The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, January 27, 1838, Image 1

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• :,, I
E!! I I
: 4, AND PIIBURTE11141:
1 BY B
paZ7 ll 135'
P: A lerYon m
In Wed .1
we an& Finer Clearrs — "pen ananns.
• ally la advance. aot pakl
ilk beiebarged tonittboeilsrbo, re
of postai& "Ijo !nail subscribers
llfaot paitTwithin' pe - year, 50 cents
' • priewereabeertption,
per amoun t parr aetres-suinnally
of paid within . tb year. 112 50 swill
not exceeding twelve lines will be
ree ioaesetiona-480 50 cents for one
'Tie4 Dosa.
io advitnee,
be cbaird
,kcivertise at
ehnt~aa •t for
insertion. La
All advertise
out. unless the
isspec- AEA ? nod .
Yearly ncv
including at
ier ones in.propr•rtion.
ants will be inserted until ordered
me for whj th they 4re to be continued
) " Übe charged itc*nlingly.
hull ed
L . .. will be c $l2 per annum;
r.. . donna the piper with the prisil . • _
r ''. vertisement not ing 21masires
1 , he year, and the i sertion *fennel.
1 .. per fo to r..tlLl dl
sa to ire times. •
ast be poet pa i d.
laical w4l be.peick to them.
r meetings. &F. said other. notices
ofore been inserted grills. *lll be
arch. excepthtssringes and Deaths:
of keeping One
standing during
er,one in each .
Arr .
otherwise no at
All notices -
which have he
charged 25 con
on; •England, *eland, Scot
land and Wales.
wishing tt eegige pastiage for
de, in first rate ips, from the a.
ay now do so by applying to
their bri
bove places,
ommod,ation of those persons" eggs.-
for their friends, lirho may wish to
Iney, to enable [herb to. provide for
rafts win he giverr on'the following
a ts„ viz:
For the ac ,
ging pairsage
send th)rm m
the voyage, d
named me
P. W. Byrd
Pooh Daniel '
Glasgoviq W'
No. 3 , Waterloo Road, Liver.
right, 4. C0..N0. a, Robinson at, eet
iam Miley, No. P 5, Eden Quay,
may 6 36 •
ars paitatica.
N Swaim's Paniicea, just receiv.
h from.the proprintor. Upwards of
Thousand ..Bottlea of this valuable
e sold last year, arid - the demand is
.r sale by the dcrzei2, or single bottle.
tile, or three bodies for $5 by
.le Agent for Schirylktil County.
's , Vertnifoge. '
• Public Sale.
l 9
164,LIFed fre
medicine w:
Price $ per
Also Swai
IT to an order of the Orphans' Court
tkillCounty. on Friday the 2d day
eXt, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon,
administritny of the estate of
twine, latecif, 164ry township, de
;pose to sale by Public Ver l doe at
William Mortimer, innkeeper, in
rtain dwelifing house, stable., saw
of land, situate i on Deep Creek,
ig, Schuylkill ernty, containing
and eighty-nine' acres or therea
d by lands of John Kimmel, John
• e Kessler, John Dietrich and
the estate or said deceased.
the Cour.. .
, bf *sik,
of February'!
William B:
ceased, wilt
The iniuse of
Potts . ville, a
mill and trac
Barry towns
one hundred
bouts, bound,
Yarnell, Geo
By order
W M. 13.. HULL,
Ad minist rator.
Clerk, 0. Cr
g, Jan. 6,1838. . 7-4
T ItaßiFralArSl
Real ? Propertyl in Pat:Trak,
signed offers 1* sale all that well
ree story .BRICA STORE AND
O HO US and the appurtenances,
tre street, Pottsville, the property
signed, together with nine 'other
the rear of said !building, and the
whereon the whole elands. The
THE und ,
• known
D Vir ELL'
'situate in
of the u
lot of growl
brick butldi
garret in th.
as I basin •
vourably sit
be sold on I
of the pure
erty for a fe
ble, and • ' •
AP* to
April 22
• aforesaid, contains thirty feet in
ad from. the basement story to the
best style of workmanship, and both
stand and a residence, is most fa.
.aced. The foregoing 'property will
w • and accommodating ,Terms. ran
- • money may remain.on the prop.
'years, it desired; Title indispota
sion can be given immediately—
`3,1-11 - Pottsville.
_ ..
4. ..
Private piale.
good two story iframe House and
. itchen with a cellar under the whole,
.ttiate on the corner of Mahaotango
nd Dotartlandt etteet, the lot is 30
. 244 feet deep, extending-lo Norwe
he buildings are Well finlike& large
ions and well calc4lated for a private
'for a boarding hose.
.0 story house add lot of ground,
I .ntresi r r ee'....- Thai lot is 20 feet front
( rif t - (801 - deep. extending to
arbor ail Moodl-the. House is sub
ilt i and well shined for any kind of
is. • ''', .
• •
feet fro g- Liu ren, strett.
vatid' comma
rtitifdeace of
A grodd t
situate 9n II
on cstre
pubtio bald
.two story fret= boasts and lots of
ate in - Beetles Row, Norwegian
h Nose-and lot ill 20 feet front; the
l• ell finished with, kitchens attached
e; end-are situated In the inostibtn
;: town: AlrUf thelib,c44 property
i• cry cheap-T.4lw tits *rid Portico-
atbilmatango Street.
Two goo
Sround. sit
houses are
to each b..
flea, part
Arill be sold
$ 1 Cloths;
. 1 Cloths I ! .
