MIES I vciL. PRINTED AND PE BY BENJAMIN ' 11X11270. Tilltitt DOLLARB Arm Fars 'payable setel-anottally 'dean • in the !ear, $4 wilPbe charged ceive the paper free of postage. 93 per annum. If not patti vrt will he sdded to the price olio • WEEKLY Two DOLLIAA per, annum. ~ in advance, If out Miid within I be charged Advertisement/not sixeeedin „I charged Oa for three insertions-' i insertion. Larger ones in pro „„All advertisements will be i out.unleis the time for wluzb th is specified And will be chhtged Yearly advertisers will be ch.l including subscription to the pa . Of keeping one advertisement n etidultrig during the year, arid th er one in each pain , r for three All letters addressed to the ed otherwise no attention will he All notices for meetings. „& which have heretofore been in charged 25 cents etch, except John "Actuates, and St George T. Chambera, F .Copartfera under the I Case firm of McCanlee & Chambers: Vs. • I Henry Frederickson. j Schuylkill tau The Common w -' -c To the Sheriff of P • ing: We come t ) 1 ' -attach Henry . _ your county,b goods and chat.. 'inents; in whose hands or pr same may be, su that he be a Cone. of Common Pleas to burg, in and for said county, ceeding the last Monday of L i answer John . McCanles and t. copirtners under the aim of boss, of it plea of trespass on also, that you summon '•thel Meehan= Bank of the No the county of Philadelphia whosi hands or possession chattels, Lands and teneme may be attached, so that th:.! may be and appear before day and plebe above mentio , shall be objected against judgement of the Court there 1 . °arable Otlyin Blythe,Fres . at Orwigsburg the twenty t ber, A. D. One thousand thirty seven.. LEW IS 11VOTICR is hereby give 10 the above writ, I December, 1837, attach ell of grpund in the Borough the Noi th Easterly side of said county of Schuylkill, ,! Fou's additional plan of sai 13 and 14, containing in f, 120 feet, and in depth 230 . &ndant . by Thos. Ewing, Deed Book No. 8, p 498 &c ty . of Defendant in a certain. partly in Lausanne towns, county, and partly in Rush kill county aforesaid, as b in the conveyance thereof wife, and Cornelius Stephc March 23, 1830, and Reco county, in Deed Book Fv. detendent, and one Charles - PETER F. , Dec 23 • Kisterbockls rip WO IC - terbook's Stow -a- peived and for sale bj Jorn 13 To Merchants 9AND 10 q uire Day foolscap size, cheap, jus by jon 10 • • Lum 69.000 Joint Shingles, 25:000 1, 0 40 • 20.000 Lathes, saitab gling.fer sale by sept 23 MIN ERS' FLAN N E cur sale by the subi nen' heavy %tuning Senn • HAZZ jan 20 Cloths! Cloth -- NATHANS &CO. ssplendid assortment Blue, black, olive, gr do do and fancy - Plain and figured sat Mohair pilot cloths a Goats hair cartailete, all of which being purcha delphia, and New York, .per cent cheaper than can in this borough.- - THEAt!BFRIB - PRI Psl _ < • . A HOUSE; si Ie Street, nearly' l a of S. F. Pen William, D..- I !Seel front by 30 feet in de cellar in the baeemeot • first, ageond end third At naid House well plainer excellent well of, water a dhet front, by 170 feet in ley oq the west end of ea For furiher patticulari ' Mount Carbon. Nov. 9 T.s. ' ENGI • DRAT Office /Fag door to th Nat 18 .1-• , • OM - - r MEM MEM r• • "". • - , , c.. WILL TIFACII rour:ro ixrArcr. TH& sow/ma ), tilifiarra Ownswe Dirriail*l3ll4CATlMallete 1112 am= tips* • , •.3 • Bentilandit ' V. ,471VOIEJME4t• .111T'ff;61 111 AS iemtnred • hiothEce to.Ceutte Si pool& the Brick• Building of Oeorr ot..feu atop, where "'tend buanteinilin ttiteted to hid' hi The line of hie pretension.' • Oct 21' LISHF.P. ANNAN. Yt CENTS -per ammo. ir tiqt paid with-, o ail *hose wbo re- To mail etibicnbete o the year, b 0 ceow • riptide. . . . Co. iiabirt and Convenience» TO THE HEALTHY Arm The subscriber respectrulltinforms trielade and the public at large, that, einee his reline tiom Europe, he Works with a new Beall iFd dingier:te at the manofhcturingof Ehistic iklatraempeie this Borough, and, fishers himself. without-04'00g the accusatiOn_ _that he is Smarter and - Cheria.. ten, with beitig able hereafter to make Suck tat. u&asses not to brfinferior to any Work of hie kind, in reterencer to their beauty. solidit3i, and dumbility.ind people Will certainly be convinced of the conigori and saving of time, which:Osea, articles afF.tit principally when there le err' body sick inithe family." Besides the subscriber knevre the old "the work ghost glee credit to its maker," hod he therefo*PrrY Pe l O l Y 7 levites those wing to get en irficle of this description; 'to come nd examine for themselves. one of the said Matins aim, just now &Jibed, that they may be conlyin- , cad of the troth of hissaying. -!.' • -HENRY NEYRE. Beading, Jan.,lB, 1838. ' 4-31 ; P. S. Persons wishing to buy Elastic Macrae wee, of the description aforesaid, wifl pleeset'sp. ply to the sab'criher, a few doors abtiVe Feather's 'Store, in Reading, where a list of subset iptidirt is open to the public,.ae inc manufacturing thereof wants some time. The Matraerres will not be delivered before May next. ..*The undei7signed• has, at the request of . .1101r. HZNIVI M 16VRIt examined his newly invented "double Spring Elastic Matraas." Its unifOrm elasticity render* it truly a luxury for com Men use; and tc the nick especially. Such asil see long confined to afwrisontsl pastureii( proglises to prove invaluable, Its pet manent amootkeess will supersede the necessity of removing the!. pa tient "to make his bed," while its elude quality appears welliceiculated to obviate in a great de gree or entrrefy prevent the sloughing so apt to occur in cases of lone confintment. ISAAC HIESTER, M. p. gable semi-annually tbe-year.s2 50 wio tate - Nil lines will be • nd 59 cents for one rtioo. rted until ordered y are to be Continued ccordingly. rged per annum; r—with the privilege exceeding,g squares insertion °fa 'mai). ceessi ve times, or muethe post paid. id to them. and other notices erted gratis, will be sieges and Deaths. rch Tern], um. reign Aunehn(ent Bail $l4OO. 1. BS. Ith of Pe Insylvania aid county —Greet: ,and you that rill . rederickeon late of alLand singular hie '. lip, lands and Wile, I : sicsaion soccer the d appear before our holden at Orwiga. loft the Monday pro 'larch next, there to enrge T. Chamber*, MeCanles & Cha m, he Casa, &c. And Manufacturers and horn Liberties," in and all persons to Ithe sa id' goods and . ts, or any of theen, ~. and every of thein ;, ,e 'said Court at the ed, to answer whet em, and abide the . . Witness the HUltt ent of our said COUrt ird day of Novcm. - ight hundred and UDENRIED, Prothonotary. I fully cone it in the opinion above expreilted - , in regard to Mr. Meyre's "Double Spring El4akic M4raeir." • • Having carefully examined Mr. Henry Meyre's "Double Spring Elastic Morass," I concrit in the above opinion, believing it to answer all, the purposes intended. ' :MTN B. 0T70.. 1 have examined Mr. Henry Meyre's "12losIble Spring Maims" with care, and I would reetiim mend it to all persons. and espeCially to the Ohk, as it would be a great advantage to them. JACOFt"MARSHATA Having carefully examieett Mr. Henry Mhy. re's 'Double Spying Elastic -Matrass," I rally concur in the opinion expressed. 10 the foregriing certificate. • A. H. WITBATP , that in Obedience on the sth day of Cove contiguous lots ' ottsville, situate on Centre street in the arked in Benjamin Borough, numbers nt on centre street et, (conveyed to Do• Deed recorder• io have examined with care Mr. Mey re's "glint. at Matrans," and fully concur in the opiniliy. a bove expiessed v oin to its usefulness and gentee l l •, • good qualities. IL X. MUHLENBER,Y. Also all the mote tract of land situate tip id Northampton township in Schutt. nded and'deseribed om Jacob Alter and , son and wife, dated led in Northampton 5; Page 345,Atc. to finer in fee. At Mr. Mei re's reirest, 1 examined his is Mistress," and concur in the favorable one expressed by the above named rentlemio. SOLOMON G. 111120 • Far Sale, • A palaitable Tract of Coal Land LYING and being in the township of Mimi wegian on the West Branch near the ;West Branch Rai l Road, about iuur miles from Schuyl kill 'Haven—there ie ice or more Coal veins passing through this-and. For informatigh ap. ply to JACOB REEIV. at Pottsville, ' rr Mr:HOFEM AN. Es4L litivreh 2-r 24- . at Read" g. UDWIG, Sheriff. 6-6vr , es X Ovens. and Ovens, just re- B. BANNAN. HAZZARD & STRA UCH'S WHOLESALE AN.QRETAIL Dry.Groodo; Grocery and ;Li - quor Store, • Corner bf Centra , and Market Streets, Poll f kaille Aril 8 . nd others .Its . and Lvdgers, received and for sale B. BANNAN. ' 1— IS hereby given. that letters Testementary have been granted to the subscriber, by the Register of Schuylkill County, cm the estate or Richard Brace, deceased, late-ot"lie. Schuylkill county. Alt persons indebted tp said estate are tiMrefore requested to make pay ment to . the subscriber immediately, and who may nave claims on said estate Ire likewise re quested to present them well authenticated, for settlement. HENRY CHRIST, Administretor. :'or paling' or Rhin A. A. GILE. 44 Just received I.e. amt.'