hired by the-banks within this shall not be levee! for the di hem, or of any avings Insti mpany to declare dividend of r cent on the grant of cap in, and the ex es' of annual any of such institutions over , r cent shall he accounted for that their yearly . statements are itor General, and annually - :paid for the use ofthecein?non wealth: several banks subject by law to ax upon their dividends, shall be a further payments :Of the same. the total amount 91 liabilities said cur potationel may at any idend shall- bed - commonwealth, i rectors of any o lotion or Loan More than-eight ital actually psi profits arising fr aria above-eight at the same tim, - made to the Au , 'into the treasury Provided, that t the payment of exempted from I, Sec. 2.—Tha which any of th Cher by bond, -bilk or note, or cept to depoßttoni) shall be as time create, wh rather ecintract ( nit., savings inantutiona and follows 'with capitals r exceed 5 Minute, not VI esieed ;one loan Companies . hundred thou. ton the capital actually paid in. !ions with a capitol exceeding hundred per ce. All such meth ;pland dollars, and not exceedlng five hundred th ollars, seventy five per cco, and ons having a capital of more of &ilium not niore than fifty one million of all such institu than one milli. in case of excess .of said habili s 4nder whose administration it II tbe liable in their individual idiexcess, and en action of debt against them or their heirs, ex nisitrators, in any. court of com -oni by any creditor or credaters lion or corporations, and may be dgment and execution: Provided, not-be so construed as to" exempt . said corporation, or the lands goods or amulets of the 'saute liable for and charge with the nd,•providcd, that such of .the di have been absent,. from the board per cent. Ae, ties the &recto shall happen s capacities for4l may be brough ecutors or adin potent jurisdic , of such corpor 'Picil! , moted to That this 'hall or release the and tenements from also brio, said excess. rectors as ma was created shall riot be consul when the exc. g thereunto, or liable therefor:- 'ctors, also, who tray have been ered as assent And those dir lasented from the creation of the ered their dirt upon the lain d, may exohe ate themselves from lay forthwith giving notice of the 'holders at a general meettng which power to call for that purpose. loans of money shall be made on le, or any other security than that Ily demanded by banks, and loans icetly or indirectly, shall be placed e restrictions with those niade to i connected with said institutions, do echo, stockholder or other lath : rota any bank, savings nistitution, iy, a loan at ny tinie of more than pon the umbra acute:al actual'y institution nor shall any stockholder a director for more than two out of • .ars except the president tor the ho shall be always eligigible. ' at the stockholders of the several s institutions, and loan comploie.. mmonwealih ; ball be individually i te the amount of stock held by me in said bank, SO/ njs hint wimp, ny, that shall refuse to redeem its tions, in gold or silver, the amount of laity shall be recoverable by the crawl said notes' or obligations in • as other debts are by law recover- . • d That there is'not aufficiena eG g said Institutions, to pay the 'the same. t nti bonds or price shall be paid to ny dharter hereafter granted, other as over eight per cent. of its annual at all new bank stock shall be sold rid the profits arising therefrom, above par va ue, after deducting the expenses at tending the •Ic thereof, shall be paid into the State Treas ry, for'the use of the commonwealth. Sec. 6. TI at from and after the tat day of 111ay,1838, i ,ie banks 'of this commonwealth 41101 i redeem their otes and obligations in gold or silver. See. 7. TI at upon the refusal of any of the said banks ur an fogs Institutions, to pay any of their notes, bills. obligations in gold or silver, at or after the ex. ration ofthe time specified in the foregoing ai oian, it shall and' may be lawful ter the bolder* proprietor of the same, to make ap plication in citing, to any judge of the court in the propere unty, to allow him or her to make proof of sue refusal on oath or affirmation, by one or more disinterested witnesses, before said -judge whoa duty it shall be to give at least ten days notice o the President or Cashier of such bank, satin a institution or loan company, of the time and pl ee of making such proof, in order that an op.. tui‘ity may be afforded for rebutting the same b testimony—ur.d it the facie be sub stantiated i shall be tile duty of the said judge to reduce tl same to writing and transmit it to the Govern , rood it shall be the duty of the Gov ernor, item diately on the receipt of the written proof above l speetfied, to issue fits proclamation 1 declaring t • charter of the said bank, savings null and vo . and of no effect 'whatsoever, except institution loan company lo he forfeited, and from and a • r the tenth day after the date of the said prods ation, the charter of said bank, sav ings instit ion, or loan company shall be :the.