„ • ME POT ° ZVII4L Ja .SAITII REMY' spqi IN? FEW ' 3,1818 •_ 'r ..r.Paiip lizeu, Meths; Canis, Bills 4'1644 And ' . verThiTleofevergdaeriptsomakeautypntedirt oN A t-- :-...' : Y - Icy. Poilyma iikocuripg,ise. sti !men hens itit io.! 1 )/. 1 1 )o,6. l 4o*litWi P' thP 44 1 - 4 , elt i Zil 1 WPt -I *-ii 11 10i# . anli0 6 . 1. to_pay4 : l , -, . ~. I •' - • it.l3-1, • • !Statektitnt will t appear 4-i tie ggx. i vj u .a tt . • • • . I • ' (..,0111 ) ANIES. I - t=Brrikaieheerttr another eolutrui, bii•iiiiinviintea 4 terklargelneeting• was held. AktheßentnylTranis •Hall at" his place; au • _the. task in relation th 9 -Logislattli.for Parltlitle'VieoSatinan Coat • ContloanY• T'be triiih• le, 'bur it laiple region has been thrown into a istate tllsurptise and excite -mot,tkiihie intelligence that this bill hail . - rtßiatimatisly. passed the Tke sud den'newer 4i - which this odimullietoed ftintepori his! heen got up, alai The.stSE-t-, thylmd. sapid -and unanimous inaiiderin ivhich , it liaa'rlteetr. carried 'through the •--Uouse. hart COrtainly: pr6dUcerl untiatteed ' tiStenishment. What arts 'And misrepre - suntations buvelieen erhploied - it is ant for us tb diticnt; sure we sire that unripe means have 'been - resdrted to; in Cetlcting ,this monstrous act of injusfice to the ii,ghts . of the colliers in Schuy !kill county. If this bp not the case, we are 'compelled to awibe it to corrupt and gross inconsist. cucy &Vibe 'part oft lhose-Senators •have heretotkue professed stern opposition' •An -chartered tnenopolres. .Howlirey-oun .recooeile egch opposition to a vote in fever -ort he Offerman - Coal i.:ompittly a mere '•4gull.trarti-and scheme of apeculat ion—cal '3luhtted trrijnjnre the best interests br the /commonwealth, as ~yell as to defraud hon- WrtnectattifTio , blunt individual enterprize and indystraps -upon correct principles, in the absence of mareprestiztation, no man can coneeiire. The truth is, such Senators if they have nut been deludA and imposed .upon,by borers and others, would be ,pro , :pounced recreant to their duty before any • firmest and trapartiol -tribunal in the amid. it ts'weiNtuuwo here that the-clap-trap in question li•located•on disputed lands- - thei the pretended owners dare , not-enter upon them - -witliout-ineuriing• the dangers and erlpenties Fir . a law suit. It is also well • known that the Mine and Scbuy k:11 • liavenßail Road Co. are ready to extend • their road up to the:latitis - inAueation, the t -*moment mining - operationsoshall fie COM ,7inedaid there; and, thereforei that the Frretext CO a rail road is a mere humbug. We assert, without fear of contradiction, that:lf - Ihp chatter in 'question te Irranted, there can.he no valid reason hereafter as. pigned against granting any charter," fur ally coal company whatever; we say that 'the legislature will thereby leave itself without excuse for wit trholding.any charter to 'any 'set of individuals who may apply Tor the same, if they adopt the rule of dealino a out even +waled justice to all. 011 :should one "rnarwor vile set of men; he !'invested wiih 'rights and privileges, which are denied to others equally or more merituriousi Why, if the principle of :equal rights.and equal law are to govern, -is Mr. Ofrertnan to lie•th,thed with cur: portal, powers. and rights, and the 4titr!e be withheld from a hundred others that we could Mention? IT I:A A FACT, THAT THREE INDIVIDUAL COAL 'OPE: RA.TORS, HAVE MINED A GREAT ER AMOUNT OP COAL DURING THE LAsr SE VSON, THAN 'CUE AGGREGATE QUANTITY- OF TUE THREE CO L.COM PA NIES IN THIS REGION CONISINED,'WITII C 'TLS A MOTI NTING TO A BOUT , SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND DOI r LA-RS;- and that Acne men came in thin' • r•egirat, a few years since, Leith tittle or 'Tit) capital!! Whit can be more conclusive than this, of the superiority of individual enterprize and iziduitry'l These men have • a much stronger claim, on th e score of nte'rit,lo be incorpocated, than the prose • applicant —who has not sent .above five thousand tons of coal to inarkm for the last fite,yeats; ,and : wrinse " humane and phi lanthropic effinis to •ameliorme the Condi tion orthe suffering tir," by_ mining rout for his own profit, taninedly proclaimed by a Harrisburg letter writer, in a Pailadel pith] piper, were never before thus pro . - claimed, until he Made application' for a coal company charter or monopoly ! but the limited partnership law, now in mice, rakes-away all pretext for it:corpora ti,pir individuals to caery on mining opera tions. • Palmetto Chomp:rig ackiiirilli•dee the receipt of a bottle of Chompt;igne nettle Palmetto Brand. /t is pronautleed by judgreito be a e . ett, smperior article, having the foirst ifo'!ar, and kb geeing on the palate like “love's iiret kiss open the impassioned memory." it i s t o b e l im o u t Aletornt. naivirJ TaIICYS store.". . • • Petititers k) the Legish!ture are iti eirrblatien to *etherize the Bur,,ezit Couticil lieen*e beer 114114.2. 7 Thiele -a beefy- necesaary measure, and we bripthe bill wrii pa.a, Mulch of'die turbaneu and riotin eutchareegh reartihr-from dia . ()idea.? beer houses. These-would then sup pressed. and. those wen-ireirt. be tticrord and sup ,ported.. ' , Ph* in Nate York —A Fitelbuil , ..e out in Avenue D, New York eityrenill , nriuy afternoon last, t 4 nrl de-troyed pri?l;ertyla the amoout of d e nt S. - A ',you., =I Mir - Re lorarg od 'refit ton. the Mat IT hry ... - • C oga n -vvirr---. ~,,_.-4.-; , - ---_- • ~ , -.=4-_,l- ?be Trattill / Jack . —.-vver mink ;mat the Louisiade l ying that • ittigerent .11)0101' Willed Millie • 4.10 tines Wale Clldtlit Ctllurt at. Ilitiiiiille,nt itt ibtedt*MT*PA ; Cuotramtfreal 044 6 . r p i idgtby ItiliALlAClSV . 4'Jr.araiite n VaiA free 'rod •Nilicik4 ifriaWittia'll:POSE:,'Abtairr'G.+liwks and BiotaluititiltAiveaut. .. Tire-caseveoi-6,y dot, 4 / 04 rtituti: . la =op ;die defends:2V after r wig thinughltirs , ye of political *arch es t .the Sue riff, woo ~,' a good Jae)tstoo•otan.*2 .ask--1 ed of the iodanrAti.do uncle:43ov, --41 , bei:Shouittl tali .ilitaletx.f/At Mafia 7" . ,_ i I %Ve-appeatof ennikeeditire ,to say arbel.her the &Wive tsectliitisinrie situiPlhat the chargk aka si:diquithe iir i ntei; sir ofteaiiirefeired t 4 ilia - AV.' . t : t. - - loililatnitioPlaqty , does nut lib* reeidt Upon the 7iVoiniiiihitratlkit - self. 1V herd a - let of i'air - Boa' • ran then; tui*ir *hdm-the tratzte' ' Ytv t Vice President oft* United ittaqui aptrearck , ecordol seculity Agit lorlitieal editOr to it duteinnient Pet Bask. si *itch a - -distaunt from Loniiville, for 1 so' holt a k:ii.dt,'of money; dda it dot ettaitir tilting: i that the addffrOst:fittiust4i4y fue linage icif tha cc- Ivry crime unarged against *eir opponents. it is well knownitifat during the last Presidential can, ' vase, prefweli tind - tyriee' were carried mit Wm the 1 . state. orOlifit, i ; tb - e•tablilh j parktieal paper ti without ',. a • jugle duti3e :, iber, and the pri:Pearcaudat of toe 'funds was armatter of ittdreel. s-Wis now. be tdn feel elliVra*e 4 iind - natirs ,than; shopletore now at- Lelies to die '3uvuetiateut Pet banks. : To what a:tint theyi President itud President of the U. S. are iiliiiicated is still a secret, but the sthuk) Affair oneiif iliese days way. . cove to light. ,-. t __.,. —______ . •• ,; '- --1----, PEN NSiti/AN 13, LEGISL } ATURE. liousaot• Representatives, Jas. 29th.