The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, February 07, 1838, Image 2

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Individual Cual Oper
at the ^zPetilus)irallia
meting of th
s, O . be bet
1, Ibis_Jrrening
41117 441uck,
Wednesday February
dun bi4sinelis ut ituport
1 -
pace trucupie by the
has crowded oat a ouzo
'dad fur this paper.
wity Statentt nt
of 'articles Hite
vB. Companies.
ms fag, that of the
oal mined in Se h uyl
ie year 1837,450,000
ilffindividuals, who
eapital o engaged in
more than 630,0,000
antity is greater than
dined by all the Coal
the State of Yentisyl-,
apital of several mil
during the ,same pe:
individuals are to be
As region And their,
by; a few Coal C.Oll/.4
efit the. Coal Trade of
It i t s a notori
...V i tro tons of
44:ounty in t
1. 1 14 . *Cre *Pe ,
i business, of
'VOL This qt
e tiusintity • n
n9anies in
with n
, on kt dollars,
iodi Yet the
riven from tl
!mins supplie
. nies, to hen
Miners and La
leetiags o
'A very .larg ( fleeting of M krier a and
3 atiouterrs; the! bone and sinew of the
egion,ow as held Nat the Hotel of Edward
'Oeunor, on Mdonday last.--Had au earlier
nd,utirp general notice been given, the
umber in attendance would nave been
much larger. i ln fact as soon as it was
known that a Meeting was to be held, the
Miners and zliatioreno immediately quit
'weilki at theirl respective collieries, and
c f.
reuaired„ to ill place of meeting. , The
object of On meting was to whip( Jima.
-sures to preventAlti increase of cbal crif xi
parties in out The laboring classes
teel a very deep interest in this subject,
and their unanimous voice is against any
such increase. vludeed the whole popula
timid our region, without distinction of
classes, mineral' and laborers, catliers and
boatmen, merchants and mechanics, all
with one unanimous voice exc la iin against
the further introduction of monopolies
emohpit us.
' At Port Carlon one of thelargest meet
inp ever held in that place, was also held
en Mlnday.. A very strong feeling of ex
cite on the subject of coal companies
watrittanifesteil. The meeting -was ad
dressed 'by several individuals, in the En
glish, Gennin, and Welch languages.
The proceedings will be found in another
column.. ' 1 -
At Minersville, a meeting of the labor
iug classes was also held.on Monday, the
proceedings of which have not yet 'teethed
us., We haisti no, doubt, heweve4, that it
was well attended.
The li,iioring classes tall epos) the Peo
ple's Representatives to protect them a.
pima the grinding system of oppression,
under which they must inevitably suffer it
coal companies are permitted' to drive out ,
individUal competition from the region.
They ask• the legislature to protect their
labour and industry From the rapacity of
' bodies without souls. Trey have already
Buffeted much under the withering and
blighting influence of monopolies, they
therefore justly dread their fat the r increase
—they know that the wages of the poor
man, if subject to the arbitrary will of the
agents of monopolies, must be reduced to
. the lowest possible point con.istent with a
bare subsistence; and WE evAn this sub
eirdiknce will be rendered precarious and
uocertainthat they will" be obliged to
toil late and early, and incessantly, with
out being able to lay up a dollar for the
benefit of themselves and families at the
end of the year; and therefore, that while
thy eat their &Rad in the sweat of their
brow, they' have nothing to cheer them on
their way, and nothing to stimulate teem
to future exertions. These ale the views
of the laboring classes ; and they are un
doubtedly correct and will no doubt receive
a the attentiba .to which they are entitled
~- from the representatives of the people. •
The Governor performed a sort of mi
racle in casting out Ten Devils of Mono.
froth the legislature I Will that
honorable body suffer itself to be again
possessed,? Shall' single spirit of -dark
leas triumph over it ? For the honor of
the; old K. .snone we trust not
• .
• The fillbrman Mining co. .
W. have seen this monopoly . thre e
- before our. legislature. It orig inated at
• the session before the last, and appeared
under the disguise of the Cataract Com.
patty. Most of our real:lent must recollect
the "Old Cataract," 'arid what a noise it
. '.e am.ngst its.. It however failed.
, '
,_'-'''' .. ture could not swallow t he Ca-
ta l s , 'e-••:• he next app
nopo earance of this mo
' in' the dtsgutse of the R.uck..
