- VOLE PRINTED AND PUB An I3EN3AMIN B . SIAM-WEIE Tirrtitt .Do LULU'S AND FIF rif payable aettii-annually in advance. In the year, St will be chariel t. :ceive, the. pa per free of portage. $3 per annum. lf not paid *lthin, will be added to The price of auhsc, wt;F:io,v, 'goto thaLcaas per annum. pay id alvnitce. if not paid within t be charged Advertisements not exceeding t charged:sl for three insertions--a insertion. Larger ones to proper All. advertisements will be ins. out, unless the time for whi Th they is specified And will be charged as Yearly et!vertisers will be char, including subscription to the paper of keeping one advertisement pot standing during the year, and the er one in eachmapr r for three sue All letters addressed to the ed otherwise no attentiOrt will be pat All notices for n eticzs, titc. which have heretofore bcca lose charged 25 cents ale!). except Ma ENGLI Ballot.—Within. the Ins' rouAy signed requisition I, in this town, upon the subjt.l l'his requisition respectfull Mayor to convene a meeti opportunity, fur the purpo the legislature upon the ti requisition as the one to adverted, could not hive this town two years ago. has progressed, in the mightily since then. Th bf the last borough elect, expenditure to tempt on Ha the intiMidating threat td other—have convinced li' necessity of the ballot. • Suther,i Delicate Investigation. was held last week in th, Mary, Sandwich, at whit Hambleton presided. Th• the vestry was convened a delicate investigation i 'of the parish sexton, who. had broken the seventh , and had thus brought ac' church, of which he was sexton was su•ipended fro! aaiulainents of his high ec fur six weeks. Murder.,Thtirsday, held - at Horstngton, near colnshire., on John Taylo trier; who came by his following circumstances : inst. being at florsington a. beer house, in company perscrns, when a quarrel • _taborer, named-Edward •,a : Men of violent charge individual. • In the cour: Bowering was knocked advancelf to pick him up. 'same 'time he was worth vising Bowering's oopon. out." Upon this, Rowe Taylor, and stabbed hin the stomach and thigh. . 1 veyed home and put to found ,that from his woun his botvels•protruded. I called in, but inflarnmatiti on ThurOay. Taylor bi The jury at the inquest r of " wilfisl murder again ering." •"Singular Marriage.— * Opeared before . * h Chrosthwaite church, K day, and when the cereal , ed, it proved to be the el had, between them, appei purpose; she being to bin and he to her a seventh ing actually interred dui having dote the same w The bridegroom's name 1 The bride's Margaret Thorrahmatte, near Kea' White . . Rifle Shooting.—N • . _C A RTR IDGE. 1- On Tuesday, the Acrot , rmentarian Soci• rty of Rifleman met at th • it private ground at Wormwood Scrubbs, to contend for a splendid gold medal, at IQ yards from t i tie target. Most of the era . ' 'shots were pe. sent, which compelled e ch to Jo his be . ana ' increased the omen .nce of the spo t which terminated in Mr. . Margary bei E I declared the winner. f a this occasi, u M r..A. Margary made . use, for the fi s time, of his newly inve ted cartridge 01 1 the rifle, with which, ; though the pi ri can be loaded with . the =ame facility a i soldier's musket, the ac. racy of the fit i 4 ..0. .ps not, ttke, least impai,•d, as a proof ol which Mi. A:. Margary ade eighteen hits and four bull's•eyes out of the twenty•foui -rounds Jter - fired, the t. rget being eighty inches in diameter, and the bull's•eye ,ix inches. We consider ti .s cartridge a Most decided.improvement,.: ,4 Well worthy the, :attention of the army, as it obviates the , great objection to tlfte •ts of the rifle ti's a military werpon, nava,: y, the length' of time in loatii , g the piece. n the Thursday followinO , the so iety me at Chalk Farm, when Mi.. A. Margary ati :. • . N " WILL T*ACIIIIOO TO PiEftC4 TOXIOITILIS Ol Tag 31 91 . SHED, ;gain -successful; endAttcatAileiliker-med for' the friXth • and hit time.' The golk medal was awarded to Mr. Catehawocal', The disqince was 250 yards, and "the trtf - : get is new the same size .as the one : NNAN. 53 • rs per annum. (inn( paid with al( those who re . subscribers e year, 50 cents Worniiveod Scrubbs. lslot.ivithstandirti the heavy rain, there was a good muster and the shooting, considering the weatheli extremely good, twenty out of twenty-fe4 being struck by the winners. After thg termination of the contest, *Mr. A. Margarliil fired for, three minutes at the target, iii order to ascertain with what rapidity 4 could load and discharge his piece, wheP he fired twelve rounds, putting four bal i into the bull's-eye, and the remaining into the tar,get, at 100 yards. The pie he used on this occasion, was made by -5 / I ' , . Braggs, of Holborn: • t Poor Law Riot, at Bradford.—A se rious diettirbauce t ries occurred at Bradford, in consequence at an attempt to introdude the poor law 'into that town and neightsr. hood. A correspondent orthe Times . ht.s furnished that paper with a detailed lie , count of the affair, evidently written with a strong bins against the law, end Mr. Power the cemmissioner. According to the statement in the time's , the soldiers' were intoxicated, when they were ordered to clear the streets—" The Hussars-were ordered to clear the streets; and having Wen primed with gdod stuff, even to into* ication, away went 'her majesty's mounted servants, sword in hand, or carbine on the cock, through crowds of inoffensive men, women, and children, firing here, cutting there, and riding over every where. Cuts Were received -by many; several have been shot, 'and probably some mortally; aid all this has been done to a community who, I for ten years, have never rioted, never in sulted their magistrates, hut honored their ;decisions, and respected their monclutes." 1 The Colosseum, an American ship,from -Si. l Lilies, was wrecked on the Kentish coast, on Sunday night last; the crew corn- prising twelve persons, perished. 1 `rSuiriile far Love.— Mary Peacock, a I very har,dseme girl, .eighteen years old, Ithe barmaid at the Islfw Inn, Ensingwold, having had a quarrel with her sweetheart 1a feit , days before, it prayed upon her :Iliad 1 to so great a degree'thal, on Monday, she suspended herself from a hbok. in-the ceil ing of the wash•house, arid although taken Idown within five minutes life was extinct. ble semi-annually e year, 50 will elve lines will be d .50 cents for one on. ed until ordered re in be continued nrdia d SI2 per annum; with the privilege reeding 2 squares isertion of a small. Ave iimes. most be post paid to them. nd other notices ted gratis. wall be iages and Deaths. ~~ week. a nume. I s been get up' , *t. of the ballot.l calls upon the at au early of petitioning bject. Such a ,which we have, teen got up in Public opinion 'iff P ht direction, ' remembrance ein--the lavish -bne hand, and defier on the' ndzeds of the, nd Herad. A noisv vestry church of St. the Rev. Mr. hject for which as to institute to the conduct, it was alleged! :commandment,] ndef upon thel officer. The ,t the duties and', lesiastical office n inquest was Wragbv, Lin formerly a fart eath under the On the 2011 l east, he entered with some other sued between .veering, who is -r, and -anothet e of the scuifie, - wn, and Taylor •bservingla the °thing, and adr t to "serve hiM Ong turned upoU with a knife in. raylor was cori sd;a..dit,w in the stomac • CAI aid w took place, anii eathed his 'las'. ;turned a verdict tdward Bou- Munificent Donation.--,The Dean of Ardagh acknowledges •to have received from Mrs. Wakely, relict .of the late Rev. William George Wakley, the surrhof five hundr'ed pounds for the school for -the Sons of the Irish Clergy. Edgeworthstown. nil bountiful gift has been made in grate• :ful . remembrance of - her lati beloved !ins - band and in eiinfuitnitY with his supposed wishes. The Dean of Artiaill alsci• ac knowlethres the• receipt of a Fee on,l (lona tiuti of one hundred pounds from James Gthbons, Eaq Bally naglah:Westmeathi A Womin Eaten to Death by a A few days agn we were eve winless to a most revolting- spertacle.--- , -it was the dis figured remains ulltliftY Kelly, a feeble old' woman of very poor circumstances. who was eaten in a most .fearful manner by her o wn pia. She lived 'in a %%retched Catlin at Coolderry, in the parish of Toornhvata, in this enualry. :The flesh was entirely eaten-off the 6E14 arra ; the tips of the fingers !mere gnawed off; and the nose was why tlt cranched away. Great rericir s gs tool place at Carney, near Ennis, on to celebrate the happy event of Miss &nuer attainingjier majority. •. A sprightly cn - • vltnenial altar, , t swick, on Moc ny was pet fora - I ;:venth time the red for the san e the fourth wif-, usband; t e hat e wives; and si e th six husband:. as Wm Winde , Welsh, both .f - ick. Den Herald. Murder.—On Wednesday night, last. another murder was perpetrated at Fl town, within law mites of Boyle. A dis pute arose between two persons named Mary M'Greevy and sally Moregban, (the fornter rhugter , in-law to the hater,) about some family affairs, when Mary M'Greevy struck the deceased with a Atone, and then stabbed her with a knife under the ear.— The woman entleavOred to escape by .run ning across the bogs to • the Shannon. where she purposed , getting into a Gnat. She was, however, prevented by the exer tions of Sergeant Aanesley, who overtook her, and brought her in custody In this , town. SI e has been transmitted to jail t to abide her trill at the ensuing assizes... Roscommon Paper. e Rejoicings atßi•oadisland.—Tinf thri ft entry in the estate at Broadisland hisving ascertained that David Stewart Keri. Esq. if (son to their respected landlord, Da v s Esq, M. P.) would become of Gage on Monday, the . 6th inst. resolved to cqebrate that event, a-s an expression of that!, good feeling which should always exist between landlord and tenant. A new and verrextensive barn, eonsist ing of three floors, was/tastefully deebrated for the Occasion. - There could n 4 have been leas than 1,500 perions asseMbled : and when in.good brown ale, whilth was plentifully distributed, they toasted the :.health of tip. young “Laird," they, made • -rr 0. o f .•• • . I • 0 - t IRELAND. • • f ill i . .• '1 . i t \ • ' ` - .W' r - - - - - --'. '- ' - - iq 1 ', ' .„.., •... . ..,..,„,,,4-0-gt,•-•, • ,. ...,i, . ;.. ~, -1-• . .-- 1 •••••Z ~• .. ~ •••••:-...-- -- • .-- - - -.---.---- . ... ' --_--- - :'-'-' -- ;! -- t - * -- '. - . 7 ----- : '---'-^"--- ''..,•• 7,.:" r=:l- 7 . nr . * ' ' ' ' ' ' 4 _ • kr: ..-.." i';. l l ' • - • * •_. . ~,,c.,.. , ...... ' ,i, 0•.-; • - ~. -- -, . ......;c : : • - ,-•.-.. ~._ =';',-- >, :,--....:,_,-.....; .- ~i ••- ...• ', , , • I. . ~,,-, . p • =7: .t , ~ f , .,., , •4!. ~.7 - ~- 4 1 •. i - - ,...4....0.i., - ,... , ,4:::.. -. .1 #1 , i• , t . ;„. „ 1 .., , \ , .„..• ..„: t y „„ . , l• „ • , .., ... .) i-7 ' -.. - .. r. _ •••••.....`,-; •. .."' _ , - ... 1n ..• 1 1 . _, I , .-I , - " ... , $ .4 , . 1 ....,. „, „ .1. • -,* .'...1 - • - * A a - 6 •. - "It , 2 4..... , ~, k,Z {', I, ± , • i hTD , r(Vierria - k- GE At A.Moilt l itirlSEll '''':' ''. ''''''''''' . r 1 . - .., :•-• , I • : i •:, LIE • t . 4 ! • • .:, • : c t .•- ; _ . t .... if . i.litll4lo OUT F : 40.31 CAVLI6III 01 THX/kIOUSTAIM MILTALSAIMICEI WILI.GIVZSTRIXOTRITio,pqa.muros AND SUBjECT ALL NATIME . TO 0112. 111 . 1 . t• . , SVILLE„ WEDNESDAY MORNING, iiiiiiirAttsr : 4- 1835. '4 the welkin. ring,"the ball. was opetied tl.y the oldest servants . s ome of whom bad been forty .years a t the place; and it was pleasihg to witiles the glee with which, deaptte urege, they .hobbled through the dance." ' The ev eitin was spent in great hilarity arid good.. hutnour, :Abe company separated in that peacOul mariner fur which (he siitighintrhood tab . always been distin guished. ,_ I I Education in lielaind.—We have been given to understand, from good authorty, that 200,( 0!, at lea will be appropriated by 'Parliament, for tl e purpo . ses. of Irish Eihication.—Dublin i Mercantile Adver: liner. ! Mining.—We lia” seen specimens from die newly commenced works at 'idiom- Cleague, in the barony of Gultier, county Wexford. The specimens resemble. the raw material got at HTF:boring mines of a very productive description. We under• stand that ; they bear great ib..arks of sil Ver and lead, and that there is a consid: orable expectation of discovering veins of these metals or of (ipper. Some of the stones taken up are 4if a black colour, and this circumstance has created a hope of shortly arriving at a bed of coal. • Waterford Mirror. Mias E. O'Callaalan, daughter of Mr. O'Callaghan, of the Coal market, Killken ny; took the black - 14i! in theTresentation Convent,ut that city: . • Mr. O'Connell in his letter to the dig hitariesof the Estal!ilished church, dated yesterday, assumes t!ie amount of tythe pomposition to be 600,0001 a year, vrltli he offers to corrillroinise with them, for the FURL of 420,000, tleXt is deducting 30 pe , cent off the tythes, aid this reduced sum to be paid nut of the cOlt...olidated fund: lle then put posed to fik the whole charge of the Constabulaiy, 000,0001 a )ear, upon the landlords of !refund, "in heu of tvthes, brit a hictt impost he expects, will he ma. terially reduced every year in consequence Of the tranquillity grOwing out of the tythe alodition. The net ann.unt of tythe corn an•iiion is but 550.0001. SCOTLAND. Sirornson. —Fatal Lfrudent,—Utc Toesdav night, the 14th instils Itobort Adam, collier, was ascending fro:n turf llYke Coal Pit, Stevenson, when' about ten faihonis up. he lost his hold, and tell to the 'bottom. Hui was immtdiatelt taken up and carried home, Where Ire ',survived only a few hours. He has lull a wife and seven Oil. then to lament his fat. Lord Panmvre and the Mechanics Institution of Thechin.—Were ' thit nobility and gentry in general to follow the examples of ' Lord Pan-- mule ir. Patrenizing the arts and sciences, the intelligence of the people,of Scotland would soon reach a standard of eiconoooo worthy of the ad miration rd the world.; Many yearshave elapsed since his Lordship first evinced hisi i iiiention of prompting the general education or the poorer Classes of society, and since then he' has neither spared his time, his klents, nor hit wealth. to !lye fall . effect to such a laudable esign. At the present moment, 4o would pole to several gentleman who arc indebted to his rdship for their advancement in-flieir real:fertile pinfessions and it must be Salisfiletory to that Nobleman to know that his patromigo has gnlleri Litter nlieful and important excreissi talents whichfbut for his timely aid and fatherly care, would have lan guished in obscurity, : Wc believe that no gentle man has ever shown greater anxiety Than Lord Panmure to reduce the grounds onl which the immortal poet was led to found thei! sentiment gist— 6 st, . ' "Many a flower is brain to blush on Aiid waste its sweetness on the desert r-" . But his Loraship's ;last act of pncli latronage is his highest honour,land wine:l4'as a monu ment to his praise when he shall hatch-gone the way of all the earth.."-; We allude to Ifollow n\ e ing announcement, which appeared i the col umns of a contemporary:— Lord Panmure liarlaid before thencil of lu firechlii, titans for enlarging the buildin of the Public Schools, and for erecting a hall with a library; apparatus-mom, &c. for the M .banies Institution above thd debools. His Lor hip of. fens to he at the sole ',cocoa° of these 6 ,Idings. The nottleness - ot the ifi is only equalled b 7 the iii (0., beauty of the propose structute, which ill be Gothic architectu4e,vith a 'bandaorl tower in the centre. We'ektmestly wishtsorne nobleman would imi tate this e'sample in 4.berdeen, for our Mechan ics' Institutien ja painfully trampled fur talent of suitable accomodation. . . . Second Thonkhtel.fre But . —Lost year the lover of a farmer's d ol es ter in the south of Sc o t. land-yrent to AMertea to sli his fortune, and, prom ised.to send for his intends this year il belted good luck. According to prom* the long ex pected letter came, nod all was n prepared for the voyage, sayeithe tea store. Tbet, family were all at work baking cakes; and the 'bother crying abinit losing !her laughter 'for ever. wh , in the course of the afternoon, who aboard come to the door on !lanai hack but .an i old lover, who called out "Is Miss I. at home,n One of the fam ily answered the door, and said "Will yd light doon, Sir. and nom+ , in r The' spark took ,thy hint, alighted froM:.his old nag, and was shown ben the house, whets be saw Miss J. packing up for the voyage. When he saw that all was over • he,thought it time 'lto pop the question. He did so, and in *haul art.hour after Miss J. came hoot ben the house. and Balled out, "Mither, gin owre bakin' ony mair mikes; I'm nit gyro to America. The pair are now married, and live happily._ What the loresakeh swain on the other side of the Atlantic may say to it is another affair.— [From a Corresporirlett.) . . cedestrian pluck' of an Oetogenarian.—So_, me time ago we 'r lime a pedestrian feat of Gilbert Clarksonrif Sanquhas, who, though upwards of eighty years of agp,,,travelhid from. Glasgow to the former place, !a Matinee of 51. miles, in a sleety doleful day in September law, and was nei ther weary nor way-worn by his journey. Thl 0 . 4 paraggraph found its way into the Ayr Advertiser, ' anifaluirtlir thereafter our colempentry prodticed • rival to the pedestrian honours or G'ribert, in the permit pt' Andrew Chalmers, residing in - Stratton, who has numbered 88 winters, and can take breakfast et hoine and walk to Trono.to dtn nei; a diatiece of t tt nitres.' Oar Ayr' friend pro posed a thatch between -the ancient pair, giving Andrew the'benat.of the odds, and prognoatica. ling that hawould . show Gilbert the tails of .his coat in a race of a mile's chalsoce. In the !nat. ter of health. Gilbert never took ffirc shifting+. worth of "titeetor'i drop" ell his life;'and is one instance, at least, that a rnan may attain a hearty, kindly old age without adherence to the tecAutal principle. "1 bee ta'en a drain a' my life {laid -Gilbert) wheel could get it, and was never. the Weer o't." you ever get chunk?". "Bout aye, often Mon; 1 hue been that foe npony a time that 1 hae fallen off the horse; but iiihno carrying money for ony body —an'i 1 bee had 4700 and £BOO in My pocket at ance— I wad never taste a drop for man on earth."' , Shoal , after making this ietimstio'n Gittert was refreshed by some one with a ifelsich of aten nine Glenivet, and he smacked his lips as he re. inarked—“Weel, if my unitber bad , gi'cn milk like that, I wad hue been cooking yet, if site had leeved." Gilbert is a hardy lehlilng little fellow —elands five feet six inched in height, and treads the ground as fit ugly as one °lbis ju lior b g half a century. Uri is quite full of ped 1/710 nerve, and should the Ayrshire veteran dec me the en counter, he says. "lie mould live to c the cold man, arid take a glass o' whiskey wi him at ony rate." Gilbert will remain a few days in Duin• tries, and may be recognised as a ipodgel little fellow, wearing occasionally a green and blue plaid, and,Carrying a nibble in his hand. WALES. , Afeth,yr Tveffil Scientific and LiteOary Inseitutton.-11 Meeting was geld at t:ie Castle Inn, ou Monday se'llitight, , to -re ceive the Report of tIM Provisional Coin mince appirinted at the Inst nieeting, awl to take such other measures als might be -thought necessary towards thl establish intent of a Literary and fic The room was riumerowily arid most respectably attended, and a long tattle was covered with mineralogy and rther speci mens thit have been already prmelited to the % infant society. A well t itecuied sec tion also of the Glamorgan:M . l6e coal field, with other diagrams occupi e d . the tither portion of the room, arid produced a very excellent effect. Mr. Tiliesin Williams deprisited for in spection some ancient Welsh manuscripts, and copies of How•el Dda Dyfnw•al Mod mud, the works of Lord Herlien of Cher bury, and other authors of Evident no e, forming an extremely rare and valuable collection. The numbebof subscribers was increas ed in the roonfllO - 87, by whom 54 guineas had been paid up. We were happy to see several ladies prerent in the room, ayd hope that the Institution will receive 'the cordial support of the ladies of Merthyr. Donations to the Institution .—J. J. Guest, Esq. M. P. 101 10s ; E. L. Rich arils, Eq. 51 5a ; Esq 1/ . ls. Important to coal merchants and others. —We are informed that a new Culiiipy has recently been opened on the far timed •:•Pool of bituinimens Coal, at Kily entienlkid;beif *'ny between Llanelly and Pentliry with -a railway to each of these ports. The coal has been lei% known by the name-of the “Pool Cual,"• and foam: in be of superior quality for domestic pur pnses; mkt, &c. The first cargo from this new colliery was , shipp«l on, Saturday sc'nnight at the Pcinbrey new docloi, amid the flying of colours and other demonstrations of commemora ting,such an eveht, which the liberality of the worthy proprietor, Mr t, Hughes Rees, was calculated to inspire. Grand f 1 .41 and Banquet, at Llanaver Court, Ma'nmouthshire.—The Fourth An niversary of the A bergavenny Cy m reigyd dion Society, held on Wednesday and Thursday se'nnight; in' that town, vas fix ed upon by Benjamin Hall, Esq. and his estimable lady', Its an appropriate period fur opening their new 'end Splendid man-. talon, LlanoYer Court, and, the preparations for this exercise of hospitality were on a scale of prineely magnificence. "Accord ingly, on Thursday evening, .says a ilcor respondent, the company be nto assemble , i about half-past nine, when he roads lead ing to this superb mansion ere thronged with carriages. The lodg and gate en tering the park were erns ented. with a profusion of variegate' lam ,s of every hue, and the road from thence tb the'mansion, about - a mile, was illuminitted by lamps elevated on posts that set night at defiance. he effect, as the company proceeded a o the windings of a tortUods approach, occas' nally catching a glimse of the court througli e trees, which Pere one blaze of light, an hen apparently receding and Toeing the vie ,a l iii to sae and approach it, was extremely . -autifol. Whilst con templating the -; , . er I this --engaging scene, we found ourselv • , in front of the mansion; being received a e portico by several attendants,: we 'we e .u: • ered thro ' some stately apartments ~ the s ary, a fine capacious room, whe • terrapin. :nts were'served by Cambria , lass* clad:in, their native picturesque .etume, and re plying to the- denitinds - ;' the visitors in their own expressive lany.age. We were carried bait' at once to c ; nturies past, and fancied outse , lves in the alaces of Jestyn, i d‘ Igor mud and the lierberts orattgltia, whose lineat descendants were now before is in the 6311144 4 -of Tredegar,lNberper• gwm,• hnd •Lninirth.• • What reflections= what fancied Scenes mightnot the poet or inure-list pictureso himselfl 41qt- oar prn wince is.meretvlo relate ,what witnes sed, and hasten to the ball.romnoo which _we were .allured by the ravishing notes of exquisite music.,. Following these delicious sounds, we'tfound ourselves in a splendid drawing-morn, ,where motley groups were reposing—the magnificently clad Asiatic appropriately reclining on luxurious Otto mans--rhostately Spanish grandee 'stand. ing in nttendan3e on his dark-eyed Donna. The scene Of •greatest attraction openea now before lUR—the splendid tball-room. It would he difficult to describelaccurately and adequately the brilliancy and magnifi cence of cite picture which nowiburst upon our view•as , we entered the spacious add tufty hull. Wed° not imagine that there is a finer room west of Severn. 'Here there were costumer of every clime and age— the Chinese and Per.ian, in lopse flowing robes— "The, Turk, the Greek. the Mbaraim, - i.e. the Moor,. I Dere mingled in their many 'hoed array. The wild Albanian kirtled to' hie knee, W ith *ha wi-girt head and ornamental gun, And gold embroidered garments fait to see, i The erimsomscarfed men of 1 11.acedttrIt ' • The Delhi with his cep of te roe mi. And crooked glaire; the live y 'tittle Greek. , The beaded Turk that stuck) , deigns to speak,' Are mixed cunspicuous." Such was the scene beWore us, enhanced by a sprinkling ofCambriant 19rely-daugh ters, who .weie", it it could be said thaLany excelled, the chitilattra Lion cif this rasci outing tit6ht.,,, The rfaricing was kep animation until Aurora away, and 'announced "grapeyed morn. 7 Wetherill air, AT 711 E 0.1.1 No. 65 NORTH FR IAST Si itt CURES DOORS ArndSl TILE. Pliii,Ant: MANUFACT i i White Lead dry and / Ca .1 ground an Ctl i /1 Red Lead. W t Li:image, Vi i Cronick Yellow ) , • Su t . do Green Ta t. do Red El i Patent Yellow Sugar Lead d. Coperaa Lu : 01. Vitriol ' Cn An Fortis A • t Muiriauc Acid Su 1 EIM"M Salta , La . Tart Acid 01, . Sup Carb. Soda r Caftros. Sub. Merc. Et ii Refiners of Chn m phor. Salt &c. Offer for sale the ahoy- t getter with a general assor 1 and Dye muffs. and every of ; cal and Medicinal line. Rettig manntacturers oral) h under the above head, they p .1 ply their frieuda and the pu. 3 , ble terms. Window end Picture Gin . Oct 21 1837 11 LA R 1)=-20 Kegs first nov 2.5 I - CRT C Staling run r111:1E Poet Cartoon Sa now open every day the Office 01 Discount an pose of receiving depmit." ceeding SSOD, from any O. 'an interest of 4 per cent and u pwrdis, but no inter any fractional parts of part may be Max 0 out o four wocks.iat the office sines of the Society wi following officers and ni Monday in May next. t President—AQUlLA Nana. Joseph Carroll Ed ward flog hes Jacob Bull L. Whitney, Secret Article 3d of the'Cha. , whatsoever shall be 'roc nr Managers for their Nlanager , become a bo ion." IUFFONS' Natural ,p r i er . s 4 25,just. !sac jai) tO VERY choice green Beatty have just re 20 boxes very superior g nov 25 • Passage' from Eng , nd, Ireland, Scot. • land an Wales. 3 • • PERSONS wishing I ta engage passage for their triends, in Oat rate ships, frOm the a. hove planes, may now do so by applying tO • NY r*l• HAGG ERTIY. Centre Street in of those ,persois cogs ienda, whu may WiSh to able them to proiide rot given on the fdllowing For thelaecommodeiti Bing passage for their end their' Enciney, to c the voyazie, drafts wel named merchants. viz: P. W. By ruff!, ..No. pool; Daniel Wright, Glasgow; m Mil ti Supeiior Bleached" Sperm (U. • win gallons boat/Ackland winter strain a• "u"' cd sperm pil, fat sale p •• MILLEN dr. 413118111 TY: Nov 18 52-31 no =a • . ..41;.,,•4444. - •••- 1:51 ' . , _--- --- Iron, Round Irony assoytelLaltateallifidCall l l4 _Shear. Gernuin 4od ti E,ugtiish 44_0614i.' Steel Vicee, hola Cut Steel hand, choping and ititiliniaio and spike*, together ' w that t," of Iron Monger,/ all of Which ,be.skatts. duced pr ices, .bir : April 22 - "at Nov}B . . . gritiFFFII for sale it their wholeekle and retail rand 'LP ly Grocery Store. Centre. 3 doors below Marks% street, a pro:no-assortment ef freshrGrocerieheesatin ,• . : .; ng of Java. Rio, r baguim. I, l c o ff ee ' lw . .. St. Domingo and browned N. Orleans, St. Croix. brow and , t ui ~._a_ enn white lla vanna, loafand lu g • s. New Orleans. West I By4assei India and sugar house - • , .Imperial. Gun Powder, Y in ing . ' Hyson,.Pouchoggprange Pc.. Team ••• • eu. Souchong,serflohea i • • Bakers, ChasecSpanish, Schmitz tChttliplitt. lk & Liaggs, and sweetsrpleeck "!- Prepared Cocoa. Cocoa slielli • . ~ . Reading. Cant*. Hamel, I .„, ...4 0 • John Bulls, Lobster, ILltcholry. =tacos •• Calton so y aid Curve l '•1 • t 1 -' ''-"" ' • Gherkin. Toe' o. pepper. ~.._ ' 1 . , t - Mixed. Onion. 1. t oe, miles .• Lemon and-Frenc II - - l't `i .. Olives, capres.Ane ' ,", -' • , 4 - 1 • . Cayenne pepper, a 14' 4 . 4 :- - .d GiAger .... '',. Cloves, Mace, hii .;•egg . , Omni • ' Ricktflour of rice, stareb t ilt Comets, Figs, Raisins. P ea Sweet and bitter almonds, woo Olive Oil , wine bitteri,lem n syrup '" • 'herring. cheese, • 'herring. Mackerel. Altirst a l p l nn . .. White and colored wax. hloulded and dipt tallow 1C 11 2 4 - •' . Palm, variegated brown InliyelloAisOap• , Old Madeira, old port, claret . Brovrnand pale sherry.chimpaigne • .Wities _ . Old hock.,lashon. dry malaga . . Inwood Sweet rutilaga. muscatel : di bold. Malmsey. mareeilles &Sic i ly Madei: • ' Seoteh,lrish, monongatieli&com, ' key • Annhet. re. anniseed & pep rminicordials Cognsc.ohampatnte, Span h - cam biindy Bollandi& com.Gin.N.lo4 RIO • . • ... • Japanickapirits, ' s i L Ettra'ap,apan. inferior 49. , • Half Spanish and common cigars . Cut &plain and moulded glass i t were China and crockery , SO , i gene7Fl assortment of *L Dry Goiia.•&c. &e. ill of. which they are dispoand to sell od the most reason. ble to Heads of Fainilies aPTavern Keepers. are part ittlarly! inyited to call. 1 . h unabated 'd the stars .pproach cf Etiii2 Chas the STA NT their EI2LIE 11-4s,itcHsT. 'SOP. 011 7 • • er Precei ite‘dy.: Quuitae t. Em is et Sol Nit Amp° arCaOstic do • t Moria ph. d gulpur de Ni rcot. -mes Mineri) imps dn. are, Brimstone. Borax, mentioned articles.'to• neat of Paints. Drugs ir article in the Chetni- GREa T Bel I I roillAi'S! .Valuable Real Prirperto in Poiltrailk, .i FOR SAI4 E. , THE undersigned offers sale ;all that well known three Mori ,BRlCifr STORN AND DWELLING HOUSE add the apPornantes, situate in Centre street. Pottsville, the-property of the unde signed, together i with nine . other itenementd i the rear of ssid building,. and' he lot of groun whereon the wbole stands. The • brick building aforesaid, can ins thirty feet in front—finished from the has ment story to the garret in the best style of workmaurdifp,and both as a business stand and a rya dance. is• i mcist. fa. vourably situated.; The foreeoing protterty„will be sold on low and accordmocating terms. Part of the purchase money may remain 00 . ttilgrop. erty for a few yogi', it desired. Title intlisPuts hle, and parmesan can be oven iminedlately,.... a pply to . G. M. JENNINGS.:,, April 4 .12 32-tf i • Pintstrillir. ... . . ,he artielee enumerated idge themselves to sup. icon the most reasons- from 6 8, to 24 30. 48- alny Lord for silo by . & J. BEATTY. BON SOCiet Vs ng F ona Society, Is um 9 to 3 o'clock at , Deposit, for the pur. 0 any , amount not er e person, "'mon Which r ill be paid on every SS st will be allowed on The whole or any gicir.g notice, two to n Mondays. I'h h bu -1 be conducted b the nagers, until th e first PURSUANT to an order o the Orphan? Court of Schoy lk ill V entity, of the -2d dai • 1 of February next, at. 2 &aloe in the attempt:to t William B. Hull, .administr fo r of the estafe or . Elisabeth Merwine, late of err,' towitithifictle. ceased, wilt expose to sale b Pub li c Verulae.a4 the house of William . Mort et, innkeeiters3a ' Pottsville, a certain &we'll') . house, stable, saw!. mill and tract of, land. situa o ron Deep Creek, Barry township, Schuylkill Comtty, Contain - Gig one pundred• and eighttni ages- or then* Mate, bounded by !arida of hn Hisarkell'itiluilt. Yar kali. George Kessler, Jo h; Dietriettlxad .. ".•47'.... Reed—&Late the estate of sal i degased. • Bit order of the Cogs. • -I, ..; ' • '.',..• 7 qiii•• • HULL... „ . .. • EL A migstrittor. JOSEPH ORGAN, '', 1 . '- 1 • Cterk, - 0. 1 %.- 1 . 1 t , i-JOrwigaburg. lan.6, 1w..° 4 1 t •,-. : i 74 .. .... liriabilikli .SCHte 7 . l Fthilakef . ii. • ". VERY superbir old sth i roof kit& liftitikey A•dO • .:'s do • dogtritintrishlt'do" for sal,e 'hy MILLER, .. 11/0E1131% Nov IS • . , j . , .... si,At ei,„. BOLTON. era. ameel J. Potts S. Warne sse Turner ry and Treasurer. ter. ••No emolument ived by the President erviees, nor shall any Over from the 'Milan. stet 3 itfitf istor y, complete 'rid and fix salt by 14: 'BAN NIAN. nd black tea—Tt & J. eieed and offdra *tale and black tea. t• Waterloo Road",. Liver • No. 3, RottinsraLize y, 25, Ede . Quay r • ' limy 6 136 ". , . 7.•••! je.4 - • -4 "- " . :Ppak, , • Medal Cheese, _soap ac. 40 casks, vurrior ;pedal icheue. 50 bnie@ Philadelfihhi solo, " I hhd. hush oat meal, for sahp.49. KILLER & HAGGERTY. • /%•Nathans Public .: 1040%), QUILLS (rap 25 centhparjoClite .eacht,Just receucd an arr,salo by. Dec 23, 5 B DANNAN , - FIUME BOARS. --A (Or time book, jest Is. caved] and Tor sale•byi 114,14NAL , - Dec 23 574: - ginflar S \ AVII.7I.9ICAUstr'.* C 20 DOZEN.P•waim'al\Panacea. just TieCi ir . ed fresh from the•riromictor...4 l ( l p*Oix \ Severity,Ftve Thousand , Pon •oftti*tilkitile. medicine ' were sold last ilea!, et;,t . . .14 ' ntlia 1, increasing: For saletiy the dumet., 6 , ~1 an li, Price $2 per. bottle; or dui* pritUeitTo . Alf • i ''NfflitßANNTiFfo,!.. •.. . Sole Agent *-Babnylkill-916ant3i. • , , 1- - ,_ ll c'Y :1„, AUCESW Ziff 411 : 41j 1A0 :- • : ' l ' ' ' ' ' L 1.4 '.l .. ' itoanWat: , F_ . l . itet,tait Tab l ies,xelm . m. "le. bY B. 5 ” jan 24 , M= ti ~!F•: "=a ~~ ", ~-i .. .. ...r::'.~i9~t e t EIN 11M _ MI OE tr