- lowly that said corporation shall be liable, in I its corperit• capacity, for the teithful performance •6.[ii 1 conir ets previously made and entered into by it, and the stockholders thereof shall have power to c ct directors as ueual, and he capable of eompelli g the fulfilment of any contract en tered into ith said cerporaticir, previously to the date of the aid forteiture. Sec. 8. o bank shall after the first day of inflow y, e ghteen hundred and forty one, issue or receive any note of a testi denomination than 810, nor id all it be lawful kir any person or per• suns, or ...I, corporate, to issue, circulate, or cause to • • issued or circulated, any note, hill or check, pu ..rting to be a batik note, of a •less, a mount tha above specified. tinder the like penal ty, and to recovered in I.ke manrivr as provi ded in the et of the 12th of fiaprij eighteen hue-. dyedand t enty eight, entitled un act concerning email not , fur the paymeift of debts or other obligation.:. Prtreided,the artiouut of pelt:l:thy shall be inerea dto ten dears.. Sec. 9. hat all bantts,'• loan comp ores or other met of deposit i this commonwci to publish anadally, fur at 1 tWelti, In .re 3r more daily thel'e ls, i the proper county tions'arel °alba, Mid alma, lc tor Gener I, at least one mo ing of th legislitOre, a it oath or a" !nation of the c the deposi es and dividends institution ; , which have bee the piece. 'ng year, setting amount of he deposit°, the if known, • f the depositor, t of the divi end, the 'name atockhold: , and the numbef Upon whi., it was declared. t Sect. I i •If it shall appeal by this ac, and allformer a the bank ' -savings institut Mita of th commonwealth citizens the same, the le , power to her, revoke, an them, ate y time they may Sec. IC Every law or pa is by this et altered or am iN far, sod uo fur i.aiWVrtt4 present, and d excess, and en utes'of the bui such liabilities fact to the stop they shall liiv Sec. 3 —N pledges of at. which is usu to directors, d under the Fan individuals di nor shall any vidual receive or loan compel, two per cent pale: tif such be. elligable aS every three y -time being, Sec. 4. TI banks, saviil within this e liable for deal 'the n a' any or loin cumpi notes or °Wig which said It Imilde; or fiol such manner able: Prove( feels belongii obligations o . Sec. 5. Ili the state for than the exc profits, and at auction, _ , a __I4IA.DA: livi ~. r 1.., . -', _.l . ..L..-____:_. .111 Front the Rociester Elfin, Advertise • • . . my i The Express mail, which( dtdoot arrive l 0114 di . o'clock this morning, brought tut the ifillowing th letter front the. editor: I . • NIAGARA' n4:4 i limillay;9 ...4 01"001. M. 10 . The Barcelona stea• • boat at.riv at - Seltlesser - SY at 10 o'clock to day ,, itler, - atil, .l4l. 'hailcd w lib tires sheers; and; the band the regiment quartered - here. suer* lip Yjnk ,Dondle. ' I took a trip this mcirain Otio G - Indlithaid. At the point I visited , the were about 200 A merican militia , well a rinech eqin rod drilled. While rowing op the river, ,., just 'as we reached the head of Navy Isand, a shot. was fired from one of the three se:unmers anchored abour a mile aboYe. It was aimed at the officers quarters, but before it reacheil two third. of the distance, the ball struck the evutir and sunk.— Two others followed, With ' no, I better success, when the Patriot Innate struck ,sili Yankee Duo. die. , . , The opinion hi' gaining greiuml here, that there will be Uo attack optic.the Isbincl., But that, on the contrary, McNabb is bawling off his forces towards other points. He is fen rfal - that Van Ren salear will yet- play him ,a Yankee trick—and "1 guess" he will; but at such a ,Point as he doer dream of. LATEST :FR To prevent however any' sudden attack, Me- Nnbb i scattering his forces up and. down the river—from fort Erie to Fort .George. Gen. Sinherlandieft Cleavlan4 a day or . two since, in a vessel, with 100 Well termed, resolute men, to join. Duncomb—to diiperse whom Mc Nnbb has - been Called . upon for part ofhia force. The colorant government will soon have their. hands fujL . • t The next importing news yen, hear will be that the Navy island Patriots have obtained a strong foot hold in Canada. Things are in, proper pro cess to effect snob a result, and when it is effect. ed, it will not be long before a 'signal victory t its achieved. every hour convinces me of the ul timate triumph of the cause, and 11 e overthrow of petty tyranny in this western, world. The Barcelona will be strongly getarded to night, as a hundred'and filly stand of arms have this moment Seen received from Batavia. P. S. A prrscinjusi down frciin schliisser tells me that another steamboat is at anchor's few miles below. If this is so you. may guess what it means. Upper Canada.— We received last nig Buffalo papi*s of Thursday last. No inovenotot has taken place at Navy Island or on the frontier. It is :stated that the force has been pally drawn from Chippewa • and proceeded. higher up the Like. Coiirkel !Menai), it is added had resigned hi: command:: but the statement re-ts evidently on no saficient ground. A poi tem of the provincial House of 'Corm onillS had.. br..en 'appointed in his stead at the rorimienrement of tilt; session, the duties of that station therefore. could not require his presence pt,'Toronto. One man named Beehe had been killed on Navy Island, frrOn the cannonadit.g from Chippewa. Tbere are reports which we do riot be-liege; of ik body of French Cana dinns having passed through Rochester on their way to Navy isl'and, as als vague rumours of assemblages of men in the vicinity of Det?oit. On the whole we_think, appearances in dicate a speedy restoration of tranquility,' particularly as !Major General Scott with a detachment or U. S. triy ps must have shortly nfter'rli.ached the nu, whenee.iall the difficulty deems "tO pr ceed.—.N. Y. Courier. BY YEBFRRBAY'S MAIL. - From Canadq.—Col• McNabb has lamed. a general order, stating that the Lient.Gos. !heel arrprolms of thq destructon of the steamboat Caroline. Gen. Scott and Gov. Marcy have arrived at Buffs 10. M. Papincau is in New Yak. We also learn that Qen.: Scott hail notified the owners of sundry stea;mboata, ifre. who were about to place them at the commend of Mr. Mao . •kenzie. that such an act Would work their iture; the owners consequently notified 1i r. Mackenzie that he must pay In Divines!, not only for the lase but the valise' of the . boats--.and Mr. Mackenzie being unable to comply with this condition, the Navy islatmers- arc in a quan dary.. 1 • . Buffalo papers ens shalt ate or Friday evening the 12th inst. They contain ,nothing material.— Indeed we look for netting farther lupin that quarter, except the abandonment of NavY Island, and the dispersion-of the; force embodied 'there and the sooner this is affected, the better for our national relations and the tranquility' of.the frontier. The Sub Treasury Bill was reported in the Senate nn Wednesday' 141 by Senator Wrigbt.—:. We will give the general outlines Ofithe bill iq our next. 1 • LATEST FROM'. ENGLAND, By the. packet ship „Wellington, Captain Chadwick from London, papers, says the New York COmmerc t ial ' Advert6er, to the 10th of December Inclusive--three days') later than former adrices.. Col. Artimr, the new. lieutenant Rover rior for Upper Canada,' was to sail from Liverpool in the packt Of the 16th Decem• her, and th*efore may he hoorlyrespected. We are - informed by: letter that he has, an amiable family, part whoni will'probably accompany him. -1 avings institutions, porated institutions 1 1th, shall be required l' st four successive ewepapers, if Such where such institu. report to the Audi th before the meet •fament made under shier or president, ,n the stock of said unclaimed during forth the, time and ame, and residenee, a time and amount nd residence of the of shares Of. stock We judge from the tone or the , papers generally, and especially those of the pro vincial towns, that the great politital ques tion in England will.snciii he upon the bal lot—and that the advocates of the ballot system will succeed. Moreover we incline to the opinion. that if the Russell and Mel bourne administration falls, it. will belipon this question. We believe that the majori ty in . England are ip favour of the ballot, and will not Support ! any ministry that op poses their will in this matter. The ministers had a l majority of 62, On the appointment of it committee to inquire into the state of the pension list, the vote being, for the inquiey 1"p.5, against it, Sir Rohe( Peel ;opposed the inquiry et great length, and With; eirceeding earnest ness, but in vain. He. placed his opposi lion chiefly on the ground that family set dements and arrangements or various kinds that the privileges a granted to any of 'ons or loan comm'. I. re injurious to the .tslature reserve full tul them, or any of (think proper. ' t of any law which a pplied, shalt be, and .or repealed. • • j-4./ F. • • I -:-.' made, - w i t h iiiri,a . re- - ( ( ' fAli ..- IY -'- ;f I en An ;.m cence , ,n, 'few 't , , . ..... . til m rumps, and that ' great -irijus&e . ' z • .. ir thaltise_ 0r,,, rid -be - done ikentnr, cities ;--Ary 'het -,' 6 f 1 ". 1 0i11 14 1 4 4,1ank' the year,fi*terice • Otfinuince; iniimbeh as the faith of -,„„,,,, ii , r either . i crOvrn.was irirwa y.p g_ , by' a cull- , nO4 court than:7o Years dwarfing, to the • 1. - ,ieeril-of the pensions ;after each detiriss, 'ALT! Persqui - •aff eta on Soy ae° •alilroubit technically they expired. hymn a t a e„ . ', r i me o f h i demise of the crown. 1 ' - , • . 1 41. / . - •iThi ,great interest telein.ihis:titreatkoo, Jaii?o: ' ? iseholtp by the length Jibe debate, which tlit.ii) PINE APPI*CHEESE.-;Just received oeicoptes nine of the wide columns of the' ‘,/ and for sale iv& boxes of very superior old LOnthlut Courier. • - T his debate took place Pine Apple Cheese. ..-- , • . - • • oti thil Bth of December. ' , •II ESARD & MAUCH. " 4 The proceedings in. Me House on the 61t,were of a rernarkablyriotous and violent charaCter and the confusion rose to such a -height that on the next evening, the speak er addressed the House, informing the merollers that should such another scene occur he shitold look upon it as evidence that he had nut the confiderterefthe Howe, couldl net discharge his Otities as they should be th6liarged, and must beg • leave to re sign. . • . , , On the evening of the 7th Mr. Benja ,min 0' Israeli, the novelist, made his debut in the House—and a most dreadful failure it was, by all accounts. lie rambled from' subjept to subject, talked an immortal deal or nonsense ; and kept the Houle in a Tear of latighter,.not with l;ut at i hint. i f 1 FURTHER FROM FLORMA. [BY EXPRESS MAIL.] SAVANNAH, Jan. IQ 2 P. M. - The schoaner Empire, Capt Southwick, (boutid to Charston,) arrived at this port last eight froth Si. Augustine. To Capt. S. - We are indebted for extras of the St. Alignstine Herald, of 3il and 6th instant, Which confirm the intelligence received on Sattirday. From the St Augustine Herald. Jan. 3. iMPORTANT FROM TAMPA. ANOTEER BATTLE.—An 'express arriv ed tate last night from .Picolata, which brotight information of a desperate battle whip was fought on Peas Creek, on the -25th and 26th ult. The following extracts of litters are all the particulars which , we have .been able to obtain. They are nu theatic so fat. as they go: " PICOLATI, Jan. 2. 'SSta,=l have this momint rectived. despatches from nlack Creek. • i 4 Col. Taylor has had the most severe fight since the c ommencement, of the war. The Indians met him tit Peas. Creek, ana therinsequence was as Intlows: it Killed-5 officers, 38 privates. !+ Wounded-2 office's, 100 privates. tf This is the account, as it was taken frog Fort Dade." • .• Pulaski Lodge. STATED meeting of Pulaski Lodge, No. I -2 4 216. will be hele..at the usual place. on Mon. dayi eveninf next, January 22d, it half past 6 o'c4mlt, P. M. . 'Punctual attendance is requested. . .. -. Comfort and Convenience ITO nix HEALTHY A AID SICK. The subscriber reSpectfully bacon*. his friends and the public at Is ge, that. since his return from Europe, he worki with a new zeal and diligence at the manufacturing of Elitstic Mainlines in this Borough, and flatters hirnitelf, without tearing theacetisation that he is a Boaster and Charla tan, with being able hereafter to make such mat. traitaes a 3 not to be inferior to any work of this kidd,in reference to their beauty, solidity, and du and people will certainly be convinced, of the comfort and saving of time, which these artleles afford, prrncipally when there is some body sick in [he Besides the subscriber knows the old adage, "tlie work must give credit to its maker," and heitherefore, very politely invites those wishing to get an raticle of ails description, to come and examine for themselves, one of the said Metres. se*, just now fit.ished, that they may be, convin ced of the truth of his saying. • HENRY ME'FRE. Meading,Jan. 18, 1833. 4-3 m - IP. S. Prso - ris wishing to boy Elastic Matins sets, of the description afoieslid, will please ap pli to the sntp•criher, a few doors above Feather's Store, in Reading, where a-list of subscription is mien to the public, as the manufacturing thereof %quits some Arne. The Matratures will not be ddlivered before May next. The undersigned...4gs, at the . request of Mr. HENRY METRE examined his newly invented "double Spring 'Elastic . Matrass ." It's uniform elasticity renders it truly a luxury for .common utte; and tc the sick especially. Such as are lrg confined to a horizontal posture, it promisee t prove invaluably. 'lts per eminent smoothness. will supersede the`nectssity of removing the pa., tent "to make his bed," while its elastic quality appears well 6alMilated to obviate in a great , de gree or entnely.prevent the sloughing so apt to (*cur in cases-ol king confinement. • *ISAAC HIPSTER; M. D. I fully conctiOn the opinion above expressed, iii regard to Mr. likeyre's "Liftable Spring Elastic Matting." • • JOHN P. HIESTRR, M. D. Having carefully examined Mr. Henry Meyre's IDoubleSpring Elastic .Matrase," I concur in the above opinion,. believing it to aniwer all the Purposes intended. JOHN 8.. OTTO. I have etamiiped Mr. Henry Magritte "Double Spring M t' with 'care, and I would recotril Mend itto all pefFsceis. and especially to the sick, is it would be at great advantage to them. - JACOB MARSHAit . Having care ally ciammed Mr. Henry May. re's "Double S ring Elastic Matrawi l ti I tully oncur in the opinion expressed, in the foregoing ertificate. A. H. -W.TAIAN. j have ciatottied with care Mr. Mene's "Etas. tc M.Dtrcee," and fully concur in the opinioc a ye expressed, as to • its usefulness and general kiiod dualities H. fia MUHLENSERO. At Mr. Meyre's request, I examined his "Elsa: is Matrasa," abd concur in the favorable (min. Rona expressed by the above named gentleman. SOLOMON G. BIRCH, ,IFE•OF HENRY CLAY, by Preatice. just a-a received stuf for We by , jan StO B. BANNAN. - ,__t c: El Mill DAILY IttOgElit, tsate Faitillies_ansl persons ' blank for sesliry • °resents, ttiat nut; be w or, future.' otica - . . hereby forbid , trotting my afi r tam deter mined not r contiacting after this date WILLIAM FAR I.Y. MO MINERS' FLA ELS.- Just received and 4 T-• fin sale by 'the anineribets, 10 pieces 'Mi ners' heavy • ZZARD &STRADCFL 4 IT El 3 Aiin Wanled. 1i 1 n, svpeirintendent of a Colliery 4 from Pottsville, a sober. i 1 posseiniing these requisites, t wiedge of the Alining haw &raiment and lucrative nil ;at this office. Good fecom. required. 4 • I.orent WANTED eA edme 8 mu dostrions man. Cit. with a practinal ness, may, heir 01 a I nation by applying, !Luanda* ions .vidi be • Jan 20 • Men i Surgery. 1 l y qpii E ciiins of i'ortaintle and its vicinity are -a. informed that i)RS, Iv AT• & W4RNFR have taken a room or a time at the Nuliou'al Ho tel, where they rn he coo:tutted at any, time,. upon all subjects rtaining to their profession. • They insert re' . in every manner which can t be serviceable, fro one to entire Netts; remove caries and. fill cavi i ce, withlrold; and perform all other operations w ich may be' necessary for the preservation of the teeth and gums. They are suppl ed with Stocktonts latest im proved incorrupitt le teeth, for Meimprovemrnt of which he was r mole - presented with a gold hum the Anmican kstitute medal as a premier of New York, , Thee Teeth ar and surpass in be thal h.ve bean her They keep the also the Ownpoun red by themselveii as possessing quail now in use. They respectfiii request those who examine their test skill, Ste- Haeinff Spent ninth time'in the sandy and nese. a perfect imitation of Nature, My and durability all °there tofore invented. M ground tooth brushes, and ' Kreosote Tooth Paste preps which they offer to the public ties equal a not superior touny ly Follett public patronage, anti require dental aid to call and moniabs of character, practical lieu of their proftsdion, they feel confident that entire datiyfactioh .wtll be given, and Promifie that all operattomi ellen be ad neat and durable method& perktrmdd by the first Denttata our largest cities, or 40 charges made. I IC B. AttLendouco at private recitlences if re quested. I D. C. W ASNF.R. M. D. Di. E. B. 1V EST. • Jan'2o • i . , n Ueti A N'S Dn WPM ic Medicine. frnui the 22d Entlieh rdition,just received and for pale by jan 20 4 B. BANNAN. Turinel flliners.' . WANTED n few miners to drive us Rock Tunnel atlTamnqua: to whom liberal wa ges will be given.i Apply In JOHN K. SMITH. Tamaqua, Jan i 7,1E08. 3-3 .. , . tloopering. THE onderiii ed respectfdlly informs the eh izens of Pot sville end its vicipity,that they' hase,comineqce the coopering , Business at their Brewety,..in the} aorough. of Poussille, where they are prepare fl to execute all orders in that line of business, et the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable ferrite, G. & F.. LAUF.R. Jan 17 3-4 11 held Jennery 8. 1838, the fol. sleek holder' were tonanimene. re of THE MINE,HD.L. AND .In fl u A t. .Ti ne E r N ea. R r AIL ROAD OOM [ MOTHY CALDWELL. I MANAGERS. T on electi L 1 rowing mun Iv. chnown mons. SCH UY LK! LL, PANY. for the .1 James. Honda', Henry Paul Bee Adem Poorly, John Limey. Edward towhe Yen 11 • Mine Hill and SChuylkill it Road Company. .his, (Ist Ine.nth) Jan.3d; 1838. 10E--DIV,IDEN D. eManagers have thfs day detjar :,tl of 8 per cent. upon the capital r pony for the last,half year. which r ! JOHN the stockholders nn tnd alter JOHN H. CRESSON, :-3t 'treasurer. o .i fee.of the • Haven Philadei NO ripuE Baaid ed a divid stock:of the co. aid hellayable the 140 inst. Jen 13 Stoves A' Otto& bock's Stoves and Ovens. jovt re for sale by B. BA NNAN. 2. Kister riNWO Kiste ceived an. Jan 13 ngland Farrier. or Farmers Re . 22d ,Edition. just received and •B. BANNAN. 2 . HE New ccipt for sale by Jan 13 bon Rail Road Company. hertyby given, that a meeting of older., and en election for al,lre. a nagers, a Treasurer and Secretary rhon Rail Road Company, will be , South Third street, Philadelphia, be:3d day ot: February next. at 11 JOHN WHITE. President. Mount Ca igOTIOE i 4 -‘ the Sloe sioent,eight of the,Mount field at No. 1 oil Saturday. o'clock, A. January 1 EICI Notice. erghip heretofore existing under the t. Stall and jehn, Pi Offermam, was nsant dissolved on the first inst. 2-3 t THE part firth of by mutual Jan 13 YCLOPEDIA, vol. 7, just receivet le by • B. HANNAN. PENNY JR. strut for Jana E'S FAMILY EXPOSITOR SO, just receiverrand for see by 11:711ANNA?L' D" DR iapprig S' Natural, History, 5 vole. complete 24, just received and for rale by B. BANNAN. BUFFO Price jan 10 • Merchants. cind'oth quire Day 'Books. an • Ledgers, ire, cheap, just received d for sale • B. BA NAN. 1— \ a AND Lwiliotscap by jags 10 HIM 4/11E 111041 -. 1 , ' 01 1 411g1111t. I . The undersigned. as kirtinfaA' 2 4 ..tliii."Bor ough of Northatupterki n the County of Lehigh, in whtcMhe Northam .to Bank is located, take this method to assure .triptiblie s thatthe reports lwhich have lately bce. dirculatea, calculated 10- injure thecredit of thl i o fi rthampton-Bank, are bi 'without foundation. n rdinary times,. who, ;Ba n ks pay Specie, the i twit of the . Solvency . !Ore Bank and the coe i idence in which it steads,' tie, that it is at all tiro s ready to meetits Notei, when required no to do, in Specie, and to keep 'them at par in the Gnaintercial Enrpoiium of the State; but-during a glneral suspension of Specie nt paymes, the only m ans of testing the Solvency , and standing of an inrlividual Rank is, that it is ' aWe to draw on the eirinciple Commercial Ci i ty of the for note 4 presented for payment at the Counter of the II 'nk and. keep its Notes at, par in such City, wh b has been -dime_ by the Northampton Bank r the last fourteen .years and done at this .ti Naiad we have jhe assu rance, that - there if- no 'difficulty in the Bank itcontinuing* so to • . • The subscribers we're pained, to observe Statement in one of the papers' this morning, üblished in this Borough, s i respecting - the Not tampion Bank, which we know to be. unfoun d and we therefore cannon the Public against uch or sitirilar attacks in newspapers two th said Bank, - is they are cal culated to injure thenblic as wellis the Bank.. irt,,, • without benefit to a , unless those, who would be willing to spectate upon the credulity of others. January 3d, 183 . John. V. R. Buntelk. lieimixach. J no. W i Isom,. j Preis. Saeger & Co. i Saeger. Keck &Co Selfridge .& Wiliam. mi Benjan Ludwig. G. flaheracker. Daniel Keiper ! 8088. & Rein. Peter Neward. bare Erdman. Peter Huber. . Tobias Buffoid. John Dl. Eisenbro ii, John B. Moser. Sainl. Gumbert. : Joel Krauss. A. &W. Blumer. i Joseph K Saeger. Abraham Gangewere it...Jonathan-Reichard. John Eckert, Jr. 1 George Stein. Kraus & Spinner...l 'Joseph Gross. Geo. Wetherhold. i, Peter- Beery. Chia. A. Rohe. ,l James Jameson. - Solomon Fataingeri S. Wanner. Ssenh More. ! J. D. Boas. • , George Keiper. j. Charles Rhtnesmith Ja6ob Wurrnan. Jan 13 2-3 ' ' A goo• two stork frame House and • as Ruche with a pelts r under the whole, -Ituate on the corner of Mahantango and C.tirtlitudt street.; the lot us 30 feet 'toot tiy 244 • et deep, extending to Norwe gian street. the bt:lclings are well finished, large and commodious o d well calculated for a private residence or for a boarding house. • I ALSO, A good two stry house and lot or ground, situate on Central:strew . . The lot is 20 feet front on Centre street, knd 230 feet'deep, extending to the Mount Carboti Rail Road—the House is sub stantially afttd well situated for any kind of public business. 9. Two good two tory frame himars.ard iota. of. ground, situate in Realty's Row, Nor‘egian :Street. Each tirgese,a4.o is 20 feet froAtt the homes arc well fini.lied with kitchens attached tii each holm., mid arc pitnated in the moat bust net.. part of ior,p. All a the above property i‘ , lll he very licap—for term!' and pafticu kr' apply to t ANDREW RUSSEL, Jan G AilliantangaStvcet. Schuylkill Whereas, by in inquest for the .purpose duly • award • d by the Orphans' t. ourt of Schnylkill, the real estate otthe said Ludwig Bilger, was vel. tied and ahpraised, and whereas, none of the heirs of the said deceased appeared in Court on the re turn of the sat( inqiiest to take the premises therein mentiotd,:at the appraisers' value there of. you and eve • of you are therefore hereby ci ted, to be and a pear 0 the next stated. Orphans' Court, to be h Iden at Orwigaborg, in and for entd County o Schuylkill, on. the 19th day of I March next, to actiept or refuse to the said premises afar id at the a pprateers' price thereof. By order of II e Orphans Court of Schuylkill county, on the 7th day of December.lB37. . _ .1 spa MORGAN, Clerk 0. C. 1-4 w Benjamin Kugler, William Richardson, Samuel Mason. Jr. John H. Cresson, Thomas Ridgway. 2-3 t ==l=i L BE SOLD ivate Sale. CM P A LSO VIISEZ r.,,,,, oix. 1b.. , ' lIE Commonwealth of Pennryl • 4 4 , • ca +a, to all the heirs and legal rep ; Isp. rea ntattvea of Ludwig Biker, late 'wit of Vayne township, 'in Schuylkill ...a. T.. , ' ~ 0 Colnly.—GßEgTtso: J:in 10 Port Clinton Foundry • - ti`Oß SALE. . • WiLL be,sold at private sale. the Foundry pleasantly sittiateil at Port Clinton, Schap4 kill county, In very reasonable terms. This Foundry is a the cominencement of the Little il Schuylkill a ii Susquehanna Rail Road. now making. and will .in e a hort time be one of the hest situation in the conntry to do a. lirge busi ness. Forte me. ace.. apply, o• • • 'PARItt dr. "TIERS. Iran Founders, Philadelphia. or ISAAC LAYERS. , Port Chnton. 3e-.6t joly 29 rivate Sale. TO be sor- at private Sale, a certain two story. frame h use and lot oegroand,. situate °ti the edrth air: el Market street, Ili the borough of Pottsville,, ontaint' . .eg in frunt twenty feet, and in depth one i. uorlred and ninety. feet, to a forty feet wide strict; it being the northeasterly part of the lot wl4ch is marked in Pott & Patterson's v i o adrltion of s' idborcitigh. No. 7. Persons desi rowt of vie ing this said property, will please apply to Mr. liver Dobson, at Pottsville; and for f r terms of se to die subscribers. —Shobld • said property no be solOefore the Ist day , of.leebru• ary next, it ill then be let... . . • , iitNity FISTER,. '• Hamtitirg.l . JACOB LONG, Reading.. Jan 13 has now on hand at his Store on Centre " and Rail "Road eat of Goods, suitable for the ItiliE au . serilier and S .rehOu i reets, afu asaint. coat region iz : Barr ,ron 'of Band .d 111.. Nails .d:'pik Steel,pound Sr i Nails nd Spi Coal , hovels 1 Hardssaree, a ~ All of mitieh he Janl3 i 2 I s t ssorted sizes, . Fid.o do /..Rodkdo do Square do do es do ' do etterat assortment. .• Pelting at reduced prices: J CLAYTON. - I Lot_ for Salt. • - wittibe sold • I Private - Sale, Mtaireatileet lot idtual on the south side of Muket greet, in this borodgh, nearly eproilalin the, Pros= byterian Church. ',For termAAPOY to • la go 1-3 4 JEREMIAH RtED. • -I • MI El • . . . -. . r •• . ........ ' ' '. , :vs 0 . 1 " :61. R 6 1 4:1814.ri 1 ' ..;'_.:' . a. ' rbihgla. Jaallerl.llll, 1838.. ;" ' '.l. ( t s ./rlrEltiDleact re harrtliia day, dechityll Ta bait .¶ yeirlldi idend • Of-,Sve per eeet. - qat; if tho rat* of the . , sepadv..-Othictelmill-b•4 1 41.^ I° the Stoeichold or their teigatr.roa after the 16th-feativit, - 0 -^ , 1.--. -, lt'i';' ,-, l'e.. - - -. 1 tti ALM' S. wiptimits. • Jan 10' 14 - ,See—rotary •Orst Wirral DKLawill'ci4e.iiii • • hilada. Jannsry AIIIETI of the Stockholderetiriblicont. ~_ • pang, add. :election. for fiseDiretnrit fur ' the ensuing year. held- at the - Oiripan "!- office,.No. lit! south Third aireek•-••*ll3lltanise ;,_ thq 3d February, at. 4 oielnOlc.•1 1 . JOHN • Vir J.an 10 I—to • - ..rtnak,W {! • t. ,To Let. bisetrient story of the stone:litilintOing It to thofountaiNin-Morris'a Addition: to' being-ssOlcalculated for a GROCERY'. or FLOUR dr. FRED STORE, will be lat:Rti!'-ibat purpose ij) gond tenant,at a reasonable rent Possession giten on, theist of April! next.-` Afk , ply to JOHN. M. CROSLAND. Jan 10 ! N. 13. Saietwoperty is for sale—Apply !!,aboirs -Notice. •,? Ts hereby given. that letters TesteMonterjr. AL have been; granted to the sobeetiber;;;bi the Register of Schuy lkill county., on OM.estate. . of Richatd Bruce, deceased, lato:oofinersYMos Sch u) lkill county. : AU persoomindebtakrp:il.aid estate arc theibefure requested to maker payment to the subscriber immediately. and autili.ibri may have claitus on said eslatb are liifirviiettp. - quested to preiit them Isell'autheitiriated.-lrie settlement. • . HENRY CHRIST, , 'Administrator. . 1-6 Jan 10 - • stray Cow. griAstE to the Subscriber residiog. about I mils IL , 'from Leinllya about a month eigai, a email BRINDLE CAW. euppiesed to bcalimilttenfelu• old The owoer is. requested to come, forward prove property pay charges anid take;, her avray otherwise she will be disposed of - according kr law. JOHN CLOUSER. 13 ' • 24* . . CA.eap Raisins and Pruni.i. - .. . JUST recved by the subscriber, -,. o 1000 Ibiciteitqns, • • . . : 2 caeca PruWes—whielAha will eeitatit caner per lb. .j ' JCifr.s.l S. C. MARTIN. - D.' 20 20 Boxes pine apple for salo by - • dee 9 SALT, Fish and Plaster, for sale by • •!" Sept 13 44 4. k GI LV.. • LARD -20 Kegs first quality Lard forsale 1 • T. & J. DPATTY. nov 25 • • Blasting lizaper,.: • 4OREAMS Straw Blasturk teinbr jail ie. . mired and for sale by 11..B.ViNAN: Dec 23 8,% S. CURTIS' Celebrated fllqe•Blank ink Lt• Poweer, just received and for . Jan 6 7'. B. BANNAN. 1.0"" lbs. Bed . Feathers.just received ant "-"" 'L' offered ler sale by Li A ZZA 1) STRAPCII. Nov I 1 rrilLT'S Elernentary Drawing Bonk for bir ginnero; jualleceived and for' afe Dec 30 6 B. BAli NAN. W Metalte Tablet and Defoe Stfrop, the best ertiele.of the kinCitt : th• market, Jtisi received and for sale by Doe 30 6 . BANNAN. 'Piekstiek rapers Complete., PIOKtf..7K P A PERS,, complete m . 26 Nuns hers, illustrations, just received and cos' saleb . i. • B. BANNAN. IJan 6' Annuals for 1838: - . A FEW Aritauftls for 1838, at mhplesile pyicatt, for sale by • B. BANNAN: .I'n 6 ! trptrior Bleached Sperm Oil. ‘...‘ 7 gallons best kleaclieo4o uk r er atta eel sperm oil, for tale by • MILLER 4 HAGGERTY. 024nt0 Nov 1$ Irish and scotch Whbikey.. .? ? ERY i , superior old sth proof fifiioVbiskei do do do t lerist6iilido formkle MiLLER 6c EIAGORT•Ye Nov I .1 • 1524m0 10,000 QUILLS from 25.eenta:pge 14 0 to eachtiaei received and for sale. by Dec 24 5 Bp DANNAN. • Rook • Binderp , • iv• BONAN has reaumnd pix44Bliditit 'LP* tli/Mem again. Pealeitairribiiig.;Onelia ix4ll please leave them at thitAfriett.ofilM Miners Journal. Dee 2' Catholic Bek*. 111TODS " Key to , Paradise, Trtle•Ptety, . Catholic Piety, - - • I Doi ay Bible ' P l )4 Illatekattichiivei and n Cateeliems," • , and 6,r sale 6y . , 4 13;41iffNAN. Dec ••• , •„ . Trrl3lP DQOKS.—A few timt:beebs ins"' rem • cel led and for sale by • "Di..BAriNAN. • Dee• . . • 1 1. , , ENPINFX I .4"i - :'' I Alm: ~- , i 4.-...,3,. - ~, .. Dluaglissfusari - • r - - 014. next door to it's • Pinniiiiiiiiat . **. - - Novi ' ' ••••_ -. , • • - rai i iiis. Tin .Migkelt, .- • ._, . • A TURNEY, :41:1r,1Wi', 144 Removed his ofrits;44tiiiinsinin-bedidisi. - nqt door - belovOikel'eunti*ynnitr'ilat _ De "' • ' ':,- ';: ' -- ‘'•: ) ;,',..: - ,7- •„•••••••,;:•W Y 74. Belonghalietastlbtehistpur' . , `2o* . .!ftiTY gurfitiew ds , -. 14 2 g Y Ntr"' r . ;:- • • '' - • • • ra El = N. NATHANS & Co. --II -1. _ _:: `'~~,~i .'~ '_