, VOL. 1. ' PRINTED AND P Y,ll ELT *AIN, SZINIZi • • THRICE. Tha1.4.6.11111 AND Fur? payable semi-annually in ad in the year, $4 will be eh: • - ceive the paper flree of ..` • • pgr innam• If nor paid viri • w 11 be-added In the price °fie . Two Pot:t i nits pse r annum. in advance. ‘ novpsid withi be charged Advertisemen{rinot exceedi • `otrgeil $1 for three insertions, sertion. ' , Larger ones in.proi All advertisements. will he at. in}edia the time for width el specified ,and will-be charged Yearly advertiieri will be ch hiding subscript inn to ,the paj epin one advertisement o Ales during the year, add tl •ne in each paper for three • Meters addressed-to the et lerwin , no attention will be 111.imtices for meetings, d id have heretofore 'been ji •rged'2s cenu'diCh, except? IifILEaT 'Valuable Real:Pt:op .. *7On SA' gnat undersigned offer knoton three story BR DWELLING HOUSE ao situate in Centre street; Po of the undersigned, togeth tenements.in the rear of sa lot of grand whereon ate brick build - tog aforesaid, front—finished froin the garret in the best style of w as a business stand and a r.' vourably situated, The for , be sold on low and amiomm , of theyorchase money may . rty for a few/years, it dear . .4. and possession Can be G. iply, to 'Ap . ril 22 FMB aOMB! ClOthe NATBANS do Co. h • splendid 'assortment o Blue, black, olibe, gree do do • and fancy Plain and figured satti ,Mohair pilot cloths and 'aciate hair ***lets, of Which being purchase fphia, and New York, Wel e centcheaPer than can be, ...this borough. H Noti IS hereby Olen, that I have babe granted to th, Ipster of Schuylkill Con *Acid Bruit, deMised, lltuyikill'ebenty. All per ite. are therefore retp • the: salsieribey %tned! *ay hive claims on said , 'quested' to prevent tbbm -ttlemat, - • .Jon 10 Private ripHE subscriber will se •FIOUSE AND, I.,OT'n the moat central and bueine of Tamaqua. Said proper attention of men of bustn. rimion iconsidetea (inn thing_topuichase will firs yid property is not field it will then be rented' irther" pink:Ware, ap mg at Tamaqua, or to Di 111011. . ,101 dec.l6 _ _ CALL Aq New Dotal) 'vier of Centre and Mar _ subscriber* -reit their friends - and the I have taken the stye cob Bull & Co., cornet of Nals where they are noiv "'lent of Dry , , Groceri • Liquors, which they are determitted eat prices. HAZZA N. B. All kinds of CO o the htghest market prices. April ,1 WILL BE at Priva . A good t*o story how:. situate on Centre street.. on Centre street, and 230 the Mount 'Cartoon flail it atintially built, and svellisi •piublic business. MAO Tiro goad two story' fin mind, Ones In Boat treat. Each house and ,use are well finished w each house, and ate silo part of town. All o be sold very cheap—f% apply to AP Jan 6 , 7 Dying and 13G112T132: V.HLER rope. and intends in dying, in Bilks and Centre . Street,t'otteville pantaloons. He is e r hope' , b 1 attention continuance (whim fora Dec 23 altatfte lOUS GUIDE, Key to. Nokia, True Piety, r Cotholio Piety, Doug Bible, Pow Man's Cateehisi Smsll Catechnin, at reeeivtd sod for sole Dec 23 I ' mixt r po w er li • . oi v ',,1,. cill itaiirict ;rill - % DO. 11 i t . . 4 1 _ 14 4 664 A0r4, ~"u* l3l- I ;6: l lot lilimiiis Alai Tiritent.- t''-" T raft - pee l 'tint mull; . saw- triill, •sesniiil • chietling.ilooses4ad firm 'oOllB5 • BUSHED, spisAN. . Jaild..sitoeteijkat-Xectioritle.Abotit sive= mgt., iVoin Reading. 'The tenet end. turnpike &am Reading,to I s ettivitiet baqt P!"..• in tret-oribe _ p.!;14 Thrsituaticto is anal:0110M onevibthneilitr.4,l Possessioneetn, had, go, the Ars .4ey pf.4,lorit oeT3--:forforthel, pertieillarehequieo.otAho ottiei of the Sehoyliillt _Navigation Coiert/nI, seventh stied, Phitacefphiit, Or . of " 4 .; • -- .. GRISCA3f ; 4 , • 13operioteisdeo4tReedinf• Reading, Jen.. 27. 1838. . . 644tr00 ► I per assoo -. If *or paid wi to ail those who ; "To moil taboo 9 isi this yea r. hi • stptsom yebi,e eemt•ennus iss the year, Ot6o w • • twelve lineewill be Amid 50 cents for one rtion. .serial until ordered y are to'be Continued accordingly, '•• rged 11112 per annum; er—with the privilege • t exceeding 2 squarer e iuserliem oft moire times. r 'tocmuat be post pa , id to them . and other 'nod .es „ surtax gratis, will • • ' arriagerand l)ca , • •• . E'er Rclit . 4 G000'84;4 . 60 a Store an d tiern, sits Jim tettnn the tilchnylkill 'Wiley gad Reed: Ijrzl i ti!e weigh :scales, The house has beiniiestettpted , as a. tavern ihr.savetal years. and. ,in, ,_,Pia il l i better stand' to bejoilnd io,sh, DC, taktead4 l r Poissession giveddn'thetiat of ` A 1-sto'ply: et • fah - 3 B=3* -- . 1 ':,-- ": THIS'OFFICa, ' 1 , .._„. Encourage Horse Ma nufactuirs. . • Olt& ettiOlaalrY 1.14)110 1 21C 1 0.*Y. subscriber respergulla ; anpoonnea, tp the 'IL public diet he hat «Kumar:Aced. the *Manufac ture of Confectionary to various braticlies, at his Store In Centre Street, nearly Oppailte,the Pottsville • Rouse, Wfllgfe Confectioners Ind oth ers can Over be supplied wholessW, and retail, st dip invitest Philadelphia cash pricgs, • . Country Merchants are respecttuk.aeitigierd to call andlexamine his hock befuia •parettasing eliewhera . - JOHN S.C. MARTIN/ nov . .50.0 . o e sitiristt , 3 , in Poixivinet ' E. ... . .1.- woe :all that_ w 11 K STORE A the impartial& . tile, the pr oper 7 , r with nine pth r . building, and e tiOia wends. T . ninktiiirty feet n 1, . , grot story to t or imanship; and '!•idenee,.l* mo at . t • oing. prepeity w . 11 '; ,ating terms. tart. remain on the p .i. ... Title indispn , . men immediately I, M. JENDiItiR3 : - Penned -... THOOK-BINIAEIIt . v, B: t asilimx commenced a. Book BiOd.i . . 1 . 1 !• ery cortaection with his ' Book Btore;t where of Books will be bound id Batt shortest obtice at low rates. 6 /. 4+t'• jan 97 ' - - T. ar. elf. Beatty T. HAVEjust received per Pinar Boat•Adventuit,t Ai-Capt. John 'M, Crostaod, direct from New Voik,. d 35 (reeks liiry Chemin, • i • 20 boxes pine apple, do 1000 Ito. superior smoked beef; 1000 lb. do Lard, . t = 16001bs..cod 6 sh, .t - . ; btili.eirpeilorliliiid, 30 bbls. o. I Mackeel, - t N 20 hair do do ' r • I 3 bbl.. starch, . 25 boles siiperrior green and dank trim r' no' 115 CiethlS 'Am now an hand aod claret clothil, imerea, tta, ther 'coatings, fig., tic tcc it auction in Phi orioles .to sell • rchasedelsewhe l dec2 21 : i re;stenien subscriber, by 7, on the estate ate of Mineral I ladetad to is to mike Atm ; tly, and' such w to are likewise I authenticated, I. • silioO . 0409100 ~3 1 11 E subecmher tias been appointed Agent for / . -m• the side of these. Books in Schuylkill County. Directors of the Public Schools, Districts. ,rid` others supplied by the quantity at the-publishers: prices. Emerson's Series ofichool Book are considY eredro be 'the'leat in use, andturcliesp as our other. ' . • , . , Also, Cobh'. Series of &Nh' Books, wbolelal sod read at Philadelphia prices, for sale by Deo 28 ' 5 .B. BANNAN. RreM 3 T, Adminlstraor. 16- MI Belmjafittom 11V. summing, • ecTrownsr JT HASremoved. hist.bbee to Centre Streesop, Prite,9)ll/4,!..0*-Attiblikuif M. t en mugs. where b e will attend to 'ail butane* en. lauded to him in the line of We ptofeeilitn,„ Oct 41.. 