I==== ~....• ........ , . •.. • -- .:;4 , --- .. AtiOFFAcJrzw-:. - -• ,-.4i , --_ . 4egetable liiiirePilittiand Phes' r 3 .e.t.'t-i : k .4IIX - Dinars. ', , h , -, , , r , tier A:Cgtirl'RA,b7`..;4ll nations, frtm bite rtt: ;'testlrgelo have 'bed ships; lint Columbus o Ir. ou t d o . 4 sin lase f t way to :Amtirica. '' Before} the -- tititit - f -tile ,ogettatBps nwripwripeirphswere only en s paddle abotalhe isres. ins 4 sowitlobe l o t , et' :.,.‘ irigek virls - bat two short years' line, It t . , lmn-. ' Ydreatfkiii an enZitiiiin'oceanotnd I havedis ieted -:."11341-Weetotte object I wan .iii, stinrch'olL-11EA1.T11. yegecablemetlicines were,iticlet whey t C01)1. ""' , upsiitieirbitylsesich. buetheitase wa ialrtiowns' not. 13r the i nsUciftletri, I havenoronty pawwdyroin•the dejected 1 ~lattdidi.tatthebalettetitt" rancheuventan of blOinell.% ~ Atut.-,conntStraniebrnsfettlting, A have winewed . nty ... youth. lacsiteuts;-4inth cenfnionce in my owri etpe-: !./.. Amoco. ars' e , *kb' toy iellow :citizens. 'Does the ."emalerseteffroaftitat tbet" Et grA BIZ UPI:ME:Pk ,;, WlNEStrtishitable to his Own easel I have on W :IL tulnittattit;h4fr,Broadway, lmodreds of letters, from , , some uftbe mosi respectable citizens oPthi a me ne s., • tivetand, voluntarily' offered in testimony oldie vir-f • . 41' tues of A GOOD . VEGETA BLE .IN E Dim E. 1 ' 1 ~ ....i , - -Persons Whoseronstionions babe been' nearly ru. . .q.linfid by 111 '•all infallible" mineral preparation.. Inf -..,. Athe dap, w . bearine Witness, .tharthe Life Medi ""arkett, and only, ;troths true cause to permanent 1 lona 'health. ' i cil JOHN MOFFATi ... _,, . ": . :GENERAL REMARKS RELATIVE TO neiCl ..• • FAT'SLIPE PILLS AND- PIKENIX BITTERS, These medicines have lot% been knnwiand apple - ' iit.iated, for their extraordinary and immediate dowel a. - tal restoring perfect health, to piertvena suffering under nearly every kind'-of disease-, to which the human frame is liable. , . , - I ; ID many hundreds of certificated instances. they' have eimr. rescued sufferers from the very verge pilau untimely grave, afte all the deceptive o etriimet of . the day had utterly failed; and to mullythounatelsl4ey c haveyermariently secured that uniform e joy merit: of `l l eattlt, without which life itself IS but a partial So great. intied, has their efficacy lover phi.. ay A infallibly proved, that it has appeared scarcely -Tess than miraculous to those who were unaconainte.i with the beautiful philosophieal prioctplei Iktuich they are compounded, and upon which they -oonsequently ant It was to their m.liiifesi and bie action in purifying the. springs. and channels uL life, and enuuteg them with renewed tone and vigor. that they were indebted for theif nanifft, wli;cli was bestowed upon them atthe stiontaiwous request of several individuals whose livcs they had obviously ' . The proptretors rejoice in the opportunity affurded by the'iwtversal diffuston of the dai:y press; for plat-. ing his 'VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS within the knnlaledge and reach of every individual in the coin. ; ,menity. Itolike the host of pertiltlOUS qoaekeries. Which boast of vegetable ingredients, the Life Pills • are pftely and soi.m.v % reit: rs ELF.. and content nei ther Mercory, Antimony, Arsenic. nor any other. ' mineral, in any form whatever. They .ire entirely . o :unposed of extracts from rare and powerful plitets l the virtues of which, though long known to several I Indian tribes. and reeimtly to some eminent pharitni i centical chemists. are alogether ne known to tin tench i rant pretenders to meA ICJI I tielellCC; and were Ilel'eq, holluvdttbaister in so happily eificaetons.a tuna binatioin I Their first o ation to to loosen from the goats of the sloe:lnc dbowels, the various tin i , thil i, g jit i ' Crediting , constantly setting around them; and to rel mote - the hardened feces which tolL.et in the mini volutidras Of the small intestines: Other inetirciiic4 only-partially cleanse these, and lea, o such (.011 4 -, l e d masses behind, as to produce hate titil emitlivene‘si with all its Limn of evils, or sudden iltarrlima,lyt oh r f imminent dangers. This fact is veli knowa to afi `regular anatomists. who examine thy henian : bowel!. after death: and hence the prejudice of dose well till formedroen against the quack medicities of the agti. The second effect of the v 1 :(.., ET %. 1 3 1.. E!. Lll a "PILLS is ro cleanse the kidneys and the bladder, and by this Means, fhe liver ant the lungs, the healthful' -*cuon of which en ttrely depends upon the roghlaritS , of the urinary organs. The blooe. which takes itk "red cob:v . ll.°m the agency of the liver and the liingh ' before it passes into the heart. being thus purified by them, and nourished by Amu coming from a cleat] - stomach, courses freely through the veins, ;tmnewe evey part of the system. and tnumphantly moilhts the banner of health in the blooming cheek. l ' The following are among the rl.strcztaing variety to 'mean diseases, to which the Vegetable Lite Pill are well known to be infallible— - , • DYSPEPSIA, by throughly cleansing the flr.t ;mil second stomachs, and creatuitt a dow of pure health, bile, instead of fhe stale and acrid kind; --biotin/ E .., , - ' -Palpitation If the Heart. 1.010 •,1 Aap , ttre, 11,a f t.6,,,,1, and Heartache. Restlrmteput, Illltemper. .4 urul, I x , guar.atid..ifelancholy which are the g'eueral symptom , OT - Dyspepars, will vanish, ac a natural cOnsecionlicu op Its cure. tbstimmess, by cleansing the whole laugh of the intestines with a solvent process, and *illicit - violence; all siolent,furges leave the howelsirostiv drithin two days. Htarrbrea and Ch.leta, by rerun eel ing the sharp-acrid fluids by which these 'Cortfin aint/ argkoceitsioned: and by promoting the loliricative . seeretionefihe mucus membrane. Fevers of aft kiwi. . by restoring the blood to a regular circul .11 ion, throng I -the process of perspiration in some ciiises, and .th through solution of all-intestinal obutrUetigios in of her s ! The Low. PILLS have been known to cure Rheni reatism permanently in three- weeks, and God( in hall that time, by removing local inflammation (Yore the muscles and ligaments 01 the joints. Drom4B of all - kinds. by , freeing and strengthening the kidneys an , bladder they operate most delightfully on these el gans,m;clbence have ever been found a cer•atn reuse. dy. for the worst cases of Gravel. Also It - o.ms; by . dislodging from the turnings of the bowels- the slimvi mattei to which these creatures adhe'e; Arti'ontz anal Coestonpzieti, by relieving the air vessels of the longs from &eruct's. wlfich even slight colds if not retim v., ed becomes hardened, and produces those dreadful _diseases. S'curcy; Mall and Inveterate Sores;by thr perfect purity which these I.ife Pill g give to the , blood , and all humor& Scorbutic Ortiptione. and Bad Cara-! persons, by their alterative Street upon the fluids -m a t morbid state of which occasions all L . :rupdine chin.' Ath ol, &OW L GiOndg, and other disagrerali t rOm-. "Saida' . The use of these Pills for a very ahem time, will effect so entire cure of Salt rheum, Ersrmitala;!, • , . and a striking improvement in the Clca.mrslN of Ithell ' aka ' Common Coldi. and hyluenza. wII allfa., , s Abe', cured by one dose, or by two even in the worst cases l Pifgal—as a remedy for this most distressur , aunt minuet malady. the Vegetable Life Pills d ' esOrve a &alibi and emphatic recommendation. It fs welli known to hundreds in this city. that , he Proprie orl ' of these.invaltable Pills, - was hiniselfalfiteted w th , this complaint for upwards of thirry.ce soars. and t intl. . he tried in vain every remedy prtserdied within tic' *hol eompass oflhe Materia Medics. He hewer ..r.' - at 1 gth,tribilthe medline which he now eters Ito. the Poblic, and he was cured in a very short tntei , • a ft er, his recovery had been pronounced not 0 lyl impriobable. hut absolutely Impossible, by any liumsni . . • D NS FOR I'S . E.—The proprietoraof Me l , VE44:IIABLE Las P 11.1.8 does not follow the balm end, anersenary practice girth° quacks of the day, inrid via leg persons to wk.. his Pills„in large quantitiel. Nol good medicine oun possibly be so required. .fhesel Pills are to be teen at bed time every night, for al week orfortnighti according to the obstinacy Of' the disease. The usual' dose is. from 2to 5. according to ~the cementation of the person. v6ry delicatens 'obotild begin - with lottwo, and ir.ciease as the, attire of tin: case may require: those more robust, or o ,veryl coati*, habit . may begin wit h 3, arfd inc.rnase 4, tar, pro • h even 5 Pillii,arA they will effect a suffsetentlyilba-ppyl 'clangs to gidde the patient in limit furthot nse.l 'Thene Pills. sometimes occasion sickness and luitnryl . nVithisugh very seldom, unless the stomach Is vole . foul; tbis,lioweviir, maybe conaldered a favbrahe _. symtiteln, as the patting will find himself at (Mee nit. hayed, and by perseverance will son recover. !Thfl usunlly operate within 10 or 12 hours, and never give' Eitti uttkoti, .The bowels ace very porch rtiremered. They alkyl* taken by the most dtilieate females cm. , desert) , cututnatannes.—ltia. hownver, regain mu d. I -Ed.that those in later periods of pregnancy sho o ' fake ,:bin pne at a time, and thus continue to keep the ' wiisl pee: sad even twit nay be taken tvlie.rei he Olniegul Is sjeiy Coati e., One -pill in a fellation oftwnitablel spoensfu t trzter, may begramito an infatOtt du %Biala 'a teaspoon, full very two hetirs.fill , , , at e toparstes ; fora child from one to five years of sge. beiCaPill-s-and from - five to gen.-one:pill. i ,i . , - THF:FIRENIX BITTERS , ard_so called , blc+rupe ~ limy:possess:the power of restoring the oxptri h i.".. - • ...; „of ~heaktit, to a glowing vigor throokh t . t e L inuon..em Oe Phceeiz is sail to be reqt ' tel .1 , - I .1 - • 140 2 '40,4 :' ripigraciw.hyrkw , ce i, ma illeia *feat y vegetable, (fain of.lootis Ifirn C011440:1 ' ' eviarfa.lliMe At - ' eaultsyt rfh hAY 4I :4O Stlo#o- FEVERS: A AGB",v . of I . kniditt . iiil mirev failto erailicalintire4,all. th eirecis of Mir" rfArtfinitelysooner. :,,theitgiutr. po erfrilitrevtarati aii reaparilla, laidliniiiii:" r Ca 4fiti eV, Cure the d natiou=of stopoiTo TI4E. ED; neve r fat in 'sic:looms tacfditret wring I ; and swillibe found a certaid.remedy in all e - of nevrous dOiliri coal weak/ifs/1m( theinost im gasuustione. 4s to a remetVor;Chisoricaud BAciainfisei, th e efficacy Of the Pluenik titt7m7wiff be delnoOtratild bii the ese isf a single bottle. The usual closPoithese linters' hi half a wine glalis full, in watertorline, - and thistplablitY may be to en two or three quantity a' day. about half an hour beripre meals. or q leal4 quantity may be taken afrill "tuties. To those whol are afflicted with indigestion after meals, West Wiens will prove invaluable.„a they very greatly Increase the action of the principal ! gc' era( help theta to Perform their functiiins,and en. the stomaclao difeharge into the bowels what ,er is offensive. Tens •indigestion is i easily and arktedly removed! apwrite rewired, anitthe mouths otithe.aLaorbent Vessels being cleaueed4 nutrition is fahlitated, and arm of 'xicly and energy of mind curthe liaupy r e su lt. For farther particulars . of i TITAT'S LIEF. ILLS, and PBCILNIX. BIT RS, apply at Mr.Moffat's o ffi ce, No. 546 Bnidway, Nry York. where the PillA can be obtained for 25 cMts, 50 cents, or $1 per bog; andi he Bitters for till 4,4 per bottle. ,:nr7t.merous certificates of the londerful efficacy of both, may be there inspoctell. . 1 ln some obstinatte at d complicated cases of chronic! 'a d inffinimatory Et eumatism Liver Complaints ( h t er and Ague, Dyspepsia, Palsy. Plies. injury from e user/ mercurg, quinine, and other diseases of twig . ding, ii may be niFcessary to take both the Life Fells and the Pluenrriflitters, in the dose before re ctimmended. ! ! N. B —These Pillq and the Bitters, will get the Mercury out ()film system iiifienely taster than tbs. Best Ottparations oftiarsut arida, and a certain retneyly for tee rushing of the 1,10, 4 1 to the head, or all ticket hind ufhes, tic dos/sureux, ign.--t All parsons who are predts- IPBeill to n .,,,....„..,..,4„, &c., should never be without the Lifts it pr the flitter. tar one dose in tune will olive lift. They-eqii s alizq the circulation of the blood, draw all plelitaiVe triini tile . head,, prespiration, and throw off.every.nequil N by the pores of the skin. firer sale by 1.111..,Eit A! HAGGER'PY, i i,g4"nts for the Proprietor. . : Pottitrile, 26 . 40-ly _.... . ... ?18st:lu~r1 Pitts. . THE Original Itygcian Univcrara. Vegetable i Medicine, preppred by W. M ISK IN, F:sq., ..)Itonber of the fif u‘ 41 t'ollegt of Surgeons, Licen tiate at eo.npatty, Iliiw of [tol. Court Spend), Suffion to the Roy al Union Pen Ai.socia‘ion, plarc, NValeiluo Brief. et and Perin foal ph i ,ii ui Guay's and St. Ihoinas' hispitakiLontipii. These pills•livivink gained acclebrity unparal. 'eke in evi ry serti4 of toe Union, are now con. idde'red liv all iii..cc ...who value good health, indis pensable us a tempi' oictiwine— patronized by t/41 , ,ier"os body of the tilie.t eminent Physittans both 111 tilt. I,llllltry,ll.lli 'it is presumed, to stipitp their character in the es, tt mattiin of every thfrikiii , onto , and i t i s h o l i . o d, a tar better reootimitilitiation than the course re is.rted to by ignora4 and unprincipled pretenders, who to ierfsh.ad any dceeiie the public. pefiiiah 'Whitt 1!.• y actual prisds and certificates of 1 'arcs, that csoccd t uuuutt, (..frattunal crtati..ll. • y, and most of which, limit all, arc either grosc brica t ions, or proeAred by fraud and Luuni%ance. . The editor of the song Island Fillpier, says "This medicine has; obtained 'an u6preeedented degree of well prescived popularity. Having tick. :en these pills nurse les to advantage and witness ed their, beneficial ciferta on others. ste have no hesitation ii. recolmbending (hum to the public as a sale, salutary and tuseful family medicine." the are gerntilie without the signature .of the General Agent on the label, by whom the a bove medicine is nu oricd into this country. 1101.41..1N, P 29 Waverly Place, ; Gehl evitt for-U. S. A s , ippry oflbe aliove Medicine just received and far sale bv B. BANN AN, Sole Akent for Schu; [hill county 2- July 16 PA F.C4ilEit A:. CO. ryflßC'Efd 4. TAILoRs, (Porrnrrly 4'arker & 1i ilhamt;) AvE removed tin the opposite side of Centn la-. St Feet, a few *ors above Norwegian SI reet, l . where they off kr sale a select assortment of Sup. rfinc Broad 4oths . and Cassimeres of the most fashionaLle colors. a. i h ant legunt assor t went of Surninitr Clpths, stings, ',then and Cot .rim Shirts, Collars, ' Bosoms, Stocks, Gloves, Sus. 'penders, linen and cotton Hose, and all kinds of :Gentlemen's wearing appurrel, which wilt he .rnade to'order in t most approved std le as to the Iworkmanship, and .warranred to fit taloa' to any I n th e ( 4 .11 y or e1p60..,re. P. S. p. & Co. keep on hnnd an excellent as ?•ortrnent or readv.trnade Clothing of all kinds, which will be told itl very low rate& june 17 - • I 30 T the storm otAhe subset iht , r, in Morris' ad dition to Pelts „Ile, w lit re mar be had whole laic and retail, on he most moderate tetras-- brown. lump and lo 4f sugars, black, greet, and 'tong hyson leas, Molasses, fish, cheese, soap, rice, craft e, cbineolaie, spirits, brandy, gin. Port, Teneriffe Slid other wines ; rum. whiskey and cordials, hail titarn:h and curaruon sugars, r pper, alspicc, gingtr,aaleratus, cloves, out iiegr, ptnrch, mustard. midi Mend, crackers, sugar bis &c. &c. &c. for cash, or exchange for coun try produce. t jime 1U 29--tf WILLIAI NEAL 4 CU. MANI:FACTURFARS OF lioaki iig-G la asses, -vo. '27 Noi )i Fit h street, Philadelphia, thick of the MAIL-hand' . Hotel—devoted exclusively to this businrlso. 1 Country Merchants arc supplied at manufan torers' primps,, *nu their Ola-scs insured from r•ttic.i,7,c hi any part4of tit, Union, without extra' ichaege. t Those who may hjve orders for lur,;re Glasses . , would do well to inforn ns by fruit-. prolong to their cogning 4 pn, oft e au . rof the plate, end the I , 'prld of frame they .n ay Unlit, that the article. "8 - my be mauuthcrurefl expressly for the occasion Merchants should; give their nrcit.rs for Look ,ing ghlFr.ev the first.thmg . on their arrival, to in. Pure them well p9t up Oct Ul I ________ The Fainily Commentary. . , ' -1 , ON ' THE HOI,V . BIBLE. LIROII the work 4 of Henry and Scott, and tia: above one hueded other writers, pUblisheil t i in London by the It igious Tract.Booiety, retie. i'd and abridged it. t, o volunies, with Maps and Engravings. Thisiftable work is pub li shed in iuirts, at '25 cents ea rl. Twelve parte are already completed, and C . l 0 he obtained at the subscribers Book Store Whore s bacriptions will also be ,re reived. B. BAN! AN. june 24 - 31— 1 • f t I t • 1 1 1 NMMOI II Groceries HENRY BOYD 48-6 mo HE • • '-12 I 1! 4 4 -A 4 '‘,•••••••••--.iz - • ' 1 g 40,111 e aktheVW Ordr*Y-Slori;Prit&C;dOr 1f.0 # 4 1 3- 010. zr .. /el s 4 l# oli ' • , !-- n'' J 7 Ri ni . St. boitiiiiigii'and —N7Orleans,St. ernig,larbvsn - ar.. , white Ihvaninaaoatend ramp , ; New Orleac*l%'eitt... mole • ladialtnd.,sugaihotise `lmpeitatctin FloirderzYoung klyittrih PoitllontOrtingii.Pec ' Co. Sratte4rorig and Bohr* Bakera,Chases,Spaniih,Bc & Lingle; end sweet apiceal - Prepared Cocoa. ibelis John Bulls, Liibater,Anchory, Centel' arty and Osnie Gherkin, Tomato. pepper. Mixed, OnlenrMangoe, Lemon and French cspres, - Anchovilen Cayenne pep Per. allspice and C Cloves, Mace. Nutmegs and.cr Rice, floor of rice,-starch . Cut, ants ; Figs, Reliant', Prunes Sweet and bitter 'almond/4mo , , Olive Oitiarfnebiliets.letnon ij Preserveciginger. cheese...coo:l6 Herring. mackerel; ashien . White and colored wlrk, ripeim Moulded and dipt - tallaw Palm, variegated brown and) , 1 Old Madeira, old port, claret . Brown and pale sherry, cham Old hock, Lisbon. dry rulaga Sweet malagn:moscatel Malmsevi,marseilles .Sicily 11 Scotch. iritih, monongahela An nisette. anniiseed & pepper Cognac:champagne, Spanish Holland & tom. Gin.N. E. Jamaica spirits Extra Sup. span, inferior do Half Spanish and common ci Cut & plain and moulded gIA China and crockery A J s‘l a general assortment of Dry Goo d, iyhrchihrl areihsposed to sell on t ble terms. Heads of Families and are partirularly invited to call. Wetherill & B AT 711 E OLD :STA. No. - 65 NORTH FRONT EAST SIDE, THREE DOORS FROM THE CORES: PH I LA DELPHI AIA NIJ PACTU 11 I , While Lead dry and Z Calomel. ' round in Ctl. $ Red Prec.' Red Lead W bite do Lii hragit. . Vitriol A Cll2/116, Yellow, Sulp. Qut do Green 'Fart. Em do Red Ether Su: Patent Yellow . .do Ni Sugar Lead do Ac • Ciweratik I Lunar Ca ot. Ir . ] t Lip,' Corn. 1 Ay. Kj.tritts Act. Mo Murtatie 'Veld Salph. d' Epsom Salts LIM. Sill p Tart Aead Opi. de N Slip Catb. Soda Kormes Carros. Sub. Alert. F.thsops Refiners ofChamphor,Salt Nitre, t &c. Offer for sale the above Merin' gejlier with a general assortment Efili Dyd `'tuffs. and every other arti ,l , cal and Medicinal line. Krung manufacturers of all the a under thb above head, they pledge t ply their ineeds and the public on ble terms. Window and Picture Glass, fro Oct 21 1837 For Sale I AT REDUCED PRICES, AT DR. JOS. LAPIERRE'S Syr s'atest, speediest, : and pert , .. kind of wounds, ulcers, cancer a diseases. arising Worn cutting, ing, boding or the impurity of th ti)r cusingipyspepsid, heart bur complaint, costiveness, colidlts, co bees and rheumatick pains,•biot • eyes. 'Phe general agent. Prof. .. Reading, !Jerks county, Pa. offil person Street:id with either of tl a certain quantity of the Synitia and appreciated before making an, ever, the application must be ma, age.N. B. This article eaniiot b‘r any „drug store or appotiteeary necessary to talk much about it will recommend itself to an enlip aug 19 • Am and Elegant I NATIIANS & Co. have j lr *offer for sale, 6-4 English merinos, from 50 to , Soper French an at $1 50 pc Tartan; .merino, vvOratcd,silk and Red, white, yellow, green amrve Bleached and unbleached Canto., 10 to 25 eta per yd. Worsted hoes, comforts, caps, chi' Winter prints, gloves, &c &c Cotion bate and wadding at 6# Fro dce 3' Dr. Barber) HORSE POW '1 TH Egiubscri her offers for silo a Hr. Barber's Horse Powder. recommended in the following - Horses Foundered by eating to Mg cold water, vt hat warm, to er any sy triptoms of Glands, the Di, and Yellow water, or are ex t by being with other horses a. complaints, and all cases atten ymptoms, sluggishness. loss o pression of their spirits. For sal. W. aug 6 NOTICE. THE subscriber rospe . ctfully. a public, that he will attend to of accounts in this borough and ne very reasonable rates. Account.. to collect in this neighborhood wi attended to, and satisfactory refer required. April 5 27 N IR & idware THE aubscribers Would respect to thcipublic, that be has Jidda crock, stock, /rah and Hos droa re, conaia A tuerieen and , English Bar Iron, Iron, Botta Iron, assorted sizes. Shear.Oeiman and English Bli Sleet Vices, Mouse-hole ansils.S Cain Easel hand,.clipping and B : and spikes, together with a gene of free Mongery, all of which wil clueed pr,ices, by JOHN April 22 1114dal Cheese, So 40 banks iniperior medal ct 50 bo.zeii - Philailelphiicisnal', 1 Mid. trash oat meal for II MILLI:ft H. NoviEl A 1 1 1 0 A 0 . 2 4 11 4 1 L t- - t 4 . . t~< '-- •.'-.4.„ - ..; - --jrcriggro.. ~ r..• , , a .., ti 4..-4ti•••' tf: r'n-lp - . 1 .•••;' qt.. s . r - v -" ,t ' __,.. ,;',:144,401u . i TriKElil ' itClikiraiiire ininfokiningthe public' ; •"d h . *Likifi , lilld alottpal •-•in 'Pat' Ilentar z tlief einti.peißbis , rout:, der the ' P ritiiiilytiliiiia Hall, in- . Potiivi He hdpeirtFiat , Ma"' juisi - re'petatiorr , for •Iriteping,it I Ir pectabki .nelibliahribit, Required during. the , expsrtence of five years in the seine lind,of ball./ a i rth news, end b gesire to please and application , to. business, to erit . e . eontinuenef of,iyour favor and patron* e. ' • i .. - • ' . Families' 'sending to the•Pennerlvania Half Refectoryoll have oysters of a superiPr quail- - ty !served up inllit.:best style, and eve 0I ochre delicacy the( lhe Potnivillaufarket cue efrof'd in SCUM , rand 410, EMarkct 4184** Tee !Sugars. SZtl 11=2 Fences DM Inger to Candle I ow soap Wines in wood & bottle iM [Dm whiskey !int cordials cam brandy Old Nia'deria Win/ Old pale. Sherry ! Old BrOw.n Old Lish - dn , ' . 1 r' Old Port % Champagne • • I Sruithslrl. and Peppers Me alwaysoe Apatimentatn readiness for slipper par Oct 7 &c. Sze. all of most reasona avern Keepers tiwr, D STREET, or ARCH Sr. itS OF =I to stir it ioeral do. ranstoue. Beres. ned articles. lo f Paints, Drugs le in the Chenti- Idles emonerated inselves to sup 7. e.most reasona- 6 8, to 24 30. 48- • IS OFFICE ,pathick for the •• cure of every d all cutaneous ueezing, burn blood, and also , asthma, liver ivuk.roos, diem acl.e, and sore . Xay Wagner, s graft. to auy . - said diseas,p. nck to be tried expense; How. e free of post- had genuine in (shop. It is not as it certainly toned pubhck. 39—tf (Goode• t received and [ cts i.er-yard yard, cotton she wig, let flannels, • flannels, from ;.ren's hose, ER. he celebrated It is by him asps . , viz: For CFP, or drink. licit as discos emper,Coughs -d to titivation cted by these ed .witb fresh !motile, or de by 8-if Mince". to the I be 'collecting gb borhood, at from abroad, I be promptly nees given if ONR A D, JOHN C. I Constable ore. Hy announcf to his fog mos ng in part or oops and Band Cast, Crawly, er and A. M. it b's Bellows, d axes, nails al assortment be sold at re. !LAYTON. 32 = GGERTY. 34.4 ;: BILL OF FARE Roast Beef; mild Corned do do • Fried Rani pittf Ent Mutton Ctatins Venison Steaks . Pork chotni P,igs • Feet , Mock Turito Soil) Oysters Flied Do Stewed Do Set;Hoped • Do ROisted - Do Chefing Dish . Terra pies' • WINE AND iLIQUORS twiterance Compote CAPITAL A UTIIQRISED BY LAW. V. CHARTER P EILPEL U A. 4 i%l AKE both limited and, perpetual Irp /VA on Brick, Stone or Frame Buildin Hotels. Mat, Barna, Stables. Merehandlz turn and Property of every dericription, at or damage by FIRE. MARINE AND INLAND MS UR4 The Delaware• County insurance coin also insure against loss on all kinds of rdi and against; the damage or loss upon the tion of goods, wares, and mercandise by w' rail way, upon termsi as favourable as any stitution. For any further information on the sub surance, either against Fire, marintr,or iril Apply to HENRY G. HOW fit&C,N. r. July 16 34—tf 41 Schuylkill or Virli i l.l4s4 B P At Or* . . SPRING- GARDE Fire Insurance Com I WAKE both limited and perpetual In. A.T-B Brick, Stone or Fratoe Buildings. St • Mills Stablea, Merchandize, Fu PrPperty of every destriPtion,againstloss by FIRE. The subscriber hat been appointed An " abpve mentioned Institution and is now make I NSUILA "ICES uppn every description!. at the lowdat rates. BEN.J.AMIZ Bel Podsville, Feb.:17.1836. The Philadelphia J .AND IPILAPiD NAVgATION IN N S MPANT. CAPITAL AFTHOIIISED BY LAW, CHARTEIPErtrETUA T I M AKE' both limit and perpetual In , 31- Brick, Stone orFrame Buildings. Ste Mills, Earns. Stables; Merchandise, Fut Property of every desFription,tig,atnnt I. by FIRE. The subscriber haslbeen appoinied A . above mentioned lust tenon and is now make iNSURANOIts upon every description . at the Icrwest rates. . BENJAMIN B• 1 • Pottssille,Feb 25 1837 Wholesaleand Retail : • ware Store. • gabot.tocK & WEAVER havejdet red A dition, to their forhier mod( of'Hardsd Mousohole anvils, spring kcy'd vices, pai screw plates. warranted cast steel aces,i hang do. hatchets, hammers, Eleattys & socket and firmer chisels, drawing knives] bellows. cut & wro't n4ils,4, 4i. 5 At 6 in. single, cue and double plane irons and plan locks, latches, hinges a• i screws, round' bolts, steel, plated and u 13 squares, 'All of which are offered on the moat ing Feb 18 Miller Haggert' WHOLESALE AND RE Dry GoOds,Grol 'M ry,Wine 4. Li .! (Ilext.door t ortimer's - 130 t THEIR connexion with a Mame in P enables them to keep on hand a • sive assortment of gdods. whidh they Philadelphia pricos. 1 Store and Tavet and private families, would do well t. 'judge for themselvesf april 19 RAILWAY IRON4--AND IRON • SCREENS, 2 by 5:13 inches Railway Flat Beer 2by do do do ,du ISy 3 = do Boilable Sereeni All the Iron has cpuntersnak holes at an ang le of 45 degrees of the ends. Platte,' d Spikes to scut the above. A. Se G. RALSTON ' No. 4 South Froni Street, Phil Philadelphia. I%lateh 15,183.6. NEW GOODS. ALARGE and cOmplete issortme and ;seasonable Geode, just reset subscriber, consist:4of Dry !Groceries I. !Queen:ware, *bleb he iifiero for lisle at rednced p bighestprice paid Coital kind] of count ; ; A. "Pi -23 r _ ': -, '—''' .-4 1•60'"" -- x o )iii - aiiiii - iirc-iiiiii.." .; • . -Dit• - ' Witt -- VAIATS , • 1 ' - '' egilasll?•WLEX , irrfAri ,lamCi 'OAF . Sri .f.. Ent -4 E— bat a apund'and Kr eanifie iemeW of amuses ilong been in genes: fel user by the publieibeatkiirngs and receiii rug planet, it liiketreelY,te the. 'per, of scePticisut to d‘obtita eintiee,necirenvy to.. kiiitheet,. : ., .. • "When it his okt - dewed:an ASCOnalitif curt' ninon; folnestr Whit tildistiacel the' ,qortipetitiorketntere tuNistlhl",..preten n,• - and has w i red a copipkettpait_ statioCin, anis riallavor, by In Inge- Worth 'alone., intrpteprietor iy-ptint , oat th . nsea Of it&atiperi.# ilti flinty, without,lncuctteg the .s . cion - of hatithoiiii7,. 'nese, naltunitutinglho towpat) n. - The CAIPMME , and FA ILI" APERIENT -PlLLS,mannfOorettby Dr. ' lie.et - Eva.nsi af , loo Chatham in A nsel,o not - .require! Ms explanation of, their acknowledged efficacy-, clr the "most eminent IphisiciansthrOughout the Units4l States will freely. it appealed to,itatethereason w hich have induced them to recombiend . , them so e ` naively and -warmly. as they.do. Anir'those. reason are, that thesejudt- Clime medieraini. better - injure lien the most delicate con linkup, and' have, in al est every individual' ca for whicktpti areprescribed, a marked, an evly den , a truly-happrihd . pennament e ffi cacy. Physt sir citing, trtoreovetr, ere that they' are not offerid to the public ;mono', quack theory fa f i rriTying• the blood, r t to the atter destruction ohe tomach andbowelci. Purify the tilciird,fromtdfdiaeas 'humeri, the'' , unde-' niably do ; tint riot by dettrofeig those viscera ,by which alone .the. blood can beaustaitied.J.They - are compounded upon. etheory wh* h poses stomach 1 to be a very . _ essential agent to eahh; andibed„.well , digested, to ben vabiable frie r to flesh atrblood.— They do not purif y men to a tits, and make them look like- liftkegs too: tOued te.remain long in this 'world; buttheytnake uteri -as Libman as posaible'. and fit to encounter. the hardships. land fulfil the occupa tions of a - sublunary life. Thei do not make a rip. lent purgatoryof this !life, to pnepare,men the lister for another. They .. piteed up on-the suppositiOn that , the blood, muscles; e ea. organsi excretory and se cretory gland, , mucuoutrand tegmitentary membranes, bones and -brains, of every henaati being require to . be supplied with necirishment from-as healthful a sto mach as can be made and kept, and upon the doctrine. that unless ffieStodrach and bowels are in good order: thebtood arideVerio other part ofthe system will be in dieopter. And how hilt expecied that !hey will Secure health to the stomach and - boirels? Why by enabling the one to digest foodi and th other to carry off what is lefl after the numitnettOs extract.'in connection with the-surplus eithile,inff tie foir 'humors Mille blood ti mucous membranes. and ' stotruich. And they accent, pleat these great feats of totxlicine in the most sint - ple way imaginable. The APERIENT I AMILY PILLS, if the stomach be affected with wind. bile, or caned collections, clear it out, by aMature I but a moat in sensible solvent action, and ,Cleanse, the whole ali:-- mentary canal, without griping,and leaving it as free without debility. as nature ev designed it to be.— They do not take the skin (Aft stomach and hot 4s, and leave them like a piece oed velvet, as all Ay- EliCl2lls know the strong dra. is pills do but they' take nature kindly by the hau, without crashing ffer fingers. They cleanse every ing, without imputing or injuring any thing. i W hen this is effected, as it tially is by the,use of a few of the FAMILY A PERIE 'T PILLS, then come the celebrated .CAMOMILE or TONIC PILLS. to strengthen a stomach and bowels which before, per haps, weak and foul becausel they were weak, and endows them with strength tts performtheir 'miler mnt functions, without the aid of physic. The CA-, MOMILE FLOWER, when its valuable principlei are chemically extracted, is acknowledged-by all phy sicians, in every age, to be die heft_ vegetable tonic known in the science of medicine - , There is nothing known in the vegetable kingdom of nature to equal It; nothing that is at once so harmless and so vigorous' , healthful, and in proof 'of this the proprietor of thy recowaed pills that are trade f m itspurest particles, might. quote almost innutnerab authors, both ancient and modern. if his own practi e had not proved it to tens- of thousands. The effects of these pills arelnot only perceived in an increase- of appetite and general strength, butin a restoration of Om body to that universal vigor in all its functions, which indicates the return to perfectly saund health.—Tice face, anu. general 'complexion, speak volumes in their favor, ,and thousands of fe males can testify how much thdy have contributed to• ; their comfort, their complexifftn-amentheir strength.- when every other remedy had pioved worse than use , - 'less. 'ln nervous diseases, of nil kinds, they are nitw 'acknowledged to be preeminent; gradually restoring - firmness of body and mind. without those annoyance and changes which other nervous remedies occasion Happy would it, have been 'felt many young persons of both sexes who are now-in the silentgrave, if they. had learned to check the 'mortlid tendencies of their stomach and bowels by these Pure tonics and aperi ents, without resorting to quack remedies, the names of which are concealed, andi of which they know - nothing. .That dreadful scourge CONSUMPTION, might have beim Checkedlin tin commencement ield disappointed of its prey, all over the land; if the first vymtoms of nervous debility had been counteracted •by CAMOMILE chemically' prepared; and thote bowel complaints Which lead to a host. oCiattil mala dies, might have, been obviated by tharblie alcaltite extract of rhubarb; which is 4 leading ingredient in the APERIENTSAAHLY PILI,S. iffefoYeboth of. these medicines, which are adapted to a majosity of the purposes. for which a hundred others are unneces sarily used, fevers, agues, bilious disorders, headaches,. Agnate debility, male decline, indigestion, and liver i complaint; would haye entirely disappeared, where many of them have proved fatal. , But be it diadisctly understood that these medicines are not offered instead of these natural organs or the body which other medicines dispense with, in a yeti sitrambry manner. -They are founded upon medical knowledge, and not quackery, and - do-not tall t all the red particles nutof the human blood under the pre-' tenco of purifying it. In prodf of which difference of effect let the, faces and formls of patients bear testi mony. They eonaitute a useid, effectual:and -gene rally applicable class of m mines for every family, lane 1 , and being both tonic no a orient, and of the best preparations known, no person or family should-'be without therm 'They can_be obtained wholesale and retail of the prolitietor, Dr. WM EVANS. New York,' and of his agents in•town and cowry. with' direr-, tidos for use.—They are rapidly su pk.rced:ng all other remedies advertised in the public prints, because they are found to belong to a very superior class of popular medicine.-A single trial usually places them high in pri vate estimation, as they are known to be in public preference, and to the opinion of physicians. Dr. WM. EVANS' OFFItE, No. 19' NORTH EIGHT ST. PELLA DELPLITA, where his medicine may be had. Dr. WM Evans! Office.loo Chatham street, New York. where the Doctor may be consulted as usual. - I= kr plate 181 181 '3l •a 37 121 181 &Mtn: 50 25 371 311 311 62 1 I bottlt. .50 50 so 00 50 50 r ought 'es, dt.e. • 6-6'mo 0 000 MB= Stores. k urni tt t loss =EI ine risks nsports ter, or by other t •et of in Asks ent. vgn gBburg an neva on P, Hotels Its re.and. r damage ^r for the epared a.) t property NAN. AI4CE 00,0.00 ranee on Hotels, mire, and or damage wr for the e_p pt ared to verts NIN ADJ. 15- ved in ad nt polish'd road axes, itns adzes. tlacksmtth at spikes , s. assorted :nd square ommodat 14 or Store YSPEPSIA and HYPOCHONDRIACISM:.-- Z-N.lntereating Casa.—Mr. W illiam Salmon,Greenst above Thkd itt., Philadelphia,' afflicted for aeveml years with the fallowing distressing syniptonit Sick— ness at the stomach, headache, dizziness, palpitations of the heart, impaired appetite. sometimes acid and piikecsent eructations; .coldness and weakness of the extremities, emaciation and general debility.disturbed rest, a sense of pressure and weight at the stomach? after eating, nightmare. great mental de spndrpey severeflying pains in the chest. back and sides. costive , - neas. &dislike for aocietyt, or -conversation, involuntary sighing an 3 weeping languor-and lasitude upon the least exercise Mr.: Salmon I Lions. who .conE tine to restore I Lions had redact and havinglmet make trial of D diffiebltyiimairt to which. he tuii lire, health and blessings tar *pi further intim= cular ofhjaastoi cal Offices, 309 adelplim. No.l Sold by. Pottsville, iladelphia •ry exten .lll sell at Iteepera call and R COAL I. Coal. and is cut Splicing $l-tf t of fresh 'd by the _ Re BeamAs' sale by. Nov-18 cm The t. produce. QILE. 44 MC MI :ad a p p lied to the m ~.dere it berind the eminent PhYsi i tirr to health ; howe e v p e o r. w .a e s r h7a f. alß rned ie-;. 1-' him to a very deplorable condition, I .lEv reco mmended by a relative of his to Medicine, he with. !Ilto offtr A e NS. amelt red a package, !ti. be is indebted nd ro P r hia , Mends, • reatoritt . on to t lie is now emitted • abet health. Persona alithe 'on will be satisfied w ith d e:q n p: of rti- ishingeure at , Dr ; and i n W hatham st, New 1r ()Tit Evans sin . pb di- NORTH EIGHTH St. JOHN T. W ERN E . 4,. gol n Agen tfo v.25' • ned Whale 0i1... wileee• oil, In tierces and We. Rm. 1111 4 LER & HAGGERTY: . , •:•52-3n* • • ,} 4 4t4f..iniige , 4 - kR ; ;ENO4-4 74110 of Aol4ooll.Ttosti: has received' ‘SVgrAilkt% P 444i4icit Ore., lait l powy,beei eqpniaiikheowf 'ileltb *Weir 4i`etiyAtiottn 1.40444 W PagOtit can. instKliT4t , in the linnet' themethod of Are now olfm blesome corm lielPTOPolo anent of this cation on col ear Mae.. 