-- Two ti..Ui 4 net e cousunsed as the presen tatiou oepetrtioiss. • The baok-bRI was run reached; .?? .. - Ittr. L . iiignker sobmitttd the following:. iltstiltie4, Jinn the committee on the jsr.. dietary ay - Stens be instructed to report a bill malting it obligatury upon all persons prevrtnia In applications -for acts of incur. porattoti for any purpose, and air special .acts -beating iiiiiiiediately upon: the'com munity•Mwhiclr the petitioners are ' a - part, to pohl4tli the intended-apillicafton in pub. he paper , a specific time isefuTe such op plicutiqh-he made. • Mr.illuisoil, from the committee on internal.improveffleots, re p o rted "a b i ll authori*.itiga subscription of stock on the part of IlloState., to certain canal imd rail road cOuipatnes." The following are. the suhScritstioos: . - . • . 'Ti ilittl -Bald E4!e - end Spring • Creek Naviellttion" Company 080,D00. Delaware and. Schuylkill (3aaal Com patiy ,415,1.100. Pettio,iy Iviinia and Ohio Canal Company, 01,3,0iitt.- • Cuiellerland Valley Rail it-oad Com p:to% ,I,3 l sU,Outtr:' . kiitiatiorg and Connellsrillo Rail Road Corn any, $50,000; . so so:.n as $200,000 .shat bif , i-Lfbetitn3l by indsvidu . Is . () Us ion Canal Cortina-is), $100,00X3. Jail 3tl. lit the Senate, petitions were presented against the annexation of 'Vex as; wed 'or the iiict.rpuration pi the Pci.n• sytv.i . lite coai.cottipahy. Tliedtrili meottiorating ;lie 'Stafford eisti contliany V as -past.ed through the-tsmsmit tce 4tSte n'hole. I.l4use of Representatives Jan. 30. on innon„ to rung pOtie the orders of tln• day !Lithe ilurpt)e.e of takiNg.up the .11s4 hill, the Yeas and N4)s were.ieriiiii et!, and a etel-,Yeas b 5; Nays 41. •So the sou lion, tegittrnig twit thuds, .was negatived. 1 - . ' • - ~~~ I FOR Tut ?tisLgs' JouTqp... Porrs v Lux,. *January 30/h, 1839 MR. Enw. O'CoivNoß—Sir—l observe in the %tiers' Journal, of Saturday last, tliitt:at a ptililtc unsciing over which you prelibibil. it Wes iboug,ht proper 10 appoint inelstwone .11 year committee, to enquire intiOhe truth of some allegations said to have been against the Brewers of Si;10/.0(111 county—Mi!aiugli aware of the foni;or intended, i must, beg to decline ac -elititig it, on the fhllowing : grounds: ' let, 'l7lrat 1 tiletv aft geiteril `ithargeet, againet particular bodies t.f teen, as map ' plibable, illiberal, and unjust. ltind. That the certificates returning the charges made agitiost the 'Brewers, ought to he considered ay a refutation of those charges. trd. That where ileleterit.us substances are at:wally known to enter into the crim• petition of any individual's a'e, those sub stances•are corqmonly of .1 vegetable nu. lone ; and consequently would defy all the u-tird modes of chemical analytic for their t, detection.' That the serutinY:itSelf would be nkteaded with much trouble,stici great in. cohvenience to] the gentlemen more ins ttleitiatfty concerned; aid were the wish ortbe :fleeting ern:plied with, (unless !key, depeinied . on mere enip4y) would have iotposed on theura'pryitig and upple:73aut dihy, which niust terminate unsatisfacto. rityto all parties. Whilst on this subject,;[ eannut but ex. M'esil hope that the're are *Me so base na to nse editor the taliteco, the .opiutit, the boccdlus indict's, the tux vornica, the v Rlttrztel pupPiesi or any vittt her 'cleletenous &tog, for the atholesanre bop; should there be any, such i'ontluct cahoot be reproba ted too strongly, n nothing' can justil)f it; la fact •it is .stitesirO, it) a country where laud - ceo be had .141keasy, and ,grain.+&c. raised at a cheap rate, that any one should ttriuin -_ , iitn;titules for malt and hops. Su. , _ 41r ram or rft ) , dee, 0t04..„ beau fo4itd thanl al . et*. vert iheitcottier.-iatciitB - 44pliatuie during the process of brewing; should this-hint 'be seevieudife in litty Way, If wilt, have - no-, swered the,tfuipnie -Voirs,"Acc. C. BE RY M AN. THE WAR ENDED IN - THE WEST. as4e,nived ut Beii. Blanc island, urlderell' - Bittheriai . td, - 3Wililnietiad ' Mit'son; r ho Went in the steamboat Erie, with about one hundred citizen vol., uuteers, for that purpose. "The number on the island—Which-never exceeded:3so —was only scale 21)0, poor miserable fel. lows, riot more than tetiof them Cansdiautf, and they were all burdedity. the Gowen:l4r j at Gibraltar, Pt/ the American' eideoirairly I opposite Maiden, when they dispersed. Theitrins,Atc.. which had been stolen the U.