NM T. S. RXDGWAY, rIGINEER , VILO I TSMAN: to the rennsylvania Hall. 52—tf • • . • DI Office nest Nov 18 Ilukhes, AT LAW, „ his office to thetanne - boilding low the Penney!! nia Hall. - 3-ti = ATTO INAS Items , unext door - Dec 9 mike Hill and Schuylkill nil Road • Company. 10Sce of the Ocivert Philadei NO• his, (lot mt,nth) Jan. 3d, 1838 ICE—DIVIDEND. Managers have this day declar 'of of 8 per cent. upon the capital ny for the last tutificar, which the stockholders oh and atter JOHN H. CREASO,II4 .-3t Treasurer. ►rHE Board ed a divide.] stock of the co will be payeble'i, the 14th inst. I • Jan 13 n - held January 1838, the fol ed stockholders yere unanimous ere of THE M 1 Hll,l, AND HAVEN RAI4, ROAD COM nsuing year. • MOTHY CALPWELL. MANAGERS. Benjamin :Kugler, , William Richardson, StimueUfm,l2.4Jr. John H. Treason, Thomas Ridg way. 2-3 t AT an dee lowing nal ly chosen mane SCHUY.T,KIL ?ANY, fur the Vreaident— Jamie Hondas; I Henry Paul Be vi Adam Everly, John . Livezey, Edward Lowbe Jan 13 rip HE subscr and Storeb streets, a full a. coat region viz .* Barr Iron Band and' Nails hnd Steel, ROI/ n Nails and r htui now on hand at his Store, use on Centre and Rail Road rtmen t t of Goods, suitable for the of assorted sizesi mil do do ,ike Rods do *do & Square do do pikes do do s - do do Coal Shov , Hardware, All of which general asssortment. e is`selllng at reduced prices J 4LAYTON Is Stoves ir Ovens. ck's Stoves and Ovens, just re lor sale by B. BANNAN. Kiliterb ,Iwo Kister calved and Jan 13 . gland Farrier, (it Farmers Re -22d Edition. Just received and B. BANNAN. 2 VI RE New 3 ceipt Book for wile by Jan 13 . on Rail Road! Cimpany. lereby given, thali a meeting of lidera, and an election for a Ple" agers,t Treasure and Sebretary rhon Rail Road CoMpany; will be !South Third streei, Philadelphia, 3d day of Fetwuliry next, at II , JOHN HITE, ;-te •President. Moult; Car NOTICE is the Stock!) ainent;eight Ma of the Mount held at No. 117. on Saturday th , • .Famuary 19 Notice.- hip heietofbtel4tsting . tinder the .tall and John P. 011fferinatn, was .t dissolved on the brat ling, 2—.3t FirtHE partner brut of D. by mutual coon: Jun 13 • €1 Orrics tP THY DELAWARKICOAL . CO. tda. January let, 1838. lT La have 'this day daclared a half, lend of five per dent. out of the, inpany., which wW be paid ~-to r or their legal rhprehentatives fARLEF: 8. wt4.,LIANts•: Secretary THE DELAWARE lila. Jan- t. Phil IrrHE Direct() A yearly divi. profits of the the Stockholder after the 16th i 1 Jan,lo 1-6 Orric fig DELAWARI COAL Co. is a. January I 0838. 1 , w i of hi3Stockholdehi of this Com• n lectiott for fiv 3 Directors for , • li be hel 4 4 at the company's ;quit) Third itfee •, on Saturday , at 4 o'clock, P. M. . . JOHN WHITE, President, . A MEETIN party, and the ensuing yea office, No. 117 the 3d Februar Jan 10 I—te Notice en, that lettere ;Testamentary nted to the subs riber, by the ylkill County, o the estate of I deceased, late o Minersville, . All persons in ebted to said `le requested to ake payment immediately, itna'such who i on said estate are likewise re i t them well authenticated, for 13 hereby eV have been gl !gister of Sch ichord Bruce, ctooni file are there', the euhvcribe iy have claims tested to prevf ttlement. Jan 10 • aisins and Prunef. kiy the aubacribeti sins, a—which he willsell at 61 cents JOHN S. C . 4 MARTIN. 2 Meat' rST receives 1000 lbs. Ra teases Prim, rlt. Delo 2 ..se! Cheese!! • • - cmium cheese, pple do N. NATHANS & Co. Ch "tasks of p pine for sate by en 2 . d Plaster, for sal T, Fish It 23 D-20 ego first quality 1 T. & J nov 25 Bleached Sp . 1 loos beat blei elle , 1 sperm oil, for sale MILDER & , Superi 000 t, Nov 18 scotch ' hiskey. or old sth proof rish Whiskey do • • I. rintosh do MILLER & H GGERTY. 52—.3rn0 nape do holicl7olXlrll adise, 43.EUG11 Vied Ptek ;006lie.f. Douey RI Cateebiom sad chum; d side by Porn Mau' ' •Small Cat Just received a, Dec 24, k Shade ham relearned tit atain.:,. Permit e leave them at • N BANA AAP° business bound. will plea Miners Jourhal 'l' tlk „ - ÷ t " ' . .14 „ • X '. • ^ • TI• 4 C--' • •••;-.1 • "" ~- t4M - • • iRY Ontr4T ;. A4niri.strator. 1-6 ME aid for sale by BEATTY.. rm Oil. winter strain by GGERTY. 52-3 mo EMI BANNAN. • 5- Book Binding jibing Bodks e office of the NMI .-+:--. .111 't,.01 SE '- Interesting Oia 4triNnyi4_ s'4ls. MORE , concliustve- p 4 thri fiii6 kife' i nary xv- 0 -• efficacy of DR. WM. gv A ti *debt:tin:l Camomiltand Aperient AntAglitnis 1 1. 810011- leviatintaThicted mankind. • To James Dieltson, 36, Corri4ill,'.llmiten, Agent for the sale of Dr. Win. Evank'seitlMMlllC Lowx4-Nov; . 15i 1836. bear Sir--Knowing by ccperien - ce that every ' eference that the offfieted rlCeive of the benefi. cial results of medicines; 1 chnerfiilly offer mine to the public. in behalf OD* WM. EVANS'S CA 310MtLE PILLS. I haVn heen.affiicied for the last ten years with distract in the head and chest: often so bhd ity .to depillve •sue of aleep"for .three or four nightilinsuceessinn, but have never found relief by any • Of iny - preseriptione, ntil my wife saw the edvertiiiii3entaln the paper, when she persuaded me to emit! far some. which did. and obtained tWO bezel and bottles, whith resulted in almost .tompletelV retoring me to health, although t'havii not yPt entirely finished them. Should you consider Ibis - any benefit to yourself, or the public,'yoohaYe my- cheerful per. mission to publish it. Voirri4 respectfully, THOS. K. GOOD HUE, Centralist. al , ' INTERESTINGCured CASE - r by' Dr. Win. &arm's , Camomile Tbnii find Family Apart, ant Pula —Mr. BEN.I, AMI.N, I BOWN, corner of Shippen and Georges streets, Philadelphia., affect. ed for seven years with extreipe nervousness; b 7 which he was not able to viOtd. his flame—=his: symptoms were, eruica l tion; dOlispasmodie pains , in the head, loss of appetitei t pitipifation of the heart, giddiness *ad ditnnessinf sight, utter ina bility of engagiogiti any. thog, Ora; Veinertded vigor or courage, 'sickness ;end' weakness ex. teme debility, disturbed ittil,k Sense of pressure and weight at die stomach ' ft er eating , ,great mental desPondency,. severe 'fl ying pains ni the chest back and side, I:oliiiir esti, a dislike for society and conversation. M*,, B. has made trial of various medicines now belbrit the public, but to no effect, until. observing:in:a public paper come cures performed .by Dii. William Evans'e Camomile Tonic and FamilyCAperient Pills„he was induced to give them a OW, of which he is at any time happy to state that they effectually cured him of the above distreistng disease. ID Persons who doubt the above cute, are most respectfully directed to the above Mentioned per son, a' the north west corner of Shippen' and Georges streets. • BENAAMIN BOWS. Philadelphia October 26,157. . P tRALYTIC RHOUMATISM. A perfect cure effected by th e treatment of William k Paris. Mr. JOH Gibson, of N.4ttl, street, Williams burg, afflicted with the aboveltomplaint for three ears and nine months, during which time he had to use crutches. His chief symptoms were excrocititing pain in all his joints, but especially in the hips. shoulder, knees clod ankles,;an sg. eravation of the pains towards night; and for the most part all times from estop:id heat, an obvi ous thickening. of the fascia and ligaments, with la complete loss of musculai pciiiver. Fur the ben efit .oi those afflicted in a similar manner, Mr. Gibson oonceiVes it meet to !Bay that the pains have entirely ceased,' and. that his joints have completely recovered their natural tone, and he feels able to resume his ordidery business. ASTHNI A THREE, YEARS STAN DING,- Mr. Robert Monroe, Scbuylkili, afflicted with the above distressing malady.l Symptoms—great languor, flatulency, disturbed lest; nervous head; ache, difficulty of breathing, Lightness and, Itrie. hire across the .breast, dizziness, nervous irrita• bility' and restlessness. email: not lie in a 'hori tinital position, vrithout'the Brinsation of impenek ing suffocation, palpitation the heart, distiea. lug cough, costiveriest, pain o the stomach, draw• einess; great debility tl.nd dcfibieney of the nerv ous 'energy. Mr. R. Monroe gave up every thought ofaitcovery and dire despair sat on the countenance of every person interested in hit existence or 'happinesit, till by,accident he noticed in ti public paper some cures affected by Dr. Wm: Evans's medicine, in his complaint. which hada ced him Co purchase a packaglt of the Pills, which resulted in completely removlpg every symptom of his disease. lie wishes Willey his motive for this declatatron is, that those taffiicted with the same or any symptoms similar to those from , which he is happily restored. riiay likewise receive I the same inestimable benefit;_ ` LIVER COIIIPLAINT6BIX YEARS STAN HMO'. MRS. SARAH BRENHISER, wife of Mr. Aloe flrenhiser;corner of Second street and C f ermantownOad, Philadelphia, affected fur the last six years ith the Liver Complaint. was completely rest r ed to health f-liry Dr. WM. E VANS'S Carnomile Tonic and. Family Aperient Pills. : Her symptoms were habitual 'costiveness, excruciating pain in the stomach, depression of spirits, languor, extreme debt:lll.y, disturbed sleep. great pain in her side, could , * lie on' her left side without an aggravation or pain, dizziness in the head, dimness . ofeight, with other syriaptoma indicating great dere ngemenqin the functions of the