11ANS:ft:Co-1 CC a now on hand a
d 'mai:dining:l of: . • '.. . ' '
tack, tdive,'green nd claret - cloths,
do and fancy easeinuensa i • •.• • •
...difignred sauioejlia, - -:-
. :cloths and o her coatings,
. P . AO ireintiblets, vest rigs, ike..6to
beinfjnivehased . t auction In Phil.
1 4 , 14 w York. we':.uarantee tonal, 10
pe:raap eau be •; , cbasedelseerliere
',.gb... . - ' del:2 2.
! I ' . - ,I • : i 1 . : titan. Dry
. tiOffil 'ls 0 . . .
l• seir.tivrif ebe jitit received
• nio tbeitlitte ' iite'diilortnient if
. .D4hlnper Sit Blue and -Black
or fenny ageered, . ' 11? Itf. elyle•Aae•
I . . ewe and Bey! as i ,o9,relq,a,
,: • 'Feb 1814—
• 'plan
't do ;
„ Pi
an oft*lll
delphia, an
Petct4 eh!,
!a Oil! bp;c!
U ho
. .1 rut. TF,..maw
Ti 4 PenThir_Billigilthli, e -- , see.
• M: llllo , l **Pret• • '
ade4eiity coiniotti, i Ind. slat m
-Aar -
a i:twi"iwriodicahi,nost of —4hemartlitoo».
cll i
000 n stield'iritirfniontli id; gistidAnd 63,
000 in America. -. "•' ". 1 , 1 t . t 4
The Parte soNot. i 00; Ai": Win') as fir
t rio
as received; man be had at ail' WI Price lad
per part, or Si 00 per annum) : , I , . "-, . -
. Thisigagaitine, yiptialished; melports,
containing . 40 laqo pages; tbi " , ~ mpg is
much enlarged aid iFinpihretfi i 'kali
of wood cuts are tialicutediti "1 " liorinanner:
~. There is anadvintage in la Gig this-work over
, tll others. -IL eersoll. LIP ..
. ~.' 40 4 4 4h lebeeevet:
he sees proper, for eacb . pirt l ittildwayetsunphile.
within' itself. . II,"
'Complete sets of this work firditr; die conitiemiete:
meat can be procured of thesiiiiscrilwrilfia per.
v01ume.14. 4 .14N/lA.N..
- Nov 4 .l ~.. :" ' 15°-
Encourage-11°mill . ~-ii.,Yactieret.
. •
CellinNetiQ — . 1111147.: q _
, 11111100117.
•rirt HE subsctillsr -reipe - ctfisil - eisitoi s liateiiiihti
'IL public (bat he has commepeed - the Minnie°
hire of Confectioeary-lo ell itiOvariousibranches,
at4tis Store in CeritreStreet s Pyi y opposite the
Pottsville Muse, Where Cortißti era and -eth
er!' Catx al w ays be supplied w 'le 'and 'retail,
I g o.
lathe lowest Philadelphia , at
~ prices.
Country Merchants are ' illy solicited
to call and.eamitine his a ' kin purchasing
. -
nov 4 • „
sonN i ii... 6: adminti . :-
i l l
50-4 f
. . '
• , i
Schuylkill ()aunty,. s. • ~-: ,
. ..core :- ith of Penossi.
, CY.) vania,io all the 'brims! - lard rep,
m i sa
\-,•,,,.).-..; reesnuatives of Anis Rikutr, late
'of Wayne tdivriaiiin; le Schuylkill
. • County.--givirritta: . ' .
Whereas, by an inquest fot4hal !impose duly
awarded by the OrPhans' ttihrt.'of , Schoyikill 4
the seal estate ofthe said.i.udiatg 4at ig ig. wig vai,
ued and appraised, and whereas, none of the heir.
of' the said deceased appeared in Court on the re
turn of the - said inquest to 4 take the peewit
therein mentioned, at the appraisers' value. re
of: you and every of you a l iberefore eby es
ted, to be and appear at the next 6' ; Orphans'-
Court, be be holden at Oriel' ug, in and for
said County of Selartylkil n the 79tholsy of
March next, to•aceept.of reifies to take the. said
premises sforesaid-mf the a ppre twirl' price -thereof..
By order of this Orphans Pourt of Schuylkill
county, on the 27th day of Oneendber.lB37..
JOSEPH MOEFIA/4, Clerk 0. C.
1-4 w
Jun 10
Port Clinton Foundry
FOR SA:L E:ft •
WILL; be sold at pivots solo: - the Foundry
pleasantly situated at Port clinton,Schoyt.
kill county, on very reastlable, -terms. This
Foundry is at the. ctunineneement of the Little
Schuylkill end Susquehanna ,Rail Road, now
finking, and Will in a short time be one bribe
best situations in the country to do a large bosi
ness. For terins.&ow apply 10
iron Founders, e holadelphia.
port chalon.
jnly 29 - be-tt •
'llO be sold .eprivate pale, a certain two story
21 ' frame house and l& of ground, situate on
the north aide of Market street, in the borough
of Pottsville, containing in front twenty feet,.and
in depth one hundred anirtinelys feet, to a forty
feet wide street; it being thii northeasterly part
of the lot which is marked in Pot & Patterson's
adeition of said borough. No. 7. Persons' desi
rous of viewing the said 'property, will please
apply to Mr. Oliver Dobson, at Pottsville; and for
terms of sale to the subscribers. —Shordd said
property not be sold before the Ist day of rcbru
ary next, it will then belet t . %. • •
• •Harnbilrg,
uport LONG, •
Jan 13 2-3 . • - Reading
WANTED a -few- ato drive ■ Reek
Tunnel at Tamaqua, io whom liberal wa
ges will be given., Apply•lo,
- • - JOHN , K. 611TH.
TemeTtn, Jan 17,1E08. 3-3
r.rtlE undersigned respeetrdllylinforms the cit
izens of Pottaville.andits itileinhey t that they
have commenced the cantering , Buainessiet,tbeir
Brewery, in the Borough i cf ! Rattail's , where
they are prepared ' to execute all orders in that
line of hi:minas, at the shertistimtice. and on the
moat rentronableterins. • ••d..,1k Y.. LAUER.
PI.II4BU.ANT to an Order-4f Abe. Orphans'
Court of Sebum) k Keen 61y;: Saturday the
27th day uf January, 1838,1,kt O'clicit., in flie
aflernoon.'Clwistoplier .Bolici. 11l inilifiliritlir ' of
the estate of Sumnel C. E10yt4,104 orEssi*Bron%t.
wick. deceased, will Public Ven
dee at the later dwelling-Sousa oq amid deceased.
in East Brunswick, CI .CW:411.11141 of land.: oue
story log dwelling v house. ham
,draw will. sit-
Lista in East Brunswick . loan ip, Behui:ltill
county, containing fiftif hiPier a theleabobit.
bounded by lands of Daniel ; ' F Ilinti-Sinfor-.
man, Benjamin de &meal Ix' ; -End Krim &.
Jones., And idso.ult.thiteCtstr Aiwa of tand,;
shako in -theweose township findmints, nty, mints, adjoin
ing lip& Orgoinuiel Xoenig l Da id Boyer. Ass,
iel Aiidrbuis anEl'iCebn'ific3bilisa,lid onntaiiiing
sixtrtWis Orel' el' jeed 'kW ill
that natant tract Lohlanikt imam Chi iiißsiiiiii
township and - county r ,sdj*ins, Ist* titiThiliti
Boy Henry Sasser" — ..plolia i tilassemsn• and
" •
tents or siPtileatiuk S&TALI
.4.1 n , 1. • - - t rt-t,
. .. .. . -- --_ .-- ,
_. ..._. •
~, ~i ~,„,:,;• • IPOTTDIrILIGR I -PAs SATURDAY MpßNlNfis 41 -. . . l'aritir''''' .
--_, 3 4 ,-. ]"C' - ` . q"..- - ;'' ~,' , I 'll . ~ * t '.%.* Y --, ..... ' ` 17,3 a•' .. 4 ;*. `.. --,:' .., • • .-}, .—, t4A.V. .., ' : MISS . '
Private Bale.
Public: Sale.
newands'. -
. plaid usiwtapat :at ilieWaid sessesabli
• 0 D1r5,..410061, •,
„Glow:Soy , ,
.1 nalikercir- ,
Sall),Plasteir, e;
or be 'mold IPw cosh:, Mt!, !Ogi4at
pike piOd knidistimithou7 pftd.oe:
Ntsoutit Cation. Dee S. - • • ',al
A HOUSE & LOT ii;,,blisogeosok
14j - i]Street, nearY ,OFtpcssile tiro ,rfsidintep
or B. F. Foitiroy, bow iscistspled :by
William D. Leib.' 6.16
fro,' fro t by .90.leet in depth, withO litaben and .
cellar 14 the baseateet.Atory. two_ room we the
first, and thirdiltore Aiso 4 biAtie, pito* of
said D use welt Plastered and 1144: Also an
ogee t 'welter *it& at did W* 4 .4-thelrot 1,101
feet Frain, by I.7olGet'ur With a"9 - fbit ar
ley on &is west And of
For !lather particulars inquire of
. Mot Carbonetrov. 8,1837.
Offeit next door ,go tAs Pmts."losoior
Nov 118 N2—tf
:-- lerinekS. in Theftle4 - 9•
ILIA , Retnoved,bice .0 ~the inpne, building
t treiT
A-Nn zt dont belt* e
. finnayiv,inia fiatt.3.4f
• eligious •Works.;
BANNAN has just„reeeiwed the following
." religious works. London and "American
ditione, which he nfrere for sale cheap.
Original Puma, Scrinons, 5 vols.
Maik.illone Sermons,' •
Leland'e view of Deisticel Writers,
Sturtevani'e Preacher's Manual, 2 cols,
Drew on the Reeurree.tion„
• Drew en the Simi, •
' Bridge's on,the palm MIX,
Fabet on Infidelkv, • •.•
James' Christian. Professor, • •
Prize Rase, on Religions Dimensions,
Christian-Father itt
• Aldether's Request, &c.
dee 23
_landings for. Sale.
F OR wile in lots to snit iiiirchswerw. MS feet of
mad itgiding, lying between the Mount Cat bon s
tl the Schuylkill Commencing with, and
inclnding the landingtiow occupied by Dr. Pal
mer. lind extending down the - river.. Enquire or ,
Sept 16 4.3-51 no G. W. FARQUHAIt- 4 . •
QAT, T. Fish and Plaster , for sole by
S4pt 23 44 'A. A. altE
a3..11. Beatty ..
HAVE Instrebsived.potr Canal. &int Adventure,
tapt. John 34.firosland, direct from New
casks dairy cheese,'
:10 boxes. pine apple, doi '
. 1000 lbs. superior amooked beef,
1000 lbs. do Lard,
1000 lbs. codfish,
5 bbls. superior shad,
430 bbl. N0..1 Maokrel,
'2O half do do • k
3 MIR. starch,.
boxes superior green and black teas.
no, 25 1—
Cobb's • North; Americas Reader 'awl,
Spetikcr. ..- • -.. • ' ,
1 i 0
COPIES Of the above work fast receiv.
ed and will be furnished lirhpleetale to,
the fferanC-School district". at lesealian Phila.
dolphin prices, together with the WhOlosseries of
Cobh's School Books. B. HANNAN.