- S. A fiteßati - werechd) taken charge of by Governor Matson.. . The gener)al inipregsion-at Detroit Was,' that no farther attempt - at patriot invitsirin of Canada would be made; or, if at all, not near that place. The authorities are too 'meddlesome!' to allow it. As an instance of the deterrninatien evinced by their, our informant states, that the guard actually filed at a mob who'were taking forcible possessitin or the steamboat Gen.. Brady, wounding otie of them, and compelling them to relidcprish their htwless enterprize. The persOns taken in the schooner Ann, capturad by. the British, said by the De troit Post m have been ntasslidred;apptkar to have been marched through the country to L ;for safe keeping ; which would show pretty conclusively, that the Lon. [ den District,' so much, talked of as .the 1-theaarts of excitement Acid discontent, was at least quiet. • Dubcombe rieenla quite intangible. His wheteZbtints catinot be learned' 'with iiny sort of certainty. Reis' ntit,however,ln I arms. Little is said about him at Detroit. Some twenty warrants hive been issued for Sundry citizens of I ket roit, who had been most active in promoting the - disturbances. Sutherland, who was arrested; was subse. fluently discharged, no proof being made I )1 * overt acts committed un the U. States' soil. • From the Mai& Mere% 'Art* of Jan, 22. • ' Murder and RUbbery.— We learn 6st ate driver of the U. S. Mail was muider. • ed on Ftiday !right ‘i•itlint a mile 'and a half of Stneittin, and the mail hags ripped open anti * their cOistents tiTh d. The bags were fount: next morning in the neigh Imilmo4. 'lle - stage contained Woe New , Orleans mails 61 Wednesday and Thurit.- Irlay, and the Mail of Ft iday hunt this city line' driver had two halls shot through his hued. Swpicion rests uprni two men wlio ilrol been lurking about Stockton for some days previously. • Mr. Hays in the Itoose (if Representa tires of 'hie State has made a minority rr port of 1.1 e Committee on Banks. It the.prtivi; sof the hill lately. rel urted by the. Cita:mm of the Conimit , Ire on-ituik f ; and recommends tliat no clay be fixed the legislature for the re sumption of tin 3myitietits; also stating, than it must he itt, t tight about by the con curt with &Hetet& tia,nlc4, in the different man and not I:ylW:tit-tit of the legis Moro. 'DtstrmoN,-111r. R heti of South Cuno . lina, has published an address to the Peo ple of his Congressional • Ilisttict, in vin Memnon of his course in 'having prepared fetolution looki'lig to a disolution of the Union, on the occasion of the late excite trietititi house of 'Representatives on the SlaveriqUestiou. The man who of fers such a- proposition in reality is"Xamo-, net' to everttsting fatne." hett fads to make out his justification. Wasit tNoToN's advice Was "to frown indignant- . ly upon the . first dawnisi2s iir any attempt lu aft , nate one motion of the Como from the other." Let ti, ! -; all 'pursue this escelfent advice. There is too great a dThrtlainott in Arane of the Southern polipcianic, i.i " ca l. ctilite the value of the Uuitos."—Ah.ran dria Hrrald. ~„r ~ . , ~ 1 TinAsuiev'Etaz...s. - 7 tne 41.1enmund wing says that WriglaNi_stSub-Treasury .Bit was maile,vis'oinioxinits_as iii i .s4ble to drive the Conservatives Ind of the party or "into sithrttissitm."• Ile has succt eded. The, conservatives have not only (pitted the ad= minis atton ranks but tv! . i unbesitTitingly declare dial before six months elapse, to this state the tannins ration Will have no _rants to init. ' A :eta 14r-tinting Loro Tocos may 1w fiamil ' the Ettifiirti State, the I C:t Wln all be ‘1 , ',11.g. Wr ConserVatives. 