a ISE ~c4O: .r CS „..* ? 1 , 4. - -tr. '........ • . 7,..-•, -, . ,t, ,-, . -r, , f.” , ........., fr ..01 . , . ....._ 404 4 r5 . . ' ire fmo4.. , . * * it*DrtiftrillipiAltilgliMitrititi , . . '--"-.. '1 .4 . ; ,'..li It_.*T i mitT l443 . •. •- - v .. . 4 - nix .eta ßata ie entle/y ,ingeteustb eputperiO el rOet''.. 1 leassoidetsiblO ,Ups +e p } i i . , 1 " • p a wl* and' Phe- foundeply,o °Mime, parts' oflhe western-eenntryei . - - tr ; ?weir" iiDe . " Nk -im,skii - itio - 'O4 Ir Bitters. : - wiiieh:will - imiili by ctn.& FEVERS AND- AOUNis„ lifillth . . ....,..., t .. • ~ ii, 'of MI kindel Wit r ttieresilitifoid traditinte enfi t lily alt 'X sw impurely 0_ lAtitstLysliochoQuep•Wintit t he '' ' ltfcrlitl3 i Mita •ti v 'SQ' ailltihahli:lkelitllei rento- th•i effects Of kl cdry.inftitely somerthinst most circulstion x brtnii , pain ol' i derangemeat ie . ! or'- iestiteeiitiiie• - ffiliOin,Olfltolembns only found powterful I ttrepa one of Serssparills and wisfunnis• gnu or_foirlwliere inch impurity' of the Waage , es ,t'ont,the wilfte Men -...‘• •Betirthillie ; fime of this , than:ly bum ., eiem o ssd i on o f 81,,p9c0,T0f TUE It is woe, • a t•sairf of caroms May bring :about! the grestSpagu:sh new., .ttir; plesteriaonly enabled to . , lit A;ED;4 4 et,, ,I, is the _MOM= reculseltu . pip% . .isle ofth e . blood—such as a violent bruise or iron, logildWaktlatitb -,... - . Just so with the race Sled: ' &ilea; • - be fddiedit cloth* rerfled.f le' MI damp tem indieeetton.ledo in the head, itc- ike-Calld tis enr r - ricinne •It Is kit , • o. s rt rats•edi4 l-first ven• cases oingdiditiiideSility reid..*sakecalef the st im although it may be mid that these litteasestbevq nor. F - ttireittlpoo Ws ..q.'•••• .: .nite thbotddiscoseied paireciconnitnt) y , , ma" a remedy for Chronic and their origin in impurity . otlthe-.61 . no 4. yet the effect is , 1,-, the iriSditottlf:Olti or s'rn starch 'uf"--44EALTII. • frora - *fiso / asoibm, , the elfiikey of the Pticenix the same , they all end italstot.omirity 01 the blond: I ` Vegetahlemedici eitwom . tudeed,kdown-wheol dm- `"Bindis Millie' orilefalldrbfilhie ice of ablingle - aind •our only object to . peevetit - the tenoning jot... t•• ;Iced Ink.' '•-•.'. hat Itheil Me wits - apt. Ell the . botdeh "The filtiftS'Ofthesel it — is haft 0 wine -Intel be:kept mt. In ether wOrdsthe acrinientoun i :1- I 1•1 ~, ,A:. / 0 1 4 1 tiit ite., - 'tint iiati puitol train the dejected • gloats litiLiblher igianne..altid th ciondittiMay fo r mourit,i,Stentintially Us ptoAf the bork 1.. as losgaissny' i 'in IfettlYhat . list ' arideetivo instforbusiness, damn tins of three tholookedaYi ist•-...4.„.„ . t„. , , ut hail itti hour ' fin pir aim nt quittenis reltnain,, with Dr . Brandredis I t.,-.1 . -. ,,...\„ . . ; .-. •.. gam ore v u s g s. .li- base. renewed my w ore ore ab b ..eps a less quantity M be taken at all VEGETABLE UNlVitlits_AL PILL& which. ifper- ...";:• h i .,, I - 41 , •' r ` k t..liiiuce in ;my Own ex .e- ernes . To, (base w ho• isle a ffl ict with indtestion severed with in s ufficient quantities to produce seer- Mile' Bogert; will pro e invalu4 le. as our °sweatiness. wail aollit nature, to restore every il a rlY__a da , tlte _k Or 1,0 .-, fellow citizens. Does .he Mier meals. 'reader wituflailio t met eiVEGETABLF.LIFENII.I3- doily very grq a tb. increase the action of the principal i organ to a, state :of health: This is on the principle i i `4EiNiM are !e1 .. . •le to his own easel I have on tile viscera. lielpth,#m to erflorm theit llinctiens,hnd en- lof draining': We' drain if marsh/ .eiein of laud; and et ftlY.officdoWS I roSilway, hitedeeds of letters, from 'able the Stoutaoi lit discharge hum the bowel what 1 4111111 2 state a sterility von , produce a Roan then- - i t sonle,Of thomas respthietablecitmena of ibis in. .na- : everle effete. e. • Thus Indtgestion et - oa IY and I dant fertility; and so II Sit voilltihglAinan body; when 4. tiviland•volsint .ay • sped in testimony .of the .vir- la, test reinovtd, appetite restored. aisithe ouths I any thing is the matter with d. we nave oe)yrlcstaion -...-tueitotk GOO h VEG rABLEMEDIEME. lof th e .it sorberg vessels being cleansed. tout is ito drieft it by efireatinii . —and extenence' fiOs tht_gait ,„ ,r.Pdttehniii/hitt :constitutions here been cearly • to facilitated, undlitrefigth of ,aody and energy Of mind I those who havendopted this rename:l:is piliete;' ' Med bribe "all infallible" mitterat preparation' of - are the hasp ; . ,tVimults. For farther paruetts of 1 mime e•oisisteut withsoor neriere.thattleybassiteted • thealay. will • •me Witnewe'that the Life Medi r MOITT' S Ft CE A.; PILLS. and PHNI 'BIT- I rightly, the. result haying been Round health. it is eines trot such dy,arerthe alts cauee to Permanent TEAS. affray 4 Alr. Moffitt's office, No. 516 It ' way, not more,thau 11$, months siece these Pine wens in ..4oed-heakh. ' . 4 .' • JOHN MOFFAT. New York. wii. re the Pills can bu ffed for 25 trodueed into the Untied States, but their sale ,has cents. b 0 centektir 81per box ; a ndtte4 for 411 been altogether u npresedented,therZebsinighoo fi Selkl rizie&eftAL ft filAfli.S RELATIVE TO 1110 - or $ 2 per, h'ittPl• Cr' Numerous ate 4 of the of diem in New Torkpu that thin, fully one mitUan ,FAT'S LIFE ILLS AND PIKE:NIX BITTERS. . k'-'fltettemedici earhatliflong been kdowi. and a 1 wonderful effi dcy to both, may be thereinspected. I pre hund r ed thoustn4 boxes. And above . 10.1VO . per. -In someo tateand Complicated - eases olkhronic . e ons can be referred to in New York eity.and nearly Plu'll and inflationary ithebliaatignv. Liver Ponplaints. I the wimp an Plitladelphia. who have been ei when i' efilib OT Ilialr' itranidinary and immediate powers . Fever and .Agil, Dyspepsia. Palsy. Pace,' Mjciryfrow every other Ille:liiit had becotnpAltogetherat waiting. of restoring pet eet health, to erstoot suffering and Cr m e y e of vac '8••y. cturso• end fiber duper of lung id dive:ism which Appealed ofihe most imp site char -, nearly every kid of *Meuse, to which . the- human . stos d oi . 4 ,.. it ai i be eceasary to take both e Lim i iteter.aud in mans motes wheoisthe dreadful ravng'es 1' :Salim is tieble. fratiity Miff reds of certificated instancee, they ! c o P t h m a e t w ai i ",d til s e 'i' : i i"mulz . ejl ßitters, in the dose btrone re- i of iilc'eratien, Mid laid bare looniest and bone, and I I wherein all appearance no human means could sa re mercury out °Mt:System infinitely taster ilimotte beet ~ stored to gwal health. the devougpg' disease liavina . have eve rescued sufferers from the vetjt verge at an 1 0., B -I'hohl Pills and the Bitters. wild .get the lee. hare patients, by the use . ribcaTer,i;s. been re• • unlinks grave after all the deceittive nostrums of the day had utt ny faded; and to many thousand. they preparations dr3arsapardla. and a certa3i re p ile for ' been completely eradirfited. - bate.__.... Peneth a ii IY aeeared, that wartime loYmeat 01 .; the rushtne neihe bleed to the heard or aamol t head: 1 . [Jr. Wm. Re:millet,. eas alt hilly manatee, rof the 'mute. 'Without whichlite itself is but a pertmrdess.' as h es , fi e d',..,./ s .it eax , ssc.—All p ersons who are predun ' truth o: the above simpie theory. that he ai nt 311 ang• 'Sea - great inded. has their e ffi cacy lever. MO. • Ts ' ,end i o p po p„.k•s y , i nhty, dte.,should never beiwahout years in e x periment and•tdhorious research tt es thlt-' - and iolidlibly p red, -that it has a iipeared scarcely' z he L i f it t i it ' r i Lace I, s..er f.le ...atter++, for one du.e in,drile,a ill ' ...d ie m proi , e m, es o f the tu m erans. plant s corn. ,,ns.- less than ramie lout forbore who were unacquainted „ a y e life. T t iO rqu th i , the c i rcu l ation o f i n s blood,' b ,,, the vegetable Kingdom; his object being td .um with the best 'taful ehilosophteal principle. utast draw all preilieure front tl head, pres; , iralron, And ' pose a nedwine which would at once in.-ify„ and pi a. which they a compounded. and upon which they .1 throw off eves) imlNirit th.' notes of the leiltin. , duce lit met: tie :lc .It removal of all by hltneo a consequently act• dt was to their Manifest and seats,. F or sa l e b y illi LLEtt Ai ii.WGEI:II , V, from the Mood by the mot: stelaand tacitVels, as lo tile: ' Isla action in punfying the springs and channels of 1 i !I; 'mutt tor the Pr"filleaur- / r co' lite,. tam of theme of sorli ii inedicOic. such he' " life. and en. ling them with renewed wife and vigor, I , ' nutra .ire fore to hi carried off. and the blood en that they .were , indebted for their name, which was .• sit. • . state of - -slut: awl whoever takes these Pills, bestowed upon them, at the spontaneous request of ' -.nil persevere.s is Ith them, at ill be iiiifirfird illtyit Dr. , • several mdivideals *Woe lima they %had obviously ; La' dhow Sri tr,treth fully rammed dos Phdaittbrenin ' saved. - : : ab l er,. it... in wan alumbiti and known tact. thee 'The proprietors rej - oice in the opportunity afforded ' c.oryttimlase..whellier it be in the heath hr feet. in the "by the universal diffuoion. of Ihe daily presl tOr pion.hrii,si air meanest memher; whether it Lean nutward leg his VE G ETABLE LIFE PI I•LS *o Ihm the .•lt •-r or 011112W10 allaCeßa, are all, though arising knowie le apt reach of ever" iiidorulhal .ti the coup fr om uviiiy cause,. reducible to"this grand effect,. I inanity. It Mike the host o f,ierinciaus qinickeres , namely, impurity of Hood. -strifielrboast of vegetable itigredicht4th. Life Pills NO rim,— Xrt Drug and Chemicat Store* are liter.; - ire purely and i0L14.9 v, Ott rs ma, and contain net I , ally nereSed with counterfeit Brancireth's Pills it he. ther "Afereury A ntiitiony, Arsenic. nor any other comes those who want the getreine art tele to purchase ninorral in any firm whatever. They art- entirely only 01 the accredited assets or those who are known cornposed.ofestrac from rare, and powerfui planu., to be above knelt dishonest 'Practices.. . the virtues of ,whi ch though long known to several I Mr S Thompson 4- Co. Pottsville are the only a Indian trains. and meently to some etronent iiharnia- I genii. at present 6,r :4'410116 convoy. centical elidma,e. area:together u..know'n to th • ig no- Dr. Brandreths lffice fir diesels Of the above Pills rant pretenders to medical s„ i.ne. , ; and were never : whole.ate end retail is at 169 Race street, first door . before at minihnered in so happily etficaciyus a coin I above fittlist mirth stile _ Phdadel, hia. InnahOn. I , . , Always remember that Drug Soireit never have the Their.fostlperatitin is toloosen km the coo genuine Brandreth Pillsjor wile, therefore all pur. the stomach ~. •:1 bOWels. the * n: arsons lumeleo and chasm of thein are sure to be counterfeit. ' ertarties tot antly hinting aromtd ahem; and to re. Dec 3 toriveshithardened• feces Mitch c oll.ct in the con solutions of the Small intestints Other medicines , . only ;banally efo leanse these. a . nd leave such collected' n ? matlrtiehin .• as-to produce habitual costrvoness, *ta hn its t in of evils, or sudden diarrfues, with mil Itstatiberit'diegers. This fact .8 sell known to tab ~" -: • molar anatotnisto. who er.antlipe the human bowels after•deleh: and henee the preyudiceof those well in formed menainst the quark medicines of the age. The lettorul effect of thy VEGF.TABLE Lit ,I.: , itg. PELLS.Isso" leanse the kidneys and the bladder, and by this means, the liver and the lungs, the healthful action of whirh entirely depends upon the regillarqj of the.utinaryf organs. The blood, which takes It. I red color fro theg, agency of the liver and the lungs billireit into the- heart,' being thou purified by Shen - a` taiddiel - by rood. boning from a clean , sbyldash, p ries freely through the veins. renews • every part oshe syttem and rrimaphantly mounts the banner of-he lth in tffe blooming cheek. 'The hallo mg are among the distressing variety to human diseaSes, to which the Vegetable Life Pills - are well Munro to be infallibly— . VirsPF.:SrA, by throughly cleansing the first and . _ second stomachs, and creating a (low of pu re healthy ~ .,r ; Tbile, instead Of the stale and acrid koith:-/IrtaierreY • a l'alpftation o f t , the Heart. Lust, If Appetite. 11-art her,, 'cod 'Headal f e. i lestl A earness, Iti-temper. Atizsty, Ls,. ; gulf/r ma oJR . y .which are the go:dorsi sym i dern• ofDispepsol, will vanish. as a natural consequent-c to its cure. CMiteeness, by chemises the whole length • of the Intestines with a solvset process, and without violence; all tiolentpurps leave the bowels costly.- within two-days. Dtarehma stall Cholera, by remove, rag the shorn acrid'fluids by which these compatints are occasioned. and by promoting the lubricative secretion of tkmucus Membrane. Fenersof all kintio. byrestoringthe blood to a regular circulation, through the process 4 ,blpe rapiretion ill some, eases and the throughson of ititestivi obstructions iu others 1 . The LIFE ILLS - haws been known to cure Rhea rs, watiew needy in three, weeks, and Gout in Kilt that time, by retrieving local infianunatiou from the muscles anda ligaments oh the joints. Droirsiev of all kinds, bitting and strengthening .the kidneys ;mid bladder; the' operate' most..defiginfitity on these or gatis,and he &shave ever bee. feunda certain reme dy for the vilest cases of Genoa Also Worms. by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy - matter to w ach these creatures adhere; Asthma and Canraitliti .by relieving the air vessels 1' the lungs from the m Whitt even slight colds if nut roomy ed becomes! hardened. and produces those dreadful . diseases. Scurvy., Virsisioid !.celeste Sares:by lb. perfect panty whillh these Life Pills give to the blo o d and' all huMeng ricortrit)ic Eruptions., anti Bad Corn plestormby their alterative effect upon the flu ds that morbilinitte of which -ocessions all' -Eruptive cam Atlas. las2fote. Cloudy, and other disagreeable Cam pie:ions The uae of these Pills for a ver es hort time. willeffect en entice - cure of Solt - rheum, Erysipetas an d a striking improvement in the Clea-news of the sktit , ' Colds. and Influenza. will always be cared hyo es CTi n dose, or by two even in the vvirst cases Piles.--4S seemly for this moat distressing pod ob Minute; midady,ltna Vegetable Lifle Pills des erves a distinct end eon:Made recommendation. It is well known to httndredv in this atty. that the Proprietor of thesegio.Mehl+ Pills, was himself afflicted with this endopda niter epwatals offhit4.iftsc iri g and th at • histtiedin.. Inn tether, retnedy,prescri within the , c whole co lor.the Materialtledica- He however , at lengtb.itried thelmedfine Which he now offers to , the public, Iliad -he waseured in a very shorytime, • after himovergad been tunnOnsced not ;emir , Imprafbabl but- a retely imposed:de, by may human i .? • • 11i.F... —DI - ONS FOR T proprietors The ofthe' ---..-4 . ' inatel itic ArseinsianUtiors PILLS does not follow mite mercenaryp MU teliceciftlie quacks oftite day. in 'dais ing persons "' his Pillsrill lire miaeinies• No . {pod inedi td cite possibly be 11 , 3 reqerred. There •I',. Pills are to• be taken at bed taet i•-liy night, for a week or fortnight.leceordtng to the-obstinacy of the disease. The motel dose is from 2to 5. a - ccording to . . theconstiteiton of the perion. Verydeficats lIS should-begin with but two, and increase asthe nature Of the case mayrel eg irm thosernore totem. or of very • SostiseJtatift. may in with 3, end memento to 4, nr. , eves Li:rills, and t he y will, effect a su ffi ciently happy ' changer to' guide the patient in their further use.• These Pallesometimes occasion sickness and vomit, nethOegkirery incident, unless the stomach is vale ;fault this however. may be considered a favornbe - sy . gr4teem, as the patient will flan himself at °merit liesettand Isy.perseverance wilt sore recover. They usually operate within lb or 12 . hodrs, ,suid nevergive pain, titilesS the bowels are very much'encumbered. They - may betaken by the moat delicate reftlides-ttit: der lay tit contstances.—lt is,• however, 'recommend. " led.lkat those islaterveliods of pregnaoey otemid take butaine at a nute,lititi thus cont tune to keepthe bowels „weonejted.esiti two may be taken where the patient isLitet3 eo_allve. One pill in a solution oftwo table smarmrunor , _ . wa er. may bsigiven to in infant in the follasitngdoses—are a spoon fell every two Emma till it - operates; for a child Rout one•tollto sears of eg twit' a rill - and Trionsiriteosen,onevifl.. - age. THE4P4ENIX2I7rriIs, are so called .bee /Pty poetess the pewerior refitii r . ng t h e ,O xp o ng l nge be. of health, to a glowing vigor throe .. .rade I i alltitlitiOg• as the Phut= is said to to vas turea2 to g 371 JAL .I;PP rtf lit • Vetirttithlte . . , I , . -- ,dt.i. - • -. ••.„—. : ..—, - .—,...„--....• _ 4 _,..........,....„..—„-----,-.............„..__.... ...._____ ''' - .