.~, gti . IIEM= iotsiiiio;litirilti Aid d_ rye-- ~ ,......,--- ' -l ir - ; 7_4411C-illittears: , ' ' 'lltrAttlNTßA'Sr- , ejli.enaticins , frau 'the tee - . re f teitsteit,' We' 'fiadehiparedt Velem . only; found - tiariderawAmerical „.,.-Befo .. inns pi the . f gesatS nesigtator,people.were ' tenidded to. -piddle Vaificifee, 4asziteisit Life Med. '.' mines ,T.lt Ps buritwa 'heft yelifi Same first sew teredyfitits annakitisin ecesti,nitill have discovoicd disiteecroWiNitai .r* 6. in search iff—HEALTH.. 7=' medididee were indeed' katrive - when Teem ny. sauce, huktkirmie 'wait noh ti,y'the .itsesifthetaz,rtianinotonly &sled Title the dejectel --Innlid.to thc•ltalehgagy-mtWattive m.n of buiiiiiess, -'oissepsystifelV Ifinaking,. I have reitevred"my nth. I can ibis, with wilder:ea id my own ez,,e -itienco. ad 'We trithtolvelliiii citizens. Weir., he i , ,..--41tadfir Want tireoftfiel OVE:I=E'PABLIi.LII4;.AINID. :is INES-iteti sififiblerifPhis Own cadet I hay.s no tile _•.._... ..Uilitist illi:i rodlegSerilinailway, hundreds of letters, from "'..!. telkar the MOW, .reeP- - m, of thi IS M 1 ha -1 ..- tire tand.voluntanly offered in testimony of the 'sir; , ---a* if* GOOD VEGETABLE:MEDICINE. _ „tirresdosirliossiconirtitutions have been nearly in 'lneff by the "all . infallible" ;oilmen? 'fireparatiow of '. tie day. Will bear me witiftesiWthattho Life Medi - OM anti such only, atethei true cause to Nirtnantrei ,:",''lindlisidth. • • . JOHN MOFFAT. . . __L , . _,_ __ _ RE — GE — GENERAL REMARKS DELATIVE TO - my- FAT'SLIFE PILLS AND POCENIX BITTERS. , ~~, '-' 9 Thesemedieings have long been kdnw. and apple Mated. for theirextraordinary and immediate ',Avers elf nestnineg perfect health, to persons suffering USI , 3 er -shady-emery hind •of (Amami, to -Which The human rnit many Ifohdred* *eolkificatei iniitanees, they l'-ibas.orrtr.leeetted sufferers from the very Taigael an siatimely grave, after all the deceptive a ,strums of , the day btu/ utterly failed; and to many thousands they havevetmaininflysecutiad that uniform e joyment of health, Without which life itself is but a partial blesa -, -log. f3o great, bitted, has their efficacy i•ivar.abl. and 'loved, that it has appeared scarcely less dasatmantelourte those whO•Were uumatuattited With the: beautiful philosoiphwai Ifrincip4es upon lirlech they are compounded, hod upon which they 'Consequently act. It was to their maif fasten.] sumo . Ibis action in liurifyin4 tha springs and 'channels - el 'lift-and ermniacthem with renewed tone and vigor. that they *ere ' mdehted for their name. which was bestowed upon them at the spontaneous request of several individuals whose lives they had tiirviou.ty stied. • . The preprierors rejfike in the optiettunityhirorded I ..byr the univereet, diffusion of the• Cally press: for plan ,hig itieVEGhs.TABLE,,LIFK-PILLS• within the . knowledge and reach of every individual in the coup ar t cousin . Unlike -the hest - of perniereus qesckeries. ir hoist of vegetable ingredients. the Life Pills `" 4 ' ' prefirly - and! intitamr vregrszLx, and contain nei thew Mercury; Antimony, Arsenic. nor- any 'other -=lttintitaLin any' tette whatever. tl'hey are'entirely etraposcd orentracts from rare and"powerful plants. the-virtues of twhmh, though long known to ir.verid imliait tribes-0d recently ` to some resilient pharma ceutical chem . :tit, are &together unknown to the igno. ;rut pretende r toimodical s_ierice; and were never bathe adminlitteredin no happily efficacious a corn ' Tbeir'first oiler:mien hi voloosen from th,ettnitrof the ntmtnich aid hbetels,'the - varioukinpuriies and I caestAienrconstently setting - around them; and to re- ' movbilie htirclenW fmcus which coll. ct in the ebb selerpalkie of the 'mall intestines Other inedieinei • ..wlattittrually Otani. thin: an leave each collected .• wishes behind ., as to produce habitual costiveness. it:orith' all its tra..n•Of mills:or sudden• diarrficea, with are • imminent dangers. 'Phis fact is rill known to alt *leveler anatuteists, who examine the human bowels -aaftex deltic in hence the prejudice 'althea() well in • i -formeil teen ain't the 'quack medicines of the age " ' The seeetid t of the ' VliG :'TABLE Llt k. iltrA,S t ke quake ii to t qu therkidnenis and thegladder, and bit Ws i l ia-4112'0e liver. and the lungs. the healthful ' Winn ofwht entirely.depends 'upon the regularity f the urinary i °liana. The blood , which takes its .- - co lor fro .. the agency of the liver and the luegs ittkre it past into the been. beltd - thuirtritiearby • ... . 'theta and no , risked by food coming from a - Clean - ge rma ch, con ea freely lhintigh tfie "veins. renews . every tkrt of e system and triumphantly mount's the banner aheml in the blooming cheek. • qThe foliowt g areamong the distressing* variety et -batman &teas ,to which the Vegetable We Pills ..*areweitl know to be infallible-- DYSPP.Pgt % . by throughly cleansing the first and i second stoma hs, and.creating a flow of pure health) ' • - bile , instead o Hie stale and acrid kiml;—Ftitidency, 'Titton of the Bruit, Loss_ o f Appetite. Heart-hard sad -ad= Ifesgessitess: •MWitper. Anze.ety: Lan gyariratadAsttchely which are thr general symptoms ”orikvslsepttia: 01 vanish, as a trained eonaequence n 1 Ats care. 