EIT2nI OW ESDAY 'MORNING lAN: 24 1838 "WED . . 4114 likamisi DiimgrYfiekriPtu*OuniaOrintedizaits o l:. lowesteasOnsas. • - freat - PlireflOce Wain - • ted at ibis. Affice,-ttiyictive luid in. 't lad, who can read at 15 or, Illyears, as aiiiiiprentice rinfititlintite—fesa, ' Wa lA* ago a to the 1 41 r -CNef, Bute I Cott has detinnhis to state. to the IBu es -antrtown Council oflthe ear-Pottsville, and the Coal Den 7 hil§-I:bgion, that be-will he mat hone New Weigh Lock, at Mount Car rrow (llnrsday) at 11 o'clock 1-- -ikesifn "Lt. the, • - bon, • a 1 Mama 1 Tear 0 1 • thrice! •;,pluaci! itrg Burglory.—Laikt week the,store of the I. Bean); of this place, the•upper part and 'the building occupied as a dwelling ; was entered through the cellar by a felon, and red of a -satiety of store goods together me money. The object of‘thd.plitoderer idly the latter, tict ben& hie -repeated Afteritia• firist slat he wintWatehed — fot ice= ights;litit did not Make his ic.appearince • %.:iarght.i. His last vi.dt was characterized l i cumstances of great hardihond'anitlitrocity. lighting the swinging lam i ut ir. the store, cud a hair trigger duiißle-barrelled t tan at •ack door; with a string fastenid to the trig such a fkmition.Oat if any 'body , attempted ..r, the gun must have gone off and the con. with • 'it'. oral th • by ci Alter hl pl. the ger 1, cfo' 1 .-- tent& lodged. in the Body of . the intruder. He then rifled the drawer of some change, but being disappointed in the alnount he scattered the gouda over khe fioor; tied up some mackecel in fine r iot o yad 10 ili 'alarmed by - a slight noise- up . Stair - made hi escape. ' The' next day, hoWever, :he , risepprehended and 'Confessed the facia above 4 11ai itrifith Abe exceptiun that he Aides that' he di ted the muzzle of the gun from the iloor;'8o, - i li a it might rni rdy give.en alarm, which how. eve was not the position in which it was found. He lier .conlessed,that during some of his visits . bet somewhat tired he took along nap in the std , till near morning. •He also confessed that he as a ring leader in the Baltimore riot. lie 'de es that he had any accomplice in his late out re #10) 'l9res. 'illir. Thoina's Beatty on hearing the viol ran doWn •a nit attempted 'to enter the store by e back door, which being slightly fastened w • in, he immediately ran round to the front .by whisk-fie entered, and thus probably es 'a ' d destruction. • The culprit however had Ina aped, - but the 'gun went off subsequently on e 2 eawaring to 'Unfasten the string from the trig. • --r .. The 'articles stolen 'ire 'etiplmeed to have been . 'oh ellY recovered, although they cannetascertain ' t precise loss suitaindii. The cellar was sop. to - be' co .fatitered - on the last night, as to 'rti der ingress impracticable. During one of his vi it/riming armed with a pair of planate and a sword, anti 'Snding little-or no money In the draw. • e4.he determined nn going up stairs where the . -finnily slept; salted golkart of the .. , ay up iyhtri. ' - me slight circumstance induced him to retreat. is 'now safely lodged in jail. l it Ano er of the most singular outrages' f thiti . 4 k :. ~. ' o a r a . th co e m p in itos itt ex ed u o r n is S o u A n ri day , ; N i rT gli wa tia s st e .. nte Tl o r d e it ' •• a d a cldck and' several valuable law books ate}4 lon. This coriplirnent'to the prosecuting AttusA vinyls unprecedented -ve.believe in the annals tit dittne. , Thieves have certainly grown bolder, vitt thin t 'fbrmerly, when they scruple nor to - steel Lawkierties, and thus carry off the very artillery eutilloyed against them. Perhaps they think s few lokmres of criminal jurisprudence May help . them to-prepare 'for their defence to ease of apt - pribeusion. - - ii , 11:1' Still Ario th er.—A . man by the name''of • irrei was arrested on Sunday last on a charge . f th a pjjAing; and the stolen - property found JO i is dWellitig. He was capture d after a Most deig . trot r v a me t k e:btai hidel i to rta hvee n rs:,t c a e inr w ad ;t w it iii a t,n p . i oa st n, o od l, root la h a em r n. o . f eu it i o it n ri ar ve4 i:d an o . iv; and tieing con fin ed 'hativ 41 gi,1 in the watr!h nose, anl hiechain enahlirig i llirn to reac h the The Constitutional Convention, we aie orry to say, is in general bid odour a ith be mass of the people. We hate not met . et ently with a single iddiyidual 'who thinks avorablv of it. The cauttes are chiefly to found itt a disposition on the part °kite ine..nbers to spin. out time in an improfit : ble manner, and the fact which is nci* manifest that the constitution MAMA lie touched without , injury. A Phtladelpllcia paper states that a rumpus has recently occurred with a negro who had entered the gallery and resisted..when "the offteer attempted to turn him out.. The ptirtidh lars of !hitt singular occurrence...ars - adt given. t ' . CONGRESSIONAL-. In the House, Mr. Prentiss fit the lain advice* was continuing his argutitentln support of •his right and that of his *- leagues, to -seats as - -tnemberrof . the twir ty-tillh congress. The Canada liill,lo enable the President -to enforce the neu trality' of our citizens in the Canada war hasAfeen referred to the cninmittepon Foreignßelations. • Navy Island hoviever has beinevacuated, and there seems t i be an etid,of the war. In the Senate notliing, of intekeit has -recently transpired, exTpt the!rhation of Mr. WebOer fur an investi gatiodiutO thetutninonwealth Bank bbsi. neas,.which bears i - very unfavorable asileci fertile anti-bank office fielders, and pd t ti. itans'or the general adininititration, . We Ahuukl .also tnention, that a new sikb-t ea sury project; is before the- Sentite,M(Ant. line of which-will be aitunt in an fiber- of the Oyer- This is a - favurite' -44.41f1a • 1 1 e. • . - EME2M of Me foe_os,Aitc. - do useit ttqftitriiiiiifeece l ' thee. A"rttlinber ..f shin-plasters art in'arcii lajkap4utportins to be issued by e:Mr• O' en. at NI inersville. in this counly.. 'Warn that there is no such person residing at 3linersivitia,4iiad - Ciintequientlyibii . notes are all frirdariea. Vhe Report of the Ildiin-Hit and Schuyl kill Haven ,Rail Rea - Company, will be found on our first page. An 'Anti-slavery State Couvention u was held-arflarrisburg, last week. Applia. ' tion was bade* for the 'flail of the house of Representatives, iii deliver a lecture the apulicattou was refused, by a vote of 56 to 27. In the Senate, on the 15Th inst. Mr. FRAILIKT presented a petit io n from citizens of Schuylkill County, for authority to con staler a canal find dam in •Mill Creek. The •Speakel'.of the lose of ifteprd aenttitivea hat appointed r. Hixcultatt, of the city' of Piladelphii, Chairman of the Committed oh iniernatilmprovements, to supply the' yacadey' ontlasioned — by the death-el Mr: Mttivaine. I The . Danville Intelligencer of the .19th instant, says:—" For the information of our' Democratic - friends in 'Schuylkill, we now state that thd Delegiites to the late . Democratic Convention - of this county are taking messure4 - for the lappointment of conferees "to meet the conferees of Schuyl kill at the tithe and place appointed, for the porrinSl3 of having an tiiiticable ddiiist apnt of the diffitfulty - in4relation to the Senatorial Deleg'ate to the Convention, to ' fulminate ally old and true Democrat fur the 3ffice of Governor." The loco focos'of Mona county, New Yprk, have petitioned the legislature of that state„ to prohibit bylaw the 'reading of the [Able and Pray4a in the Public Schools of that State. `The Legislature of Kentucky has pass ed an' Act, having fur its object the calling era Convention to amend the Constitution Of the State,' if a majority of the people at iatu successive electiaha, should vote in fa- Vnr of a Convention. -Fie stated, that the object of the Convention is to aboliish sla very in Kentucky. The following article has been adopted in the Convention to airtend the Constitu tion on second - readineF . . " NO'corporate'bodY shall be hereafter created, renewed, or eitended, with bank ing or diteetintilig - privileges, without six months' public notice cl" the application for the same, in such manner as shalllat pre scribed by law. Noi shall 'any charter forthe pOrposes aforesaid be granted for a longer period thati twenty years. And 1 every such- charter shall contain a 'clause, i_reserving lo the legislature the power . ia ; alter, revoke, tir atiti4l the same, when- I ever; in their optnion,ithey rithy be injuri- MIS to the citixkis of Ithe commonwealth, lin such Inanuer,howeimr, that no injustice I shalt be dune to the ckporations. No law i hereafter enacted shalrcontain More than . obe ttorporate'body." 1 , The foregoing is well enough; but why not halm, extended it o all applications for corpr)ratioits, wheth 4f • a banking char acter or otherwise. The country now stands in far more tinier 'from private 1 monopolies than ban s. We - ere in favor i of a thorough reform; and cannet'approve 1 of Intl(' way:measures,. Krraucky.—.loil,l iresolutins have been introduced in the Klintrucky Legislature, deprecating the wietherl condition of uur currency, condemning the BuhTreavury scheme. reeluntnerldiiig the Hon. 1-linvuT CLAY for . the Pre;idency, expressing a ile4tre -for a National )Convention.of Whist, mid a . widingi evs to 4hille by their ultiMate nominatioia. This lit the t trne doctrine. rrrMr. Calhoim eimaj directly and constant ly at a dissolution of the Union. The people hating most wisely retailed to let' him rale. he is determined to ruin the Illepnblic. For this - . ex, yeas purpose he "agitates" the Slavery Question. There is not.a fanatic among we wfm labors more 'diligently to "fan-the niemtwrs" of Abolitionism' than John C. Calhoun. ; Indeed but for Mr. Csl houn and DufrGreen, subject would have helm essentially quieted tvrop , ears ago. They leguld dot permit th e . turbid water, to run clear. .They arc so dkactrrig and insolent,- that men cannot en :onit without an impeachment of their man .hoba,—..4lbang Jou reel, irrtire t ;:adisonin apeaksofthe btf to plunigr the Ti ee edir y i e th e fallowing terms:— "We'can Osilksuypiit, .:pssent, that it is Aisorganfillit said 'rtvolutio4,4—fobireraive of ihe'entke practice Ofthia gitvernflithst t;;.'m 1789 down to this day"—thst "it oral pleetr. ~ in the hands of the ExeCutirsr ate Octane Ind ispoie the public freakiest to be *ailed.' 'b'y.'nishtnsdred hada Win the diknot ratite ie" ' FROM THE NEW YORE ••• • llllllplieqkLlkrilitTra. • • cosT YMPATRY. The following aprqpriaiiiiiisare asked by the War DePartarnt. for Ile detainee oftbeiNoriliern ft ntier and , the preierivation'ornentratitk: $19 1 1,. 0001 n Day the 3000 militia called into seryiee•my the Coiada treader jar three moothitc$80;000• for travelling from alyetorning,tn their home. and 9300,000 for yarn!' s objects of soppl9 t --$O, tr 000 for aOtintrementl.-47400 farlhe . 01. 4 40 n'44 -department;—arms alidt tikuipage S16.000,1'1(1 -$60.000 if estimated mat offiieding 3000 men three months. • Mitlhundre‘and five thmiand &Harald's people , of the—United - Stales meat pay; in irder that Mr. •Idaektitizie• impirortant peronnngeir rind Rogailati :mike a • rod *of him! ■ ~r~.~. El .... i . . --.....- .4, -- -,,,.....,-,..;:-., ' - '-',.. 1.1. 7.::'7 6 loillift - - . >..~. _. v. .F - '&4" 4 I r. ••• . w it . 444 • 1174 i ' I erik e rsistonTliehtiinela 4th of Murat 9maientf sr - 1# may nu woo wont decrees, and cast the sfil into the ranka.sihich disgiaced, degraded; aaan Arnold to his Cal —may .the badge ;o1 froth . ' his polluted lire" qiin . put iaits*eitd,`4 avoid him, whoJiai Sub- Trocfiesi. Bili . . li7 . telligencer states, theta!) t lBl the Senate,' ti b ial was re orte tur committee of-Finance s embrsci j ect of the • Adlnitiistration, var sidemblif frOm the sub-treasury the late extra session. The f a summary of its ‘ prirmipal, mos 1. Certain Vomits in the new Buildings, with safes and vaul constitute - the - . Treasury . or t States. 1 •; • . ', The Mint and the . Branch '. oleo to be!_fitAttic - deposit'ories of moneys. . . - . . 3. Certain special cleposituri. created, in Charleston,.. and Boat:4;ll'nd Officers to 'he therefor, to be called Receive with salitries,'Ar.C.. 4. In Certain cases, collect. moneys. in , ay wake special d banks, the . ketupon such de. 'he retain - et:llithe depositing 5. Many provisions are prl bond and' otherwise, for . the . money in ffie hands of those 6. Exclusive, Specie . paYin • dues and debtri' to governmen quired after a certain time; - six years hence.. - Another feature annuls the 'of specie` payments at theiand miffing the alternative of payin into the Treasury at Washinl 4 cates of such payment to be cash at ihe-land offices. =MEI • • ••':3,, . We refer our readers to the f))11owin tide (In tile subject of the Cositmunw 1:1 Baiik of Boston. ,It will be seoo how implicated, many of the fil' ming ni baukites are in this boaineta. It be re very fraudulent aspect : Commoriwititimu BANK BOST N. The Bust-on Atlas of Monday !publish 43 extract - from the revised statues of N$ ehusetts expressly prohibiting any ba . from becoming indehtel more than double the amount of its capital stock, and Itt Ming the diiectors personallyr , elionsibl fir i the excess,' except Lit case . ‘if abse ce or dissent, which must be fbrthwith nude knoiin to the governor and council. In direct •violation of the status the Atlas, we learn that the Comintin . Ihnk, with a capital of %506,000 if . tended its liabilities to_ the amount 400,00,0—leaving an excess of fo r li tired thousand dollars, for which the dir - - . tors becem •resporiSible. lt is and rsti that only me of the direCtors, ' fisi ri Parka, Ea . has been enabled t avo, himself of the n.eans of exemption presented in the statue, tlierhy eithonerating himself I from the guilt of participating in this in- 1 1 fraction of the law. , The following are the Officer of the bank :—President, John K. Sipson ; Cashier, Charles Hood.—Director .I.K. Simpson. Arlanis Bailey, M . Is, Oli !I ver Fletcher \i • H. J.How, Wm. F eeman, Ebsha P.arks,' F. S. Cartulh, Oti Ricb, Cherie , Hood. • Among -the remaining director, who are immediately implicated, we Find the name of John Mina the pr+2ectiti g attor ney or the United States 61, this ,li trict.— The officer, whose express tint, it is to' prosecute all offences against the general government, is here seen lending his coon tenence and authority to the corrupt man agement of an tristitution , , in which de. posites of tfie public mine? are made, and which has violated its faith,io alio" commu. iiitv 'frii.d the government in a manner that called (or the severest a pPficationoflthe liw. The mem who by his official mitlis was bound to observe the laws rof the and and to watch :over.tl e public interes in the discharge - of his function: of prqsecuting attorney, has acquiesced ini the vil t ation of the - law lie should have revered, an ,bctray ed the interests, which it; was hii duty to guard. 1, . . - . , . in the Morning Trost, of Thursday hut, wie find the following adveiliseineht, bear ing.the date of its first appearance. , 1 _ NOTlti.E.—yeredas holding' :checks 'againiteitieVititom House are requested I to present 4 them either at the ba or this office .fOrpitythent iinined'ately. . DANI.IYHENtHiItIir , Col eeter. s is it tint must remarka le, say the At. las, that this notice). °elfin' upo: the hol ders of checks to pi eilierd. hem a Kr'ruie iyanc;ao for payment; T at t i le office, iiotkiw we marfaiily presume II:ey Would have 't ticktived the bills of the. ba , sholild have beghlieblished" just ithirty- ix hoUrs' before the ittiffire,"Of the! bank as made public, and on the very deli , that- he direc tors determined fa -op,'rkayme, tt Why . _should -the holder-of 'cfieclte siainst the Cost - it-it House have . beeti 'eelfea upon at this' pititieula r and - mostlonis tire, to exchadOithetir faii-the b Is of it faihtt on the id - rotor bfinkrupley? Wba bee( thele olltritdi fi c - ; iinperat e Eil up o n fielder:del eh - eche - at 4hh iim'e? ' Dit Polleetniviiiiik id - 11;41th er lo ti govetaitrient!' tit the: . C46* s e of flier iec puratt;'dedid le. iiiiiii 1 .. rid imi .... 1 ~ . 04,7,;-.., ' "'- ' l, ' , •., •'''''''''''A•444s',"4-erl•ke • 7 1 ~....,,; ;L . ~, . .....,; , ,,,I,.rti - ti# -cal 1. -1 . 1 94 b ef:?.V. - 4 4, 9al A l4*- pfilibilittesf - The 'transaction" 'i;ettl a a bad l'sP?!i Ili elinslikc MIX be" sncig-J their suspicions; but immediate ~ d ample explanation 'Must' be 'made to t e public. hpfore,those,ouspiciena can be Termed. ' p il One of the , circumstances m a-public, by the-explesion of the Roston t bank is the fact that sia- of the-immedi e friends )o(1 in the administration, in New F.ngifitul, - naleTy; - .Toliti ,1(.. Simpson,- Hp J. How, Charles Hood, 5...1-. 4 . Lewis„ M. Par (neuter, and, ISAAC HILL ; collec., tivelyindebted to the e - Comprionw Itll Batik in a sum exceeding the whole *mount o its capital of $500,000. s ', ,t v inst !.- by t 1 ,. the p tng eme • „... , • , - ORIGIN OF THE CANADA ff - 'OLT f The Boston Atlas accounts for . •:,Canada re... 1 .: soli as follows ' : . ‘.. 1 Dc In the, • first place it is 4 . griev xicer, and a ~, grievance that will be fblt .to.. he. • lereble by J those wh;l• have the stightest prosppe ' f shaking Pit off. that affairs of ii" People shoul d under the d controlof a Colonial Minister, Staid tin anoth er country, tots Ilif Ig:luent of the- nditionr of e things in the colonies which he riles, and in. whose appointment of durissal, there colon- IC have no 'part or lot, whilevcv., • Mid in itself is an iutolerahle grievanc; It Is` a lbrelgo yoke which no people, will .bear binges' than they are lowin Tre - ei are e Uni Mints the pu 'l=l absolutely . obliged to., , A s Thu way the thing operated in Canada, was this. , • The colonial ministers, membeie ;tent course. they were, ofthe Engliiih.aristecracy, bad very differ ent i teas of govntament, and very different no. ig hone (about thii 'Welfare :ef • the coluniee, from i n the Houses of ssenibly chosen by the Canadian people. Aath Caturniana gradually imbibed the . republican and thic demberatic spirit, which the neighbourhood. f Mei United Suites was soadapt ty ed to inspire, t ey passed a multitude of bills, o f the object of w la was to assimilate the admin. isuation of affa rs in Canada, to the system which ~ they saw so an Brolly - in Operation along their southern fron r,....these bills of .corirae did not 0- suit the notiotia .of • the British ministry; and or they were all d feated by The Legislative council the Canadian house of Lords, composed . et mem bers appointedlforlife, by the :British ministry, on and e!elected from among. the meta supple tools )r- end the ,most; ferocious tories, Plat could any ey where be tound in whatever provibce, So matters Went on: the Can aitan Legislative ew Y • RPPoi - -Gene of pu posit iturie cer. posed, ecurit ff:G3 fits,. fu to be I.)• , • 9U remuts ffices; p; the in.n =WM council regularly defeating ever prupovition for reform, till at length the Catiadi a came to look MEM upon that body .as an intcilerah , nuivance, cer. r _ I tain to prove q stumblintblock '`. the way dt ea r ,_ cry Attempt Ad improve the mil teal jingititions t" ofthe country, For this relao , he . d applied to ii . I the Br itith.Pailiatnent l to abohs the Legislative li. ( council in its present form, an . attbstitote in a 1 its place some body responsibl to the people, whose destinies _it directed. ' t his request the British Carliament refused. Where upon the 1 Canadian House of Assembly had recourse to the sn constitutional remedy of stopping the_ supplies 3q. until their request should be attended tu, the , ,-iklßritish Parliament upon this, in defianee of the Opposition of its hest and ablest members, passed a series of Tyr anical resolutions, in which they threatened that unless the House •of Assembly saw fit to vpte the usual supplies, those supplies abut& be levied and paid. out, by the colonial oir sextaw, on his own mere solitarily, hr otter defi, Arica of the right of sel(4aXation. guaranteed In the Canadians by, the . act,. of parliament:upun which their present system or gevernment is A bonded. • , 1- ; , This tyrankal threat instead of subduing only . roused-the Smelt of the Canadians; They held 1 1 public meetings in every county, in which they an- passed the most vigorous resolut lolls, Lord Gos ec.:. ford, the sZbviii nor General, in vain attempted to 30 d put a atop to these meett..gs• by promulgating ka against them an 'unconstitutional , proclamation, and by_depriving of their commissions, as insti -1 ces of the peace, and officers of the militia, all those !rho took part in them. ~ In factonere thansuine-tenths of the .popula tion of Lower Cana,!a, has lost all :attachment to the British Government. It was - bnly sUpported by a little l eant of office holding torte* to whom British gold was enough to make palateible any thing connected With it. i, EVACtJAVION OF NAVY ISLAND.- . BUFFALO, Jana 15, 1838. Dear Pir-41 avail myself of an express, on the eve of starting fl,r the east, to say that the' force assembled on . Navl . Island evacuated last night, that they ft c now sotnewl+re on our shore, it is undrstood, endeavouring to make th..ii way. o'some point higher' tip, to atobailt forhere is not predicts; known—without arm n , . The State cannot, are being recovered. The Marshal is qn the q . ui airs with his depu ties, assisted by the District Attorney, to serve civil process, on the leaders, if thiT can beibund. • Froni personal examination, I-dm sat 6 fied.tbat the six or seven hundred guns, shot'and shell, thrown upon the Island kill ed but One man. The Eoglish ftirce, it'is believed, loin' sixteen killed by the return fire. soy. Marcy .and General Scott ale here &Ong al! that existing laws permit to maintain -netitrality:. ,The. Guvernor hiss been very active apd efficient under etr , cunistances-of great difficulty. , • : Correa . deed of the N. Y. Courier &Erstoirr. at • . -I Almarsir Ills , 18. tit ?Navy i l ial4 islanders have at length evacu• ated that pest,—They delivered their ansis and nuinitiphs to the keeping of the militia oli Grand Island—and then each to'nk the way that pleased him best, unmoleriind. This, tnidertall the Circipiuttancee, was 0e best enures . that they could adopt. i.;i• , I . . ! Bth el Jetnuirry Cekbratiad ' burg Among liatrizburg f a: - Among the toasts drank at the Bth of Jane y Celebration. 0 find .the following:. • uHy 'H. c' itsinan, a Stiorctstry.—+The m' - ing,wet recut etil the cirCurnstance 9rJack 'a a eating :toile while' ut of provisions,; and di id• ing the samolivith his comradtil. I *ill then of let thelfollowlng: Gen. Jackson-end this aeo mi. , We kmuld hardly have helieyod.tbst-there.. was any 1.4c0 faiw so ignorant oretmeriean history. .se not ioltiolsr what every school boy has lied. It was Gen. MARION oftbel REVOLOTION, .and net Gen. Jackson, who an , •etatipelled• to was legit aeorna and divide them menet- • his . own. the niikes.t . ' t b e - if die Lot's ibereese in 4 ' wle hO ge as they - , the -hase big' it), it will not he lon heroic they 'rill attrih . gle the rapture of Burg yne, Ili( as r a t . 6 " - and tirn-woPiti. 4 1 Yy/k4to o.,tcrillie it er 01 i 1t iq ligwiry titloans."—Telegraph. . . - I • - or P i l leci b Is t W a e b ii it e 1.6- i ... • . -..:,. . . ~ ; _.... ter.,: From the Qlbaay Aigus. ,Qkrj •a. .. .. ~ ~~ MIMI , ' Atithitesimi. • ..7•An . ,_: • :9onvention decided csi - Sa!n p rday latby e large 'majority that tbs right otaktfrazo slrlill not El este:kb:it riegroel: Thfir'rdeciiion ought L add.willdaa4 ls ioe iiaaaral4tisfaction.- - More Bank Expl:winOsr,sad:tstoLLAntryinc.-- like Middlesex Bank in Bart.Cembildte, (kiss.) . 4s also clnsed-iits doors. This .also.was one of tbc pet., Banks. an'd woe intimately clo o neeted itb the Coinnsonwollb, Bank, Alts.;? rmenter. tl i iiOnly Van Beres:...piimber, of .coug eas from)i Miriachnsetts, is nla, Siam 10iten460,900.: iten460,900.: these anti! ok men finding that 'bey clinnot break . the g -banks of the country. have. determined to break p all the Pet Banks to [444 the Administration at Wash ington, to furnisi:,argunmot.: in . fivok Ida di. ,forCc orWat The Fr 4 atteraon Bank at Patterson N it is stated hal 'altar stopped payment. , . 1t1A,11.14.11111/ '-,4 'AI Minersville,tas.jhe tZnit inst.. by !the :Rev. t'homas SovereigMiqr. 4.13:14N Jorrce of iPottiville, ilea& prearher 'in the ~ Stethedist. Episcopal Chinch, to Miss ANN Doaaires of t; a former placm REVIEW OF TILE MARK . . , .Poirsville. January 4. 4838. WHEAT FLOUR, by the , load was w orth on.PrL. day OS 00. , , • • ' • WHEAT 1 50 per.pushel, in demend.i RYE FLOU - R 2 50 per cwt..in demon BUCKWHEAT 'FLOUR 250t' pe cwttin demand. RYE, by theload 95 cents by,theybu el—ready .sale , , j i , RYE CHOP 95 Bents .per bashel in emend. OATS 45 cente+-ready sale. -- POTATOES 45• cents per bushel-in!). and. CORN-70 cents-per bushel in 'dim . CLOVER SEED—SS 50' per bushel. TIMOTHY SEED-42 00 per`bushel. . FBAXSF.EI3--11.1 12 per bashel in demand. WHISKEY-42 cents per gallon. J. BUTTER—I 4 cents per pound — its Kegs 12 cents EGGS-4-12 cents per dozen. - j . LARD-10 centiper p ound. TALLOW- 7 9 cents per pound. HA MS 12 cents per- pourd. CORN CHOP 80 cents per bushel ildemand. BACON-l 2 cents per pound. BEESWAX—IS cents per pound. FEATHERS-62 cents per pound: COMMON WOOL-40 cents per polind. MACKEREL. by the bbl. No 1, $l2 00 No. 2. $ll SALV-2 62i per bbl.; 87 per bushel PI.ASTEROs worth ill 00 per ton. 1 • , HAY $lB per top. GEORGE GE'! Z. i _ Bookseller, of BeaOng. 1 7 1 V al have revised and prepared to put to press in a few weeks a highly useful and important work for linn Masters. Rail Road • Projectors, Sealers twlron, Smiths, ace. to be en tided, as follows:-.:. "Tug loos TRADE; with. practical remarks and useful observations; including new ; and compre hensive Tables, arranged in an improved way, containing the weight of upwards of 1000 differ ent bodies andsibstances of Iron, Such as round, square and flat bars; strip iron and hoops, boil er; plates and sheet iron by measure on the rule, and by the numbers on the wire gage. To which will be annezed.the nearest proprirtionate num ber of feet vvhielpa equal tri , a ton in weighltof each of the different bodies or sizes, and which can be ascertained in an instant by inspection of the Tables." This will be a compilation' rint twoscarce English works; enlarged ao improved upon expressly for home tudtt As !a lieu • um ber will only be published, being pearly all rule and figure work) .booksellers and: others •should forward their orders in due sessovi, as the work wilt be prepared for Press on the : Ist of March, It wtll be neatly printed and hansomely —Price $1 50 per copy and the tiSual allowance to the Trade. Orden, for the Above‘wolit will; be received at THIS OFFICE. - Champagne Whine& THE subscribers have just received and .offer for sate a 'law lot of choice Charnpitame Wines, among which will be kiond the sPalinetto' brand, which is i saut to he 'superior Ict anY yet imported—alsoomporior old madeira.pate sherry, and port wines in bottles. lIAZZARD d STRAUCII. 5 Jan 24 INTERESTING CASE of rerbacular Con. sumption.—Mr. John R uarelappliedan.the tat d a y of§eptember at the o ffi ce 100 Chatham street, laboring under the fullowtpg symptoinc— A slight epittingof blood, dtetrekstg cough, at tended:With an expectoration of purulent matter, night sweats,- general emaciation,' difficulty 01 breathig on exertion, with a 1 marked hectic flush o the cheek. On exa mination, the chest as fonnd - to sound welt every Where except un - er the left clavicle, and in ere arm pit of the same dide. • Treatment.—Directed to takti the restorative Camomile Pills, with the expectorating corn- Pound, at the same time an injoinction, to call in four days when the night sweep had Ceased, the expectoration slightly diminished, a sheht fit of. coughing kill remaining, in the morning: Or dered as usual to continue the Medicine, and to call in the course of a week—tvhen his health 'continued. rapidly increasing, n tithont the least cough. 'Called at the office o the 4th of this month,quite convalescent four n ing his sincere thanks.kw Ahehene.fit. he had fined. The Oahe patient chiefly u ed milk regimen, duricg his treatment. - p . lIRSUANT to an : order! of the Orphans' Court ofSchuylkill County, on Saturday the 24th day of Fermi's next, at ,I o'clock in theaf, ternoon, Daniel k'nger and Adlain Weidner, ad. f niinistratora of the estate of Co !ad Pager, late of ElerksConnty. deceaked, will :pose to sale by Public Vendmi,im - Piriegreie ' ii thi - prentises, a ,cm certain. inessunge. and.* of round, situate id the'. Morn of pinegr,ove. Pi egrova township, 'Schuylkill Co*ty, being the outtievn part of lot marked No. Win the' ginieril' Ohm of Said -town, —late the estate•Orthwsaid •de sed. ' ' By order of the Court: ' - • . . • , , DANIEL. FEVER, ADA ,10 WEipsER, I Administrators. JOSEPH MORGAN; - • 1 ' Clerk 0. C. - .; s 5-! • , , stray' CO*. . ~:. , , , ~ , . , sTftA YEli• 'away • from .ui enbacriber.a. f ew i! ..,days Nei; e: red and white 1 qow. with a, white face, and without borne: 4n7 person gitin# in: formation, ..on bringing, the Male • to , Jcihantiti Cockhili, tnnkceficr, in Lcarellyn„ will be rewiii•cf ed fet: their tronble t and all cepactrohln, expense,. lifted. .• • '''' ..--.. ' • 1. " -. R 4 98ParrItAri - klt . ': : jan fat ,--$ - •:. $ . •,. - t• • :', • ' 5-34 , . . MEE I ti I :041 - Jersey, Public Sa . imam, Of Caution. A LL perionsarehereby Cautioned against re , A ceiving a`note oLhan4 drawn by the Nob scriber-m-avoiwiSamtiet Gaitherling; I'm; t h e SUM of twenVatitee dollars. and` ated O ecem ; be: 4.11331. -- as I'arri determined notto pay t h e same unlpe_sonvellea hy,lavi. • h . JACOB GEiIIBERLING, rMlEXTl4iiiteictit 'Fable,, jest .r*ivati .BANN AN. jin 24 ;.A _ VonVelifel4ce. To TUE HEALTHY ,AwND SICAL+ .... . . • finitif ' ti f • The subsetiber resticelfitlly la . • needs nt. and the public iti WO that.liinee his re fro to • I Europe, be - w orks - with a new zeal and limes at the - manufacturingot Elastic Matrassii iwthis . • Borough, and flatters himself, with Out i fearing - the accusation Alit: he - is s Boaster iindthials- - tan, wiihiming able hereafter toinake etch mat. tresses es net to be inferior to any work of thii kind. id reference.. to their beauty, witty. - and 1 . durabilityouid. people Will certainly Lin nvinced of the 'comfort and 'saving of liine s. whieh . these articles'afford, princtirally when there 'ili some body Sidi in the - can - oy. • . . 4 Besides the spbscriber knows •the old :-adages "the vicirli-mustgiiie credit to iii ;,loaker.l l and , he therefore. very politely invites those lavishing to get an article .of this description, to ' ' rite and examine for•themselims, one of the said. Matra& sea, just now flOished; that they, may he: cotivin ced of the truth of his saying. _ ,HENRY ill :FRE; ReadingiJan: 18. 1838:., . '"f ',.,.- -..' - 'r -in ~,,,• P. S. Persona wishing to buil', Elestieillatras• see, of the-deseription aforesaid. will lease ap - ply to the sub-Oriber ' 4 few. doors above mther's Storeriti Reading ; ; w hirs a fiat .of subs iption is open to the public, as am- manufacturin thereof wants some time. The Matt - Wen . ' not be delivered. before May n..to* --- -- - t•-•,i7.1-... i: . (The undersigned has! at • the Fevre t of Mr. HENRY MORI essraininl - - his newly , invented "double Sprimg. Elastic "Matrass." It uniform elasticity. tendernit tru t ly_a luxury for, common use; and tc the sick specially. - Such 11.3 are ' long confined - to a hot iztuital posture, ill prombies to prove invaluable. IM peimanent s oothness , will supersede tfie necessity of rethovin •the pa tient "to make ( his bed," while:its cleat c quality • appears ' well cii loulatep Ito obviate in a grea t de- i gred or entirely prevel.the sloughin g o aft to occur in cases of long - i. nfintMent. • ' ' /S4C . .IILESTE M. D. \ ' i j • ri ...:I' ' . I fully conwir in: the l dmnion above. ..pitpressed r i in regard to Mr..ltleyrers " Double Spr ig -Elastic i Matrass." • I,t ... 1 . JOArPi.P. .Higtt.l4ll- -1 .... Having carefully exathined-lifi. Hp: y Meyre's “Dmible Spr, kng. Elastic.. Matiess."- If neur in the above opf•lion, believing:it: to insWer -all •Altis - * purposes intended. - - JOHN DfOTTO. .... I have exaininesi.Mr.aleniy Meyre.4' "Double Spring Mairasii" . with care, and I wiiiild recom-: mend it'to all persons, and especially* the sick.! as it would ben great edvantage to thhm. L - JAcOII•MATIALE.. . _ Having carefully eiramieed Mr. my 'Key.; re's "Double Spring Elastic Matramili" I. folly; concur-in the opinion expressed, in the, foregoing certificate.- - • A." 11. OITMAN.: .. 1 hav,ewrximtned with care .Mr. 3141-e's "Etas. tic Maireas," and fully concur in this opiong. it.. 'live expressed; as to its usefulness Olnd genets good qualities.- - . . - .ERO.. hit "Eli* fable- opitO. H. H. MUHL"? : At MA,Meyre',lsrecpaest, 1 ezamin is Matrass;" and copeui, is the fav ! , ions expressed by the abOve nitropd4 SOLOVOY o:ARy for 1838, ur. DA fLY ' STEIL D tbr the use of Private Families tict persons of business, containing a blank for e cry day m the year, for the record of events that; May be in teresting. enhar past or future. Notice. 4 • ALL pefiona are herel4 :forbid rooting nry Wife o; my account. 111 414 Iminedlipt to pay may of her eobtraethig•atlier -thhir date WILLIAM FaikftLY•l Jib 20 • qua r QLD:PINE APPLE CHEESE—Just•reeetwul and for sale a few boxes of very superior Old Pine Apple Cheise. HAZZARD& AUPEL jan 20 6 IVNINERS' PLANNEL.S.,. ef 64;:efare4,401i for sale by the pubsarabers t 1Q pieces. !Oki+ nerarbeavy shirting flannels. , . HAZZARD& 5.4t1C14}.. ". jan .20 . . •. r • . Foreman Wanted. Wg.TANTED ea a superiedendentivf area flitry 'Vv some &Mlles from Puttsvill ; • sober; d'ustrieui man. One posseieing these requisite', wrth ti practical knowledge of the Mining , bruit. ness, may hear of a permanent And l_naiittivaisit. nation by applying at this office.. IGmod- recent., mendations will be required. Jeri 20 . -• 4/ tat Surget , ... _ T Ft E ciiize s .0t Pottsville and ips vicinity:psi rl informed,that .. ' 4 ..... 'DRS. W FAT .ie[VgAR., 4 -ER ••. - ! . bitve'taien a ;nemK r a tune at the Melissa flu— tel,-Where-they may consulted .at any lige, upon alriatilects pert ta *nit to theiie priifessiotk.,,„:., • Theyinseriteeth in every manmh which_ Vie' be sesyiceabls,- kJ:throne to entire,, setts; resniove- , eariesiandlll cavities with gold s . }id perfor.mAll other 'operations which may be, a , y &slate preservation of the teeth and ga ~. .. . 4 ~ They are supplied with Stock ' Mr , httastittt =Tager proved- incorruptible teeth, for. thp itkpmer4ens, of which he was recently presientediiiiWar, Med-aims a premium. ("torn the Am rkary . .4 - ii titit , „. ...,. 'ofNew York. , _ ': - . '.-. . T• ... r . :. c,. These Teeth are i perfect innt tran.afgatktre; . and - surpascin heathy and . tiurih li . ty - -42 . • thatlts.ver-bcien lierettifore'liiiets ' -,......" AK, ';!;'S • They :keepihe best-ground toii 4. 4 „ . .. ‘ ,( 4 . c r also the Conipound Kreosete T it ilifte..swhi. • red hyithimselves, Which stfej, ‘ . ti'-tufhle.,p c l'pl;n 1 asittwaessletqualittereepial if do alik ti.UH:t any 1 utkw in use. , • - L . .... -.-• 'I, . -- . • They .tespect , fullysolinttpubtitt.:patreiragekind ' reittestAnswwlie te,qsimelent.atii/J•ter ealgeopti ' - 'exitstile-their testuitonials ofehe r raeteri pratitiallii7 skill, 44., ~, , i r. • ~ ~. :••, -.., ~ _ .2.;...i•-• '. , HaVintsicitt much time in the eta* irkl Wt-' - ' '-' tiee ofilteir..ihsOsiSion.. they.fetiVernigdent „ft ontire:4stistaetio,n, will , he...gi . ' and -promise thit .4),l*etittons.aball peas - . t-and- datable- • , sit thowr.petformed by the first Dentists- hi: our - afaingl,c4ies.,or no-charges ma .k, • • -, - 1 •-•.N.-111., Attendance at private ' eiidenees if r 5,,,,.," . t- e sheted, .; , . - - :1 : - tk., ..,_ ... tr. c. 3VA, • •NlZi.itt-.-P.'*; '!7 --%.".•, •s - - • . .'' pit. 4 . : itoliTa,,,, i „ .- :., N... 8:? tte*rencerneY be.. 10..q.:.41.411it1-- 1 tietsupit... 7 ~ .1 i -rl , - . • , ,r .+, 1.,, , ,14.: . _ Jan 26 IMi=l entab. I UM i, lIME ESE7I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers