1 •' - iiltrOpp - NTIV ! .-' --"' "":"Illf rbmtheashmitilittowni •"'"' . I Idle Refers ate eutindy - eta , •Teldife PHU arid Pbe- rock st uty_ip - tertain • •1. - i '.P.Fireous -,„„ iii te....1.;iti.... , ....--. , ............ 7. - • pi n ~.., ~..-,..., . , ~ , 41 ,- . , trwiyi. 4. is.- ' IHVlLerfer a.. 11fludiVw i "It i lA Op - 47 7"fts '.iiikbillitail a rlitr '- 1315, . BASTreationair . tint rem*. , th'il:lifects - Of Mereuty.infirfilely : tilltallbsloo l ll. , 1 -- • ~ rebid shiptettettrt'isken ,anly (Wand , poskerfill pftpirations eirsals andllirillittltee* ;litt . t' ' ,to 4e:tenet', Beforti-itoremite Ortbe dlikely cnrethealeteriningia a DITIT T ins , klitei,Bpan* navigator; peoPle were r onl enabled to ILVED; neterbitin the ' - mchlealtrtystaas et 1 taddle aboatthe Shores. Jun. swarth' Life - Med- feitirks ; and will be found a cdrtain vemedyintos s , acinettl•-ltis,„ _„' bat evid shorryeare sin I first yen canes of menthes debild4 rand toeseisient of tfiettiostim- " - toned opotillettelkubwn ocean, and Ilu - 'dissevered parted constitutions. As'isa - riniedy forektorricand, ~t_ thi pecelona , object I was in search 0f , ..-11EALTH.In ere Ri r eidertflesn. the ecjr- of the Pbcenie '-rVeresiden known hen tedicines were indeml Rim- 1 kil r's "will - be demonstrated, byl the use ofa single .. v ' o :inettetid my search; belt their use -wail or. By the toi Be. The usual dose oftliese hitters is half a wine neeeithent,Thave nor only passed ikon the dejected gl es fttll, in Water or wine, ,and hist:timothy may be ''lrill'alld,lisitim balebratty and active min of business, t en two or three times a day; tbdat" half an hour rand': tipenhing; I hav e ienewed my txthie mho's , or artess-Iquitfitit ' ybe tgkeri at all , 3 lean tbhtcPyrith confidence in thy Own eine- tr. To those Sim' are ed with indigestion - t-rivitteibalaWinl - 404B1Arry fellow eitizend Does the a r meals, thes' e - Amery will nlve invaluable, as 't 'yruulerimditp'rObfthitiheVEßETAßLFfLlFEMF.D.• 014 very greatly increase thrtac on of the principal 5 , Writtailitable to his own case? I Jiave on file ' vitt-eta, help them to perform thr fuoctions,and en. siat ' iiede.,646,Broadomy, hundred's of fetters, fmm 1 rifllb the stomach to discharge i n no the bowels what • ' Omit of themnst respectablecitizens ta'f'this my na- eihr is offensive. Thus inffigention is easily and ." Ole lied, niluntarily offered hi testlmOr ofthe air- epledry removed, appesit:istoted, and the mouth! I •i' , '-tettis•FAL MOD - VEGETABLE. MED INE. alitheatsorbent vessels ' ellennied , nutrition is •,. • r tis whose constitutions have been nearly ru fffitilitated, and strength or - y land energy of mind r ' , lna by tbe••all infallible " mineral preparatron• of arh the banpy results . For, fatther particulars o .relre .y. will beer me witness , that the Life Moil ? ' FAT'S LIFE PILLS. add PHCENIX BIT. ''ii a nd sueliatdy,aritthe true caintelto permanent -kt . RS , apply s it s-Mr. Moffat's offiee, N 0.546 Brodway, thed be b Bitten taiuerj for fbr $1 25 JOBATIMOFFAT. c N o 7 te. l so 'or m. k. n w ts h , e o re es th i ir e er Pt, bn iltr i cl ; ..* 0 RAT.' REMARKS RELATIVE. TO MOF- orM per bottle FA S LIFE 'PILLS AND PLICENIX BITTERS. These medicines have king been know and spore r 1 inany retie ; nd_of certificated instances, ill, yco mended. unti eV grave, aftei all the deevteri n minims of ID' Nutnernus certi fi cates of the vr 'nderful efficacy sal both , ma Ve there inspected: i g in some obstinate and co . ntph y chted cases Of chronic a urflimmatory Rheumetraml Liver Complaints. til.e!' l e l se u ra r a y ofn— o d u me:hPA t r: c f usu t ec h r:Y e lL}P' s Y y lPis s lrs tl i m att'nens i:,: :: : ae i l tr ißd rl i.:ll , P ct i t iejtd :7 ' th wini an illur t ee : j e fitivng tes thimthe t ' ciat , for their extraordinary and rmmed tate poweis •of r ming perfect health , to persons staTering un di d sr i- n every kind of unease, to which the hamar: strtsdingdit may be necessary to tike both the Life 'fr is is battle. , Itills t and the Pficenix Bluets, it the dose before re tiree ever , rescued 'Offerers from the very Verge of 3,, the y had utterly failed; and to many thousand. they n e e p ara t ions oftiarsapirrifla i and s a certain remedy for -Obeid permauently , secured that utdorm es joy meat ot i to t rut ushing of the Mood to he, or a ll molint ilwd --eboakh, without which life itself is hut al partial bless ricehnsiestreits, & c.— il l Onions vw tin are prelim imp So great. laced. has their efficacy iiivartabo. - tle d to oprplea - y.pahY. / 4 cu °h. , " never b e without had infallibly proved , that it has aupearcd - so 'reply thO Life Prils-or the Bitters, redone dose in time will lessithan miraculous be those who worq utile:main ti i; I,'e Itte. They equalize the circulation Of the blood. with the be-toilful philosopteeal p r o ci pl e . u;ina afp w alf pres.ure from the head, prespuration; and - whibh they are eonemunded, an d p la i n which ; they gnaw off every memo) by the : pores of the skin. ',consequently act. It was to their m 'effect and sent - Etor salt by MILLER* HAGGERTY, -blit laction in purifying theapnogs and channels of lif 'and enduirf4 diem with renewed tone and vigor. tha they were indebted for them name, which ens '. ....bee ra w i e bo d upon them h a o t s t e lie liv s c p . op t t h a e n y eo h uf il request of env • 1 he hroprieters rejoice in the opportunity afforded - 1 if the universal diffusion of! he daily press t'or piste. leeks. 'VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS within the . konwledge and reach of every individinl in the cons Inanity. • Unlike the host of pernicious quackeries, which‘boast of vegetable ing redwing, ihe Life Pills aire purely and sot.s:i.e v eeer Aat Y. and, , contain nei ther Mercury. Antimony, Arsenic. nor any other mineralja any arm whatever. They are entirely ,cottipotted ofextracta from rare and powerful Maids, the virtues of which, though long kriey, n to several Indian tribe& and recently to some eminent pharma emttical chemists, are aitog,et her unknown to the !gam , rant pretenders to medics' science; and were never before administered in so happily efficacious a cons bination. . . Their first operation is to loosen from the coats of the stomach a•d 'towels the' various =catnip., and medities conetandy setting around them; and to re nee ve the hardened feces which - col .eet in tee con . diblatons-of the small' Intestines Other mellowest scatty partially cleanse these, and leave such coder zed twt/sea behind, as to produce liabated. , •ostivenesa, 'with all Its train of evils, or sodden diarriura with •rti imminent dangers. This fact ,is well krui-vn to all regular anatomists, who examine thr human Vey rl R stfter death: and hence the p reyndire or nu ~.e we ll iii flremedmen against the quack, mod•eines ot t he age Vhe second effect of the VEi .ET A KA; Li rr. TILLS is to cleanse the kidneys and the hiadder. and Avian, mcans,the liver an I the r un ". the healthful section of which entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary organs. The blood, which takes its red color from the agency of the liver and the lungs before it passes into the heart, being thus puritied by them. and nourished by food corning from a clean stomach, courses freely through the veins. renewn toll part of the system and triumphantly mounts the banner of health in the blooming cheek. The following are among the ihstr ess i ng rar i r a y ~.,, /twain diseases, to which the Vegetable Lite Pills 111115 Well known to he infallible-- IDYSPEPSIA, by throughlY cleansing the first and isseedd stomachs, and creating a flow of pure healthy bile, instead of the stale and nerd lora; -- Fbdule ac e Palpitation of the Heart, Los. of Apprlite, !hart -Fern an d Headdda, Restlessness, 111.1e:n,,er, Anr•ety. Inn iptar.tind Jdeirznchely which are th• general vy ' , tonal.- of Dyspepsia. will vanish, as a nature! consequence of its cure. Geetteeness, by cleansing the whir, length of ,the imestinespith a solvent proces F. and without . viblence; all violent purges leave the bowels u os i, ve . ~ T hin two days.' Diarrhea and rlydera. by remove Mt the sharp acrid fluids by which these coolodi mut are occasioned, and by promoting the lubricative secretion a of the mucus membrane Frversof all kinds. byintstoring the blood to a regular circ l e nape, tlimegli , the process of perspiration in some cares, and the thr,ough solution of all intesulkal obstructions in others . The LIFE- PILLS have been known to cure Then • intati•na• permanently in three weeks, and Gmd in half that time, by removing local inflammation from the entsclen and ligaments of the joints. D•opates of all ktiVe,by freeing and strengthening the kidneys and bidder, they operate most delightfully on these er rs:m:lnd hintnehaye ever bees found a certain reme 'sly, for the worst cases of Gr' prof. Also ll'erers by di/dodging from the turnings of the howrli the slimy matter to which thede creatures adhe e; Agthrna and 'en, by relieving the air vessels of the lungs It m the mucus, which even slight colds if n o t reinov lame.becomes hardened, and prodoces those dreadlisl et I Scurry. Ulcers and fhterenve Sores, by ih' ect parity. which these Life Pillager to the blood a all humors; Scosbutir 11;r•ptinns, and Rod t 'nee ptpams, by thew alterative effect upon the Birds 11111 tobrbid state of which occasions all Ersonrc corn / l a b i a. Sahara. Clowis..ancl miser sager-ruble Corn a a linkingTfie_uke impro of v tl etn es en e t Pi l l n ls t f h o e r a chn • v it s et, hort tim ti e ,e . , wll e ffect trio n a o n d e oe nt e ir . e or cu by re tw o o f e Sra ven t rheum, ,utthe w 0 r iti t i e :::: ei . Common Colds. and.fryboenza wII always e —in a remedy fur this most dean - sein e age) ob in nate milady. the Vegetable Life .Pills deserves a ns 6' 'het and emphatic recommendation: - It is well Own io hundreds in this city, that the Propri e t or 'o these invaluable Pula, was himself:af fl icted with t complaint for upwards of thirty five oeivn. end that tried to vain every remedy prescribed within the le compass, of the Meters Medica. lie however,. • a length. tried the mixliinc which he now i Ifers to public, and lie was cured in a very short t um , a er his recovery bad been pronounced not only I probable: bit absolutely impossible, lay any human s. . , • DIRECTIONS FOR USE The proprietors orihe n MIELE bra PILLS does not follow the base and • - reentry practiceofthe quack ! ante- day. in advis persons to take his Pills in large quentities. ' No :medicine can possibly be so repaired.Thele Nitre to be taken at bed time every night , for a i i x, orfortnight, according to . the ohetinact of the —. The usual dose ts from 2to 5. according to cone? imtion of the person. Very delicate persons old beg' with ,hut two. and ir.creasens die nature, the cake map rNutter those more robust. or of very . 18 habit, any-beam with 3, and increase tost, or en -5. fills, and they will effect , a snifieiently happy nge AO *aide thel patient in their further use. ese PALI ,soinetimeh occasion sickness and 41.4 4 .- g. though eery seldom, unless the stomach is yek I; thin, temtver. Islay be considered a faforabe ,fuom, as ihepatient will dad himself at once tit ved,apdby penieverance will soon recover. They ly °petite within 10 or 12 hours, and never give i n , aalaaal the towels are very much encumbered. mtty- tw - takerrtythe most delicate females un. - any circumstances:l7h is. however, recommend. that-those in later *hula of pregnancy should take t one sis time, a ndthu . confiripe to keep the bowels : met even two may taken where the patient very costive. One -pill a sole - don of two bible sfiglofwater, may - be iven to litl infant in the llowingdoset—a tea spoon Weyer). tivo timirs till operatem fora child from -oft t o fi ve 'ream of age. N 'a pal—and from five tote= Refill. i 111E.PHCENIX BITTERS, are eb called,because " possums the-power of restorit4 the briiiring em of thealtb, to a glowing vigor. throinghbut the - no. as thertmenor /ennui to be restored to I 11=3 A • '--1:';:'''.7.'7•Zr5:5,.V;;," . ' - =I „ , MEE -i .- ). 1 ' Alliskinls #llll4. ' • io E -Original Hfygeian Universal Vegetable N . - Medicine, prepared by W. MISRIN, Esq.,, ' ltionlber of the Royal College 'of Surgeons, Licen. trite kit Apothecaries Company, Fellow of Hol. illk:urt Society, Surgeon to the Royal Union Pen elfin A:sociation;• I.ancaste place, Waterloo iiili4ei and Peolittnal Pupirof Guay's . and St. yilliomas' 11..spitals, London. 1 i itrliese pulp having gained licelebrity impsral. litipe!in every section of thelMon, are now cen tred by ill those who valnu good health, indts; sable as a family rnedieniti—patromzed by. a i4nerous body of the moat eminent Physicians tall in this country attf in Ed'rope,—is saffatient, lss pre-uiniet to stanip,their icharacter - in the es. t 1 lotion of every thinking mp'n, and it' is hoped; lie ear better recommendation jihan the course re. .i*vil to by ignorant and oripitriciplcd pretenders, ilfho to is eilead and deceive he public. publish 4at thcy cull practical prnofti and certificates of %Os,. that exceed ali betunds!ofrattertiai eredibil.: 0, and most of which, if not II, are either grow flllideations, or procured byfr ud and connivance. iiirk editor of the Long Isl. Ind Farmer, says 'lbis medicine hits obtainer( an unprecedented ilkijiee of well preseived popularity. Having tak ilti these pills ourselves to advantage And . witness 40their beneficial effects on Others, we have no Osit.dient ir. recommending titem to the public as 41tlial . e. salutary and useful faMily medicine." .. 1 :11** *None are-genuine without the signature of yFie Ucneral Agent on the labid, by whom the a. hjlve 111rIliellIC is imported iri 2 ti this country. - 0 l i! IN. HOLAIN, l• Waverly Place, . , Gen'l Agent for U.S. I:A supply of titii above Meth( inc just received triditbr sale by IP. 1 2 1.AN'NAN, Sole Agent for S t chuylkiil county. 2 t inly 16 PA lit KIER CO. MERCERS 4- 7 1 ,AILORS, . (Formerly Parker I 1 AVE removed on the opposite side of Cents( !--lititreet, a few door. abriVe Nofwegian Street,' theire they' offer for sale a o.elect assortment of Lpi Moe Broad -Cloths- and Cassimeres of the faShionable colors, Erb elegant escort.' iiient of Summer Clothe, Vest,inge. Liben and Cal lan Shirts, Collar,, BOIMITIP, Stocks, Gloves, Sow :wider", linen and cotton Misr., and all kinds of Gerw-leinen'" wearing appartrel, which will be to order in the most apOroved style as to the ,tot and warranted to fit equal to any ih the Cit' or elsewhere. 1, P. S. p & Co. 'keep on hand an excellent as -OPrtrr.ent reariv..nade Cl4thing of all kinds, 'SdluFli will he sold at very IoW rates. n , 17 GrOcerles ,'T the store of the aubsc l t iberi in Morris' ad ',..M , d titan to Pottsville, whr je may ba bad whole.. wale; and retail, on, the mus moderate ter 11111 '.'. firto, 61 - lam p end loaf sugar , black, -tree'. and 3tootle bruin leas, nidlasses t fish, chCege, map, ei collie, cherolate,' spirite, brandy, gin. Port, ''.'is ~ l'en . eritte crud other' Vvines ; rum. whiskey :and con'- 11., halt Sparii,ll 'arid common segars, trapper, alvpiec. ginger ,palcratus, cloves, nutmegs, titaectr, mustard, pilot bread, crackers, sugar his d,ei a , . &c. &c. &c. for'caoh,Or excliangefor coup. ,ter prridote. ~ "}June 10' .9.9—tf iii WILLIAM NE •L it Co.: . -:r1! • MANFFACTFR4s OF IA! Looking -Gasses, . 'iii'. 7,0.-27 North Fifth - street, f Philadelphia , back f:of the Merchants' Hotel-devoted exclusively 1..1i • !pith's bushiest.. • :iooinatry. Merchants are stipplied at manufac- I ► j•ers` prices, eat their Glasses insured front 4,kage to any part cif the Ifnion, without extra til arge: • arrhose who may have orderti far hire Glatises, 141 old do well to inform us b letter , previous to t ir.coming on, of the size o the plate:and-the dof frame they may w ot, th an the article ..,... y he manufactured should an utitetured expressily ibr the oceavicm i i i give th4ir nrders for Look: i - glas , es thc first thing nth their arrival, to in. stlc them well put up. I - I Pet 21 i 484m0 , r i cril . e Family CoMmentary. ON • 't''r.4-. - 1; TILE HOLY 1311H.E. : 6"1 TIOM. the works of Flein'y and Scott. and ', .., atinve one hundred ruber writets, publiShid ill.tiodos hy- the Religious Tract Society, revis e land abridged is, two colonies, with Mapa tuna hlig,mvinss. This virriabie Stork is pbbliahed . in ow -I ,f ,rlo, a t 25 Cents each. Tweb'e parts are already npleted, and can be obtained at the subscribers . Ot Stun? whcreilubicripti 'us will also. bit. re. et), - . ... B. BANlicka. 1 I .. . - I . ---- , i , - : EMI MENEM AraCklihaltifstereilit-,5,_,:,,tr., TOL,lllarieaktleVialinalestalesand retail - :m .- .1 .lilik'UdfiffinVOitkWoifillierliet ' at - t ee r q' _ -:-.7lll~6ll.l,4"civilast. tt4Citii "ilr o -,ti - g -it r e:•,:" , '.t . ,4: ~-,4 , .. - 1 . .:4,.; , :..A.T-- ; 8 " .. " ~..I,lo' and briS44at-CA.,fteit,:: ..,..- . ri: g -, ~ se. c.roiiiiso t au • ar ti lite Hannaa,lottfaltd lump ~ .. al. ! --':. 1 .4 1 w I:Medlin; Wort .'4 ii,j.,... • .1 ia 'and inglif hodse $ '''""'" --g 4 Imiterfal. GEM -Mtider, Young} - 113lann . ,P0~fiiirse Per, "Reis co, Boltp e . . •-. . . IBaltera.Chesets,SpaankSdurneti o w eeia ' to slit's'.. itsrwisTeeeiptced - . • ~.. Pre*ei-rCiittoiXoimit stela, 1 Readitt;Cißce.'ffiricy, ' • L ' Johnßulls, LObefer.Ancllt/il. saticall Canton soy and Currie , • dherkiniToniato. pepper. , ' Ildir ed,Onlbn,Mengee, Pickles Lemiln and French - , • Olivewwitww, Anchovies Chien`ne stepper, allspice and Gin*er Cleves; Mice. Nuhusta hid cassia Mee Mlr of rice, starch' Cun ants; Figs, Raising. Prunes Sweet and bitter almonds, canto! ' ' Olive'Oil. wine bitteri,lemob syrup ? ctSe Preses red gimes'. . , codfish ' 'lferlings mackere l;' On. ,1 . White and - colored , sperm` ' candl e Moulded• alardiPt tal 'Ow $ ' Palm, v,nriegated *Warn and yellow soap Old Madeira: old port. claret flrown and dale 43014 schampalpe - Wines Old hadleXatifosi:dry culaspt , in wood Sweet nialaga.tfpuscatel . • & bottle Malmsev:ilta mollies .fir Sicily Mallet.) Scotch. i riskt, motiongabebr&coto Whiskey A noisette. ahniseed & peppertnint cordials Cognac. champagne, Spanish st , corn brandy, Holland & cenz-Gin:N. E. Runt _Jassisica spirits ~ . . Emirs - sup : span. inferior do RalfSpanisb and common cigars Cut & plain and moulded glass t ware china and el. AO rockery__ A I • _ _ __ :EEZEI a~ a general assortment of Dry Goody, iirc. Sec. all of which they are disposed to igen on the latest reasons. ble terms. Heads of Famcies andVaiern Keepers are particularly invited to IA: • Wetherill . ar.‘Brother, AT TAR OLD STAND No; 65 -NORTH FROM STREET„ EA'ST SIDE. Tom Dixots Otoio THE COINER or ARCH ST. PM LAD ia.PITI N ACTU R ERS OF While Leaddry and i CaMittel, ground in Cil, $ act, Precept, Red Lead. White do Lit Maga. Vitriol Alb. Cronick Yellow, Pstilp. Quinine do Green Tart. Emetic do' Red :Ether Sulpitt. Patent Yellow '' do Nitric Sugar Lead ' do Acitie COperes 'Lunar Caustic. OttVitriol Com. do Aq. Fortis . Acit. Morphia Muriatic Acid &Apts. do Spann Salta Lac. Sulphur Tan Acid Opi. de Narcot. Sop Carb. Soda `:Formes Pitinera) Carros. Sob. Mere.' ,Ethlops ' do. Hefineris o fCha stoop, snit N itte, Beim!One. Borax. Offer for sole the &b limp mentioned articles. to gether with a general assortment of Paints, Drugs and Dye Stuffs. and every other artiebrin the ChCmi, cal and Medicinal line. Being, tuannfatturers °roll the articles enumerated , inder the-above head. they pledge themselves to sup- ply their friends-arid the-public on the most reasona ble terms. Window and Pictfte Masa, from 6 8, to 24 30. Oct 21 1837 48- AT REDUCED• PRICES, AT THIS OFFICE FIR. 305. LAPIERBE'S Sympathick for the ■ 1 safest, speediest, and perfect cure of every kind Of Wounds, ulcers, cancer and all eite - Aeons diseases, arising from cutting, squeezing, born - lug, boiling or the impurity of the blood, uncials° for curing. Dyspepsia, heart burn, asthma, liver coni plaini , cosi iveness, collets, convulsions, die rr hcea and rhetimatiek pains, tooth ache, apd sore ayes. The general agent. Prof. G. Xav-Wagner, Reading, Berks - County, Pa. offers gnitis to any person affected - With either of the said disessez , „ I certain quantity of the Sympatriteltsto be tried and a pprecfved,before making any expense; now ever, the application -truest be made free of post age. N. 8. - This *Axle cannot be bad genuine in any drug store or appothecary shop. It is not necessary to talk much about it, as it certainly will recommend itself to an enlightened Ipublick. aug 19 'l39—tf Netv.and Elegant Good . s• NNATn&Ns & Co. have just received and • offer for sale, 6-4 Enele.h met tni)s, from 50 to 75 cts fer yard %In f ra.. French do at SI 50 per yard, Tartan,. merino, worsted.silk And cotton shawls, Rod, vhtte, yellow, green and leaflet flannels, Bleached and unbleached Canton flannels, from 10 to 25 eta oer yd. Wnrated hews, comforts, caps, children's hose, Winter Prints,-gloves, &c Sic Cotton bats and wadding at 6j per sheet, dee a . 2 Dr. Barber's HORSE POWDER. rye FlESuiPieriher reeve for sale the celebrated I Pr. Barber's 'Horse Powder. It is by him recommended in the following 'cases, viz: For Horses Foundered by. eating to excess, or drink. log cold water, when warm, to'imeh as discos., er any symptomsofGlands, the Piistemper,Conghs and Yellow I water• or ire exiased -to infection by tieing with -other horses aticeterf` by these complaints, dnd all eases attended with fresh ymptnms, sluggishness.. loss 'of appetite, or de pression oftheir spirits. For sale by W. T EPTING. aug 6 13-tf HENRY BOYD iIIiOVICE:' .... /VIM suiweribor -respectfully 'an netinees to the public, that he will attend tote collecting of accounts in this borough and net hborhood, at very reasonable rates. Accounts from abroad. to collect in this 'neighborhood will be promptly attended toi and satiefactory refeiencee given it required. .-) JOHN C. CONit AD. April 5 27 .. . • Constable. • •-N EW IRON • & Hardware Store. . . TILE anbarribeta would respectfully ,announet, to the public. that he Tian added to hie formed. stork, Iron and Hardware., consisting, itt part oc A cycri , •an and English Bditron.floopeend Band Iron, Round Iron; deported sizes; east. Crawly. Shear. German and English Wilder , end A. M. Sled Vice., Moue-hole anvils. Stnithhtt Bellows. raw Steel hand{{ choping and. Broad and .apik ea, together with a gel:knit paaortment of Iron longer y all of-which will be Nadal re. doted prir.ca, by • JOHN 'CLAXTON.. April 22 'lnfects' Cheese, Sodp -40"blitiElititTrior media phew+l , 2l • 50 filmes bhd. Irish oat meal, for gain' by - - MILIFERALIILAGGERTY NoviB -i:: , ' - .:, - ' s . . _ • .11ERS , 401TR A - •I - • • . . For l'Sa le EMI= MEE 13113 -.'- ....=,.‘,..---,....„. -- .Eiithuilirerer- ' , .7 . TAtEst=t4 - tilit m0=4404 1 1 1 1 = 'ad his frieV eligible paroste,m, 1 ticulai l lhetle &Mile' i-IiisRifFFVFORI deithe - Fenturyilvania ;it •to Pottsville. bopes.thet — hia 1 last . • Ctatioi for ikeepi respectable estiblishment, acquired dorin experience-alibis leafs us the same line of mess, and by de ire to !please add applicati business,lo metit a dtititintfatice *lf your and patronage. Families by eroding to thirreniisyli;anie . Refectory, shall‘have oysters of a imperil& .y servedom in gm •beit 'style, and every delicecy that the Rates:RlC market tali -Rife/ soasolu MEM 111LCOPFARE. Roast Beef, 4ia horned do, d¢ i Fried' Him end Egli Mutton Choi* Venison' &edits Pork.Cbotet Pigs Feet • block 'Tor9i 13441! ,•per Oysters Fried DO Stewed , Do Scolloped , Do Roeeted too •Chafirtg Dijat • : 311 ' Terrapiea , , Ao WISE Alft! iliail*. • .al W'. 1 rye* bottle. • Old 'Mat ai rte ' • $1 50 Old pale Sherry „ 1 50 ' , Old Browit 1 5(1 o.(ll..,ibtai . 1 00 Old Port , .„ -1 50 • Champiigne P 50 Smiths X X pod Peppers , Me altrityion raacht Apartmema tiereiditicas for +upper 'part ....Ste. Ocr7 ' . -6-6 m, CAPITAL AUTIitIfiISED BY LAW. CHA*Tlglit NERPETUA MAKE both limited and perpetual lo .on Brick Stone or Frame Building! tibials. Mills. Bnrns, .Stables, ftturahaach tote and Propetity of every dasartption,ag or damage by FIRE. ' MARINE AAD INLAND lA:3E7:AI The Delaware County Insurance con s also insure against lose on all kinds Orllll and against thadamage - or loss upon the t don of good!. wares. and mercandme by w rail way, upon terms tts favourable as any stitution. • ! It For any further information on: the so t eat of i suranca, either againOt Fire , marine or in and risks. Apply to 'HENRY , G. ROBINSON. cent. I ' July 15 "S 4- if • . -% 03k:hi:WWII ' Haven.; or WILLIAM II qv s. '4 At 0 igsburg.i SPItING Fire Itisuratier Coin FAKE both limited and perpetual Ins LT-I Brick. Stone or Frame Buildings. St. Mills.. Barns, Stables; Merchandise. Fu'. Propertyof every descriplion.against I os by Fl RE. The subscriber has been appointed AG . _above mentioned Ins -motion and is now make licsoasccits upon every description at the lowest rates. BENJAMIN'S Fades ill% Feb. 27. ISM. The. Phillgdelphia F AND - IlittANl tiAtiG - ATION TNSV . . VOMPA IN Y • CAPITAL AUTHORISED. BY LAW..: 5004. OH AIiTERIPERPETUAL ram AKE both litnited and perpetual lns ranees n 4 LTA Brick, `Stone or Frame Buildinge.Sio ',lint la, Mills. Barns. Stables, Merchandise. Furbiture, a d Property of every description, agamitioss or damage by FIRE.—i The subscriber has been a ppointed AGRST for the above mentioned Institution and is now p repared to mike lusuasucks upbo every description ofproperty at the liiwest rates. : BENJAMIN BA NNA N. Pottsville, Feb 25 11837 15- t'VLolesaae and Retail Ha POLLOCIC & WEAVER have Just received in. dition *to their former stock of Hardware Mousehnle anvils, spring key'd vices, patent polls screw platt.s.'ivarranted cast steel axes, broad el nand do. hatchemAanamera, Beattys & Mullins a. el socket and firm& chistels, drawing knives. black .. it bellows. cut & wrcer 44.5 & 6 in. cast spi el single, cut find'clOublelPiane irons and planes, asso e locks, !itches, hingei a. I , vicrews, round and Nu. ri bolts, steel, plated anf n m squares, . All of which are offered on the most accomm.. ;t. ing terms. Feb 18 Miller & Maggerty WHOLESA4B AND t RE+AIL Dry Goods;GrdcfrY ,Wine Liquor St . (Next dtKir to Mortimer's Hotel.) THEIR cormexiti4 with a house in Philadetp ennblea them tii:keep on hand every-eat sive assortment 'of gbeds. which theq‘will sell Philadelphia prices: . 'Store and, Tavern kee. and private families, would do Well to call judge for thernielvea. april 19 • 31 RAILVDAY IRON AND IRON FOR CO SC • REENS. • 21 by :5-8 inches !Isamu Fist tar Iron. 2by 1 ,do do do Au de Iby 'do Suitable for Screening cnal, All the Iron bah eonnteramk 'hoick and is at an angle ot'4s ile t greel at the enda. Spllc Platea'andSpikes to snit the shove. ' A. & RALSTON & Co. I No, 4 South Front Street, Phlledclphi ,111x' cb 14,1836. .. 21411 NkNIV ,6001)$. ALAI(GE Mad complete assortment of end seesoneblej Gooda, jtzsrrece.kved by s snbsdiber, consisting or • - • - Dry Good, , • Groceries, • Queenamire, which be offs, :for:twle lilt. reduced , prices : highest price paid to all kind of country poclui • A. A...G11,.& • Sept 23 Nt , , I= I • • .0(4 .ranee . Store Furn lust lo- SO MXI rine ne ' neporl ter, 0r,.) other t, znEa =IEI p. Hoteils iture.a d. or dam. M fort e repared to property NNANI JO MEI ware Store. , I • • • ' t".• • - 10 ,. , . . ' bileiertallitilOttlieS/C lEit --.." - f,, , -::';, 1t,,...;÷::,. 14 ~D t i tL 'rftt-igtrANSl ' ' 4 .611.411 - 0.1111111;E:PILLS,: - ATISEtAND EFFECT.-4When needed and set . ~ :entlfte femedy ciF ditieleeis his long been In gene. nett* the mffilic,besfewnw i ltderings endreceiv. g praise, it is-scarcely ittthOlievreerof *Rept/anti to : • oubt its Virtue,. or ofenvy todetrithent., ‘ ,l,,_,, When illts.achieved Mi. to cateer - of ase- Mess •wbi. h distance. the:lcomptuneh'ef alert . astful pretension, ontthas secured a peptFyoine union in universal , - faspr, hyantrinsie w nh , alone, is proprietor May .point out the.. causes o -its suferi nty, v?ithaut " incurring the "Sustileion invidious. / ess,in . iiistituting die COmpariebbi , " "1 ' . Thti CAMOMILE. ithat . WAM LT ArERTENT LLB, mirmiketured-by Di'Willirm Evans, at lOU ' 'hatham street. do not: require liii explanation of their acknowledged or the meet eminent physicians 'throughout be I.lniteirStateirl will fatly. 'f apt:mkt / to; state thereasens -which in ye induced em to recomMend-dititze'so extensively and warmly as they do. 'And those reason. ire-that these judi cious Medicines. never inhere-eiren the most delicate conwitutitas. and baveon 'almost eve'individual case ,for ; which they arerPreicribed, i mar ed. an evi-. dent,a truly happy.ind permament effit y. Physi cians. moreoverthat -.they ere not 'o red to the public open any quack theory of porifyin the ; blood. mar to the utter.destniction.of the. stomath nil bowels. Purify the blood front elf dikineed hutuont„they untie: niably du; but not by.destroying, the,* viscera by which alone the blood can heaustathedl They are compounded upon a theory which niPpeirgai etionach • to be a very essential agent"ro beelthrandlliod, well digested, to be a valuable; friendto fleet find bliicid.— They . do not ptu*."'itiet to ghosts, alid fmakethem look like beings too refined to retne long in this. worldf bur they makeithem as human is postuble, and fit to encounter the hardships. and fulfilithe occopa. tient; of a, sublunary life. They do not make a vox . lent purgatory of this life. to prepare men. the. faster ' for aeother.. Theypreceed ut on thesuPpositionthat the blood, muscles: nerves. organs. excretory and se. crefety gland, mamma and tegtimentary tonembraneso bone, and brains. of eveiy human being require to be supplied with nourishment from ashetilthfura sto mach as can bermade end kept ; ' and upoolthc doctrine that unless the stomach and bowels are ink good order. the blood and every other pert ofthe systtm will be in dison'er., „ • . And haw , is it expected that theywill Secure health to the'stumach and bowels? Why by enab ling the one to digest food, and the other to carry o what is left after the nutriment is extracted. is connection with. the nimble of bile, and the-fool humors_plthe blooo.. Dumont; memirraces, and Stomach. A nollkhey accom plish these great feats 'of metlicine'in the most simple. way imaginable. The APERIENT I A 11l LVPI t.L.s., if the stomach be affected with . wind, tule, or coated. collections,clear it out, bye natural Mho -mosi-m -ylisible solvent action, and cleanse, the Whole ali-' mentary Canal, without griping, and JeLlVlrlk II as free,. without debility, as nature ever designed it. to Ise.— They do nottakethetkin off the stemachimid bowels, and leave them like a piece of red velvet, as all phy. , I sicians know the strong I draslic pills' to, tint they take nature kindly by the hand without crushing her fingera. They cleanie every thing, without itnpa.ring or injuring any thing. 1 Whatnots is effected, as it usually is byithe use of a few of the FAMILY APERIENT. PILLB.. then come i the celebrated CAMOMILE or TONIPILLS, to / e I strengthen a stomach mid bowell which fcire. per haps. weak and foul because they wer weak, and endows them with strength to tilrform ear impor tant functions, without die aidolof physict The t'A - AIOMILE 1r1..011 ER, when up valuable principles are chemically extracted,is acknowledged by all phy sicians, in every age, to be the best vel,letable tonic known in the science ormedicine,—Therle is nothing known in the vegetable kingdom of nature to equal it; nothing that is at (Ace so.harmlesi and a eigorousli healthful, and in proof of this the proptietor of thy recovrned pills that are made from its purest particles, might quote almost innifinerable authors, both ancient and modern, if his own practice had not, proved it to tens of thousands. • _ i - The effects of these pills are net only lierceivesi in 'an increase of appetne and general strength, but in a restoration ofthe body to that eniversdl vigor in all its functions 'whin 'indicates the returnito perfectly sound hdaltit.—The face. and general complexion, speak volumes in their favor., arid thoneands of fe 4 ., males can testify bow much they .have contributed to their comfort, their complexion, and their strength, when every other remedy bad proved wotse than use-, less. la nervous diseases, of all kinds. they are nsw acknowledged to be preeminent.; gradually restoring firmness of body and mind without those annoyance . and changes which other nervous remedies egcnaion Happy would it have been for many young. persons of both sexes who ate now in the silentgrave.ifthey tiled learne'd to check the morbid tendencies Of , their stomach and bowels by these pure tunics and. son ents.-Without ' bemiring to quack reinedtes. the names of which are concealed, and of which they kpow nothing. Thai dreadful scourge CONSUNIPTION. • might have been checked .n ;.tscommencerney'and disappointed of its prey, all overt the land, if' the first symtoms of nervous debility had been counteracted by CAMOMILE chemically loteparedi; and those bowel coinplaietewhich lead to p host Of fatal mala dies, might have been otviatcd 16y that. fine alcaline exteact of rht-barb; which is a leading ingtedient in the APERIENT FAMILY PHIS. 'Bethrelloth of these medicines, which are adapted io a l i loritlof. the purposes for whielia bona red others afe o ti neces sarily used, fevers, agues. bilious disorder*, head a ches, female debility, male decline, indigestion. and -liver complaint, would, have entirely who re matey of them have proved fatal. 1„ hit be it disdurctly understood that these-medicines are not offered instead of these natural organs of the body which other medicines dis tense with, iii p very summary manner. They are ft! tinded epee medical knowledge. and not quackery, and do not take ill the , red particles out of the human b ood undef the 'pre tence of purifying it. In proofl whichillfference of effect let the faces and forms in ,patient's bear testi mony. They constitute a useful.effectoil. and gene-. rally applicable class of medickl i es for every finally , and being both ionic ant aperi nt, an 4 of the beat : . 8. preparation's known , no perkon or family should he witliour there. They danle o ninon wfiolera le and t, - rem! ofthe proPrietor, Dr. W M VA NE„.1%:„ , , , :v0ik, i and of his agents in town and °entry; With Vireo- . ' dons for use.—They are rapidly auperceding all) other I remedies advertiked in the public pinta; because they I, are found to belong to a very superior elm of popular 'medicine. A single trial-usually Nimes them highlin pri vate estimation, as they are knbwn to be' in public preference, and in thetopinion ofpinele lane. -- Dr. IiVM. EVANS'• OFFICE. No.' 19 NORTH EH/ liT ST. PHILADELPHIA, where his medicine may be had. Dr. Wm Evans! Office, Chatharn. street. Nesi 'Vork,where-the Doctor may be coesulted i , ►n. He g the, 1. all • re d in plate 8f 7} 2} 81 2 elt. in r i , YSPI.PSI A and ••H ITROPHOIsibIIIACIBI4. .... /narrating etuie.—Afr. William Salmon,Goeen at. e* above Third, st., Philadelphia; afflicted for sleveral it 'years with the folloviinitlistreralng symptonsi Pink, ra oessat the stomachiheadaclie,..dimittesf. palpitations id . of the heart. impairdkappetife, , semennies •acid and potrecsent eructations, 'Coldness and weaknera of the extremities. eniaciation and-1 , 410a' dehility.dlaturbed w _ rest, ase of preamre an wetglit at the stetnach after, eanng. nightmare j great Mental de ape racy. '' severe firing pains in the el, text.hac k and sides. c / 'tire nem, a 'liable forialciety. or cdnrersation,rinvo Diary sighing' ant weeping languoi, and lasitede upon the lean exercise' • - , , -,7.: Mr. Salaion'had applied to *armlet timinentphysi -11 cians.wbo considerM it beyond the power alpeat , eine to restore him to health;' hbwever, as hislatilic ' dons had reducarthitato a: veex.deplorable con ition, and Iniving.lieett recommeildedoy arelativesti his to i make trial - of Dr.-.Wni., EVAIIiW Medicine, h with diffmultyrepaired iii the Office t l . procured a package. r to whieb,ite stryi•hei is ihdebt d for.his restoration to life, health and fnendi.' •He4a now enjoyitigiall the blessitegii .of Oterfeitliteritli. Persons desirous •of further ingirmationomill be satisfied with everyl.partl cuter ofhis_astortiehing.cureat Ds. Wrn. - filVah? 'Medi le ta I Offices. 100;Clutthentiatt.tNelk York vandittl'hil adelPhia. No: 19 - 11.00.141,-WIiTH ,$1.... - - 1 • • hold by. - - .1:01.INt T.,WERNEII.-- iSoleAglittfortSchuylkOliConnty. 1 Pottraille.Noy.2s . ~L . 11-11 Rellimed Wh i le . Oil, ; EFINED whol e efees foT R Pak by MILLETC& I.IA'GGER. . -Nov, i 8 .52-- um • • • =zoo Eil :: PI u„--if t -, , W;tHe , b ~ i the:,i Miufto% it,S . YefAiliflik. '''••''' './141. - 14. 'irv , Rittlytf • f i FL,,,PAMOIIICHESMSIftti purebasedthe ' right of: rfend ing lOC a ' ypg , Dr. J. W. 11, ..'efiruitijit iSiihpyltillt" tit i1 . .....1•This Truss -ii • ,reuervelpqaarietipii of . p., reppeotabl e ''S teens,* ptiyaMians of Ph lad phisi,by which 'a , dial cute of this•diataie, a n. , pee, ation.that Lb , . neitliNfp,lWbandoueil ea ogelcss, is ac. e4nPliaitedTvothiihuos,t - abeithilti. certainty and i lk witliporACl: .i ,ti*W.VPl'lifdl" 4 ' I** ea elves C i t te4ll: WW 3 4' Owl: ltlnOle;b • „eityand*it, it , are,*dowq tok keti„l,ic4ll pnred, and die patiemildin now dispense . '.With the pi* of and I trllinnt-. * ilice..AS* Ilie;thlk Aemitiainpley 'fli t i the anY ll 4 o l' 9 :uTirdi'• •: 11 1 1 ,..,1a k P._etr ... ,,, es ii .....t,iltd theniethod:of ieitectiEgp Ea i lea' um v •tyir i ltis. are now o ff ered- teethose lifilidted• Win` 'ia.tron blhsoui.complairit.. , . •.`. 1 , f 3 i 'lle propomil ft with. , confi der . for the ; treat went of this elveiiie, cud iiii. et Avery: Wei. lion on :deirreeEiturgiiil,prznei "leqfor. tftl ridi I cure. The trueiseri.heretorpie tupl°• - ii eiwre. l pilliito thil' aYniptorne -oF th di• hen they rely ever effe,et* tadipat'eure s nd • heiii mast be continiitillY Worn by thd paike .t.cifteq l grinitly tq his annoya,neU. After thehuf by the present apParatusjsoftbeted, all *OM nu : are Mason tiritird.., ' .. This-Trps with its appeu tf as Can Ila 40ra at anylige,,' and by both fe,xii, ithootintestop 7 don of busineria.,, I f ... • Gentlemen. arelethried to the [following. mem • bere.oilheiireTeision l ,ralalive to,ihis 'instrument fl:, and itscelnima in:efibetinii radio I cores.' _,". , Wn.i..!tie 9itisori; Professor o Surgery in. the Univershy. EX Penosylyabi . ~ Gitalivti.