- Dec 23 : . -,,
... -- - S--
• Dying and • scouring.
A6GUSTUS EHLER has rete‘rneri•liTorn Eu
itpir„:•andintends to commence , fancy and
plain dying; to silkirand Meritios,St hill ote stand
in CintreStract, ftittinrilla; Mao scouring eons
and Pantaloon it He Isigreatfol for past favors,.
incf irepes by attention and punctuality to merit,
a'eootinuance of his former custom.
• Dec 23 • 5-ti
F.or he •instantarwoos,cure of
Diacovered and brolight,toits createst'perfection
This, is to certify that l have tried vourTapuy4
an Elixir ; in several caves of Tooth Ache, in which
I hape certainly found-it'd 'err-great nervice.
. 1 • Ba.-311AKVEY, •
Member gate R:py4l Col/eze of Stggeotu.
Londori, Sept.:lo,lB3o. •
Aifrienci stepped Aid BS had *Wien'
the Fire King this morning, and witgesielltla
mariefloos .=:irinvf.• the ttoottrilleet- ilittle
boy paitintilari, bo tookee, cross enough to bite
a ten penny nail clearociet,tep minpliut smiled
at the decayed iiintlitt,ndstened_its_pain.--U. &
A Nab adppljtifilia'aboii thaw yostrieeiv
via and for satio-lor , Jl o • jt.`IOANNAN," • '
. Sole-Aesst for SehEtylkilltotinty
, , 1 410, 3 , , !%%-1 ri 7.447 j ,
ricillideveitilitsiiikeii. I
' ft( itt
le WA. A woo n opt, the
/M:4 filer . at - POttiClie 'l;laf tfigr
,hotoust , nceivekt , dirett ft , otn thetniiiutie!Oir
ook iwrtmentotplt.,-"11.11t - - . 13
• t :tk e k l e it eW,lo llll re.lo llol r.c r d liall44l 7 l - 1
tier ini!, red, ealrge„
' • , ":511dittelt, beiciril, Wier, ettt• - I '
~ klitie4endq9eetiodohleaLcie.. 1 • • •' •. 1
Strawbetty, niefebersreedigett7 crock ,
I ißePlMitao7,iffienrAirentlienti.l"• - > -,
? Inci " v b.- 0 0#: 044 , 0 11 /ir
016. - ‘16.6. • , .
, miksbnim %fib*. • '!
Also—r ip. mishit elm* ididifidt;
. , . ,
Reste elFelluniiino . 'T• :+..,
liittostint ais Aitonisid*racti,
„. .
,lispat - cilikausisir l Oho& if the ealreirdisility
s liWelleseir of DR. WiIVEVANIS . 1641threled
• aestesillirand A Antibißoati Mils 61.•
keiathig.dilitatediss, !Hain& • -.. ~ I : • '
To rhltes'iNvhalki.36l COtithol..Doetua, tigui l l 2 ;
44 1 061616 W I IfritWin: Et aopi eiinjuithe M
thafinp.-riierfiH s by exPeritines that river
reforenee `that the sainted- receiverottbillbetie .
vhdreetaltivitt mitinetsicheerfisily °Site min
.16 the 066116 in half 6f,DR. WM. -EVANS
'CAISOMILEI`I 'Llh; I hive heen-afilieted r 4.
this last um' yeiiii with di - strew% the Avid and
cheetroAen so- les io deprive me of ahlep fin
thme,r4Jour.sigh in succession, but havirriever . anlof any Blends' prescriOlcritit.
iiiiii inY .wifirsaw ie a tis
dverments in the paper,
Whiniehe twitted 'Milo send for some, which
-114iid.,and:obtattied two boats and banks, 'Which
resultedin Oman compktely tutoring me 16
health, although); ' vs not yet entail, finished
them. Should y : consider this any benefit to
'outlier, or thelf ic ii,:ori here my cheerful per.
missibblorptitill t. Yours, respectfully;
2 , • TINA. :GOODHUE, Centraltat.
1 —...- ~. •• : ' '
irriralits 4 tirio CASE Card by Dr. Wm.
•R Niaiti'a Cementite :?bide end Family Apart
eat Nat.—Mr. BENJAMIN 'DOWN, corner of
Shippen and Georgi.estreels.Philadelphia, effect.
ed for seven years 4scitli extreme nervousness. by
which he was",not - , 1 ble to Write hie name—hb.
ay mto "ere, et see tion. du ily spasmodic pales
in thit
_bead; loss f spistitiv, palpitation of the
he. . giddiness aril dimnescof plea. utter Ina
,' sty of engaging it any 'thing that demanded
!isor or cuinage,i sickness and Anilines. ez•
terms debility, disturber:lfeet, a sense of premium
and weight at thelefomacli latter eating, great
; mental despondenrry.. rsevert flying pains in the
i c*t pack and side. coattetmem• a dialike fir
societ7 and converOition. Mr. B. has made triad
of venous mediciniOs now before the public. but
to no effect.-'i t nOl. ibserving , in a. public: paper
some cures perforated by Dr. William Etranes
Camomile Tonle iiiii. Family
. 4perient Pills, ho
was induced to kive them a -trtal, of which he is
at any time- happy to state that. Weir-effectually
cured him of the above diatrearang.disemie.
/17Persona who doubt the ebove.coie, are mold
respectfully directo to the above mentioned Fen"
son at the north *rest corner of .bi l lfien add
Georges streets. . BENJAMIN SOWN.'
Philadelphia Octpber 26, 1837.
A perfect core (Piled by the treats►eat of Lb
Mr. John Gibson, of N. , ith street, William..
berg, afflicted with the above complaint for three
years and nine mouths, during which time he
, had to 1:11110 0111Chelli. • His chief sytnritoms were
ucrueiating pain in all his . joints, but especially
in the hips, stioulder.;knees and ankles, Co ag
gravation of the pains towards night; anillOr the
most part all uniesfrom Oilmanl heat, an obvi-
Clue thickening of the Casein and ligaments, with
a complete ham nfrOusculat power. For the ben
efit of those afflicted in a similar manner, Mr.
Gibson conceiver it meet to eay that the pain*
.have entirely emoted, and that his joints ho se
compltoety rectivered•their natural ttme, .a he
feels able to resume his-ordinary beeline!".
INTERESTINQ CASE gof Tviottesdar 'Cos
sitsiptioir,-; , -Mr. 'John, Ratite] appnrd on the Ist
day' df• Septembei %V' tine "Ufnce• TOO. Chatham
street, laboring oniter-the Conniving symptoms:—
A slight spitting of blood. dboressing'enugh, at
tended expectoration of porulent Walter,
night sweats, general emaciation, difficulty:ol
breathing on exertion: with well mat ked hectic
Omit on the. cheek. On examination, the ekast
was found to-sound well every where exceptin.
der the left clavicle, rind: in the arm pit of the
7Waturera.—Direeted to take the restorative
Iwith the expectorating corn
+mind; at the genie time an injunction, to call in
hum days; when the night sweats had ceased, the
expectoration slightly, diminished„ a slight. at of
. inughing 'till remaining in the morni ng. Or.
dared u 'osnei .oitiitkoelhei Medicine, and: to
call irrther-eotirsat arty Week—when his health
continued rapidly; increasing, without -the kilt
cough.. Called at the office 'ma the 4th of this
month, quitettnnuleseent returning his sincere
thinks ferti a berieAt • he tied obtained.
The itinve 'patient chiefly used milklegimen,
daring his ttestmenL - -
Mr,Robert Minroe.-flehoilkin, afilietektsitb
the sonvil dist.essing malady. Symptoms—Ernst
langeon, flatulency, disturbed rest; nervous held
eche, difficolty of breathing, tightness and'stric.
taro screw • the breast, dizziness. nervous
bilitY and restlessness, could not lie in a hori
shuts, Positiiin. Without id* sensation of impend
ing auffonstion;spatpltstion of the heart; diet es.
Jog cougfricolativenesra pain not the stornacb: drow
siness, great debility and 'deficiency- of the nerv
ous energy. Mr. R.. Monroegave up every
thought'of recovery and dire despot* 'wit on the
countenance of every person interested in (his
eilitence or liappmess 4 till by accident be noticed
In a public paper slime' cures effected by Dd.: Wm.
Rreneia medicine, io his cotriplaint,lirliich
,ced.him i to„purchass pitkage of the;Pilla i which
resulted in completely, lentosing every ; ay ippown
of hi: disease., He wishes .'e ybis motive] fin
thief ~Eela "
refiom is,lhaelhinte *Micted with 'the
wow wirer tymptotmr notiitt tirthiwe' finis
whidl:i be is bappilrrestored: may howls" lenitive
the aamp . ,ineetiyuable benefit. -
'LIVER 60MPLArtirt fat *kaki
, 1
.n.t .: 4. tiv -:;# ;,.A Efriolvimo. ' '' l ' "' L •
Mil& SARAH OREM-HOER; erirld, of-- ilk:
''f'-4figno!l Bienhiser.coreeref Second street end 1
tCreitaiitipmAiad. PhillkdelEikki t alievYo for Alt
'tacit Ai mire 41011Yrit Liir Complaint. ;twat
llomplittelyetionfretild'heiddi'lip Dr:' WhiLillg i
YADlSl34ll69#ilelMaiiictheFokinly:' ' tent!
pitp.,,,.4llltorsiwerfaluibitbil • ' tent!
. g iVIV,. I O I ). ,T*FhAsiorfolV
ti tan
emits; languor !Wen's aeonily;di,tut . , 1
, (reit (genii* fiei *Si; tiialehme lie' 'elf'. F; '
side without an ingravation ortediftiiiiii le.
41'14104 4121)14.0AV* -withlithet4ini s,
iPlPPatipirl% B 4 11 71 0 r 1 PInLin4"044kiMpiati.
'Ohl tiller. - 111 -11mbmilie,tykiiirtAlat opil
•tieitetiletileiti iio.ftsetnire tgit'pableitOilli, re -I
mono re dfllit *Jher-:iiiiiiiirdvieedite . iiitir
AdaLotDc Saftieishr Pills; orleigicit.stim Wham!
JPetgcthaVit/ 0100 1 441tilitted Aim ,aogpo
abliticßitra N ing V D OORlcattiVitlifOtick:
iiiip lliti io:a4r. • , 1 1
4, llEMPoillikkgrpiailifil oirtbelifilier
1 AriehielP s .bseit. twelliirksilkiipt Ir le-
11,MIUMMILTO OVA *Ole AS Wilitantat Auasiiiver to,
Willinw •Esniis.
E~s~~~ _ _
,t ~, ; x ~ .
sr• I
41144 ei6SitiAteß:
:4% 11
rwrma In&
Caeiteunee v otwittekr
linpeignitstee to the
*at the tententtatie in,
litt , Bakei f
tettliteteet, Philatht.•
*dial -01114 - • ;the
*4ll. 11-2•4 lgoorth
Ek4lnztkill Coast,.
_ . h „ il del .
P l li t a .d h .
:br; WM. VANS*
pioqk luso, Phil' 1
BON b.,
,r rrilril
opt‘egiber. vri
Housg AND. ~
this most tentrahrof
of Iretnotio... Said.
otOntiou of *en. of
is lionsidend
wishing to-purchase tot
It said property la not
next. it will then he re
For fortherportioutora,
living at i rauniqui, or
, sell . .
se At private Mt* a
pieeeently eittritted in
' heeirpirt of the betveh
I• Ity it,erell worthy 'the
mam. ,A•parttouler 'de
oneeeriart, se persons
brat-view for therneelve*.
• Id before the let of April
d kir : oad or more years.
apply, ti the aubeatiber
Dr. Hunter no the pre.
enbso 'ber
a the 'short .: •
Directors of The Pub!'
others supplied by the
Ores. • '
"Entireinits i3eries o ,
ered to be the best in •
eppointini Agent Am
Its it) Seamylkill County.
• Scheel!. Pistriats. snit
nattily at the publishers
, :•1 Books are contid
,se, and as cheap as any
Also, Cobb's Asirles
mnd real athiludelph,
Deo 23 6 • 11
School Books, wholesale
prices, far isle py •
• Cheap Raisi and Prunes.
JtIST received by Ibisubseribirs, • .
1000 lbs. Raisins, 11
tbases Prdsee—vrtileh be will sell at 61 cents
pet 14 - JOHN S. C. MARTIN.
Dee '; 2
Cheese Cheese!
20 .Ciksks of prat] iuo. cheese,
20 Boxes pine apple do
for sale by N. NAIVANS & Co:
dec 2 2
CathOlic Books .
° Key kV Paradise, •
True Piety. •
Catholic Piety.i • .
. . .
Dainty Bible;
Puor Man'aptlecbiant and
Small CatechiSru, •
Just received and for sale by B. BANNAN.
Dee 23 I
Importart Discovery. •
The subscriber has iscovered a method by which
thisvirtnes or that valmqe root.
May bee:meted without losing any of its medicinal
properucs; This medidinii is prepared idler s re.
ceopt of the Medical College. a receipt reeommended :
by the Faculty as the befit formula fur the prepara
tion of the duid extract of Sarsarilirtilla.
This Extradt -may *given With perfect safety to
chiklren7tirid isConscientiously offered to the public
i purifier of the bloodtwhico in all cases will gre•t
ly alleviate • and in twiny entirely cure the folk:mitt
Obstinate emotions of the Skin.
Pi.nples or postuleeon theface. - •
Biles which anse [rowan impute habit of body.
Say eruptions.
Nide in the bones.
Chmeic rheumateen,
Sensible, or King' evil.
White Swellings.
Syphilitic symptoms. '
And all disorders ■rising from an impure rate of
the Wood, either by a l Mee residence An a hot and an.;
heablirclifriate.'or thh injudicious use of mercury.
I have thought it necessary to attach a few catifi
eates bfits benefidial ilfects. from persons well known
in the coinity'„ as references:
' '. •-• • , " Reading, July 13, 1837.
We the 'uniiiiiiirritd.! Ihscin used. the Compound
Fluid Extract bf barsaOrilla4,prepared by George,
W. Oskeley) hi our families. t ebeerfully'recorn
tnet4 if to the pti.blie, au leb P. lire end efficient
aleine, is disease* arising from impurities of the
blood. • , •
300 N MILLER ,. . '
r wra. H. MILL.EI. ' -
1- •• -' • • ' I ' - WM. RHOADS. 'i •
Thin Is to certify,that was for two yenta arnic
with an obstitimeriqi-agentousaffeetion in one ofm
legs.whieb brae into numerals ulcers,
.flir which '
triad various remediet t phlch hut increased the dis
ease, wttlkn'l was recomnieilded to try 'Mr. Oakeley,o
preparation* ofSaiaitiarille.- 1 did so; and after using
several bottles I arn haitpy eta terhic the ulceni are
entirelyis 16th nay of uguat.• 1
' rtimnind and Ety leg. healed Witness my
nand ib8.17. •
.• .7 .1 N 11. L'ort,Rrt, Reading--
Thii eeitifles tharlattlittle son. about 8 yeasit old.
had suffered for elm* tcrie from extensive soreux.kin'
the right kriee hod leg. (fpppreed
swelling.) Which 1 feidO Impostahle to beal.lby even.
thelid of the most ble inedieat•lidviet:efitil
I was recommenced to 0 5 e,1)4g.-C4iirge W. Oakeley's
CompoundSynip of piuilbt eight bottle,. of which
'not only healed , ffe4ortur bet porectbresigired
child's health wfrieltdotiffered mtlelbirrcOnsequetiCe.
°able affection. - • ATHARINEILUNGEMAN:
• • 1 , , 7th abderrillem
The above case wOo - piresentid to Mei...both bee
And atter theOsenf Mr. Oahltie?itaikOF of Sof“Pa'•
rills. anal beTo,dir Irtfu 6. tiou pa be was
'tlieragentlallitaxi* ration'. • • ,-
• '
Reading,Sipi - 12.11837, '• • •
• 1 . ". X ilfaxiiiittib 20.,,1837.
the 011
: gok
. 7,t
i ~
N 1
t: a', ~i
T, 4+l44l4ifert
SoperiotOß • oAed l tStem.,Pil t ,
*infirm oil, fix - Ado:by '
4 illttEft
ik! • 401 4 11 °
. 11tateh n itidaltgi-• .
