Q IA 1111111111 ESIN EMI -Let the Logisitv. Canal and Rail to the different this state as may lbw resources; irnpanies for mi. Jou. They are prove a curse, in. Bblessing, to that section of coon. ich they are located. -stead of, }tqi wi . . Proee -jag and readers-ti civic M ...tnga of the Port Carbon Meet Senator i'railey.--We refer our cil the 'proceedings of the Demo eeting•recninty held at-Port Car ch will be found in this week's pa. . wee onwertheiargest democratic everheld in that place, though . . ois : a. few hout's-notiee only.— omposed of the former political f Charles Franey, Esq.who now slim in terms-of unmeasured se- :bon, whi per. It , meeting, • convene' =lt was friends doncnn verity; , will be seen by reference to the trigs. Our Senator has cal tainly himself poistically, by his unpar ,:ourse of apostady. For the "II E,- ," which he has brought upon,fiitn - can blame nobody but himself. te author of his own ruin. W hen t d 1 destroy Lidelled ?ROL -self, ta ttle is tht re pr 4a viol tte - ow - ty at l t , e t • gairmt-," then froutery them. 'll publi troyed eatative of the people will persist ting every principle of duty which. to his constituents and his coon• irge, by first pledging himself a teal compuoies and monopolies, and ith -untaatched and shameless ef4 *train every nerve in support of cotirrinsuci in him atm faith , tie -servant, must of course be des. forever. ;:IETING AT NEW CAS T t.E. W, • publish in • another column the pro .•ceedi g of a ,large meeting, lately held at - NewiCastle, in relation to Coal 'Comps Lain. ' The meeting was unusually large afar tlallit section to' the Coal Region, 133 tpreseitt„pll whom signed a Memorial a gains - tire Ofrernisn Milling Company in parti 4 / 12 uiar, and Cd m atCoparvies generally A nu ber of persons signed this memorial whoad,previously affixed their signatures 1 an a memorial in favor ofithlUTerman Mining, Company. This they had been inducted to do through -the mid vepresenta tintutiof the agents of that monopoly, and went, glad titan opportunity of showing thit , they were undeceived.. . , I lii 1 C I 0 ~E ' 8 It 12181 0 1 zeption.— We have seen a letter from Aar, at Harrisburg, stating that the to was deceived by the misrepresen ts; that were made is relation to the muse Mining Coinpany. Query— deceived the Senate'? 090 ~o • ePrme p to 'ress.— 'e regret to , : the total unconcern and inditterence with which the Philadelphia papers sewn to -regard 'the interests of individual 'vet-. lean in the war now waged against them 10Y teal Companies and monopolies. 1 Is .4set *heitietropolis deeply interested in fos -tissiagteml sustaining individual enterprise? Would 'that city be a rifler in the event avoid, companies obtaining the ascendan .oylLnd driving nutintlividual compel/firm? We Wok that every consumer of the ar ttc'tp.of coal must answer in the negative. ilihtaAtivirmal trade done , nothing for that eltt o Aluit our brethren of the press seems to *ifidifierent about its interests? The. 41erruiliergb . Intelligencer find Helium's* has taken ground in front of the endow - with' undaunted resolution. _ The nuttily 'opposition of this faithful pnblic ~:seetittel to tfie.encroachments-of. moriopo. tier, loserves and will receive the waiinest Approbation of thousands in our region. Ade Cana on the S . elausdkili. 'Me ' meted' s to the Legislature, are in cirtmla : tic in favor of this plan of kepis:welter/I, by ii4tich the coal trade will be. greatly, be fitted with respect tolandings at Phil-. edelphim' , We think it well deserves the - ettecitinu end supporter olirfellew citizens., Letts imeourage all efforts at public im. •iirtiventen4i, tending to facilitate the trailb., parhoicie andeale °tour staple commodity; ellen pkitnete the intereets of our region 4liii*iy meaner witatscesor, or benefit the ; eettotw.at large. Theircducer and mi l . filmier are alike interested- irr the wiecessi oftbeautai or basin Millie Schuylkill. A nmeting of our eitizeu Was 'held ciii this': . Wee, dt the Penney Ivehia Hill, add the: it will be foundin another col.; I 'Anne* , . - • - i 1 1 ' - ' resolution, lat. - tetrad° , ted 'the Senate of this State, on the subject of the tight ot!-PeOtioo. eve been imadint•ifie able; - by it hole niiierity. MIM• FBB. -14, 1838. itillvfLetlow,a:lll,•fi: flppits*tdeaudif- . _ 0;%7- the Bill'•abi t%limos). the Ottoman Mining Ontan7 Iran • te:l ported in the Hnuse,..;ori Friday last, by Mr: lit'tlwee, cbairmantif the Ummitten on #orpOrationfe. lira* due te..tbe r, -and Charles For do•; `rho , Stnali teas be.O defeated in the /innate, of New York-, by n vote of VI to •10. - COMPANfra region is' now remonstrance ie of monopoliei was morn bnani than this, • ate refer out mutter* ,iu the remarks 'of t he Holt. Mr. TALtat.too*, the Conserva tive `.Senator from the elate of Mew York. region' -uncoil- Mining Comps• `Already have Sub Treritury.—The is very litttle doubt from.present appearances, of the passage of the reiotutione 'lately offered in the %nem of Represebtativts, at lierristrurg, by' Mr. (i'llmiere, i structing our Senators in Gon;gress to vote---ag4inst Vern -Buren's Sub Treasury present session. They were up in committee of the whole, on the'Bth inst. and •ia all the preliminary votes, there appeared to be 80 for the re solutions and 43 spinal them:. in the, Senate, - on the Bth, in the Bill repealing the Tel oti Writs, in effort was made to include also the Shop Tax, It was voted down: Agoatures gone' tacked to memo against them. number. We expression of ty defeat the Of but put-an end fer.ineorporated glom • . Extraordinary coarse of Mr. Gilmore. Mr t (illutore this day submitted a pre amble and resolutions against any instruc liana on the subject ut the Sub- Treasuiy Bill, in opposition to his own preamble and tesolutions, offered a few days since. Tins Course wairlooked upon with iistunisluitent, partiCulatly as he bad niaintaitted quite tin opopsne courte the day prostuus, 4A hic k ieJ to a debate in wfoth the giesitlesuatt was bandied pretty severely. Mr. e"alea voted to exp(atu awappihe effect of htt sin gulat course. "He considered himself as committed against ' the Sub-Treasvry System; but his mend bad on ilergene a Change as to the propriety of passing !these resolution, M instruction. Mr. Johnson followed heregretted ectretnely the course taken by the gentleman from, Butler he was sorry to see him descend from the eleva ted :situation in which he placed himself yesier: day; be was opposed to the Sub. Treasury Bill beestase.be considered it a Most injurious project, to experiment upon the trade, fiances, and cred it of the dountry, and to subvert the liberties of the yeopletthe best democrats of the country, said he, haves raised their val.= pgainst this Byelaw, and he trusted ih God' their opposition Co it *quid be continued until the Government would be driven to ablindon it. lie firmly be- Betted, that, if any member of this House would eete, even in this indirect way,,for Silas Wright'. Bill, the day. of his political eiletetiee were oum. bored. . '4" , ';'?- 4-t • House ut Itepreseatativesi Feb. 9th Mr. Gilmore addressid the 'Home for some tittle Ear the porpone of extricating tiimeeif fine': the yield:ten of ineinnainteney into which he hail fallen. Mr. Reed gave Mr. Gilmore a complete 'row in up,' and pronounced the morn he was ..per seine as craven and 4ipbunorible. Mr. Gilmore. called apon Mr. Reed Cot en explanation. Mr. R. did explain—bat it ap peared not much 'to thri inttls6setton of Mr. G. Mr. G ilmore then ....pronounced the 'course of the gentlemen mean and contemptable- The Speaker endeaeored to t p . reeent Mr. Reed frOm•proceeding; but the Howie derided he should proceed; he reiterated his determination to per. slat in the course he. had bitten." Cosb-ervidivesje gensiecticut, have rintninatetrEusna Ptte.t&s, fur Governor, and THOMAS CLARK. fortientenant Gov. ernor. ro• Loco .Fuct l will also have a ticket. in the field s The Whit ticket Will e carried in this state in 'April nest, by a Very large majority. - Itesolotions have passed both h'anches tiftheOhto legislature, Mott ucting Senat.ws Mitrris and Allen to vote against the Sub Tresanry Bill. These ''gentlemen :have Bees ;mid sticklers for the right of instrur. lion ; Will they now obey Prom the Cincinnati Whig of the .ith lost. rseiAteludioe Cost of loatißustmer.--A friend hole hautled us the.subjoined notice of the noto- Anus .t.tr. Gilpin, who so lately abandoned the dily hi Moue, in consequence 'of an indictment for what Wes nearly allied to murder. . , FTbd Sate Greed Jury found a bill against the arson who called himself Or. Gilpin, for infers_ , trade; in producing abortion nii the person of ?Olen of abduction notoriety. Whenthe officer cal led for, httia, he was found long the missing. A fentletroan of respeetabilit of tti o ia city, has Down Gdpin for the last 'twelve years. The greater part of that time hq livcd in small towns itt Pennsylvania, and hollowed. the .protrusion of barber. From Pennsylvania he came to CM *mitt, and began' to p4etice Medicine. or, 'bathe's , pretended to do ett, tin the ilorninopatbic itystain. Any person who ever heard him. con 'sisa l ", Min judge whether he was a well informed Wien.' The story of the crime above ._rnantioned, it well known tottus Ocommimity; and it is as well knoWis that the Lees , ufseveral widths* Persona were iendangered by thenjustifiable conduct of this haprincipled immune/A There was still ; another charge against him; of as deep a dye as the otne already 'mentioned:. tie bad, on oath. 1 beforito a magistrate in this thy, stated that he , "wua regular graduate ..uf . the University of ' oPen aphasia. Letters hitd been written to 'Phil delpitia. and the het ascertained that he i i ;had iieljured Wititself. A !bill for this offence Would have been found, had he remained here.— 'fie lax kept a house of ill-fame on Broadway, sin the Allenitffeir. Lorilt out for hie, at the Southend West. Let everi paper give Gilpin a notitte; He is about fiats 'feet eight inches high; light aomplezion; light heir; Tight blue eye,: trendy whiskers ; net tar friun ferty years of age; a simple expression. of otatatcriance. Notothing remarkable aboutddA, in lay inaliiect. 4 number of citizens of this borough will recognize the in4ividual who figures in /the above - intrag . r ht its Barber ; • GAO n, . who abandoned his"business as a barber in this borough; terned.specatator, r olL'Atttebt, and thef t on of the legislature 011,0 t skaaa hve passed a lan injibibiling &ra pinions ufitittlerfrain cowing intg •tht. state. antlalact pinliqttaz 4te.per,osui aced or who tatty learn lltaauttit franyittunting. -• , „ ..„ . -.„ - 1*..:111......ep1a1ea111i--- ' • y'. 4 ...1-1,„4 1 4.1, .- y ,r, ~. :Lf7„,°'„, „: " . . „•,. 7.0„,,, Lit1 , „ r - , a,t , -:-, , ,:„..,,P.t. -. , ' - ~ . 4 4" , ....., , ..,,..„ _ "' h=~'s-~'F.N'i''X•itlFTfi ' ~l~iQ~BEß~. __ ' - 8. ileportraxid Readutions were in r. N resolutions, however, of importance 7/ 1 Osseo ech and the Suety ptoceeiretto the orders of da y—be ingMlL, a continued distmasion apodth Mr e So T • Hubbard Jaw did not Saila .lie a yesterday, resumed and concluded. UN re s were mainly in reply to Mr. niveland his II which be examined in detail and -oppoUd in d • tail. Mr. liubberd spoke lbr two tuning, and fended the Executive and its mensurnalwith gr t ability, and with all the argument andiaStlity could bring to his aid. - • Mr. Tiallaradge of N. •Y. flow took the - and *ddressed the &Mite for about one ho t with diatinguithed abdtty. Hia remarks W e party foreign to the subject and in reply to r. Hibbard, Mr. T. spoke at ionic leagth upon the remark in the President's Message that the New York election was the result of the ezertiorucof the 1 , 41pw York - Banks. He said New York hiss 56 coh rf•• ties. All but 13 have bents; sof them were An ti-Adminnitratioia, and 8 Administration. In these 8 counties where there were'no bitnka,thenp. position gain—Whig gain—is aearlf five akin. send. and yet the President says the batik, brought about the result of this election., in the counties where there were Banks the gain woe in proportion not one half. Sir, said. Mr. T, there mey'bd art excuse for This. declaration, when it is made by the organ of the Governinent—there r may be an excuse for it when it conies as it does from the Loco Foco organs in the, city of New York4—but when it comes from the Proaiderd of the United States, I hear the charge with mitt:oH ishment. Sir, contiotted Mr. T, I repel it - with indignation. I repel it although it •contes o,oni the President htmself. Ne should have kobwn the people of New York better, and-he did now them better. I call upon every Re.preseaktive from New -York to bear witness to the falsity of the charge. Come from what source it nisi. be it high or low, from the Executive,-or fforn one of the lust exalted, I shall repel it. What &Sit uation drirlitt Ittresent to the world'? The firesi. dent, of the United States holding forth to the world the declaration that the 'banks bribed the voter* of his own state to vote against bial own measures. Whet a message to be sent to Erope and the world--to-England : where we are largely engaged in tradi:i t Ne, continued Mr. Tallmadget this is nrit the exam. Fat from it. -But I will tell yol the cause. it originated with the Loco Poem—the English radicals—who began a War against-all thinks—inravor °finis:tuned equality—adv4cated hard money—hard money—exclusive specie pay ments--experiments, &c. This srarty weie op posed to the U. S. Bank—so were Ow Actiininis tration, and Ibex a onion Was brought about 'be tween the two parties. The Message eof the President in September—the squinting atfbank. rapt law ' in that Measage—which law theipatity with ail its nerve has not yet had' the eaur e ige to th bring forth—lt is these eastiresi confirm Mr. T., this war upon the Banks —this onion with Loco 'Fa:Dunn-1h is denunciation of men Who did not believe, as the party did.;—it is thip that haw reetrated the country, and brought as!where we are. inl#l Here is the cease of our distreises. Your spe cie circular, your iron -handed, grippintieseco lion of the law has done it; and because ad of us do not do as we are told to do, and to swear en mity to every thing not destructive, we tire Ott scribvd—tiermencsil_impeached and imFialed.— 'there is tribe neither ° freedom of thouglit with out denunciation—titter, parsons!, vintbCtive—. and we who will not walk in the footsteps of the illustrious successor of the more Maturities pre' decanter, ate to have imprecations heaped upon our heads because we will riot do what the Es. motive bids us to do. In another part of hie speech 'Mr. T. asid—we are called Conservatives--whedier in hhnor or derision I care not. We are called hit fume "'Conservatives," and called's° because opr mem bers are small. Sir. I ;nest a that I Oink the name or "Conservatives" much better tha "Sub. i.ervatives." which Milne has been tends dto the friends of the Sub Treasury , We have Ise been called, what we are, it Spartan Band; and when I sii my colleague asks rue; as one ,o 1 that band,' to surrender my arms, I must glee him the Spar, tan atiswer, "Come and take them." 1 ' Had tire President, continued Mr. T reams I mended the Stateßanks instead of the Sab-Trea 1 miry Scheme, he would have found suporters- My honorable colleague would then hate' raised i the banner of his country,—the stars - add the stripes, instead of his banner of gold andisilver. 1 In ranclusiem„ if these things are to be persist ed in here; continued Mr. T,—if these expert. events are to go on—l Warn gentlemen to rernena tier the 'ldes of Pliieeoaber, when a ioici will be heard in NeW York from the Anent c to the Lakes, loud as the roaring celeriac' which pouts its 'orients in tones'of thunder over be western borders. Mr. Wright briefly.replied,,by eayin that. he believed his eolleague, had rhisunder tood the !resident in his remarks upon the Sts election af New York. r decline, however, en ring up on a discussion upon the suhjeCt, besau it is Co reign to the..hill before the Senate. htli(Clay said he rose to espies* hishooka- to the Senator from New York for the mments he had maAe upon , the President's visage in regard to tis recent election's in Nevi York.— 5 1 ::, The remarks of the President were, unrecedent 'ed, and,' allow me to add continued Mr. C. an digniTted. . His colleague , in declining tepee' him upon that point. 'has proved most tray that adisereti n is some times the battalion ender.' The Chai an of the Committe of Finance decline* diseusedn this ques tion. bectinse.'he says. the mane,. is lb ge 'to the in bill before the Senate. How eatne the i President, then. in hismessage to Conmeracto interfere with this subject, if it, is an alien. matted SW. said Mr. Clay. I solemnly declare that if*, President bad said of the election* In Kentucky whitt he has said of the elections in New York. I would dot have hiffenall one hour to'heve passed over my head withoneltaing in. traduced it raeolutiou belbre the Senate, speskiag . of this act ofibtrExecative in terms in which It deserrO to have been spoken of. 1 did even consult: with when; as to the gligtpriety of temodecing tech a reri dilution: and was thity prevented from doing so from the fact that the President had Pot Made his remarks about my'own State. . ' [ Mr. Wright briefly rejoined to the remarks of Mr. Clay. and said 'that the Senator from K6vincky had stated a very good rule. which was that -discreurin was the bettor part pf valor.' Se will a law me to add that he *there'll feklyin came whe he thineight it not wise to ha eintrodueed Id* resollitti condemn inutile Executive. Thidehete wester, cet off, rind on m i i i tion (24i. Clay tbeSensite Went into Execrive se i on. --[ it. Amateur. . ~. • IV Ammo o*, r: D. wn. UN ITED STATE SENATE. The Sub Treasury MS tame! up lb or der, Mt. &Mu, .of Indiana, took the Root, and commenced a long speeelOipen ailit the -merits of the riuc4tion. e voice with much *sal ii.nd ahiliti - ! but de bill, the comparative merits of • . 1 INMEMEMIII =NM sicoNeassinr. IN SENATE. - ,- "'WI ?um - - - idle"iaastita 2. 'ioe"ste. - 444, Mr. ilth" 'mad". °referred tbb bill of Mr. Rives, but proffirred a listiOnai ibiajt to hither plea; Be spoke at greolsogtb, 'when Itti. Num& leaved as adjournment, and the Senate adjburood oVer io Montag. " - HOUSE OFitEPRESENTATIVEI3.' 4he morning,busirkss opened with the p , reseritation Ufa lettei , from the - Speaker to tbe firmse, announcing-the resignation dr Henry - A, MuldWierg. 'Mr. Wm: took is occasion to pass a high eulogium u... they'd:4c and private virtues of Mr. Muhl rg. He congratu lated him upon the listen of rest which vnte prepared for him in Austria, com pared with the turmoil and agitation of this House. , , The "Spy in Washington," in speaking of the great corruption that exists at the seat of go4ernment--feorruption, that if brought to light, would make every patriot tremble for the welfare and prosperity of the country; concluded with the following direct charger made - egainst — at least--one member of Congress: Extract from Yesterday's Cara Eng ••'fbe mare brief my atatesnent, the better it will be andesistood. It labs my power, if brought to the bat of eitherlionse, or beforb Vcoiniiiittee and process ilkiwed me to compel the attendance of ~tresses, to prove, bythe oath ofa respecta ble and unimpeachable citizen, as well as by writ. ten documentary evidence, that - there u at least see member of Construe mho hos offered to barter Ai:services enii AU influence, wilt it del:NlA:Rens or iisPartmentsfor compensation. Virby, sir, said tbeiapplimint for a contract. if my proposition haiimerit„ it will be received, If it has not, i do not expect it will hi accepted. And what do yos think was the aniwar• of the honorable mem'. berg I will give it to yoti 'in hie Own etriphatie. lenOage. "Merit" said he, why AT do oak here by merit, but by pulling the ht strings. Mate it my interest - and .1 wilt. pull e stringer forgot." APPOINTMENTS ,BY THE PRESIDENT, Byend via iheAdvice and eminent of the Senate Henry A. Muhleaberg, of Pennsylvania, to be Envoy Earraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Austria. Uohn Randolplr Clay, of Pennsylvania. to be Secretary of Legation. - Enos T. Throop, of New York, to be Charge d'Affaires of the United States weer His - Majesty the-King of the King does of the TwoSlcilies. 6.4 *at Meeting of Mechanics in New Ycirk, wit/louvre:oral to party.—The ftt low~,,g is an extract from the preamble and resolutions adopted at said meeting. They speak the language of freemen, and shoe a determination not to be reduced! to slavery, without making an effort to avert it. Whereas, The Bill reported to the Senate of the 'United States by Ms. Wright, and now under consideration ib that body, entitled "a Bill to impose ad ditional duties as depositaries ; Upon cer tain public officers, to appoint Receivers , Genital of the Public Money, and to re gulate the safe-iteeping, transfer and dip buriement of the public money of the Visi ted !States," is, in our opinion, a bin to , lapin fellers, CHAINS and SLAVE. it V upon th people, to generate swarms of bile Erato eat out their substance, an if' car 'esi ion operation; wi ll be lis (141 dangerous tp our LIBERTIES, attended witthe assist disaalrous results, and end in t entiib, prostration and ruin of our rep blic. ; • l e esolved, That the "INDErENDENT nil AVORY i Sesame" is an usihallOwed pi% .. 1 to remove the government effectu al, from 'the People; to 'place the office holl n. r, who eats the bread of the people, be ind all accountability to them; to clothe theiservanta in "Maple and 6oe linen," and to bimthke People "in sackcloth and est ." ; ,„, issueesolveti, 'That the issue presented by th authoni of the odious Sub Treasury Siheme, isi not as alleged by the Hon., Silas Wright, "Bank or no Bank," but that the issue is, BREAD OR NO BREAD. and that the tleCeptive cry of Divorce oil Bank toil State.' is itt .fact a Dtvonca •Of the OEOPLIC Enos( Taui DAILY BREAD. • 4 The Bennie of Indtana base decided by al +foliar 30 to 15, tha the aosoensinn orspeeie payenenta by the banks in)that State was justifiable and neces sary. . , Buildinglin New Icrk..—The reporksof the city inspector, in relation to the number of btiltlings in the city to New York define the'laa year, we laid b4nre the common Council on Wed amiss eve ing. The number of buildings •et all deecript" na. erecteo, Was 840—being 986 leas than were wilt in 1836: the Suh..7reara3ris Biti t —The sie Eagle suggests the following roprittte' title of Mr. Sitrialit's Lill to alldlish the n features untie Govern wit of States.' . Title"o Poughke:. as the hp Sub Tree' the finite. ore ( sITION TO COAL 1 CONIOAIWIE*. '1 1 Port! Cairlon Iloemocill 1 .., 1 Meeting. , 1 At an Itintisual4 , large and respectable meeting 'A" the Democratic Cititeitts or the town or Port Carbon, conirenedat he Port Carbon House, onl Thuridav evenik, Feb. Bth, 1838, WILLIAM BOSBY HELL, Earl, w 8 chow President; 'A RAIIBII BNEBNII , Narairrizz DArts, , trit' A. 4 RiaiD, 1., Esq. Cnartz.ze BARt 'Sit. 04. K Sli MAX, and lgbifratike• *AN, Vice P lentisr -Lewis HeiThei ' Daniel eft ; ft Ma/ ,G. .B.'iZtii/ek, &chit leag .• The midi:lea stated that the bleat of 511== TA, .c.4+ 4, • 13 , •.wr• '• • • • '-:,' ' ..-, • 1; '' ; .- . .:....C.'t ..' ~,-_AY: - L , . I I %, , pligllll9 to rip ~, ~enr-uoiappni- bt'ition tithe noUtioe pu . ~, - I , lifthe Se 4 our ate,. Which bits-tiltilatest that's, • tnblisht4itriticiples of beitsoereey thatn. iont', NO and protect individtial enterpr i se II ,- nithellkithering inilueneelif chartered' ~.. , nepeites., ,- ri On Onion, it wk. Resolved, Thai= a ' Committee of fifteen be ippointed to draft resaittOrinexpressire 'tzif, the sense of . this truiptingt VV.bereupon - * ~ . The.Ctraiteppointeii Atha Martz, Jehn Bailey, lieuty Barnes, Uetwy. Hilleo, . Oesepb 'B'nrier,',:George Dougherty, W, if- time Bei :i t:zinger; jecob Witte* , Rosa Bull, IC. 1. B Osier, Satinet Sititainger; William * iKeehnor t Jacob ailt,.-Pr4ncia - Graeff, And ;Hugh Wesley; who, after" retiritige short ?time, returned and reported, through their - heir" ' , the following - Preamble and re tooiutio',. -. which were read, and pn motion .. . . septuately ii,onsidered and adopted.' . . WHEREAS it is the admitted privilege of the people—likewise their duty--e When assailed- by the inegitable meastireti Of a hearth* band of. arocii-johhersjinci bre kers,, io. meet together, ead ": : by virtue of that slivereign.powerirhich . the .laws of nature( individually; end the organization I of society collectively, hails trusted them with, openly to, declare,:. fearlessly to ex press, and publicly to take tianitest their wishes tied desires, to these who hive been calledltipon by the ,people to legislate for the piddle good; it is tht•Ough their actions, publicly .performed, and 'opinions, deterroi nately aroused, thattYterde are comolled to acknowledge, and menarche forced to admit the people - to be the legi timato source - cif all power: And sheers the period has , now arrived, when it 7becomee requisite 1 and necessary' for thoSe who delight in theirartechment to Democratic prniciples to arouse from their lethargy, and, in 'all the spirit and energy orPatrtots,e,onacious of being engaged in a ca use. onnected( with the best interests of the people, as if con wading for liberty, tUaWake to the help of those individuals wbci are about to be driv en from their homes, their property, and their husiness; that thoie w ho have gained but al partial triumph_' friay be taught to I know -and Teel, that it was not obtained through 'the Aprightneeis of their coarlicwor the correetness,ottheirknotives. But while the lion of Democracy', through the toil occasipned by the intrigue and.. manage ment of stock-jobbers, and borers, slept, individual enterprise should not be sacrifi ced at the unhallowed 'shrine 'of Avarice; 'arid those monopolies whose existence is inarked by the sordid motives through which they obtained birth, may be scatter ed as chaff to the wind; and this our county, 'and State, be cleansed of those aristocratic monopolies whose 'delight it, is to kuStrate individual enterprise, and totally prostrate the business prospects of our county.i itesoised, That we view with surprise and regret, that the noted' from oarcoun ty has become so It to, the principles of the Democratic party, his often repeated professions, both iwprivate and public life, aato become the champion of one of the most odious kind of monopolies e.ier offer ed to the 'consideration of a Republican Assembly- , Resoived, That we a'ppeal to the virtue 1 and patriotism of our Representative to re trieve us from the reproach brought upon us by our Senator. ' , Resolved, That we ask 'with deferential respdct, why it is, that the individual en terprise and industry of this regiOn should be singled out, year by year, 88 objects of specylation by stock-jobbers; unless .it is that 'they find more yielding materials to work upon from this quarter than any other they ,cati avail themselves of. Respired, That we deem the ! grantirtgef corporate privileges, by our . legislature, for atty object Within Ihe power of indivi dual !enterprise, awn.. departure from those settled principles of Democracy Cherished by Our. forellithere 'as 'a area 'of State Policy. 1. ./Aseleed, That the Act of ssembly, passed ,during theitession dri.B3 , relative to lkintited Partmtrships, shout .., and was intended to prevent the gratiting of char• tered monopolies, inirticulariv where indi. viand enterprise ii competent td the task. geso/ned, That due, regard rof•the pub lic4elfare, and particularly For individual interest and enterprise; throug hout, this cOnnty and state, demands that ho Acts dt Incorporation i shoblit be grantad , for the ihtt uoite of Mining Coal, as by far the reatest amount of buainessof - this region as , been acchumlished by indtviduat en tertnise. • 1 , !Resolved, That we 6111`apitit 'the Maki. 1 cra4 of the legislature triOppOtre, by their votes and influenCe,nli monepo*S; as they are at Variance With th6seestabbahed 'twin. j ciptes of Jefferanhian • betnecticy; which I we, !tis a party, ta t o' desiirotiti - tit hphold and auStain.,.l Resole, Thst 'Mir RiptesAltative, D. Klima, Esq. isierittesied; and hereby in struetedi to use - b6i ! iiiilitence Ottiti utmost erideavois •to itiOent the'passage of any 1 act Of ipcotporatiksh for the lidding of coal' itt this 'regain. f ' ( Resolved, That the proceedings of this nieStirig be published in circular fOrm,: hed, by the officers, and fo r warded to Elairisburg, addreased to , the Members of thel-Legistaturei . ' 'r * .., -Reit:dyed, ThitOinninittee or three be, niiitninted to eaTrY the . :fiiregolinijetioliv Clone into effect, aid illso . to:heve . 4*i:o4;- 4e:ling:of thisfifneetint. nuttlished; in the 0800 of .tht* c iOlift.r , thil i •Pettsylintitin eat Aye-twat tielt iittelabiliiklithityrthe Reporter and Ktittettinejfeeiiebilre, , • ,','. En SE - On motion 'Relayed, That William Boshystrell, Ee ItMhaniel _Davis, m i d Charles-Maher, be ,that committee. WILLIAM. BOSBUMIELL, P4l. ABRAHAM HF , EBNOt, NATHANIEL DAVIS,' t. PETER' AURA ND, Jr.! CHARLES BABER, , 1 - ABRAHAM 'SHIPMAN, '`-EDWARD CALLAHAN, • lice - President s . • LEWIS HEILNER, DANIEL HI LLEGAS, G. B. ZIIILCH, Secretaries. Nevii Castle Meetingi, At a very large meeting , of persOns eat. played in the coal trade in'Schuylkill comi ty, at .the e house of Soloman' . Hoer, on Friday evening, Febuary 9th, 1339, N' SOL i' OMA HOWER, Wident; GEORGE Parris, Vice Presi nt; and Frit/lain Rhoads, Secretary. . The President stated the object of the meeting to be, to • take into consideration, the application • ter _ the incorpor4ion of Coal Companies in this County.• • , That we adopt the m Morials i Resolved., drafted iri - the borough of Poitsvill as be. ing agreeable to our views egainst, incor- porated Coal -CoMpataiers itt this.connty. Resolved, "That we•theicitizeits; and re sidents in arid ibont the town of N 'CV Cas tle, Schuyikiircounty, 14 - t,iricerely protest against all irintiopories as being dangerous to both, public and private innereati. Resolved, That Zhu. RepresentatOes from Schuylkill, nounty, if/ the Sehate and Rouse of Representative, hi:requested io oppose by their votes and influence, the incorporation of all and , every Company for Coal mining purposed ' • 1 Resolved, That we consuleeiti danger., to the true policy ofpennsyliania, to ' advance the interest of a few, to; the dis truction of thoniany. , Resolved, Thartho proceedings of this meeting he pibliihed in the MineterJoar , 'nal and Harrisburg papers. ~ In pursuance of a preoious_call-for the purpose, a large and respectable. iineetles of the citizens of Pottsidle, inteiested 'm the coal trade, was held-at the Pennsylva nia Hall on the 10th ins t. to.takeLinto con sideration theiconstrnetion of tide trend on the western 'bide of the Sehoylkill. BURD FATTERSON,, trwri chosen President; MARTIN Wx.sor4s and Capt. JOlllt Harmv, Vice Prettidenta l skid P. W. Hughes and 'Wm. H. gams, 'Sec, retariei. . On [notice, a conunittea of five' were appointed to draft a preamble mid resole lions expressive:of theiseuse of this meet ing. Whereupon, Samuel Brooke Charles Shippen, , Nathan Blinn", fit. „ t Sillyman and B. gentian were appointed ,Said com mittee, he after es, iv retiring, for a 'few ina meets, (sported, the following .) preamble . and r lutions, which were unenimously adopted . .. • Wli eat; (we"projects have teen pie . sentedt the public 621 r the . IMProvement of the est side of the Schuylkill at.„Phil. adelphia, sOis,te make:tut additicteal a motkrit.ol whar:f room to accommodate the growing trade of that river. 'And where as, one of therm prolects has brtitight upoit it tile lamest unanimous disapprobation of the guardians of the city,. as weitsur. that of a large proportion of. thet‘l people; be' lie Ling it will have a direct' tsedericy ! to injure the water of the Schisylkill, as well as to diminish its,quantity; and whereas, the Fairmount Water Works beingthe just pride of the citizens of Philadelphia and districtalcriatribbtibg 'itirltitgely to the comforts and'conirerrienceeol the in tis habitanis thereof, and where at is, be lieved-by those who bate pede a thorough examination of the twn propos ed iraprove ments,"that the tide canal to befmade along the margin of the ,river, Wont anisiver, at least as good a purpose , and a comniodate the trade as well—and entirely the apprebensiee of the people on itbe score of injuring the wafer, as thatofthe gaMitChell Canal." Therefore be lt i ' ' • Resulved, That ; in thei'o ion of this meeting, the growiug trade p .° 'thee Schuyl kill requires_ snore! , wharf Teem, therthy reductng the expense of lauding, wharfage, and unteading , coal, into'aeit "omens; ' and consequently, elablirtg' Ihe 'r;e3rater to it place ofir`atiiple - tit:the doors fceritainiers at the ioiveit,P, ale. 1., Resolved, :that it is the o inion . of this meetirtgohat the increase oflthe• business of the river, calls loudly for the- edoiitton of the tide canal, as, a , rslan A9* fc.! in' Ireso the whitrfage . heceast4:JO ~sitomm odate the trade..,. _.• .. , Y , ,, } , a:A 4,•: - 1. Resolved, That - our, representatives in the Legislature be requested" tvi 7 usit their intlueneo in favor of a Big tq inalteilhe a bove-mentiened impfoitticiatit::;',,,. *-4 4f,:i. . Resolvid, - That a, compi4ce - W. a three be aPpeiiited to procure iignatilresi to a petition to the Legisititure p , yitiie fo r the passage Of an act to ArttOti'elitiet the shove res,aftilitit - ;, ,. ~, , /.. " • ':- 1 On ikumioli,A,,Rimg;h:,tiim. H. jilanni and Capt, Joh*,Ehuiley- sore appointed a committeral3t . ;liten'irita signal ‘ urea.44 I - '''grs', OW, Z . That tjte"piliceeltnittr s itf.this etitflinit*eg'igeed by 01!i41-4413.aard,Ink, 14eitle the ,. Miners ' .. Journal and Free ' - ' BURP'PkTTERSM,' Pres't. , .- 40,04 1 1 xt , .. :,-, ialtg . t iri kteetii. • ~ hillitrlit• Ift - iti - • • .71,7,.N „ Was. it Moms, , - .` - '" 1, •-..t.. , - . , . , mim•cmman IMRE