48-if at private sale, a elsantly situated •n pirt Witte borou h - is well worthy t.e A particular cessaiv, ai Icier view for theniaelv .fore the tat of A. it one or moiey Ty to the etibacri Hunter on the pl. , N DENNISTON 111 T. se-natzioweir, • F. 11161 11E011 Alit • j . TIUKAN • I • 'Office Rest dui, to tilt - P-euesyleeeie lull. Nov IS • - i2-tf • Fort'Clivitoit Fouldry FOR SALR. - , WILL be whim privite safe, Eoutidit, v v p leasanUy situated at Port CliOtoni-htl - kill county, on' very realonlitile Ginn& T.bir Po - unary atllte-eortimeertie:rnent of thiitiktle end Susquehinnit Reit Road. no* ;waking, end will in,a abort time be one or this beet situations in the ;wintry to do 'a large boll nen. Par terms4:c.. aply to ' 4 PARKE& TIERS. • • Iron Founders. ,„ er ISA4CAPEIM Port Clinton. ' J'3!3' ' 3Plit - 6313 hment, I Streets, Atter ! Maly announce ! • blic gener ally , rmerly occupied Centre and Mar ... melded With& dm q Kell atthe Very . ' II & STRAUCHI ry Produce take , ' . I New Goode. • I general asiOrtitient of Smith and selionabja A Goods. justreceivimiting htpart of Drr-Geadt4 t. 'Groceries, • - Hardware, Queetwrei Matk n erel, a , . Salt, Plastery &e: &c, which will be sold low foe price paid in cash for all ktidsneconstry pro& JOSEPH Wart & SON. ' Mount Carbon; Dec 4 2 'l'll OLD Sale. dad lot of grog' he lot is 20 feet - t deep, extendin . 1 d—the House is tutted for any kin .1 • houses iced lot a litiow t ; Nurwe is 00 feat fttinti .kitekteemat ted In.the Most the *hive terms arta • EW ROSS Champagne THE subscribers bare just received OW air fdif site • lame lot of choler, efirktpuroe Virioee, among which wdt be Frond Ois sPilovertre Breed, whist to and to be superior to yirt iMperted.—ahoompertor old and ela, lido rano. port` lobes in bonlei.' . • ITAZZARD di BTRA nil I - 4 • . • ••• • eoluttag. • o returned from • museum rin'ey ••,- old' rims. bls Also scouring • tful for past fat 1 punctuality to m t custom. Books and [NM ---- • 1. . . . - - - ,`• • '. ' :•- • - ''' - ' " - '" - .#4. , 54t , J ' • .: 1 4,,, :Zi: - -'; ;"!citt : * - • ' i,i,.. -W. ;''''. . [ WO . NAZ . ~. , - I': ~t .. :,..,..„...„ .. .„ ....._!.....„.. , _. , ,:. ~...„.„...,..„: „ ......4.,.....,...1 . ,...,.....„..,,,...iti . ...,,,.„,,,,„.„,._,.: . .,,,.....„..,:,. ~,...:.....,,...:....._,,....t . ..„:„... ..,„ ..,,, !.,,..,: . --, r, ...- ~,,,,.,„ •••• 1-..,, -Icl,viiititorolirs. viLts- l a- Einiarmulort. - :>llrWaltingEll, :, . 1 ,- , f 1,.: :,-, ,v-,,,,,.., atl-c ; 11 ::; , t(f>.trr , 1 ' " ti rr T ' • ' _,' I ' ! .: , . -., _...'„ ' • • ~i ~ 0 1 40 4,1 0 tt NNATEI ANS &,C46.baee on In .! • 0 .ale. s 5 O boast! ChamPina llidi tr i nco 7 D ; the okceleinVEl. _bran4o.. t ruOnj 101 1 0 1 iinV foundtinilexrrane4 *roe Wiwi* to any (mei 16001411041iiiik - .AJao, the/0 *la& .0( 4 '4 I Jan 31 • • • •'! Pickwick PaPeri Cal&ter. picKWlCKllittigrA bens. •arita • illostritialltjat for Ede by • B. Jet ' • r ift '1,;(74 r?;, r : 1341; 017 SVILLEi !Aim.l-ATURDArMORNINC, PE* • A-4 WEIMM trot • 4,.. 011411 0 1 1,37 40 bt;PPqrriffil4, ~. 1 , YING viii•lniFtir 0 k b* 449174PhiP,44.41314 - Perin, Pa th*Nislit kinutp6,r,l44aver," 4 french Rail Road, about toqr tunes morn ,Wele3Yl - lir Abet* CoaMeins quiorthroilii4hrAnd. l Feirlidormaticis ap -417-to, r -..)40071tER1i1, Ei P 004 1 . 41 2. . .usor Simi rr • ft'iltar.v ng .. 0, mow 2: 241 • • p 331 E subscriisi.biu AKT 9 11 4 1 *P! ' an d StoreVow* oftc..ll„ inio"f OW 6( thee exid,riati j oielns: - '' • • liary!fren aB,l4l4olllhniZely • _ ikao.4and ,l l o PPAß dQ d - tea, Round re c: Waif* and Spill at; Cool fthoveli qdot dlardw.rs.aF h Altai witicbise smeU4* tyre*: • .; cell e 44 IWetlierilt 411rAlriitheki‘ - ~. Ar Tit 8501:D. STAND- it.,..:- .' lie. 65 NOR.TII PRIDINT STREETi ' P - • - - JUST SW& ...1 t • Taw Divas „Aii lax Cimaza o!. Aeon llit - • PIII • 13•Me•Htia, . I " MA NIEJF cry u:Elts'oF } ,• Tt White.Leel dfyand, ; Calomel, *. ' • • I ground in Oil, • . Iced Precept. 1 - Red !Asa.White do , • Lithvege. • ' • ! rArwi Mb. I CrearVellow. ' r Solp. Quisiste I do Green, ,2 ('M bar r., Emetic , , do _Kik • Suipli. " .Palima-Yelow • 1 • do Nitric -- •Sopr Lelid.-: i do:Aoki - al :;c - , Coperas,„ : . ; bon Camas , oi:trawl' i eliati. r Aci• Aq: Ford* ' . 1 Aeit. MOOG" -- ' • '•' fantiatic Acid ... . , & -Mph. .. • • • . Emma& Bilis' • ''. I : Liiipliapbur • , l'atti 'Acid •- •• ', -OA the Nareet. 1 iliai .Carixikidit ~ i Karmen Mineral: Ca n oe, Sub. Mere. ~ Ethiops ' do.. Refiners ilfCbaino4l3elt Nitre. Brimsfone, : • L e. Offer for vole the above •Itiontioniiil• bath!, to. amber. with* generil assortment of Pain.. & s and Dye Suds. and every other article e in the C ~, cal and Medicinal line.. . . Be• mannfaciarerr *fell ihearticles annum ed under the above bead, they plodge themselves to • . gt their friends and "public on the most .• as . • Window and Picturedlass, kali 61, to 114 f)ct al 1537 . , . . • N. Natbins Ak. Co. grIFFER for sale 'al their whom:sale and l• styveZ Grocery Store/ CMX 4IOO 4 II bel" ' 'a' prime nanottnetat to h anaemia 1 cog or • . • jam 62.1Anita' Coffee i St. Domingo and browned _ I / N. Orleans, Rt. Croix, brown add 1, white flaianna,Thafaniklump $ • New Orteags, West 4 k ii iii ;;. India and anpr liaise "' imperial, Gan Powder.Poung Hyena, PonehontOrangeTeciTeas co. Bourbons and Bohm Bakers. Chasea. e t t h : Schmta i Ch 01, dY Llollillocbd ietiPiOad ) • Premed. Cocoa shells • Reading, CirioteMereey, - John Balla, lafitter,,Areloovy. ESIM Canton fad I;:anie _, Gherkin. Tomato. peP-Pcri.., ... hfiled.OniMf Magne t `}Pickle s . Lemonand Frenth, , Oliyoukca t i e r. Auchociotoi . .Cayenne perallapice and Ginger Clove,. ace. Nutmegs and carats Rice, floor of rice,. starch , . Conittita,Piga ier tellm Noce , Sweet and bit almonds, citron olive OiloOlie 1/illelloAtEmil W u, Pitlyetved ginger. - Elitese,rodfiah Herring, mackerel, *ham • Whim and colored ,mott.apeorni cii • biloalded grid di t taint • •. $ , , ~ Palm, • brown and yellow ' Ohl Id • iii ild darn 1 gown aid 'berry. champaigne .in . Old hock, hdd, dry outlay an Sweet rasing* muscatel • t, _ _ , bo - • Bllbefeltylr ai reiribtmle-' . ild Ideqtctoria , non a corn w e 3 • • Aniimue. ' Med 'peprointratil m.t=mrElbti ew T jmdeatgoiria • •Eztresap.,apin.inferiordo„ '• • , Hall'Sputtyll niu 2 I comncfr cigars • 'Ciit ,Iwi ;Ilion add moulded glass ne China and ertorkt oi t o , $-- a rend looloortriterAr Vooda. &c. An 411 w ICII thwYs" dia 7;arnilies il a li nd t t aWit X rt pie tens . Head' to p Ire particularly iniOmiro mdf. - , . ,;e°. Cobb's liTortk;,AtiMeas Reader. fa • •L •1 Speaker. lath COPIE S of' tfie above work just r '.. . ‘."-F, •ed and Will forlproisbed wbo to the &foram Aclioel districts, at lest. that . ila. delphis prices. *ether with the *hole se • v i. Cobb's Schad Books. 1 Ilk RAN .. 4 Dec 23 I. t• elliderS Jej.4411 1 06.14 en DOZEN tiiwalin'it PaFseea, jMit rWns. Auli‘ 7 ed, fresh Boni the proprietor. Upwardii of seventy.livis Timm:and Bottles of this valemrplii medicine were sold last pear, and the &roam; is Pries thedappt, or aloes bogie. Prieis Walk or t h roe iiotdes fair $5 , V. B. BANNAN - • • , 1 tanSebuylkill•Coin;ty r Ala Bwoim ermifnips. • - • NEW GOODS. J•sormi C. KERN maikirmOLT igfoniti the cithenslef if PElibirine4"iehinTithitt he constantly k on ha!nit, at the perner.of-Centrs ; and Cellet;l sinew next aoi# eboye L ths ketkPal Hotel, • large-ond okeitslitnsiceiniset'oflikaple end Faney irith s Waco selecticinlieWliee, guars and theekory Inge* ail alibi& bate bent Jperchsitok„, Ivory: lepreet cub prices in the marhet, , as4 will be sold at In pee =celitnikenen.: 14 • - AU kiadpfc9lo7. plie« , 4**fichi. • , ; , i virlo tatiQ.A4 etkoitial§aue 4 WITASPiiii , I .. -elver Almdt; or ; Owirt 40Cfeek lied *tit sofa - with doable ?loch of sliSitlia for e. haw - 1 67 1 6 laid at one and. 4be we !tim 'Y I W will be etilsmilittetialtid.• rbeiwohtiorill liHiatt est the Ift • ' 41114 1 ItA e ITOpite Baba. Ihirnest'Atok,st.. 14 . yob ig • ' Re , frAtzzAltiil4r.svr i p.,*3ll_ frs • -41 WitlitlMlLE IND" Rl3 - 11J11 1; ' 1 . 1440 0; tioterti,4i-it Pogsittli Corner of Ire ,P. • April 8; I - -• ' 0. I i Arirale t en'• segatii.of: he Priiiciloie`'!adifteefo:hraelle:lot .te e by • ' ito4Eirry. 101 I 1 At 1",-+gild' Plat te'ri IbiNialp PF 3l l3ept• . ol .4d • 46 41. z 0:11.E,.. 1 . .Ipa - %CHAN% Domestic lifeijibise. hcpsishe 224 Au' editionjoet.reiesived end foimiie by ,j q:2O 4.,.. , NB. BANNAN. .cwt..Chaelie ! orpre.tnium a N. base, 20 tatekpine apple • do , . fic bY deo ,- Sew rt Cr,Ot- mere Re Ess °4 4 * 'ettipt . Rpci. ' just , Zedsod ries* by R. , 40141 ' 14 0 3 . • ' , „2-" ES. CURTIS' CeTebyit# Moo - Black lob •Powdpr; just received sod ror late by • Jars 6 1' • B. IOttiKAN. Medal Clieeiie gasii 40 tasks superior medal 0°44, 50 bozos Philadelphia soap, - I hhd. Irsheati6eal, foraelelby • • MILLI R' HAGGERTY% 114114 * . 52-3me • ROWLETT'S linerect Tables..jibit received sV foe -sakt by - O. BANNAN. jan TINE BOOK of various kind. for ailibinr, . ind Otero:just received end fora abs by B..BXNNAN. • Also—draft, notes sod rkecks isitiod in books. jun 27 j I - 6 Cheap Raisiiis a , Prunes. _TUST received by ihermbecriber, . " 0 1000 lb.. llgisini, . , 2 cases Prunes-10AI* he, ill! irel pe tr 61cents L. lb. . JOHN 2'. . . R N. Dec. 2 . , ~ 2 ~, . , 100 REVMS Wrippieg Papsy,.for sal whohneile and retail' Chew, fith.3 . 114mi l kii. l. SpiMOT. - . New . , VI ICKWICK abroad. Or - a. 'war in Franert 0 -. Leila, by Bulwer. ,- , ~ . • Confitasionaoran-elderly4diand gentleman, variety' toOether with a of sr w orks. just re . eet f v e n and for rile by .: B. faNNAN. 1 1111S3ERTATIONSImiGeternmepmbe affairs Vof tki, Bank and - Pipetlimey. tbe author • °Minima Sin!C," prior 61 -cimbNiutliesi"d 4; end'lbr sale by - B,A NAN I 1 1 r 1r1311141V8 CHEM ISTR ,pries $l, jest re •• calved and for eels by 1 B. BANNAN. ljart - 2:7 6 1000 icloiffe• Bed ered Zetalll:74jost teceivcd and NO, 11 . _ FUJI:RD 4 EMISUOR. SR. and Retail Dry - Good Store. lOLLOCK & WEAVER/ have rout re:sired in addition to their extensive' simortment of •DRY 0000 S, Super Superior Blue and Black Visith,auperior fancy otigstre‘do. new style eas. iiirteres.'sattinette and Bevisrteeni, miter.' fin liana; ke. Feb t 8 14- Lumber. 50.00040in18hingies. • 2tS.I t i Lap do 20. 1 I I Ladies. ouitable[lor paha, or shin filinprotsalo by '1 A. A.AGILE. - 44 WARY 183 1: Lnr A ILY REGISTER. for the aerrof Privaie•F . milisa mod persona lebeisinessreonteMing a blaok for every day in the year, for ibe word of wooed' tbai may be in tereatint.enher sat or Auto e. 11 . 1015DRIDGE'S rAllitlt ' IMPOSITOR, / 5 - 0 ! price $3 50, just receivid sod fat , sale by ...Tan .10 • ' B. BANNAN. • Annuls keit 18*8: • ••, A FEW Annanld for 1818; at arbOleaaki prices v- -Pa- for sale by • ' B. BANNAN. Jan i • dILD PliIE Arktaz cliEi oat received and Sweats a few boxes of very superior old Pine Apple Cheese. _ __ T ____ VIAZZARD & SRAVCII:i 4 jin ZI gal FORM6l.—Afreeb Opp], of Miura. ‘ ,ol uibfe work s jolt received and for vale by jeo 6.' PANNAN. 1 -./FE OF LIEN • I' CLAY. by; mance. just ...a.,veiseived and for male by .. • . _ _kin 20 • . , ,• It DAMAN. -• llltegsteg Allfo.. I it BiNtiTAN 6. Plat t ilieli lifeil i the following I'o l .„, 11 0 0 u d01)M1,0/1.4dd and, American a ,ditioiaa. rinich.he Ogeqs 1::44111 cheap. briginel )Faint x. Se.. i. 5 yule. .. idosaillons Seraion us : j t. telliaffi.view of. Dena I Willem '-' 41$13dlevini!o Pikeaclier's smut!. 2.Yuls. Drew on the Res ' - i .• Drew an iheillool; •• - . ' • -, - Bridge. on-tha Psalm DY.4..1 a,., on Infidelity. , _ -1-rrixosinsii.loaebrbillicgrii Selig lididids, Ilk , ' '36 "'misty. V • I iiiiiiet •3;"4,005.d...i.,1._-rAv.,0.,...-: 114! 4iiiiit ' irii -Y iniriii4iF AND, i.aostirsole.-. ~ • Amy II; EMI • • '‘ " " -t. cOVIIITY • TA „ Joitsmstiikiblum. 2.7rosre...freduliff" with lire OinitatitOTicfr Caltatfl. 4tA l day 4 .l_faxerv. I,fft WA Air, ilifeht*e' k, • ' • ;- • • ' • • • i . • .I.i • • "!... • '43l3iirai-i .i; , cash therreaaa7 as • ' '•,•! ••• ' • ' fplert 48 ,Trepaahrainkred from- th e tbiluaring.P , C119" 40,9 o r ♦ do, Illitreamt towl . mlyok • staled: • eramerniek... • 1 14.60 tomunalia 0;16 . '-4311,8!s - • Andiew Buck • 113.16 560 00 Abraham Selmer 1837 10210 ' - •1 - - • t" f • sap 14. *tit Briainick: • • soloisoi Beniiiiter thifidons '4BDe6 Jobe D Losapipepaly 1836 387'91 Daniel Sholteaberger 1837 .243 00 Wrija4 Andreae _A. chr. 'ram Balder' e 4, 1836 281 23 4836 100 00 /Obi truidiali. • 1837 428 73 Andrea; Wilkiarer, fell 1835 -•no 00 fraleeri!.k Freak . 1637 1140 46 ; 1500 45 ' l . Marta [fer n 1834 29. co John Rumble tin full) • 1835 ' 143 05 Oeu,)imbi 1836 46816 Jecoblia 1637 50 00 • LeonardDl3 4 l 10 00 at ika Y Lawn; Dreher • • 1835 •40 00 William Halle* (in full) 1836 537 89 Frederick DenOingei . jr .1837 150 00 'Geo , lle '1(0411i 4: r : 1834 • 9S in • • • Jonathan Yarnall Joba.Bolach I . 1836 be 00 -- , j 1837 560 IN 1 . , • , Upper ihamdowa. ' --• .. ad 94; et 47 Fialbarilif O A tr u ffi ' full) M 6 :et 523 &cob ner. n ' '7 1 83 7 648 00 Loaves MaAankose 3s Jacob liaberllag Jacob Haberliag 1836 .225 84 101 04 Jobs Stein . '1837 308 80. ,••••• 833 18 rattail& AIWA .gyer (iti full) 1932 54 17 Peter Kern lid fa) . 1836 1209 10 Georiteti.StiChter 1937 2241 21 Nanceirian. Nathaniel J. 24111, 1625 226 00 Benjamin neither 1836 200 00 Darla 84swar burn Bougtuter • Paiegivre- • Miebrel Huber ;1835 200 00 Aflutter! Huber •. . 1836 405 50 ~..... 605 80 Orrig. • " _ Jacob D Fret ' ui ) 836 55 00 John Pot 1b37 341 00 W i ltlll PAUL 'David Zehner, ! 1835 119 46 " David ?gamer, 1836 MD 00 Abraham Wegner - 1837 473 00 .' r • ; Tcripash reosAveli. of the :Commiesioners mon* lowed for theme of the mutts 11900 00 To Cash re ved tor uruatoted lands re- . • dewiest r¢ 08 - as on *mewed lands WO 96 forland sold by Commissioner" 101 151 i ofPeter Kers for a note 300 00 Wittier? 11. Hull. esq. Onas collected 96 il fiem b3 t4 m lfer Pii. msg. do do fit 34 for firtei for non-aeceptalre of the office orpourctor 20 00 miscellaneous .4 35 Peter 11% Ludwig ens. collected 63 23 Josephfildorgan amount an note 43 60 caste repaid up county • ~ . 40 00 , IVAMince ;remaining is thertanila of , John M. ,Biekel, Trumann:, No day, Janumy t, BB& ; .0n.597 • CR. - . 'l By Cub paid nom, in betide the Com. 'monwealth a 1078 001 Costs on, suite against retailers . 8 56/ premiami on fox scalps . 174 37 road tax to supervisors 248 76 tame wkrt.h had teen orelpairb. 41 33 bed stmds forjail - . • _ 500 stationary, clothing Tor:inkianeis and . - • merchandise fuel • cenvictiin penitentiary ,i. -, Altdicat attendance on prisoners fine' for notiaceeptance of collector ship rietarneth - repei!e Of public buildings pruning, tteaching poor children [loam redeemed - A interest anbians ' ' • . , ' I directors of the poor and bons° of em- - pbrimeat 4426 66 generale election expanses ••• 424 65 53 05 btof i o d and for court - 41 97 eisexerree *ogee . ' 219_00 grand. petit. traverse jurors and con . sadden 2188 70 Ctite'ivinilesge and wagee 71 67 road prom ' - ' 10111 1 • . t Coroner's innuetrees in. 75 Jacob.Auleamen attendanee tO court . ' clack 18 months • • , . 30 a shaberifilisad,Pdlove fees F 56 W adi do ' doi - 22 disk stdraillnai km. . ,• : . 51 NJ Frederick Hemmer. 'apart ciyel , ' . .47 OD' Jaccrian for ,sureditrg . public" • harld aid extritawricres . . 71 -21 . 4 anaili 4 o 444 ir 1 127 00 - ' . for kr 11 Eriondui 10615 C.: erbrne Tor making an index , for Recorder's office. . 125 00 Coreeeierieeer -207.00 15 3 =ut er v ir .t do ,IN CO A tpcht, do do 101.16 80 Triutirees Mk* • - by amount, ofl3oo . f ' AO ailehich the trek •'. I ..., •- i n otal.4 l F./U.:P .4 tw s i ce i.hr h it I ' . o ti by traill'pald Anditore for -• •i. T . ammo& ;- - ~, ~ t - - 42 02'• yil intim hinds ofjobilii.lll,o=., 1 .-- r :'' • aiiiinieleoilit . • ' " - i• • 271, '•" I- , I. -• . i • 44 11 0 4 _ ' i otrrsrmtoiNG-Dt4M -- ,' I. rl' . .Ikcbbiregiefes. Mince of , ' r ' . • ; 4 I Sce bi by Geoats.lek r bite *ft . ~ .o i .i i . coil • - 1, midi os 0 .... , .-- 1- Rua„... _. .. ~ .. . , • is* to. . ~. 9 - 4 14 fitli IN iiiihniiMil 111 INSIMIEEI • •• 810 00 I= 1836 244 00 1837 181 00 42$ 00 : T O: s .. - . 0 - 4' tioteace* l rdia*eirAP4 4 ' l ` - t-1 ' ' 1•- ' . 4 " : '4. • •• • ' a . Ir, fa Ade J*01040.14` 444 ''' ''' .4 ' -4 ' *- 11 1 - $ l4 - = 1 " -,•• , ;.. 4 , awe * * * j r itiajadage ..4 ~ ' 1„4 s te'r - I.:14'1 1 ; Statement'l.4l. ."' ' i f i. ' A - tiht ' r o ( thanierl let' i nit*l - . - . . . ...... ~ --- Betilaiiiin 11 1 4, ;ISM 4 1 ;AK 19V: ' , r.., - lif -i- RestD4ll -' ''''' ' lin ''''llo-li., ti. -?, -, ~, * - 1 ',.. .0 ;.-4.4-141ist tt 1 •-'-' D Poai c -—I c-...v1 ~...,,. • .ani l qr A luja *163 r 4 Aulra Chrlifien r 1 1 05 4. _ us S; ,311 r i "4- Oriiiittebirrof: ;- •r # eql Jacob Ei. Fick , * r 1-463& 30 10 ... -4 • '7 ' lobo Pelf , , . 11137 8 7Q25 . 4 ,„ , - tut isrm6,ta g . • 4=-1 . m . '-': - -1 r Frederickfisoinwo 4835 - I 16945 . 440• ':a ~, Ab r d,,, B .g e t t i an .„1836 • ~1009 97 = At 1' 1 .'.- 1 fi..- •'pslr:l ' ' 7 7 - ' 1‘, 14 0 1 1. 60 , -, a linsnatiiii. ~...t. 'll - t , Thiel. Shan, W 410 1 41637 " -* 'Xlv.' 4 '.:lll7o"''''' •-• lifkriketeei: Fresintick F es '• - 183,6 4 - - , 944.14 u Frederick Fried 1 4897 • „.14.40 7,2.,' , .. 1 . --.•• d . 1191) ... ' 357 50 440.57 ' "" 1458 98' , ' t I 9312 97 '''' -ai • . _- ; a :; ,. 0 _ I ME M=:2=l= •44c..t rca xcif;.lNo.lts 3 o,* . M=M =1 =I ,4".l2;af , zerz s- OEM MEI • itim/Pove: Jacob knit* 1833 'tifichaallnBo 1835 Michaehluticr 1836 Petorlnbertl , . /837 ME/ . . ' ear Nam David 'Lehner 1836 Abraham Wagner 1837 Vggre• Andrew Act0r41535 Juba Soyde jr. 1831. . 73r89 Marks Bider ,18414 Benjamin Littler - 1836 Jacob Zimmerman- 1837 ' le Ai* • nto) Reed r, a - •JOggt Jooathen Yarnall 1838 John WWI 1838 Airsi: i William Fa* Id 4 Solomon Lin ,1105 DmieE Stewatt, ASTOO BoostMee 837 3504 48 Jinkoatitnp: •. Jacob Buffinf a xi 1837 • • 336'73 an. Jacob-Heber US$ 349111 John Stein I; • 1837 436; 99 - ),F . 4 112 b C(I '4411 Leonard Mler 01-6 1 1. 834 - 11 21 06 Leivis Prchlk . 1845 458107 Freirk. Beiuniger -11937 86130 t • r 33 -1446 414 oi) lb the HermAtfile /he Judges. ink Cm _ • ewe Pled. iY SchitWl - Cisititi THE ttutineribers, Ataltitma' 681 Schuflkid.respeegully REPORT. th at nodded, settled • and ittisted. the the Commieaioners and Treasurer of .. vounty4 .nntli' gpAnnit the above statist). it result dr our Itizatainitiogis from 'Mich i there is a lance remaining to.the futi .Treasurer J' ho M. Bickel. Minoan* . thousand ei tit - hundred and meetly? et* bs:l. \ lan sod nin y.eiren Ind a half mote: .V. our hands. !moor, 2d; A. D. 1838. . IdliCliftEl. NEISCHW ENDER „IDDN. SNY.LIF.R., I • ' - EDWARD Y._ FARQU4Ait. . 7 . Avarua. 4% - Febroaryl, 18311 it . . • Um , •demikand.,TlinberZglid • ' Fag AL -LIB. - SITUATED in .qedutylkill nounty'orrthe beec. waters at the-little pkboyUall rheraßlif :in the I . a first coal region cdtfic l ,aver creak. containing 21110 Acres and 101 'Perches; strict tries - sire etlfis laid. ,te towered sib Wbtte and Velkrer • • - PINE TIAISER: - - said by uclOs - to be ot the first tinalitf; the Kilo Schuylkill tail road 'runs directly thtesigh the above deathbed. tract of Lank inteldfine a sail and convenient passage to:the neati ;- inn. For further particulate eddies . ic the &burl bee in coltnnbia. Lancaster rounty.Plh-,4 4 • s . - F. - .A2'IIBOMILL, .• Feb 10-. II - A—fi rno 151 101 se se . -li riiblic Sale.. -. •- - ~ . puasupiT to ' . ..an *veer- of_ the Orphans* , . , Court aritchuylkiii County,7on" likaturtlaylbs c • '. 24th day orFcbroa:jt oast; at' I it i e4tg;ll;:heNnat tersoos,iet-Te multi aitatie , iyietliter -, r miniatrat of tint sea . ~ I hitt* „ ' Berko , doccatied, will''elitmeii 10 Inie l'i i clly Public V 'doe, is irmegrove o o On meths% a' • ~ cnias neiteuatre and slot; oftgrouadoritiats :hi , the tome of - Piaegion; •I. PiaresnlitOnahlio c. :-' ~:-, Schuylkill Pointy. beteg the uotithirainit 0fkit,,,.... narked' 1"I 'l'B, in•the gallant- plseartiaid- totem`--: --late the ' to oldie acid deemed. ,' 1 1 . • , 1 IV or *.oitheCourt, - • I 't , • '•s,DAIILEL rEGER. -- ~ 1 • r . '.. X1)11,11-WEllniER. , , ... .-. . ~ .1, • -Admiaitanhain.. • ' • •• h . - i 8081211 IiQINIM .:, • ' Jan -20 I; S-4 r - : : fderk O;Cg;..\ . ..,. t - i)l7lr,Ate l jauxi . -, 14:2: - - - ' ~ 4 04:14 116311 Weir" ithi.fir • --, •- . ~ - IlLE:1 16 .0 2 1 1: At Dinmorg o l e .: - t . - fit; 4 t raght to its greatest emle tl tr r 6 fiii to certify dl:tn,. triinoTipsy; -' uElivt- in,oevoral eamosofTooth Aoki". Width • ' I Eire teritniidy hnind h 6tififfy rootlinThl' e:' • - ' J... B. UARVEV , ' Member of tl e'Bora {lnfligeof Saiqpii!*o. ilifiePt• O. 1800 1 .•- . 4 • - , ,-.. .- • 4 ftio4 stepped in tipsy Oki 04.‘4iminst: t he King thik porno* i*St. WPAP•Wilii miriel- Joui ems of the Mil t 1.9 ,11 1, * ft boi in piAI,V k oholookee.aowseliktomis freed n totoend . nisor.cir , jit*l***Do smiled ., - flir 1141 0. .*4 18 4 Ali Is!hkm,r 7 4 A.,'''- ' -ih-'-ii: -. „ , A froobl,WN;Ettnk'n _ :, 4044 . -It ad and- OimOntfk' :-I.Y‘:-.. , -IW,. s 2 i ~..•-:•::. ..-- . .:=1:- _*-StAtlfilOriSchai4 'lily .1 ,; ~: • : • " _ttl-: -.=.7. - r*4 - 'l'. -,' ' ' ' 1 41 ' • .., , ..„ s •'', • . • ri ::' OS BOW MEIII 241 65 .P 540 1061 05 Ass._, 714 55' • ste to 106.56 143 -95 .1.0213 r. 10331 'P .*? 63445- • • 631 01 420 14 51 . ,3X) 33 tr - 1 61 " • nty y hoe is as tb, 'ppm% ethos Far d°l4 ' hues V 'oc kv.l '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers