The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, February 10, 1838, Image 4

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    Awl Pitt.'
*Fro the 4 . 60.
billet:, but .daborenly- renal,
gar: f 1 0 .4 • -Befon'.the' li I`blihe
inillBPiltin Iten&artgple were only enabled tol
peddle aboattet 'Ade ea whir the Welded-.
-butlweitihort otaliitee'lline -res.
turidittpon _en rianowiromre. and Mire dieeceowed•
the on moue ratieersearch
teemed my solrehrbut a theietule Vtal n ot . By Ow
• 'ititifthetts;rbilieleirdnly prieddlitiehhelifteted
Alralii,te - the hale heartrind_setive titan *Thorium.
INC etrojettatirelv ttlittlittil ,- -bere renewed my
_math. 1 eatalikicwult • co foals - my own rape
- rieeetiPidrintelrith• soy fellow enamor. Doer the
' -teideTwitsflutitortherthettEGETAßLßLD'EMED
''TlONViltre_to-bietwo easel 1 hare fin tlict
filfirANStiptbiowsYt:tundtethrorieutrg. now
-Vl% ltei n 'rerimetildeckimileirthlrrany to.
&glen Warfrerettittres'fitatiotorthe
'"Vetiedirwhoreeossiitudittar here been newt) ,
- iced by.:the powasationo of,
• thik'day, will hearttonwittharthe • Life 'Medi, 1
1 , - - toWiritteedleihk*fititithir meatus. to perreinent,
' GENERAL "--111EM.AIIIIS``RELATra ! Talkioy
lisk TOlllt PILLS AND Pbkni r li BITTERS:
1 I "Pheellatiedicinea haft - toni heed lantern did appre
- elided, forthnireatraordisarynnit Itnateditte• poWe re
- romptiti g_ pesfeetheakfiltd persona suffering under
`tl.' .ItilllM l oo..r P:lsand of disease, to which the human
-fsillschilifilde. ,1
havemanythandrede of certificate' Instances. dye:
have es* `rescued sureness frost ilievety veigkof an
Mai** get* efiletrAll elher-difettieve brianAmit bf
thtetty'hed'atreArtat 'altd to minty thousandslhey
beim pettuanimly tiecured , that unifbim it , joyment of
Itealthr without which life, itself is tint a sachet
in g. So great.-laded, has teeteddleacy Invatiltblv
. and infallibly proved..dtai if bas appeared scarcely
leis than cureeoloartothose who were ui.acquainted
. with. the Istidetiltir phibasophival principteS upon
whiehathef ire tompoutidltd. and upon which they
taanstiquendy act. Irwartolheirmtnifort and senar. .
. ble tuition in iserifyinglbesipringe- and channels of,
life, anotitnatairthem *ith Tenewid tone had vigor.
that they were indebted for theirnemj. which was
-.bestowed upon 'them at-the spontaneous request' of
several iedividaals *rhea Mee tier had - obelously
-,easel. -
Thairispriefor. rejoice in the opportunity afforded
, bythe-univereal diffusion-oldie daily p re ss, (or OW-
'rineIiiiVEGL"TABIX LIFE PILLS within the
knowledgerandvetteh Infer/ individual in thentim-
inanity. Unlike the Mist' of pernicious quackeries.
which - boast of vegetable ingredients, the Life Pllll
KM purely /Roast., vine remit, and amain nisi
thar Mercury, Antimony. Arsenic; uor'any either any lons whiteVer. they are entirely
composed - ore:l4w front rarvand powerful plants.
the - eittnes of whist e - tinfoil long' known to several 1
Indian tribes. - and time* to some eminent Manna
- centical chemists. are 'altogether unknown to the iglus•
rant pretenders-to medecafucieocciand were never
before administered in so happily efficacious a cons-
Walfish.. .
Theftnest eptipailowirititiotesereil'om iblyanatirof
*Satsuma end tufatels, theNartoushifpuridee and
eradiate command eluting around them; and- to re
- -Ileortilb. ha feces *Ma collect in Isll, coo.
- volutioneY the stnelfrbitdatitate- Other - medicines
linly'ptrFuqtteteartsiiih'e•'leßvielifich collectial
worinsee Deified, its to Arodtthe *lmbibed -eastivennee.
2-Witlaall its train of eviiit hidden diarrfuna. With he
- :fmanummEdangers. This fact is sell known to all
molar -anatomists. who examine -the human .bowels
Ap t ilitaila and hones the:Prejudice of these wellan
-- . lid tnetragainst the' quack medicines of the age.
-- : be ,;.iseeeped abet lif this* -VEGETABLE' LIFE
, - PILLSItto cleanse tkeltitilasyeandillan Mader, and
by We Means, the liver teethe lungs, the heydthful
, itetleitroMdth - edtlfelf dopiest& upotilberepdatity
- lifthe Winery omens.- Thertdood, '~Mich takes- its
led coltirfkom theragencylif the liter and the - Menge
befilifit into tae bean, helm - thus purified by
them and tainrinluidby 'fond - entamg, from.. cleans
*mach. COarief fredy - ibtough the-Veins. renew/
• every part of thcayeteueentt trittmOtaindyntounts the
The Iblliiiiiiiiirettabbilete distresaifie variety of
-human. dbeasite.lo which the Vegetable' Life pilis
-trowell known to be ififelliblea. . _ .._ .. .
.-LIYEIPEPSIArkg .tbf6dibtf - efilinifiethi s firif end
• s•wevid ittomichi, inidereating a Saw of pore healthy
bile, instead of the staler' avid abrideind;—/fordence.
;Pislant oldie Reart, LOssArAppdtte, fleartai-n
wed Headeoes—. Restlemniessi ,Mtmsper.lAti.tiety. ',an
grittinand 'which airline genital sylopotins
of torpep h aorill vanish, as a natural consequencelif
no We, •ii-ftwinir, ,by cleansing the whole length
of the Monthlies -with iyealitentWocess.lndetithout
vi o lence; en 'natant paves lea// theta:l*sta costive
Within two'dayi. Dswilltho and Cholera, by remove
lug die sharp acrid fluids by Which these complaint!
are - occisionetl. • and by promou the lubncative
liectedetrofttie Munn mettititine MW•• s grog kinds.
blieltteing the Medd to a regular circulation, through
the proems elfporitioti in some cases, Ind
VI tionefO•Wmtbal obelthetionlinvithkro
The- FE. PILLS havehlseltifthrn teitaint Mar
mesa ponnimildpiu three weeksiind Gout irrbalf
that time, by /*Moving local Odbuemation ham the
eissclesaed liven:Ms fifths-Jousts. !hordes visit
kinds, by Freeing and strengthening the kidneys add
laladdesithey -operate tenet delOrtfully do dine Or•
gaiwand hence llaretnerbeen Toutid a certain now
-dy for the worid oases ' o ff
Gioia rA leoWonits,_ by
dislodging Mini the timings of the hoirilathe Wien
matter to which these creatures adberm Aghwe *ad
Consuntydoe, by relieving the vessels of the leap
6 0 th the etheinforhicii evein slight Ooklairniffirtipol,
sd•becomes hardened, and produces th ose dreadful
diseases. Scurayalkets and hdentrote Sores. by the
perfect purity which then Life Pillaefetalhe Wed
and all Sao-look Eruption. - add 'Gild cals.
pwasons, by their attentive effect upon the ettidethar
morbid stats of which on:aliens all E s septise con .
pletati7 clirdbmo , Ckrod t yAnd other dierignailik Com
*MON , Theme of brlM Palls fore very abandon.
will etyloymooldrelmre of Sat Room, Erysipelas
sad lii imams Improvement i s itea...y . as
4* Cares on _ CaldAind Vargas. will denys he
eared by one dose, or by tea even in the Wang times.
Mie-smovitsuitly for this most distressing arid ob
urinate enOisOy„ . the Vegtitable.Life: Pills Aeserves•a
,thetinck emphittlitimiennendatitor. 'ft in 'well
bowl to hundreds in *this city. 'that the proprietor
athise -bwahtable Nita, was hbflOelfealicted• With
thisiceinplailltfor aPwaleaentltat
be 'tried in sibr . ereityletebily preactibed within tilt,
'krlitdoittremmorofahallisteriadtedies. Ilshounwer.•
- 4 0 ... • , tried the , 'Which-h4t atm-ft
f•and- heWas cured in a letime;:
,alkey, . , rasing kid heed postunds likes/1h
14. - bk•hks' olo l. l . o l' l3l !'ibk , r:thlatM.
lamina.. • ' • -- •,---'
'-01 • ) ONS:VOROW..--The pro ' G hia:
- Vann st.,t tars Prixadoes not follow .the,bme sod,
Ate .'PrAPiceorikit34ack. •Pribo l 4•biod4i•-:
i iPit • • tor taiga hi* riliaja Aifictiaapt . NO:
tan:'-iikt.pbasibly beiseltti ' ;tea.
. mosctikt. i 0,4 tia,..00, 4 --firii i .
week. foriSigha.,sccordiikto thisebstin or ji /e
d' - • 'Theusual dingle Rome to 5,a - '' . •ng 44r
flist •' . • 'Ai°. of the person . `Yealditiome .. ita
Whonld • " • with ; two, and' a. .
.o(she - may reirad those more 00 try;
coati • habit. may bmin with 3. and incriaaaao L OT .,
wow - - Ms. ind they will effect e'thMateriill 'iliyy
,g • , te, snide' the patient in their further as,
'VON Pills sometimes occasion sicknees aikITI '
v ±
04. • • • h Very seldom; unless tke srowiaeh la i tt
40;4 is, however; may be censidered IA -
111011 t ' l ol llll, the patient will find Marietta. Once' •
,threedi , , , tirpiutievennes will loon rettover.r ,
. i itheramitilidn'lo or 12 bOurs,.and n
:We; Mai the bowels seivestflateurithered.
MO , : he tliltee* the omst'delicate•fimilea tot :
ter'an - CutWlMMldeau-Itts: hoWnWer. taltriameizi r .
elk .• • . inkier periods offretwancyldtapitakar
bilf6 . ;
. st a time , sad thus continue to keep the Wiwi
r . . araealtar e may bwtakewwbeealleflpatlent.
li. •• costive. Oei pili•Jinaveolutimi alma table
‘., .:; 4, l ldi° N at gr. Mat Ile lik! i rkto fitiii4m itiraie
• , •
doses--a tea spoofs lOU everialio ihotitsor
• ie4 Rfr a - childfirom one itrAhre leant argil..
b i d a. • —mod fonsijive tount.onspilLt•••r. ,:: • . -
• " : ' ' ''' ''• 'BI=I/*sm so called,heciaaat
• • , 'poorer. of retamitig the • pm. here
•• • as the Phenix is said to be restored to
• .. _
sielSoit'en Y flOititsbit . * MIA",
to 'M 0
wei r
Mall liihils ; Will ' , never fitil to Mad
die jams of Marcary.ialuitely ' than,thefinost
S4rfakr.lblritute offirtisapsAlla. Lissroa.
late* , . enroll " datenaluatimi of WW1!) THE
`M ED; beiik, *fill in thi` siebrig 01Friadlo !am
feria s ; andsWillbefimnd d .dertafid rianedy la all
cases ofviersifits . .libliffaisil idesdrelisit ofthiflsoltrhn=
Eta -b
As iska remedifoitAtruracalio'
id MiessuWan, thi:fiilluicror UM Pimeit
Eta : :wi I- tiel deasoismkted .bi the4lsit 0f,4! siafile
him The lisuil dose ofthese Mite is mita woo,
to !Muir oewine.: a n d thiaatiantitY may be
= l el twd".biltree times a obit abOvit halt an Your
befo _kw a hiss tioshritt:titay be'tedittit 4 ir aU
ti To *MO *iti h n sresiglictedlWith Mi°,
teal 'lthesid ifitters - Srill. prone inv leas
they greatly Incies& the - action Of the fincipal
visciiii:Kettelblarto wftirtsttheitTutielliitisNand 'en
ablfifOkb gtonikNtithargie ifiti*-ZoiliOrwliai
*vat is `airmail's. Thos IndigeitiOn is eilaily and
*PeelqY redOed• aPP O 4 9 noWet,: ind thronouthet
of dui 'twilight "week bkineeleidast. lidtritlbtris
facilditted: sill of •aody' aid bwwo, or mind
aralthe I, F resalts. For pLytba.: pm**. of
. T i E f, ed. a tit - W.5%We , •miNtl.lsl6lllOd_ srpy,
"lf Sireirk: - Wm*. Os Pita caniebbrelhhd WWI ,
enl 50 cevifii, or IlEr boa; an 4 the Biuos for $1
wr "Slier bottle. Hatnereni [certificates 'of the
wonderful elricacY of h. , heilthere i
looms o4tinsite and Comp,ltted calest=
and inlbmtety• itheeinetiMh. Myer 05mplaints,
Fever and iljine.Dyip.erta. Palsy Pit, kr !inns
the am if- r ap 0 3 1. pus:sw. end other
Wsiadiwg. a may bo necosary to hike the Life
Pills'and ihtq Phenirilltutriridrtte time heron; re
crantendrdive . .
~ . I. ,
pt. $......1 Pills and tbellittenr. will get the
merctiry out Ithe system mfinitely taster (him the hest
preparattivni:UfSarsaparitln. lad *certain reined=
was •rucikuslif tie tokci to the Asodi, or eta
italm.licriovitunswr, dto.—Aß perhct u, pfedi.. ,
pusediodWeigeto4.llY, aice , Elm' niveile without I
the Life riltit cir the Raters. forit &foie th time *ill ,
savirlife. 'Re: equal*: the ci lawn ofi the bkaid.
draw` all ii Sore from the head. • prespiranon, aid
'throwoff 'Re
impurity bribe phies ortie in
red sale by i MILLER &HAGGERTY,
• for the l'-'
• : 1
irt UTE Original Hygeian Universe!: f
Medicine, prepared by W. MIS IN, freq.,
Member of the Royal College of Surg na;Liceu. .
tiate of Itpollibeiries CoMpariy, 'Pel 'w of Bel.
Courf Society, Surgeon 'to the Royal nion Pen
don 'As*Onisticm. Lancaster; place.' Waterloo
Bridge; and 'Perpetual pupil pf Guay's and gt.
Thomas',/inephale, Londou. !
These pills Waving gainW ittdigebrily . °opera].
`Wise% every section 'of the Up ion. are now hoe. ,
stared by el those who rabic good health; India.
Petisiblear a family rnedicine—patrpniblaby a
numerous body of thei•miistelnitaretrPhytiicilrhs
'Whin this 'country thud in Europria verficient,
Itialiresturnetkto'stamP their ettaractarin the es
IlinitThn cif ihreryibinteing — mln,'Anitit is hoped,
ar far better rectunirstridilkirilhlin tit emit:telt:.
sorted to bi ignerant and unprincipi pretenders,
who to istelead • sad deceits the politic. jnibtiLlt.
what thiecellphidtical'protifeithd 'certificates of
Carts, that exceed ill bitunda,Ofratiohal eredibil.
"tty,•trid'intiefbrwhiiih, if not all, are leithe't-gross
febrications; or hrochialefrittif and timitiltaketts.
The - witotoorthe LOneshiOil Fexiner.:l6Pl+-
o This medicine has 'obtained lan illitate' edehted
degiemorwillpribiervisd pdpithirity.;ljavitfietale.
en these Alia Musette" in advaintago nd witness.
ietheir-boriefichil effects on other., ere hive no
helitialfilleK'reconuitending them lathe public:as
a oak tilde:3i and usefulhimily me ieine."
' , cahoots iirelenuthemitfiorit the*guarani of
the GbnerarAgent on the label,hy - iithirfir the a.
hove medicine is imported had this corintrir. ' •
IWO.' noLegiN, 129! Waverly Price,
Gen!l Agent foe i l.N. 1
A vhseply of thelteive Mediblne •
_et, received
and lbr sale b v
1 . B A AN,
tole Agehtifoi yltliti county.
- July TS '2—
, .
MERcERs 4 17.4 lui litt, .. t
'ffirtitirly'Porker & INSltifais:l- -
ktk rMntired *on the titiOwitelolle of&iiiit:
Streit.: a, few doom abirdldorwttiin . Street,
'diet' st . -tEerkiffer for iile a &diet sitorteCithref
Sari 'Owed: Cloths attilf Cies thitei of the
moat fitibiOnablii culorp,liiithran el, Ohl sSltOtt
mcfitAdtutMpErt.lbths,'Vesttogs. Lien tette*
ton :13bTrts: . trOlfitts,Itoemns;;Elkbcks$ Gfirres,Sue.
pendeks;lfUen and cotton Houle. and all. kinds of
Gentleitilies "evearlitg - apparl, which will_ - be
made to'ondef In the !unstrap', red iitYle as to the
Woreidifilihip, Yid Nrivrantedl to ft equal to any
in the•Cdf dr eliewhete. ;
P . . 13. IR Ik. Co. 'keit, on h ad in ; creel/Mit as.
iattinthcbir teati9-mitleClo Ling lot all kalifs:
*hie% sillf t he Ilkildaf very' tow ,riititi4
..irt,_!l7 '
. Aloire:o . t the'subacti :Mo ii.' ltd
di L
'Acnk ' tri"Pottarrile.irber or bad rrboha.
arTle'dii'd,"4tail,lin 'the Tarot , lite ttettnir-=
brown. p and km( iiiiiirs , bid i Imes - add
pitting. Non teis,•milisses, ' fi sh. 4 ebirese. poop,
rice. co (4, - libireolate, spirits, foratity . ,.-Ori. MU
Lislimerifre +lndira/sr seiner ; hm., 7 #ll . filii,
and an ials.. ball Spanish anecoditnbh segiirl,
• pepper l , sidokgieger;ssiiratiis, ch. , nutmeg.,
bread, crack - re, m o
r .
m fi
ita, Ike. r.c. &c , for r.dsbdir each neelii coup.
try produce.
itinell 0 1 2.9 if - 11ENItir lii:ii`b.
-- • -4Vlailitlit NEAL 4 co.. .
. - 1 1 :; ritAritrAciv:R4 -fa
40E 416 _ Id_, _ 14 K4 4111111 ");
-•NtkiaVlkorth Fifth streti.:-thibidelpknirback
• of.thrit•Mitehants.' limal.rktulhuioclusirsky
th thisfihisiness3y .. - L - •
'Cots ry a Merbiitits ars Isipplied at manase.
inrersq Flees. anti their illissleslinsorod . tnitr' i
breskige to part of 'theilnion,lyittitiot extra
'ehil : l P 6 .... rt tiiiiiirboHars; 'hive Oda, krllerge;Ohurres,
sviiiildlo pelt to incohn tar by letter, proving* to
their coming on. ot the sins &the hibite, Ind the
kind 4 Nine liiity oily 'writ, Oat 'the s nid e
1 014,
!nal itirinnfacttitiidOspresSly firt Ocoee:mica
iffeit-haUts . s,horild Wise their o ors': tniik.:
ing.El', ' the init'tiring On th airisid; to in.
sure pi wcirptit „ utr.
Ort ' i - iB-Einio
- .
1 .
14 1 1
I• ;#'
- ,
Faintly- - t#Ornts_ earth
mikoL,the t otks off` *J ktio.
- _Asher ex leis, it
in dotisp,the
ed' abridged he twVvato Agit& Maps
•Es 4. This sal - sable hock is published Is_
tie al
o r sabidipair 1141,41 , bccr i
oa. , ha luks.
1 .
a. Told I
viletiable *Wait Pi,
, _ _—_-_-_ _ - T
-6VIVALint-roNE, EllbrAatkiiintabo4.lll ,
Arketspefilyettliy- bleard.witieln- by *klp t
eircslitima. brims! *wet or dersegeatent an Or
gaiter pert where such impurity of the blood t
It Is tree, a vaantrr of cameo - may bring i 11
sate' of the blood-such ai a - Molest - bruise - fall
damp feet. ind 'gams; ps in lithe head, dre:dth., antl
although it may be said that shim diseases have not
` their ormia - nrennusityatbe Won tlet the ~ _ 1
the same, they in end kr` theimpintforthe • • , 1
and oar only elojecit:lo_Preyent the Intuit* tau
ere* be kept up. i n other. words the scrimp ,-, 1
, mounsiecontinually myntrgsthe hod/ 4 4108i ant
implessast symptoms remold. With - , jlra . i
I *erred With in itifiltient qesidtim to .-. . -a" 11,
this evacuations. will assist 'nature lri, rester erony
organ to • stint "of health. This is en the , lel ,
admitting: we drains marshr piece of la an
from a stale of sterility soon produce a most
dant, fertilitytand so it is with the human' body w,
say thingis it Ws with it, we have only . ~-
1 t 6
um—and - twenties bus Itsu
i those srlikhatiled,B* - 1 , 01 ` 611 b 16 Prie 66-9 Z
cause cmtsistem withour Batinti.ifist &Writ;
rightly, the'reseit bitilavbeep sotind bad* . It I.
not mote than 18 swaths wear Unit - Pills WWII iiit,
troometkigtao the UMW States. hot their sills
bre alugetherint:precedented. therehatingbeen 4:
ofthem in New York in that tin" fully one i
prebonabed that std bates. And attire 18 .i i
sons can be Mimed to in New York city
the same in'PhiladelPhial - Whotaie keen 7..
every otherlnennibad beanie altogether_ - ? ei :
adireserfthicArappetred of the mostop .-
amentod is many.cases where the d fill . Va
of ulceration. hadriki bare. itgame . st_intL bole, And
whereto alleprannee no human means wild save
lifeJtavitottilmt4ylmese ottheagt fliliTrentre
stolid to goon • thedeiourlng diseaso harm
Elden completely ichted. - I i
Dr. Wm. Bmadreth was so folly cowries:Ml of the
tnlth'of the above simple theory. that he , irti 30
years in eiperimeatt and laborious nrsettlit, hz. pm
111 90 1 itt1 ProPertma of the_ 'temente,. plants„
.. .
Mg ihe - Yegetalito plaint - ibis object being to -
pose a nememe wnienwoaid at oncept.- tr y. hail rar ,
duce =elision. i. removal or au it thu or
pond ' by‘bitMowith ii* Ale
continuation oftlie us e arch a embalm. b Ihu:
mee k
mom are sure to b e carried off, and the ciorP ate
sam a s s vateitgperitivitatrimeriteket Pills.
and peremerimwttli,-thermWill 'be: • - tali o r ,
Whitest lifarlyqiildtr - iiiaioed Iris - ' se
object. filiemi an absolute and kkoWn t.
I every diiease, whither it be in the head or feet. In the
brain °meanest member; wbedomr it be an ,outward
ulcer, or on inward shrew, ire *14.41046 arising
from many ceases. reancibie to 'this grand cum.
iiatriely.lmilonty of blood.
NOTIC*,..-44 Drug and ChemicalttorMire liter
1 illy gopied with , ddrotterft* Brandretb's Nis, he
comes Who wanalle &mine erticieto purchase
only of the accredited agents or those who are known
' to be above such dishonest practices.
1 111r,19 Thompson * Co. Ponsville are the only •
pat a at pWrarfirr - Mnyikill obesity.
Dr. BrandrethsOffice far the sale of the above Pills
wholesale and Wallis at 169 Rico ' o ° o . 6 ° l 0 6114
`*hove Mb it: north side. Philadelphia.
Always remember that Drug Stores neves hav the
genuine Brandreth Pills for tale. therefore all pm ,
chases of theca - We siiretd'bil counterfeit. .
' Dec 3 -42-lly
. .
Siiiiiiiiiilli i li allialittl.
lii .- t
Ahe intempinin`crOu the d loamy o. a are
1 ' 4 lng
hastening the Afar,' a scorbutic, no Mims
tf renderingtbi blood more impure; and ii ow
Sands hate.dwitriiied their Conan:alone:7m •
to apply The proper remedimr— to audirdSwkim s Pan
acea must'be, and Waimea. loons tlinplOoldy valizer
ble as a certain alrentriarroFfedon them
i hty
to perfect health '3.0 s. :Taw •fanoilies, a re bol•
ly exatiptAllike rbuuc iffirctioria` , which paid it ve
rities symptoms as eruptions, ulaussiona,d' ' • .
lois ofippSind delection:,. in arbatiglipto:, pyre
blood. andif tat properly Tattendwl ls tt a ria the._
rawest ihrtothe congultation. abiy im
pardatotlieltoffsfifiag.. Mandm'n - eknarceqt m
mended si this meson °Litre: year, an a ialinblit 1-to•
rativenftlwaystem. therelvirovigorating#l . •
don, and enabling it to bear the , dchiltratnypidfpeijoi
the summer anon._ It ii don - vey'W bylliiiMrtide
ting fluids. and bilintrilt their tendency to' till those . -
• lgeiteiwEich &Wolfe in, vitiated brood dine tied
livini,"deiiriftoStipetite:lntStedinPonitent - niniftdkinc
of thefirrip, drc.. ; No one however, isiartinst4to use
it Without convincing theuiseivee of the with of what:
Wiese 'Loud.
This medicine knot, " need wiih miccessligz .
ofthe world, and is, gaining, &teat hipiitiiiker
land.. , , , , • .
. 'rk riti!firlifuppirnf, the Medicine just trei - Ad inid
for Sale by , B. SANS Ali:
Sol! Agent for Schuylkill
Mans e
ouiplytk. abuse:medicine Who to
ilieukvbw Nii , to . sell again, at Phdadelphis -
"itiy; fi • . . _
og S ,
Ar. - 4fuGF.V Platalb';AT Ti_l , l4,
irSß.4oEl.lllhtligra Syrnpathiok kr the
A'. sahlit. - Reiarieet.„ atilt perfect pore of every
.kind of efriundirAileek'cincer and all C:uArieous
diseasew, aritanjr,front.:cbUing. airceatingil bitro.
hielxillferbvtitenniiiirltybf the Mood, and also
for curing .. Wipefelia, heart &nu t aitlhinklitter
coniidakt, ecriliveneas: odliaia: Con volaione.: d iarr.
i c
hasp and rheumatick painiEtoo ache ,:e d n aore
eyes. The goin t aral aireM.VtOLU.`r t i ls Vier.
Reading, Rorke 'county, Pa. Otani o any
rninD poiliolk,r4* _citPdruf the ea . di awe,
tr io
a.certairitananitty of ibe SAnivalbrcit tii tried
'and igtiettited I,,egne nisklng any . ea - ; how.
evisr, the application Angst be nnide I .
‘ . f t ilatt,
age. ,
lilt B. This article cannot be , hie spi ne in
lay debt 'dim' Or ifoticabeca4 lamp. 1 is pot.
iteeessary is - talk Mora shoot #. stir certainly
will recomputed irselt to an enrqghtesed peblick.
meg 19 • 49-11
'lc Ihtsmikwereiliteire.l ,
TilElEruhaelibers *sok, respeetffilli
unite iirditieNtai he haiaddediohis tonnes
stock,-bail andandisara,,consistial::n part or
AmerieAn and English BailronMoo a d Band
Ironiltiihndiron, assorted size% Cast, C irly,,
0 4
t3ltOht:Geithlrit lind - Englph j illisterJ MI A. Bt.
'Sim Vices , MoviOirefitacvils.4mithoi Bows.
Cast Sisol*uPtisebopiprind: , ,-Opik . nails
and !hir t sPOth e i -wi t h a g e f te k w i t i i *Wlin*
onion t#agetg,AlltOrhich_win ' ao •it
t o . Aligmfilij*.,bl: ' • 40 aN tLit At -,
Apri. l -P ,•,,,.,,..,. ~..---k ~-J —.-- -'-' --- ' j
• WWII . OE4, -
TtiE anoinicip to titel
pithily; Pittliemell Attend to the °Meatier
oteticeOptclaihislioroirgit i6d cigh6O I ood , 1 1 0.1
verit-essecemible men. _Acceenti.-fortn_iiiroad.,
to.collect is Ales lotighboxbood int e 07Ptl,r
attt o detto, and.satielitctoryjeferetteee.: rest
requited, - /011 , 4 C:CANFL
April S. Pi , Con• fibs.
NATEI/4484:Cip....jsart jns
AMI • aft! for aale * ; • , 4 1 A
6-4 En ' lisp merino!: Qom 50 it! 7Apit• et*,
dorte; Nreoeh at SISQ
,per • •
tartan, VairWatiiiii44,iiik 40764* 44,
ReaNgstik,, 111111Kilildi
_Bleached and rinhleached - Canton dann ;Awn
_ab• rat ed wwitid I . l 'l ePTAletb , "r. w et
WinteVirruitit4knrci:Wit St.o
E l ? ,
..* 513 r .VATItt:K! twl-57.5-' •
tiablicrifiudity And fol S 41-.4
'O2ll T. th 1. W.AWT.
; I%llp
• - r. . .
Vile •
tAKEg filiessmeln anfi)resinitho hd
and4l.loind4lniisilf,Tore4 IW**
rioter. that vit c.ontictiesh is ft
der tbd.Penixicylioniiglall;
b o rne that his pistVdiutatiors 'for krl!pintie -/
r espectable establishinent, ackuired during fill:
[experience ,irfr:s. Yeairo r in the mate linetif
nes a, l and diseireto please and appliaitik to
business. to t meritcontinuante of rink favor
Families by' tiesiditli,:tilhelPstmsylireqiiinalt -
Refectory,shell havepyintri ot. d silpefkir qua:
ty spied' op best style . and every - "Wire
delicacy that the Pottsville mailtai can afford ilt
Betsall. t .
• Pia" Beet cola
Corned do
Ham and Ea.
Mitten Chain
Venison igteale
Porli Maps
Pi ;Feet
k Turtle fkiiip
Oysters 'Friptl
I IDo Itiewiti
Do Scolloped
. Do, Roasted
, *Do Chafing Dish
Terrapins. ....
WINE AND L1Q130163-
, .
• J'ii bilge.
' Old biseirrii - Wkle. ' II SO
Old pale Sherry . - -
Old Witten. , • •i 50
. .
) Old Lisbon - 1 - 0 0
Old V
tott • I- 50
• C l
atnpaine , " S 0
Smiths - X and Pep per Agralsiayiihn draoght
.Apartments 11l reaZineiirar slipper pare'ies¢ &v..
Oct? • . - 46-fono
rim'AICE both limited and perpetual leseranees.
4.v-a on Brick. Stone or Frame Buildings, Stores.
Hotels. Mille. Barna, Stablesft Merehandize, Ferni
est* and rtoperti t tevdry ascription, against lost
or damage 10
milisirt Am) LY,LAND
The Delaware County leroUnee tompuy
ilio insure agapnitiou on all kind . of marine risks
and agairuit thredabagesorion' upon the tranapiirtai i
;lon oFgeosht. wilres.. and mereanclise - Ery wawr. or 8 . 1
rail way, utfcni tumult fiiviturable u othiu
For any further infornsation on the an oriog
Pamlico, eat* attainat Yueetuariue or ialand Halm,
Apply to MENEM - G. ROBINSON Aqua. •
July vs 34-ti %t. Elehuylktll Maven.
. AfOrwiltabarg. i
Fire "bionrafqee
MAIZE boat limited Mid Aetioetaillesaraimea
Brick. Sums or Frahm Baildings.Btorea.Hoteds
;Mills. Berm *Wm; Merehaedile. Ammerman&
fron:f every deseritition.against loss rdamage
T bacriberha.Veep) aggiated 4 - curfe* . ifte
!above meetioaed . histitetioa and fa pre preparbd tti
make INISMIANCEB upon evetidesertplAao pt_rirty
;at the lamed. tates. , , _BENJAMIN 'BANN.O ..'
Petlaville. 27. ISM +l6
;• The Philadelphia Fire •
• ' Pa ) •
ik,w AKE both limitaiapd perpe4fallnanninco* oa
Brick*Stone or F o rme BuildinPAtorec tbneis.
Mills, Barrie, Slibles„Merchandise. tirnitbre. futd
Pro.pert,T, °reran , derrOthsti, against losa
by ' .
The adbacriberlikbeili appointed AelleXT for the
above mentioned lostitutiottand is now prepared to
!mite IrtstraaNces upop ory description alopersy
at ihe loirestlalea. . BENJAMIN. BAN AN.
Pottsville, Feb 20 1837: l-
4 - 4
Wholesale said • Retail 1:
• • • • , . '
OLLOCKaryfEAVARAirre Jou iree. - eired in ids
ditiob to their/Mier, ;lock Peniireth •
Mousatinielerivils,iiltingtni'd vices;pitellit polishid
screw platasolvarrafited wit steel axes, broad nen
hula do. baiebigkiwouners, ;Bea tip & ads"
socket ind thin& eldeeln.Vrpring
bellows. eat* ankla.4.l4i, 6 & 6 rp t cut spikes.
ping* cot aingoillie plitheironi and planws,
locks. limbos, Mogen 4' screws, round And=
bobs, steel, plated and it.-n agnirelk.
All of which and Offead 6n the inostkiiotaxeddie
int term& _ . Veleta 14
Miller *Bag/ 'grAr l
W110:101ALS. : AND t Ronk I
Dry coati, Oiii'ed; Wine 4 . 1 4* STdre
door tollortirner's
INlElReonnettion mitt ilonaelothlladelp
enables them to keep-on band. 4.! vex eveo.
gooda.lar Melt- they , yak se* at
Philadelphia priem. Storeontl-TeveriOreepam
ireold 4k, well to call and
judge for thernaettea. . •
epril 19 , • 3 31
. , ,
RiiOILAY ni0t14441 N 0
I:VS.itiethiOß C f.' ,
- ,44.14 .5:-8 incites Rairsisyllat tir - trti. d .
2 -1?) , :.,/ .do. OH do_ .do. do
__,_,,_...: '
g : 4,, u I do li,oktsbie for l'irrfeirll'4l39a.f*L'i
Antic Iton has countersunk boles; lied .1 . 11111
iii an arteirpot 45 degrees, at the rads. Sgiunig
1 Plates - arid Spikes* , stet the astsisre. z ,-. ~,,,.-3
1 4 ., & G.
: RALSTON ie eo.` i i--
No, i tikko h 'Front Street, Philadetoltiti.
p s tiilattifiihint.-11hureh-154113g6. ,21..... f i—
• . ' 'lNlk i n - l' kt •AVP , A:l' . ' i$
1 1 - AiGt.aiiii -
4 end . ajavit4441041544 ,loet recetited, by; the;
isdoic4ber.ogoditiPg a 1 .,. ' • • -
-- 'Groceries,!
:Cirtiet.lo l
si r
101 41 1 P Ot a i ft 11 * 11 414 441; t IY 4 •
Nigbiiipiketiiit. T9tim 47.. •.I**
iciiriliiiii i iii; :,,,
-=' :11 ,- fr ' 7 .- 4 -...,4; , ... , :, - --•-..
HRH Ati ' ' he - 1.-41 tat. haunt! iiMisiii i
A l 'hie t ee irdy f diens:berthas lone bia a jtenarN
;14, 1140 4 0111 .fillai 05ri f tlyq1g , brl,„ Ig ee ger A " t
i n g . ,praiircit is fin the per. r cr, '. I' - _ - #47:3
dindstitetrintreir. tit ofeasy to deny them. - • ~. „
Wbett it- hiunChieved sa - alicentlatit.aineei of ~ ~
Wiese 'whit h i distances . : the; comOetitinit 'cif .triere
heastfui,.premesioa . and hasra- . - • • a eintspumisan
station is anis, intOnsic worth done.:
119,9rOPrietor ' : int_out,the tonnes oral Wiped ,
tatty without!" rang the satiptator•of itaithens.., institutin e temperas° ': •
PILLS; manisamti , 'b y' - -Tir. Vir lino Evans, at We
Chatham - area.% d not , require is. explanation of,
tr acknowled efts- c• Ir._ r-la der most eminent
ticirtrinthtstpg , abet U,ni States pin freely,.
if appealed ;- Plilla eliktnnilatla MO We induced'
. diem to reibuime M•• so iiely idurivirmly
ss they do. , Aad bore *elate re, that these e indr-
Oats mediatias - verinjore ey n "the untradelteate
constindiraLandl hire; in:, . 1 every ladiridula
case for which:arefrieltri a marked. an eel.,
dent, a tnily• hap Arid-genus -filfmaci„ Physi.;
cians4noteover. - that they, a snot offered to the!
'public ; upoastrimiack theory of urifylng, the blood.'
to the rider destruction of the tulach and bowels.
Purify tbebldod fro'malidiseas humorktbey undo.
rashly du Omit not by dattoby? those viscera liy,
' *lnch alone the blood:can 'by tabled. They a
compounded upon a theory:* i iiimporitia stomach
tbe l
or ben very essential agent al beriltb; and Mod,- Wel
*rated. to be a .10tIpabie friend to flesh and Mood.
Tfley do.not parry men toulidirtsi`andtvualie
wek :like heingliarrefined to.vemain long In. th ,
aorta; but they make them ai.homan ai poseddaan
tit to encounter the hiudshifir. end Adetthe oricu .
dons ofa ,sublunary life. Tbei_do apt make* v.
• lent intrgatory.ortha* to Oepare ttien The f
. for another. They.pard 14,4* itilauption" ifico t h e.
Me blood: 'tribscleir. ne ,ei Orgsds: triermory`ind ~
misery gland, unmans airdamitnentary- teem •
• am* and baba. of -every „, Moan beteg ' et°
be supplied with nour ishment from air fiea sto.
macto as auvbe usadeantLkept I endmien Mc doetnn
that aidermOnnomackand bowelaare in good owl .
1 the blood and era/infra Parrofthe system will be”
'expecief that' - "ifseatar'lleai
And how felt An , , '' .
tutheittolnach Irene's' . ' eIl g . •
Wb hy ' Min the=
Id-digest fard..a the other 10 I cry of what nil
eller Rie nutriment,* extracted.loradinittlon with
the airplay of bifaand the foot humors calm blood.
gnocOugantalbrarm. and serinumb. And they scent*.
'plush them-great feats of medicine in the most situ
way imaginable. The A PERIENT.FAMILYFI ,
r 4
iifthe stomach be affected WO wind: bile.* coif
'collections,'clear loan. by a natural bat a most in
sensible solvent action,and cicadae, the whole ali
`mentary canal, without griping, and leaving it as fr•
;without debility.eirnatere- ever designed* to be.---,
!They do adt take Me skin cattle stomach and bowels.
and least them like i piece °filed velvet, as all pit -
'vicar* know the tuning drastic . pine .d9,but t
'take nature kindly by the hand without crushing
finers.. They cleanse every thing, withoulimpa g
or oduriig any thing. 2
Wiled . deka is effected, MI ii utually it by' the mit,. a
few of the FAMILY APERIEPiT PILLS, then co..b
the telebrated,,OAMOMlLOl or TONIC fxus, 0
slrengtpen &stomata, =std. %witted, whickaa'onr. • '.
beast weak. and I.foul immune they wen weak. •
nodow• them with strength to pieforin Meister
lain funk a, widan,the.ailkoVaic. Tha t -
h . trz PLOW . *hen ~,its 't : tritlde .Pacti ,
are chemicalluttracted. is acanowhidged by allir - -
Weans, in every age, to bi - tlio balsegenible to •is
known in the scienos'of medicine •r-There isitoth' g
known in the vegetable kingdain ofnature aid octal it;
nothing that is at tame acilarmlestrund so vigoroa it
healthfuh.and in proof Of thiir theproprietnr of y
• reformed pills that are made from its purest panic!.
might quote ablaut teatimes:B4lp ambors.hoth an ' t
' And modern . Mitts Owe mactici - had not Filiad i to
tentathoesands. . .. . ,k, .. -• ~'..r
. Theettects of these pills:iFot: onkprociti • ' in
an increase of Ippekite aid tient) strength: bit' in
4 restriatiim gilt* body io t t traversal vigor iii ill
• it functions, which indicate*: the" raisin to par •••••• y
wad beilth.—The face, avid generel comp!- . •a•
speak wilenie.~ in theiffaior,, and thouratids of
males csaltestily bow much they have contributed :to
their cchnfort, their completion. and their stren .
- srhott.esery othervanedibad!proted worse than •
less. In nava* disamekttfall Midi; _Mei area w
acknowtodgedltatie. preen:tinted; gadually irate' •
Onauesa of bodgand Imnd...without those • •
and,chsagra which other tuitions remedies - ' • :
Ha wmattit have
,been or many young •
of - th .s at es who are now I She allaalenlejr '" 1
Iddleartia i'l to check the- n Irk, liadeneles of • it
itiialrb 40 1 hiPreir by t_l v la r Oaks and a tf
eats. withoot teiroingto r' leidiedies. the •
o?.whichirmeaiM. d ' Of, which thou It •. w
troth**. !That dreadful scourge CONLISL'ILIT) IN,
might have been climatal in; its conunenanneat •cl
disappointed of its prey.all Over the land, if-tbe, rat
smarm_ s 'of. neriars.Ability k hal . beet arrival ted
by CAMIDMHZ ilsetnicellg -prepared-calla
helvercalrliMenrwPrielt Indio *lad 'Of4taf
dies, might have lieen.olnig by .that:Ene. - -it
enact of rhubarb which hi a.,
_leading mitt-nal tin
ant APE4,IFIT EAMILY, ft Llqa, Before Of
these medic-mow. *tilch gra, idapked to Onejorl of
the papas' es for which atuddredethers are unn
Emily osea.feeets,agmLtnliais disorder, , beatific
retaala debility, Male decline. indigestion. *ad .1
complaint, would have at disappeared, wlitre
urattrof theathave proved. 'tat, , .
. . ..
Ent beltdisdindy ands ' Mat these. medicines ,
are uointiried infest, - oftbasenaTural - organs - o f the 1
body which. othcrmerlicines: dietitians with, lea
_amour, manner.. They unfounded open '
knowledge. and upt.quackeroind do not take the
ted.partic!e; out of illy*o2 bloat endej. -
ti c
tailcoat' Car*ing it.' - "In-,priSofid - whiardllfrren e or
effect let the limes and rertitinrimuninte - b* '-
many. 'Thely,cowititute itzril. aniefina. aid gene
ndly.applitable chum of Mines' for every"' y ;
and bang _both•toeic atut.r*.st., end of
the best'
preparations known. no pi-mortilirmil shim •kw
i til
without them,' They can ' obtained wbolesal and
retia ollhetty*, 14- RITANFLNew• York.
land of , hie agents town nd amen*. with dike
none fOritige.„--They Are rapidly itmemedieg all Other'
sentediel adVerdsed in the Oldie prints. because they
arefaindle belong to a very imose.laiiprireputar
medicine - A singletrialpsW.T*ear- th envnignaP.r. '''
vide estimatioa-so .thel . arit known to - be in pu bl ic
reference, and in tiar op&atiii u of laiyaraans.'..
DV. WM. - HVANS. eL, No. 19 NORTH
. FAGHTRT.THILADELS AArlsere Ids meiliiiiiie
may be had. Dr..,Wtn E as! Ofnictr.lo9 =
dau tam
sweet, w
nt Ne York. Where Doctor **Ore ted
. • . : ••....- ' . ..-
ph' is
'reK &sea.
• 50
. 25
leaElltlf.,• aid ' . 1 : °Roam ,
fatmesting Ccum—iir. illianaFehoon.l3 ' at.
.aboye, Third at,. Phitadel . , • - efilieted,for. ' era'
ram , .
wtth.the followiu 11 twerptetmt ide .-
aerial the atepme.h. hes* dimineret,palpimitions
0„..,e leen. impaired ap tite,,sometenee,,seid and
peeve= erectations, cq nem and wiehieri SI the
commit*, mosciatioe. and atoll dithility.dial na rbed
reetjallettidot pMetirei, ° - *eight 7 iif th;sto ch
de l TT , nightmare. reat mental desphdrocy.
tlettwo totemnsiathe backandsides.eostive- 1
nota tt a' islikstorsocjety., „ taterenattion.intobistaz7
ilottmtiiiPireefiler sr Tee MAW& mire the
I le
leana*rfilte..;.zy t , -- ,• ~ ',4, : -,- t. . -I
!!_i_r*,timovkil4 iPplied oOw ;lost eminent i
tlft"*•cotiaid -V,•-tt., pad ..the poaret of
cape toresiors.bintillhei ; b°weve T• " his le-
4 1
ticiiiibhd reduced Woad a.very deplorable con lion.
And hq_v*4 been recommended btk relative of ' to
ntifttiVlT of DiVit. - 14VA Mr hiedmine, he 'faith
idifleoltyrepalied to the oficeand.meented a petbakir
tombieh; he says. bets indebted for his restoration. to friends.. lie is new *O p% Oat
weriiiimw id . po .n 4t. hes 46..yersons,„destroFtef
.1•: - , . . den, will ` sitpried yrith eyerr, i,
aimilir • ." antoniabinge at Dt. Wm. Evans etfr
est i ~ etclettatathatest.: - New lark candid Phil-.
"Q k "VA! i5 1 a49 1 .4.TA EIMTWEI - ." =-
If ' g -.--,. a • , ViTi s lYafi c 4 ,
• , ....4.1. lbelts ' "."11Edl—
• • ' . . M1T..0 5 ; :i , . ' t i 4, i. - ,..,... .;.,,,4 rti',.
• - 4.oit - -4. •
0- e - - • -,,,,,
• Rdereektocob,4„.o!
. . .--lift I/CAM
t ER
• -
lintj i . iilV: qiiiito,. 1090itittr _ is. I
amissilaspeguigi.Rdiejao Radial " re i
k oR . . • uffrtistare. ' 1 ::: I
Eliati QUICILMT" /ice Purchunfte,
', :right. tadint -and. Milling ,Er. J. w
Heed's Toms ialltabisalltill county. 34M Up"
bee reatived sanction of the moat rogretim" ,
Ougeona 4% ysitiansof Pbiladelphia,by 01ia,,,
a @Octal cur °labia disease; an expe i ttion th i k
tad nearly 0::. abandoned as lippe is are :
cotnplialied with alined. salatclute certainty and f
with perfectliarety:,-Akeras.thaef a hendrea ems
trn ,,,,,d w ithin:l'4B4"Mo in this city andiviein, -
tity, are knot is to be permanently cured, and the
patients can now alistatesse 4 With the-use of and •
testament. IA mama liketliis is eneutroptry
themethoditperfecticg amtlical cure or Hirai',
are, now offered to those of . with this tan
blesoieticanglatet 4 - ' ' •
„,,fitirs it . with/Meaftdenee fort W treat
Ment dna ditmauoted at meeting every itsli.
cation. .ml surffiCa, llYhle s iPierilbr its ndi.
eillAte. a frFietekli ruefolbre enployed mere.
t k rx
ti paws , , sgin .jdoina.of the Itte,w(lte. - the,
rarely (titer effects radiCil cure, and beim:a:met
be contiguallgAiern-14 the patient, often greatly
to anpnygette. After the eurtr„,by the ipreseth
a pp:gateau; Weibel . illluatiumcnts arta dhicon.
OElO4 ~_.,-1.1.1
ibis -, ~. _. 4.1 t 4. =,'
, This Tani; with pendaie . t.Atin beforej
at any age, and by both imp, wittentii sterang.
lion of 'busmen&
Gentlemen are referred to the fidloartrig meat
baw ls °flag irrihmtion - tektite to this instrument
and its 4aimtAn afgetinEnifilal -431
WILLLLIA 'Gilt, prqcsaor orSerger res. iln the
University. oryettnettraUilt.. 4 . ._
.4Pill Au
atomy in 1116,4 efinop Fd:dil tA ce '
Salm Jaessos, - Profiewor of dm i
~ utesel
Medicinejettielinivenity of Pentl e vania.
GOORGO Wessman, Professor - of S ry f ie
the Jefferson Mediealtollege. 4
gamer Bonn,»!y of dm Philadelphia
College of -Physic:lade. —
EDWIN . A., Arms, M: D.,
• Ensue P. Anse, M. D.
letters to the above named gentleinen mu. IN
free ot„eapyrae.
'copy of a letter from Sameellachim, Proles
ate of Institute" of Medieinb in the Delve:tit]
of penerylrents. 4 t
Dacron Boon: . ' . - .
41enr Sir:—From the uniform fitiletgot al
the. trot see I. have seen, and ' of the treaMA.. t In
ployed for hernia irkproctiring a radical COIN*
safe roceekli, 6sd t ibantkined all e 4 ctition c
object iiiiebe.d;' Mist ma
fess, that" you tpiiiiratua end method t trestle'
hernia, has, tbelieve, acemeglished th a desidei
alum,, and the disease IS rendered not my mu
ageible. but in the greater portion of eon
bis by rbeltr.ocelluts ofart. I
The principle ofyonr treatment 'nit - alba oi
elation of your apparatus le based tolbe phynio
ogy of tissues. and is one otthwieenwlest i
theoretical and.pactieal Binary.
_There is ngthangetogiricidlw Your proceed e i!
or your Metre:mots, T e 7 e aft the !mph '
ofa well established grind 'eau se '4 tio
production of a imecifto eat. • 'opal it
suit - aide, akin , and tact am neemsary attain
with certainty .: The instalments' ;wehen
4 1,
appropriate manseement and adi ' of th e
action. o the individual abeced gto the coedit
tional. and other pecaliaritieso awls ease. F oal
t o
prove of little utikty„g might defdat this h
tentima ofthe treatment.. 4 . - ---!•0. - -' • • 1
-Fnitn tbaremarigatale` suecesstbat *fatten
al - your treatiteetomd thecae*. of decided Cue
that have,etine Mader my-ows obserration s i gi
ing ttie sanction of fame in Support oft tima.scieni
Se principle, I have eg, hesitation * regal iir
your apparatus and method of treatment as eida
lisped in medlial atienee4 With edwaideatic
end respect, trnly`yotna, I•, •. - - I
--. .. ~ .- p an , SAMUEL JACKSOF.
..We here i n out ice l a :lumber of carti
eater of the first imph ity relative to the tor
performed by tbis *mini t. Whit:bee will the
to any. persow.desirotis cdlsatisfying himself , wi
m lle r 4. 3° theefficaeY Of.the *stream • 1
..., Kamm deeirceta'od , . -I.ingworedrif hernia I
rupture. will, do. welLto call On the =tbs.:rib
beforesthe estrum hot weather eets in s . as 11
disease can be more readtly-enred. in odem
than in hot weather.i • , '
' i ' k - '
Pitysicians desirous 4 lnregor mg the ri ;
of the above *von ' - atatreceiveinfto a
titergr. the,,subjeet • or sae ilseitright ei.4
' ,A rn ow, whekl'euthoriseitto etitier , ..errift
amyl i . . .4 , 1164 f -..
• •
- . • •
Bop BANYAN elle* for- -aide the' Ggin)riat
az, lo standard ,works at the verrhee lease at.
tache..• —. • .:/
Hume. irioollett t . Miller'seriegle4 -
4 robe. sheep. with plates_' ' • 0.08
Clarke's' Commentary ; 4 ToladdeOlp. l2 OD
Wesley t work - Bi-/0 vols. tortidate,, I t 00
Beers.Theelltical, wade. molareheep; . 44)0
&pigs *tole Auid*Ccitataentery. 3 eels. u
3yroatoworlia. Deartioreser - Editioe:laheepa 4 23
Rollie's ,tateient iliatou. ..04 Aetw.
bearborsei &ham with Maps sad
.Xoil. l olols . t• 425
lephos, 1 ild..with plates -
libuTyau'is work* (*Ripka.. I vok •
. z 3 25
Moors'. workeiLibiaryldither: 225
Borns works, , • 200
Ctowper.ied - Thempain'a - 2.25
Paley a wake „ 2OO
ABartietist iiiliewAs4atei4 ; ' ~. ,2 oo
Doddydges.Fant ' Enwrito‘r. k 3:50
FineYeloPrdia of , tathhiti wok. with • • •
' 12 1 10,etthiw ' IGO Maps. -
roe" oni kl ic 04 with.plahss, - !Ai 23
MegaysieiNlGlftoceipia I 37
Liw L 10 1 : 11"I ta tois liiiir Aq * ,,sh il' it ibe irie ttra tj es. a f other
"41 P ix" il i allillY- k
• . jilt, 41 , ..,:„.- ! , ' • ! .„! I.*, 941. t •
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ijOllitithlOPTlON ~ .
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. INDIAN • I 'BM :
• ... I • rertlie& • , too t
• 04-4,` ef-Cep V* .4 ,
ofia"4 . .
r „, \ ' , IV 4
, . Bleed, : , • se ar
, k‘ ~,,. ) .Dreesiond • gs, go
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... i„ 4 pere,__Ofe Dr. , ~, .
~.___..o , . „' PRWA 'lin 'Viet
--"" _.,-' - ittLeneeeater 1,. -.
- --. ' - ~. DID ... , to r .
' ii.e.coutpitextrig ;rich Dottie of th e'
polotioi out to. a:comptcoona tioginor, llthe
symptoms ll:the different etagee . -of these km.,
aultdiseato*Tulror '• doss apeek , '
dug rdlataikrogurantiaod: h3o , . ' . hi. se e to
'conduct .tbuoirch seers : siege us ' • iv re.
ator e d-;44 -tounatal•use4ess w' ' • 6 . 4 ?; .' P. re *
Pitipticorm,of thettdog phyaiciane, ieelAllo h ni
with thelooottotreilidaod arefal . , edict' ,if
thelf,*.iiikeartkoot faithNlya ~ • - ,
a - .-Thepoblicaraiefontictithat , • • pasOiasiof
hVpersous hove. beet taken • , , r to
thoritickhaihei4 of Laaeoeteti, : pletely
, catedjaithentottdeiperate'of •
0 43 simataCw.h4.1q, MANI- . -Ow liable"
companyflor eachoonte. ~,,, . , .-• — , l .
Z:10 eepptyofthe 'z - , It - haa, heel)
Ned le fetid% et -
''.. ~4 , 1 4, -4
Minh 1.11 • ' MI •