• --...,%....., „ . . • IFlStillretti ' Pill& I 'VIM OrrVitml Llygman Universal Vegetable id- Medicititi, prepared by %V. MISR I til, Esq., Aletutier of the Royal College of Stirgermk Licen. ' tiate.nt Apotlicearies CA.ttpany, Fellovii of Hot 1 Court Society; Surgeon to the Royal Un/utr Pen skin As..od,attost, Lancaster place, i ) Vulerlon , Rtitl2c; midi Worm:ilia' Pupil of ljua)'al and St.l Thomas' Ho4p,tais, London. I ..J'lllese p,114 having gained °eel, hriiy tingle rut 'eine. in eventeiNection of tire Union, are now eon 61dt-red by all those who value good health, India pemotble as 4 familv medicine—patrontied by a numerous Isii4 of the most eminent Ph% Arians • both in this dinintry aid in Europe,—is ii3tliiiient, it Is presuitifitl, to stamp their character In 4 he es tirriatiiin of every rlttnking man, and it Is hoped, 1 ' a fur better l'econintendation than the (loom. re-1 sorted to byignomnt and unprincipled pritc riders, who t o 1,14i:0 and deceive the public), publish i %but they aii;ti practical pris,fs an d eer i,A eu i e ., n i ' Curers, that :exceed all bomids of rational crerlibil- ' dr, and moat of which, ding all, are either gross fibricatimis,lor puicured by fraud and conniva.ncej - rho ertorti or the Long Island F.it met, ant's — 7 . “This medicine has obtained an unpreeedenten degree of well presereed - tiopularit v. Raving ta k en these Milli nurselvev to advantage and witness. e e th e ir t. e iti4ei.l efr.ets or others, wet hove to, lic;ntat ion trj•reonnmenningthren to thel public us a safe, salutary and useful family medicine." . . a s +ivoue;gire genuine without the 'denature of the General'.Ailent on the (Owl, by witoin the a bove tnedie l lite i>a intivo-ted into tilts eon4trv. HOI.BNIN,I2J Waverl) 4 Place, G. WI A ..nt lor IM A. so ophi'arthe above Medirine just, received and ior.littitiv B. BANNAN, Sole Agent fur Schuylkill gray. Jni v . • _ rARKER ilk CO.; . AfgRCERS 4fr TAILO , Pprrnrriy Parker & R illiemso .ty AVE iisonved on the opposite side.'of Centri aliStreete few doom aboveNorwegien Street, where limit' offer for . , 3116 a select ammitment of solo dine .liriied Cloths and Caiwonei!ra of the most lasinitiklittile. odor, is ith on elegaitt aspoit. mrtit orsuilichr ...;intt.p, V. songs., Li omit ant! Clot too Sbirts,f 'oilers; Biwona, Stoek.. Sus polders, li Oti and colion 110.1 ,hod e kind. of Gentiernen wearing apparrel, wilieh win he made to orat i ln the Most approved stVifi ns to the % nth tausijiy, and werrutiled to fit elitist to any in the 1r. 4 It I , Or . etreetiere. P. S. 1' kei.o on hand an car:Olen* no mrtir.ent hi' ready•nitile Clothing of kII kind., l;Min sold at very kiw rotes. jibe 1, • roceries -c-•I.T the ntere ed thessultsci der, in Mord.' ntl trum' V) PlotttiV whi re may in fold whole, sale and ritail, on the *ist unwlerate leitns— brown, lutiip and loaf sugars, black, greet. and smut" hstenn leas, molasses, fish ; cheese, soap, rite, colft ti:dchtwolate, spirits, ht Reidy, gin, Pert, Lisbon; Tenet tfre and other wines; rum whiskey arni'cordiatet, halt Spanish and custom:ln negate, pepper, alniiiee,gingeo,saleratus.,clovcii,,nultneg's, starch,tnoliSard, pilot bread, crackers, iiirg6 bas cuits, &c. 4r r e..6to. for caah.or exchang for coun. tr- produr^ G. 27 North'Fifth fAkeet,,lPhiladelpliiii:book thelitirchants• llutel—itlevotect - ,Fptavely to this hu.itic4; , 'Country Merchants are supplied itt manure°, torera! prir,x , and their Glitiorea inatired frd s m breakage to any part of the Omni, w /toot extrn charge, Tito-e who may have orders for large (lasses, would do well to Inform Oa bd Irifer , orevtooa t o iheir - conting on. of the /die of the plate. an d th e kind of frame thby may a ant, that the article may he mantitlictured ex pronely for the ()erasion nerchanta attonld give their &Meta for L oo k. it glasses the first thing on their arrival, to in. sore List m well put up. Oct 21 4113-Gmn The Fainfly TUE tIOLY 131131411. - - - P( 1 111 tbly. Ir91: 1 0 of,liknirDr•Pd L't:234.1 5 9d boil. one hundrij ott a rtkent, ptiblinkd in London hi , tae 3 Fl4liiiitil'firnet Eoi4ly, revs,'. ,d sod ntiridgcli in t wo•voloirien; ;al Maps and, le.m.rlivin r .. I+. rt 10,1 w.r k putts.• ••1 ‘',. • BrFrk • - sq.e.re tA T.itvrai - 0,4- . I. * Ja delved.; iune 24- 1/112N Looking-Glasses, Ell - --- -' ME Swaiin% Panacea. AS the ibi t mperatice and 'usury of the age are hastening the ravages of scorbutic coniplaints and rendering the blood more impure: and Wiliam. sands have destroyed their consolations by neglecting to apply the proper remednu—to such, Swaim's ran• area must tw. and has been, more than doubly valua ble as &certain and effectual means of restor tog them to perfect health and vigor Few families are whol ly exempt rrottl.reorbistic afßicuotts.which exhibit vs nous *lmo-rims, as eruptions, uleeralions. debility. l o ss of amebic and dejection, all arising from~.llo blood and if not properly, arteatitd to i produce the. greatest injury to the m4ll'llllll ton. and may be im parted totleir offs; ring S%aim's Panacea is rector' mended at this season of the year, as n valuable resto rative or the •-y stem. I hereby in yip - waling I he eonstnu• !sot. sedemehone it to bear the detelrtatutg - effects of the summer .canon.' It is conveyed, by the mikado tine flmds. and corrects their tendency to all those .diseases which originate in vitiated blood d.seaaed liver. depraved a 'polite, or predispusiton tdafections of the lungs, .&. N. one, however. tsiadviried to use it without Convincing themselves of the truth or what is'bere stated This modicine in now need v ith success in all porta of the world, and to gaming great reputation in Eng. land. A fresh supply. of the Medicine juts received mut fur sale . ' Sole Agent for Schuylkill comity. 'lktio - cansuppty the above medicine wlrole . sale to them who wish to eel/ again. at Phdadelphil prices May 14 115- For Sale AT REDUCED I'RICF.S, AT TIIIS OFFICE 11 'll JOS. Lto I R Sy mpathick for the salest, stectaitoo, and perteqt cure of ever) innd of wounds. ulcers. caneeeamtall cutaneous &sense., nri.ing non' cutting. squeezing, burn tug. builms rt, the impurity of the blood, itifd also Go curing Dyspefisin, heart burn, asthma, liver commumt;nostivene.., ennvult.torm diarr. licea :me rhenntattek pains, tooth ache, and sore e% es. The general agent, Prof. G. Xav WIACITT, Rending, 111. Hs.. county, Pc carer. papa to any persmi nifty-P.91 with rither of the stlitt'dtseisca, a certain qiianfitynt the Sytnnuthret, tcr be tried and apor t rnied before Mailing tiny expense; now. ever, the application must be made nee' or post. age.