Liver. Mrs. Brenhiser heti.made trial of vit. Houle medicines now before the public, bilt ceived no relief until she- tens advised to ma re trial of Dr Evinris!d Pills, of %tibial she is happLy., to state that they effectually rtilieved her of the above distressing - Symptoms, With others, which are not essential to intimate.!' Mr. Brenhiser, (husband:li:4th, above Mrs Brenhlsee, had been two year* aimed with a distressed state of piles and Cjiistiveness, 4 which, he was effectually cured.,'' We do hereby subscribe Mir signatures to the truth of the above cores, thak the statement is in every reseed. true. SARAH BR EIgHISER, JOHNSTEIF, Baker, No. I 7 north Eightb street. Philada. Pbiladelpbia,'Oct. 218 4 183 7. Dr. WM. EVANS'S Meditil Office, for the sale of his excellent Medicine s . le at No, 19, north ' Eighth street, Philadelphia. ,iFI •.. Sold by • -' it . T. WERNER. Sole. Agent for Ophoylkill County. Private T HE subscriber will sel ;.at private sele:n HOUSE AND LOT pleasantly .situated in the most central arid businesimpart of the borough of Tamaqua. Said propeittis well worthy the attention of men .of buirinese. A particular de• serrption is considered unnetiessarY, as persons wishing to purchase will firsti*iew for themselves. Ii said property is•not sold before the IA of April next, it will then be rented fist one or more years. Tor further pertioulars, apply to the subscriber living at Tamaqua, or to Dr.4lunter on the pre. miser. • . • JOH/4 DENNISTON. dee 16 = 4tf Em e .es $O4Ol 'gooks. ,„ r E subscriber bar been ' ppointed Agent for the sale of these Thiolte ip'Sebryllillteourity. Directors of the tdblio Sectholr, Di/Pile's; and others supplied by. the quantliorst-tbeptibkishers prices. l'i Emerson's Series of Schotirßooks are consid. ered to be the .beat in pre, and,es cheap as any other. ' . ill Also, Cobtes Series ofSebatil Books, wholesale and retail at Philadelphia prides, for sale by Dec 23' 5 P' B. BAN;i7AN. !ME ME WM ,-•S.• , V taille liNdwersall PiliWt...; Y t4l utot..-ONE' iii§tAgetiaitill'`oil onIT:,- . lan 1 parilyolibylioetd:Which, by, izepadittElle circa' oe,hringson Odd or derangementin the ot , ` .gan or tt wheresnehimpurity Otthe blood 'mill* t It is a vantwie of-curses maybridg about ; the state t he .blued—such as ix-violent bruise or fall, damp f et. iadigestion. in inthe head, ife.,Sic-Ottit! ahhoog 14 may be said that these iilessee lave 00 their or in in impurity ofthe bide t;yetrhe' effect is the sa e.they all end in the imperills of the blixiii: and out only object to prevent the writatieg into;;- .cocci ire kept-up, in other words the acrimonious hl - continually to pagelthe body. as hingesenY untileatinnt symptoms remain, with Dr. BrandretWa - VEGE'ABLE. UNIVERSAL PILLS. whLch.iffier severed with in sufficieotquantities to prance copi ous ev*uations. w II assist nature to restore every organ th a state of health. • This is on the . principle ofriraieing: we d in marsh, piece of hind, and ; a from a state orate lity Soon produce a meat abun dant fertility; and sit is with thehuman body; Artie° .i, any thing is the ma ter with it. we have only occasion, to drat` it by purgmion—and experience has:tang* those Who have adapted this reasonable practice, be-- cause coisistent with our nature, that they/owe acted rightly, the result hating been sobnd health. It is not mote than 18 months since 'these Pills were ip trot:faced into the United States, but their sate hat been altogether unprecedented, there'having beenxold ofahem in New York in that time. fully oat ingliOn five huri t tlreeltkonsand boxes. And above 10,000 per sons con be referred to in New York city, and nearly the &Udell' Phtladerphia, who have been Mixed when ever (idler means had become Altogether uparai ling, of *Biasses which appeared of the most opposite char acter, a 1 in many cases where the dreadful ravages of ulce ration, had laid bare ligament and bone, and where to,all appearance no human means could save life, ha e patients, by .- the nee of these Puts, been re stored t o good health , the devouring disease - having been c mpletely eradicated. . • Dr. Wire Brandreth was so- fully convinced ore 1 truth of the above simple theory, that he vent ' years iti experiment and laborious research War malic.al properties of numerous plants compos ing theiVegetable Kingdom; his object being to com pose a Inctlicine which would at Once-ify,,and pr 1- duce bi specific action. a removal of all by humors from the blood by the stotpac,h and bowels, as by the continuation of the use of such a medicine. such his, more are sure to be carried off, and the blood as same at state of purity: and whoever takes these Pals, and perseveres with them, will be satisfied that Dr. William Braidreth fully attained hie philanthropic object.; It is now an absolute and Imown fact, that every disease, whether it bein the head or feet,in the brain Or meanest member, whether it be en outseard .olcer,Or on inward abscess, are all, though arising from many causes. reducible to this grand Affect, name&Fy impurity of blood. . NOT ICE.— As Drug and Chemical Store/ are liter, ahy Iliskled with counterfeit Brandreth's Pills, it be comes those who want the genuine article to purchase only ofilie accredited agents or those who arc known to be obese such dishonest practices. Mr S. Thompson 4' Co. Pottsville gre the only a gents ai present for Schnylkill count?. Dr. Brand rei ha 9ffice for the sale of the above Pills wholealile and retail is at 169 Race street, first door above doh st north aide, Philadelphia. Always remtmhex that Drug Stores never have the genuimi Brandreth Pills for sale. thereforeall pur chases ill* them are sure to be counterfeit. Dec. Swaim's Panacea. AsGie intemperance and luxury of the age are hi st ewing the ravages of scorbutic complaints . and rendering the blood more impure; and aft thou ands bPve destroyed their constitutions by negleating to apply the proper remedies—to such, Swains Pan acea mast be, and has been, more than doubly valua ble as it certain and effectual means of restor,ng them to perfect health and vigor. Few families are Whol ly exempt from scorbutic afg.etioba, which exhibit vs. nous symptoms, atar eroptibes, ulcerations. debility. lose otappetite and dejection, all arising from impure blood ; pet if not properly attended to, produce ' the greatest injury to the constitutution. and may be irn parted 'to their offspring. ' Swaim's Panacea is recom mended at.thimisegaon.of theqear, as a valuable resto rative df the system., thereby invigoratingt he constitu tion. and enabling it to bear the debilitatipg effeeta of the summer season. It is conveyed by 'the circula ting fhiids. and corrects their - tendency` to all those diseaswhich originate in vitiated blood, diseased liver, d prayed appetite, or predisposin to affections tt of the ones, .12. e. No One, however, ieiadvised kilise it withaut convincing themselves ul the truth of What is hereistated. . . Thislmedicine is sour - used with success in alhOarfs of the World, and is gaining great reputation in Eng. land. A fr4sh supply of the ,Medicine just. receivee and for salt by . B BAN NAlti Sole Agent . for Schuylkillcounty. Whrucan supply the above medicine wholesale to them Who wish yo sell again, at Philaflelpbm pricel Map J 4. 26- ; PORT CARBON ' Salving Fund Soviet*. ! THE Port Camp Saving Fund Society, is nclw open every day from 9 to 3 &clod f at the Office of Discount and Deposit, for theur pose of receiving deposits to any amount no tes. ceediug• SSQO, from any one person, upon which an interest a 4 per cent will be paid on every $5 and ui+varils, but no interest will be allowed on any friictional parts of $5. The whole orany part may be drawn out on givir.g notice, two to tour w.cicii. at the office on Mondays. The, bu sines .ht the Society will be conducted byl, the followi ig o ffi cers and rnansgers,until the first Mond in May next. Pres dent—AQUILA - BOLTON. 1 , Moaggers. ' Joseph Carroll • Samtiel J. Potts Edwat Hughes E. S. Warne • • Jacolp ull Jesse Tttner ' . _Lc Whitney, SeGretery and Treasurer. Article 3d of the Charter. "No emolument ,w'hats d ever shall be received by the Pres i dent or Mpnagera for their services, nor shall +any Manager become a borrower from the institu ion." .; oct 3 49tf ( JOSE PH - C. KERN REOECTFULLY informs the citizens of Pottsville & vicintty, that he constantly keeps on hand, at the corner of Centre and CalloWhill street next door above the National Flot6l, a large nd elegant assortment of Stapleand Fancy Dry Foods, with a cludee selection Isf Wince., Li. i,,ed quora nd Crockery ware, all of which have been purch at the very lowest cash prices iii the 'Phila ?lphia market, and will be sold at 121 per tent advance. , All' k ind °Tenantry prnduce taken in exchange for Fonda. • env 19 394 f r . Picikles, Preserves, & Sauces. NATH ANS & CO. would inform the La &dies of Pails'lle and vicinity; that they have L (ust received direct from the Maiiuf!Mory • assortment of • Pickled Walnuts, cauliflower,itickolily. • Gerkins, red cabbage, mixed pickles, Maogoes, oniotta, !chafer, 44. )fast and West 'lndia Ocarina, Sirawberry, raapbeify and gooleberry jams. Currant jelly, French mustard. ' 'Anchovy, lobster, John Bull; Reading & Ca rtes situccs, Mushroom and isalnut ketchup. ' Alto-+Figs, raisins, chrome, almonds, currants, I • mons, &a. • tiiipw and Cheap Goods: rrtHE subscriber is now opening hit hil'Stere, Itt i r . ge and genertir attaortment •df my Garda. •Grecertra, Flardware, Iron, 4c. whir.h will iv sold clieapeithan any that bap been,offered in tja! Flotoogh. • J. CI.ATTOK. • Polpoille, Oct. idth I tip':. 4$ 4 111 - EItitNEUStiJOITIt figeonstopit--- NEW GOODS. - v i,.-...-- , - -A.' Imp° . - ' litscoverP ''' I ' ! ...Theedbscriber •,' - maks method by •- 1 thittutuar-oftha value. e not, ' ••• r ' • - - THE SA' SAPAILI .. LLA,., May beestratinlithout toiing Any of int mod;cin properties. 'This inedkO is ne "prepaiel anal. a- ft- 1 ceipt of the Medial Cole. a receipt ended • Er e b furinufa far the by the Faculty ae p para. e tg uon dze fluid tract fSarsapardta. . 1 ThicKstract ay be tiren with perfect safety to children. andln uscien amity offered to the public as a purifier of thbloodhs, hidh in - all cases wil' great ly alleviate audio witty ?entirely Owe fire following diseases: Obstinate enr4ons of the skin. , • Pi.nples or ides on' the face. Biles which anke from f .animpiire habit of liCirly. Scaly eruptionk.- ; - Pains in the bones. I Chronic rheumatism. Tinter. Scrofula. or King's ev#. White Swellin . Syphilitic symp oms. ' And all disurd nit aris)ng from an impure Mate o the blood • either a lorig residence in a hot it'd an. healthy clue, r the injudicious use of trierCury• I hale thought 4 n-seesurry to attach a few cern • rates of its beneddial diking. from persons well know • . la the county. as references: , ' l ': Readragdidyl3, 11337. We the undersigned. iltaving used the Composn. Fluid Extract of Sarsapariliai (prepared by Georg W. Oakeley) in our fam4ies.eam cheerfully rem ~ mend it to tire public, air a cheap, safe and efficien medico:44in diseues arising from impurities of di blood. JOHN MILLER, • • WM. H. MILLER. • M. 13. RICHARDS. • W 111: `RHOA Qa. - Thiv is to certify that 1 was for two years afflicted with an obstinate impet(graeurius affection in one ofin I legs.which broke into numerous ulcers, for which tried various remedies, Which but increased -the di ease, when I was recommended to try Mr. Oikeleyls preparation of Sarsaparilla. 1 did 10, arm after oaring several bottles I am happyto state that the ulcers are entirely removed and my leg healed Witness my nand this 16th_rtay of Atignat, 1837. JOHN R. COLLIER, Reading. . . This certifies that my little son,ithOut 8 Year , old. had suffered fur a long titne from extensive sores on the right knee and leg, (Supposed to tassel:rem] white swelling.) which II fOund impossible to heal. - by even tbe.aid of the most resp9ctable medical advice. until was recommended to qn Mr. George W. Oakeley's . Com poundSyrop of Sarsaparilla, eight bottles of which not only healed • he sores but perfectly removed r e child's healtbevtdch had suffered much in consOonenos of this affection. CATHA RINE. BINGEM AN, • The above ease was presented to me. both before and atter the use of Mr.iOakeloy'i vYrup of, Sarsapa rilla. and have no .hesiVition in believing nisi it was the agent of his'restoration. JNO. P. HIESTER, M. D. Reading, Sept. 12. 1837. Mr. Oakeley, Sin-1 consider it my'duly to let you know that the use of the half dozen bottles of your valuable Sarsapa rilla teat I got of you inVune last. has entirely healed my leg, the Doctor told me it wale of a scrofulous char acter. and the use of your medicine Would probably benefit it. The nye bottlfs were nor taken before it was healed, but I took the stxth to make the cure certain; it is now better than two months since I used any, and there is no appearance at a return.lny physi cian thinks the cure perfect. Youra-dro. CM CHARLES, BROWN. ilterhe above valuable medicine may be; had at the subscriber's wholesale' and retail Drug store. North Fifth street, Reading. and at most of the prin. cipal drug 'Stores. Fresh ,Drags and Medicines, at the lovresicash prices, also kept for sale by he sub. scribtr.• , GEO W. OA KELEY. Also, to be bad at the Korea of Heiedenreich Rutz Rutziown ;Wm Mintzer and Dr. Ford, Potts town ; Peter linabb,ol4; and at the store ofilastatd & Strauch, Pottsville. ' Jan 13 N. B. To prevent imposition, my signatere will accompany the label of each bottle. - • CALL AT THE , - New Establishment, Corner of Centre and .Market Streets, Pottsville . "pee . subscribers respectfully announce in; ••• their friends and the public general) , that: they have taken the store formerly occut L ied by Jacob Bull & Co., corner of Centre and arket: streets, where they are now provided withal( choice assortment of I Dry Goods, ' GroCeries, i Liquors,. &c. • : A which they are determined i sell at the very low, est prices. H AZZAR D & STRA UCH. ' N. B. All kinds of Country Produce taken at the highest market prices. -' - April l ' 21-6 Dying and Setnurniga A DGUSTUS EH LER has returned from -Lm-Ea rope, and intends to commence fancy and plain dying, in . Silks aru l l Merinos, at his ole Mend in Caron Street, Pottsville. Also scourintr coats and pantaloons. He is restful for past .favors, dnd hopes by attention' and porktuaßty a merit a continuance of his former custom . Dec 23 TAPUY-AS ELIXIR; For the inslantaneens cure of THE TOOTH ACHE; . Discovered end brought to its gresteit perfection BY !‘,I,ONEEIR CHABERT. This is to certify hat I have tried . your Tapuy ap Elixir in several aces of Tooth Ache, in which I have certainly found it of very great service. J. B. HARVEY, Member of the-Royal College of Surgeons. ' London, Sept. 10, 1830. • A friend stepped in to say that he had, * visitea the Fire King this 'morning, .and witnessed his marvellous cure of the Tooth Ache. One little boy in particularlw bp looked cross enough to bite a ten penny nail clear off, in ten minbtas smiled at the rlecayed.tooth and, defied its pain.. -{U. S. Gazette. A fresh supply of the above Elixir just reoeiv ed and fin sale by B. HANNAN; , . Sole Agent for Schuylkill eonnty July 13 , y - .T. Sr. J. Beatty ! .. , nr AVE. just received per Canal Boat Adventure, "-Capt. 'John M. Crosland, direct troth N6w York. . 35 naks dairy. cheese, , N 20 bout pine apple, do • ' 1000 lbs. superior emooked beer. 1000 ibis. do Lard s ' ,.. 1600 lbs. codfish, 4 5 bbls. superior shad, • 30 bbls. No. 1 Mackrel. 20 half do do , . 3 bbls. starch, 4 - 25 bo*ea superior greenand black teas. nor 25 . .. ..- .1!7. Cobb's North American Mader- find Speaker. 1' .0 7 11 . 3 ?film 'bore wark jaat edified will be famished wholesale to the diftereat School districts, 'at lei; than Phila delphia prices, together with the whole aerie" of Cobb's School Books: B. BANBUN., Ike 23 . ■ • 4 7th above Penn at: Reading s7mington, Nom 20,1837 EN-fsmo FEI , . . , i .. 1. ~ • ::-•:,;:•.'i•;•U•:,•S - Yt . :.." , qY1,:ii4 , ..;:..,- . , 4. - -e- :7 1 . , -,l+ -4 ' •'": ~. :.::-.1 7 ,-,...•p4.4.,,.....: ! ,7 , .......t , •--.. y . - ,, --4 1- r"- , -- .., , t - ,,..t:-_ ! ••,, , i.--'. - .1.•- r - e. *. ) 4. 4 .1 , :ifi; 2 4 - 14 - ~ ~: i . , ~ • ~ ~,. • , , .. ,- .:......:....;„. 4 , -,,e;;.,ii.::Ai5., - ,, 1.,. _.. -- i, t 2 - ..t ---4i, .'... - . - ,:i . !.' - - -- ,:',.l — J', - , '.,, - 1 - t -- 7 .. -- , .1,,, ,. :7' -..7,, ;7 1;-e - ,-1 , •,-. - ..41 , 11 . _ ..: -..,-, : - - . .t. ,- : -..k , .....;:1..1 . .., - . 1 Z ,- ; ig: - - OPT-...:„,„ . :.:...:•,- .. , 44 .44,:• . ...,:•,-•••.._.• • ,• - - •.....“.• , ,„..e..„, - :,„,c Fran con' ' 1 • tgi Paining ) .1 SA LEI • fteno fin. ea e 'all that' well '• RICK , ?ORE •AND E and the 'apportenances, Pottsvillt 'l! 9 property 1 4i - titer w b nine other' 61' mid the the whold stand The kl, contain s thirty fetal in the basement story to of work ma nth p, and lieth d a residenne, is 'most fa. I he finegninvproperty will imodatto terms. Mat imay tent s on the prop: t idssired.,Title Indispete. 1 /I be Oen, MtnedialAy--1 H G. M. JENNING&-- • : Pottsvile.. ,RE - uryiers r ncd ' 1 . known title stor p WELLINCI i • 110 LI Situate in Centke str Of the undertned. tenements in e rea lot of ground twhere brick building afores front—finishe ,frotn garret in the t sty ails business and s voarably sites ed. be sold on I and it. unite mocha m a' on etty for few ears, ot We, and posserion - apply to April 22 I ' -32 - - ' lib IF : ale. ' ,iODURS,IIA 1 toe o or of the Orphans' Court m- of Samylkill Co y. on - Friday the 2d day 11 of Fel:mousy a st, at , ! clock intibe afternoon, ;William 8.. ,a . V istrator of the estate of lElisabeta hr *Re, at of Harry township, di * ,evesed, will' pose to le by 'Public Vendoe at the house of'William ortimer,' innkeeper, in Pottsville, a mein dwelling house, stable, saw mill and vac of la d.isituate on Deep Creek,. Barry towns ip. Sc uttlkill county, containing t one .hundred pod ei h vnine adre.s or therea bouts, bounacii by la d of John Kimmel, Jo n Parnell, Geogge Kes le , John Dietrich and Reed—Late iheeina f said deceased. I By order o r,. • . t ' WM. P. HULL, Administrator: JOSEPH MORGAN ' Clerk, Oft`, •L-4 Jan 46.4838 Orwigib Cloth: I Clothe I. Cloths !V iv NATANS di. do. hale no* on .and a 111 11 • apleadil assorttneint of , Blue, tit rik,, olive, preen and claret +the', do d and fenny cassiineres, Plain an figured fin tt inelt s, Mohair Pot ciotheland ot Goats hr camblcip, %Tall l e all of which eing purchased delphia, and ew Yorl4. we g i per cent che w r than 'crin be ie in this boron h % holel gale aind Good Ste & WEAVER rpoLLoct in addat n to theid csteni DRY DODOS, Super Surcrii Cloth, auperihr fancy coloured' simerep, satfljnetta and Bever tians, 4.c. • The Pc iky ine of wie -11 Knim .dge l one of rile che: peat aid most pm (heals rior .extool—,there are 200,- every rnenth 10 Eeglaad,aodi63, 'of vol. 6 (lor 11111 year 1837) artier :4n be had at this office. FMB 181 IS dectdeill IS pular perh 000 copies s+ 000 in Amer The Pans as received, • ,per part, or. 2 00-per . nou This Mag me is publish ed in monthly parts, !containing 4; large pages; Me present volume is much enlarg' d and improved'. The illustrations of wood cutel are execqted hue superior manner. There is ai advantade in Ee t t ilking this work over ell others. a Berson can di ntinue it. whenever he secs prop( r, for cacti part is always complete within itself. Complete ti‘ts of this }cork om the commence. ment can be irocureil ti..be übscriber, st $1.2 per volume: ii B. BANNAN. ! Nov 4 ' I 50— Encotirage,H+e nvfacturea. CoAfectionart, 111 1 rip EtE subscriber resctful . 1 !. public that he has comm I tore of Confectionary in all i at his Store in Centre Strec Pottsville House, where Con err can always be supplied at the lowest Philadelphia Country Neirchants tire r. to call and examine bi sto. elsewhere. JOH I now 4 New Gob_ • general assortment of li•esh and seasonable Goods; just received —cormisting in pan of • Dry Goads!, 'Groceries, Queen Airsi Macke l, Salt, ilast which will be sold to is for price paid in cash for all kind! JOBErll Mount Carbon. Dec p THE SUBSCRI ; ER PRITAI! E • A HOWIE & as Strect,.neadly op! of B. F„Priv _ Wilham D Leo. feet front oy 30 feet in depth cellar. in "the brwernenti story] first, second and third core said House well plasteted -excellent well of water7at th feet front, by 170 feet n de. ley on the west end nfssid h For further particulars. in , Mountrarbon. Nova, IS Renee I s icp BADMAN has oat "• religions works4Lond it e &dons, which' he offs for Original Family rmo Massillon' Berm ns, Leland's view of . mil' Stirteiant's Fred her's. Drevhgn the Res. rrecti •• Drew Oh the Sool4 Eiridgekon the Psalm • • Faber onitofidelitiv. Jam& Christian] Prize &illy on Ell Christian 'rattier A Mother's ReqM dee 43 Landini r OR sale kotc.to tit p! LandingAying Awes' d and the Seletylle , 1 Co inch:Wing the landing -..w n"*. and ortendidg Sept 16 : 434tn0 G. • • , :;• lie ". PDRADIANO .004 t of N'ti lkilfCountj (;. on Sit tiiid b. #tiOityc , eiaryj 838, Ja4 lidthinisteatersot the isliteiier*isse4.o-.lloyeraptes•ot: sliele,deeeasedl i will exposes to le 013 , pb .due the late . ikoyiehaatr•isi r ltdirkitied;: East Bonovack. a certain irilit - 4.W.004 - stoilleii i tiarellik house, barOand,lalkinili,lit.J: - `tiate in ; East -Brunswick . tosattattipkEelliiiii 4 :„ county, containinii . Gfiy six acre. bounded by lanais of Daniel Ftiehtillena44l7 , j. man,. Benjatnitil& Samuel ' telberi • ii4 - 'lCliihrt*: - - June*. And also, all that terhifir:tri4:ftif:litild; . ; 'situate in the i4tme township and coittiSiglAttlitTe 7. and lauds nfSsinuell Koenig, an lel A odrews and Keitn4c,Joistii,sid,l. sixty tv o 'tares or thereabouts, that cattalo tract of land, situate' iiithef - 4410-. iownibip and enmity, adjoining lands , :5•1!:•, Boyer, Henry JBassernan s 'John Saseettian and:s Moly . Long. and containining eight thereabout.—late the ,estate brisaid By order of the Conitl. CRISTOPH ER BO itii; Mmioistrator. JOSEPH MORGAN, • .• : • g. - Oriatirburg 3ani6 1828. Passage from England, Ireland;-Scot=, -4--,-,;...- . - iond and Wales- .: -.- -:',,,..:, • bypeRSONS :wishing -t_i' engage paasinge . Itlt!' their iriends, in. first rate ships, train 'thin. ve place., may now do to by applying to .',.. T.' \.___ • . . WM.- HAGGERTY.:.- - 7,- .. . CentreStieekc , . Fin the accommodation of.t.liose persianserigit, ging passings f9# their friends, who innY.Wiali.lo . rend them money, to enable them to provide-Tee the voyage, drafts will be given oh thefelloving named merchabta, viz: P. W. Bytrale, No. 3, Waterloo Reed:-Piiti,r -pool; Dank! Wright, dj co. No. 3; Robineekiii.eitt, Glasgow; William Miley, No. 25, Eden: Qriay„ Dablip..- may 6, 'Oa :\ - Iftlifoll"S 2ini DOZEN Swaim's Panacea,. just repels lur fresh from the proprietor. upwards.of Seventy-Five Thousand Bottles of this valuable medicine were sold last year, and the dernand increasing. For sale by the dozen, or single bottle. - Price $2 . per 'battle, or three lottles for $5 by D. BADMAN, Sole Agent for Schuylkill County: Also Swaim'9 Vermifuge. ;her coatings, gs, Sr.c &c suction ih Phils areniee to sell 'lO rchaved elsewhere dee 2 • . 2 etail Dry WILL BE SOLD' •-•, • • sit ,Private Sale. • A • good two story frame 'Haw; anti Kitchen with a cellar under. the - Whole. sass!t:, tuate on the corner of Mabaniango and Cuurtlandt ~street, the. lot. tar-. 30.. feetliont by 244 feet deep, extending to'Noeste• glen street, the buildings are well finiebed, loan and commodious and well calculated for tf grivliti ' residence or foi• a boarding hOuse. - • 'ALSO, -. I A good two story laeutie and lot of --z-groundyl situate on Centre strew'. The lot is.%) feet .144' on ( . .titre street, and 230 feet deep. estendintici - • the !Mount Carbon Rail Roadthe kiousejiattub';. b t e f i rielly built, and well situated for arty kind . of public business. live just received ivc assortment of r Blue and Black do. new style eas opus, miners' fin Feb 18 14— Two gond tsVo story.frame houses and . loth . ground. situate in ;Beatty' . Row, Iliirweehlit. Sheet. Each ouseand lot is 20 feet frontl, - OSC'. houses are.% ell finished with kitchens atteched • to each house, and are situated in the most ness part of tdWn. All or the above pp*ei-ty. will be sold very cheap—for terms and milieu.. tars apply'to : ANDREW RUSSEI.4. Jane 7 btahautango Street • •-- • . • Schuylkill County,-ss. . .._ . .. ~ 4. ;THE Commonwealth of Peoniyl. , # Sdnis, to all the heirs and legal rep. relsentstives of Ludwig. Bilges, Intl . ~ ofl Wayne township, in - Sehoyllo , 'k‘ COunty.—Gars-rnm: nifiraCtory. v announeea•to the need the Menefee. Whereas g bY an inquest for the purpose_ 'duly . awarded by the Orphans'(aunt of Schuylkill, the real estate of the said Ludwig Bilger, was yt al - and apprated, and whereas, noneof the/Imin,, of the said deceased -appeared in Court otitherti l : - turn of the said inquest to take tile prennStar therein nsentiohed, at the • appraisers' value :4430.±i7 of; you and evry.of you are therefore. hirehir,er- - I ted, to be and ppear at the next elated lirllbane 1.• Court, to be holden at Orwigsburg,' in and said County o Schuylkill, on the 19th dify ofi Mardi next, to accept or refuse to take khe'vald ' premises aforesaid at the a pprarriens! priCOOrior, By order of the Orphan!' Court of Schuylkilld county; on . the,Vlth day of December ' .1837... , JOSEPH MORGAN, Clirkto. C. .various branches, nearly opposite - the jectionera and nth ; °legate and retail, 'sh prices. pectfolly solicited before purchasing S. C. MARTIN, 50-tf EE!! •r, &c. 4ighesx of country produce. HITE & SON. OFFERS AT SALE OT in Norwegian ite the residende , now occupied by . The house . 4:16 With a kitchen(and two rooms on the each; the whole of I d painted. Also an door—the lot is 201 I , With a 9 feet al. 1. use. mire of• jTHO'S.' SHOP ' orks. , I..iced the following ta and American e. ale cheap. . • a, 5 role. el Writem- Rout!. 2 "vole; oar. . t U. t, & Diosesisioni. • e. 1 • 4 . 0- ;1 -• • 5- Ti 22 rebuses's. 418 feet of the ••Menai Caihnic orpeing' with, and by-Dr:-• iii • Enquire of ' . F '..QIOIIAR ". ~,t•""rt'''' , • • , :;I.l.Nbt '344044, • „ ALSO. Jan 10 'Port Clinton Foundry • . FOR SA I.E. • . WILL be o ld at piivate sale, the Voiindry A pleasan ly situated at Port Clititon,Selitly.l. kill county. on very reasonable- Foundry is Millie commencement of Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail IliwiCSiTS*,.. • making, and !will in a short time be nee:lollNi best situations iii the country to do a lifgebesij- , ` nese. For terms, se. apply to .. . . PARKEdc I ronieetieti, or ISAAC Fert.Clietotto • 3t4iV• jaly 29 • 'lrrivate.sate. lio be sold It private Sale,.a y fertairt two story frame huitre and lot of groued;, - situitiJoit the north aideol Market street,. in the of Pottsvtlie, containing in front tienty in depth one hundred and- ninety fee t ;- to iyferlY. - ' . feet wide ',fre it being the northeasteil4.4x#e of the tot whic his marked in Pott .ad?ition of sal borough. No. 1 . e . .' retititti.,4 4 47..l • rens. of viewing the said propert4ooillTpletitio•! apply to Mr. Oliver Dobsdn, at PottssilleOpitiorll Otrma of nit r ic) AO property not ' • .s o ld before-the'kga:o4 , 6fXcbkl ,l ary next, it then be - ' • HENRY Fisl3.3l;•:' • . • .i. Jan •i 3 2 . -• • s . • -Titiknel Miners.- VITAkDITEir thiperi v-v Tunnel'at Tanpition,.toirhos, ilitstpittotri ges rvilltsiglNien. : Apply to JOHN: - Tamagni. Ysit 174, _., .. ~,-. • ... r - ' 7- c - oo " rn :-- g -- i - V .. 1 . ' -... lido ' i ed erteitri4l4olo4lM*7'W ' • s 'rum o ,Ire ga , .:- . 4- faiity:.thitther..,,'?-34. . Ir- laerie or ' , ? tteTlikvel 1',." 1 l l- -- v*,.. iii:ii ijooun,..en the ; ...c..4104e1r B. --- gi l t. : .4-,.: Broom. in • e t , =l imo ; , 6 1'.pv,, , „0 , ~..,„ 1:.....,. they are Pp r!rit.te'aartCo- 1 4 1 k.2 :r p r !hie Of bittonesaithetiabottleiik stkAf4 : ',k , . ~,,., terms,' G - 41v:V4 • ' r-. most reasonable G. .:,... -.- l ea- -. I , Jan 17 ' .-... .''' . : ~* - , %_FP . P.': . ',.', "" • ...' .. ;,~ =~: ;.:_ ~~:~ 1 El lIM ME SIM