. 10 pieces XI- RD St, STRAUCH eCloths!!! have now on hand a n and claret cloths, emointeres, I=B3 d other coatings; • stingy, &c &c 4 at auction in Phila• e guarantee tonal 10 tourchaaed clam here. • deco 2 R OFFERS AT . &VGE •-• LOT in Norwegian opposite the residence roy, now Occupied by etti. The haute is 16 pth, with a kitchen and Frv, two rooms,on the rs each; the whole of and painted. Ablb an ,The door—the lot is 20& l,depth, with s 9 feet 'al house. inquire of THO" 3. SHARP 1837. OWAT. EE II = IMAM PenosyZoysia IkiL 5.2—t - ' '...,..,, --,,-- 5 - 1,1 . , - ",4 , -4.:::'`!-: , ' 7 l7i:4i N'::q3": -°: ';: l ' . ';' • W -.71.347.. ,, ` ::c*,,,• 1 / 2 4.-.-- ,- - - ----- ---.,: i ..,.... e ::,.; ,,, , ,, , , i , .: ,, -,:l, .-: . ....;E,„...... -- ,,_.,.,..-_,.„.,„. 4 , ; ..,,,.,.,- ; ,,,,,,,...„„.,, : ,,,,,. c., ;:: ., ~..„ ~ .... . - .• , ;:.:E , rA - ,,, i.rip.. - -*.i - --.. - .4.: , :.,..!:f:' - - - '-_,..': - '.-.. '' -I ` , '-7. , '"''''":" -- -‘ ', .-..-.....---'"'.-- `-----". ...,,,, e ... .:',... 5 „ - - - -' , : r---,,,,H--':-I- I •;, .4-•.—.4,.'! - -- - :-.1.--.."'.✓.......4., ::.^:`'' -,: - .7.14:),:iz , ., , ,4, ..L....:-.- ;",t;'k -..- „. 7 ..,. •:.••,t.. 4 . - :;:';';`---',-;.' .:,-'''',.. V.J....:.'7.• - ti . 7 , 7 1 - ''' ,, ''' , .. - : ,' '''' , 7 , ';'''''' .7.- '' ' ' ''' ''"' - ' ,,. .::.:..:.-4;- , ':•'.'-' `,.: ', ' ,'.- , "", ~• 7. 7 ..., .• , . ..... ,1 4 . .. - •' -' - - ' 7 1' .I" ...'e' " 7 a. ~ 1",....„.±, L . . 5....,. 7.,,., ~ --,.: .Li --:.,.j,.4,,. 04 .‘ io_ ,;(. ..}:ji4 ,., ... ,,..„ ; _ „7: .77 - ;\.17.. .. : ..7 , rr. - ,ii .ai ,4 V 4, r —. ~ 7 ~ ....,..:_i„,i , ~,_, --- ~., ~:, __.,_ _ .-.:-„,-.,„, ~...: _...._. ~..: __:.... ..,.,-;.: ~I. ‘• 1 . .. ~.. . ~.• . .1.,„:„•._.„.., ...,,,,,„...„........ ) ... r .• . ..,.... t .,..._ , .... . ... , .„., , ..„., ~. ~,,, ~..,....„.14.,,,,...... .t ..L- tra - ,4_11. 4, -% +. '‘ i'` ' : ': ' I ;' :' ' , -' 'AND POIMINVIIIMD . GE EuAL,- ' D.viER , /.,, -,-._.1,:.... ~ 7..: . i,-, ,,, ;.7. , 1 .4-.41 - - ,' , 4. , • , ; , , 1 , ...i....i'« 1t ... ,..1 „ . ., 5 .- - - : „ . , .. t ., t . , ~,,, ~,_ ..,,,,,,,,, ..i 2. , `'......,.., 1 ,.i ~. :. ,:. ,-.i !,..„.; . 1 ,i,, i r ,,..‘; ~- , , c .. . I f , 1..... , 5:4.., S' r , ..---,..,-- -.. A. , ?..''' . ` ~•,- 4" ~. ,e-' .' :,-,- 2. . -.- ~.. , • ~, ,„: ~„:i , .:;,„, - 1 - , : f v-- . 4-7,..,. ;.;- z:,,..,,,,,,, -, : , r , ..1!,•., ;.. '.: .7 ' i' ... t .' • ~.1711.i.. *C. -,.. . .7.! .. ToomtputatitiLoormeenaativvosolla wove 00.qusstor la* /Lirl.s..kiSMAta JOHN P HIESTER, M. P. Notice Jan 10 NEW GOODS. JOSEPH Jc. KERN • UESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of mull Pottsville & vicinity, that be rxinstentlS. keeps on hand, at the corner of Centre and Ca llgwbill street , , next' door above the National Hhtel, • garge-and elegant assortmenl ofStaplesndrancy Dry GOods, with a choice selection of Wines, Li. quors and Crockery Wire, all of which brie been purchased at the very lowest cash prieri in the Philadelphia market, and will be sold at 121 per cent advance. • • All kind of country produce taken in erihange for goods. tog 19 39—tf CALL AT THE New Establishment, Corner of Centre awd Minket Streets, Parroine THE subscribers respectfully announce to their friends and the public generalfy, that they have taken the store formerly occupied by J aco b B u ll & Co., corner of Centre and Market streets. eiere they are now provided witlitichnioe amsortment oR-, • ei• Dry Goods, : • Groceries, Liquors, kr. , . which they are determined Cote' II 'tithe ver4 low. est prices, HAZZARD & ISTRAV .H. N. B. All kinds of Country Produeiqalson at theligheit Imirket prices. April 1 !"-° ,OoTTsVir4Llni;i o A. SATURIM EMI ..riiii i t s, Stititriiiier .lei 4444141 itiidip or kng si- t 4 iiiaLwAsh4o.oiiiiie - oorisstai) , , Twit . riorii vistint 6 Will fotr.lgis - pibts door vitt. plemeelleerfia.aii IN i6.401e• of Miart#' Joiansial t .. . ..• - a BANNAa . .0013 , .g 3 - . ,. • . ~ S—r. Ellitmeettirf• Drinvitig 'Book fir gioners.inat reeeiTed mairfat i ii.by ,PeCi 3 . 0 . - 0' ,0044/44- ItAIINDER'S Metatie-Tititet . aed 1 0 &top, the best article, or the *Alta in. et:Jast"reeeired 404 for mkie ikt Doe! 36 6- • : • • , --- IPiefEwitk Papers Commie' vows W ICS' PAPERS, complete to 26 N with '.ol9lltrali6ne. just received in. tor-, tly, B. 1341401 AN., - San ,6- - • . • i Annuals r hor issi. • .FIEW AnnuabotbrAB3B.atwbohniale pd. - rli A for .ale by B. BAN NAN. 'anti 7 ' no i MilDtvE'S FAMILY . FICPOBITO: price $3 SO, just received arid for sale by' Jib 10 B. BANNAN. iß' . anbseriber hasOlow on band at his 6.'1.. 1 ! and *rehouse on Centre and Rail R. ti r i streets, a full assortment of Goods, suitable - for coal region viz: • t tßarr IroM of assorted sites. Band and Hoop do . do Nails and - pike Rods do do I Steel, Round & Sqiin re do 110 i Nails and Spikes do do • .1 goal Shovels • do do , 1 Hardware, • general &assortment. 1 All ncertiloh he is signing at reduced prices, 1 Jant3 2 .... 1 , J CLAYTON. IFILARY for Intl, 6r DAILY REGISTE t, 0 - I F - thir the use 'of Pritisie Families and per • P of business, containing s blank for every day the year, for the record lorevents that may be i - terest 4m.y/that past at future. OLD PINE APPLEEHEESE.—Just receiv snd for sales few boxes of very superior Pine Apple Chew!. HApri' ARD STRAUCII.I jar' po • 4 • loon lbs. Bed 10esthers.just received 44, `Lir ofTered for sale by , HAZZA RD 4. STRAECIV 514 Nov 11 PENNY CYCLOPEDIA, vul. 7, just receiitc and fnr &ate by B. BANNAN. L 'Jana holesale and Retail Dr Good 'Store. OLLOCK & W EItVF:R I have just received P in addition to their extensive assortment hf pR Y GOODS, Super SuFerior Blue and Blailt Cloth, superior fancy coloured do. new style simeres, sattinetts and Beverteens; miners f e # bans, ite. Feb 18' 14-I at Pri*ate Sale. • A,good trio story frame House and _, Kitchen with a teller under the whale. ;;•;,' sitnate on the cotner o of Mahantengo and, Courtiandt i6i'et, the lot ts 30 feet front by 244 feet 'deep, extending to NorWe gian street, the buildings are well finished, large and commodinun end hell Wafted for a priv4te residence or for a boarding ha*. ALSO. i 1 A 'good two' story lhouse and lot ' of- gtoo+di sitoate on Centre stray. The lot is 110 feet front on Centre street, andt23o feet deep. extendin ' to -the. Mount Carbon Rail Road—the House is s b stem billy built, and Rep situated for any. kin :of . public business. , Lr.O. ! Two'gnod two story frame houses and lots of ground, situate in Beatty's Row, Norwegian Street. Each house and lot. - 4020 feet Wont; the houses are welt finished with kitchens Mtacbed to each house, and are .sitintedin the most bust. ness part of town. All of the above propelny will be sold very cheap—for terms and pettier). lars apply to ANDREW R USSEL, Jan 6 7 Midtantango Strettl. Pitklea,' Preserves, & Sauces. NNATH ANS & Co. would inform the k.a -• dies of Pottsville and vicinity, that they hove just received direct from the MinufactOy an assortment of • Pickled Walnuts, cauliflower, pickolily, Gerkins, red 'cabbage, mixed pickles, Maugoes, onions, lobster, &c. 'East and Weal India preserves, 'Strawberry, raspberry and gordieberry j4ns. Currant jelly, French mustard, Anchovy, lubiter, John Bull, Reading & rice' sauces, Mushroom and walnut ketchup. Also--Figs, ranting, citrons, almonds, corriMts, lemons, &c. • , VAPUTAS For the instantaneonigeuee of - • :THE TOOTH ACHE; - Discovered andlitoitght to its greatest perfectiOn - BY bIONBIEUR CHABERT. This is to certifY tbift I have tried goorTaPur as Elixir in several eases of Tottth Ache, in which I have certainly found it of very great semi*. : •" 3. B. HARVEY. . Member of ill; Royal CulkieofSurgets4. London, Sept. 111,1830. A friend stepped in toasty that he hed - v4iteu the Fire Kjng, this: mtitning, atid,,,rjWmed his marvelloui; ctire of, the Tooth Aktifit.tlnt little boy in particular. oftokMked ertintittsMkb tttbite a ten pedny nail elegr off, in ten admit-am Bridled ,at the decayed tooth and defiett its pain. --.171. S. Gazrtie. , A fresh supply bf the above Elixir jost'vamtio ed and N 1 sale`by! --• • • B. BANNAN, Buie lAiritti for itchaylkilleoun 1 30'y I 3 y Cobb's Nortk l American Ileadei• 11.4 ': B P e a ker ' '`. . I 100 am ES of the alto" work jist t ed end will be forntshed w le to the different Seim] districts , at less than i 6 . delphis - priews. tokethei with the whole se of COWsliehool &apts. .8. BANN • tlen 111 MINN WlLtkn SOLD . - • - - MORNING, FRBRITAiiit 3, AS3B.- • . A 4 loojimowliiiiipodpii - oroool Aifigi*OiiiAo4- 2 . Irg di c ii.d. , 4,04 104 ,cti4Ps" A n d ° wi l t - I Apo* •OiiptheSle now eltset—there are OW isipieelild everY:ettiehin i Zagisiti.indigki' VD hilsviathese' ..- --- • i' • - - -- ' The Parts of vol. 6 (for•Shiplyear 1837) ea hr. es.ep,Ossti, cea 1011141,e4044g6pe- • PFice 44 per pirtiorS2 CI ;per sneaut., . 'This Magasine Is taib li shedi in . motithlylmirti;' eiiittahihi 40 - late pages: 04: remit Weise is: 'belt inlarged , assl Ynenived-i Mt eildnitioast - insol epor anisimeetedj* At.etipeeforitailuter, - Tblsts.liiiii *Air:stage hi talqng this week ever' a Stit4rii, St Orissa can diiersittinirs it *bent-ref ‘ he Seel priiPer, feet:ash parr ih await estSplets within itseM t ' : - • . ~ , , Vesoldete Sew 4this.erroit.firn,theceetiruoree-, went tt.tre procured olliemt beq it. er. at $ rtho per solaspe ca : .. '• n itAII,IAN. Nov A - ' •'• - ' ' • •' - - --- 50- Encourage lic - Mart facture , . Confeetiopary Mraugliclory. ra Nig. subscriber respectful y Roominess to the, a public that behastionim need the Menefee tuidof Canfeetiottary in .11 its serious litancheiv i at his Store in Centre Street] newly opposite the . Pottsville House,. whets Confectioners sod. utt ers can always he supplied wholesale and retail,' •st the lowest Philadelphia cub prices. • Country . Merchants are respettfully solicited to call and examine hit stock before purchasing elsewhere. • JOHN, S. C. MARTIN. 50-tf ' Schuylkill Gounty,,as. now 4 de THE Commonwealth of Pennsyt. • 8, ) c• '..2 "anis, to all the heir. end kcal rep .: • , resentativei tie/on/wig Biker, late " ci--„,_ of Wayne township, to Schuylkill f „ i , ~ County . .-oamrtnitt hereas, by an itiquest for the purpose duly awarded by the Orphans' t court of Schnylkill, the real estate allot said Ludwig Finger, was val ued and appraised; and whereas, none of the heirs Alf the said deceased.appeared in Court on the re turn of the said- inquest to take the premises therein mentioned, •t the appraisers' value there of. you and every of you are therefore hereby ei , ted, to be and appear at the next stated Orphans' Court, to be holden at Orwigsburg, - in and for said County of Schuylkill, on the 19th day o; March next, to accept or refuse ,to take the said premises aforesaid at the appttatiers' price thereof By order of the Orphans' court of Schuylkill county, on the 27th day of December, 1837. JOSEPH. IIIOB I GAN,CIerk 0. C. 1..-4ar Jan 10 Port Clinton Foundry FOR SALE. WILL be sold at private sale, the Foundry pleasantly situated at 'Port Clinton. Sch ay I. kill county. on very reasonable terms. . This Foundry is at the commencement of. the Little Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road. now making, and will in a short time be one of the best situations in the coontty to do a large burl ness. For terms.&c. applY`to PARKE & TIERS. Iron Fouroters, Philadelphia. or ISAAC MYERS, . Port Chalon. July 29 3f-ftt T. & J. Beatty HAVE jusi received per Caoal Boat Adventore, Cept. Altus M. Crosland, direct, from New York: 35 casks dairy cbanis,, AI boxes pine apple, do 1000 lbs. superior sinuolted beef, 1000 lbs. do Lard, " 1600 lbs. codfish, 5 bbla. superior 'bad; 30 bbls. No. 1 Maitkrel. 20 half do do 3 bbls. starch, 25 boxes superior green and black leas. env 251 Religious Works BA.NNAN 'has just received the following ß, religious works, London and American e ditions, which he offers for sate cheap. FamilY'Sermons, 5 vols. Masaißons' Sermons, . Lelaad's view of Deistical Writers. Startevent's Preacher'i Manual, 2 vols. brew on the Resurrection. Drew oq the Soul, Bridge's on the Psalm MX. titter on InAdeliti. • ;alines' Christian Professor, Prize Essay on Religions,Thseensiorte. Christian Father at Home. A Mother's Request, ace. ito. den 23 5 Landings for Sale. FOR sale in lots to suit purchasers. 618 kat' of Landing tying between the Mount Cm boo, road and the Schuylkill COmmencinik with, and including the landing now occupied by Dr. Pal mer, and extending down the river. Enquire of Sept 16 43-snio G. W.. FARQUHAR Dying and Scouring . . AUGUSTUS EHLER has returned from Em rope. 'and "intends .to commence fancy and plain dying, in Silks and Merinos, at blink' stand in Centre Street, Pottsville. - Also scouring coats and pantaloons. He is greatful for 'Pam faviirs,, and hopes by attention and punctuality to mint a continosnee of his format custom. A Dec 23 5-tt New Goods. Ageneral assortment of fresh anieseiumanable Goods. jeast recei G ved—omas d*, issiog ill pastel Dryoo Giber:vie*, • Hardware, fttteensetares • • lltaekereti- • Salti Plaster, &C . C. which wild low f cash. The highest price paid in cash for all kinds of country produce. • jorbEtit WHITE de..\•l3UN. Mount-Carbon. Dee 2 ~ •• Cheest! Chown • 20 . Caikis of premium etiesse. 20 iitute, Pin* il•PPls Tarsals by , N. NATAANIM Ilett 2 2 . I _.l 7 1,404 ' * KZ, a,t4 thel 4. 4ll o ll !ar r E4 l otoverMoots-of theowliFo ll irjr , **CDR. Wif. EVJCIVIE cilebrated ' 4 - 40160001 0d Afiarbat Astibitiousffilb leviatinesibmstommtiati— , Vo.faiikkplakosa6 36. twohilklostsa, APO for tbssab of Dr; Wm: Evadis*CansoMOlCillit- , Idswer.z.-N ts ae. „ Dear lir— , lCoolicilslt cziwcimuccutst,r4 reference ttat the aMie,ted wteeiya orthe be eial renal+. oiaaei; I crnierliallj OteP,lniue tett* piblin fin behalf of riti •IWIC EltliNBl3 . OAIIIO/4111,8 PILLS, I bniteiteeweifilicted fix the kei t ben yetis with. distress in *timed and chest; ~onentua bad is to d4rive aie of sleopfor three or lout nights iiriticar- semi. btii haveiricier %and relief, brany el'my Weeds" 'PieseriPttons; until torsi& sew the advekistoents in the paper, when shchiclivalided me to seed for stuns. Which 1 did, sed.obtatfied two boxes and beetles, which resulted is eldest complitily relining ins to health, although-I have not yet enUtely them. 'Should you consider this ally beaded to 9,l4,4dr:in:the public, you have my cheedotper splash" to publish It. Yours, respentrally. . ' TllOB. K:GOODIrUg., cenlribst. INTERESTING CASE Celled h Dr, -Wm.- Raapst*Cameatile Tunic safil_Famajr Ap e d eat -pia,'--Mr. BENJAMIN GOWN, ..tber Of Shippetvind Georges streets,Pbiladelpht‘effect. ed for seven years with aztretna acre:manes*, by which he,wes . net able to write hie mime—his i ii sy roptome. Were, entreaties), dail epiatriociir pains in the heed. loss of appetite, - ' fp - Batton 'of the heart, giddiness and diMness o eight, utter ina bility of engaging many thing that demanded vigor or courage, sickness and weakneks .es. teme debliity, disturbed rest, a sense of Pressure and weight at the stomach after eating,' great mental' desifinndenity', severe flying I pains( to the chest back and aide, costiveness. a dislike for society land conversation. Mr. B. has mille trial medicines wasipa medicines now before the pub ie. but to no eWeal until. observing in a public, paper some ennui perfbrmed by Dr. William ,Evans', Camomile tonic and Family Aperient Pills, be. was induced to give them a trial, of which he is at any tints happy to state that they effeetually cured hint of the above distressing disease, 41:7 - PeMcina who doubt the above eine, ere Most respectfully 'directed to the stworo mentioned per sot, at . the north west corner of. ShipPon and Geer gos streets. BEN] AMIN BOWS. Philadelphia gctuFer 26,1837. PARALYTIC RHEUMATISAI. A perfect cure efferied by the , treatrneut; of Di William sDori• Mr. John Gibson, of N. 4th .street, berg, afflicted with the above complaint ler three years and nine months, during Which. i me t he had to use crutches.. His objet symptonia were excruciating pain in alibis joints, but especially in the hips, shoulder, knees and , anklesi. an ag gravation of the pains towards night; and for the most part all time from external heat. an obvi ous thickening of the faioia and ligaments, with a complete loss of muscular power. Fur the ben efit of those afflicted in a similar manner.. Mr. Gibson conceivea it meet to say that the piles have entirely ceased, and that his joints have complmtely recovered their 'natural tone, and he feels able to resume his ordinary bosiness. ...---- , NTERESTING CASE If Tobactsigr Con I sesrptioa.—Mr. John Ruw el applied do the lit day of 'September at the office 100 Chatham street, laboring under the following symptoma— A slight spitting ot blood.vhstressing *sigh, at tended with an espectoration of purulent matter, night streets, general emaciation, difficulty et breathing on exertion. with a well mattr_bectin flush on the cheek. On examination, e cheat was Rood to sound well every - where except on, . der the left clavicle. add in the. arm Oil of the same side. Treritstent —Directed to take the Winne:Sive CaMomile Pills, with dui expeetorating corn. pound, at the same time an injunetioN to call in four dayru when the tight sweats had Cared:the sepeetnrition slightly diminished:a sli#ht fit of I coughing still remainingin the !monimg. Or• dered as usual to continue the msdi i cinei,' and to call in the course of a week—when hs health m i continued rapidly increasing, "ipethocit ;the least. cough. Called at the office on he 44 . 