- N. R. This article cannot be 'ha any drug store or appothecary slu iteces-ary talk inueb shout 1:, a M $ll reemmisend itself to an eoliglito log 19 llitr. - Barber's 1101 t SF' "1 3 ( YW - 1), "IllilF.Sub4cribee (Arens for Wile tb m Pr. llirher's noire Powder, recommended ip tire fidlolvii/g ca. H.orsei.' Foundered by ; e 4 ,tiog_k t ec ing cold water, when warm, tp pu cr any symptoms orGlands, the Die and Yellow water,,,or. sqs. exposed by being with otber bongs alfec complaints, and, all cases attended ymptonia,. croggishnesa. lose of ap prefab% riturtilr' "Spifits. For sale b • %Y. T ang 6 . ' TiTtritirCE, . subw.eriber Vcispeetailly ahn. Al public, that be Will attend,to .th Of accounts In this borough and neig very reasonable ram. Accounts f to collect In airs ft:Wilbraham, will attended to r dild aatisfaernry referee rriatied. JOl.lllll C. COI April 5 27 piety and Elegant-G ds. Pi A TUANS it Co-, Mom jolt tieceived and I : • _•offer for sale, • 6-4. Engliph memo, from 50 to 75 Ita I.er yard. Soper French fin =at 81.50 . - • Tartan, merino, se4rated,,ailk and tort shawls, Red, white., yrllnw, gremand Roark fiersorde, Bleached and unbleaUird Caroon. flannels, Irmo 10 to C 45 eta per yd. W..reted-floa*coaSeirte.ea pt., children': hose, Winter plinth. tk,vra. /ke MIS • -N : : 14 € 3 13bK '4. 9 1 .iFiaipi4fa~gitaliiy , w . - E ....915 1• T. Sk. 3. iik.Arri.. MI =Mt= t3.~3 ' II U - i.tiO i —I:- . _a , •• ~;•• •____,, ~,,,, :. , John liiiiiii 4 . l AKEs e „„L Plautus -in informing tte l lalb4 , -, * k and his friendavan4.i M s pa%rons par (rata, that he Coisticeeirhitt WEFF.CTok Y , un der tho Pennsylvania OM, in Yottr-villc. , . He liispes that his past ceptclation. let keeping vi , raspeetable: eseablislunent, acquired ; dialog the espe'rienee Of fiya years in tlielsame lme of bosi. nen and by dedire to please_ and application na. hre.ttleas, tolaserit's-continuance of your favor and patronage. ' Families by sending tolhe Pennsvivania,Holt Refectory, shall have oysters of a en pertor qua li. iy served alp in the beat style,' are every Felice delicacy that the Pottsville ma Hurt can afford in season. . ' t BILL. OF-FAIRE. 1 EMI igenuine to p. It is not eertatory ed pnblick. 39—lf 'Celebrated is by ;him vie:: For or. drink. Atv . cov- IperiCreaghs Ito irifescima 4. br. thezie I Wilk fOrtb tile. or de "••• • 4 4 E., I • ' •• laces to tha t italreetoo borhootk id az abroad. be purr pdy 4 es given it astable. IMO M a 71 /Ili wi/W4ll Roast Beef• cold' - Corned do 'Ergs Muttonlb9o. Venison Steels . Pork Chops' 'Pigs 'Pigs Feet . . Mocl• Turtle Siiop Oysters .Fricd- I)n • Sconnped Uu ROILIFO4. d Do Chafing Dish Tcrra pins - WINE b LIQUOrtS • per bowie. . . Old Maivria Wine ' EL 30 Old pale Sherry 1 50 Old Brown - • 150 0:11 Loshon 100 , Old Port . 1 50 • rhaninagns / 50 . Sin iilioX X and Peppers Ale alwayscm draught A pertinent. in readiness for ;nipper parties. Ste. Oct 7 , ~. 46-6 mer ~~~ EMI Insurance Coinitany. CAPITAL AUTHORISED BY LAW, MO 000, CHARTER PERPETUAL. ]BAKE both limited and perpetual Insurances. • on Rnek, 'Stone or Frame 'Buildings. Stores. Hotels, Mills, Barna: Stables. Merchandise, Furni. tore and l'roperty of - every deseription.agairtet lugs or damage by AFIRE.% MARINE AADEVLAND INSURANCE- The Delaware County Insurance company will also insure against loss on all kinds of marine risks and against the damage or loss upon the transports• lion of goods.vrapesi and merraidise by water. or by ral way, upon terms as favourable as any other in st Vol any further information - on the subject olio., surance, either-against File, marine or Inland risks. Apply to II KN HY o. ROBINSON. Arent. julyls 34-tf ti Schuylkill Haven. or WI LLIA M R .POTTS. A t Chwigsburg. 'grit. ING GARDEN - Fire Insurance Company. ivir AKE bath limitedsPd perpetual Insurances on . Brick, Stone or Frame Buildings,Storev.Hotels Mills. Barns. Stables, • Merchandize, Futiortire,attil. Property of every description,againat loss or-damage by FIRE. The subscriber has been appointed Military for the pbove Mentioned. institution and is now prepared to make I aisus.a spits n eserydeacrip . 1110 0 * f_P ro P er tY at the lowest .rates. '• BENJ A 311 N BANNI N'. Pottsville, Feb. 27, lax 13 The PhiladelPhia, Fire AND INLAND NATIGATION INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL ACTHORIBED BY LAW.S3OI;OOO. CH A RTER PE RP ETU A L, AKE both limited and tierretuat insuranres ou Brick, Stodeor m elisildings.Blo res. flo tel Mills, Barns. ambles , . M erchandise, Furniture. and Proporry of every description, against loss or dainau by 11XE.. - The subscriber has hien appninied . AOIIO4T for the above ritentidned festoutiob anti is now prepared to 111 Am ['mg:tit:haw:ice ellen eveil description of prnpert3 at the harvest rates. BENJAMIN HANNAN. Pottsville.Feb 25 1837. 15— Wholesale and Retail-Mini& ware Store: Wk:AYARItix e just received in ,d P&ban to their' former Mock of Hardware Mousehole ipritigkey'dmices..patent polluted screw plats-s: warranted Mist steel axes, broad axes. liana dn. hatchem.hamtnerc, Beatty, & Mullins adzes. socket and tirmeit.eMseds, drawing knives,blacksmith bellows, cut & &. 6 in. eastspikes single, cot and double illattetrons and, planes.aeasorted locks, laic .17. binge* a . 1 screws, round and agitate boloyatiel - ated audit n squares, All of wliteb are ofrertil on the most Sccontanadatt ing terms. ' , FeblB 14 , Miller &Haggerty, WHOLESALE ' A ND RETAIL - 'Dry GooclsNrotrilo w Wiiie 4- aifiFiSlii.e . , (Next door to , AfortiMer's„botel) - .1 1 11EIR coenexiam alai a Ironseritr Philadelphi* enables them to keep on Nand• a very erten.• laivexasortmerit of goods- , which they will sell .at !Philadelphia prices. B;re-airid Tavern keepers: !and pria'atelimilies, would' do . well to call and judge for themselves, april 19 ^t ik 'k ~ x RAILWAY IRON --AND.,' RON FOR COAL St" RJR St f t .2 iby 3-4 inchei Railway !tar Iron. 2 by.i , do ,do do' 'do do, .14 , 1 r tr) Ruilable r Screening Coal. - All tlieilron has countersank'. bolos, and to cot it an angle of ei &grits atithait ends. Splicing dates and Spikes to sum. kW above. . _. • A i - ; :,, v. , A. A. G e RA,I.STON - it, en:l. ' Na, 4 South . Front Street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Mulch I -Mkt& • • 21—tf • , A LARGE and eamplt-te•lassactmeat a( etch ' • lenii.,eatonable tifaida.lushreciitaed by the ibubseribez.txtsioiFtitig_or. - . - . . r' v*5et t ,.. 0 4,.w.i.11 • - 4.. .If 7 er,rt< ,4af, !..12tieKOiel :ter . ; 0,4 i4..r *:44 4 A. SZ= MEM MEIN teft , ": 3 .31 , ~ mmirtant to the „wil f ..4- ..... * •---:., '4 - , 0.114 1 , 1 , V.V g a47- , - . . kesri,kics i . .EFEcr.—Whin Itstainstindsci eutific reintd)iMrdisastaltinlai!ebtreOPtill.e• ii t i e gis fly the public, beiltowinridassuttniutdxecey tag pesiSeAtSiticakeely. a the poilier-ofticepticioxto doubt.itit. artncit. -4 # okdoTY us-dell th9n• ' -l• -,-. - • When Who* achieved on macessitmg career*[ - fulness: whoikt dittancea the secured of., ~. r '.sheastfiti.liretension, and has secured a .s.;may Istaticiu In ntOr Viral favor. by intrinsic - vrordrs , ' its Ileretuil jilay point Out the causes of its tape • orit P y " , ' Without Incurring the stiapidion?flnyitlinh , • "-iieps: iti rn-Leot:ng the eompar o sott. -• ~ •• • , ; - The ( !N3.4t),A111.h.; and 'FAMILY Alv..fera PILL, anitfactioed - hy.rpt:',‘l illtrm fora its. Alt ite . Ch LSI ' ni atha L m - sireci. d . ri not require his ex.plnhation of . their . ackuoWled - gi d t frieney ? -teir the most content 'physima'ne. throughout the roteirsio,i,s will rzwiliy. if appealed /to, etsite the reasons Whiehliatetnduccd them to recd-mmendtheievlsoextensPielysand 'warmly *as theSildo. And those reasons are, that these join •orous medicinal nevviciujure,. even the most delicate ,eonitillutiing. and have, in almost ,every .iodividual ease for which they are preserihed,a Marked. an en. ICnt.a truly happy and pennament efficacy. Play si- I ,a fians.lainertver. see that they , are net offered to the nubile unon.nyquaellhenty ofintrifyink the blood. lo* the •ulter deetroetitoror the Sterdincli and bowels,. • Purify the blood fram all distaseil &mink thi7!untle , niatdy di. ; 'hut not by elestroyitig those •itscera by which alone the Idoodcan he avatiained. 'they are , compounded *poolstheory which .supposesi a stomach -to b reiiess'ential agent to tmalth ; and -Pori, well digested. tube a valuable. friend to flesh sea blued,7- Thil' run twit enri'y 'Men to Rheas, rind waken/ern 'look like beings too refined to remain lung in this 'world: hurihey make them as unman as possible, and fit to-encoroder the haidshies. an , ' fitlfil the occupa bons of a anblimary ole.l They ,eict not Make a a.o• lent purge try of this life„ to prepare men the faster. for at hther; Thy proceed t tit on-,the supposition that the blood. mosotes, nerves. orgaPS. exeretot3 ki,d Se cretory glad o& Inactions and te....urnentary membranes. bones and Ihrains. of every human being rt quire. to be suppliedlwith ROUTAirIII.III from as healthful a sto mach as me he made and Lett ; Mid upon thedoettine that unless the Stomach and howelsaro.in good order: ' the Wood and every other 1 art ofthe - system vill be in. disor'er.'''', ! : •-, • ' ' And how: is it expected that they will secure health' to the stomacl and bovvelsi? Why by enalibtrittiCetne to digest fetid. and the other to enifj-ofr•what is left alter the nioriment ii extracted in connection - with the eurpfuslit' Isle, and the Foul humors ofthe tione; Mucous in44nbrat.es, and stOmach. A nd they deem push the ' , great feats of medicine in arepoit am pi e war iniagitihble• The A PEMEAT k ANIILYTILLS. if the stotivlch be a fret oat with wind, bile, or i oaird collecuons4clea r it out, by a il'aturdl-1/iir a must in sensible Oliveto action. mid cleanse, the villiole ali mentary canal. withoUt griping, and leaving it as free without debility, as nature ever• designed it to lie.— They do not take the skin tat he stomach and bowels, and taus u4iem like a piece of red velvet, as all.phy• sicians kniow the strong drastic pills do: but they take naturel kindly by the hand ;without crushing her fingers. They cleanse every thing, without impanng or Mittring , any thing. AN hen this is effeeted. as it tastier y is by the use tiro few al the t•A NI I LY A Ph:RI ENT PILLS. t hen come , the celebrated CAMOMILE, or TIZO,IC ('ILLS. to at nag' hen ri stomach and bowels which before. per • haps. we iIC. and foul hecausd they weie weak. and endows them with strength in perform their impor tant functirins, without the aid of filly/sic. The CA MOMIL.E WWI% F.R. when !its valuable pnneittes are chemmiallY extractetLis acknowledged by all ehy ' sicians. in every ante `to be thq hest vclaeiable. ionic 'known in the sciengekif nicdihitio —There is itioldog k..oWil in thb vegetatlle kingdom of nature to equal it: nothing that is at incel•ao hafinless 'and in yip/roast/ healthful. and to proof Of dna the proprietor of thy recowned:pills that ire made from its purest panicles: might quote almost innumerable authors, botleancinnt and modern, if' Ma own practice had not proved tit* tens of ihoiltrands. , The elree t ts of these Pills'am pot only perceived in an, increase of appetite tind'general strength,-but in a restoration of the body to that- universal vigor in all its functions -which Indicates the •-reteirn to perfectly sound health .—The face. antk•general complexion, speak voldmes in their favor. and thousands of ,fe males can testify how much they have contributed to their comfort, their complexion, and their strength. when everyotherremedy had proved worse than use. less. In- nervous diseases, of-all kinds, they are now ackswiwiedged to be preemineat; gradually restoring firmness of body and mind without those annoyance and changes which other nervotts remedies occasion *hippy wr/tild it have been for 'ninny young, persons of both seitea who ate now inlhesilentgrave. if they bad learned to cheek the morbid tendencies of their stomach and bowels by these pure tonicsand opera - erits.... resorting to qoici, remedial. theestarntts .of which, e concede!, of andi i which they kndiar nothing: " Th at dreadful seed e CONSVAIPTIO,III might have been checked in 4 .celmil . a . efficeinent ithiii disappointed ,ref Its prey. al4 OP* r the land. if the first synnoius s 4 nervous debility lad been c,ounterastejl by f.7-.A MOMILE: cheruiaillyrii -hlet arid; and !Lode bowel complaints winch leatil - aost offatal mala dies, might have - been of vist by-that fine altatine ear, - act cd, tln barb; which af at:leading ingredient in 4 / b lie A I m 'E e l i t i tl i ' n . ,N p 'l' I , / 1 1 /A i l L y ate ./ d 'I,LLL. - .e.l . :efe., both of f 'the purposes for which aha a N otherriare uticinrecul. o f Sillily used,feversiagues.bilio ! disorders, headar hes, ndld icenale detail/Iy, male decline. indigestion. and liver cohipkiel. !would fare entirelt disappeared, where many of t hem 'ha ve proved feta . -• • ' • B.it he it disdi:ctly understood that these medicines arc not offered, itiateart of-these, natural organs pf the body aih;ch.othei. Medicines- dispense with, in a very summary manner.- They are founded upon medical knowledgeatind nut quackery. Mid do not take all the red pareclesiout of :Ire human blood under the pre tense ofpunfying it. fit tu - ootof which difference of effect let the faces - and loans Of patients . bear testi- I mony. They constitute ti useful. effectual. and genc- I rally applicable clas s of medic/dies for every carnify. and being both ' tonic and aperient. and of-the best preparatidna known, no person or, family should be without ties[. They can be obtaintd Wholesale-and reetil ofthenpropribtos, Dr. Wl4-.E.VAIIS.Diess York, and of his ikenla is town and eonntry, with aire r -. 1• ". dons for usti.•.-Tite,y are rapidly_'sepereed!ngJal , other remedies adiertised in the ptiblic.prider,bietnie they are fotuid i i rehetortg. tole itery interior ells@ of poputar -medicine. Alsingkeuial astialb-places them high in pri• vateestisespen, as they are kttown tole in public preferenec,ond to the opinion trysicians.., Dr. A . V.F.Y4Vi.:,• , :',. AFT' ..Vo. .19f NORTti .F.IGHT , WIV . PitIL*DCEPfit '. wherelibt medicine may he hatl4 - 113 r. Wm Evans! Office.ll34-Chs street. PieorlittOt.eriterethe Der-tor may bectras 1 as usual. 1 i , . %.. . per plate , I ei„.„ 16f iet WI 12 pericizen 50 25 • .371 311 • 311 ' 154 D YSPF*SIet arid 'IIIVPO lif DRONDRIACIS fitrereMitsg Cose-Mr. William%ltnost;Green at. abase Tbir sit.‘ Philadelphia,: enact!' Tor several years with Me-following distressing:symptoms: Sicle nen &alba atomach.headachiqaminespi4wiPitationit of the hoar 4 iinpafred appetiteisomentnea. acid and powes.senrcttiooa eillatief and' tviiihnesa 664 extremiti .itlitafflatibn antrgen inlfdifflifiry,diaturb*d reed., a te se ofriremilfe thidNeligkurtleltricnaels. after eantig. ,nighteniitei-great!inentairsleaptireeY. sevemflyfittilins in theichest , lniekardeideatcosti it ems. ad' Aeforsociety.orennWerantiontirrooluntaiy sighing a d Weeping languprAnd.lasitude upon the team:turf: , . . „ 1 , ~,.,,, Mr. Sa n had applied. ,t,oiticisteininentPlUni ciarisowh naidered it be,yo the power of med,-.- i cilieto restore butt Whiffler; 'fflsortever. as his afflid none hail reduced him to a very,deplorableconditioil.' and hlnving-hifertiecoianicendeditly a rotative of his to malortrial of Dr. WimiENANS' Medicine; be with difficultyre*ired to the office and procured` package. to which. iodebtael fo - ghili'retimition to life. heaktle. , 'Stasi , ' LION?* it:6o34an Oe . 1,,, bleu?' o Ail ifhealth 'Persons, desirous ~ 0 faith infinmall W.Willbe sidafiedWith ever y r, z cularkfhliiakionishingenreatlttpiWm. Diana' Are ' . •-= csiOfeets.4ool.l34,hats,,i.....Tie4v York kand in Ph' adelptia. No. 19 NORTH EIGHTR.St.---;- ~, - 4.. F o *by f ' JeFIN T. WERNF.R.,.• _. l S• '.e Agriii i . 04, / . .i I. II ny i kill County. 7,4 4 4 • • • ~1 1# 4111 i li c r d I. Vrtiitleetro i r'4' I . . k .. 445+4.4.4 - ith..-,P4,A-49r.g so#lo4sl:4o.'::itir .q 3.: 6a MILLER . HAEGERTY. t Nov 18. i - _,_ _. .102-31 no Drit . ~ . ' , : • trivg niTsky • it o iktk.uoilidiaguago.t.. , o#344 , .4 Can, i . 1. r. , t.,:..z..-.lo;ifits4 Rupture. , R ,EilosiOMBW:.-11ERhari purchased the right tie rinfills# NitlitCsfplibing Dr. l.iii Houdis Truss in Sulitivlhill county. This TNr haalreceired the sanction otthe most re s p e oa l i'Oritcona 4 plapiciiatielarrialad*hia. by whit radical cure.oflbis.diseasui_anie7rce' ation d a atlnetirly been abandoned as 'hopekss, ia a , ,mplished witiraltuottAtlisolute .cerliiinty an , • ith-Perfeet safety. UpWards of a bundled run 1 rented-withinauhoti4Dndin,tbis city and sins. , ty,j: are -know:Ho bopertiranently euted,andt iptirlintw:ean now diSpcnsu„iaritli'llicuse of at i nistinifitot. it isuectata like DID, is uncut/41c it the annals. of Surgery. -11iis instrument, a t t (-method of petit:cling a-radidal c urea( Henn are nowt-offered to.thetic,afflicicil with this to 1 bler•otioe complaint. lib proposes it with confidence for the tt merit. of 'this disease, atid.as' meet ing every ii ; cation on corrt et surgical principles fat its in • cal, cure. The trusses heretofore employed tor ly !palliate the azraption.wrofithe aliecase, I rarely tv er.effeet a xadieil enter and :hence mi be ccintinually worn by the patient.-cifteo per to his annoyance. . Ater:thteittrell tie prey ariairittilis effected, allinstrutpcntal wry diet tinord. . • , t',....- It 'Cs..; ;,;,1, . i ~, This Truss, frith its appendage!, C. 4 ", tis at any agt, and by both sexes, vottiont toter ' tion -of business: ' tientletrea are rarefied to the foll Owing Eel Errs of the profession, relative this instru4u mid tip claims in cffreitng rattiest. cures. , WILLIAM tiln,oiY,ProtetwordfSurgery Univeniity Of l'entisylvait4. , ' RA NCI um Rita. I"krriaor4 ProloitizOl of atonly in, the Jefferi•ou 1114heol9College- I SAmoti. AVXFON. Professor et the In!titutii Medicine in the UniverFity 'of renosylv: o k 6 ftGE 51 . CLELLAN.:Fi - ofelorr , of Surger: the fic Pol iFon edieu I Co! ge, IJENnir Bolin, Secretary - bfftkle .Philsrdel College of, . EIAVIN A ,ED WIN P. A TLF:F., • /1'1,53. L . '4 , ,Letters to the above named gentle rkft !tint 4 'flee of esprrie, ' ..:.: §amue 'Copy ola letter froma JacKaon i , safes. eared the Institutes of Medici eint to University of' Pennsylvania. i 1 , Dereros. Doom, . ,_ • ,,„H,,, --,, Teat Sin—From thelinitorm itatturt of en the trusses I haveseen,eind 'of the treatment em. pinyed for hernia in procuring a radical are by ' sok means, I had abandoned ,01.1 cape tion 0 seeing thus desirable object reached. Iru st con. fe , co, tbat your apparatus and method ti t eatiag b 'rnia, bus, I believe, accomplished tins- esidet. attun, and the disease is rendered not oly man. ageoble, but in the greater portion of ca r a curs. WC by the roc( sser ofirrt."• .'r rt ~- - .. -:' I The principle of your treatment-and, - 011 the op. eratinn of your apparatus is bared to.the physiol ogy of the tissues, and is one of the soundest rib ' theoretical and - praeticairturgery.., .' . ' ' There is nothing empirical.ih i your neceeilings or your instruments. : They are the ap !motion Oa wolf establishedl rinciple utour science to the proctor t ion of It ape 'fic'elfeeto. Profess/iota:II in. stir net ton, skill anti- t4etnre netessary.timtttatn it with certainty. The instrument. ,nlotle t ,Nettlaotit appropriate niaitagement and the ada,ptten of their action to the indiqdtuthriceottling to am; tastius Ilonal and other peculiarities of each ease, would prove of little ility, or Might even *fca the in tention-of the treatment. . • • s . , From the remarkable , success that laattend. - (.0 your treat Mm e, and the carer of dceldl d eutts that have come under my own observer on; giv. ing the sanction of facts in support of the scienti fic principle. I have no .hesitation in regarding your, apparattis and method of treaUnc s nt as estate. liabed in ntedicaLsiieriee.' Witir itmsideratine, and respect, truly-yours„ - , .- • . =. 1 . ..- EtAAII.I4,,JAq tlgON. We have in our possession ti nurnber,Ofeertifi tales of the first respect ability rch .ittve to the cures performed by this instrument, Which we will Show to any person,desirottOPf satisfying himself with regard to the efficacy of the invention. • ' Persons .desirciux.fil being cured of hernia or znpture... will,do !well to call ,on .the subscriber before the : eitrernehot weather S'etas in, as the. •disease can beznere_teadily cured. in rooderate than in hot weather. : p • . . . • Physicians desirotra of P,roctrring the ri ;Itt of using the shove invention, can re ceivAnfor .na. titan or.' the sobjectirtAiniebase ;the right c the subscriber, who is' aiithlirizt4l to act j.agunt of patentee. ENOS CtiIciIEBTERZIVf:D: •i - rnav 16 . ge-s-- • - Kooks t very how '« U.' 'HANNANGfrers for' Fale the teillnwing • standard VrOkliS.llt s the very, tow prices IA Niched. Hume, Smolleit and 1151illerPs Enkbitidi - 4 - vats. sheep, with plums *lO 00 Orate's Commentary, 4 rolS. sheep, 12 00 Wesli`fs' 11 , 04 P, 10 vols. complete, -II tat Ouch's Trieotoxieal work's, 0 19 1., • 4 00 SCutt`s Bible 'ttnerbiiime'ellatirl;liili. • - fl• sheepi 6 - 00 ton's works, Dearborrie!s f Editinit,,slloo; 4 25 Rfollints Ancient History, 1 fns:'-sheets, , *Dettrhorne's Edition' with !Hypo' g platys , ird • _ , 4 . 25 ..Isepitls 1 vol. %flit - 010'es ' • • . • vt" 225 111rtrrysit's worltsciionifiiete„rl vol. 3 25 Moore's works, Library 2.25. 0 .Horne works, - - • 2.00 Cowper and •Thcipson's *arks, . I 225 worki: • + - 2 GO L aky....._ . necks's villigeßcirimas. ~ ••i •2 00 atidg,z's - Vwcolly • R . fßositoe, ' . 350 ;14acyclopediscif Gts2rap4,•3 - solet. with : - ''. j . 12 . 10 cahiiilidloo , Milis, i 10:50 Flpeti-pook or - 3111r6ta f Witb plates, i . 4.25 l y Wyllie!' 5000 Receipts • ._. ~ . I '3l ' 'together with a variety-of otlies Boolis alsei7 I mitts, to snit the times. 1 july.l.. z ' . :I • 3251,!,:*. Accompanying pointing' out in a iTtnptems inAlev sing diseases. 7.4 iing diet aini , segl Cohduct tlirou t tiet on vent pi *ptitms of the , ei• th the moisl4—werfi the diiectiodearc --' Thn.pnblic are 487 personti;havy Ilidtitics in tl, (1 1 Min the tnribi ti a; solve of.witie— Yiniseflo ` 4, TA sappily of' te ' ' *Land is fa Ilifai.b. 12 ". i RIME AFn Et, AL D. coNsumrnuii curtM.: i 6 • . .. INDIAN -SP Fil:F -1. Os the, -prevent 4107.,.4. :Coighscollis .dtdtattas. losueoptionit, ' is of hood, Diseosie ;If. Ids trettetanet - Leretp_4re. A r u ..= 7m1.11 Dr. 9.1, AM.. _llf 'REEMAN 4 , o iiiitigiii? fi. 4,7•0 41 , Mr 4 ' 14(0 iikkOpeettiek, tteiptit e til, the UT...0i14. .C. reol*A. - , te tit,oTO to Jelatit is; re- Ve • pre. Fe ponied to 'mot!, If media., • -^ leltositicaprof reiliope; ott t omplotoky if.i.clllsotgoP• ,I,ht , , hilts ac. r -J. : l. .kklaii,fieen El