* &Uhl' PATtISON, nifietsor of An 00E4 in the Jefferson Mcd calrollegr.. , &mum -Jacisoq, P4nlelwor o ita . p . lititte.ll Of Medicine in t4e niversity ;of Penney ania. Geonoz lifT.E.F.a.r.ao, Profeaseir•of Surgery , ' in fi t the Je ff erson Ifteelical Celle e. - : lintel , BOND. Scter4tso7' or e :Philnaelohla College of Phyaiearia. . 1' • &mix A. Avt.r.v.,M.43.,. 1 EDWIN P. Ail.us, 14.,D.. 1 • -• . ... Letters tolhe shove named gentlemen Malabo free of expel: se. • _ : L ._. ' _ _ Copy ol'a letter from Samuel acksonvProfes sor of ibe Institutes of Medicine thq University of Pennsylvani . e. bocTott Hohoi „2,: Dear Sir:—trom the unifo In failure of ill the trusser I have seen, and of be treatment ern. plOyed for hernia in prochring,la.--radi6l'lL'eure by 1-fe means, I 'lied abando n ed' t II expectation of . seeing this . desirable object relic ed. must eon. fess, that youi'apiiaratus and tin thud of treating' heroin, has, I believe, accompli lied this desider. at , andlitidisease isrender d not only . man. ageable, but in the greater por ori of. oases cpril. blc by the processes of art.. The principle ofyour treatenCrif and torthertip eratioo of your apparatus is WOO to the physiol ogy of the tissues, -and ip one siiiirtdeit in theoretical and practical surgeq. There isnothing:empirical in your proceedings or your instrmi.ents. They alre the application of a well established principle °four science to the production of a specific effect. Profeissional in.. struOtion, skill and tact .are, necessary to attain it with certainty. The instruments alothe;witkoht appropriate management and the idaption of thelii. action to the individual.aceordipg,to the constku. tional and other peculiarities of each ease, would prove of little . utility. or might even defeat tention of theireatment.• - :" '1 • ' From the remarkable success that Ina ttteiOd e'd your' treatment, and the eases ordeMded Curcio that have come under my owb , obsertration. ing the sanetkia of . ,factsioisupport Of the scienti fic pr)neiplci Vital* no bettitition in Aregarding your apparatus ancrtnethod of:treatment-as eitak lished in - medical science: With' consideration' and letticet;truly yours,. „ ; SAMPEL JAC/M.01 4 r: . We have in our pinisessioif it number of eertiti cotes of the first respectability relative tothe cure; performed by this instrument s whiebWet wiii how to any .person-desirous of satisfying himself with , regard to die, efficacy of: the invention.'' I • . Persons desirous, of being cured of hernia or ruptuie„ will 'do well -to 'mill on tlie; ettbieriber• before the extreme hot 'Weather seta in, .as • the disease can 'be more readily; cured in moderate than in.hot weather. Physicians desirous of Hoettring 'the :It of using theftbovc inventiori,'ean receneiroin lion or. the Subject or purchase the rtght the subscriber, who is authorized to set -as ar sot of patentee. ENOS Cil4ll,g'STEit, M. 26-tf - May 16 B. HANNAN Offers for 'sale ; Eoflovvirif ‘ sto:ndaid woritg . at. the verygow tacked. • • Home, Sintillett and Miller's England - • 4vols. sheep, with Oates , • $lO GO Clarke's Comrhentaty,4 vole. sheep, ..12-100' Wei,ley's works, 10 vols, complete, AI 1 00 Buck's Theological, works, 6 volsfstep, 4 110 Sciot's Bibfe and. Gominentary; - '3 vols. • - • . sheep, • • 6100 Byron 's - works, Dedrborne's Edition,sheep, 4425 Rollin's Ancient. History, 1 v01.,..5heep 4 , 1 , Y ' Heathclitie's 'Edition with Maps stud • plates, ; ' • •it 4126: Josephos 1'o!. withiplates 445'. Mairyatt's cotnplete.l vpl. . 3 a Itioore's/vitirks,l.ibtery Edition l . 2c..,251 Burns ' , Airks • s, . 2410 Cowper and ThoTroption!x_ works , „: • „ I, - .1 226 • Pat e rs Worlts • 2 lOO, Borden's village Sermons, • • . 2 00 beddridgz's Family. Expositor, ASO EncyclhOdianf'Getigtitility; 3 vols. with 12.10.ents and 100 Maps, JO' Fox's -Book of Martyrs, with Plitioa. t 2 - Meßcnzies 500041teeeifitti • Together'. With -- a,:'varietyof other' Books at v low rates,. to suit The trines. i 91.9 -CONSUMPTION CURED. • - .- . INDIAN . .lii..ci For the „piientiOn ' ' . Se - .4v. .. - ofCottelti.Pihili c e,lle ' it P Consumpthiris, Spain 1., Or .._ ' ''llivod,' , Diiithisea of , 14 fr._ ,6, 0 Breast and Lune, e. pored btiDt.el j A 19 ~-., ill -4 effee f tei t ifi . (\,......,..._} each . bb o f ' Accompanying . ,tlfa of Igpact clti,:. pointing ouf 'in a 'UototeltOOlis riaahil'er, al l the.- sympt oms symptoms in the different rogcs - ofthOse dist Os sing disetittes--alsoptirilac,..#ted.tumuo* ep; ting.diefand regruienAtild hose paffai t ils ..as 1 4 i., conduct through , every . stage 'unlit beulttt j a l tom: storedfor vain useless wobld be:1.101 pre•Y variations of the ablest, physicians ' acarapPelemd:t with the most powerful and useful inediritneit-t .the direatians am not-ii4tli fully eiclhercd , to.v., 1 , 1 The public.nreinforineri that the I,9P9Bilie a-of? i l i 2S perions:ham bear' taken lielliretruperpatr4-, A horitica ifillie'citi of 'IAA: - ster, all complettelP eared In :the most claspardte cases of con - wimp; -fion.some -of which - are let ,T! in,!kkorT,l?Ple *Si a l,, employing each bat" tie. ' , 1 IV:Asupply of theilhase pealfif4t - Ise -cii repaired...and is foruate itt thi office: ' i n .Itiaiett ISt - - ',, ' . 111 1 1 . .. %VI . , very I EMI II 1. Ife.uu