11 of this monthoinite couvaleseent retu rig lits sincere thanks: for the benefit he had obteined.. The above patient ehiefiy used unlit regimen. doritt his treatment. .. . ASTHEMA,THREE YEAR/ STAiNDING.' Mr. Robert Munroe, Schuylkill, afflicted with the abase distrossingmalady.. SVmptatps- 7 grest ' languor; flatulency, disturbed rest; nonfous head. I ache, Jiffiesthy of breathing. fig limos:and stric ture across the breast, -dizziness, nerethis irrita bility and restiessneas, 'could oat lie!in a hori zontal Tocharian, without the emigration .of impend ing suffocation, Pall'itaii°" 'Fit t e heart, distgea. ing cough, costiveness, pain of t storhich, drow siness; Vest debility and defici nay 'of the nerv ous energy: Mr2R. , MonMe gave, ':up every thought of recovery and dire d air. sat on . the , countenance of every person nttrest, ed an his, . existence or happiness, till by a idea l be npueed in a pirblic paper some cures e ted by Dr. Wm. Evami's medicine, in his comp) wit. Which indn. ced bin, to purchase a package f the lla, which resulted in completely remoein eve „ symptom T. of his disease . ' He wishes to vbi r 'Motive for declaration is, that those - i with the. same' 'or any symptoms , suni ar tof those from Which be is baggilyvestotea,m likairme recosivB - the same inestimable benefit. i , LIT ER ContiLfikurr i ix xxkits lITANDDi • ' ' MR& SARAH BRENHI R, Waal of Mr. Aurae itreohiseri corset of i3eco , . Went and t Germantown Rod Madill , aff .. ...tor the last eis years with the Li r Con ! :liiint, was coronlmely restored to hetit h y- D W.s4. k- VA IllieSCamontile Tonic an Ferns 'Aperient PAUL , Her symideine were kola', - • 'snares, -esenntiating plllO,lB the • ebb, ••• • . of spirits, languor, txtremsAellt ty.4l* rbidtdepp, ' "peat pairs Wy bintsithi, &Old lib . her left .i 1 ode Without an aggravation of pit - n. l ' • items@ in rhs heed; dimness aright, w mho ... s ympic ! ins indiading.groat derangement in tiro' , . miens of thol i tiper,,, Mrs. Brenhieer h ma . i , trial ofva riots ensilminee rtser:itiforo* t :. :, ; , bit, ‘ vs. • Payed no refisrurnill'aberW" 'a . :to 'Mike - trial of Dr roritts'il'illi.-4 bias ' '• is itippy ' •• seat's thil they effectually Oared. i.i. of the above distressing symptoms. Rh . . which arklrctriscridal, to totiritaUr• ' Mr:, Brishiesr • - (finehistA, f k ilke. Briihissi t had iiiiss *it - a 1 t. 1 ' ' - ;: ::.„,,:i.-_,.,;;; 1 ' - „ 74. 014:&44Will': • • ; A vi!itakim 1•=1111 MEE dhitrawd h* " eff t pa ik y.cutt. W 1144. hereki,siamerit trials Otho 'aboisairi* envy N 41..vi6nk Philp Iphia. Di.; IV EVANr his szeslient , Eisittlrattit:44.l.ll -841 bP 4•111 etp t . The • ' but the 'mutes a "yak& . . Mapbesettlieted iiititein: rFoptirtieit. This weak qeipt ado Medical Cc' 117 the Faceltpue the; dots . orthe Ouitlettrset • This Ext#tat 'mite , eitatires . , a A cottatieni es a orthe bloat!, y (deviate_ ' lam eiv. • - • - '"'t i~~~', ~~~:; . . Obstiossa tireptione. Pimple* iir pent:lee Bileewbich arise I , Scaly eruptions. Plinain tlas bones. Chronic kbeumktent. Tenn, .i 1 • Scrofiala.jor Hie rii. evil. • . 1 ; White Swelling*, Syobilitiesymptoutir, - 1r • , ..a&A.. ~.. And all disorders:arising front iiipono lets rWM a k the blood. either by a long reside n, in a belt and Ame. healthy china te. or the injudiciou 1 of merczny.4._ ~-. I have thought_ t. necessary to ch - a few certifh• cams of its beneficial effects, from • as well kfoiwa in the couoty, as reihrelices: ti 1' '' : '•' . • -, Read' ' . Jay .1% 1113" , We the 1:1 ndertdped. having the Composed Fluid Extract' of &rue: 18 0 1 4 PIT* br " * Pliii W, Galicia') in our families,. most beerful y Inhales ! mend it to the public. as-a. chearis 'saf arid el le:Wit; arsdicsne, ha dimmers arising fieufLimpuriiier , ,orAta - bloud. SOH 'MILLER: -", -- s -- . 1 - -" • WM. . MILLER.-; . : i • . M. [CHARM, a, • -, .• WM. HEADS,. : -. -'+ ' ;,':". I •• This late certify that I was ro oyearn itllnctiiel with an °hornets impnikoniout 41uonsenrier : tep, which broke totonsunerrios• We: IhrSiOnel_ 4 .' tried. varioiss reritedies„which - botrlocressaitallaalgs's " ::' , ri, ease, when I was recommended - tsktry - Mi.: Chylsloyia ' ...,-4 preparation ofetersapanlia l 1 ilitkares. sue after een. l l2 '.,':--,°;. several bottles- I amliappy to state that the alms/1W ."-i....:1,'. " entirely -removed and toying Wiled Wit:lent* - -- •-•')..„ nand this 18th day of Auguat„ 1837. .__- : • • JOHN 11. - COLLEN. &AM; • --1 - .; This ceniftea that my little soNabout 8 nark_ Old: . - had suffered fora Icing time (tom I e=t sire sprairen - ' the right knee and leg. tamp:120110 pave been width swelling.) which I found impfountile to heal, by . erls- .' - ' - 'l. the aid of the most respectable - ical advice. 'Until I was recommended to use Mr. G' ryge W.1;:o ' ••:.. ~ t ompoundSynkof Sarsaparilla, a ht bottles tattrhaele not only healed she sores but • ectlyeastined.thir child's health which bad suffered chfacotirelpsence *, - -:., • of this affection. CATHARIN - 111NGEMANst- --'.-.',: 7th above Penn at. Reading. '' r'" - ,-;• The above enemas presented; o me. both befern and slier the meat Mr. Oakeley, . gaup, of Sursapa, rill*. and 1 have oo -hesitation in listing thatit an . -..... {lse agent of his kettonnine. i • --. 1 , - . '-'''' IN°. P. lEFfkItAiD: _ ............ Reading. Sept. 12: 1837. • ; • '• . .. i • . .Norrito. l lf/37.a. ' " Mr. Oakeley. j ......"; • ' , t. :: .... Sirs—l consider_lt my duty td I rinknow thatllle • use ofthe half dozerabottlestayri valuable Sarsips ! villa but I got etyma in Jana has entirely healed - 3. my leg.tbe Doctor told me it war fa acrofulostanhaor - •.. : - acter. and thetas of your usedini e would prob.* 'benefit it. The five bottles we* not takeactesfole 'lt - • eastealed, but I took the mit to make the Ml* ' certain:it is now bettor than two oitlut pioce-I used any, and thereto noappearance ft a return..my pity& , clan think* tho.cors perfect. -• . Yearn:an. c . . CB I RUB - BROWN . . terThe above valuable meglic,rte mai iiii - Ixed If. the . subscriber's wholesale retail 'Drug stem,. North Fifth street, Reading.and roost of thet.pninr cipal drug stores. Fresh Drool :and Medichans, at 7 • thelowest cash prices. also kept fo r sale bribe sobs scriber. . GEO. W. OA atiir.ff,..- -4 Also, to be bad at the novel f . Heiedenteleb .k .. Bras Kutztown ; Wm. Mint:era - Id Dr. Forkri c airs. . town ; Peter Knabb . Oley'; a .4i Ore antreoPle nt & Btra ue h. Pottsville. . . : Jan 13 . . ,; • . ' '24hess' ..: •• " N• a To prevent imposition accompany the label of each .. • Private 1 . 1 rrIHE subseilber will will a , HOUSE AND. LOT the most central and business* fl of Tamaqua. Said prop attention of men of-bnin I • scription is itonsidet t o 1 wishing to purchase: fir4t It said property is opt-sold be' nest, it will then bei tented 46 - I Tor further particulars, sop; lismß It Tamaqua, .or to Dr. , miser.• JOHN Emerson's Sc r B subscriber hap bee the mile of these Book Directors of the Public other; suppliedly the qua precis. Emerson's- Series of ered to be the- beet id use other, • Also„Cobb's Series ot = . end retail at l'hitedelpida Del 93 • - 3 - t Chap At l ftieirts :1-1:1 1 3t rice' teed tbe ‘F 1900 lbs. Rallies. 9 & p ie Pirreee!=erbtti per lb: " 400 Dec*: DO* cuipt. KOY nl PariONl. • Trost 'sty. (41,161t0 Piety, DI I 4.1 4 ! P a it ;tot nd for. sale DPP -I • A Is Domsmici, lOW eallicrellid REAMS Strir _„„,V 11 , 1 00 411 4 :4 br t, • 1 2- Z=ZCZI azt ~-, 4 , •=4^ , - - V , - - -7,F•7-‘: • .i 4, - . : - :' l o,' -f-7 -- 1:•TX- -, 64:1-41,4 41 4- 44 - ;,--i.ag - ...,-,2v-, ;(44. ,.. -- S:tr . .l 1-2.3-. - , , 47,, V ,44 t , ..•-t.74 - r !rc , ' ;la : '-'* - - . - '4- 4 , , - • ' — 2 - 's.e . , L, .1 •--..,' Lt:•=r-- •.,:i , • 1 Y-•."., rrA Xi*" , • 1 *l' im* -"`-or),M, taim' tolkowiag 3aiii t private sals; . * • ntly situated Lai • rt of the borough - Well warty_ the - PITAIC - • IT. IS WOODS ew Ihr thenteelves. , - re the lot orAittg 6 . one or more yen* to the snhooibee:lZ • nter on fits pre. DENNIST.OS...: BEM . 1 Booke r _ pointed itieFtlers thettlite;attd iy se the publis her. Books are wealth das cheap a aoy , I Begoks•lliobilqii'i4 : •-• for side..kr . •.,,, --.. • it!a. "i 4 *fiteen at iriteenti - CektVe c t", -,.• 2 B. ' H ; lei 4 1 0 ,21 1 it: bf .11.41-ASNAN. per. s o w. W.ND,.!- ~;",-- „i . topg,.l,