Ridge II Road and. Mining Company,
with a ca ital of $350,000, and a to m of
twenty ye
‘ rs; to operate in the county or
&tout , .The means by 'which this
monopoly passed through the leg islature,
are obvious enough? It stood at ° the heat h l
of tea other monopolies, all incorporated
~ in the same 6111—it was log rolled through
tu Roust —it Was in a crowd or Mob rf
' 111 u 11° P"Ikt"OVele_iliV i l e4. 0 01 0 11
oNiq 1,
to t liteeljriteDVitTan
and h&put las ro on_every one of therlo,
including the f4inius Buck Ridge alias
Cataract Contkity.. It weirsupposed that
this upright, manly, and indepeudent
would have desikoyed the iiiiiiistets (nice.
and foreVer. Not. so I— . -ooty,oribe
stets= has agaialreappeared udder ' the ti le
of the Off rinati Minaug Company... This
Ids the Old dog oid a aesalurme.
It-seems to ds not.a little extraordinary
and derogatoryi to the dignity of the Sen
ate. that this budy should have omitted to
reconsider the bills . v.,toed •by the GoVer
nor, aceording,tiotheir conotitutional ditty.
This was at 0111444100 that cannot be!se
couoted.f6r in any other way, except that
the inembers•iwere willing to favour: the '
re.iistrodaction of these bills. We are I I
truly surprised ,to see that the feetitig of
monopolv has:obtained such a foothold in
the Senate-
We vilest, in the name of all the inha-
Imams of our. region, against this odious
vetoed munopply, which is to be locatad in
our region, by whatever name it may be
supported. - Let it bribe and corrupt Whom
it will, it shall never •hribe sr corrupt us.
We-denounce it as
••A mull:ter of so fool a mien
Trill to txt, hated [teeth. but to be seen."
Charles Frail v Esq
The conduct -of tloi geollerean,i as a
Senator', 10a.4 exo tied very strpug feelings
of animadversion motif individuals:of all
parties in the county. '!'hey have It oked
upon his course in relation' to the Offer
-1111411 Mininsto Company, as at direct war
wali all his former professions and prioci
: plea. As the opponent of coal companies
he was elected to the legislature. He had.
previously proclaimed ' his opposition in
county meetings, and both by wurcfs and
actions, as 'Ouch as in him lay, pro4ended
to be the übtompromioting enemy of mo
nopolies. So earliest and sincere in his
'opposition was he beliCved to be, in this
region ( that', bin a few yenis since, be wits
sent on to Harrisburg to oppose them, his
expenses paid, and time compensated for
by the vo , hintary contributions of 'indivi
duals. 'flint the , man shosslct turn round
and in - niggle through the Semite the Offer
man %%ming Company, has excited feelings
of indignation, 'regret, and astiouishment.
Out whole region is now up in arms
aganot hiM; 4 1,,he mechanic, the laborer,
the merchant, and the collier, with One
voice stigniatioie • him,: aet a recreant o td
a traitor.
The Bis-enititton (Land) Bill, as it is Cal
ed, his pissed the U. Set,ate by a lay e
insjortty.wit ;s-an administration measu e
'u gain popularity in the West. Henry
Clay opporAl it on principle—but: Daniel
Webster voted for the Bill, as a matter of
necesatty .under existing circumstances,
Mr. Calhoun also opposed the B 11).
At the : special election
.in the city . of
ohiladelWra un Friday last, to -sl.4)ply the
vacane, in the Legi-lature, occaidoned by
The, deatli Dr Mr . MCllvaine, Henry S.
:, the Whig eandedale i-ecemed
3,637 yuttni--acattering 318. I
It is aentorintei file" t that Van ; Buren%
u 1,-Tf einntry Schertre, is inuurejst rt)rigly
, tenotincrti in Aulninnstration papers than
;hose of tOtt oppositinn. Among the nun)
tier is they Riehrturintl blunter, the pupil
d the pery in Viqinta. The etlitnt of
Ibis paper cleeleres4it to be nne of the
qjttst declif II tneastrers e^ver Iffonght b.
f o re ihiu American pi'ople.
Mr. Rtara has intrpduced hia aohgtituie for
W riche*, iitulr-rre4suryl Hal into the *nate.
In the litouse Meaarw Claiborne and (Aaron,
have been turned nut Of flieir seats--:andthe re
/oat:trio° ra,--red by Mcl Howard declaring "that
Messrs. krcutiee and,*ord are not pneinbers of
the 2.5 th Pongreaa," was under consideration . —
The matter wilt iirobalily be referrer:lll:tack again
to the petiple of Miami/141.0.
Henry play haft declared that he ;will oppose
Senator Wright's odious Sub. Treasury Bull with
all the pribeer that Giodlias invested im with.
Connda.--A biff has pas-zed the Par.
liamentipf Upper tinnada, confiscating ti!
properti both real and personal, of all
persond who left the country • since the
premeditated attack on Toronto by the
patriots, and wlniclo not return; forthwith,
and talts up arms fur Colonial Govern.
went. The property confiscald is to be
appropriated in paying the eprpr.nses of
the war. One'section declares "that no
alien shelf be „permitted to' prOsecute his
butiiness; or have hfs pioperty protected,
unless he repairs to the Provine#aed also
takes up arms." • •
The Reform Cuoveotitin not lieing able
to traitiact all the btriineas before them,
I•ave reseintivd the resolution: to adjourn
ton the 4d Mtlt and fixed upon the 22d hist,
fur adjpurnment.
StibtiTreasvry.— Mr. Jon:44"*.i' has in
troduced resolutions, rota the House of
Representatives at liarrisburgi regiteiting
oar representatives in Con:friss to vote
agaioal the Sub-Treasury Sy'rtetn. Mr.
Johnsein is a Vaq Buren mans.
South Carolina is the only state whose
legislatire o has approved s.f th Sub-Trea
sury ~44r stein. 4 We think sh will again
Atnitd ttlone in - her glory, as rh did a few
years Gknce miter schemer of tilullifieatiort.
Cooke's Circus, together with 1
flee betie destroyed by fine
'•-• • Tiff MINERS" JO i.
3 Viitti
4 W'r P i tl "r "C;,,
At a hive meeting of Miners and La
borers of Pottsville and its immediate
ne i g hborhood, this .st.h._ day of February
u 3,8, at the house of Edward O'Connor,.
t o express' Om - It-entintents and -opinions:
in regard to
,a Bill lately passed by the
Senate of Pennsylvania, grant i ng a Char
' ter „to "the Oferrnan - Coal Company,"
and hearing that several other Coal Char
ters are applied for sr the present Session
of the State Lrgisrature—MlCHAEL'
1 NiIGENT was .called to- the chair, and
I normal Russel and Richard Lee ap-
minted Secretaries-:--nnil on motion it was.
Resolved, That Ralph Lee, John Rim]
James Currington be a e,nstasnirtelito draw
up resolutions, who, alter retiring fur the
purpose, returned-to the meeting and re
ported the following which were unat.i .
int ,usly. adopted:
Resolved, That we hare seeb with great.
anxiety and apprehension that the legisla
ture are about to grant Charters•to more
Coal Companies, a bill granting a charter
to Oferman 'coat Company"
passed the Senate of Pennsylvania.
Resolved, Fhat we, the Miners and La
borers of Schuylkill county, are determin
ed not to•countenanc•e in any shape or form
the Monster Monopolies that are and want
to be located within the .honest and indus
trious borders of this county.
Resolved, 'bat we will patronise those
OF our citizens u•ho have with - courage and
zeal, hid defiance to the united Companies
that ate here among us, and who have done
more for the Miners and Laborers by the
liberal wages they have always given us
than any incorporated Company.
Resolved, 'that we pledge ourselves at
all nines by our htimble efforts to stop by
all legal means, any thing in the shape of a
COmpaity—we want them nut, we can do
ten per cent better without them.
Resolved, That we will at any time lend
our aid and unite with our employers to
suppress every attempt that may be made
here, as well as elsewhere, fl.r the purpose
of thrusting any more Companies among
Reaolved, That we will unite one and all
to set our hearts, hands and heads, as with
adamant, at open' war and hostility against
every monster,' though he may come
prowling artiono us with ten thousand
Resolved, That we consider the I egis
I ature of our State, most particularly bound
in duty to protect, Foster and promote the
hon'est Labour and Industry of the.great
mass of the community, who look to them
to guard their interests whilst hard at work
to maintain themselves and families, and
to disclourage and discountenance all spec
ulation end sch4rnes of men of desperate
fortunes, who strive to enrich themselves
by legislative enactments of empty bubble*
and fancy stockjobbing, tending to keep
things always unsettled and under excite
ment, and calling upon ua to sacrifice our
time and hard earned wages to protect
ourselves from these repeated efforts of
gambling spsculaturs, to dupe the public
and unsettle our business, in which the
whole state is equally interested with Our
selves-:- every branch, class and occupation
of the'State receiving a benefit from the
prosperity of the Coal Trade. •
Resolved, That the following Memorial
'be f irthirith printed and signed by all the
Miners and Laborers in . Schuylkill co j onty,
and sent immediately to the. Legislature.
To the Honorable the Senate
and House of Representa
- tires of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania:
The ntemerial of the undersigned
Miners and Labourers inhabitants of
Sc hitt I kill county respectfully represents:
having observed With the utmost
detestation a Hill, purporting to be the
Oferman Mining Company, has been
placed before your honorable :bodies, and
to which is granted, privileges ultimately
at hostility with the. interests of Schuylkill
county; we the undersigned respectfully
present this our remonstrance against
the passage of said Bill by the House of
Representatives, and against all others of
a like cast and character, es being at
entire variance with our honest endeavors
to support decently our families.with the
requisites of life. The undersigned well
know, by experience that all coal coontia-•
nies are entirely su bversive of individual
enterprise, and especially ao within tthe
precincts of Schuylkill county • and, mnro
over, the
.Miners and Lab ourers have,
generally speaking,tealized a better com
petence for their labor from individual
colliers, than from the companies located
in Schuylkill county, and know. full well
that these companies have for their ob
ject the depression, in a great measure,,
of the honest wages of a large ,number]
of the inhabitants of Schuylkill county;
and conclude with submitting this memo.'
rial to the consideration of your honorable
- Resolved, That we ronvatulate our
friends throughout the coal refit
stand they- hare taken against .011 _Cu rt
Companies. Cimparties.
Resolved, That the proceedings o f tit .
meeting he signed by the officers and pub
Ilshed in the hlinrrs' Journal and Fre.
• Tutieww. Rvaium, President
Rartlaan LEI.; .
its Cnallents,
tintore. • ' Loit
. f 8 ~hV''.~~~">
IMMAwaw?" , = 4
I' '
Ise .1
. ..
~ , ,, I , - ~.... -.. ..,.i. :.` - ' - `!** . i.r ,,, lf . ' - '
VOA ;CA :I,oAtiftwitTutiazi
nip ' ' liiiii .41euite - 44tA f t-iilhigitA
nets Slid 'aborers engaged in, thei diffeeent C01..,1
Itistisien the' 11.41 Oneleitnif Schnylkill Vallei
'railroad HENRY 1). RICHARDS war called
'to then •r, and Wiliam thielil appointed See--I
The o i
eel eche meeting ' why staled from the]
chair in an able and lucid manner , 41 the En.l
glish la guage, and the meeting was addressed
Mtn German *quer? :by. H..Gehtenheinniy;
'and in the Welsh 'language by band Williams,'
whereupon it was unanimously resolved as thel
sense of this me,ing, that in the present detirea
sed and glutted I s . tato of the coal market of . this 'I
county, his unwise and inexpedient to Mewl*
rate any more'Coal Compsnies for the 'purpose of
mining and selling of Coat, as the tendency of all'
Seel companies are to monopolize the valuable.l
coal .preperty of this region, and to drive out in
dividual enterprise and competition, Sod erect in
the ste'thereof a nominal - oligarchy, under
which ma ny of s.jeivis wofferal too , severely- in
ritry . ,ever to wish to be ruled by it in
thia. ,
Reesolved, That a committee l appointed
from eked of the Collieries in thitrieinity, for the
purpolie of drafting a suitable remoomeance to the ,
Legisletine, and obtain signatures to the name.
On mtion, the following persons were duly ap
Foils sCatifion-t—lleory Richards, Samuel Rod
gers, Patrick Freeman, John Lashes, Joseph Al- ,
lison, Daniel Roebuck, Thomas Brag h, Wm.Ste
vensoh. Bear Ridge 4 Belfast—Robinson Kay,
Leonsid Bright, William Thomas. Belmont—
lama' flinny, Isaac Briley, Thomas Masked.
Henry John, William Davis: William -Zimmer. ,
man,Adam Harting. Eagle Hilt—Joseph (,teen,
David Foley. Robley Collieries—David Wil
'nen, John Evans. hew Philadelphia—Conrad'
Bobh, Samuel - Royer. St. Clair—David Price,
--... Lewellyu, Genge Wagstaff. &mandate
—Michael Foley. New Castle—George Paine,
William Rhoads. Vaitey Furnace—H. Genet).
hauler. D.Phollenberger,'Llgnitiatrocher. Mid
&loan—Edmund James, John Burns. 'Pescara
ro--James Palmer, Thomas Palmer. On motion
Resolved, That the Proceedings of this meet.
ing he published in the Miners' Journal, and all
otbeys favorable to the cause of individual enter
Attest— William Gould, Secretary. ".
of the committee appointed in the foregoing rea.
olutkons, will be held at the house of Jame* Ling
Port Carbon; on Wedoesda t y (this afternoon.) at
fivc , o'clock.
New Name.—The Administration Sub
Treasury , men in Virginia are called Sub
seri lents, by the Fredericksburg Arena.
We should not be surprised to see this
name stick like a burr.—vtira.aridritrirrarz
The bill permitting the circulation o
small notes by the Banks of New - Jersey
haa become a law. •
We learn from a passenger on a steam.
boat which left Louisville yesterday, says
the Cincinnatti Express of Saturday last,
that just before the boat started, a crowd'
had collected %bout the Northern Bank
of Kentucky, and it was • rumoured that
twlo men were killed in it.
New Rampehire.---We learn from New Hamp
shire that the Whigs arc actively enraged in'the
work of preparation for the annual election,
which takes place iI3 about six Weeks, and that
there is a fair prospect that they. will triumph:—
The whole State seems to be in 'arms. County,
dmitrict, ail Senitorhil eonventione, and town
meetings. ere held. every week, and the beat
I i
43 tot prevails in them. Politica excitement w
I mething ilf a novelty hi that hill - ridden region.
is now abut eight years since there was aby
t i til al of the strength of parties. In Ittl?., the
lugs mat &
some exertions to put down the dy
nitity of H I Co., but they Were beaten try
o r 6000 majority, and since that period they
have bad nit organization.
A vigorcris and united effort is now making by
the Whig -tarty to carry the Suite.' If Isaac Rill
.1 .
te not overtirown, we shall be much disappoint
dd. It is lso probable that the Wbiga will sue.
rin obtai ning a majority ofthe popular branch
f the lature. They will elect their repro.
ntatives n everylirgo town by handsome
ajorities: Concor will be redeemed, and so
ill Dovita, Nashua, and Portsmouth. The
r iubable oomplezion of the Senate samore doubt
'id. If Dire , Hampshire abandons the adminis;
ration, the divorce bet,w , ...cri 11 // Van Boren and
he people will be complete. —Boston Atha.
Sub Tninsury Nuatrutiansl—The Se . °rotary of
the Treasury, in obedience to a Resolution from
the Hot* of,RepresientativerOas made a Report
!which pea far to show how theSub-Treasury
I...Q..cheme "cold work. In this Report we have
the names of Collect arc, ,Receivers, ace. &c.,- of
,the Revenues, who are dcfaukers, within the last
two years, to the tune of SIX HUNDRED
In the court of Common' Pleas, a few - days
since ia the case of William .Dougherty vs. the
Bank df Penn Township, for the recovery of "five
dollari penalty imposed by the act of Assembly
passed the 12th of April, llidi,"—the defendants
having paid to the plaintiff certain small certifi
catesof loans by different incorporated districts
--Judge Randall delivered the opinion of • the
Court, "thitt the individual or corporation who
pays area, small bills, not of his or their own
creation, is and are in no way liable to the penal
ty.—Phii Paper. .
3:l' The Assembly orObio, by a vote of 38 to
13, have passed a bill repealing. the Act of late
senior, which prohtbited the circulation of
S. Bank bills.
Great Project of • Navigation by Steam —ln the
Dritiah Douse of Commons on the 15th Deeem
bor, In answerto a question by Mr, Macruntrote,
Mr. &Arno wab say, that a "OM
for a largo coMmunication by steam, with the
colonies genenally, was at present under the con
sideration cd Goverriment-that the plan was
not confined to the West Indies alone, but that
tt had reference to the Whole system or interne
foetal communication." .
On Sunday evening the 4th, inst. by
Boshyshell Esq. ,Mr. Wan. MARSH
of Purt Catiin, to Mus. MARY Gout:wow;
of the same place.
On Sunday the 4th,' inst. by the same 5
Mr. Jos. I Mriamms of Port Carbon, t.;
Miss REn.mmA hit:CARTY, formerly o
Nortbui4erland county, :Pa.
At filinerinille, on ibe 311, inst. by tt
Rev. Thomism Sovereign, Mr. Ilmtuir Put
ou to Wise SAtt4ir Vittalams.
~w~ !~ - _
*to taricre Day. on the &dor March
41338,M. the oust ofiltlr. John Ptoooit, and rem
'peCtfully ins e their country .men to iarticipate
bathe We* tion.- They-will meet, 41.111 r. Pro.
most's at 9 o' lock, A. M. and at 11 o'clock a tier=
'matt will he.. elirtiredv'tbe.:Bebrimmrdiebiefiew
Which they ill
. plirtoked a di nn er a i,l 'clock,
at thdobbre eutioned Awe, mina
of the day w • be delioted to feativities„ becoming
the occapion pt their Meeting.
By order of the t IVEt!SH
. . 'Potts= lle..Februart 7. 1E621. •
WHEAT FLDlJR,.py.the !nail !vas -worth.. iin Fri
day 28 00. . = ! 1 .
• WHEAT 1 50pe . i i .amihel. in demand! •
RYE FLOUR. 2 Amer cert. in demanß. • . •
BUCKWHEAT FLOl,lit 250 per awl} in demand.
'RYE, by tbe load po cents by the buisher=ready.
sale , I
41YE.CHOS , .90 cities per bushel inidemand.
OATS 40r cents—ready sale.
POTATOES 43 cants per begat@ in demand.
lIIRN-10. cents per bushel in demand.
cr t
I CLOVE SEED-45-60 - per bushel.
i "TIM SEED—S 2 00 per butibet.
'MAKS ED-41 12 per busbelln demand.
WRVS Y-42 cents- per gallon.
j e lel i s ..
.BUTTE —l4 cents per poundr-in . ,12 cents
" EGGS-12 cents per dozen. ' i
-LA RD--410-cents per pound. I
TALLOW-9 cents per, poune 1 .
HA MSI2 centre per pound.
CORN CHOPl3o l centi per bushel i; demand.
BACON-12 cents per pound.. ,
BEESWAX - 18 cents per pound: i.
FEATHERS-62cebts per pound. , 1 ', •,. ,
CO?dhIQN WOOL-40 cents pet pound. ,'
M ACKEREL, by the bbl. No. 1. 212 00 No t a 2. $ ll
SALT;-42 621 pier bbl.i 07 per - budhel
PLASTER. is word 17 00 per ton. r•
UAY IPS perm'. •
ICKEL, Treasurer f Schuyikill
canin4 with the Comatissirtiters 191
, from the 4th day, of January,
2d day of Janoary, MP; both, days
said Count
1837, 8o the
ning in the Treasury vs
ment, $381748
.cved from the folloiriwg
the different townships
TO Cash/
per last mu
To Cub rec.
min 1835 831L88
- . 1836 560 00
r 1837, 102 40 ,
' 4 380 . 28
TVkil firusacick
Abraham Sc!
ingot lip fail) 1835 280 86
Deats 10
1 6 n.l 91
berge p t 8.37 24 00
Solomon Be
John D long
Daniel Sboll
'y"` ' 1635 281 25
1836 100 00
r 1837 428 75
Andre Ac
John S 'der,
John 5 der
et, (in full) 1935 .380 00
Andrew Wil
Frederick F
• 1834 20'00
(in Falb 1835 143 05
nrcer m3:i6 268 16
1837 50 00
Marts , Bide
, Zi ru ld
Jacob "
Leo M.
ws 'Ha
er 1834 •l 0 00
r 1835 40 00
(id ri111) 1836 537 89
anger, jr 1837 150 00
Jon a4taw Y
Jobni Bolic,
°pper Alahankengo.
4f (in full) 136 272 , 521
gt.n 18:17 648 00
. 920 54;
hug 1835 101 54
ling •11135 4122 84 2 '
- . 1871 508 80 7" ;
. , ..,... 83.1 18
Pete} Fedi
Jaeop Bu ;r
Jac nb He. •
Jacdb Het:
Jelin Stein
(di rull) 1832 64 17
Oa full) 1836 1209. 10
E-uctiter (iu full) 1837 2241 21
Jaelb Eye
Gellsge IL
.Mills • 1835 ,325 CO
efraer 1836 200 00
Da tt r s el Ste
A n So.
M hael •
I ftob D F
John Puff
1836 55 00
1637 361 00
West Pan.
Dtnd Zo
To Cash
[ fired of the Commicns,
-inB money loaned for se of
1 t - minty - 11900 bo.
eceived . For unseated lends le-
emir?. 996 09
l on unseated lands , • 228296
la. 4 sold by Commissioners 1011121
J• eter Ilion for i mite 900 , 00
Liam a Hull. elm. fines collected
uel Dv Poi. esq. do do
fines fbr non-acceptance Of the .
.Itioe or Collector so ob
sealladeous - - 1 , 35
ter F. tOdwir, fines collected - i 25i 28
sepl4Morgan amount of a note 163 60
ts 'apart° County ' 4003
lio ettalt
i to
I fo
i °
, 1
o Rai
Ja .
nce rernaini in the hands of
M. Bin4el, 14eaaater, this day
ry 2,1238, • ni
CR. ;'
pail costa in behalf of the Coumte
on milts again.* retailers • •
..'tams On fox scalps ..
tie to • suirervjsors ,
.• which-4d . been overpaid .
steads fount
ionary, clothing 'for tritioners and
\ 181 48
101 00
38 75
riots in (waken tiai7
. icslligasdance on prisoners
. •
.fir nlinvacceptanee of collector
.:. re:domed2o 00
iiri of public bu ildings 9 44 i
chin D ' oor children 2 4 231 801
I at redeemed, .12
. 00
, 1
crest on loans 1 V 7(s
- tors of the poor and bongo ores , 1 t
1 . oymeSt • 406 66
. Soil election expenses :
% "
bins bridges , 1141
. Its for Offices aisil for Court . 41:87
- ' rel via.ges- . 211 00
• Ild. petit traverie Juror, unrion'
Flableir t -. 2108 70
1 t •
- •
;‘ •
road iiirces
Coroner's i ,
Jacob ',dab
• bowie a
181100 am
Clerk wessi
Jacobi Bare
C c o.
Laoderbran for tanking an index
rfor Recordees office, - 123 co
John Bcboener4g s late COreerinicre* 207 00
Philipl3arean; present '416 - 'lO4 00
A 444 Focht. do rode 101.21
Treamoceararbwr - - 80 00
by amount 441 00 f ithicgl the trea
wier stands charged twice in bin
ace -emt
'by taah paid )kedilors fOr!leitti)44#
yoqa acceants •, "91 - 00
•Balaticein the hands ofJohn 81.1*k.
el. esq.Trikaauitr 4eB 97i
A &Statement of balances due by
ferent Coltectors.
enj ,
Op wigiburg.
lacob D.Frehn 1836 361.10
:iJohn Goff 1837 258'79
East Brassy:4g.
!Fredellek Baseman 1835 168 63
Abraham Seltzer 1836 1068 97
West Brunrstrig.
Danl.,,SboUenberger 1837 , 1170 73
Manlcim. • • "
Frederick Fried • 1836 . 222 111
Frederick Fried 1837 , 1448 . ' •
1670 86
, • Pinegroce.
Jamie greater 1813 • 357 50 ; •
Michael Huber 1835 -1 ' 55 94 •
Michael Huber 1836 440 57
Peter, Filtiert 1837 14 5 8 96
2312 97
West Penn.
Hav4Zehrer. 1836' 241 ;
Abr am Wagner 1837 825 40
* ' 1067 es
810 00
, . •
i - Wayne.
Anitnew Achy .1835 :205 53
Juhi:6 Snyder, jr. 1837 - 7i2 55 ,
Ow 1140 45
7500 45
Marlin Biller 1834 236.56
Benjamin Lancer 1836 143 95 -
Jaen Zimmerman. 1837 - 702 80
1083 31
itarrY• - -
lava Reed 1832. :90 10
Jona:than Yaqui! 1836 215 /36
Ooh Bulich 1838 . 5&1.75
737 89
1834 112 &7
1836 00 00
1837. 260 37e
402 9t
, . .025 00
1836 844 00
4837 381 00
425 CO
1835 200 00
1836 405 50
605 50
416 00
1835 - 119 48
19p6 BID 00
18V OA 00
,964 46
26 61
62 34
$30903 4
1 1
174 - 371
2419 76
41 33
16 00
.01.45T4NDING 111g13113.
IncolaZegenfant.babuiwait faith*
edirecognizance• •-. WM 00
balance due by Geo,Ratut..late Wfl .
fot verdiete eadcasit , . 4115 81
eaainremaiiiing the -halide of qra.
Rahn 180 (011
untajdue by Daniel 11.1ine01.G.Wool.
loon and Jacob! Kline 18. 14
hotel due'bv Joseph-Aldridge . 63 00
Vlatemplif "4.
1835 2312 21
836* 54616 : •
1837. ,4020 .
:.4-•••••"...!- 0 - $7481 6'l
; - X3l
835 863,95
Ru 4. ---i - . ~
Wi'Oen Faust 1834 84 . 78 , • ' •
- Solonton Lindner - 1835 423)1 • -:
Der 41 Stewart . 1836,
.114 St .. ')'-;
A - aren Boughner 1837 ' " 4 33 . •irl
. .---- ' 861 73
, 1 •
U. Mabanta
Jacob Buffington 1,
L. Mahn(
Jo lieberlin
Johh Stem
r Tango.
835 349 82
1837 436 32
I..eluard Mora 1834 .paos
La vp is Dreher 1835 558 - 07
Fi:elatk. Ben-anger 1837 86 1 7 20
Toille,Honoraile thb Judge* and Conti of Csie.:l
man Pleas of .Schusdid/VrAninty:
THE Subscribers, Auditor! of the County of
Sclrny !kill, respectfully REPORT, that they NOW
audited, settled and adjostqd the accounts a(
the Cmyrnissioners and Treasurer of
county, and submit the ibdre statemeni uthd
result of our examinations frrlm which itrippeire‘
there is a balance remaining Fut the hand* of the
Tritourer John M. Bickel, amounting to four
thousand eight MAC - fired and' seiecty eight
lays and and
.a half cern& Witnea
our hands, Jatmary_2B. *O IO E IB3B . A 4 J
February 1, 1838. ' 4t
_Champagne Wines.
THE _subscribers have.just received and offer
for sale a large ' lot or choice •Chatripagos
*rifles, among which will be found the Talmetto'
brand, which island to ba.lsoperior to EV yet
imported—also, Super ogold made/moods ihmf
and port wine* io _bettles. •
, to• I
'an 24
Piew and Cheap tiOod*
rE subscriber is noir opening at hisStoirhi
argo and general assortment cif Dry
remiss, Hardware, iron, gle. Which wilt.
Mild cheaper than any that hUs been affinedin I
IFlorongir. J. CLAYTOgi
Pottsville, Oct.,l4th 1837.;•
Chant ymcgige. !Irina 11
AT N ATH ANS de Co. bassinet hand and: .• ....
4. 1 1 • for sale, 50-baskets chummier's - Wines, ,
.the most celebrated brands, among which mny
be found the Woodcock Aron a wino fir supeript.
te any ever offered for age a s this , place. , -
Mao the genttineAachor Bronife. ,
- Jan 31 . ' I_ , -i:- t_ 7
India 1/4thiber,'
IrtP3T teamed ‘4 l )
1 1 . Over Shmfs pfan ace
cheap by
!Yin 31 -
Sleigh . at• Sat- .1*
, t u vr be sold it:Public. Auc.4o' o Who bootie
V V of Henry., Stager, qv Saturday the Oth
day of Febrnary, at &etc** in "this allefotat
!first rate One base tottr—tonn it
sale: f= G idool4
• Jan 27 •
71 67
119 91
485 16
Xi 00
fees 635 56i
151 83
C 7 Oo
Pabhc 'll 21
147 00
Os 106 45
830903 4
4163 26
1178 60
331 31
, 3.36 73
.786 14
1446 33
ROY of dtleßs;
at ; comity, and
& 7. FOSTER.
• -4 • 74