The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, February 10, 1838, Image 3

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    , facts, in question, Cia*uperint
vise - That such eltitena n. ha
'ono* to-it,--hut who -are ma' ,
men & shall be elected Directors'
tit - their power to keep (low
taxition, and' to test did' expp
Manner siva prevent any impu
for the syitem. Such men, al
feeling* of i.he, majority of the
Oldie confidence along with t
whether for or against-C.omin°
satisfactory to the District.
• Sufi
ilierisburg, January 13,1838
b 10
In this borough, on
last, Capt. HENRI E. NE
year of his agtl-,.;
.4 1Meetink of t
Engine Company will be
Mortimer, on %Values&
1 . 4.1 h inst. at 7 o'clock, E
feb 10. 10—i
Si. David's
tHE Welsh r4notity no Ah
brate St. 13 ivid's Day.*iito
li, at the 11. la o of
;Italy menu :tow emiodry
doe celiiiiratiiito. They wd
WO at 9 iilelock. A. Al. nod
'o will be &hymn.] at the
tell they will 'partake of
beabove mentioned place.
IC day will be devoted Ink
.ottea.don al their meeting.
By order al the W EL
40PUSED by - the owne
made by a compiny aim
at Albany, N.Y. (0 be cut
the Western shore 6:the - S_
which will nave the we
every Owner of property Ile
gs, which combined, will b
length; mamma to ammint
same time, as designed by
%nicer, Philadelphia.
to Jitint l Specia I Com milteel
ells, February Joel, w
goober With the Watering LI
was vell:rred a plan an pr
aim un the wept aide of th
alter hutting severel itteetit
the ititortnet me within the
considering the subject
fly the completion of our .
trade has within a few yet
itch nroinisei to be of gr..
ly to-the city of nitladelpi
Pennsylvania. . I
Anthracite Coal, the prodie
a exclusively, is fast taking
thechininon fuel of the cot
isumpiion and -importune
intity- brought down flit
ice its completion:
In 113:15, the quantity recci ed was 6,500 tons;
lan it had increased to 3 9,508 tons; arid the
errand rapidly increasing; bout 250,111111 tons
were exported in 1535, gene Ily in vessels of lOU
to 150 loos, and requiring I. o thousand vessels
la carry it off.
• Front the above data an id of the importance
of the trade may be formed.. In (tilt. anthracite
coal-will becorneone of fire teat staple articles
ofPcnosylyania, and to foster nd propel it would
.aoem to . require particular at litiors.,, •
One of the greatest ditticu tea experienced by
the traders is the want at c riventent landings.
sufficiently capacious, upon liseli - to ilcianut the
coal on arrival at our city fro the mines. Being
•ilky, a very large extent Cot - wharf is required.
only tor the convenien of the numetooo
(a brigging it .ceow - i to I yat lb safety , ono
ischarel but abox ample s cc to deposit it.—
tlso„ Wharves for the sea v Is to lie at in re•
eivit*' their cargoes.
• • • , 37),p present improvement
ivwily inadequate to the obji
nce is experienced !rem On
hich : the sea vessels and c
lo,gether,, and , d isch
The loca tintinf the -propos
bde of the fiver Schuylkill,
Extending from the Upper
nd attic Alms House gro
-ire than two miles, emlbr
,-ont,;:is follows:
Tri'be !Mined into at lens ;terrier more long ba
lms 150 feet wide, to be wli Med in' a continuous
ineori the river side, also o the basin or inner
ide, leaving a space, : Lem tr the two lines of
bastion, °reboot 150 feet t ide, as a landing fur
nil, 4w. 'lllic space to be • lied op to a proper I
height, by the earth and in d ;excavated In for.ri• i
ing the basin—to have at c chi tad a tide luck, i i
also unit in the middle, end t nicessuryn lift lock, I
through. which boats can 's ut all times of tide,'
both in and out tit the basil. The tide-locks in
'to he thrown open as min a the flood tide lii the
river rises sufficiently to (hen the gates freely.
and admit a free persage f the water, and the
coal boats in and out of the;.'resin The gates-to
remato open until thetidew I des, when the gates
aro to be sliut,to maintai , a proper height of!
water in the basin,su as to cep the boats always
afloat, never suffering it t fall more than a foot '
below high water mark.. his miitermity in the
water level removes ono o.' the great objections
.wicaced 'in disesargi coal at the proton!
indingo, Wheat it moat thrown six lea in
tight at low water; which in addition to the ex
i labour, has a tendene td. bteak•it up, and
. •
;nder it less valuable.
The_plan alsontfordire P. ntinuous towing path,
ample extent of wharf, where - thowoal boats
lie at all times in per ctsafety, not meom
,ed by the sea vessels, w ichnre to biit arran,ged
the river side of the • ba in i entwely , iteparatad
orn each other, the col , ace. between biotin.
tdy to both, and affordi to tinalradesi "pare
its accorittnodation'dotOelikat *hied cart be
tined withodt a basin. •
rite plan of tide-lucks
'been long in use in I
the shipping there en
, had theircargocs, a 6
mg experience. no afford'
ion fur the convenience
The ground upon whicl
ibe located ip at !pr
.iundred feet in Iwidtb,n
and is mostly catered nr .
tad leer bare when this li
ie action of the sun, -
ias more or less tentleia
;ealthy effect Upon the -s
tecity. ' Thtetinconswe
tisanes, it is believed.
the plan is citified nit*
\U theewners of prope
' illy -benefited. • -
...It. itis . " -. 14 - 'con :4 '' . " - nect ; " ion' s ''' . - iritti + iiiiiirtno"
-7 "iiiit 1 "irr'i,
and itsifagai;the'ingrifiOlois*Otitteitilty4 .
Committee' goes, they hearrst present no
. 2 ..,,,,
to belieenditit it wilt hiyi any tentiengt . „ ,litin.
jure this Aster Wail' fu. , 5 -. 7 - ye -N. - -NT
Resdfiertiliatlhe'plariorhialturaltaitio _ ks
7 , 4.
to. be constreeted on the weei, aide 'aettat
Schtiylkillrimmedistely oppositrihe city tiff, i t
edelPhii,foi tits accommodation of thecoat tide!
es' descrilied in the foregatogleepott is aim, I'PO
provided they are-so constvpmed as to conform to
such regulations - as Council, may recommendito
the Legislature of the Staterfor thew satketion "
1 , Resolved; that she Committee be : ditcha
Yk ..
oiti farther consideration of the inbject sti •
ted to them:
• - ' 3 '
All of f which is respectfully eabmitt :
. ..4.- - Joanna Luviia ed,
myy, 0 1,1
. I .Jong P. Wirrnintus4.l
I ' ,Itia R. Cnastium, -11
, 1 - Liwamica lAnns,'
. • BM; M. limmutan, i l l
Fern. FRALlirt - i
. 11
I Taos. Larthemna I I
Tam. Der,
. W !LUAU -R awto., '",
JOHN Wuroantl.
~'1 S. Sum 1
~ ' . : 1 1
ndent Wp01L44.,
been hereto% •
and fate/Sent'
They will have
the ',mount
"Inelit in spell
lion of - partiality
ltriet, will carry
and the refolt
Schools, will be
mon Schools
. u, in- tile 37th
a Pansy'lle Fire
Id at•the hnuse of
evening next, Ore
. lay.
et sv el it.; will cOe
the firpt turd
Tiovail. d le*
t.• pdriteipat
• Mt. Lippincott is the Prtaddeat. or the &blip.
Fcb 10
In the Court of C . Plen 4 of Srltny kill.
Gatlin. in the "ttettier of the e-taiii 0r
filic.lMel Br. ty iitts, a liinatic. ... %. :t ~
' a r HER FAS. John Buechler; committ ", of '
Michael Ihrizmits , did, on the 2'4 a' '.. of
Novi-mho, A. II 1837, file 'in the o ffi ce IS .he
Nrutl s allot/try
_of the Court of Co on Pt iai;iil of
Schuylkill Coonty„ a statementuf his accounO . as
committee of s.,rd estate. • . ii
• •,
Splice is hereby given to ail persons infitrested
in said estate. that the Honorable, the Judedil of
thc Court of Common Pleas abffertaid, haveap•
pointed Monday the 19th day of March, 182 1 0., in
to o'clock in the forenoon, for the Warner, .iltlie
same, end for showing cause . Why the saidijam
count ought not to be •allowed, and in delimit
thereof; the same will be tonfirmed. . rd
Witness the honorable Calvin Blythe, Frei dent
of our said Catlin at Orwigsburg, rho r 7th ti,l , of
February, A. Di• 1838. • ' - ii
FcblO 4w ' . Prothonotatt.
Valuq.ble Cora/ and Timber landi
. FOR, SA LE. ~.1
QttUATED in 'Schoi Mill county on the lead
••••• water,, of the little Schuylkill riverrand i i rthe
first coal region al Beaver Creek, containin i;, , ,N9
Acres and 14 Nerelice, strict measure ;.this;littid
is covered with While and Yellow li
said by Judges to be of the first quality, thc)ittle
ii , Teltuyikill rail mad runs ditectly ttorougfilihe
above eutcr ibto .It act ut Land, and offers si.sak.
and convenient passage to the Philadelphia Otar
liet. For further pa rtieufat a addresa the suWeri.
bar in Columbia, Laticaster:couply,,Fa.
F. A. 11.10MAA.
1-3 eke
Two' at Mr. Pr,-
rii o'clock n ppr:
bin!t Church, after
inner at 1 .i'elnek,
nd the remainder
Urines, becoming
' 9-4
of the !OIL ID he,
lar to the great ha
thtntret the utarsir
•ruylktli red by the
•r worirs, and eve
access tolls lan&
ten thousand reel
,oduic 300• bouts at
ppoinlcd 101 Coun•
ith iniitrucnoris to
mouldier. to %%hoot
'posed ettu:,l or Ba
nod thcatog oil
r reach, and duly
the luilow tog
anew a new source
rs developed itself,
importance, not
ia, but to the State
Iron of Pennsv Iva
the place of Wood
i.ntry—us increasso
is shown by the
Schuylkill Canal
Feb 10
Oftee of the Schuylkill Navigation ann;
Philadelphia February 5, 18*.
THE Board of Managers have this day dddiar.
ed a dividend 01 VII I per cent. or $6l a mare
on the capital stock of the Company, for 11104. 1
.tx months, which will be paid to theatockladders
or their legal tepresenta ives an and alter thOPtli
Feb 10 13 Treasurer & Secrctatj.
rilo LET—A commodiesui WHARF 01 this
river Schuylkill, at South Cerltr stieet.
10D feet front. and •b rut DM fret lone, *rids
double dock of sufficient length for IC boats &no
lo:id at one and the same time. The WhatOrnll
be enlarged if required. Possession will helbven
of the Ist of March nest. Apply In
• Vogere Hotel, nurth 2d, near Arch 04
'FA 10 143
Dying and Scouring.
AugUSTUS EHLER has returned froni , lEm
rope, and intends to co enee fancy land,
plain dying, in Stlks and Merinos, at his ow w and
in Centre Street, Pottsville. Also scouringista
att*liantalootts. He is grcatful for past *or*.
Bed hopes by attention and punctuality it Merit
a continuance of his knaner custom.
Dee 23
on the liver are en
I; great inconrent.
crowded manner in
a I boat.; are mixed
d plan hien the west
4n the low grotiods
tridge to the lower
I ,etty, a dtsianee or
ing the whole City
Port Clinton AFoundrr
WILL be wild stprivate pule., the Fottudry
pleasantly, situated at Puri Clinton, Stilltly
kill county, on very reaannahle terms.
Foundry is at the conitnenecntent of the'lirttle
Schuylkill and Striquellanna Rail Itaadirirlow
making, and will in a abort •time be onehr Inc
heml situations in the country to do a largabosi
ness. Vorterate,dce. apply to
I nth 'Founders, Phtlaltelpitia.
Port Chilton.
july , 29 .3C-6t
HA vf, just reccuied rierpann I Boat AdOhlnie.
Copt: John M. Crosland, direct frontaiew
York. 1. • 1.,t
nd, decks, or basins,
' iidon and Liverpool.
them to dischartte
are consideted, after .
g the beinzeornmoda
nd safety of trade.
the plan is proposed
cnt a marsh, several
sly the whole diatoms.,
i ~ svater, at high tide,
e recedes,- exposed to
hich in hot weather,
, to' produce en un
trrounling country and
Once, or it maybe said
411 be entirely removed
iffect. i ,
tytiiktog its range will
Coal -W ha rf.
T. .le.. J. BOtty
3,5 casks dairy cheese.: ..
• 1.1
10 hoe., pine apple.•do '.
1000 ibis. superior sutuuked beef, • ~ ' i
14100 lbs. do . Lard.
1601 lbs. codfit=h, •
5 Idols. suorTior shad, . • 1I
30 Ml.*. No. 1 Mackre4. ,
20 buff do do - I 1: -
3 bbls. stoical, - 1.,1, •
25 boxes superior green,and black Wk . !.
n0v.25- I
: .
Etuersores school:Rio n tis.. ~ .
rVII E subscriber has been appointe d Act 10f
the sale of these Bnotto in behtylkill " nty.
Dircniers of the Public Seinsobi, Distri ct snot
otherOmpplied by the quantity at the publishers
prices._ •
'Or 4
' Emerson's Series of School . Books arc .4onaid•
ered to be the best-in use, and as cheap' ts -any
Also. dobb's-aeriesof School Books, wChlenafe
and retail at Philadelphia prices. for raleihy _ ,
Dee 23' 5 : . ' B. EANlfilig.
i . , i
BetOmin W. Colima4,..
arro 'mpg V ar 1. 4 ,. H IRP;
HAS . removed his Office , to Cet!tre St lt,oP
postu2 the pri
r cir-,BAhlira of George . Jen
nitigr. where he will attend ,to, all km ,en , .
trusted to bias in the line oftlib porsis - -,
Ott 21, - 1 4111,4
r -
• 17 ' • •
s!,X . ttiet'
• .
• • i „ Caffewty !chi
Eitircii - .4ttna • 1 1 tewhi John of
Daum* 'Lewis Mrs. • • •
116YerPenjamitt •Latneani,gobeyi
* keiltaktiael ••
:BiteklitDaniel• • 11. -
:Britian Daniel '„ Meet., Anclteii ` •
Biddle Henry Manley' Mina •
Dariet.ffnratio N "Meaty Edward
Bari Inseph A MUyera Edward
flarrer_Jotin . AlaatowDenrigu_ly
flair Jaciib i Millen Rush " •
Hrobat Mrs Mithuff II 'A
Branch Thomas • • Manheiiner Jacob
Durk;_istriek . Murry John
Bowen Sarah ' Mullen ratchet!
Bud Viem M ltiongouters Uotat#
Mathews Wln
' MeLauktiliriternard
3.teesoley Daniel
McDaniel! John •
ItleCart hey James
McGtia gitliew •
itteeartey ,DJelinl •
McCartely Robert
Cummings Robert
Draied! Hobert
Cramps Charle.
D •
Dea& Abraham
paiiiick Joh')
astir Miry Arm
Daffier Riiirert
liaii6eici Richard
Engle Mir id
&Iwo:Ns Datict
Eapkw f Nicholas
Evans John
Engles John
Evina Dash
Frank & Kramer
Fer.wiek George
Fenner John
.Fcnikr John
noisier & Krebs •
yrynire Sarah
notice John • ,
Fryerlosept C
leimpatiich Edward
Groh Andrew_
George Abealiarn
Gilmore ! Andrew
G . room Benjamin
Shadesi Davin
Griffith Dania Shrigiey Debrah
Gibbs & Frank Short Edward
G oul George • Sallee! Elizabeth
Goble John '; Sherry Freder;ck
Groseliwt • Stephenson Frances
Gimes Mr • ; Stark Frederick '
G ra th Sarah • Sanderson Henry
Grata Theodor( Soveror lista
H • I Smith Jame!