/i 1
1144211" - 41i,111AGGERTY., •
Novi lb • k : Soto. •
. '•' .. ' - nRAPIXTIIVIPIC. ' .", ;': " • ' : - .,;, ' S-. '' '..
.Ye liblitei i ill4: • ;Pillis"
IINVALIDt . ' Ni - 11itEit3giiiiiiiiiii,:tirdy•• ._.,
Aan imputityo thy blOod, which, by 114614 the . •
eireulatiotiAtin son Pain orderitagedieut latilittot. ' ~..,-
pm or tiari whei t inab imputitrot the blOod'itettlei. . .•
It is tine. AVA lof CAM= 'may tuingtisti*.tfili - '',
silte'of,„ the blo --such utivioleat•hruliitie,llll4 ''
dump feetilndili c eelin ,n,rpaitt in thathead, - .so.lotentid
although it may !- be said that these diseetteejui_ve ant , •
their origin in nitpurit'y ofthe Mort I;yekthe'elliteljs
the ;tine. they ill end in thwimpurikYtittliebldoth .: ; ••"
and ono ; only, object !to preyenty,theArrititivig Infi.t.
once,- be kepi Oti - . In O th er words tfiiticrimoniouittp.: ~
mourNis continually toping:, theind:vailidig am atm - , -
unpleskint simmontsizemain, tylth,Do -Brandottlll ',
VI.G, ABLE ,UNIYERSAL P11.1.4-whichdtpar ',
severed with id stifildiemt ktuantitiaiitti pi ii to*: . *.
oui evtcohriiina„.will ,asslat seam, icrrestete *tem i,
organ . kt a stoat of henit,h. ,This -is km. • the piiticiip - le , •
of drat mg: we ilmin a ottirshy pitice-•*.tiflintr:and ~ .
from a, state of inerility soon produce4Atiostlibab•
dant, fortilityiand so it it with the humatiledyivibin
any thing is tlioimatter with it; vielitre only odcatrwirt '
to dealt it by' teirgaticitr-ittd , experiettectat tat
thine who havicadopted this reukinable , praetkA ' .' .
cause c -admen), with our natorrhthat thejhaite.seted
righilY, the re-uh hevibg been siund.hwiltli.'..* Is
A t
not mine than 1 8 montbs since* the se ifillii w e- ht.'
troth:Fed into the United States. but ,their sa le la& '
beie aftegethin unprecederited. there hash* been hi . .
of them in l'tevir Toth hither rime: fa, cid" itte: •
,five *oared thoustmd! bores. And. abe • voliißOO. • -
sons can be relbrred to in -New, Ycirleeity,,Od nevi**
he smelt' Pli 3 Oadelphin.whb havilbein-ctited,iihee'N• -
!every other Rib ristadbecome attogethehititeripng. ' •
iirdiseases whlch.appeared of themosfepixisite hay
acter.-ind in many cases where the dreadfullia • - -
of- eleerntion,-bad laid bare liginnesfyidione 'and
whereto ell appearance •no humao..kneanticoukl vo'
life. have patients, by the use of these . Pails: rik-
stored tb gond , health,' the devouring alai :.
.!tisig •
been eninPletely medicated. •,' • l'i.*".r , --.4 , -
Dr. Wm . EirAndreth-waisq lblry - :6-onvitref'd 9 .wiii ' , - •
truthofthe above simple theory, that' he t 30 t
year" in expeciMent and laboring, reiehrch ri , tlit
medical properties of the numerous - :plants • pop . •' -
ins the Vegetable Kingdom; his objectbeinto . eit
pose a nedicine Which would ill Once plinly, ati -
dime - by specific action, 0 removal of Ill' ar.* • ors -
from the blood by the stomach and boutelsoui ;that ,-#1" i
* 'centinuation 'orate use of such tf Medicine, tkic h:4 t ,
mars are ' anus to be carried oVankl - tinkbrO • - 1111,. tic
sums a state of purity: and whoever takes the se• • ' -
and gierpeverps,wjth them, will be ,sativfied t pr. I
William Briodreth fullytittained ` hii ph - IWO
,' pit! '-
Abject. Ilia tow an absolute *and- knoWn-lattPthit
every disease,sheiher it be in the, Or feet, in dill • • ..
? I
braid or mean t member whethe r an iiird -
tticer,or on in bea rd abscess, are ill:* Oagly
: tub% *.-
from many Oases. reducible to- ' . rand want.*
namely. impuoty of blood. ~,
_, 1 L ,
NOTICI , --4 , As Dnifind - Cheviii iSferastelftet , '
ahy Aerial with coameifeit . e.Pilliit 4-
cornea thoseher want. the.genuiph article to pirclisie '
only ofthe,ac rodited agents orlhosewhoitrokhown ,
t o be abet*, chdilhonestlifeetices. I . * ' I-- - ~
Jr. ,S4hem 4 psonCo. Pousville aro- the Only g - '
go aat ptesee. 6ir Scheylkiii colony, - ' !
• ' .Braiitirmhi-Office for* diesale of the pboviii, Pills ,
eittuderaleiantrretailis at 169 Mee' street, first.-doot --* ,
bore 111th stnorth side. Philadelphia.:. . • .
v.. Always'reniembertinif Drag Stores Wirer havAtb - ii
genuine firandreth Pills for sale. therefoie all punt •
chases of them are sore to be counterfeit. ,
Dec 3 i ,i - _ . r . • , -•-, 17-7 --_ 42.4 y.
*Slifrsuns P.11111111Ceit i ,:;
. 1 ' f ,
A• 13 the ielemperanct and lbainty e . f. the, , Are
Ili •histenin.g the 'ravages of adothetie."Ceitip aims
and rendering the blood snore im rei' tholt
sands have destroyed theig.constiut ..natl3'll,ell l n l 3
p st
to apply tlie,myper remedies—tow , Swaim' Pan- - •
actevaisarbe t and hoe beitit, mote t * -- tdoittilf iii- .
ble sea cettairritfideffecteal means pfleato , • Ihneha
to perfect hearth and vigor. Few families-Are hol
ly exempt from sieorhuue affectioisMirelielhi 't vit.!, .
...ions sympte , as. eruptiotui,l -alratiiimt. ! bility4 •
loss of_appeo it apddeLection. attairtatrig fronit , rarer •
e tas
blood. and if "Ot properly attendid i to, priichic the-
greatest haja to the- constirixtinioni Old :May - Int •
patted to th r afapring. . Siwaint's anacia la is !
mended at th s season of the puis,atitive Weide re,sto ! .
rative Of Ole yatere, thereby invig.oratinitheeti stitu- -
lion, and-ena ling-it to bear the debilitating
the gummier canon. its ctinveyek it; - the - on* ,
'Ting fluids: i i d mince& their tetitUnny - 16 - 411 t, •
sdisreseawhiCh origioattrin vitiated , bleed;* Ii - •
liver. detintycd-appeute,,or predispceitento, - -::Ane
of p
the lim, &c. 'No rle, bowery, I, isiAdvisedio'use , .-
it wittiont corvinelnetliemselventlteliikinia if Arhak '•
is here stater. t
„ I -, s„
.. • • ! 4 , -t„.t1:':... , ; - -,, 1 - t
This medicine i a now used withimcesiiin.4l,inwiiil* •
otOevniild:andis gaifiint gielt I:sii . ii#:ticin , :iirF s i .l it.: . '
:and. . :', -,' . .
A fresh supply of the Metlicinitiluat iezebred OA ' '''
for sale by . 4,-‘ll l l l - NNA,g.,
! . • Sole-A genitor SehmilkillWitY: --,,' •
ipply the above! meditine..iihol ha tel I '
ph to sell again..elPhilAdelphii- -rice...!
liool :Books.
y rs
• FORT t',4lll3pN= '.''' . • .:. '
`jig , g Fund , Socketi: 4 ,,,,,,
•vri EPe t Carbon gaiihtlFuno Society; is I ' '
'`' now open eve ry , day iteak;r:,l4;io'itoclt at' ‘
'the' Office ' o Viscount: and Deposit,. rotthe r par.! , ;
- I . ocin - l'of fice,.vigill'aenositi foltif *lctine t res.!
tteediiiissooatom any iiiteraft** 3- upolP . Pciti ..
.. ..0 intareat.or.l. pet cent wilLbat'paitionri ry fr .
: ao uokena; Int, uo interest! will ;k1.44 1 404 -10 i '
lily fractional party or $5, - T. 1 *,:, 9 14. 6 4,t. Svy . •
iiiirt-nay iiiodraireti' out on glliii;itfikqe,'
~ om to, ..
font wecks4 at 'the offitie 'no' Moinlit*,'4 . -1 2_141.1
, sints.Aof tit! Society - wilhaiwconthliteill tr:thil
l'ollOwinetilficf}l7:oo,i4glerSo•; t o l 44l l , A Acile. .
' liiiiiiday. iutreiarnext..- • , i ~. 1 - .. • l y L.` ~.z , .,,
i ViipildiniMAQVlCA 110Viiile: - - i '. r - :: !' •
-I. o .`re ,•., • ;,•-•4- ; ;c. 1 • ii ii iili ff i r i .....14:-.;: ••i', -:! . )i - -t , 4,i
two,WPh.•.ol+llV . - 14 .1 igt. iiinOifjzipaus;i.l . , ~,
Edward flothes , ~,,,; : i S.iikAvokie-1:- -,,ii , : rf. t
Jacob }1u11?. , ;,-. -' • *l ll l°l.Tur-ilfak: -i:vo 1e 1 1
- ' I.::'Witi4, ise.terary Ind Tilasurer.•• '
41 zikittile'4d 1 OPthii efilitetM"fit Unt'Obligati ,
whataoev OA be ,reeeiyritirYtria: l lPiiiiinNtid!
0r."010.451 1 *.t4140 iiiilll,o l 44l 6 lo l hoAury.
';0:10wei..4,51,49 - . tl.PfrAVlScO}stiiP.f.ll,o l } l -•
1 loin'. - • .. ,
.„ I ,_ .‘ 404 4k -t: _lee r
„..,,, „,. te ~,.....„...,
31e Sipa*.
d 'the cure
Jinn ti pad
VTni Ph
il* lid-at,
Da:4 Mote.
alba ;Or:
ligkinata. at
IitELEY, -
ak: ~ ~yf•
tr y ,
_ _.,,„, ..IL-,-, .:4----v,elz...-
~:- ,
~,,..- „:„:,;.,
'4 ,, r, 4 4 4 4Q-: .
‘,'''.„,,k:,-, _
4= ~i,.
,:.F Z.:1:
7,4 -f-.1
, -
them who w''
111i3; 131 " I
rv4l - 610arpotienurble - itroir whi ! smii. g
/°olilWidd thy.'
GteatWg, !Hardsegiviittirgig 44:alai& 1111 11,
iikokibeaper• Quo aalay,itmea:tebrititizt
Ird g
sa t tZ3 ; T nit
w rizig o r
' Jati 6 ti wi-j - •
. ,
- •
I .