'tames; by . cleansing the ,*hele length Cat • Nit the inteiti - with a solvent process,•ancf Without Mplence; all vliallent pal-gee leave theliowels costive Within two da .. Dasrrlim and Chohnxi..by 'remove . leg the sharp trid flnida by which these comp.aints are . oecasion .. and by promoting the lubricauve sectetiotr - oft mucus membrane. Plversofollitinds. by restoring. blood ton regular circulation . through the prolate' la perspiration in some cases, and the tbroogh sand nof all llllClllinal obstructions in ors rie IVE P the 5 ' ti LLS have been known to cure Rheu matisse perm s eddy in three weeks, and Opitt in halt - that time , b y moving local inflammation from the oridiefits and ligainerits of the joints. • Drothies of al ' '• ktoda k byTharldtg• and strengthening the kidneys and bladder; they operate mow•delightfidly on these or • rw.arl hence have ever tee., fbund a certain realm d:for he went eases cif Gtervei. Also Wortr.a. by &dodging from the turnings of the howils the slimy muter' to whidh theeercreatures adhe•e; Asthma and ' . Cana* plies.' relieving the air vessels of the lunge from the mu Which even slight colds 'filet rem., e t • tad becomes h ened. and produces those dreadful diseases. Satiroy, [Peers and Traiererruc Vora, by ih• sa i nt • . perftlet purit y inch these Life Pills give to the blood and all htunn rc Sitatirbictic Ereptions. and Bad Com pumas. bat Itetitive effect upon the lulls that ' morbid state f which oecaainna all Eragibe corn plaints. . Cloudy. and oder. dfarig'reeffile Com plexitma Th tee of these Ville fbr a very short rime. '• will effect an ntire cure of Sall rheum, Erys,t_petas ~.,, and a striking improventent in the Clap- pets of the o Colds.and lufluerm. W.ll always be • • red by one ose. or by two even in the worst cases ihra--es a Inedy for this most distressmi and ob ' innate maker . . the Vegetable . Life pis deserves n ' ' distinct and mphadc recommlzdation. It is well 'known to ha reds in this. city. that the emprtetor •, , of these lava abbe Pills, was himself uffitmed with - • this complatnt r upwards of thirty firezrearc and that . he tried in - every rerbedy prescribed within the whole cam drthe Motorail Medic*. Fie however. l a , In eklength. tri the edinit which-he now o ff ers to 'the public. lte wee Mired in *'very short time. after his. very bad been proem - taxed not only improbable. bet absolutely impossible. by any hitioan i iiS k iteangh I .. - DIRECTIO FOR C Sl:.. —The ptitprietorecitite • VIXIETASIX Fa Plkta does not follow fhe base and Mercenary p Mice ofthe quacks efthe day. in advis biersOnstO age his Fangio large quantities. No tnedicin can possibly be so required. There "Is are to taken at bed urns every night, for a Week or fortni ht, according to the 'obstinacy dram Ohmage.- The usual dose's from 2 to-3, according to 'llteetunnito • of the person. Very delicate persons should begin 'lb but two, and increase lathe tialure *few case ma require those more robust, or of very costive habit. ay in with 3, and increase to 4, or eves ft Pills, Cod they will effect a sufficiently happyt change to gn e the patient in their further um 'Thee Pals metimes occasion skinless and runny Jig. *mei v seldom, unless the stomach is vele Taal; this, ho Vet.. may be considered a favor:the ti7th, wimptom. as patient will find himself at once rut. hived, and by everance will soon recover. They usually *prat within 10 or 12 hours, and never give c piba„unlove botrels are very pinch encumbered. Theftslit b et ken by the most de li cate females on.. der any cdtel . ces—lt is. however. reo.munehd ed. thaa tbdoe leer ptriods of pregnancy sh,uld take but (Meat a • e, and thus contiolietp keep the bowels open:and et tiro may be - taken.Abere The panent is very emir One pill in a solution of two tablet .a full of ater. may be given hi, on infant in the Illafteagd - tea spoon Tull every two hours till Ile t i a lprit foLa rm eh at ild from five toten "e to pith la yens of age. ./1X RITTEIRS are so called.betgiure a power of restoring the ezpiringetti- J. to a glowing vigor throughout the the Mamie us said to be restored to _ boa of heal' , . . • • - tile Pori dimiXt i tlrtr orradiaarde fi rr. Ther.— nioAtierolirii . :',OhlssAable• . - -: - OlimpsuAKtutie. .01 , 4 e fillaid*lns larbi-orthri liersitri". e whsch visll,linhi ylcurerEV "AND A ' Call kirk; yrd f'urayeer WI p 7 - riairtatet'Oeti ildk 1 13te ellaiiiif kitty. inftith #cookberthad 'moat Orafrifetnirepa ea or S+ lb , rod witl dimly eurleihei: eremnanon ef BLOOD TP HE , 1 luZ a HAEui, raver lid in :toe ' . ~ rirideid fik f 1 feskttges; arid vi4l tap firad a 'a remedy in a 1 rand of nertioullithinl eid , prase im [redl tetibnie . .Its !ea r ly for eke' ' t 'To ' • -B.,Lhot, the ,cy of the barna Bitters wi be J aiimonsfitned UN use of bottle. e - doodler the Isis hat stogie I glass II& 'as , r ' this quantityy bol oaken two or see tunes * a' da . ahem balf hoor before tonal% a less quanut - ,att,ix be takratit 41 times. - To t 'who are eilLued with led emion after meals; ili . _ Balers will purrs frikal ' e. as they gory g idereppft)hd*frott of the p ripe. I viscera: help -to Festoon Mew rubetions, ea. 1 t i. able the inrma ' bodisclwite Into the bowels what , ever Is offens e .. Tees itrtson is eastiy and speedly minor APPInIte red. and the oaths ofthe alvorhod ves,eU , lmi4 cleansed. out Mon is 1 Mob:Med. and, trangth of bod_z and energy f mind are ther-hi6psi4to For firtber pert mof hP:Ir : FAT'S PILLS. end" PHI[ENI* _BIT TERS. apply di' M :brlciffat's °them Na.. 416 Stadway. New York. where the Pills can be obtained for ILS il l cents. he 4ern 'it', 111 per box r, and the Wiwi ler,sl or 102" per 'Lodi - 1." Numerous , cerlifiCalei of the wonderful tM. ay orly:11%. fro' be thtre inspdcted. In 'Kline obit ate and &implicated cases ofichronid 'end intlimma ' ryr Rheumatism 'Liver entliplarnts. Fever and Agate, Dyspeps,a. Palsy. Piles, sidsryfrom the use of merMfry t quinine. mid other diseass4 4 bung standing at Imo tla necesattry to ,Lake both the Late Pills and the ?Menu Batters, in the dose before re 'commended. ,I N. 8 --Thole Pills and the Bitters, will' , get the mercury out ofthavystemintinitely taster ditufthe belt preparations ofBalitaparilla. and s certain reined) , for the rushing of, the Waal to the hood. or all eidttel kmd aches,trc dovmdteux, 6r.c„—All persons who am predis posed .to n ' lso ;palsy, 'kr-, "Mould never bar without the Lhe , Vet Bitters. ler unsidoseln me a 111 save life. Tf i ' dqualma thestrimilation of t blood. draw all mestere from thiqbead, prespirat on, and thr - ci _,. - 141kinhs Pills. 1 THE Orr mil Hygeten - Universal V4getabli. Medicinf• prepared by W. misKIN., Esq,, 'Member oath Boyar Cottege of Surgeons{ Liecii-: nate of Apot 'Oetles Ciciripany, Feltner 4of Bol`l Coat( Sticiet? Surgeon to the Royal Union Pen skin Assoc:4oon, 'Lancaster place. Waterloo Bridge; and perpetual Pupil of Guay'a land St . Thomas' ilolitii;tals, London. ' These pirbihaving gained acelebrity apparel leisC in everyi,keetiois of The finion, are now con sidered by al thOse who t;lffue good health, hid*a pcnsable as altramily methane- -patron4d by numerous body of the moat eminent Physicians 1 both m this ithuntry ald in Europe,—is putlicient, it is presnmeig to stamp their character in the es timatitin - Of eitery thinking man. 'end it hi hoped, a far better rectonniesidation than the corse re sorted to by ig norant and ti nptinci pled pre , cotters, 1 who . 10 Isis id arid deceive the public. publish 1 w hat they c al practical proofs and certififates of Cures, that elicced all hoc/4s , pf retinal dredibit. ity, and most;Pif which, ierldi all. Ire: eithiPr gross fabricatittita; nr• procured by fraud ant) corrdiVence. TrrePitor ,bf-the Long Isllttid . ranner,isays ,'"Thislnedieitie Vas Atathed an unprededented degtee Of well presetied po'frolarity. Having tak en ibesemilla ourselvel to advantage and kitties'. ed thear - beneltclal effects on others, we have no hesitation is recommending them to the public as a sate, =lottery and undid family medicine." a *None ate genuine Without the signifwe of the ' General Agent tin the -abet by whom .the a ' hove medicine is imparted into this country. ' 3'NO. I-101.8El X, 129 Waverly Placii;.! Gen'l Agent for U. S. I A supply of the above Medicine just received arid for icillerry . 8. BANN AN. Sole Agent for Schuylkill county. ,2- intylli - eb. • MERCEItS erI'AILORS, ( northerly Parker Ae illiams.) itkV E removed on the opposite tilde or Centre Rill-:ktreet, a few doors itiviiveNorwegian Street. where they offer. for iale a it.efeCt assorinient a' titipprfine Cloths; and Cassitnereti of the - most fiishiona hie eiilortii,W;cat * eh elegnnt blotto mdnt of Suinma iloths,Vemings. Litien and Cot inn Shirts, l'ollars, Wibdiript, Strielts. Gloves, Sus penderv,ljnen and cottog.Hose, and all kinds 'at Gentlemen's wearing apparrel, - which will be made to order in the most approved style as to the work t•oinsliiii, and warranterd To 'fit squat to any in the City or elisewti6e: P. S: P & Co. 'keep on hand en excellent es qortrr,ent - nt . ready-giatie Clothing of all 'kinds, which will tie sold at lrery 101 S rates. june 17 ' 20 AT the stor e 01. the subscriber, in Morris' ad &Ilion to Pottsville, wfirre may litt had whole ',ale 'and "reail;son the Most moderate ter ins— brown, lump and loaf sugars, „ reet. and young hyson teas, molayies, sh, cheese, soap. rice, cos 1, chi ate, spirits, brandy, gin,Porf, Lisbon, Tenet tire add alter wines ; rain. whiskey. and cordial's, belt Spanish and common 'yegars; pepper, alenice4ringer,saldralus, chives, opti.legs, ',Larch, .ITie"startl; pilot briad, crackers, impolite mum, 4.. c. &c. &c. for cleft, or exchange for coun try produce. june 10 29—if MUICRY BOYD- WILLIAM NEAL it CO. MOTJFACTI:RfRB OF Looking-Glasses, Ti).w 24 North fifth street, Philadelphia. back cf . the Merchants' Hotel—devoted exclusively to this busbies& Country Merchants are - supplied at manufac turers' prices, abet their Glasses _planted from liresksge to shy, pith - of 'the 'Union, without extra charge. Those who may have orders for late Glasses. would ela well to inform us by letter, previous to their coming on, of the arise of the plate, and the kind of frame they may NI sot, that the article may he msonthetured txpreasly ibr the occasion Merchants stinold give their orders. for Look ing glasses the first thing on their arrival, to in sure them well pbt up. Oct 21 The Fat*ly . ON TIIE HOLY BIBLE: FROM the Works 'ttf Oen, :1011 Salt 'ate' d above one hundred other writers, ptdifitibid in London by the Religious Tract Society - 1 1445. cd and abridged is two volumes, with MAO and Engravings, This valuable work is published . In parts, etWeenti each. Twelve parts are already completed; and din be obtiiinedvat the subscribers Book Stare where subscriptions will also be re. 'thieved. is BAN NAN. iOn6. 94 •••• - • - - • -- - • 4 („. , _; _ . . Groceries a-6.4, , . .. . IFllNlidinr'''' 4 - ''''-';* 4.:l"*ltirattollllll43l4 , . : .. . ~., ....e.' ' s ''A' - .I T Is'A" , .' '.,' p t ~ki •. , ';'-'l . - , `, 7 •A' A" -- -'1: AA- .-, -'''.': • • _, - - • A , -• , ') BICANDRETIPir' r ,' ' -`" • -"" vegetabWaiikkeersa - i m w-iti-iotexiiiraistssiti.i.4l,-1 pru Attirritoterity . ortby blood, which. by imperiling the cirettiltion3wesienn pabkor cleanntestonst W.tbe et gasket pkitirhere etch iniir . oki,liti biehasqtAfes. , it Miners saummv of camatemioluing ahOut the siiite nr* i blood-linch se g vaplenetunite orfall, datOpfeet,, tndigeittqacilli n thate - heileitte.6tc.:ine altbmo it may be said that-74;10 Hiseaties lava-cot .eir origin in impurity of theebicte plat the elkial in the same. they all nrid butte *panty of the-Ith),* and, one only, object to pielent, the tutitatißg t bdia. enter' i be keptug, in other words Ole ampnottAtalis inourmla continuilfy toper(' the body,asliintsuCany ttopleaiant symptoms remain. with Dr. grandreth's VEGETABLE ITNIMS/il.. P 1134, which, ifper• I severed wity fu sufficirediip - tentititis td iduce-copt , and evaiubuoiii:erilt 'MOM •tonere to restore every organ torn state of health. Zhu' lain: the principle of draining: we Arain4 tuarali x reire gland, and from a stale ufaterility..acoq . uce a moat abun dant fertilayiand so it is *oh e tiinin body; when any Oleg is the matterwith,it i we have only occasion to draft it by nuignliod—and experience has' taught those iito have adopted this reasonable pumice. be. CRUM c.nsistenrwlpymirlimvere.tbat they b ureac u.d rightly. the, result having "been !onnd health. It is normore than 18 .months Aimee Pills were in traduced mrpitbe !Flailed SAO Heir le h" pe ti t e a kltoielther I mp ' ~,,, reha wing en soW album in NewTrit 'to this thud.' folly an million fierhaddred.rbokeria brims. ' A nd above per sons can be referred foie New Ybrikeity, nearly the saute in - Philialalphis. who have beeb cured when flx every other means bad hematite! al *tether unavailing of diseases which sppesied of the ow tvposite char acter,and in many.eases Where t e dreadful midges of olCeredan, hut - laid bare lien meat and bone, and whereto all appearance no human means could save life, have - patients, by the use cf these Pols. been re stored to good healthrthe devouring disease having been completelyAmMcsued. Dr. Wm. B . lrMietb was to "illy ionvinctd of the truth oftbe above simple thorny, that he vent 811 years in experiment and laborious research my% the medical Properties of chi numerous plants tornnos tug the Vegetable Kingdom; his object being to min pose a nedicine which - would'', once wiry, and p,- duce by a pecide sction, a removal ofell by ,humor. from the blowkby thcatotuncb and bqwels. as by the continoauon oftbe use of such a medicine. such hu: mom are sure to be carried eft and the blood as same a state of parity: and whoever takes these Pills, and perseverei with them, will be satisfied that Dr. William Braldreth fully attained his philanthropic object. It us now an absolute and kqowp fact. that every disease. Whether it Imp the head of feet. in the brain or maineet member Whether it be an outward olcer,or on inward absce ss. are all, though •arising from many causes. reducible to this grand effect, namely. impurity ablood. NOTICL—As Chug and Chemical Stores are liter ally /lorded with, counterfeit Srandreth's Pills, it be comes those who want the, gr r onine article to purchase only ;Attie accredited agent,* , or tlipse who are known to be shove such dishonest practices. Mr. .S Thompson g- Co. Poturville are the only a grnts at preset' , for Schnylkili could , . Dr. Brandret he Office for the sale of the above . Pills wholesale and moil is at 169 Race street: first door above fifth at. north side. Philadelphia, A lwayitremember that Prug Stores never have the genuine prandreth Pills for sale, therefore all pur. chases of Nem are sure to be counterfeit. a"Dec 3 Paitacea. AS the intemperance e 'arid luxury the age are hastening t e ravages of scar tic complaints and rendering the blood more impure; and as thou sands have destroyed theireonstitutionally negy.c;ing to apply the proper remedies- 7 ;o such. Swaim s Pan acea must be. and has been, more than doubly valua ble as a certain art!' effectual means of restormg.theni to perfect hesithuril vigor., few families are who'. ly exempt from scorbetic affections, which exhibit va rious 'sympteMe, its ste .e7priolis, ulceration, , debility. loafforappe* add lectiblil ell misdigfronkimptire blood, and if dot pro rly. attended to, Oudot . * the' greatest:44 to the constibaUdino,,and may, be jut parted to !Heir offspring. Swsim's Panacea is rump mended etthis seaseeof the year, u a valuable rest*. rativi . of the systeni. thereby invigorating the constitu tion, and enabling' it to bear 'the 'debilitaung effects of them:net)* **son. It is conveyed by the cucula bog fluids:nod corrects their tenclepci to all those diseases which originattin vitiated blood, diseased ,liver . ..depraved appetite. - or redispaithan to affections of the lungs, &c. No nee, however. isiadvised to use it withoin convincing-themselves of the truth of what is here stated. This 'medicine is now olieifirith success in all parts of the world, and is gaining great reputation in Eng land. A fresh supply of the Medleine lost received and for idle by . . B. SA NN,%N. Sole Agent for Schuylkill county. Wilo can pool, the above - medicine wholesale to them who wtih to sell again. al Philadelphia prices May 14 25- ar "Se AT REDUC,f.D IE RICES a , -A I T THIS OFFICE 11 R. 305.. LA PIERRE'S Sympat hi'ck 'kw the 0 - 7 safest, speediest, and perfect cure of every kind of wounds,' ulcers, cancer and all cutaneou s diseases, arisitig from cutting, squeezing, burnt ing, boiling or the impurity of the blood, andalso for curing Dyspepsia, heart burn, .astlinta, liver complaint, costiveness, I:clicks. COD vulsions, diarr. lima and rheuritatick paler. booth ache, and sore eyes. The general agent, Prof. G. Xuv. Wagner, Reading,' Berke County, Pa. offer gratin to any person affected with' tither of the said diseases, a certain quantity of the Sknipathick 'to be tried and am:mewl:led befoteThaking any expensei now ever, the application must be made free of post. ;Age. N. B. This article cannot be - had genuine in any drug store or appothdeary shop. It is not neeesoary to talk touch about I. as it certainly will recommend itself to in enlightened Niblick. aug 19 39—tf Di. Barber's HOltsE POWDER. rinlCEMbscriber offers for sale the celebrated Pr. Barber's Horse Powder. It is by him recommended in the fidloWing cases, viz: For Horses 'Foundered by cuing to excess, or drink ing colt . water; whet warm. tg such as dihcov. er any afinpuuns ofGhtadit, the Dirtemper,Conghs sod Yellow • water, or are exported to infection by being with other horses affected by these aompfiiints, and all cases attended OA fresh ymptoMs, sluggishness.. loss of Appetite, or de pitision of Mak Ira. sale by • • W. T EPTING. aug 6 f3—tf . sobktiberiespeetfulty announcer to the I L public, that he will attend to 'die collecting of accounts in this borough and rielghborhood, at. very reasonthle tales. Accounts, Hai abroad, to collect. lotus neighborhood will fepromptfy attended to, and satisfactory references given if required. JOHN C. CONRAD; April 5 27 ' ' Constable. New and Elegant Goads. kiArn&Ns & Co. have just ieceiveB and •offer for sale, = 6-4 Enitash Inua,, Rom 50 to 75 cts 11er yard Soper French 'dn. at Si 50 per yard, Tartan, merino, worated.sith and cotton shawl., Red, white, yellow, green and scarlet Bennet,. bleach acid onbleached . Cantrin flannels, him OA 25 eta air yd. , Wnritcil hoes, comforts, caps, children ' s ho se, Winfei gloves, die &o t..otkinUti widding nt 61 per ibeet, dee 3 • 2 ENV )CORK brut—just reieked N superior quality Mid li t aale.by ntA, 45 1 T: J. BEAT Y. IMO NOTICE: • . . . irlikifittaiwitape - 604t0' li', Lind Pe friends. and in. iieuisr. that he conticuervgi der the Pentkfiviiiialvlial lis that his- • past I• repot. .... ___, rectabhi esdablistitneat. acquirialalarinrthe l ets ez nen« 0/kalif yekon the seine line • af,hoei.: a tniftly desire CO pease a nd ramilicatiort to isia _,. to ovirit a &inanimate, 0 - , yam. .teviir GO pittronage:'. , , . .., • 1 • . • • i mines hp liendini to the PariniatitatdafiaU 1 Refectory. shalitavtvorkre otitisupetior quali• ; ry - rvt.ii span . the.' best •rtyle. ,ino every ochre de ' — ey that the Pottsvillirinarlintener.affurd in , n. .-',.. -. v.. I • 'BILL OF FARE.; la . ifilleet. cold , rued do do - . . tried Ham and Eggs • Wort Chops -% • ... yenison Steaks - - • • fittitaepe • Filar Feet. . . • ... ' ltloek- Turtle SoUp .. Oysters Fried , .1.. •. ' IDo Stewed . . .• '' Do Seolloped Do Roasted Do Chafing Dish . ,Terrapir.s i WINE AND LIQUOAS. . per Aatae. Old Maderia Wine ' : i . $1 50 Old pale Sherry 1..50 Old Brown .1 50 Old Lisbon l 00 ' 1 91t1 Port l SO Champagne . ..., . , 150 Smiths X. X and Peppers Ale alwayaon. draught - Apartthenta In readiness, for supper partie s . &c. i Oct 7 . - . i 46-6 mo Insurance ~ - Conkpatry. pPITAI e AUTHORISED BYLAW, 5250 000. ; CHARTER PERPETUAL. 1111 AKE both limited and perpetual Insurances.: on Brick. Stone or Frame . Buildings, Stores.! orals. ;.Ibis. Barns, Stables. blerchandire..Eurni.; titre and Property ut every description, against loss; or damage, by FIRE. MARINE AAD INLAND INSURANCE. The Delaware County Insurance company will so insure a'gainst lost on all kinds of marine risk!, d against the damage or loss upon the rransporta.' t nof goods. wares. and merc.indise by water. or by; tl way, upon 'terms as favourable as any other in';. itutiol4. . . . For any fili-ther inf or mation on the subject of in sult:ice. either against Fire, marine or Inland risks.; A , PPIY lo HENRY G. ROBIASI:IN: A ~,r t ot. i July 15 . 34-4 .—k Snititylkillriklaren. or WIL L I AM B POTTS. ; I At Orwigsbolg. SPRING GARDEN Fire Insurance Company. NAKPboih limited and perpeutral insurances on 51 - 11rihk, Stone or Frame Bnil4ngs,Stoses.Hotels Mitts, Bara,,, Stables, Merchandise. Furnisure.alui. Pro nesty Of every abstriptiba. against loss or dauing by FIRE. • The subsdriber has been appointed Amtirrlor tbq above'Mentioned linssitotiou and; is now, prepared to stake IssuLoCES upon eyemdmknption ofproperty, al the lowest rates. BENIAMRI HANNA N. ! Pottsville. Feb. 27. 1836. 15 The Philadelphia Fire • INLAND NA,VIGAXIONi INSIURANCEJ; COMPANY. eftrITAL AUTHORISED BY LAW. $500,0004. CirARTER: PERPETUAL, ikir AK E both limited and.oervettial Insurances J. Brick. Stone or Frame Buildlrtgr.Stores.lloteTs Mills, Barns. Stables, Merchandtae. Furniture. and' Phipeity of every descriptiott, against loss or damage! b3i F 7 RE. he subscriber has been appoitiied 4Siairter for 8)4 atove mentioned Institution and as now prepared te make IspitoitatitoEs pupa every, description orpropert 4 atli he lowest rates. • BENJA MIN' BA NN AN. • Pottsville, Feb 25 1837 15- • ______t *Fholesale and Retail Ilardl 1 ware Store. tbouocK & WEAVER harejont received in %al &mon to their former mock of Hardware 51ousettple anvils. spring kcy'd mice*. patent prilish*4 screw plate. ITSfilinted cast steql.aaes, broad ales, nano do. Mitchel'. hammers, Beasts St Mullins adse4, wicket and firmer chisels, drawing knives. blacksmith bellows. cut & wro't nails. 4. 4i. 5 At 6 in. east spikei. single. mit , and double plane trona snd planesotssortei locks, latches: hinges a I screws, round and Square, bolts. sit*. plated and if n squares, All of which are offered on the mast accommodat+ ing terms_ Feb 18 14 fiilller & Haggerty, 141104E8A LE AID' RETAIL Dry Goods,Grocery, Wine Liquor Stori (Next door to Alortinier's Hotel.) . lin:1E11R connexion with a bolero in Phillxoe.iptill enabler them to keep on hand a very eaten sire assortment of goods, which they will sell at Pipiladelphia prices. j Store and Tavern keepers aOd private families, would do well to call and judive for themselves. i A pril 19 31 RAILWAY IRON-AND I'ON FOR COAL SCREENS.. 21 by 8-8 inches Railway Fla t Bar Iron., , 2 by do du do 1 :So j do Boilikhie for 13ercening Coal. All the Iron hes countersunk holes, and is cot olito angle ot 45 degrees at the endt. Splicing Plate, and 'Spikes to suit the, shove. . A. & G. RALSTON lc Co. N 0.4 South Front Street., Philadelphia. pbiladelphia. Match 15.183& 21%.-tf ' • NEW . A LARGEand compWsa* isivortment of fresh and seaitenable Goodajust reestred by the anhseriber, eopiirtinit of 1.14 Goods' 1 : • Groceries, • • Queenstvare, 4.e. • which be ~ffere for,eale at redeced prices. The highest price paid for all kind of country produce. , A. A'. GILL *apt 23 44 • 1 -been illi gene. 1 hoeroleasiegettndireceiv elf iceptreiiit to r u lats i t its virtueel," or DrearyythettO .'' I, . -• .. i' 'Wham it: has itchiesedvut aa , Fittlertt'sirserlOf ', 1 1 fasCwiti , li t Attaneas the coMpetiocin "Of met 1 aril- prep tti: anWhestechividir,a' Con i trcuous risal ' in tint fairon.47,,intringle sror alone. i itaiereprietor , fpoitit mu thet, causeteritst superi-, 1 1 , 00, without rprridg the' 4s' spaittn-OralAridlous r nem in insututi o ee ittompartson., -1.: i• , :-. i trhe-CAMO hL And . IrAttlILY APP.RAENT . 1 PILLS, mattufaCtiiiid by Dr. WHOM twilit stiCle Chatham street,. do not reqUire his explanatio n. Of thetr.teknowlettged.-Ohattyv+fOriht IllostfthiP!OL 1 tit *slums tluttluglieu .the United States wi _fre ely iflappeaig th.rwit, ii. 4 , 4 - reasons' wllifihlave l • ue,td ' tbecnild recommend. ' so eitehsisely and! 7 , rii iheyiet4 :,..A , duse r e . rensons:*ithat t poll- clouts media) ever ugure, eien the itorildelicate , cOniAntii as , nil link iii altitoit*VelY individual • ctase. for winch rtity,arytpreseribed.-simprked.attevi- Intiv. _a IfPAY: II2 PI *lel Pertnallten,t elfitney.,. phygi „tip, ~ qsana. 11:110reOlre . see that they 'are'nol offered to the Poblie upon en •qtraeldtbeory ofpurifying the blood. to the utter ri cuon of the 4tomachAnck,bowels. Purify the blot Fromm till diseased humo/x. theyOnde• suably do; buts' not' Ei3; destroYihg those ' sincere- by *inch .ahiner blond tan .hcamsauted- They are ;compounded u o n a theorywhich supposesa stomach obe a very enlist' Sgent tti health:end food, well thuorted. to beta valuable friend'to fiesteniad blood,— They do not urry men to ghosts.. and make:them look like.,beit gstoo refined to remain long in this world: but the make them atimmirn as possable.-and I fit tooncounter.the hardships. and fulfil the accept'. iione of a aublimary life.. Thett dd not make a vie. 'lent purptoryof tide I, to prepare meh the faster forster. • They proceed nron theumposition that ;the blood, m*les, nerves. organs, excretory and se. 'cretory gland. tnocuons and lecumentary theinhranes, 'bones and brains. of every human being require to be supplied Vedh nourishment from ashealthful a 'to. mach as can be made and kept ; and upon thodoctrine -that unless the stomach and bowels are in geed order, the blood and every other part of the system wall he in durun'er. . And how-is it expected that they will secure health to the stomach and bowels? Why by enabling the one to digest food; and the other to carry ad' what is left after the nutriment. is extracted, in Connection with the surplus ..t bile, and the foul humors. cribe blood, mucous merubraces.ani . stomach. And they accom plish thesit grsat feats o medicine in the most simple way imaginable. The A PERIENTFAMILYTILLS. if the stomach be affected with wind. bile..Or coated per plate lei 18 lei S7l 18. 121 181 per doxeit SO • 23 31.1 . 311 60e Collecaloaa,eliaar it aut. by a natpral but & MOM in slnsible solvent action, and cleanses, the whole ali mentary canal, withdut griping. and leaving it as free without debility, min - attire ever designed it to be.— Tbry do not take the skin off the stomach and bowels. and leave them like a piece of red velvet, ati all phy . sicians know -the strong drastic pills do. , but they take nature kindly by 'hand without cruthing her fingers. Th 4 Maniac, every thing. withuutimparing or injuring any thing. When this is effected, as it usually is by the use ofa fe"kf of the FAMILY APERIENT PILLS, then come the relebratW CAMOMILE or 'TONIC PILLS. to strengthen a Stomach and bowels which before. per I baps. weak. and foul because they -were teak. and I endows them with strength to perform their intim taut functions,...', without the aid of physic. The A- MOMILE FLOWER. when its valuable .erincfples ,I are chemically extracted, is acknowledgedly all phj- sicians, to every age, to be the best vegetable tonic knownin thescience of medicine —There is nothing - Uown in the, vegetable kingdom of nature to equal it; nathing that le at i nee to harmlesia and an vigicronsk healthful. and in proof of this the prOprietor of thy natownettpills that are made from its purest particles, might quote almost innumerable iutbors, both ancient ,and modern. If his own practice bad not proved it to -tens of thousands., .; ~. The effectatuf these pills ate not only perceived in an increase of appetite and general . strength,.but in a restorucion4iftbe bedy:to that universal rigor in all its ftinmibie fvvhich indicates the return to perfectly sound health.—Theiface. and general complexion. ' speak voluMns in- their favor, and thousands of fe males can testify how much they have contributed to their comfort, their {Complexion. And cheis strength. when every other remedy bad proved worse than use less. In nervous diseaseicof all kinds: they are mw acknowledged to be preeminent ; gradtsilly restoring firmness of body and mind without those annoyance and changes:Whkch other nervous remedies occasion: Happy would it have been for many yourig persoos of both sexecmho. ate. now in the eilentgrave. if they had learned to check the morbid tendencies of their stomach and' bowels by these pure tonics and aperi ents, without , resorting to qune.k remedies. the names of which are concealed, and of which they knew nothing s That dreadful scourge CONSUMPTION. might have been checked .n. ts cmnmencemen: and diaappointeelofitafirey, all over the laud, if the gni( vymtoms of nervous debility had been' counteracted by CAMOMILE chemically pretbrid 1 and _those bowel - complaints *hied lead to; a host ol fatal mala dies, nughclitive been of viated by ibai fine ;dentine extinct of rho barb; which is a. leading ingredient in the A VERLIiNT FAMILY PILLS. Before both of thesemedicities, which are adapted to a majority of the purposes for which 3 bund red others are tin n.: . amity used.feveis. aguea. bilious disorders, headaches, female debility, male decline, indigestion., and liver complaint. Would have entirely disappeared, where. many of them have proved fatal. ' But be it clitidi7ctly understood that these medicines are °Benxi - instead of these natural organs of the body which other medicines dispense with. in a very summary mariner. They are founded upon medical knowledge. and not-quackery. And. do not take all the red.particles nut of the human blood under the pre tence of purifying it. In proofof which difference of effect let the faces and forma of patients bear testi inane. Theyitonatitute a useful. effectual. and gene rally aPPbcable class of tnedit.unts for- every family, and beint both tonic ono aperient. and of the best premrationsiknown, no person Or flimilv thould be without them. They can.bc obtained wfm esale and ..iew.il oftheproprietor, Dr. WM. EVA NS,New York, and of his agents in town and country, with direc tines for uSe.—They are rapidly snperceding all other remedies 'advertised in the public prints, because they are found to belong to a very superior ells. of popular medicine. A oingle trial usually places them high in pri vate est , matibn. as they are known to be in public preference, and in theopnirorrofpkysicianic Dr. WM, EVANS' '.OFIFICE. No. 19 NORTH flE c FIC:HT ST. 'PHI IA DES)' . where bile medicine may be had. 'De . Wm Evan ! C ffi ce.loo' Chatham street. New York,wbere the for may beicommlted 'as usual. ' . - IIIiaSPEPPIA. and ft YPOCHONDRI MM.— MY Interesi.isig Caxe.-1111r. 'William Salmo .Gijees at. above Third' se. Philadelphia. afflicted •f. r several years with the-following distressing aymptens aSicit- ROO at the stomach, ties e, dizziness. palpitations of the heartoi poured entrees. sometime" acid and putreceent era as. coldness and.weaktiess of the extremities, tion and general debilityi disturbedl I rest • a sense, pressure and weight at the stomach after eating., igilmare. great menial despndency. 1 severe flying pa sin the chest. backend sideie. costive -4,10 nem. a 'dislike for society. or etwormsationoiasoluntary sighing and weeping languor and lasitode upon the lean (-serene Mr. Salmn e had ap bed to " most Ism initni ph) si clans. who co i - find die poise,. of medi cine to restore him to beak; however as his afflic tions had reduced - him to a very deplorable condition. and haring been recommended by a relative of his to make trial of Dr' Wm. EVANS' Medicinei, he with difficulty r 7 te theoffire and procured * Package. t o w/1 44 he 1 -8 . 11 e45-indebted for romrstoration to U!b. Ute' . health 'lid (needs. He is DOW enjoying all the blessings till *feet health Persons desirous of further infonon. will he satisfied with every par i cider Whin 'shins cure at Dr. Wm. Evans'Medt calOffi i ces. I Chatham at- New York ; andel Phil nt adelphin. No. 1 9 - Norm EIGHTH St. , . !Sold by , t JOHN 'ASch WERNER. N Sole Agentfur ujlktlicounty. los. 25 1-it =II . Refined Whale Oil. ED.EFINED whele in tierces and bid& lg% am oak by' MILLER dy 11401GERTIri, Nov 18 - 851-Bmo • 5.," ; "4!., !~ _.. . D2l - ` . .r. W. •. . ...".„„ •ii .. - HOOD'S T4USS. 'f a iik f ... iii:Hßeijqte. and ',, filitialif - 'Rupture. - '' s x II IL - PIOS CUICIIESTFR hi s puic h inathe , . right iff - iiiiidisit'oiiid applying :Dr. i. tet , ood'stawss. in Sulu:Milli county. Thi e T4, ,s es re c e i ve d the sanction of the most :respe r igh itigaonaif physiciiiiienfphilarlelphla, by % hi d ,. rekdical cure of this disease. an. erpec. ation ri ll • ; . a nearly been' is tiandimed an I bcpertio, i s ; . t. , F .. inplished iwitkahemd-absolute cg taints sat • ith perfect B ereti,.„44Wards 0( a hundred the. rated within R abort yine in Mi t ts city and ririn. [ t y Are known tota'perininenily cuss - I,Bnd i i, .;'4tic , rito coo' no**. disrpcnatez-With. the use of 'arid tinstrument. Aisucteve like-ibis,/ is env:as:ph i • n the annals of Surgery. t.1.7.1ia Inoloutoent aed • ;Method of, per tectipg a iltOicate urcof He nil, e now offered to those MB - riled with this iron Iblcsome complaint. ---- . ~ ! . 13ie pcoposes it with ctinfidebee for the ;hell iment of this dioesse - i - iiid,as _meeting- every lin& cation on correct saggiesk principles for its mill cal cure. This Atlas - % h - Cr'Clofusle emisloyed trim ly palliate the symplume of the disease, tie; e i rarely ever effect a radical enrei and,lren ass Ibe Continually' wornby•thetplitient. often kw lto his Annoyance. Aller,ptehtirn by the pier a pparatus is effected. all iniiiiiiiiipiti are char itinacd k l - - ' , l 1 Ibis Truss, with iti inpidisges .:can b 4 sore at any itge, and brbolb - ieses,twitkout intern aµ Lion of business.. -•!, :. 1 Gentlemen are:recersed to Ahofollowing;mem hers of the,professien, relative tri this 'instrument and `: ito claims, in effecting reifies] cubes. • u.u.tm crasoir; Peofesscir of• Surgery ,iin the University-of penpisylvaicis. • GRANVILLE Sues, ,P.ATTISOIyr PyylieY , RoEof An atom) , in the Jefferson Medici! College. SA:stuti. Jecasor, Professor di the Institutes of Medicine in the Universityl.of Pennsylvania. Gamma III7CLELLari. Profer-sor of, Surgery in the Jefferson Medical' College,: 1 HENRY Bon). Secretary , of the Philadelphia ' College of Illt.x . sicisitti. ,' . EDWIN A. Mixt. M.D. • EDWIN P ' AMEN. M. D. ' —.- • 1 ; I r .etters to the above named gentlemen etiu-stbe ; free of exper se. - Copy of a letter from Sonniellackson. ?roles. 1 sot afire Institulesof - Medicine ilithe Unisersity 1 Of 'Pennsylvania. ; ' 1 .• '' ,I - . ' , Sick. r'l ANA?, Plidal6 . & . mind iitad oc.i DOCT 1 OR HOOD: _ . Dear Sir:—From the unifim failure of all ,the trusses I have seen, and of, be treatrnilit em ployed for hernia in woe-tiring la tadietil 'Cure by safe means, I had abandoned , allpcltrect tics of seeing this desirable object reaChed. 1 m st con fess, that yudr a pparatua .and ,metbod ti ltreathig hernia, has, r believe, accomidishd this desidel ;turn, and the disease is rendcrell not:emlY man. 1 ageable, but in the greater Nation of .cat tura ,ble by the processes of art. . . .._ . '. • The principle ofyour treatment and °lithe op-,, jerationof your apparatosis baisid . to the physiol ogy of the tissues, and is one tribe soun4est in :theraetica I a nd. practitals.ur - geri. . i . There is nothinrempifieni in yoor . procleding a ~or your' inatru..ente. They ate the. application ,of a well vita blished princ,iple ofour,seitna, to the production of a sjle6,itc effect. Pnifeat L @lraklion, Nk ill and tact are ne easary to aittotn,it with certainty. The insulin' 111.2 afore, trtthoet appropriate management and t e adapt ion of their. action to the individual tweet gto the toast : no nuns! and other peculiarities , . each ease would proie of littlt utility n or might -yen defeat the in: tendon of the treatment; . From the remarkable succ :es that bas attend: eti your treatment, and the ea •s of dre.ideil tures that have come under my ow observatinmgiv. ing the sanction of facts in su port of the iscitintf fic Oriticipleo have no hest'. ion in regarding your apparatus andmetbod of reattnent ati fished in medical science. I, ith , ccusideration and, respixt, trulysimrs„ •'!. ! Sklidtlt-L Cir 0 11 1 :. We have in our possession tinumbeio6,certiff cafes of the first respectability relative to te cures performed by this instruineotterhich we will show .to.any person desirous of satisfying himself With regard to the efficacy of the invention. Persons desirous of being eared of hernia nr rupture, will do well to.call on the subscriber before the extreme hot .weather -sets in.; as the disease' cart be more readily cured in Moderate titan in- hot weather. Physicians des:in:Mit of procuring the .rif , .oit of usingt he above intent inn, can receiveinfor tun or. the subject or porchase-the right. 4' • ! he Bohai:6Ber, *lto is authorized to act es 4 nit or patentee. EROS CIi.I(SESTEIr, R. D. - may 1-6 26 111941;10 very "low . HBANNAN offers for sale the following .! standard works at the very low pr i iees at, Cached. . Hume, Smollett and Miller's England *. 4 vols. sheep, with 'plates •110 00 'Clarke's l'omrnentary, 4•vols heep, 12 00 Wesley's works, 10 vols. cool It te, 11 00 Buck's. Theological works: 6 % Is. sheep, • 4 00 Scutt's Bible and Comments y, 3 eOl/44:5: ' sheep, • 6 00 Byron's works, Deartionte„'s itiorn sheetii 425 llollin's Ancient', History, 1 01. ,sticert, neartiorne's- Edition- wit t Maps and ,plates„ Josephus 1 vol. with plates • Marryates works complete. 1 Moore's works, Library Editi Burns works. . .Cowper and Thompson's wor Palsy's works s • Burden's village Sermons, •Doddritiv's Falsity Exgosito Encyckopedia orGeography, : 77 12 to cuts end 100 Maps, oz's Book - of 31titty.ni,lwith McKenzie& 5000 'Receipts . Together with varie43rsif. low rates, to snit the times. July I . , CCINSUMPTIOPt 11.T#ED. 1 . • .. , IN i i . N, ISITCFIC . . ~...' - • • For the preeeatima4c4 fin' of Craig • a , Celde,,laitmesi t i „.. Consun , tiOntinp..ol Blabd, ' Disi t ot s . i lf .I '4 ,a t Breast •nd inort, . 44 \...... .. iitc. . , paiedb. Dr..e/...4 4' - -:-*•-_,. FREE • AN, .of t . a City -"=""'" of La - * in., _. , -,--, :Di ; eT071 , ,, • , .. „ ;. Accompanying each bout of the Speethek, pointing out in' a Contelitenow Manner, all the srrodtoms in the different eta . esofthette lime.. sing diseases--also partiCular 'd' its respect ting diet and regimen, and h -ye •patienta , are to continct .through every .ntag • 'until iieslth.is r 4. stored—for vaiwand4iseleas: • °old be.the pre scriptione of the-ablist physi',iansi,accoMpanied with the anost„pow.orfotand . 0, fill; Medicines, If tho directiontLare.not-faithful y sdheredto., . •. The public , areinfonned that tit depositionio of 2m.teesebot-have: been4akel , 'be reproper itM .thariiica in th e cit 3 of .I.ance ter., 11 completely carcd•in.the most dcapciate case of coesump ;,,.'.. n,,is i ome -of which lire detiiilve , i _the_ bills ire com anying each bottle, 1 o a , A supply ofthe above Spec] received end is for vile al,thiiofpf Mirth 12 r 4 21 25 3-25 , 2 25- , 2 00 225 . 2 60 2 00 vols. with , 3 3 . 0 10 50 2 25 tiler Books [St .ve3tl7 =I IN ilk) has bleep le•