'be wholi itarad *wveu 0 " A+ 2121 , --c-1,14AW ',a - 01 of 41.4 lo#,th IrMl= just feittel ty pout, and . Mr„; 4tuy Lula ,t4kuniiii4.*-74HWAIet pi tulany utitue, Ituarix4hticeilyr - itt e2teLrti dna 12,uuttlern State:. 'it gnu auk rR AClt' i but it ottgla r tiv r u tty tiruutal hteicelltu *flat to prom:tie the uattuatal 'ilumath trim theihtultque 7.4 a tittatitetrlstaktAl 'A . ' • -a' g 'r.Van Buren -Mr , BPnten and Me ,alhOtiiiire ;Jaw vieing with each other f o r-Westet it popularity. It is to be pur -I,eliased, ilihej4,•bilitheo l 4l4lrein,-;ean se theieviesWivlth-the'public.filtitts. dopptpbe ihdt this properly 1S - . ample to satisfy the must Tiering among the inert:meal. It IS ilierefurep to be sqaud ered away in a profligate outliner, upon the unprincipled speculator, •or worthless squatter; and Wee betide milt who litteint4s to arrest their Career. Mr. has - no bly cast himself iu the breach, regardless ul CUtirtp/Clle€6. Y6tteribiy,"ifter•Mr.-kennypacker had closed his speech.in faittiollMesars, Gbul sun and Claiborne, Mr:. Maury,. a whig, obtained ihirflour, tie proputred to lake the queation/tr iletkie," but Leglire and itlr, arOnsUri objected.-- The hour" being late, the II tioise anjourned. This inorriibg Mr. Mewl again express edhis wish, and the wish of lits to take, the "question, and thirrentlered the flour (to which lie "was leather!) *Mortal a single remark,. Mr. Briibiriti,' 'a Nhiir' Yuck Cooservative, and contained until alter, tlilee o'clock, when - he gaVe . triy tor aloOtitin to adjourii which was carried. He will continue on Monthly. ' •Is it scandalous! The G.obe taunted Mr: (who tipoke . fur litrin.t.ll and colleigue.) . with, occupy mg two'dais and a half, In reply, Mr.' Foster has occupied thiee da.s and a half, Mr. Pei.nypacktr one,day and a half; Mr.' Bronson already one day; and will prubab'y dike did whole Of Monday; say seven days, not af t i big . havirespoken. Will this sans. fy the clutinpioniof Messrs Cholaun roil ' 'Pteritiss? I think-hot: and Ithink 'au' be,. 'cruse a' fiery Loco It itaterflo *Vie of us, in a cluster, after thrjourituient to ,lay, buthefore we lelt.the hill, that Mr. Legare, or some other Counsellor of no• talowledged legal talents,'must argue the constitutionarquestiiiii, before the debate cord(' be closed. Why, paid one of us, nu matter which, hare 'hot Mr. • Fester :and Mc. Brunion been talking law fiir two or three days? tits only reply was, and that in a Most disdainful iminner.—"Pahawl" As it is now evirlent that the loco foccis uncoil to keep up the debate, until they have drilled their ti (tops for action, it is impossrbleto say When will be Made; -perhaps Tuesday or Wednesday; pos,ibly nut befOre Satinday. What oi t:i,eases the importance of this struggle is, that it will prohably decide the fate of the sub l'reasury. bill. The loco focus are per ectly cutifident carrying their bill, ii Messrs 'Cliolson and' Claiborne retain their scads. Their defeat, it' isappreliended by silie-pai ty. might lead to the hiss of one or two floating votes, who . seek ohly to be with the majority. All is doubt acrd tin certainty, except one thong, hod that is, if promises ni the one case, and threats in the other, can secure a 'triumph to the sit. Ling Members, they are'safe. OBBgRVF.R. Beauties o/ Jacksoilism.—Tlie Boittin Niereantile Jou, nal says, that David Hell shavr, the late Collector of the port .f 84_,. ton has lung beetilamiliar watt the condi film anti operations of the Communwe.ilth Bunk. He probably lies, fig alone time, known that it was rotten to the core.—and that an eXplosion Must inevitably takeplace. Notwithstanding Which, he has reeently paid tit 'fisherman am other's; who had claims oriThe Witl,ernitOnt, many:thousands of dollars 'in Counilittowealtirßatik Billet II these things be ao..atiti - who will di-Tine their correctness ? ig,iiiiininy should hence- . forth attend 'him through life.. Also, U. StateS44,nskoners, in that quarter, have recently beet 'paid in 'Ants of the Cum thotitVealth L Blank, and probably a large innolon oft ese billi ire now in poses. !ion of !veterans, St lin hive ii,lO3lF their lives, in establishing our independeke, to lii defending the Repuldle. from foreign ag gresvions=and who have nu other re sources from went -than the pension 11. warded them by Govertudent.--Iferris ' burg *Chrottiqe. linetazia--Lettedo frown Indiana, &tate that the h.gtslative eonventtott have notni nated erenerai Harrison ter the presitle'ney --:4uhjeet, .howeve'r, to the decision of a national cotiventien, watt the prov'tio, that the fa d convention shall nog/nude Mr. Clay or rieh. fitiiimOrt. • are yvorking,•)tindly--the highest eapecta9ona of the N3tiVap-..114fen, inlay have not gone beystini the present pros peels. A r. - IT.ljcr;(ettofiaalfaho . * 'Y.ol, : kgii.Yoltfifititi4.o . i 1 Itire'bta g,"tintl-ttii.' di' Atp . l,iseioa A . *, llYtiiiin: .. inviltietiAtrieliell andicrushad. under ..the,tnehgt. fr)f ''the -, kviiereinentv Ale 'Car itiltite,', On: the itt*trit'srid,'-withotkif. iitage.ii q i ii.,, i i i ii ol ` liilooer la • infit)ences, ,of.. :a ~,liertigri. Staiti„ teat, has:abundant mass, is:t free nniary enihairasmteut, and' . groisi .4 pit*erfut upiri itte trade di!et. Jeri' York. ! ' yeil, einnsylittinta„ 4 the teeth and cutting:the claYes thpire State. There, the Govet tultribiiStered for the People-- hee' i ll kik is' sacrificed,. tq, pramotti 1 4 e, .party. •For the last ten ye4r . ,• env. , cabal by 'which- this State tis ved, has been cOnyJed.ia itsg i t - and I t egistative adiolt:',by,ciins .. , - '44tsivply . p.,11f,4::41-:-:iiii?jki self sordid. ''The consequence is Ilia wk. in her imprnvetnentit,.. her en. -and her prosperity. is-now “drie -11;107' length" alditg in; ihe wake f ul Ivini'a, . 1 =EI Tit a of .th4i en?Pli.flu! poraiize inflame. of Phila `n azly sustain; Gurrerot from pc log rich ted fro , ofthe went every i stews 9 the R* stilt en ccutive et/letup isb nn • New terpent, ging it Peons Jactie!l emit tie easy 11. i. nf Min, He is hesiing the barks again! in bitter terms. 'Even the Richmond iluirer - grows vretilifor the itch Tor sciib Wing Ztilieold Item ' . up er r romo, stateinent, is one thin g," says llic Enquiler—"to influence the opiiiionl 01 a free people, is another. —TREY 01111 Y. To DIODE FOR THEXSELVES." • yesterday, tidir this vain old Tau would have ktood against the world in arms. 'Now, hone so poor as to du 'pun reyerenee ! Oh teoer t. art thou Punic so low Areell thy trawl-mho, coque.* glories, .}{oil• Shrunk 62 this litter measure V---Freeduai , n. Coi.oxtzaTtotv.— A gentleman in t.eb anon County. Tennessee, Wishes to eman cipate 17 of his slaves to be sent toli.,ibe. rid. A vessel with colored emigrante .fur that destination is to leave New Orleans about March first. The free colored 'yeti ple 4 Atittylrid are now so anxious io go, to Arica, that the - bolottizaliult dfile at Baltimore-is thronged with applicants In the past year there have been net lesti tha.. six veesels 'chartered and - . fitted out f with eimgrions, teachers, missionart&R, and or ficerti to be borne by the wind. , ofrovi, de. c'ei to the cuin.:l of Al ica..L—Nets York 1 ) . .- Sant ArtCgitiat meeting Ad Young M:n, in the•eity mf New , York,. held wdhuu4 dis tinctinp,e(par to express their disapprii bation.of Patton's UAU ..11.1•601,A.1119N, andio assert the right .of the peuide. to petition, and the duty of our rupresnta tit/es - it): hear treir petitions, T 1.1000 SKttaiVIICK, Jr, a Van - Beren mart and late,Seeretary of Legation at Paris, l :under • Mt Livimi,ton, pr.esided. A lake; ii not the largest portion of the tneeti)ig, is said Eu . have been coinpoitect of Loeu-Fo co.A The "Doe Faces" in Qiingres wil. unit being frighiened at.. the and Ist/idoelos, of the tal - not exelise their sunrender of a 'euilsitttitional prerogative of the people . . l'hi it, were sent there for oilier put 'Judea and ti*y ‘‘i:l discover, perhaps, wileit too late, that they will smile sustained in their sobsevieney by any pariy.—liarriebarg Teleg'ruph; 31A1,`11.1ECf. 1 Otwigsburg, on the 3I t, uh. by he Rev. TbottionSovereign, Mr. Amos Latins of kntsvale. to Mo. ANNA MARIA ST/CIITEA of tins toruter plat* DIED Suddenly on Monday Morning, atout o'clock of croup, ADELINK youngest daughter id .13cuja. inin F. and AUeltuu Pommy, aged 2 Years and nearly II months. -I Alayea . baii.e.their time 20 ; 144 pawl Sowers to Waller at the Nord! whida breath, 'Ana :ataralo set, and all; . Thotest all squeal, fueqiine . ihen 0 beitik,' Nori6l4-Ti.4 Yort'Lltiboti I.l4.inta twill . bold a ineeting on `liitititlay eveiiino next, et 7 o'clock. in the boootnet4 :room of tne when Mr. Cus'rx.to wdl deliver 'an, eis6y on . the subject of "light." Lie 'are rispecttelly invited to attend. Fee. 3, /1531 J. NOTICE.—The Ikea. Sautura. Asttiroa,(o - kveimslist) is expected wrench et; the upper School House,-Centre borough to 'our tow ftwtturtg,, *Caw usual hour tut 111vtte berme. Feb. 3, 1838. IIgOTICE.--ron 6:o4Attt evening net,, the Rev. Ali Ar. ....itonnitits, - ate Misympary rant Eng.. land; (priu:ntuve• AI thirdly%) will pre eh in the 1 Awny at 914 y candle light , by pc - frail - illicit% ut M i t.)uha Ca Q c ffernul, • Feb. 3,'1838. :: . . • rtdaski Lodge tSTATEL) inyetiq,.. tg . r.o.k Lodge. l Ni. 2I 6. will be bilc:'it the maid DI , oe, on Mon. 4i revening itiv.i r Plibtoitgr 641, a illatf post 6 4 look, P. M. • : -• • i • renown! attendanpe - is requicoted. i • 41 . it .00D VF:RS attpesim hhuitiegato. ut Prinetre acid brtAri.r qa l tiir ante by lelb 3 MILLER & tiAG4int7y. I !i . - lAA ‘ or .I•etters. • , • - mviciria - ro;tbs.-Poteasci al ?oitsville, February 1,1856. : . ~ . Ada - 1 John' I -' iniettier Edward iisi ' tri.forteph Lamb Joseph 1 - - -X;4 1 1 : -- --'''-- . 1-.l;iff° l - lotn ha v or Rebecia m Si. Felsenberd , .I.,evris Nita . , . Royer Benjamin Lanicaittßoteit '' Rdit.p7lo..::. ' ~ .- , ,,- ; „.:,,IIMISOl iel- - - I i e tut y Daniet:, ~. -.:- -,„ Bra ;en traniel:;' 64 4 Xir ' - II clic Eg.raii - ; ''' •.A....a. - 41,41e.t3tiiiiiv i. Ra re floratjaN.i... , -- -1 -,00.0 - 1 . 0; , „ Re rJoseph , , .n ,- I 311 si • <itebts!,otr politer - --Jolua,* , - 4, lillartniV 3 1111 tr Jimmie • - r , 1 .r,- 44 4- o sinkti s kitro , *Olt Mra ' ''- , - -111 - itlia#4,* •,'• - arkriCh Thonika -' .'` t `,•ittirtifietettir ' Jfeob Bork Patrick ' .- -. 1 44,u(r.r.ib1e ' ' - • . Bowen Sarah 1,.. *. r 'Stollen Patrich Brennanl`44rAWS. . `--- VirArtati - Petrick Bird Wur- - ' ' "liftingiimairy Robert • ,41 - Itatiker; %ye! Ctosurmap.Ratirt !'..sl4oolitif. Heinsifd C epwill Robert.. .--McesiAry.,7-Diejet Ciampi Mask s r.- -,.. ....McGreaget-lien... Coors-Elijah S-, • lifcrbintell - -Jofirs. crating John ,p4ec i ttbeir. James CM -re Lb fttr . IllnGitedittifbeart • t - D Dawalt Abraham :- SlCCartey,Robert Deitrick4ohn. - • ~ N - . . Etenning-Jeoeph _ - Neff Jobs,. ~ , Davis Mary Anti , , .-0 , hater Robert - , . oCont4l J ohn I:infield Richard '1 . - E Ferret Alexis Engle David -•••-, "-' -• : • '•• - , ••••117 .- . - 41 Edwards •Danrel. •• Quin Ar l ber: •/ 4 Easton-F-Nicholaa ‘• • . R..,.. Evans John _ Richard *ergs i Engles ifhho • •, Rice Octave .- tvans Sarah :.'Rice 11 . F Rhse him ~„ • ,Fratik & Kramer - .R.Schesdiijontia • 'Fes-wick George , „ Rediit' Jolia,F; 'Fentiee John• - '"'.! Rued Jaintisi';" : l' ; Ft:osier 3ntio ' Rutter lobe V • • 1 Fainter & Kiebt - 1 Riley - Pattirials4 . l Fryaire Sav - ah . • " Riettlide. Rekellitispr • Fisher dohn ' . :Mein Rees4: -- • • • ,•- .e.'" ,:, ,.! Fryer Jciiepl C ' .Redde Sainuil':: - ;<.. Firipai,tiCh Edivard 'Roberts Thomas' ... p - - .: -Realty-Wm ••• ~ Gush Audrey" . • RotiertsionWns : Gilorge Ahrahans" -.- " !. S•:- • i.:ilhiore John; • ."; - - Schaff Adele • . Giftirore Andrew - • SeitrangeS B Groans Berijaniiii ' • Stiftithei (Otitis' lispher Gepharidittieran'r • Shatten Hasid: . Griffith Daniel - 'Shrigley),Dehrah • G.btie, & Frank Sheri Edwinq ~ 1 • • G, mil George •• ' • S sancta 1 Elliabeth- ' Gable Johri -- eherritrederkir: Groselaprt • • Stephenson Frances Gimes-Mr. Shirk Fhidertek . - - Grath Sarah . • ' „Sanderson Henry Gratz Theadorl .' fkiireroviissec ' • •• • - 11 ' ' Smith lames. • Heatheringtan.r.dward Soitth 4ohit, 'Hudson Elisabeth . Sheerer John 1 Hunaliert Frederick Strebter,l-deob , . ~ Her Hannah- • Stairtlen James'. • ~ Rucheson. John ' Steward Jacob Hergan Irihn • Seesholtsi Huy: 118014 Mll/1 • Smetana` Rachel klegerty Patrick • ' Short Sam* HenderahoL Rachel - Sandi thin ; J • . '•Stutik - Wat • -, • Jotinann, Ann, • - - - TI. Jams lohn , J ocotnte) OWL. --` I W • James JOhn 11 ' -WilexilrAbilt 101 :- •• johp ro Mari 4 K • • • Wahl Danner or Elba - Jones Thomas • Walliel Fred Join Wm K . . • ' `Watkins . ja ea ,,,;,• Williiime 'Atkeret. WV Kate - man George . • liams Ma ta n • Ma Koppenhayeillenry , lAlrivin Sun • v .. Kleplor John . ' .Witgilier Philip 16 ;Kaiser John - . Williitmeßolwt Koss Joshua ard - Thaipla I Kenrick, John, - W '.. 'Wilson Thorne* Kciper Loarauca ', . 1 "-' - •Z . ` • • ; Kinnel P • • ' 2 aler 4ifdrear Kelly Sarath ` " L zi.dais.ib• i ' King Win • ... ' btlIP t.EI 4 I 4 RRS: _,.. ' Boy! Henry ' Mulligan .Joilis I Brook •105e.4 .• • • iMPh 4O °/..ohallii r ' 7' Bern Jiangxi ~. .. .Miit( 1110T11" ; 4 : Fireman fitichal ""Magarnirian' Thom*. Ge' irsol facies 314,aughliff:Finnoas Corcuins Thomas ' Mitchell Wird Davis Edward . Isicvals., - ,Gersiga - Davis Joshua Nichellta. Gac., " • Dan:el Jelin . Newton Trititicai. .1. - ~• Davis Rkiihard • •Obrian Davkl- . Davis Thoinatt - Philips Did D 7 , .n;e11 James , . . Preihs' rattlers.: Felseithelee Benjamin Prie . eee -••7-4,-,, , . , Fenturn George` - I iit rabert Thol Fregar John . • Qn4lley 1.400 . . Fred illaiick Richard RI aidikekfArtithairald Griy Abi'iltaio i •Ricitai+mraMptuati Breen Juseith . Ityan ••lakcheet. Glee Win l' Rumfet Wns..-,' IJerhert Ester . • adrikey France* Hudson 4olin • - Suiiih • hulks ,. .. Himdstin Robert •-- Striplettin John f Jones Cornelia* -So:A-titan John. Jones tlantel - Scott Illiphiel liinwi John Sitiss_Williarri. Jeaken Lewillie • , Stpaphenaoo Wm James' Phi lip) 4'. ; ..1131tlich Wit ' ;I, Junes. Thomas. . SteelWm" ' Kemidery Neil ,:. ' Ttgeit Joh n Edward .:.•. .• Ttintlia• 4o fin Lamb Joseph ._ • . Vaugh James Lewis Janie& • „ -', William Able „ , Lamb Peter -,.., ' Water Daniel' "Loyd Seth -•-•,, . . ' Williams Josnah MeCanna- Brien • ' Well Willson . • - Blisigrivern Edward, • . . Persons calling for kite - rain the r above jilt will 'please say they are-advertised. • . - ___-`• - E.. CH ICHESTERr I' Ntg . For Rent . GOO' . . , , _. -4 standlet a Shoe axe Xaeetti, 'Wul f, . 211 - Jed tin the•Sebuylititl Valley Rill , 15 ,s 3Aesi the weigh scales. The house hse ;Plif* ' pied as a taitin for several. mei, au ‘.....,,, "et a hetter"stand to be : foetid In the, I IT' kood.— Posts j esiitin given on the Arstsitf i ii ,Z pply at fob 3 8-3 a - . • , 11! , OFFICE. , . • " 10 4fh REAM JeraOping taper, Tor fele lUr witojesale_epd fetid, ehe*p. • • feb 3 B. BAIINAN. fife 'Uookor, 01(1KWJGE abrvad, s;r a tune in Fnince. li- Leila. by; Holster • i ' Confessionsaka elderly lady and gentlemen, togq.thei sllWa•sariorypf &frier it orks;')ust re. email andforigs W , .:, -it HAN NA_'. 3 - r " • • - '. .: . 13- ISSEIMATIQNSIAn Pugin:went, the affairs of i tlialt‘iik and Piper Met*. by the author or'.Commoti roar;" prier 61 centa.jaaoceirest arid for ca lc by • • 1341 ANN A N • . . . - 7 -z ._," .O. - EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers