et:milieu into the chug. es mid. against seine of themeMbire of the Hattie in ene of the 'recent tatters of the "Spy in. Wasidegton.r, The4esolutiodls pteceded by the charge eased agiiiiest-ioencl.neeenber, lirho air yet is omelet*, ,1334:**0 the writer promise* to name, if ,, and aga)est ( whom, if the FkeeekliThd an. iik ON-116 'pledges him self to rum ' ' . timi - ofberpin, bribery !and oorrettlimr.". ',,-- - ".---, -' The resaution:lias bean debated to day by a great number of ine )nb.: ere ' ,- np :. both of the `quelti li , a' d forme the; resolution - will probably mu Mairrarw:L.Da. the"Spj in Wachligbu' was e:mooned , bit,f4r* lei : ipirime - a:' 1 4'lifesealt" tine; on Tussifay.44..and.ce4 eral Tories propo sed Whim iespectie(g-theteberge brought' against a member of Conti* . Mr: Davis. afterprotest. ing againsethe pc4clinisci. congreas, arraign :Mg him arthe bar Cl• ate Douse. Mated that am Person accused waived il member ofthe House. It Mine out to be' tie Don. J. Ruggles, Senator !ffin , ifaitie. who has, under lawns signature • ; denied the chargs—and Mr. Davis has pledged 'himself to. thitimadic to prove all he has stated j. On Wednesdn,Mveralhuniired Wallops were presented on the "Object ofSlaVery t and Mr. Ad ' ems pnwentedllMirptatinMitrikim about SUMP . petitioners, prayingtferthaveiclndon of WlN ton's resold ion c itdoidialy &illative on the Rid of Decemboo- ' - 41)ini doh -1446 4 fm...4-ipadem, is onlylllo,ooo. • vvbat do-guk.Galertifirlug maw mmtiritrMallimity ,steo,teit sittidet— f--Boston Bosto 'Whigs of Mlil*.b,u l3ll6 . ;Ink's** item of New imm Jer -butiwthisloatilibpthsiod. ikis thought by MALaiiitS*Pit.o4lo.4elen forgetting PK° Fcfr if New enviarniukgpt &Wig with lOV VlALl,4 l l l 644oklek,quiricy kdams Wed lb. Natiottal - Government kr, *MAIM° IUSIICIMONOthini but profligacy, or something unkaAuttidnet* - Gen.,..lacitsonApd Mr. Yew, ipeild thirtylwiftstriliiins 41"dollus per NGssetlii r i . c;" 7 '• - sac,: * i. "I'lifilipailtegixoegy.' weLthsterVe alai so Ode aid "kilt; thee be isaii,,t hit lifisief ha dark itigtiffteiteilthiee;... . ;...- i... t yli -4, 4: ,1 I ~ . But aj; 'rester, boa - " i% eilteit'le4elli"'dte., 1 ..Leee. hilt 4 with. th.g...thLer.fini ORllitt L. Ifatr.;;PS .., rA s tlytt aft - I - . ; 7 ,- ,91..,4 . ,p4m. 12 . . 0 4„,,,,,,,,,,,• i i... pit.. 'pi l a bed ..,41SAIstfri 4 tie*Alwaviredth fil .; est ' , Omar. when' eceerneaied . ' 4,4 ;the' bed and shook !Limon the flodr.—Be - foe. 1 =I ~ 114A3ti OF LILL , 'Twits but a bobble—yet 'twos brighil kedgally daemsd, along the str eam Of WS WiItURIT.OI, in, the light Of apithhig—like a dreani Ai t heaveres.bliss for loveliness— For fleeteess,like a passing, th oug h t; J Artd_ever Ofemsh hopeteeso The time of my life is-wrimlbt, For f bete dreamed etplesetuie vies son ltitsrmg !algae's!. smiled Hpeartik*l - Y . ti - 'Patir.-and then . .: tee proluland'inteett asylum beplied; But when I earner tIIVIr sweets to sip, '..- tknylvs ll **lol l Pwa my hp, And I Istiveicliiiiinierof friendship too, :-•:! For Blend:44X hid thought was made -..• ,To be. m'an's mkt - 44k the shade. '''And.glii-hini in dm Bght ?and so I madly *night to ,find a friend Whose soidmith,miaa would huntsweetly ;, t And:4 ll Pm: placid .sima* unite, And roll their. watirsin•,one bnght - And tranquil current to the sea, So might our happy spirits be • Bornelenwantit'eterwiti— But he betrayed in% and withlqa I woke-'to As eild!d a rim P11:6 !tit Til d,i s h . e c t istl, ;A i reiii i;c jo r t f orlo t ;: ,th el e ao pitit a , ll , Seemed any - ne6ingsktothit lint, . •• Bright dream.. •It threw a utagieak - Enchantments° eaisnevt: A glory °flint path .no-'bright '• 'l4' - 1 Seemed to breathe - tAd peritegght; , . Bat now 'that bliiiaN•dreitin ii ; o'er; .. . ' Anti tlteinWidroidloidikn . , 2 :noinews. •• ' ' , - *tHdyfiliedtlinsW - dianuttlnumunlngitar 'lr. liiiitigehtkreciki.thq itailatianil , ! . ; There As a world of trutlkaud Love„l'• ' Which earthis'yile piss never man iI 'Oh : could isnatt:h illl eagle ' s plumes A r And war to that brigs world away. , Which Gar/town h ylight lbws . Withglowii of eteriMl diy.;• • . Hew gladly every lingering:h. _ Thatt binds mw.,..down to ea rth Memel, r 1 And•leain fin- . that blest-home km Ngb, • -This hollow-heated.world foralu ' f-- if! 6i . -- • 4 2444ii.- 7 0i learn ttpiiirn Randolpl'l WI: fourairlY - orthii at Y. (*Via ' . ) who .. I den* Dr & Watts' at the Vtlorh..o - : ' Hotel, no , .firittita.at th - cOui ago r , was" _W.!" murdered r f tilt - iri iLkeji; iii , Aii ,hig licerge;:Poquirapit;:on _theme - A man a t,ho lei a woman ud:beeti, tried; fon d y, and a laniiirkilir: !ing #:ir the 4 'MIMI .. The It a inst. was eigreinted as the day , executi on . [ Vicksburg . Sea. lain. 51.. ' ..... - . • Ardr 'c'esisprontsse.The . adisonisn Friday says :- "%c r t the prop tion for, coilipronuse, ,and. . w -re, willing r unite in concessions for the purpose ( leading to it,-ati o ft en and volotig, that felt de - 04411 -in SO doling, manner which! itwist,,sue C. We d propose, it -again; or-Jointer Alton to it- We are now" satisfied . Wolf is to found Only mresoluteartidefirmined sr In thelanimaget.istftlacbeth we say. , utsl oeuMeDnit Aid alatnittrbeidarthitirakerider had, es -1132` ii lll #oo* spirit manifested now the pittcof thi , itupptioriort of the Sii• spry pliin tearardal the "Cienserirativ (timbales the inept ;Contlestieeriden titOttitl,4lsl4etifdr thetu wil secured only 'icy vaiiqUishinig their ad sariesiT itte ad:Potash those who act us,' that: our little' _band „will le • the • victims of the arbitray power that the posed comproniisooldastablisb." , Feb. 19th VlM!dento*.f e ; fait th*Oe Gomm tivieritaidi quarter's nil having' quarterly permute M. years— as created nu little statement in eVi.ittiepr that 'Sts lite Governor unded MU-ikons:. anstnnOiti.ge , an inns ' Lion hitoltlit:eitSuanstinces;` , of lowei)icOt , lnt been apitoln A • Jai" the subj.', -.• , Tckviritinii ELECTION S. • 4 - 16e4f44t1Weitisemea*mvimW ship. will be held At thb house of John Weller, New Castle, p filetwillotthe 24d inst. at 9 o'ek P. M. fofAe4 lo l°P•e Prtitkint into amide tko town= - : • lilt IPlielWir , ay. TtIE - YribM - BoCietrin ISinitiertiky will cl .firatiMiZEtaihi'it • Ply. on the irat of My 11331 Xii thi apitie , (ir Mr: tiiin(Yeemmit, and t pectfully invite their country men -to partieip i d i a in the pelebratitilTheyildit =mull Mr. i I vaat'a at 9 o'cioalt.A.ll4..aaa. it o'clock a nuewill be delivered iat the Bit ' - Church, which they will; partite, Oft per at lo' at theabovententiOtted Platte g , d.the rental , of the day.. will .be,daeoled• te faith - 41W; the ocituiett oltheiemeethic..4 I_ ; ___ By order °Elbe,. i .„ 4 ...WnSli SOCIETY. Feb 7 - 9-4 INULTIMKer• • pr, , - , r eil ,,„ wy 17. i : ,;.: . .Ml l ll4OlF* l 3/ I ;.b , iheleadri!! worth. i: 'wuEATI-50Tek puifiet, W : ; RYEIFLOUR 2 , 50 percvm itt iri r mL osoo4 1 BUCKWHEAT .FLOUR 2,50 (per eysLandemat IVE, by.the load 90 cents Ottke*Riel—res sal____ls. '. • - 1 14LE CHOP 90 pate, per b!ts,lsel J i 0.......A. OATS . 4 0 cents-J. NO . eget- 1 - , ~. = i voTAToss 45 *its per IntslieHailismuld. - I ' - dißlff-70 centi petl , w6etrit dediaad. - • , • CIAWER SEED-41 - 504efikmalseL , ,c, TIMOTHY SE , 00fpekbatesil. FLAXSEED—SI 12 peyinsnlaekiirdomand. i WHISKEYI-42., Ms plislallm. _ ilit • BUTTER;- , ,14 , pet •Isinn - Ad- 7 0 . 40; 12 ca ,E,GG'X=.I2 ieiaiii - r dom. . • LA:110- , 40 Os* moya#, ,F 7 "' ' • a l areenoi 9":** o 4l / " 1 - 10 1 1 4 Iiii •V' i..- CORNIULKOP..BO xesttir o tr, *demand . BACON--12 es*• .., - . - IMESWAILI.-,-*4O. • ,! . . .F.44TITERS-cesiti i s 1 COMISKRVW li-140. lifiWpdmid. ' I MACKEItEa " theta' 04410001 V i LI E ALTQI4OII , btd4B7iisT Intslidi 11'. PlIARBElki*: ith RIM plie.4oo.tv . _?.. HArips Per O. 1. . 0 !El Tittleik) TIRE- entoieriber hen 4 tioneseum) AL his placed the DisitifesitillacwaatT sadg /f and School Tans fur the. yothl 1884 and 183 fen the torimgh of Pottrrille;inthe lands st Heisler. EstF for eollectiorrkisid that ail who remain ftfirinanan fails inr wpm" no forthwith to sirdriondso ' ..`04,4 e7./A. DANIEL tilnialAN' feb 17 - 10