'Hearherinaton Edward Smith John
Huthon Elizabeth ' Shearer John
Humbert Frederick . 1
Shiftier Jacob
Her Hannah " t Scsnlen James
Ilocheson John j Steward Jacob
Horgan John Secsholla Mary
lilanis Mary Smeller Rachel
!feted) , Patriek . Short Samuel
Hendershot Rachel ; &oda -
Booth Wm
Johnson Ann - T
Jones John • Thomas- Jenhaa
Jacobs Julius •
Jame John II Wiline Abraham
Johnson Mariab Ware flimsier or Elite
Jones Thomas ' •Wallier Fred
Jens Win Watkins,James
-Williams Margaret
Kaufman George Williams Marian •
Koppenliseer Henry ; Warren Samuel
Kepler John 1 Wagner Philip
Kaiser John Williams Robert
Kum Joshms ' . Ward Thomas
Kimrick John -; Wilson Thomas
Keeper Lowrance i -Z
limed P Zaler. Andrew
Kelly. .Sarath 1 &hes Jacob
King Wm •
Mullegan John
MeEnny John
Matt Mom
Magamerian, Thomas
MCLatrithlin Thomas
Mitchell Wm
Nevale George
Nicholas kinc
Newton Thomas
(dingo David
niter. D.. id
Pretturro Prettier° •
Price Rree
Itiehardean - Aireliahald
Rieltiterison Edmund
P yen Michael
Rootlet W •
Sankey Farces ,
Solidi lames -
Stapleton John
Swanton John
Sr4rdit Mir , hael • -
Sims William.
Steipherison Wm •
Amish Win
Stet! Wm •
Tegert John
:9 hwrta.John
Vaugh James
W dhow .
%merit (/Clinic)
Wall Wilhain '
Boyl Beery
Brook Joseph .•
Berry James . 1
Bresnan "hlichal
Cerrul I
Currents Thomas 1
INvia Ed Bard
Davit Joshua
Dan:el John
Diets ntebard
Davi. Thomas
Daniell James
Fe!seals-lee Deninmi
Fensum George
Frew er John .•;
Fitittitratiek^ Richard!.
Gray Abraham .
Green Joseph
Gwyn° Win
Herbert gear
Hudson John
Hondossm Robert ,
Jones Conselias
Jones Daniel '
Joiner JplM, 1
Jenken Leasellia .
Janice !
Jones Thomas • .
Kemidery Neil '
Lather Edward
lamb Joseph •
Lewis James
Lagesti Peer
Loyd Seth I i
Met:sans licyge
Me avern Ed r d
Persoas'mlli4 kir letters in the abase Bat
please say .theftare .piliveritted; •
' Fqr Rent
AGOOD ste c ia Itur. a, Store' end b rairPtn, sites
•ted'oli the SchOvikill Vidlei . Reel Dala i -neer
the weigh t r.alcr. the house has been occupied
as a tavern for several years; and therein not a
heuer mend who epeind in the neighborhood.—
Posiwisaion given on the first of April—apple a t
reb 3 13-39 THIS OFFICe. -
100 R RAAB Wrapping Paper, Ahr. - sal
Iwhplelloalaiatid 'elan. cheap.
fah 3. • !t ' B. BANNAN.
--voretcwic abroad; et e 4 r 11? France,
Lrilti, by Illulieret.
• Confitoliutanran elderly lady and gentleman,
tngeiher with a variety of other viorke.Atutt ro
ceived and for eale%y a BAN, AN.
. tab 3 • •8-
ISSERTTl,lStmCoteitmemi; thp strait*
Miff of th 44 thit ti.■ d ra pe trMinter;!l 11!luthor
ii"CcOnnen** Patelifesetsjsernmetied
•saillir We , r IMMIX
rr.P'5.ev,.42764 - 71.!IV:
NOS John
&Condi John
Pcrret Aleser
Qaia Arther
Rich■rd (levy
Bice 61:thge
Rice 11
Row John
Richard.' Janes
Railer Jahn P .
Fitied Jew!' •
Rutter Jilin P -
Riley Paterieli
Richer& R:theeStty
Rees Rees J
Retitle Samuel
Roberta :Macaw
Healey ViWdr
-Sehre Adair
Seilzinier 0
Sweithea Oboist°
- • Vliee•
Auxivrage _
04n1 0 11 0ilant Man CIO*
t tE submeriberyily an neer io the,
"Oldie Ant" boltil l s i Zuinr the Mitnufae•
inrtrofiConl tiimarv'in ilf fts it Vritietten. I
mtliu"s 4 36,:ne •to ,Ceture*treet.o k - ttypinitti 11*
.oherelCon _Go ern mat lA
ettein • I ;efttl44. 4;1 3 cud
mathe-lowestlThiladelphia a aqa key.. (
Country -Merchants ate rem ally 41INClied
to Or Wand examine hip pureintminr
' • .10111 4 1 . Eke MARTIN.
- I 50-tt
1:: 1J
`Wotieetocri;OitOrii. Martitsanceor n act ol acne.
ritAtatlethltoftbd Cvmerittai {reside of Pedm
tivli)litlitZite ittielimrni'listh been gralited by the
stihofriber,one unite juiiiies tiftfli'Veisce in and
tiar.thr county ofsMosyl,kffi. al life. motance of
a.. certain.: DinieLnradiiy.. of-Norwegiatt
ship in said county. against et villain. Andrew,
litadley;mfitaidicitenshio, mow.i imam eisio a i i i
ectsit: chattiest Sod 'grids of Ith said Andrew
ha/chin have-en sits** iitil ow are in ens.'
*tidy stfgantiterliroteiptem laid 41. WHAM. of
the ilimsuriii of Fattssilldrantal II y Well be die: I
posed of sceordirof to late.. lilies .is therefore .ici,,
firs "notiecitur the creditors of i slie r aid Audits/
Bradley. , to appear on Eisiorda v 17th day of Feb.
iv/try:nett. sr 104'elnek 'A. XL at Om office of the
,stihscritier, then timid there to discover and make
Ova of their-dentandsitkreeshly t 6 the directions
of the said act. _ ,
BENT/1 N11:4 StAY b. J. P.
Pottorill.. January 5.7 It ' 3t
S&ANNAN hie Commenced a Beek Rind
• cry - in coneectiou whh, Itiu Rook Store,
*llene all kind.. of Svelte .wtll be bound at the
shortest nuticeSiewratea: ,
mill • • 6
. _
7ME BOOITA of various kinds for colliers,
and others, just tcceived and fur sale by
Alsin—Ailits, notes and etteckli bound in books.
jan 27: 6 .
Cheap .Raisitte - iPrunes.
JUST ritenred by the anboctiber.
boo Ilia. 12 sininP.
2 elves Prones—whi%ilt he will sell et 61 cents
pet lb. J(11:14 S. p ' MARTIN.
.pre S., • 2
,Calhollo 111 , lEs
I pious - GUIDO., • - 1 •• "
' 1 Key in Paradise.
True Piety,
Cathotte Piety, _
Donny ; Dlble,
boar Man'a Catechism and -
Smelt Catechnm.
jowl received and for gale by A. BANNAN.
Dec 43, . 5--
. PRIPLITIf; , -
sitA H4o3fr & I;4T in Norwegian
Street, near opposite th e resittenett
of 11. F. P Into,.ire* occupied be
William I).' Leib. The hinted is 16
loct.trunt - pay 30 feet in depth, With a kit and
teller in the basement Ogee.Oen forting the
first. second end third Store ekeh; the te le of
paid Home well platurrid and painted. A en
excellent -tell of wbter at the door—the lot 20;
feet front, by 170 feet 116 depth. liith a ?.oyet a l
ley on the west end nf timid hoer .
Fur further panieulais •Inqui of •
i Ti c • 8. SHAN?.
Mona, Carbnn,Nor. 3, 11a37, '
Priva Sale.
MEM subset iber will ,well at private Gals, a
HOUSE AN O LOT pleasantly situated
the most central and hu"itira part of the borough
of Teuusqua. Said -prispetty is well worthy the
attention of men of bristriesit) A particular de
"Trillion is considereritiOneeessarvs as pen:sail
wishing to 'purchase will first view for themselves.
It said property hi not sold before the Ist of April
nest, it will then be rented for one or mnre years.
For farther particulars,' apOlvto the 'subscriber
living at Tamaqua, or tolDr. thirster an the pre
odic*. 'JOHN , DENS ISTON;
itTe 16 „ 41f
• Nevr - Establishment, •
Car aer of Centre and Makket Streets. Pottsville
wINIIE subscribers mercifully anocameo
ibeir f r i rn d a and the. public generally, that
they have taken the etre formerly commie& by
Jamb Boll& Co., comer ref Centro and Mantel
.*road, Where they aro tutor provided witha, choir
ammoriment -
Diry Goods
. Lig
which they are deirrniitted ti )411 tit themeryilow.
eat prima. itAZZA rm.& STRAW!).
N. R. All kinds of flektuntry Produce taken at
the highest market
Aprif 1 • -
j a i '
- . • Soli.; le t -., , .- 7 •
• -
• A relataige Tract Of Cool-Land,-
- 11 ' ' 'hd to 31NPr. tuttiteitur la 1 *whip of Nerwei.
oration. onthilitat qrattoh hear thirWirst
Braikih Rill - Roall,ib&rwor miles from Schuyt.
kilt 'llissulT:tlirre if; .OP, c -Mal! Coat _Vdipl
pooping, through thiall4s4. Aos inr.rm.thin ap.
ply to ' H AC9I:I REED,
- ~ . • I ,1 - ' at Pinitarllk„ '
. ' Jr Mr. 110WMAN. Erg. :
March 2r 24- ‘ -.1 1 ' ',at ireartinir.
• ' jb Mrreh4ittsr.nd i3thrrt.
P 'AND' 19.: crolre ilk.okt end Ledger*,
"if fivolaeatt eizi,,cbeapjneil received and for vale
by • , B. BANNAN.
len 10 ,
-- •
Limber ,
50.00 Joint Shitlckem
204000 41i 414
20.000pAir, S4itable rbr pnlin# •nr
ifigebr.saliby r , • A. A. GtLF..
lon .0. . . . • 41(
HAZZAKI . 6t sfra - Aucurs
- IV INA MA .113 RE:7IIV . • "
Dry4toodill OvicarY
_ • quo Stores
lma CsiutHEisaillilkOd ifiriand4k.
. • •
~+' ~ `.:Td A la' :•. +=, ~'
„, i..- - ..04 , -'.' , itit - ”‘ • • - 44001)Ste. — c-' . '44 , i -
.:**-;:`& A a rit ".l . l -- I Mt .. f• , ..--. - I
itliff.46*iguil, Y:iii o* iv. -tow c i. iipik .-, , r j
ArlY:reltidEO&lrieinsti, that beAonata . WykietoC 1
ot?"-hili . kkattbiki:ionieiNif cialvion: int • MAP/hill 1
- stivelly•aii . xpzeiliorabiteee fibs Ilititioital- 1140;`, 1
. 'find el*iiiiiiiiiiiiitiinikiiiMiecui .'d,Fitiq
. - Allicli_
quont cud C.,4ottcry Nitre, mat 01,,witms. give, owl
urchsaait *it-very • lotto; cob pr' -io Oa
-1 mltiliidelphia miirket,..ibil -wi ll be sold: 12tper
I •ceit'‘itininee• • - •• • •TJ- - -'•• .1 .1- , i:-
I ' 'Mr 1 0iiit:of 61*okry'plroduee taken in flOahfr
foredrodiL' %-i . - . egg% f -• " 1 19_01, - -
. .
elka,M 46 • Skißtidters,j:iikt seetrilied aid
• rig 4 rOrltile - by 1 :` i
, HAZZARD 4....,5Tn
. . ,
tood Store, r•
10)CILLCCIE VOSAVEitinsvej • received
itesildititto to their-extensive - eat of
DA'r-GOOD-Wlietterilor.prier. 810 e, 111,s0ks
ortiptiriorlfinsey enfoored do. new tyre " on*
sinierev. sattinetts and nerre' (1t
titans. 4c. ;, fel 18 . 14••
Private Sal
A irooti two' ahoy house and lot ground,
situate on Centre strew'. ..rhi hit is 2 feel hint
on Centre strrelt. and 230 fret deep. t , tending to
the Mount Carbon Rail Road—the iset,to
*modally lautlit,und well situated far y land of
i - publict busies* 1
. , ALSO.
Two red l ire story flame hooves ed tots or
ground, linos% iteatty!s Row,, ordeglan
Street. Each 'house lied, lot 1. 20 A* front; the
bodies are wail finisbet t t .tvult sttael}ed
to each housr.lantare *united in th most Mist.
nese part of town. All of the spa, property
will be sold very vheap--for terms and partiem
fare apply to AN DR KW R
Jan 6 7 • Alshantanito Street',"
P E. his now hints .
ai and. Rhir4hriiise oni Centre and Raid;
writ. i-Snt(S p3tt nt:ntof Goodi, art* rot le
. .
ttai?-'lgiotti-br assorted sizes, . .
. Band and Iloop do do
Nails andi:litie Rodwdo do .
Steel, Round & Square do do
Nails and Spikes do do
Coal Shoirels do
Hardware, a general aissoi
All of which he is selling at
'Jon 13 • 2
Bookieller, or iteaAing..,
'Win hri:••e resist d and prepay .d to put to-1
press in a few weeks a ighly usgfal
and important Welk for Iron !Neste ..Rail Road
Projeciors, - Llealers mire'', Stuitlis,i etc. to be ea
heed as follows: 1
'T T
'Tux leoN . eaoa; with practice reniarkwand
useful observation.; including new. and COMOrgi•
Ininsive Toblcs, arranged in an i proied.‘ way,
coniaining the.weight of upwards 1000 differ,
entAtodies mit substances of fro. , u gh as to 04.
square, and Rat , bats; strip iron en hoops, it
er; plates and sheet iron by _ meats° e . on rule,
and by die numbers on the wire ga e. -o which
will. *annexed the nearest propo demurs ntist
her effect which' I. equal to a ton in- weight of
each of the different bodies in size ,- tad which
can bermeerteined Man instant • y inspection
of the Tablei."
' Thiti- will be a compilation an reprint fr.rat
twoacerne English works;..enlarge and improved
upon especial) , for home use, As limited num
:her will only, be published, being arty all role
and figure wprk) booksellers and , others should
forward their orders in due senserri! a. lb° work
will belteepered fur Press on the .. t. of March:
It will be meetly printed and he inely bound.
—Frier ei 50, per copy and the utal allowance
to the Tradi„
Orriern too', the above work will
• 1 Public Sal .-
PURSVto an order o . the Orphans'
Court oftgehuylkill County, .u-Soturdaly the 1
24th , day of .Febroary nest, at 1 . clock in the
termini, Daniel Feger and Ada.: Weidne ad.:
tnieletratore of i he estate of Conrid Feger, lit of 1
Derkn.C.ottnii, deceased. will ex sal by
Puldte Ven ti. , , in Pinegrovi on he prewitra, a
eertatn meitatrage and lot of g end, situate. in
the town of .Pinegrove. Pine role towraliip,
fkliuy, lk ill County, being them 'berm ; part. of lot
war :d N0. , 8. in the general pl n of said rtown,
—late the estate of the said dec scd. , ,
By order of the Court. ~ 1 ,
itodtplinit,trill e foi.
JOSEPU . 11110/MAN4 ..
Jan '2O - S-4 - I Mai C.
. , .
. .
herebigiven t that letter.
have been emoted to the pu
OrNeiritylkill County, oft
Wilde. die:gaged. Into of North ,
Alt porsolk f loriebted to raid 0.1
tctitteined tO make payment to t
'ouch who tor have claims nn
seal then nly euthentieatett f
.1.4 P O: *76
TH°'dOettors of the Com
Issoutith of !fluoride ha
detertniemq to grant permitiekt
oak, on the, first, nod third
month.Br order. 0 :
itE3 kittr •
istr 4 2B ' 64.
• 110 Re i , ',l-' '' -
. ,
.1. -
Tug I M urnace. grot mill; . - mill. !mmo
1 .
dwelling hpurca and far . of. 125 a roe of 1
land.situated at Kerns:ll:e, •: ; . sive . ioilist ,
front , Reading.; TbeCanal .' ~ d, tu?nipik . .toad' Pottikille, bot 'pass no lately
in front ofolic binning& . , , , .. ..,
.Ttut ei!Oasion ip- an etteelleitt one for. Aires.
Pcnincesion can bo,,had on the first day f April
next--favithri he r . partienlara inquire at th office
at the Schuylkill Navigation Company south
seventh street, Philadelphia, ar.., of • ,
i • ,
•i - - , S. GRISCQp,:-
Superiutpuirot l Res ing. -
Real* Sao. 57..1838. 4 4 .
Gm% FORMS.-4fr
• uitkirorit.ji# *el
jo s 7 6
elefild and fatale 14 .‘
received a
ribei by 1 e i t:- .
. estate; of . ,a: , ea
ptoil con qt,-,
o. - aro its crate
aubicii*, and
ideatate, lo• pre
:r toltirthl.
' dminisit tik;.`
e, by rtnooletioe' l
ter said I.chonle.1 . chonle .
'peedaya each
114 E,
Amp& •
an : d
, pries S 1
8. BAN
- ' l Plillinkbrt
' 40 Tint:lE
1.14141-bacV- Ml:Keoft
end tie pu b lic. larl **Vie., ,
Europe,: he vierlit new'iildi c k ip,
at the niiiii&Cltirliiger Elude 1
thii,iiectkaatiiiii:Uiiit bei,la a 'Boit
tan: with belig Able bitiiiiir I ,iti
tppiact airnot to be inferior . to an ,
kiwik!suriderentle'to.their beiniq
ddiatntity:anti . people Will eettaiel
efiiii ,comfeftrand iiiiring:or . tiltn,
''ailicliii'afl'iril. principally wbel',
bodyaick in'the fatally. --,q .. ,
seiides•t.he iidreriber-kiela tb,
utim.workrrivatit credit ~to ita
belben9fure.-ieryz hide , invitee \
tirget in iirlirle' this aCiCriptioo,
4 ;
etimeine.for, ilatilics",'iiiio .iof the
Iftlini! 00 1 1 'r- ag4llifil:lh4 11.1*ltil
'cli '
ti4Alll " 4- o' Lli;i11 !:• 1 :, 14.. 4)e j
.11caltivr,/an.16,414.31. _ ip.
P.S. •Pahehat'vrisiii!igidiroitE
.sei. of thli•diereitiriorrafoitisaM,
ply to thfaub*cribitclefew diiiiriiiii.
StorKih Reading, where ,a fiat prim
epee to the public, aa the •,,rnanuTactui
wants some time. _,The. ,Mettimpie
deliveredbr.forifliliis nest. , • .1"
The undersigned bap, at the•re
•Ibutar Maus examined hia,..l net
.adonble Spring-Elastic •filatrali."
elasticity render. it poly AL 1 1 %KY,
nit; and tc the 44' lilipe, tie ..- ,
long confined to a hoilicuitir ' i ii:
to prove inveluab i & tts 'Witty
will supersede ihirieixamityp
tient "to make his bed," while li,
appears well eirleulated to obviate ,
grae or entirely prevent the afiieghil,
occur in I:ismer km, confintitiint. )
- /SAAC 11/.&S b 7IR, M. D. '
I fully tn
eor in the opiniriaoT expresoad'ir
in regard to Mr. Map's', .Don le log Elude-
Matriaii." t - 1 1
JOHN I,' H.MST R,lll. D. -
riming carefully examined Mr. .H nil Mayn't:::
•-Dotible Swing 'Eleistur Matraink," concur in" r .
the above noiniOn, believing it •to an wer all tbs. ...
purpuied hirended. JOHN . 0710. .. • *
• , .
, I have esainined Mr. Henry fifes! 'a
Spring Matrate" with care, and I lir old recomw .
mend it to all pinions. And especial, to the rick. ,
as it would be a great advantage to hem. 1 -- ...
- JA.cO/1! MA SHALs - • --
Having - carefully examire I,Mr. • teary , May- •
re'f'-Double ; Spring ,Elastic Matrlss." I full Y- 2 -1.
concur in the opinion eipreased., in he fiiregoingl •,,,
certificate. • .. ~ A. 111.. ITALIN-,!--' , ;
• I have exampled will:Care Mr. :14ey re'a *Bit*
lie Mat rage'dod fit* conctitclii e opine* At,::
'acme expreased k ai to its usefulness and general
good qualities, ' -ik ' , -•z t- ' ' -
1L ,..
IL .ROH NBRRO. , :. - • --.
At Mr. lifeyre'e reqyeet; I ixii l ini tid Itti`ti . Wage ,' .
tie Merest," and concur in :filo fa bhr.:ol4: -
ions eipreased by the +lvo ionized Leman.`. .• '
- SOLOMON a. autoir.:; ; -
IMPOrthn4.DifileatM; ' e,..
The submritsei Jia''Sdiacevertid -a MM. dby which'
the virtues of .that,4aable rod.4-,..1. • .'-' v
VILE BARS'AII RRLL'A - -- -14. •
,fitlay he eau:fated withoet ihtsmg ny4ditedfciiist •
koperties. Thu iniise iti . ifier,A re •
ipt otthe -Medical reequis
. rieemirsenikiml- . -
yshe Faculty is the best,__Formulit ,f i e N f. !he_ Pre11 11 !" - -:
ton of the fluid extract gfidarimp*rili ... . ,;,.... • ___ 74 ,
. This Emmet:may be, gliustriwith Meet mitety:tie, ,-.
children, end isicinptuientioualy elefejd to. the'Pilhlie
iii a purifier orthe bloodoeihichiriall .-uAO-14riti great.;
ly alleviate and,inaredy entire.l3V,lcure tlfe folloiring.
Obstinate erOptioni-of theiliti , t ' ,
Pimples or primula on the ace I: ' • ' .
;'' Riles-which arise frail animpu. eift.- •
.. habit of b
Sea ty emptipmi.
. Pains in the bone.;
Chronic rheumatism. „ .
Tuner, .
Scrofula. of Kings exit. ~
White-Swellings, ' - ~
Syphilitic form:toms. • i
r And all disorders arising &omen lmpow Mate of
the blookeitheibyin - lting residence in a hot and us- -
healthy, Menem br the intludieiordt use of merciiry.'
I have ihringhtst ;iienessary toittach. a fear Orel&
eater of its heedful's! effects. frod i perroatvfell ken's*
ip the comity. as references: • , ' ' 4 '' ' '
•- - - ' 104 1 ikg. My i;410 - 11:. 7 ,
We - the underi*ed. havinglsed the .Conspound
Fluid Extract' or Sarsaparillas re pored by 4tientip-:
W. Oakeley) tneur &milk* m -M merfidlyfeece*
mend it to the pubrim as a chef+ safe-and. elficilmt•
medicine, in disease , arising S '
nits impurities Of the
. JOIN MILLER. .....f
- WAft Ifs -MILLER. ' , l . • -
Thi4lirto certit
with - atftibetititate
Fags, which bri*
eeveral bottlpi
entirety' rein&
nand tbill6r
This exttlitek
hut surcrlOTtri
the fight kneta
owellsogj WllO
the nit!: of I hiji
I Iran roicilonO
not, only-heal ,
ctriltrs heatkir
or thintre4
• , Thootailak Cu
Ai andltair'
lila 5 7 11- ' 2 11 i.
AitiPO4, I
VT. Oidkaili
. -511%. 4 b• ono
the °Min hal
t r
tilliinar r t
laying.* .
'liter. and 't ill/
'boliefoi f
iiiin MAW ."?
ceritilitit jinn,. ____ .....
any. ind idniiittilidappeninne l
ciao tidokilho cure foifnct._l , '
: - •• .r.` . 4 , ' . Val.,
-: lidhe aiiil'4Waltail6. !rval'
die sutweiitir_ ~n,whidionale.. and
1 liortiagitatrent, Reidint mid.
capal, Artili -161 1.W. YrAht.Umid
I ttrotowoot4sh pr gjegyati . ,,.k r t
*craw.; ~' . 'i• ''' IF
1 . /d m teb;a* the ,atilt ;
kotiuSlOntOonvAin , .4rtiOer'
.sown;l4 - 410 glielbt ol lif ra o lo. ll
4o.Strvialkb ... _ ,
1,7 -141. W.' o porireiii! f nail: o4l
accompany the labSl
A bl e4: 24 '
lid ni
' AN.. f
6 4
INMERS' FLA/10-1 ; " - 1
for mpg by -tb,..#^ Pi* ..
nen" beaq IdlitasE* lo49 1
'''. :. 1
1. 1,24-..
ibi s es - -
.Not 47: AA
141 r•
A3h •2
jk; ‘.
41 0thitic .
- , -
4z s
great 'W.: :
eh ,
' lo .fint
..are. _
se Old.
; mita'
• hicik
4 it"
ivelbte .
D.; •
Me, •
liatieji •
--r- - l iO4 ••• '
t '-retyarionf.pbrr
Yoliii.24c:— - .'• -.
ipirinn . ,„ier:baeit •
remit •-thee - iiidilk ..-
moit.ilfile.Kinlof , ;: .
'wit' MedicinWalf -,
Tor sale by thirsdr,
- W. OAKELEE.::,
rliciedeareitre :4 - :
Dr. FoiC"Oiiii ,, '.
.1110. 1 .**0143 1 00.1 .
- • . ~Cl---zrel.x •
I l irl i gi "X: . .
I JailOtteetri4",,siie „
es-10 it . F, O 4,
I aA
vq , • c.=o,-,1.016*?.--?-?-i.