'Ti ~ . ly pamate rerciY.eyer • be.contintuill to-his annoy. apparatus:is • tinned. ~, • This True tt. any _age, . tam of basin . • . gentlemen are ` erredred to hers of the profession, relative. and its' claims in direct' g radi Witirier Gissom Pro essor University of Penn ylvar .• . GRANI7II2.IE SELAYRP PA ISOIN ' atenty in the Jeffer n IVh 1 r Saloom. J sows, Pre etwor J Medicincin the Us vend/ ' Liacntoa M'CLvi Ali. rofea .. the Jelfeisith Medical Col HENRY BOND' Secretary of / College of Phyaiciaes. 1 :Erowits,A. Arixe, Vika, • l ;`Erowtri P. .kr.t.sv., hi, D.. • I,,etters.t9 the above name d of oxperse. • I ' 4 1 • Copy of a letter from Santee sier of the rostitutes of Medici of Pennsylvania. .." .• 1 . Deems HOOD: - Dear Sir:—Fr om the unl the trusses I have seenelind 9 played for hernia it(proeurin •safcrneans, 1 :had ( absedone. seeing this desirable ofijectie fess, that your aPptiraimi .and hernia, has, I believe, aecomi atune, and the disease hi rend agee'ble, but in. the greater po ble by the processei of art. The principle ofyOuri treat oration of your apparatus is . ogy of the tissues, and is on theoretical and - practicalintrg Tliere is nothing empirical or your instrm.,ents. They of a well established priliciple pfbducuon of a spcciffit effec struction, skill and tactiare n with certainty. The bistro.. appropriate management an action to the individual Immo Lionel andpther peculiariti ' j . 'prove of little utility, orimig .' Istention of the treatment. Prom the remarkable sue I ed your treatment, and;the.c that have come under my a l ing the sanetion.of facts in 4 principle, I hove rati heal your apparatus anitmethod Relied in Medical science.., and respeot, truly yours, • • • . • ;SAM_ We have•invoUr PosSessie eates of the tirsfrespeOahlli - .performed by.th.is institheen to any person clasirmut of sit regard to the efficacy Of the L ersone, desirous of helm rupture} will do well to i before t he extreme hot w disease can be more ;ea.' than hi hot weather. ! .; Physicians disilrofis, of Of using the inventiMv -Lion or. the suliftet or :pure!' subCeriber; who islanthorizi patentee. : ENOS !COP may' - 6 ' Book: :13 - AIyNAZI, offers fo " 1 ALs . csindarcrwoiks et tacked. Hurne,•smollett and Mile • 4 Vols. sheep,, with plat Clarke'e Commentary, 4 vo ; Wesley's works, HI vols. co Buck's Theological works, Betitt's Bible and Comma sheep, Byrts's works; Desrborne'. Rollin ; s'Ancient History, Dearborno"s Etlitio4 •• prates, Jose Otis 1 vol. with plates Mairtitt's works complete Moore's works,...ibraty Edi Burni works, . . Cowper and*ThompsOn's• Paley's wbrite Burden's village Sermons, Doddridgz's-Fam lig Expo., Eneyelopidis of Geograph 1200 cuts pnd 100 Ma Fox's Hook - of Martyrs, wr McKepzies 5090 Re4ipts low' with a variety low rates, to shit thefirnes , • joly 1 CONSUMPTIOI IN CURED. . )lAN 8P FIC • le preventi 4. - qure egks,Colds, - atlent i as. umptions, S Wine of I, Diseases: I of then of and Lungs l &lei. .A /be Dr.CL• • i L E:lilA111; 'of , h r eCil ticso nealftee.•:; ,: ,' ' . . . town Pita Accompanying ea eh buitle of. Om • '614c14; pointing out, in a eupspicdous manner alltilie symptoms in the different sitagcs oftbei •distres. sing diseases—alio particu ar direCt.ion respect , ring diet and 'regimen, and h e m patienl/0 to conduct through every maize until heal .tie. stored—for vain and usele s wonld• be be -:prel seriptions of the ablest. ph 'clans, tete *tied y i n with the most powered] an useful medl tri.* .the directions directions are not faitbfelly adhered' e:' The public are informed, hat the de ' .tioriii ill 287 persons have been taken before p per auz. thoritics in the city of Laticaster; all' pletely cared in the most dceperate cases of nsuMp ? Aim, some of which are detaileC in die. billanc companyingeach bottle: / , . . - , , - i: ~ !,. ~ I ,;* A supply of the above Specifick• hie beeti received and is for site ht tlisoffie& 1 , - 1 . • ' ''March 12 , . - - . • • • .•11,4t.......47' Actiy) iseil they Ce mut greatly I present disecte be a o I' ten e follow ir cal cures. . glSculer .vain. g morn amen., in the. of An ge: L L tee , Profess° i • • f-the Ine of Peentranfit. rpf Sur ery in e a . Phil! dolphin °` . .. mipt be 1 - -:.; , 44 1 , i P ve r r o . fe iv . 01,4, tienten Jamison, e•in the U arm .failo e. of all the ttea mit em. . • a radical cure by all eipe•tation of lied: . I tratcoc 1. etbod , of treatiag L lialied thus: desidti. :red 'not only map tion oases cur,a7 • t end .tift6 up osecl.to the pliysiol. orthe soititient in tt.yiturpocecidings • We' the - ariplication •foor seieOce to the tiorial it/- attain it without- Prof. cesstiry ante al. . . . (ilfuttlapti.' in .g: tollred 1 each ca . 4 even del,' 1 .. of their constita = would t,the ea that II , attend ime of deci led cures rt i . .n oAser. :ou t giv : u. lion, in cgarding treatm . as estab. " ith eod-ideiation EL JAC a number ECM f certifi the cures • illshow self with relaiivei. which we I .fling. hi velation cured of E . on%the a l Cher sets i • cured in ernaa or bseribri , ae the oderate .C °C an Uri re lig Cel9 4 : Vie tho TI to ' act as HESTER,' e ri ,ht .na. ht c the of Jetof .M.D. tf , y -14iw. sale the e vety love °How in)? • rices nt 's Engiand sheep. pleto, vole. shoe. i tary, 3 vole! ( Edition, sh /bee Map a IMM Pn I ,rke, ;, 3 vols. Wit 10 50 225. 1 37 al very., plates, f other Book Ea
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers