The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, February 14, 1838, Image 4

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bleVird iwandrtieT
13 dons. iren the remo
rolleeolumbus only, Tinted
_A BgroteAt Malik 01 the
06 0 1 4.**0114 01 ga W '
litif so with the hied•
zit years -twee 'lista yen.
le eenrett
:111444rtimi whe u 1.0111. -
tele .use was not. Bs the
Urn dejected
id 'wife ini4nothireiness,
I have rrnewed mj
..derma in my own eine-
Allow citizens .. Does .he
tikown case I have on file
ty. hundreds or letters. ftvut.
tablecitizehs orthar my sitt.
red in teatimony °film viz.
i l 4l. BM MEDICINE..
Lions hayebeib cearly ru•
i" mineral preparation , of
mess. that the Lite Medi
tree Cause to permanent
S RELATIVE It, 1140 -
long beetanowkand spore—
ioary and immediate poweis
th,,to persons sufrensg under.
se, to which the booms,
certificated instances, they
•rera from the very verge of ale
all the deceptive nostrums of
.fled; and to .Litany thousaudethey
roared gnt uoih,rr a jo)ment
la life Itself is but a partial
acted, has their efficacy invariable
'red, that it has appeared scarcely
ilous to tboaeurbo were oencqbaisted
..,atiful philosophieal pridciples upon
are iimmpounded,and upon which they
r ant. It was to their m.inifesi and sees'.
in purifying the springs and channels of
ling them wan renewed tone and vigor,
' indebted for their 11:111)P, which W 3,1
i them at the spontaneous requeat of
look whose lives they ; had übviourly
ors rejoice in the opportunity afforded-
I diffusion of the datly press - for pIan
•:TARLE.: LIFE PILLS within the
id reach of every trultrititret th the• owl.
like the host of pernicious . qu.ickeries,
of vegetable
,ingnAtients, I lie Life rids
Ind c oLV.LV 1 , 112 E rAn. r•., and.contain nni
try, Antimony, sArsesie, nor airy other
any form whatever. They are entirely
festracts from Far.• and powerful plantA,
if which, though long known to several
and recent ly to some eminent ;in.:ma
dam. are altogether unknow to th.• igno
era to medical science; and were never
inistered in so happily efficacious a 00IZI
operation is to loosen from the coats nt
a- d bowels, the various impetuses and ,
tuitantly setting around iliem; and to re•
rdened Emma which in the con.
the email intestines Other medicines
y cleanse those. and leave such collected
md, as to produce habitual yostiveness,
ct am ef evils...or Sudden diarrho e a. with es
Inger.. This fact me well known to all
musts, who examine the-hue-inn bowels
nd hence the prejudiee of these well In
against the - Track medicinea of the age
-1 effect. of the V El: f:TA 13 Lrf I, I 1--' F.
cleanse the kidneys and the bladder, and
m, the liver an-I the lungs, the hesithfol
itch motirely'depends upon the regularity
urinary organs., The biotin, Which takes its
lot from the agency of the liver and the lungs
it mines unto the heart, being thus purified by
and nourished by food costing from a clean
h. Catiratill . Creel/ through the veins. reneiws
part of the-system and rnumphantly minmuithe
r of heath in the blooming check.
following are among the dostressing variety n't
diseases, to which the Vegetable Life Pills
.II knower.° be infallible--
spE,OSI A, by thronghly cleansing the first and
a stomachs, andicreating a flow of pare healthy
'stead of the-stale and acrid kind:—Elmulen4,
lion of the Heart, Louof Appetite, ra
Idache. Reetlesances, 111-lemper. An.rltiy. lq A
guar. - .2lfelitiackely which are the general ii, midi , MS
of 0 peptlia , will vanish, as a natural conseiplence of
hoes Cattimizess. by cleansing the whine length
of th tottiittines with a solvent process , and without
viel ce; all viOtent purges leave the bowels costive
withi tw o days. tharrh.= arid Cholera , by remove
jag sharp acrid fluids by which these cumpaints
are. r
bet: .!
Th •
aev R .;
• '
bile. i
icasiMied, and by promoting the lubricative
ion of the mucks mem bra ne. Feversto follkinds,
ring the hiormfte:a,regular cireul siton, 4 h rout; h
...-s of persturatia - ilksome ,cases, and the
h solution ofall intestinal cib moms in others.
VE PILLS have been known " ure •Rhear
ts permanently in three weeks, and Go " hull
one. by removing local inflamusadon .from
as and ligaments of the jotnts. Deopeies of oil
by freeing and ertimigthening the _kidneys and
ir they operate most delightfully on these or
ind hence haze ever bee.. found a cerain reme ,
the Worst eases or . Gram/. Also Worms. by
ng from the.torningir of the lmwelsihe slimy
which theie creatures adhe e; tiotraia mid
ut. by relieving the air vessels of the lungs
ices, which even slight colds if not reams ,
I hardened. and produces these •dreadthl
Scurvy. Inners and farrrevare :koreo.l7 rh o
ity which these Life Pills give to the blood
mot's, Scorbuqc i';ruptions, and Bad Com
r their alterative effect upon the flu da that
to of which occasions all 4'rirptice COM
allots Cloud g, and oilier iiisapraibie Orms•
The nse.of these Pills for a vervighentime.
an entire cure of sat rheum, Plodpetas.
aiking improvement in the Clea-oess of the
Common CoLdasand Influenza. will always be
- onedose. cir by two even in the worit cases.
as a remedy for this-most distressing and ob
malady, the Vegetable Life Pills deserves a
and emphatic recommetdattori. 11- is Will
to-hundnetle in Ibis city, that 'he Proprietor
invaluable Pals, was himself afflicted with
"hunt For upwards of thirty fie e years, and that
resin every . remedy prescribed within the
mass of the Macula Medic*: 'Re however.
tried the atediMe Orhich_he now offers to
It, and he was cured in a very Owl time.
Tedevory had been 'pronounced not only
but absolutely impossible, by ang human
P i
mast '
Ait • •
dy fa
iNSFOR IUSE.—The proprietor. ofthe
. Lin PILLS does not follow the base and
practice ofthe quacks .of the day, in advis.
Al to take his Pills in large quantities. No
Mew ben . pdasibly he se required. Timmy
to, be taken at bed time every tight, for a
ortnight,.Seemditqr to the obstinacyOf ihe
The usual doseris from 2 to 5. according to
tntion of the person. Very delicate. persons
1 with hot two, and increase as the nature
tay require thoseore robast.or of very
L,May begin whin: and increase In 4. or
, arid they will effect a sufficiently happy
guide 'the patient in their further nee.
IL sometime* occasion sickness and vanity
thi very seldom, unless the stottmch is ro e
however. may be - coosidetede 'favorale.
a the iatient will fird'lnutsqlfits.once ro
ll& perse ' tariteSkill_seenteiMver. They
f4lO Wit /0-Or /timers. and neeergpor
the' drills am vet, much encentSenta.
-by the - most dklicateTetaki int.'
ti i
'—lt is. however" resountnefiffi
..giods of Pregnitneyiblieldiere
igoicentinneto keep 'bovitels
whet.taken.irhere he Jratimiti
,plll in a solution - n two table,
my: be:Ow:norm to •iq ;the
.. c a.
A Spoon fell 'Mei tw o ours Tilt
al from one to five years or are .
from flee tit mit, Wee Pill:
:NIX BITTERS, are tuivit ll o4,lteutlite'
t herpowertikesnorinctbe dirpiring etre.
Mb. *b -lett; vigor throagbout th e
sis the
u se trait to be reetersibi
ti.i r hal. 1
1 :s7 4P ittert igkel"f stattre : Ma i ltrr# sel ti fl il i -P roF%i
r.!Tid f l % rp m . ~,, or i. w„ . Tw o
i i i,
,* o. i r i twat cre FEV, AD. A :
• iir bit ;Vitt 'mitt ' Ririe a matt en rot
i , e ff ect rMeectiry. Ilnitelys 'lnert salhf„Aist
erfal epantlioas or Sarinpardlni ah wilk*hisste l
lii tely clitsq he determunation of 13 •-Ttivar.
,•, ED; atiyar rail tif the sickness anai to rang
.: , -,0 will be found a c01a,411 tattah l 3 l o
„ of w00:4,444 and somsb;ifao the,hfifn ..1
1 ...
'fired col / titotioas As 'seven:lolra Chs aid
1 ; , 0 , Itheanutliiis.,thiFtifiMmy -to the biinix
t:ttters vet he demonstrated ti the 'of a single'
;Wile. T. usual demi tillbeiiiifinters • half a wino
Ow fall, n water ei wive:` and this qu, gouty may be
•4 • en two' gr aliteit, mesa day. about Italian hour
fore „plait,. or a Ipmatuantity may taken Stall
I es. 'Whose Who ore afflicted wi indtgesuon
e e tyrh t
ve gi :7 o .tiiiibtr lll rtn 4 hezu t si h ni e yvi se avii.ic ß Tro f e t h i asel e u. r . a beti w i g l iac l tmci li p r e:n o iaa v an c or i Ih.
principalV e a neu l arc u t a ri b ny l m e a
ia a ,id s i
v bra, &Olt them to i erforrn their fonc ions, and en
le the stomach to discharge Into the wets what
eerily retrieved, appetite restored, at the mouths
ftscilitati4 find strength of Andy and e erg, of mind
ate the loopy results For litiLther Orticulars of
TER;3. apply nt Mr-1110114es office, N 0.046 lamdway,
New York. where the Plll4 can be o Mined lot 25
Ohs 50tatins, or $1 per box; and the Bitters for $1
-kV per bottle. 1 1. Numerotis certificates of the
eronderfuf i l efficacy of both. may be ther inspected.
r r In some obstinate and complicated of chronic
and 'oda / minatory Rheumatism Live Cotetilaints.
rever and A.gne, Illyspepsia. Paley. Pi4s, injury from
me use of nitre-wry, gurnme. and alher cl,Aseases of Iry
Wending; it may be neresoary to i.,ke %both the Lile
Fills and the Fx:cots Ritaaws, in the dose before re
kommended '
N. 11+These Pills and the Bitten. will get the
mercury but ori he' sy steel infinitely taster than the beet
preparatoins.nfSarpaparalla. and a certi in remedy for
the rmthrog of rite Mead to the head, orviolent head•
aches, tic dankareux, atc.— all persons •ho are redis
posed td npoplexypa/sy. dm., should n ver be without
the LifePti
its or tb gi
e Bitters. for ne d se in tune will
save hie, They squalls. the circa lancin of the blood,
draw alI pressure from the head, piesplraticin, and
- throw air every impurity la) the pores PO' the shun.
For sale' by MIL LI 41: 114 4
.T !IF, llyzCia ..
n l•.seJ. , al Vegetable
%ledicine, prepar,
Member ni the Royal Cot I, of Sargeno t i. Licen
tiate ot. Apothecaries Company, r.,11.„., of Sol.
Court Sorielyi Surgeon to I.: 12°,011 Urrion Pen
shin A 145(4e1 at inn, taimeasie r plan, Waterloo
Bridge; and Perpetual Pupil of ttruay's and St.
Thomas liospltals, Landors.•
These milli liaviug gained arelebrity unparal!
leled in every section of the ;Union, arc ,ow on
sidered by all chaise who value good health,.indts.
pensatile as, a Faintly medicine—patronized by a
numerous body of the must eminent Physicians
both in this country a - id in Eloropo,—is sufficient,
;t is presnmed, to steinp.their character in theea.
timation of every thlnkine wan, l lind it is hoped,
a far better recommendation t hi.n the erorirse re
sorted An by ignor ant and unprincipled pretenders,
who to -mislead and deceive the publie, publish
what they call pramical proofs and neri 'Acme,. o f
earn, that d all bounds of retinue' credibil
ity, and ; rnost of witch, it not all. tire either gross
fabrmat ions, or procured by fraud and entintvance.
The editor of the Long Island E sr liter, says
"Tits earthen has obtained au - unprecedented
degree of well, preserved popninetty. HavtilEtak
en these pins mrrselves to adraniac and tviincse
,ed their beneficial effects on nilietri, we have nn
heNnal 141 f 1 u. rectal) ine riding ttteni In toe public as
a sate. saiiitery and useful family 'medicine."
' a •None are genuine without the signature of
the General Agent on the label, by' whom the
hive inedietrie is imported Into this country.
JNO. HOLBKIN, 119 Vi'averly Place,
Gen"! Aorta for U.S.
A •epply of the above Medt, toe jnvt received
awl Ibr ladle bir B. RtNVAN,
Jul) 16
, (Fortnerly Porker & nii11017111,)
EAVE removed ow the opposi te 'side of Centre
Street, a few doors above Norwegian Street,
where they offtr for. sale a :select asisortment nl
Sup. rfine Broad Cloths and CasoomeresOf thf
most fashionable 'colors, with an elegant PFOOII
ent qeSominer i._:lotlis;V.-stinga,Lthen and Cot
ton .outs, C'ollars, Bosoms, Stocks. Gloves, Sus.
penders i , .en and cotton Hose, and kinds of
GentleMen'a apparrel, which will he
Made to order in t lost approved at) le as tryt he
wo kinanship, and war ted to fit equal to any
111 the Oil v or elsewhere.
P. S. A t . (o. keep an hand a reenent a.
sortmedt of rcady-made Clothrng of • •kinds,
whir"' Will he sold at very low rates.
jone 17 - 20
T the store a the subset iber, in Nior rise ad
dition to Pottyytite, whtie (pal' tit , had whole.
sale and retail, on the most moderate terms—
brown. Inmp artrUnal secure', black. glee., and
young hr4on teat!, molnrses; fish. cheese, soap,
rice, cliffs, rhorolare, siorMs. bra eey, gin, Port,
Listan., Tenet ifFe slid other wines ; rum. whiskey
and cordial.. ha ;• Spcn i iish p,.d c,antnno segars,
pepper, alspiee,g 1.2 r. irdera ton, cluVeß, nuimeg a ,
starch, mustard. loth,' bread,. crliekers, sugar bra
&c. &a. &c. for eakh, or exchange tbr
try protinee.
inno Io_ .29 —tf HENRY ROYD.
WIL AM NEAL 4. co.
ooking , Glassefy
N 0.12 7 'orth Fifth street; Philadelphia, back
of t Merchants'' Hotel-devoted exclusively
to this einem.
try Merchants are supplied ut mannfac.
. lure, ' prices, .and their Glasses ineured from
breakage to any part of thetinion, *Wiwit esira
Those who may have 'orders for large Glassei
would do well to inform us by letter ; previous to
their coming on. of. tke size of the plate, antfthe
kind orframe they may want, that the article
•may• be manufariured expressly for the 'oeetition.
Mertiliont's should "give theiv orders for LOok,
itig4rlatwa the 'first thing oh their arrival, to an
etrreithrmi well put up.,_
_ 48-6 mo
pet* • '
The Fainily C nmeutasry.
iJN .
ipRO,M the worts of Henry and Heat, • end
-IL' 'above anti hundred . other writer's published .
is Isondon by the Religions Tract Society, reels.
ed attdiihridged in two volumes, with Maps and
'Engravings. This veleabletwork is published in
Ostia, it. 2.5 cents each. Twelve parts are ahkady
enatilleitd,si.d . c.2n be obtaideitet thd'subsalliers
qcto_Utore where aubscriptions' will also be re.
ee tlf i e4 M. HANNAN.
Miskinls Pills.
Sole Agent for Scituy . llati county
,--- - txt, i.
, •., ',, ••
N1, 11 . 11 1 -1 47/ 11/ • ,,, _ , A4e ,. .: ,
l •
vegetable Vllii*liiißil.ll!iiihri
I.IiiiVALIUI .— ONE: -11: 1 SEASIT bait thou tialy—
ini4mliurity cif tllftloodewhilib: - .4 ithpedli . the
g f e
:circulation, brings on pain or derangement in t or.
Vol ofiOntt where seen finpur4.lof.tftthltierf ttles.
11,01treep a Osaierr of CAUSIVIARIO bring: oboist the.
Mate Of the •bloinl.--shCli ar a vipithi . bruiskoi fitli,
tl'ittip:fnee.ltidigthitton. plan in the, head. rte. AN., ant!
, althottgh it may *IPA that theiwAiseasesi bane not
-their origin in impurity
oft bloc , I,,it the effect is
the same , they attend in'tbe impur of the biked:
and oar Only 'Alai to prevent-this' riitititigtlnfia•
critical:as-kept up, to other words Aaeritnonten i - a.
s .
mopribis continually to plegode y .0 long as any
unpleasant symptorniTemain. with Dr. Bran th's
V EURTA PIA : 11 - 91 1 VERSAL PILLS. which. f pet. I
ci te
levered . wi th in sufficient quantities to prridue :copi.,
oils evacuations. will assist nature to restoreienny
organ td • state of health. This as •on the principle
of drtunittg; we drain a marshy piece of land, and 1
from I state of sterility soon produce a Molt i abun. '
dent fertility; and so Rif with the-hoiden hody4 when '
anything - is the,tnatter with it;tl6. have only ok*.. , as
to draft it by purgation—and experience has Ought
those who haw:relented this reitoneble practipe, be.'
eaoseobbalstent With ear nature, that they have acted
rightly; die .result having, been sound health It is
not more than 18 xnunlhastree these Pills Were in.
traduced into the United States, but their tale has
been a Itegether;ubprecedented„ there ha v ing been sold
of them in New York in that time, fully one =Ps"'
fitie - ktinclred thousand-boxes. And 411°1 , 0'10,00 per.:
sons can be referred to In New York city, an nearly
the same in Philadelphia. who hays been cured when
every ether meins had become altogether tmerailing.l.
of diseases which appeared of thernasseinposiie char.
actor, and in many cases where.. the dreadful }image,
of ulceration, had laid bate ligament and bone and:
whenlrto all appearance no human meansemallisare,
life. hive patients, by the use Lf these Pills. been re
stored to good health. the' devouring disease; having
been completely eradicated.
Dr. Wm.sfilrandreth was so fully corryineid of the
troth ofthe above simple theory. that he spent 90
yearain expenment and laborious research tek , the
medical properties of the numerous plants cornome
ing the Vegetable Kingdom; his object being to cone
pose a eiedieme which would - -ify. and ere
duce by i t recific action , a retrieval of all by humor ,
from the blood by the ston.ach and bowels. as'hy tae
continuation of the use of such a medicine. such he!:
more are sure to be carried off. and the Medd ass
some a state of parity: sad whoever takes these iPills,,,
and perseveres with them, will be satisfied:that. Dir,
Wiltiam Reivelreth fully attained his
_philanthropic It is now an. absolute and known .flirt. that.
every disease, whether it be in the head or feet, in thli
brain or meanest member; whether it be an outward
ulcer, or on inward abscess, are all, t igh arising
from many causes. reducible to this Vend effect.
namely. impurity iff blood.
NO r 1 c E.— As Drug and Chemical Stores are liter.
ant flooded with counterfeit Itrandredi's Pills, it be.
comes those who want the genuine article to purchase
only (lithe accredited agents or those who are known
to be above such dishonest practices.
Mr. S Thompson 4. Co. Pottsville are the only a'
'gents at presen , for Schnylkilleountv.
Dr. Rrandreihs "nee for the toile of the above Pills
wholesale and retnitis at 169 Race street. first door
above fifth at north side. Philadelphia.
Always remember that Drug Stores never have the
genuine Brandreth Pills for sale„ therefore all pun
chases of them are sure to be counterfeit.
, Dee 3
Swaim's Panacea..
$ the intemperande and hnury of the age are
1 , hastening the ravages of scorbutic etimpleinta
and rendering the blood more impure; and as/tnnu
fiends have destroyed their constitutions fljr neglec'ing
to apply the primer remedies—to such. Swamis Pan.
aces must be, and has been. more than doubly valua
ble as a certain and effectual means of restermgithein ,
to perfect health and vigor. Few families are *hol
ly exempt from scorbutic affections. whirl exhibit vs.
none symptoms, as eruptions, ulcerations. debility..
loss id - appetite and dejection. all arising from impure
blood, and if not pfoperly attended to, produce the
greatest [aim, en the constitututitra and max be its
parted to their offspring. Swaim'i Panacea 19 reerrm
mended at this reason of the year, as a valuable recto
rative.of the system. thereby invigirratingthe constiin
tion. and enabling it to bear the debilitating effectsof
the 'summer season. Its eduveyed by the circula
ting fluids, and corrects their tendency fn all those
diseases which originate t vitiated plc di seased
liver. depraved appetite, r predispositon t Sections
of the lungs, arc. No e, however . isiadvis to one
it without convincing selves of the truth of what
is here stated.
This medicine is onw used witli success in oil part.
of the woTld, and is' gaining great reputschin
,•• fresh supply of the Medicine just received and
for sale by B. BOMAN.
Sole Attent for Schuylbillcouniy:
Whit can rapplyalte above medicine wholesale 'tt,
them who-trash to sell again, at Plidadelybia pnces
May 21/ 26
For Sale
latest, speed ies t ,
pc L a A d P I
t E R a
R ud i:S iw B de: Pa cti th r i e ck of f°rthe e v e ry C.
k Old of wound,, ulcers, cancer and all entailer**
diseases. arising from cutting. squeezing. bun)
Inv, botimg lir the impurity of the blood Laud also
for. curing Dyspepsia. heart burn, asthma, liver ly
compla int, cost iveness, colicks, convalrucomi, diary. p
lima and rheumatick pains, tooth ache, andsore
eves. The general agent. Prof. G. Xviv.Wagner,
Reading, lkrks county, Pa. offers grab{ to any
pc rp. 41 affected with r her of the 84dd/seises;
a certain qui/Rutty of the Svinnathick to be tried
and apprevated before making any expense; how
ever, the application must be made heir of post.
This article cannot be had genuine in
lore or appoihecary .shop. ; ' It is not
notch about it. as it; certainly
'"roan eAlightencd publiek.
any drug
neces.a ry to
witl recrisnmend iG
lug 19
IR •
& Hardware Sto •
gobseribers. w6titd mrpectfully hn .
to the pobtic, that he had added to }Fie Ram
clock, /ton anti Hardware, consn'uing tp port 'or
A merieno . nrot English Bar Iron. lloopiand Bend
Iron, Round Iron, aerroriCa ears; Cast, Crawly,
Slicar„Gern3an and English Blister end A, Al t
Steel Viet 4, Mouse-hole Smith's Bellows,
Cast Steel hand, chirping and Braid aaeir, nails
and -spikes, together with a 'general assortment
of Iron 'lllongery, all of which will be sold at re
duced prices, by JOHN CLAYTON,
April 22 32
r HE stihscriber telpectftillyanntmapes to the
1. public; that he will auend to the collecting
of acconntsln this borough and neig,hborhood. t
very reasonable rates. Accounts - from abroad,
to collect in this neighborhood will be . grol , kfitly
attended to, and satisfactory referentee given if
required: l II ' JOHN C. CONRA
April 6 27 • ' - Constable.
New and Elegant Goods.
NNAT/URSA. Co.'llave just received abd
*offer for vele.
6-4 Enuiish Merino*. from 50 to 73 cTir per yard
Boprerrenth do at '5O per yird;
Tartan. merino, wOrstcd,silk and cotton stiawls,
Red; white r yellow. green mid 'scarlet' tgneels;
Bleached and'-unbleached Canton flannels, from
llN42.s'etever - •
Wanted heal, cbmforta.caps, children'. hose,
Winter prints, gloves. ate ito
Cotton batsanerwadding at 6j per sheet.
deo.3 .
MINERS.' rioANNEJ.S.:—,Just recloo . a nd
• :fur indixbi uptiscribers, apiece. M
nevi' iiievribtrtinitimne.)s.
- • • a i =oo
jan 4
• '
rrAILEB greatikkiiiti infoiliiiiittbe.pUtilic
and his frtinds..and,shio his patrons in par!:
Ocular, that he ecintieue'rehil REFECTOIIT; trhvi
derthe Pennsylvvinia , ll4l4 in Pottsville.
hopes that his part reputation for lieepingot
respectable establishment, :acquired during thei
experience of five , yearis in the same line Of buil
ness, and byidesire to please and applkation
!buslness, to merit a continuance of your , wick ,
,snd patronage. • •
Families by sending to the 'Pennsylvania Hall,
Ilefectory,shall have oyster's of a superior quell
!ty served up in tht., best toile, and every othre
delicacy that the Pottavilleimarket can afford in,
Roast Beef, cold
Corned do •do 4Bl
tied Iltim and Eggs • Id,
f, otton - Chops , 31
i Venieon Steaks 37k
i Pork Chopti - 181
Pigs Feet .. 12k
, 11./oek Tortle Soup Is/
i par dozes
Oysters Fried'
- 2 0 5
Do Stewed
Do Scolloped '' 37
Do Roasted' 3 k
Do °Slim •Disli : li
Terrapies , 62k 1
Old Maderia Wine i r $1 50 1
Old pale 8/terry : 150
Old Brownl 50 i
• .
Old Lisbon 100 1
Old Port • 150 1
Champagne ' l 50 1
Smiths R X and Pepper* Aal wityron dra iniiu
Apartments in readiness for supper parties.' c
Oct 7'
/ 46-60
_ - ~_,u IJ NItY
Insurance " Company.
ti AKE !midi liniited and perpettial Insurattees.
v -II on Brick ! Stone or Frame Boildlatol, Sc(ncs.
lotele. Mills. Burns, Stables, Merchanithze, F trite
tte and Property of every description, against lor
dainare be FIRE.
he Delaware County Insurance company wt
I o insurAgaigst lois On all kinds of marine risk ,
i against the rlarnage or loss upon the rransporta.
i of goods.viares. and metrandise by : water,r t'
-a ways upon teemsas favourable as any othir
ai 11011.
or any further infiattuttion on the subject I
r e, either afainst Fire: marine or inland isl
k, y to I HENRY f.I.• ROBUSiSON.AI-eo
jy 15 34 - it ' At Schuylkill Hai
t Or - WI lAA Ahr B ftrl'T
' At oNrigsl
. . .
Insurance Company.
I 'MIR - both limited mid perpetual Insmanetes on
~ Rriek,Stone or Irsme Elnildiugs:Stnres, q otela
II . Barna. Stable*. latercbandrze, Fortmurp.ando
' y of every description.agamst lessor ddmage
yr . IRE.
osubsailmer bas been . appointed Moira, r die
montkawd Inanta on and is now p ro
is lona/intim apon ery desenntion'of p petty;
t lowest rates.. ENJAIBrN BANN N.
define. Fob. 27. 1836. - lb
The P hila delphiae Fire'
AKE both limited and perpetual !marmot cs on
Brick, Stone or Frame Buildings. Stores, Boatels,
Barns. Stables. lkteretrandize, Furniture. and
o ..rty
RE of every description , against loss or d image
subscriber liar been •ppoinied Acuorr
mentioned Institution and is now prepa
Issuadorests upon every description slier
t lowest rates. E1i:51.1A51.151 BANI'j
' • ttsville.Feb 731837"
. ..
lesale and Retail II: ' i;.
• • ware 'Store. • I
s OLLOCK '<tt WEAVER have ittist tecelve4 in ad
i dattm to their former stock 01 Hardware
Mousehole anvil's, spring keyll vices. patent pialish'd
twplates. warranted east steel axes, broad axes,
do. hatche:s, hammers, Beatrys& Mullins adaes,
et and tirmer chisels,, drawing knires,blaclcanoth
ows. cut & vvrtit nails. 4, 4i. 5 at 6 in.
.cast spikes,
In ,ile. cut and iinehle plane iron's and planes. assorted
I s , latches , hinges a 1 screws; round . andequire
I k
Its, steel, plated and iv m senates,
1 1 2:Wwhrch are oared on the most aecommodat—
• ! . . Feb 18 14
per 4killaggerty,
n ine 4. Liquor Store
Hotef.) •
t . ll at
pry Goods;Gracer p
(Next do - Or to.ltiorti
r eHEIR connexion with a house
enables thew to Imp on hand a
live wisortnicet.of good., which they; wi
Philadelphia prices. Store and Tavern kee
!tad private; fundica, would do , Wit to • call and
Judi:F:lyr themselves. -
~ .
21 by 5-8 inches Ralliway Pat Bar bop.
2 1, 3 4„i do do,do du do
ISy I do Suitaide - for Scocepiog,Coal.
All thahoo has cooatersuch holes;Atid agent
fp an angle ql 4.4 'clagres id iho ends. Sp li cing
Plates and Spikes , to s ot the drove.
, . A. if. Gil RALSTON -ir, Co.
No. 4 Satiih Front'B4reet, Philadelphia.-
' Philadelphia, , Matetils,lB36. , 81-tf, ,
LARGE and comoilite assorttnelitsif fresh
'cm and seasonable (Gods. just received 'by. ibis
sabeeriber,coasistintelf. I
, • Dry Goads,
(beiniticart a i •
Orhichlie otks,for .at reihice-.13410.*
liiiibeiticfeisistid"Ou ILipd of country i gisql.
po ' ''''' ' , lc
i ~ k.
:,. ~
. 3 .4. 1 %., •
13 .Dl3.- -VA:VTI. ' ,"
L.4ollowrilliklittr a , . ;
,irf, AUSE AND EFFECP,H ' hen a , Shand and sat
'4‘..,eatific remedy of &semi. hex' Panther:nut gene
-110 Rac by the public. beams, 4
_ldessangs.and meet*
log.Pritise, it is scarcely, an thewer of scepticism to ,
doubt its virluek. or °leery r i d eny them. - '
When It has achieved a , ti'acendain career' °fest ,
fulness ma idisialiceP t e”competition -of mere
beetstful retension, k hit *aired -a ermaptenotas
nit ?
undid' i universal f or. by lintrinsic•witrh.alene.
its propr ietor may pd t out the canoes oriis =Teti
tardy,. without taco ing th ,sespician of inanimate
neut. in i stitutirtg 'e dam' risen.
I ,
I PILLS, teener* ured by Is. Williem' Elena, at lel)
[ Chatham atter.. , do not require hie explanation of
their ticket:lw edged efficadfor the most eminent
I , hysiciaai t roughout the. nee States will freely.
i f appealed to, state the re a yiltich have induced
them tor And those re onsre. mmend them : . Ulna:Lively and waiimly
is they - a that these judi
:i re
dicines never inju even the most delicate
consti tit es. and 'have.. :elan:wit every- individual
care/or (which they ire ' rifted. a marked. enter
dont', a truly happy and permament efficacy. Mai.
ei s. mpreover. see that they aronot offered to the
bile upon any quack theta .y of purifying the blood,
0 the utter destrdction °tithe tanmaCh and borleis.
Purify the'blood front all di sed humors. they Ode-
F ri
niably du, • but not- by d estr oying those viscera 'by
e la
which shine the blood ca be sustained. •They are
vompounded upon a-theory hichsupposesa stadia-eh
to be a ,very essential agen xo-health; and 'bod e well '
digested, to be a valuablefie nd to-flesh and blood.—
They dp riot purify men t ghosts. and make them
look like bents too refin to remain long in. this
world; but they make thenks human es possible, and
fit to encounter
_ the hardsh i ps. and fulfil theoccuta
clone or a sublunary tile. Whey do not make si via-
I lent purgatory of this life 4 to prepare-men the (hater
1 for a Lobel.. They proceed tit on the supposition that
the blotiid, muscles ; serves u organs. excretory arid ee
-1 ereterygland. mucuoins and tigumeiataryncembranes,
bones and brains. of eve' human being rein re to
be titiitied with nourishm i from as healthsbl & sto,
mach al can be made aid ept; and upon. the doctrine
!hat unless the stomach an howelsare in good order,.
the bloodand every other ' oldie sptemwillhe in
' dieow'er.
, And bow is it expected t they Will secure health
to the lomach end bowel* Why.hy-enabling the one
Ito ffige t timid: and the oth 'to carry off what is left
atter t e nutriment is ex acted;in connection with
the entiplns of bile, and th foul habions ofthe blood,
InbCBl3lll membranes. and s omaeh. And they accom
plish these great feats of icine in the most simple
way imaginable. The A-Pf•illlP-Pa FAMILY PILLS.
if the Stomach be affectUll with wind. bile, or coated
collections, clea r it out. y a natural but a 171961 in
sensible solvent action, and Cleanse, the whole ali
mentary canal, without griping. and leaving it as free
without debility, as nature ever designed it to-tie.—
They do not take the skin bffthe stomach and bowels,
and leave them like a pie2e-of red velvet. as all phy
sicians know the strong idrastic pills do, but they
take ndure kindly by tbehand without crushing her.
fingers. They cleanse every thing, 'without imparing
or Injuring any thing. -
When this is effected. at r i t t nsuaty, is by the use of a
few lie the FAMILY A Pl. m
lENT PILLS. then Coe
the celebrated CA PlObl LE or TONIC PILLS. to
per p 1
strengthens stomach midi bowels WhiihbefJe. per
haps. tarmac and foul betituse they were. weak, and
endoWs them with ,strew , gib to perform their unties , :
taut f nctiona. without ttie aid of physic. The A'A
-4* 1410.hIlLE FLOWER, when its valuable prate:pies
ma are c emically'extracted.Witchnowledged by all phy
sicians, in every age. to be the best vegetable tonic
known in the science of Medicine —There is nothing
X 3l kiowit in the vegetable kingdom of nature to equal it;
, nothiOgthat is alumni so harmless and-so vigorousli
healthful. ind in proof or this the proprietor of thy
by ter-owned pills that are ret i tle from its purest particles ,
i n ., might' quote almost inann erable authors, both ancient
and nos:tern. if his own litactsce had not proved it to
~ tens Orthoutitpds• •.•
The effects of these pt is toe not only 'perceiVed in
an inerease.ef appetite ind general strength, but in
a restoraiimanf the-body that universal vigor in all
its functions, which itadieates ilia return to peribetly •
-sound healt,b.—The fact. and general complexion,
speak volumes in thmi ftvor. and thousands of :fe
males can testify bow much they have contributed to
their ;comfort, their complexion. and their sttength,
-wiled everyOthertemedy, had proved Orate than uSe- '
less , Innerions diseases:of all kinds, they areniliw
acknowledged to-be preeminent; gradually restoring
firmness of body and mind. without those annoyance
and changes .wilictrother.nervous remedies occasion..
4.lappy would it have been for many young persona
of boh vexes who are mew in, thoadent grwee , if they
bad I rited'to check the - morbid tendencies of their
Atom e h arid bowels by these pure trinies and aperi
ems. ithont resortingltel miack remetlies, the - nanimi
of which are concealed . and of which the , / know
nothing. That dreadful-scourge CONSIAIPTION.
-might have been cheeJkcil in tts ternmencement and
bisapponited of its_prey.tdl over the land. if the first
spate:us of nervous dell had been counteracted
by CAMOMILE chem i c ally prepared; and those
bowel complaints which dto a host oraio mala
dies. Might have been a -,Fated by that fine alcaline '
extant of diebarbr which ilit lending ingredient in
the APERIENT FAMILY PILLS. Before both of
dress medicines, whichre adapted .to a- 'majority of
the purposes for which a ndred.othera are tanners.-
rarity used, agues, ions disorders. beadaklniu.
It o
fenailie deb il ity , male decline. indigestion, and liver
cam faint, would have
I /irately disappeared, whit re
man °fibrin have tiros d - fatal. '
But be it disdi.cflYundierettiodthat these medicines
are lint tittered instead of these natural organs of the
-body which other medieihes dispense with. Ma very
summary manner. The are founded upon medical
knots+ ledge. and not quackery, and do not lake's!' the
red particles out of the Imam blood under the pre
mime orpurifying it in, roof of which difference of
effect let the faces and Orme of patients' bear testi-
tunny. Theyitonstitute useful, effectmil. and '.nne
rally kipplicable class of • edieineti for every filthily.
and being both omit' ado aperimu.--and of the b&t
prerations known, no (person or family tibedld be,
wi them. They ca
tilimobtained wholesale and
tetai of the propnetor., 1:11.:1l . FAI. EVANS.New York..
i mu
and ts* e r his agents in tond dignity, With direm.
tionsiforuse.—Theyarerapidly roperceding all other
remedies advertised in Ittie public prints, becacke they
are/Mind to belong to a ery , superior clue of popular
medicine. A aingie trial tivally-p la ces them high in pri
vate emotion, as-they late known to be in public
pref recce, and irk the opinion of physicians. , ..
e r
'EIGHT ST. PHILADE. 01A. where his medicine
may he hid. oi. Win' vane Otte e,lOO Chatham
street New' York, where di - Dikter may be cdimulted
as weak
Or in.Greee at
ahoy nrg
for several .
yea !vi rods: Ric*
sees ktflw
...lasi . 'plitpitatitT i .
,of thisitem
. .... acid etimes acid
t ..., bent and weakliest. orthe
crtiesintruteiallort Mid 'general debility,disturbed
rest, • ,orpretwertdand weight at the 'Stomach
after! eats! , nighttnare.4keitt mental desphdrnry,
ism ,- ltiltig PM the , ' gat, back. and skies, costive-
P •
-0 a dislikefer itacietyfetconvemaiion, involuntary
sigh' g and Weephig languor and latitude upon the
ea sercile.
• Mt. Salmon bad.shilledie file most eminent physi
,dant. who considetQ it beyond the power of meth
nine to ratters him*, Ihealtb; however. as his i afflic-
Occult had recl9F94. Via tOfil.gery deplorable co 'Mien,
Fd baying, been recnispernded by . a relati Of his to
eke-trial of Dr. Win. EVANS' Medic' e, he with
ilfichlty repaired to the Celetznd pro red a.package,
10 Odell: he styli; liejilifdebted for to restoration to
life, health and friends. , He tape* enjoying all the
Weary*" of-perfect h Ith.- ...Persons desirous. of
runlt il. inkematiem, will tisfied with ev e 7 P a f t i7:
eulaSorbitastangshinge ' lilkDe..Wm. Evan , Medi:t.
ealOffices,,loo Clutha New York; and in_Phil-•
idelPitta.,No.l9 NO EIGHTR,St •
Reid bY • JOHN' T. WERNER,
/SoleA icor
ittrsille.,Nor-25 I.i: , : • • • 1-le,
r the
ed to
• so
Atoneit.., 9_
Dt.FII4ED ihitiiircei.iWid Ole., for i
el aki,by in • •,:
"4 &11.AGGERTY..
so ; -we c-11184111206%
lllPPilddara -
The sobseribertheitilacor s!
the virtues ortEatialeable
May beeairaCleii. ‘ without I I 0 1
ceiptof the Merlietzl 'College
by the Ptak, tuithe bear r,
'don. -of the flukTettract of
This Extract - maybe gir
children. and-ismumelenli s
as a purifieiCifthe
aileriate asakippiry - P
diseilrell: •
Obstinate eruptions M i ll
•• Biles whieb arum firma ea 'l,
Scaly eruption!.
Pain: in the bones._' '
Chronic rheititatilet,
Syphilitic symptom!,
And all - disorders arialielL
the blood, either. by a long; p
healthy climate. or the inyitd
;hare thought itriecessar
eates outs beneficial effects,
in the county. as left:armee .
• t . , ia i sr July 13,1831.
•t We the enders ;geedring used , tip, COmpomai
Fluid Extract of Sarsapa Ip. (prepared by Georg
W. Oalceley) in our. f,amtlies, motet cheerful ly recut.
niend at to the public, aa icheap. , safe.pnd Warier
Medicine, in diseases arising fgain impunities of tit
- blood,.
j3O4IST '.-
Wht tt. 41114•FaS, -
i t s
rfay two eats„Milirtei ,
i affectio ik Gee ofot:
me ulcer ' for which
tMt inct ed the dm
:d Ito try *.i:Onkeley'l
I did so, sae after uon ,t
stitetttintjthe ulcers in 1
in) i
: COLLE Heading.
4 i
eon, about. .8 years old it
twin-ute4rive sores on ....1:;:
lilted to hi4ve been white r .
‘ ti
legible, to' Iteah by even
e Medico advice, and
r. Georg W:Gaheieys
la, eight les of which d
it perf6c restored the
ed Meal consequence
beliePei+ en Rending.
The above ease wag pt ' enter! to me, both before
end;atteTthe one or Mr.: elefa syrtip of Sarsapa.
rill:, and I have no beilitat oil pi betielv that It was
the fig* of his restotatie •
1 , • '., • • .1 O. P HIE TER, M. a -!
Riding, Seib lk, 1837. , .
Thin is to certify that
wi h-aa obstinate
lees, Which brolielnto n
mail various rernedieeP •
ease, when I was remain'
pro paration ofSarsapan
several botireer.F alirhap
enurely removed and
nand thus :15th datilif.A
. JO
. This certifienthai my
had sneered fui a long
the right knee and_
swellingasehic.h 1 foun•
the aid of the most res.
I .ivasrecommethied to
Compound Syrup of,
net only healed the so
child's Ifealth'whictihad
of this affection. "
• . Wilminighm, Aloe. 20, 1837.
• .
Mr. Dakeley. ' , 1 • 1 4
Sir —1 consider it F t aty}mletret know that th e .1
j 1
use of the hulFdriien lei oryour-va oft ble Samara- )
rah mat 1 got ,of you I }me bust. pm, T tu trz o ly u healed
mrlm. the Doctor 8714 el itwas oa. ' ch 4
acter. aml the Mkt otionr 'medicine otdd pmtratly 't
benefit it. The%ve botdes were not en, behove h '
was bmilml. but I took }he stub , te make .the cure
certain; it isnow better than two months eince I used
any. 7nd there is no appearauccot a rmornorny physe
ciao thinks the cure perfect. YOursoic.
C.1411 / 1.1 0 . BROWN.
; medicine- may be had at
ire.. and metal! . Drug stun}
ngand'ar rime or the prim
Dines and Medicines, at
Sr 'frit.4br side by the gub
raores of Heirdenreich &
inizer , and Dr. Orrii. Pons-
3,andat the-store olliamard ,
Brno above
the aubsciiber's wholeaa
North Fifth meet, Bead;
eipal drug, s tones. 'Fretilt
theloweareaah pried*, ale
leriber. • -•
A Is°. robe had atthe
Katz Kutztown Wm.
town ; Peter. Knithh..-01eJ;
& Strancb.Pottaville.
Jan 13 .;
N. B. T6.prevent
accompany ON:label or, 1
oaiUOA, my signature wilt
IrOCilis :I alai: lon.
ioe F,L4,$:.stAN _off for , sale the following
A-.• • standard Work . t the very low prices at
taelied. i -,• .• :. _ ••'
Hume, o..rnollitt,..tnni .11 11441. England
4 r?las,._. sheep. Y01)1 Ste* ••j • $lO 01 d
Clarke's Conimentaty,„ folti ! sheep, 12 01
Werley . ;S arrispliii, - 10 vtil . conrpkte,,, . 1 101
Rita's, Theological we . its. 6 Volt+, sheep, 400
Scott's 'kit& and C ientary.l vols.
-i . ,
. •sheep, :, . 6 00
• Ed - i
Flyron!s, works, De‘Ott nes, ttion,s ;cep, 425
Rollin's Ancient-4 - 44 y. i Snl. sheep,
c t
Deapiierni!o-Editiciii With/Haps abet,
.idater,„ l.l I •
.: : . ;.- . '4 25
Joreplius 1 . via. with rilntes 1 • 225
Marry rites w9xlis eortiOte.-1 vol.. - 325
Mooro'v Worts, Librar l y Edition .i 2 25
Burns works,.• . • ' ,•" 2 .00
Cowper and Thorbps4n a works, i: • 2 . 25.
Pa ley's works.. . , , • 2GO
Borden's villain F. : 0131 ti, . • • 2.10
Doddridg.3sl tainily • E gosiinr, .. . 350
Encyclopedia of Geogit pity, .3
12.10 cotarnod- 120 1/41prty ! - *, ' . :10 50
Fox's Book otgerty,tirplates, ' • . 225
M elc in ziii ,10 Ott it ece i'2, with
to , 1 37
Together wit)) ti vati ty of other i liooks at very
lost' rktes, snit .the tinier.
july-1 • ' . 1 32
CONWitlerit ,lpeyi • 1
- ---, . D. • 1
• , , . - INDIAN SPECIFIC. 1
$ • , ,
.. . .Por' the' pre ration 4 cure
,A - \ 4 •Coughs alsfi ‘t isatnas
. ‘. \ onspereptto , re i .. ! S'pitelup of
0 " 1 ' ' i i ' , 4 :_ 1 ,41)d., , pi. pea of the
' r-eastand tunfa ,i-o.prs.
‘ , Ifni -;, .. 1 ~ atidby..tir C.1.,/IiESON
' I . 418 P. 11 4 of the -
of Lifivieeit ..
. ' 4 . DIRE Ti,„ o l 4l 's
Aeeninpappng .ea bottle of
minner;•all the
synnittmisiri the 'different stages oftheiodistres.
sing diseasen-..,itiao paaticolar 'direbtionszespect-
Ling diet mid regimen,,and b3w p ties ta l pro to
ncatidun,tilit'itigh evert - stage opt' filial!), here
sy:trial—Sr, limn and useless. Social be the. Fr.
• sniiptiOns of the ablest physielans; a r .entiMpikated
with the' ost posyerfiif, add use AtiAmto, if
the directions arc not iiiithlbiliad eieja.
The public are inforrieffthatili: 40,10.16,,,i
287 persons haie bee' 'itild,!ic ', 4:3tiffer' 1111.
thOiltlcs in the - cit 3 of' 4 anc e lle fz:,:, r -,F,,, p la dy
eared in the tilktat dirittei . • , - iif"itt p asti i ipp.
t i i
Lion, anti . ° sr 'illicit - I,i . data*: t ' the M il Re;
companying eiteh'bet iF,'' '.
~.. :., ' ''•: , t''' . l
:a.i6 s a ii"
• ... A supply‘ottligrove. ~ No lean
received and laTar'atil nt_.'tliik.'nffi: • ii."` '''
Mare 4,32 '-. ''' ` ' ...'' ' "'". A ''''' . l.o'
Paasage from Eli lavu4 *404 Scot
*.jsitis • it ' engsgO• Poollite - Lfil
their iriendi s t o et. rate ships, from the a
hove places. magi, l!li ITAPP I 3tioC to
••,...„,„....,, , ...5,.....:,„,
: For thittii,i4rnintSyt Calif ffmeerperiens e4a..1
ettelstishic for their tiiinda,lihe.may wish , to' 4
'rend th&itinciney, trihaildaltrieih'prcivide 'for
/hi voYegiOilifte wii be Ovid - oh The fallowing
named. meraitants, vl ' '- • ,
P. W. Ityptki l l , in. '.WatCrion 4 Road; Live!-
' ipso]; DaiitstWitkht. 4 ,.. 'cir.'llty,.o.; , 34rehineee eit.eet
! elasaitatilMffiant MI .y,' Pa . l' Ede Quay..
1 Deblii. May 6 36
' .
ed a - m e-by *hid
PARI.L . f, ,
j ag any of di faefreie l l
ja, prepared) aflet t re,
a recerpt recommended
, nauh for the prem.
I napardia: -t
!. with perfect gaiety a
y offered ta the pea t
' eitAZl all Mal enek
rely care toilets (
vipers hahie of body,
. •
Ifkim an'impare: nits 61
h •
deuce in a hot and ea.
ictotie ale or mercury. • •
to attach a few tero6•
from:person. well howl
2-6 mo